question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

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Post on 26-May-2015




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Page 1: Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Page 2: Question 2

We have used the same title in all our media products which links them all together. This makes them work as a coherent package.

From documentary

From newspaper advert

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The slogan is also the same in the newspaper advert and the radio advert. The slogan `What`s Next Boss` is noticeable in the top right hand corner of the newspaper advert whereas in the radio trailer the slogan can be heard at the very end.

This is effective because the slogan has funny connotation's whether seeing it or hearing it and the audience know that the two products are linked together

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The scheduling is the same for the media product. This links the radio trailer and newspaper advert as they are both aiming for the same thing; to entice people in and make them want to watch the documentary.

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We have kept the same voice over for the documentary and the radio trailer as the tone was right for both of them. The professional voice of a woman linked the two media products together.

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Our documentary would be shown on channel 4 so our newspaper advert and radio trailer both make reference to the channel which automatically links all three together.

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We have used clips in radio trailer such as voxpop and snippets of interviews from the documentary to engage the audience and to make them want to watch the documentary. It also allows them a sneaky preview at what to expect

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Along with the same voiceover we have chosen to use music that is featured in our documentary. The song is `You've got a friend in me` by Randy Newman. The song has good connotations and links to the theory that dogs are a man`s best friend.

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The image that we have chosen for our newspaper advert works with the tone of the program. Our one represents the funny side to owning a dog, the more happy times and reflects the cheerful tone that is out documentary.