question 3 media

In order to get more people to give me their feedback of my music video as not everyone is able to get onto the internet, I decided to create a paper questionnaire on Microsoft Word. I created questions on this and then printed off copies and gave out to a variety of people, such as people in my media class as well as family and friends. However, before asking them to fill it out I had to make sure that they had seen the music video one more time in order for their memories to be refreshed. Below is a picture of the questionnaire I created: Feedback from questionnaire: To the left, I have took a picture of one of the participants answers to the questionnaire I created. Looking across at all of the questionnaires given back, roughly all of the have the same answer, these include; 1. Teenage boys and teenage girls 2. Yes 3. Yes

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Post on 19-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Question 3 media

In order to get more people to give me their feedback of my music video as not everyone is able to get onto the internet, I decided to create a paper questionnaire on Microsoft Word. I created questions on this and then printed off copies and gave out to a variety of people, such as people in my media class as well as family and friends. However, before asking them to fill it out I had to make sure that they had seen the music video one more time in order for their memories to be refreshed. Below is a picture of the questionnaire I created:

Feedback from questionnaire:

To the left, I have took a picture of one of the participants answers to the questionnaire I created. Looking across at all of the questionnaires given back, roughly all of the have the same answer, these include;

1. Teenage boys and teenage girls 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Deterioration 5. Yes 6. The same feel has been exerted over all three7. Yes8. Yes

Page 2: Question 3 media

To be able to get more feedback from the music video, as well creating the paper questionnaire I decided to create an online survey using ‘’ which from there allowed me to post onto my Facebook account in order for more people who I wouldn’t be able to personally hand a questionnaire to could complete and give me their thoughts. Below are several screen shots in which show the process of creating the questionnaire and how I posted it onto Facebook:

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Above are two images of what some of my questionnaire looks like, and the following questions that I asked are;

1. Do you like the music video?2. What aspects do you like about it?3. Do you think the storyline matches to the lyrics of the song?4. Who would you say the music video is aimed at?5. Rate the music video out of 106. Do you think taking out most of the colour from the footage works for the song?7. Is the storyline to the video portrayed well?8. What kind of feel is being expressed?

Feedback from the questionnaire;

Only a couple of people completed this type of survey due to the fact you had to be able to be in contact with a computer in order to do it. However, I have gathered a lot of useful information about my music video and have got other people’s thoughts about it as well.

The most frequent answers are shown below;

1. Yes 2. Locations, how the relationship is portrayed 3. Yes 4. Teenage boys and teenage girls 5. 8, 9, 106. Yes 7. Yes 8. Deterioration

Page 4: Question 3 media

As well as creating two different questionnaires in two different ways, I also thought it would be a good idea to get a pack of postage notes and get people to write on them something they like about the video and something they dislike if they disliked certain things. I asked different people to who I asked to fill out my questionnaire so that I could get a wide range of feedback rather than using the same people and them giving the same answers.

Once the participants has wrote on their postage notes I decided to get an A3 size of coloured paper and stick the postage notes down on that in order to take a picture and have an overall view of what people were thinking. Below are several images showing this:

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Above are several images in which I took of several peoples different answers that they wrote down for me. One of them have a dislike however the other two are just likes in which they have wrote


Above is a picture of some of the people who participated in my focus group writing on the postage notes.


‘I think the locations chosen were brilliant and I love how the whole video is in black except at certain flashes’.

On many of the postage notes with the feedback on, many people had wrote about the locations. They had said that the locations shown in the film were good and fitted effectively with the feel of the song. This would therefore be an aspect about the film that I wouldn’t change due to people saying this was a like about the film.

Other things that were mentioned in the notes were how effectively the relationship of the couple was portrayed. Some said that it clearly showed how they were all loved up at the beginning, then drug abuse got in the way and this caused the girl to go through prostitution in order to get money for him.

In addition to this, there was a couple of participants that commented on the props that were used in the video. They had claimed that these were very effective, as they looked so real, ‘I loved the use of props in the video, they didn’t look artificial at all making the whole situation a lot more realistic’.

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However, on the other hand there were several participants in which provided me with some things that they disliked about the video. ‘The song got very repetitive towards the end which made it seem as though it was dragging’, ‘More scenes of the boy would have made it better’.

From both the likes and dislikes, I have gathered up some useful information in which I can keep in mind if I ever get given the challenge of creating a music video again.

What have I learnt?

After a variety of people gave me their feedback on the two different types of questionnaires and the postage notes, and once having looked over all of them I have realised that I have learnt new things and found this task in which I had been set to be very successful. However, if I had the chance of completing the task again there are several aspects in which I would have changed and done in order for it to be that little bit better. These include:

- I would have shown more footage of the male in the video, as he was the main reason for the prostitution of the girl. Not only this, I tried to portray dirtiness and cheapness throughout the video and if I had given more parts to the male then this would have been shown a lot more as he was living in basically a dump, surrounded by empty beer bottles and cans with packets of cigarettes and drugs giving more of the dirty feel.

- I would have shot a lot more footage of the couple before the male got into drugs to show the public how much the relationship had actually deteriorated. As I only shot one scene, and I decided to put this in at the beginning people don’t see as much that they started off ‘in love’ and ended up selling themselves in order to get drugs.

- I would have planned everything that I wanted to do creating a timetable and plan so that I could have spent more time on my digipak and magazine advert to make them look more advanced

- I would have used photoshop to edit and add effects to the images being used for my digipak and magazine advert in order for them to be very appealing and eye catching for the audience looking at them.

- I would have also created more and different affects with either the camera or final cut express. This would be to make it look more adventurous and different from any other music video.

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- One of the most important things to me that I would have definitely done different would be getting a band together. Even though from the comments people have said the lip synching was brilliant, I feel as though having a band would have been better and would have fitted with the song more as it is actually a band who is singing it. I did actually try to get a band sorted out and thought I did however it didn’t go to plain and ended up rushing and using the male as the singer.