question 3 media

Question 3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Question 3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
  2. 2. In my opinion, I think that the magazine Q from Bauer media is similar to my magazine. The style of the magazines is mostly a color scheme of red white and black, much like mine. In Qs magazine. The house style of the magazine is very sophisticated as there isnt large quantities of vibrant colors. In addition, the masthead of the cover page is larger and more attention seeking than the other cover line, similar to mine. However, Q magazine uses text sizes in key words and graphic designs to attract and highlight cover lines. This makes the magazine looks more appealing to the audience
  3. 3. In addition, I think that both of the magazines, q and my magazine, has the most similar target audience out of all of the magazine researched (time publishing magazines and Bauer media ). This is because the design layout of the two magazines. However, there is different in terms of the genre of music . Despite design similarities, Q magazine features more mainstream artists and are exposed to a larger audience compared to my magazine genre which is EDM. The fact that it is EDM suggests that the magazine genre is mainly for an niche audience unlike the mainstream artists like :oasis, Adele, Cheryl Cole, ed sheeran who were all featured on the Q magazine.
  4. 4. Personally I think that the publishing magazine would fit my magazine profile. This is because my magazine has a similar house style compared to the Q, despite the different music genre, I think that this would be an advantage because then there wouldnt be rivalry between the two magazines with the same music genre. As q magazine is more mainstream music for a mainstream audience, my magazine would give the niche audience a music magazine that there interested in.
  5. 5. Q magazine, being the biggest music magazine in the uk, is the most influential music magazine. This would fit my media product because Qs audience in comparison to mine is very alike. The median age of their audience is 29 which are of a similar age rage to my target audience. In addition, the ABC1 profile 68% which is a high percentage of formal audience which is targeting a similar audience to mine as well. This Indicates the similarity and the compatibility of the publishing.