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Post on 10-Sep-2015




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1-Budgetary cycle of Government? 1 junaray to 31 Dec, 30 june ti 31 july, 1 february 30 june2-Credit may Signify..?3-As Compared to annuity method, the amount of depreciation provided in the sinking fund method is :Equal, Higher, Lower , Zero.4-Realization account is: Nominal a/c, Personal A/c, Real a/c , Fictitions a/c.5-The Minimum Share Application money is: 5%,10%,15%,20%.6-When shares are forfeited capital a/c is debited : Called up Amount, Share Paid up Amount on share, Nominal value of Shares amount.7-A Company has made a public Issue ,it cannot Issue bones Share before expire of ,03 months,06 months ,12 months,15 months.8-PCP mean?9-COA Mean? Chartered of Accountants10-charged expenditure is?11-Revenue account derived from ? (Govt. point of view)12-Treasurey Bills Issued by?13-Govt. accounting based on : cash base, accrual base, modified case base14-Public account of province comprise of cost : Private fund, Donor agencies Fund, Etc?15-Public account committee is responsible for :- Complication of account, Hear Public complaints , Carries out legislative scrutiny of public fund etc?16-Function of Auditors General of Pakistan are regulated under:- Financial Audit manual, Audit code, Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, non of theses.17.Bonus Share can be issued from account ?18 According to Accounting stranded 6 Depreciation is applicable of the fallowing19 Net book value of the asset is? Historical cost - accumulated depreciation. Gross book value+ Historical cost, Historical cost, Fair market value20 Purchase furniture on cash recorded on Cash book, Sale journal Purchase Journal21 Company sectary must be knowledge Company law, Taxation law, Labour law,All of these22 Bank draft facility only Current account Saving Account Fixed deposit account23 Rent paid in advance Real account Nominal A/c Personal A/c24 Bank Account is Real A/c ,Nominal A/c Personal A/c25 Business has indefinite life according to which concept Business entity concept, Going concern concept. Cost Concept26 Correct accounting equation is Liability= Assets +capital, Assets = capital- liability, Asset = capital + Liability NONE OF THESE27 Bank overdraft is Real A/c ,Nominal A/c Personal A/c28 Normally show credit balance Discount A/c,Account payable,Account receivable29 Right share offer Existing share holder, New share holder.Debenture Holder,None of these30 Cheque dishounered recorded Sale return book, Purchase return book, Journal. Cash Book31 Bank account credit balance show Assets,liability. income, expense32 Purchase a typewriter is debited in which account33 Purchase a Machinery is debited in which account34 Internal audit is appointed Directors, Share holder. Management. none of these35 Continuous Audit is? interim audit regular audit, continuous audit, Statutory audit36 Audit of sole trader ship is ? Compulsory, Unnecessary, Advisable,37 Processing and presenting the accounting information in the internal is, Cost accounting, Management Accounting, Financial accounting.38 Sale of the Grass of the pilot is capital receipt, Revenue receipt, Asset, Income39 All assets is current assets except , Cash. Marketable security,Building.Stock in trade40 Outstanding expenditure is?capital Expenditure, Revenue Expenditure, Deferred revenue expenditure


1;AB=BA in matrices is possible2: Identity metrics also called.....3:how much income of a individual salaried person on which tax applied?4:Agriculture tax is exempt or not5:current federal budget6:demand and supply relationship,price and quantity,demand curve,elasticity,marginal utility,7:economics is a science and studies human behavior,multiple ends,scarcity...which define this8:when marginal utility is maximum9:power of satisfactions in human want....utility ans10:related monopoly11:related perfect competition



1. Length of Pakistan and Afghanistan Boarder: 2252 km2. The Number of Pakistan population wise: 6th3. How many districts of Punjab: 364. First Non-British Governor of Punjab: Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar5. Which is also the component of Parliament except Senate and National Assembly: President6. Total number of High Courts in Pakistan: 57. Command and Staff College at: Quetta8. Total number of amendments in the constitution of 1973: 209. Most Important Mineral in Pakistan: Coal10. Widely spoken language of Pakistan is: Punjabi11. Masjid Mohabbat Khan: Peshawar12. Herald13. Doctrine of Lapse 1848: Lord Dalhouse14. Florance Nightingle was famous for: Nursing15. World War 1: 1914:191816. 4 July 1776 is the independence day of: USA17. Which king buried in Kabul: Babur18. Westminister Abbey: Church19. Expected earth life: 1 Billion years20. Mount Everest : Himalyas range21. Tripol is the capital of: Libya22. Taka is the currency of : Bnagladash23. Canda is situated at: North America24. League of Nation: Geneva25. Which is not the organ of UNO: International Labor Organization26. European Union: Brussels27. Hanna Lake: Balochistan28. Urban- Rural Ratio: 30:7029. 38 Parallel separates: North and South Korea30. 2nd largest ocean is: Atlantic Ocean31. Dickinson was USA: Writer32. Australia Discovered by: Captain Cook33. Governor General of India after lord Mountbatten : Raja gopal achari34. Before Independence Singapore was colony of: Malaysia35. Pakistan share in global exports is: 1%36. Assessment is Chapter numeber in PLR act 737. Attachment of Land. Section 7538. Shareor portion of land held by one or more then one land owners Holdings39. 1st Muslim ruler of India: Qutub Din AAibk40. Pablo Picasso was Spanish: Painter41. Computerized record of Land Section?? : 4142. Which USA president in 20th century: John F. Kennedy43. Study of Insects: Entomology44. Most Populous city: Shanghai45. After Karachi and Lahore largest city is: Faislabad46. Which is not Kharif crop: Wheat47. Henrry Kessinger worked as national security advisor under: Nixon & Gerald: Both48. Which prize is given on 10th December every year? Nobel Prize49. kitny type k revenue officer hoty he? 550. Sun is composed by: Hydrogen51. UNO was established in : 1945