question 6: what have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing your magazine?

Viet Pham Christ the King: Aquinas 13L4022 Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing your magazine?

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Page 1: Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing your magazine?

Viet PhamChrist the King: Aquinas13L4022

Question 6: What have you learnt about

technologies from the process of constructing your


Page 2: Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing your magazine?

Photography: During the photo shoot I used a camera which I

was not familiar with which was the Nikon d3200. It was my friends’ so I had to ask for instructions from them on how to use it and over time it was not too hard to operate and I captured the images I wanted and then uploaded the images onto the computer in which they were edited.

For my front cover, I decided that I wanted my model to be in a room with a clear background so it would bring out her features even clearer. With the content page images, I decided to have a green bush background to engage the reader as it’s not something you usually see in a picture.

Lighting In terms of lighting I only used natural light as I

deemed that the light was clear and bright enough to bring out my models’ attributes and so I felt it was unnecessary to use flash from the camera that I was using.

Although, I did try some images with flash on with the help of my friend who owned the camera but I felt as if it was unneeded and so decided not to use it.

Useful programmes: I used some programmes which was useful in terms of uploading and writing the information of the text:

1. Microsoft PowerPoint: This programme was generally used to write my text and was used as the basis for where I wrote my answers to the seven questions.

2. Slideshare: This was a programme in which I used to upload the questions that I had done. This too was a programme I was unfamiliar with and so was able to use through learning of others.

Page 3: Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing your magazine?

Photoshop Photoshop CS6 was what I used to construct and order what was going to go where and how it should look.

This was actually the first time I had used Photoshop and so I was very inexperienced on how to use it and it was through the help of my friends and colleagues that I developed skills on how to adequately use it to meet my ends.

There were several main pieces of equipment that I used on Photoshop which were

1. Rectangular marquee tool – This allowed me to create rectangle around my text on the contents page and the purpose of that was to highlight what was inside of the rectangle.

2. Magnetic lasso tool and polygon lasso tool – This was used to cut out the model from an image I had taken. For example I used it on the model on the double page spread.

3. Colour bucket tool – This was used to colour the background of a certain area that I wanted to also help give prominence to what was on the background.

4. Image adjustments – This was used to change the size of the image to fit in with the rest of the page.

How useful was the technology that I used? It was very useful as I was able to convey what I wanted into this music magazine such as the colours, the models and

the font.

In particular, the two most important pieces of technology that I used was Photoshop and the camera which were key in developing my music magazine and although I did not know how to use either at first, I was able to gradually develop my skills on these pieces of technology to meet my own needs.