r...3090 provinsiale koerant, 19 september 1984 advertensietariewe advertisement rates kennisgewings...

( ../r _1 E - piK9 _ IIE PEOVINSIE TRANSVAAL x\ y7 t .rit:C THE PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL Motile I/Currant :...•......_..... Militia'. Gazette (As 'n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer) '," '.41 1. ) (Registered at the Post Office as a Newspaper) n - ,;"'.- 1 - ' ' 1/4is\ 1 t\.. .,14- ' -'''''.4.7. PRYS: S.A. 20c Plus lc A.V.B. OORSEE: 3tk PRICE: S:A. 20c Plus lc G.S.T. OVERSEAS: 30c VOL. 229 PRETORIA 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 4346 19 SEPTEMBER BELANGRIKE AANKONDIGING IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT SLUITINGSDATUM VAN ADMINISTRATEURSKEN - CLOSING TIME FOR ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICES, NISGEWINGS, ENS. ETCETERA Aangesien 10 Oktober 1984 'n openbare vakansiedag is, As 10 October 1984 is a public holiday, the closing time sal die sluitingstyd vir die aanname van Administra- for acceptance of Administrator's Notices, etc., will be as teurskennisgewings, ens. soos volg wees: follows: 0 16h00 op Maandag 9 Oktober 1984 vir die uitgawe van 161100 on Monday 9 October 1984 for the issue of Provin - die Provinsiale Koerant van Woensdag 17 Oktober 1984. cial Gazette on Wednesday 17 October 1984. LET WEL: Laat kennisgewings sal in die daaropvol- N.B.: Late notices will be published in the subsequent gende uitgawe geplaas word. issue. CGDGROVE CGDGROVE vir Provinsiale Sekretaris for Provincial Secretary K 5-7-2- 1 K 5-7-2- 1 BELANGRIKE AANKONDIGING IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT SPERTYD VIR PROKLAMASIES, ADMINISTRA - . TEURSICENNISGEWINGS, ENS. DEADLINE FOR PROCLAMATIONS, ADMINISTRA - TOR'S NOTICES, ETC ADMINISTRA - Geliewe kennis to neem dat advertensies in boge- noemde verband met ingang van 1 Oktober 1984 op Dins- Please take note that with effect from 1 October 1984 ad- dag voor 16h00 ingelewer moet word in plaas van Woens- vertisements in the above connection must be submitted dae voor 10h00, soos tans die geval is, aangesien daar on Tuesdays before 16h00 instead of Wednesdays before probleme ondervind word om dit betyds vir die pen voor 10h00, as is the case at present, since problems are being to berei. experienced in preparing them in time for the press. P OFFISIELE KOERANT VAN DIE TRANSVAAL (Verskyn elke Woensdag) OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE TRANSVAAL (Published every Wednesday) Alle korrespondensie, advertensies, ens. moet aan die All correspondence, advertisements, etc. must be ad- Provinsiale Sekretaris, Frivaatsak X64. Pretoria geadres- dressed to the Provincial Secretary, Private Bag X64, Pre- seer word, en indien per hand afgelewer, moet dit by toria, and if delivered by hand, must be handed in at Room Kamer A1023(a), Provinsiale Gebou ingedien word. Gra- A1023(a), Provincial Building. Free copies of the Provin - tis eksemplare van die Offuiele Koerant of uitknipsels van cial Gazette or cuttings of advertisements are not supplied. advertensies word nie verskaf nie. Subscription Rates (payable in advance) Intekengeld (vooruitbetaalbaar) Transvaalse Offtsiele Koerant (met inbegrip van alle Transvaal Official Gazette (including all Extraordinary Gazettes) are as follows: Buitengewone Koerante) is soos volg: Yearly (post free) — R10,00 plus GST. Jaarliks (posvry) — R10,00 plus AVB. Zimbabwe and Overseas (post free) 30c each plus Zimbabwe en Oorsee (posvry) —30c elk plus AVB. GST. Prys per eksemplaar (posvry) — 20c elk plus AVB. Price per single copy (post free) — 20c each plus GST. Verkrygbaar 'by Kamer A600, Provinsiale Gebou, Preto- Obtainable at Room MOO, Provincial Building, Pretoria ria 0002. 0002. - Sluitingstyd vir Aanname van Kopie Closing Time for Acceptance of Copy h Alle advertensies moet die Beampte belas met die OF All Advertisements must reach the Officer in Charge of p side Koerant bereik the later nie as 16h00 op Dinsdag 'n the Provincial Gazette not later than 16h00 on the Tuesday week voordat die Koerant uitgegee word. Advertensies before the Gazette is published. Advertisements received wat na daardie tyd ontvang word, word oorgehou vir publi- after that time will be held over for publication in the issue kasie in die uitgawe van die volgende week. of the following week.

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../r_1 E


piK9 _


t .rit:C


Motile I/Currant :...•......_..... Militia'. Gazette(As 'n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer) '," '.41 1.) (Registered at the Post Office as a Newspaper)


- ' '1/4is\ 1t\.. .,14- '

-'''''.4.7.PRYS: S.A. 20c Plus lc A.V.B. OORSEE: 3tk PRICE: S:A. 20c Plus lc G.S.T. OVERSEAS: 30c




Aangesien 10 Oktober 1984 'n openbare vakansiedag is, As 10 October 1984 is a public holiday, the closing timesal die sluitingstyd vir die aanname van Administra- for acceptance of Administrator's Notices, etc., will be asteurskennisgewings, ens. soos volg wees: follows:

0 16h00 op Maandag 9 Oktober 1984 vir die uitgawe van 161100 on Monday 9 October 1984 for the issue of Provin-die Provinsiale Koerant van Woensdag 17 Oktober 1984. cial Gazette on Wednesday 17 October 1984.

LET WEL: Laat kennisgewings sal in die daaropvol- N.B.: Late notices will be published in the subsequentgende uitgawe geplaas word. issue.

CGDGROVE CGDGROVEvir Provinsiale Sekretaris for Provincial Secretary

K 5-7-2- 1 K 5-7-2- 1





Geliewe kennis to neem dat advertensies in boge-noemde verband met ingang van 1 Oktober 1984 op Dins- Please take note that with effect from 1 October 1984 ad-dag voor 16h00 ingelewer moet word in plaas van Woens- vertisements in the above connection must be submitteddae voor 10h00, soos tans die geval is, aangesien daar on Tuesdays before 16h00 instead of Wednesdays beforeprobleme ondervind word om dit betyds vir die pen voor 10h00, as is the case at present, since problems are beingto berei. experienced in preparing them in time for the press.



(Published every Wednesday)

Alle korrespondensie, advertensies, ens. moet aan die All correspondence, advertisements, etc. must be ad-Provinsiale Sekretaris, Frivaatsak X64. Pretoria geadres- dressed to the Provincial Secretary, Private Bag X64, Pre-seer word, en indien per hand afgelewer, moet dit by toria, and if delivered by hand, must be handed in at RoomKamer A1023(a), Provinsiale Gebou ingedien word. Gra- A1023(a), Provincial Building. Free copies of the Provin -

tis eksemplare van die Offuiele Koerant of uitknipsels van cial Gazette or cuttings of advertisements are not supplied.advertensies word nie verskaf nie.

Subscription Rates (payable in advance)Intekengeld (vooruitbetaalbaar)

Transvaalse Offtsiele Koerant (met inbegrip van alleTransvaal Official Gazette (including all Extraordinary

Gazettes) are as follows:Buitengewone Koerante) is soos volg:

Yearly (post free) — R10,00 plus GST.Jaarliks (posvry) — R10,00 plus AVB.

Zimbabwe and Overseas (post free) — 30c each plusZimbabwe en Oorsee (posvry) —30c elk plus AVB. GST.

Prys per eksemplaar (posvry) — 20c elk plus AVB. Price per single copy (post free) — 20c each plus GST.

Verkrygbaar 'by Kamer A600, Provinsiale Gebou, Preto- Obtainable at Room MOO, Provincial Building, Pretoriaria 0002. 0002.

-Sluitingstyd vir Aanname van Kopie Closing Time for Acceptance ofCopy

h Alle advertensies moet die Beampte belas met die OF All Advertisements must reach the Officer in Charge ofp side Koerant bereik the later nie as 16h00 op Dinsdag 'n the Provincial Gazette not later than 16h00 on the Tuesday

week voordat die Koerant uitgegee word. Advertensies before the Gazette is published. Advertisements receivedwat na daardie tyd ontvang word, word oorgehou vir publi- after that time will be held over for publication in the issuekasie in die uitgawe van die volgende week. of the following week.

Page 2: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates

Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted in the Official1

geplaas moet word: Gazette:

Dubbelkolom — R2,60 per sentimeter of deel daarvan. Double column — R2,60 per centimetre or portionHerhalings — R2,00. thereof. Repeats— R2,00.

Enkelkolom — 90c per sentimeter. Herhalings — 60c. Single column — 90c per centimetre. Repeats 60c.

Intekengelde is vooruitbetaalbaar aan die Provinsiale Subscriptions are payable in advance to the ProvincialSekretaris, Privaatsak X64, Pretoria 0001. Secretary, Private Bag X64. Pretoria 0001.

C C J BADENHORST C C.1 BADENHORSTnamens Provinsiale Sekretaris for Provincial Secretary

Proklamasies Proclamations

No 131 (Administrateurs-), 1984 No 131 (Administrator's), 1984


Nademaal by artikel 90 van die Wet op Provinsiale Be- Whereas power is vested in me by section 90 of the Pro- Istuur, 1961, aan my die bevoegdheid verleen word om 'n vincial Government Act, 1961, to promulgate an Ordi-Ordonnansie, waarin die Staatspresident-in-Rade toege- nance, assented to by the State President- in-Council;stem het, of te kondig;

Now therefore, I do hereby promulgate the RoadsSo is dit dat ek, hierby die Padwysigingsordonnansie, Amendment Ordinance, 1984, which is printed hereunder.

1984, wat hieronder gedruk is, afkondig.Given under my Hand at Pretoria, on this 10th day of

Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria, op hede die 10e dag September, One thousand Nine hundred and Eighty-four.van September, Eenduisend Negehonderd Vier-en-Tagtig.

W A CRUYWAGENW A CRUYWAGEN Administrator of the Province Transvaal

Administrateur van die Provinsie TransvaalPR 4-11 (1984/14)

PR 4-11 (1984/14)


(Toestemming verleen op 8 Augustus 1984) (Assented to on 8 August 1984)

(Engelse eksemplaar deur die Staatspresident onderteken) (English copy signed by the State President)


Tot wysiging van die Padordonnansie, 1957,. ten opsigte van diewoordomskrywmg in artikel 1 venal; ten opsigte van die klassifika-sie van openbare paaie soos in artikel 2 beoog; ten opsigte van die To amend the Roads Ordinance, 1957, in respect of the definitionsbreedte van openbare paaie soos in artikel 3 beoog; ten opsigte van contained in section 1; in respect of the classification of public roadsdie bevoegdheid van die Administrateur betreffende die opening, as contemplated in section 2; in respect of the width of public roadsstuffing of verlegging van paaie soos in artikel 5 beoog; len opsigte as contemplated in section 3; in respect of the power of the AdS-

van die sluiting van openbare panic soos in artikel 6 beoog; ten op- nistrator to open, close or deviate roads as contemplated in sectionsigte van die verkryging van grond vir sekere doeleindes sons in ar- 5; in respect of the dosing or public roads as comtemplated in sec-tikel 7 beoog; ten opsigte van die betreding of inbesitneming van lion 6; in respect of the acquisition of land for certain purposes as

grond vir sekere doeleindes sons in artikel 8 beoog; deur artikel 9 te contemplated in section 7; in respect of the entry upon or the takingherroep; ten opsigte van die samestelling van padrade soos k are possession of land for certain purposes as contemplated in section 8;kel 10 beoog; ten opsigte van die bevoegdhede van die Adne•fstra- by repealing section 9; in respect of the constitution of road boards

as contemplated in section 10; in respect of the powers of the Admi-teur sons in artikel 20 beoog; ten opsigte van die Ides van 'n plek nistrator as contemplated in section 20: in respect of the selection ofdeur die Administrateur vir die verkrygmg van materiaal sons in ar-tikel 23 beoog; ten opsigte van die opening van ombeinings en a place by the Administrator for obtaining material as contemplatedpaaie na steengroewe soos in artikel 24 beoog; ten opsigte van die in section 23; in respect of the opening of fences and roads to qua-

goed- of alkeuring van 'n aansoek deur die Administrateur nos in ries as contemplated in section 24; in respect of the granting or re-

artikel 29 beoog; ten opsigte van die oortredings soos in mad 37 final of an application by the Administrator as contemplated in sec-beoog; ten opsigte van die bevoegdheid van die Administrateur om lion 29; in respect of the offences as contemplated in section 37; in'n toegnngspad te verklaar, te skit of te vale soos in artikel 48 respect of the power of the Administrator to declare, dose or de-beoog; ten opsigte van die betreding en inbesitneming van grond vir viate an access road as contemplated in section 48; in respect of thesekere doeleindes ten opsigte van 'n toegangspad soos in artikel 49 entry upon and taking possession of land for certain purposes in re-

beoog; ten opsigte van die beskikking oar slormwater soos in arti- sped of an access road as contemplated in section 49; in respect ofkel 81 beoog; deur artikel 82 te herroep; ten opsigte van die ver- the disposal of stormwater as contemplated in section 81; by repeal-goeding betaalbaar deur die Administrateur of 'n plaaslike bestour ing *Son 82; in respect of the compensation payable by the AdS-

vir sekere grond soos in artikel 92 beoog; ten opsigte van die ge- nistrator or a local authority for certain land as contemplated in sec- 'volge van die wysiging of intrekking van 'n kennisgewing in sekere lion 92; in respect of the results of the amendment or revocation ofomstandighede soos in artikel 92A beoog; ten opsigte van die be- a notice in certain circumstances as contemplated in section 92A; invoegdheid van die Administrateur om enige gebou of ander sink- respect of the power of the Administrator to demolish or removetuur vir paddoeleindes te sloop of le verwyder sons in artikel 93 any building or other structure for road purposes as contemplatedbeoog; ten opsigte van die indiening van vise one skadevergoeding in section 93; in respect of the submission of claims for compensa-

Page 3: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


soos in artikel 94A beoog; en om vir bykomstige aangeleentbede0 voorsiening te mask.

lion as contemplated in section 94A; and to provide for matters inci-dental thereto.

DIE Provinsiale Raad van Transvaal VERORDEN BEE IT ENACTED by the Provincial Council of Trans-SOOS VOLG:- .L.Pvaal as follows: -

Wysiging van 1. Artikel 1 van die Padordonnansie, 1957artikel 1 vanOrdonnansic (hierna die Hoofordonnansie genoem), wprd AmPthar-u,alof 1. Section 1 of the Roads Ordinance, 195722 van 1957. hierby gewysig- s= „„e' n (hereinafter referred to as the principal Ordi-sOOS gewYsig of 1957.as nance), is hereby amended--dcur anikel I (a) deur in die woordomskrywing van "aan- araemIcd bYvanOrdonnansie ir - section IM

Ordinance 25(a) by the insertion in the definition of

25 van 1959, of 1959. section "construct" -[alike' I van (i) na die woord "ook" die uitdruk- I of OrdinanceOrdonnansie king "beplanning," in te voeg; en 11 of 1960. (i) after the word "includes" where itI I van 1960. section 1 ofartikel 1 van appears for the first time of the ex-Ordunnansic 6 (ii) na die uitdrukking "randstene," die 11.nlitnt: pression "planning,";van 1961. uitdrukking "weegbrile," in te ofOrdinanceartikel 1 van lOof 1966, (ii) after the expression "curbs," of theOrdonnansic voeg;

seedon i of10 van 1966. OrtEnance20 expression "weigh-bridges,";artikel 1 van (b) deur die woordomskrywing van "groot- of ign. waif).Ordonnansic pad" te skrap; 2 of Ordinane: (b) by the deletion of the definition of "main211 van 1971. 20 of 1976. road";anti:el 2 van i \Ordonnansie \ ci deur in die woordomskrywing van "in

scortnan2::Is20 van 1976. • stand hou" na die uitdrukking "rand- of 1960and (c) by the insertion in the definition ofanikel 2 van stene," die uitdrukking "weegbrfte," in Isidinn 1 a "maintain" after the expression "curbs,"Ordonnanste Ordinance 16 of the expression "

;Ii van ' weigh-bridges,"IlMen te voeg; of 1961.artikel I vanOrdonnansle (d) deur paragraaf (3) van die woordom- (d) by the deletion of paragraph (3) of thelb van 1981. skrywing van "openbare pad" te skrap; definition of "public road"; and

en(e) by the substitution for the definition of

(e) deur die woordomskrywing van "skool- "school road" of the following defini-pad" deur die volgende woordomskry- tion:wing te vervang: "(xxiv) 'school road' means a road estab-"(xxiv) `skoolpad"n pad wat ingevolge lished in terms of an agreement

'n ooreenkoms tussen die between the Administrator andAdministrateur en die betrokke the landowners concerned for thegrondeienaars daargestel is vir conveyance of school children;die vervoer van skoolkinders; (xxv)".(xxv)".

Wysiging van 2. Artikel 2 van die Hoofordonnansie wordanikel 2 van Amendment of 2. Section 2 of the principal Ordinance isOrdonnansie hierby gewysig deur paragrawe (a) en (c) te secnon2of22 van 1957' skrap. Ordinance22 hereby amended by the deletion of para-socs gewysig of 1957. as graphs (a) and (c).deur anikcl 2 amended byvan .

section 2 ofOrdonnansie Ordinance2525 van 1959. of 1959. sectionartikel 2 van 2 Of OrdinanceOrdonnansie . II o11960 andII win 1960 en section 2 ofartlkel 2 van Ordinance6 ofOrdonnansic 6 1961.van 1961.

anikelWysigin3g vanvanHoofordonnansie 3.Artikel 3 die Hfordonnansie word Anicnthnent °I 3. Section 3 of the principal Ordinance is

v section 3 ofOrdonnansic hierby gewysig deur paragrawe (a) en (c) te Ordinance 22 hereby amended by the deletion of para-22 van 1957. skrap. of 1957. as graphs (a) and (c).soos gewysig amcndedbydeur anikel 3 section lofvan Ordinance 2.5

Ordonnansic of 1959. section25 van 1959. .3ofOrdinanceanikel 3 van II of 1960.Ordonnansie union ler:Ivan 1960. Onfmance20anikell van of 1976andOrdonnansic section 3 of211 van 1976 en Ordnance Isartikel 3 van of 1980.OrdonnansieDivan 1980.

Wysiging van 4. Artikel 5 van die Hoofordonnansie word Amendment of 4. Section 5 of the principal Ordinance isartikel 5 van section5ofOrdonnansic hierby gewysig - Ordinance22 hereby amended -22 van 1957, of 1957.assoos gewysig (a) deur in paragraaf (c) van subartikel (1) amended by (a) by the deletion in paragraph (c) of sub-deur artikel 4 die uitdrukking "groot- ," te skrap; section40 section (1) of the expression "main,";

0van Ordinance 25Ordonnansie ,(b)

of 1959.section25 van 1959. deur in subartikel (1A) die woord "voor- 3of ordinance (b) by the substitution in the Afrikaans textartikel 3 van bestaan" deur die woord "voortbestaan" b of 1961. of subsection (1A) for the word "voor-Ordonnansie 6 section I ofvan 1961. te vervang; Ordinance 70f bestaan" of the woord "voortbestaan";:initial I ran 1963. section 2

Page 4: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


Ordonnmsie7 (c) deur paragraaf (ii) van die voorbehouds- aonsmacc (0 by the substitution for paragraph (ii) of i!Oaf 1966. the proviso to subsection (5) of the fol- Ilant963. bepaling by subartikel (5) deur die vol- section2 ofartikel 2 vanOrdonnansie gende paragraaf te vervang: Ordinace20 of lowing paragraph:

1971..ctioni10 van 1966.et Ordinanceartikel 2 van "(ii) indien die voorsitter versuim of na- 14ot 1972. "(ii) if the chairman fails or neglectsOrdonnansic

20 van 1971. laat om binne die tydperk wat die section 1 of within such period as the Adminis-Onfmance lotartikel 1 van Administrateur bepaal die verslag 1973ection I trator may determine to submit the

Ordonnansic14 van 1972. van die ondersoek van die kommis- of Ordinanec5 report of the commission, the Ad-

of 1974. section numstrator may, of his own accordartikel Ivan sie voor te le, die Administrateur 4 ofOrdinanceOrdonnansic 7

van 1973. uit eie beweging en sender verwy- Mof 1976 and and without reference to the hives-artikel I van sing na die ondersoek deur die section2 of

Ordinance 16tigation by the commission, act in

Ordonnansie 5 kommissie ooreenkomstig subarti- of 1981. accordance with subsection (3).";van 1974.anikel 4 van kel (3) kan optree."; en andOrdonnansie -

2n van 1976 cn (d) deur subartikel (6) deur die volgende (d) by the substitution for subsection (6) ofartikel 2 van the following subsection:Ordonnansic subartikel te vervang:16 van mg] .

"(6) Drie lede van 'n kommissie in subar- "(6) Three members of a commission re-tikel (3) genoem met inbegrip van die ferred to in subsection (3), including thevoorsitter vorm 'n kworum: Met dien chairman, shall form a quorum: Providedverstande dat waar die lidmaatskap van that where the membership of a board is'n kommissie minder as vyf is met inbe- less than five, including the chairman,grip van die voorsitter, die kworum uit the quorum shall consist of two memberstwee lede bestaan waarvan een die voor- of whom one shall be the chairman.".

4 sittermoet wees.".Amement of 5. Section 6 of the principal Ordinance isWysIgineran 5. Artikel 6 van die Hoofordonnansie word sectionnd6 of

ianikel 6 vanOrdonnansie hierby gewysig deur in subartikel (3) na die ourmancen hereby amended by the insertion in subset-n van 1957. woorde "vasgestel word" die uitdrukking "

, in of I957. as tion (3) after the expression "(Act 63 ofsoos vervang welke geval koste ooreenkomstig artikel 15

substituted bysection y oy

Y 1975)" of the expression ", in which casedeur artikel 5

van van die genoemde Wet bereken en toegeken Ordinance 20 costs shall be calculated and awarded inOrdonnansle of 1976 and as accordance with section 15 of the said Act".20 van 1976 en word" in te voeg. amended by


saes gewysig sectien3otdeur artikel 3 Ordinance 16

van of 1981.

Ordonnansie16 van 1981.

ariikWysi g

eanginv 6. Artikel 7 van die Hoofordonnansie word Amendment of

section 7 of6. Section 7 of the principal Ordinance is

l 7 vanOrdonnansie Ilierby gewysig deur in paragraaf (b) van sub- Ordinance 22 hereby amended by the insertion in pare-22 van 1957. artikel (2) na die woorde "vasgestel word" 0(1957.as graph (b) of subsection (2) after the expres-r= die uitdrukking,

" in welke geval koste oar- int411 son "Expropriation Act, 1975" of the expres-van eenkomstig artikel 15 van genoemde Wet be• Ordinance 16 sion "

, in which case costs shall be calculatedof 1981Ordonnansie and awarded in accordance with section 15 of

16 van 1981. taken en toegeken word" in te voeg.the said Act".

Wysiging van 7. Artikel 8 van die Hoofordonnansie word Amendment of 7. Section 8 of the principal Ordinance isartikel 8 van section 8 ofOrdonnansie hierby gewysig deur in subartikel (2) na die 0.th....n hereby amended by the insertion in subsec-22van1957. woorde' vasgestel word" die uitdrukking _", in of 1937.as tion after the expression "Expropriation Asoovervang "Imitated bY Act, 1975" of the expression ", in which case Ideur artikel 5 welke geval koste ooreenkomstig artikel 15 actionse'y

van genoemde Wet bereken en toegeken Ordinance 16 costs shall be calculated and awarded in ac-Ordonnansic ot 1981.16 van 1981. word" in te voeg. cordance with section 15 of the said Act".

van anikel9 sectionlierroeping 8. Artikel 9 van die Hoofordonnansie word Repeal of 8. Section 9 of the principal Ordinance is9 ofvan hierby herroep. ordinance 22 hereby repealed.Ordonnansic of 1957.22 van 1957.

Wysiging van 9. Artikel 10 van die Hoofordonnansie micomentot 9. Section 10 of the principal Ordinance isartikel 19 van section 10 ofOrdonnansic word hierby gewysig deur subartikel (5) deur (ham = 22 hereby amended by the substitution for sub-22 van 1957. die volgende subartikel te vervang: of 1957. section (5) of the following subsection:

"(5) Die lede van 'n raad, met inbegrip vac "(5) The members of a board, including thedie ex officio-lede, kies een uit hul geledere ex officio members, shall elect one of theiras ondervoorsitter en wanneer die persoon number as vice-chairman and when the per-aldus gekies in die afwesigheid van die voor- son so elected acts as chairman in the ab-sitter as voorsitter waarneem, het hy al die sence of the chairman, he shall have all thebevoegdhede en vervul hy al die pligte van powers and discharge all the duties of thedie voorsitter.". chairman.".

WWysiging vanan10. Artikel 20 van die Hoofordonnansie Arnaldraerna 10. Section 20 of the principal Ordinance isartikel 20 v section 20 of

oth........„.„ word hierby gewysig - ()nuancen hereby amended -22 van 1957. of 1957. assons vervang (a) deur in paragrawe (a), (e) en (h) na die s917511wied bY (a) by the insertion in paragraphs (a), (e) 4deur artikel 7 section 7 ofwoorde "openbare pad' , waar dit ook al ordsnca and (h) after the words "public road",vanOrdonnansic voorkom, die woprde "of skoolpad" in of 1976and as wherever they appear, of the words "or20 van 1976 cn te voeg; amended by school road";

Page 5: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


Isootgewysig section 3 of

deur anikel 3 (b) deur in paragraaf (b) na die woorde Oidinance 21Van of in (b) by the insertion in paragraph (b) after theOrdonnansie "openbare paaie" die woorde "of skool- words "public roads" of the words "or21 van 1977. paaie" in te voeg; school roads";

(c) deur in paragraaf (h) die uitdrukking (c) by the deletion in paragraph (h) of the", na ondersoek en verslag deur die mad" expression, "after investigation and re-te skrap; en port by the board"; and

(d) deur in paragraaf (j) die uitdrukking (d) by the deletion in paragraph (j) of the ex-", hetsy 'n openbare pad of nie" te skrap. pression, "whether a public road or not".

Wysiging van 11. Artikel 23 van die Hoofordonnansie Amendment of 11. Section 23 of the principal Ordinance isDinkel 23 van MC101123 ofOrdonnansie word hierby gewysig — ordinance la hereby amended —22 van 1957. of 1957. ascoos gewysig (a) deur in subartikel (2) na die woorde amended by (a) by the insertion in subsection (2) afterdeur anikel 9 "vasgestel word" die uitdrukking ", in seclim9a the expression "Expropriation Act,van Ordinance 10Ordonnansie welke geval koste ooreenkomstig artikel on966....ia„ 1975" of the expression ", in which case10 van 1966. 15 van genoemde Wet bereken en toege- 2ofOrdinance costs shall be calculated and awarded inanikcl 2 van 2 of 1970.Ordonnansie 2 ken word" in te voeg; en 2ecrion6 of accordance with section 15 of the saidvan 1970. Ordinance 20 Act"; andartikel 6 van (b) deur in subartikel (3) na die woorde of 1971 andOrdonnansie "vasgestel word" die uitdrukking ", in voc11""f (b) by the insertion in subsection (3) after20 van 1971 en Ordinance 16artikul 11 van welke geval koste ooreenkomstig artikel omen the expression "Expropriation Act,Ordonnansie 15 van genoemde Wet bereken en toege- 1975" of the expression ", in which case

016 van 1981. ken word" in te voeg. costs shall be calculated and awarded in

accordance with section 15 of the saidWysiging van 12. Artikel 24 van die Hoofordonnansieartikel 24 van Act".Ordonnansie word hierby gewysig deur in die tweede voor-22 van Wr. behoudsbepaling daarby na die woorde "vas- Amcndment of 12. Section 24 of the principal Ordinance issuns gewysigsection24otdeur artikel It estel word"die uitdrukking ", in welke geval ordinance 22 hereby amended by the insertion in the se-wn koste ooreenkomstig artikel 15 van ge- 0(195707 cond proviso thereto after the expressionOrdonnansie noemde Wet bereken en toegeken word" in sec."17.'„t "Expropriation Act, 1975" of the expression211 van 1976 enartikel 9 van te voeg. Ordinance 20 ", in which case costs shall be calculated andOrdonnansie of 1976and awarded in accordance with section 15 of the16 van 1981. section 9 of

Ordinance 16 said Act".Wysiging van 13. Artikel 29 van die Hoofordonnansie of 1981.

artikel 29 vanOrdonnansie word hierby gewysig — Amendment of 13. Section 29 of the principal Ordinance is •

22 van 1957. section 29 ofsoos &earls (a) deur in subartikel (1) die woorde "na Ordinance 22 hereby amended —deur alike' 11 goeddunke" te skrap; en of 1957.asvan amended by (a) by the deletion in subsection (1) of theOrdonnansie section 11 of words "in his discretion"; and111 van 1965 en (b) deur in subartikel (5) die woorde "na Ordinance 10artikel? van goeddunke" te skrap. o1Ordonnansie sct966,.,ion?an0dr (b) by the deletion in subsection (5) of the10 van 1971. Ordinance 10 words "and at his discretion".

of 1971.

Wyslging van 14. Artikel 37 van die Hoofordonnansie Amendment of 14. Section 37 of the principal Ordinance isanikel 37 van section 37 of

0Ordonnansie word hierby gewysig deur subartikel (1) deur Ordinance n hereby amended by the substitution for sub -22 van 1957. die volgende subartikel te vervang: of 1957. section (1) of the following subsection:

"(1) Behoudens die bepalings van hierdie "(1) Subject to the provisions of this Ordi-Ordonnansie, is iemand wat — nance, any person who —

(a) 'n openbare pad gebruik terwyl dit aan- (a) uses a public road while it is under con-gele of herstel word; struction or repair;

(b) 'n openbare pad sluit, verle verander of (b) closes, deviates, alters or in any mannerop enige wyse daarop inbreuk maak; encroaches upon a public road;

(c) water oor of op 'n openbare pad bat (c) causes water to run over or on a publicloop deur die natuurlike loop van die road by altering the natural course of thewater te verander, of deur 'n handeling water, or through any act or omission onof versuim op grond waarvan hy die eie- land of which he is the owner or occupiernaar of okkupant is, inbreuk maak op of encroaches upon or causes damage to a

skade veroorsaak aan 'n openbare pad; public road;

(d) 'n sprinkelaar of ander toestel op so 'n (d) uses a sprinkler or other device in such a

wyse gebruik op grond waarvan hy die manner on land of which he is the ownereienaar of okkupant is dat dit water op 'n or occupier that it causes water to comeopenbare pad laat kom, onto a public road,

aan 'n misdryf skuldig.". shall be guilty of an offence.".

0 Wysiging van 15. Artikel 48 van die Hoofordonnansie Amendment of 15. Section 48 of the principal Ordinance isartike148 van section 48 urOrdonnansie word hierby gewysig deur die volgende sub- 0„..„. hereby amended by the addition of the fol-22 von 1957. artikel by te voeg: of I957- as lowing subsection:soosingoveg insenedby

Page 6: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


section 6 of "(5) Where the Administrator has in terms4

deur coded 6 "(5) Waar die Administrateur ingevolge Ordinance 9 of


donnansie 9 subartikel (1) verklaar het dat 'rt toegangspad 1975 and as of subsection (1) declared that an access roadvan 1975 en oor grond binne 'n munisipaliteit bestaan, is amended bY shall exist on land within a municipality, the

section II ofdesons artiiel gewvsig1 1

die bepalings van artikel 63 van die Ordon- pram= 20 provisions of section 63 of the Local Govern-

vanur nansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, op daar- of 1976. ment Ordinance, 1939, shall apply to suchansie(3rci°nn die pad van toepassing vanaf die datum van road from the date of completion thereof.".

20 van 1976.voltooiing daarvan."

Amendmkula 16. Section 49 of the principal Ordinance isWysiging van 16. Artikel 49 van die Hoofordonnansie section49 ofartikel 49 van ordinances hereby amended by the insertion in the pro-Orclonnansic word hierby gewysig deur die voorbehouds- a 1957* as vino thereto after the expression "Expropria-22 van 1957. bepaling daarby na die woorde "vasgestel amended by •

section /3 eg tion Act, 1975" of the expression ", in whichraerfiliign word" die uitdrukking.", in welke geval koste Ordinance 16 case costs shall be calculated and awarded invan ooreenkomstig artikel 15 van genoemde Wet of 1981. accordance with section 15 of the said Act".Ordonnansie bereken en toegeken word" in te voeg.16 van 1981.

Wysiging van 17. Artikel 81 van die Hoofordonnansie Amendment°1 17. Section 81 of the principal Ordinance isa:disci 81 van section 81 ofonfunnansie word hierby gewysig deur in paragraaf (c) die or&flange 22 hereby amended by the substitution in the22 996 1957. woorde "so 'n wyse en sodanige voorwaardes 011957- as Afrikaans text of paragraph (c) for the wordssons gewysig as wat bepaal word" deur die woorde ", die amended by it

section loot so 'n wyse en sodanige voorwaardes as watdeur artikel 16 pvan wyse en voonvaardes waaroor ooreengekom Ordinance20 bepaal word" of the words "die wyse enOrdonnansie word" te vervang. of 1976. voorwaardes waaroor ooreengekom.word".20 van 1976.

IElerroeping 18. Artikel 82 van die Hoofordonnansie Repeal ofvan artikel 82 18. Section 82 of the principal Ordinance isvon word hierby herroep. section 82 ofOrdonnansie Ordinance22 hereby repealed.22 van 1957. of 1957.

Wysiging van 19. Artikel 92 van die Hoofordonnansieartikel 92 vanOrdormansle word hierby gewysig deur in subartikel (1) na "met's" 19. Section 92 of the principal Ordinance is

section 92 of'avail 1957, die woord "vasgestel word" die uitdrukking OrdinanceM hereby amended by the insertion in subsec-''''s " in welke. geval koste ooreenkomstig artikel of 1957- a tion (1) after the expression "Expropriationto anikel 10 5

van 15 van genoemde Wet bereken en toegekenssectioubstituted

by Act, 1975" of the expression ", in which casen 10 ofOrdonnansIc word" in te voeg. Ordinance 21 costs shall be calculated and awarded in ac-21 van 1977 enof 1977 andasloos gewysig cordance with section 15 of the said Act".

deur artikel 15 amended by

van section 15 ofOrdinance 16Ordonnansie

16 van 1981. .' of 1981.

Wpiging van 20. Artikel 92A van die Hoofordonnansie•

anikel 92A van Amendment ot 20. Section 92A of the principal OrdinanceOrdonn le word hierby gewysig deur die uitdrukking22 van 1957. wat paragraaf (a) voorafgaan deur die vol-

"i"924etOrdinances is hereby amended by the substitution for the

soos ingevoeg of 1957. as expression preceding paragraph (a) of theaende uitdrukking te vervang:deur 0.0416 . -inserted by c- 5 -tui awing expression:van seetion6 of

Ordonnansie "Waar die Administrateur enige kennisge-Ordinance 18

18 van 19811. wing in verband met die instelling, verbre- of 1980. "Where the Administrator, in terms of sec-ding of permanente verlegging van 'n open- tion 3, 5, 48 or 55, amends or revokes any no-

4bare pad of toegangspad of die instelling of tice in connection with the establishment,verandering van die grootte of ligging van 'n widening or permanent deviation of a publicuitspanning ingevolge artikel 3, 5, 48 of 55 road or an access road or the establishmentwysig of intrek met die effek dat, alvorens or alteration of the size or situation of andie fisiese instelling, verbreding of perma- outspan with the effect that, before the physi-nente verlegging van daardie pad of die fi- cal establishment widening or permanent de-

siese instelling of verandering van die viation of that road or the physical extablish-grootte of ligging van daardie uitspanning ment or alteration of the size or situation ofonderneem word, die betrokke grond nie the outspan is undertaken, the land con-meer vir pad- of uitspanningsdoeleindes be- cerned is no longer required for road or out-nodig word nie en vergoeding ingevolge arti- span purposes and on the date of suchkel 92(1) op die datum van sodanige wysiging amendment or revocation compensation inof intrekking-". terms of section 92(1)-".

Wysiging van van21. Artikel 93 van die Hoofordonnansie Amendmse 93

eng or 21. Section 93 of the principal Ordinance isction ofartikel 93

ordonnamin word hierby gewysig deur in subartikel (2) na ordinance 22 hereby amended by the insertion in subsec-

22 vani957. die woorde "vasgestel word" die uitdrukking of 1957- as tion (2) after the expression "Expropriationmos legvocg tr •

deur artikel 1 1 5 in weike geval koste ooreenkomstig artikel - lief Act, 1975" of the expression ", in which casevan 15 van genoemde 'Wet betreken en toegeken ofirmancen costs shall be calculated and awarded in ac-Onlonnansic of 1977 and ps

word" in te voeg. cordance with section 15 of the said Act".21 van 1977 en amended by

500s gewysig section lootdeur anikel 16 Ordinance 16

van of 1981.

Ordonnansie -

16 van 1981. 4Wysiging van 22. Artikel 94A van die Hoofordonnansie Amendm 22. Section 94A of the principal Ordinanceartike194A van section not94Ordonnansie word hierby gewysig deur in subartikel (3) na ordinance 22 is hereby amended by the insertion in subsec-

Page 7: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


022 van 1957. die woord "vasgestel" die uitdrukking ", en ?f 195Lts.. tion (3) after the expression "Expropriationre.„MkTo word koste, as daar is, ooreenkomstig artikel sad. Oa Act, 1975" of the expression ", and costs, ifvan 15 van genoemde Wet bereken en toege- ordinamesof any, shall be calculated and awarded in ac-Ordonnansie 6 ken". 1961 and as cordance with section 15 of the said Act".van 1961 en substituted bysons vervang section 17 ofdeur anikel 17 Ordnance 16

van of 1981.Ordonnansie16 van 1981.

Kon tit& 23. Hierdie Ordonnansie heet die Padwysi- Short title. 23. This Ordinance shall be called thegingsordonnansie, 1984.. Roads Amendment Ordinance, 1984.

No 132 (Administrateurs-), 1984 No 132 (Administrator's), 1984


Kragtens die bevoegdhede aan my verleen by artikel 4 Under the powers vested in me by section 4 of the Localvan die "Local Authorities Roads Ordinance", 1904, ge- Authorities Roads Ordinance, 1904, read with section 80lees met artikel 80 van die Grondwet van die Republiek of the Republic of South Africa Constitution Act, 1961, Ivan Suid-Afrika, 1961, proklameer ek hierby die pad soos do hereby proclaim the road as described in the Scheduleomskryf in die bygaande Bylae tot 'n publieke pad onder hereto as a public road under the jurisdiction of the Town

0die regsbevoegdheid van die Stadsraad van Benoni. Council of Benoni.

Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria, op hede die 5e dag Given under my Hand at Pretoria, this 5th day of Sep-van September, Eenduisend Negehonderd Vier-en-tagtig. tember, One thousand Nine hundred and Eighty-four.

W A CRUYWAGEN W A CRUYWAGENAdministrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal Administrator of the Province of Transvaal

PB 3-6-6-2-6-14 PB 3-6 -6 -2-6-14


'n Pad oor Gedeelte 1 van Hoewe 80 (groot 1 160 vier- A road over Portion 1 of Holding 80 (in extent 1 160kante meter), Kleinfontein Landbouhoewes Uitbreiding square metre), Kleinfontein Agricultural Holdings Exten-

Nedersetting soos aangedui deur die letters ABCD op sion Settlement as indicated by the letters ABCD on Dia-

Kaart LG A1625/84. gram SG A1625/84.

No 133 (Administrateurs-), 1984 No 133 (Administrator's), 1984


Kragtens die bevoegdhede aan my verleen by artikel 4 Under the powers vested in me by section 4 of the Localvan die "Local Authorities Roads Ordinance", 1904, ge- Authorities Roads Ordinance, 1904, read with section 80

k lees met artikel 80 van die Grondwet van die Republiek of the Republic of South Africa Constitution Act, 1961, 1

/ van Suid-Afrika. 1961, proklameer ek hierby die pad soos do hereby proclaim the road as described in the Scheduleomskryf in die bygaande Bylae tot 'n publieke pad onder hereto as a public road under the jurisdiction of the Towndie regsbevoegdheid van die Stadsraad van Benoni. Council of Benoni.

Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria, op hede die 5e dag Given -under my Hand at Pretoria, this 5th day of Sep-van September, Eenduisend Negehonderd Vier-en-tagtig. tember, One thousand Nine hundred and Eighty-four.

W A CRUYWAGEN W A CRUYWAGENAdministrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal Administrator of the Province of Transvaal

PB 3-6-6-2-6- 12 PB 3-6 -6-2-6-12


'n Pad oor gedeeltes van die plaas Kleinfontein 67 IR A road over portions of the farm Kleinfontein 67 IR as

soos aangedui deur die letters ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQ indicated by the letters ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVRSTUVWXY op Kaart LG A10218/83. WXY on Diagram SG A10218/83.

No 134 (Administrateurs-), 1984 No 134 (Administrator's), 1984


Kragtens die bevoegdhede aan my verleen by artikel 4 _ Under the powers vested in me by section 4 of the Localvan die "Local Authorities Roads Ordinance". 1904, ge- Authorities Roads Ordinance, 1904, read with section 80

r lees met artikel 80 van die Grondwet van die Republiek of the Republic of South Africa Constitution Act, 1961, 1

van Suid-Afrika, 1961, proklameer ek hierby die pad soos do hereby proclaim the road as described in the Scheduleomskryf in die bygaande Bylae tot 'n publieke pad onder hereto as a public road under the jurisdiction of the Towndie regsbevoegdheid van die Stadsraad van Springs. Council of Springs.

Page 8: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria, op hede die 5e dag Given under my Hand at Pretoria, this 5th day of Sep-van September, Eenduisend Negehonderd Vier-en-tagtig. tember, One thousand Nine hundred and Eighty-four.

W A CRUYWAGENW A CRUYWAGENAdministrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal

Administrator of the Province of TransvaalPB 3-6-6-2-32-16

PB 3-6 -6-2-32- 16BYLAE

'n Pad oar— SCHEDULE

(a) Erf 6 (groot 573 m2) Fulcrum Dorpsgebied, soosA Road over—

aangedui deur die letters ABC op Kaart LG A1726/84. (a) Erf 6 (in extent 573 m2) Fulcrum Township, as indi-

(b) Erf 7 (groot 1 794 m2) Fulcrum Dorpsgebied, soos cated by the letters ABC on Diagram SG A1726/84.

aangedui deur die letters ABCDEFGH op Kaart LG (b) Erf 7 (in extent 1 794 m2) Fulcrum Township, as indi-A1727/84. cated by the letters ABCDEFGH on Diagram SG

(c) Erf 11 (groat 313 m2) Fulcrum Dorpsgebied, soos A1727184.

aangedui deur die letters ABCDE op Kaart LG A1734/84; (c) Ed 1l (in extent 313 m2) Fulcrum Township, as indi-en cated by the letters ABCDE on Diagram SG A 1734/84; and

(d) Ed 20 (groat 313 m2) Fulcrum Dorpsgebied, soos (d) Erf 20 (in extent 313 m2) Fulcrum Township, as indi -aangedui deur die letters ABCDE op Kaart LG A1743/84. cated by the letters ABCDE on Diagram SG A1743/84.

No 135 (Administrateurs-),1984 No 135 (Administrator's), 1984



Kragtens die bevoegdheid aan my verleen by artikel Under the powers vested in me by section 14(2) of the14(2) van die Ordonnansie op die Transvaalse Raad vir die Transvaal Board for the Development of Pefi-UrbanOntwikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede, 1943, prokla- Areas Ordinance, 1943, I do hereby proclaim that Portionmeer ek hierby dat Gedeelte 1 van die plaas Fonteinplaats

1 of the farm Fonteinplaats 528 LT in extent 9,5481 ha vide528 LT, groot 9,5481 ha, volgens Kaart LG A7796/81 in die Diagram SG A7796/81 is hereby included in the area of jii-regsgebied van die Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling risdiction of the Transvaal Board for Development of Peri-van Buitestedelike Gebiede met ingang van die datum van Urban Areas with effect from the date of this proclama-hierdie proklamasie opgeneem word. tion.

Gegee ander my Hand te Pretoria, op hede die 5e dag Given under my Hand at Pretoria, this 5th day of Sep-van September, Eenduisend Negehonderd Vier-en-tagtig. tember, One thousand Nine hundred and Eighty-four.

W A CRUYWAGEN W A CRUYWAGENAdministrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal Administrator of the Province of Transvaal A

PB 3-2-3-111 -192 PB 3-2-3-111-192 II

No 136 (Administrateurs-), 1984•

No 136 (Administrator's), 1984



Kragtens die bevoegdheid aan my verleen by artikel Under the powers vested in me by section 14(2) of the14(2) van die Ordonnansie op die Transvaalse Raad vir die Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri-UrbanOntwikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede, 1943, prokla- Areas Ordinance, 1943, I do hereby proclaim that Portionmeer ek hierby dat Gedeelte 20 van die plaas Sandford 291 20 of the farm Sandford 291 KU in extent 12,0947 ha videKU, groot 12,0947 ha, volgens Kaart LG A4100/53 in die Diagram SG A4100/53 is hereby included in the area of ju-

regsgebied van die Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling risdiction of the Transvaal Board for Development of Peri -van Buitestedelike Gebiede met ingang van die datum van Urban Areas with effect from the date of this proclama-hierdie proklamasie opgeneem word. tion.

Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria, op hede die 29e dagGiven under my Hand at Pretoria, this 29th day of Au-

van Augustus, Eenduisend Negehonderd Vier-en-tagtig.gust, One thousand Nine hundred and Eighty-four.

W A CRUYWAGEN W A CRUYWAGEN IAdministrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal Administrator of the Province of Transvaal

PB 3-2-3- 111 -199 PB 3-2-3- 111 - 199

Page 9: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


No 137 (Administrateurs-), 1984 No 137 (Administrator's), 1984


Under the powers vested in me by section 4 of the LocalKragtens die bevoegdhede aan my verleen by artikel 4 Authorities Roads Ordinance, 1904, read with section 80van die "Local Authorities Roads Ordinance", 1904, ge- of the Republic of South Africa Constitution Act, 1961, Ilees met artikel 80 van die Grondwet van die Republiek do hereby proclaim the road as described in the Schedulevan Suid-Afrika, 1961, proklameer ek hierby die pad soos hereto as a public road under the jurisdiction of the Cityomskryf in die bygaande Bylae tot 'n publieke pad onderdie regsbevoegdheid van die Stadsraad van Johannesburg.

Council of Johannesburg.

Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria, op cede die 4e dog Given under my Hand at Pretoria, this 4th day of Sep-

van September, Eenduisend Negehonderd Vier-en-tagtig. [ember, One thousand Nine hundred and Eighty-four.•

W A CRUYWAGEN WA CRUYWAGENAdministratorof the Province of TransvaalAdministrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal

PPB 3-6-6-2-2-10 B 3-6-6 -2-2-10


SCHEDULE'n Pad oor — A Road over —

(1) die plaas Diepkloof 319 10. (groat 12,4741 ha) soos (1) the farm Diepkloof 319 IQ (in extent 12,4741 ha) as

•aangeduideur die letters AB CD EFG HJ KLMN OP indicated by the letters A BCD EFGHJ KLMN 0 PQQRSTUVWXYZA1 B1 C1D1 ElF101 H1.11 KlA RSTUVWXYZ Al B1 CI D1 El Fl G1 HI J1 K1 A on

op Kaart LG B49/73; Diagram SG B49/73;

(2) die plaas Vierfontein 321 IQ (groat 3,3681 ha) soos (2) the farm Vierfontein 321 IQ (in extent 3,3681 ha) asaangedui deur die letters S Ll Ml N1 01 PI 01 RI T S op indicated by the letters S LI Ml Ni 01 P1 Q1 RI T S onKaart LG B49/73; Diagram SG 849/73;

(3) die plaas Mooifontein 225 IQ (groot 1,2587 ha) soos (3) the farm Mooifontein 225 IQ (in extent 1,2587 ha) asaangedui deur die letters N1 Si T1 01 NI op Kaart LG indicated by the letters Ni SI TI 01 Ni on Diagram SGB49/73. B49/73.

No 138 (Administrateurs-), 1984 No 138 (Administrator's), 1984


Met ingang van 1 Oktober 1984 —With effect from 1 October 1984 —

(a) verklein ek hierby ingevolge artikel 14(3) van die Or-donnansie op die Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling (a) in terms of section 14(3) of the Transvaal Board forvan Buitestedelike Gebiede, 1943 (Ordonnansie 20 van the Development of Peri-Urban Areas Ordinance, 19431943), die regsgebied van die Transvaalse Raad vir die (Ordinance 20 of 1943), I hereby diminish the area of juris-

k Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede, deur die uit- diction of the Transvaal Board for the Development ofp sluiting uit daardie regsgebied van die gebied in die Bylae Peri-Urban Areas by the exclusing from that area of juris-

hierby omskryf; diction of the area defined in the Schedule hereto;

(b) verklaar ek hierby ingevolge artikel 9(1)(a) van die (b) in terms of section 9(1)(a) of the Local GovernmentOrdonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939 (Ordonnansie 17 Ordinance, 1939 (Ordinance 17 of 1939), I hereby declarevan 1939), die gebied in die Bylae hierby omskryf tot 'n the area defined in the Schedule hereto to be a municipa-munisipaliteit onder die regsbevoegdheid van 'n stadsraad; lity under the jurisdiction of a town council;

(c) stel ek hierby ingevolge artikel 9(1)(a) van die Or- (c) in terms of section 9(1)(a) of the Local Governmentdonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, 'n stadsraad in vir Ordinance, 1939, I hereby establish a town council for thedie munisipaliteit in paragraaf (b) beoog; municipality contemplated in paragraph (b);

(d) ken ek hierby ingevolge artikel 9(2) van die Ordon- (d) in terms of section 9(2) of the Local Government Or-nansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die naam Akasia aan dinance, 1939, I hereby assign the name Akasia to the mu-die munisipaliteit in paragraaf (b) beoog, toe; en nicipality contemplated in paragraph (b); and

(e) nomineer en benoem ek hierby ingevolge artikel (e) in terms of section 153(1)(a) of the Local Govern-153(1)(a) van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, ment Ordinance, 1939, I hereby nominate and appoint thedie volgende persone om 'n stadsraad vir die munisipaliteit following persons to form a town council for the municipa-in paragraaf (b) beoog, te vorm tot tyd en wyl die eerste lity contemplated in paragraph (b) pending the first elec-verkiesing van raadslede soos in artikel 32 van die Ordon- tion of councillors as contemplated in section 32 of the Mu-nansie op Munisipale Verkiesings, 1970 (Ordonnansie 16 nicipal Elections Ordinance, 1970 (Ordinance 16 of 1970):van 1970), beoog, plaasvind:

Mnr J 1 Breytenbach Mr J I Breytenbach

Mnr A B Haarhoff Mr A B Haarhoff

Mnr J D Kruger Mn J D Kruger

Mnr W Lindeboom Mr W Lindeboom

Page 10: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


Mar J van Schoor Mr J van Schoor4

Mnr F W R van der Tas Mr F W R van der Tas

Mnr P E Coetzee Mr P E Coetzee

Mnr. C F Ehlers en Mr C F Ehlers and .

Prof J G Koen. Prof J G Koen.

Gegee onder my Hand to Pretoria, op hede die dag vanSeptember, Eenduisend Negehonderd Vier-en-tagtig. Given under my Hand at Pretoria, on this day of Sep-

tember, One thousand Nine hundred and Eighty-four.

WA CRUYWAGENAdministrateur van die Provinsie Transiaal WA CRUYWAGEN

Administrator of the Province Transvaal

PB 3-2-2-90

BYLAEPB 3-2-2-90

Beginnende by die mees noordwestelike baken van dieSCHEDULEdorp Rosslyn Uitbreiding 1 (Algemene Plan A355/70);

daarvandaan algemeen ooswaarts en suidooswaarts metdie grense van die genoemde dorp sodat dit by hierdie ge- Beginning at the north-westernmost beacon of Rosslynbled ingesluit word tot by baken E op genoemde Alge- Extension 1 Township (General Plan A355/70); thence

4mene Plan; daarvandaan algemeen suidwaarts, ooswaarts generally eastwards and south-eastwards along the boun-

en suidwaarts met die grense van die volgende plase langs daries of the said township so as to include it into this areasodat hulle by hierdie gebied ingesluit word: Witfontein to Beacon E on the said General Plan; thence generally305 JR en Witfontein 301 JR tot by die suidoostelike baken southwards, eastwards and southwards along the bounda-

van Gedeelte 88 (Kaart A3786/44) van laasgenoemde ries of the following farms so as to include them into thisplaas; daarvandaan algemeen weswaarts en suidwaarts area; Witfontein 305 JR and Witfontein 301 JR to themet die grense van die volgende gedeeltes langs sodat south-eastern beacon of Portion 88 (Diagram A3786/44) ofhulle by hierdie gebied ingesluit word; die genoemde Ge- the last-named farm; thence generally westwards anddeelte 88 en Gedeelte 163 (Kaart A6264/75) albei van die southwards along the boundaries of the following portionsgenoemde pleas Witfontein 301 JR, tot by die suidooste- so as to include them into this area; the said Portion 88 andlike baken van laasgenoemde gedeelte, daarvandan wes- Portion 163 (Diagram A6264/75) both of the said farm Wit-

waarts met die suidelike grense van die volgende plase fontein 301 JR to the south-eastern beacon of the last-langs sodat hulle by hierdie gebied ingesluit word; die ge- named portion; thence westwards along the southernnoemde plaas Witfontein 301 JR, Beetgesberg 279 JR en boundary of the following farms so as to include them intoHartebeesthoek 303 JR tot by die suidoostelike baken van this area; the said farm Witfontein 301 JR, Beetgesberg 279die Restant van Gedeelte 115, groot 259,5108 ha. (Kaart JR and Hartebeesthoek 303 JR to the south-eastern bea-A2486/48); daarvandaan noordooswaarts met die oostelike con of the Remainder of Portion 115, in extent 259,5108 hagrens van genoemde Restant van Gedeelte 115 van die (Diagram A2486/48); thence north-eastwards along thepleas Hartebeesthoek 303 JR sodat dit uit hierdie gebied eastern boundary of the said Remainder of Portion 115 ofuitgesluit word tot by die suidwestelike baken van Ge- the farm Hartebeesthoek 303 JR so as to exclude it fromdeelte 61 (Kaart A3203/42); daarvandaan noordooswaarts this area to the south-western beacon of Portion 61 (Dia-met die westelike grense van die volgende gedeeltes van gram A3203/42); thence north-eastwards along the westerndie pleas Hartebeesthoek 303 JR langs sodat hulle by hier- boundaries of the following portions of the farmdie gebied ingesluit word; die genoemde Gedeelte 61, Hartebeesthoek 303 JR so as to include them into thisRestant van Gedeelte 73, groot 6,6864 ha. (Kaart area; the said Portion 61, Remainder of Portion 73 in ex-A3215/42), Gedeelte 131 (Kaart A6584/54), Gedeelte 147 tent 6,6864 ha (Diagram A3215/42), Portion 131 (Diagram(Kaart A6825/69), Restant van Gedeelte 26, groot 124,6571 A6584/54), Portion 147 (Diagram A6825/69), Remainder ofha. (Kaart A4592/26), Gedeelte 31 (Kaart A948/39) en Ge- Portion 26 in extent 124,6571 ha (Diagram A4592/26), Por-deelte 32 (Kaart A949/39) tot by die suidoostelike baken bon 31 (Diagram A948/39) and Portion 32 (Diagramvan die plaas Rosslyn 274 JR; daarvandaan noordwes- A949/39) to the south-eastern beacon of the farm Rosslynwaarts met die suidelike grense van die genoemde plaas 274 JR; thence north-westwards along the southern boun-Rosslyn 274 JR en Gedeelte 160 (Kaart A2707/78) van die dary of the said farm Rosslyn 274 JR and Portion 160 (Dia-

plaas Hartebeesthoek 303 JR sodat hulle by hierdie gebied gram A2707/78) of the farm Hartebeesthoek 303 JR so as toingesluit word; daarvandaan algemeen ooswaarts, noord- include them into this area; thence generally eastwards,waarts, ooswaarts en noordwaarts met die grense van die northwards, eastwards and northwards along the bounda-volgende gedeeltes van die plaas Klipfontein 268 JR tangs ries of the following portions of the farm Klipfontein 268sodat hulle uit hierdie gebied uitgesluit word; Gedeelte JR so as to exclude them from this area; Portion 147 (Dia-147 (Kaart A108/54), Gedeelte 146 (Kaart A107/54), Ge- gram A108/54), Portion 146 (Diagram A107/54), Portiondeelte 145 (Kaart A106/54), daarvandaan algemeen oos- 145 (Diagram A106/54), thence generally eastwards alongwaarts langs die noordelike grens van Gedeelte 141 van die the northern boundary of Portion 141 of the farm Klipfon-plaas Klipfontein 268 JR (Kaart A106/54) tot by die weste- tein 268 JR (Diagram A106/54) to the western beacon oflike baken van die dorp Rosslyn Uitbreiding 1, daarvan- Rosslyn Extension 1 Township, thence generally north-daan algemeen noordooswaarts langs die westelike grens eastwards along the western boundary of Rosslyn Exten-van die dorp Rosslyn Uitbreiding 1 tot by die suidelike sion 1 Township to the southern beacon of Portion 171 (abaken van Gedeelte 171 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte I) van portion of Portion 1) of the farm Klipfontein 268 JR,die plaas Klipfontein 268 JR, daarvandaan algemeen thence generally north-westwards, north-eastwards, east-

4noordweswaarts, noordooswaarts, ooswaarts en suidoos- wards and south-eastwards along the boundary of the saidwaarts langs die grense van vermelde Gedeelte 171 van die Portion 171 of the farm Klipfontein 268 JR to the north-plaas Klipfontein 268 JR tot by die mees noordwestelike westernmost beacon of Rosslyn Extension 1 Township, thebaken van die dorp Rosslyn Uitbreiding 1, die beginpunt. point of beginning.

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Administrateurskennisgewhigs Administrator's Notices

Administrateurskennisgewing 1656 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1656 19 September 1984


Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, • 1939, die Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the by-lawsverordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur hom ingevolge set forth hereinafter which have been approved by him inartikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is. terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance.


Die Rioleringsverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit Bel- The Drainage By-laws of the Belfast Municipality,fast, deur die Raad aangeneem by Administrateursken- adopted by the Council under Administrator's Notice 1580,nisgewing 1580 van 26 Oktober 1977, soos gewysig, word dated 26 October 1977, as amended, are hereby furtherhierby verder gewysig deur Deel II van die Tarief van amended by amending Part II of the Tariff of ChargesGelde onder die Bylae te wysig deur in item 5 die syfer under the Schedule by the substitution in item 5 for the fi-"RIO" deur die syfer "R30" te vervang. gure "R10" of the figure "1430".

PB 2-4-2-34-47 PB 2-4-2-34-47

Administrateurskennisgewing 1657 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1657 19 September 1984


Die Administrateur publiseer hiermee ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the by-lawsverordeninge hiema uiteengesit wat deur horn ingevolge set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him inartikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is. terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance.

Die Watervoorsieningsverordeninge van die Munisipali- The Water Supply By-laws of the Fochville Municipality,teit Fochville, deur die Raad aangeneem by Administra- adopted by the Council under Administrator's Notice 920,teurskennisgewing 920 van 20 Julie 1977, soos gewysig, dated 20 July 1977, as amended, are hereby furtherword hiermee verder gewysig deur item 2 van die Tarief amended by the substitution for item 2 of the Tariff ofvan Gelde onder Deel I van die Bylae deur die volgende te Charges under Part I of the Schedule of the following:vervang:

"2. Vorderings vir die lewering van Water, per maand: "2. Charges for the supply of water, per month:

(a) Woonhuispersele (a) Dwelling-house stands

(i) Minimum vordering, of water verbruik word aldan (i) Minimum charge, whether water is consumed or not:


nie: R4. R4.

(ii) Vir die eerste 40 k/ water of gedeelte daarvan ver- (ii) For the first 40 kl of water or part thereof consumed,bruik, per k/: 48c. per k/: 48c.

(iii) Vir elke daaropvolgende kl water meer as 40 Id ver- (iii) For each ensuing kl of water consumed more than 40bruik: Rl. Id per k/: Rl.

(b) Persele anders as woonhuispersele (b) Stands other than dwelling-house stands.

(i) Minimum vordering of water verbruik word aldan (i) Minimum charge whether water is consumed or not:nie: R4. 144.

(ii) Vir elke kl water of gedeelte daarvan verbruik: (ii) For each k/ of water or part thereof consumed: 48c.".48c.".

The provisions in this notice contained, shall be deemedDie bepalings in hierdie kennisgewing vervat, word geagto have come into operation on 1 April 1984.op 1 April 1984 in werking te getree het.

PB 2-4-2-104-57 PB 2-4-2-104-57

Administrateurskennisgewing 1658 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1658 19 September 1984


Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the by-laws

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verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur hom ingevolge set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him in4artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is. terms ofsection 99 of the said Ordinance.

Die Elektrisiteitsverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit The Electricity By- laws of the Heidelberg Municipality•

Heidelberg, deur die Raad aangeneem by Administra- adopted by the Council under Administrator's Notice 1572,teurskennisgewing 1572 van 13 September 1972, soos gewy- dated 13 September 1972, as amended, are hereby furthersig, word hierby verder gewysig deur in item 13 van Deel I amended by the substitution in item 13 of Part I of the Ta-van die Tarief van Gelde onder die Bylae die syfer "21 %" riff of Charges under the Schedule for the figure "21 %" ofdeur die syfer "27 %" te vervang. the figure "27 %".

Die bepaling in hierdie kennisgewing vervat word geag The provisions in this notice contained shall be deemedom op 28 Mei 1984 in werking te getree het. to have come into operation on 28 May 1984.

PB 2-4-2-36-15 PB 2-4-2-36-15

Administrateurskennisgewing 1659 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1659 19 September 1984


Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby in terms of section 101 of the101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the by- lawsverordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur hom ingevolge set forth hereinafter which have been approved by him in

4artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is. terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance.

Die Rioleringsverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit Hei- The Drainage By-laws of the Heidelberg Municipalitydelberg, deur die Raad aangeneem by Administra- adopted by the Council under Administrator's Notice 198.teurskennisgewing 198 van 20 Februarie 1980, soos gewy- dated 20 February 1980, as amended. are hereby furthersig, word hierby verder gewysig deur in item 1(2) van Deel amended by the substitution in item 1(2) of Part ill of theIII van die Tarief van Gelde onder Aanhangsel VI die syfer Tariff of Charges under Appendix VI for the figure "R78""R78" deur die syfer "R102" te vervang. of the figure "R102".

PB 2-4-2-34-15 PB 2-4-2-34-15

Administrateurskennisgewing 1660 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1660 19 September 1984



Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the by-lawsverordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur hom ingevolge set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him inartikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is. terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance.

Die Tarief vir Sanitere- en Vullisverwyderingsdienste The Tariff for Sanitary and Refuse Removal Services ofvan die Munisipaliteit Klerksdorp, afgekondig by Admini- the Klerksdorp Municipality, published under Administra-strateurskennisgewing 356 van 9 Mei 1956, soos gewysig, tor's Notice 356, dated 9 May 1956, as amended, are here-word hierby verder soos volg gewysig: by further amended as follows:

1. Deur item 1 te wysig deur —1. By amending item 1 —

(a) in subitem (1) die syfers "R13,64" en "R9,50", onder- (a) by the substitution in subitem (1) for the figuresskeidelik deur die syfers "R16,37" en "RI1,40" te vervang; "R13,64" and "R9,50" of the figures "R16,37" and

(b) in subitem (2) die syfers "R2,85" en "R1,41", onder- "R11,40", respectively;

skeidelik deur die syfers "R3,42" en "R1,69" te vervang; (b) by the substitution in subitem (2) for the figures"R2,85" and "R1,41" of the figures "R3,42" and "R1,69",(c) in subitem (3) die syfers "R6,73" en "R4,60", onder- re tively;

skeidelik deur die syfers "R8,08" en "R5,52" te vervang;en (c) by the substitution in subitem (3) for the figures

"R6,73" and "R4,60" of the figures "R8,08" and "R5,52"(d) in subitem (4) die syfers "R18,40" en "R13,80", on- respectively; and

derskeidelik deur die syfers "R22,08" en "R16,56" te ver-vang. (d) by the substitution in subitem (4) for the figures

"R18,40" and "R13,80" of the figures "R22,08" and2. Deur item 2 te wysig deur— "R16,56", respectively.

2. By amending item 2 —(a) in subitem (1) die syfer "R4,60" deur die syfer 4

"R5,52" te vervang; (a) by the substitution in subitem (1) for the figure"R4,60" of the figure "R5,52".

(b) deur in subitem 2— (b) in subitem 2

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(i) in subparagrawe (i), (ii), (iii) en (iv) van paragraaf (i) by the substitution in subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii) and(a) die syfers "R5,36", "R18,76", "1432,15" en "R58,95" (iv) of paragraph (a) for the figures "R5,36", "R18,76",onderskeidelik deur die volgende te vervang: "R6,43", "R32,15" and "12.58,95" of the following respectively:"R22,51", "R38,58" en "R70,74"; "R6,43", "R22,51", "1438,58" and "R70,74";

(ii) in subparagrawe (i), (ii), (iii) en (iv)_ van paragraaf (ii) by the substitution in subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii) and(b) die syfers "R6,39", "R22,38", "R38,36" en "R70,33" (iv) of paragraph (b) for the figures "R6,39", "R22,38",onderskeidelik deur die volgende te vervang: "R7,67", "1438,36" and "R70,33" of the following respectively:"R26,86", "R46,03" en "R84,40"; "R7,67", "R26,86", "1446,03" and "1484,40";

(iii) in subparagrawe (i), (ii), (iii) en (iv) van paragraaf (iii) by the substitution in subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii)(c) die syfers "R7,97" "R27,90", "R47,82" en "R87,66" and (iv) of paragraph (c) for the figures "R7,97",onderskeidelik deur die volgende te vervang: "R9,56", "R27,90", "R47,82" and "R87,66" of the following respec-"R33,48", "1457,38" en "R105,/9"; tively: "R9,56", "R33,48", "R57,38" and "R105,19";

(iv) in subpaiagrawe (i), (ii), (iii) en (iv) van paragraaf (iv) by the substitution in subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii)(d) die syfers "R8,95", "R31,31", "R53,68" en "R98,42" and (iv) of paragraph (d) for the figures "R8,95",onderskeidelik deur die volgende te vervang: "R10,47", "R31,31", "R53,68" and "R98,42" of the following respec-"R37,57", "R64,42" en "R118,10"; tively: "R10,47", "R37,57", "R64,42" and "R118,10";

(v) in subparagrawe (i), (ii), (iii) en (iv) van paragraaf (v) by the substitution in subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii) and' (e) die syfers "R9,67" "R34,18", "R58,58" en "R107,40" (iv) of paragraph (e) for the figures "R9,67", "R34,18",

onderskeidelik deur die volgende te vervang: "R11,71", "R58,58" and 14107,40" of the following respectively:"R41,02", "1470,30" en "R128,88"; "1411,71", "R41,02", "1470,30" and "R128,88";


(vi) in subparagrawe (i), (ii), (iii) en (iv) van paragraaf (vi) by the substitution in subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii)(f) die syfers 11411,36", "R39,77", "1468,17" en "R124,98" and (iv) of paragraph (f) for the figures "R11,36",onderskeidelik deur die volgende te vervang: "R13,63", "R39,77", "R68,17" and "R124,98" of the following re-"R47,72", "R81,80" en "R149,98". spectively: "R13,63", "1447,72", "R81,80" and "R149,98".

3. Deur in item 3 die syfer "R4,60" deur die syfer 3. By the substitution in item 3 for the figure "R4,60" of"R9,50" te vervang. the figure "R9,50".

PB 2-4-2-81-17 PB 2-4-2-81-17

Administrateurskennisgewing 1661 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1661 19 September 1984



The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of theDie Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the by-laws

101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939. die set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him inverordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur horn ingevolge terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance.

0artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is.

The Sewerage Systems and Vacuum Tank Removals By-Die Verordeninge op Rioleringstclsels en Vakuumtenk- laws of the Klerksdorp Municipality, published under Ad-

verwyderings van die Munisipaliteit Klerksdorp. afgekon- ministrator's Notice 479, dated 19 August 1936, asdig by Administrateurskennisgewing 479 van 19 Augustus amended, are hereby further amended by amending the1936, soos gewysig, word hierby verder gewysig deur die Tariff of Charges for Removals as follows:Tarief van Gelde vir Verwyderings soos volg te wysig:

1. By the substitution in item 1 for the figure "R1,04" of1. Deur in item 1 die syfer "R1.04" deur die syfer the figure "R1,25".

"14I,25" te vervang.

2. By the substitution in item 2 for the figure "46c" of the2. Deur in item 2 die syfer "46c" deur die syfer "55c" te figure "55c".


3. By the substitution in item 3 for the figure "41c" of the3. Deur in item 3 die syfer "41c" deur die syfer' 49c" te figure "49c".


4. By the substitution in item 4 for the figure "37c-

of the4. Deur in item 4 die syfer "37c" deur die syfer "44c" te

figure „44c...vervang.

5. By the substitution in item 5 for the figure -32c" of the5. Deur in item 5 die syfer "32c" deur die syfer -38c" te figure "38c".


6. By the substitution in item 6 for the figure "R10.35" of6. Deur in item 6 die syfer "R10,35" deur die syfer the figure "R12.42".

"R12,42" te vervang.

PB 2-4-2- 153-17 PB 2-4-2-153- 17

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Administrateurskennisgewing 1662 19September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1662 19 September 1984



Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby in terms of section 101 of the101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, dat Local Government Ordinance. 1939, publishes that thedie Dorpsraad van Leeuwdoornsstad die Standaard Riole- Leeuwdoornsstad Village Council has in terms of sectionringsverordeninge soos gewysig, afgekondig by Admini- 96bis(2) of the said Ordinance. adopted without amend-strateurskennisgewing 665 van 8 Junk 1977. ingevolge arti- ments the Standard Drainage By- laws. published underkel 96bis(2) van genoemde Ordonnansie sonder wysiging Administrator's Notice 665. dated 8 June 1977. as by-lawsaangeneem het as verordeninge wat deur genoemde Raad made by the said Council.opgestel is.

PB 2-4-2-34-91 PB 2-4-2-34-91

Administrateurskennisgewing 1663 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1663 19 September 1984


Die Acimintbtrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikelThe101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die Administrator hereby in terms of section 101 of the

Local Government Ordinance, 1939. publishes the by-lawsverordeninge hiema uiteengesit, wat deur horn ingevolgeartikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is. set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him in

terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance.Die Riolerings- en Loodgieteryverordeninge van die

Munisipaliteit Orkney, afgekondig by Administra- The Drainage and Plumbing By-laws of the Orkney Mu-

teurskennisgewing 843 van 10 Augustus 1970, soos gewysig, nicipality, published under Administrator's Notice 843,word hierby verder gewysig deur Aanhangsel VI soos volg dated 10 August 1970, as amended, are hereby furtherte wysig: amended by amending Annexure VI as follows:

1. Deur Bylae B te wysig 1. By amending Schedule B by

(1) in Deel II — (1) the substitution in Part n —

(a) in item 2(1)(a), (b) en (4)(a) die syfer "22,68" deur (a) in item 2(1)(a), (b) and (4)(a) for the figure "22,68"die syfer "24,94" te vervang; of the figure "24,94";

(b) in item 2(2)(a) en (b) die syfer "42,48" deur die syfer (b) in item 2(2)(a) and (b) for the figure "42,48" of the fi-"46,72" te vervang; en gure "46,72"; and

(c) in item 2(4)(b) die syfer "115,20" deur die syfer (e) in item 2(4)(b) for the figure "115,20" of the figure"126,72" te vervang; en "126,72"; and

(2) in Deel III — (2) the substitution in Part III —

(a) in item 1 die syfer "10,30" deur die syfer "11,33" te (a) in item 1 for the figure "10,30" of the figure "11,33";4vervang; en and

(b) in item 2(1), (2) en (3) die syfers "16,49", "20,62" en (b) in item 2(1), (2) and (3) for the figures "16,49"24,77" onderskeidelik deur die syfers "18,13", "22,68" en "20,62" and "24,77" of the figures "18,13", "22,68" and"27,24" te vervang. "27,24" respectively.

2. Deur Bylae C te wysig deur item 2(2) deur die vol- 2. By amending Schedule C by the substitution for itemgende te vervang: 2(2) of the following:

"2. Removing blockages in drains (section 17(5)), per"2. Oopmaak van verstopte perseelriole (artikel 17(5)),per our of gedeelte daarvan: R15.". hour or part thereof: R15.".

Die bepalings in hierdie kennisgewing vervat tree in The provisions in this notice contained shall come intooperation on the first day of the month following the datewerking op die eerste dag van die maand wat volg op die

datum van publikasie hiervan. ofpublication hereof.

PB 24-2-34-99 PB 2-4-2-34-99

Administrateurskennisgewing 1664 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1664 19 September 1984



Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby. in terms of section 101 of the 4101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur. 1939. die Local Government Ordinance. 1939, publishes the by-lawsverordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn ingevolge set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him inartikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is. terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance.

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0Die Verordeninge Betreffende Vaste Afval en Saniteit The Refuse (Solid Wastes) and Sanitary By-laws of the

van die Munisipaliteit Orkney. afgekondig by Administra- Orkney Municipality, published under Administrator's No-teurskennisgewing 1407 van 20 September 1978, soos gewy- tice 1407, dated 20 September 1978. as amended, are here-

sig, word hierby verder gewysig deur die Tarief van Gelde by further amended by amending the Tariff of Chargesonder die Bylae te wysig deur in item 1(11) die syfer "4.00" under the Schedule by the substitution in item 1(11) for thedeur die syfer "4,50" te vervang. figure "4,00" of the figure "4,50".

Die bepalings in hierdie kennisgewing vervat. tree in The provisions in this notice contained shall come intowerking op die eerste dag van die maand wat volg op die operation on the first day of the month following the datedatum van publikasie hiervan. of publication hereof.

PB 2-4-2-81 -99 PB 2-4-2 -81 -99

Administrateurskennisgewing 1665 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1665 19 September 1984



The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of theDie Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel Local Government Ordinance, 1939, read with section

1101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939. ge- 16(3) of the Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri-lees met artikel 16(3) van die Ordonnansie op die Trans-

Urban Areas Ordinance, 1943, and Proclamation 6 (Admi-vaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Ge- nistrator's) of 1945, publishes the by-laws set forth here-biede, 1943, en Proklamasie 6 (Administrateurs-) van 1945, inafter, which have been approved by him in terms of sec-die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn Inge- tion 99 of the first-mentioned Ordinance.volge artikel 99 van eersgenoemde Ordonnansie goedge-keur is. The Drainage By-laws of the Transvaal Board for the

Development of Pen-Urban Areas, adopted by the BoardDie Rioleringsverordeninge van die Transvaalse Raad under Administrator's Notice 1443, dated 27 Septembervir die Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede, deur die 1978, as amended, are hereby further amended by amend-

Raad aangeneem by Administrateurskennisgewing 1443 ing Part II of the Schedule as follows:van 27 September 1978, soos gewysig. word hierby verdergewysig deur Deel 11 van die Bylae soos volg te wysig: I. By the substitution in item 3 for the expression "Per

1. Deur in item 3 die uitdrukking "Per erf, per jaar:erf, per year: R54." of the following:

R54." deur die volgende te vervang: "(I) Availability charge, per erf, per year: R98.

"(1) Beskikbaarheidsgelde, per erf, per jaar: R98. (2) Additional charge, per erf, per year: R54.".

(2) Bykomende heffing, per erf, per jaar: R54.". 2. By the substitution in item 4 —

2. Deur in item 4 — (a) in subitem (1)(a), (b), (c) and (d) for the figures, "88.00", "97,00" and "106,00" of thefigures"

(a) in subitem (1)(a), (b). (c) en (d) die syfers "77,00", "77 00"R125", "R1.45", "R160" and "R175" respectively; and"88,00", "97,00"en "106,00"onderskeidelik deur die

1syfers "R125", "R145", "R160" en "R175" te vervang; en (b) in subitem (2)(a)(i), (ii) and (iii) for the figures

(b) in subitem (2)(a)(i), "R90", "R85" and "R85"of the figures"R105", "R.100" (ii)en (iii) die syfers "R90", and "R100" respectively."R85" en "R85" onderskeidelik deur die syfers "R105","R.100" en "R100" te vervang. 3. By the deletion of item 5.

3. Deur item 5 te skrap. 4. By the substitution in item 8(2) for the figure "R30" of

4. Deur in item 8(2) die syfer "R30" deur die syfer "R33"the figure "R33".

te vervang. 5. By the substitution for item 9 of the following:

5. Deur item 9 deur die volgende te vervang: "9. Charges Payable for the Use of Drains, Sewers or Se-

"9. Gelde Betaalbaar vir die Gebruik van Riole, werage Works within the Area of jurisdiction of the Hec-

Vuilriole of Rioleringswerke binne die Regsgebied van die torspruit Local Area Committee.

Hectorspruit Plaaslike Gebiedskomitee. (I) Availability charge, per erf, per year: R60.

(1) Beskikbaarheidsgelde, per erf, per jaar: R60. (2) Additional charges.

(a) Vir die eerste en tweede toilet- of urinaalaanslui- (a) For the first and second toilet or urinal connection,ting, elk, per jaar: R48. each, per year: R48.

(b) Daarna, vir elke bykomende aansluiting: R40.". (b) Thereafter, for each additional connection: R40.".

6. Deur in item 10 die syfer "R5" deur die syfer "R7,50" 6. By the substitution in item 10 for the figure "R5" ofte vervang. the figure "R7,50".

7. Deur subitems (1) en (2) van item 11 deur die vol- 7. By the substitution for subitems (1) and (2) of item 11

gende te vervang: of the following:

"(1) Mid-Ennerdale Dorp: Beskikbaarheidsgelde. "(I) Mid-Ennerdale Township: Availability charge.

Vir elke 5d0 m2 van perseel of gedeelte daarvan: R55. For each 500 m2 of premises or part thereof: R55.

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3104 PROVINS1ALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984. . _ . .

(2) Regsgebied van die Bestuurskomitee: (2) Area of Jurisdiction of the Management Committee:4

Gebruiksheffing. Charge for use.

Per perseel of woonstel of wooneenheid by saamge- Per premises or flat or dwelling-unit of group housing orstelde behuising of per besigheidsondememing in 'n besig- per business undertaking in a business complex where suchheidskompleks waar so 'n besigheid oor aparte toiletge- business has separate toilet amenities at its disposal:riewe beskik: R76.". R76.".

8. Deur item 12 deur die volgende te vervang: 8. By the substitution for item 12 of the following:

"12. Gelde Betaalbaar vir die Gebruik van Riole, Vuil- "12. Charges Payable for the Use of Drains, Sewers andriole en Rioleringswerke binne die Regsgebied van die Sewerage Works within the Area of Jurisdiction of thePlaaslike Gebiedskomitee van Schoemansville. Schoemansville Local Area Committee.

(1) Residensieel, per wooneenheid, per jaar: R84. (1) Residential, per dwelling-unit, per year: R84.

(2) Alle ander aansluitings. (2) All other connections.

(a) Vir die eerste en tweede toilet- of urinaalaanslui- (a) For the first and second toilet or urinal connection,ting, per jaar: R48. per year: R48.

(b) Vir elke daaropvolgende toilet-. of urinaalaanslui- (b) For each additional toilet or urinal connection, perting, per jaar: 1430.". I year: R30.".

9. Deur in item 13(1) en (2) die syfers 'R127" en "R30" 9. By the substitution in item 13(1) and (2) for the figuresonderskeidelik deur die syfers "R170" en "R40" te ver- "R127" and "R30" of the figures "R170" and "R40" re-yang. spectively. 4

10. Deur paragraaf (c) van item 14(3) dent die volgende 10. By the substitution for paragraph (c) of item 14(3) ofte vervang: the following:

"(c) Minimum maandelikse heffing, per aansluiting: "(c) Minimum monthly charge, per connection:R12,50.". R12,50.".

PB 2-4-2-34-111 • P/3 2-4-2-34-111

Administrateurskennisgewing 1666 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1666 19 September 1984




Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, ge- The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of thelees met artikel 16(3) van die Ordonnansie op die Trans- Local Government Ordinance, 1939, read with sectionvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Ge- 16(3) of the Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri-biede, 1943, en Proklamasie 6 (Administrateurs-) van 1945, Urban Areas Ordinance, 1943, and Proclamation 6

4die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur hom Inge- (Administrator's) of 1945, publishes the by-laws set forthvolge artikel 99 van eersgenoemde Ordonnansie goedge- hereinafter, which have been approved by him in terms ofkeur is. section 99 of the first-mentioned Ordinance.

Die Elektrisiteitsverordeninge van die Transvaalse The Electricity By-laws of the Transvaal Board for theRaad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede,Development of Peri-Urban Areas, adopted by the Boardaangeneem deur die Raad by Administrateursken -under Administrator's Notice 2158, dated 6 December

nisgewing 2158 van 6 December 1972, soos gewysig, word1972, as amended, are hereby further amended by amend-

hierby verder gewysig deur Deel II van die Bylae soos volg ing Part II of the Schedule as follows:te wysig:

I. Deur item 2 te wysig deur —1. By amending item 2 by —

(a) in subitem (1) na die syfer "R72" die uitdrukking (a) the insertion in subitem (1) after the figure "R72" of

"(Rayton Dow)" in te voeg;the expression "(Rayton Township)",


in subitem (2)(a) die syfer "6,1c" deur die syfer "7c"(b) the substitution in subitem (2)(a) for the figure

te"6,1c" of the figure "7c";

(c) paragraaf (b) van subitem (2) deur die volgende te(c) the substitution for paragraph (b) of subitem (2) of

vervang:the following:

"(b) Handels- , nywerheids- en algemene verbruikers: "(b) Business, industrial and general consumers:

(i) Consumption charge, per kW.h: Sc.(i) Verbruiksheffing, per kW.h: Sc.

(ii) Service charge: R10.";41(ii) Diensheffing: R10.";

(d) deur paragraaf (c) van subitem (2) deur die volgende (d) the substitution for paragraph (c) of subitem (2) ofte vervang: the following:

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"(c) Grootmaatverbruikers: (c) Bulk consumers:

(i) Verbruiksheffing, per KW.h: 4c. (i) Consumption charge, per kW.h: 4c.

(ii) Diensheffing, per maand: RIO.


(ii) Service charge, per month: RIO.

(iii) Aanvraagheffing: R9 onderworpe aan 'n minimum (iii) Demand charge: R9 subject to a minimum charge ofheffing van R360."; en R360.- ; and

(e) in subitem (2)(d) die syfer "7c" deur die syfer "15c" (e) the substitution in subitem (2)(d) for the figure "7c"te vervang. of the figure "15c".

2. Deur subitem (1) van item 3 deur die volgende te ver-vang: 2. By the substitution for subitem (1) of item 3 of the fol -

"(1) Lenasia Uitbreidings 8, 9, 10, en 11. lowing:

(a) Verbruiksheffing, per kW.h: 4,8c. "(1) Lenasia Extension 8, 9, 10 en 11.

(b) Diensheffing, per maand: 117. (a) Comsumption charge, per kW.h: 4,Sc.

(c) Grootmaatverbruikers: (b) Service charge, per month: R7.

(i) Verbruiksheffing, per kW.h: 3,5c. (c) Bulk consumers:

(ii) Aanvraagheffing: R8,50 onderworpe aan 'n mini- (i) Consumption charge, per kW.h: 3,5c.

mum heffing van R340 per maand. (ii) Demand charge: R8,50 subject to a minimum charge(2) Lenasia-Suid. of R340 per month.

F (a) Basiese heffing, per maand: R6,50. (2) Lenasia South.

(b) Verbruiksheffing, per kW.h: 5,2c. (a) Basic charge, per month: R6,50.

(c) Diensheffing, per maand: R7. (b) Consumption charge. per kW.h: 5.2c.

(d) Grootmaatverbruikers: (c) Service charge, per month: R7.

(i) Verbruiksheffing, per kW.h: 3,5c. (d) Bulk consumers:

(ii) Aanvraagheffing: R8,50 onderworpe aan 'n mini- (i) Consumption charge, per kW.h: 3,5c.mumheffing van R340 per maand.". (ii) Demand charge: R8.50 subject to a minimum charge3. Deur in item 6 — of R340 per month.".

(a) in subitem (2)(a)(i) die syfer "3,98c" deur die syfer 3. By the substitution in item 6 —"4,15c" te vervang;

(a)(b) in subitem (2)(b)(i) die syfer "5,21c" deur die syfer gore

in subitem (2)(a)(i) for the figure "3,98c" of the fi -""

"5,36c" te vervang: en4,15c ;

(c) in subitem (2)(c)(i) en (iii) die syfers "3,44c",(b) in subitem (2)(b)(i) for the figure "5,21c" of the f -

"R8,64" en "R345,60" onderskeidelik deur die syfersgure "5,36c"; and

"3,56c", "R9,50" en "R380" te vervang. (c) in subitem (2)(c)(i) and (iii) for the figures "3,44c","R8.64" and "R345,60" of the figures "3,56c", "R9,50" and

4. Deur in item 7 —"R380" respectively.

Ir (a) in subitem (2)(a)(i) en (ii) die syfers "3,86c" en"R14,43" onderskeidelik deur die syfers "5c" en "R16" te 4. By the substitution in item 7 —vervang; (a) in subitem (2)(a)(i) and (ii) for the figures "3,86c"

(b) in subitem (2)(b)(i) en (ii) die syfers "3,86c" en and "R14,43" of the figures "5c" and "R16" respectively;"R21,65" onderskeidelik deur die syfers "5c" en "R23" te (b) in subitem (2)(b)(i) and (ii) for the figures "3,86c"vervang; and "R21,65" of the figures "5c" and "R23".

(c) in subitem (2)(c)(i) en (ii) die syfers "2,27c" en (c) in subitem (2)(c)(i) and (ii) for the figures "2,27c"R21,65" onderskeidelik deur die syfers "3c" en "1123" te and "R21,65" of the figures "3c" and "R23" respectively;vervang; en and

(d) subparagraaf (iii) van subitem (2)(c) deur die vol- (d) for subparagraph (iii) of subitem (2)(c) of the follow-gende te vervang: ing:

"(iii) Aanvraagheffing, per kV.A: R8,50, onderworpeaan 'n minimum heffing van 11.340 per maand.". "(iii) Demand charge, per kV.A: R8,50 subject to a mi-

nimum charge of R340 per month.".5. Deur in item 8 —

5. By the substitution in item 8 —(a) in subitem (2)(a)(i) en (ii) die syfers "5c" en "R15"

onderskeidelik deur die syfers "6,5c" en "R18" te vervang; (a) in subitem (2)(a)(i) and (ii) for the figures "5c" and"R15" of the figures "6,5c" and "R18" respectively;

(b) in subitem (2)(b)(i) en (ii) die syfers "5c" en "1115"onderskeidelik deur die syfers "7c" en "1121" te vervang; (b) in subitem (2)(b)(i) and (ii) for the figures "5c" anden "R15" of the figures "7c" and "R21" respectively; and

r(c) in subitem (2)(c)(i), (ii) en (iii) die syfers "3c", (c) in subitem (2)(c)(i), (ii) and (iii) for the figures "3c",

"R12", "R7,50" en `12300" onderskeidelik deur die syfers "R12", "R7,50" and "R300" of the figures "4c", "R21","4c", "1121", "119" en "R360" te vervang. "R9" and "R360" respectively.

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6. Deur in item 10 - 6. By the substitution in item 10 -

(a) in subitem (1)(a) die syfer "2,4c" deur die syfer (a) in subitem (1)(a) for the figure "2,4c" of the figure"3,5c" te vervang; "3,5c";

(b) in subitem (2)(a) die syfer "2,4c" deur die syfer "4c" (b) in subitem (2)(a) for the figure "2,4c" of the figurete vervang;

(c) in subitem (3)(a) en (c) die syfers "2c", "R7" en (c) in subitem (3)(a) and (c) for the figures "2c", "R7""R280" onderskeidelik deur die syfers "2,4c", "R8,50" en and "R280" of the figures "2,4c", "R8,50" and "1040" res-"R340" te vervang; en pectively; and

(d) in subitem (4) die syfer "2,4c" deur die syfer "3,2c" (d) in subitem (4) for the figure "2,4c" of the figurete vervang. "3,2c".

7. Deur in item 11 - 7. By the substitution in item 11 -

(a) in subitem (1) die syfer "R19,80" deur die syfer (a) in subitem (1) for the figure "R19,80" of the figure"R36" te vervang; "1136";

. (b) in subitem (2)(a)(i) die syfer "6,2c" deur die syfer (b) in subitem (2)(a)(i) for the figure "6,2c" of the figure"7c" te vervang; "7c";(c) in subitem (2)(b)(i) die syfer "7c" deur die syfer "8c" (c) in subitem (2)(b)(i) for the figure "7c" of the figure

te vervang;

(d) in subitem (2)(c)(i) en (iii) die syfers "4,2c", "RIO" (d) in subitem (2)(c)(i) and (iii) for the figures "4,2c",en "R400" onderskeidelik deur die syfers "Sc", "R9" en 9110" and "R400" of the figures "Sc", "R9" and

"R360" 4"R360" te vervang; en respectively; and

(e) in subitem (2)(d) die syfer "8.5c" deur die syfer (e) in subitem (2)(d) for the figure "8,5c" of the figure"9,5c" te vervang. "9,5c".8. Deur item 12 te wysig deur -

8. By amending item 12 by -(a) in subitem (2)(a)(i) die syfer "4,7c" deur die syfer

(a) the substitution in subitem (2)(a)(i) for the figure"4,5c" te vervang;"4,7c" of the figure "4,5c";

(b) in subitem (2)(b)(i) die syfer "4,7c" deur die syfer"5,2c" te vervang; (b) the substitution in subitem (2)(b)(i) for the figure

"4,7c" of the figure "5,2c";(c) in subitem (2)(c)(i), (ii) en (iii) die syfers "3,1c",

"R25", "1110" en "R400" onderskeidelik deur die syfers (c) the substitution in subitem (2)(c)(i), (ii) and (iii) for"3,5c", "118", "119", en "R360" te vervang; the figures "3,1c", "1125", "R10" and "11400" of the figures

"3,5c", "R8", "R9" and "R360" respectively;(d) in subitem (2)(d) die syfer "10c" deur die syfer "15c"

(d) the substitution in subitem (2)(d) for the figure "10c"te vervang; enof the figure "15c"; and

(e) paragraaf (e) van subitem (2) te skrap.(e) the deletion of paragraph (e) of subitem (2).

9. Deur in item 13 -

(a) in subitem (2)(a)(ii) die syfer "R18" deur die syfer9. By the substitution in item 13 -

"RIO" te vervang; (a) in subitem (2)(a)(ii) for the figure "1118" of the fi-4gure "R10";

(b) in subitem (2)(b)(ii) die syfer "R30" deur die syfer"1120" te vervang; (b) in subitem (2)(b)(ii) for the figure "R30" of the fi-

gure "R20";(c) in subitem (2)(c)(iii) die syfers "R3,60" en "R146"

onderskeidelik deur die syfers "R9" en "11360" te vervang; (c) in subitem (2)(c)(iii) for the figures "R3,60" anden "12146" of the figures "R9" and "11360" respectively; and

(d) in subitem (2)(d) die syfer "5c" deur die syfer "8c" te (d) in subitem (2)(d) for the figure "5c" of the figurevervang.

10. Deur in item 15 - 10. By the substitution in item 15 -

(a) paragrawe (a) en (b) van subitem (1) deur die vol- (a) for paragraphs (a) and (b) of subitem (1) of the fol-gende te vervang: lowing:

"(a) Schoemansville en Meerhof: R90. "(a) Schoemansville and Meerhof; R90.(b) Ifafi Dorp en Melodie Dorp: 1190."; (b) Ifafi Township and Melodie Township: R90.";(b) in subitem (2)(a)(i) die syfer "3,98c" deur die syfer (b) in subitem (2)(a)(i) for the figure "3,98c" of the fi-"4,15c" te vervang; gure "4,15c";(c) in subitem (2)(b)(i) die syfer "5,21c" deur die syfer (c) in subitem (2)(b)(i) for the figure "5,21c" of the fi-"5,36c" te vervang: en gure "5,36c"; and

(d) in subitem (2)(c)(i) en (iii) die syfers "3,44c" "R8,64" (d) in subitem (2)(c)(i) and (Hi) for the figures"3,44c",4en "R345,60" onderskeidelik deur die syfers "3,56c", "118,64" and "R345,60" of the figures "3,56c", "R9,50" and

"R9,50" en "R380" te vervang. "11380" respectively.

11. Deur in item 16 - 11. By the substitution in item 16 -

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(a) in subitem (2)(a)(i) die syfer "5,05c" deur die syferi "5,15c" te vervang; gu (a)in subitem (2)(a)(i) for the figure "5,05c" of the fi-

re "5,15c";

(b) in subitem (2)(b)(i) die syfer "5,6c" deur die syfer (b) in subitem (2)(b)(i) for the figure "5,6c" of the figure"5,70c" te vervang; "5,70c";

(c) in subitem (2)(c)(i) en (iii) die syfers "3,44c", (c) in subitem (2)(c)(i) and (iii) for the figures "3,44c","R8,64" en "R345,60" onderskeidelik deur die syfers "R8,64" and "R345,60" of the figures "3,56c", "R9,50" and"3,56c", "R9,50" en "R380" te vervang; en "R380" respectively; and

(d) in subitem (2)(e)(i) en (iii) die syfers "2,85c", (d) in subitem (2)(e)(i) and (iii) for the figures "2,85c","R8,64" en "R2 592" onderskeidelik deur die syfers "R8,64" and "R2 592" of the figures "2,99c", "R9,50" and"2,99c", "R9,50" en "R2 850" te vervang. "R2 850" respectively.

12. Deur in item 17 — 12. By the substitution in item 17 —

(a) in subitem (2)(a)(i) die syfer "3,6c" deur die syfer (a) in subitem (2)(a)(i) for the figure "3,6c" of the figure"4,6c" te vervang; "4,6c";

(b) in subitem (2)(b)(i) die syfer "4c" deur die syfer "5c" (b) in subitem (2)(b)(i) for the figure "4c" of the figurete vervang; en "Sc"; and

(c) in subitem (2)(c)(i) en (iii) die syfers "1,6c", "R3,85" (c) in subitem (2)(c)(i) and (iii) for the figures "1,6c",en "R150" onderskeidelik deur die syfers "2,6c", "R10" en "R3,85" and "R150" of the figures "2,6c", "RIO" and"R400" te vervang. "8400" respectively.

013. Deur in item 20 — 13. By the substitution in item 20 —

(a) in subitem (1) die syfer "R124" deur die volgende te (a) in subitem (1) for the figure "R124" of the following:vervang: "Vir elke 500 me van 'n perseel of gedeelte daar- "For each 500 m2 of the premises or part thereof: R58.";van: R58.";

(b) in subitem (2)(a) die syfer "5,2c" deur die syfer(b) in subitem (2)(a) for the figure "5,2c" of the figure

"5,5c" te vervang; „"c„;

5c(c) in subitem (3)(a) die syfer "5,2c" deur die syfer "

(c) in subitem (3)(a) for the figure "5,2e" of the figure". and"5,5c" te vervang; en S, Sc'"'

(d) in subitem (4)(a) en (c) die syfers "2,43c", "R7" en (d) in subitem (4)(a) and (c) for the figures "2,43c",„-- „K/ and "R240" of the figures "2,57c", "R9" and "R360""R240" onderskeidelik deur die syfers "2,57c", "R9" en

"R360" te vervang. respectively.

14. Deur in item 21 — 14. By the substitution in item 21 —

(a) in subitem (1)(a)(i) die syfer "4,5c" deur die syfer (a) in subitem (1)(a)(i) for the figure "4,5c" of the figure„„;"4,80c" te vervang; 4,80c

(b) in subitem (1)(b)(i) for the figure "5,1c" of the figure(b) in subitem (1)(b)(i) die syfer "5,1c" deur die syfer "5,40c";"5,40c" te vervang;,(c) in subitem (1)(c)(i) en (iii) die syfers "4,5c", "R8" en (c) in subitem (1)(c)(i) and (iii) for the figures"4,5c"is.“pm. and "R320" of the figures "4,80c", "RIO" and"R320" onderskeidelik deur die syfers "4,80c", "R10" en „:.1 ,, -

rt4-00 respectively; and

0 "R400" te vervang; en

(d) in subitem (1)(d) die syfer "5,1c" deur die syfer (d) in subitem (1)(d) for the figure "5,1e" of the figure,,40c„.

"5,40c" te vervang. 5,

PPB 2-4-2-36-111 B 2-4-2-36-111

Administrateurskennisgewing 1667 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1667 19 September 1984



Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, ge- Local Government Ordinance, 1939, read with sectionlees met artikel 16(3) van die Ordonnansie op die Trans- 16(3) of the Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri-vaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Ge- Urban Areas Ordinance, 1943, and Proclamation 6 (Admi-biede, 1943, en Proklamasie 6 (Administrateurs-) van 1945, nistrator's) of 1945, publishes the by-laws set forth here-

die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur hom Inge- inafter, which have been approved by him in terms of sec-volge artikel 99 van eersgenoemde Ordonnansie goedge- tion 99 of the first-mentioned Ordinance.keur is.

Die Sanithe Gemakke en Nagvuil- en Vuilgoedverwy- The Sanitary Conveniences and Night-soil and Refuser deringsverordeninge van die Transvaalse Raad vir die Ont- Removal By-laws of the Transvaal Board for the Develop-

wikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede, afgekondig by Ad- ment of Pen-Urban Areas, published under Administra-

ministrateurskennisgewing 218 van 25 Maart 1953, soos tor's Notice 218, dated 25 March 1953, as amended, are

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gewysig, word hierby verder gewysig deur Bylae A coos hereby further amended by amending Schedule A as fol-4volg te wysig: lows:

1. Deur in item 1(1) die syfer "R37" deur die syfer "R60" 1. By the substitution in item 1(1) for the figure "R37" ofte vervang. the figure "R60".

2. Deur in item 2- 2. By the substitution in item 2 -

(a) in subitem (1)(a) en (b) die syfer "R33" deur die (a) in subitem (1)(a) and (b) for the figure "R33" of thesyfer "1136" te vervang; en figure "R36"; and

(b) in subitem (2)(a) en (b) die syfers "R40" en "R6,70" (b) in subitem (2)(a) and (b) for the figures "R40" andonderskeidelik deur die syfers "948" en "R8" te vervang. "116,70" of the figures "R48" and "R8" respectively.

3. Deur in item 7(1) die syfer "945" deur die syfer "R50" 3. By the substitution in item 7(1) for the figure "R45" ofte vervang. the figure "14.50".

4. Deur in item 8(1) die syfer "R45" deur die syfer "R50" 4. By the substitution in item 8(1) for the figure "R45" ofte vervang. the figure "R50".

5. Deur in item 10(1) die syfer "R78" deur die syfer 5. By the substitution in item 10(1) for the figure "R.78""R81" te vervang. of the figure "R81".

6. Deur in item 11(1) die syfer "R26" deur die syfer 6. By the substitution in item 11(1) for the figure "R26""R38,40" te vervang. of the figure "R38,40".

7. Deur in item 13(1)(a), (3)(a) en (b) en (6) die syfers 7. By the substitution in item 13(1)(a), (3)(a) and (b) and"R96", "0,50" "0,50" en "30c" onderskeidelik deur die sy- (6) for the figures "R96", "0,50", "0,50" and "30c" of the 4fers "9400", R2,50", "R2,50" en "50c" te vervang. figures "R400", "R2,50", "R2,50" and "50c" respectively.

8. Deur in item 15(1) en (3) die syfers "11105" en "27c" 8. By the substitution in item 15(1) and (3) for the figuresonderskeidelik deur die syfers "R180" en "33c" te vervang. "R105" and "27c" of the figures "11180" and "33c" respec-

9. Deur in item 22 die syfer "R84" deur die syfer "R96"lively.

te vervang. 9. By the substitution in item 22 for the figure "R.84" of

10. Deur in item 23(1)(b) en (5) die syfers "R48" enthe figure "R96".

"26c" onderskeidelik deur die syfers "9120" en "60c" te 10. By the substitution in item 23(1)(b) and (5) for the fi-vervang. gures "R48" and "26c" of the figures `11120" and "60c"

11. Deur in item 25(2) die syfer "R8,50"deur die vol- respectively.

gende te vervang: 11. By the substitution in item 25(2) for the figure"R.8,50" of the following:

"(a) Huishoudelik: 910.

(b) Nywerheidsafval: 920."."(a) Domestic: 910.

12. Deur in item 26 - (b) Industrial refuse: 1120.".

(a) in subitem (1)(a) die syfer "R96" deur die syfer12. By the substitution in item 26-

"R108" te vervang; (a) in subitem (1)(a) for the figure "R96" of the figure

(b) in subitem (2) die syfer "R5,90" deur die syfer"R108";

"R12,48" te vervang; (b) in subitem (2) for the figure "95,90" of the figure 4(c) in subitem (3)(a), (b) en (c) die syfers "92,50", "912,4e;

"R1,25" en "62c" onderskeidelik deur die syfers "R10", (c) in subitem (3)(a), (b) and (c) for the figures "112,50","115" en "112,48" te vervang; en "91,25" and "62c" of the figures "R10", "115" and "R2,48"

(d) in subitem (4) die syfer "25c" deur die syfer "RI." te respectively; and

vervang. (d) in subitem (4) for the figure "25c" of the figure "Rl".13. Deur in item 27(1) en (2) die syfers "R64" en "40c" 13. By the substitution in item 27(1) and (2) for the fi-

onderskeidelik deur die syfers "R120" en "65c" te vervang. gures "R64" and "40c" of the figures "11120' and "65c"

14. Deur in item 29(2) die syfer "60e' deur die syferrespectively.

"Rl" te vervang. 14. By the substitution in item 29(2) for the figure "60c"

15. Deur in item 32(1) en (2) die syfers "9120" en "R50"of the figure "RI".

onderskeidelik deur die syfers "R150" en "R90" te ver- 15. By the substitution in item 32(1) and (2) for the fi-yang. gures "R120" and "R50" of the figures "R150" and "R90"

16. Deur in item 34(2)(a) en (b) die syfer "R110" deur respectively.

die syfer "R60" te vervang. 16. By the substitution in item 34(2)(a) and (b) for the fi-".

17. Deur in item 35(1) en (2) die syfer "R36" deur diegore "RI10" of the figure "R60

syfer "R48" te vervang. 17. By the substitution in item 35(1) and (2) for the figure"R36" of the figure "948".

18. Deur in item 39(1) die syfer "R105" deur die syfer 18. By the substitution in item 39(1) for the figure"11200" te vervang. "R105" of the figure "R200".

19. Deur item 40 te wysig deur - 19. By amending item 40 by -

(a) in subitems (1) en (2) die syfers "R96" en "25c" on- (a) the substitution in subitems (1) and (2) for the figures

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derskeidelik deur die syfers "R102" en "32c" te vervang; "R96" and "25c" of the figures "R102" and "32c" respect-

en ively; and

(b) na subitem (2) die volgende in te voeg: (b) the insertion after subitem (2) of the following:

"(3) Spesiale vuilgoedverwydering, per 1 m3 of gedeelte "(3) Special refuse removal, per 1 m3 or part thereof:daarvan: R15.". R15.".

20. Deur in item 42(1) die syfer "R42" deur die syfer 20. By the substitution in item 42(1) for the figure "R42""850" te vervang. of the figure "R50".

21. Deur na item 42 die volgende by te voeg: 21. By the addition after item 42 of the following:

"43. Gelde Betaalbaar vir Vuilgoedverwyderingsdienste "43. Fees Payable for Refuse Removal Services WithinBinne die Gebied van die Plaaslike Gebiedskomitee van the Marloth Park Local Area Committee Area.Marloth Park.

Refuse removal, per bin, per year: R36.".Vuilgoedverwydering, per blik, per jaar: R36.".

PB 2-4-2-81-111 PB 2-4-2-81- 111

Administrateurskennisgewing 1668 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1668 19 September 1984



Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of the101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, ge- Local Government Ordinance, 1939, read with sectionlees met artikel 16(3) van die Ordonnansie op die Trans- 16(3) of the Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri-vaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Ge- Urban Areas Ordinance, 1943, and Proclamation 6 (Admi -biede, 1943, en Proklamasie 6 (Administrateurs-) van 1945, nistrator's) of 1945, publishes the by-laws set forth here-die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur hom Inge- inafter, which have been approved by him in terms of sec-volge artikel 99 van eersgenoemde Ordonnansie goedge- tion 99 of the first-mentioned Ordinance.keur is.

The Sanitary Conveniences and Night-soil and RefuseDie Sanitere Gemakke en islagvuit. en vuilgnedverwy- Removal By-laws of the Transvaal Board for the Develop-

deringsverordeninge van die Transvaalse Raad vir die Ont- ment of Peri-Urban Areas, published under Administra-wikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede, afgekondig by Ad- tor's Notice 218, dated 25 March 1953, as amended, areministrateurskennisgewing 218 van 25 Maart 1953, soos hereby further amended by amending Schedule A as fol-gewysig, word hierby verder gewysig deur Bylae A soos lows:volg te wysig:

1. Deur in item 15(2) die syfer "R53" deur die syfer 1. By the substitution in item 15(2) for the figure "R53""R72" te vervang. of the figure "R72".

2. Deur paragrawe (a) en (b) van item 16(1) deur die vol- 2. By the substitution for paragraphs (a) and (b) of item16(1) of the following:"(a) De Deur, Klip River Valley and Walkerville:


gende te vervang:

"(a) De Deur, Klipriviervallei en Walkerville:For every 100/ or part thereof: 70c, with a minimum

Vir elke 1001 of gedeelte daarvan: 70c, met 'n minimum charge of R7.vordering van R7.

(b) Noordvaal, Ennerdale and Grasmere:(b) Noordvaal, Ennerdale en Grasmere:

For every 100/ or part thereof: RI, with a minimumVir elke 100/ of gedeelte daarvan: R1, met 'n minimum charge of R100.".

vordering van R100.".3. By the substitution in item 21(8) for the figure "25c"

3. Deur in item 21(8) die syfer "25c" deur die syfer "50c" of the figure "50c".te vervang.

4. By the substitution in item 30(1) for the figure "R64"4. Deur in item 30(1) die syfer "R64" deur die syfer of the figure "R66".

"R66" te vervang.5. By the substitution in item 32(3) for the figure "34c"

5. Deur in item 32(3) die syfer "34c" deur die syfer "44c" of the figure "44c".te vervang.

6. By the substitution in item 41 —6. Deui- in item 41 —

(a) for subitem (1) of the following:(a) subitem (1) deur die volgende te vervang: "(1) Services to all Premises."(1) Dienste aan alle Persele.

For refuse removal, twice weekly, per standard recept-Vir vuilgoedverwydering, twee maal per week, per stan- acle, per year: R90."; and

daard houer, per jaar: 890."; en(b) in subitem (2) for the figure "R2,50" of the figure

(b) in subitem (2) die syfer "R2,50" deur die syfer "R3" "R3".te vervang.

PB 2-4-2-81-111 PB 2-4-2-81- 111

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Administrateurskennisgewing 1669 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1669 19 September 1984 4


Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the1965. bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur

Administrator has approved the amendment of Pretoriahet dat Pretoria -dorpsbeplanningskema. 1974, gewysig Town-planning Scheme, 1974, by the rezoning of Erven 14word deur die hersonering van Erwe 14 en 15. De Beers,

and 15. De Beers, to "Special" for the purposes of dwel-nit "Spesiaal

- vir die doeleindes van wooneenhede en metling-units and with the consent of the City Council, for spe-

die toestemming van die Stadsraad, vir spesiale gebruike,cial uses, hotels, social halls and places of public worship.hotelle, geselligheidsale en plekke vir openbare godsdiens-

oefening. Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment schemeKaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema are filled with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria

word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike and the Town Clerk, Pretoria and are open for inspectionBestuur. Pretoria en die Stadsklerk van Pretoria en is be- at all reasonable times.skikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike lye.

Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Pretoria-wysiging- This amendment is known as Pretoria Amendment

skema R92.Scheme 892.

PB 4-9-2-3H-892 PB 4-9-2-3H -892

IAdministrateurskennisgewing 1670 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1670 19 September 1984


Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the1965. bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur Administrator has approved the amendment of Pretoriahet dat Pretoria -dorpsbeplanningskema, 1974, gewysig Town-planning Scheme, 1974, by the rezoning of Erf 1371,word deur die hersonering van Erf 1371, Sunnyside na "Al- Sunnyside to "General Business" subject to certain condi-gemene Besigheid", onderworpe ann sekere voonvaardes. tions.

Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment schemeword in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filed with the Director of Local Government, PretoriaBestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk van Pretoria en is be- and the Town Clerk, Pretoria and are open for inspectionskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. at all reasonable times.

Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Pretoria-wysiging- This amendment is known as Pretoria Amendmentskema 984. Scheme 984.

PB 4-9-2-31-1-984 PB 4-9-2-3H-984

Administrateurskennisgewing 1671 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1671 19 September 1984 IPRETORIASTREEK-WYSIGINGSKEMA 667 PRETORIA REGION AMENDMENT SCHEME 667

Die Administrateur verklaar hierby ingevolge die bepa- The Administrator hereby, in terms of the provisions oflings van artikel 89(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe- section 89(1) of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-planning en Dorpe, 1965, dat by 'n wysigingskema synde 'n nance, 1965, declares that he has approved an amendmentwysiging van Pretoriastreek -dorpsaanlegskema, 1960, wat scheme, being an amendment of Pretoria Region Town-

uit dieselfde grond as die dorp Die Hoewes X 24 bestaan, planning Scheme, 1960, comprising the same land as in-

goedgekeur het. cluded in the township of Die Hoewes X 24.

Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment schemeword in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filed with the Director of Local Government, PretoriaBestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Verwoerdburg en is and the Town Clerk, Verwoerdburg and are open for in-beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. spection at all reasonable times.

Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Pretoriastreek-wysi- This amendment is known as Pretoria Region Amend-

gingskema 667. ment Scheme 667.

PB 4-9-2-93-667 PB 4-9-2-93-667

Administrateurskennisgewing 1672 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1672 19 September 1984

VERKLARING TOT GOEDGEKEURDE DORP DECLARATION AS APPROVED TOWNSHIP IIngevolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe- In terms of section 69 of the Town-planning and Town-

planning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965), ver- ships Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), the Admi-

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. .

klaar die Administrateur hierby die dorp DiePR0HVIDeNCwIAesL


uiA: nistrator hereby declares Die Hoewes Extension 24 Town-

breiding 24 tot 'n goedgekeurde dorp onderworpe aan die ship to be an approved township subject to the conditionsvoorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande Bylae. set out in the Schedule hereto.

PB 4-2-2-6380 PB 4-2-2 - 6380





1. STIGTINGSVOORWAARDES (1) Name(1) Naam The name of the township shall be Die Hoewes Exten-

Die naam van die dorp is Die Hoewes Uitbreiding 24. sion 24..

(2) Ontwerp (2) Design

Die dorp bestaan uit erwe soos aangedui op Plan SG The township shall consist of erven as indicated on Plan

0A5597/83.SG A5597/83.

(3) Stormwaterdreinering en Straatbou (3)Stormwater Drainage and Street Construction

(a) Die dorpseienaar moet op versoek van die plaaslike (a) The township owner shall on request by the local au-bestuur aan sodanige bestuur 'n gedetailleerde skema, vol- thority submit to such authority for its approval a detailedledig met planne, deursnee en spesifikasies, opgestel deur scheme complete with plans, sections and specifications,'n siviele ingenieur wat deur die plaaslike bestuur goedge- prepared by a civil engineer approved by the local autho-

keur is, vir die opgaar en afvoer van stormwater deur die rity, for the collection and disposal of stormwater through-

hele dorp deur middel van behoorlike aangelegde werke out the township by means of properly constructed worksen vir die aanle, teermacadamisering, beranding en kana- and for the construction, tarmacadamising, kerbing andlisering van die strate daarin, tesame met die verskaffing channelling of the streets therein together with the provi -

van sodanige keermure as wat die plaaslike bestuur nodig sion of such retaining walls as may be considered necessaryag, vir goedkeuring voorle. by the local authority.

Verder moet die skema die roete en helling aandui deur Furthermore, the scheme shall indicate the route andmiddel waarvan elke erf toegang tot die aangrensende gradient by which each erf gains access to the street onstreet verkry. which it abuts.

(b) Die dorpseienaar moet, wanneer die plaaslike be- (b) The township owner shall, when required by the localstuur dit vereis, die goedgekeurde skema op eie koste na- authority to do so, carry out the approved scheme at itsmens en tot bevrediging van die plaaslike bestuur, onder own expense on behalf and to the satisfaction of the localtoesig van 'n siviele ingenieur deur die plaaslike bestuur authority under the supervision of a civil engineer ap-

goedgekeur, uitvoer. proved by the local authority.

1 (c) Die dorpseienaar is verantwoordelik vir die instand- (c) The township owner shall be responsible for thehouding van die strate tot bevrediging van die plaaslike maintenance of the streets to the satisfaction of the localbestuur totdat die strate ooreenkomstig subklousule (b) authority until the streets have been constructed as set outgebou is. in subclause (b).

(d) Indien die dorpseienaar versuim om aan die bepa- (d) If the township owner fails to comply with the provi-

lings van paragrawe (a), (b) en (c) hiervan te voldoen, is sions of paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) hereof the local autho-

die plaaslike bestuur geregtig om die werk op koste van rity shall be entitled to do the work at the cost of the town-

die dorpseienaar te doen. ship owner.

(4) Begiftiging (4) Endowment

(a) Betaalbaar aan die plaaslike bestuur: (a) Payable to the local authority:

(i) Die dorpseienaar moet kragtens die bepalings van ar- (i) The township owner shall, in terms of the provisionstikel 63(1)(b) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en of section 63(1)(b) of the Town -planning and TownshipsDorpe, 1965, aan die plaaslike bestuur as begiftiging 'n Ordinance, 1965, pay a lump sum endowment of RI5 050 toglobale bedrag van R15 050 betaal vir die verkryging van 'n the local authority for the provision of land for a cemeterystortingsterrein en 'n begraafplaas. and a depositing site.

Sodanige begiftiging is betaalbaar kragtens die bepa- Such endowment shall be payable in terms of section 73

lings van artikel 73 van genoemde Ordonnansie. of the said Ordinance.

(ii) Die dorpseienaar moet kragtens die bepalings van (ii) The township owner shall, in terms of the provisionsartikel 63(1)(b) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning of section 63(1)(b) of the Town-planning and Townshipsn Dorpe, 1965, aan die plaaslike bestuur as begiftiging 'n Ordinance, 1965, pay a lump sum endowment to the local

... globa le bedrag op die grondwaarde van spesiale woon- authority on the land value of special residential land in

grond in die omgewing van die dorp betaal, die grootte the vicinity of the township, the extent of which shall be de-

waarvan bepaal word deur 52 m2 te vermenigvuldig met die termined by multiplying 52 m2 by the number of dwelling-

getal wooneenhede wat in die dorp opgerig kan word. units which can be erected in the township.

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Die waarde van die grond word bepaal kragtens die be- The value of the land shall be determined in terms of the4palings van artikel 74(3) en sodanige begiftiging is betaal- provisions of section 74(3) and such endowment shall be

baar kragtens die bepalings van artikel 73 van genoemde payable in terms of the provisions of section 73 of the saidOrdonnansie en die plaaslike bestuur moo sodanige begif- Ordinance and the local authority shall use such endow-tiging gebruik vir die verkryging van parke binne die muni- ment for the purpose of acquiring parks within the muni-sipale gebied. cipal area.

(b) Betaalbaar aan die Transvaalse Onderwysdeparte- (b) Payable to the Transvaal Education Department:ment:

The township owner shall, in terms of the provisions ofDie dorpseienaar moet kragtens die bepalings van arti- section 63(1)(a) of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-

kel 63(1)(a) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en nance, 1965, pay a lump sum endowment for educationalDorpe, 1965, aan die Transvaalse Onderwysdepartement purposes to the Transvaal Education Department on theas begiftiging vir onderwysdoeleindes 'n globale bedrag op land value of special residential land in the vicinity of thedie grondwaarde van spesiale woongrond in die omgewing township, the extent of which shall be determined by multi-van die dorp betaal, waarvan die grootte bepaal word deur plying 48,08 m2 by the number of dwelling-units which can48,08 m2 te vermenigvuldig met die getal wooneenhede be erected in the township.wat in die dorp opgerig kan word.

The value of the land shall be determined in terms of theDie waarde van die grond word bepaal kragtens die be- provisions of section 74(3) and such endowment shall be

palings van artikel 74(3) en sodanige begiftiging is betaal- payable in terms of the provisions of section 73 of the saidbaar kragtens die bepalings van artikel 73 van genoemde Ordinance.Ordonnansie.

(5) Disposal ofExisting Conditions of Title(5) Beskikking oor Bestaande Titelvoorwaardes

All erven shall be made subject to existing conditions4Alle erwe moet onderworpe gemaak word aan be- and servitudes, if any, including the reservation of rights to

staande voorwaardes en serwitute, as daar is, met inbegrip minerals.van die voorbehoud van die regte op minerale.

(6) Precautionary Measures(6) Voorkomende Maatreels

The township owner shall at its own expense make ar-Die dorpseienaar moet op eie koste ratings met die rangements with the local authority in order to ensure

plaaslike bestuur tref om te verseker dat — that —

(a) water nie opdam nie, dat die hele oppervlakte van (a) water will not dam up, that the entire surface of thedie dorpsgebied behoorlik gedreineer word en dat strate township area is drained properly and that streets aredoeltreffend met teer, beton of bitumen geseel word; en sealed effectively with tar, cement or bitumen; and

(b) slote en uitgrawings vir fondamente, pype, kabels of (b) trenches and excavations for foundations, pipes, ca-vir enige ander doeleindes behoorlik met klam grond in bles or for any other purposes, are properly refilled withlae wat nie dikker as 150 mm is nie, opgevul word en dat damp soil in layers not thicker than 150 mm that the samedieselfde verdigtingsgraad as wat die omliggende mate- grade of compaction as that of the surrounding material isriaal het. verkry N. obtained.

2. TITELVOORWAARDESDie erwe hieronder genoem is onderworpe aan die 2. CONDITIONS OF TITLE

voorwaardes coos aangedui, opgele deur die Administra- The erven mentioned hereunder shall be subject to thetear ingevolge die bepalings van die Ordonnansie op conditions as indicated imposed by the Administrator in

4Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965.

terms of the provisions of the Town-planning and Town-(1)Alle Erwe ships Ordinance, 1965.

(a) Die erf is onderworpe aan 'n serwituut 2 m breed, vir (1) All Ervenriolerings- en ander munisipale doeleindes, ten gunste van

(a) The erf is subject to a servitude, 2 m wide, in favourdie plaaslike bestuur, tangs enige twee grense, uitgeson- of the local authority, for sewerage and other municipalderd 'n straatgrens en, in die geval van 'n pypsteelerf, 'n ad-purposes, along any two boundaries other than a streetdisionele serwituut vir munisipale doeleindes 2 m breedboundary and, in the case of a panhandle erf, an additionaloor die toegangsgedeelte van die erf, indien en wanneerservitude for municipal purposes 2 m wide across the ac-deur die plaaslike bestuur verlang: Met dien verstande datcess portion of the erf, if and when required by the localdie plaaslike bestuur van enige sodanige serwituut mag af- authority: Provided that the local authority may dispensesien.with any such servitude.

(b) Geen geboue of ander struktuur mag binne die voor-(b) No building or other structure shall be erected withinnoemde serwituutgebied opgerig word nie en geen groot-

the aforesaid servitude area and no large-rooted treeswortelbome mag binne die gebied van sodanige serwituutshall be planted within the area of such servitude or withinof binne 'n afstand van 2 m daarvan geplant word nie.2 m thereof.

(c) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om enige materiaal(c) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit tem-wat deur horn uitgegrawe word tydens die aanleg, onder-

houdaof verwydering van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings enmat rial as may be excavated byit during the course of the onthe land adjoining the aforesaid servitude such

ander werke as wat by volgens goeddunke noodsaaklik ag, materialconstruction, maintenance or removal of such sewerage

wituut grens en voorts is die plaaslike bestuur geregtig tottydelik te plaas op die grond wat aan die voornoemde ser-

mains and other works as it in its discretion may deem ne-

cessary and shall further be entitled to reasonable access to Aredelike toegang tot genoemde grond vir die voornoemde the said land for the aforesaid purpose subject to any da- Idoel, onderworpe daaraan dat die plaaslike bestuur enige mage done during the process of the construction, mainte-skade vergoed wat gedurende die aanleg, onderhoud of

nance or removal of such sewerage mains and other worksverwydering van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en anderwerke veroorsaak word. being made good by the local authority.

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i(2) Erf50 (2) Erf50

Die erf is onderworpe aan 'n serwituut vir munisipale The erf is subject to a servitude for municipal purposesdoeleindes ten gunste van die plaaslike bestuur, soos op in favour of the local authority, as indicated on the generaldie algemene plan aangedui. plan.

Administrateurskennisgewing 1673 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1673 19 September 1984



The Administrator hereby in terms of section 101 of theDie Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the by-laws

101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by him inverordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur hom ingevolge terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance.artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is.

The Refuse (Solid Wastes) and Sanitary By-laws of theDie Verordeninge betreffende Vaste Afval en Saniteit, Krugersdorp Municipality, published under Administra-

afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 2193 van 31 tor's Notice 2193, dated 31 December 1975, as amended,Desember 1975, soos gewysig, word hierby verder gewysig are hereby further amended by amending the Schedule asdeur die Bylae soos volg te wysig: follows:

'1. Deur item 1 te wysig deur - 1. By amending item 1 -

(a) in subitem (1)(a) die syfer "R4,20" deur die syfer (a) by the substitution in subitem (1)(a) for the figure"R5,04" te vervang; "R4,20" of the figure "R5,04";

(b) in subitem (1)(b) die syfer "R2,95" deur die syfer (b) by the substitution in subitem (1)(b) for the figure"R3,54" te vervang; "R2,95" of the figure "R3,54";

(c) in subitem •(1)(c) die syfer "R4,90" deur die syfer (c) by the substitution in subitem (1)(c) for the figure"R5,88" te vervang; "R4,90" of the figure "R5,88";

(d) in subitem (2)(a) die syfer "R8,40" deur die syfer (d) by the substitution in subitem (2)(a) for the figure"R10,08" te vervang; "R8,40" of the figure "R10,08";

(e) in subitem (2)(b) die syfer "R33,50" deur die syfer (e) by the substitution in subitem (2)(b) for the figure"R40,20" te vervang; "R33,50" of the figure "R40,20";

(f) in subitem (3) die syfer "R25" deur die syfer "R30" te (t) by the substitution in subitem (3) for the figure "R25"vervang; of the figure "R30";

(g) in subitem (4)(a) die syfer "R50" deur die syfer (g) by the substitution in subitem (4)(a) for the figure"R60" te vervang; "R50" of the figure "R60";

(h) in subitem (4)(b) die syfer "R200" deur die syfer (h) by the substitution in subitem (4)(b) for the figure"R240" te vervang. "R200" of the figure "R240".

k 2. Deur item 2 te wysig deur - 2. By amending item 2 -1. (a) in subitem (1) die syfer "RI" deur die syfer "R1,20" (a) by the substitution in,subitem (1) for the figure "R 1"

te vervang; of the figure "R1,20";

(b) in subitem (2) die syfer "R6" deur die syfer "R7,20" (b) by the substitution in subitem (2) for the figure "R6"te vervang. of the figure "R7,20".

3. Deur item 3 te wysig deur - 3. By amending item 3 -

(a) in subitem (1)(a) die syfer "R6,25" deur die syfer (a) by the substitution in subitem (1)(a) for the figure"R7,50" te vervang; "R6,25" of the figure "R7,50";

(b) in subitem (1)(b) die syfer "R3,75" deur die syfer (b) by the substitution in subitem (1)(b) for the figure"R4,50" te vervang; "143,75" of the figure "R4,50";

(c) in subitem (1)(c) die syfer "R12,50" deur die syfer (c) by the substitution in subitem (1)(c) for the figure"R15" te vervang; "R12,50" of the figure "R15";

(d) in subitem (2)(a) die syfer "R12,50" deur die syfer (d) by the substitution in subitem (2)(a) for the figure"R15" te vervang; "R12,50" of the figure "R15,00";

(e) in subitem (2)(b) die syfer "R25,00" deur die syfer (e) by the substitution in subitem (2)(b) for the figure"R30" te vervang; "R25" of the figure "R30";

(f) in subitem (3) die syfer "R3,25" deur die syfer (f) by the substitution in subitem (3) for the figure"R3,90" te vervang; "R3,25" of the figure "R3,90";

(g) in subitem (4) die syfer "R10" deur die syfer "R12" te (g) by the substitution in subitem (4) for the figurer vervang; "R10" of the figure "R12";

(h) in subitem (5) die syfer "R3" deur die syfer "R3,60" (h) by the substitution in subitem (5) for the figure "R3"te vervang. of the figure "R3,60".

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Die bepalings in hierdie kennisgewing vervat tree op 1 The provisions in this notice contained shall comeinto 4Oktober 1984 in werking en sal op alle rekenings gelewer operation on 1 October 1984 and be applicable to all ac-

op of na daardie datum van toepassing wees. counts rendered on or after that date.

PB 2-4-2-81-18 PB 2-4-2-81-18

Administrateurskennisgewing 1674 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1674 19 September 1984


Die Administrateur verklaar hierby ingevolge die bepa- The Administrator hereby, in terms of the provisions oflings van artikel 89(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe- section 89(1) of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-planning en Dorpe, 1965, dat by 'n wysigingskema synde 'n nance, 1965, declares that he has approved an amendmentwysiging van Roodepoort-Maraisburg-dorpsaanlegskema scheme, being an amendment of Roodepoort-Maraisburg1, 1946, wat uit dieselfde grond as die dorp Witpoortjie Town-planning Scheme 1, 1946, comprising the same landUitbreiding 2.5 bestaan, goedgekeur het. as included in the township of Witpoortjie Extension 25.

Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment schemeword in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filed with the Director of Local Government, PretoriaBestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Roodepoort en is be- and the Town Clerk, Roodepoort and are open for inspec-skikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. tion at all reasonable times.

Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Roodepoort-Marais- This amendment is known as Roodepoort-Maraisburg 4burg-wysigingskema 324. Amendment Scheme 324.

PB 4-9-2-30-324 PB 4-9-2-30-324

Administrateurskennisgewing 1675 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1675 19 September 1984


Ingevolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe- In terms of section 69 of the Town-planning and Town-

planning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965), ver- ships Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), the Admi-klaar die Administrateur hierby die dorp Witpoortjie Uit- nistrator hereby declares Witpoortjie Extension 25 Town-

breiding 25 tot 'n goedgekeurde dorp onderworpe aan die ship to be an approved township subject to the conditionsvoorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande Bylae. set out in the Schedule hereto.

PB 4-2-24807 • PB 4-2-2-4807





(1) Naam (1) Name

Die naam van die dorp is Witpoortjie Uitbreiding 25. The name of the township shall be Witpoortjie Exten-sion 25.

(2) Ontwerp (2) DesignDie dorp bestaan uit erwe en strate soon aangedui op The township shall consist of erven and streets as indi-Algemene Plan SG No A2783/79.

cated on General Plan SG No A2783/79.

(3) Strata (3) Streets

(a) Die dorpseienaar moet die strate in die dorp vorm, (a) The township owner shall form, grade and maintainskraap en in stand hou tot bevrediging van die plaaslike the streets in the township to the satisfaction of the localbestuur totdat die aanspreeklikheid deur die plaaslike be- authority until such time as this responsibility is taken overstuur oorgeneem word: Met dien verstande dat die by the local authority: Provided that the AdministratorAdministrateur geregtig is om die dorpseienaar van tyd tot shall be entitled from time to time to relieve the townshiptyd gedeeltelik of geheel van die aanspreeklikheid to ont- owner wholly or partially from this obligation after refe-

4hef na raadpleging met die plaaslike bestuur. rence to the local authority.

(b) Die dorpseienaar moet op eie koste alle hindemisse (b) The township owner shall, at its own expense, re-in die straatreserwes tot bevrediging van die plaaslike be- move all obstacles from the street reserves to the satisfac-stuur verwyder. tion of the local authority.

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(c) Indien die dorpseienaar versuim om aan die bepa- (c) If the township owner fails to comply with the provi-lings van paragrawe (a) en (b) hiervan te voldoen, is die sions of paragraphs (a) and (b) hereof the local authorityplaaslike bestuur geregtig om die werk op koste van die shall be entitled to do the work at the cost of the townshipdorpseienaar te doen. owner.

(4) Begiftiging (4) Endowment

(a) Betaalbaar aan die plaaslike bestuur: (a) Payable to the local authority:

(i) Die dorpseienaar moet ingevolge die bepalings van (i) The township owner shall, in terms of section 63(1) ofartikel 63(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en the Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, pay toDorpe, 1965, as begiftiging aan die plaaslike bestuur be- the local authority as endowment sums of money equaldrae geld betaal gelykstaande met — to —

(aa) 15 % van die waarde van erwe in die dorp, welke (aa) 15 % of the value of erven in the township, whichbedrag deur die plaaslike bestuur aangewend moet word amount shall be used by the local authority for the con-

vir die bou van strate en/of stormwaterdreinering in of vir struction of streets and/or stormwater drainage in or fordie dorp; the township;

(bb) 1 % van die waarde van erwe in die dorp welke be- (bb) 1 % of the value of erven in the township whichdrag deur die plaaslike bestuur aangewend moet word vir amount shall be used by the local authority for the acquisi-die verkryging van 'n stortingsterrein; lion of land for a depositing site;

Sodanige begiftiging moet ooreenkomstig die bepalings Such endowment shall be payable in accordance with thevan artikel 74 van die genoemde Ordonnansie betaal word. provisions ofsection 74 of the aforesaid Ordinance.

i(ii) Die dorpseienaar moet ingevolge die bepalings van (ii) The township owner shall, in terms of section 63(1) ofartikel 63(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en the Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, pay toDorpe, 1965, as begiftiging aan die plaaslike bestuur die the local authority as endowment the following cashvolgende kontantbedrae betaal vir die doel soos aangedui: amounts for the purposes specified:

(aa) 'n Bedrag van R136 welke bedrag deur die plaaslike (aa) An amount of R136 which amount shall be used bybestuur aangewend moot word vir die verkryging van the local authority for the acquisition of land for a ceme-grond vir 'n begraafplaas. tery.

(bb) 'n Bedrag van R1 149 welke bedrag deur die plaas- (bb) An amount of R1 149 which amount shall be used bylike bestuur aangewend moet word vir die verkryging en/of the local authority for the acquisition and/or developmentontwikkeling van parke in sy regsgebied. of parks within the area of its jurisdiction.

Sodanige begiftiging moet ooreenkomstig die bepalings Such endowment shall be payable in accordance with thevan artikel 73 van die genoemde Ordonnansie betaal word. provisions of section 73 of the aforesaid Ordinance.

(b) Betaalbaar aan die Transvaalse Onderwysdeparte- (b) Payable to the Transvaal Education Department:went:

Die dorpseienaar moet ingevolge die bepalings van arti- The township owner shall, in terms of the provisions ofkel 63(1)(a) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en section 63(1)(a) of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-

Dorpe, 1965, aan die Transvaalse Onderwysdepartement nance, 1965, pay a lump sum endowment for educationalas begiftiging vir onderwysdoeleindes 'n globale bedrag op purposes to the Transvaal Education Department on thedie grondwaarde van spesiale woongrond in die dorp be- land value of special residential land in the township, the

0 taal, waarvan die grootte bepaal word deur 48,08 m2 te ver- extent of which shall be determined by multiplying 48,08 m2

menigvuldig met die getal spesiale woonerwe in die dorp. by the number of special residential erven in the township.

Die waarde van die grond word bepaal ingevolge die be- The value of the land shall be determined in terms of thepalings van artikel 74(3) en sodanige begiftiging is betaal- provisions of section 74(3) and such endowment shall bebaar ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 73 van genoemde payable in terms of the provisions of section 73 of the saidOrdonnansie. Ordinance.

(5) Beskikking oor Bestaande Titelvoorwaardes(5) DisposalofExisting Conditions of Title

Alle erwe moet onderworpe gemaak word aan be-staande voorwaardes en serwitute, as daar is, met inbegrip All erven shall be made subject to existing conditionsvan die voorbehoud van die regte op minerale, maar uit- and servitudes, if any, including the reservation of rights togesonderd die serwituut ten gunste van die Elektrisiteits- minerals, but excluding the servitude in favour of the Elec-voorsieningskommissie geregistreer kragtens Notariele tricity Supply Commission registered in terms of NotarialAkte van Serwituut No K2721/83S wat slegs Erwe 3136, Deed of Servitude No K2721/83S which affects Erven 3136,3137, 3149 en 'n straat in die dorp raak. 3137, 3149 and a street in the township only.

(6) Grond vir Munisipale Doe!eindes (6) Landfor Municipal Purposes

Erwe 3137 en 3149, soos op die Algemene Plan aange- Erven 3137 and 3149 as shown on the general plan shalldui, moet deur en op koste van die dorpseienaar aan die be transferred to the local authority by and at the expenseplaaslike bestuur oorgedra word vir munisipale doel- of the township owner for municipal purposes.eindes.

(7)Verskuiwing van Kraglyne (7) Repositioning ofCircuits•.

7 Indien dit as gevolg van die stigting van die dorp nodig If, by reason of the establishment of the township, itword om enige bestaande kraglyne van die Elektrisiteits- should become necessary to reposition any existing circuitsvoorsieningskommissie te verskuif, moet die koste daar- of the Electricity Supply Commission, the cost thereof shallvan deur die dorpseienaar gedra word. be borne by the township owner.

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2. TITELVOORWAARDES 2. CONDITIONS OF TITLE 4Die erwe hieronder genoem is onderworpe aan die

voorwaardes soos aangedui, opgele . deur die Administra- The erven mentioned hereunder shall be subject to theteur ingevolge die bepalings van die Ordonnansie op conditions as indicated imposed by the Administrator in

Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965. terms of the provisions of the Town-planning and Town-ships Ordinance, 1965.

(I) Alle Erwe met Uitsondering van die genoem in Klousuk1(6)

(1) All Erven with the Exception of those Erven Mentioned(a) Die erf is onderworpe aan 'n serwituut, 2 m breed, in Clause 1(6)

vir riolerings- en ander munisipale doeleindes, ten gunstevan die plaaslike bestuur, langs enige twee grense, uitge- (a) The erf is subject to a servitude, 2 m wide, in favour

sonderd 'n straatgrens en, in die geval van 'n pypsteelerf, 'n of the local authority, for sewerage and other municipal

addisionele serwituut vir munisipale doeleindes, 2 m purposes, along any two boundaries other than a street

breed oor die toegangsgedeelte van die erf, indien en wan- boundary and in the case of a panhandle erf, an additional

neer verlang deur die plaaslike bestuur: Met dien ver- servitude for municipal purposes, 2 m wide across the ac-

stande dat die plaaslike bestuur van enige sodanige serwi- cess portion of the erf, if and when required by the local

tout mag afsien. authority: Provided that the local authority may dispensewith any such servitude.

(b) Geen geboue of ander struktuur mag binne die voor- (b) No building or other structure shall be erected withinnoemde serwituutgebied opgerig word nie en geen groot-worte/bome mag binne die gebied van sodanige serwituut the aforesaid servitude area and no large-rooted trees

of binne 'n afstand van 2 m daarvan geplant word nie. shall be planted within the area of such servitude or within2 m thereof.

(c) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om enige materiaalwat deur horn uitgegrawe word tydens die aanleg, onder- (c) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit tern- Ihoud of verwydering van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en pormily on the land adjoining the aforesaid servitude such

ander werke wat hy volgens goeddunke noodsaaklik ag, ty- material as may be excavated by it during the course of the

delik to plaas op die grond wat aan die voornoemde serwi- construction, maintenance or removal of such sewerage

tout grens en voorts is die plaaslike bestuur geregtig tot re- mains and other works as it, in its discretion may deem ne-

delike toegang tot genoemde grond vir die voomoemde cessary and shall further be entitled to reasonable access to

doel, onderworpe, daaraan dat die plaaslike bestuur enige the said land for the aforesaid purpose subject to any

skade vergoed wat gedurende die aanleg, onderhoud of damage done during the process of the construction, main-

verwyderings van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en ander tenance or removal of such sewerage mains and other

werke veroorsaak word. works being made good by the local authority.

(2) Erwe 3138 en 3139 (2) Erven 3138 and 3139

Die erf is onderworpe aan 'n serwituut vir transforma- The erf is subject to a servitude for transformer/substa-

tor-/substasiedoeleindes ten gunste van die plaaslike be- tion purposes in favour of the local authority, as indicatedstuur, soos op die algemene plan aangedui. on the general plan.

Administrateurskennisgewing 1676 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1676 19 September 1984•


4Die Administrateur verklaar hierby ingevolge die bepa- The Administrator hereby, in terms of the provisions of

lings van artikel 89(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe- section 89(1) of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-planning en Dorpe, 1965, dat hy 'n wysigingskema synde 'n nance, 1965; declares that he has approved an amendmentwysiging van Nelspruit-dorpsaanlegskema 1, 1949, wat uit scheme, being an amendment of Nelspruit Town-planningdieselfde grand as die dorp West Acres, Uitbreiding 8 be- Scheme 1, 1949, comprising the same land as included instaan, goedgekeur het. the township of West Acres Extension 8.

Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment schemeword in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filed with the Director of Local Government, PretoriaBestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Nelspruit en is beskik- and the Town Clerk, Nelspruit and are open for inspectionbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. at all reasonable times.

Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Nelspruit-wysiging- This amendment is known as Nelspruit Amendmentskema 103. Scheme 103.

PB 4-9-2-22-103 PB 4-9-2-22-103

Administrateurskennisgewing 1677 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1677 19 September 1984


Ingevolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe- In terms of section 69 of the Town-planning and Town-

planning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965), ver- ships Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 15 of 1965), the Admi-klaar die Administrateur hierby die dorp West Acres Uit- nistrator hereby declares West Acres Extension 8 Town-

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ibreiding8 tot 'n goedgekeurde dorp onderworpe aan die ship to be an approved township subject to the conditions

voorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande Bylae. set out in the Schedule hereto.PB 4-2-2-4922








(1) Naam (1) Name

Die naam van die dorp is West Acres Uitbreiding 8. The name of the township shall be West Acres Extension8.

(2) Ontwerp (2) Design

Die dorp bestaan uit erwe en strate soos aangedui op The township shall consist of erven and streets as indi -Algemene Plan LG A11324/83. cated on General Plan SG A11324/83.

(3) Beskikking oor Bestaande Titelvoorwaardes (3) Disposal ofExisting Conditions ofTitle

0 Alle erwe moet onderworpe gemaak word aan be- All erven shall be made subject to existing conditionsstaande voorwaardes en serwitute, as daar is, met inbegrip and servitudes, if any, including the reservation of rights tovan die voorbehoud van die regte op minerale, maar uit- minerals, but excluding —gesonderd —

(a) the following conditions in respect of both portions(a) die volgende voorwaardes ten opsigte van albei ge- which do not affect the township area:

deeltes wat nie die dorp raak nie:(0 "The property held hereunder is subject to a perpe-

(i) "The property held hereunder is subject to a perpe- tual servitude of Aqueduct, Storage and Abutment in fa-

tual servitude of Aqueduct, Storage and Abutment in fa- your of the farm Mayfair 132, Registration Division JUyour of the farm Mayfair 132, Registration Division JU Thornhill 126, Registration Division JU, both in the districtThornhill 126, Registration Division JU, both in the district of Nelspruit; Exeter 306, district Barberton, Goodluck 418,of Nelspruit; Exeter 306, district Barberton, Goodluck 418, Registration Division JU, district of Barberton and por-Registration Division JU, district of Barberton and por- tions of the Union Farms 130, Registration Division JU,tions of the Union Farms 130, Registration Division JU, district Nelspruit, held under Transfer No 2871/1921 and isdistrict Nelspruit, held under Transfer No 2871/1921 and is entitled to certain water rights as will more fully appearentitled to certain water rights as will more fully appear from Notarial Deed No 181/25S registered on the 27th dayfrom Notarial Deed No 181/255 registered on the 27th day of March, 1925."of March, 1925."

(ii) "The property held hereunder is subject to perpetual(ii) "The property held hereunder is subject to perpetual servitudes of Aqueduct, Storage and Abutment in favour

servitudes of Aqueduct, Storage and Abutment in favour of the farm Mayfair 132, Registration Division JU, Thorn-of the farm Mayfair 132, Registration Division JU, Thom- hill 126, Registration Division JU both Transvaal, Exeter

,hill 126, Registration Division JU both Transvaal, Exeter 306, Registration Division JU Transvaal, Goodluck 418,306, Registration Division JU Transvaal, Goodluck 418, Registration Division JU Transvaal and portions of theRegistration Division JU Transvaal and portions of Union Union Farms 130, Registration Division JU Transvaal,Farms 130, Registration Division JU Transvaal, held under held under Deed of Transfer No T2871/1921 and is entitledDeed of Transfer No T2871/1921 and' is entitled to certain to certain water rights as will more fully appear from Nota-water rights as will more fully appear from Notarial Deed rial Deed 181/258 registered on the 27th day of March,181/25S registered on the 27th day of March, 1925." 1925."

(iii) "En verder spesiaal onderworpe aan 'n Bevelskrif (iii) "En verder spesiaal onderworpe aan 'n Bevelskrifvan die Waterhof gedateer 12 Augustus 1930 en geregis- van die Waterhof gedateer 12 Augustus 1930 en geregis-freer onder No 449/19315 en 'n verdere Bevelskrif van die treer onder No 449/19318 en 'n verdere Bevelskrif van dieWaterhof gedateer 30 Maart 1931 en geregistreer onder No Waterhof gedateer 30 Maart 1931 en geregistreer cinder No221/19315, beide Bevelskrifte betrekking hebbende op die 221/1931S, beide Bevelskrifte betrekking hebbende op diegebruik van water uit die Gladdespruit." gebruik van water uit die Gladdespruit."

(b) die se rwitilut geregistreer kragtens Serwituut (b) Servitude registered under Servitude K420/19795K420/19795 wat slegs strate in die dorp raak. which affects streets in the township only.

(4) Grond vir Swats- en Munisipale Doeleindes (4) Landfor State and Municipal Purposes

Die dorpseienaar moet op eie koste ondergenoemde The township owner shall its own expense cause the fol-erwe — lowing erven —

(a) vir Staatsdoeleindes aan die bevoegde owerheid oor- (a) to be transferred to the proper authority for Statedra: purposes:

Onderwys: Erwe 1329 tot 1331; Educational: Erven 1329 to 1331.

E(b) vir munisipale doeleindes as parke voorbehou: (b) to be reserved for municipal purposes as parks:

Erwe 1506 tot 1514. . Erven 1506 to 1514.

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(5) Toegang (5) Access .

(a) Geen ingang van Provinsiale Pad P166-2 tot die dorp (a) No ingress from Provincial Road P166-2 to the town-II

en geen uitgang tot Provinsiale Pad P166-2 uit die dorp ship and no egress to Provincial Road P166-2 from theword toegelaat nie. township shall be allowed.

(b) Ingang van Provinsiale Pad 799 tot die dorp en uit- (b) Ingress from Provincial Road 799 to the township andgang tot Provinsiale Pad 799 uit die dorp word beperk tot egress to Provincial Road 799 from the township shall bedie kruising van Granietstraat met sodanige pad. restricted to the junction of Graniet Street with the said

(c) Die dorpseienaar moet op eie koste 'n meetkundige -road.

uitlegontwerp (skaal 1:500) van die in- en uitgangspunte (c) The township owner shall at its own expense, submitgenoem in (b) hierbo en spesifikasies vir die bou van die a geometric design layout (scale 1:500) of the ingress andaansluitings laat opstel en aan die Direkteur, Transvaalse egress points referred to in (b) above and specifications forPaaiedepartement, vir goedkeuring voorle. Die dorpseie- the construction of the accesses, to the Director, Transvaalnaar moet, nadat die ontwerp en spesifikasies goedgekeur Roads Department for approval. The township owner shallis, die toegange op eie koste bou tot bevrediging van die after approval of the layout and specifications, constructDirekteur, Transvaalse Paaiedepartement. the said ingress and egress points at its own expense to the

satisfaction of the Director, Transvaal Roads Department.(6) Ontvangs en Versorging van Storm water

Die dorpseienaar moet die stormwaterdreinering van (6) Acceptance and Disposal ofStorm waterdie dorp so reel dat dit inpas by die van Pad P166-1 en Pad799 en moet die stormwater wat van die paaie afloop of af- The township owner shall arrange for the drainage of thegelei word ontvang en versorg. township to fit in with that of Road P166-1 and Road 799

and for all stormwater running off or being diverted from '

42. TITELVOORWAARDES the roads to be received and disposed of.

Die erwe met die uitsondering van die erwe genoem inKlousule 1(4) is onderworpe aan die volgende voor- 2. CONDITIONS OF TITLEwaardes opgele deur die Administrateur ingevolge die be-palings van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en The erven with the exception of the erven mentioned inDorpe, 1965. Clause 1(4) shall be subject to the following conditions im-

posed by the Administrator in terms of the provisions of(1) Die erf is onderworpe aan 'n serwituut 2 m breed, vir the Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965.

riolerings- en ander munisipale doeleindes, ten gunste vandie plaaslike bestuur, langs enige twee grease, uitgeson- (1) The erf is subject to a servitude, 2 m wide, in favourderd 'n straatgrens en In die geval van 'n pypsteelerf, 'n ad- of the local authority, for sewerage and other municipaldisionele serwituut vir munisipale doeleindes 2 m breed purposes, along any two boundaries other than a streetnor die toegangsgedeelte van die erf, indien en wanneer boundary and in the case of a panhandle erf, an additionalverlang deur die plaaslike bestuur: Met dien verstande dat servitude for municipal purposes 2 m wide across the ac-die plaaslike bestuur van enige sodanige serwituut mag af- cess portion of the erf, if and when required by the localsien. authority: Provided that the local authority may dispense

with any such servitude.(2) Geen geboue of ander struktuur mag binne die voor-

noemde serwituutgebied opgerig word nie en geen groot- (2) No building or other structure shall be erected withinwortelbome mag binne die gebied van sodanige serwituut the aforesaid servitude area and no large-rooted treesof binne 'n afstand van 2 m daarvan geplant word nie. shall be planted within the area of such servitude or within

2 m thereof.(3) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om enige materiaal

wat deur hom uitgegrawe word tydens die aanleg, onder- (3) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit tem- 4houd of verwydering van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en porarily on the land adjoining the aforesaid servitude suchander werke wat by volgens goeddunke noodsaaklik ag, ty- material as may be excavated by it during the course of thedelik to plaas op die grond wat aan die voornoemde serwi- construction, maintenance or removal of such seweragetuut grens en voorts is die plaaslike bestuur geregtig tot re- mains and other works as it, in its discretion may deem ne-delike toegang tot genoemde grond vir die voornoemde cessary and shall further be entitled to reasonable access todoel, onderworpe daaraan dat die plaaslike bestuur enige the said land for the aforesaid purpose subject to any dam-skade vergoed wat gedurende die aanleg, onderhoud of age done during the process of the construction, mainte-verwyderings van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings en ander nance or removal of such sewerage mains and other workswerke veroorsaak word. being made good by the local authority.

Administrateurskennisgewing 1678 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1678 19 September 1984


Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the1965. bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that thehet dat Naboomspruit-dorpsbeplanningskema, 1980, gewy- Administrator has approved the amendment of Naboom-

sig word deur die hersonering van Erf 257, Naboomspruit spruit Town-planning Scheme, 1980, by the rezoning of Erftot "Besigheid 2" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per 257, Naboomspruit to "Business 2" with the density of

4erf." "One dwelling per erf."

Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment schemeword in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filled with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria

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Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Naboomspruit en is and the Town Clerk, Naboomspruit and are open for in-beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. spection at all reasonable times.


Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Naboomspruit-wysi- This amendment is known as Naboomspruit Amendmentgingskema 6. Scheme 6.

PB 4-9-2-64H-6 PB 4-9-2-641-1 -6

Administrateurskennisgewing 1679 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1679 19 September 1984


Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Town-planning and Townships Ordinance. 1965, that the1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur Administrator has approved the amendment of Randburghet dat Randburg-dorpsbeplanningskema, 1976, gewysig Town-planning Scheme, 1976, by the rezoning of Lot 638,word deur die hersonering van Lot 638, Ferndale tot "Re- Ferndale to "Residential 1" with a density of "One dwel-sidensieel 1" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per 1 500 ling per 1 500 m2."m2. is

Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment schemeare filled with the Director of Local Government, Pretoriaword in bewaring gehou deur dieDirekteur van Plaaslike Bestuur,Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Randburg en is be- and the Town Clerk, Randburg and are open for inspection

skikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. at all reasonable times.

Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Randburg-wysiging- This amendment is known as Randburg Amendmentskema 742. Scheme 742.

PB 4-9-2-132H-742 PB 4-9-2-132H-742

Administrateurskennisgewing 1680 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1680 19 September 1984


Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur Administrator has approved the amendment of Randburghet dat Randburg-dorpsbeplanningskema, 1976, gewysig Town-planning Scheme, 1976, by the rezoning of Erven 270word deur die hersonering van Erwe 270 en 288, Fontaine- and 288, Fontainebleau to "Industrial 3".bleau tot "Nywerheid 3".

Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment schemeword in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filled with the Director of Local Government, PretoriaBestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Randburg en is be- and the Town Clerk, Randburg and are open for inspection

1skikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye.at all reasonable times.

Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Randburg-wysiging- This amendment is known as Randburg Amendmentskema 20. Scheme 20.

PB 4-9-2-13211-20 PB 4-9-2-132H-20

Administrateurskennisgewing 1681 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1681'

19 September 1984


Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur Administrator has approved the amendment of Randburghet dat Randburg-dorpsbeplanningskema, 1976, gewysig Town-planning Scheme, 1976, by the rezoning of Lot 110,word deur die hersonering van Lot 110, Ferndale tot "Re- Ferndale to "Residential 1" with a density of "One dwel-sidensieel 1" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per 1 500 ling per 1.500 m2."m2.7.

Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment schemeare filled with the Director of Local Government, Pretoriaword in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike

Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Randburg en is be- and the Town Clerk, Randburg and are open for inspection

skikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. at all reasonable times.

Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Randburg-wysiging- This amendment is known as Randburg Amendmentskema 732. Scheme 732.

PB 4-9-2-132H-732 PB 4-9-2-132H-732

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Administrateurskennisgewing 1682 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1682 19 September 19844


Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur Administrator has approved the amendment of Randburghet dat Randburg-dorpsbeplanningskema, 1976, gewysig Town-planning Scheme, 1976, by the rezoning of Lot 1209,word deur die hersonering van Lot 1209. Ferndale tot Ferndale to "Special" for offices or flats subject to certain"Spesiaal" vir kantore of woonstelle onderworpe aan se- conditions.kere voorwaardes.

Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme

word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike are filled with the Director of Local Government, PretoriaBestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Randburg en is be- and the Town Clerk, Randburg and are open for inspection

skikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. at all reasonable times.

Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Randburg-wysiging- This amendment is known as Randburg Amendmentskema 649. Scheme 649.

PB 4-9-2-132H-649 PB 4-9-2-13211-649

Administr- seurskennisgewing 1683 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1683 19 September 1984

WET OP OP HEFFIN G VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967: REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967: ERVENERWE 1873 TOT 1880, 1883, 1885 TOT 1904, DORP PHA- 1873 TO 1880, 1883, 1885 TO 1904, PHALABORWA


Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 2(1) of the Re-2(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, be- moval of Restrictions Act, 1967, that the Administrator haskend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur het approved that -dat -

I. The following clauses in Deed of Transfer T35277/19681. Die volgende klousules in Akte van Transport be altered as follows:

T35277/1968 soos volg gewysig word:(1) Clauses 10, 11 and 12 by deletion of the words: "as 'n

(1) Klousules 10, 11 en 12 deur die woorde: "as 'n laai- laaiterrein".terrein" weg te laat.

(2) Clause 6 by deletion of the words "as 'n winkelplein".(2) Klousule 6 deur die woorde "as 'n winkelplein" weg

te laat. (3) Clauses 18, 19, 20 and 21 by deletion of the words: "as'".

(3) Klousules 18, 19, 20 en 21 deur die woorde: "as 'nn parkeerterrein

parkeerterrein" weg te laat. 2. Clause (c) of Administrator's Proclamation 250 dated11 December 1963 be altered by deletion of the figures and

2. Klousule (c) in Administrateurs Proklamasie 250 ge- words: "1873 to 1876", "1879", "1885", "1886", "1887",dateer 11 Desember 1963 gewysig word deur die woorde en "1888", "1891 to 1894", "1896", "1897" and "1899 to 1904";

4syfers "1873 tot 1876", "1879", "1885", "1886", "1887", and"1888", "1891 tot 1894", "1896", "1897", "1899 tot 1904"weg te laat; en 3. the Phalaborwa Town-planning Scheme, 1981, be

amended by the rezoning of Erven 1873 to 1880, 1883, 18853. Phalaborwa-dorpsbeplanningskema, 1981, gewysig to 1904, Phalaborwa Township, to "Business 2", and which

word deur die hersonering van Erwe 1873 tot 1880, 1883, amendment scheme will be known as Phalaborwa Amend-1885 tot 1904, dorp Phalaborwa, tot "Besigheid 2", welke ment Scheme 12, as indicated on the relevant Map 3 andwysigingskema bekend staan as Phalaborwa-wysiging- scheme clauses which are open for inspection at the officesskema 12, soos aangedui op die toepaslike Kaart 3 en ske- of the Department of Local Government, Pretoria and themaklousules wat ter insae le in die kantore van die De- town Clerk of Phalaborwa.partement van Plaaslike Bestuur, Pretoria en dieStadsklerk van Phalaborwa.

Pretoria, 19 September 1984 Pretoria, 19 September 1984

PB 4-14-2-2187-12 PB 4-14-2-2187-12

Administrateurskennisgewing 1684 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1684 19 September 1984



Die Administrateur maak hierby bekend dat hy, inge- The Administrator hereby gives notice that he, in termsvolge artikel 4(1) van die Ordonnansie op Munisipale Ver- of section 4(1) of the Municipal Elections Ordinance, 1970,kiesings, 1970, 'n kommissie, bestaande uit die volgende has appointed a commission consisting of the following

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persone aangestel het om die nuwe munisipaliteit van persons, to divide the new municipality of Akasia which heAkasia wat by van voorneme is om aldus te verklaar, in


intends declaring as such, into nine wards as determined bynege wyke soos deur horn ingevolge artikel 3(1) van ge- him in terms of section 3(1) of the said Ordinance:noemde Ordonnansie bepaal, in te deel:

Landdros P.A.J. Burger, Voorsitter; Magistrate Mr. P.A.J. Burger, Chairman;•

Mnr. C.R. de W. Wessels, Lid; en Mr. C.R. de W. Wessels, Member; and

Mnr. C.J. Joubert, Lid. Mr. C.J. Joubert, Member.

PB 3-2-2-90 PB 3-2-2-90

Administrateurskennisgewing 1685 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1685 19 September 1984


Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur Administrator has approved the amendment of Kemptonhet dat Kemptonpark-dorpsaanlegskema 1, 1952, gewysig Park Town-planning Scheme 1, 1952, by the rezoning ofword deur die hersonering van Erwe 3 en 4, Esterpark tot Erven 3 and 4, Ester Park to "Special Residential" with a"Spesiale Woon" met 'n digtheid van 1 woonhuis per density of one dwelling per 8 000 sq ft.

08 000 vk vt.

Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment schemeKaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema are filed with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria

word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike and the Town Clerk, Kempton Park and are open for inrBestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk van Kemptonpark en is spection at all reasonable times.beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye.

Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Kemptonpark-wysi- This amendment is known as Kempton Park Amendmentgingskema 1/293. - Scheme 1/293.

PB 4-9-2-16-293 PB 4-9-2-16-293

. • '

Administrateurskennisgewing 1686 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1686 19 September 1984


Hierby word ooreenkqmstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur Administrator has approved the amendment of Boksburghet dat Boksburg-dorpsaanlegskema 1, 1946, gewysig word Town-planning Scheme 1, 1946, by the rezoning of Erf 481,deur die hersonering van Erf 481, Lilianton, Uitbreiding 1 Lilianton Extension I to "Special."tot "Spesiaal."

Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment schemeare filled with the Director of Local Government, Pretoria

word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van PlaaslikeBestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Boksburg en is be-

and the Town Clerk, Boksburg and are open for inspection

skikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. at all reasonable times.

Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Boksburg-wysiging- This amendment is known as Boksburg Amendmentskema 347. Scheme 347.

PB 4-9-2-8-347 PB 4-9-2-8-347

Administrateurskennisgewing 1687 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1687 19 September 1984•


Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 2(1) of the Re-2(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, be- moval of Restrictions Act, 1967, that the Administrator haskend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur het

approved that —dat —

1. Voorwaarde (f) en (k) in Akte van Transport 1. Condition (f) and (k) in Deed of Transfer T37287/1981T37287/1981 opgehef word ten einde dit moontlik te maak be removed in order to permit the subdivision of the erf;om die erf onder te verdeel; en and


Benoni-dorpsaanlegskema 1, 1947, gewysig word deur 2. the Benoni Town -planning Scheme 1, 1947, bedie hersonering van Erf 1734, dorp Rynfield, tot "Spesiale amended by the rezoning of Erf 1734, Rynfield Township,

Page 34: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


Woon" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per 1 500 n?", to "Special Residential" with a density of "One dwellingwelke wysigingskema bekend staan as Benoni-wysiging- per 1 500 m2" and which amendment scheme will be knownskema 1/261, soos aangedui op die toepaslike Kaart 3 en as Benoni Amendment Scheme 1/261, as indicated on theskemaklousules wat ter insae le in die kantore van die De- relevant Map 3 and scheme clauses which are open for in-partement van Plaaslike Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stads- spection at the offices of the Department of Local Govern-klerk van Benoni. ment, Pretoria and the Town Clerk of Benoni.

PB 4-14-2-1185-16 PB 4-14-2-1185-16

Administrateurskennisgewing 1688 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1688 19 September 1984



The Administrator hereby in terms of section 59(1)(a) ofDie Administrateur stel hierby ingevolge artikel 59(1)(a) the Road Traffic Ordinance, 1966 (Ordinance 21 of 1966),

van die Ordonnansie op Padverkeer, 1966 (Ordonnansie 21 fixes the date "1 July 1985" in substitution for the date "1van 1966), die datum "1 Julie 1985" vas ter vervanging van January 1985".die datum "1 Januarie 1985".

TW 2/13/1 TO 21 TW 2/13/1 TO 21

Administrateurskennisgewing 1689 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1689 19 September 1984


Met die oog op 'n aansoek wat van mnr. C.F. Pretorius In view of an application received from Mr. C.F. Preto-ontvang is vir die verlegging van 'n ongenommerde open- rius, for the deviation of an unnumbered public road overbare pad oor die plaas Sylvesterpan 73 LR, is die Admini- the farm Sylvesterpan 73 LR, the Administrator intends ta-strateur van voorneme om ingevolge artikel 29 van die king action in terms of section 29 of the Roads Ordinance,Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie 22 van 1957) op te 1957 (Ordinance 22 of 1957).tree.

Enige persoon kan binne dertig dae van die datum van Any person may lodge his objections to the proposed de-viation within thirty days from the date of publication of

sware teen die verlegging, skriftelik indien by die Streek-publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing die redes vir sy be-

this notice in writing with the Regional Engineer, PrivateBag X9379, Pietersburg. The attention of objectors isingenieur, Privaatsak X9378, Pietersburg. Die aandag van

beswaarmakers word op die bepalings van artikel 29(3) van drawn to the provisions of section 29(3) of the said Ordi-gemelde Ordonnansie gevestig. nonce.

UKB 1472(12) van 7 Augustus 1984 ECR 1472(12) of 7 August 19844DP03-030-23/24/5-1 DP03-030-23/24/S-1

Administrateurskennisgewing 1690 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1690 19 September 1984


Met die oog op 'n aansoek wat van mnr R.J. van Rooyen In view of an application received from Mr R.J. vanontvang is vir die verlegging van 'n ongenommerde open- Rooyen, for the deviation of an unnumbered public roadbare pad oor die plase Van Wyks Pan 441 LQ en Hoorn- over the farms Van Wyks Pan 441 LQ and Hoornbosch 439bosch 439 LQ. is die Administrateur van voorneme om ing- LQ. the Administrator intends taking action in terms ofevolge artikel 29 van die Padordonnansie, 1957. section 29 of the Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance 22 of(Ordonnansie 22 van 1957), op te tree.-


Enige persoon kan binne dertig dae van die datum van Any person may lodge his objection to the proposed de-publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing die redes vir sy be- viation within thirty days from the date of publication ofsware teen die verlegging, skriftelik indien by die Streek- this notice in writing with the Regional Engineer, Privateingenieur, Privaatsak X9378, Pietersburg. Die aandag van Bag X9379, Pietersburg. The attention of objectors isbeswaarmakers word op die bepalings van artikel 29(3) van drawn to the provisions of section 29(3) of the said Ordi-

4gemelde Ordonnansie gevestig. nance.

UKB 1506(15) van 14 Augustus 1984 ECR 1506(15) of 14 August 1984DP 03-030-23/24/H-3DP 03-030-23/24/11-3

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19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1691.


Administrateurskennisgewing 169119 September 1984

VERLEGGING EN VERBREDING VAN PROVIN- DEVIATION AND WIDENING OF PROVINCIALSIALE PAD P83-1 EN VERWANTE PADREELINGS ROAD P83- 1 AND RELATIVE ROAD ADJUSTMENTSDie Administrateur verle en verbreed hiermee, inge- The Administrator hereby deviates and increases, involge die bepalings van artikel 5(1)(d) en artikel 3 van die terms of the provisions of section 5(1)(d) and section 3 ofPadordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie 22 van 1957), Provin- the Road Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance 22 of 1957), Provin-siale Pad P83- / oor die plaas Macalacaskop 243 KR na 40 cial Road P83- 1 over the farm Macalacaskop 243 KR to ameter. width of40 metres.Die algemene rigting en ligging van die verlegging en The general direction and situation of the deviation and

omvang van die reserwebreedte van die pad, word op by- the extent of the road reserve of the said road, is shown ongaande sketsplan aangetoon. the subjoined sketchp/an.Ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 5A(3) van ge- In terms of provisions of section 5A(3) of the said Ordi-melde Ordonnansie word hiermee verklaar dat die grond nance, it is hereby declared that the land taken up by thewat gemelde padreelings in beslag neem, met ysterpenne said road adjustments, has been demarcated by means ofen klipstapels afgemerk is. cairns and pegs.


UKB 1472(13) gedateer 7 Augustus 1984DP 03-033-23/21/p83-1

ECR 1169 dated 7 August 1984DP 03-033 -23/2I/P83- 1







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Administrateurskennisgewing 1692 19 September 1984 Administrator's Notice 1692 19 September 1984


Ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 4(1) van die Ordon- In terms of Section 4(1) of the Pounds Ordinance, 1972,nansie op Skutte, 1972, (Ordonnansie 13 van 1972) stel die (Ordinance 13 of 1972) the Administrator hereby appointsAdministrateur mnr. Coert Grobbelaar, Posbus 6, Draai- Mr. Coert Grobbelaar, P.O. Box 6, Draaikraal as pound-kraal as skutmeester van die skut op die plaas Kliprivier, master of the pound on the farm Kliprivier, 73 JT, Belfast73 JT, in die plek van sy moeder mev. M.M.S. Grobbelaar, in the place of his mother Mrs. M.M.S. Grobbelaar who It-wie bedank het hierby aan. signed.

T.W. 5/6/2/12 T.W. 5/6/2/22

Algemene Kennisgewings General Notices



Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen- The Director of Local Government gives notice in termskomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has1965), kennis dat die eienaars, Sidney Rootenberg en De- been made by the owners, Sidney Rootenberg and Denise-nise-Marie Bjorkman, aansoek gedoen het om Johannes- Marie Bjorkman, for the amendment of Johannesburgburg-dorpsbeplanningskema, 1979, to wysig deur die herso- Town-planning Scheme, 1979, by rezoning Lot 1489,nering van Lot 1489, Houghton Estate, gelee in Riverstraat Houghton Estate, situated in River Street from "Residen-, van "Residensieel 2, hoogtesone 8 met 'n digtheid van 8 tial 2, height zone 8 with a density of 8 dwelling-units perwooneenhede Per hektaar en 'n verbod op onderverde- hectare and a prohibition of subdivision" to "Residentialling" tot "Restdensieel 1", hoogtesone 0 met 'n digtheid 1, height zone 0 with a density of one dwelling per I 500van een woonhuis per 1 500 vierkante meter". square metres".

Page 36: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Johannesburg Amend- Ament Scheme 1269. Further particulars of the scheme are 1Johannesburg-wysigingskema 1269 genoem sal word) le in

die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Johan-

Kamer B506A, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Preto- nesburg and at the office of the Director of Local Go-

ria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Johannesburg vermnent, Room B506A, Provincial Building, Pretorius

ter insae. .Street, Pretoria.

Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli-tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier- cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern-

die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437,by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and the Town Clerk, P 0 Box 4323, JohannesburgStadsklerk, Posbus 4323, Johannesburg skriftelik voorgele at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of thisword. notice.

Pretoria, 12 September 1984 Pretoria, 12 September 1984

PB 4-9-2-2H-1269 PB 4-9-2-2H-1269



Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen- The Director of Local Government gives notice in termskomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has

41965), kennis dat die eienaars, John David Hart en Anna been made by the owners, John David Hart and AnnaRose Hart, aansoek gedoen het om Johannesburg-dorps- Rose Hart, for the amendment of Johannesburg Town-

beplanningskema 1979, te wysig deur die hersonering van planning Scheme 1979, by rezoning Portion 1 of Lot 2512,Gedeelte 1 van Lot 2512, aangrensend aan Erf .2509, wat adjacent to Erf 2509 which is situated on Jules Street, Jep-geled is in Julesstraat, Jeppestown van "Residensieel 4" pestown, from "Residential 4" Height Zone 0 to "Special"Hoogtesone 0 tot "Spesiaal" vir besigheidsdoeleindes en for business purposes and private parking area.privaat parkeerterrein.

The amendment will be known as Johannesburg Amend-

Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat ment Scheme 1125. Further particulars of the scheme areJohannesburg-wysigingskema 1125 genoem sal word) le in open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Johan-

die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, nesburg and the office of the Director of Local Govern-

Kamer B506A, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Preto- ment, Room B506A, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street,ria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Johannesburg Pretoria.ter insae.

Any objection or representations in regard to the appli-Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern-

tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier- ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437,die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria and the Town Clerk, P 0 Box 1049, Johannesburgby bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of thisStadsklerk, Posbus 1049, Johannesburg skriftelik voorgele notice.word.

Pretoria, 12 September 1984Pretoria, 12 September 1984 .

PB 4-9-2-214-1125 PB 4-9-2-2H-11254



Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen- The Director of Local Government gives notice in termskomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Anne Magdalene van been made by the owner, Anne Magdalene van Tonder,Tonder, aansoek gedoen het om Germiston-dorpsbeplan- for the amendment of Germiston Town-planning Schemeningskema 1945, te wysig deur die hersonering van "Erf 1945, by rezoning "Ed 821, Primrose, situated in Shamrock821, Primrose, geled in Shamrockweg" van "Spesiale woon Road" from "Special Residential with a density of onemet 'n digtheid van een woonhuis per err tot "Spesiaal vir dwelling per erf' to "Special for offices".kantoordoeleindes".

The amendment will be known as Germiston Amend-Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat ment Scheme 1/352. Further particulars of the scheme are

Germiston -wysigingskema 1/352 genoem sal word) le in die open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Ger-

kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer miston and the office of the Director of Local Govern-

B506A, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in ment, Room B506A, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street,die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Germiston ter insae. Pretoria.

Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli-tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier- cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern-die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437,by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 145, Germiston at 4Stadsklerk, Posbus 145, Germiston skriftelik voorgele any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of thisword. notice.

Pretoria, 12 September 1984 PB 4-9-2- 1 -352 . Pretoria, 12 September 1984 PB 4-9-2- 1 -352

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j KENNISGEWING 788 VAN 1984 NOTICE 788 OF 1984


The Director of Local Government gives notice in termsDie Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen- of section 46 of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application hasop Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van been made by the owners, Memev Investments (Newlands)1965), kennis dat die eienaars, Mernev Investments (New- (Proprietary) Limited and Imperial Motors (Johannes-lands) (Proprietary) Limited and Imperial Motors (Johan- burg) (Proprietary) Limited, for the amendment of Johan-nesburg) (Proprietary) Limited, aansoek gedoen het om nesburg Town-planning Scheme, 1979, by rezoning ErvenJohannesburg-dorpsbeplanningskema, 1979, te wysig deur 1585, 1587, 1589, Newlands, situated in Italian Road fromdie hersonering van Erwe 1585, 1587, 1589 Newlands, gelee "Residential 1" to "Business 1".in Italianweg van "Residensieel 1" tot "Besigheid 1".

The amendment will be known as Johannesburg Amend-Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat ment Scheme 1265. Further particulars of the scheme areJohannesburg-wysigingskema 1265 genoem sal word) 16 in open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Johan-die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, nesburg, and the office of the Director of Local Govern-Kamer B506A, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Preto- ment, Room B506A, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street,ria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Johannesburg Pretoria.ter insae.

Any objection or representations in regard to the appli-Enige beswaar of vertod teen die aansoek kan te eniger cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern-tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier- ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437,die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 4323, Johannesburg,k by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of thisp Stadsklerk, Posbus 4323, Johannesburg skriftelik voorgele notice.word. Pretoria, 12 September 1984Pretoria, 12 September 1984 PB 4-9-2-211-1265 PB 4-9-2-211-1265



Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen- The Director of Local Government gives notice in termskomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Alec Kourie, aansoek ge- been made by the owner, Alec Kourie, for the amendmentdoen het om Johannesburg-dorpsbeplanningskema, 1979, of Johannesburg Town -planning Scheme, 1979, by rezoningte wysig deur die hersonering van Gedeelte 48 ('n gedeelte Portion 48 (a portion of Portion 25) of the farm Turffon-van Gedeelte 25) van die pleas Turffontein 100 IR, geled in tein 100 IR, situated in Turffontein Street from "Residen-Turffonteinstraat van "Residensieel 4" tot "Residensieel tial 4" to "Residential 4" including the parking of lorries,4" ingesluit die parkering van trokke, meganiese voertuie,

mechanical vehicles, equipment, plant and ancillary uses.toerusting, masjinerie en aanvullende gebruike.

Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (watThe amendment will be known as Johannesburg Amend-

ment Scheme 1261. Further particulars of the scheme areJohannesburg-wysigingskema 1261 genoem sal word) 16 in open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Johan-die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, nesburg and the office of the Director of Local Govern-

'KamerB506A, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Preto- ment, Room B506A, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street,ria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Johannesburg Pretoria.

ter insae.Any objection or representations in regard to the appli-Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern-

tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier- ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437,die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria and the Town Clerk, P 0 Box 4323, Johannesburgby bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of thisStadsklerk, Posbus 4323, Johannesburg skriftelik voorgele notice.word.

Pretoria, 12 September 1984Pretoria, 12 September 1984

PB 4-9-2-2H-1261 PB 4-9-2-2H-1261



Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen-komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie The Director of Local Government gives notice in termsop Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van of section 46 of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Konrad Rosen, aansoek ge- nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application hasdoen het om Johannesburg-dorpsbeplanningskema, 1979, been made by the owner, Konrad Rosen, for the amend-

te wysig deur die hersonering van Gedeelte 3 van Lot 288 ment of Johannesburg Town-planning Scheme, 1979, by re-

Norwood, gelee in Irisweg van "Residensieel 1" tot "Resi- zoning Portion 3 of Lot 288, Norwood, situated in Irisdensieel 1" insluitend kantore, onderworpe aan sekere Road from "Residential 1" to "Residential 1" including of-voorwaardes.


fices, subject to certain conditions.

Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Johannesburg Amend -

lohannesburg-wysigingskema 1260 genoem sal word) 16 in ment Scheme 1260. Further particulars of the scheme are

Page 38: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Johan- AKamer B506A, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Preto- nesburg and at the office of the Director of Local Govern- IIria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Johannesburg ment, Room B506A, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street,ter insae. Pretoria.

Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli -tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier- cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern-

die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437,by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 4323, Johannesburg,Stadsklerk, Posbus 4323, Johannesburg skriftelik voorgele at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of thisword. notice.

Pretoria, 12 September 1984 Pretoria, 12 September 1984PB 4-9-2-2H-1260 PB 4-9-2-2H- 1260



Ingevolge artikel 3(6) van bogenoemde Wet word hier- It is hereby notified in terms of section 3(6) of the above-mee kennis gegee dat onderstaande aansoeke deur die Di- mentioned Act that the undermentioned applications haverekteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ontvang is en ter insae re by been received by the Director of Local Government andKamer r's06, Transvaalse Provinsiale Administrasie are open for inspection at Room B506, Transvaal Provin-

Gebou, Prt..toriusstraat, Pretoria, en in die kantoor van cial Administration Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria,4die betrokke plaaslike bestuur. and at the offices of the relevant local authority.

Enige beswaar, met voile redes daarvoor, moet skrifte- Any objections, with full reasons therefor, should belik by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, by bovermelde lodged in writing with the Director of Local Government,adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria, ingedien word op of at the above address or Private Bag X437, Pretoria, on orvoor 10 Oktober 1984. before 10 October 1984.

Pretoria, 12 September 1984 Pretoria, 12 September 1984

RI Spargo (Investments) (Proprietary) Limited, Barkay RJ Spargo (Investments) (Proprietary) Limited, BarkayProperties (Proprietary) Limited and Spargo Properties Properties (Proprietary) Limited and Spargo Properties(Proprietary) Limited, vir die wysiging, opskorting of (Proprietary) Limited, for the amendment, suspension oropheffing van die titelvoorwaardes van Erwe 226, 227, 228 removal of the conditions of title of Erven 226, 227, 228en 229, dorp Alrode Uitbreiding 2 ten einde dit moontlik te and 229, Alrode Extension 2 Township in order to permitmaak dat die erwe vir die doeleindes van oopparkering the erven being used for the purposes of open parkingen/of onderdak parkering binne die 6,10 meter bouver- and/or covered parking within the 6,10 metre building re-

bodstrook gebruik kan word. striction line.

PB 4-14-2-2376-4 PH 4-14-2-2376-4

Agnes Mary Johnson, vir die wysiging, opskorting of Agnes Mary Johnson, for the amendment, suspension oropheffing van die titelvoorwaardes van Erf 14, dorp Kel- removal of the conditions of title of Erf 14, Kelland Town-

land ten einde dit moontlik te maak dat 'n tweede woon- ship in order to permit a second dwelling to be erected onhuis op die erf opgerig kan word. the erf.

4PB 4-14-2-2320-2 PB 4-14-2-2320-2

Frank William Liebenberg, vir die wysiging, opskorting Frank William Liebenberg, for the amendment, suspen-of opheffing van die titelvoorwaardes van Hoewe 11, Glen sion or removal of the conditions of title of Holding 11,Dayson Landbouhoewes ten einde dit moontlik te maak Glen Dayson Agricultural Holdings in order to permit thedat die boulyn verslap kan word. building line to be relaxed.

PB 4-14-2-204-1 PB 4-14-2-204- 1

Mervyn Sydney Stein en Vernon Sandison Rezin, vir die Mervyn Sydney Stein and Vernon Sandison Rezin, forwysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die titelvoorwaardes the amendment, suspension or removal of the conditionsvan Erf 580, dorp Kemptonpark Uitbreiding 2 ten einde dit of title of Erf 580, Kempton Park Extension 2 Township, inmoontlik te maak dat die erf vir 'n dierekliniek met opera- order to permit the erf being used for a veterinary surgerysiefasiliteite gebruik kan word. and animal clinic.

PB 4-14-2-667-7 PB 4-14-2-667-7

Die Stadsraad van Springs, vir—The Town Council of Springs, for —

1. die wysiging,' opskorting of opheffing van die titel-voorwaardes van Erf 807, dorp Strubenvale ten einde dit 1. the amendment, suspension or removal of the condi-moontlik te maak dat die erf gebruik kan word vir residen- Lions of title of Erf 807, Strubenvale Township in order tosidle doeleindes; en permit the erf being used for residential purposes; and

2. die wysiging van die Springs-dorpsbeplanningskema, 2. the amendment of the Springs Town-planning Scheme, 41/1948, deur die hersonering van die erf van "Munisipaal" 1/1948, by the rezoning of the erf from "Municipal" totot "Spesiale Woon" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis "Special Residential" with a density of "One dwelling-

per err . house per err'.

Page 39: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


Die wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Springs-wysiging- This amendment scheme will be known as Springsskema 1/293. Amendment Scheme 1/293.

PB 4-14-2-1273-8 PB 4-14-2-1273 -8

Stanley Bloch, vir— Stanley Bloch, for —

1. die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die titel- 1. the amendment, suspension or removal of the condi-voorwaardes van Erf 16, dorp Lakefield ten einde dit lions of title of Erf 16, Lakefield Township in order to per-

moontlik te maak dat die erf onderverdeel kan word, om mit the erf being subdivided to allow the erection of a se-die oprigting van 'n tweede woonhuis op die erf moontlik cond dwelling-house on the erf; andte maak; en

2. the amendment of the Benoni Town-planning Scheme,2. die wysiging van die Benoni-dorpsbeplanningskema, 1/1947, by the rezoning of the erf from "Special Residen-

1/1947, deur die hersonering van die erf van "Spesiale tial" with a density of "One dwelling per err to "SpecialWoon" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per Cr?' tot Residential" with a density of "One dwelling per 1 250"Spesiale Woon" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per m2".1 250 m2".

This amendment scheme will be known as BenoniDie wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Benoni-wysiging- Amendment Scheme 1/303.

skema 1/303.PB 4-14-2-742- 1

PB 4-14-2-742-1 .

Louis Bank, for—Louis Bank, vir —

1. the amendment, suspension or removal of the condi-

k 1. die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die titel- tions of title of Lots 1 and 2, Fellside Township in order top voorwaardes van Lotte 1 en 2, dorp Fellside ten einde dit permit the lots being subdivided; and

moontlik te maak dat die lotte onderverdeel kan word; en2. the amendment of the Johannesburg Town-planning

2. die wysiging van die Johannesburg-dorpsbeplanning- Scheme, 1979, by the rezoning of Lots 1 and 2, Fellsideskema, 1979, deur die hersonering van Lotte 1 en 2, dorp Township, from "Residential 1" with a density of "OneFellside van "Residensieel 1" met 'n digtheid van "Een dwelling per err and the Remaining Extent of Lot 14, Vic-

woonhuis per err en die Restant van Lot 14, dorp Victoria toria Township from "Residential 1" with a density ofvan "Residensieel 1" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis "One dwelling per 1 500 m2" to "Residential 1" with a den-per 1 500 m2" tot "Residensieel 1" met 'n digtheid van shy of "One dwelling per 500 m2" in respect of Lots 1 and 2,'Een woonhuis per 500 m2" met betrekking tot Lotte 1 en Fellside Township and to "Residential 1" with a density of

2, dorp Fellside, en "Residensieel 1" met 'n digtheid van "One dwelling per 700 m2" in respect of the Remaining Ex-

"Een woonhuis per 700 m2" met betrekking tot die Restant tent of Lot 14, Victoria Township.van Lot 14, dorp Victoria.

This amendment scheme will be known as JohannesburgDie wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Johannesburg- Amendment Scheme 1267.

wysigingskema 1267. PB 4-14-2-1950-2PB 4-14-2-1950-2

Belinda Picker, for—Belinda Picker, vir —

1. the amendment, suspension or removal of the condi-1. die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die titel- dons of title of Erf 125, Senderwood Extension 1 Township

voorwaardes van Erf 125, dorp Senderwood Uitbreiding 1 in order to permit the erf to be subdivided; and

'teneinde dit moontlik te maak dat die erf onderverdeel

kan word; en 2. the amendment of the Johannesburg North Town-

planning Scheme, 1958, by the rezoning of the erf from2. die wysiging van die Noordelike Johannesburg-dorps- "Special Residential" with a density of "One dwelling per

ianlegskema, 1958, deur die hersonering van Erf 125 van erf" to "Special Residential" with a density of "One dwel -'Spesiaal Residensieel" met 'n digtheid van "Een woon- ling per 15 000 square feet".mis per err tot "Spesiaal Residensieel" met 'n digtheidvan "Een woonhuis per 15 000 vierkante voet". This amendment scheme will be known as Johannesburg

Die wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Noordelike Jo- North Amendment Scheme 1266.

lannesburg-wysigingskema 1266. PB 4-14-2-1227-9

PB 4-14-2-1227-9 George Nicholas Venturas, for —George Nicholas Venturas, vir —

1. die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die titel- 1. the amendment, suspension or removal of the condi-

voorwaardes van Erf 2042, dorp Brakpan ten einde dit tions of title of Erf 2042, Brakpan Township in order topermit the erf being wed for the storage of merchandise

moontlik te maak dat die erf gebruik kan word vir diestoor van goedere en die parkering van afleweringsvoer- and the parking of delivery vehicles; and

tuie; en2. the amendment of the Brakpan Town-planning

2. die wysiging van die Brakpan-dorpsbeplanningskema, Scheme, 1/1980, by the rezoning of the erf from "Residen-

1/1980, deur die hersonering van die erf van "Residensieel tial 1" to "Commercial".1" tot "Kommersieel".

Die wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Brakpan-wysi- This amendment scheme will be known as Brakpan

gingskema 51. Amendment Scheme 51.

PB 4-14-2-188-9 PB 4-14-2-188-9

Western Deep Levels Limited, vir die wysiging, opskor- Western Deep Levels Limited, for the amendment, sus-ing of opheffing van die titelvoorwaardes van Erwe 2153, pension or removal of the conditions of title of Erven 2153,

Page 40: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


2146, 2251, 2274, 2272, 2223, 2224, 2170, 2176, 2169, 2180, 2146, 2251, 2274, 2272, 2223, 2224, 2170, 2176, 2169, 2180,Carletonville Uitbreiding 4 ten einde dit moontlik te maak Carletonville Extension 4 Township in order to permit the Idat die boulyn op die betrokke erwe verslap kan word. relaxation of the building line on the relevant erven.

PB 4-14-2-229-2 PB 4-14-2-229-2


Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hiermee inge- The Director of Local Government hereby gives noticevolge die bepalings van artikel 58(8)(a) van die Ordonnan- in terms of section 58(8)(a) of the Town-planning andsie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965, kennis dat aan- Townships Ordinance, 1965, that applications to establishsoeke om die dorpe in die bylae hierby gemeld te stig, the township(s) mentioned in the annexure hereto, haveontvang is. been received.

Die aansoeke tesame met die tersaaklike planne, doku- The applications, together with the relevant plans, docu-

mente en inligting 18 ter insae by die kantoor van die Di- ments and information are open for inspection at the officerekteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer B306, 3e Vloer, B • of the Director of Local Government, Room B306, ThirdBlok, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria vir 'n Floor, Block B, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Pre-tydperk van 8 weke vanaf 12 September 1984. toria for a period of 8 weeks from 12 September 1984.

Iedereen wat beswaar teen die toestaan van 'n aansoek Any person who desires to object to the granting of anywil maak of begerig is om enige vertoo in verband daar- of the applications or who desires to make any representa-

mee te rig, moet die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Pri- tions in regard thereto, must notify the Director of Localvaatsak 17, Pretoria 0001, binne 'n tydperk van 8 weke Government, Private Bag X437. Pretoria 0001, in writingvanaf die datum van eerste publikasie hiervan, nl 12 Sep- and in duplicate of his reasons therefor within a period of 8

4tember 1984 skriftelik en in duplikaat van sy redes in ken- weeks from the date of first publication hereof.nis stel. Pretoria, 12 September 1984Pretoria, 12 September 1984


Naam van dorp: Amersfoort Uitbreiding 5. Name of township: Amersfoort Extension 5.

Naam van aansoekdoener: Munisipaliteit van Amers- Name of applicant: Municipality of Amersfoort.foort.

Number of erven: Residential 1: 135; Public OpenAantal erwe: Residensieel 1: 135; Openbare Oopruimte: Space: Park: I.

Park: 1.

Beskrywing van grond: 'n Deel van die Restant van Ge- Description of land: A portion of the Remaining Extent

deelte 1 en Gedeelte 5 van die plaas Amersfoort Town. of Portion 1 and Portion 5 of the farm Amersfoort Town.

Townlands 57 HS. Townlands 57 HS.

Ligging: Noord van en grens aan Buitekantstraat en wes Situation: North of and adjacent to Buitekant Street andvan en grens aan Asiatiese Dorp. west of the Asian Township.

Verwysingsnommer: PB 4-2-2-7271. Reference No: PB 4-2-2-7271.

Naam van dorp: Kriel Uitbreiding 1. Name of township: Kriel Extension 1.

Naam van aansoekdoener: EVKOM. Name of applicant: ESCOM.Aantal erwe: Residensieel 1: 2 312; Residensieel 2: 11; Number of erven: Residential 1: 2 312; Residential 2: 11;

Besigheid: 2; Spesiaal vir garage: 1; Reservoirs: 2; Pyplyn- Business: 2; Special for garage: 1; Reservoirs: 2; Pipelinereserwes: 15; Ander: Munisipaal: 1; Kerk: 11; Skool: 1; reserves: 15; Other: Municipal: 1; Churches: 11; School: 1;Transformators: 10. Transformators: 10.

Beskrywing van grond: Resterende Gedeelte van Ge-deelte 4 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte 2) van die plaas Roo- Description of land: Remaining Extent of Portion 4 (a

debloem 58 IS. portion of Portion 2) of the farm Roodebloem 58 IS.

Ligging: Noordoos van en grens aan Provinsiale Pad Situation: North-east of and adjacent to Provincial RoadP120-2 en noord van en grens aan die plaas Onverwacht No P120-2 and north of and adjacent to the farm Onverwacht70 IS. No 70 IS.

Verwysingsnommer: PB 4-2-2-7559. Reference No: PB 4-2-2-7559.

Naam van dorp: Hughes Uitbreiding 11. Name of township: Hughes Extension 11.

Naam van aansoekdoener: Willem Johannes Marthinus Name of applicant: Willem Johannes Marthinus Ruth-Ruthven. yen.

Aantal erwe: Kommersieel: 3. Number of erven: Commercial: 3.

Beskrywing van grond: Gedeelte 147 (gedeelte van Ge- Description of land: Portion 147 (portion of Portion 5) ofdeelte 5) van die plaas Driefontein 85 IR. the farm Driefontein 85 IR.

Ligging: Noordwes van en grens aan Denneweg. Noord- Situation: North-west of and abuts Denne Road andoos van en grens aan Gedeelte 146 van die plaas Driefon- north-east of and abuts Portion 146 of the farm Driefonteintein 85 IR. 85 IR.

Page 41: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


Verwysingsnommer: PB 4-2-2-7566. Reference No: PB 4-2-2-7566.

IIP Naam van dorp: Bethal Uitbreiding 17. Name of township: Bethal Extension 17.

Naam van aansoekdoener: Steinmtiller Properties Name of applicant: Steinmuller Properties Number TwoNumber Two (Pty) Ltd. (Pty) Ltd.

Aantal erwe: Nywerheid: 6. Number of erven: Industrial: 6.

Beskrywing van grond: Gedeelte 53 ('n gedeelte van Ge- Description of land: Portion 53 (a portion of Portion 40)deelte 40) van die plaas Blesbokspruit 150 IS. of the farm Blesbokspruit 150 IS.

Ligging: Noord van en grens aan Noordlaan en wes van Situation: North of and adjacent to Noord Avenue anden grens aan Bethal Uitbreiding 6. west of and adjacent to Bethal Extension 6.

Verwysingsnommer: PB 4-2-2-7627. Reference No: PB 4-2-2-7627.

Naam van dorp: Vanderbijlpark S W Uitbreiding 11. Name of township: Vanderbijlpark S W Extension 11.

Naam van aansoekdoener: Donald Thomas Allan. Name of applicant: Donald Thomas Allan.

Aantal erwe: Residensieel 2: 2. Number of erven: Residential 2: 2.

Beskrywing van grond: Hoewe 2, Sylviavale Landbou- Description of land: Holding 2, Sylviavale Agriculturalhoewes 10. Holdings.

Ligging: Ten weste van en grens aan P155/1 en ten suide Situation: West of and adjacent to P155/1 and south ofvan en grens aan Hoewe 1, Sylviavale Landbouhoewes IQ. and adjacent to Holding 1, Sylviavale Agricultural Hold-

. Verwysingsnommer: PB 4-2-2-7629. ings.

Naam van dorp: West Acres Uitbreiding 20. Reference No: PB 4-2-2-7629.

Naam van aansoekdoener: Willenjaar (Eiendoms) Be- Name of township: West Acres Extension 20.

perk. Name of applicant: Willenjaar (Eiendoms) Beperk.

Aantal erwe: Residensieel 1: 77; Residensieel 2: 3; Number of erven: Residential 1: 77; Residential 2: 3;Openbare Oopruimte: 2. Public Open Space: 2.

Beskrywing van grond: Gedeelte 15 ('n gedeelte van Ge- Description of land: Portion 15 (a portion of Portion 13)deelte 13) van die plaas Stone Henge Farm 310 if. of the farm Stone Henge Farm 310 JT.

Ligging: Noord van en grens aan Gedeelte 16 van die Situation: North of and abuts Portion 16 of the farmplaas Stone Henge Farm 310 JT. Suidwes van en grens aan Stone Henge Farm 310 JT and south-west of and abutsdorp West Acres Uitbreiding 8 en die Restant van Ge- West Acres Extension 8 Township and the Remainder ofdeelte 14 van dieselfde plaas. Portion 14 of the same farm.

Verwysingsnommer: PB 4-2-2-7659. Reference No: PB 4-2-2-7659.

Naam van dorp: Nelspruit Uitbreiding 16. Name of township: Nelspruit Extension 16.

Naam van aansoekdoener: Terramia (Proprietary) Li- Name ofapplicant: Terramia (Proprietary) Limited.mited.

Number of erven: Residential 1: 20; Residential 2: 3;Aantal erwe: Residensieel 1: 20; Residensieel 2: 3;


Openbare Oopruimte: 2. Public Open Space: 2.

Beskrywing van grond: Gedeelte 13 ('n gedeelte van Ge- Description of land: Portion 13 (a portion of Portion 8)

deelte 8) en die Resterende Gedeelte van Gedeelte 8 ('n and the Remaining Extent of Portion 8 (aportion of fion1) of the farm The Rest 454 JT.


gedeelte van Gedeelte 1) van die plaas The Rest 454 JT.'

Ligging: Suid van en grens aan Impalastraat, Nelspruit Situation: South of and abuts Impala Road, NelspruitExtension 5 and west of and abuts a portion of the farmUitbreiding 5. Wes van en grens aan 'n gedeelte van die

plaas The Rest 454 IT. The Rest 454 JT.

Verwysingsnommer: PB 4-2-2-7680. Reference No: PB 4-2-2-7680.



Ingevolge artikel 82(4) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps-. beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, word hierby bekend gemaak It is hereby notified in terms of section 82(4) of the

dat Menere Barlow Rand Properties Eiendoms Beperk, Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that appli-aansoek gedoen het om die uitbreiding van die grense van cation has been made by Messrs. Barlow Rand Propertiesdorp New Centre, om Gedeelte 476 ('n gedeelte van Ge- Pty Ltd, for permission to extend the boundaries of town-deelte 51) van die plaas Turffontein, No 96, distrik Johan- ship to include Portion 476 (a portion of Portion 51) of the

0nesburg, to omvat. farm Turffontein, No 96, district Johannesburg.

Die betrokke gedeelte is gelee wes van en grens aan Ro- The relevant portion is situated west of and abuts Roset-settenvilleweg, suidoos van Hulbertweg, en sal vir uitbrei tenville Road, south-west of Hulbert Road, and is to bevan 'n goedereloods/pakhuis-doeleindes gebruik word. used for extensions of warehouse purposes.

Page 42: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


Die aansoek en die betrokke plane, dokumente en in- The application together with the relevant plans, docu-

ligting le ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur, ments and information, is open for inspection at the office 4Kamer B206A, 2de Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, of the Director, Room B206A, 2nd Floor, Block B, Provin-

Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van vier weke na datum hiervan. cial Building, Pretoria, for a period of four weeks from the

Iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan vandate hereof.

die aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoor te Any person who wishes to object to the granting of theword of vertoe te rig, moet die Direkteur skriftelik in ken- application or who is desirous of being heard or of making


nis stel. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as vier representations in the matter, shall communicate in writingweke van die datum van die eerste publikasie van hierdie with the Director of Local Government. Such communica-kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant af deur die Direk- lion shall be received by the Director not later than fourteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ontvang word. weeks from the date of the first publication of this notice in

Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerig wordthe Provincial Gazette.

aan Die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike Bestuur, All objections must be lodged in duplicate, and ad-Privaatsak X437, Pretoria, 0001. dressed to the Director of Local Government, Private Bag

Pretoria, 12 September 1984X437, Pretoria, 0001.

PB 4-8-2-293-1 Pretoria, 12 September 1984PB 4-8-2-923- 1


Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hiermee inge-volge die bepalings van artikel 58(8)(a) van die Ordonnan- The Director of Local Government hereby gives notice

sie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965, kennis dat aan- in terms of section 58(8)(a) of the Town-planning and

4soeke om die dorp in die bylae hierby gemeld te stig, Townships Ordinance, 1965, that applications to establish

ontvang is. the township mentioned in the annexure hereto, have been

Die aansoeke tesame met die tersaaklike plane, doku- received.

mente en inligting le ter insae by die kantoor van die Di- The applications, together with the relevant plans, docu -

rekteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer 306, 3e Vloer, B ments and information are open for inspection at the officeBlok, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria vir 'n of the Director of Local Government, Room 306, Thirdtydperk van 8 weke vanaf 12 September 1984. Floor, Block B, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Pre-

toria for a period of 8 weeks from 12 September 1984.Iedereen wat beswaar teen die toestaan van 'n aansoek

wil maak of begerig is om enige vertoe in verband daar- Any person who desires to object to the granting of anymee te rig, moet die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, hi - of the applications or who desires to make any representa-

vaatsak X437, Pretoria 0001 binne 'n tydperk van 8 weke tions in regard thereto, must notify the Director of Localvan die datum af van eerste publikasie hiervan, naamlik 12 Government, Private Bag X437, Pretoria 0001 in writingSeptember 1984, skriftelik en in duplikaat van sy redes in and in duplicate of his reasons therefor within a period of 8

kennis stel. weeks from the date of first publication hereof.

Pretoria, 12 September 1984 Pretoria, 12 September 1984

BYLAE ANNEXURENaam van dorp: Wadeville Uitbreiding 20. Name of township: Wadeville Extension 20.

Naam van aansoekdoener: Timozee Beleggings (Edms) Name of applicant: Timozee Beleggings (Edms) Bpk.Bpk.

Number of erven: Residential 3: 1; Business: 1; Special4Aantal erwe: Residensieel 3: 1; Besigheid: 1; Spesiaal for: Public Garage: 1.

vir: Openbare Garage: 1.Description of land: Portion 92 (a portion of Portion 44)

Beskrywing van grond: Gedeelte 92 ('n gedeelte van Ge- of the farm Klippoortjie 110 IR.deelte 44) van die plaas Klippoortjie 110 IR.

Situation: South -east of and abuts Sarel Hattingh StreetLigging: Suidoos van en grens aan Sarel Hattinghstraat and south-west of and abuts Road K129 (Heidelberg

en suidwes van en grens aan Pad K129 (Heidelbergweg). Road).

Opmerkings: Hierdie advertensie vervang alle vorige Remarks: This advertisement replaces all previous ad-advertensies ten opsigte van hierdie terrein. vertisements for this site.

Verwysingsnommer: PB 4-2-2-7427. Reference No: PB 4-2-2-7427



Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen- The Director of Local Government gives notice in termskomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Trustees Danie Groenewald been made by the owner, Trustees Danie GroenewaldTrust, aansoek gedoen het om Orkney-dorpsbeplanning- Trust, for the amendment of Orkney Town-planning Askema, 1980, te wysig deur die hersonering van Gedeeltes Scheme, 1980, by rezoning of Portions 8, 9, 10 and 11 of Erf NI8, 9, 10 en 11 van Erf 13 en Gedeelte 1 en die Restant van 13 and Portion 1 and the Remaining Extent of Ed 11, Ork-Ed 11, Orkney Park gelee aan G J Beukeslaan en A D ney Park situated between G J Beukes Avenue and A D

Page 43: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


IKeet Avenue from "Residential 2" with a density of "200

Keetlaan van "Residensieel 2" met 'n digtheid van"20 eenhedeper hektaar" na "Residensieel 2" met 'n digtheid units per hectare" to "Residential 2" with a density of "30van "30 eenhede per hektaar". units per hectare".

1 Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Orkney AmendmentOrkney-wysigingskema 14 genoem sal word) 18 in die kan- Scheme 14. Further particulars of the scheme are open fortoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Provinsiale inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Orkney and atGebou, Kamer B306A, h/v Pretorius- en Bosmanstraat, the office of the Director of Local Government, ProvincialPretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Orkney Building, Room B306A, cnr Pretorius and Bosman Streets,ter insae. Pretoria.

Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli-tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier- cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern-

die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437,by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and the Town Clerk, Private Bag X8, Orkney 2620Stadsklerk, Privaatsak X8, Orkney 2620 skriftelik voorgele at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of thisword. notice.

Pretoria, 12 September 1984 Pretoria, 12 September 1984

PB 4-9-2-99H-14 PB 4-9-2-99H-14



Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen- The Director of Local Government gives notice in termskomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-

op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has

1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Johannes Willem Beyers been made by the owner, Johannes Willem Beyers Meyer,Meyer, aansoek gedoen het om Orkney-dorpsbeplanning- for the amendment of Orkney Town-planning Scheme,skema, 1980, te wysig deur die hersonering van Gedeeltes 1980, by rezoning Portions 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Erf 13, Orkney1, 2, 3 en 4 van Erf 13, Orkney Park gelee aan A D Keet- Park situated on A D Keet Avenue and W E G Louw Roadlaan en W E G Louwweg vanaf "Residensieel 2" met 'n from "Residential 2" with a density of "20 units per hec-

digtheid van "20 eenhede per hektaar" tot "Residensieel tare" to "Residential 2" with a density of "30 units per hec-

2" met 'n digtheid van "30 eenhede per hektaar". tare".

Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Orkney AmendmentOrkney-wysigingskema 13 genoem sal word) re in die kan- Scheme 13. Further particulars of the scheme are open fortoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Provinsiale inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Orkney and atGebou, Kamer B306A, h/v Pretorius- en Bosmanstraat, the office of the Director of Local Government, ProvincialPretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Orkney Building, Room B306A, cnr Pretorius and Bosman Streets,ter insae. Pretoria.

Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli-

tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van bier- cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern-

die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437,

0by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and the Town Clerk, Private Bag X8, Orkney 2620

Stadsklerk, Privaatsak X8, Orkney 2620 skriftelik voorgele at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of thisword. notice.

Pretoria, 12 September 1984 Pretoria, 12 September 1984PB 4-9-2-9911-13 PB 4-9-2-9911-13



Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen- The Director of Local Government gives notice in termskomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town -planning and Townships Ordi-

op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has

1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Mulbro Properties (Proprie- been made by the owner, Mulbro Properties (Proprietary)tary) Limited, aansoek gedoen het om Klerksdorp-dorps- Limited, for the amendment of Klerksdorp Town-planningbeplanningskema, 1980, te wysig deur die hersonering van Scheme, 1980, by rezoning of Erven 673, 674, 677, 678, 1814Erwe 673, 674, 677, 678, 1814 en 1849 gelee tussen Siddle- and 1849 situated between Siddle Street, Boom Street,straat, Boomstraat, Kochstraat en Leashstraat van "Besig- Koch Street and Leash Street from "Business 1" to "Busi-heid 1" tot "Besigheid 1" met 'n dekking van 90 % vir win- ness 1" with a coverage of 90 % for shops and 80 % for of-

kels en 80 % vir kantore. fices.

Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Klerksdorp Amend-

,Klerksdorp-wysigingskema 150 genoem sal word) le in die ment Scheme 150. Further particulars of the scheme are

kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Provin- open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Klerks-

siale Gebou, Kamer B306A, h/v Pretorius- en Bosman- dorp and at the office of the Director of Local Govern -

straat, Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van ment, Provincial Building, Room B306A, cnr Pretorius andKlerksdorp ter insae. Bosman Streets, Pretoria.

Page 44: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli -tyd binne tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hkr- cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern- lgdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437,by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 99, Klerksdorp 2570Stadsklerk, Posbus 99, Klerksdorp 2570 skriftelik voorgele at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of thisword. notice.

Pretoria, 12 September 1984 Pretoria, 12 September 1984

PB 4-9-2-17H-150 PB 4-9-2-17H-150




Hierby word bekend gemaak dat ingevolge die bepalings It is hereby notified that application has been made invan artikel 3(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, terms of section 3(1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act,1967, aansoek gedoen is deur Willem Nikolaas Pienaar, vir 1967, by Willem Nikolaas Pienaar, for the amendment,die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die titelvoor- suspension or removal of the conditions of title of Portionwaardes van Gedeelte 2 van Ed 306, Irene Dorp, Ver- 2 of Ed 306, Irene, Verwoerdburg Township, in order towoerdburg, ten einde dit moontlik te maak om 'n boorgat permit the sink of a borehole on the erf.

4op die erf aan te bring. The application and the relative documents are open forDie aansoek en die betrokke dokumente 16 ter insae in inspection at the office of the Director of Local Govern-

die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, ment, B306, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, PretoriaB306, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in and at the office of the Town Clerk, Verwoerdburg, untildie 'kantoor van die Stadsklerk, Verwoerdburg, tot 10 Ok- 10 October 1984.tober 1984.

Objections to the application may be lodged in writingBesware teen die aansoek kan op of voor 10 Oktober with the Director of Local Government at the above ad-1984 skriftelik by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by — 'dress or Private Bag X437, Pretoria, on or before the 10bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria, ingedien October 1984.word.

Pretoria, 12 September 1984 Pretoria, 12 September 1984PB 4-14-2-643-5 PB 4-14-2-643-5.




Hierby word bekend gemaak dat ingevolge die bepalingsvan artikel 3(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, It is hereby notified that application has been made in1967, aansoek gedoen is deur, Noordkom Trust, vir die wy- terms of section 3(1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act,siging, opskorting of opheffing van die titelvoorwaardes 1967, by Noordkom Trust, for the amendment, suspensionvan die Resterende Gedeelte van Ed 1914, Klerksdorp, or removal of the conditions of title of the Remaining Ex-Uitbreiding 3, dorp Klerksdorp, ten einde dit moontlik te tent of Ed 1914, Klerksdorp, Extension 3, Klerksdorpmaak dat die erf vir winkels, besighede, wooneenhede, Township in order to permit the erf being used for shops,woongeboue, plekke van openbare godsdiensoefening, business, dwelling-units, residential buildings, places ofonderrigplekke, geselligheidsale, verversingsplekke en public worship, places of instruction, social halls, places ofdroogskoonmakers gebruik kan word. refreshment and dry cleaners.

Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente 18 ter insae in The application and the relative documents are open fordie kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, inspection at the office of the Director of Local Govern-1306A, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, en in ment, 1306A, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Preto-die kantoor van die Stadsklerk, Klerksdorp tot 10 Oktober ria, and at the office of the Town Clerk, Klerksdorp, until1984.

10 October 1984.

Besware teen die aansoek kan op of voor 10 Oktober Objections to the application may be lodged in writing1984 skriftelik by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by with the Director of Local Government, at the above ad-bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria, ingedien dress or Private Bag X437, Pretoria, on or before the 10word. October 1984.

4Pretoria, 12 September 1984 Pretoria, 12 September 1984

PB 4-14-2-697- 1 PB 4-14-2-697- 1

Page 45: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted




NOTICE 806 OF 1984


1. Die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die titel- 1. The amendment, suspension or removal of the condi-1

voorwaardes van Erf 145, dorp Wilkoppies. tions of title of Erf 145, Wilkoppies Township.

2. Die wysiging van die Klerksdorp-dorpsbeplanning- 2. The amendment of the Klerksdorp Town-planningskema, 1980. Scheme, 1980.

Hierby word bekend gemaak dat ingevolge die bepalings It is hereby notified that application has been made invan artikel 3(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, terms of section 3(1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act,1967, aansoek gedoen is deur Tahir Ahmed, vir— 1967 by, Tahir Ahmed —

1. die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die titel- 1. the amendment, suspension or removal of the condi-voorwaardes van Erf 145, dorp Wilkoppies, ten einde dit lions of title of Erf 145, Wilkoppies Township in order tomoontlik te maak dat die erf se boulyn verslap word; permit the relaxation of the building line of the erf;

2. die wysiging van die Klerksdorp-dorpsbeplanning- 2. the amendment of the Klerksdorp Town-planning'

skema, 1980, deur die hersonering van die erf van "Resi- Scheme, 1980, by the rezoning of the erf from "Residentialdensieel 1" met 'n digtheid van "1 woonhuis per err tot 1" with a density of "1 dwelling per err to "Residential 1""Residensieel 1" met 'n digtheid van "1 woonhuis per with a density of "1 dwelling per 1 250 m2".1 250 m2".

This amendment scheme will be known as Klerksdorp

•Diewysigingskema sal bekend staan as Klerksdorp-wysi- Amendment Scheme, 158.

gingskema, 158.

Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente 16 ter insae inThe application and the relative documents are open for diekantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Pro- inspection at the office of theDirector of Local ment,Provincial Building Room B306, Pretorius Street,Govern-

vinsiale Gebou, Kamer B306, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, enPretoria, and at the office of the Town Clerk, Klerksdorp,in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk, Klerksdorp tot 10Ok-tober1984.until 10 October 1984.

Besware teen die aansoek kan op of voor 10 Oktober Objections to the application may be lodged in writingwith the Director of Local Government at the above ad-

1984 skriftelik by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur bydress or Private Bag X437, Pretoria, on or before 10 Oc-

bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria, ingedien tober 1983.word.Pretoria, 12 September 1984Pretoria, 12 September 1984

PB 4-14-2-1460-15 PB 4-14-2-1460-15




Hierby word bekend gemaak dat ingevolge die bepalings It is hereby notified that application has been made invan artikel 3(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, terms of section 3(1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act,1967, aansoek gedoen is deur Lourens en Pound, vir die 1967, by Lourens and Pound for, the amendment, suspen-wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die titelvoorwaardes sion or removal of the coriditions of title of Erf 142, Lyttel-van Erf 142, dorp Lyttelton Manor, ten einde dit moontlik ton Manor Township, in order to permit the erf being usedte maak dat die erf vir onderverdeling gebruik kan word. for subdivision.

Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente 16 ter insae in The application and the relative documents are open fordie kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, inspection at the office of the Director of Local Govern-

B306A, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, en ment, B306A, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Preto-in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk, Verwoerdburg tot 03 ria and the office of the Town Clerk, Verwoerdburg untilOktober 1984. 03 October 1984.

Besware teen die aansoek kan op of voor 03 Oktober Objections to the application may be lodged in writing1984 skriftelik by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by with the Director of Local Government, at the above ad-bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria, ingedien dress or Private Bag X437, Pretoria, on or before the 03word. October 1984.

Pretoria, 12 September 1984 Pretoria, 12 September 1984PB 4-14-2-810-133 PB 4-14-2-810-133



1. Die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die titel- 1. The amendment, suspension or removal of the condi-

voorwaardes van Erf 189, dorp Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp. tions of title of Erf 189, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp Township.•

Page 46: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


2. Die wysiging van die Klerksdorp-dorpsbeplanning- 2. The amendment of the Klerksdorp Town-planning4skema, 1980. Scheme, 1980.

Hierby word bekend gemaak dat ingevolge die bepalings It is hereby notified that application has been made invan artikel 3(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, terms of section 3(1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act,1967, aansoek gedoen is deur Christo Moolman, vir— 1967 by Christo Moolman, for —

1. die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die titel- 1. the amendment, suspension or removal of the condi-

voorwaardes van Ed 189, dorp Wilkoppies ten einde dit lions of title of Erf 189, Wilkoppies Township in order tomoontlik te maak om die erf se boulyn te verslap; permit the building line of the erf to be relaxed;

2. die wysiging van die Klerksdorp-dorpsbeplanning- 2. the amendment of the Klerksdorp Town-planningskema, 1980, deur die hersonering van die erf van "Resi- Scheme, 1980, by the rezoning of the erf from "Residentialdensieel 1" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per err tot 1" with a density of "One dwelling per erf' to "Residential"Residensieel 1" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per 1" with a density of "One dwelling per 1 250 m2".1 250 m2". This amendment scheme will be known as Klerksdorp

Die wysigingskema sal bekend staan -as Klerksdorp-wysi- Amendment Scheme, 156.gingskema 156. The application and the relative documents are open for

Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente 18 ter insae in inspection at the office of the Director of Local Govern -

die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Pro- ment, Privincial Building Room B306, Pretorius Street,vinsiale Gebou, Kamer B306, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, en Pretoria, and at the office of the Town Clerk, Klerksdorpin die kantoor van die Stadsklerk, Klerksdorp tot 10 Ok- until 10 October 1984.

sober 1984. Objections to the application may be lodged in writing

4Besware teen die aansoek kan op of voor 10 Oktober with the Director of Local Government at the above ad-1984 skriftelik by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by dress or Private Bag X437, Pretoria, on or before 10 Oc-

bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria, ingedien [ober 1984.word. Pretoria, 12 September 1984Pretoria, 12 September 1984

PB 4-14-2-1460-13 PB 4-14-2-1460-13



1. Die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die titel- 1. The amendment, suspension or removal of the condivoorwaardes van Erf 277, Lyttelton Manor Uitbreiding 1, tions of title of Erf 277, Lyttelton Manor Extension 1, Ver-dorp Verwoerdburg. woerdburg Township.

2. Die wysiging van die Pretoriastreek-dorpsaanleg- 2. The amendment of the Pretoria Region Town-plan-

skema, 1960. ning Scheme, 1960.

Hierby word bekend gemaak dat ingevolge die bepalings It is hereby notified that application has been made invan artikel 3(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, terms of section 3(1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act,1967, aansoek gedoen is deur Pix Rix (Eiendoms) Beperk, 1967, by Pix Rix (Eiendoms) Beperk, for —vir —

1. die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die titel- 1. the amendment, suspension or removal of the condi- Ivoorwaardes van Erf 277, Lyttelton Manor Uitbreiding 1, tions of title of Ed 277, Lyttelton Manor Extension 1, Ver-

Verwoerdburg, ten einde dit moontlik te maak dat die erf woerdburg Township in order to permit the erf being used

gebruik kan word vir professionele kamers; for professional rooms;

2. die wysiging van die Pretoriastreek-dorpsaanleg- 2. the amendment of the Pretoria Region Town-planningskema, 1960, deur die hersonering van die erf van "Spe- Scheme, 1960, by the rezoning of the erf from "Special Re-siale Woon" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per ere' sidential" with a density of "One dwelling per err' to "Spe-tot "Spesiaal vir professionele kamers" onderworpe aan cial for professional rooms" subject to conditions.voorwaardes.

Die wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Pretoriastreek- This amendment scheme will be known as Pretoria Re-

wysigingskema 827. gion Amendment Scheme 827.Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente 18 ter insae in The application and the relative documents are open for

die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Pro- inspection at the office of the Director of Local Govern-

vinsiale Gebou, Kamer B506, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, en ment, Provincial Building, Room B506, Pretorius Street,in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk, Verwoerdburg tot 10 Pretoria and at the office of the Town Clerk, Verwoerd-

Oktober 1984. burg until 10 October 1984.

Besware teen die aansoek kan op of voor 10 Oktober Objections to the application may be lodged in writing1984 skriftelik by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by with the Director of Local Government, at the above ad-bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria, ingedien dress or Private Bag X437, Pretoria, on or before the 10

word. October 1984. IPretoria, 12 September 1984 Pretoria, 12 September 1984

PB 4-14-2-811-36 PB 4- 14-2-811-36

Page 47: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted






Hierby word bekend gemaak dat ingevolge die bepalings It is hereby notified that application has been made invan artikel 3(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, terms of section 3(1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act,1967, aansoek gedoen is deur Petrus Marthinus de Jager, 1967, by Petrus Marthinus de Jager, for the amendment,vir die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die titelvoor- suspension or removal of the conditions of title of Erf 165,waardes van Erf 165, Flimieda, dorp Klerksdorp, ten einde Flimieda, Klerksdorp Township in order to permit thedit moontlik te maak om die boulyn van die erf te verslap. building line of the erf to be relaxed.

Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente le ter insae in The application and the relative documents are open fordie kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, inspection at the office of the Director of Local Govern-

B306A, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, en ment, B306A, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Preto-in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk, Klerksdorp tot 10 Ok- ria and at the office of the Town Clerk, Klerksdorp until 10tober 1984. October 1984.

Besware teen die aansoek kan op of voor 10 Oktober Objections to the application may be lodged in writing1984 skriftelik by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by with the Director of Local Government, at the above ad-bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria, ingedien dress or Private Bag X437, Pretoria, on or before 10 Oc-

word. tober 1984.

Pretoria, 12 September 1984 Pretoria, 12 September 1984PB 4-14-2-1658- 1 PB 4-14-2-1658- 1




Hierby word bekend gemaak dat ingevolge die bepalings It is hereby notified that application has been made in

van artikel 3(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, terms of section 3(1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act,1967, aansoek gedoen is deur Josma Construction- (Pro- 1967, by Josma Construction (Proprietary) Limited for:prietary) Limited vir: (1) the amendment, suspension or removal of the condi-

Die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die titelvoor- tions of title of Erf 45, Wierdapark, Verwoerdburg Town-

waardes van Erf 45, Wierdapark, dorp Verwoerdburg ten ship in order to permit the excision of the building line oneinde dit moontlik te maak om die boulyn op die erf op te the erf.hef.

The application and the relative documents are open forDie aansoek en die betrokke dokumente le ter insae in inspection at the office of the Director of Local Govern-

k die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, ment, B306A, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Preto-B306A, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, en ria and the office of the Town Clerk, Verwoerdburg untilin die kantoor van die Stadsklerk, Verwoerdburg tot 10 10 October 1984.Oktober 1984.

Objections to the application may be lodged in writingBesware teen die aansoek kan op of voor 10 Oktober with the Director of Local Government, at the above ad-

1984 skriftelik by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by dress or Private Bag X437, Pretoria, on or before 10 Oc-bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria, ingedien tober 1984.word.

Pretoria, 12 September 1984Pretoria, 12 September 1984

PB 4-14-2-1456-17 PB 4-14-2-1456-17




Hierby word bekend gemaak dat ingevolge die bepalingsvan artikel 3(1) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, It is hereby notified that application has been made in1967, aansoek gedoen is deur Jacobus Hercules Nel terms of section 3(1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act,, Spengler vir, die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die 1967, by Jacobus Hercules Nel Spengler for, the amend-titelvoorwaardes van Erf 494, La Hoff, dorp Klerksdorp, ment, suspension or removal of the conditions of title often einde dit moontlik te maak om die boulyn van die erf Ed 494, La Hoff, Klerksdorp Township, in order to permitto verslap. the building line of the erf to be relaxed.

Page 48: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente 16 ter insae in The application and the relative documents are open fordie kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, inspection at the office of the Director of Local Govern-

B206A, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, en ment, B306, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoriain die kantoor van die Stadsklerk, Klerksdorp tot 10 Ok- and at the office of the Town Clerk, Klerksdorp until 10

tober 1984. October 1984.

Besware teen die aansoek kan op of voor 10 Oktober Objections to the application may be lodged in writing1984 skriftelik by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by with the Director of Local Government, at the above ad-bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria, ingedien dress or Private 'Bag X437, Pretoria, on or before the 10

word. October 1984.

Pretoria, 12 September 1984 Pretoria, 12 September 1984PB 44424404 PB 4-14-2-740-4


Onderstaande kennisgewing word vir algemene infigfing The following notice is published for general informa-gepubliseer: tion:

Landmeter-generaal Surveyor-GeneralKantoor van die Landmeter-generaal Surveyor-General's OfficePretoria Pretoria

Kragtens die vereistes van artikel 26bis(1)(d) van die Notice is hereby given in terms of section 26bis(1)(d) ofOpmetingswet (Wet 9 van 1927), word hiermee bekendge- the Land Survey Act (Act 9 of 1927), that reference marksmaak dat versekeringsmerke in die ondergenoemde deel have been officially established in terms of that subsectionvan Mngadi Dorp amptelik opgerig is ingevolge daardie in the undermentioned portion of Mngadi Township.subartikel.

Town where reference marks have been established:Dorp waar versekeringsmerke opgerig is:

Mngadi Township. (General Plan L No 182/1984).Mngadi Dorp. (Algemene Plan L No 182/1984). •

D J GRUNDLINGH D I GRUNDLINGHLandmeter-generaal Surveyor-General



Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen- The Director of LOcal Government gives notice in termskomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has1965), kennis dat die eienaars, mnre G L Oosthuizen been made by the owners, Messrs G L Oosthuizen (Edms)(Edms) Bpk en mnr G L Oosthuizen (in Se hoedanigheid), Bpk and Mr G L Oosthuizen (on his own behalf), for theaansoek gedoen het om' Pretoria-dorpsbeplanningskema, amendment of Pretoria Town-planning Scheme, 1974, by1974, te wysig deur die hersonering van Gedeelte 1 van Erf rezoning of Portion 1 of Erf 865 and Portion 1 of Erf 846,865 en Gedeelte 1 van Erf 846, Pretoria-Noord gelee Pretoria North situated on opposite sides of Emily Hob-

4weerskante van Emily Hobhouselaan tussen Gerrit Maritz- house Avenue between Gerrit Maritz Road and Rachel deweg en Rachel de Beerstraat van "Spesiale Woon" na "Al- Beer Street from "Special Residential" to "General Busi-gemene Besigheid". ness".

Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Pretoria AmendmentPretoria-wysigingskema 1455 genoem sal word) le in die Scheme 1455. Further particulars of the scheme are openkantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Pretoria andB306, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in at the office of the Director of Local Government, Roomdie kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Pretoria ter insae. B306, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria.

Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli-tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van bier- cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern-die kennisgewing aap die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437,by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 440, Pretoria 0001 atStadsklerk, Posbus 440, Pretoria 0001 skriftelik voorgele any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of thisword. notice.

Pretoria, 19 September 1984 Pretoria, 19 September 1984

PB 4-9-2-3H-1455 PB 4-9-2-3H-1455



Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen- The Director of Local Government gives notice in termskomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-

Page 49: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has


1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Stadsraad van Randburg, been made by the owner, City Council of Randburg, foraansoek gedoen het om Randburg-dorpsbeplanningskema, the amendment of Randburg Town:planning Scheme, 1976,1976, te wysig deur die hersonering van Lot 721, Ferndale by rezoning Lot 721, Ferndale situated on Bond Street andgelee aan Bondstraat en Burkestraat van "Residensieel 1" Burke Street, from "Residential 1" with a density of "One


met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per err tot "Besigheid - dwelling per erf" to "Business 3" subject to certain condi-' 3" onderworpe aan sekere voorwaardes. tions.

Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Randburg AmendmentRandburg-wysigingskema 686 genoem sal word) le in die Scheme 686. Further particulars of the scheme are open forkantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Randburg andB306, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in at the office of the Director of Local Government, Roomdie kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Randburg ter insae. B306, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria.

Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli-tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier- cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern-die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437,by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and the Town Clerk, Private Bag 1, RandburgStadsklerk, Privaatsak 1, Randburg 2125 skriftelik voor- 2125 at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the dategele word. of this notice.

Pretoria, 19 September 1984 Pretoria, 19 September 1984

PB 4-9-2-132H-686 PB 4-9-2-132H-686

0 KENNISGEWING 821 VAN 1984 NOTICE 821 OF 1984


Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen- The Director of Local Government gives notice in termskomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-

, op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Two One Three Sandown been made by the owner, Two One Three Sandown (Pro-(Proprietary) Limited, aansoek gedoen het om Sandton- prietarY) Limited, for the amendment of Sandton Town-dorpsbeplanningskema, 1980, te wysig deur die hersone- planning Scheme, 1980, by rezoning Erf 213, Sandown Ex-ring van Ed 213, Sandown Uitbreiding 24 gelee aan South- tension 24 situated on South Road and Adrienne Streetweg en Adriennestraat van "Residensieel 1" met 'n digt- from "Residential 1" with a density of "One dwelling perheld van "Een woonhuis per 4 000 vierkante meter" tot 4 000 square metres" to "Residential 1" with a density of"Residensieel 1" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per "One dwelling per 2 000 square metres".2 000 vierkante meter". The amendment will be known as Sandton Amendment

Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat Scheme 791. Further particulars of the scheme are open forSandton-wysigingskema 791 genoem sal word) le in die inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Sandton and atkantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer the office of the Director of Local Government, RoomB306, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in 8306, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria.die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Sandton ter insae. Any objection or representations in regard to the appli-

Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern -

tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier- ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437,die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaislike Bestuur Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 78001, Sandton 2146by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of thisStadsklerk, Posbus 78001, Sandton 2146 skriftelik voorgele notice.word.

Pretoria, 19 September 1984Pretoria, 19 September 1984

PB 4-9-2-116H-791 PB 4-9-2-116H-791



Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen- The Director of Local Government gives notice in termskomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Dawid Stephanus Schourie, been made by the owner, Dawid Stephanus Schourie, foraansoek gedoen het om Randburg-dorpsbeplanningskema, the amendment of Randburg Town-planning Scheme, 1976,1976, te wysig deur die hersonering van Ed 227, Jukskei- by rezoning of Erf 227, Jukskeipark situated on Juweelpark gelee aan Juweelstraat van "Residensieel 1" met 'n Street from "Residential 1" with a density of "One dwel-

digtheid van "Een woonhuis per erf" na "Residensieel 1" ling per erf" to "Residential 1" with a density of "Onemet 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per 1 500 m2". dwelling per 1 500 m2".

Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Randburg AmendmentRandburg-wysigingskema 794 genoem sal word) le in die Scheme 794. Further particulars of the scheme are open forkantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, 3e inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Randburg and

Page 50: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


Vloer, Merinogebou, h/v Bosman- en Pretoriusstraat, Pre- at the office of the Director of Local Government, 3rd itoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Randburg Floor, Merino Building, cnr Bosman and Pretorius Streets,ter insae. Pretoria.

Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli-tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier- cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern-die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437,by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and the Town Clerk, Private Bag 1, RandburgStadsklerk, Privaatsak 1, Randburg 2125 skriftelik voor- 2125 at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the dategele word. of this notice.

Pretoria, 19 September 1984 Pretoria, 19 September 1984

PB 4-9-2-132H-794 PB 4-9-2-132H-794



Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen-komstigThe Director of Local Government gives notice in termsdie bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansieop Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van of section 46 of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-

nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Lucille Weinberger, aan-soek gedoen het om Sandton-dorpsbeplanningskema, been made by the owner, Lucille Weinberger, for the

amendment of Sandton Town-planning Scheme, 1980, by41980, te wysig deur die hersonering van Gedeelte 10 van

Lot 138, Atholl Uitbreiding 1 gelet aan Dennisweg van rezoning Portion 10 of Lot 138, Atholl Extension 1 situated"Residensieel 1" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per on Dennis Road from "Residential 1" with a density of

"One dwelling per 4 000 m2" to "Residential 1" with a den-4 000 m2" tot "Residensieel 1" met 'n digtheid van "Eenwoonhuis per 1 500 m2". city of "One dwelling per 1 500 m2".

Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Sandton AmendmentSandton-wysigingskema 777 genoem sal word) le in die Scheme 777. Further particulars of the scheme are open forkantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Sandton and atB306, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in the office of the Director of Local Government, Roomdie kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Sandton ter insae. 8306, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria.

Enige beswaar of vertod teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli-

tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier- cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern-

die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437,Pretoria bybovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die and the Town Clerk, PO Box 78001, Sandton 2146Stadsklerk, Posbus 78001, Sandton 2146 skriftelik voorgele at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of thisword. notice.

Pretoria, 19 September 1984 Pretoria, 19 September 1984

PB 4-9-2-116H-777 PB 4-9-2-116H-777


SANDTON-WYSIGINGSKEMA 787 SANDTON AMENDMENT SCHEME 787Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen-

The Director of Local Government gives notice in termskomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town -planning and Townships Ordi -op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 vannance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that applicationhas 1965),kennis dat die eienaar, Cramer Bros (Proprietary) been made by the owner, Cramer Bros (Proprietary) Li-Limited, aansoek gedoen het om Sandton-dorpsaanleg- mited, for the amendment of SandtonTown-planning skema,1980, te wysig deur die hersonering van Erf 7, dorp Scheme, 1980, by rezoning of Erf 7, Cramerview TownshipCramerview gelee aan Mainstraat van "Residensieel 4" totsituated on Main Road, from "Residential 4" to "Business"Besigheid 3" ingesluit 'n poseenheid, onderworpe aan se- 3" including a postal unit, subject to certain conditionsin kerevoorwaardes omwinkels en kantore op die erf toe te laat. order to permit the erection of shops and offices on the erf.

Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat• The amendment will be known as SandtonAmendmentScheme787. Further particulars of thescheme are open for Sandton-wysigingskema 787 genoem sal word) le in die inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, SandtonCivic kantoorvan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer Centre and at the office of the Director of Local Govern -B306, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in ment, Room 8306, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street,

Govern -

die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Sandton Burgersen-trum ter insae. Pretoria.

Eni Any objection or representations in regard to the appli-ge beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te enigercation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern -tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier- ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437,die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike BestuurPretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 78001, Sandton 2146 4by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria endie Stadsklerk,Posbus 78001, Sandton 2146 skriftelik voorgele at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this

word. notice.Pretoria, 19 September 1984 PB 4-9-2-11614787 Pretoria, 19 September 1984 PB 4-9-2-116H-787

Page 51: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted




Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen- The Director of Local Government gives notice in termskomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Glenora Ivis de Giuseppe, been made by the owner, Glenora Ivis de Giuseppe, foraansoek gedoen het om Sandton-dorpsbeplanningskema, the amendment of Sandton Town-planning Scheme, 1980,1980, te wysig deur die hersonering van Erwe 141 en 142 by rezoning of Erven 141 and 142, Wynberg situated ongeled aan Sesde Straat, Wynberg van "Residensieel 1" tot Sixth Street from "Residential 1" to "Special" for indus-"Spesiaal" vir nywerheid/kommersieel -doeleindes onder- trial/commercial purposes subject to certain conditions.worpe aan sekere voorwaardes.

The amendment will be known as Sandton AmendmentVerdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat Scheme 790. Further particulars of the scheme are open for

Sandton-wysigingskema 790 genoem sal word) 18 in die inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Sandton and atkantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer the office of the Director of Local Government, RoomB306, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in B306, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria.die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Sandton ter insae.

Any objection or representations in regard to the appli-Enige beswaar of vertod teen die aansoek kan te eniger cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern-

tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van bier- ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437,die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 78001, Sandton 2146

0by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437,Pretoria en die at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of thisStadsklerk, Posbus 78001, Sandton 2146 skriftelik voorgelo notice.word.

Pretoria, 19 September 1984 Pretoria, 19 September 1984

PB 4-9-2-116H-790 PB 4-9-2-1161-1-790



Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen- The Director of Local Government gives notice in termskomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 vannance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has1965), kennis dat die eienaars, Lois Lilian Behrmann enbeen made by the owners, Lois Lillian Behrmann and Den-Dennis Allan Hotz, aansoek gedoen het om Sandton-nis Allan Hotz, for the amendment of Sandton Town-plan-

dorpsbeplanningskema, 1980, te wysig deur die hersone-ning Scheme, 1980, by rezoning Erf 102, Morningside Ex-

ring van Erf 102, Morningside Uitbreiding 6, gelee aan tension 6, situated on North Road from "Residential 1" toNorthweg van "Residensieel 1" tot "Spesiaal" vir doel- "Special" for the purpose of an art/antique gallery, cura-eindes van 'n ktins/antieke gallery, kurators en waardeer-

tors and appraisers office(s) and ancillary purposes as mayderskantore en aanverwante doeleindes soos goedgekeur be approved by the Local Authority., mag word deur die Plaaslike Bestuur.

Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Sandton Amendment

Sandton-wysigingskema 773 genoem sal word) le in die Scheme 773. Further particulars of the scheme are open for

kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Sandton and theoffice of the Director of Local Government, Room B306,B306, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in

die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Sandton ter insae.Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria.

Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli-

tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van bier- cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern-

die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437,

by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 78001, Sandton 2146,

Stadsklerk, Posbus 78001, Sandton 2146, skriftelik voorgel8at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this

word. notice.

Pretoria, 19 September 1984Pretoria, 19 September 1984

PB 4-9-2-116H-773 PB 4-9-2-116H -773



Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen- The Director of Local Government gives notice in termskomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town -planning and Townships Ordi-

k op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application hasP 1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Gladstone Lombard, aan- been made by the owner, Gladstone Lombard, for the

soek gedoen het om Randburg-dorpsbeplanningskema, amendment of Randburg Town-planning Scheme. 1976, by1976, te wysig deur die hersonering van Gedeelte 1 van Erf rezoning Portion 1 of Erf 682, Ferndale, situated on Kent682, Ferndale, gelee aan Kentlaan van "Residensieel 1" Avenue from "Residential 1" with a density of "One dwell -

Page 52: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per 1 500 m2" tot "Spe- ing per 1 500 ne" to "Special" for offices or flats subject to4siaal" vir kantore of woonstelle onderworpe aan sekere certain conditions.

voorwaardes.The amendment will be known as Randburg Amendment

Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat Scheme 795. Further particulars of the scheme are open forRandburg-wysigingskema 795 genoem sal word) le in die inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Randburg andkantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer at the office of the Director of Local Government, RoomB306, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in B306, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria.die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Randburg ter insae.

Any objection or representations in regard to the appli-Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern-

tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier- ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437,die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria and the Town Clerk, Private Bag 1, Randburgby bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die 2125, at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the dateStadsklerk, Privaatsak 1, Randburg 2125, skriftelik voor- of this notice.gele word.

Pretoria, 19 September 1984Pretoria, 19 September 1984PB 4-9-2-132H-795 PB 4-9-2-13214-795



Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen- The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms 4komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Frank Chadinha Jose Gon- been made by the owner, Frank Chadinha Jose Gonsalvessalves Chadinha and Mssrs Lara en Caroline (Pty) Ltd, Chadinha and Mssrs Lara and Caroline (Pty) Ltd, for theaansoek gedoen het om Sandton-dorpsbeplanningskema, amendment of Sandton Town-planning Scheme, 1980, by1980, te wysig deur die hersonering van Erwe 938, 939 en rezoning Erven 938, 939 and 940, Marlboro, situated on 3rd940, Marlboro, geled aan 3de Straat en lste Straat van Street and 1st Street from "Special" for commercial pur-"Spesiaal" vir kommersidle doeleindes tot "Besigheid 3" poses to "Business 3" subject to certain conditions.onderworpe aan sekere voorwaardes.

The amendment will be known as Sandton AmendmentVerdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat Scheme 776. Further particulars of the scheme are open for

Sandton-wysigingskema 776 genoem sal word) le in die inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Sandton and thekantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer office of the Director of Local Government, Room B306,B306, Provinsiale gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria.die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Sandton ter insae.

Any objection or representations in regard to the appli-Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern-

tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier- ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437,die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 78001, Sandton 2146,by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of thisStadsklerk, Posbus 78001, Sandton 2146, skriftelik voorgele notice.word.

Pretoria, 19 September 1984Pretoria, 19 September 1984

PB 4-9-2-11614-776 PB 4-9-2-11611-776



Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen- The Director of Local Government gives notice in termskomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has1965), kennis dat die eienaar, East and West Investments been made by the owner, East and West Investments (Pro-

(Proprietary) Limited, aansoek gedoen het om Louis Tri- prietary) Limited, for the amendment of Louis Trichardtchardt -dorpsbeplanningskema, 1982, te wysig deur die her- Town-planning Scheme, 1982, by rezoning of Erf 215, situa-sonering van Erf 215 gelee aan Krugerstraat, Louis Tri- ted on Kruger Street, Louis Trichardt from "Residential 1"chardt van "Residensieel 1" tot "Besigheid 1". to "Business 1".

Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Louis TrichardtLouis Trichardt-wysigingskema 12 genoem sal word) le in Amendment Scheme 12. Further particulars of the schemedie kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, are open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk,Kamer B306, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria Louis Trichardt and at the office of the Director of Localen in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Louis Trichardt Government, Room B306, Provincial Building, Pretoriuster insae. Street, Pretoria.

Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli - 4tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier- cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern-die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur merit, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437,by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 96, Louis Trichardt

Page 53: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


0 Stadsklerk, Posbus 96, Louis Trichardt 0920 skriftelik voor- 0920 at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the dategele word. of this notice.

Pretoria, 19 September 1984 Pretoria, 19 September 1984

PB 4-9-2-20H-12 PB 4-9-2-20H -12

1;.ENNISGEWING 830 VAN 1984 NOTICE 830 OF 1984


Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen- The Director of Local Government gives notice in termskomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Petrus Johannes Theobaltus been made by the owner, Petrus Johannes TheobaltusKoekemoer, aansoek gedoen het om Pietersburg-dorpsbe- Koekemoer, for the amendment of Pietersburg Town-planningskema, 1981, te wysig deur die hersonering van planning Scheme, 1981, by rezoning of Erf 69 situated onErf 69 gele6 aan Hyde Close, Braamweg en Pierrestraat, Hyde Close, Braam Road and Pierre Street, Bendor, Pie -

Bendor, Pietersburg van "Residensieel 1" met 'n digtheid tersburg from "Residential 1" with a density of "One dwel-van "Een woonhuis per erf" tot "Residensieel 1" met 'n ling per erf" to "Residential 1" with a density of "Onedigtheid van "Een woonhuis per 1 500 m2". dwelling per 1 500 m2".


Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Pietersburg Amend-

' Pietersburg-wysigingskema 42 genoem sal word) 16 in die ment Scheme 42. Further particulars of the scheme arekantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Pie-B306, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in tersburg and at the office of the Director of Local Govern-

die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Pietersburg ter insae. ment, Room B306, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street,

Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te enigerPretoria.

tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier- Any objection or representations in regard to the appli-die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern-

by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437,Stadsklerk, Posbus 111, Pietersburg 0700 skriftelik voor- Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 111, Pietersburggels word. 0700 at any time within a-period of 4 weeks from the date

of this notice.

Pretoria, 19 September 1984 Pretoria, 19 September 1984•

PB 4-9-2-24H-42 PB 4.9-2-24H-42


NOTICE 831 OF 1984


Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen-komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie The Director of Local Government gives notice in terms

0op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van of section 46 of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Jose Bonifacio de Carvalho, nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has

1 aansoek gedoen het om Klipriviervallei-dorpsaanleg- been made by the owner, Jose Bonifacio de Carvalho, forskema, 1963, te wysig deur die hersonering van Erf 1797 the amendment of Klipriviervallei Town-planning Scheme,geled aan Wargravestraat en Ewelmestraat, Henley on 1963, by rezoning of Erf 1797 situated on Wargrave RoadKlip van "Spesiaal" vir 'n hotel, restaurant en woonstelle and Ewelme Road, Henley on Klip from "Special" for a

tot "Spesiaal" vir winkels, hotelle, wooneenhede, restau- hotel, restaurant and flats to "Special" for shops, hotels,rante, geselligheidsale, openbare garage, droogskoonma- dwelling-units, restaurants, social halls, public garages, drykers en kantore en met die toestemming van die plaaslike cleaners and offices, with the consent of local authority,owerheid enige ander gebruik behalwe hinderlike be- and other use except hoxious activities.drywe.

The amendment will be known as KlipriviervalleiVerdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat Amendment Scheme 16. Further particulars of the scheme

Klipriviervallei-wysigingskema 16 genoem sal word) le in are open for inspection at the office of the Secretary Trans-die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, 3e vaal Board for the Development of Peri-Urban Areas andVloer, Merinogebou, h/v Bosman- en Pretoriusstraat, Pre- the office of the Director of Local Government, 3rd Floor,toria en in die kantoor van die Sekretaris Transvaaise Merino Building, cnr Bosman and Pretorius Streets, Preto-Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede ter ria.insae. Any objection or representations in regard to the appli-

Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern-

tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier- ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437,die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria and the Secretary, PO Box 1341, Pretoria 0001 atby bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of thisSekretaris, Posbus 1341, Pretoria 0001 skriftelik voorgele notice. .


Pretoria, 19 September 1984 Pretoria, 19 September 1984

PB 4-9-2-164-16 PB 4-9-2-164- 16

Page 54: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted




Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen- The Director of Local Government gives notice in termskomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has1965). kennis dat die eienaar, Bedfordview Village Coun- been made by the owner, Bedfordview Village Council, forcil, aansoek gedoen het om Bedfordview-dorpsaanleg- the amendment of Bedfordview Town-planning Scheme 1,skema 1, 1948, te wysig deur die hersonering van Erf 1552, 1948, by rezoning of Erf 1552, Bedfordview situated on aBedfordview gelee aan 'n munisipale grens van "Straat" municipal boundary from "Closed Street" to "General Bu-tot "Algemene Besigheid en Algemene Garage" met 'n siness and General Garage" with a density of "One dwel-digtheid van "Een woonhuis per erf'. ling per erf".

Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Bedfordview Amend-Bedfordview-wysigingskema 348 genoem sal word) le in ment Scheme 348. Further particulars of the scheme aredie kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Bed-Kamer B306, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria fordview and at the office of the Director of Local Govern-en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Bedfordview ter ment, Room B306, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street,insae. Pretoria.

Enige beswaar of vertod teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the appli-tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier- cation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern-die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437, Aby bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 3, Bedfordview 2008 IStadsklerk, Posbus 3, Bedfordview 2008 skriftelik voorgete at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of thisword. notice.

Pretoria, 19 September 1984 Pretoria, 19 September 1984

PB 4-9-2-46-348 PB 4.9-2-46-348•



Ingevolge artikel 3(6) van bogenoemde Wet word hier- It is hereby notified in terms of section 3(6) of the above-mee kennis gegee dat onderstaande aansoeke deur die Di- mentioned Act that the undermentioned application haverekteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ontvang is en ter insae 18 by been received by the Director of Local Government andKamer B506, Transvaalse Provinsiale Administrasie are open for inspection at Room B506, Transvaal Provin-Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, en in die kantoor van cial Administration Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria,die betrokke plaaslike bestuur. and at the offices of the relevant local authority.

Enige beswaar, met voile redes daarvoor, moet skrifte- Any objections, with full reasons therefor, should belik by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, by bovermelde lodged in writing with the Director of Local Government,adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria, ingedien word. at the above address or Private Bag X437, Pretoria.Pretoria, 19 September 1984

Pretoria, 19 September 1984Mnr Pieter Venter, vir —

Mr Pieter Venter, for —1. die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die titel-

voorwaardes van Erf 226, dorp Kemptonpark ten einde dit 1. the amendment, suspension or removal of the condi-moontlik te maak dat die erf gebruik kan word vir parke- tions of title of Erf 226, Kempton Park Township in orderring; en to permit the erf being used for parking; and2. die wysiging van die Kemptonpark-dorpsbeplanning- 2. the amendment of the Kempton Park Town-planningskema, 1952, deur die hersonering van die erf van "Spe- Scheme, 1952, by the rezoning of the erf from "Special" tosiale Woon" tot "Parkering". "Parking".Die wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Kemptonpark- This amendment scheme will be known as Kempton Parkwysigingskema 196. Amendment Scheme 196.

PB 4-14-2-666-2 PB 4-14-2-666-2

Ulysses Shomalistas, vir—Ulysses Shomalistas, for —

1. die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die titel-voorwaardes van Erf 884, dorp Springs ten einde dit 1. the amendment, suspension or removal of the condi-moontlik te maak dat die erf gebruik kan word vir kantore tions of title of Erf 884, Springs Township in order to per-en/of woonstelle; en mit the erf being used for offices and/or flats; and

2. die wysiging van die Springs-dorpsaanlegskema, 1, 2. the amendment of the Springs Town-planning Scheme, 41948, deur die hersonering van die erf van "Spesiale 1, 1948, by the rezoning of the erf from "Special Residen-Woon" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per err tot tial" with a density of "One dwelling-house per err to"Spesiaal" vir kantore en/of woonstelle. "Special" for offices and/or flats.

Page 55: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


• Die wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Springs-wysiging- This amendment scheme will be known as SpringsW skema 1/299. Amendment Scheme 1/299.

PB 4-14-2-1251-33 PB 4-14-2-1251-33

Current Investments (Proprietary) Limited, vir —

1. die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die titel-Current Investments (Proprietary) Limited, for—

voorwaardes van Resterende Gedeelte van Erf 335, dorp 1. the amendment, suspension or removal of the condi-Parktown-Noord ten einde dit moontlik te maak dat die lions of title of Remaining Extent of Erf 335, Parktownbestaande geboue op die erf gebruik kan word vir kantoor- North Township in order to permit the buildings on the erfdoeleindes; en being used for office purposes; and

2. die wysiging van die Johannesburg-dorpsbeplanning- 2. the amendment of the Johannesburg Town-planningskema, 1979, deur die hersonering van die erf van "Resi- Scheme, 1979, by the rezoning of the erf from "Residentialdensieel 1" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per 1 250 1" with a density of "One dwelling per 1 250 m2" to "Busi-m2" tot "Besigheid 4" onderhewig aan sekere voor- ness 4" subject to certain conditions.waardes. This amendment scheme will be known as Johannesburg

Die wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Johannesburg- Amendment Scheme 1272.

wysigingskema 1272.

PB 4-14-2-1012-2PB 4-14-2-1012-2

Stadsraad van Johannesburg, vir —The City Council of Johannesburg, for—

' 1. die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die titel- L the amendment, suspension or removal of the condi-voonvaardes van Lotte 567 en 568, dorp Parktown tentions of title of Lots 567 and 568, Parktown Township ineinde dit moontlik te maak dat die lone gebruik kan wordorder to permit the lots being used for offices; andvir kantoordoeleindes; en

2. die wysiging van die Johannesburg-dorpsbeplanning- 2. the amendment of the Johannesburg Town-planningScheme, 1979, by the rezoning of the lots from "Residen-skema, 1979, deur die hersonering van die lone van "Resi- "

densieel 1" tot "Besigheid 4" onderhewig aan sekere voor- tial 1 to "Business 4" subject to certain conditions.

waardes. This amendment scheme will be known as Johannesburg

Die wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Johannesburg- Amendment Scheme 1271.

wysigingskema 1271. PB 4-14-2-1990 -67

PB 4-14-2-1990-67George Boris Babaya, for—

George Boris Babaya, vir—1. the amendment, suspension or removal of the condi-

1. die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die titel- tions of title of Lot 820, Parktown Township in order tovoorwaardes van Lot 820, dorp Parktown ten einde dit permit the lot being used for the erection of medium den-moontlik te mask dat die lot gebruik kan word vir die op- sity residential units; andrigting van medium digtheid residensiele eenhede; en

2. the amendment of the Johannesburg Town-planning2. die wysiging van die Johannesburg-dorpsbeplanning- Scheme, 1979, by the rezoning of the lot from "Residential

skema, 1979, deur die hersonering van Lot 820 van "Resi- 1" to "Residential 3".

kkdensieel 1" tot "Residensieel 3".

This amendment scheme will be known as JohannesburgDie wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Johannesburg- Amendment Scheme 1270.

wysigingskema 1270.PB 4-14-2-1990-78

PB 4-14-2-1990-78Park Eleven (Proprietary) Limited, for—

Park Eleven (Proprietary) Limited, vir —1. the amendment, suspension or removal of the condi-

1. die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing van die titel- tions of title of Erf 18, Bedfordview Township in order tovoorwaardes van Erf. 18, dorp Bedfordview ten einde dit permit the erf being used for the erection of low density of-moontlik te maak dat die erf gebruik kan word vir die op- fives; andrigting van lae digtheid kantore; en

2. the amendment of the Bedfordview Town -planning2. die wysiging van die Bedfordview-dorpsaanlegskema, Scheme, 1948, by the rezoning of the erf from "Special Re-

1948, deur die hersonering van die erf van "Spesiaal Resi- sidential" with a density of "One dwelling per erf' todensieel" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per err tot "General Business"."Algemene Besigheid".

This amendment scheme will be known as BedfordviewDie wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Bedfordview-wy- Amendment Scheme 1/350.

sigingskema 1/350.PB 4-14-2-86-2

PB 4-14-2-86-2Fiona Nafte, for the amendment, suspension or removal

Fiona Nafte, vir die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing of the conditions of title of Portion 4 of Erf 133, Victoryvan die titelvoorwaardes van Gedeelte 4 van Erf 133, dorp Park Extension 6 Township in order to permit that the Jo-Victory Park Uitbreiding 6 ten einde dit moontlik te maak hannesburg Town-planning Scheme, 1979, control thedat die Stadsraad van Johannesburg die boulyn op Erf 133, building line applicable on Erf 133, Victory Park ExtensionVictory Park Uitbreiding 6 beheer. 6.

PB 4-14-2-1379-1 PB 4-14-2-1379- 1

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Matthew Levy, vir die wysiging, opskorting of opheffing Matthew Levy, for the amendment, suspension or re-4van die titelvoorwaardes van Erf 1633, dorp Benoni ten moval of the conditions of title of Ell 1633, Benoni Town- .

einde dit moontlik te maak dat die erf vir spreekkamers vir ship in order to permit the erf being used for doctors anddokters en tandartse gebruik kan word. dentist consulting rooms.

P13 4-14-2-117-35 PB 4-14-2-117-35

Abraham Johannes Kruger, vir die wysiging, opskorting Abraham Johannes Kruger, for the amendment, suspen-of opheffing van die titelvoonvaardes van Erf 58, dorp sion or removal of the conditions of title of Erf 58, Gro-Groblersdal ten einde dit moontlik te maak dat die erf vir blersdal Township in order to permit the erf being used for'n winkelsentrum gebruik kan word. a shopping centre.

PB 4-14-2-556-16 PB 4-14-2-556-16



Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen- The Director of Local Government gives notice in termskomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has1965), kennis dat die eienaar, PDB Investments (Pty) Ltd, been made by the owner PDB Investments (Pty) Ltd, foraansoek gedoen het om Barberton-dorpsaanlegskema, the amendment of Barberton Town-planning Scheme,1974, te wysig deur die byvoeging van die volgende tot 1974, by the inclusion of the following to column (3) part (i)kolom (3) deel (i) in gebruikstreek XV van Klousule 18 in use zone XV of Clause 18 Table "E": "Business build-

Tabel "E"; "Besigheidsgeboue, winkels en kafees" van ings, shops and cafes" applicable only on Erven 1008, 1009,toepassing slegs op Erwe 1008, 1009, 1019 en 1020, Barber- 1019 and 1020, Barberton, situated on President Street andton, seta aan Presidentstraat en Van der Bylstraat. Van der Byl Street.

Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Barberton Amend-

Barberton-wysigingskema 22 genoem sal word) 16 in die ment Scheme 22. Further particulars of the scheme arekantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Provin- open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Bar-siale gebou, Kamer B306, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en in berton and at the office of the Director of Local Govern-

die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Barberton ter insae. ment, Provincial Building, Room B306, Pretorius Street,Pretoria.

Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te enigertyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier- Any objection or representations in regard to the applic-die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern-

by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437,Stadsklerk, Posbus 33, Barberton 1300, skriftelik voorgele Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 33, Barberton 1300,word. at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of this

'notice.Pretoria, 19 September 1984

Pretoria, 19 September 1984PB 4-9-2-5-22 PB 4-9-2-5-22


Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen-komstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie The Director of Local Government gives notice in termsop Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van of section 46 of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-1965), kennis dat die eienaars, Joao da Cunha Montenegro nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application hasen Arthur da Cunha, aansoek gedoen het om Johannes- been made by the owners, Joao da Cunha Montenegro andburg-dorpsaanlegskema, 1979, te wysig deur die hersone- Arthur da Cunha, for the amendment of Johannesburgring van Lot 312, La Rochelle, gelee in Sesde Straat van Town-planning Scheme, 1979, by rezoning Lot 312, La Ro-

"Residensieel 4" tot "Spesiaal" onderhewig aan spesiale chelle, situated in Sixth Street from "Residential 4" tovoorwaardes. "Special" subject to the special conditions.

Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Johannesburg Amend-

Johannesburg-wysigingskema 1262 genoem sal word) 16 in ment Scheme 1262. Further particulars of the scheme aredie kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Johan-

Provinsiale gebou, Kamer B306, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria nesburg and at the office of the Director of Local Govern-

en in die kantoor vad die Stadsklerk van Johannesburg ter ment, Provincial Building, Room B306, Pretorius Street,insae. Pretoria.

Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the applic-

tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van hier- ation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern-

die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437,by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 4323, Johannesburg,Stadsklerk, Posbus 4323, Johannesburg, skriftelik voorgele at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the date of thisword. notice.

Pretoria, 19 September 1984 Pretoria, 19 September 1984PB 4-9-2-2H-1262 PB 4-9-2-2H-1262

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NOTICE 836 OF 1984


Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby ooreen- The Director of Local Government gives notice in termskomstig die bepalings van artikel 46 van die Ordonnansie of section 46 of the Town-planning and Townships Ordi-

op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van nance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that application has

1965), kennis dat die eienaar, Manuel De Sousa Queiroz, been made by the owner, Manuel De Sousa Queiroz, foraansoek gedoen het om Pretoriastreek-dorpsaanlegskema the amendment of Pretoria Region Town-planning Scheme

1, 1960, te wysig deur die hersonering van Erf 1785, Pierre 1, 1960, by the rezoning of Erf 1785, Pierre van Ryneveldvan Ryneveld Uitbreiding 5, van "Spesiale Woon" met 'n Extension 5, from "Special Residential" with a density ofdigtheid van "Een woonhuis per erf" tat "Spesiale Woon" "One dwelling per err to "Special Residential" with a

met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per 1 000 m2". (Die erf density of "One dwelling per 1 000 m2". (The erf is situated

is gelee aan Mustanglaan). in Mustang Avenue).

Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Pretoria Region

Pretoriastreek-wysigingskema 824 genoem sal word) le in Amendment Scheme 824. Further particulars of the schemedie kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, are open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk,Provinsiale Gebou, Kamer B306, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria Verwoerdburg and at the office of the Director of Localen in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Verwoerdburg ter Government, Provincial Building, Room B306, Pretorius

insae. Street, Pretoria.

iEnigebeswaar of vertod teen die aansoek kan te eniger Any objection or representations in regard to the applic-

tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van bier- ation shall be submitted to the Director of Local Govern-

die kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ment, in writing at the above address or Private Bag X437,

by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria en die Pretoria and the Town Clerk, PO Box 14013, Verwoerd-Stadsklerk, Posbus 14013, Verwoerdburg 0140, skriftelik burg 0140, at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the

voorgel8 word. date of this notice.

Pretoria, 19 September 1984 Pretoria, 19 September 1984

PB 4-9-2-93-824 PB 4-9-2-93-824


Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hiermee inge- The Director of Local Government hereby gives notice

volge die bepalings van artikel 58(8)(a) van die Ordonnan- in terms of section 58(8)(a) of the Town-planning and

sie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965, kennis dat aan- Townships Ordinance, 1965, that applications to establish

soeke om die dorpe in die bylae hierby gemeld te stig, the township(s) mentioned in the annexure hereto, have

ontvang is. been received.

Die aansoeke tesame met die tersaaklike planne, doku- The applications, together with the relevant plans, docu-mente en inligting le ter insae by die kantoor van die Di- ments and information are open for inspection at the office


rekteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer B206(a), 2e Vloer, of the Director of Local Government, Room B206(a), Se-B Blok, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria vir 'n cond Floor, Block B, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street,tydperk van 8 weke vanaf 19 September 1984. Pretoria for a period of 8 weeks from 19 September 1984.

Iedereen wat beswaar teen die toestaan van 'n aansoekwil.maak of begerig is om enige vertod in verband daar- Any person who desires to object to the granting of anymee te rig, moet die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, n-i- of the applications or who desires to make any respresen-

vaatsak X437, Pretoria 0001, binne 'n tydperk van 8 weke tations in regard thereto, must notify the Director of Localvan die datum of van caste publikasie hiervan, nl 19 Sep- Government, Private Bag X437, Pretoria 0001, in writingtember 1984 skriftelik en in duplikaat van sy redes in ken- and in duplicate of his reasons therefor within a period of 8

nis stel. weeks from the date of first publication hereof.

Pretoria, 19 September 1984 Pretoria, 19 September 1984


Naam van dorp: Annlin Uitbreiding 17. Name of township: Annlin Extension 17.

Naam van aansoekdoener: Henry August Enslin. Name of applicant: Henry August Enslin.

Aantal erwe: Residensieel 1: 6; Residensieel 2: 1; Besig- Number of erven: Residential 1: 6; Residential 2: 1;

heid: 1. Business: 1.

Beskrywing van grond: Hoewe 39, Wonderboom Land- Description of land: Holding 39, Wonderboom Agricul-

bouhoewes JR. tural Holdings JR.

Ligging: Die suidoostelike hoek van die !cruising by La- Situation: The south-eastern corner of the intersectionvenderstraat en Boragelaan. of Lavender Street and Borage Avenue.

Die advertensie vervang alle vorige advertensies.7

This advertisement cancels all previous advertisements.


Verwysingsnommer: PB 4-2-2-7170. Reference No: PB 4-2-2-7170.

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Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hiermee inge- The Director of Local Government hereby gives noticevolge die bepalings van artikel 58(8)(a) van die Ordonnan- in terms of section 58(8)(a) of the Town-planning andsie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965, kennis dat aan- Townships Ordinance, 1965, that applications to establishsoeke om die dorpe in die bylae hierby gemeld te stig, the townships(s) mentioned in the annexure hereto, haveontvang is. been received.

Die aansoeke tesame met die tersaaklike planne, doku- The applications, together with the relevant plans, docu-mente en inligting le ter insae by die kantoor van die Di- ments and information are open for inspection at the officerekteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Kamer B206(a), 2e Vloer, of the Director of Local Government, Room B206(a), Se-B Blok, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria vir 'n cond Floor, Block B, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street,tydperk van 8 weke vanaf 19 September 1984. Pretoria for a period of 8 weeks from 19 September 1984.

Iedereen wat beswaar teen die toestaan van 'n aansoek Any person who desires to object to the granting of anywil maak of begerig is om enige vertoe in verband daar- of the applications or who desires to make any representa-

mee te rig, moet die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Pri- lions in regard thereto, must notify the Director of Localvaatsak X437, Pretoria 0001, binne 'n tydperk van 8 weke Government, Private Bag X437, Pretoria 0001, in writingvan die datum of van eerste publikasie hiervan, nl 19 Sep- and in duplicate of his reasons therefor within a period of 8tember 1984 skriftelik en in duplikaat van sy redes in ken- weeks from the date of first publication hereof.nis stet.

Pretoria, 19 September 1984Pretoria, 19 September 1984


Naam van dorp: Heidelberg Uitbreiding 18.Name of township: Heidelberg Extension 18.

Naam van aansoekdoeners: Willem Christiaan Greyling;Deysel Erasmus Beleggings (Eiendoms) Beperk. Name of applicants: Willem Christiaan Greyling; Deysel

Erasmus Beleggings (Eiendoms) Beperk.Aantal erwe: Kommersieel: 2.

Number of erven: Commercial: 12.Beskrywing van grond: Hoewe 6 en 8, Heidelberg Land-

bouhoewes. Description of land: Holding 6 and 8, Heidelberg Agri-Ligging: Noordoos van en grens aan Hoewe 10, Heidel- cultural Holdings.

berg Landbouhoewes. Noordwes van en pens aan Ge- Situation: North-east of and abuts Holding 10, Heidel -deelte 74 van die plaas Houtpoort 392 IR. berg Agricultural Holdings. North-west of and abuts Por-

Verwysingsnommer: PB 4-2-2-7692. tion 74 of the farm Houtpoort 392 IR.

Naam van dorp: Witfield Uitbreiding 22. Reference No: PB 4-2-2-7692.Naam van aansoekdoener: Vincent Theys. Name of township: Witfield Extension 22.Aantal erwe: Residensieel 3: 3. Name of applicant: Vincent Theys.Beskrywing van grond: Gedeelte 130 (gedeelte van Ge- Number of erven: Residential 3: 3.

deelte 5) van die plaas Driefontein 85 IR.

Ligging: Noordoos van en pens aan Pad P63/I. Suidoos Description of Land: Portion 130 (portion of Portion 5)

illvan en grens aan Gedeelte 29 van die plaas Driefontein 85of the farm Driefontein 85 IR.

IR. Situation: North-east of and abuts Road P63/1. South-east of and abuts Portion 29 of the farm Driefontein 85 IR.Verwysingsnommer: PB 4-2-2-7691.

Naam van dorp: Rayton Uitbreiding 2.Reference No: PB 4-2-2-7691.

Naam van aansoekdoeners: Hermanus GerhardusName of township: Rayton Extension 2.

Raman; Die Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Name of applicants: Hermanus Gerhardus Raman;Buitestedelike Gebiede en Straalkor Beleggings (Eien- Transvaal Board for the Development of Peff-Urbandoms) Beperk. Areas and Straalkor Beleggings (Eiendoms) Beperk.

Aantal erwe: Residensieel 1: 170 erwe; Residensieel 2: 1 Number of erven: Residential 1: 170 erven; Residentialerf; Besigheid: 1 erf; Openbare Oopruimte: 2 erwe. 2: 1 erf; Business: 1 erf; Public Open Space: 2 erven.

Beskrywing van pond: Gedeelte 27 ('n gedeelte van Ge- Description of land: Portion 27 (a portion of Portion 15);deelte 15); Gedeelte 41 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte 40) en Portion 41 (a portion of Portion 40) and Portion 42 (a por-Gedeelte 42 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte 40). Almal van die tion of Portion 40). All of the farm Rooikopjes 483 JR.plaas Rooikopjes 483 JR.

Situation: North -east of and abuts Rayton Extension 1

Ligging: Noordoos van en grens aan die dorp Rayton Township. North of and abuts Portion 50.Uitbreiding I. Noord van en grens aan Gedeelte 50.

Reference No: PB 4-2-2-7660.Verwysingsnommer: PB 4-2-2-7660.

Name of township: Erandpark Extension 3.Naam van dorp: Erandpark Uitbreiding 3.

Name of applicant: Stand 284, Erand Properties (Prop-Naam van aansoekdoener: Stand 284, Erand Properties rietary) Limited.

(Proprietary) Limited.Number of erven: Special for offices: 4; Public Open

Aantal erwe: Spesiaal vir kantore: 4. Space.

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i Beskrywing van grand: Hoewe 284, Erand Landbou-hoewes Uitbreiding 1

JR.Description of land: Holding 284, Erand AgriculturalHoldings Extension 1 JR.

Ligging: Suid van en langs Negende Weg. Noord van Situation: South and abuts Ninth Road. North of andHoewes 12 en 13. abuts Holdings 12 and 13.


Verwysingsnommer: PB 4-2-2-7654. Reference No: PB 4-2-2-7654.

Naam van dorp: Mountain View Uitbreiding 3. Name of township: Mountain View Extension 3.

Naam van aansoekdoeners: Ranko Sakota & Francesco Name of applicant: Ranko Sakota & Francesco Ann Sti- I

Ann Stiponovich. ponovich.

Aantal erwe: Kommersieel: 2. Number of erven: Commercial: 2.

Beskrywing van grand: Resterende Gedeelte van Ge- Description of land: Remaining Extent of Portion 44 ofdeelte 44 van plaas Daspoort 319 JR. the farm Daspoort 319 JR.

Ligging: Gelee wes van en grens aan Roseville Uitbrei- Situation: Situated west of and abuts Roseville Exten -

ding 2 en oos van bestaande Mountain View Uitbreiding 2. sion 2 and east of the existing Mountain View Extension 2.

Verwysingsnommer: PB 4-2-2-7610. Reference No: PB 4-2-2-7610.

Naam van dorp: Klerksoord Uitbreiding 5. Name of township: Klerksoord Extension 5.r

Naam van aansoekdoeners: Johannesburg Consolidated Name of applicants: Johannesburg Consolidated Invest-Investments Company Limited, Deelge Investments (Pty) ments Company Limited, Deelge Investments (Pty) Ltd,Ltd, Witboerdery (Edms) Bpk. Witboerdery (Edms) Bpk.

Aantal erwe: Besigheid: 1; Nywerheid: 129; Openbare Number of erven: Business: 1; Industrial: 129; PublicOopruimte: 2. Open Space: 2.

Beskrywing van grond: Gedeeltes 145 tot 147 en 164 (ge- Description of land: Portion 145 to 147 and 164 (portionsdeeltes van Gedeelte 14) en Gedeelte 160 (gedeelte van of Portion 14) and Portion 160 (portion of Portion 153) ofGedeelte 153) van die plaas Witfontein No 301 JR. the farm Witfontein No 301 JR.

Ligging: Wes en noord van Pretoria-Noord in die noord- Situation: West and north of Pretoria North in the north -'

oostelike eindpunte van die Akasia Gebied. eastern extremity of the Akasia Area.

Verwysingsnommer: PB 4-2-2-7554. Reference No: PB 4-2-2-7554.

Naam van dorp: Erandpark Uitbreiding 2. Name of township: Erandpark Extension 2.

Naam van aansoekdoener: Aaron Rosen. Name of applicant: Aaron Rosen.

Aantal erwe: Spesiaal vir: 10 erwe. Number of erven: Special for: 10 erven.

Beskrywing van grand: Hoewe 37, Erand Landbou- Description of land: Holding 37, Erand Agriculturalhoewes JR. Holdings JR.

Ligging: Suid en aangrensend aan New Road en tussen Situation: South and abuts New Road and betweenHoewes 38 en 36. Holdings 38 and 36.

IVerwysingsnommer:PB 4-2-2-7653. Reference No: PB 4-2-2-7653.

Naam van dorp: Equestria Uitbreiding 6. Name of township: Equestria Extension 6.

Naam van aansoekdoeners: Instituut vir Buitelandse Name of applicant: Instituut vir Buitelandse Reg &Reg & Regsvergelyking. Regsvergelyking.

Aantal erwe: Residensieel 1: 8; Residensieel 2: 1. Number of erven: Residential 1: 8; Residential 2: 1.

Beskrywing van grond: Hoewe 21, Willow Glen Land- Description of land: Holding 21, Willow Glen Agricul-bouhoewes. tural Holdings.

Ligging: Gelee suidoos van La Montagne. Oos van Die Situation: Situated south -east of La Montagne. East ofWilgers en direk noord van Faerie Glen. Die Wilgers and directly north of Faerie Glen.

Verwysingsnommer: PB 4-2-2-7621. Reference No: PB 4-2-2-7621.

Naam van dorp: Brits Uitbreiding 48.Name of township: Brits Extension 48.

Naam van aansoekdoener: Marthinus Christoffel Bar-nard. Name of applicant: Marthinus Christoffel Barnard.

Aantal erwe; Nywerheid: 4 erwe; Openbare Oopruimte.Number of erven: Industrial: 4 erven.

Beskrywing van grond: Gedeelte 664 ('n gedeelte vanGedeelte 145) van die plaas Roodekopjes of Zwartkopjes Description of land: Portion 664 (a portion of Portion

No 427 JO. 145) of the farm Roodekopjes or Zwartkopjes No 427 JQ.

Ligging: Suidwes en grensend aan Barnardstraat. Noord- Situation: South-west and abuts Barnard Street. North-

oos en grensend aan Brits Uitbreiding 39. east and abuts Brits Extension 39.

Verwysingsnommer: PB 4-2-2-7598. Reference No: PB 4-2-2-7598.

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Naam van dorp: Pyramid. Name of township: Pyramid.4Naam van aansoekdoener: Die Suid-Afrikaanse Abat- Name of applicant: Die Suid-Afrikaanse Abattoirkorpo-

toirkorporasie. rasie.

Aantal erwe: Nywerheid 2: 23; Spesiaal vir: 12; Open- Number of erven: Industrial 2: 23; Special for: 12; Publicbare Oopruimte: 2. Open Space: 2.

Beskrywing van grond: Resterende Gedeelte van Ge- Description of land: Remaining Extent of Portion 5 (por-deelte 5 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte I) Waterval No 273 JR. tion of Portion 1) Waterval No 273 JR.

Ligging: Noord van Magaliesberge gelee ongeveer Situation: North of Magaliesmountain, approximately20 km noord van Pretoria Kerkplein en grens aan die 20 km north of Church Square and abuts the westside of thewestekant van die spoorwegreserwe by Pyramid Stasie. railway reserve at Pyramid Station.

Verwysingsnommer: PB 4-2-2-7551. Reference No: PB 4-2-2-7551.

Naam van dorp: Moreletapark Uitbreiding 22. Name of township: Moreletapark Extension 22.

Naam van aansoekdoener: Nestel Holdings (Edms) Be- Name of applicant: Nestel Holdings (Edms) Bpk.perk.

Number of erven: Residential 1: 263; Business: 1; Spe-Aantal erwe: Residensieel 1: 263; Besigheid 1; Spesiaal cial for garage: 1; Public Open Space: 1.

vir garage: 1; Openbare Oopruimte: 1.Description of land: Portion 102, 104 (portions of Por-

Beskrywing van grond: Gedeelte 102, 104 (gedeeltes van tion 53), Portion 128 (portion of Portion 127) of the farmGedeelte 53), Gedeelte 128 (gedeelte van Gedeelte 127) Garsfontein 374 JR..van die plaas Garsfontein 374 JR.

Situation: Situated south -east of proposed Moreleta-

Ligging: Gelee ten suidooste van voorgestelde Morele- park Extension 18. South-west of Portion 98 and west oftapark Uitbreiding 18, ten suidweste van Gedeelte 98 en Portion RE/127 of the farm Garsfontein 374 JR.ten weste van Gedeelte RG/127 van die plaas Garsfontein374 JR. Reference No: PB 4-2-2-7337.

Verwysingsnommer: PB 4-2-2-7337. Name of township: Vorna Valley Extension 15.

Naam van dorp: Vorna Valley Uitbreiding 15. Name of applicant: Dawid James Kleynhans.

Naam van aansoekdoener: Dawid James Kleynhans. Number of erven: Residential 2: 2 erven.

Aantal erwe: Residensieel 2: 2 erwe. Description of land: Portion 19 of Holding 74, HalfwayHouse Estates, Midrand.

Beskrywing van grond: Gedeelte 19 van Hoewe 74, Half-way House Estate, Midrand. Situation: South-east and abuts Berger Road. South-

west and abuts Portions 4 and 6.Ligging: Suidoos en langs Bergerweg. Suidwes en tangs

Gedeeltes 4 en 6. Reference No: PB 4-2-2-7299.

Verwysingsnommer: PB 4-2-2-7299. Name of township: Vanderbijlpark C W 8 Extension 1.

Naam van dorp: Vanderbijlpark C W 8 Uitbreiding 1. Name of applicant: David Jacobus Pieterse.

Naam van aansoekdoener: David Jacobus Pieterse. Number of erven: Industrial: 2.

Aantal erwe: Nywerheid: 2.Description of land: Portion 20 of the farm Vanderbijl-

Beskrywing van grond: Gedeelte 20 van die plaas Van- park 550 IQ.derbijlpark 550 IQ.

Ligging: Suidwes van en grens aan Curie Boulevard en Situation: South-west of and abuts Curie Boulevard andwest of and abuts Portion 74 of the farm Vanderbijlparkwes van en grens aan Gedeelte 74 van die plaas Vanderbijl- 550 IQ.park 550 IQ.

Verwysingsnommer: PB 4-2-2-7603. Reference No: PB 4-2-2-7603.

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TENDER RFT 123 VAN 1984 TENDER RFT 123 OF 1984

Die herstel en herseel van paaie P157- I en P36-1 (R21) in The repair and resealing of roads P157- I and P36- I (R21)die Pretoria-streek. in the Pretoria Region.

Tenders word hiermee van ervare kontrakteurs vir boge- Tenders are hereby invited from experienced contrac-

noemde diens gevra. tors for the abovementioned service.

Tenderdokumente, met inbegrip van 'n stel tekeninge, is Tender documents, including a set of drawings, may beby die Direkteur, Transvaalse Paaiedepartement, Kamer obtained from the Director, Transvaal Roads Department,D 307, Provinsiale Gebou, Kerkstraat, Privaatsak X197, Room D 307, Provincial Buildings, Church Street, PrivatePretoria, verkrygbaar teen die betaling van 'n tydelike de- Bag X197, Pretoria, on payment of a temporary deposit ofposito van R100,00 (eenhonderd rand). Hierdie bedrag sal 8100,00 (one hundred rand). This amount will be refundedterugbetaal word, mits 'n bona-fide-tender ontvang word provided a bona fide tender is received or all such tenderof alle sodanige tenderdokumente binne 14 dae na die slui- documents are returned to the office of issue within 14

Itingsdatum van die tender aan die uitreikingskantoor te- days after the closing date of the tender.ruggestuur word.

'n Bykomende afskrif van die hoeveelheidspryslyste sal proAvnideadddfriteieonoafIchcoarpgye.of

the schedule of quantities will be

gratis verskaf word.An engineer will meet intending tenderers on 26 Sep-

'n Ingenieur sal voornemende tenderaars op 26 Sep- tember 1984 at 09h30 at the Jan Smuts Holiday Inn to in-

tember 1984 om 09h30 by die Jan Smuts Holiday Inn ont- spect the site with them. The engineer will not be availablemoet om saam met hulle die terrein te gaan besigtig. Die for inspection purposes on any other occasion and ten-

ingenieur sal by geen ander geleentheid vir besigtigings- derers are, therefore, requested to be present on the saiddoeleindes beskikbaar wees nie, en tenderaars word der- date.halwe versoek om op gemelde datum teenwoordig te wees.

Tenders, completed in accordance with the conditions inTenders, ooreenkomstig die voorwaardes in die ten- the tender documents, in sealed envelopes endorsed "Ten-

derdokumente ingevul, in verseelde koeverte waarop der RFT 123/1984 should reach the Chairman, Transvaal"Tender RFT 123/1984 geendosseer is, moet die Voorsit- Provincial Tender Board, PO Box 1040, Pretoria, beforeter, Transvaalse Provinsiale Tenderraad, Posbus 1040, Pre- 11h00 on Friday, 19 October 1984, when the tenders will betoria, voor 11h00 op Vrydag, 19 Oktober 1984 bereik wan- opened in public.neer die tenders in die openbaar oopgemaak sal word.

Should the tender documents be delivered by messenger- .

Tenders wat per bode/persoonlik afgelewer word, moet /personally, they should be placed in the Formal Tendervoor 11h00 in die forrnele tenderraadbus by die navraag- Box at the enquiry office in the foyer of the Provincialkantoor in die voorportaal van die Provinsiale Gebou by Building at the Pretorius Street main public entrance (neardie hoofingang, Pretoriusstraat, (naby die hoek van Bos- Bosman Street corner), Pretoria, before 11h00.manstraat), Pretoria ;geplaas word.

The Transvaal Provincial Administration shall not bindDie Transvaalse Provinsiale Administrasie verbind hom itself to accept the lowest or any tender or to furnish any

nie om die laagste of enige tender aan te neem of om enige reason for the rejection of a tender.cede vir die afwysing van 'n tender te verstrek nie.

Tenders shall be binding for ninety (90) days.Tenders is vir negentig (90) dae bindend.

S.F. NEL S.F. NELVoorsitter: Transvaalse Provinsiale Tenderraad Chairman: Transvaal Provincial Tender Board


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TENDERS. TENDERS. 4L.W. — Tenders wat voorheen gepubliseer is en waarvan die sluff- N.B. — Tenders previously published and where the closing datestingsdatum nog nie verstreke is nie, word nie in hierdie kennisgewing have not yet passed, have not been repeated in this notice. Tenders areherhaal nie. Tenders word normaalweg 3-5 weke voor die sluitingsda- normally published 3-5 weeks before the closing date.tum gepubliseer.



Tenders vir die volgende dienste / voorrade / verkope Tenders are invited for the following services / sup-word ingewag. (Tensy dit in die uiteensetting anders plies / sales. (Unless otherwise indicated in the descrip-aangegee word, word tenders vir voorrade bedoel): — tion tenders are for supplies): —

Beskrywing van Tender Sluitingsdatnm.Tender Description ofTender Closing Date

WFTB 416/84 Verre Oos-Randse Hospitaal, Springs: Installering van lugversorging/Far East Rand Hospital, Springs: In -

stallation of air-conditioning. Item 2014/8300 19/10/1984WFTB 417/84 Onderwyskollege, Pretoria: Oprigting van kombuis, eetsaal en matronebtok/Erection of kitchen, dining-

hall and matrons' block. Item 1002/8306 19/10/1984WFTB 418/84 Hoerskool F H Odendaal, Pretoria: Installering van sentrale verwarmingstelseUInstallation of 'central heat-

ing system. Item 1040/8003 19/10/1984WFTB 419/84 Transvaalse Gedenkinstituut vir Kindergesondheid en -ontwikkeling. Johannesburg: Omskepping van

saal/Transvaal Memorial Institute for Child Health and Development. Johannesburg: Conversion of wardItem 12/7/4/093/006 19/10/1984

WFTB 420/84 Hotrskool Jan de Klerk. Krugersdorp: Veranderings aan huisvlytsentrum/Alterations to housecraft centreItem 11/7/4/0726/01 19/10/1984

WFTB 421/84 Nigelse Hospitaal: Installering van 'n 350-kVA -kragopwekker/Nigel Hospital: Installation of a 350 kVAgenerator. Item 2073/71 19/10/1984

WFTB 422/84 Discovery Primary School, Roodepoort: Aanbouings en veranderings/Additions and alterationsItem 1027/8307 19/10/1984

WFTB 423/84 Pretoria-Wes-hospitaal: Oprigting van 'n tweeklaskamerkleuterskooVPretoria West Hospital: Erection ofa two -classroom nursery school. Item 2003/8204 19/10/1984

WFTB 424/84 Krugersdorp Kliniekskool: Oprigting/Krugersdorp Clinic School: Erection. Item 1025/8002 19/10/1984HA 1/32A/84 Naelstringklem me/Umbilical cord clamps 12/10/1984HA 1/33A/84 Hartkleppe/Heart valves 12/10/1984HD 1/3/84 Afdeling- en teatermeubels en benodigdhede vir hospitale/Ward and theatre furniture and accessories for

hospitals 23/11/1984HA 1/15/84 ROntgenstraalfilms, chemikaliee en outomatiesc rontgenstraal-filmprosesseerders/X-ray films, chemicals

and automatic X-ray film processors 26/10/1984TOD 2A/V/2/84 Vervoer van leerlinge, ondenvysers, onderwyskollegestudente en universiteitstudente van die Transvaalse

Onderwysdepartement deur middel van busse wat deur beamptes van die Onderwysdepartement goedge-keur is, vanaf Transvaalse skole, onderwyskolleges en universiteite, na veldskole en terug/Conveyance ofTransvaal Education Department pupils, teachers, students of colleges of education and university stu-dents, by means of buses approved by the Education Department. from Transvaal schools, colleges of edu -cation and universities, to veld schools and back 12/10/1984

TED 2AN/2/84RFT 60/84P 15- , 20- en 25-sitplekpassasiersbusse op tydperkgrondslag/I5- , 20- and 25-seat passenger buses on period

basis. 09/11/1984HA 2/72/84 Anroskoopteleskoop: Kalafong-hospitaal/Arthroscope telescope: Kalafong Hospital 19/10/1984

4HA 2/73/84 Ortopediese boor: Kalafong-hospitaal/Orthopaedie drill: Kalafong Hospital 19/10/1984HA 2/74/84 Mothele pasientmonitor vir die registrasie van EKG: H F Venvoerd-hospitaaUMobile patient monitor for

the registering of ECG: H F Venvocrd Hospital 19/10/1984HA 2/75/84 Nukleere kardiologie -spanningstafel: H F Verwoerd-hospitaal/Nuclear cardiology stress table: H F Ver-

woerd Hospital 19/10/1984HA 2/76/84 Halogeenlig vir intrakraniale monitor 11 F Verwoerd -hospitaal/Halogen light for intracranial monitor: H

F Verwoerd Hospital 19/10/1984HA 2/77/84 Ginekologiese ondersoektafel: Tembisa-hospitaal/Gynaecological examination table: Tembisa Hospital 19/10/1984HA 2/78/84 Fetale hart-monitors: Tembisa-hospitaal/Foetal heart monitors: Tembisa Hospital 19/10/1984HA 2/79/84 Digitale fluoroskopiese stelsel: Kalafong-hocpitaal/Digital fluoroscopic system: Kalafong Hospital 19/10/1984HA 2/80/84 Neonatale monitor: H F Verwoerd-hospitaal/Neonatal monitor: H F Verwoerd Hospital 19/10/1984HA 2/81/84 Kardiotokograafmonitor: Pietersburgse Hospitaal/Cardiotocograph monitor: Pietersburg Hospital 19/10/1984


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1. Die betrokke tenderdokumente, met inbegrip van die amptelike 1. The relative tender documents including the Administration's of-tendervorms van die Administrasie, is op aanvraag by die onder- facial tender forms, are obtainable on application from the relativestaande adresse verkrygbaar. SodaniFe dokumente as merle enige address indicated below. Such documents and any tender contracttender kontrakvoorwaardes wat nie in die tenderdokumente opge- conditions not embodied in the tender documents are also availableneem is nie, is ook by die genoemde adres vir inspeksie verkrygbaar: (or inspection at the said address:

Kantoor in Nuwe Provinsiale Office in New Provincial Building,Tender Posadres to Gebou, Pretoria Tender Postal address Pretoria

verwysing Pretoria Ref PretoriaKamer Verdie- Foon Room PhoneNo. Blok ping Pretoria No. Block Floor Pretoria

HA 1 & Direkteur van A900 A 9 280-2654 HA 1 & Director of Hospital A900 A 9 280 -2654HA 2 Hospitaaldienste, HA 2 Services, Private

' Privaatsak X221. Bag X221.

HB en Direkteur van A819 A 8 280-3367 HB and Director of Hospital A819 A 8 280-3367HC Hospitaaldienste, HC Services. Private

Privaatsak X22I. Bag X221.


HD Direkteur van A823 A 8 280-3351 HD Director of Hospital A823 A 8 280-3351Hospitaaldienste, Services, PrivatePrivaatsak X221. Bag X22I.

PFT Provinsiale Sekre - A1020 A 10 280-2441 PFT Provincial Secretary A1020 A 10 280-2441tans (Aankope (Purchases anden Voorrade). Pri - Supplies), Privatevaatsak X64. Bag X64.

RFT Direkteur Trans- 0307 D 3 280-2530 RFT Director, Transvaal D307 D 3 280-2530vaalse Paaie- Roadsdepartment, Pri - Department, Pri -vaatsak X197. vate Bag X197.

TOD 1 -100 Direkteur, Trans- 633 Sentrakor. 280-4217 TED 1-100 Director, Transvaal 633 Sentrakor 280-4217TOD 100- vaalse Onder- . 625 gebou 280-4212 TED 100- Education De- 625 Building 280-4212

wysdepartement, partment, PrivatePnvaatsak X76. Bag X76.

WFT Direkteur, Trans- C119 C 1 280-3254 WFT Director, Transvaal C119 C 1 280-3254vaalse Werkede- Department ofpartement, Pri- Works, Privatevaatsak X228. Bag X228.•


WFTB Direkteur, Trans- E103 E 1 286-2306 WFTB Director, Transvaal E103 E 1 280-2306vaalse Werkede- Department ofpartement, Pri- Works, Privatevaatsak X228. Bag X228.

2. Die Administrasie is nie daartoe verplig om die laagste of enige 2. The Administration is not bound to accept the lowest or any ten-tender aan te neem nie en behou horn die reg voor om 'n gedeelte van der and reserves the right to accept a portion of a tender.'n tender aan te neem.

3. Alle tenders moet op die amptelike tendervorm van die Adminis- 3. All tenders must be submitted on the Administration's officialtrasie voorgele word. tender forms.

4. ledere inskrywing moet in 'n afsonderlike verseelde koevert inv- 4. Each tender must be submitted in a separate sealed envelope ad -

dien word, geadresseer aan die Voorsitter, Die Transvaalse Proven- dressed to the Chairman, Transvaal Provincial Tender Board, PO Boxsiale Tenderraad, Posbus 1040, Pretoria, en moat duidelik van die 1040, Pretoria, and must be clearly superscribed to show the ten -

opskrif voorsien wees ten einde die tenderaar se naam en adres aan te derer's name and address, as well as the number, description and clos-

toon, asook die nommer, beskrywing en sluitingsdatum van die ten- ing date of the tender. Tenders must be in the hands of the Chairmander. Inskrywings moet teen 11h00 op die sluitingsdatum Inerbo aange- by 111100 on the closing date indicated above.toon, in die Voorsitter se hande wees.

5. Indien inskrywings per hand ingedien word, moat hulle teen 5. If tenders are delivered by hand, they must be deposited in the11h00 op die sluitingsdatum in die Formele Tenderbus geplaas wees Formal tender Box at the Enquiry Office in the foyer of the New Pro-

by die navraagkantoor in die voorportaal van die nuwe Provinsiale vincial Building at the Pretorms Street main entrance (near BosmanGebou by die hoofingang. aan Pretoriusstraat se kant (naby die hock Street corner), Pretoria, by 11h00 on the closing date.van Bosmanstraat), Pretoria.

J.F. Viljoen Voorsitter, Transvaalse Provinsiale Tenderraad. J.F. Viljoen, Chairman, Transvaal Provincial Tender Board.

5 September 1984 5 September 1984

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Plaaslike Bestuurskennisgewings I

Notices By Local AuthoritiesSTADSRAAD VAN KEMPTONPARK Clerk, PO Box 13, Kempton Park, not later TOWN COUNCIL OF SPRINGS

than 22 October, 1984.

PROKLAMERING VAN 'N PAD The object of the petition is to proclaim a PROCLAMATION OF ROAD IN SPRINGSroad over the Remaining Extent of Portion 45 TOWNSHIP

Kennisget,ving geskied hiermee ingevolge of the farm Zuurfontein 33 IR by which Roaddie bepalings van artikel 5 van Ordonnansie 44 51 is diverted and widened. Notice is hereby given in terms of section 5 1

van 1904, soos gewysig, dat die Stadsraad van of the Local Authorities Roads Ordinance NoKemptonpark ingevolge die bepalings van ar- P T BOTHMA 44 of 1904. 'as amended, that the Town Counciltikel 4 van gemelde Ordonnansie, 'n ver- Acting Town Clerk of Springs has petitioned the Administrator tosoekskrif tot Sy Edele die Administrateur van Town Hall proclaim as a public road the road as describedTransvaal gerig het om 'n pad soos volledig Margaret Avenue in the schedule hereto and defined by Diagramomskryf in Aanhangsel "A" hieronder te pro- PO Box 13 SG No A4643/84 framed by Land Surveyor S.klameer. Kempton Park de Bod from a survey performed during May

Afskrifte van die versoekskrif en kaarte wat 5 September 19841984.NonceNo 46/1984daarby aangeheg is, 16 gedurende gewone Ian-

A copy of the petition. diagrams and sche-toorure ter msae in Kamer 154, Stadhuis, Mar- dole can be inspected during ordinary officegaretlaan, Kemptonpark. ANNEXURE "A" hours at the office of the undersigned.Enige belanghebbende persoon wat beswaar Any interested person who wishes to lodeteen die proklamering van die voorgestelde Description of the road appearing on Plans

pad wit indien, moet sodanige beswaar skrifte- LO A1930/84 and A1931/84: any objg

ection to the proclamation of the pro-

ik, in tweevoud indien by die Direkteur van posed road, must lodge his objection in writingPortion of Road to be known as CR Swart in duplicate with the Director of Local Go -

Plaaslike Bestuur, Privaatsak X437, Pretoria •Drive. vernment. Private Bag X437. Pretoria 0001.en die Stadsklerk, Posbus 13, Kemptonpark and the undersigned not later than 20 Octobervoor of op 22 Oktober 1984. A road over the Remaining Extent of Por- 1984.

Die doel van die versoekskrif is om 'n pad lion 45 of the farm Zuurfontein 33 IR by whichRoad 51 is diverted and widened.oor die Restant van Gedeelte 45 van die ptaas

the existingH A DU PLESSISZuurfontein 33 IR te proklameer waardeur Town SecretaryPad 51 verle en verbreed word. 1250- 5- 12- 19

Civic CentreP T BOTHMA Springs

Waamemende Stadsklerk 5 September 1984Stadhuis STADSRAAD VAN SPRINGS Notice No 85/1984MargaretlaanPosbus 13


5 September 1984Kennisgewing No 46/1984 DESCRIPTION OF ROAD

Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge artikel 5

AANHANGSEL "A" van die "Local Authorities Roads Ordinance"A road over Portion 1 of Park Erf 1235. Stru-No 44 van 1904, soos gewysig, dat die Stads-

rand van Springs 'n versoekskrif tot die Ad- benvale Township.Beskrywing van die pad wat op Planne LG1257- 5- 12- 19

4A1930/64 en A1931/84 voorkom: ministrateur geng het om die pad war in diebylae hiervan omskryf word en gedefinieer

Gedeelte van Pad wat bekend sal staan as word deur Diagram SG No A4643/84 wat deurCR Swartrylaan. Landmeter S. de Bod opgestel is van opme- PLAASLIKE BESTU UR VAN GRO -

dogs wat in Mei 1984 gedoen is, as 'n openbare BELAARSDAL i'n Pad oor die Restant van Gedeelte 45 van pad te verklaar. i

die Plaas Zuurfontein 33 IR waardeur die be- ONTWIKKELINGSBYDRAE: ERF 97 GRO -I staande Pad 51 verle en verbreed word. BLERSDAL'n Afskrif van die versoekskrif, kaarte en

bylae re ter insae by die kantoor van die on- Kennis geskied hierby ingevolge artikeldergctekende tydens gewone kantoorure.I 6(4)(a) van die Ordonnansie op

TOWN COUNCIL OF KEMPTON PARK Eicndomsbelasting van Planslike Besture. 1977Enige belanghebbende persoon war 'n be- (Ordonnansie 11 van 1977), dat 'n waardasie

PROCLAMATION OF A ROAD swaar teen die proklamenng van die voorge- ingevolge artikel 51(2) van die Ordonnansiestelde paaie het, moet sodanige beswaar skrit- op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordon -

Notice is hereby given in term sof section 5milk in tweevoud by die Direkteur van nansie 25 van 1965), deur die waarderingsraad op

of the Local Authorities Roads Ordinance. 44 Plaaslike Bestuur' Privaatsak X437, Pretoria. bogenocmde eicndom geplaas is welke witardit -

of 1904, as amended, that the Town Council of 0001 en die ondergetekende indien. nie later sic finual en bindend gcword het op al die•e as 20 Oktober 1984. bctrokke persona.Kempton Park has, in terms of section 4 of the m

said Ordinance petitioned the Honourable theDie aandag word ever gcvestig op artikel 17Administrator of the Transvaal to proclaim a H A DU PLESSIS van die Ordonnansie op Eicndomsbelasting vanroad described in Annexure "A" hereunder. Burgersentrum Stadsekretaris Plaaslike Besture, 1977 (Ordonnansie II van

Copies of the petition and of the diagrams Springs 1977), wat sons volg bepaal:1984attached thereto are open for inspection dur- 5 September

ing normal office hours at Room 154, Muni- e -Kenmsgewing No 85/1984 "Reg van appal teen beslissing vanwaardringsraad.cipal Offices, Margaret Avenue, KemptonPark. BYLAE 17.(1) 'n Beswaarmaker wat voor 'n waarde -

ringsmad verskyn het of verteenwoordig wasAny interested person who desires tolodge anyobjection to the proclamation of the road, BESKRYWING VAN PAD met inbegrip van 'n beswaarmaker wat 'nantwoord sons in artikel 15(4) bcoog„ ingedicnmust lodge such objection in writing, in dupli - of voorgele het• kan teen die beslissing vancare, with the Director of Local Government, 'n Pad oar Gedeelte I van Parke' 1235, sodanige road ten opsigte waarvan hy 'n be-Private Bag X437, Pretoria and the Town Strubenvale-dorpsgebied. swaarmaker is, binne 30 dae vanaf datum van die

Page 65: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


publikasie in die Provinsiale Kocrant van die A notice of appeal form may be obtained from die Stadsklerk, Posbus 1049, Johannesburg,kennisgewing in artikel 16(4)(a) genoem. of the secretary of the valuation board. 2000, &rig word.,waar die hepalings van artikel 16(5) van toepas-

sing is. binne een en twintig dae na die dag F W POTGIETER A G COLLINSwaarop die redes daarin genoem. aan sodanige Secretary: Valuation Board Stadsekretarisbeswaarmakcr gestuur is. appel aanteken deur Municipal Offices Burgersentrumdie sekretaris van sodanige road 'n kennisgewing po Box 48 Braamfonteinvan appel op die wyse sops voorgeskryf en in Groblersdal Johannesburgooreenstemming met die procedure coos 0470 12 September 1984voorgeskryf in Lc dien en sodanige sekretaris 12 September 1984stuur onverwyld 'n afskrif van sodanige ken- Notice No 21/1984nisgewing van appel aan die waardeerder en aan 1272- 12die betrokke Pfaaslike Bestuur. CITY OF JOHANNESBURG

(2) 'n Plaaslike Bestuur wat nie 'n bcswaar-PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO JOHAN-

maker is nie. kan teen enige heslissing van 'n NESBURG TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME,waarderingsraad appel aanteken op die wyse in STAD JOHANNESBURG 1979 (AMENDMENT SCHEME 1245)subartikel (1) heoog en enige ander persoon watnie 'n beswaarmaker is nie maar wat regstreeksdeur 'n heslissing van 'n waarderingsraad gcraak VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE Notice is hereby given in terms of section 26 of

the Town-planning and Townships Ordinance,word, kan op dergelike wyse. teen sodanige JOHANNESBURGSE DORPSBEPLAN-1965, that the City Council of Johannesburg has

beslissing appel aanteken. NINGSKEMA, 1979 (WYSIGINGSKEMA[ 1245) prepared a draft town-planning scheme, to be

'n Vorm vir kennisgewing van appel kan van known as Johannesburg amendment scheme,

die sekretaris van die waarderingsraad vcrkryword.

F W POTGIETER Psekretaris;


Kennis word hiermee ingevolge die bepalings1245.

van artikel 26 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe- This scheme will be an Amendment Schemeplanning en Dorpe. 1965, gegee dat die Stads- and contains the following proposal;

Waarderingsraad read van Johannesburg 'n ontwerNorpsbeglan-ning!kema opgestel het wat as Johannesburg seWystgingskema 1245 bekend sal stun. of Houghton Estate:

Hierdie skema is 'n wysigingskema en dit

To rezone the following erven in the townshipMunisipale KantorPosbus 48

Erven 1127-1141, 1177, 1178, 1181-1188,0470 bevat die volgende voorstel: 1190-1196, 1.199. 1200-1204, 1206-1213, 1215,12 September 1984 1216, 1218.1228, 1230-1264, 1298-1318, 1320,Kenntsgewing No 21/1984 Die hersonering van die volgende erwe in 1321, 1351-1372, 1398-1417, 1438-1448, RE of

Houghton Estate: 1459, 1482, 1483, 14854488, 1490-1492, 1494--1497, Potions 1, 2 and RE of 1498 and 1499,1504-1512, 1516, 1517, Potions 2 and RE of.

LOCAL AUTHORITY OF GROBLERSDAL Erwe 1127-1141. 1177, 1178, 11814188, 1190- 1518 portion 1 and RE of 1519. 1520-1522, RE1196, 1199, 1200-1204, 1206-1213, 1215, 1216. of 1524, 1525-1539, 1541-1547, 1550-1556, 1558-

' 1218-1228, 1230-1264, 1298-1318, 1320, 1321, 1564, 1566-1570, 1587-1594, 1596-1609, RE ofDEVELOPMENT CONTRIBUTION: ERF 97 1351-1372, 1398-1417. 1438-1448, R.G. van 1631, 1632-1651, RE of 1653, 1654, 1656-1658,GROBLERSDAL 1459, 1482, 1483. 1485-1488, 1490-1492, 1494- 16641662,16904699, 1713-1732, 1742, 1743,1497, Gedeelte 1, 2 en R.G. van 1498 en 1499, 1745-1756, 1762-1764, 1766,1772-1775, 1504-1512, 1516, 1517, Gedeelte 2 en R.G.van

1777-Notice is hereby given in terms of section 1781, 1787, Portion 1

1518, Gedeelte 1 en R.G. van 1519, 1520-1522,and RE of 1788, 1789,

16(4)(a) of the Local Authorities Rating Ordi - 1795-1799, 1804-1810, RE of 1811, 1817-1820,nonce (Ordinance II of 1977), that a valuation R.G. van 1524, 15254539, 1541454.7. 1550- RE of 1821, 1822-1824, 18264831, 1833-1835,

1556, 1558-1564, 1566-1570, 1587-1594, 1596- 837 1839 1841 1856 1858-1876, 1886-1889,have in terms of section 51(2) of the Ordinance1609, R.G. van 1631,1632-1651, R.G. van 1653. 1900;1907 'I.


918 '1922 Portion 1 and RE ofon Town -Planning and Townships 1965 (Ordi -1654, 1656-1658. 1660-1662, 16904699, 1713- i1/2.8 -024.199411184.195i, RE of 1952, 1953-


25 of 1965). been placed by. the Valuationon the said property and has therefore 1732, 1742, 1743, 1745-1756, 1762-1764, 1766, 1988, 19904994, 2998-2008, 2008.2027, RE of

become fixed and binding upon all persons 17/2-1775,1777.1781, 1787, Gedeelte 1 en R.G. 2028, 2029-2041, 2043, 2044, 2050-2052, 2055-concerned. van 1788, 1789, 1795-1799, 1804-1810, R.G. van 2069, 2072-2096, 2099-2106, 2271-2275, 2278,

1811, 1817-1820, R.G. van 1821, 18224824, 2280-2282, Portion 1 and RE of 2283, 2284-2288,18264831, 18334835, 18374839, 18414856, 2290, 2291, 2293, 2294, 2342, Portions 1, 2, 3

However, attention is directed to section 17 of 18584876, 18841889, 19004907, 19104918. and RE of 2344, 2374, 2376, 2377, 2383, 2386,the Local Authorities Rating Ordinance, 1977 1922, Gedeelte 1 en R.G. van 1923, 19244944,(Ordinance 11 of 1977), which provides as 19441951, A.G. van 1952, 19534988, 1990- 2427, 2420-2424, Portion 1 and RE of 2425, 2426follows: 1994, 1996-2006, 2008-2027, R.G. van 2028, and 2435;

2029-2041, 2043, 2044, 2050-2052, 2055-2069,

2412, 2413, Portion 1 and RE of 2415, 2416,

"Right of appeal against decision of valuation 2072-2096, 2099-2106, 2271-2275, 2278, 2280-nn. Gedeelte 1 en R.G. van 7781, 2284-2288, From Residential 1, one dwelling-house per

board. 2290, 2291, 2293, 2294, 2342, Gedeelte 1, 2, 3 en erf, Height Zone 0 (3 storeys) to Residential 2,R.G. van 2344, 2374, 2376, 2377, 2383, 2386, Height Zone 8 (2 Storeys) subject to certain

17.(1) An objector who has appeared or has 2412, 2413, Gedeelte 1 en R.G. van 2415, 2416, conditions.been represented before a valuation board, 2417, 2420-2424, Gedeelte 1 en R.G. van 2425,including an objector who has lodged or pre - 2426 en 2435; The effect of this scheme is to increase thesented a reply contemplated in section 15(4), density of the sites and to permit attached ormay appeal against the decision of such board in rfdetached dwelling-units.Van Residensieel 1, een woonhuis per e,respect of which he is an objector within thirty Hoogtesone 0 (3 verdiepings) na Residensteel 2,days from the date of the publication in the Hoogtesone 8 (2 verdiepings) onderworpe aan Particulars of this scheme are open for inspec-Provincial Gazette of the notice referred to in sekere voorwaardes. tion at Room 721, Seventh Floor, Civic Centre,section 16(4)(a) or, where the provisions of

Braamfontein. Johannesburg, for a period ofsection 16(5) are applicable. within twenty-onedays after the day on which the reasons referred Die uinverking van hierdie skema is om die four weeks from the date of the first publicationto therein, were forwarded to such objector, by digtheid van die terreine te verhoog en om of this notice, which is 5 September 1984.

lodging with the secretary of such board a notice aanmekaar of vrystaande wooneenhede toe teof appeal in the manner and in accordance with bat. Any objection or representations in connec-

the procedure prescribed and such secretary tion with this scheme shall be submitted inshall forward forthwith a copy of such notice of writing to the Town Clerk, PO Box 1049,B nderhede van hierdie skema le ter insaeappeal to the valuer and to the local authority Johannesburg, 2000, within a period of four

hum, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, vir 'n tyd-in Kamer 721, Sewende Verdieping, Burgersen-

concerned. weeks from the abovementioned date.

perk van vier weke vanaf die datum waarop A G COLLINS(2) A local authority which is not an objector hierdie kennisgewing die caste keer gepubliseermay appeal against any decision of a valuation word, naamlik 5 September 1984. City Secretaryhoard in the manner contemplated in subsection Civic Centre

r (I) and any other person who is not an objector Braamfonteinbut who is directly affected by a decision of a Enige beswaar of vertoe in verband met Johannesburg

valuation board may. in like manner, appeal hierdie skema meet binne 'n tydperk van vier 12 September 1984

against such decision." weke vanaf bogenoemde datum skriftelik aan 1273- 12- 19

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STADSRAAD VAN NIGEL STADSRAAD VAN POTCHEFSTROOM Hierdie ontwerpskema bevat die volgendevoorstel: die hersonering van Erf 479, Monu -

VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN ment Park, van "Opvoedkundig" en Erf 1443,

NIGEL-DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 1981 V O O R G E S T E L D E D 0 R P S -Monument Park, van "Openbare Straat" na

BEPLANNINGSWYSIGINGSKEMA NO 105 "Openbare Oopruimte" vir die ontwikkelingDie Stadsraad van Nigel het 'n Ontwerp- INGEVOLGE ARTIICEL 26 VAN ORDON-

van 'n Trimpark.wysigingsdorpsbeplanningskema opgestel wat NANSIE 25 VAN 1965

bekend sal staan as Wysigingskema No 28. Die eiendomme is op naam van die Stadsraad

Die Stadsraad van Potchefstroom het 'n om- van Pretoria geregistreer.Hierdie ontwerpskema bent die volgende were-dorpsbeplannthgskema opgestel wat be-

voorstel: Besonderhede van hierdie skema le ter insaekend sal staan as Potchefstroom-wysiging- in Kamers 6003 en 3027, Munitoria, Van der

Die hersonering van 'n gedeelte van Erf 980 skema 105. Waltstraat, Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van vierFerryvale, van "Openbare Oopruimte" na "Re- Hierdie skema sal 'n aysigingskema wees en weke van die datum van die eerste publikasiesidensieel 1" en "Munisipaal". van hierdie kennisgewing af, naamlik 12

bevat die voorstel dot Gedeelte 29 van Erf 121.

Besonderhede van hierdie skema is ter insae Potchindustria, tans gesoneer as-munisi_ September 1984.

in die kantoor van die Stadsekretaris, Nigel, vir Pat% hersoneer word na "Nywerheid 1". Die Raad sal die skema oorweeg en besluit of'n tydperk van vier weke van die datum van die dit aangeneem mom word.Die hersonering sal meebring dot die cr1 wateerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing,naamlik 12 September 1984.

huidig geensins bent word nie, vir "Nywer- Enige eienaar of okkupeerder van vaste eien-heidfloeleindes aangewend sal word. dam binne die gebied van die Pretoria -dorpsbe -

Enige eienaar of besitter van onroerende gskema, 1974, of binne twee kilometer-Besonderhede van hierdie skema le ter Plannin

eiendom gelee binne die gebied waarop boge- insae in Kamer 316 van die Munisipale kan- van die grens daarvan, het die reg om teen dienoemde ontwerpskema van toepassing is, of skema beswaar te maak of om vertoe ten opsigte

tore Wolmaransstraat, Potchefstroom, vir 'abinne 2 km van die grens daarvan, kan skriftelikdaarvan te rig en, indien by dit wil doers. moet

tydperk van vier (4) weke vanaf die datum vanenige beswaar indien by of vertoe tot die road righy die Stadsklerk, Posbus 440. Pretoria 0001,

ie eerste publikasie van hierdiekcnnisge-tenopsigte van sodaninge ontwerpskema binne wing, naamlik 1984-09-12. binne vier weke van die eerste publikasie van

vier weke vanaf die eerste publikasie van hierdie hierdie kennisgewing. naamlik 12 Septemberkennisgewing naamlik 12 September 1984 en Enige beswaar of vertoe in verband met 1984, skriftelik van sodanige beswaar of vertoewanneer sodanige beswaar ingedien of vertoe hierdie skema. moet skriftelik voor 1984-10-17 in kennis stet en vermeld of hy deur die Plaaslikegerig word skriftelik vermeld of hy deur die aan die Stadsklerk, Posbus 113. Potchef- Bestuur gehoor wil word of nie.plaaslike bestuur gehoor wil word of nie. groom, gerig word.


Stadsklerk C 1 F DU PLESSIS

Munisipale Kantore Waarnemende Stadsklerk 12 Spetember 1984

Posbus 23 12 September 1984 Kennisgewing No 241/1984

Nigel Kenmsgewing No 106/1984

149012 September 1984Kennisgewing No 101/1984





PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF NIGEL DINANCE 25 OF 1965 The City Council of Pretoria has prepared a

TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME, 1981 draft amendment to the Pretoria Town-planningThe Town Council of Potchefstroom has Scheme. 1974, to be known as Town -planning

capered a draft town-planning scheme to be Amendment Scheme 1395.The Town Council of Nigel has prepared a

preparedas Amendment Scheme 105.

draft amendment town -planning scheme, to be This draft scheme contains the followingknown as Amendment Scheme No 28. This scheme wilt be an amendment scheme proposal: the rezoning of Erf 479, Monument

and contains the proposal that Portion 29 of Park, from "Educational" and Erf 1443. Monu-

Erf 121, Potchindustna. presently zoned as ment Park, from "Public Road" to "PublicThis draft scheme contains the following "Municipal", be rezoned to "Industrial 1". Open Space" for the purposes of developing a

proposal: Trim Park.The effect of the rezoning will be that the 4

The rezoning of a portion of Erf 980 Ferryvale erf,whic.h.

is at present not being used, can befrom "Public Oen Space"to Residential 1"used for Industrial 1 purposes. The properties arc registered in the name of

the City Council of Pretoria.and "Municipal"p. Details of this scheme are open for inspec-

tion at Room 316 of the Municipal Offices, inspec-Particulars of this scheme are open for inspec- Wolmarans Street, Potchefstroom, for a pe- Particulars of this scheme are open to tion at Rooms6003 and 3027, Munitoria, Van

tion at the office of the Town Secretary, Nigel, rind of four (4) weeks from the date of the first der Walt Street, Pretoria, for a period of fourfor a period of four weeks from the date of the publication of this notice, which is 1984-09-12. weeks from the date of the first publication offirst publication of this notice which is 12September 1984. Any objection or representations in aminec- this notice, which is 12 September 1984.

[ion with this scheme, must be submitted inwriting before 1984-10-17 to the Town Clerk, The Council will consider whether or not the

Any owner or occupier of immovable proper-ty situatedwithin the area to which the PO Box 113, Potchefstroom. scheme should be adopted.

abovementioned draft scheme applies or within2 km of the boundary thereof may in writing C1 F DU PLESSIS Any owner or occupier of immovable proper-

lodge any objection with or make any repre- Acting Town Clerk ty within the area of the Pretoria Town -planningsentations to the Council in respect of such draft 12 September 1984 Scheme, 1974, or within two kilometres of thescheme within four weeks of the first publication Notice No 10611984 boundary thereof, has the right to object to theof this notice, which is 12 September 1984 and 1287- 12- 19 scheme or to make representations in respectwhen lodging such objection or making repre- thereof and, if he wishes to do so, he shall withinsentations state in writing, whether or not, he four weeks of the first publication of this notice,wishes to be heard by the Council. which is 12 September 1984, inform the Town

STADSRAAD VAN PRETORIA Clerk, PO Box 440, Pretoria 0001, in writing ofP M WAGENER such objection or representation and shall state

Town Clerk VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE whether or not he wishes to be heard by theMunicipal Offices PRETORIA-DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, Local Authority.PO Box 23 1974: DORPSBEPLANNINGSWYSIGING-Nigel SKEMA 1395 P DELPORT1490 Town Clerk 412 September 1984 Die Stadsraad van Pretoria het 'n ontwerp- 12 September 1984Notice No 101/1984 wysiging van die Pretoria-Dorpsbeplanningske- Notice No 241/1984

ma, 1974, opgestel wat bekend sal staan as1283 - 12- 19 Dorpsbeplaamangswysigingskema 1395. 1288- 12- 19

Page 67: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


STADSRAAD VAN SPRINGS STADSRAAD VAN ALBERTON silting moet dit skriftelik rig aan die onderge-tekende nie later nie as 3 Oktober 1984.


Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepa- 19 September 1984tangs van artikel 65(bis) van die Ordonnansie op Kenmsgewing No 320/1984Kennis word hierby ingevolge artikel 36 van Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, dat die Stadsraad van

Alberton besluit het om die volgende parkeer-die Ordonnansie op Eiendomsbelasting van .

Plaaslike Besture, 1977 (Ordonnansie 11 van mattes in strate van Alberton as staanplekke vir1977), gegee dat die voorlopige aanvullende huurmotors vir Swartes te bepaal:waardenngslys vir die boekjaar 1983/1984 oop is TOWN COUNCIL OF BRAKPANPlek: Oostekant van Eerste Lawn, noord vanvir inspeksie by die kantoor van die plaaslike Andties Pretoriusstraat.bestuur van Springs vanaf 14 September 1984 tot

AMENDMENT OF TARIFF OF CHARGES15 Oktober 1984 en enige eienaar van belasbare Aantal Parkeerruimtes: 10 'FOR THE SUPPLY OF ELECTRICITYeiendom of ander persoon wat begerig is cm 'nbeswaar by die Stadsklerk ten opsigte van enige Die besluit van die Raad le gedurende kan-aangeleentheid in die voorlopige aanvullende toorure ter insae by die kantoor van die Stadse- Notice is hereby given in terms of sectionwaarderingslys, opgeteken, soos in artikel 34 kretaris, Burgersentrum, Alberton. 80B(3) of the Local Government Ordinance,van die genoemde Ordonnansie beoog, in te 1939, that the Town Council of Brakpan has byin ge persoon via! beswaar teen die voorge-dien, insluitende die vraag of sodanige eiendom En

special resolution further amended the tariffof 'n gedeelte daarvan onderworpe is aan die stelae staanplekke val mask moet dit hastens op of charges for the supply of electricity promul-

11 Oktober 1984 skriftelik by die Stadsklerkbetaling van eiendomsbelasting of daarvan . .under' 4gated Notice 1 3/1984 of 7 March 1984,• mchenvrygestel is, of ten opsigte van enige weglating -as amended, with effect from 1 September

van enige aangeleentheid uit sodanige lys, doen 1984.so binne gemelde tydperk. J J PRINSLOO

Stadsklerk Particulars of the amendment lie open forBurgersentrum inspection during ordinary office hours at

Die voorgeskrewe vorm vir die indiening van Voortrekkenveg Room 12, Town Hall Building, Brakpan, until'n beswaar is by die adres hieronder aangedui Alberton 3 October 1984.beskikbaar en aandag word spesifiek gevestig op 19 September 1984die feit dat geen persoon geregtig is om enige Kennisgewing No 42/1984 Any person who desires to object to thebeswaar voor die waarderingsraad te opper amendment can do so in writing to the under-

tensy by 'n beswaar op die voorgeskrewe vorm signed not later than 3 Oktober 1984.betyds ingedien het nie.


Stadsklerk BLACKS 19 September1984NoticeNo 320/1984

Burgersentrum 1304- 19Suid-hoofrifweg Notice is hereby given in terms of section

Springs 65(bis) of the Local Government Ordinance,1939, that the Town Council of Alberton has12 September 1984STADSRAAD VAN BRITS

Kennisgewing No 86/1984 resolved to fix the following spaces in streets inAlberton as stands for taxis for Blacks: WYSIGING VAN VERKEERSVERORDE-

Place: Eastern side of First Avenue, north of NINGEAndries Pretorius Street.

TOWN COUNCIL OF SPRINGS Dear word hierby ingevolge die bepalings vanNumber of Parking spaces: 10 artikel 96 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike

Bestuur, 1939, bekend gemaak dat die Stads-NOTICE CALLING FOR OBJECTIONS TO The resolution of the Council is open for read van Brits van voorneme is om sy Verkeers-P R 0 VISION AL SUPPLEMENTARY inspection, during office hours, at the office of verordeninge, afgekondig by Administrateurs-

VALUATION ROLL the Town Secretary, Civic Centre. Alberton. kennisgewing 60 van 9 Februarie 1949, soos

Any person who wishes to object to thegewysig, verder te wysig.

Notice is hereby given in terms of section 36 of proposed stands, should lodge such objection in Die algemene strekking van hierdie wysigingthe Local Authorities Rating Ordinance, 1977. . writing with the Town Clerk not later than 11

" ' d ' -is om die gelde vir sten place ten opsigte van(Ordinance 11 of 1977), that the provisional October 1984. publieke voertuie te verhoog.supplementary valuation roll for the financial

year 1983/1984 is open for inspection at the1 1 PRINSLOO

office of the local authority of Springs from 14 Town Clerk Afskrifte van bogemelde wysiging re ter insaeSeptember 1984 to 15 October 1984 and any Municipal Offices by Kamer 18, Departement van die Stadsekre-

owner of rateable property or other person who Civic Centre tads, Stadhuis, Bras, vir 'n tydperk van veertienso desires to lodge an objection with the Town Voortrekker Road (14) dae vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan inClerk in respect of any matter recorded in the Alberton die °Risible Koerant.provisional supplementary valuation roll as con- 19 September 1984templated in section 34 of the said Ordinance Notice No 42/1984 Enige persoon wat beswaar teen genoemdeincluding the question whether or not such wysigings wens aan te teken moet dit skriftelikproperty or portion thereof is subject to the 1303- 19 binne veertien (14) dae na datum van publikasiepayment of rates or is exempt therefrom or in van hierdie kennisgewing in die °Risible

. respect of any omission or any matter from such Koerant, by ondergenoemde indien.roll shall do so within the said period.


The form prescribed for the lodging of an Stadsklerkobjection is obtainable at the address indicated WYSIGING VAN TARIEF VAN GELDE Stadhuis

below and attention is specifically directed to the VIR LEWERING VAN Et EICTRISITEIT Posbus 106

fact that no person is entitled to urge any Britsobjection before the valuation board unless he Hiermee word ooreenkomstig artikel Q250

has timeously lodged an objection in the pre-80B(3) van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Be- 19

September 1984KennisgewingNo 75/1984scribed form. scour, 1939, bekend gemaak dat die Stadsraadvan Brakpan by spepale besluit die tarief van

J F VAN LOGGERENBERG uelde vir die kweriug van elektrisiteit afge-Town Clerk kondig by Kennisgewmg 193/1984 van 7 Mann TOWN COUNCIL OF BRITS

Civic Centre 1984, soos gewysig, verder gewysig het metSouth Main Reef Road ingang 1 September 1984. AMENDMENT TO TRAFFIC BY-LAWSSprings Besonderhede oor die wysiging is gedu-1 September 1984 It is hereby notified in terms of section 96 ofrende kantoorure by Kamer 12, Stad-Notice No 86/1984 the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, thatInks, Brakpan, ter insae tot 3 Oktober 1984.

the Town Council of Brits intends to amend its1293 - 12 - 19 Iemand wat beswaar wil mask teen die wry- Traffic By-laws, published under Administra-

Page 68: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted




tor's Notice 60, dated 9 February 1949, as pensation if the closing is carried out, must ville has resolved to sell the undermentionedamended. lodge his object or claim, as the case may be, property, subject to certain conditions:

in writing with the undersigned not later thanThe general purport of the amendment is to Wednesday, 21 November 1ft:4. (a) Portion 3 of the Farm Vlakplaats No 112,

increase the levy charges for public vehicles. Registration Division 10. Transvaal;

Copies of the abovementioned amendments A J BRINK (b) A Portion of the Remainder of Portion 1

are open for inspection at Room 18, Depart- Town Clerk of the Farm Vlakplaats No 112, Registrationment of the Town Secretary, Municipal Offices, Municipal Offices Division IQ. Transvaal andBrits, for a period of fourteen (14) days from the PO Box 106date of publication hereof in the Official Brits (c) A Portion of the Remainder of Portion 4

Gazette. 0250 of the Farm Twyfelvlakte No 105, Registration19 September 1984 Division IQ. Transvaal.

Any person who has any objection to the Notice No 72/1984proposed amendments must lodge his objection 1306- 19

Sketch plans indicating the portions con-in writing with the undermentioned within cemed will'lie open for inspection during officefourteen (14) days as from the date of publics- hours at the Office of the Town Secretary,tion of this notice in the Official Gazette. STADSRAAD VAN CARLETONVILLE Municipal Offices, Halite Street, Carletonville,

for a period of fourteen (14) days from 19

A J BRINK VERVREEMDING VAN (A) GEDEELTE 3 September 1984.Town Clerk VAN DIE PLAAS VLAKPLAATS NO 112, Any person who wishes to object to theTown Hall REGISTRASIE AFDELING IQ. TRANS-

PO Box 106 VAAL (B) 'N GEDEELTE VAN DIE RES- proposed alienation, should do so in writing tothe Town Clerk, PO Box 3, Carletonville 2500,Brits TANT GEDEELTE VAN GEDEELTE 1

0250 VAN DIE PLAAS VLAKPLAATS NO 112,not later than 4 October 1984


STADSRAAD VAN BRITS Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolg.e die bepa-2500rlings van artikel 79(18)(b) van die Ordonnann In September1984e'

op-Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939 (Ordonnansie 17 van

Notice No 78/1984

PERMANENTE SLUITING VAN KOCK- 1939), soos gewysig, dat die Stadsraad van .

STRAAT, DORP BRITS Carletonville besluit bet om onderworpe aan 1307- 19

sekere voorwaardes die onderstaande mendomKennis geslded hiermee ingevolge die be- te verkoop:

palinp van artikel 67 van die Ordonnansie op (a) Gedeelte 3 van die Plaas Vlakplaats NoSTADSRAAD VAN EVANDER

Plaaslike Bestuur, No 17 van 1939, soos gewy-112, Registrasie Afdeling 10. Transvaal; KENNISGEWING INGEVOLGE ARTIKELsig, dat die Stadsraad van Brits van voomeme

is om Kockstraat, Brits Dorp, permanent te (b) 'n Gedeelte van die Restant Gedeelte van .96 VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP PLAAS-shut. Gedeelte 1 van die Plaas Vlakplaats No 112,


istrasie Afdeling'n Sketsplan wat die straat wat gesluit sal Reg IQ. Transvaal en Die Stadsraad van Evander is van voomemeword aantoon, sal gedurende kantoorure ter (c) 'n Gedeelte van die Restant van Gedeelte om sy Begraafplaasverordeninge te wysig om—insae 16 by die kantoor van die Stadsekretaris, 4 van die Plaas TWyfelvlakte No 105, Registrasie . • .Kamer 4C Munisipale Kantore, Van Velden- Afdeling IQ. Transvaal. a) voorsiening te maim vir 'n tariefaanpassingstraat, Brits, vir 'n tydperk van 60 (sestig)dae vanaf21 September 1984.

b) inwoners van Brendan -myndorp as inwo-

Sketsplanne wat die betrokke gedeeltes aan- ners van Evander munisipaliteit te beskou.Enige persoon wat teen die voorgenome . toon, sal gedurende kantoorure ter insae 16 by Afskrifte van die voorgestelde wysigings 16 terduffing beswaar wil. maak, of wat 'n eft van die Kantoor van die Stadsekretaris, Munisipale insae in die kantoor van die Stadsekretaris,

vergoeding sal he indien die sluiting uitgevoer Kantore, Halitestraat, Carletonville, vir 'n tyd-Burgersentrum, Bolognaweg, Evander.

sal word, moet sy beswaar of eis, na gelang van perk van veertien (14) dae vanaf 19 September .

die geval, skriftelik by die ondergetekende in- 1984. Enige persoon wat beswaar teen enige van diedien nie later the as Woensdag, 21 November wysigings wil aanteken, moet sy beswaar skrifte-1984. Enige persoon wat beswaar wil aanteken teen lik by die Stadsklerk, Privaatsak X1017, Evan-

die voorgestelde vervreemding, moet sodanige der indien voor of op die veertiende dagnaAJ BRINK beswaar skriftelik voorle aan die Stadsklerk, verskyning van hierdie kennisgewing in dieStadsklerk Posbus 3, Carletonville 2500, nie later nie as 4 Provinsiale Koerant.

Munisipale Kantore Oktober 1984.Posbus 106 F J COETZEEBrits

C J DE BEER Stadsklerk0250 Stadsklerk Burgersentrum

19 September 1984 Munisipale Kantore Privaatsak X1017Kenmsgewing No 72/1984, Halitestraat Evander

Carletonville 22802500 19 September 1984

.19 September 1984 Kenmsgewing No 35/1984Kenmsgewing No 78/1984




Notice is hereby given in terms of section 67 FARM VLAKPLAATS NO 112, REGISTRA- NANCE, 1939

of the Local Government Ordinance, No 17 of 'HON DIVISION IQ, TRANSVAAL (B) A1939, as amended, that the Town Council of PORTION OF THE REMAINDER OF POR- It is the intention of the Town Council ofBrits intends to permanently close Kock TION 1 OF THE FARM VLAKPLAATS NO Evander to amend its Cemetery By-laws to —Street, Brits Township. 112, REGISTRATION DIVISION IQ.

TRANSVAAL AND (C) A PORTION OF a) provide for a tariff increaseA sketchplan indicating the street to be THE REMAINDER OF PORTION 4 OF THE b) regard the residents of Brendan -mineclosed will lie for inspection during office FARM TWYFELVLAKTE NO 105, REG- village as residents of Evander municipality.hours at the office of the Town Secretary, ISTRATION DIVISION 10. TRANSVAAL

Room 46, Municipal Offices, Van Velden Copies of the proposed amendments are openStreet, Brits, for a period of 60 (sixty) days for inspection at the office of the Town Secret-from 21 September 1984. Notice is hereby given in terms of the provi- ary.Civic Centre, Bologna road, Evander.sions of section 79(18)(b) of the Local Govern-

Any person who wishes to object to the pro- ment Ordinance, 1939 (Ordinance 17 of 1939), Any person desirous of objecting to any ofposed closing or who will have a claim for com- as amended, that the Town Council of Carleton- these amendments shall do so in writing to the

Page 69: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


pTownClerk, Private Bag X1017, Evander on or of publication of this notice in the Provincial STADSRAAD VAN LICHTENBURC

before the fourteenth day after publication Gazette, i.e. 19 September 1984.


hereof in the Provincial Gazette.Any person who desires to record his objet- WYSIGING VAN PARKEERMETER -

F J COETZEE tion to the said amendment must do so in writing VERORDENINGE- Town Clerk to the undermentioned, within fourteen days

Civic Centre after publication of this notice in the Provincial Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die be-Private Bag X1017 Gazette. palings van artikel 96 van die Ordonnansie opEvander Plaaslike Bestuur, No 17 van 1939, sons gewy-2280 H H S VENTER sig, dat die Stadsraad van voomeme is om die19 September 1984 Town Clerk Parkeermeterverordeninge te wysig.Notice No 35/1984 Civic Centre

PO Box 1049 Die algemene strekking van die wysiging is1308 - 19 Johannesburg om voorsiening te maak vir die toestaan van

2000 vry parkeringsregte aan bestuurders van voer-, 19 September 1984 true soos omskryf in artikel 117 van die Ordon-

nansie op Padverkeer, 1966.STAD JOHANNESBURG1309- 19

Afskrifte van die beoogde wysigings 16 terWYSIGING VAN GELDE VIR DIE VER- insae by die kantoor van die Stadsekretaris virSKAFFING VAN INLIGTING AAN DIE 'n tydperk van 14 dae vanaf publikasie bier-PUBLIEK EN ALLERLEI GELDE van.STAD JOHANNESBURG

Hierby word ingevolge artikel 80B(3) van die Enige persoon wat beswaar teen die bo-Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, kennis BEOOGDE STILHOUPLEK VIR TOER- staande wysiging wens aan te teken moet soda-gegee dat die Read by spesiale besluit gedateer BUSSE: VON WIELIGHSTRAAT, JOHAN- nige beswaar skriftelik by die Stadsklerk in-28 Augustus 1984 sy vasstelling van gelde vir die NESBURG handig binne 14 dae vanaf datum vanVerskaffing van Inligting aan die Publiek en publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in dieAllerlei Gelde, gepubliseer by Provinsiale Hiennee word ingevolge artikel 65 bis van die Provinsiale Koerant, te wete 19 SeptemberKoerant 4188 van 3 Februarie 1982, gewysig het. Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, kennis 1984.

gegee dat die Raad se Bestuurskomitee op 20Die algemene strekking van die spesiale Augustus 1984 besluit het dat 'n stilhouplek vir

besluit is om te bepaal dat 'n geld van 50c gehef toerbusse wat deur die Johannesburgse Publi- Ti HOLTZHAUSENword in die peval waar. wanneer verbeterings op siteitsvereniging bedryf word, met ingang van 17 Wnde Stadsklerkbelasbare eiendom vir die eerste keer gewaar- Oktober 1984 inserts word aan die oostelike Burgersentrumdeer word, die datum voorsien word sonder dat kant van Von Wiellighstraat, tussen Market- en Lichtenburg'n sertifikaat uitgereik word. Presidentstraat, Johannesburg. 19 September 1984

Kenntsgewing No 25/1984Die wysiging tree op 1 November 1984 in Die Bestuurskomitee se besluit 16 tot 12

werking. Oktober 1984 gedurende gewone kantoorure in —kamer 5214. Burgersentrum, Braamfontein, ter

Afskrifte van die spesiale besluit 16 14 dae insae.vanaf die datum van publikasie van hierdie TOWN COUNCIL OF LICHTENBURGkennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant, dit wil Enigeen wat beswaar het teen die ligging vanse 19 September 1984, gedurende gewone die sulhourilek. moet sy beswaar niters op 12kantoorure by die kantoor van die Read in Oktober 1984 skriftelik by die ondergetekende AMENDMENT OF PARKING METER BY-

Kamer 5216, Burgersentrum, Braamfontein, ter indien. LAWSinsae.

H H S VENTER It is hereby notified in terms of section 96 ofEnisiemand wat beswaar teen die senoemde Stadsklerk the Local Government Ordinance, No 17 ofwysiging wil opper moet dit skriftelik by Burgersentrum 1939, as amended, that the Council intendsondergenoemde doen binne 14 dae na publika- Posbus 1049 •

amending the Parking Meter By-Laws.sin van hierdie kennisgewing in die Provinsiale JohannesburgKoerant. 2000

19 September 1984 The general purport of the proposed amend -

llolisrguserselriam art OF JOHANNESBURGJohannesburg

H H S VENTER meets is to make provision for free parkingStadsklerk rights to driven of vehicles as described in sec-

tion 117 of the Road Traffic Ordinance, 1966.

Copies of the proposed amendments will be2000 PROPOSED STOPPING PLACE FOR TOUR open for inspection in the office of the Town19 September 1984 BUSES: VON WIELLIGH STREET JOHAN- Secretary for a period of 14 days from the date

NESBURG of publication hereof.

Notice is hereby given in terms of section 65CITY OF JOHANNESBURG bis of the Local Govermnent Ordinance, 1939, . Any person who desires to record his objec-

that on 20 August 1984 the Council's Manage- non to any of the proposed amendments mustAMENDMENT TO CHARGES FOR THE ment Committee resolved that from 17 October do so in writing to the Town Clerk within 14SUPPLY OF INFORMATION TO THE PUB- 1984, a stopping place for tour buses operated days after the date of publication of this noticeLIC AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES by the Johannesburg Publicity Association be in the Provincial Gazette, ie 29 September

fixed on the eastern side of Von Wielligh Street, 1984.It is hereby notified in terms of section 80B(3) between Market and President Streets, Johan-

of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939. that nesburg. T 3 HOLTZHAUSENthe Council by special resolution dated 28 Acting Town ClerkAugust 1984 amended its determination of The Management Committee's resolution will Civic Centrecharges for the Supply of Information to the lie open for inspection during office hours at LichtenburgPublic and Miscellaneous Charges published in Room 5214, Civic Centre, Braamfontein, until 19 September 1984Provincial Gazette 4188 dated 3 February 1982. 12 October 1984. Notice No 25/1984

The general purport of the special resolution Any person who objects to the location of the 1311- 19

is to provide for a charge of 50 cents to be levied stopping place must lodge his objection inin the case where the date, when improvements wntmg with the undersigned not later than 12

on rateable property are valued for the first October 1984. MUNISIPALITEIT VAN LICHTENBURGtime, is supplied without the issue of a certifi -cate. H H S


The amendment will come into effect on 1 Civic Centre SAARPLAASVERODIE RDENINGBEGRAAF-E:November 1984. PO Box 1049


Copies of the special resolution will lie open 2000 Ingevolge artikel 80B(8) van die Ordonnansiefor inspection during ordinary office hours at the 19 September 1984 op Plaaslike Bestuur 1939. word hierby bekendoffice of the Council at Room 8216, Civic gemaak dat die Stadsraad van Lichtenburg byCentre, Braamfontein, for 14 days from the date 1310- 19 spesiale besluit die gelds sops in die onder-

Page 70: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


staande Bylae uiteengesit met ingang 1 Septem- STADSRAAD VAN LYDENBURG uiteengesit, met ingang 1 Julie 1984 vasgestelber 1984 vasgestel het. het.


Burgersentrum Daar word hierby ingevolge die bepalings Posbus 61Lichtenburg van artikel 96 van die Ordonnansie op Plaas - Lydenburg19 September 1984 like Bestuur, 1939, bekend gemaak dat die 1120Kennisgewing No 27/1984 Stadsraad van Lydenburg van voorneme is om 19 September 1984

BYLAE Geldedie

Vevirdie rordeninUitreiking vanSertifigevir dieVasstellinkagte ven an

Kenmsgewing No 41/1984

TARIEF VAN GELDE Verstrekking van Infigting to wysig. AANHANGSEL

(1) Pelsonwat ten tye van afsterwe binne die Die algemene strekking van die wysiging is UITREIKING VAN SERTIFIKATE ENMumsipaliteit woonagtig was: om die voorgeskrewe gelde as deel van die VERSTREKKING VAN INLIGTING

verordeninge to herroep. -

(a) Per persoon bo die ouderdom van 12 jaar: 1. Vir die soek van enige naam of adres of ditR60-00 die naam of adres van 'n persoon of 'n eiendom

Afskrifte van die wysiging le ter insae gedu- is en/of vir die inspeksie van enige akte, doku -(b) Per kind tot en insluitend die ouderdom rende kantoorure by die kantoor van die ment of kaart of enige besonderhede wat daarop

van 12 jaar: R45-00 Stadsklerk vir 'n tydperk van 14 dae vanaf betrekking het RI.datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisge-

(c) Vir bespreking van een graf: R60-00 wing in die Provinsiale Koerant. 2. Vir skriftelike inligting benewens die geldeonder 1, vir elke 150 woorde of gedeelte daarvan(2) Person wat ten tye van afsterwe buite die RI.Mumsipaliteit woonagtig was: Enige persoon wat beswaar teen die voorge-

stelde wysiging wens aan to teken moet dit 3. Vir die aanhoudende sock na inligting:(a) Persoon bo die ouderdom van 12 jaar: skriftelik by die Stadsklerk binne 14 dae na dieR150-00 datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisge - (I) Vir die eerste uur R3'

in die Provinsiale Koerant doen.(b) Per kind tot en insluitende die ouderdom wing(2) Vir elke bykomende uur of gedeelte

4van 12 jaar: R120-00 R1,50.I M A DE BEER

(c) Vir bespreking van een graft R150-00 StadsklerkVasstelling by spesiale besluit van die Stads- Posbus 61



read van Lichtenburg op 25 Janie 1984 ingevolge iartikel

BOB 19,39.19 vandie Ordonnansie op Piaaslike '




In terms of the provisions of section 8013(8) ofthe Local Government Ordinance, 1939 (Ordi --

TOWN COUNCIL OF LICHTENBURG nance 17 of 1939), it is hereby notified that theTown Council of Lyndenburg has by Special

DETERMINATION OF CHARGES PAY- TOWN COUNCIL OF LYDENBURG Resolution determined the charges as set out inABLE IN TERMS OF CEMETERY BY- the undermentioned Schedule which will come

LAWS WITHDRAWAL OF CHARGES into effect from 1 July 1984.

In terms of section 8013(8) of the Local 3 M A DE BEERIt is hereby notified in terms of section 96 of TownClerk GovernmentOrdinance, 193, it is hereby theI oral Government Ordinance,1939, that it PO Box 61notified that the Town Council of Lichtenburg .th intention of the Town Coucil of L den - Lydenburghas by special resolution determined the charges is the

amed the By-Laws Fixing Fees forY the1120 asset out in the Schedule below with effect from1 September 1984. Issue of Certificates and Furnishing of Infor- 19 September 1984

mation. Notice No 41/1984G F DU TOIT

SHEDULETown Clerk The general purport of the amendment is toCivic Centre revoke the prescribed charges as part of theLichtenburg By-laws. ISSUE OF CERTIFICATES AND FUR-


A19 September 1984 NISHINGOF INFORMATION NoticeNo 27/1984Copies of the amendment are open for in- 1. For the search of any name or address

spection during office hours at the office of the whether of person or address of property and/orSCHEDULE Town Clerk, for a period of 14 days from the for the inspection of any dee, document or

date of publication of this notice in the Provin- diagram or any details relating thereto RI.TARIFF OF CHARGES cial Gazette.

2. For written information in addition to the(1) Persons who were sident within the Any person who desires to lodge any objec-

thereofRIesunder 1, for every 150 words or part

Municipality at the time oref decease: lion against the proposed amendment shall do(a) Per person over the age of 12 years: so in writing with the Town Clerk within 14 3. For continuous search for information:

R60-00 days after the date of publication of this noticein the Provincial Gazette. (1) For the first hour R3

(b) Per child up to and including the age of 123 MADE BEER (2) For each hour or part thereof R1,50.years: R45-00

Town Clerk(c) For the reservation of one grave: R60-00 PO Box 61

Lydenburg 1314- 19(2) Persons who were resident outside the 1I70

Municipality at the time of decease: 19September 1984

(a0-00ge )Per person over the a of 12

Notice No 43/1984


(b) Per child up to and including the age of 12 VASSTELLING VAN GELDEyears: R120-00

STADSRAAD VAN LYDENBURG(c) For the reservation of one grave: R150-00 STANDAARD BOUVERORDENINGE

VASSTELLING VAN GELDEDetermination by special resolution of the Kezinis geskied hiermee kragtens

artikel Be- 'Town Council of Lichtenburg dated 25 June Ingevolge artikel 80B(8) van die Ordonnansie 8013(8) van die Ordonnansie opPlaaslike 1984in terms of section 80B of the Local op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939 (Ordonnansie 17 van stuur, 1939, dat die vasstelling ingevolge arti-Government Ordinance, 1939. 1939), word hierby bekend gemaak dat die kel 80B(1) van die vermelde Ordonnansie virStadsraad van Lydenburg by Spesiale Besluit die die Hefting van Gelde kragtens die Standaard1312- 19 tariewe soos in die onderstaande Aanbangsel Bouverordeninge, besonderhede waarvan

Page 71: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted



hieronder uiteengesit word vanaf I Julie 1984 (d) Vir baniereoor strate: R20.

lli(0 A4: 32c + AVB

in werking tree.DEEL E - GELDE VIR OPENBARE GE- (ii) A3: 64c + AVB


DEEL A - GELD VIR TOETS VAN Die aarlikse hefting betaalbaar ten opsigte(iv) Al: R2,54 + AVB

BRANDSLANG van dice openbare gebousertifikaat uitgcreik (v) AO: R5,00 + AVBingevolge artikel 264 van die verordeninge isaan die Read jaarliks vooruitbetaalbaar aan (b) Sepia en Durester

Vir toets van brandslang deur die road Inge-die begin van elke kalenderjaar deur die eie-

volge artikel 146 van die verordeninge: (i) A4: 68c + AVBnear van die openbare gebou en bedra Rl.Per brandslanglengte: 50c. (ii) A3: R1,36 + AVB

DEEL F- GELDE VIR OORWEGING VANDeur die eienaar van die gebou betaalbaar TEKENS EN SKUTTINGS (iii) A2: R2,72 + AVBonmiddellik na toetsing.


Die bedrag jaarliks betaalbaar ten opsigtevan elke straatuitstek ingevolge artikel 206van die verordeninge, word jaarliks vooruitaan die begin van elke kalenderjaar aan dieRaad betaal deur die eienaar van die gebou of

1. Die heffing betaalbaar ten opsigte vanof k

'word elkeaansoek OM 'n taken s uttingvooruitbetaal met die voode van die aansoekaan die Read en is soos volg: -

Vir elke taken of skutting: R10.


2. Die vordering betaalbaar in evolge arti-kel 242(8) van die verordeninge is jos volg:

(iv) Al: R5,45 + AVB

(v) AO: R10,90 + AVB

Posbus 61Lydenburg112019 September 1984

uitstek, al na die geval en word soos volg here- (a) 'n Skutting, omheining of steierwerk Kenmsgewing No 40/1984ken:-

(a) Verandapale op straathoogte, elk* 20c.

(b) Grondvloerverandas, per rrt' of gedeelte

wat 'n straatgedeelte omsluit of bedek of. waarvoor dit 'n uitstek vorm van die strutge-deelte of op enige wyse versper, per m perweek of gedeelte van 'n week: 20c.


IM A DEBEERStadsklerk



daarvan: Sc. (b) 'n Plankafdak wat the die strut versper(c) Eerste verdieping balkonne, per rri' of nie, maar waaroor dit 'n oorstek vorm of

STANDARD BUILDING BY-LAWSgedeelte daarvan: 25c. bedek, per m van die straatgedeelte per week

of gedeelte van In week: 10c.

(d) Tweede verdieping en elke hoer ver- It is hereby notified in terms of sectiondieping, per in' of gedeelte daarvan: 18c. DEEL G - GELDE VTR GOEDKEURING 80B(8) of the Local Government Ordinance,

(e) Uitbouvensters, per in' of gedeelte VAN BOUPLANNE 1939, that the determination in terms of sec-tion SOB(1) of the said Ordinance for the Levy-

daarvan van die plattegrond: R2. ing of Charges in terms of the Standard Build-

2 1.(1) Die gelde betaalbaar vir elke bouplan ing By-laws, particula of which arc set out

50c.(f) Sypadligte, per m of gedeelte daarvan: wat vir oonveging voorgele word, is soos volg: hereunder, will

particulars ofcome into effect from 1 July

2 (a) Die minimumgeld betaalbaar vir enige1984.

(g) Uitstalkaste, per mof gedeelte daarvan bouplan is R15.van die plattegrond: 50c. TARIFF OF CHARGES

(b) Die geld; betaalbaar vir enige bouplan(h) Alle ander uitstekke onder, by of bo sy- is 'R2 per 10 ne of gedeelte daarvan van die PART A - CHARGE FOR TESTING OF

padhoggte insluitend fondamentgrondmure, area van die gebou by die vlak van elke vloer. FIRE-HOSEper nt` of gedeelte daarvan van die platte-

grond: 50c. (2) Vir die toepassing van hierdie item be-teken "area" die totale oppervlakte van enige For testing fire-hose by the council in terms

DEEL C - GELDE VIR AANPLANTING nuwe gebou op elke vloerhoogte op dieselfde of section 146 of these by-laws: ,



Die hefting ingevolge artikel 218 van die

werf en sluit verandas en balkonne oor open-bare grate en kelderverdiepings in. Tussen-

verdiepingserdiepngs opengemgart.

verordeninge betaalbaar vir die gelykmaak en 2. Benewens die gelde betaalbaar ingevolge

Per fire-hose length: 50e.

e word as afsonderlike Payable by the owner of the building imme-

diately after testing.

aanplant van gran op enige gedeelte van die item 1, is 'n geld van 3c per in` van area soos In PART B - ANNUAL CHARGES FORlooppad of sypaadjie word vooruit aan die item 1 omskryf, betaalbaar ten opsigte van STREET PROJECTIONSRaad betaal en word soos volg bereken: elke nuwe gebou of struktuurhoutwerk vir die

hoofraamwerk of as hoofstruktuur-onderdele The annual sum payable in respect of each(a) Vir die caste 40 ri? of gedeelte daar- van die gebou gebruik word. street projection in terms of section 206 of

van: R6. these by-laws shall be paid to the Council an-3. Gelde vir nuwe aanbouings aan be-

(b1 Vir elke m2 of gedeelte daarvan meer as staande geboue word ingevolge item 1 bere- nually in advance at the beginning of each

40 m : 20c. ken met 'n minimumgeld van R15. calendar year by the owner of the building orthe projection, as the case may be, and shall becalculated as follows:

DEEL D - GELDE VIR PLAKKATE EN 4. Gelde ten opsigte van verbouings aan be-ADVERTENSIES staande geboue word bereken volgens die (a) Verandah posts at street level, each:

waarde van werk wat verrig moat word, teen 'n 20c.

Deposito's vir plakkate of ander adverten - skaal van RI ten opsigte van elk R200 of ge-Ground floor verandahs, per m2 or partdeelte daarvan met nnmmum d van 15.sies betaalbaar ingevolge artikel 240(6) van thereof: 5c.

die verordeninge is soos volg:5. Gelde vir planne van geboue van 'n spe- (c) First floor balconies, per m2 or part

(a) Vir elke plakkaat of ander advertensie siale aard, byvoorbeeld fabriekskoorstene, to- thereof: 25c.wat op enige byeenkoms uitgesonderd In ver- ringspitse en soortgelyke oprigtings, word be-kiesing betrekking het: RI. reken volgens die beraamde waarde daarvan ( d)2Second and each higher floor balconies,

teen 'n skaal van R1 vir elke R200 of gedeelte Perm or part thereof: 20c.(b) Vir elke plakkaat of ander advertensie daarvan van die koste, met 'n minimumgeld

wat op vanelke afsonderlike kandidaat in 'n ver-R15. (e) Bay windows, per m2 or part thereof of

kiesing betrekking het (onderworpe aan 'nplan area of projection: R2.maksimum deposito van R40): Rl. DEEL H - GELDE VIR PLANAF-

DRUICICE (I) Pavement lights, per m2 or part thereof:(c) Vir elke banier - 50c.

(i) as dit betrekking het op 'n munisipale 1. Dorpsplanafdruklre - R4,55 + AVE. (g) Showcases, per m2 or part thereof ofverkiesing: R10; plan area: 50c.

2. Ander planafdrukke.(ii) as dit betrekking het op 'n Provinsiale (h) All other projections below, at or

of Parlementsverkiesing: R20. (a) Papier above pavement level including foundation

Page 72: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted

3160 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984.......-.-.-.—or

footings, per m' or part thereof of plan area: (2) For the purpose of this item, "Area" TOWN COUNCIL OF LYDENBURG50c. means the overall superficial area of any new

building at each floor level within the same AMENDMENT TO THE DETERMINATIONcurtilage and includes the area of verandahs OF CHARGESPART C —CHARGES FOR THE GRASS-and balconies over public streets and base-ING OF FOOTWAYS OR SIDEWALKS ment floors. Mezzanine floors and galleries In terms of the provisions of section 80B(8) ofshall be measured as separate storeys. the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, it is

The charges payable in terms of section 218 hereby notified that the Town Council of Lyden-of2. In addition to the charges payable inthese by-laws for the grading and plantingburg has by special resolution amend the tariff ofwith grass of any footway or sidewalk shall be terms of item 1. a charge of 3c perm of area

charges for admission to the swimming-bath,paid to the Council in advance and shall be cal- as defined in item 1 shall payable. for any published under Municipal Notice 3211980 in

new building or structural timber is used forculated as follows: Provincial Gazette 4098 dated 13 August 1980. is2

the main framework or as main structural cote- hereby further amended as follows with effect(a) For the first 40 mor part thereof: R6. ponents of the building. from 1 July 1984:

(b) For every m2 or part thereof in excess of 3. Charges for plansfor new additions to By in item (4)(b) under the Schedule, the40 m : 20c.

- existing buildings shall be calculated as set out substitution for the figure "15c" of the figurein item 1 with a minimum charge of 1115.PART D — CHARGES FOR POSTERS

AND ADVERTISEMENTS 4. Charges for alterations to existing build-J M A DE BEERings shall be calculated on the estimated value

Town Clerkof the work to be performed at the rate of RIDeposits in respect of posters or other ad- or every R200 PO Box 61

vertisements payable in terms of section 240(6)fcharge ofR15.

or part thereof with a minimumLydenburg

of these by-laws shall be as follows: 11205. Charges for plans of buildings of a special 19 September 1984

(a) For each poster or other advertisement character such as factory chimneys, spires and Notice No 44/1984relating to any event other than an election: similar erections shall be calculated on the es- 1316- 19RI. timated value thereof at the rate of RI for

(b) For each poster or other advertisement every R200 or part thereof with a minimumrelating to each separate candidate in an elec- charge ofR15. STADSRAAD VAN LYDENBURGdon _(subject to a maximum deposit of R40):Rl. PART H — CHARGES FOR REPRODUC- VASSTELLING VAN GELDE

(c) For each banner—- TION OF PLANS

Ingevolge artikel 80B(8) van die Ordonnan-(i) if it relates to a municipal election: R10; 1. Copies of town plans — R4,55 plus GST. sie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939 (Ordonnansie

(ii) if it relates to a Provincial or a Parlia- 2. Copies of tans17 van 1939), word hierby bekend gemaak dat

other die Stadsraad van Lydenburg by Spesiale Be.mentary election: R20.p

(a) Paper sluit die onderstaande gelde vir die Verkoop(d) For street banners: R20. van Hout en Houtprodukte met ingang 1 Julie

• (i) At 3k + GST 1984 vasgestel het.


(iii) A2: R1,27 + GS7 StadsklerkPosbus 61

The annual charge payable in re9:oect of (iv) Al: 82,54 + GST Lydenburgeach public building certificate issued in terms 1120of section 264 of these by-laws shall be paid to (v) AO: R5,00+ GST 19 Augustus 1984the Council annually in advance at the begin- Kennisgewing No 42/1984ning of each calendar year by the owner of the (b) Sepia and Duresterpublic building and shall be Rl. (i) A4: 68c+ GST TARIEF VAN GELDE


Die volgende gelde is betaalbaar vir diekoop van hout en houtprodukte by die Munisi-

L The charge payable in respect of each ap- (iv) Al: R5,45 + GST paliteit Lydenburg:

pllcation for a sign or hoarding shall be paid in (v) AO: R10,90 + GST 1. Brandhout 4advance on the submission of the applicationto the Council and shall be as follows: 3 M A DE BEER (1) Bloekomhout:

Town ClerkFor each sign or hoarding: R10. PO Box 61 Per vrag —R15.

Lydenburg .

2. The charge payable in terms of section 1120 (2) Looibasboom:242(8) of the by-laws shall be as follows: 19 September 1984 Per vrag— R15.

(a) A hoarding, fence or scaffolding whichNotice No 40/1984 1315- 19

enclosed or covers a street portion or over (3) Dennehout:which it forms a overhung to or obstruct the STADSRAAD VAN LYDENBURG Per vrag— R15.street portion in any manner, per m per weekor part thereof: 20c. WYSIGING VAN VASSTELLING VAN 2. Nie-behandelde Pale.

(b) A planked shed which does not obstruct GELDE Prys per Peal:the street but over which it forms or covers an Ingevolge artikei 8013(8) van die Ordonnansieoverhung, per m' of the street per week or part op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, word hierby bekend Lengte Deursnee Onbehandeldethereof: 10c. gemaak dat die Stadsraad van Lydenburg by meter mm Pale

spesiale besluit die tarief van gelde vir toe gang RPART G — CHARGES FOR THE AP- tot die swembad, afgekondig by Munimpale 1,8 50 — 75 0,15

PROVAL OF BUILDING PLANS Kennisgewing 32/1980 in Offisiele Koerant 4098 75 —100 0,21van 13 Augustus 1980, verder soos volg wysig 100 - 125 0,30met ingang 1 Julie 1984: 125 - 150 0,451.(1) The charges payable in respect ofevery building plan submitted for considers- Deur in item (4)(b) onder die bylae die syfer 2,0 50 — 75 0,21tion shall be as follows: "15c" dour die syfer "20c" to vervang. 75 —100 0,27

(a) The minimum charge payable in respect J M A DE BEER 100 — 1250,38125— 150 0,53of any building plan shall be R15. StadsklerkPo sbus 61 2,1 50 4(b) The charges payabli for any building Lydenburg 75 — 175

0,2700 0,33plan shall be R2 per 10 m or part thereof of 1120 100 — 125 0,45the area of the building at the level of each 19 se tz be 1984.p m r 125 — 150 0,60floor. Kenmsgewing No 44/1984 150— 175 0,75

Page 73: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted




2,3 50 - 75 0,33 TARIFF OF CHARGES 4,6 75 - 100 1,3575 - 100 0,39 100 - 125 1,80

100 - 125 0,53 125 - 150 2,40125 - 150 0,68 The following charges shall be payable for 150 - 175 3,08150 - 175 0,90 the purchase of wood and wood products front

the Lydenburg Municipality: 4,9 75 - 100 1,432,4 50 - 75 0,39 100 - 125 1,88

75 - 100 0,45 I. Fire wood125 - 150 2,48

100 - 125 0,60 (1) Blue gum wood: 150 - 175 3,15125 - 150 0,75150 - 175 1,05 Per load - R15. 5,2 75 - 100 1,58

100 - 125 2,032,6 50 - 75 0,45 (2) Wattle wood: 125 - 150 2,63

75 - 100 0,53 150 - 175 3,30100 - 125 0,75 Per load - R15.125 - 150 0,98 5,5 00 - 125 1,73150 - 175 1,20 (3) Pinewood: 100 - 125 2,18

125 - 150 2,782,7 50 - 75 0,53 Per load - RIS. R15.

150 - 175 3,4575 - 100 0,60 2. Untreated Poles.

100 - 125 0,901317- 19125 - 150 1,20 Price per Pole:

150 - 175 1,50Length Diameter Untreated DORPSRAAD VAN MACHADODORP3.0 50 - 75 0,60 metres mm Poles

75 - 125 0,68100 - 125 1,05 R WYSIGING VAN VERORDENINGE125 - 150 1,50 1,8 50- 75 0,15150 - 175 1,95 75 - 100 0.21 Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepa-

100 - 125 0,30 lings van artikel 96 van die Ordonnansie op

i 3.4 50 - 75 0,68 125 - 150 0,45 Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, soos gewysig, dat die75 - 100 0,83 Dorpsraad van voorneme is om die Bested-r 100 - 125 1,20 2.0 50- 75 0,21 pleas- en Stadsaalverordeninge te wysig deur die

I 125 - 150 1.73 75 - 100 0,27 gelde te verhoog.150 - 175 2,25 100- 125 0,38

125 - 150 0,53 Afskrifte van die betrokke wysiginp le ter3,7 50 - 75 0,75 insae by die Munisipale Kantore, Potgieter-

75 - 100 0,98 2,1 50- 75 0,27 straat, Machadodorp vir 'n tydperk van 14 the100 - 125 • 1,35 75 - 100 0,33 vanaf 19 September 1984.125 - 150 1,95 100- 125 0,45150 - 175 2,55 125 - 150 0,60 Eni,ge persoon wat beswaar teen genoemde

150 - 175 0.7$ wysiging wil aanteken, moot dit skriftelik by die4,0 75 - 100 1,13 Stadsklerk doen binne 14 doe na datum van

100 - 125 1,58 2,3 50- 75 0,33 publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die125 - 150 2,18 75 - 100 0,39 Provinsiale Koerant, til. 19 September 1984.150 - 175 2,85

100- 125 0.53125 - 150 0.68 D E ERASMUS

4,3 75 - 100 1,28 150 - 175 0,90 Stadsklerk100- 125 1,73 Munisipale Kantore125 - 150 2,33 2,4 50- 75 0,39 Machadodorp150 - 175 3,00 75 - 100 0,45 19 September 1984

100- 125 0,60 Kenmsgewing No 6/19844,6 75 - 100 1,35 125 - 150 0,75

100 - 125 1,80 150- 175 1,05125 - 150 2,40150 - 175 3,08 2,6 50 - 75 0,45 VILLAGE COUNCIL OF MACHADODORP

75 - 100 0,534,9 75 - 100 1,43 100 - 125 0,75 AMENDMENT OF BY-LAWS100 - 125 .1,88 125 - 150 0,98

0125 - 150150 - 175



150- 175

50- 75



Notice is hereby given in terms ofsection 96 ofthe Local Government Ordinance, 1939, as

5,2 75 - 100 1,58 75 - 100 0,60 amended, that the Council intends to amend the100 - 125 2,03 100 - 125 0,90 Cemetery and Town Hall By-laws by increasing125 - 150 2,63 125 - 150 1,20 the tariffs.150 - 175 3.30 150 - 175 1 -511 Copies of these amendments are open for

5,5 75 - 100 1,73 3,0 50 - 75 0.60 inspection at the Municipal Offices, Potgieter100 - 125 2,18 75 - 100


Street, Machadodorp for a period of 14 days125 - 150 2,78 100- 125 from 19 September 1984.150 - 175 3,45 125 - 150 Any person who desires to record his objet-"

150 - 175 1.9-1 tions to the said amendment, must do so in

TOWN COUNCIL OF LYDENBURG 3.4 50 - 75 0,68 writing to the Town Clerk within 14 days after75 - 100 0,83 the date of publication of this notice In the

100 - 125 1.20 Provincial Gazette, viz 19 September 1984.DETERMINATION OF CHARGES 125 - 150 1,73

150 - 175 2,25 D E ERASMUSIn terms of the provisions of section 130B(5) . _

Town Clerk

of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939 3,7„ 50 - 75 0,75 Municipal Offices

(Ordinance 17 of 1939), it is hereby notified- 75 - 100 0,98 Machadodorp

that the Town Council of Lydenburg has by 100 - 125 1,35 19 September 1984

Special Resolution determined the following 125 - 150 1,95 Notice No 6/1984

charges for the Sale of Wood and Wood Pro- 150 - 175 2,55 1318 - 19

ducts, which will come into effect from 1 July1984. 4.0 75 - 100 1,13

100 - 125 158 STADSRAAD VAN MEYERTONI M A DE BEER 125 - 150 2,18


150 - 175

PO Box 61 GELDE VIR ELEKTRISITEITSVOOR-Lydenburg 4.3 75 - 100 1.28 S1ENING1120 100 - 125 1.7319 August 1984 125 - 150 2.33 Ingevolge die bcpalings van artikel 80B(8) vanNotice No 42/1984 150 - 175 3.00 die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939,

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word hierby bekend gemaak dat die Stadsraad (9) Dew in item 7 die uitdrukking "P = (ii) Erven exceeding 2 000 m2, per month:van Meyerton, by spestale bestuit, die gelde vir (1,0546 x Q) x R25 plus RI for each m2 or part thereofelektrisiteitsvoorsiening, gepubliseer in Offisiele exceeding 2 000 m2"Koerant 4240 van 29 Desember 1982, met 0 - 14 " deur die uitdrukking "P =ingang I Julie 1984 soos volg gewysig het: 100) (2) By the substitution in item 2(2)(a) for the

(1,0496 x Q) x figure "4,4702c" of the figure "4,8569c".1. Deur Deel I soos volg te wysig:

(3 by the substitution in item 2(2)(b)(i) and(I) Deur in item 2(1) die syfers "1(250" en (1 - R " te vervang en die syfer 00 for the figures "R9" and "4,4702c" of the

"R350" dew die syfers "R300" en "R4013" te 100) figures "RII" and "4,8569c" respectively.vervang. "0,02045e" dew die syfer "2,0771k" te ver- •

yang". (4) By the substitution in item 3(2)(a)(i) and(2) Deur in item 3(b) die syfer "R20" deur die A D NORVAL (ii) for the figures "R11" and "7,2395c" of the

syfer "R30" te vervang. Stadsklerk figures "R13' and "7,6739c" respectively.Munisipale Kantore

(3) Deur subitem (1) van item 3 deur die Posbus 9 (5) By the substitution in items 3(2)(b)(ii) andvolgende te vervang: Meyerton (iii) for the figures "R10,60" and "2,5726c" of

"Die neem van 'n openingslesing vir wanner 196(11960 the figures "1211,30" and "2.7836c" respec-

aansock gedoen word vir die voorsiening van 19 September 1984 ly.

elektrisiteit: RIO" (6) By the substitution in item 3(2)(c)(ii) forthe figure "2,5620c" of the figure "2,7836c".

(4) Deur in items 3(2)(a) en (b) die syfers"R15" en "R20" onderskeidelik deur die syfers MEYERTON TOWN COUNCIL (7) By the substitution for subparagraphs (iv)"1120" en "1(30" te vervang.

AMENDMENT TO THE DETERMINATIONand (v) of item 3(2)(c) of the following:

(5) Deur in item 4 die syfer "R20" deur die OF CHARGES FOR ELECTRICITY SUP- "(iv) Minimum levy per month: R230"syfer "1130" te vervang. PLY SERVICES

(8) By the substitution in items 4(2)(a), (b)(6) Deur in item 5 die syfer "1(20" deur die In terms of section 8013(8) of the Local and (c) for the figures "22.3885C. "7,I942c"

syfer "R30" te vervang. Government Ordinance, 1939, it is hereby and "R37" of the figures "23,7318c", "7.6259c"

42. Deur Deel II soos volg te wysig: notified that the Meyerton Town Council has, and "R40" respectively.by special resolution, amended the charges for (9) By the substitution in item 7 for the

(1) Deur item 1 deur die volgende te vervang: electricity supply services published in Official RGazette 4240, dated 29 December 1982, with expression "P = (1,0546 x Q) x (1 - iti. " of

"1. Basiese heffing effect from 1 July 1984 as follows: 100)R

(1) Waar enige erf, standplaas, perseel of 1. By amending Pan I as follows: the expression "P = (1,0496 x Q) x (I - - ••100)"

ander terrein, met of sonder verbeterings, by die and the substitution for the figure "0,02045c" ofhooftoevoergeleiding aangesluit is of. na die (1) By the substitution in item 2(1) for the the figure "2,0770c".mening van die Read, daarby aangesluit kan figures "R250" and "R350" of the figuresword, of elektrisiteit verbruik word al dan nie, is "R3110" and "R400".'n basiese heffing maandeliks soos volg deur die Municipal Offices A D NORVAL

(2) By the substitution in item 3(b) for the PO Box 9 Town Clerkeienaar of bewoner betaalbaar: figure "R20" of the figure "R30". Meyerton

(a) Spesiale woon 1960(3) By the substitution for subitem (1) of item 19 September 1984

(i) Erwe tot en met 4 000 m2, per maand: 1(9 - 3 of the following: 1319- 19

(ii) Erwe grater as 4 000 m2, per maand: RIO "When application is being made for thesupply of electricity, for an opening reading: STADSRAAD VAN MEYERTON

(b) Algemene woon RIO"VASSTELLING

(i) Algemene gemene woonerwe, per maand: R10 (4) By the substitution in items 3(2)(a) and (b) GELDE VIRVANREINIGINGSDIENSTEVANfor the figures "R15" and "R20" of the figures(0) Besigheidsverbruikers "R20" and "R30" respectively. Ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 80B(8) van(i) Besigheidserwe, per maand: R12 _(5) By the substitution in item 4 for the figure wordda op Plaaslike Beztuur, 1939,

Inerby bekend gemaak dat die Stadsraad(d) Nywerheidsverbruikers "R20" of the figure "Ft30".. van Meyerton, by spesiale Indult, die gelde vir(i) Erwe tot en met 2 000 m2, per maand: R25 . j(6 pi. the substitution in item 5 for the figure reinigingsdienste gepubliseer in Offisiele I' of the figure "R30". Koerant 4329 van 13 lame 1984 hierby met(ii) Erwe grater

as 2 000 m2, prver maand:1225 ingang 1 Julie 1984 soos volg gewysig:

plus RI vir elke m2 of gedeelte daaan grater as2. By amending Part II as follows:

1. Deur in item 1(a) en (b) die syfer "R5"2 000 m2 1. By the substitution for item 1 of the deur die syfer "R6" te vervang.

(2) Deur in item 2(2)(a) die syfer "4,4702c" following:2. Deur in item 2(a)(i) en (ii) die syfers "R8"deur diesyfer "4,8569c" te vervang. "1. Basic Charge en "RIO" onderskeidelik deur die syfers "R9"

(3) Deur in item 2(2)(b)(i) en (ii) die syfers "Where any erf, stand, lot or other site with en "R11" te vervang."R9" en "4,4702c" onderskeidelik deur die or without inprovements are connected to the 3. Deur in item 2(b)(i) en (ii) die syfers "R8"syfers "R11" en "4,8569c" te vervang. main electricity line or in the opinion of the en "RIO" onderskeidelik deur die syfers "R9"

(4) Deur in item 3(2)(a)(i) en (ii) die syfers Council can be connected thereto, whether en "RI I" te vervang."R11" en "7,2395c" onderskeidelik deur die electricity is consumed or not, a basic monthlysyfers "R13" en "7,6739c" te vervang. levy is payable by the owner or occupant as 4. Deur in item 4(1)(b) en (c) die syfers "R12"

follows: en "R3" onderskeidelik deur die syfers "R20"en "R5" te vervang.

(5) Deur in item 3(2)(b)00 en (iii) die syfers (a) Special residential"R10,60" en "2,5726c" onderskeidelik deur die A D NORVALsyfers "RI1,30" en "2,7836c" te vervang. (i) Erven with an area up to and including Stadsklerk

4 000 m2, per month: R9 Munisipale Kantore

(6) Deur in item 3(2)(c)(ii) die syfer (ii) Erven exceeding 4 000 m2, per month: Posbertus 9

Meyer"2,5620c" deur die syfer "2,7836c" te vervang. RIO


(b) General residential 19 September 1984(7) Deur subparagrawe (iv) en (v) van item

3(2)(c) deur die volgende te vervang: (i) General residential erven, per month: R10

(c) Business consumers MEYERTON TOWN COUNCIL"(iv) Minimum heffing per maand: 8230"(i) Business erven, per month: R12 AMENDMENT TO THE DETERMINATION I(8) Deur in items 4(2)(a), (b) en (c) die syfers (d) Industrial consumers OF CHARGES FOR CLEANING SERVICES

22,3885c", "7,1942c' en "R37" onderskeidelikdeur die syfers "23,7318e", "7,6259c" en "R40" (i) Erven with an area up to and including In terms of the provisions of section 80B(8) ofte vervang. 2 000 m2, per month: 1125 the Local Government Ordinance. 1939, it is

Page 75: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted

I I .




hereby notified that the Meyerton Town Council STADSRAAD VAN MEYERTON 9. By the substitution in item 6(2)(b) and (c)has, by special resolution, amended the charges for the figures "35c" and "50c" of the figuresfor cleaning services, published in Official WYSIGING VAN VASSTELLING VAN "45c" and "60c" respectively.Gazette 4329, dated 13 June 1984, with effect GELDE VIR RIOLEMNGSDIENSTEfrom 1 July 1984 as follows: A D NORVAL

Ingevolge artikel 80B(8) van die Ordonnansie Town Clerk1. By the substitution in item 1(a) and (b) for op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, word hierby bekend Municipal Officesthe figure "R5" of the figure "Rfi". gemaak dat die Stadsraad van Meyerton, by PO Box 9

2. By the substitution in item 2(a)(i) and (ii) spesiale besluit, die Ode vir riolerinp.dienste, Meyertongepubliseer in Offisiele Koeran.t 4251 van 9 191 for the figuresand "RIO" of the figures

I "R9" and "RU" respectively. Mat 1983, met ingang 1 Julie 1984 soos volg 196September 1984gewysig het: 1322- 19

3. By the substitution in item 2(6)(i) and (ii)„1...Deyr in

item 1(1)(a), (b) en (c) die syfersfor the figures "R8" and "RIO" of the figures its 122" en "R10" mil keidelik deur die"R9" and "R11" respectively. STADSRAAD VAN MIDDELBURG,syfers "R4", "R3" en "R12" te vervang. TRANSVAAL4. By the substitution in item 4(1)(b) and (c)

syf2e.rDv..r„ineitem 1(2) die syfer"R6" deur diefor the figures "R12" and "R3" of the figures WYSIGING VAN BRANDWEERVEROR-

"R20" and "125" respectively. t t vervang.DENINGE

3. Deur in item 2(1) en (2) die syfers "R100"A D NORVAL en "RIO" onderskeidelik dew die syfers "RHO" Daar word hierby ingevolge die bepalings vanTown Clerk en "F212" te vervang. artikel 96 van die Ordonnansie op PlaaslikeMunicipal Offices Bestuur, 1949 (Ordonnansie 17 van 1939), soosPO Box 9 4. Deur in item 2(3)(a)(i) die syfer "R30" gewysig bekend gemaak dat die Stadsraad vanMeyerton deur die syfer "R40" te vervang. Middelburg, Transvaal, van voorneme is om die1960 Brandweerverordeninge, afgekondig by Admi-19 September 1984 5. Deur in item 2(3)(b)(i) en (ii) die syfers nistrateurskennisgewing 42 van 12 Januarie1320- 19 "R50" en "R20" onderskeidelik deur die syfers 1966, soos gewysig, verder te wysig deur die"R60" en "R25" te vervang. opskrif onder die Tarief van Gelde te wysig om/ STADSRAAD VAN MEYERTON 6. Deur in item 4(1) die syfer "R8" deur die sodoende die dienste uit te brei.

syfer "R9" te vervang. Afskrifte van hierdie wysiging le ter inset tenWYSIGING VAN VASSTELLING VAN7. Dew in item 5(1) die syfer "R5" deur die kantore van die Stadsraad tot 5 Oktober 1984.GELDE VIR SUIGTENKVERWYDERINGS- Enige persoon wat beswaar teen die voorge -

DIENSTE syfer "Re' te vervang.stelde wysigings wens aan te teken, moat sy

• 8. Deur in item 6(2)(a)(i) en (n) die syfers beswaar sknftelik voor of op 5 Oktober 1984 byIngevolge artikel 80B(8) van die Ordonnansie "50c" en "25e" onderskeidelik deur die syfers die Stadsklerk, Munisipale Kantore, Wan-

op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, word hierby bekend "60c" en "35c" te vervang.'

dererslaan, (Posbus 14) Middelburg, 1050, in-gemaak dat die Stadsraad van Meyerton, by dien.spesiale besluit, die gelde vir suigtenkver- 9. Deur in item 6(2)(b) en (c) die syfers "35c"wyderingsdienste, gepubliseer in Offisiele en "50c" onderskeidelik deur die syfers "45c" STADSKLERKKoerant 4257 van 13 April 1983 met ingang 1 en "60c" te vervang. 19 September 1984Julie 1984 soos volg gewysig het: A D NORVAL

1. Deur in items 1(a) en (b) die wooed Stadsklerk"heffingsfooi" deur "heffingseenheid" te ver- Munisipale Kantore

TOWN COUNCIL OF MIDDELBURG,yang en die syfers "R13" en "R20" onderskeide - Posbus 9lik deur die syfers "R15" en "R24" te vervang. Meyerton TRANSVAAL

19602. Deur in item (2) die syfer "R60" deur die 19 September 1984 AMENDMENT TO FIRE BRIGADE BY-

syfer "R65" te vervang. LAWS


Munisipale Kantore

Posbus 9on

196019 September 1984




Government Ordinance. 1939, it is hereby

It is hereby notified in terms of the provisionsStadsklerk of section 96 of the Local Government Ordi-nance, 1939 (Ordinance 17 of 1939), as

Meyert amended, that the Town Council of Middelburg,Transvaal, intends to further amend the FireBrigade By-laws, published under Administra -

tor's Notice No 42 dated January 12, 1966, as

In terms of section 808(8) of the Local amended, by amending the heading under theTariff of Charges to enable the Council to

MEYERTON TOWN COUNCIL notified that the Meyerton Town Council has, extend the services as rendered.by special resolution, amended the charges for Copies of these amendments are lying for

AMENDMENT TO THE DETERMINATION drainage services, published in Official Gazette inspection at the offices of the Town CouncilOF CHARGES FOR VACUUM TANK RE- 4251, dated 9 March 1983, with effect from 1 until 5 October 1984.

MOVAL July 1984 as follows:Any person who wishes to object to the1. By the substitution in item 1(1)(a). (b) andIn terms of section 80B(8) of the Local (c) for the figures "R3", "R2" and "RIO" of the proposed

.atFtendm.entsmust lodge his objec-

Government Ordinance, 1939, it is hereby figures "R4", "R3" and "R12" respectively. non, in vat mg, with the' Town Clerk, Municipalnotified that the Meyerton Town Council has. Offices, Wanderers Avenue (PO Box 14) Mid-

by special resolution, amended the charges for 2. By the substitution in item 1(2) for the delburg, 1050, on or before 5 October 1984vacuum tank removal, published in Official figure "R6" of the figure "R7".Gazette 4257, dated 13 April 1983, with effect TOWN CLERKfrom 1 July 1984 as follows: 3. By the substitution in item 2(1) and (2) (or 19 September 1984

the figures "R100" and "RIO" of the figures1. By the substitution in item 1(a) and (b) for "R110" and "R12" respectively. 1323 - 19

the word "heffingsfooi" of the word "heffings-

eenheid" in the Afrikaans text and the sub- 4. By the substitution in item 2(3)(a)(i) for thestitution for the figures "1213" and "R20" of the figure "R30" of the figure "R40".figures "R15" and "R24" respectively. DORPSRAAD VAN MORGENZON

5. By the substitution in item 2(3)(b)(i) and2. By the substitution in item (2) for the figure (ii) for the figures "R50" and -R20" of the KENNISGEWING VAN ALGEMENE EIEN-

"R60" of the figure "R65". figures "R60" and "R25" respectively. DOMSBELASTING EN VAN VASGE-STELDE DAE VIR BETALING TEN

A D NORVAL 6. By the substitution in item 4(1) for the OPSIGTE VAN DIE BOEKJAAR I JULIETown Clerk figure "RS" of the figure "R9". 1984 TOT 30 JUNIE 1985

Municipal Offices 7. By the substitution in item 5(1) for thePO Box 9 figure "R5" of the figure "R6". Kennis word hierby gegee dat ingevolge

' Meverton artikel 26(2)(a) van die Ordonnansie op Eien-1961j 8. By the substitution in item 6(2)(a)(i) and domsbelasting van Plaaslike Bestuur 197719 September 1984 (ii) for the figures "50c" and "25c" of the figures (Ordonnansie 11 van 1977), die volgende

1321 - 19 "60c" and -35e" respectively. algemene eiendomsbelasting ten opsigte van die

Page 76: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted



bogenoemde boekjaar gelid word op belasbare Die algemene strekking van Herdic wysiging word moet sodanige beswaar of cis na gelangeiendom in die waarderingslys opgeteken: - is om item 15 van die Dylan tot die gemelde van die geval voor of op Maandag 19 November

verordeninge war handel aor die tariewe vir die 1984 om 12h00 skriftelik by die ondergetekendeOp die terreinwaarde van enige grand of reg varhunng van maajines to herroep en die indien.in grand: 10 sent in die Rand.

geme1de tariewe voortaan in tame van die

Ingevolge artikel 21(4) van die genoemde ling'S van man' 79(18) van die Ordonnan- P M WAGENER1

Ordonnansie word 'n korting van 40 % toege- me op Plaaslike Bestnur te hef. Stadsklerksteam op beboude erwe wat intsluitlik vir woon-

.giaa sal vir Munisipale KantoreAfslcrifte van die v estelde

doeleindes gebruik word en waarvan die terrein- li tydperk van veertien (14) the vanardatumNigel19 September 1984waarde R4 000,00 en meet is. van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die Kennisgewing No 109/1984

Provinsiale Koerant gedurende gewonenkantoo-Die bedrag verskuldig vir eiendamsbelastingrare re by. die kantoor van die. Sta.dselcreta-.coos in artikel 27 van genoemde Ordonnansie ns Munisipale Kantore, Nelspnut ter msae le enbeoog, is betaalbaar in twee gelyke paaiemente :

en moet vereffen word nie later as 30 Septembei enige persoon wat beswaar teen sodanige wyki- TOWN COUNCIL OF NIGEL1984 en 31 Maart 1985. mng wit aanteken moet din skrifteldc by die

Stadsklerk indien binne veertien (14) the na CLOSING OF STREETRente teen 13,3 % per jaar is betaalbaar op datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing

alle agterstallige bedrae uitstaande na die in die Provinsiale Koerant. Notice is hereby given in terms ofsection 67 ofvasgestelde dae en wanbetalers is onderhewig the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, thataan regsproses vir die invordering van sodanige H 1 K MULLER the Town Council of Nigel intends to closeagterstallige bedrae. Stadsklerk Perske Avenue between Balfour Road and

Stadhuis Lemoen Avenue permanently.F .1 JOOSTE Posbus 45

Stadsklerk Nelspniit Further particulars of the proposed closing asMunisipale Kantore 1200 well as a plan indicating the situation of thePosbus 9 19 September 1984 street are open to inspection at the office of theMorgenzon Kennisgewing No 62/1984 Town Secretary during normal office hours.2315-19 September 1984 — Any person who wishes to raise any objec-

4tions or who will have any claim for compensa-

TOWN COUNCIL OF NELSPRUIT Lion if such closing is carried out must lodge suchobjection or claim as the case may be, with the

VILLAGE COUNCIL OF MORGENZON AMENDMENT TO THE BY-LAWS FOR undersigned in writing on or before 12 noon onFIXING SUNDRY FEES Monday 19 November 1984.

NOTICE OF GENERAL RATE AND OFFIXED DAYS FOR PAYMENT IN RESPECT Notice is hereby given in terms of section 96 of P M WAGENEROF FINANCIAL YEAR 1 JULY 1984 TO 30 the Local Government Ordinance, 1939. as Town Clerk

JUNE 1985 amended, that the Town Council intends further Municipal Offices• amending the By-laws for Fixing Sundry Fees Nigel

Notice is hereby given in terms of section promulgated under Administrator's Notice 1681 19 September 1984

26(2)(a) of the Local Authorities Rating Ordi- dated 25th September 1974, as amended. Notice No 109/1984

mince, 1977 (Ordinance 11 of 1977), of thefollowing general rate which has been levied in The general purport of this amendment is to 1326- 19

by-lawsitem 1

rateable property recorded on the valuation5 of the Cchedule of the saidrespect of the abovementioned financial year on uy-laws pertaining to the tariffs for the hiring of

roll: - machinery and to levy the said tariffs in future in. terms ofsection 79(18) of the Local Government

On the site value of any land or right in land: Ordinance. PLAASLIKE BESTUUR VAN NIGEL10 cents in the Rand.

Copies of the .proposed amendment will beIn terms of section 21(4) of the said Ordi-

'open for inspection at the office of the Town KENNISGEWING WAT BESWARE TEEN

nonce, a 40 % rebate is granted in respect of Secretary, Municipal Offices, Nelspruit, for a V 0 0 R L 0 P I G E A A N V U LLE ND Eimproved erven with a site value of R4 000,00 or period of fourteen (14) days, from the date of WAARDERINGSLYS AANVRAmore and which is used for dwelling purposes publication of this notice in the Provincialonly. Gazette. Any person who desires to lodge an

objection to the amendment must do Kennis word hierby ingevolge artikel 12(1)(a)The amount due for rates as contemplated in so m writing to thPNO)IshdClerk within fourteen van die Ordonnansie op Eiendomsbelasting van

section 27 of the said Ordinance shall be payable (14) days from the date of publication of this Plaaslike Besture, 1977 (Ordonnansie 11 van4in two equal instalments and must be rendered notice in the Provincial Gazette. 1977), gegee dat die voorlopige aanvullende

not later than the 30th September 1984 and the waardenngslys vir die boekjaar geeindig op 3031st March 1985 respectively. H J K MULLER Junk 1984 oop is vir inspelcsie by die kantoor

Town Clerk van die Plaaslike Bcstuur van Nigel venal 19Interest of 13,3 % per annum is chargeable on Toon NA September 1984 tot 31 Oktober 1984 en enige

all amounts in arrear after the fixed dates and PO Box 45 = near van belasbare eiendom of ander persoondefaulters are liable to legal proceedings for Nelspruit wat begerig is om 'n beswaar by die Stadsklerkrecovery of such arrear amounts. 1200 ten opsigte van enige aangeleentheid in die

19 September 1984 voorlopige aanvullende waarderingslysF J 3005TE Nonce No 62/1984 opgeteken, soon in artikel 10 van die genoemde

Town Clerk 1325- 19 Ordonnansie beoog: in te dien, inslwtende dieMunicipal Offices vraag of sodanige eiendom of 'n gedeelte daar-PO Box 9 van onderworpe is aan die betating van eien -Morgenzon domsbelasting of daarvan vrygestel is of ten2315 STADSRAAD VAN NIGEL opsige van enige weglating van enige19 September 1984 aangeleentheid uit sodanige lys, doen so binne

1324- 19 SLUIT1NG VAN STRAAT gemelde tydperk.

Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepa- .

lags van artikel 67 van die Ordonnansie op , Die voorgeslcrewe vorm vir die indiening vanPlaaslike Bestuur, 1939, dat die Stadsraad van n beswaar is by die adres hieronder aangedui

STADSRAAD VAN NELSPRUIT Nigel van voornemens is om Perskelaan tussen beskikbaar en aandag word spesifiek gevestig opdie felt dat geen persoon geregtig is om enige

WYSIGING VAN DIE VERORDENINGE cent te sluit. Balfourweg

en Lemoenlaan, Alrapark perma-beswaar voor die waarderingsraad te opper

VIR DIE VASSTELLING VAN DIVERSE tensy by 'n beswaar op die voorgeskrewe vormGELDE Verderde besonderhede van die voorgenome betyds ingedien het nie.

sluicing asook 'n plan waarop die Egging van dieMar word hierby ingevolge artikel 96 van die betrokke gedeelte van die straat aangedui word, P M WAGENEROrdonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, sons is ter insae in die kantoor van die Stadsekretaris Stadsklerk

4gewysig, bekend gemaak dat die Stadsraad gedurende gewone kantoorure. Munisipale Kantorevoornemens is om die Verordeninge vir die Hendrik VerwoerdstraatVassteffing van Diverse Gelde afgekondig by Enigeen wat beswaar teen die voorgenome NigelAdministrateurskennisgewing 1681 van 25 stuffing wil opper of wat enige cis tot skadever- 19 September 1984September 1974, soon gewysig, verder te wysig. goeding sal he mdien sodanige slating uitgevoer Kennisgewing No 111/1984

Page 77: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


LOCAL AUTHORITY OF NIGEL TOWN COUNCIL OF ORKNEY 1939, that the Village Council of Ottosdalintends adopting the Standard Fire Brigade



Notice is hereby given in terms of section The general . purport of the By-laws is to12(1)(a) of the Local Authorities Rating Ordi- (Regulation 5) control Fire Brigade services and attend tariffsnance, 1977 (Ordinance 11/1977), that the pro- therefor.visional supplementary valuation roll for the Notice is hereby given in terms ofsection 36 of Copies of these By-laws are open for inspec-financial year ended 30 June 1984 is open for the Local Authorities Rating Ordinance, 1977 lion at the office of the acting Town Clerk for ainspection at the office of the Local Authority of (Ordinance 11 of 1977), that the provisional period of fourteen (14) days as from the date ofNigel from 19 September 1984 to 31 October supplementary valuation roll for the financial oublication hereof.1984, and any owner of rateable property or year 1983/1984 is open for inspection at the rother person who desires to lodge an objection office of the local authority of Orkney from 19 Any person who desires to lodge objection towith the Town Clerk in respect of any matter September 1984 to 19 October 1984, and any the said by-laws, must do so in writing to therecorded in the provisional supplementary owner of rateable property or other person who undersigned, within fourteen (14) days after thevaluation roll as contemplated in section 10 of so desires to lodge an objection with the Town date of publication of this notice in the Provin-the said Ordinance including the question Clerk in respect of any matter recorded in the dal Gazette.whether or not such property or portion thereof provisional supplementary valuation roll as con-is subject to the payment of rates or is exempt templated in section 34 of the said Ordinance D J VAN HEERDENtherefrom or in respect of any omission of any including the question whether or not such Acting Town Clerkmatter from such roll shall do so within the said property of portion thereof is subject to the Municipal Officesperiod. payment of rates or is exempt therefrom or in po Box 57

of any omission of any matter from such Ottosdal •

The form prescribed for the lodging of an ro7egall do so within the said period. 2610objection is obtainable at the address indicated19 September 1984

below and attention is specifically directed to the The form prescribed for the lodging of anfact that no person is entitled to urge any objection is obtainable at the address indicated

1329- 19objection before the valuation board unless he below and attention is specifically directed to thehas timeously lodged an objection in the pre- fact that no person is entitled to urge anyscribed form. objection before the valuation board unless he DOFtPSRAAD VAN OTTOSDALhas timeously lodged an objection in the pre-


Municipal Offices Town Clerk STELDE DAG VIR DIE BETALING TENHendrik Verwoerd Street Town Council of OrkneyNigel Civic Centre (Rates Han) OPSIGTE VAN DIE


19 September 1984 Patmore Road 1984 TOT 30 JUNIE 195Notice No 111/1984 Orkney

2620Kennis word hiermee gegee ingevolge die

1327- 19- 26 19 September 1984bepalings van artikel 26(2)(a) van die Ordon-

nansie op Eiendomsbelasting van Plaaslike NoticeNo 41/1984Be-

1328- 19 scour, No 11 van 1977, dat die eiendomsbelas-ting soos hieronder niteengesit deur dieDorpsraad van Ottosdal vir...-die boekjaar

STADSRAAD VAN ORKNEY DORPSRAAD VAN OTTOSDAL 1 Julie 1984 tot 30 Junie 1985 gehef is op dieterreinwaarde van elle belasbare eiendomme


WAARDERINGSLYS AANVRA Dear word hierby ingevolge die bepalings van 1. 'n Oorspronkfike 3c (drie sent) in die Rand;artikel 96 van die Ordonnansie op Plaashlte 2. Behoudens die goedkeuring van die Admi-

(Regulasie 5) Bestuur, No 17 van 1939,'bekend gemaak dat nistrateur, 'n verdere addisionale belasting vandie Dorpsraad van Ottosdal van voomeme h om 3c (drie sent) in die Rand.'

Kennis word hierby ingevolge artikel 36 van die Standaard Brandweerverordeninge soosdie Ordonnansie op Etendomsbelasting van afgekondig by Administrateurskentusgewing Een helfte van die belasting gehef, is betaal• 1

Plaaslike Besture, 1977 (Ordonnansie 11 van 1771 van 23 Dezember 1981, aan te neat, bareat, voor of op 31 Oktober 1984 en die ander1977), &eget dat die voorlopige aanvullende tesame met 'n tarief van gelde. helfte voor of op 31 Maart 1985.waardenngslys vir die boekjaar 1983/1984 oap isvir inspeksie by die kantoor van die plaaslike Die algemene snaking van die verordeninge Belastingbetalers wat verkies om die verskul -

bestuur van Orkney vanaf 19 September 1984 is om Brandweerdienste te beheer en die nodige digde belasting maandeliks te betaal, kan aldustot 19 Oktober 1984 en enige eienaar van Imam daarvoot met die Stadstesourier reel, mils betaling van diebelasbare eiendom of ander persoon wat begerig Afskrifte van hierdie verordeninge le ter insae

Neste paaiement geskied voor of op 31 Maart1985.is om 'n beswaar by die Stadsklerk ten opsigte by die kantoor van die waamemeade Stadsklerkvan enige aangeleentheid in die vooriapige vu 'n periode van veertien (14) the venal datum Rente teen 11,25 % per jaar is op wile bedraeaanvullende waarderingslys, opgeteken, soos in van publikasie hkrvan.artikel 34 van die genoemde Ordonnansie agterstallig na die vasgestelde dag, hefbaar en

beoog, in te then, wanbetalers is onderworpe aan regsproses Sinsluitende die vraag of Enige persoon wat beswaar teen die die invordering van sodanige agterstallige

sodanige eiendom of 'n gedeelte daarvan ander- genoemde verordeninge wens aan te teken, bedrae.worpe is aan die betaling van eiendomsbelasting moot dit skriftellk binne veertien (14) dae vendof daarvan vrygestel is, of ten opsigte van enige pubfficasic van bindle kennisgewmg in die D I VAN HEERDENweglating van enige aangeleentheid uit sodanige N.ovinsiale Koerant, by die ondergetekende Wnde Stadsklerklys, doen so binne gemelde tydperk. doen. Munisipale Kantore

Die voorgeskrewe vorm vir die indiening van D J VAN HEERDEN Posbus 57

'n beswaar is by die adres hieronder aangedui Woarnemende Stadsklerk Ottosdalbeskikbaar en aandag word spesifiek gevestig op Munisipale Kantore 2610

die feit dat geen persoon geregtig is om enige Posbus 57 19 September 1984

beswaar voor die waarderingsraad te opper Ottosdaltensy by 'n beswaar op die voorgeskrewe vonn 2610betyds mgedien het me. 19 September 1984 OTTOSDAL VILLAGE COUNCIL



Burgersentrum (Belastingsaal) JUNE 1985

Patmoreweg ADOPTION OF STANDARD FIRE BR1-Orkney GADE BY-LAWS Notice is hereby given in terms of section

2620' 26(2)(a) of the I ond Authorities Rating Ordi-

19 September 1984 Notice is hereby given in terms ofsection 96 of nance, (Ordinance 11 of 1977) that the following

Kenmsgewing No 41/1984 the Local Government Ordinance, No 17 of assessment rates on the site value of all rateable

Page 78: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted




Property within the Municipality, as appearing teken deur by die sekretaris van sodanige raad 'n valuation board may, in like manner, appeal'

in the Valuation Roll, have been imposed by the kennisgewing van appal op die wyse soos against such decision."Council for the financial year 1 July 1984 to 30 voorgeskryf en in ooreenstemming met dieJune 1985. prosedure soos voorgeskryf in te dien en soda- A notice of appeal fOrm may be obtained from

nige sekretaris stuur onverwyld 'n afskrif van the secretary of the valuation board.1. An original rate of 3c (three cent) in the sodanige kennisgewing van appal aan die waar-

Rand; deerder en aan die betrokke plaaslike bestuur. W ETSEBETH •

Secretary: Valuation Board i2. Subject to the approval of the Administra- (2) 'n Plaaslike Bestuur wat nie 'n beswaar- p0 Box 1341

tor, a further 3c (three cent) in the Rand. maker is nie, kan teen enige beslissing van 'n Pretoriawaardefings raa d appal aanteken op die wyse in 0001 IOne half of the rates imposed as set out above lsubartikel (1) beoog en one antler persoon wat 19 September 1984shall become due and payable on or before 31 .

October 1984 and the other half on or before 31 nie n beswaarmaker is the maar wat regstreeks Notice No 96/1984

March 1985. deur 'n beslissing van 'n waarderingsraad geraak 1331 - 19word, kan op derglike wyse, teen sodanige

Ratepayers desiring to do so, may arrange beslissing appal aanteken' .

with the Town Treasurer for the payment of 'n Vorm vir kennisgewing van appal kan van TRANSVAALSE RAAD VIR DIE ONTWIK-rates in monthly installments, the last monthly die sekretaris van die waarderingsraad verkry KELING VAN BUITESTEDELIKE GE -installment to be due and payable on or before31 March 1985. word. BIEDE

Interest of 11,25 % per annum is chargeable W ETSEBETH KENNISGEWINGon all amounts in arrear after the fixed day and Sekretaris: Waarderingsraaddefaulters are liable to legal proceedings for Posbus 1341

recovery of such arrear amounts. Pretoria VOORGESTELDE PERMANENTE SLUI -



Actg. Town Clerk Kennisgewing No 96/1984 •

Municipal Offices Kennisgewing geskicd hiermee ingevolgePO Box 57 die bepahngs van artikel 67 van die Ordonnan -Ottosdal sic op Plaaslike Bestuur, No 17 van 1939, dat2610 TRANSVAAL BOARD FOR THE DE-19 September 1984 VELOPMENT OF PERI-URBAN AREAS die Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van

Buitestedelike Gebiede van voorneme is om1330- 19

VALUATION ROLLS FOR THE FINAN- Fifthstraat, Malelane Uitbreiding 1, perma-

CIAL YEAR 1982/1983 IN RESPECT OF nent te sluit.


KELING VAN BUITESTEDELIKE Notice is hereby given in tenns of section 37 ofDie Read se besluit 'n plan waarop die be-

trokke gedeelte van die straat aangedui wordGEBIEDE the Local Authorities Rating Ordinance, 1977 en die voorwaardes in verband met die voor-Ordinance 11 of 1977), that the valuation rolls

AANVULLENDE WAARDERINGSLYSTE i genome oermanente sluiting van die straat sal

VIR DIE BOEKJAAR 1982/1983 TEN or the financial year 1982/1983 of all rateableproperty within the area of jurisdiction of the vir 'n tydperk van 60 dae .vanaf


datum van

OPSIGTE VAN DIE GEBIEDE VAN VER-Local Area Committees of Amsterdam. Akasia/

hierdie kennisgewing ter insae , gedurendenormale kantoorure by Kamer B50I, H B Phil-SKILLENDE PLAASLIKE GEBIEDS -

KOMITEESRosslyn, Burgersfort, Chart Cilliers, Chrissies- lipsgebou,meer, De Deur, Eloff, Ellisras, Gravelotte,

Bosmanstraat 320, Pretoria. •


iGlaudina, Haenertsburg, Hammanskraal, Hazy-

Kennis word hierby ingevolge artikel 37 van view, Hectorspruit, Hillside, Hoedspruit, Kim Enige persoon wat wil beswaar aantekendie Ordonnansie op Eiendomsbelasting van River, Valley, Kosmos, Letsitele, Lothair, Mig- teen hierdie voorgenome permanents sluitingPlaaslike Besture, 1977 (Ordonnansie 11 van dol, Malelane, Marikana, Muldersdrif. Noord- moth sodanige besware sknftelik by die ander-1977), gegee dat die waarderingslyste vir die vaal, Northam, Ogies, Ohrigstad, Paardekop, getekende indien voor of op 19 November iboekjaar 1982/1983 van alle belasbare eiendom Pienaarsrivier, Rayton, Roossenekal, 1984.binne die regsgebiede.van die Plaaslike Gebieds- Schoemansville, Sundra, Vaalwater, Vischkuil,komitees van Amsterdam, Akasia/Rosslyn, Walkerville, West Rand and also the General B G E ROUXBurgersfort, Cheri Cilliers, Chrissiesmeer, De Area; Registration Divisions, IP, 10. IR, IS, IT, SekretarisDeur, Eloff, Ellisras, Gravelotte, Glaudina, JP, IQ. JR, .1S, JT, JU, KO. KR, KS, KT, KU, Posbus 1341Haenertsburg, Hammanskraal, Hazyview, Hee-

Ennerdale Management Committee and Lena- p •

torspruit, Hillside, Hoedspruit, Klipnviervallei, sia Advisory Committee have been certified andPretoria

1984!Cosmos, Letsitele, Lothair, Migdol, Malel •ane, signed by the Chairman of the Valuation Board Kennisgewing No 94/1984-

IMarikana, Mulderschif, Noordvaal, Northam, and have therefore become fixed and bindingOgles, Ohrigsrad, Paardekop, Pienaarsrivier, upon all persons concerned as contemplated inRayton, Roossenekal, Schoemansville, Sandra, section 37 of that Ordinance.Vaalwater, Vischkuil, Walkerville, Wesrandasook die Algemene Gebied: Registrasieafde - However, attention is directed to section 17 oflings IP, IQ. IR, IS, IT, JP, JO. JR, IS, IT, JU, the said Ordinance, which provides as follows: TRANSVAAL BOARD FOR THE DEVE-

KO, KR, KS, KT, KU, Ennerdale Bestuurs- LOPMENT OF PERI -URBAN AREAS tkomitee en Lenasia Raadplegende Komitee "Right of appeal against decision of valuationdeur die Voorsitter van die Waarderingsraad board. NOTICEgesertifiseer en geteken is en gevolglik Jinni enbindend geword het op alle betrokke persona 17(1) An objector who has appeared or has

been represented before a valuation board, PROPOSED PERMANENT CLOSING OFsoos in artikel 37 van daardie Ordonnansiebeoog. including an objector who has lodged or pre- FIFTH STREET, MALELANE EXTENTION I

seated areply contemplat:d

in section 15(4)Die aandag word egter gevestig op artikel 17 may appeal against the dad on of such board in

van die gemelde Ordonnansie wat soos volg respect of which he is an objector within thirty Notice is hereby given in terms of section 67

bepaal: days from the date of the publication in the of the Local Government Ordinance, No 17 ofProvincial Gazette of the notice referred to in 1939, as amended, that the Transvaal Board

"Reg van Appal teen beslissing van waarde- section 16(4)(a) or, where the provisions of for the Development of Pen -Urban Areas in -

ringsraad. section 16(5) are applicable, within twenty one tends closing permanently, Fifth Street, Male -

days after the day on which the reasons referred lane Extention I.17(1) 'n Beswaarmaker wat voor 'n waarde- to therein, were forwarded to such objector, by

ringsraad verskyn het of verteenwoordig was, lodging with the secretary ofsuch board a notice The Board's resolution, a plan showing themet inbegrip van 'n beswaarmaker wat 'n of appeal in the manner and in accordance with portion of the street to be closed and the con -antwoord soos in artikel 15(4) beoog, ingedien the procedure prescribed and such secretary damns in respect of the proposed permanentof voorgela het, kan teen die beslissing van shall forward forthwith a copy of such notice ofsodanige raad ten opsigte waarvan by 'n be- closing of the street are open for inspection for

appeal to the valuer and to the local authority aswaarmaker is, binne dertig dae vanaf die datum concerned:period of sixty (60) days from the date of this

van die publikasie in die Provinsiale Koerant notice during normal office hours at Room

van die kennisgewing in artikel 16(4) genoem of, 2. A local authority which is not an objector B501, H B Phillips Building, 320 BosmanPretoria.waar die bepalings van artikel 16(5)(a) van may appeal against any decision of a valuation


toepassing is, binne een-en-twintig dae na die board In the manner contemplated in subsectiondag waarop die redes daarin genoem, aan (1) and any other person who is not an objector Any person who wishes to object against thesodanige beswaarmaker gestuur is, appal aan- but who is directly affected by a decision of a proposed permanent closing must lodge such

Page 79: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


objection in writing before or on 19 November 1977), gegee dat die voorlopige aanvullende sons gewysig, verder te wysig deur interpreta-1984. waardenngslys vir die boekjaar 1 Julie 1983 tot sic probleme uit te skakel betreffende oop30 Junie 1984 oop is vii inspeksie by die kantoor agter- en syruimtes asook die verpligte 3m oop

B G E ROUX van die Plaaslike Bestuur van Potchefstroom agter- en syruimte beperkings in sommige ge-Secretary vanaf 19 September 1984 tot 19 Oktober 1984 en valle te verminder van 3m tot 2m.

PO Box 1341 enige eienaar van belasbare eiendom of anderPretoria persoon wat begerig is om 'n beswaar by die Afskrifte van voormelde wysiging le ter19 September 1984ber 1984

. Stadsklerk ten opsigte van enige aangeleentheid insae by die Kantoor van die Stadsekretaris virNotice in die voorlopige aanvullende waarderingslys, 'n tydperk van 14 dae vanaf datum van publi-No

opgeteken, sons in mac] 34 van die genoemde kasie hiervan.1332- 19 Ordonnansie beoog, in te dien, inslunende die

vraag of sodanige eiendom of 'a gedeelte door- Enige persoon wat beswaar teen die ge-van onderworpe is aan die betaling van eien- noemdc wysiging wil aanteken, moet dit skrif-

STADSRAAD VAN POTCHEFSTROOM domsbelasting of daarvan vrygestel is, of ten telik binne 14 dae na publikasie hiervan in dieopsigte van enige weglating van enige Provinsiale Koerant by die ondergetekende

WYSIGING VAN VERORDENINGE aangeleentheid uit sodanige lys, doen so binne doen.

Daar word hierby ingevolge anikel 96 van diegemelde tydperk.

Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, be- Die voorgeskrewe vorm vii die indiening vanC F B

MATTHEUSStadsklerkkend gemaak at die Raad voornemens is om 'n beswaar is by die adres hieroor aangedui Munisipale Kantoredie Verkeersverordeninge te wysig. beskikbaar en aandag word spesifiek gevestig op Posbus 34die felt dat geen persoon geregtig is om enige PotzietersrusDie algemene strekking van hierdie wysiging beswaar voor die waarderingsraad te opper 0606is om die verbodmete

betrekking tot reklame -tensy by 'n beswaar op die voorgeskrewe vormplaatjies

verb dop te hef. betyds ingedien het nit. 19 September 1984

Kentusgewing No 54/1984Afskrifte van hierdie wysiging le ter insae by

C J F DU PLESS1Sdie Kantoor van die Stadsekretaris, Kamer 310,Wnd StadsklerkMunisipale Kantore, Potchefstroom, vir 'n tyd -

Minisipale Kantoreperk van 14 dae met ingang van die datum van H/v Gouws- en Wolmaransstraatpublikasie hiervan in die Provinsiale Koerant, TOWN COUNCIL OF POTGIETERSRUSnaamlik 1984-09-19. Potchcfst m

19 September 1984

Enige persoon wat beswaar teen genoemde Kenmsgewing No 111/1984 AMENDMENT OF BY-LAWSwysiging wens aan te teken, moet dit skriftelikbinne 14 dae na die datum van publikasie van It is hereby notified in terms of section 96 ofhierdie kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant, the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, thatby ondergetekende doen. LOCAL AUTHORITY OF POTCHEF-

the Town Council of Potgietersrus intends toAUTHORITYOF

the Standard Building By-laws pu -C .1 F DU PLESSIS blished under Administrator's Notice 1993,Wnd Stadsklerk NOTICE CALLING FOR OBJECTIONS TO dated 7 November 1974, as amended, in order

Munisipale Kantore PROVISIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY to overcome problems with the interpretationPotchefstroom VALUATION ROLLregarding the open rear and side spaces and to

19 September 1984 restrict in some instances the open rear andKenntsgewing No 109/1984 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 36 of side spaces to 2m in stead of the prescribed 3mthe Local Authorities Rating Ordinance. 1977, as contemplated in the by- laws.(Ordinance II of 1977), that the provisional

supplementary valuation roll for the financial Copies of this amendment are open for in-TOWN COUNCIL OF POTCHEFSTROOM year 1 July 1983 to 30 June 1984 is open for spection at the Office of the Town Secretaryinspection at the office of the Local Authority of for a period of 14 days from the date of publi-

AMENDMENT TO BY-LAWS Potchefstroom from 19 September 1984 to 19 cation hereof.October 1984, and any owner of rateable prop-

It is hereby notified in terms of section 96 of erty or other person who so desires to lodge an Any person who desires to record his objec-

the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, that objection with the Town Clerk in respect of any tion to the amendment of the by-laws must dothe Council intends amending the Traffic By- matter recorded in the provisional. sup- so in writing to the undersigned within 14 dayslaws. plementary valuation roll as contemplated in after the date of publication of this notice in

section 34 of the said Ordinance including the the Provincial Gazette.The general purport of this amendment is to question whether or not such property or

do away with the prohibition regarding posters portion thereof is subject to the payment of rates C F B MATTHEUSon parking meters. or is exempt therefrom or in respect of any Town Clerkomission of any matter from such roll shall do so Municipal OfficesCopies of the proposed amendment are open within the said period. PO Box 34for inspection at the Office of the Town Secre-tary, Room 310, Municipal Offices, Potchef- The form prescribed for the lodging of an


ietersrusstroom, for a period of 14 days from date of objection is obtainable at the address indicatedpublication hereof in the Provincial Gazette, viz below and attention is spesifically directed to the 19 September 19841984 -09-19. fact that no person is entitled to urge any N

•No54/1984 Notice

1335- 19objection before the valuation board unless heAny person who wishes to object to the has timebusly lodged an objection in the pre-amendment of the said by- laws, must lodge such scribed form. STADSRAAD VAN RANDBURGobjection in writing with the undersigned within14 days of publication hereof in the Provincial C .1 F DU PLESSISGazette. Acting Town Clerk WYSIGING VAN VERORDENINGE

Municipal OfficesC 1 F DU PLESSIS Cur Gouws and Wolmarans Streets Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die be-

Act Town Clerk Potchefstroom palings van artikel 96 van die Ordonnansie opMunicipal Offices 19 September 1984 Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, dat die Stadsraad vanPotchefstroom Notice No 111/1984 Randburg van voorneme is om die volgende19 September 1984 verordenmge verder te wysig:Notice No 109/1984 1334- 19

1333- 19 (i) Die Bouverordeninge aangeneem krag-tens Administrateurskennisgewing 1992 van 7


STROOM (ii) Die Geraasbeheerverordeninge aange-WYSIGING VAN VERORDENINGE neem kragtens Administrateurskennisgewing

KENNISGEWING WAT BESWARE TEEN 1227 van 10 September 1980, soos gewysig.V OORLOPIGE A A N V U L LEN D E Kennis geskied hierby ingevolge artikel 96 Die algemene strekking van die wysiging is:WAARDERINGSLYS AANVRA van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur,

(i) die wysiging van boetegelde; (ii) om sekere1939, dat die Stadsraad van Potgietersrus van onduidelikhede wat mag voorkom, te wysig.

Kennis word hierby ingevolge artikel 36 van voornemens is om die Standaardbouveror-die Ordonnansie op thendomsbelasting van deninge afgekondig by Administrateursken- Afskrifte van die voorgestelde wysigings 18Plaaslike Besture, 1977, (Ordonnansie II van nisgewmg 1991 gedateer 7 November 1974, op weeksdae ter insae vanaf 07h30 tot 12h30

Page 80: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


en 13h00 tot 16h00 by Kamer B118, Munisipale Read en dit moet as sodanig in stand gehou thin four weeks of the first publication of thisKantore, h/v Jan Smutslaan en Hendrik Ver- wore* notice, which is 19 September 1984 and he maywoerdrylaan, Randburg, vir 'n tydperk van when lodging any such objection or makingveertien (14) dae vanaf datum van publikasie 2. Deur die byvoeging van die volgende tot such representations request in writing that hehiervan in die Provinsiale Koerant. Klousule 14(h)(mm)(u). be heard by the Local Authority.

Enige persoon wat beswaar wil aanteken (b) "Geboue, met inbegrip van buitege-teen die voorgestelde wysigings, meet soda- boue wat hierna op die erf opgerig word, meet J C Geyernige beswaar skriftelik binne veertien (14) dae nie minder as 6 meter van emge straatgrens of Town Clerkvanaf datum van publikasie hiervan in die Pro- gelei weer nie. Sodanige gedeelte meet binne Randburgvinsiale Koerant, by die ondergetekende in- n tydperk van 6 maande van die datum 19 September 1984dien. waarop die erf ontwikkel word, as tuin of gras- Notice No 69/1984

perk deur die geregistreerde eienaar uitgele 1337- 19.- 26of belandskap word, tot voldoening van dieI C

GEYERStadsklerkRaad en dit most as sodanig in stand gehouword."

Munisipak Kantore STADSRAAD VAN ROODEPOORTH/v Jan Smutslaan en Besonderhede van hierdie stream le terHendrik Verwoerdylaan insae op die Ike Vloer, Suidblok, MunisipaleRandburg Kantore, Jan Smutslaan, Randburg vir 'n tyd- VASSTELLING VAN GELDE .

19 September 1984 perk van vier weke vanaf die datum van dieKennisgewing No 72/1984 eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing Hiermee word kragtens artikel 80B(3) van

naanilik 19 September 1984. die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939,soos gewysig, bekend gemaak dat die Stads-

Enige eienaar of besitter van onroerende raad van Roodepoort by spesiale besluit, ge-eiendom pled binne 'n gebied waarop boge- neem op 30 Augustus 1984 besluit het Urn die

TOWN COUNCIL OF RANDBURG noemde ontwerpskema van toepassing is of tarief van gelde vir die uitreiking van sertifi -binne 2 km van die grens daarvan, kan slcrifte- kate en die verskaffing van infigting, soos ditlik enige beswaar indien by of vertoi tot boge-

AMENDMENTTO BY-LAWSin die Provinsiale Koerant van N Oktobernoemde Plaaslike Bestuur rig ten opsigte van 1980, soos gewysig, afgekondig.is, met ingang

• sodanige ontwerpskema binnevier weke vanaf 1 September 1984 verder te wysig en vas te stetNotice is hereby given in terms of section 96 • die eerste publikasie van hierdie keniusge- deur die volgende paragraaf in te voeg: '

of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, wing, naamlik 19 September 1984 en wanneerthat the Town Council of Randburg intends to by sodanige beswaar indien of sodanige vertoe (1)(a) Vir die verkryging van 'n weegbrug-

further amend the following by-laws: ng, kan by skriftelik versoek dat by deur die sertifikaat, per voertuig met 'n massa vaniffaasfike Bestuur aangehoor word. minder as 9 000 kg: R3.

(i) The Building By-laws promulgatedunder Administrators Notice 1993 dated 7 No- Vir(b) die vekryging van 'n weegbrugserti- ivember 1974, as amended.

J C GEYERSrkfikaat, per voertuig met 'n massa van meer as

no. RS:(1) The Noise Abatement By-laws promul- Randburg

9 kg:

gated under Administrator's Notice 1227 dated 29September 1984 'n Afskrif van sodanige besluit en besonder-


10 September 1980, as amended. ICenongewing No 69/1984 hede van die vasstelling 16 gedurende kantoor-ure by die Kantoor van die Stadsekretaris vir

The general purport of these amendments is 'n tydperk van veertien dae vanaf die datumto (i) revise the fines; (ii) clarify any vague or

_...van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die


uncertain provisions. Pronnsiale Koerant, ter insae.RANDBURG DRAFT AMENDMENT

Copies of the proposed amendments are TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME 793 Enige persoon wat beswaar teen die vasstel-open for inspection on weekdays from 07h30 ling wil mask, moet dit skriftelik by die Stads-to 12h30 and 1'3h00 to 16h00 at Room B118, The Randburg Town Council has prepared a Iderk doen binne veertien dae na die datumMunicipal Offices, corner of Jan Smuts Ave-

Draft Amendment Town-planning Scheme to van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in dienue and Hendrik Verwoerd Drive, Randburg, be known as Randburg Amendment Scheme Provinsiale Koerant.for a period of fourteen (14) days from date of 793. This draft scheme contains the followingpublication hereof in the Provincial Gazette. proposal: . WJ ZYBRANDS

Any person who desires to object to the said - Stadsklerk

prgosedamendments, is requested to lodge Clause 14(h)(mm)(11). 1.

By the addition of the following toBurgersentrum

su objection in writing with the undersigned Chnstiaan de Wetwegwithin fourteen (14) days of date of publics- 00 **Buildings, including outbuildings to be Roodepoortdon hereof in the Provincial Gazette. erected on the erf, shall not be situated less 19 September 1984 •


than 6 metres from any street boundary. Such Kennisgcwing No 41/19841 C GEYER a portion shall, within a period of 6 months

ITown Clerk from the date of development of the erf be laidMunicipal Offices out or landscaped by the registered owner asCor Jan Smuts Avenue andHendrik Verwoerd Drive garden or lawn to the satisfaction of the Conn-

Randburg al and shall be maintained as such." CITY COUNCIL OF ROODEPOORT

19 September 1984 2. By the addition of the following toNotice No 72/1984 Clause 14(10(mm)(ii). DETERMINATION OF CHARGES

1336- 19(b) "Buildings, including outbuildings to be Notice is hereby given in terms of section

erected on the erf, shall not be situated less 80B(3) of the I nsal Government Ordinance,than 6 metres from any street boundary. SuchKANDBURG WYSIGING- ONTPWERP- 1939, that the City Council has by special reso-a portion shall, within a period 'of 6 months

DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA lution dated 30 August 1984, resolved tofrom the date of development of the erf, be amend the charges for the issuing of certifi -laid out or landscaped by thethe registered owner cates and famishing of information published

Die Randburg Stadsraad het 'n Wysiging- as garden or lawn to the satisfaction of ' in the Provincial Gazette dated 29 OctoberOntwerpdorpsbeplanningskema opgestel, wat Council and shall be maintained as such." 1980, as amended, with effect from 1 Sep-bekend sal staan as Randburg Wysigingskema [ember 1984 by the insertion of the following793. Hierdie Ontwerpskema bevat die vol- Particulars of this scheme are open for in-

vade voorstel: spection on the rust Floor, South Mock, Mu- paragrapgh.

mcipal Offices, Jan Smuts Avenue, Randburg, (15)(a) For obtaining a weigh -bridge certifi-1. Deur die byvoeging van die volgende tot for a period of four weeks from the date of the sate per vehicle with a mass of less than 9 000

Klousule 14(h)(mm)(ii). first publication of this notice, which is 19 Sep- kg: R3.tember 1984.

(d) "Geboue, met inbegrip van buitege- (b) For obtaining a weigh-bridge certificatebone wat hiema op die erf apserig word, moet Any owner or occupier of immovable pro-

per vehicle with a mass of more than 9 000 kg:nic minder as 6 meter van emge straatgrens of perty situated within the area to which the k5.Bela wets nie. Sodanige gedeelte meet binne above-named draft scheme applies or within 2in tydperk van 6 maande van die datum of km of the boundary thereof may, in writing, A copy of such resolution and particulars ofwaarop die erf ontwikkel word, as tuin of gras- lodge any objection with or may make any re- the determination are open for inspection dur-perk deur die geregistreerde eienaar uitgele presentations to the above-named Local ing office hours at the Office of the City Seem-of belandskap word, tot voldoening van die Authority in respect of such draft scheme wi- tary for a period of fourteen days from the

Page 81: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


date of publication of this notice in the Provin- STADSRAAD VAN RUSTENBURG ingetrek en die gelde soos in die onderstaandecial Gazette. Bylae uiteengesit, vasgestel het:


termination shall do so in writing to the TownClerk within fourteen days after the date of Ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 80B(8)van TARIFF VAN GELDEpublication of this notice in the Provincial Ga- die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, 1. Nagvuilverwyderingsdiens.zette. word hierby bekend gemaak dat die Stadsraad

W 1 ZYBRANDTS van Rustenburg by spesiale besluit die gelde Verwydering van nagvuil en urine per maand:Town Clerk vasgestel by Munisipale Kennisgewing No 120/

Civic Centre 1982 van 1 Desember 1982, sons gewysig met (1) Verwydering drie keer per week vanaf alleChristiaan de Wet Road ingang 1 Julie 1984 verder sons volg gewysig het: persele uitgesonderd soos in subitem (2) bepaal,Roodepoort per emmer: R.10:19 September 1984 1. Deur in item 3(c) van die Engelse teks dieNotice No 41/1984 woorde "minimum demand" waar dit in die Met dies version& dat %tam woonhuise en

1338- 19 voorbehoudsbepaling voorkom, deur die besighede van dieselfde geriewe gebruik maak,woorde "maximum demand" te vervang. hierdie tarief ook van toepassing is.

STADSRAAD VAN ROODEPOORT 2. Deur item 8 deur die volgende te vervang: (2) Verwydering drie keer per week vanaf 'nkerk, skool of woonhuis, per emmer: R4.


2. Vullis - en afvalverwyderingsdiens.Die volgende toeslag is betaalbaar:

Hiermee word kragtens artikel 80B(3) van die (1) Verwydering van vullis en afval:Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, soos (a) Op die gelde ingevolge items 1, 2, 3 en 4:gewysig, bekend gemaak dat die Stadsraad van 149 %. (a) Standaard afval- en vullisbakke:

Roodepoort by spesiale besluit geneem op 30Augustus 1984, besluit het om die tarief van (b) Op die gelde ingevolge item 5: 149 %.". (i) Verwydering twee keer per week vanaf

persele wat nie woonhuise of woonstelle is nie,Ode vir watervoorsiening soos dit in die Provin - w J ERASMUS per bak, per maand: RIO.stale Koerant van 29 Desember 1982, soos Stadsklerkgewysig, verskyn, verder te wysig en vas te stet. Munisipale Kantore


Verwydering een keer per week vanaf ellersele wat

Die algemene strekking van sodanige besluit Posbus 16 maand: R4.inie woonstelles nie, per bak, per

is om sekere van die gelde met ingang 1 RustenburgSeptember 1984, te verhoog. 0300 (iii) Verwydering een keer per week vanaf

'n Afskrif van sodanige besluit en beson- Kennisgewing No 78/1984woonstelpersele, per woonstel, per maand: R4.

derhede van die vasstelling le gedurende kan - .

toorure by die Kantoor van die Stadsekretaris — (b) Massahouers:

vir 'n tydperk van veertien dae vanaf die datumvan publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die TOWN COUNCIL OF RUSTENBURG ft) Verwydering een keer per week vanaf

Provmsiale Koerant, ter insae. besigheidspersele, per massahouer, per maand:


Enige persoon wat beswaar teen die vasstel- DETERMINATION OF CHARGE (ii) Vir elke bykomende verwydering inling vnl maak, moet dit skriftelik by die Stads-klerk doen binne veertien dae na die datum van In terms of the provisions ofsection 8013(8) of diegoselfde

week, per massahouer, per maand:yoL.

publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, it isProvinsiale Koerant. hereby notified that the Town Council of Rus- (iii) Verwydering vanaf besigheidspersele wat

W 3 ZYBRANDS tenburg has, with effect from I July 1984, by reeds met massahouers bedien word, van toeval-Stadsklerk special resolution, further amended as follows lige addisionele hoeveelhede vullis: per 1,5 m3

Burgersentrum the determination of charges published under of gedeelte daarvan, per verwydering: R12.Chnstiaan de Wetweg Municipal Notice No 120/1982 dated 1 Decem-Roodepoort ber 1982, as amended:19 September 1984 (c) Spesiale verwyderings:

Kennisgewing No 40/1984 1. By the substitution in item 3(c) for the", where they occur in ft) Verwydering van tuinvullis, per vrag ofwords "minimum demand edeelte daarvan: R21.the proviso, of the words "maximum demand". g

CITY COUNCIL OF ROODEPOORT 2. By the substitution for item 8 of the (ii) Verwideringvan vullis of ;dial wat Me

following: tuunnallis o pum is nie, per vrag of gedeelte' DETERMINATION OF CHARGES daarvan: R21,90:

"8. Surcharge: Met dies verstande dat die Read nie verplig isNotice is hereby given in terms of section.

80B(3) of the Local Government Ordinance, The following surcharge shall be payable: om hierdie diens te leaver nie.

1939, that the City Council has by special (a) On the charges in terms of items 1, 2, 3 (iii) Verwydering van bedryfsafval en vullisresolution dated 30 August 1984, resolved to and 4: 149 %. vanaf besigheidspersele, per vrag van 6 m' ofamend and determine the charges for water gedeelte daarvan: R39,85.supply published in Provincial Gazette dated 29 (b) On the charges in terms of item 5:December 1982, as amended. 149 %.".

(2) Verwydering en wegruiming van dooieThe general purport of such resolution is to W J ERASMUS diere: .

increase certain charges with effect from 1 Town ClerkSeptember 1%4. Municipal Offices (a) Perdc, muile, bulle, koeie, osse en don-

A copy of such resolution and particulars of PO Box 16kies, per karkas: R15,35.

the determination are open for inspection during Rustenburg (b) Kalwers, verse, vullens, skape, bokke enoffice hours at the office of the City Secretary 0300 varke,' per karkas: R7,75.for a period of fourteen days from the date of 19 September 1984

publication of this notice in the Provincial Notice No 78/1984 (c) Katte en honde, per karkas: 83,10.

Gazette.1340- 19 (d) Indien enige van die dienste ingevolge

Any person who desires to object to such subparagrawe (a) tot en met (c) aangevra en

determination shall do so in writing to the Town gelewer word op 'n Saterdag of Sondag, beloop

Clerk within fourteen days after the date of STADSRAAD VAN RUSTENBURG die gelde dubbel die vasgestelde bedrag. Indien

publication of this notice in the. Provincial SANITERE EN VULLISVERWYDERINGS: die karkas in 'n ontbinde toestand is of so

Gazette. VASSTELLING VAN GELDE' gelee is dat die oplaai daarvan vertraging ver-

W .1 ZYBRANDS oorsaak, of die vervoer daarvan bykomende

Town Clerk Ingevolge die bepalings van artikel SOB(8) van koste meebring, word die gelde dubbel die

Civic Centre die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939 vasgestelde bedrag.

Christiaan de Wet Road (Ordonnansie 17 van 1939), word bierby bekend (3) Plastiese sakke: kosprss plus 10 %.Roodepoort gemaak dat die Stadsraad van Rustenburg by19 September 1984 spesiale besluit die vasstelling van gelde gepti- (4) Afval - en vullisbakke: kosprys plus 10 %.Notice No 40/1984 blister by Munisipale Kennisgewing No 72/1983

1339 - 19 van 20 Julie 1983 met ingang 1 Julie 1984 3. Vuilwaterverwyderingsdiens.

Page 82: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


(1) Die verwydering van vuilwater en riool - 2. Refuse and garbage removal service.(2). In the event of a pail service being

slyk nit opgaartenks:(1) The removal of refuse or garbage: required occasionally where night-soil removal

services are being rendered in accordance with(a) Vir die eerste 4,5 kl per 500 / of gedeeltedaarvan: 81,45. (a) Standard garbage and refuse receptacles: this tariff, per removal: 82,20.

(b) Daarna, per 500 / of gedeelte daarvan: (C) Removal twice per week from premises (3) For the provision and rendering of pail and

81.05. that are not dwelling-houses or flats, per re- refuse removal services to circuses and merry-

ceptacle, per month: RIO. go-rounds, such circuses or merry-go-rounds,(c) Minimum vordering, per maand, per shall in addition to the tariff laid down, make a

woonhuis: R11,10. (ii) Removal once per week from all premises, deposit of 1275,60 before any such services shallexcepting flats, per receptacle, per month: R4. be rendered.

(2) Vir die verwydering van vuilwater endiverse afvalwater, spesiale verwyderings, per (iii) Removal once per week from flats, per (4) Building contractors shall make a deposit4,5 kl of gedeelte daarvan: R11,85. flat, per month: R4. of R44,10 before any pail removal service shall

be rendered which deposit shall be refunded on(Die Read behou horn die reg voor om te (b) Bulk containers: cessation of the services, the return of all pails

weter om hierdie besondere diens te lewer). (i) Removal once per week from business and the settlement of the account for servicesso 4.Tydelike dienste. premises, per bulk container, per month: rendered.

R53,80. (5) For functions of whatever nature, shows,(1) Vir die voorsiening van verskuifbaremerry -go -rounds and circuses, in addition to the(ii) For each additional removal in the same . •latrines, per week of gedeelte daarvan, elk: charges laid down in subitem (3), for such

R6,60. week, per bulk container, per month: R51,80.standard refuse receptacle, per 24 hours: R1,15

(2) Wanneer 'n emmerdiens of en toe vereis (ii) For each additional removal in the same with a minumum charge of R4,65.

word waar nagvuildiens reeds ingevolge hierdie week, per bulk container, per month: 851,80.tarief gelewer word, per verwydering: 82,20. W 1 ERASMUS

(iii) Removal from business premises already Town Clerk(3) NAT die voorsiening en lewering van served by bulk containers, of incidental adds- Municipal Offices

emmer- en vullisvcrwyderingsdienste by sirkusse tional quantities of refuse: per 1,5 m3 or part PO Box 16

en mallemeulens, moet sodanige sirkusse of thereof, per removal: R12. Rustenburgmallemeulens, benewens die vasgestelde gelde, 0300

c Special removals:'n deposito van R75,60 ten opsigte van die() 19 September 1984

Notice No 80/1984dienste betaal alvorens enige sodanige diens (i) Removal of garden refuse, per load or part 1341 - 19gelewer word. thereof: R21.

(4) Alvorens emmervenvyderingsdienste aan (ii) Removal of refuse or garbage which is notbouaannemers gelewer word, moet 'n deposito garden refuse or rubble, per load or part STADSRAAD VAN RUSTENBURGvan R44,10 deur sodanige bouaannemer betaal t ereof: 821,90:word en sodanige deposito word na staking van • WATERVOORSIENING: WYSIGING VANdie diens, terugbesorging van elle emmers en die Provided that the Council shall not be obliged VASSTELLING VAN GELDEvereffening van die rekening vir gelewerde to render this service.dienste, terugbetaal. Ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 80B(8) van

(iii) Removal of industrial refuse and garbage die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939,(5) Vir byeenkomste van wetter aard ook al, from business premises. per load of 6 in or part word hierhy bekend gemaak dat die Stadsraad

skoue, mallemeulens en sirkusse, benewens die thereof: R39,85. van Rustenburg by spesiale besluit die geldevorderings in subitem (3) betaal, vir elke afgekondig by Munisipale Kennisgewing n vanstandaard vullisbak, per 24 uur: R1.15 met 'n (2) Removal and disposal of dead animals: 25 Augustus 1982, soos gewysig, met tngang Iminimum vordering van R4,65. Julie 1984 verder soos volg gewysig het:(a) Horses, mules, bulls, cows, oxen and

donkeys, per carcase: R15,35.W J ERASMUS 1. Deur in item 2(1)(a) die syfer "39,5c" deurStadsklerk (b) Calves, heifers, foals, sheep, goats and die syfer "45c" te vervang.

Stadskantore pigs, per carcase:R7,75. Posbus16 2. Deur in item 2(1)(b) die syfer "17c" deurRustenburg (c) Cats and dogs, per carcase: R3,10. die syfer "90c" te vervang.030019 September 1984 (d) In the event of any of the services in terms W 1 ERASMUS


Kennisgewing No 80/1984 of paragraphs (a) to (c) inclusive being re- Stadskantore Stadsklerkquested and rendered on Saturdays or Sundays, Posbus 16

the charges shall be double the amount laid Rustenburgdown. In the event of a carcase being in a state 0300

0TOWN COUNCIL OF RUSTENBURG of decomposition or so situated hat the loading 19 September 1984

thereof may cause delay or the transportation Kennisgewing No 81/19E4

SANITARY AND REFUSE REMOVAL: DE- thereof causes additional expense, the chargesTERMINATION OF CHARGES shall be doubled.

1 In terms of the provisions of section 80B(8) of(3) Plastic linings: cost price plus 10 %. TOWN COUNCIL OF RUSTENBURG

the Local Government Ordinance, 1939 (Ordi - (4) Garbage and refuse receptacles: cost price WATER SUPPLY: AMENDMENT TO DE -nance 17 of 1939), it is hereby notified that the plus 10 %. TERMINATION OF CHARGESTown Council of Rustenburg has with effectfrom 1 July 1984, by special resolution, with- 3. Slop water removal services. .

In terms of the provisions of section 80B(8) ofdrawn the determination of charges publishedunder Municipal Notice No 72/1983 dated 20 (0 For the removal of slop water and sewer- the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, it is

July 1983 and determined the charges as set out age sludge from servancy tanks: hereby notified that the Town Council of Rus -

in the Schedule below: tenburg has, by special resolution, further(a) For the first 4,5 klper 500 /or part thereof: amended the charges published under Municipal

SCHEDULE R1,45. Notice 73 of 25 August 1982, as amended, asfollows with effect from 1 July 1984:

TARIFF OF CHARGES (b) Thereafter, per 500 1 or part thereof:R1,05. 1. By the substitution in item 2(1)(a) for the

1. Night-soil removal service. (c) Minimum charge, per month, per dwel-figure "39,5c" of the figure "45c".

linghouse: R11,10. 2. By the substitution in item 2(0(b) for theRemoval of night-soil and urine per month: figure “17c" of the figure "90c".

(2) For the removal of slop water and miscel-(1) Removal three times per week from all lemma waste water, special removals, per 4,5 1 W J ERASMUSpremises except as provided in subitem (2), per or part thereof: R11,85. Town Clerkpail: RIO:

Municipal Offices

I(The Council reserves the right to refuse to

Provided that where dwelling-houses and render this special service).PC) Box 16

businesses use the same conveniences, this tariff Rustenburgshall also apply. 4. Temporary services 0300

19 September 1984(2) Removal three times per week from a (1) For the provision of movable latrines, per Notice No 81/1984

church, school or dwelling-house, per pail: R4. week or part thereof, each: R6,60. 1342- 19

Page 83: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


ISTADSRAAD VAN RUSTENBURG 665 van 8 Junie 1977 met die onderstaande special resolution in terms of the provisions of

wysigings te aanvaar en om die bestaande section 80B of the Local Government Ordi-WATERVOORSIENING: WYSIGING VAN Riolerings- en Loodgietersverordeninge en nance, 1939.

VASSTELLING VAN GELDE Verordeninge vir die Lisensiering en Regulasievan Loodgieters en %outlaws te herroep. B. DRAINAGE AND PLUMBING BY-

Ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 80B(8) van LAWSdie Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, (i) deur die "tarief' waar dit in die woordom-word hierby bekend gemaak dat die Stadsraad skrywing voorkom deur die volgende te ver- To adopt the Standard Drainage By-laws

van Rustenburg by. spesiale besluit die gelde yang published under Administrator's Notice 665:dated 8 June 1977 with the following amend-afgekondig by Munisipale Kennisgewing n van Die tariefre van Gelde betaalbaar sal wees soos ments and to revoke the existing Drainage and25 Augustus 1982, soos gewysig, met ingang 2

van tyd tot tyd deur die Raad by spesiale besluit Plumbing By-laws and By-laws for the LicensingMei 1984 verder soos volg gewysig het: ingevolge die bepalings van arnica 80B van die and regulating of Plumbers and Drainlayers.1. Deur in item 2(1)(a) die syfer "35c" deur Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939,

die syfer "39,5c" te vervang. vasgestel. (i) By the substitution of the 'tariff where itappears in the definitions of the following:

2. Deur in item 2(1)(b) die syfer "15c" deur (ii) deur in artikel 7(3) die woorde 'op diedie syfer "17c" te vervang. read se koste' deur die woorde top die eienaar se The tariff of Charges payable shall be as

koste' te vervang; determined from time to time by the Council by

W 3 ERASMUS special resolution in terms of the provisions of(iii) deur verbeterde verordeninge met be- section SOB of the Local Government Ordi-

StadskantoreStadsklerk trekldng tot die Lisens:ering van Loodgieters en nance, 1939.

Rioolaanleers aan te neem.Posbus 16 60 By the substitution of the words 'on cost of0300 Die rede vir die aanvaarding van die Stan- the Council' where they appear in section 7(3) ofRustenburg daardverordeninge soos hierbo uiteengesit is the word 'on cost of the owner';19 September 1984 omdat die Raad se huidigc verordeningeKennisgewing No 79/1984 verouderd is. (iii) by the adoption of improved by-laws as

regards to the Licensing of Plumbers and Drain-

C. Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die layers.bepalings van artikel 80B(3) van die Ordonnan-

TOWN COUNCIL OF RUSTENBURG • me op Plaaslike Bestuur No 17 van 1939, soos The reason for the adoption of the Standardgewysig, dal die Stadsraad met ingatag vanaf 1 By-laws as indicated above is because the

WATER SUPPLY: AMENDMENT TO DE- September 1984 by spesiale besluit die onder- Council's existing by-laws are outdated.TERMINATION OF CHARGES staande verordeninge gewysig het. C. Notice is hereby given in terms of the

In terms of the provisions of section 80B(8) of Tarief van Gelde betaalbaar kragtens die Provisions of section 808(3) of the Local Gov-the(iiLocal Government Ordinance, 1939, it is Rio erings- en Loodgietersverordeninge en ernment Ordinance, 17 of 1939, as amended,

hereby notified that the Town Council of Rus- Verordeninge vir die Lisensiering en Regulering that the Council has by special resolution

tenburg has, by special resolution, further van Loodgieters en Ftioolaanleers. amended the following by-laws with effect from

amended the charges published under Municipal1 September 1984.

Die algemene strekking van die wysiging isNotice 73 of 25 August 1982, as amended as (i) Tariff of Charges payable in terms- law of

theom vii verhoogde aansluitmgsgelde voorstenmgfollows with effect from 2 May 1984: te maak. Drainage and Plumbing By-laws and Bys for

1. By the substitution in item 2(1)(a) for the the Licensing and Regulating of Plumbers and'n Afskrif van die spesiale besluit van die Drainlayers.

figure "35c" of the figure "39,5c". Raad en die voile besonderhede van die vrysi-

2. By the substitution in item 2(1)(b) for the ging van gelde waarna hierbo verwys word is The general purport of the amendment is to

figure "15c" of the figure "17c". gedurende gewone kantoorure ter insae by die make provision for increased connection fees.

kantoor van die Stadsekretaris, Munisipale Kan- A copy of the special resolution of the CouncilW J ERASMUS tore, Tzaneen vir 'n tydperk van veertien dae and full particulars of the amendment of charges

Municipal Offices Town Clerk venal die datum van publikasie van hkrdk referred to above are open for inspectionPO Box 16 kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant. during normal office hours at the office of the0300 Enige persoon wat beswaar wil aanteken teen Town Secretary, Municipal Offices, Tzaneen,Rustenburg die voorgestelde wysigings, moet sodanige be- for a period of fourteen days from the date of19 September 1984 swaar skriftelik by die Stadsklerk indien borne publication of this notice in the ProvincialNotice No 79/1984 1343- 19 veertien (14) dae na die datum van publikasie Gazette.

van hierdie kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Any person who is desirous of recording hisKoerant naamlik 19 September 1984. objection to the proposed amendment, mustSTADSRAAD VAN TZANEEN . lodge such objection in writing with the TownL POTGIETER Clerk within fourteen (14) days after the day ofWYSIGING VAN VERORDENINGE Stadsklerk publication of this notice in the ProvincialMunisipale Kantore Gazette namely 19 September 1984.

Daar word hierby ingevolge die bepalings van Posbus 24artikel 96 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Tzaneen L POTGIETERBestuur, 1939, soos gewysig, bekend gemaak 0850 Town Clerkdat die Stadsraad van voorneme is om die 19 September 1984 Municipal Officesvolgende verordeninge te wysig: Kennisgewing No 43/1984 PO Box 24


NINGE 0850


Om die Standaard Watervoorsieningsverordc- Notice No 43/1984ninge afgekondig by Administrateurskennisge- AMENDMENT TO BY-LAWS 1344- 19

wing 21 van 5 Januarie 1977 met die onder-

staande wysiging te aanvaar en om die be- It is hereby notified in terms of the provisionsstaande Watervoorsieningsverordeninge te of section 96 of the Local Government Ordi- STADSRAAD VAN VANDERBIJLPARKherroep. nance, 1939, as amended, that the Council

(i) Deur die "tenet" waar dit in die woordom- intends amending the following by-laws: WYSIGING VAN STANDAARD STRAAT-

skrywing voorkom deur die volgende te ver- EN DIVERSEVERORDENINGEyang: A. WATER SUPPLY BY-LAWS

Daar word hierby ingevolge artikel 96 van dieDie tarief van Gelde betaalbaar sal wees soos To adopt the Standard Water Supply By-laws Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, be-

van tyd tot tyd deur die Raad by Spesiale besluit Published under Administrator's Notice No 21 kend gemaak dat die Stadsraad van Vanderbijl-ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 80B van die dated 5 January 1977 with the following amend- park voomemens is om die Standaard Straat- enOrdonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, ment and to revoke the existing Water Supply Diverseverordeninge van die Raad te wysig.vasgestel. By-laws.

Die algemene strekking van die wysiging isB. RIOLERINGS- EN LOODGIETERS- (i) By the substitution of the "tariff' where it om voorsiening te maak vir die mecr geordende

VERORDENINGE appears in the definitions of the following: gebruik van kruidenierswaentjies.

Om die Standaard Rioleringsverordeninge The Tariff of Charges payable shall be as Besonderhede van die voorgestelde wysigingafgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing determined from time to time by the Council by ie gedurende kantoorure vir 'n tydperk van

Page 84: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


veertien dae venal die datum van publikasie van amended, it is hereby notified that the Town has timeously lodged an objection in the pre -hierdie kennisgewing by die kantoor van die Council of Vanderbijlpark has determined, by scribed form.Stadsekretaris, Kamer 202, Munisipale Kan- Special Resolution of 26 July 1984, the under-toorgebou, Kiasie Havengastraat, Vanderbijl - mentioned charges for the storage of grocery J J ROODTpark, ter insae. trolleys with effect from 1 April 1984: Town Clerk

Municipal OfficesEnige persoon wat beswaar teen die voorge- R15 per trolley for a period of three months or Beaconsfield Avenuestelde wysiging wil aanteken moet dit skriftelik part thereof. Vereenigingbinne veertien dae na publikasie van hierdie 19 September 1984

kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant by die C BEUKES Notice No 123/1984ondergetekende indien. Town Clerk 1347 - 19 - 26


Stadsklerk VanderbijlparkPosbus 3 1900

Vanderbijlpark 19 September 1984 STADSRAAD VAN WITBANK1900 Notice No 52/1984

19 September 1984 1346- 19




AND MISCELLANEOUS BY-LAWS artikel 67 van die Ordonnansie op PlaaslikeKennis word hierby ingevolge artikel 36 van Bestuur, 17 van 1939, die volgende erf in

die Ordonnansie op Eiendomsbelasting van Schoongezicht permanent te sluit en te onder-the-It is hereby notified in terms of section 96 of

Plaaslike Besture, 1977 (Ordonnansie 11 van verdeel:Local Government Ordinance, 1939, that1977), gegee dat die voorlopige aanvullendethe Town Council of Vanderbijlpark intends — Parked 494 Schoongezichtwaardenngslys vir die boekjaar Julie 1983 totamending the Standard Street and Miscel - Julie 1984. virins 00pis inspakste by. die Kantoorlaneous By-laws of the Council.Besonderhede van die voorgestelde sluicingvan die Stadsraad van Vereeniging vanaf 19 en onderverdeling sal ter insae 18 gedurendeThepurportgeneral of the proposed amend- September 1984 tot 19 Oktober 19M en enige

iewonekantoorure in die kantoor van diement is to make provision for using grocery eienaar van belasbare eiendom of ander persoon tadsekretaris, Administratiewe Sentrum, Presi-trolleys more orderly. wat begerig is om 'n beswaar by die Stadsklerk dentlaan, Witbank vir 'n tydperk van sestig (60)ten opsigte van enige aangeleentheid in die

dae van datum van hierdie kennisgewing.Particulars of the proposed amendment will voorloptge aanvullende waarderingslyslie for inspection at the office of the Town opgeteken soos in artikel 34 van die senoemde Enige besware teen hierdie voorneme van dieSecretary,. Room 202, Municipal Office Build- Ordonnansie beoog, in te dien, insluitende die Road meet skriftelik binne sestig dae vanafing,. Mame Havenga Street, Vanderbijlpark, vraag of sodanige eiendom of 'n gedeelte daar- datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewingduring normal office hours. van vrygestel is, of ten opsigte van enige by die Stadsklerk van Witbank ingedien word,weglating van enige aangeleentheid met soda- me later nie as Maandag, 19 November 1984.

againstAny person desirous of

lodgingamendmentany m obustj lodge ection

rage lys, doen so binne gemelde tydperk.

such objection in writing with the undersigned Die voorgeskrewe vorm vir die indiening van J D B STEYNwithin fourteen days after the date of Stadsklerk_publica- 'n beswaar is by die adres hieronder aangedui Stadsraad van Witbanktion of this notice in the Provincial Gonne. beskikbaar en aandag word spesifiek.gevestig.op Posbus 3die felt dat geen persoon geregtig is om enige- WitbankC BEUKES beswaar voor die waarderingsraad te opper .1035PO Box 3 Town Clerk tensy hy 'n beswaar op die voorgeskrewe vorm 19 September 1984Vanderbijlpark betyds ingedien het nie.

Kennisgewing No 106/1984190019 September 1984 3 3 ROODT • ' •

Notice No 51/1984 Stadsklerk-

re MunisipaleKantoTOWN COUNCIL OF1. WITBANK1345- 19 Beaconsfieldlaan


VASSTELLING VAN GELDE VIR DIEHEFFING OP BERGING VAN KRUIDE- Notice is hereby given in terms of section 67 of

NIERSWAENTJIES TOWN COUNCIL OF VEREENIGING the Local Government Ordinance, 17 of 1939,that the Town Council of Witbank intends to:

Dear word hierby ingevolge die bepalings van NOTICE CALLING FOR OBJECTION TOartikel 8013(8) van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike PROVISIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY 1. Permanently close the following erf.Bestuur, 17 van 1939, sons gewysig, bekend VALUATION ROLL — Park Erf 494 Schoongezicht.gemaak dat die Stadsraad van Vanderbijlpark,by Spesiale Besluit van 26 Julie 1984, die Notice is hereby given in terms ofsection 36 of 2. Subdivide Park Erf 494 Schoongezicht.onderstaande tariewe met ingang van 1 April the Local Authorities Rating Ordinance, 19771984 vasgestel het vir die berging van kruide- (Ordinance 11 of 1977), that the provisional Particulars of the proposed closing and subdi-nierswaentjies: supplementary valuation roll for the financial vision will be open to inspection in the office of

year July 1983 to June 1984 is open for inspec- the Town Secretary, Administrative Centre,R15 per waentjie vir elke drie maande of tion at the office of the Town Council of President Avenue. Witbank during office hoursgedeelte daarvan. Vereeniging from 19 September 1984 to 19 for a period of sixty days from date hereof.C BEUKES October 1984 and any owner of rateable proper-

Stadsklerk ty or other person who so desires to lodge an Any objections against the proposed closingPosbus 3 objection with the Town Clerk in respect of any and subdivision must be in writing and lodgedVanderbijlpark matter recorded in the provisional sup- with the Town Clerk of Witbank sixty (60) days1900 plementary valuation roll as contemplated in from date of publication of this notice. not later19 September 1984 section 34 of the said Ordinance including the than Monday, 19 November 1984.Kennisgewing No 52/1984 question whether or not such property or

portion thereof is subject to the payment of rates J D B STEYN

orisonxempt therefrom or in respect of any Town ClerkTOWN COUNCIL OF VANDERBIJLPARK omissio of any matter from such roll shall do so Town Council of Witbank

within the said period. PO Box 3DETERMINATION OF CHARGES PAY- WitbankABLE FOR THE STORAGE OF GROCERY The form prescribed for the lodging of an 1035 ITROLLEYS objection is obtainable at the address indicated 19 September 1984

below and attention is specifically directed to the Notice No 106/1984In terms of the provisions of section 808(8) of fact that no person is entitled to urge any

the Local Government Ordinance, 17 of 1939, as objection before the valuation board unless he 1348- 19

Page 85: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


KENNISGEWING the Local Government Ordinance, 17 of 1939, Elektrisiteitthat the Town Council of Witbank intends to:

Kragpunt per maand 833,00

STADSRAAD VAN WITBANK 1. Permanently close the following portion of Kragpunt per dag R1,70a street situated in Reyno Ridge Extension 6: A F VAN HEERDEN


DASIE MET AANLIGGENDE ERWE 2. Consolidate the closed portion of Hans Munisipale KantoreStrydom Avenue with the adjacent erven. Posbus 2

WitrivierHiermee word kennis gegee dat die Stadsraad Particulars of the proposed dosing and con- 1240

van Witbank van voornanens is om ingevolge solidation will be open to inspection in the office 19 September 1984

artikel 67 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike of the Town Secretary, Administrative Centre, Kennisgewing No 23/1984Bestuur 17 van 1939, die volgende gedeelte van President Avenue, Witbank during office hours'n straat in Reyno Ridge Uitbreiding 6 perma- for a period of sixty days from date hereof.

nent te sluit en met die aangrensende erwe te •

Any obs•chons against the proposed closing,konsolideer: TOWN COUNCIL OF WHITE RIVER' coniolidation and re-sub-division must be in

writing and lodged with the Town Clerk of CARAVAN PARK: DETERMINATION OF'n Gedeelte van Hans Strydomlaan. Witbank within sixty (60) days from date of CHARGES

publication of this notice, not later than Mon-day, 19 November 1984.

Besonderhede van die voorgestelde sluicing In terms of the provisions of section 80B(8)en konsolidasie sal ter insae le gedurende ' 1 D B STEYN of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, itgewone kantoorure in die kantoor van die Town Clerk is hereby notified that the Town Council ofStadsekretaris, Administratiewe Sentrum, Pre- Town Council of Witbank White River has by special resolution deter-

sidentlaan, Witbank vir 'n tydperk van sestig PO Box 3 mined the caravan park charges as set out in

(60) dae van datum van hierdie kennisgewing. Witbank the Schedule below, with effect from 1 July1035 1984.19 September 1984

Enige besware teen hierdie voorneme van die Notice No 103/1984 SCHEDULERead meet skriftelik binne sestig dae vanaf 1349- 19

datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing TARIFF OF CHARGES

by die Stadsklerk van Witbank ingedien word-,

me later nie as Maandag, 19 November 1984. STADSRAAD VAN WITRIVIER Tourists

Per caravan or tent per day plus R5,00WOONWAPARK: VASSTELLING VAN Per person per day R1,00

J D B STEYN GELDEStadsklerk Permanent Residents

Ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 80B(8)Stadsraad van Witbank van die Ordonnanme op Plaaslike Bestuur, Up to 2 persons per month, per stand R75,00Posbus 3 1939, word hierby bekend gemaak dat die Up to 4 persons per month, per stand R115,00Witbank Stadsraad van Witrivier by spesiale besluit die Any additional person exceeding 41035 woonwaparkgelde coos in die Bylae hieronder per stand per month 830,0019 September 1984 uiteengesit, met ingang 1 Julie 1984 vasgestelKennisgewing No 103/1984 het. Electricity

BYLAE— Per plug point, per month R33,00

TARIEF VAN GELDE Per plug point, per day R1,70


TOWN COUNCIL OF WITBANK Per woonwa of tent per dag plus 85,00Town Clerk

Per persoon per dag R1,00 Municipal Offices

PERMANENT CLOSING OF A PORTION Permanente ItnvonersP 0 Box 2


SOLIDATION WITH ADJACENT ERVEN Tot 2 persone per maand R75,00 1240

Tot 4 personeper maand R115,00 19 September 1984

Vir elke addistonele persoon oor Notice No 23/1984

Notice is hereby given in terms of section 67 of 4 persone per maand R30,00 1350 — 19

- .

Page 86: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted



Proklamasies Proclamations

131. Padwysigingsordonnansie, 1984 3090 131. Roads Amendment Ordinance, 1984132. Mutumpalitelt van Benoni: Proklamering van 'is Pad 3095 Sf132. Benoni Municipality: Proclamation of a Road r133. Munisipaliteit van Benoni: Proklamering van 'n Pad 3095 133. Benoni Municipality: Proclamation of a Road 3095134. Munisipaliteit van Springs: Proklamering van 'n Pad 3095 134. Springs Municipality: Proclamation of a Road 3095135. Transvaalse Raad van die Ontwikkeling van Buite- 135. Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri-Urban

stedelike Gebiede: Verandering van Grense 3096 Areas: Alteration of Boundaries 3096136. Transvaalse Read vir Ontwikkeling van Buitestede- 136. Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri-Urban

like Gebiede: Inlyviing van Gedeelte 20 van die Plans Areas: Alteration of Boundaries: Portion 20 of theSandford 291 KU Pilgrims' Rest 3096 farm Sandford 291 KU, Pilgrims Rest 3096

137. Munisipaliteit van Johannesburg: Proklamering van 137. Johannesburg Municipality: Proclamation of a Road 3097'n Pad 3097 138. Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri-Urban

138. Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buiteste- Areas: Boundaries 3097delike Gebiede: Grense 3097

AdministrateurskennisgewingsAdministrator's Notices

1656. Munisipaliteit Belfast: Wysiging van Rioleringsver- 1656. Belfast Municipality: Amendment to Drainage By-ordeninge 3099 laws 3099

1657. Munisipaliteit Fochville: Wysiging van Watervoor- 1657. Fochville Municipality: Amendment to Water Supplysieningsverardeninge 3099 By-laws 3099

1658. Munisipaliteit Heidelberg: Wysiging van Elektrisi- 1658. Heidelberg Municipality: Amendment to Electricityteitsverordeninge 3099 By-laws 3099

1659. Munisipaliteit Heidelberg: Wysiging van Riolerings- 1659. Heidelberg Municipality: Amendment to Drainageverordeninge 3100 By-laws 3100

1660. Munisipaliteit Klerksdorp: Wysiging van Tarief vir 1660. Klerksdorp Municipality: Amendment to Tariff forSanitere en Vullisverwydenngsdienste 3100 Sanitary and Refuse Removal Services 3100

1661. Munisipaliteit Klerksdorp: Wysiging van Verorde- 1661. Klerkscorp Municipality: Amendment to Sewerageninge op Rioleringstelsels en Vakuumtenkverwyde- Systems and Vacuum Tank Removals By-laws 3101rings 3101 1662. Leeuwdoornsstad Municipality: Adoption of Stan-

1662. Munisipaliteit Leeuwdoornsstad: Aanname van dard Drainage By-laws 3102Standaard Rioleringsverordeninge 3102 1663. Orkney Municipality: Amendment to Drainage and

1663. Munisipaliteit Orkney: Wysiging van Riolerings- en Plumbing By-laws 3102

Loodmeteryverordeninge 3102 1664. Orkney Municipality: Amendment to Refuse (Solid1664. Munisipaliteit Orkney: Wysiging van Verordeninge Wastes) and Sanitary By-laws 3102

Betreffende Vaste Afval en Saniten 3102 1665. Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri-Urban1665. Transvaalse Read vir die Ontwikkeling van Buiteste- Areas: Amendment to Drainage By-laws 3103

delike Gebiede: Wysiging van Rioleringsverorde- 1666. Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri-Urbanninge 3103 Areas: Amendment to Electricity By-laws 3104

1666. Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buiteste- 1667. Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri-Urbandelike Gebiede: Wysiging van Elektrisiteitsveror- Areas: Amendment to Sanitary Conveniences anddeninge 3104 Night-soil and Refuse Removal By-laws 3107

1667. Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buiteste- 1668. Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri -Urbandelike Gebiede: Wysiging van Sanitere gemakke en Areas: Amendment to Sanitary Conveniences andNagvuil- en Vuilgoedverwyderingsverordeninge 3107 Night-soil and Refuse Removal By-laws 3109

1668. Transvaalse Read vir die Ontwikkeling van Buiteste- 1669. Pretoria Amendment Scheme 892 3110delike Gebiede: Wysiging van Sanitere Gemakke en 1670. Pretoria Amendment Scheme 984 3110Nagyuil-en Vuilgoedvenvyderingsverordeninge 3109 1671. Pretoria Region Amendment Scheme 667 3110

1669. Pretoria-wysigingslcema 892 3110 1672. Die Hoewes Extension 24: Declaration as an ap-1670. Pretoria-nysigings15ema 984 3110 proved township 31101671. Pretoriastreek-wysigingskema 667 3110 1673. Krugersdorp Municipality: Amendment to Refuse1672. Die Hoewes Uitbreiding 24: Verklaring tot Goedge- (Solid Wastes) and Sanitary By-laws 3113

keurde Dorp 3110 1674. Roodepoort-Maraisburg Amendment Scheme 324 31141673. Munisipaliteit Krugersdorp• Wysiging, van Verorde- 1675. Witpoortjie Extension 25 3114

ninge Betreffende Vaste Afval en Saniteit 3113 1676. Nelspruit Amendment Scheme 103 31161674. Roodepoort-Maraisburg-wysigingskema 324 3114 1677. West Acres Extension 8 Township: Declaration as an1675. Witpoorti le Uitbreiding 25 3114 approved township 31161676. Nelspruit-wysigingskema 103 3116 1678. Naboomspruit Amendment Scheme 6 31181677. Dow West Acres Uitbreiding 8: Verklaring tot goed-

gekeurde dorp 3116 1679. Randburg Amendment Scheme 742 3119

1678. Naboomspruit-wysigingskema 6 3118 1680. Randburg Amendment Scheme 20 31191679. Randburg-wysigingskema 742 3119 1681. Randburg Amendment Scheme 732 31191680. Randburg-wysigingskema 20 31191681. Randburg-wysigingskema 732 3119 1682. Randburg Amendment Scheme 649 3120

1682. Randburg-wysigingskema 649 3120 1683. Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967: Erven 1873 to1683. Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings 1967: Erwe 1873 1880,1883,1885 to 1904, Phalaborwa Township 3120

tot 1880,1883,1885 tot 1904 Phalaborwa Dorp 3120 1684. Municipal Elections Ordinance, 1970: Appointment1684. Ordonnansie op Munisipale Verkiesings 1970: Aan- of a Commission to Divide the New Municipality of

stelling van 'n Kommissie om die Nuwe Munisipali- Akasia into Wards 3120teit van Akasia in wyke in to deel 3120

1685. Kemptonpark-wysigingskema 293 3121 1685. Kempton Park Amendment Scheme 293 3121

1686. Boksburg-wysigingskema 347 3121 1686. Boksburg Amendment Scheme 347 31211687. Aansoek mgevolge die Wet op Opheffing . van Be- 1687. Application in terms of the Removal of Restrictions

perkings, 1967 (Wet 84 van 1967): Erf 1734 Rynfield Act, 1967 (Act 84 of 1967): Erf 1734, Rynfield and the

en 1947

die Wysiging van die Benoni-dorpsaanlegskema 1, amendment of the Benoni Town-planning Scheme 1,

3121 1688.Ordonnansie op Padverkeer, 1966: Vasstelling van1947 3121

nuwe tweede datum vir die vervanging van Be- 1688. Road Traffic Ordinance, 1966: Fixing of New Second•staande Bestuurderslisensie en die Intuiting daarvan Date for the Substitution of Existing Driver's Licencein 'n Identiteitsdokument Ingevolge Artikel 59(1) 3122 and the Inclusion thereof in an Identity Document in .,


1689. Aansoek om Die Verlegging van 'n Ongenommerde terms ofsection 59(1) "" 3122 1

Openbare Pad 3122 1689. Proposed Deviation of an Unnumbered Public Road- 3122

41690. Aansoek om die Verlegging van 'n Ongenommerde 1690. Proposed Deviation of an Unnumbered Public Road 3122Openbare Pad 3122

1691. Verlegging en Verbreding van Provinsiale Pad P83-11691. Deviation and Widening of Provincial Road P83- 1

en Verwante Padreelings 3123 and Relative Road Adjustments 3123

1692. Aanstelling van mnr Gert Grobbelaar, Posbus 6, 1692. The Appointment of Mr Coert Grobbelaar, PO Box

Page 87: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted


Draaiskraal as Skutmeester op die plans Kliprivier 73 6,Draaiskraal, as Poundmaster on the farm KliprivierJ T Belfast 3123 73 JT, Belfast 3123

Algemene KennisgewingsGeneral Notices

785. Johannesburg-wysigingskema 1269 3123786. Johannesburg-wysigingskema 1125 3124787. Germiston -wysigingskema 1/351 3124 785. Johannesburg Amendment Scheme 1269 3123788. Johannesburg-wysigingskema 1265 3125 786. Johannesburg Amendment Scheme 1125 3124789. Johannesburg-wysigingskema 1261 3125 787. Germiston Amendment Scheme 1/352 3124790. Johannesburg-wysigingskema 1260 3125 788. Johannesburg Amendment Scheme 1265 3125791. Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967 3126 789. Johannesburg Amendment Scheme 1261 3125

790. Johannesburg Amendment Scheme 1260 3125796. Voorgestelde Dorpe: Kingsview Uithreiding 1; Eras- 791. Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 3126

mia Uitbreiding 2; Wapadrand; Rooihuiskraal flit- 796. Proposed Townships: Amersfoord Extension 5; Krielbreiding 25; Jurgenspark Uitbreiding 1; Duivelskloof Extension 1; Hughes Extension 11; Bethal ExtensionUitbreiding 9; Malvern-Oos Uitbreiding 15; Senator- 17; Vanderbffipark G W Extension 11; West Acrespark 3128 Extension 20; Nelspruit Extension 16 3128

797. Voorgestelde Uitbreiding van Grense: New Centre 3129 797. Proposed Extension of Boundaries: New Centre 3129798. Her-advertensie: Voorgestelde Dorp: Wadeville Uit- 798. Re-Advertisement: Proposed Township: Wadeville

breiding 20 3130 Extension 20 3130799. Orkney-wysigingske ma 14 3130 799. Orkney Amendment Scheme 14 3130800. Orkney-wysigingskema 13 3131 800. Orkney Amendment Scheme 13 3131801. Klerksdorp-wysigingske ma 150 3131 801. Klerksdorp Amendment Scheme 150 3131803. Aansoek ingevolge die Wet op Opheffing van Be- 803. Application in terms of the Removal of Restrictions

perkings, 1967: Gedeelte 2 van Erf 306, Irene, Ver- Act, 1967: Portion 2 of Erf 306, Irene, Verwoerdburg 3132woerdburg 3132 805. Application in terms of the Removal of Restrictions

805. Aansoek ingevolge die Wet op Opheffing van Be- Act, 1967: The Remainingtxtent of Erf 1914, !Clerks-perkings, 1967: Die Resterende Gedeelte van Erf dory Extension 3 31321914. Klerksdorp Uitbreiding 3 3132 806. Application in terms of the Removal of Restrictions

806. Aansoek ingevolge die Wet op Opheffing van Be- Act, 1967: Erf 145, Wilkoppies; and the amendmentperkings, 1967: Erf 145, Wilkoppies; en die wysiging of the Klerksdorp Town-planning Scheme, 1980 3133van die Klerkdorp-dorgsbeplanningskema. 1980 3133 807. Application in terms of the Removal of Restrictions

807. Aansoek ingevolge die Wet op Opheffing van Be- Act, 1967: Erf 142, Lyttelton Manor, Verwoerdburg 3133perkings, 1967: Erf 142, Lyttelton Manor, Venvoerd- 808. Application in terms of the Removal of Restrictionsburg • 3133 Act, 1967: Erf 189, Wilkoppies; and the amendment

808. Aansoek ingevolge die Wet op Opheffing van Be- of the Klerksdorp Town-planning Scheme, 1980 3133perkings, 1967: Erf 189, Wilkoppies; en die wysiging 814. Application in terms of the Removal of Restrictionsvan die Klerksdorp-dorpsbeplanningskema, 1980 3133 Act, 1967: Ed 277, Lyttelton Manor Extension 1; and

814. Aansoek ingevolge die Wet op Opheffing van Be- the amendment of the Pretoria Region Town-plan-

perkings, 1967: Erf 277, Lyttelton Manor Uitbreiding nine Scheme, 1960 31341; en die wysiging van die Pretoriastreek -dorpsaan-

815. Application in terms of the Removal of Restrictionslegskema, 1960 3134 Act, 1967: Erf 165, Flimieda, Klerksdorp 3135

815. Aansoek ingevolge die Wet op Opheffing van Be-perkings, 1967: Erf 165, Flimieda, Klerksdorp 3135 816. Application in terms of the Removal of Restrictions

816. Aansoek ingevolge die Wet op Opheffing van Be- Act, 1967: Erf45, Wierdapark 3135perkings, 1967: Erf 45, Wierdapark 3135 817. Application in terms of the Removal of Restrictions

817. Aansoek ingevolge die Wet op Opheffing van Be- Act, 1967: Erf 494, La Hoff, Klerksdorp 3135patinae, 1967: Erf 494, La Hoff, Klerksdorp 3135

818. Mngadi -dorp 3136 818. Mngadi Township 3136

819. Pretoria-wysigingskema 1455 3136 819. Pretoria Amendment Scheme 1455 3136

820. Randburg-wysigingskema 686 3136 820. Randburg Amendment Scheme 686 3136

821. Sandton-wysiginskema 791 3137 821. Sandton Amendment Scheme 791 3137

822. Randburg-wysigingskema 794 3137 822. Randburg Amendment Scheme 794 3137

823. Sandton-vrysigingskema 777 3138 823. Sandton Amendment Scheme 777 3138824. Sandton Amendment Scheme 787 3138824. Sandton-wysigingskema 787 3138825. Sandton Amendment Scheme 790 3139825. Sandton-wys!gmgskema 790 3139

826. Sandton-vrysigingskema 773 3139 826. Sandton Amendment Scheme 773 3139

827. Randburg-wysigingskema 795 3139 827. Randburg Amendment Scheme 795 3139

828. Sandton-wysigingskema 776 3140 828. Sandton Amendment Scheme 776 3140

829. Louis Trichardt -wysigingskema 12 3140 829. Louis Trichardt Amendment Scheme 12 3140

830. Pietersburg-wysigmgskema 42 3141 830. Pietersbury Amendment Scheme 42 3141

831. Klipriviervallei -wysigingskema 16 3141 831. Klipriviervallei Amendment Scheme 16 3141

832. Bedfordview-wysigingskema 348 3142 832. Bedfordview Amendment Scheme 348 3142

833. Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings 1967 3142 833. Removal ofRestrictions Act, 1967 3142834. Barberton Amendment Scheme 22 3144

834. Barberton-wysigings.kema 22 3144835. Johannesburg-vrysigtngskema 1262 3144 835. Johannesburg Amendment Scheme 1262 3144

836. Pretoriastreek-wysigingskema 824 3145 836. Pretoria Region Amendment Scheme 824 3145

837. Her Advertensie Voorgestelde Dorp: Annlin Uit- 837. Re-advertisement: Proposed Township: Annlin Ex-

breiding 17 3145 tension 17 3145838. Voorgestelde Dorpe: Heidelberg Uitbreiding 18, 838. Proposed Townships: Heidelberg Extension 18; Wit-

Witfield Uitbreiding 22, Vorna Valley Uitbreiding field Extension 22; Vorna Valley Extension 15; Ray-15, Rayton Uitbreiding 2, Erandpark Uitbreiding 2, ton Extension 2; Erandpark Extension 2; MountainMountain View Uitbreiding 3, Brits Uitbreiding 48, View Extension 3; Brits Extension 48; Klerksdorp Ex-Klerksdorp Uitbreiding 5, Van der biilpark Central tension 5; Vanderbijlpark Central West 8 ExtensionWest 8 Uitbreiding 1, Erandpark Uitbreiding 3, 1, Erandpark Extension 3; Equestria Extension 6; PrEquestria Uitbreiding 6, Pyramid, Moreletapark flit- tumid; Moreletapark Extension 22 3146breiding 22 3146

Tenders 3150 Tenders 3150

Kontrakte 3149 Kontrakte 3149

Plaaslike Bestuurskennisgewing 3152 Notices by Local Authorites 3152

Page 88: r...3090 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 SEPTEMBER 1984 Advertensietariewe Advertisement Rates Kennisgewings wat volgens Wet in die Offisiele Koerant Notices required by Law to be inserted

Printed for the Transvaal Provincial Administration,I

Gedruk vir die Transvaalse Provinsiale Administrasie,Pta. by Hoofstadpers Beperk, P.O. Box 4n, Pretoria. -Pte. deur Hoofstadpers Beperk, Posbus 422, Pretoria.