r'' dl-?~'y- - investigative · pdf file11~ .1 5~&uu~l d .0 ~ 5~ ~~~ pu~ 'p """"ld 0

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Post on 06-Feb-2018




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  • 011:/l1li-2 TIIAIISLATIOII

    :JE::"'-U.~:~N OF -'" '" '"O'Y '." D' V " ~ '"' ".~ ,

    ... (; .... :;:s: :0:;;: COUX":"RY S TYRANl"S

    ME.:":"AAY SEa:ES

    ( E::!blem]: A drawing of the globe empllaai"in; the Middl e East and A!!""i"" ",i~h a s ward throu!lh the !llON

    [0:1 tll. .. 8mblem : ] Milit8ry Studiu in the Jihad (Holy wa r] 11;.;"50 ~h .. Tyra "ts



    ':'0 :!lose cha"'pions who ,"vowRd the truth

  • :n :~ . ~.'",e 0;' ;.. : : .. h. ~h' merOve it frOlfl the hou"e ""cept with pe:",;'ss;'on .

  • ':'0 :!-. ~;.s : .. ~ ~liev.r Wh05. "lq~!l. .. ~!l. .. c'-;'::Iir,ah hav. s ~::'i"P

    Cove"."t . 0 Sin.r .. , to ~etaHu. tor you "\lainn ev.ry dOlI ~'I:o '0o,",,,!: you ."." lot!.:;' a bad ...ord .


    T" .. ,,~ S be "0 Alla h. W .. than~ h~m . :urn to hi ... u~ !:i s ~o~gi..e::ess . a:>c! s .. e~ refuge ion hem ~r"'" ou~ wicked s od s a :>d ba'; ';". d s . ;';'o", .. ver Allah e n lillht en8 " ill noo b

  • . ~.11~ .1 5~&uu~ld .0 ~5~ ~~~ pu~ 'P""""ld 0 .. ". U"'I" , .. 1.:,"" .. 0 p1.:" l"~HU, a.:lOW aq o. "nO pau.::n. S"''','''' "nq.! UO",! .. -"~,.., ~",.~o-".v;; uo t ~""'po '" =":

    NOl,l.'nS-NVlI~ L-IlIl/lf!l

  • :'::ey ! ,=!J. .. ru '- ~rs] ~":' ,,d, " . i:::11 eve ry ""' .. " s .. "d [ k::'nd o~ ] ~ ec."c'O~on. to prod"cTh .. c or. fron~ation that I s lam calls for "ith ehese q odless and apos"., .. ~ .. q imes. does not know socratic d ebates, P l aton i c i dea ls ~o~ A,,~ s ~ o~~ l ian d i p l omdcy. But it know. the dialogue of bullRt s , t:h .. ideal~ of ass.ssin.tion. bcmbinq. and d .. st~uce::'on. ar.d "he

  • : p r .... " " thi. '''':1'';'1 !~o:t t o "" ..... yo"''''g !!Oa~ ... ,...,., "'~o a t ......... beUevir:g .... "d fig~t:: ... ~ tor the cau o f "''-1ah. it:.s ~ "'or: tr~buti"" ~o",ard P""~ng ~ ~ ... oad t~t l c!.s to .... j .n~c o\ l: .. ~. and e.tab!~s l:. s .. caliphat. accord ing to the p .. Oph. cy.

    According to Imam ~~d. account. eh .. p r oph.t God bl.ss and k p h~m seid.

    IA few lin ot Hadith v.r . not tranal.ted]


  • .. ,'_ " .. _~m' . - . --~~~ ..

  • :- :-:. ,.. t . i:n:'a - "",y A: Lah hav. ", . .. c y 011 h i'" - 5Ilid. -Th. i"t .. =~sts o~ all ... da"'.. chi:::.n woule!. "Ot ba r .aliue!. i n th. p ...... nt :' ;' : e. "or i " ~~ . ""Xc. " xcspt t hr l)",gh au".uoly. coop.raolon . "d =t:,:,,: ... iat."".. Coop.r.t i on ia ~or ."hie"in!l thdr i :'J.t"aBta " '-.: """,,,:,: a1 ... ia nc" i. fo r I)v.reemin\l thair adv.nitia . tr.at i . IoIhy it "... baan ,....'d ...... " i . civi lized by "at\lr . The r .. ! ora . 1! t~.y ""it. t h .. ,,-.. will b . ~avo rabla "",ttu' that thay do :"t

  • ln/BM-12 'I'IU.KS~TlOli

    ~~::~ ft ry Organ'-u:::'on l'.as ::"-rot .. ",.in pri::lcip1es wi:::;out '.nie:; ,_ ca,,~.o~ " .. ~ ~ oabl:s:~ftd.

    , .. M:ili~ary Organiza tion co""".nder a...,d ao\visory c""-"1ci~ ~!:e so l diftrs (individual mftmbers) A clear l y de!ined n r a t .. 9Y

    !:;e Xil~cary Organiza tion dictate s a number of r .. quire",ents to a$$ i s ~ ~t in con!ronu::i.on and e ndura nc ... Thue are :

    1 . ,orll~d .:!oc"""'nt~ and eounte r h it curromcy ~. Aparements and hid inll plac"s J. co=micati on "",a ns ~. Tu"sportation r:".eans 5. I"format: ion 6 . 11"::15 and aO"mll1i e ion 7. Tra " . port:

    >::'S8io~.s ;!.equi red of the Military Orllaniza don,

    :"!: .. ,," .. i ~. :nissio,., .f or .... hich ::he Milita ry Orllaniza tion is r espons ible i s :

    ";~.e ove r::"r"", of ::he qodlM~ reqi_~ and th .. ir npl

    ilnd ~in; not il vita l tilrqet. '. Blasting &1d

  • iW"",v"l o~ t!lo.e p4: lonal!.:t .. ~~ ... : block ~~e c a ll ' s "..t~. (A di tte~.nc ~ndw:i~cnq, J ~ll :yp of ~11i:.~ and civ~ll.an ~nce""ectua. l . L .. d t~.ink"" s fo: t~. Itat .. .

    2. ~:op.: " :~!.:::ation o~ the :'ndividuals unuI.d capao':::;'::'''5 . 1 . ~:eci~ ;'c~. '" per!c",!.n .. : k s . and "sin .. "cUec ti"e .. :' ..,.a 0"'

    compl . t:'n; a j Ob !:om al l aapects . no t j u.t one . 4 . Con~to llin\l the wo r k and not !r"~ntinq 1 t or dflv i a ei"'O

    froOl it . 5. i'lcMevinll l O"ll- tu"I. goals auch &s thol .naQBs~ __ "t o f an

    Ial~ic It. t . and shor t-t.n. ;~11 luch oper.t i or.a .... in.t flnMrf indlvl~ls and sectors .

    6 . t l t.blilhinq the condition. for pollible con!rOftt.t i~ wi :~ the rlt\l r es-ive rlt\liIMa and eholtr perlt5


  • IJlI:fll)l-15 TIIAliSLATION " ~ c enary Qual~~:'cat;io" s ~"o ~;, .. Or\/a~.~z &.cio:l' "'""::b!tu

    :.:a:":1: :-,,,. :ne","" .. ~ o~ ~l':e O~;a::iza~io:l ::".,-,S~ "~~os l ... .,. Holo' ca,.. a n c.:,.."",E"'"" r. 3=.eOr::e ~~orn a r e v"a hd reli;io:l ( Cl':r~sti ar .. ,:;,,' .. 1 . a uIY: Tr.~ s conrn;.t".,nt ~~~"s ~h" O~ganLzuion' s m .. etber5 t~orn c"ncep:iona : prob t e!rl$ .

    3 _ >!a~:.:rHy: Th@ r .. quir~n~~ of m:'liury ...-ork a r .. "umerous, and " mi"o~ car."o~ p .. rform ::h.... . Th" na tur

  • "' .. : d~aned , ! saw ).bo~ S Oll~i an a nd I .. laced .0:1 aHO' .. i:1. :,," bow. : [ ~"",, ] ~e".,."..:,.red :~.e ""res o! t!:~ ",", u eng e r ,;l:a h b l "o;s a :1.d k~~p l:~", 'do ::Ot al a~", ~".'" .00\Ot ::IO! , ' "~ r had "not: ,",ould hav", ::i~ b!!',,"

    ~- (. e ~9:':1." S ec",,~s a nd Cor.cealir.g I,,~onnaoion ( :"c ~ s ", c,, ",cy s hou l d b~ u u d] ev,." wit:: ch" c l osest .,e o.,l e , for d"ceivin\l "he otnerr,i es is root ... sy. "'llal: u y s , " =:V~" ~holl \l" ~,,~ir plota were such the" a ~ to shake ~" . " i l ls' [Kor ... .,ic "er~e] ," .\11.h' 5 "", u .. n ,. u God bles~ and ~ e",p h i'" - s a y s , 'Seek Allah'" h .. lp in doin,. your .ttairs i n ""crecy , " !: ~'as said in the proverbs, "The I:eans of fr .... "'.'" are """ " o:rib. of s ecrets " and "MoslRmS' s .. c~ecy i . !.t~hh:lneu , a.":d : a 1 kin\l aOout it i s faithles s n" .. ," [Monamned] _ Goe '01" 5 5 and k .... p hi'" - used 1:0 k e "P orl: sec~~u from """ clo~ .. s" people . ev .. n from h i . wit ...... is ha_ may lI11ah' .. g~ac" bo, on h .. ~,

    7, =ree of I l lnes s Th" Mili"ary Or,.anization'~ member must fultill this i""port a n t ~equirement, .... llah says. 'There i s no bl""'e t or ~hose '~ho ar .. in!inn, or i ll , or who hav .. no resot.:rces to s p end,

    8, ?a~i enc .. ( Th . mcmb .. d should have plotIlty of .,..tience for [e ndur:'n,. ] at!liccions if he i s overcome by t ho, e n e .. iu, He ~houle no" a b a ndon this gre at path and sell hims .. lt and hi s r e li,.ion to :ih" .. n .. mi .. . fo~ his freedom, H~ shoul d be p"tien~ in performing the work, BVotIl if it la~t& a Long "ime ,

    ~, ~"ar.qui l ity a nd "Unfl a ppability ( Th .. ", .. mber) s ho u ld h a v .. a ca l m po,rsonality that a llows hi", to endure psychological traumas such a s thos .. involvin,. b l oodshe e, murdo,r, arr .. st . imprisonment. and revers .. .,~ycho l o,.ica l t:aumas such as I:illing one or all of his Organi%ation's comrad"s , [H" s hou l d be ..01,,3 to carry out ~h .. wo~k.

    ~O , ITIulli,.ltnclt a nd Ins i,.ht When the prophac - Allah bless and I:eep him &ent flaz i f a Be n .... i - varnan to s py on the pOlythe i s t and [ ~fi%a l sat .. rt.ong th .. m, Abu Soufian said, "Let .. aeh one of you lOOK a t :::' s con:pa

  • UK/~-17 TRANS~TION

    - :

  • ':'he of!ic .. ~ acccpt:e;! ~a "a~. q"..:iet:ly . lie bowed ~:.. " .... d ::\ ~.I,II!Ii.E~:f ;,."e .~, a. alav .. s do. T~u . S '"~ .. X ~ ~~ou;ht t:ha ~ o!!icer wae r ... lly a .lava beeaule th .. y co~ld ''''t 1"..&g1:1.e tt-... t .. 110". .... :\ o!!icu would accept ehu .. hia .... ~ :hout d .. fending himlleH.

    Ki r.g $;'!ax p r "paad. a big teast for Lil iua and. ~.~s e:\tourag .. , . no! plac&d "h .... in a houn h r away hero h~s ':

  • : 1 . ""';, 1ea "ext to the chimney t hrough which tWO It\Issia" -",,,,

    . 4 . ~;l;ty t o Act. Ch.n;. Po,ltions and Co"c L On l~ . [An .. x~~l.l i. ~h&t Naim Ibn MOlsou4 had 4on. in his m~ss~on t o cause agit. t ion ~ng the t ribe. o f ~or.ith . those o~ Ghat~an, and t he Jew. o f Ko~ei th. . H. would con: :ol ~.is reactions and _nage

  • ! h.n~ ly , It "' ... 1.ate r dJ..~o""rl!Cl :~ . : t he co l or.el '~ao a s o,:i.at .~y ... ho ....... ~la,,: ed ~n :he U::i:oed State.. !!e :::ad !o~ght ~ ~ Korea 1n o r 6er to concea l h it :: r ue ld.~ ; ;t'l .~d :o . '!I~"!:er i"to""' t i on oIllld critica l leere". _ t ! no" !o r :~.e ,, ~ cdo~ .. "0 on. wou:'d hev . l USpected o r confron"ed "i,. .

  • TlIllUI L! SSON

  • ;);'-,:'ding oi'era ~ional b"ds :'nto t\OO "..ro s: One "..r:: i ~ :0 b & :' ~ves"ed i~ proj@cts ~hat otfe r ~in~~c:' a i retu~, and ~~e o~h. ~ i ~ ~o bu saved and root spent e~cept d~r:'ng oPQra~:'ons_

    2. Not p~aci"l1 op .. r ational funds [a ll ] i n on .. p lac e . 3 . ~ot t"lli" l1 t:'e Orlla ...,iz a tion member~ "bout th .. l oeao:'on 0:

    ~h .. funds . ,. Having proper prote ction whil .. carryi ng l arlle "-"'O"nU 0:'

    r:".on. y. 5. Le avLnll ,,;,e money wic:' non-~rs a nd $.,endinll it ,a u port in a sal" p lac, .0 it would not I>e

    ceize d by che s e curity apparatuS, and the brothe r it b

  • 7 _ "nIe valie!i~y of ~"e ~a :.~!~"" ~r ... vel ~ ... ....., t a a!loule! a~"".ya be "D~. ~i~.

    $ . ;,:1 !.l.~~ic.c;' or. _teara .houle! be " .. rr;"" Oll t tb:-o"';!n :::e co.. ........ "d a"d :"lOt l'.aphaza .. d:'y IprDcedu:ca contrDl)

    9. )ta::~ed b r o oner. .ho ... lcl not. add tnlt!: wive. eo thlt~ : pauper: .

    :0. Wh.n a b:01: her is " ...... 1'1"11 eh .. for"ed p sport o! ce:" .. ~r. co,,;ntry . h .. should no