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Year 2 Religious Education Unit: Baptism Inquiry Questions: How do people get baptised? Why do people get baptised? Achievement Standards and Content Descriptors Sacraments Students recall and explain the most common sacramental symbols, words and actions from the Sacrament of Baptism. - Recall that the Sacrament of Baptism includes particular symbols, words and actions (sign of the cross, the profession of faith, water, anointing with oil, putting on a white garment, Godparents lighting a candle). - Describe the significance and meaning of the symbols, words and actions of the Sacrament of Baptism for Christians (sign of the cross, the profession of faith, water, anointing with oil, putting on a white garment, Godparents lighting a candle). - Sequence the events in the narrative of Jesus’ baptism (Luke 3:21-22) - Explain why the Sacrament of Baptism is important to Christians. Catholic Education Diocese of Rockhampton 1

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Year 2 Religious Education Unit: Baptism

Inquiry Questions:

How do people get baptised? Why do people get baptised?

Achievement Standards and Content Descriptors


Students recall and explain the most common sacramental symbols, words and actions from the Sacrament of Baptism.

- Recall that the Sacrament of Baptism includes particular symbols, words and actions (sign of the cross, the profession of faith, water, anointing with oil, putting on a white garment, Godparents lighting a candle).

- Describe the significance and meaning of the symbols, words and actions of the Sacrament of Baptism for Christians (sign of the cross, the profession of faith, water, anointing with oil, putting on a white garment, Godparents lighting a candle).

- Sequence the events in the narrative of Jesus’ baptism (Luke 3:21-22)- Explain why the Sacrament of Baptism is important to Christians.

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Assessment Plan

(1) To show that the students recall the most common sacramental symbols, words and actions from the Sacrament of Baptism:

Divide the class in half and ask the students to act out a Baptism ceremony.

One child (or more with help from a teacher assistant or parent) needs to be the script writer.

One child (or more) needs to organise “the props” – baby doll, water, candle, white clothing, oil

One child needs to be the director who chooses the cast: parents, godparents and priest, congregation, family membersThe Director tells the cast what to do.

A parent might be asked to assist with a “costume” for the priest.

There could be a rehearsal when the audience offers suggestions.

The students get a point for each symbol that is used – water, candle, white clothing, oil

The students get a point for each action incorporated into the ceremony – sign of the cross, profession of faith, pouring of water with the words of baptism, anointing with chrism, putting on a white garment, lighting of the Baptism candle, prayer over ears and mouth

(2) To show that the students can explain the importance of the Sacrament of Baptism:

The students are asked to conduct some research and produce a report (either verbally or with images, or in writing) to explain to the class what they have found out.

Do you know any Christians? How can you identify a Christian? Ask the children to interview one person and to record their answers.

Ask the person:

Are you a Christian?Have you been baptised?

If they have been baptised ask them:

Who baptised them?When?Where? Ask the person:

Do you think Baptism is important? Ask them to explain why.

The students document their research and then report back to the class their findings.

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Learning and Teaching Sequence

# Activity/Experience/DifferentiationResources/ICLTs

A What is a sign?

an object, quality, or event whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else.Eg traffic signs, shop signs, safety signs

a gesture or action used to convey information or an instruction.

Students identify signs in the classroom and school.

What is a symbol?

a mark or character used as a conventional representation of an object, function, or process, e.g. the letter or letters standing for a chemical element or a character in musical notation eg the number 5, $,

Symbols on a mobile phone or Computer

a thing that represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract eg a diamond ring, a cross,

Choose from the following activities:

You could make a “Grab Bag” with a variety of symbols eg a badge, a poppy, a sprig of rosemary, war medals etc. as each item is removed from the bag the class could discuss it.

Make a powerpoint and ask the students to sort the pictures into signs or symbols.

Sort out the symbols from the signs using a Venn diagram.

Provide children with a range of signs and symbols on cards. Students then sort these into the two categories and devise their own definition of the terms sign and symbol. Share these understandings as a group.

Do a spot research. Survey different classes in your school to ask what symbols are used in your class for prayer.

Create a class graph/ picture graph of the common symbols used in classrooms around the school. Keep this to refer to later in the Unit.

What symbols can you find around your home?

Match symbols with possible meanings.

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# Activity/Experience/DifferentiationResources/ICLTs

B Tell the children that many churches have special celebrations. Often these are on Sundays and many people go to these celebrations.

Many Christian Churches have special celebrations of Sacraments. In the Catholic Church, there are seven sacraments. The very first one is Baptism.

Other churches that have Baptism include Anglicans, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Methodists, Eastern and Oriental Orthodox, Baptists, Nazarenes, The Churches of Christ, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christadelphians, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Many of these Churches use the word “Christening” instead of Baptism.

C Write or display the word Baptism. We are going to learn as much as we can about Baptism in the Catholic Church.

We are trying to answer two questions:“How do people get baptised?”“Why do people get baptised?”

D Discuss with your class – you could pair them up to share their answers.

What do you see in the photo? What can you tell about the people in the

photo? What do you notice about the clothes the

people (and the baby) are wearing?

If you or any of the children in your class have been baptised (or christened) you could invite them to bring in photos.

They might have other mementos of baptisms (or christenings) to share.

E Watch a You Tube clip about Baptism. Go to for a video produced by the Archdiocese of Brisbane. It is about six minutes long.

Watch the video without listening to the words spoken by the commentator or the participants and ask your class to share with their partner:

What do you see? What is happening?

Pause the video as often as you wish so they can talk about it and ask their own questions.

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# Activity/Experience/DifferentiationResources/ICLTs

F Using these images from the Evangelisation Brisbane website,

ask your children to identify when they would see these symbols at a Baptism ceremony.

You could print off copies and ask the class to sort them into the order they would see them at a Baptism ceremony.

You can watch the video again to check your answers.

G Talk with your class about water and identify:

How do we use water every day? What do you like best about water? What happens if we don’t have any water? What happens when water freezes? What do you wonder about water?

Watch the Sesame Street YouTube clip: The Water Song

How was water used? What did the song say about caring for water? Is it important that we use water well? Why?

Ask your children to collect some pictures of water (or to draw some pictures) and to sort them into groups such as

- caring for water or wasting water- water that is good for us or water that hurts us

H Listen to the song “Water of Life” by John Burland.

Water of life (repeat)Flowing for all (repeat)Wash over me (repeat)

All the words of the song are available here:

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# Activity/Experience/DifferentiationResources/ICLTs

I Introduce the concept that water is used in blessings. When people visit a Catholic church they often make the sign of the cross using the holy water. Practise making the sign of the cross slowly.

If there has been a blessing of buildings at the school, the students might remember the Bishop sprinkling the buildings with holy water.

Ask the class

Why do we use water at a Baptism?

Encourage them to write their answers down. (You could divide the students up so that there is a confident writer in each group.)

Encourage them to think of several reasons. Share their ideas with the whole class.

J Talk with your class about oil and identify:

What sorts of oil do you have at home? Do you use any oil for cooking? How is cooking oil made? Do you have any oil used in machines? For cars? For squeaky hinges? Discuss why do machines need oil. Discuss the difference between cooking oil and machine oil. Do you have any essential oils at home? Do they have any oils used in a diffuser? Do you have any medicinal oils – tea tree oil, lavender oil, eucalyptus oil – at home?

Sort oils or pictures of them into groups and classify them as cooking oils, machinery oils, etc

K Talk about people having oil poured over them – we say that they are “anointed”. (Can you see part of the word “oil” in the word “anointed”?)

Did you know that many kings and queens are anointed before they begin in that role?

One of the first kings to be anointed was the first king of Israel – Saul. He was anointed by the prophet Samuel.

Can your children identify Samuel and King Saul in this picture?

Samuel later anointed David to be the King of Israel.

David was a shepherd and he was young when God chose him to become a King.

You might have heard of him in the story of David and Goliath.

Do you know the type of oil that Samuel used to anoint Saul and David?

It comes from a tree that grows in the land of Israel. It comes from an olive tree.

# Activity/Experience/DifferentiationResources/ICLTs

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L Ask the class if they know any kings or queens?

When Queen Elizabeth became Queen in 1953, she was anointed with oil by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Her son, Prince Charles, will be anointed if he becomes King.

His son, Prince William will be anointed if he becomes King.

Why are children (and adults) anointed with the oil of chrism at their Baptism?

They are anointed with the oil of chrism on the crown of their head as a reminder that they are to become like Christ who was a priest, a prophet and a king.

M Ask the children to identify as many different sources of light that they can think of. They can sort them into groups such as big lights and small lights, lights made by people and lights made by other sources etc

If they have not thought of them, tell your children about fireflies – beetles who can produce flashes of light.

Then watch this story by Eric Carle about “The Very Lonely Firefly”

N At a Baptism, a candle is lit by a child’s godparents from the large Easter candle in the church.

The priest says, “Parents and godparents, this light is entrusted to you to be kept burning brightly. This child of yours has been enlightened by Christ. He (she) is to walk always as a child of the light. May he (she) keep the flame of faith alive in his (her) heart.”

Discuss with the children:

Who is given a candle?What does the candle remind you of?

Can a person be a light? Can a child brighten up a day?How do you bring “light” to someone?

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# Activity/Experience/DifferentiationResources/ICLTs

O Tell the liturgical story of Baptism using Godly Play from Sonja Stewart and Jerome Berryman’s book Young Children and Worship n. 44 Baptism.

You will need these materials – white satin, Christ candle, smaller white candles and candle holders, matches, candle snuffer, infant doll in a white gown, a beautiful small “baptismal bowl” and a tray for the doll and bowl.

The focus in this Godly Play is on light and the words of Baptism.

Place the concrete symbols/materials used to tell the liturgical story of Baptism near class prayer space and allow the children opportunities to engage with the symbols. Invite the children to retell the story of Baptism in their own words using the materials.

It is important to emphasize that children are not to play with candles or matches as they are dangerous. Only an adult should use matches.

P Sing a hymn about light.

“This little light of mine” is one such song. The class might enjoy listening to this video and singing along:

Invite the students to make a candle from cardboard, paper and cellophane.

Q Go to the Know Worship and Love site and read or listen to the text with your class

Go to The log on details are: Username: qldprimary  Password: kwl20


How many steps are there in a baptism ceremony? What words does the priest say? What words do the parents say? When a baby is baptized, what family do they join? Who puts the sign of the cross on the baby’s forehead? What does the priest say as he pours water over the baby’s head?

A brief outline of the ceremony Reception of the Child Sign of the cross on child’s forehead Readings from Scripture Prayer over the baptismal font Baptismal promises Baptism – Pouring the water and saying the words Anointing with chrism Clothing with white garment Lighting a candle Prayer over ears and mouth The Lord’s Prayer Blessings

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# Activity/Experience/DifferentiationResources/ICLTs

R Ask the class: Do you know why the priest says those words at Baptism?

Watch this clip to help you:

It is from the Gospel of Matthew 28:16-20 (The Great Commission).

If you have a Catholic Children’s Bible you can read the words as they are printed here or on the website: Matthew 28 16-20 GNT

The eleven disciples went to the hill in Galilee where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him, even though some of them doubted.  Jesus drew near and said to them, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.  Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples: baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And I will be with you always, to the end of the age.”

Good News Translation (GNT) Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society

S You could pray this prayer together:

God our CreatorThank you for loving us as your children.We make this sign of the cross to show we believe in you.In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.Amen.

You might like to share this video about making the sign of the cross with your children. It is about Tomkin and the Sign of the Cross

T If possible, visit the church and identify the baptismal font.

Invite the parish priest to come and talk to the class about the Sacrament of Baptism. Invite the priest to talk about his role in the Sacrament of Baptism and what the main symbols and actions are.

Assessment Task # 1

Students to act out a Baptism ceremony.

U Jesus’ Baptism

Watch the video from the Lumo Project of Mark’s Gospel (1:1-11) to describe some of the events when Jesus was baptized. (stop the video after 3 minutes as it continues on to Jesus being tempted in the desert and then calling the four fishermen.)

Look at the powerpoint of the Baptism of Jesus in the Google site for Year 2 and ask your children to describe what they can see in the pictures.

Look at the pictures in the handout and ask your class to number them in the correct chronological sequence. What happened first? What happened next? (This activity could be used for assessment.)

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# Activity/Experience/DifferentiationResources/ICLTs

V The worlds of the text and Mark 1:4-11

Begin with the text - World of the Text

Read the text from the bible. We recommend the Catholic Children’s Bible for children of this age.

Look at where the story occurs in the Gospel according to Mark – it is in the very first chapter.

Identify its literary form. Knowing its literary form helps you to interpret what you read. Margaret Carswell in her website describes a narrative.

“a narrative is a story in which the main character encounters a complication or hurdle to overcome.”

The reporting of Jesus’ baptism is a narrative because there is a complication - If Jesus is the Son of God, why would John baptize him?

Look behind the Text - Worlds behind the Text

When reading the text identify words, practices, places etc that will help develop an understanding of the time the author wrote and what the author was writing about.

Use three keys for meaning - World in front of the Text

What is Mark trying to say about: God People Our ideal world

You can use the questions and information from the teachers’ notes in the Google folder to help the students to understand more about the worlds of the text, behind the text, and in front of the text.

W Watch this Godly Play video telling the story of how Jesus is baptized.

There is a script for this in Sonja Stewart and Jerome Berryman’s book Young Children and Worship n. 23 Jesus is baptized pp 150-152. (There are patterns for the wooden figures of John the Baptist, three people and Jesus in Part IV of the book.)

What do you wonder about this story?

I wonder how the people felt when they went through the waters and went under the water to be baptized.I wonder if it was hard to wait for the special Son of God.I wonder what difference Baptism made to the people who were there.I wonder what the water was like that day.I wonder how Jesus felt as he came to be baptised.

What happened as Jesus came out of the water…what did he see?I wonder what God meant by calling Jesus “Beloved”.

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# Activity/Experience/DifferentiationResources/ICLTs

X Pass it on

In groups of four ask the students to pick one Baptism symbol each. They can draw their own picture on a piece of paper. Each child then writes one sentence about why this symbol is used at Baptism.

After a period of time, they pass their sheet to the person on their right. Each child then reads what is written on the sheet. They can give it a tick and add another sentence if they wish about why this symbol is used at a Baptism. They continue to do this until the sheet returns to the first child.

You could incorporate some of the sentences in an echo prayer:

Leader: See this white garment (all repeat)Leader: You have put on Christ! (all repeat)orLeader: This light is given to you (all repeat)Leader: Keep it burning brightly! (all repeat)

Y Add to the class poster (from C) At a Baptism:1. What sounds might you hear?2. What colours might you see?3. What feelings might people have?4. What words might you say and hear?5. What smells might you experience?6. What things might you do?

Assessment Task # 2

Students conduct some research and report their findings to the class.

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# Activity/Experience/DifferentiationResources/ICLTs

Z Invite the class to reflect on the activities they have done to learn about Baptism:

What surprised you?

What did you like best about the learning?

How did you feel about the learning?

Was there anything you felt you could have done differently?

The most important things you learned were:

Teacher reflection and evaluation

What has been most successful about this unit? Did the chosen activities allow for differentiation to meet the students’ learning needs? How were you able to involve the students’ families in the unit of work? Can you identify ways of improving this unit?

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