r ws 1:1-4, 2:5-12; m[rk 10:2-16 peace & global witness...

ChristPresbyterianChurch 530 West Tuscarawas St. Canton, OH World Communion Sunday World Communion Sunday World Communion Sunday World Communion Sunday October 4, 2015 October 4, 2015 October 4, 2015 October 4, 2015 L_]tion[ry T_xts: G_n_sis 2:18-24; Ps[lm 8; H_\r_ws 1:1-4, 2:5-12; M[rk 10:2-16 Peace & Global Witness ———Offering———

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Christ Presbyterian Church 530 West Tuscarawas St. Canton, OH

World Communion SundayWorld Communion SundayWorld Communion SundayWorld Communion Sunday October 4, 2015October 4, 2015October 4, 2015October 4, 2015

L_]tion[ry T_xts: G_n_sis 2:18-24; Ps[lm 8; H_\r_ws 1:1-4, 2:5-12; M[rk 10:2-16

Peace & Global



Welcome to Christ Presbyterian Church

Thank you for worshiping at Christ Presbyterian Church. It is our hope that you will

be inspired and blessed by the music and sermon. We look forward to seeing you again.

For those of you with very small children (up to age 3) our Nursery is open and available to you

in our lower level. Our caring volunteers are ready and willing to watch over your child while

you are in service this morning. You can worship with peace of mind as all parents are given

a pager so you can be contacted at a moment’s notice should your child need you.

An usher is able to help direct you if you need assistance.

Family Worship Supplements are available at the front of the sanctuary.

All children are welcome to come forward for our Children’s Message.

As today is a Communion Sunday, following the message, children ages 3-5

are invited to follow our teachers out for Preschool Kids’ Church

and can be picked up in the lower level following service.

Children kindergarten and older will remain in service today to participate in Communion.



� Communion is a time for quiet celebration. Please refrain from talking with neighbors as others are in thankful prayer. � Holy communion is a gift from God to all of God’s people. It does not belong to one particular church or denomination. At Christ Presbyterian Church everyone who confesses Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is encouraged to come to the table. � Appropriate responses to receiving both bread and cup include: “Thanks be to God” “Amen” “Glory be to God” � You are encouraged to remember God’s call to be part of the covenant people and a citizen in the Kingdom of Heaven (your baptism) by dipping your hand in the baptismal font as you come forward. � You are welcome to receive Communion as a couple, family, and/or as friends gathered. If you have a family member who is in the choir, they can join you as you come forward. � You are encouraged to sing during Communion. The choir will lead in singing meditative hymns. � As you return to your seat you are encouraged to continue singing, devote yourself to prayer, or meditate on the cross.

The Order For Morning Worship 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time World Communion Sunday

October 4, 2015

Ten-Thirty O’Clock



#456 Swahili hymn

from Kenya


The Apostle Paul reminds us

to do everything “decently and

in order.” Each worship

gathering is special and

unique. Here we note that

which is distinct.


The call to worship comes

from Scripture. The words

used remind us that God is

the center of our worship, not

ourselves. Adoration of God is

our focus as we begin our




#637 Brazilian folk song

*Those who are able please stand; if getting up and down is difficult for you, please remain seated.

Please silence all electronic devices prior to the worship service.

On this day we join with Christians around the world to celebrate the unity that we find at

the Table of the Lord.

Your gift to the Peace & Global Witness Offering supports programs that work to restore

communities and help make our world more just and peaceful through Christ. 25% of your

gift stays with your local congregation, carrying the hope of peace to places around the

corner, and around the globe.


The Congregation Gathers

Hymn No. 456 (sung by all) “Listen, God Is Calling”

Welcome and Worship Notes


Call to Worship

Leader: To my sisters and brothers Psalm 8:1, 9; Hebrews 2:12

I will tell your glory:

People: O Lord our God,

how majestic is your name!

Leader: In the great congregation

I will sing your praise:

People: O Lord our God,

how majestic is your name!


*Hymn in Procession No. 637 “O Sing to the Lord”

*Prayer of Adoration (unison)

Faithful God, we give you thanks Mark 10:2-16

that nothing can separate us from your love.

Receive us as beloved children

so that we may enter your presence this day

and abide with you forever;

through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Call to Confession

We have an advocate on high: Jesus Christ, Hebrews 1:3-4, 9

who stooped down to save us from our sin

but rose in honor and glory to reign forever.

Therefore let us seek God’s grace.

Prayer of Confession (unison)

Loving God, you created us Genesis 2:18-24;

to live in relationship with you, Mark 10:2-12

to love and serve one another,

and to care for all your creatures.

Yet, in the hardness of our hearts,

we dismiss your commandments

and seek to go our separate ways.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Redeem, restore, and re-create us,

for the sake of Christ our Savior.


(Silence is observed for personal reflection.)

Kyrie – Hymn No. 426 (sung by all) “Search Me, O God”

Assurance of Pardon

Leader: What are we that God is mindful of us? Psalm 8:4; Hebrews 2:6

Who are we that God should care for us? 10-12

People: Yet God now calls us beloved children;

Jesus now claims us as sisters and brothers.

Leader: This is the good news of God’s grace:

In Jesus Christ we are forgiven.

People: Thanks be to God.

Response to the Assurance of Pardon

*Hymn No. 598 “Amen, We Praise Your Name, O God!”

Children are now invited to walk to the chancel steps for the Message.

PRAYER OF ADORATION We are called to “praise God from whom all blessings flow.” The Prayer of Adoration, like The Call to Worship, draws our focus toward God and God alone, and is based on the themes from today’s scriptural readings.


Here we are invited to confession, which in Reformed tradition provides us a note of grace, for forgiveness. God’s grace is prior to our confession. True repentance is not a cause of grace, for grace is already and always at work. In announcing God’s mercy, the call to confession invites us to confess the brokenness in our lives. -from the Book of Common Worship


CONNECTIONS: #426 by I-to-Loh from Taiwan


We continue the tradition used by both Luther and Calvin to sing the Kyrie as an act of contrition.


PARDON T h e D e c l a r a t i o n o f Forgiveness proclaims both God’s faithfulness and reminds us that our lives are redeemed by the saving grace of God.


ASSURANCE OF PARDON With the good news of our reconciliation to God through Jesus Christ announced, we celebrate in song.

OUR GLOBAL CONNECTIONS: #598 by S. C. Molefe from South Africa

MESSAGE FOR CHILDREN Our children are an important part of our worship gathering. Our task is to ensure they worship in an age-appropriate way. We invite our children forward to reflect on the lessons of the day.



We begin by invoking the Holy

Spirit to open us to God’s Word.

We normally have three

s c r ipture readings , as

appointed by a lectionary cycle.

In the ancient Jewish

synagogue, a series of Biblical

lessons were read. Early

Christians imitated this in

their own worship: the Hebrew

scriptures which Jesus knew,

the letters (Epistles) written by

the Apostles to the first

believers, and the words and

actions of Christ as recorded in

the four Gospels.

As a congregation we

acknowledge receiving the

Scriptures as our own and

announce, “Thanks be to God.”

Often we sing a Psalm, a hymn

or an anthem in response to the

appointed readings.



#456 Swahili hymn from Kenya


Even if it were beneficial to use the sermon time for teaching, therapy, Bible study, or the advocacy of good causes, this is not the purpose of preaching. The sermon may teach. It may prove to be therapeutic. It may offer a more profound knowledge of the Biblical text. It may even stir commitment to a good cause. Yet these are all side effects. The Reformed tradition believes that even though reading and preaching of the word is not a sacrament, it IS sacramental. By the reading and the preaching of the Word, Jesus Christ becomes present in our congregation—not simply in a historical context of recalling His words. AFFIRMATION OF FAITH Our congregation offers a faith response to the Word read, and preached. The Presbyterian tradition has always made use of the Apostolic Creeds of the early church. It is the faith of the whole ecumenical church—Catholic, Orthodox, and Reformed.



Message for Children

Following the message, children ages 3-5 are invited to follow our teachers out for Preschool Kids’

Church and can be picked up in the lower level following service. Children kindergarten and older

will remain in service today to participate in Communion.

Prayer for Illumination

Hebrew Scripture Genesis 2:18-24

Man and Woman Leader: The Word of the Lord. Pew Bible page 2 People: Thanks be to God. Large Print Pew Bible page 3 *Hymn No. 456 (“Call and Response”) “Listen, God Is Calling” Gospel Reading Mark 10:2-16

What is Lawful . . . and Why? Leader: The Gospel of the Lord. Pew Bible page 822 People: Thanks be to God. Large Print Pew Bible page 56 Sermon “A Companion and a Compromise” Rev. David L. de Vries

“Because of your hardness of heart, He wrote this commandment.”


*Affirmation of Faith (unison) The Nicene Creed page 34

We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father; through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became truly human. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated on the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father (and the Son), who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Offertory Anthem “Jabula Jesu” Zulu Folk Song; arr., Stephen Hatfield

We say, be joyful [with] Jesus We say, play Solly, have a good time. Hey Solly, have a good time. Listen!

I want to wake up in the moonlight singing. Heaven is awaiting for you. The sun is retreating. My whole heart is beating. I want to wake up in the moonlight singing. *Doxology—Hymn No. 582 GLORY TO GOD

Glory to God, whose goodness shines on me, and to the Son, whose grace has pardoned me, and to the Spirit, whose love has set me free. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. Amen.

World without end, without end. Amen. (repeat 2x) As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. Amen.

*Prayer of Dedication (unison) Lord, God, you have entrusted us Psalm 8:6 with the works of your own hands. Now we return these gifts to you with thanksgiving and praise. Use them all for your glory and for the good of your world; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen. *Invitation to the Lord’s Table *Hymn No. 528 (stanzas 1-3) “Come, Let Us Eat” Call and Response: repeat music and words sung by the cantors. *The Great Thanksgiving Leader: The Lord be with you.

People: And also with you.

Leader: Lift up your hearts.

People: We lift them to the Lord.

Leader: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

People: It is right to give our thanks and praise.

Leader: Eternal God, holy and mighty, it is truly right and our greatest joy to give you thanks and praise, and to worship you in every place where your glory abides.

People: You formed the universe in your wisdom, and

created all things by your power. You set us in

families on the earth to live with you in faith.


Our response to the Word read and proclaimed inspires us to respond to God by offering our time, talent, and treasure to the work of ministry.

The Reformed Churches of the 1 500 s s c he du l e d the “Collection” at the end of the service, as people were departing. They considered it to be a part of the response to the Word read and preached. A large chest was put by the church door to receive contributions as a visual reminder of the importance of giving alms to the poor, as well as the maintaining of the ministries of the church.

We invite the congregation to share meditatively in the offering made by the choir and musicians on our behalf. CELEBRATION OF THE


The church often celebrates the Lord’s Supper following the Offertory. Many traditions know this as Eucharist, Greek meaning Thanksgiving. The Lord’s Supper begins with “The Invitation to the Lord’s Table.” We are reminded from Scriptures that, “People will come from East and West, and North and south, and will take their places at the feast of the kingdom of God.” All believers are welcome at the table. The “Invitation” is followed by “The Great Thanksgiving” which re counts , w i th gratitude, God’s creative powers and the entire history of redemption, from Creation to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is a prayer anchored in Scripture phrases and imagery. It is centered on the sacrificial nature of the cross as symbolized in the bread and wine. It acknowledges that, as God has worked in the past, and is working in the present, so too we anticipate God’s victorious plan for the end of all time as promised by Jesus; “I will come again.” The closing part of the prayer prays for God to pour out the Holy Spirit both on the congregation and on the gifts of bread and wine. The congregation shares the

feast and closes the Eucharist

with a prayer of thanksgiving.


#528 by Kwillia from Liberia

Leader: We praise you for good gifts of bread and cup, and for the table you spread in the world as a sign of your love for all people in Christ. Therefore we praise you, joining our voices with heavenly choirs and with all the faithful of every time and place, who forever sing to the glory of your name:

*Sanctus (sung by all) Hymn No. 594 “Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy”

Leader: You are holy, O God of majesty, and blessed is Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord. You sent your only-begotten, in whom your fullness dwells, to be for us the way, the truth, and the life. Revealing your love, Jesus taught those who would hear him, healed those who believed in him, received all who sought him and lifted the burden of their sin. We glorify you for your great power and love at work in Christ.

People: Remembering all your mighty and merciful acts, we take this bread and this cup from the gifts you have given us, and celebrate with joy the redemption won for us in Jesus Christ.

Leader: Accept this our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving as a living and holy offering of ourselves, that our lives may proclaim the one crucified and risen. Great is the mystery of faith:

People: Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.

Leader: Gracious God, pour out your Holy Spirit upon us and upon these your gifts of bread and cup, that the bread we break and the cup we bless may be the communion of the body and blood of Christ.

People: By your Spirit unite us with the living Christ and with all who are baptized in his name, that we may be one in ministry in every place. As this bread is Christ’s body for us, send us out to be the body of Christ in the world.

Leader: Help us, O God, to love as Christ loved. Give us strength to serve you faithfully until the promised day of resurrection, when with the redeemed of all the ages we will feast with you at your table in glory. Through Christ, with Christ, in Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor are yours, eternal God, now and forever.

ALL: Amen.

Breaking of The Bread and Pouring of The Cup

Communion Anthems Hymn No. 602 “Holy, Lamb of God” Hymn No. 538 “Hallelujah! We Sing Your Praises” Hymn No. 692 “Spirit, Open My Heart”

The Closing Prayer, Prayers of the People, and the Lord’s Prayer



#594 by Guillermo Cuéllar

from El Salvador

Appropriate responses to receiving both bread and cup include: “Thanks be to God” “Amen” “Glory be to God” You are encouraged to remember God’s call to be part of the covenant people and a citizen in the Kingdom of Heaven (your baptism) by dipping your hand in the baptismal font as you come forward. You are welcome to receive Communion as a couple, family, and/or as friends gathered. If you have a family member who is in the choir, they can join you as you come forward.


PEOPLE We o f fer prayers o f thanksgiving, intercession, and petition. With those prayers we seek guidance for the church universal, the local church, and for each of us as the individual believer, including those in authority, the community, persons in distress, and those with special needs. Here, too we often take time for personal prayer, and we end with the words Christ taught us to pray.



#602 by Arab composer,

Yusuf Khill

#538 Sotho/South African

#692 Irish folk tune



Being Christ’s Church Minute for Mission ~ Responding to the Call of Christ Sermon Series

(Please sign the Friendship Pad found in your pew and return it

toward the center aisle, noting names of those with whom you are worshiping.)

*Hymn No. 526 “Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ”

*Benediction Choral Response (Hymn No. 549) “May the Love of the Lord”

*Greeting One Another

*Organ Voluntary “Siyahamba” South African Freedom Song; arr., John Behnke

For anyone wishing confidential individual prayer, immediately following the service a member of the Stephen Ministry will be available in the Chapel.

The flowers in the Chancel vases are given in loving memory of our Parents and Grandparents from the families of Albert Smith Jr. and Mrs. John (Cynthia) Minter. The Cathedral Hour today is made possible through the generous donations from members and friends of Christ Presbyterian Church. Liturgists: Elder Jerry Norton & Elder Chris Burt

Preparing for Next Week Scripture Readings for October 11, 2015

Amos 5:6–7, 10–15, Psalm 90:12-17, Hebrews 4:12–16, Mark 10:17-31

Consider: For the prophet Amos, the city gate (Amos 5:10, 12, 15) is a

place of judgment: a place to discern and decide between good and evil,

justice and injustice, righteousness and sin. Jesus has similar things to

say about entrance into the kingdom of God (Mark 10:23–25): a difficult

choice is required—letting go of privilege, power, and possessions. What

have you left behind to follow Jesus? How would you describe what

Bonhoeffer calls “the cost of discipleship”?


#526 Jamaican Folk Song



#549 by Swee Hong Lim

from Singapore



The charge gives marching

orders to the community

inspired by today’s liturgy.

The benediction is the same

blessing Moses and Aaron

gave to God’s people and

reminds us to go out and

continue the work of the


Sunday Morning Adult Classes ~ 9:15-10:15 a.m.

The Library Class is studying the Book of John. Contemporary Issues and Biblical Thought Adult Class meets in the Quilting Room Sunday mornings 9:15-10:15 a.m. and is studying King David, First and Second Samuel.

Intergenerational Bible Study Class in the Upper Room (on the second floor above the Parlor): Mike Ophardt leads the discussion.

The Parlor Class is studying from the Present Word.

10/4—The Spirit Is Not for Sale, led by Jack Ketterer

10/11—Saul Earns Credibility, led by Les Morgan

10/18—Peter Takes a Risk, led by Wanda Young

10/25—Trusting the Spirit, led by Dottie Rasnick



Westminster Hall ~ 9:15-10:15am How is a Christian to behave in public? How are they to treat those, both those inside the church and those outside the church, with whom they disagree? How do we engage “vindictive opponents” with civility and decency? As the 2016 elections draw near, the question of Christian civility seems more important than ever.

Pastor Dave will lead this three-week Westminster Class lecture/discussion drawing from Holy Scripture and from the book Uncommon Decency: Christian Civility in an Uncivil World, by Richard J. Mouw. Everyone is welcome.

Daily Grace

CPC Rhythms of Worship and Discipleship The Week of October 4, 2015

Using Sunday’s Order of Worship, we enter into

worship and prayer every day of the week. We worship together . . . separately.

The Call to Worship

The Prayer of Adoration (Followed by silence)

The Prayer of Confession (Followed by silence)

The Assurance of Pardon

Scripture Readings (Worship texts for Sunday, October 11.

Monday: Amos 5:6-7

Tuesday: Psalm 90:12-17

Wednesday: Hebrews 4:12-16

Thursday: Mark 10:17-31

Friday: Amos 5:10-15

Saturday: Psalm 90:12-17

Silent Meditation and Prayer

(Listening for God’s voice in Scripture and silence)

Prayers of the People

(Lifting others before God)

Prayer of Dedication

Becoming Familiar With Holy Scripture

If you wish to become more familiar with the Bible and the best known stories of

scripture, read The Word Became Flesh in Jesus (John 1).

Crea�ng Our Future Together



October 18—Seeking and Growing in Faith

October 25—Founda�ons: What We Believe

November 1—The Purpose of Our Life Together

November 8—The Rhythm of Our Life Together

November 15—Ques�ons That Help Us Reflect on Our Life of Faith


Responding to




“Follow M_.”


Tuesday, October 20 History of Music in America,

Presented by Rich McElroy

We gather at 11:30am for a time of fellowship and greeting friends, followed by meditation at 11:45am, lunch at Noon. Program begins at approx . 12 :45pm and concludes by about 1:30pm. The cost is still only $7.00.

TAG TTTTuesday AAAAfternoon GGGGroup

C o n g r e g a t i o n a l

Greeting Cards: As an

o u t r e a c h t o o u r

congregational family, we

will have 2 cards each

week in Cloister Hall on a

podium for the “family” to

sign. Please stop in

Cloister Hall and sign the

cards this week for:

Doris Walters (Happy

B i r t hda y ) , Maxine

Snyder (Happy Birthday).

ACTIVITIES FOR THE WEEK OF October 4 Today 8:00 am Worship Service – Westminster Hall 9:00 am Fellowship – Westminster Hall 9:15 am Sunday School 9:15 am-11:30 am Infant Nursery (ages 0-2) – Room L4 10:30 am Worship Service – Sanctuary 10:45 am Kids’ Church 12:00 noon Mission West Luncheon—Westminster Hall 12:30-9:00 pm Youth @ Wakonda Tuesday 9:30 am Bible Study—Parlor 12:30 pm Staff Meeting 1:30 pm Personnel Ministry—Parlor Wednesday 5:30-7:00 pm Boychoir & Girls’ Choir Rehearsal 7:00 pm Deacons Meeting—Pine Room 7:00-8:00 pm Discipleship Task Force—Upper Room 7:00 pm Stephen Ministry Supervision—Parlor Thursday 7:00 am Men’s Bible Study—Westminster Hall 7:15 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Saturdayay 8:30-10:00 am Food Ministry Breakfast—Westminster Hall Sunday, October 11 8:00 am Worship Service – Chapel 9:15 am Children/Youth/Adult Sunday School Classes 10:30 am Worship Service – Sanctuary 12:30 pm Fall Picnic @ Wakonda 6:00-8:00 pm Youth Group


EVERYONE is invited to lunch and a very short program in Westminster Hall TODAY TODAY TODAY TODAY following the worship service. Come hear about our mission adventure, see some of the slides and get a feeling for what Christ Presbyterian Church is doing in fellowship with Porcupine Presbyterian Church. The lunch is donation only. This is not a meeting to ask for any kind of effort from anyone right now. It is our most sincere effort at saying thank you from us and from our Lakota friends. Please join us!Please join us!Please join us!Please join us!

Christ Presbyterian Church 530 Tuscarawas Street West

Canton, Ohio 44702 330-456-8113 cantoncpc.org

[email protected]

A reminder . . .

Either at home or on the road,

you can listen to the 10:30

service on WHLO 640 AM, or

log on your computer to


Christ Presbyterian Church Staff Ministers: The People of Christ Church

Senior Pastor: Rev. David de Vries

Parish Associate: Rev. Eldon Trubee

Director of Music & Organist: David Kienzle

Director of Youth Ministry: Jon Mathewson

Director of Children’s and Family Ministries: Jennifer George

Director of Outdoor Ministries: Chris Harmsen

Business Administrator/Assistant Treasurer: Donald Weltlich

Financial Assistant/Secretary: Diane Nave

Administrative Assistant to the Senior Pastor/Secretary: Caryn Smith

Custodians: Kurt A. Gottschick & Ron Pelger

Mission Co-Worker in Thailand: Esther Wakeman

Elders of

Christ Presbyterian Church

Kevin Anderson

Alice Bailey

Chris Burt

Nancy Irving

Scott McCahan

Pam Moretta

Edith Ophardt

Christy Paumier

James Smith

Please join us for the Equip2Serve ministry

conference held October 23-24 on the

Malone campus in Canton. Great speakers

and workshop leaders will be present to

give ideas, share resources and help you

focus in on your vision for ministry. There

are also CEU courses available for the

counseling, education and social work

fields. Please see this link http://

www.malone.edu/equip2serve/ for all

details and I hope you consider joining

us! Peace – Linda Leon, Malone University

Plan Now: Tickets are Available for Christmas Fes�vi�es

Wednesday, December 9, at 7:00 pm

Purchase �ckets on the Church website or in Church office

Many Stark County ci�zens have been very disappointed when trying to purchase �ckets over the past several years for “Cel�c Christmas” in Cleveland and Akron, because they are always sold out at all of their venues! Great news: this famed and popular Apollo’s Fire program is coming to Christ Church in Canton, a5er which these world famous musicians will fly to NYC to perform the same music at the Metropolitan Museum.

This concert on December 9th will be a tapestry of mys�cal Sco:sh Gregorian chant, ancient pagan carols, Cel�c fiddle

tunes, and joyous dances, with Jeanne>e Sorrell as conductor. Jeanne>e has told us how eager they are to perform the program “in your excellent acous�cs” and beau�ful sanctuary. We bring you this news, just recently a5er their triumphant concerts at Tanglewood and the BBC Proms in London.

For more informa�on about the #11 ranking on the Billboard Classical Chart for “A Cel�c Christmas” CD when it debuted in 2011, go to:


New Women’s Bible Study Women of Christ Presbyterian Church, do you have a desire to dive into scripture in the company of other women of faith? Now you have the opportunity to explore the Psalms with Jane Linville and Judy Douglass. Star�ng October 7th, they will meet 7 pm, Wednesdays at Judy’s home. For more informa�on contact Judy Douglass, Jane Linville,

Edith Ophardt, or the Church office.


Fall Fall Fall Fall



OCT. 11

Food will be served starting at 12:30pm. There is no cost for this event.

However, a free will donation will be accepted to cover food costs.

Please Join Us! Camp Wakonda—5045 Dyewood Road SW—Sherrodsville, OH 44675

Hay Rides

Crafts & Games for the kids

Hike around

& tour the site