
Radio waves By Elmer George

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Post on 19-May-2015




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  • 1. Radio waves
    • By Elmer George

2. What is a radio wave?

  • Radio waves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum which is a range of all frequencies of electromagnetic radiations.
  • Different frequency bands transmit radio waves differently.
  • They are a type of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • Radio waves have frequenciesfrom 300 GHz to as low as 3 kHz
  • They vary in wavelength fromaround a millimetre to 100,00 km

3. How does a radio wave work?

  • Radio waves are planned to reach local, regional, national and sometimes international areas.
  • AM radio waves use low frequency ground waves so that they can follow the curvature of the earth.
  • FM radio waves use direct waves that travel in straight lines, so they use radio transmitters for long distances.
  • Radio transmitters are electronic devices which with the use on antennas produce radio waves.

4. Electromagnetic spectrum.

  • Electromagneticspectrum is a rangeoffrequenciesof electromagneticradiation, it extendsfrom a low frequencyused for radioto gamma radiation.


  • The Electromagnetic spectrum consists of:
  • radio
  • infrared
  • ultraviolet
  • x-ray
  • gamma ray

6. Television

  • Television travels at the same speed of light roughly 300.000 km/s or 186.000 miles per second.
  • Television is a telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images, that can be black and white or in colour with or without sound.
  • They have been commercially available since the late 1920s.
  • It has become a necessity in any household as it is a major tool used in advertising, a source of entertainment and news since the 1970s.
  • DVDs, Blue ray and video cassettes have made televisions frequently used for watching recorded and broadcast material.
  • Television recently has become available via the internet such as BBC iplayer and youtube.

7. Microwaves

  • Microwaves have a wave length that is short so it can be measured in centimetres.
  • Microwaves can also be used for transmitting information because they can penetrate light rain, haze, snow, clouds and smoke.
  • Microwaves are also used for radars, it was created to determine the range and detect objects by transmitting short bursts of microwaves, then the object is recorded.

8. Wi-Fi

  • Wifi is wireless networking, it gives you the ability to connect to a PC or network using a radio signal, it is perfect for home and office use.
  • Wifi comes in two speeds 802.11b this transfers data and 11 megabits per second and the more recent 801.11g which goes up to 54 megabits per second.
  • Compared to bluetooth wifi is much faster as bluetooths speed is 0.57 megabits per second.
  • wifi has a typical range of 500 feet indoors, laptops and even mobile phones come with wifi built in these days because of the growing use of it.
  • Wifi has become so common that it is offered in most public places even fast food restaurants for example mcdonalds.

9. Infrared Waves

  • Infrared waves are in between the visible and microwave part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • near infrared light is closer in wave length to visible light, and far infrared is closer to the microwave part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • far infrared waves produce heat, they are thermal so we feel this type if wave daily. for example sunlight, radiator and a fire.
  • near infrared are shorter and do not produced any heat, they are the waves used by your television remote.
  • humans produce infrared waves at normal bodytemperature.

10. Reference

  • Radio wave information
  • Infrared information
  • information- Wifi information
  • Television information