· railroads. 'at pen\il\i '\ itail.fri4ad..x 4itr i.f; , s -...

RAILROADS. PEN\il \I '\ ItAil.FRI4AD. AT .x 4itr i.F; , s - N i %\IP li STREETS. - - n. [ . l :b rI.TrJ Tbs Pitt,.hur. ~ ~ ~ - -- Al E'S.. M I ..I bnd I lb 'rlati -- g . t ,n ji i. ludianap 1.-a1lT -lo Buffet - k i. i r tiarribur \.i i Il !''bi s. Pi- 'Iz 4 ~ -: m tol f'l si it *:i r \I' N[. -40 \7 --..nn Ipt 4 5S. :Ir --** ' .. y' 4-. 6~~ 1 4 1 r - -1 I bg I V' 4:A') P. ly. * - k 1 :1 .. V 1-1 - 0 l A . .. \ 1 . 1J, T..* , A M. IVII- -N-. 12A. P .-M . 1 2 Iih (3 . N1. a l T i Fnasagel1, i,siii'oj i R WO ,l. P, il:2' F.XXgbil!fAl.0 D 19 1). .. l. Sil. Ier 4 PN31. St. zta-t V'atlhittad Limited I .1 I iTed. 3:4,) p tm.. In'. 1. 5 n l 1 T i I'- vT.l.. r~ I s-g. 3.4l- --a~~~ .: 9:1 m t l' 41M C lb TM d 1. .. a L! d si T5N JO' Z G "z I!w a Agent , mb.- 19 :i.W 1.1 -2 19arl5 5li a . Ex- 5a 3 P:M F". ; !-P trlt .':n 12:r5 n ,. Y.n. 4 3,. 3:t -1. :. r :M li 4: . -I '-H '' RAILm.,. -: . ISIA l :bra. -la ~e 1..L II ,Uwyk l l] -"I -o D. a: p -. Chn :1 1, on; 1- 1 M NI1:1.~e a f:: Str4:'. -: Ill a \ . f :1 and - - - , a m .R .: i . . at, NJ ~ ~ -: It1.-Ti F~r D S A AM - - "Au u.: .p.. .2' 1- -r -,, .ll1.' N- L ulusiv I 4 11 P N! - -r 'bbbV. 19. 1Stra.b - an - - ing SIi an - ,m ' 5- l - 1I- I , ep lug a'i s I - -- a- m', 1:A3 nla n and - 3L ..U i2 itan m1:1~ pam. - 11 xE 4a trans. , -'I b n IC . (.F.I.f~~N t %1 :1 ~ ek 1 ! -T f",~ botel C and - .y nd L' dil ezrcs-left atm -, a I!.ai T av'NI E nb 1 w., NewI J ' anie. Ding a ndSi at rva Ibpth .. - Fi . Pas. Tr Kn ieh. am Ib .ln! fo.rn. Dand ate, harlotte o.a bI'l ~ Pb .b' t a.1.t. S.Tassas for rs I'.... .. ly, and.. tranlo dailyflex-f 4 IT I LXn- 'It wX''d it .brfol and 1. - Is~ly.--T IE. T .E T0-ES FliA~l uns Lle.un lbng a a~s r with Colembir i r e andi Vlo Sp ig.t . nx ie .... and.....en ..i.-n. an atl iI...'altte I'''er VfIr.1Au.asta .e M- . are t A u~a l 4:..c~a b'-5d tre n WasOnt n i u1 'l Lh-XIe F-ID. n.:bl bar oerf 4b lb.-..e i ll i l i s 's vi... aa asa 1nn. -tobM-:. andk te - r.d F'f .i~ I m . .Xil-n a - ad: :ltgl. At Cbba.e lb .ITE"b "lilrleb d aof Ill .1 *. as-r. le. Tenn..C - W 1 in' t , b TI. A an 1- - ......i 'C'. Enr -b n * - au.. -is 1. IA t..! -b hab be r--\..-'N .1\" s :ini iler lntlr .., r. -v"'' i a. n .ae . 4i~ a ' .j -,Ii.' .N bN " X-. F'i. :t & n l i.n --3 ia l rg -V . I - -' . --r .:ri .. rr v I;..T- ' 1.- F .''. Vn aiave. I".- i~m 44 d .4 f 2. II:.-n d ~ l. In . a~d 1044 - and 215 go andi4 1:8 I ) 1.44 I.4sn da1., ex.ept & bL. tad 4u.-i a Bdge. Weu Cait v- * ' ..~ o. -- U Mw.i26 for and b~ .. 'T rid- Il, v.t a.t Tcket) 945lee P.-w . 13 a . 1 '-r:1 5:15 pAu. t.oI ll 3.bii n ad Cab se' n A u' s nger Agent.DIf. L~bL yN ine.L N il ) IIA V TI6 jl . i i ,-'. a'E.F, ~ O - 1 l S11.X .m Ft. V lE s~l X~. F li:.'1r0 uon - P , lll 10:00,sl~ -. V .i0 i U Si :40,a 3:59.i~ C:06, I. I Ly s. Fm 1V.o ..:l5, am I.''. .11.1 '' '.bi1.0 ii.m., *'12.05.b *12.iabb I'. II a V undail S rb-U 9. Ibr :45~., lb-l I d IT'n I1i daF3y, 2:1 * 4.'V II 6 .I . 6 b r4t3 , 5:15 Ohm. T DiI hI'ra-EbS' a.' i,' -IW F 2E G.Aai a \elg~r .&gLg ENTERS A PROTEST Mass Meeting Opposes Beating ol Representative Roberts. THE SPEKERS CONDEMN POLYGAMY Extracts Bearing Upon the Alleged Mormon Revelations. SOLU'TION OF PROBLEM Anas mneeting to consider the case of it r tive-ee t R herts I'tah was til %-estearday aft,-rnon at the First Con- gr.a Conal (hurch. Ti large auditorium an i ga leti.- and every available spot of I -iniitg r--n were OCeupit-d. The exer- a were *ipoai with a voluntary on the ortan x by liss Alive M. Kimball. At th- c-nclusi',-n of the voluntary Rev. I'r. S .\i. Newman rcquested that the au- ic sing a part of the hymn, beginning: Thoi Almighty King." which was n..\ -ection of Scripture was read by x. rir J. 4e -utler. The selection com- .ri.Iihat pnrt of the book of Exodus which c-ninited the Ten 4'-ommandments, -vim; which prayer was offered by Rev. Ier. Wislluird. att.-rsi f r-Kret at inability to be trns- tit a -I xprssing sympathy with ti- ob- j tnn th -e" ting were read from Rev. Ir. I al in f the Church Of the Covenant, er. \\~llace lRadeliffe of the New Yoirk Av-nue P-resbyterian Church, Rev. er. S. ii. Greene of t'alvary Baptist t'irch andi lsihp Satterle of the diocese of \\ ashingt.i, f'-llowiig which Rev. Dr. Jo- siah Stroing of New York was introduced a a tie presaling otier of the oceasion. Here to Protest. 1ir. Strong said, in part: "We are her" to l!-[est against a lawbreaker taking his plae t the lawmaker, of the country. He and his friends are very willing to have tih- country think that the opposition to Mxr. Roberts arises from sectarianism. We ar' here not as r-publicans or democrats, ns mn-mber's of denominations. but as lethmilists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians and others, all unitedl ini tnaintaining the tity of the home. It is impossible," he said. "to strike at M rnt' iii politics without striking at the M mnI religion. In Utah the Morm -n church and the state are identical. We .to- p-se M .rnionism because its practices terid t' uprout the affairs of the natin. Instemi o4 wishinug that these l.olyg- niists thr-'w their plural wives and illegal 1hldren aside we wish it was in our pow- r - i' I tliem to support the women they b e wronged and the children they have it ao-i- with infamy." L 'r. Sti-ing assirted that it was practical- settl-d that M1r. Roberts wuld nit 'e l rmittted to sit itn the House of Repre- i -titivi s. Ab 'ut thei oily question in the rett-r was that ,f the size of the vote. we-t was want'. I was an anendm'-nt ti tt Cn tit utloin of the United States by wt hi p-lygamy will be nale a crime thi- n-siln ani this it was iite-nled > r if j'e-sible. Dr. '0cek imi's iewn R, Pr. t. If McKim, rector 0f tha 'h;r-b tf tile Epiphany. said one of the r, ta itptt questions b-fore the iation Siall a c-nvict-d felon statn.1 in t:- z 0il and assist In making the laws f-r-.- -un-try? A second qu;--tion was, allh.i n t ~tah be deprived of its repre- * taa it 'ingress because she has st-nt a t,- rant vi-lator of the law to relresent h.r it 'he House of Representatives? We Npprsrw,nirnim, he said, because it is ay m which threatens our liberties and ti-ce-.s our homs. In the discussion of A-rn-monism there shall be no republicans 'r de-moacrats--all should be patriots. %I r. RIoberts represents the enemies of the purity of womanhood and the sanctity of the hime. Mormonism aims to hold the balance of power in the states west of thu 1-cky mountains. and the question is, Shall they be stopped now or be permitted to go on until they shall be able to hold the bal- ance of pjwer in the electoral oollege and the system becomes a very upas tree li twe land? Retv. Dr. Frank M. Bristol of Metropoll- tan M. E. Church, iti part, said: "We are not opposed to the singularity of the Mor- mnri's religion, but to the plurality of his wives. We are here to challenge the en- croachments of Mormonism upon the v-ry government itself, and to prevent It from spreading Its poisonous breath upon the larid. For thirty-six years polygamy has been a crime. and it has been defended li the very halls of Congress. It has been sail that polygamy is dead; polygamy is living. Roberts is not only a polygamist, but he glories in it, and if he is admitted to 'ntigress it will soon be found thit p-lygaimy is not only alive, but hissing and bittig. "The glory of the American nation, it has t'-n said, is our ciuntry's won-anhood, and if our glory as a people Is to be mai- tained the purity of our womanhood must be maintained." Mrs. Sarah J. Elliott, who for seven years Itt-rted as a deaconess of the Epits opal 'hurch In Utah. said in part: Manty of the Mirmon women are just as honest in their belief as are the women of this part --f the country. They are lust as goal n- there. N-.t long ago, she said, she visit- ed a home where there were plural wives. and one of them told her what a beautiful thing Ilural marriages are. "You women,' said the plural wIfe, "marry' the man you live: we marry at man because it is our duhtyv. ' ntinuing, the woman visited aid tie old not want to be the sitigie wife if one tman, because she would be bored :0 have, a mani a~riound all the time. Hter bus- btaral, se. said, visIted her -'nec a mnth, she entertained him the best sh3~caonil and then dismissed him for :a month. Women Favor Polygamy. -Th- Mormon women are not opose-d to, la gay. end there Is no use to try to get tem to abanidan it. The only hope in ef- P- tog~t rform is through the children. It -dien hippens that a man marries a mother l roght.'r, Or two or three sisters. There are. how-ever, ixnstances in which women lMve gonie inisane when their husbanid took ii n wife. Co ntinuing, Mrs. Elliott saId the chil- itn x atr' willing to learn anything, and n~er experxience had taught her that mis- si-it schools whertver planted in Utah have d!'o'htre.,t good. Mormon women are not at- ignorant lot of peopile; they read a great deal. Some p~eople have asked, why not 'he-se women leave the polygamous itisands. It would not be an easy thing for a woman to do this. If she did she w-oubl have to leave her children to her h-anid. lHe is the god who is to take Nin hi'-o heaven. She made an earnest a-pp-l that work be done toward reaching tile * htidren of Mormon parents, and de- Sred hi.-r belief that the ediucation of the xi a:oxng high moral lInes was the -nv solution of the Mormon problem. I r. Strong explained that Mrs. Elliott wa, as miuch opposed to polygamy as any exne. but she had spoken int the strain she ha't because of hi-r great love for the Mor- ti x n mt hers and chiltiren. Mr. A. T. Sehroedie:-. a lawyer of Salt l1,ake City, said, in part: "The Question of tihe adimlstn of Mr. Roberts was not one violdities. but one of deenrcy. The fight is not one against Roberts, but against the iiiiitoius. ystem he represents. In Utah Sper cent of the people are Mormons. and it *-ourse control legislation. In Idaho and \\ voing they hold the balance of power and theiy hate in both states been able to tie up the legislature ut each until a mes- si-nier from Sait Lake reached the capital atnd presuimably made such a deal as was dt ittl lby the Mormon leaders. The Mor-- mitts, he declared, very nearly control twelve t'nlted States senators, and in a -I-ise election they 'stight be able to say who might or might not be President of the I 'rated Stat's. it is said that their mIssionaries have mnade 415ss converts during the past year. and he had h.-ard during the past few wee.ks that in future no statistics as to the ircrease would be given out, if It was known how rapidly Mormonism was spreading through the country, too much alarm would be created. C'onceratag Revelation. As. showing how revelations are procured by asme of the Mormon leaders, Mr. Schroeder read the following, which was stated by President J. Mi. Grant: "Youa muet study it in your own mind, then you must ask me if it be right; I will oause that your bosom shall burn within you. .a.r BAD BREATH "I have been a CAOAS(IA T a s- amild and feesve I=e they are simply- derful. My dasber and I were botbowed sick stomach Outsnt reath was vr d. takinug afew doses of WetS we tray imroe wonderfully. They are a Est aii the fml WrLELUINANAU 11M Rittenhouse St., Cincinnati, Ohi., CANDY TRADE MAnn UNOIU9EngU Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sieken. Weaken. or Gripe. 10. we. . ... CURE CONSTIPATION. -,a.s, Cp,, N.tra.. .. .. 10-TO-BAC 8ii.t.dnd Mw at ,rb fore you shall feel that it is right, but if it be not right you shall have no such feeling. hut you shall have a stupor of thought that shall cause You to forget the thing that is wrong: therefore you cannot, write that which is sacred. save It be given you from n .* The speaker also quoted the following from a sermon by Apostle Grant: "What would a man of God say who felt right when Joseph asked him for his money? He would say, -Yes, andi I wish I had more to help to build up the kingdom of God.' Or, if he came and said, i want your wife.' Oh, yes,' he would say, 'here she is. there are plenty more.'" Also this by Orson Pratt: "The Lord has told us that it required of every man in the church to lay all things, not one- tenth alone, but to lay all things before the bishop of his church; consecrate the whole of it-everything he had-his flocks and herds-his ca tIle, horses and mules-his gold and silver-his wearing apparel. watches, jewelry and everything he pos- ses; consecrate it: not like Annanias. keep back a portion, and his wife, but give everything-make a full consecration to be- gin with. (Voice in the stand-'Wives and children?' Yes, give wives and children, of course; the wives have given themselves to their husbands and le has to consecrate them: they are the Lord's. He has only lent them to us. Head of the Priesthood. Likewiso this from the official organ of the Mormon Church: 'Did the Prophet Joseph want every ma's wife he asked for? He did not, but in that thing was the grand head of the priesthood developed. The grand object in view was to try the people of God to see what was in them. If such a man of God should come to me and say, 'I want your gold and silver, or your wives,' I would say, 'Here they are, I wish I had more to give you, take all I have got.' A man who has got the spirit of God and the light of eternity in him has no trouble about such matters.' Mr. S'hroeler answered a number of questions, one of which was: When did Mr. Roberts take his wives? The reply was; The first iin 147o, the second in 1.N3. tie third inl JS.i@G, or prhaps thren years prevliousy. The meeltira was closed by the singing of 'My Counr:ry. 'Tis of Thee'' the rpeti- tion of the Lord's prayer, Bishop lurst leading, and thie betdiclion, also by the Iyshop. Rev. Dr. T. C. Iliff. superiitenident of M. E. nissi-lns, was lir-ent, but he dId not tke any p:lrt in tle' x'rcises. THiE NCHLEY HOME. Exentive Committee Meets and Transacts Business. The movement to raise funds to purchase or build a house In this city for Rear Ad- miral Schley is iow well inder way. The interest in the proposition ceenis to be fit- creasing rapidly. The executive committee, ,if which -Col. Berrett is chairman, held a meeting Saturday evening at the Riggs House, arid from the interest displayed by the participants there is every prospect that the fund will make a very considerable progress In the near future. A design of tn engraved receipt, which will constitute a handsome souvenir, was submitted to the committee by Mr. 0. G. Staples, and after some di.ussion the matter was left in the hands of a committee consisting of 0. (. Staples. Thomas C. Noy-s and George WN. Evans. This committee will submit a de- sign for a souvenir receipt. There was dis- cussion, and a favorable one, on the idea of holding a large entertainment at one of the city theaters for the benefit of the fund. The members of the congressional delegation, both in the Senate and House, from Maryland and the governor of the state were made honorary members of the committee. The following list of subcommittees was announced by the chairman: Committee on finance and subscriptions outsideof the Districtof Columbia-Thomaa 1'. Morgan, Allison Nallor, Jr.; Wi liam B. tibb, Frank Hume, John B. Henderson, Samuel W. Curriden, Robert Castelberg Charles C. Duncanson, Gen. William W. Dudley, Gasherie De Witt, James L. Nor- ris. Isadore Saks, Samuel B. Hege, James It. Mambie, William S. Knox, J. Forrest Manning, Colin Studda, Orren G. Staples A. M. Lothrop, WIliam B. Gurley, Richard Sylvester, James Lansburgh and J. Maury Dove. Committee on finance and subscriptions In the District of Columbia-E. Southard Parker, Samuel Ross, Fmil 0. Schafer Thomas W. Smith, James F. Oyster, Rufus Ii. Thayer, William S. Thompson, Frank H. Thomas, S. Walter Woodiward, Hlenry L. Briscoe, Chapin Brown, Myron M. Par- ker, Theop~hilus E. Roessle, John W. Ross, Albert F. Fox, W. Henderson Moses, Theo- dore J. Mayer, Charles A. James, Matthew 0. Emery, Clarence F. Norment, J. Henry Small, fr.; Col. Henry F. Blount, John B. W ight, Albert A. Wilson, Jesse 13. Wilson and Charles C. Glover. C'ommittee on entertainmerits, schemes, &c.-Edwin B. Hay, Dr. Percy Ilickling, u1l11 S Haley, George A. Darling, Willianm II. ('onley, Frederick W. Behrens, Percy S. Foster, J. Holdsworth Gordon, William C ranch McIntyre. Thomas E. Ogra.m and W . Harry Rtapley. Committee uon subscriptions from organ- izations. &c.--James WV. Somerville, W, P \ an Wickle, George H. Walker. H. C. Win- ship, Jesse B. K, Lee, Burton R. Rloss, WV Howard MIlls. Samuel G. Cornwell, Willamr K. Ellis, Willis B3. Magruder. Glendle B. Young and Edwin L. Shope. Committee on audit-Howard Perry, Har- ry Standiford, Seymour WV. Tuillock, Wil- 11am T. Galliher, John H. Olcott, Edwin L. Shope and James T. Petty. (Committee on printing--George Gibson, Harrison Dingman, William J. Dwyer, Lu- cius E. Gridley, A. A. Hoehlling, Edwin J. Joyce and Edwin A. Goodwin. Admiral Dewey Invited. Admirel George Dewey has been espe- cially invited to attend the next camp fire of the Richard J. Harden Camp of Spanish 'War Veterans in this city, which will be kIndled December 15. A committee. with C. E. Marshall, M. E. Urell, Williarn M. Robbins, Charles J. Harlow and F. F. MeAnally as members, was appointed to visit the admiral and conv'ey the compli- ments of the camp and tender the cordial invitation. At Governmnt Expense. An order has been signed by Judge Cole, in Criminal Court No. 2, directIng that oer- tin witnesree for the defendant in the case of Frank W. Funk, indicted for the murder of William H. Brooks, be sum- moned at the expens, of the government. The witnesses In question reside at Alle- gheny City, Altoons, and other parts of Pennsylvania. The trial is set for Monday next. Al-CTION SALE8 0OF REAL ESTATE, Ae, Today, Thomsa J. Owen, Anet. 913 Fi at. n.w.--Chan- cery sle of real estate at southeast corner 24th and I ats. n.w., on Mondasy, December 4, at 4:30 p.m. Irwin B. Llnton, trustee, James W. Ratciiffe. Auct., 920 Pa. aye. n.w.-- Trustees' male of bmsiness property, on Monday, D~ecember 4. at 4:30 p.m. Samueli H. Walker and Michael I. Weller, trustees. This Evenin. Waiter B. Williams & Co., Acer.. 10th and D ats. n.w.-.-Thirtieth annual sale of table requ tes, clocks, bronses, poc~ket books, opera glasses, &c. at 7:30 p.m.i, at auction rooms, Miarcus Notes, Auct., 627 La.- aye, n.W.,T-apanese art sale of br'ie-a-brac, bronzes, etc., at 7 p.m., at No. 606e i."tb at. n.y. Tomorrew. Thomas 3. Owen, Auct., 012 F st.-T'rusteea' sle ef Ne. 1215 Prbwneen. at. a .. e- ,m-a- De- comber 5. at 4:31 p.m. Richard K. Hurd and Ihenry M. E-arle, trustees. Julian Brewer, Auct.-Sale of property in city of Annapolis, Md., on TuOsday, December 5, at 12 m. Nicholas H. Green and Z. John W. Reveli, trustees. Duncanson Bros., Aucts., -th and D st*. n.w.- Trusteas' sale of No. 2017 Kaicrama ave. n.w., on Tuesday, December 5, at 4:30 p.m. Clarence B. Rheem and Alexander T. Hensey, trustees. 0. G. Sloan & Co., Aucts.. 140? 0 at. n.w.--Sale of meat block, nick. counter, coffee mill, cases, &c., on Tuesd.iy, December 5, at store, corner 25i and K sts. n.w. AUCTION BALES. THiS AFTERNOOm. JAMES W. RATCLIFFE, AUCTIONEER. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUA- BLE BUSINESS PROPERTY, IMPROVED BY TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, NO. I1i 19TH STREET N.W., WIV H LARGE TWO-STORY FAC- TORY IN REAR. ALSO UNIMPROVED PROPERTY IN TWINING CITY AND TRACT OF LAND IMMEDIATELY EAST OF HOOD & BATCH- ELDER'S SUBDIVISION, AN- ACOSTIA, D. C. By virtue of a deed of trust, duly recorded in Liber No. 2040, fllo 386 et seg., one of the land records for the Distri-t of Columbila, and at the request of the party secured thereby, we, the un- dersigned trustees, will offer for sale, by public auction, in front of the premises, on MON[)AY, THE FOURITH DAY OF liECEMBEt, 1899. AT HALF-PAST FORlC O'CLOCK '.M.. the following described real estate situate in the city of Wash- ington, District of (olutubia. to wit: Al of lot 10 excepting the fotlow ig: Beginning at the northweat corner of said il1, thence south 25 feet, thence east 1K0 feet, thence north 12i.4 feet, thence east 11) feet, thenice north 12IV~ feet, thence west 110 feet to the place of beginning, in square num- bered one hundred and forty (140), togetler with all the Improvements, rights, etc. On TI ENDSAY, TIE FilThi 1DAY 0F DECEM- BER. 1899, AT FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.., It num- bered three (3l, In block numbered one (1); lots numbered nine 191 arid ten 10). In block numbered four (4,; lots nundered eleven t1l), twelve (12) and thirteen (13), in block numbered six (6), and lot numbered twt-ny-seven (27), in block numbered ten (10o. of the sub-division calied Twining City. as recorded in County H-ok 6. page 131, surveyor's offce of sild Ilistrict, together with all the im- provements, rights, etc. On THE SAME DAY, AT IALF-'xTr FOUR O'CLICK P.M., 'he ftllowing tract of land In the county of Wash:ngton, in said District, being part of a tract frinerly ktitnIn as Chichester, begin- ning for the sane at a pitt one hundred and sev- enty-two (172) . fronm a pear tree, formerly corner to lB,,iseau, Walker & Jones. In a course north 58%2 west, thence north 32, east three hun- dred and twenty-seven (327> feet, to the north line of idsesa's (formero land, thence north 56, west one hundred and seventy-tive (175) feet, to the west line of said latiol. thence with said line south 32, west thr%-ee hundred atnd thirty-one and a half (331%) feet, then, south 5t8%, east one hundred and seventy-five .175. feet to the beginning, con- taining I 32-100 acres of atnd, conv-yed to Said Henry A. Linger by deed of James T. Bolseanu and wife, dated Augutst 31, 1b,, and recorded In Liber 157. folio 150, of lhe land records of said District, together with all the improvements, rights, etc. Terms: Onp-thi a cagh, balanre in one and two years, with interest frm-it the lay of sale at six per cent per annui securei by deed Of trust ott Lae prolerty sold, or oil cash. at option of pur- chaser; $200 depoiht n @,ees No. it11 19th St. n.w. and factory in rear, $.0 deposit ont each it it Twining C!ty. and .ici de-posit on tract of land east of i o. & Barchet-'s subd ivialn, require-d at tine of sale, If tems sale are n-t complied with in fifteen days fint iny of sale the trustees reserve the igih t ii,- !.he roperty at risk and cost -f deftiulting purchaser. ofter five days' ad- vertisement of stucn reAfile In some tiewspaper pub- lished u Wi hington., I,. C. All conveyancing, recording, stamipE etc., it 'urhaser's cost. 1A7.EL 17. WALKER. .S iat- HL1 WELLER. n__21-&ds Trustees. T1'111 F%'17NING. WALTER B. WILLIAMs & CO., AUCTIONEERS. 30TII ANNUAL SILVER SALE RICH AN> LIEG.ANT TABLE REQULSlTES E-AP-f11GNES,- TRu- Pil-s ,'ENrElI?-TECF:I-RO;EltS- CELERATI-1) ( I'LElY-FiRENCH ANIJ AMEIIICAN C.OCKS--O-ENU- INE BRON0ZES AND CLOISO0NNE VA.SES rAH bTERLING- MOUNTED l'OCKET BfliiS AND Ol'ERA GLASSEO-S. togthor with Fine Coliectin of Art (Pbjects direc from iiThinot lits.' N. Y. Sal-s Lbally At 11 a it., 'A nod 7:?d p.m. At out Soles lioom, C"rner ith ail Pa. ave. n.w. JAMES P. IIALL, Manager. no30i-1l0t MARCUS NOTES, AUCTJIONEIGR. Japanese Art Sale of Bric=a=Brac, Bronzes, Ivories, Cloisonnes, Em. broideries, Curios and Antiques, together with the Wah Sing private col lection of liirado Ware, Curios, &c. A good opportunIty to secure HiOLIiDAY COODS at your own prices. lieats for ladles. Sales 10:3i sm., 3 and 7 p.m.. At atoro 606 13th st. nw., ni-ar Fc. r.029-6t MARCI'S NiTEr, Auctioneer. P'LCRE~DAYS. DUINCANS4ON 1ROS., AU(TIONEEIIS. T1TE LE-tiALEi OFk A. UILDLN~G LOT IN l-'iilXIEW HtElillTS. lBy virtu'e of a ut-id of trust. recordied in Libeor No. 1820, at f-,lio 374 it sog., or the hind recotrtis of the, li, striet f 4luitiia, andii at thet ireqtues t of thle pa rty se-lit-id ther.y, woi- sihali sell, in front of the prcemis's, on FILu'AY, TIC F"IFTFENTil DAY 0t- lul-CE~lli't, A.IJ. 15119, Al' HALF- PAST 1F011R O'JCK P.M., part of a ti-nct if land forumerly kn'own as parte of Seitt's Ordinary. Ter-a F-irma and Alliat-e, now kimwn as lot 21. in b-lock 2. of a ,diision~ known as Fslirview Hleighits, made ly John E.K teitl., andI rec-ordedl ini the sorv eyor's (line' of tie JUlstric-t of Columtbia, in Book of Coiuty Surveys, No. ii, at page 71. Terms of sale: tinie-iltu ash, bailance in one and two ye-ars at 6'% er ainnm interest, pasyablte, se-mi-annually, secure iy deed of trust in the property sold, or till cash, at the opIon of the purchaser A dlepsit of $100 reqijtred iit timie of alue. C'onveyancing, ret-ording, revenue stamflt, etc., at cost if I1,irchasier. Trmrts of sale toi he comlieti with wi1thin ten days frtom day oft salte, othterwilse trustees ri-serve the rIght to rest-Il, at risk anti -ost of defautlting ideb-aser,. after tivo days' advertisement of seh fdasale i some news- pauper puoblishied in Washingttar, ii. ('. MiAHLO.NASHI.'iRD, de4-eodits Trustees. JMlSW. RA'INrFE, ACTIONEER. Assignee's Sale of Fine Cassimeres, Worsteds, Suitings, Pants, Pat- terns, Linings, &c,. Bty virtue of a deed of assiginetnt giv-en toie and duly recorded I will sell, within the salsh' rooms of James ~V. Riatelit~, 920 Pennsylvania' avenue northwest, on FRlD.gY, THlE EIGHTH DAY 0OF DECEMBER, 1899, AT TEN O'CLOCK A.M.. a large stot-k of up-tosdate tailoring goods, to which I invite the attentlgn of the trade and private buyers. Terms cash, de4-d&dbs W. W. WluGH;, Jr., Assignee. TO WHOM IT MAY"CONCERtN: HOUSBlHOLD FURNITU'RE, ETC., TO PAY STORAGE CHARGES. On SATUTRDAY MORt~NGNO DECEMBER NLINTH, 18119, AT TEN O'CLOCK we will sell, withIn the sales r-oms of James tA. Rtateliffe. 920 Pa, aye. n~w., lot of Household Furnuiture, etc., In name of Mrs. Jeanette Butler. to pay storage charges. All parties Interested will please take notice. ] Terms cash, WAiteiINGTON 'SAPE DEPOSIT COMPANY. de2-6t By SAM'L CROSS, Secretary. THOMAS DOWLING & CO., AUCTIONEERS VALUABLH TIPROVEDt PROPERTY. BEING I No, 105 D STREET NORTH WEST, AT AUC- TION. Os SATURDAY, DECEMBER NINTH, 1890, atI HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., we will sell in front of the premises: let 3, in square 571, fronting 20 feet on D) street, by a depth of 1086 feeat, to a 11-foot alley improyed by a fonr-story c brick dwelling, containing 10 rooms anid bath. 'Terin: One-third cash, balance to one and two years from day of sole, bearing iaterst at thea rste of S per cent per annutin payable semi-ann.- ally, secured by a deed of trust on the crpet sold, or ali cash, at the optien of the pm~hser. Deposit of $100 r'eqatred at the time of Osl. Con- veyancistg, recording and revenue stanlatthse ceet of rcasor.. s. 4- AUCTION BALES. TOMORROW. J. 0. Sinclair, Auctioneer, 62 LA. AVE. Our regular sale of Furnilture and General Mer- ellandise, TITESDAY, DECEMBER FIFTH. AT TEN O'CLOCK, will consist of Bed Room Suites. Sideboards, Desks, Parlor Suites, Carpets. Stoves, etc. Consignments received up to hor of vale.1t* REGULAR RAT OP 1110 K lB S I Peremptory Auctio Bale of 30 HEAD OF HORSES! TOMORROW (TUESDAT) MORNING, DFKEMBER FIFTH, at TEN O'C,0K. Some xtru good stock for any purpose. No reseive. Carriages, Wagons, Buggles, larnum*, etc. Bensinger's Bazaar, 940 La. Ave., sA"I14"e - det4-mows,20 C. SLOAN & CO., AUCTIONEERS, 14u7 G ST. LARGE MEAT BIOK, MEAT IACK, uItUNTEI. COFFEE MILL, SihOW CASE, GLASS CAD- Contained In store northwest correr 21,th and K streets, at public nuetion. TI~E 4Y l'ECE31BER FriH. 1899, AT TWELVE O'oLOCk I. Terms cash. de2-2t C. 4;. SLOAN & CO., Auctioners. DUNUANSON BlO., AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' SALE OF A BANDSOME THiEE- STORY AND CELLAR bRICK DWELLING, BEING PitEMlSES NO. 2t17 KAL('RAMA AVENUE, WAH.IJINGTON HEIGHTS. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, dated Oc- tober 19, 197, and recorded autoug the land rec- ords of the Itistrict of Colirnba. In Liber 2248, follo 450 et seq., and at the request of certain 1.olders of the notes senured thereby, we Mll offer, at public auction, in front of the premises, on TUlSDAY. TIE Flt"IH DAY OF DECEMBERt, A.D. 1499, AT HAIPAST FoUR U'CLOCK P. M., the following described real estate, situate in the county of Vashingto.n District of Columbia, to wit: All that celtain piece or parcel of land and tpremlses, known and distinguished as and being lot numbered forty-three (43) of B. it. Warner's subdilvfislon of Iot in George 'iluesdell-s addition to Washington Heights, as the said Warner's sub. division is rec',rded in 0'unty Book 11. folIo 95. of the reeo:ds of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia, together with the improve- ments thereon. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash, and the balance to be paid In two equal Instalinents, respectively, in one and two years, secut.ed by deed of trust upon the prolertv sold, with intErest, payable semi-nnuntaly, at the rate of 6 per centi r annumi, er all cash, at th3 option of the purcbaser. A deposit of $2'sj will be required at the tine of sale. Sale to ie closed in 15 days from day of sale, otherwise the property will ie resold at the risk and iost of efaulting purchaser, after live days' adveriAse- ment in some newspaper published tm WashIngton, D. 0 Itevenue stamps and conveyancing at cost of putchaser. CLARFNCE B. RlEEfM, Trustee. ALEXANDER T. H ENSEY, Trustee, no21-d&ds 916 F St. n.w. THUS. J. OWEN, ALCTIONEER, 913 F ST. N.W. TRUSTE-' SALE OF VERY VALUABLE IM3. PitiVED PitoPEITY. BEING THE THREE- STOltY AND CELLAR BI1CK DWEJlL\G Nu. 1219 PRLNCETON STRiXIEr N.W. By virtue ot a tettain deed of trust, duly recorded In Liter 2831, folIo d20 et seq.. out of the laud re,- ouls of tle District ,f Coluta, and at the iequest of the parties secured there', the undersarnd trustees will sell at public au. tion. in front of the prenl-lles. on M'O.NIAY. (ItuiElt THilTIETH. ilt, AT IIALF-PAST IOU'lt 'CL4CK I.1., the following describ.'d land and pirmises, situate IL the coauty of Washington, Iistri't of Columbia: All of sublet tnuib--d 33 of Phmebe E. Shairleldsa bdivlaisi of lots nu:nbered 5 and 9 In ib-k numl- bered 24, (MtutblIa lli, ghts, with tie improve- monts thereon. <'Laisting 'f a three-story and 'el- Itr i'riek wvellig. 't-rts (-f sil.-: ite-third cash, balance in re and two e s, with i;terst at siX ptt r tttanu, payabie e-al nanually, secuted by teed of trust on the t'i-ty 6-hI. or ai etne, at the ptiont of the jurchaser. A de ,if ta e-juira at timne ,f sale. tavervanciec recording sti revt-ome staups at purAeser - 't. Tetus ,f sale to be etnid w ith ithin ten days fromit day (if sale,' 't t tte t us- tees r-serve the ight t, resell the iitrorty at the risk ad cst of dtefautltig pur'haser, a:ter live days' advtisi-itt o-tt (.f sch resale. miill AlI. IIIl-Ri. Trrustee. U.I&iLY M. EARLE, Trustee. r7T!E I'Rt'iHASI1ER OF THE ABOVE IDE- scribed ,rop-rty haing faijed t'' Comiply with the terms of sale the lropt-rty wsill i'e re.Id at the risk and cst of su-h defatui:ing puwhat t, in font of the promilses, on .IONDAY, NOVEMiBPER TWENTY S X E.NTH, IrW. AT IALF"-P'AST Fli O-CLOCK M. IiCH ARt) M. HUtRD, Trustee. no20-d&ds LIENtY M. EAZLE. Trustee. C7TTIE ABOVE SALE IS POSTPONED UNTIL TUES.IL.Y, DIEF311MIt FIFTH, 119. same hour and place, by order of the trustees. n-27-d&da F LTLRH E JAkS. T11S. J. OWN, At I'INEER, V13 F ST. N.WV. Entire contents of the four- teen=room dwefhing No. 9M 0 St. N. W. At Auction. ON WFI NB9DAY, DECEMBER SIXTH, 1S99. IN-OMMENt ING AT HALF-P:.ST TEN t'tLOCK A.l., I WILL SELL AT ABOVE NUM'BERED itESUiENCEC A VLitY DMEIIABLE COLLECTION OF FitNrITRlE, it tNSiSTIN; IN PART OF PIIiALll FUlNITII'RE, IN OIDD PIECES, SEV- EILAL OF Wll11li ARE MA44ANY; CHAMBER FURNITI RE, t'ONSISTING OF 'lEitRY MILL- ItOtR-PRONT AND OTHER FOLDING IEDS, WALNIT AND OAK SUITEIS. 111) BLIREAUS. WA.IIISTAN1PS. &t.; OAK MIRlUR-FRONT AND lItt lILE AND SINGLE WALNUT WARtDROBES. COI C2111-, HAIt AND O-rit-:it MA'TItENSEi. LAItGE QUANTITY OF JILDIiNG. ToILET WAR., Btl.s'{s AND IIUiWS; LARGE AND SMA LL BRISSELS ANi (TTHIR Rtt S: HALL. SI'AIt ANt) THlER CARITS; It'TI'tES. 1IAN1'SOME MAHOIGANY RIlING 1tOOM CAll- INEI. EXT.NSliIN AND i'HIERitY CILAW-FIOOT AND OTHEst 'I 'NTEII TABLES, A.NTI UE MA- llotkANY IIALI, IAGK, A NUNIBEIt O' HOCK- ERS, BIENTrWiTniD AND OTliER CtllAIR LA'E Crl'rAINS, OUT AN!D OinltELt 4;LA.. WAtE, I'ICWKERY AND KI'ITiIEN FURNITURE, &c.. AND MANY ARTItLES N<kT MENTIOtNEtt. Y,'ur special attention is called to this sale, as It afforls an opportunity to purchase any article in the house at your own ptrie. No reserve or limit. TUOS. J OWEN, de4 2t Autioer. THOMAS 1OWLING & CO. AULCTION EERS. Special sale of elegant hlousehol~d furniture, re- moved to our auction rooms, 6112 IE st. ni.w., for conven'ience o~f salle (to be sold on first and second flooirs), on Wednesday, Dfe- cem ber 6, 1899, corn menc= ing at 110 o'cliock a.m., Cottnsiing of elegant Bed Rotomt Sets in oak and tnabogany, Bress end lItnr ltitdsteadls, Inagniicent ['ak Dinting Rtoom Set, Sidebotard, Side Table, Ext. Tattle, Side and Armi Chairs, Oak China Closet. Dak Ftolding Bed, mirror front; Mlaht'g. Chiffitier. Nalthog. Itureau, C. S. Mashog. Chairs. Hair Mlat- iresses, Wicker Rockers, Sharing Stand, Le'athter- uovered and otier Fancy Chairs and ltet'kers, l'3itkerintg Square Piano*. Oak China Cltoset, Walnut and Springs. Walnut Sideboard, lcee B'x, Cookitng Stoves, fiisseis Carpets, Rugs, Slat- ting, P'ic'ures and many other articles to, itumer- aus to mentiton- del-4t 1-HOS. J. OWEN, AUCT'IONEER, 913 P ST. N.W. 'TU'STEES' SALE OF TWO-STORY BIUCK DWELL.ING, SITUATE NO, 805 T STIIEET NOltTIIWEhI. By virtue of a deed ci tust gIven to us and re- orde~d In hLiber 16119, at folio 75 et seq., one of the and records of the District of ColombIa, and at the request of the party secured, we will sell, at pub- lIe auction, .n front of the premises, on WE['ES- LIAY. TilE THIRTEENTH DAY OF IDECEEREL. 1699, AT HALF-PAST F'OURt O'CLOCK PM., the followitng describted real estate, situate in the Dis- Itlet of Columia. to wit: Lot nunmbered elghvteen [t8), of Dier B. Gruff's subdivision of a part of qutre numbered three hundred and ninety-three [39.3), according to the plst of said subdivision, as the same appears of record in the ollice of the aur- reytr for the saId District. In subdivision hook timbered 12, at follo 132. together with the im- provements thereon. Tlerms: One-third (1-3) ensh, balance in one (1) snd two (2) years, with interest at 6% per annum,. acyale as mi-annually. One hundred ilollars (5100O) leposit relred at time of sale. Good title or no al.Alcneyancing at purchaser's cost. CHARLES3 B. BAILEY, nn28de2,9,12 Trustees. HOS. J. OWEN, AUCTIONEER, 913 F ST. N.W. IHANCERY SALE OF PREMISES NUMBERED 1212 FOURITNl STREET NORTHWEST. Under and by virtue of a decree passed by the lupreme Court of the District of Columbia the d ay of November, A.D. 18197 in Equity Cause Co. 2uS816, wherein Francis I. Rtuppert et al. ar ompilnants and Ludwig J. Neff et al, are de- endants, the tndersigned, trustees, will sell, at tublic auction, In front of the premIses,- on TUESDAY, THE TWELFTH DAY 0OF DECEM- lEE, A.D, 18919, AT FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., that ieee or parcel of grotutd, In the city of Washing- on. Di. C., known, dIstinguished as and being lot umribered seventy-two (72), in Devers' heirs sub- Ivision of orIginal lot numbered forty-eight (48), a suare numbered five hundred and tibrteen (5134, sah same is recorded in Liber numbered ten 10). folio three (3), in the surveyor's of~ee of the listrict of Columbia, and know aspeseNo 212 4th street hnorthiwst Terms of sale: All cash. A denmit of one unndred dollars ($#00) will be require at the time t sale, and the terms of sale must be complied rlth within fifteen (151 days from the date of sale, therwise the property will he reseld at the risk ad coat of the defaulting purcase. Conveyane- ag, revenue stamps, recordIng fees, etc., at pur-I haser's cnst, EDWARD L.. GIES, Trustee, Warder L, 0th and F sts. n~w. 'o.dd O.a- RITE, Tras, no20-d~ds4USD st. a.w. I e AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALES. rVaWa DnS. D'T A . C. G. Sloan & Co., Auctioneers, 1407 G :t. Mr. Hunter Sharp's Private Collection of Rare and Vaguable Japanese Ceramics, Temple Bronzes, Wood and Ivory Carvings, Hangings, Curios, &c. (Just from the Georgetoii Ciitom Iue Colected by 'Mr. Sharp during the p;at tirit li\eare while serving the Un-ted States go. vernmncit in the cm- sular service at Kobe, Japan, ant sail ti o c loie , if the it t private collections ever taken stult f that countrx The Porcelains comprise Koransha, 11iraila, ceshu. Naiihi ma. , Kioto, Rare Satsuma. Kulani. Nagoywa. Maku7a, .hIin1se. &c fine Ivorv and Wood Carvings. mlij iin. Sihr Tea SeI Rare Old Temple Bronzes, 0ut \ elket 1'ieturtes Tmple Shrines, Blackwood and Lacqucr ('abinet land Tibl, Kakimonas, Rich Embrideries.Bcantiful Scens ' Rare Sword Ihits. Curi's an1 thi milll of other valuiable pieces. TO BE SOLD AT PUBUC AUCTON .:By Catal.guhl Within Our Art Galery, £437 G Stret, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, December 6, 7 and 8, Ml88, AT i A.M. AND .3 I'M. Grand Exhibtion Monday and Tuesday, December 4th and 5th, 9 A.M. TILL 6 1.M. C. G. SL )AN & ('.. Anets.. 147 (1 TRI STE-:ES' 1.ALE '4F VAIUABIX 'ltl 'tt1trX.Ilists J. 11cEIT. ATYt.rlONII-111 I V iT NI IMVlRVEID It TlE WIiEIA A\cS .tIS li NiThl STILET y4T-iIILA.-T AND M I NALE 41 .AIAAIAIA SfrIRE AND STRIEET SOUITIEAST. 1AANIi. s-N SE16LVIII SI 'Ot I'l By virtue of a d.*ree of the Sunpremi ourt f NN I.T N. 1 15. the District of Columbilla. passed ,n in,- :tn Q f' B) a - n 4,, ,f ' rkst May. I907. in '.t-uity cause ltk4., n nin 'a ul W. Kibtey i. phl.tiff Itdi Wil iamli J. t IS"od 1 . In I -ro N ii f. 247 e1 tleq of The el. def. -idant, the undersin, d tiui us. will -ffer Sld at for tal- at ptuibli- aull Ii in front.. If Ie lIr.-mii.e.S, tile IeqlIa9 the patty I s Itwri,. le the on FRIl4AY. Ii'4E4 l Elt I Ni, at uitis.gue. iruaiiess will bell at l'il al -; IIALF-PATI FioI it (r cte IK ,I the fijll-cwing I t it it ,f Els pri'tnl "l, i Ay descIrlbd irt of loI tw u ,. in ,,uare nine 1un 'lI.NI- illil I'.l O1 Nill,\t11tit A 10 drtd and tift y-w 5 t.. bgianinlg lor t.e baimseM' Ai f I II X I.4$'I I it It I'm . the at the sonuthwes t ;:rner of said eirn and run- ,I'- 111 si :sli land Sid pr-tia.'s. ..ttn in ning thence nor th altig the line if it' tre.t .a'.t, IL, ty ,fit , i h 01.- t if i forty-beven feet. tlote eat iaralle villI M I e,t 'ia, au d," gltI it il IAng past wih -r3tntr- sth, one bundred and eig te"; tiwn.e - sja,u.-It 14. t1 ituine 43 . stli . . f 1 Ie. parallel wsIth tb street east ,i oty- i .0e feet: niing at t-tot if sid It il rutn thlectIe w-t along the line of1 I str-et Is ' ilig tlb-in-.' Pit feet 4 l eb 11- 1 hundrsed an,,d eight feet Its tIe I'lni' f begon.ting, e-i tli.'t -Nt 1- 'eet 4 It!-. s t- imlirove.d I Iorse nmbered 11,02 tih street stuth i-l .Li - * t- 4 I.- tui-gTtting. will, the ,-ast and ! M*K l tNI treet iouitb-asi .i i . N 7t h . i ,,e a - alt tlit ' Terms f sale: 'ine thiri (f the purchase uTol cash, and. the in tw1 equa Inl jtinItllmen . N. - lit 1 1- n ise, In on a nd it w, -Ear. from day of sale, waih I- t' 11 Pid II Stid 111, 1 1 Ii , il erest at the rate 1 6 1.- i-t l- num. laab li n t l tl i il I.. . ith ttmi-a inualy until aid, ti, ie reps.- nt , t- liitest :it -x Is, ti tIes o the uIII " a,i. aIur.- I nlii the pirg itr I y ,tn, 15 11 fir a t . 'te or all 'asll. at t Ie 'iri.rc a-r's plt un. 'I un - t tise. t I gi i 5, siredl 1,3i1 1efl Inst dred dll s to be d l it- at tim t sale Tenaz : , . i t to b, mplied Uith wit n tn d1. . fr-m dy of sale. otherwise hie triistee %II r Ii at r:, Ttelhe luri ar at The ttn, I -!e All coant of defaulting pur-,as..r. All Ionv ni g t.dI - .5>3 t- . ii i ts i pin. i- A recording at cost 'if lir-haer n-tat 1 -0 at tiie --f !L, lihe ' 1 "mi, S. IEIBERT GI". u lss t , a Isi .'ats fr-la !a.- It. nTw. ANDREW B. DZ AI.l.. IIli, I I I ll.' tty at the r-6 ,Iii ClsL Lf 472 La. all'. I, w. th u a J . WE Aiii r - 'rrullee'a. J-ijll\ it IARNIKI., T te RfX NO RV IS..11 Aut.i 11"2M d&.18A'trIA.ave. TILL STEES' S.UA (IF SMAIL IhItI SET AND lT j ;E14-c.ds 5ALE Fi t S n i. ON Ll-i'ilNhl SIREEl E'EI-:Nll l;.. IN IgA- AI t Slts sI N ItiV~l N qF Il'.I', I.L-X.ANT TI, A Iti'lls SA~L IS POtSTVIIlNlll UNTII, IEINI; NO'. 2124 EI'lli'I'l S'ItE I \I Ai M It EIlT.NIi. I. "Ine 6--u1 Illy Viti I f tl\i 'lil .' It", h - - 1" au [sii'.-. BY ''ie 1 het-iie i.27! u1&.I William Itudiu idefai e Ar- oERS. tO br A. Ilii, : l.t-I I.;d d l y ti r Crd'N -'t ('dted In IAIer N'.. 151c.. at I. It-:!; ': f it:n.. I1 15i.l i nlIA il-S r SAIL - iF A A l I 247aIII. ofthe ri'i'i'di, hLd tI ed Ir d f 1 the In. t'n lInb.. d t' t Atteiur A. erlpyic r ti er. wI. the unI'rAl.ed, I'uAees wilD -el1. a LOw F T lR In trLs Nf thekN prem ises o lil A il 14. 4'., Ne itill -l. t1,01c ast li ITtW -I'll Il 12 YF 1I, SIRLI r NA l If NII\ST BIY II D iAY. DeI-4M.1' I SEEN'11. IS141 AT 9,AT 41 4, .lPa A0 a 44 ES. 'ID 1 ., IIIE -'11.1 44K P . I . Ih.0.: -i 'rtnin blt if grt-n'.knng, in sr w ,aT an pIeANVe AiS a ONE eH the authll Sis-tet ;'is feet front h% toe depth %%A,4i N .ANDS~t4 OF HARSU.SIs. i.f the east Inlf ,f' 1.: :,it ri i' untii-d autd 11v h irlte of .an t nder i ti e daeett .f of aixty-thlnee 41..". 'If ltat!-r'a adiai .1iUi part ,f N tdtbr.deigt. id Es aity Cuits, \- 2 ig3n. we ,It. i'leallait. 'itl, lir..lii.-tt Is etiitl ii 1' £ l1 St..[, at Piillr suiti in sun the lit ftrame i teIntl l i.q se. 1n' -intiiset- en ll f.NIn~i . lIIE 111.'E '! A I y OF I) '113- Telrttt of i~sa : 'tio--t~IA i-ta.. lilatic In equnal BER. I".1 in TEN 4' IA K A I . all the . I. . 11,!.g It -rta ~ cIne at ea l .. am u it ati-tieand ht. i t ea l te. Tools Stk. t i n-e Furniture and . er a titia a t i.Tl If the one len H. r. (;ast Il;ifle and all t he .,ttn ces~f jiurt r . Adls if * ' ilet e at t Ine tne tildig Nto. t "Dgi street octhwer wi b th titne of satl 1".rllts t., '. "1i-titlillcI ,~~l wi t lI ;ity. abio one X1tLg.n vad Hatines. alid Tihe gild I-t jus 4"'n-i-aii~tg aid et- 'dlig a th pu-- will .If the late Iiroui of Wortaey & Gilate llan. A chaser's& cost rare opn igtufity to obtain a t s. rb - ARTHnR A.wIliNEYn TrNll tee. lutes. M1len-tz lHtig. 111ial F- stste. nw. Te s na it nle: All cans at thetimne if sale. WIIA.RTtN E. I.-ESTER. Tmtst. HENRY C. STLWART, Jr.. KIever, no,13t-dts Vlutubll n Law IrIeldlntg. t3l 14L th.eet a. Ja S. n. CARR. ef lrer e WALTER B. WVILLIA8 & Cf. AUCTIONEr.S. n -r23-15t 12M2 . e D street .w. TIRUSTEFM* SALE OFE IMP'ROVtED RtEAL ES- TUI.'MAS I)4JWIlL\G &X. AI.'.OrNEEL& TATE OIN M STRLEM"' SOL11 TH BLTWiE'ti FIFTH si'miT I-AST A.N1+ CANAL STREIT. TRUSTI' SALE OF FRAME HOUSE NO. 2214 WASHINGTON. 1. C!E.EENTH STREiT NlRTW'aIT. Under and by virtue (if a dei-re2 of tine Stilme BY l.nuef of a decre u r f . be Supreme iourt of the Surt ncf the DoisiL-t of 4',utilia. Iaaad --u the I'tsuirl-t of Gielnurntila. riathed In oily cause No. 13th day of NVenire-. 151 In Erquity ts.' N..o 'N: , we tne undetignd -ill le- for mule, at nt iaut-aione in front of the preniases. on WE - public we. ine ts~iof teuatelees sen MU- Ni i'.Y, the NXT I AT Ow tDEAWMBaI. IWO )Uljyidae auftion, . thf tthee loeeu-rlee vtheO -Y I rUg hl AT at HALF-PAST OUR O'CLOCK the Is tho [4Ari 6.4L''CR IP.M.. all thst 'rtain pis .r lowing des-tibed real entsta situate in the tity parcel of land, with the luiprovicitt there'. In Ow. Washington, iastriet of CaIumlta, to -it: Tha thle city of W tl l I~n, Iti te lizttri't if Cailuin- sotit tift,-*u feet front by the full depth, that blt, ail't kniwtn rtid~ deacribied 0-4 being lit num- a ldtL, o~f lot 48. and the iatirttn live feet frsot by bered nine 1'91 In 'gene A L Aft-bison's s dialvi-i te fuil depth that width of lot 40. In Starr and Of lilt in llaTe itli of STare nui iered eIkt ' Metclfa sulalivlunon of square 302 as maid sub- bandied and ifty-three N. of 8fNG, as per platIdisio. II recorded in BOok I. W paeE E' o. reuo rdd in oft e of te arrypur of the -iattict of the surveyors office ofild IoIetr.kt, mnapries by Calcunlal, In LlIber 21. full* 126 fa m ft , htos v ii all tuprios-s'ents Terml. otf salec: The abusve Ili-le-y will Ihe a.-Id Terms: ''ti-tlr cash, onte-thIrd in one yearan free aid clear odf all lctntwbratu- and tat-s to dar - te-thtrtin two years. with interest frn day o f taI Tine p rchae tiptem to be pad "ne-thir Sal'. @I il et i nnit Jwr annu, l.syaaille lit ciosht and the b:lati -c11 'Itil. alid two yestrsl anually, sielnited ht- deed of trust out the ,X'o~rty cfter da of sale. wth interest at6 per i3. tutu od. oz at 5saLi at the optko of theIrnne hpantn uladA iseur by &e if trust oni the de~*tof $151s required 01.00 atiliIptset Of II rerds d t dept- a ,ar . will be r aqired etm If mi to te o lied with within tel a Aulan i-eptrt ne If Id . If the letr n.i aile are frin day .n dsie. or Iitsrty aIll be resold at rI [lit reini .d with in fifteen da the 1- a -r sitII r otlig. e will el tant publi auton be aT l co t o R D ll.E , Tute pueIsA tt.l E MNI,'I S AT Fant>e Bhl..1 97Estetnrhwtt (n'ii K ..- . att ertainE CA t of gr-ulee knownld 12 sre to-tw-~ JAMh Rut siW. fe rn by ~hAUT4Nte depthN510, LTINEIS 12ixty 111,ree 3,1% o 1'rthr' A uND vil 121 parNC tO of ~tei t-te i ~eSurm etI M T REETantITis prW E thesl rit ifPrlmveda sliiv mar fryaer dwelling huetanw der trust. ae 't. 11, ith ueofVad is '-nin.N.267 payment ato. one an th lad yer.d ofithe intrst a -Ilslt tl~ uti..I.f~tti h. 6f pertmilu annm. id l h at t heoptiue n of the te-o ss i INJY ~EE~ETIlAO tie nof sae-.I Tems'l t e cumndlt'sed w t'withe i iC Mtl.1l.A ~ ~t'C 1C . tenII I- day .r C snveaning andi reu..rding in ftit of Sa afiurr-nlltIp t .ur Nt 16 m WTERTIDY DEM. iSTER. Tratee.ji lsctt~taet f ierii s I.Teh~s itt-ed tlilt'i-nine (30'. strty 4J.o1fu W.yuna A4N, IstgeTtuIt-ece n'iat nbo tiniy Nt 1 t Il, i toknt u itit of trus r the tprut e aiid tt ata iftercrsI ieofceoEh uairfrIi te is it nots'ountlel; -R In V t bloi, and nt-es-hr.k-fromy liute Whac willit-1 Elan A n NW if ft-cthouandtiolars'$S45'4i ot e"h husel'JMS & JAICLIFFEAY;IA13NE NE nohie ad lt oer ad ausesai locmbciirTTe of an <rer'B pAe th SWiTent Adayo Ne'.)t b ai i a.bA erI W9. in FIAEpIt Cause NG 2931,w tal frm te lure~asr f ech ous tttl ot.Al htl ~selo ath dubl eautsin an thorte sedo onvyatcln. rt-s-d~ ad rvene samp attheIn . b899 Th TEN slslets 'K tA wll.,f Jante 3 do .orshaar'scoat IsRihie os dated ffleer Fritum07 and amtte Ters o sae ti it cmpled -Il, Wtinit en t , h talso an r.o'n the Hanifes an the egte lawfo a 'slo h rtte eirate o il o the lt ti t of oumbi.i& themn At 'Igt t rech he roprty att~n rtk ad cst ~f rare oprsity.lId to obtill aer ell--e tab theb - ertsenen ofsuuh resle.~erms of sule: ioll ons at thetime. Tfsae JOHNII.WALTR. ruste, h~tE~tlHANR C. Bt TlEWA TJ., 1eceier, JOHN IDNE WRII, Trnstee to hatOS.ti tB. thRR citeeelvertn are WALER B. WLLIMS .& .UCTONEER o 23-h15ton0 " street byadat foehndrd ITRUSTEE' SALE OF VEED RY1 20o8-l:Oethr ehblne .n Underpand by sertuanofaaldeaneesof-theeSuonreme CourteyfnthngDattrist of purchase.raAsedmin th 3he dayri' of NoveImbr, p8sse in EquIty saus No. ttfiestvstttgh orsl a lto s o.20till, w, the undersigned, trustee, wIll oself, a ligprhsr atrfiedy'avrle e publi aucioniA nrfrnt of the rmss paane.3ON-IOTWGRD Y.YSIECE\DAE ELV F~l AD. 1599E,. AT 2-td xctrofJn .d aRce LD 01.A AF-'l'R"L~ O'CLOC .l ta eti iCe o nthe cIty of Wahigton In theIiltrict ofCo- biaban kownt' arto desrialen lot num- ~I~SL F-Tu N At usO nsur ubered nn 9,nEgeeAAthrebiostudivain 111 OS.N.8 TETNE ofty-tsi'nt0i bqaeginnth o thae samuered teight te fadedo rsh uyreo~dI bundeds coneity-he N of 85ld3oruni s then sotLI.rN .foo37o s.*onofteld retrde inu fihce est n hurnyrfte (listrfet reodof h it~tof(oubsada h oTem-eefsie: The aibotene ttbil fift reusofld atyscrdthrbwesl e 0freet and near ascmte, undd1)) faesto foaeyy ulcac~o.I we oh s of the.e purchasf emnnin y toe paithd h as one-third UGHH A O 55 i ,h n-~. h the b alace in one and Inttw-t!ooWs yearsstit f(~u,4,s afters attof Iae nterest thay of aer aetutla o aibrdtohude ntlt-~ pranansecured by deed of trust on theprpryadr v 65.tehrwth11heIlU5t. proper, ty t opld ft ue. A deposit ofrighwilsbereqire SuG o areanch os bid.Ite temo aeae Trs n-hr ~h aac nm aw to 6idwth n fifteen days o the truof sate re- prmuscre ydedo rue resoe the i to rea the opertydneost of the dewaern puebasner. Ain coinveancng Dre-fs as.A eegigtene eering remveue stampls, etc., ato the at chset of easaSA. GElRGE . EMMOS, Tistee. IA L UL 3031-d&4THOMA8 DOWLING h& dnO.,nsASLT&ONEEs.

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ENTERS A PROTESTMass Meeting Opposes Beating ol

Representative Roberts.


Extracts Bearing Upon the AllegedMormon Revelations.


Anasmneeting to consider the case of

itr tive-ee t R herts I'tah was

til %-estearday aft,-rnon at the First Con-gr.a Conal(hurch. Ti large auditoriuman i ga leti.- and every available spot ofI-iniitg r--n were OCeupit-d. The exer-

a were *ipoai with a voluntary on theortanx by liss Alive M. Kimball.At th- c-nclusi',-n of the voluntary Rev.

I'r. S .\i. Newman rcquested that the au-ic sing a part of the hymn, beginning:

Thoi Almighty King." which was

n..\ -ection of Scripture was read byx. rir J. 4e -utler. The selection com-

.ri.Iihat pnrt of the book of Exoduswhich c-ninited the Ten 4'-ommandments,

-vim; which prayer was offered by Rev.Ier. Wislluird.

att.-rsif r-Kret at inability to be trns-tit a -I xprssing sympathy with ti- ob-

jtnnth -e" ting were read from Rev.Ir. I al in f the Church Of the Covenant,

er. \\~llace lRadeliffe of the NewYoirk Av-nue P-resbyterian Church, S. ii. Greene of t'alvary Baptist t'irch

andi lsihp Satterle of the diocese of\\ ashingt.i, f'-llowiig which Rev. Dr. Jo-siah Stroing of New York was introduceda a tie presaling otier of the oceasion.

Here to Protest.1ir. Strong said, in part: "We are her" to

l!-[est against a lawbreaker taking hisplaet the lawmaker, of the country.He and his friends are very willing to havetih- country think that the opposition toMxr. Roberts arises from sectarianism. Wear' here not as r-publicans or democrats,ns mn-mber's of denominations. but as

lethmilists, Presbyterians, Episcopaliansand others, all unitedl ini tnaintaining the

tity of the home.It is impossible," he said. "to strike at

M rnt' iii politics without striking at theM mnI religion. In Utah the Morm -nchurch and the state are identical. We .to-p-se M .rnionism because its practices teridt' uprout the affairs of the natin.Instemi o4 wishinug that these l.olyg-niists thr-'w their plural wives and illegal1hldren aside we wish it was in our pow- r- i' I tliem to support the women they

b e wronged and the children they haveit ao-i- with infamy."

L 'r. Sti-ing assirted that it was practical-settl-d that M1r. Roberts wuld nit 'e

l rmittted to sit itn the House of Repre-i -titivi s. Ab 'ut thei oily question in the

rett-r was that ,f the size of the vote.we-t was want'. I was an anendm'-nt

titt Cn tit utloin of the United States bywthi p-lygamy will be nale a crime

thi- n-siln ani this it was iite-nled> r if j'e-sible.

Dr. '0cek imi's iewnR, Pr. t. If McKim, rector 0f tha'h;r-btf tile Epiphany. said one of the

r, taitptt questions b-fore the iationSiall a c-nvict-d felon statn.1

in t:- z 0il and assist In making the lawsf-r-.- -un-try? A second qu;--tion was,allh.i n t ~tah be deprived of its repre-* taait 'ingress because she has st-nta t,- rant vi-lator of the law to relresenth.r it 'he House of Representatives? We

Npprsrw,nirnim, he said, because it isay m which threatens our liberties andti-ce-.s our homs. In the discussion ofA-rn-monism there shall be no republicans'r de-moacrats--all should be patriots. %I r.RIoberts represents the enemies of thepurity of womanhood and the sanctity ofthe hime. Mormonism aims to hold thebalance of power in the states west of thu1-cky mountains. and the question is, Shallthey be stopped now or be permitted to goon until they shall be able to hold the bal-ance of pjwer in the electoral oollege andthe system becomes a very upas tree litwe land?Retv. Dr. Frank M. Bristol of Metropoll-

tan M. E. Church, iti part, said: "We arenot opposed to the singularity of the Mor-mnri's religion, but to the plurality of hiswives. We are here to challenge the en-croachments of Mormonism upon the v-rygovernment itself, and to prevent It fromspreading Its poisonous breath upon thelarid. For thirty-six years polygamy hasbeen a crime. and it has been defended lithe very halls of Congress. It has beensail that polygamy is dead; polygamy isliving. Roberts is not only a polygamist,but he glories in it, and if he is admittedto 'ntigress it will soon be found thitp-lygaimy is not only alive, but hissing andbittig."The glory of the American nation, it has

t'-n said, is our ciuntry's won-anhood,and if our glory as a people Is to be mai-tained the purity of our womanhood mustbe maintained."Mrs. Sarah J. Elliott, who for seven years

Itt-rted as a deaconess of the Epits opal'hurch In Utah. said in part: Manty ofthe Mirmon women are just as honest intheir belief as are the women of this part--f the country. They are lust as goaln- there. N-.t long ago, she said, she visit-ed a home where there were plural wives.and one of them told her what a beautifulthing Ilural marriages are. "You women,'said the plural wIfe, "marry' the man youlive: we marry at man because it is ourduhtyv. ' ntinuing, the woman visited aid

tie old not want to be the sitigie wifeif one tman, because she would be bored :0have, a mani a~riound all the time. Hter bus-btaral, se. said, visIted her -'nec a mnth,she entertained him the best sh3~caonil andthen dismissed him for :a month.

Women Favor Polygamy.-Th- Mormon women are not opose-d to,la gay. end there Is no use to try to get

tem to abanidan it. The only hope in ef-P- tog~trform is through the children. It-dien hippens that a man marries a mother

l roght.'r, Or two or three sisters. Thereare. how-ever, ixnstances in which womenlMve gonie inisane when their husbanid took

iin wife.Co ntinuing, Mrs. Elliott saId the chil-

itnx atr' willing to learn anything, andn~er experxience had taught her that mis-si-it schools whertver planted in Utah haved!'o'htre.,t good. Mormon women are notat- ignorant lot of peopile; they read agreat deal. Some p~eople have asked, why

not 'he-se women leave the polygamousitisands. It would not be an easy thingfor a woman to do this. If she did shew-oubl have to leave her children to her

h-anid. lHe is the god who is to takeNin hi'-o heaven. She made an earnest

a-pp-l that work be done toward reachingtile * htidren of Mormon parents, and de-Sred hi.-r belief that the ediucation of the

xi a:oxng high moral lInes was the-nv solution of the Mormon problem.I r. Strong explained that Mrs. Elliottwa, as miuch opposed to polygamy as anyexne. but she had spoken int the strain sheha't because of hi-r great love for the Mor-ti x nmt hers and chiltiren.Mr. A. T. Sehroedie:-. a lawyer of Saltl1,ake City, said, in part: "The Question of

tihe adimlstn of Mr. Roberts was not onevioldities. but one of deenrcy. The fightis not one against Roberts, but against theiiiiitoius. ystem he represents. In Utah

Sper cent of the people are Mormons. andit *-ourse control legislation. In Idaho and\\ voing they hold the balance of powerand theiy hate in both states been able totie up the legislature ut each until a mes-si-nier from Sait Lake reached the capitalatnd presuimably made such a deal as wasdt ittl lby the Mormon leaders. The Mor--mitts, he declared, very nearly controltwelve t'nlted States senators, and in a-I-ise election they 'stight be able to saywho might or might not be President of theI 'rated Stat's.

it is said that their mIssionaries havemnade 415ss converts during the past year.and he had h.-ard during the past fewwee.ks that in future no statistics as to theircrease would be given out, if It wasknown how rapidly Mormonism wasspreading through the country, too muchalarm would be created.

C'onceratag Revelation.As. showing how revelations are procured

by asme of the Mormon leaders, Mr.Schroeder read the following, which wasstated by President J. Mi. Grant: "Youamuet study it in your own mind, then youmust ask me if it be right; I will oause thatyour bosom shall burn within you. .a.r

BADBREATH"I have been a CAOAS(IA T as-amild and feesveI=e they are simply-derful. My dasber and I were botbowedsick stomachOutsnt reath was vr d.

takinugafew doses of WetS we tray imroewonderfully. They are a Est aii the fmlWrLELUINANAU11M Rittenhouse St., Cincinnati, Ohi.,



Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. DoGood, Never Sieken. Weaken. or Gripe. 10.we. .

... CURE CONSTIPATION.-,a.s,Cp,, N.tra.. .. ..

10-TO-BAC 8ii.t.dndMw at,rbfore you shall feel that it is right, but if itbe not right you shall have no such feeling.hut you shall have a stupor of thought thatshall cause You to forget the thing that iswrong: therefore you cannot, write thatwhich is sacred. save It be given you fromn .*

The speaker also quoted the following froma sermon by Apostle Grant: "What woulda man of God say who felt right whenJoseph asked him for his money? Hewould say, -Yes, andi I wish I had more tohelp to build up the kingdom of God.' Or,if he came and said, i want your wife.'Oh, yes,' he would say, 'here she is. thereare plenty more.'"Also this by Orson Pratt: "The Lord

has told us that it required of every manin the church to lay all things, not one-tenth alone, but to lay all things before thebishop of his church; consecrate the wholeof it-everything he had-his flocks andherds-his ca tIle, horses and mules-hisgold and silver-his wearing, jewelry and everything he pos-ses; consecrate it: not like Annanias.

keep back a portion, and his wife, but giveeverything-make a full consecration to be-gin with. (Voice in the stand-'Wives andchildren?' Yes, give wives and children, ofcourse; the wives have given themselves totheir husbands and le has to consecratethem: they are the Lord's. He has onlylent them to us.

Head of the Priesthood.Likewiso this from the official organ of

the Mormon Church:'Did the Prophet Joseph want every

ma's wife he asked for? He did not, butin that thing was the grand head of thepriesthood developed. The grand object inview was to try the people of God to seewhat was in them. If such a man of Godshould come to me and say, 'I want yourgold and silver, or your wives,' I wouldsay, 'Here they are, I wish I had more togive you, take all I have got.' A man whohas got the spirit of God and the light ofeternity in him has no trouble about suchmatters.'Mr. S'hroeler answered a number of

questions, one of which was: When did Mr.Roberts take his wives? The reply was; Thefirst iin 147o, the second in 1.N3. tie thirdinl JS.i@G, or prhaps thren years prevliousy.The meeltira was closed by the singing

of 'My Counr:ry. 'Tis of Thee'' the rpeti-tion of the Lord's prayer, Bishop lurstleading, and thie betdiclion, also by theIyshop.Rev. Dr. T. C. Iliff. superiitenident of M.

E. nissi-lns, was lir-ent, but he dId nottke any p:lrt in tle' x'rcises.


Exentive Committee Meets andTransacts Business.

The movement to raise funds to purchaseor build a house In this city for Rear Ad-miral Schley is iow well inder way. Theinterest in the proposition ceenis to be fit-creasing rapidly. The executive committee,,if which -Col. Berrett is chairman, held a

meeting Saturday evening at the RiggsHouse, arid from the interest displayed bythe participants there is every prospect thatthe fund will make a very considerableprogress In the near future. A design oftn engraved receipt, which will constitutea handsome souvenir, was submitted to thecommittee by Mr. 0. G. Staples, and aftersome di.ussion the matter was left in thehands of a committee consisting of 0. (.Staples. Thomas C. Noy-s and George WN.Evans. This committee will submit a de-sign for a souvenir receipt. There was dis-cussion, and a favorable one, on the ideaof holding a large entertainment at oneof the city theaters for the benefit of thefund. The members of the congressionaldelegation, both in the Senate and House,from Maryland and the governor of thestate were made honorary members of thecommittee.The following list of subcommittees was

announced by the chairman:Committee on finance and subscriptionsoutsideof the Districtof Columbia-Thomaa1'. Morgan, Allison Nallor, Jr.; Wi liam B.tibb, Frank Hume, John B. Henderson,

Samuel W. Curriden, Robert CastelbergCharles C. Duncanson, Gen. William W.Dudley, Gasherie De Witt, James L. Nor-ris. Isadore Saks, Samuel B. Hege, JamesIt. Mambie, William S. Knox, J. ForrestManning, Colin Studda, Orren G. StaplesA. M. Lothrop, WIliam B. Gurley, RichardSylvester, James Lansburgh and J. MauryDove.Committee on finance and subscriptions In

the District of Columbia-E. SouthardParker, Samuel Ross, Fmil 0. SchaferThomas W. Smith, James F. Oyster, RufusIi. Thayer, William S. Thompson, FrankH. Thomas, S. Walter Woodiward, HlenryL. Briscoe, Chapin Brown, Myron M. Par-ker, Theop~hilus E. Roessle, John W. Ross,Albert F. Fox, W. Henderson Moses, Theo-dore J. Mayer, Charles A. James, Matthew0. Emery, Clarence F. Norment, J. HenrySmall, fr.; Col. Henry F. Blount, John B.W ight, Albert A. Wilson, Jesse 13. Wilsonand Charles C. Glover.C'ommittee on entertainmerits, schemes,

&c.-Edwin B. Hay, Dr. Percy Ilickling,u1l11 S Haley, George A. Darling, WillianmII. ('onley, Frederick W. Behrens, Percy S.Foster, J. Holdsworth Gordon, WilliamC ranch McIntyre. Thomas E. Ogra.m andW . Harry Rtapley.Committee uon subscriptions from organ-izations. &c.--James WV. Somerville, W, P

\ an Wickle, George H. Walker. H. C. Win-ship, Jesse B. K, Lee, Burton R. Rloss, WVHoward MIlls. Samuel G. Cornwell, WillamrK. Ellis, Willis B3. Magruder. Glendle B.Young and Edwin L. Shope.Committee on audit-Howard Perry, Har-ry Standiford, Seymour WV. Tuillock, Wil-11am T. Galliher, John H. Olcott, Edwin L.Shope and James T. Petty.(Committee on printing--George Gibson,Harrison Dingman, William J. Dwyer, Lu-cius E. Gridley, A. A. Hoehlling, Edwin J.Joyce and Edwin A. Goodwin.

Admiral Dewey Invited.Admirel George Dewey has been espe-

cially invited to attend the next campfire of the Richard J. Harden Camp ofSpanish 'War Veterans in this city, whichwill be kIndled December 15. A committee.with C. E. Marshall, M. E. Urell, WilliarnM. Robbins, Charles J. Harlow and F. F.MeAnally as members, was appointed tovisit the admiral and conv'ey the compli-ments of the camp and tender the cordialinvitation.

At Governmnt Expense.An order has been signed by Judge Cole,

in Criminal Court No. 2, directIng that oer-tin witnesree for the defendant in thecase of Frank W. Funk, indicted for themurder of William H. Brooks, be sum-moned at the expens, of the government.The witnesses In question reside at Alle-gheny City, Altoons, and other parts ofPennsylvania. The trial is set for Mondaynext.


Today,Thomsa J. Owen, Anet. 913 Fi at. n.w.--Chan-

cery sle of real estate at southeast corner 24thand I ats. n.w., on Mondasy, December 4, at 4:30p.m. Irwin B. Llnton, trustee,James W. Ratciiffe. Auct., 920 Pa. aye. n.w.--

Trustees' male of bmsiness property, on Monday,D~ecember 4. at 4:30 p.m. Samueli H. Walker andMichael I. Weller, trustees.

This Evenin.Waiter B. Williams & Co., Acer.. 10th and D

ats. n.w.-.-Thirtieth annual sale of table requ tes,clocks, bronses, poc~ket books, opera glasses, & 7:30 p.m.i, at auction rooms,Miarcus Notes, Auct., 627 La.- aye, n.W.,T-apaneseart sale of br'ie-a-brac, bronzes, etc., at 7 p.m., at

No. 606e i."tb at. n.y.Tomorrew.

Thomas 3. Owen, Auct., 012 F st.-T'rusteea' sleef Ne. 1215 Prbwneen. at. a .. e- ,m-a- De-

comber 5. at 4:31 p.m. Richard K. Hurd andIhenry M. E-arle, trustees.Julian Brewer, Auct.-Sale of property in city

of Annapolis, Md., on TuOsday, December 5, at12 m. Nicholas H. Green and Z. John W. Reveli,trustees.Duncanson Bros., Aucts., -th and D st*. n.w.-

Trusteas' sale of No. 2017 Kaicrama ave. n.w., onTuesday, December 5, at 4:30 p.m. Clarence B.Rheem and Alexander T. Hensey, trustees.0. G. Sloan & Co., Aucts.. 140? 0 at. n.w.--Sale

of meat block, nick. counter, coffee mill, cases,&c., on Tuesd.iy, December 5, at store, corner25i and K sts. n.w.





By virtue of a deed of trust, duly recorded inLiber No. 2040, fllo 386 et seg., one of the landrecords for the Distri-t of Columbila, and at therequest of the party secured thereby, we, the un-dersigned trustees, will offer for sale, by publicauction, in front of the premises, on MON[)AY,THE FOURITH DAY OF liECEMBEt, 1899. ATHALF-PAST FORlC O'CLOCK '.M.. the followingdescribed real estate situate in the city of Wash-ington, District of (olutubia. to wit: Al of lot10 excepting the fotlow ig: Beginning at thenorthweat corner of said il1, thence south 25 feet,thence east 1K0 feet, thence north 12i.4 feet, thenceeast 11) feet, thenice north 12IV~ feet, thence west110 feet to the place of beginning, in square num-bered one hundred and forty (140), togetler withall the Improvements, rights, etc.On TI ENDSAY, TIE FilThi 1DAY 0F DECEM-BER. 1899, AT FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.., It num-bered three (3l, In block numbered one (1); lotsnumbered nine 191 arid ten 10). In block numberedfour (4,; lots nundered eleven t1l), twelve (12)and thirteen (13), in block numbered six (6), and

lot numbered twt-ny-seven (27), in block numberedten (10o. of the sub-division calied Twining City. asrecorded in County H-ok 6. page 131, surveyor'soffce of sild Ilistrict, together with all the im-provements, rights, etc.On THE SAME DAY, AT IALF-'xTr FOURO'CLICK P.M., 'he ftllowing tract of land In the

county of Wash:ngton, in said District, being partof a tract frinerly ktitnIn as Chichester, begin-ning for the sane at a pitt one hundred and sev-enty-two (172) . fronm a pear tree, formerlycorner to lB,,iseau, Walker & Jones. In a coursenorth 58%2 west, thence north 32, east three hun-dred and twenty-seven (327> feet, to the north lineof idsesa's (formero land, thence north 56, westone hundred and seventy-tive (175) feet, to the westline of said latiol. thence with said line south 32,west thr%-ee hundred atnd thirty-one and a half(331%) feet, then, south 5t8%, east one hundredand seventy-five .175. feet to the beginning, con-taining I 32-100 acres of atnd, conv-yed to SaidHenry A. Linger by deed of James T. Bolseanu andwife, dated Augutst 31, 1b,, and recorded InLiber 157. folio 150, of lhe land records of saidDistrict, together with all the improvements,rights, etc.Terms: Onp-thi a cagh, balanre in one and two

years, with interest frm-it the lay of sale at sixper cent per annui securei by deed Of trust ottLae prolerty sold, or oil cash. at option of pur-chaser; $200 depoiht n @,ees No. it11 19th St.n.w. and factory in rear, $.0 deposit ont each it itTwining C!ty. and .ici de-posit on tract of landeast of i o. & Barchet-'s subd ivialn, require-dat tine of sale, If tems sale are n-t compliedwith in fifteen days fint iny of sale the trusteesreserve the igih t ii,- !.he roperty at risk andcost -f deftiulting purchaser. ofter five days' ad-vertisement of stucn reAfile In some tiewspaper pub-lished u Wi hington., I,. C. All conveyancing,recording, stamipE etc., it 'urhaser's cost.


n__21-&ds Trustees.T1'111 F%'17NING.



Sal-s LballyAt 11 a it., 'A nod 7:?d p.m.

At out Soles lioom,C"rner ith ail Pa. ave. n.w.JAMES P. IIALL, Manager.no30i-1l0t


Japanese Art Saleof


Ivories, Cloisonnes, Em.broideries, Curios andAntiques, together withtheWah Sing private collection of liirado Ware,Curios, &c.

A good opportunIty to secure HiOLIiDAY COODSat your own prices. lieats for ladles.

Sales 10:3i sm., 3 and 7 p.m..At atoro 606 13th st. nw., ni-ar Fc.

r.029-6t MARCI'S NiTEr, Auctioneer.P'LCRE~DAYS.

DUINCANS4ON 1ROS., AU(TIONEEIIS.T1TE LE-tiALEi OFk A. UILDLN~G LOT INl-'iilXIEW HtElillTS.lBy virtu'e of a ut-id of trust. recordied in LibeorNo. 1820, at f-,lio 374 it sog., or the hind recotrtisof the, li, striet f 4luitiia, andii at thet ireqtues t ofthle pa rty se-lit-id ther.y, woi- sihali sell, in frontof the prcemis's, on FILu'AY, TIC F"IFTFENTilDAY 0t- lul-CE~lli't, A.IJ. 15119, Al' HALF-PAST 1F011R O'JCK P.M., part of a ti-nct ifland forumerly kn'own as parte of Seitt's Ordinary.Ter-a F-irma and Alliat-e, now kimwn as lot b-lock 2. of a ,diision~ known as FslirviewHleighits, made ly John E.K teitl., andI rec-ordedl inithe sorv eyor's (line' of tie JUlstric-t of Columtbia, inBook of Coiuty Surveys, No. ii, at page 71.Terms of sale: tinie-iltu ash, bailance in oneand two ye-ars at 6'% er ainnm interest, pasyablte,se-mi-annually, secure iy deed of trust in the

property sold, or till cash, at the opIon of thepurchaser A dlepsit of $100 reqijtred iit timie ofalue. C'onveyancing, ret-ording, revenue stamflt,etc., at cost if I1,irchasier. Trmrts of sale toi hecomlieti with wi1thin ten days frtom day oft salte,othterwilse trustees ri-serve the rIght to rest-Il, atrisk anti -ost of defautlting ideb-aser,. after tivodays' advertisement of seh fdasale i some news-pauper puoblishied in Washingttar, ii. ('.

MiAHLO.NASHI.'iRD,de4-eodits Trustees.


Assignee's Sale of Fine Cassimeres,Worsteds, Suitings, Pants, Pat-terns, Linings, &c,.

Bty virtue of a deed of assiginetnt giv-entoieand duly recorded I will sell, within the salsh'rooms of James ~V. Riatelit~, 920 Pennsylvania'avenue northwest, on FRlD.gY, THlE EIGHTHDAY 0OF DECEMBER, 1899, AT TEN O'CLOCKA.M.. a large stot-k of up-tosdate tailoring goods,to which I invite the attentlgn of the trade andprivate buyers.Terms cash,de4-d&dbs W. W. WluGH;, Jr., Assignee.

TO WHOM IT MAY"CONCERtN:HOUSBlHOLD FURNITU'RE, ETC., TO PAYSTORAGE CHARGES.On SATUTRDAY MORt~NGNO DECEMBER NLINTH,18119, AT TEN O'CLOCK we will sell, withIn thesales r-oms of James tA. Rtateliffe. 920 Pa, aye.n~w., lot of Household Furnuiture, etc., In nameof Mrs. Jeanette Butler. to pay storage charges.All parties Interested will please take notice. ]Terms cash,



HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., we will sellin front of the premises: let 3, in square 571,fronting 20 feet on D) street, by a depth of 1086feeat, to a 11-foot alley improyed by a fonr-story cbrick dwelling, containing 10 rooms anid bath.'Terin: One-third cash, balance to one and twoyears from day of sole, bearing iaterst at thearste of S per cent per annutin payable semi-ann.-ally, secured by a deed of trust on the crpetsold, or ali cash, at the optien of the pm~hser.Deposit of $100 r'eqatred at the time of Osl. Con-veyancistg, recording and revenue stanlatthseceet of rcasor.. s. 4-


J. 0. Sinclair, Auctioneer,62 LA. AVE.

Our regular sale of Furnilture and General Mer-ellandise, TITESDAY, DECEMBER FIFTH. ATTEN O'CLOCK, will consist of Bed Room Suites.Sideboards, Desks, Parlor Suites, Carpets. Stoves,etc. Consignments received up to hor of vale.1t*


1110 K lB S IPeremptory Auctio Bale of

30 HEAD OF HORSES!TOMORROW (TUESDAT) MORNING, DFKEMBERFIFTH, at TEN O'C,0K. Some xtru good stockfor any purpose. No reseive.

Carriages, Wagons, Buggles, larnum*, etc.

Bensinger's Bazaar,940 La. Ave., sA"I14"e -

det4-mows,20C. SLOAN & CO., AUCTIONEERS, 14u7 G ST.


Contained In store northwest correr 21,th and Kstreets, at public nuetion. TI~E 4Y l'ECE31BERFriH. 1899, AT TWELVE O'oLOCk I.Terms cash.de2-2t C. 4;. SLOAN & CO., Auctioners.



By virtue of a certain deed of trust, dated Oc-tober 19, 197, and recorded autoug the land rec-ords of the Itistrict of Colirnba. In Liber 2248,follo 450 et seq., and at the request of certain1.olders of the notes senured thereby, we Mll offer,at public auction, in front of the premises, onTUlSDAY. TIE Flt"IH DAY OF DECEMBERt,A.D. 1499, AT HAIPAST FoUR U'CLOCK P. M.,the following described real estate, situate in thecounty of Vashingto.n District of Columbia, towit: All that celtain piece or parcel of land andtpremlses, known and distinguished as and beinglot numbered forty-three (43) of B. it. Warner'ssubdilvfislon of Iot in George 'iluesdell-s additionto Washington Heights, as the said Warner's sub.division is rec',rded in 0'unty Book 11. folIo 95. ofthe reeo:ds of the office of the surveyor of theDistrict of Columbia, together with the improve-ments thereon.Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money

to be paid in cash, and the balance to be paid Intwo equal Instalinents, respectively, in one andtwo years, secut.ed by deed of trust upon theprolertv sold, with intErest, payable semi-nnuntaly,at the rate of 6 per centi r annumi, er all cash,at th3 option of the purcbaser. A deposit of $2'sjwill be required at the tine of sale. Sale to ieclosed in 15 days from day of sale, otherwise theproperty will ie resold at the risk and iost ofefaulting purchaser, after live days' adveriAse-ment in some newspaper published tm WashIngton,D. 0 Itevenue stamps and conveyancing at costof putchaser.


no21-d&ds 916 F St. n.w.



By virtue ot a tettain deed of trust, duly recordedIn Liter 2831, folIo d20 et seq.. out of the laud re,-ouls of tle District ,f Coluta, and at the iequestof the parties secured there', the undersarndtrustees will sell at public au. tion. in front of theprenl-lles. on M'O.NIAY. (ItuiElt THilTIETH.ilt, AT IIALF-PAST IOU'lt 'CL4CK I.1., thefollowing describ.'d land and pirmises, situate ILthe coauty of Washington, Iistri't of Columbia:All of sublet tnuib--d 33 of Phmebe E. Shairleldsabdivlaisi of lots nu:nbered 5 and 9 In ib-k numl-bered 24, (MtutblIa lli,ghts, with tie improve-monts thereon. <'Laisting 'f a three-story and 'el-Itr i'riek wvellig.'t-rts (-f sil.-: ite-third cash, balance in re and

two e s, with i;terst at siX ptt r tttanu,payabie e-alnanually, secuted by teed of trust onthe t'i-ty 6-hI. or ai etne, at the ptiont of thejurchaser. A de ,if ta e-juira at timne ,fsale. tavervanciec recording sti revt-ome staupsat purAeser - 't. Tetus ,f sale to be etnidw ith ithin ten days fromit day (if sale,' 't t tte t us-tees r-serve the ight t, resell theiitrorty at therisk ad cst of dtefautltig pur'haser, a:ter livedays' advtisi-itto-tt(.f sch resale.

miill AlI. IIIl-Ri. Trrustee.U.I&iLY M. EARLE, Trustee.

r7T!E I'Rt'iHASI1ER OF THE ABOVE IDE-scribed ,rop-rty haing faijed t'' Comiply with theterms of sale the lropt-rty wsill i'e re.Id at therisk and cst of su-h defatui:ing puwhat t, infont of the promilses, on .IONDAY, NOVEMiBPERTWENTY S X E.NTH, IrW. AT IALF"-P'ASTFli O-CLOCK M.

IiCH ARt) M. HUtRD, Trustee.no20-d&ds LIENtY M. EAZLE. Trustee.

C7TTIE ABOVE SALE IS POSTPONED UNTILTUES.IL.Y, DIEF311MIt FIFTH, 119. same hourand place, by order of the trustees. n-27-d&da


T11S. J. OWN, At I'INEER, V13 F ST. N.WV.

Entire contents of the four-teen=room dwefhing No.

9M 0 St. N. W.At Auction.


It afforls an opportunity to purchase any articlein the house at your own ptrie. No reserve or

limit. TUOS. J OWEN,de4 2t Autioer.


Special sale of eleganthlousehol~d furniture, re-moved to our auctionrooms, 6112 IE st. ni.w., forconven'ience o~f salle (to besold on first and secondflooirs), on Wednesday, Dfe-cember 6, 1899, corn menc=ing at 110 o'cliock a.m.,Cottnsiing of elegant Bed Rotomt Sets in oak andtnabogany, Bress end lItnr ltitdsteadls, Inagniicent['ak Dinting Rtoom Set, Sidebotard, Side Table, Ext.

Tattle, Side and Armi Chairs, Oak China Closet.Dak Ftolding Bed, mirror front; Mlaht'g. Chiffitier.Nalthog. Itureau, C. S. Mashog. Chairs. Hair Mlat-iresses, Wicker Rockers, Sharing Stand, Le'athter-uovered and otier Fancy Chairs and ltet'kers,l'3itkerintg Square Piano*. Oak China Cltoset, Walnut and Springs. Walnut Sideboard, lceeB'x, Cookitng Stoves, fiisseis Carpets, Rugs, Slat-ting, P'ic'ures and many other articles to, itumer-aus to mentiton- del-4t1-HOS. J. OWEN, AUCT'IONEER, 913 P ST. N.W.'TU'STEES' SALE OF TWO-STORY BIUCK

DWELL.ING, SITUATE NO, 805 T STIIEETNOltTIIWEhI.By virtue of a deed ci tust gIven to us and re-orde~d In hLiber 16119, at folio 75 et seq., one of the

and records of the District of ColombIa, and at therequest of the party secured, we will sell, at pub-lIe auction, .n front of the premises, on WE['ES-

LIAY. TilE THIRTEENTH DAY OF IDECEEREL.1699, AT HALF-PAST F'OURt O'CLOCK PM., thefollowitng describted real estate, situate in the Dis-

Itlet of Columia. to wit: Lot nunmbered elghvteen

[t8), of Dier B. Gruff's subdivision of a part ofqutre numbered three hundred and ninety-three

[39.3), according to the plst of said subdivision, as

the same appears of record in the ollice of the aur-

reytr for the saId District. In subdivision hook

timbered 12, at follo 132. together with the im-provements thereon.Tlerms: One-third (1-3) ensh, balance in one (1)

snd two (2) years, with interest at 6% per annum,.acyale as mi-annually. One hundred ilollars (5100O)

leposit relred at time of sale. Good title or no

al.Alcneyancing at purchaser's cost.

CHARLES3 B. BAILEY,nn28de2,9,12 Trustees.HOS. J. OWEN, AUCTIONEER, 913 F ST. N.W.


1212 FOURITNl STREET NORTHWEST.Under and by virtue of a decree passed by thelupreme Court of the District of Columbia the

d ay of November, A.D. 18197 in Equity CauseCo. 2uS816, wherein Francis I. Rtuppert et al. ar

ompilnants and Ludwig J. Neff et al, are de-

endants, the tndersigned, trustees, will sell, at

tublic auction, In front of the premIses,- onTUESDAY, THE TWELFTH DAY 0OF DECEM-

lEE, A.D, 18919, AT FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., thatieee or parcel of grotutd, In the city of Washing-

on. Di. C., known, dIstinguished as and being lot

umribered seventy-two (72), in Devers' heirs sub-Ivision of orIginal lot numbered forty-eight (48),a suare numbered five hundred and tibrteen (5134,sah same is recorded in Liber numbered ten

10). folio three (3), in the surveyor's of~ee of the

listrict of Columbia, and know aspeseNo212 4th street hnorthiwst

Terms of sale: All cash. A denmit of oneunndred dollars ($#00) will be require at the timet sale, and the terms of sale must be complied

rlth within fifteen (151 days from the date of sale,therwise the property will he reseld at the risk

ad coat of the defaulting purcase. Conveyane-ag, revenue stamps, recordIng fees, etc., at pur-Ihaser's cnst,EDWARD L.. GIES, Trustee,

Warder L, 0th and F sts. n~w.'o.dd O.a- RITE, Tras,no20-d~ds4USD st. a.w.

I e


C. G. Sloan & Co., Auctioneers, 1407 G :t.

Mr. Hunter Sharp'sPrivate Collection of

Rare and Vaguable JapaneseCeramics, Temple Bronzes,

Wood and Ivory Carvings, Hangings,Curios, &c.

(Just from the Georgetoii Ciitom IueColected by 'Mr. Sharp during the p;at tirit li\eare

while serving the Un-ted States go. vernmncit in the cm-sular service at Kobe, Japan, ant sail ti o c loie , if the it tprivate collections ever taken stult f that countrx

The Porcelains comprise Koransha, 11iraila, ceshu. Naiihi ma. ,Kioto, Rare Satsuma. Kulani. Nagoywa. Maku7a, .hIin1se. &cfine Ivorv and Wood Carvings. mlij iin. Sihr Tea SeIRare Old Temple Bronzes, 0ut \ elket 1'ieturtes Tmple

Shrines, Blackwood and Lacqucr ('abinet land Tibl,Kakimonas, Rich Embrideries.Bcantiful Scens 'Rare Sword Ihits. Curi's an1 thi milll

of other valuiable pieces.TO BE SOLD AT PUBUC AUCTON

.:By Catal.guhlWithin Our Art Galery, £437 G Stret,

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,December 6, 7 and 8, Ml88,AT i A.M. AND .3 I'M.Grand Exhibtion

Monday and Tuesday, December 4th and 5th,9 A.M. TILL 6 1.M.

C. G. SL )AN & ('.. Anets.. 147 (1


By virtue of a d.*ree of the Sunpremi ourt f NN I.T N. 1 15.the District of Columbilla. passed ,n in,- :tn Q f' B) a - n 4,, ,f ' rkstMay. I907. in '.t-uity cause ltk4., n nin 'a ulW. Kibtey i. phl.tiff Itdi Wil iamli J. t IS"od 1 . In I -ro N ii f. 247 e1 tleq of Theel. def. -idant, the undersin, d tiui us. will -ffer Sld atfor tal- at ptuibli- aull Ii in front.. If Ie lIr.-mii.e.S, tile IeqlIa9 the patty I s Itwri,. letheon FRIl4AY. Ii'4E4 l Elt I Ni, at uitis.gue. iruaiiess will bell at l'il al -;IIALF-PATI FioI it (r cte IK ,I the fijll-cwing I t it it ,f Els pri'tnl "l, i Ay

descIrlbd irt of loI tw u ,. in ,,uare nine 1un 'lI.NI- illil I'.l O1 Nill,\t11tit A 10drtd and tifty-w 5 t.. bgianinlg lor t.e baimseM' Ai f I II X I.4$'I I it It I'm . theat the sonuthwes t ;:rner of said eirn and run- ,I'- 111 si :sli land Sid pr-tia.'s. ..ttn inning thence nor th altig the line if it' tre.t .a'.t, IL, ty ,fit , i h 01.-tififorty-beven feet. tlote eat iaralle villI M I e,t 'ia, au d," gltI it il IAng past wih -r3tntr-

sth, one bundred and eig te"; tiwn.e - sja,u.-It 14. t1 ituine 43 . stli . . f 1 Ie.parallel wsIth tb street east ,i oty- i .0e feet: niing at t-tot if sid It il rutnthlectIe w-t along the line of1 I str-et Is ' ilig tlb-in-.' Pit feet 4 l eb 11- 1 is.mlbhundrsed an,,d eight feet Its tIe I'lni' f begon.ting, e-i tli.'t -Nt 1- 'eet 4 It! I Iorse nmbered 11,02 tih street stuth i-l .Li - * t- 4I.- tui-gTtting.will, the,-ast and ! M*K l tNI treet iouitb-asi .i i . N 7t h . i ,,e a - alt tlit '

Terms f sale: 'ine thiri (f the purchase uTolcash, and. the in tw1 equa Inl jtinItllmen . N. - lit 1 1- n ise,

In on a nd it w, -Ear. from day of sale, waih I- t' 11 Pid II Stid 111, 1 1 Ii , il

erest at the rate 1 6 1.- i-t l- num. laab li n t l tl i il I.. . ithttmi-a inualy until aid, ti, ie reps.- nt , t- liitest :it-x Is,titIes o the uIII " a,i. aIur.- I nlii the pirg itr I y ,tn, 15 11 fir a t . 'te

or all 'asll. at t Ie 'iri.rc a-r's plt un. 'I un - t tise. t I gi i 5, siredl 1,3i1 1eflInstdred dll s to be d l it- at tim t sale Tenaz : , .

itto b, mplied Uith wit n tn d1. . fr-m dy ofsale. otherwise hie triistee %II r Ii at r:, Ttelhe luri a r at The ttn, I -!eAllcoant of defaulting pur-,as..r. All Ionv ni g t.dI - .5>3 t- . ii i ts i pin. i-Arecording at cost 'if lir-haer n-tat 1 -0 a t tiie --f !L, lihe ' 1 "mi,

S. IEIBERT GI". u lss t , a Isi .'ats fr-la!a.- It. nTw.

ANDREW B. DZ AI.l.. IIli, I I I ll.' tty at the r-6 ,Iii ClsLLf472 La. all'. I, w. th u aJ .

W E Aiii r

-'rrullee'a. J-ijll\ it IARNIKI., T te

RfX NORVIS..11 Aut.i 11"2M d&.18A'trIA.ave.TILL STEES' S.UA (IF SMAIL IhItI SETAND lTj ;E14-c.ds 5ALE Fi tS n i.

ON Ll-i'ilNhl SIREEl E'EI-:Nlll;..IN IgA-AI t Slts sI N ItiV~l N qF Il'.I', I.L-X.ANT TI, A Iti'lls SA~L IS POtSTVIIlNlll UNTII,IEINI; NO'. 2124 EI'lli'I'l S'ItE I \I A i M It EIlT.NIi. I."Ine6--u1Illy Viti I f tl\i 'lil .' It", h - - 1" au [sii'.-. BY ''ie 1 het-iie i.27! u1&.I

William Itudiu idefaie Ar- oERS.tObrA. Ilii, :l.t-I I.;d d l y ti

r Crd'N -'t('dted In IAIer N'.. 151c.. at I. It-:!; ': f it:n.. I1 15i.l i nlIA il-S r SAIL - iF A A lI247aIII. of theri'i'i'di, hLd tI ed Ird f

1the In. t'n lInb.. d t' t

AtteiurA. erlpyicr ti er. wI. theunI'rAl.ed, I'uAees wilD -el1.a LOw F T lR

In trLs Nf thekN prem ises o lil A il

14. 4'., Ne itill -l. t1,01c ast li ITtW -I'll Il 12 YF 1I, SIRLI r NA l If NII\ST BIY IID iAY. DeI-4M.1' I SEEN'11. IS141 AT 9,AT 41 4, .lPa A0 a 44 ES. 'ID 1 ., IIIE-'11.1 44K P . I . Ih.0.: -i'rtnin blt if grt-n'.knng,in sr w ,aT an pIeANVe AiS a ONEeH the authll Sis-tet ;'isfeet front h% toe depth %%A,4i N .ANDS~t4 OF HARSU.SIs.

i.f the east Inlf ,f' 1.: :,it ri i' untii-d autd 11v h irlte of .an t nder i ti e daeett .fofaixty-thlnee 41..". 'If ltat!-r'a adiai .1iUi part ,fN tdtbr.deigt. id Es aity Cuits, \- 2 ig3n.we,It. i'leallait. 'itl, lir..lii.-tt Is etiitl ii 1' £ l1 St..[, at Piillr suiti in sun the litna i ~ oftrame i teIntl l i.q se. 1n' -intiiset- en ll f.NIn~i . lIIE 111.'E '!AIy OF I) '113-Telrttt of i~sa : 'tio--t~IA i-ta.. lilatic In equnal BER. I".1 in TEN 4' IA K A I . all the . I..

11,!.g It -rta ~ cIne at ea l .. am u

itati-tieand ht. i t e a l te. Tools Stk. t i n-e Furniture and rit h. er a titia a t i.Tl If the one len H.r. (;ast Il;ifle and all t he .,ttn ces~f

jiurt r . Adls if * ' ilet e at t Ine tne tildig Nto. t "Dgi street octhwer wi b thtitne of satl 1".rllts t., '. "1i-titlillcI ,~~l wi t lI ;ity. abio one X1tLg.n vad Hatines. alid Tihe gild

I-t jus 4"'n-i-aii~tg aid et- 'dlig a th pu-- will .If the late Iiroui of Wortaey & Gilate llan.Achaser's& cost rareopn igtufity to obtain a t s. rb -ARTHnR A.wIliNEYn TrNll tee. lutes.M1len-tz lHtig. 111ial F- stste. nw. Te s na it nle: All cans at thetimne if sale.

WIIA.RTtN E. I.-ESTER. Tmtst. HENRY C. STLWART, Jr.. KIever,no,13t-dts Vlutubll n Law IrIeldlntg. t3l 14L th.eet a.Ja S. n. CARR. ef lrere


FIFTH si'miT I-AST A.N1+ CANAL STREIT. TRUSTI' SALE OF FRAME HOUSE NO. 2214WASHINGTON.1. C!E.EENTH STREiT NlRTW'aIT.Under and by virtue (if a dei-re2 of tine Stilme BY l.nuef of a decre u r f . be Supreme iourt oftheSurt ncf the DoisiL-t of 4',utilia. Iaaad --u the I'tsuirl-t of Gielnurntila. riathed In oily causeNo.

13th day of NVenire-. 151 In Erquity ts.' N..o 'N: , we tne undetignd -ill le- for mule, at

nt iaut-aione in front of the preniases. on WE -public we. ine ts~iof teuatelees sen MU- Ni i'.Y, the NXT I AT Ow tDEAWMBaI.IWO)Uljyidaeauftion,

-Y I rUg hl AT atHALF-PAST OUR O'CLOCKtheIstho

[4Ari 6.4L''CR IP.M.. all thst 'rtain pis .r lowing des-tibed real entsta situate in the tityparcel of land, with the luiprovicitt there'. In Ow. Washington, iastriet of CaIumlta, to -it: Thathle city of W tl l I~n, Iti te lizttri't if Cailuin- sotit tift,-*u feet front by the full depth, thatblt, ail't kniwtn rtid~ deacribied 0-4 being lit num- a ldtL, o~f lot 48. and the iatirttn live feet frsot by

bered nine 1'91 In 'gene A L Aft-bison's s dialvi-i te fuil depth that width of lot 40. In Starr andOf lilt in llaTeitli of STare nui iered eIkt ' Metclfa sulalivlunon of square302as maid sub-

bandied and ifty-three N. of 8fNG, as per platIdisio. II recorded in BOok I. W paeEE'o.reuo rdd in oft e of te arrypur of the -iattict of the surveyors office ofild IoIetr.kt, mnapries byCalcunlal, In LlIber 21. full* 126 fa m ft , htos v ii all tuprios-s'entsTerml. otf salec: The abusve Ili-le-y will Ihe a.-Id Terms: ''ti-tlr cash, onte-thIrd in one yearanfree aid clear odf all lctntwbratu- and tat-s to dar - te-thtrtin two years. with interest frn dayo

f taI Tine p rchae tiptem to be pad "ne-thir Sal'. @I i l et i nnit Jwr annu, l.syaaille

lit ciosht and the b:lati -c11 'Itil. alid two yestrsl anually, sielnited ht- deed of trust out the ,X'o~rtycfter da of sale. wth interest at6 per i3. tutu od. oz at 5saLi at the optko of theIrnnehpantn uladA iseur by &e if trust oni the de~*tof $151s required 01.00 atiliIptset Of IIrerds d t dept- a ,ar . will be r aqired etm If mi to te o lied with within tela

Aulan i-eptrt ne If Id . If the letr n.i aile are frin day .n dsie. or Iitsrty aIll be resold at rI[lit reini .d with in fifteen da the 1- a -r s i t I I r

otlig. e will el tant publi auton be aT l co t o R D ll.E , Tute

pueIsAtt.l E MNI,'I S AT Fant>e Bhl..1 97Estetnrhwtt(n'ii K ..- . att ertainE CA t of gr-ulee knownld12 sre to-tw-~

JAMh Rut siW. fe rn by ~hAUT4Nte depthN510, LTINEIS

12ixty 111,ree3,1%o 1'rthr'A uND vil121 parNCtO of ~tei t-te i ~eSurm etIM T REETantITis prW E thesl rit ifPrlmveda sliiv marfryaer dwelling huetanw der trust. ae 't. 11, ith ueofVad is '-nin.N.267

payment ato. one an th lad yer.d ofithe intrst a -Ilslt tl~ uti..I.f~ttih.6f pertmilu annm. id l h at t heoptiue n of the te-o ss i INJY ~EE~ETIlAO

tie nof sae-.I Tems'l t e cumndlt'sed w t'withe i iC Mtl.1l.A ~ ~t'C 1C .

tenII I- day .r C snveaning andi reu..rding in ftit of Sa afiurr-nlltIp t .ur Nt 16 m

WTERTIDY DEM. iSTER. Tratee.ji lsctt~taet f ierii s I.Teh~s

itt-ed tlilt'i-nine (30'. strty 4J.o1fu W.yuna A4N, IstgeTtuIt-ece

n'iat nbo tiniy Nt 1 t Il, i toknt u itit of trus r the tprut e aiid tt ata

iftercrsI ieofceoEh uairfrIi te is it nots'ountlel; -R In V ten ays. ts teel

bloi, and nt-es-hr.k-fromy liute Whac willit-1Elan A n NW

if ft-cthouandtiolars'$S45'4i ot e"h husel'JMS & JAICLIFFEAY;IA13NE NE

nohie ad ltoer ad ausesai locmbciirTTe of an <rer'BpAe th SWiTent AdayoNe'.)t b ai i a.bA erI W9. in FIAEpIt Cause NG 2931,wtal frm te lure~asr f ech ous tttl ot.Al htl ~selo ath dubl eautsin an thorte sedo

onvyatcln. rt-s-d~ ad rvene samp attheIn . b899 Th TEN slslets 'K t A wll.,f Jante 3do.orshaar'scoat IsRihie os dated ffleer Fritum07 and amtteTers o sae ti it cmpled -Il, Wtinit en t , h talso an r.o'n the Hanifes an the egte

lawfo a 'slo h rtte eirate o il o the lt ti t of oumbi.i& themnAt'Igt t rech he roprty att~n rtk ad cst ~f rare oprsity.lId to obtill aer ell--e tab theb -

ertsenen ofsuuh resle.~erms of sule: ioll ons at thetime.TfsaeJOHNII.WALTR. ruste, h~tE~tlHANR C. Bt TlEWA TJ., 1eceier,JOHN IDNEWRII, Trnstee to hatOS.ti tB. thRRciteeelvertn are

WALER B. WLLIMS .& .UCTONEER o 23-h15ton0 " street byadat foehndrd

ITRUSTEE' SALE OF VEED R Y 1 20o8-l:Oethr ehblne .n

Underpand by sertuanofaaldeaneesof-theeSuonreme

CourteyfnthngDattrist of purchase.raAsedmin th

3he dayri' of NoveImbr, p8sse in EquIty saus No. ttfiestvstttgh orsl a lto s

o.20till, w, the undersigned, trustee, wIll oself, a ligprhsr atrfiedy'avrleepubli aucioniA nrfrnt of the rmss paane.3ON-IOTWGRD Y.YSIECE\DAE ELV F~l AD. 1599E,. AT 2-td xctrofJn .d aRce

LD 01.A AF-'l'R"L~ O'CLOC . l ta eti iCe o

nthe cIty of Wahigton In theIiltrict ofCo-

biaban kownt' arto desrialen lot num- ~I~SLF-Tu N AtusO nsur ubered nn 9,nEgeeAAthrebiostudivain 111 OS.N.8 TETNEofty-tsi'nt0i bqaeginnth o thae samuered teight te fadedo rsh uyreo~dI

bundeds coneity-he N of 85ld3oruni s then sotLI.rN .foo37o s.*onofteld

retrde inu fihce est n hurnyrfte (listrfet reodof h it~tof(oubsada h

oTem-eefsie: The aibotene ttbil fift reusofld atyscrdthrbwesle0freet and near ascmte,undd1)) faesto foaeyy ulcac~o.Iwe o h s

of the.e purchasf emnnin y toe paithd h as one-thirdUGHH A O 55i ,h n-~. h the b alace i n one and Inttw-t!ooWs yearsstit f(~u,4,s

afters attof Iae nterest thay of aer aetutla o aibrdtohudentlt-~

pranansecured by deed of trust on theprpryadr v 65.tehrwth11heIlU5t.proper, ty t opld ft ue. A deposit ofrighwilsbereqire

SuG o areanch os bid.Ite temo aeae Trs n-hr ~h aacnma w

to 6idwth n fifteen days o the truof sate re- prmuscreydedo

rue resoe the i to rea the opertydneostof

the dewaern puebasner. Ain coinveancng Dre-fs as.A eegigtene

eering remveue stampls, etc., ato the at chset of easaSA.


3031-d&4THOMA8 DOWLINGh&dnO.,nsASLT&ONEEs.