raki bench - tapdaq case study

Raki Bench Case Study

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Post on 02-Jul-2015




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A case study showing the effectiveness of Tapdaq within Raki Bench's application, Guess The Flag. To sign up to Tapdaq, visit www.Tapdaq.com


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Raki Bench Case Study

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• Raki has been developing applications for 6 months !

• Raki currently has 60 applications spread across a number of niches. !

• Raki has a re-skin business model. He focuses on building and publishing multiple, similar applications in a short space of time. !

• Using this method, he has generated healthy revenues and sustainable growth on the App Store. !

• Raki was one of the first entrepreneurs to use Tapdaq.

Developer Overview

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Guess The Flag is a trivia-based application. !

Here are a few screenshots of the application.

Application Overview

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Monetization User Acquisition Analytics

SDKs Installed

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• Every application starts with no user-base at all, and developers often focus on the size of their revenues immediately. !

• However, focus should be placed on the average LTUV. The higher your average LTUV, the more you can afford to spend on acquiring new users and the faster you can scale your user-base.

!• Developers can improve their average LTUV by iterating and improving their

application but crucially, this takes time and resource. !

• Pre Tapdaq, and based on the first month of existence the average LTUV on ‘Guess the Flag’ stood at $0.022

What’s Raki’s problem?

Taking Raki’s average LTUV of $0.022, if we drove 1,000,000 users to Guess The Flag, we’d make Raki $22,000.

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App Performance With Tapdaq

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The Tapdaq Objective

Raki’s Problem !

Taking Raki’s LTV of $0.037, he would be unable to acquire users on any other network because their average CPI (cost per install) far exceeds this figure. Typically, being in

excess of $2. !!

Our Objective !

We wanted to help Raki generate more daily boot ups for his application which would in turn maximise his in app and ad revenue. To do this, we placed Tapdaq interstitials in

unobtrusive locations within Raki’s apps, all pointing to ‘Guess the Flag’.

On the 22nd April, 2014 - we turned Tapdaq on for Raki’s applications.

!On the following pages, the Tapdaq analytics are from 22nd April to

13th May. The previous analytics data is from 22nd March to April 13th. !

Tapdaq metrics are always in blue. The previous data is in red.

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Installs Comparison

When you break that down into a % difference it works out as 19.5% increase in installs.

Installs are only valuable if they convert into cash, so let’s look at the other statistics…

Before Tapdaq With Tapdaq

970 1,159

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Bootups Comparison

When you break these bootups into a % difference it works out as 47.1% increase.

Before Tapdaq With Tapdaq

6,721 9,893

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Revenue Comparison

Before Tapdaq With Tapdaq

$38.28 $55.17

This is a growth in revenue of 44.1% !

Yes, $55 is still a small amount of revenue in the grand scheme of things but don’t forget the growth Raki has seen here has not cost him $1 and furthermore, it’s


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Before Tapdaq With Tapdaq

$0.022 $0.048

This represents in the average LTV of a user acquired by Tapdaq being worth 118% more than before Tapdaq was implemented.


Understanding this statistic means that when we can scale the traffic that we have started to generate Raki, the revenue will increase substantially.

!So you are probably thinking, why the sudden jump in LTVU when we

integrated Tapdaq?

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We selected other applications which were relevant to ‘Guess the Flag’, and cross promoted within these products, trading Daq,

not dollars. !

With this in mind, the quality of the user acquired was much higher than compared to a more generic campaign.



With a new LTV of $0.048, if we drove 1,000,000 users to Guess The Flag using Tapdaq, we’d make Raki $48,000.

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We’ve provided Raki with a free way of generating higher quality users, which can scale. Raki is now implementing this model out

across all 60 of his applications which is resulting in far more impactful changes to his overall revenue.

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“A pretty remarkable product for generating installs and traction without spending any cash to advertise.” - Raki Bench

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Raki Bench Case Study