rana plaza building

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Post on 11-Feb-2018




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  • 7/23/2019 Rana Plaza Building


    RANA PLAZA BUILDINGSavar, Bangladesh Collapsed on April 24, 2!"

  • 7/23/2019 Rana Plaza Building


    On April 24, 2013, the structure of the Rana

    Plaza building catastrophically collapsed,bringing don the entire !"story reinforcedconcrete structure#

    $he Plaza as originally designed as a four"storybuilding pri%arily for retail store use, but asinstead occupied by gar%ent factories#

    &ith a death toll of 1,12' people, it is thedeadliest accidental building collapse in history#

  • 7/23/2019 Rana Plaza Building


    (ultiple factors led to the inade)uacy of the design of thebuilding*s structure, including illegal construction,poorregulation of codes and inspections, and dangerousignorance by the managerial staff#

    $he Plaza as oned by +ohel Rana, ho used hisaggressie tenacity and political connections to ac)uireillegal per%its and bribe goern%ent officials to approeconstruction

    On the day prior to the collapse, arning signs of nu%erouscrac-s throughout structure and caution e.pressed by localengineers ere ignored by the gar%ent factory oner and%anagers, leading to unsafe occupation of the building and

    the tragic deaths of oer a thousand or-ers#

  • 7/23/2019 Rana Plaza Building


    $he structure of the

    building as cast"in"placeconcrete ith steelreinforce%ent# $he designas si%ple in nature ithflat slabs supported by

    typical bea%s andcolu%ns# /our dieselgenerators located on theroof of the building ere

    -non to actiate oer adozen ti%es per day inorder to restore electricityand clothing production#

  • 7/23/2019 Rana Plaza Building


  • 7/23/2019 Rana Plaza Building


    nsuitable land for %ulti"story construction

    efore construction, a %arshy sa%p land ith a s%all pond couldbe seen at the site of the Plaza# $he soil co%position of the land asunstable and had inade)uate strength to support the eight of thebuilding# oeer, instead of re%oing the unstable soil andreplacing it ith better, stronger soil ith the strength needed tosupport the building, rubbish and trash as used to fill in the sa%p#

    se of poor )uality construction %aterials# $he co%%ittee found that construction used e.tre%ely poor )uality

    iron rods and ce%ent#

    /or the Plaza, ce%ent used to %a-e the concrete included too %uchsand, %a-ing it %ore brittle and ea-# 5n addition, the sub"floors

    ere cast too thin and did not hae the necessary depth and strengthneeded to disperse and support the loads of the building# $hereinforcing steel used in the concrete also had its share of issues# 6ueto unaailability and high cost, it as a difficult %aterial to obtain# 5norder to decrease the budget, less steel as e%bedded in the concretethan as called for in the design#

  • 7/23/2019 Rana Plaza Building


    7oads placed on thebuilding ere not ithindesign criteria#

    Poor regulation andenforce%ent of buildingcodes#

    igh de%and ithin thegar%ent %ar-et#

  • 7/23/2019 Rana Plaza Building


    Burj Dubai Building (Burj Khalifa)D#$ai, Uni%ed Ara$ &'ira%es

  • 7/23/2019 Rana Plaza Building


    $he ur8 6ubai Pro8ect is a %ulti"

    use deelop%ent toer ith atotal floor area of 490,000 s)uare%eters that includes residential,hotel, co%%ercial, office,entertain%ent, shopping, leisure,

    and par-ing facilities# $he ur86ubai pro8ect is designed to be thecenterpiece of the large scale ur86ubai 6eelop%ent that rises intothe s-y to an unprecedent height

    that e.ceeds :00 %eters and thatconsists of %ore than 190 floors#

  • 7/23/2019 Rana Plaza Building


    $he toer superstructureof ur8 6ubai is designedas an all reinforcedconcrete building ithhigh perfor%ance concretefro% the foundation leelto leel 1;9, and is toppedith a structural steel

    braced fra%e fro% leel1;9 to the pinnacle#

  • 7/23/2019 Rana Plaza Building


    $he toer %assing is also drien by indengineering re)uire%ents to reduce dyna%icind e.citation# As the toer spirals into the s-y,the building

  • 7/23/2019 Rana Plaza Building


    (o#nda%ion S)s%e'

    $he $oer is founded on a 3:00%% thic- highperfor%ance reinforced concrete pile supported raftfoundation at ":#;; 6(6# $he reinforced concrete raft

    foundation utilizes high perfor%ance +elf =o%pacting=oncrete >+==? and is placed oer a %ini%u% 100%%blinding slab oer aterproofing %e%brane, oer atleast ;0%% blinding slab# $he raft foundation botto%

    and all sides are protected ith aterproofing%e%brane#

  • 7/23/2019 Rana Plaza Building


    $he piles are 1;00%% dia%eter, high perfor%ancereinforced concrete bored piles, e.tending appro.i%ately4; %eters belo the base of the raft# All piles utilize selfco%pacting concrete >+==? ith @c ratio not e.ceeding0#30, placed in one continuous concrete pour using thetre%ie %ethod# $he final pile eleations are founded at

    ";; 6(6 to achiee the assu%ed pile capacities of3000$onnes#

    A robust cathodic protection syste% for both the bored

    piles and the raft foundation syste% protects thefoundation and the reinforced concrete raft against theseere and corrosie eniron%ent >chloride and sulfate?of the soil at the ur8 6ubai site#

  • 7/23/2019 Rana Plaza Building


  • 7/23/2019 Rana Plaza Building
