raob tlutm m m v t l s f e s...

ifc.;::'...'. ■ 1. - i p i i ! ^ P,BD-Tlme in BnssU: •Arm y Wot B o r ^ ^ o r Slayln, of La^ne Delegate; Sc ' olares ^vleta HaltreaUd Hi . . ^ Q d PAreaU and Sons. - - wtAUfBANNH, May 10—" rm gli'iil bad reTense-' 1 Iitottrido Conrtiill. tonner otdcer 1 Die ctar’a army, who lato jrcntortla 'threw (be Lauianu conferenco Int ]’«onft«nia(>oft b)' osmufnitclnic -i Yorcvaliy,' Rntlan'il«I«kate. mortnll Nroiindlns tba lutvr'a aecrebtry 'an< dhooUDK a&Mher Rutilan. made'thl iJutement «• part of a lon«ihy pli' <U«rore • a ezamlnlDK.naglstrMa lo<1s] ,‘i Conr«dl charied tlie bolih«vlkl(>Tlt torrarlnit 'hla o(ed : parenta aod tw of hla eoni.'wbo. ho anlii; died o( atat Vatlon Aa'd'-craal treaUhant In Huail itftei' the'Trrblatlon. In the dlalDil room of (ho Hot« Cecil last aTattlnir, afier tiavloK con •umVd nutaerous tbran«Un. CoDraiJ draw a raTOlTer and approachlajrrtt table whert VorowaW.'Ahreni, chle of tbe RtiMilut Telegraph ss«ncy. ani Dlbrilkovaky; the fornler'a. aecreurj J ere ieaied,;sh‘ot dowa all three will X balloliL Ho then^gaTe 'hlmsel up. -The Ne*r Tiaaf, parfcy haa bcfli ihrown Inlo'coafualon by the eltooi Ifaf. i"'* •• ' . V waa-’-TWoited that faaehtr ha ftSM-^KSjPSSS^ U>- l t i l^ > '« tr p B R In tho back ^U D d ot'fluailta'afUlci, necotlalo t» iS E £ l‘^ £ J S : “ S jolalmed'tiqr knowledc«;ot the looldea - , «is~:ss Mod euitMBplirtM'diilag^' tXU Y^eli ‘ - «kd:-.vn*vi)4«A'ot the IWeUtI tail :» ir tUtilU^nB that tbe order.ha' wllUdiiva. I Sinmtf tiroteat trom the Bovernmeti . iCt Mo«;o* u looked for. Tbe Rua idana are 'expected to chame SwltxcT land wtUi.noi tumlahlaA-.auttlcloi llrotecaoh/for.th* #otlet omiMarlei t rreaidant Mo(U. oflSwluorlfnd. ha laaned aa&teme'nt refretiibRi'the’dld ttirbaaee-and'hoping the bolihevUt thu aot indulRs la reprlaa's. ' M. Ahrena ha? teleRraphad Moico< for laatmctlona-raxardlni Vorowaky" fiineral. Dlbrill^oTBlty’a condition i fiHUcal. <trs[^aa two'bulleta in hi Ahr^Qa « lll recover. -. fRiSOBSJi;- . : BiitewEN -Item iTtEN TS|N,.Wtiy' U.~Kor Ood Bfko take away the trqops! '■ ‘jTher, threaten to kill ua aill ‘ 'iThia'm eaaatM t ileapasr camo tlil I ittem oon Xr.^m,'J.,'l};\To«rell, Amurl a n nawapaperTTtanl'capbw wi^li otb e^ forefsoen.l^ilhe 'ca&pviir'ShaB tdDg bandlU i^ o wreclced.and.loot* tbe Bhanghkl>‘Pekia -'CxprHa duodi ^orntog, anc carrieil off Ita ’torelg vlThe err trotn the Ihdltf-to.'whlc brig«BdB.''n6w tiloie prm od' b ^Tersi^Bt awpa , ^wllhdraWi eatued''.conitaroati)m-'^ra. Grai (tera an rdt‘;Mf^tbO«r4tr^t:U) . Apdetermin^d number ot torel^ei .Wll heliS' . ,jTba dWPalrlaf maatage from Pd« •tI-wbisll;««a MDt from, the band 9^l>;ioday. lUrred growing anit - raQBi'.foralgnera agaiaat wh«t at , 9 lt (pr^.iMufUdlant, jnaaauraa fc . ii^Qt«ctJM''RQ'd* rdlaJts^'M 'the eai UVta.','ao<|ir belleTed tO’be In deadi Of •tha-torargn^^oaart. ai ' (t ar th« oQtrata''' waa Ui_, b«' a x p m la p*rit<n M «ActC I^tfoD :«r daleiatioa .ot ;tkr*e, fholudlag 'th pi^ldral-or tha'UnJt^ ChjiiDbara ( .n%» taot<0M ^ai4'^li‘'be.iatenna that a million :dolUira «aa .raad^ to rkaaom'ipnaciiaary;; ;■ iClMOTmrara’ •\ f^ir toaight and Bniurdny: heav , ^Mt ia .................................... mm i ' ’. . ' • ■ '> [IJ ;/Siui Fr^cisoo Lad < rN i!J5I«cte^>:Mayor on . m ■^■f|iigKt.;W me Ticket; i r !ii>ANiraANOIBCO, Muy U - i r y - JLl >j|MtRoa«nl)laU. Jr. Iiu boon eltct* Jir; t oi inM'oV.ot;Ban. I’Vunclivo on ii ’ Ug^t wlno nnd J>Qer.Ilckol. j; . Ha la nRcil 12.yeara aniT fonr S p s monthR. .I|i- Irvlag .wan aeUctod Tliurailiiy by a commllleo of aUulta from Jl? among a half iloien’ cantlldateu of opproximate'atte and oilucallon. • ■ 'lr»lnK cdnrliiceC iliu commlilco j Ibat In a week'n llmo-lila term of ■llsn tirncc—he conlil do R Krual dcAl . tor San Fmncli-cn. r.® . _ ,.TM JHd..wlll..,rcplaa! .-3layor. ne' Jumea Hoiph, Jr., nil ot nexi . I «V(M)k. whtch ia Ijoya^ week In 8an Hia ''rrancUico. ' ■iwriiLL ir till '•* H i m ’thl* pli'a --------- LOS ANOULKS. May l'l-(lrovlt r ‘“* can ho ovorcomo by llie nowly dli *wo covered oOlc ray. EdRur L. HolUap! '“ f" hofiU. BclenUat, who mntnulna prlvm iHiia lAboratorlea at ranuttena. declared I an intorlriew today, cnn* The ^xlio ray pro»Ja lUnl elDclrlcll ,J la an^olemcnc-Dr aubatanco. Jiiit « wood.'wUh a 'deflnlto nlomlc apeo ^ hrm flatalned. aayiiw lie ba.od h ’’anU wncluiloiiii on to yeara of study, tary, "Ha tlaclarcd llial: wllh "Dy nao'.of tho odic ray any mote isalf can bo madv-tn bave a llxlitor wcIrI (ban any ktiowa gnn wllliout in as been changing lla alreneth. tool- By uar-of llu radiation n phoiograii cat) bo’Uken through IIH Inchea < had «0lld'-l*odiaort-iH laehei ot aoll Vor- "U^l *llh flTo aeeonda' expoeure. Ul»e '"Tire new ray“ he lold tiio Unlla «ck* Preaa today, “li baaed on Ibe tbeor laior that electrlcliy la an element or aul lent, iiaacc, wiih a daflnlle atomic apaed dla- . / ____________ ^ dent s mmm Ru«. ______ l*er- slent • . ATLANTA. aa...M ay 14—Tbe Gei xlea. eral redoratlon of Women'a clubi I ,,haa biennial council'here today voted ni dU* .aaimonilf.irf faTor.of a reioiutlda ai .ffOTtqg aettlemtiit of InierntUibiu queitima. throuRb -a juUlclnl tribui icow al." andxiprcialng oppoalllon to'a 'ky‘« wara. ■ ",}• Tho orsanlUtioR repreaenia’tw itilllidn club women in ilie Unlu Slatfa._ ' Tho'rcaoltitlon itaied thaf "intemi tlonai friction ihould give nwiy | Inlernatlonai uodartlandlng.’’ aad at doraoa.all raeaiurea to that ead. : reeofflmeaiifd lha ^bearing and adju< Icatlon^r. orderly prrKedure ot nil It tertktional coatidyaray nuicoptlble > ) ' aeltltmaal thnugli an Inlematlon : tnbttjiat.*:. M»i ;'Ko.mad0on:wa8 made ot Preildei m llkrdlDg’a -’frorld coutl proposal, U l l do'asatea'.agreeing that tbe counc v l* Ihould not giy oa record aa favorab: : to a ^ i ^ t e a n ptajx.**; ' . 'Ua^ldioliii-endoneBent all hxl-a >lrra'tb rcMlutlons prorldlnjt'^ rli id en'dtorciBmahl of'i^ll .iawf,;partl '. ularly tlto\JBUi uwndmeqt, fc <chl ,,,u tabor ameiAmanl io'tha conitliotlo nurl. a-aelootiva tamlgratloa blU.^nd otb- of'the' hareotlc'eTll otTho h ban*’ ' toted The dViegalea also' went on recoi aday tijDLfavbr.or ihe;Feia bill. proVldlt -eign for an inoreaaed congreiilonil a ' proprlatlbn for homo .ecoaomtea wor ,ht.K pellUonK to newapapera to glTe crtn .“-(.y' iHa profailneBee, and' declared tbi fn'vMooUfia^Kho. Waablaftoa - ai ' *0r«tda‘:'^wluwB'4M:iiM per cant ^ ■uU^'aa.T^tional cp*operatl' i eonferoBCO. M BC.' M < r '> > 7 4 1 r i i e t o ^ t b a ^ ti6b'cohsatUi{g*Oi«tr raapkUra.o ' tbV ftuil£aU3M ' to. i^ilaUpo wJtb. U K m tu 'r mlisddatlab had proVioni naM 'w ptM a Mlnllai^eoane.. ’ for VjlMllvatat'iliaTo baaa aaraed by'm ' iU tt to tba^orgaaliatiott maattni .' Ihe AnaM eaB'^M l Orowtn la Ml . neapolla^'y 11 and'the Northwe eavy will p m a n t a aniied ranrcicniatii .of growaw/ .............. m m ■( T.-wn<. F k ig i ^Bil i GIVEN H ii llco _____ ll of , JcAl MoU ict' of Slain Northwestcn yor ' Dniyarsity. Student . Bittcrlj Rapa Tortlmonjr of Prwlden Scott; Investigation Discount Suicido Theory. ^ '\CHICA00. Mny 11—Mrs, J, L ^ MPt)nl, fntll inuthor ol Lvlsliioi Mounl.. loday • draiiiiiU«niy rcfutei liluia Itiai her hoii rammlllod sutcldi i | niid dcclnrcd iho will tight tu briDi I iltn alayara lo Jatttce. ;l She bntmled parta nf the letllmoa] J of President ^S'aIter Ulll Svoit, o Norlhwoateru' imlvijnlly Iiefore thi Krond Jury , an "eampus lies." Ill denying S<j>ii’»-t««Umon}' Uiu ahe exprcnseil tear to him tha^ Lolfch oi»- totl rin away or lonk til« own Iltr Mra. Moiiril nccuimd Sccili ot ihduclni riviiio hpr ,0 •■|,ep|> quiot nbout dcvelopmonli “J 1“ In Uio cano lo protcci iho.achool.” •'My buy wan kllleil by hatera. iT rlclly dieil rishtlnr Now.i ain going ti It as flghi. I nm throush proloctlng North ipeco, weitern.” ' I hla Mra..'Mount haa boon noar coltnpm ly. . Mlnea The akeloton Identified aa tha ' > fit her non wnn found In a.U ke Mich mntnl wberp, the Mounts chargt rciffhL *'“■ placed by liaieni noma Umo tol 1 nnr lowlns llio'1921 cinia rush. ' Tbo .mnibor nalit thal aoon nfie l..elghlon‘» disappearanco Prenlden sraiih gcoti 5,,||p,i her up nnd lold her B ">■ had expelled 1C aludentn. but ask* lolld ^ 5,. Jp heep. thin flulel nO'they couli ^0- «nler othor luitliuTlonn. Inllad ’Thay totil mo my boy would re beory tatn. That'H why I kept quiet. No' ’ sub* I nm'Qtroash keeping Qtilet. I deman< paed." Juatlce.*' ' Bho,Immodlalely held n'looB contoi ^q6a with .John B. nnrbaro. sialstaii I -, . ^lau'a aUomey.ngtL.Bald.aUa. IaJdJiiJ P ’’ him!' “ *• ' Aligned with-Mni. Mount,In he f k lL i'Bht today wn« Mlaa X)nrln Fuchi lb llu TOUth'a aweethearl, to whom lha mo Iin tber waa reported to hava oiijectad. VIjW .."I have abandoned tha tbtorr i flrat bold tiiat Ulghlon killed hlmnal! ' and I am confidant now, ba>a« Jdlli Gen* by. hatars," aha told iha grand Jun tbi Id: Michael Hngbea. chlcf at dataoltvai id nn^ aX the head of an "expert commlaalon in ap* 'vlaiteil tho pier (oday and returned a tibnai! opinion tbnt'tho poalllon of ’tTdunt' ribun.' akeieton indicated the botfy wua plac (o'all: •d' there liy othen. A commiiaion ot phyelclani will ei i' two •mine the akeieton for tracea of chetr l IdIic'I lo uaed -in keet Ing ll from belpg nollced'ln lla bldln ' .......................... gPEiim S iiW = j; MBKl alal), ‘ . . WASHINGTON. Uay ll-Prealder (child H ai^ g 'a plaaa lor'bU Alaijkan trii idtlon. which have uadergoaa comp)at« rerli ‘^d ; lon. «^ro,approacning:cooplcllon t. lie ha-- day. V' __Mh-llardlng will mako at ieaaflu TSta-tlto by water, tliereby eltmtnatln the apeochea lie would- ha» r to aallver, wpro the.outgoing Jonm« ' *1* and tha nlnrn both mlfda orertaad. Tho idaeUloa;;-to •Ufalaato.'pv, li 'irary STik VI u tlT o ^«n^M t « r thafpil; / lo' PluaV ra.or^! ' '6rdm N . Y . to C Ucag ana nigbta, In a p'aaa drivan' br < s MIn- .^iaatt, toKLthk.OnllW PriaTiodi thwMt Jlt.:1i^Biautut'Jtar;3>'ta; ny;hla'.tJi iiaiio^ ^m^aw.^-Xork |o CiilcoKo wl .■'•f ...... l l if t I S i l Icm CoDtraot^ Queationad B e ^ d in orl; . 8ecro(. .Ptianiben at Bo^idonc lent of Xia^\£unieU; Youn^ Gii ints TelU of:''AssoolBtion w i^ th Strange .Sect. L. ST. JOSEPH, Midi., Miiy: il- illon Charges tiiat.aecrel.cbambem mul iku uted aago way* .axistot In Itia Houno c cldo DaT|dfc.for oae of '-KIbr" n^njaml ring Purnell and olher high cult Icmler were fnreaftgaied (n<Tay (>y JudRu loay Karry mngeman'n "ono man" it*n of Jury. ‘he i>hMin iCium. ibe (.-onirnclor wb - bulll Shiloh.. Piiriioll'a rcnldonce. wa thul nommoned-to dincloao wbeihor (b Ifch- cnlt'fl -JilBg!! could bo hiding lit ii flcc 1 (n. rat apartmet)l al the cotuny. .. nni. will .'alao Iw quisled an to tb clinrKtn by Uio colooy’a ane'mles thn ' Denjamln u«e'd secret’tunneia in'paBu ' Ing tb and.from roumn of young:slrli irih- foliowli]g,'teaUinony of Louisa lia ger Jobnaon. Hula Uula dancer unl „P,g recently at 'JMet\ Springs, tho cult' thiL famoua amuaemobt resQrt. other wli „ch. neasen wlil be lunmonod' to ancertal if.Q wbethor Benjamin now demands foU "white waah". affidavit from wome membera -when (bey leave tbe colon: ifier uutborillm announced.' - dent Tho Johnkon girl lett'Ihe Houses r tie Davtd thrw weekn ago. aho HRid, ai aktd ler atgnlrfc fin afCldarlt to the goo ould moral character of tho cult loader Bherlff O o o ^ Rrldgmtsn aaid. Tt'- ■ ' ^ 0 acciued Benjamin of attemptln Now Ul atiack bw In a pantry at one t nand tbe colony hutfdinsa and declared thi , ahe waa niarrled ia boa ot (b« grod ntor* Vriddlbga tQ.«-.man«af 4C. SS.^ YiTnr^a^ t^uliir^A ltaW iw V >toro day.folJawUg an ailagod attempt'b «ult nosbara to approaob^er. her A ooIorCui deacrlption (ff how Kin I Ibo Danjamln catered Ibo "genlileii mp- through<the Eden Sprlnga amuiemei Kl. reaoh waa given by the Jbhison gir r iL Bba-leamod Hula Hula daadng I malt, Honolulu, aha aaid. and foe favan HIM yean ah» Wan totployod aa ono of lli lory, principnl attractiona lo ihouaauda < ivafc lourlaia. . d an CLAIMfl RHTATK unfa 'DSifvail, May n —Investigation It to n.Glalm by Joo Mayera. a Pole, thi . ho U'lho ton of Richard PInhom. we I knb«rn roaiau^ant owner wbo dlt hero Jaat year, was begun by aotboi Itlea today. Siayera told nltachea i tlie .Unltod ,SuUa dlatrlct attorney' offlco that ho vraa born In Poland an ' Ibal'Plnhori;. waa hta father. He I - mSrnTro oWaln part of Pinhom’i oi aUle. Tlnbom was widely know among holel men and touclsta ihroog out <be WeaL ■ ' * ' . i 'r , . Idanl ^ ' trip, «rli. a to* ■lulf have / imey ' {•> Bd. , . £ •' " ^ ' ■ >4 5«t la , N \ , i&- - rblch •• • >, . r v ranch . ' , aut.'. I '/.r i. ' i*',iJiMr ■'V'i. >>ith i'.'' a;;:-,' ussir (iing AUianco witb Dry Element Ii oncB ExpocUIthip of Liquor Men t( Girl Gnin tho End in View; Qucs tho tion in Dispute Will Bo Takct to Harding. il— WASHINGTON. Mny ll-A .Inllb IKlh- eriitn cnnip.-iign to force .tlm rcslgiiii 0 of lion Ilf Feilerol PrfllilUlllon ComuilH amln iloiier-Hoynen Is under way. iileri ll. iiQH lUMUiuell tiroporiloMA ibn onuno nomu ot tlnynea’ friendn to tcni * 0 ^ ll will nuececd. Started tiy "wpia,' tlie cnnifiiigii la intended to turn thi wbu “dryn" ncalnst Mnyncn, In Iho hnpi wan thnl tb«y will demand (hai ho bo rc (bo pluccil. 1 <icc' Tllo. iilleKod breakdown of prohlbl tlcm enforccmont under Hnyncn' uit 1 tbo mlnlslrntlnn In iho bniln for Ibo nt thnt lack. Ito|>orted wtdeipread curriip paan- tioii In Iho prohibition forco In balni lirla.' uned nx ono.iirguitfent ngalnit Hayne: 11#. by bin cnemten. working cnvortly. unlll They will pronontiy carry Ihclrcnin rull'i lo President Harding, who bcture Un wll* 19:>4 can4>alBn, will have to fnc< rtaln iquirely the (luentlon of hln iiohUIoi a a In the nexl campaign on llquoi^Jav 3men oufdrcemeni. lony* U Iho invoHilBftilon now being con docted at Secrelory.ot the Troaiur; le ^ f Mfl’lon's order of alleged- corruiuloi I, at- and bribery among prohlblllon agent, good dlnclunci any auch condition aa (h dors, rumora heard ;« ro would Indlcalo Ih flKhl on .Haynea probably wi|i at one ptlng bre^ out openly. -In any orent il u ot *"* ho pressed lo tbo now congrest that «h«n.every poaalblo etfort wUi (> irodp ®4do not only to. amtnd tbo VoUtef law , but .otno to , cripple i.prohlbltlii enforcement by ourtalilng ,atlU fur •_(o. JJieraba.app(apid*tiaBa>4er-,U*-p«T « 'b y Poao. Si? Oil CoMagraUbn , , Biiriu '<m Unclicieked < In in Soatliern Field »aral • • ' COIISIUANA. TeiMA.^ay ll- K ^ b nn- unceasing .flW ’^ f^ l.- tlia raglm . ' iDfomi) IB J b o nughca McKJo flelOi Wbero eleven m^a wtro bumod (' 'death when a gian(. ,weti„ekp,Iodei , continued today unconquorpd .by ol ifil forla of flro fIghloK. ). diod WorVcm labored all.afg^t and |oda lljor- ‘'onnecilng up giant;, .I»!1wb..Irol u 0, which stoam will be «l)#-iB,tho tlatU aev'a l»g gualier. wMch blow (ip soon atte I and ll brought in Wadflosday night Ic ta four skeletona:aUit-'i^t of .read I oa- ot the workera. bccaase ot thoiinteu Down heal, caa.be aeenrbohlnd’tbo loreon 6 oogh amoko and flaniea aurrouBdIng th ruins. . . FLY , SL A T T IN G TIN 0 7 ^1 ) / p'-" J.ie :?' “’31 ;;K7. ?RQ SP] V T l I c a p t u r e d , A N D I R E L E A SE D n to I. . ukon V - » . . vf jt ilnilh- -H B . igiiii- ‘B^Db - iiiiiiH' ' Ibnt n the • y hnpo u rp. ;ii)ticrl i*. Scrrlpp'. .\iin-rli-iiu ni-w I iiiiiicrimili. (llriTlcir of llic Strlii|i ,1,11,1 Hownr<l nowHti.iiior». lum Kriiiiiii'-ni . di'nrrlljsd hlii IbrlllliiR i-xiuTk-li. J while klrtiinimil In Chlnn: rriip- ----------- - CWACE RAISE 1 ATWTEI p' hoii (‘JlU'AGO. .Mny ll —Itiillwiiy iinliS gonia nUfcmpilnR in nccurc wuko I ) (ho creaios for iiruilcitlly nil i:1anNci 0 Ibe omployoa, It wun rniiurtod horu lod: rnil want* ‘ho Ihnptnon. shop Ubort 1 1^’ mali>(«nanco ot.w ar mon. dcrka a atead PUtaw artr ucili)g. through ladlvldv u ,iir unWnH in foauwilnk'adVaifcoi. Sovi " , f" al .Yisda' have granlo<l auch petltloi JU L J>nli tL*n«aU pprcoBttUB ot tho cai bavo. como .Iwfuca ib a United Btnl Railroad U bor ^oaM.' . . 'Theae - i’nclnda' roceni potillana maimenaitce bf way aod abop labori slcxs Bbopmen On Uie Brlc. Daltlmoro a . Oblo and Nuw York CWJtral, «il "IV /, lnrd aetllement” llnen-ln the rec< alrlke, have aaked the roads fo r' i.M . Incrtaaa tatniloK between tSO.OOO.< and leojJM.OOO. iocwrdlng (o unoff W aii wllrood labor boanl membera. ,y -The Chicago and Atlon nnd i'enns vnnia hnvo ^raiil|»l wage advani initov dlracl with IHK roailn und If lUch : Irnln 'JUOhW uro nol noltted tbo labor bot ■flarti- "■*" •’* petitioned. after ' --------------------r— Ibt - iiE-ELKCnBU. readi .NEW YORK; Maj- U.~JuUui toBse Barnes was . re*«Iecled prealdent «n 6t Ihe Chamber of Commerce ot I •tho United Slatea j6day. John Jo^r Kd« »Tia ro-o1ec\oo ireoauror. IM E :.;-,:.', ''^SW/k-r B l:. - ■ ^ raOB TlUtM S f E S f i i i i i coiiil I Miiis Aldrich Made Frlenda with' , : VI Little Son of Baodit.Ohlof ;-WAsr .... I Well. Treated WhUo OapUvo: - ! InabtB Upon Continuing 'He^ ' Tour Through China. ' ^ I'I; ki .S'. .Mi.y U-nro»HlnK beblnil a IH will! (i^lilniikelH Uclil by rcHpbclablo H CUlnojrf lirlKiindn, iliBltortiig from * i hull uiiiriu.lii u Uni: kennel «o amaTI. H Iior liari' fni-i tiiuck nut. munching tha H Wj.rcr-llkc lii'nii cnkin'with which Om 'V'., 1^ . iiliiivi-ii nnr fed. nml talking mart-IlK >viih liuftUiiiK chliilren ot the baadliff v. M iK li wcrci ’inmp nf the axperleocW ' IH-W1- ill rlhcil I))- l.ucy Aldrlcll. lUlarrKi'^ rliijin- l:i« nt Jnliii 1> . Iliiiki'tullor. Jr.', upoK- -i.: i'-iill>’ I In r nrrlvnl lirrc, j .\liMi Alilrlfh, »Iii> wnn pcrmUlotl to ,' ' I. frntn lhr l>rlRnii<ls wlio wrackaii V (Ulld nibhul u crni'k’express 8(radi^’,- iinnriiing, won thu rvputailon'aoyoiii;' I lu-r latuorK. nbo »ali|. of being a I "Rood sport." • ' 1 . Slio In turn riivh the bandlla^woro frnllnnt. that Ibcy treatod bar. wilb. J P |\ renpeci. odd Ihat noUilag can> HU,-. L ll niindo la-r from ciintlDulng ber totir ijf Tiiu CtblnMo are nol bad men and 'nho dcslreii to nee more of them, she <le<-laretl today In telling for tbe first inlftnn limp hor full nlciry. ;o lu- t'lud only In iilslil allire, Mliii Atdr Hei or^rli-h iramped hrnvely iDlo tbe hUla Kwiai- ’*■“'* ber.caplon. followloe ibe.wrock- '' Ing of the Shunilial iCxprcu. wbllo nhe nnd olher pa««ngo» Were^^eep borers early Sunday murnisg. ^ a ai^U Uccauao ot hor trey balrsi'aha aald.. vldual thn bandlu.'at tbo'flnl rlllaie they Bovar* uiniD to. gavo her loinathlnr to eat Itlonn. and ottered tier addlllODal :.'Cbin«ie B^oa nakiDg''ao Improviiad-drMSikg Worn, ot 'Within,-which iho'*itppM*:hto! '’tM liorara rongb dress. The brigaadi jrho iiold roada boudoir.wall wero gallant^-faha ' llcclarvd. f U ralnwi hard tha lirat. flight, w ra- , l « CO H.II. ., , ^ MrVni ' *•'"» Aldrich (ookmhlga.itf a siraw •ftV'BH dog.kennel, bar* feet aticKing innrxin oul. lato the alorni. '. Sbe ^a|ept'-Ube v ‘" ‘ , In Ibo morninK. abandoning ’ ^her nnnyi- kennel nheltcr.'sho'made'triMida'vith rancen ^ thul.by Chinese boy. Iho. bliidll Ch >'«; chlafialn's nnn. whom alia learnM to bonril 111(0 exu>«dlngly.: Har affootlOB^Xor (bo lad pleased Iho fiercely. wtiUWrod bondliK wbo beamed tipoa har ''land tried to lelt her, iB-slgn laqguagc^tKat u- i{ aho need havo 00 tear. ■, - - '.■ .Miss Aldrlch.-ln ber tnrn. trtiid It,, convey to the bandiu that-alw nwdftM Kdsoii nephewa :llk* th^ JiUlo boy. ' They uBdoratOM ba;^ to m aanM M ',*- _____ and low bowa followed |ha pantoalim cft Thu liign langoaRi Is under«loiNlJ»««' orally. MI«« Aidrtth said. Kverybody waa-mML kted to' w |» lc - 'ti aeemad. and ,wh«a shie d a ro o ra H m '"'- . *■ -blomiig paper*''oaken lUiit »aiW tlit-.'H lirig>«aa’a 'f.wd-ijwy applauded'^lwrr.; • ns n good aport,''Tbo ,enUre.fUia|[af,'),.‘ turned oot lo catort ber to Ibe next day. wt(B aha w u n l« |^ . "V WASHl.S’OTdN.' May .! agroed 10 a coniptM''tBinlr^ InlMtbe ^ I ' wrecking of. (ho: ibiogM I-Pakl^Ex--.' . ' prrti-aai^, kid^plBg br;,-^i5F>f Americana and other .'fbralnara, ..tho i ' ktoledepa;rlmont'wa:<adTlied'(o£lrl>y - Ameriean MiBliler SchUnnl<lu^~~' ," Governor Swiifet ^ C ^ to Ask Tpit^nmn:;.,' J of Pa<^ at DENVfiR, Way. ttevoa It '‘unUraeiy aad n a w t t^ q ^ omor Wllilam.& 8w«at wt|Ai0tvaV-.,r^ tend a m ^ n g eallod of the.Sonttawast'td.dUeBSi'W.QKl^ .^1 rado Hvor pttot: ai;' B asta-'inriM ^’ OiHr..'Jiioe 7<r, ha'.baa tlclata ot ’tho leaitts at Ijw iM M ifth',; oatonalblr the poct’*rtettWWi;CTliaif3m ’ ' haa Bdt ^ . to

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Page 1: raOB TlUtM m m V T l S f E S Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · ifc.;::'...'. 1.-i p i i ! ^ P,BD-Tlme in BnssU: •Army Wot Bor^^or Slayln,

■ i f c . ; : : '. . . ' . ■ 1 .


i p i i !^ P,BD-Tlme in BnssU:

•Army Wot B o r^ ^ o r Slayln, of L a ^ n e Delegate; Sc

' olares ^v le ta HaltreaUd Hi . . ^ Q d PAreaU and Sons.

- - wtAUfBANNH, May 10—" rm gli'iil bad reTense-'1 Iitottrido Conrtiill. tonner o tdcer 1 Die c ta r ’a army, who lato jrcntortla

'th rew (be L a u ia n u conferenco Int ]’«onft«nia(>oft b)' osmufnitclnic -i Yorcvaliy,' R n tlan 'il« I«kate. mortnll Nroiindlns tba lu tv r 'a aecrebtry 'an< dhooUDK a&Mher R u tilan . m ade'th l iJutem ent « • p a rt of a lon«ihy pli' <U«rore • a ezamlnlDK.naglstrM a lo<1s] ,‘ i Conr«dl charied tlie bolih«vlkl(>Tlt torrarln it 'h la o (ed : parenta aod tw of hla eoni.'w bo. ho anlii; died o( atat Vatlon Aa'd'-craal treaU hant In Huail itftei' the 'T rrblatlon.

In th e dlalDil room of (ho Hot« Cecil la s t aTattlnir, a fie r tiavloK con •umVd nutaerous tbran«Un. CoDraiJ draw a raTOlTer and approachla jrrtt table w hert Vorow aW .'Ahreni, chle of tbe RtiMilut T elegraph ss«ncy. ani D lbrilkovaky; the fo rn ler 'a . aec re u rj

Jere ieaied,;sh‘ot dowa a ll three will X balloliL Ho then^gaTe 'h lm sel up. •

-T h e Ne*r T iaaf, parfcy haa bcfli ihrow n Inlo 'coafualon by the eltooi Ifaf. i " '* •• ■ '

. V waa-’-TWoited th a t faaeh tr h a

f tS M - ^ K S jP S S S ^U>- l t i l^ > '« trp B R In tho back ^ U D d o t 'f lu a i l ta 'a fU lc i , necotlalo

t » i S E £ l ‘ £ J S : “ Sjolalmed'tiqr knowledc«;ot th e looldea

- , « i s ~ : s sMod euitM BplirtM 'diilag^' tXU Y^eli

‘ - «kd :-.vn*vi)4«A 'o t the IWeUtI tail : » i r tU ti lU ^ n B th a t tbe order.ha'

w llU diiva .I Sinmtf tiroteat trom the Bovernmeti

. iCt M o«;o* u looked for. Tbe Ruaidana a re 'expected to cham e SwltxcT land w tU i.no i tum lahlaA -.auttlcloi l lro te ca o h /fo r.th * # o tle t omiMarlei t rrea idan t Mo(U. o flSw luorlfnd . ha

laaned aa& tem e'nt refre tiibR i'the’dld ttirb a ae e -a n d 'h o p in g th e bolihevUt t h u a o t indulRs la reprlaa's.' M. Ahrena ha? teleRraphad Moico< for laatm ctlona-raxard ln i Vorowaky" fiineral. Dlbrill^oTBlty’a condition i

■ fiHUcal. <trs[^aa tw o 'bu lle ta in hi Ahr^Qa « l l l recover. -.

fRiSOBSJi;- . : BiitewEN

- I t e miT tE N T S |N ,.W tiy ' U .~ K or Ood

Bfko take away the trqops! '■ ‘jTher, threaten to kill ua a ill ‘ 'iT h ia 'm e a a a tM t ileapasr camo tlil

I ittem o o n Xr.^m,'J.,'l};\To«rell, Amurl a n nawapaperTTtanl'capbw wi^li otb

■ e^ f o re fs o e n .l^ i lh e 'ca& pviir'S haB tdDg bandlU i ^ o wreclced.and.loot* tbe Bhanghkl>‘Pekia -'CxprHa duodi ^ o rn to g , anc carrieil off Ita ’torelg

vlThe e r r trotn th e Ihdltf-to .'w hlc brig«BdB.''n6w tiloie p r m o d ' b

^ T e r s i^ B t a w p a , ^wllhdraWi e a tu e d ''.c o n ita ro a t i )m - '^ ra . G rai ( te ra a n r d t ‘;M f ^ tb O « r4 tr ^ t :U )

. Apdetermin^d num ber o t to re l^ e i .W ll h e l i S ' .

, jT b a dW Palrlaf m aatage from Pd« • tI -w b is ll;« « a MDt from , the band 9^ l> ; io d a y . lU rred growing a n it

- raQ B i'.fo ra lgnera agaiaa t wh«t a t , 9 l t (p r^ .iM u fU d la n t , jnaaauraa fc

. ii^Qt«ctJM''RQ'd* r d la J ts^ 'M 'th e eai UVta.','ao<|ir belleTed tO’be In deadi

Of • th a - t o r a r g n ^ ^ o a a r t . ai

' (t a r th« oQ trata ''' waa Ui_, b«' a x p m • la p*rit<n M «ActC I ^ t f o D :«r d a le ia tioa .o t ;tkr*e, fholudlag 't h p i^ ld r a l- o r th a 'U n J t^ ChjiiDbara (

. n%» ta o t< 0 M ^ a i4 '^ l i‘'b e .ia ten n a th a t a million :dolUira « a a .raad^ to rk a a o m 'ip n a c iia a ry ;;

’ ;■ i C l M O T m r a r a ’•\ f ^ i r toa ight and Bniurdny: heav

, ^ M t ia ....................................

m mi ' ’ . . ' • ■ '>

[IJ ;/Siui F r^ c is o o Lad < r N i!J5I«cte^>:Mayor on . m ■ ^ ■ f | i i g K t . ; W m e T i c k e t ;

i r !ii>ANiraANOIBCO, Muy U - i r y -J L l >j|M tRoa«nl)laU. J r . I i u boon eltct* J i r ; t o i inM'oV.ot;Ban. I’Vunclivo on ii

’ Ug^t wlno nnd J>Qer.Ilckol. ’ j ; . Ha la nRcil 12 .yeara aniT fonr

S p s monthR..I |i- Irv lag .wan aeUctod Tliurailiiy

b y a commllleo of aUulta from J l ? among a half iloien’ cantlldateu of

opp roxim ate 'atte and oilucallon.• ■ 'l r»lnK cdnrliiceC iliu commlilco j Ibat In a week'n llm o-lila term of

■llsn tirncc—he conlil do R Krual dcAl . ■ to r San Fmncli-cn.

r .® . _ ,.T M JH d..w lll..,rcp laa! .-3layor. n e ' Jum ea Hoiph, Jr ., nil ot nexi

. I «V(M)k. whtch ia Ijoya week In 8an H ia ''rrancU ico . '

■iw riiLLir till '•* ■

H i m’thl*pli'a ---------

LOS ANOULKS. May l 'l- (lro v lt r ‘“* can ho ovorcomo by llie nowly dli *wo covered oOlc ray. EdRur L. HolUap!

' “ f" hofiU. BclenUat, who mntnulna prlvm iHiia lAboratorlea a t ranuttena. declared I

an intorlriew today, cnn* The ^xlio ray pro»Ja lUnl elDclrlcll “ ,J la an^olemcnc-Dr aubatanco. Jiiit «

w ood.'w U h a 'deflnlto nlomlc apeo ^ h rm f la ta ln e d . aayiiw lie ba.od h ’’anU wncluiloiiii on to yeara of study, tary, "Ha tlaclarcd llial: wllh "Dy nao'.of tho odic ray any mote isa lf can bo madv-tn bave a llxlitor wcIrI

(ban any ktiowa gnn wllliout in as been changing lla alreneth. tool- By uar-of llu radiation n phoiograii

cat) b o ’U ken through IIH Inchea < had «0lld '- l*od iao rt-iH laehei ot aoll

Vor- "U^l * l lh flTo aeeonda' expoeure. Ul»e '"T ire new ra y “ he lold tiio Unlla «ck* Preaa today, “li baaed on Ibe tbeor laior that e lectrlcliy la an element or aul lent, iiaacc , w iih a daflnlle atomic apaeddla- . / ____________ ^


s mmmRu«. ______l*er-slent • . ATLANTA. aa ...M ay 14—Tbe Gei xlea. eral redo ratlon of Women'a c lubi I ,,haa biennial council'here today voted ni dU* .aaim on ilf .irf faTor.of a reioiutlda ai

.ffOTtqg aettlem tiit of InierntUibiu queitim a. throuRb -a juUlclnl tribui

icow al." a n d x ip rc ia ln g oppoalllon to 'a 'ky‘« wara. ■ •" ,} • Tho orsanlU tioR repreaenia’ tw

itilllidn club women in ilie Unlu Slatfa._ '

T ho'rcaoltitlon ita ie d thaf "intem i tlona i friction ihould give nw iy | Inlernatlonai uodartlandlng.’’ aad at doraoa .all raeaiurea to tha t ead. : reeofflmeaiifd lha ^bearing and adju< Ica tlo n ^ r. orderly prrKedure ot nil It te rtk tiona l coatidyaray nuicoptlble >

) ' aeltltm aal th n u g li an Inlematlon : tnbttjiat.*:.

M » i ;'Ko.m ad0on:w a8 made ot Preildei m llkrdlDg’a -’frorld co u tl proposal, U l l do 'asa tea '.agreeing tha t tbe counc

v l * Ihould no t giy oa record aa favorab: : to a ^ i ^ t e a n ptajx.**;' . 'Ua^ldioliii-endoneBent all

hxl-a > lrra 'tb rcMlutlons prorldlnjt'^ rli id en'dtorciBmahl of'i^ll .iawf,;partl

' . ularly tlto\JBUi uwndmeqt, fc <chl ,,,u tabor ameiAmanl io 'th a conitliotlo

nurl. a-aelootiva tamlgratloa blU.^nd otb- of'the' hareotlc'eTll otTho hban*’ 'toted The dViegalea also' went on recoi aday tijDLfavbr.or ihe;Feia bill. proVldlt -eign for an inoreaaed congreiilonil a

' proprlatlbn for homo .ecoaomtea wor ,ht.K pellUonK to newapapera to glTe crtn .“-(.y' iHa profailneBee, and' declared tbi

fn'vMooUfia^Kho. Waablaftoa - ai ' *0r« tda‘:'^w luw B'4M :iiM per cant ^

■ u U ^ 'a a .T ^ t io n a l cp*operatl'

■ i eonferoBCO. MBC.' M < r '> > 7 4 1 r i i e to ^ tb a

^ ti6b'cohsatUi{g*Oi«tr raapkUra.o ' tbV ftuil£aU3M ' to . i^ ila U p o wJtb. U

K m t u ' r mlisddatlab had proVioni naM 'w p t M a M ln lla i^eoane ..’ for VjlM llvatat'iliaTo baaa aaraed b y 'm

' iU t t t o tba^orgaaliatiott m aattni . ' Ihe A n a M e a B '^ M l O row tn la Ml

. n e a p o l l a ^ 'y 11 a n d 'th e Northwe eavy will p m a n t a aniied ranrcicniatii

.of g ro w a w / ..............

m m■( T.-wn<. F k ig i

^ B i li GIVEN H i illco _____ll of ,JcAl MoUict' of Slain N orthw estcn yor ' Dniyarsity . S tudent . Bittcrlj

Rapa Tortlmonjr of Prwlden Scott; Investigation Discount Suicido Theory.

• ^ '\C H IC A 0 0 . Mny 11—Mrs, J, L ^ MPt)nl, fntll inuthor ol Lvlsliioi

Mounl.. loday • draiiiiiU«niy rcfutei liluia Itiai her hoii rammlllod sutcldi

i | niid dcclnrcd iho will tight tu briDi I iltn alayara lo Jatttce.

; l She bntmled parta nf the letllmoa] J of President ^S'aIter Ulll Svoit, o

Norlhwoateru' im lvijnlly Iiefore thi Krond Jury , an "eampus lies."

Ill denying S<j>ii’»-t««Umon}' Uiu ahe exprcnseil tear to him tha^ Lolfch

oi»- totl r in away or lonk til« own Iltr Mra. Moiiril nccuimd Sccili o t ihduclni

riviiio hpr ,0 •■|,ep|> quiot nbout dcvelopmonli “J 1“ In Uio cano lo protcci iho.achool.”

•'My buy wan kllleil by hatera. iT rlclly dieil r is h t ln r N o w .i ain going ti It as flghi. I nm throush proloctlng North ipeco, w eitern.” 'I hla Mra..'Mount haa boon noar coltnpm ly. . Mlnea The akeloton Identified aa tha

' > fit her non wnn found In a .U k e Mich mntnl wberp, the Mounts chargtrciffhL *'“■ placed by liaieni noma Umo tol 1 nn r lowlns ll io '1921 cinia rush.

' Tbo .m nibor nalit th a l aoon nfie l..elghlon‘» disappearanco Prenlden

sraiih gcoti 5,,||p,i her up nnd lold her B ">■ had expelled 1C aludentn. but ask* lolld ^ 5,. Jp heep. thin flulel nO'they couli 0- «n ler othor luitliuTlonn.

Inllad ’T hay totil mo my boy would re beory ta tn . That'H why I kept quiet. No' ’ sub* I nm 'Q troash keeping Qtilet. I deman< paed." Juatlce.*'

' Bho,Immodlalely held n'looB contoi ^q6a w ith .John B. nnrbaro. sialstaii

I -, . ^lau 'a aUomey.ngtL.Bald.aUa. IaJdJiiJ P ’’ him!' “ *•

' Aligned w ith-M ni. M ount,In he f k l L i'B h t today wn« Mlaa X)nrln Fuchi lb l l u TOUth'a aw eethearl, to whom lha mo I i n tb e r waa reported to hava oiijectad. V IjW .."I have abandoned tha tb to rr i

■ flrat bold tiiat U lg h lo n killed hlmnal! ' and I am confidant now, b a > a « Jd lli

Gen* by. ha tars," aha told iha grand Jun tbi Id: Michael Hngbea. chlcf a t dataoltvai id nn^ aX the head of an "expert commlaalon in ap* 'vlaiteil tho pier (oday and returned a tibnai! opinion tb n t 'th o poalllon of ’tTdunt' ribun.' akeieton indicated the botfy wua plac (o 'a ll: •d' there liy o th e n .

A commiiaion o t phyelclani will ei i ' two •m ine the akeieton for tracea of chetr lIdIic'I lo uaed -in keet

Ing ll from belpg no llced 'ln lla bldln' ..........................

g P E i i m S i i W = j; M B K l

alal), ‘ . .

WASHINGTON. Uay l l-P re a ld e r (child H a i ^ g 'a plaaa lo r 'b U Alaijkan trii idtlon. which have uadergoaa comp)at« rerli ‘ d ; lon. «^ro ,approacning:cooplcllon t. lie ha-- day. V'

__M h-llardlng will mako a t ie a a fluTSta-tlto by w ater, tliereby eltmtnatln

the apeochea lie would- ha» r to aallver, wpro the.outgoing Jonm«' *1* and tha n ln r n both mlfda orertaad.

Tho idaeUloa;;-to •Ufalaato.'pv, li

' i r a r y STikVI utlT o ^ « n ^ M t « r thafpil;

/ l o ' P l u a Vra.or^! ' ' 6 r d m N . Y . t o C U c a g

a n a n igbta, In a p 'aaa drivan' b r <

s MIn- . ^ i a a t t , toK Lthk.O nllW PriaT iod i thw M t J lt .:1 i^ B ia u tu t'J tar;3 > 'ta ; ny;hla'.tJi iiaiio^ ^m^aw.^-Xork |o CiilcoKo wl

.■'•f ......

l l i f t

I S i lIcm C o D tra o t^ Q u ea tio n ad B e ^ d i n

o r l ; . 8ecro(. .P t ia n ib e n a t Bo^idonc

le n t o f X ia ^ \£ u n i e U ; Y o u n ^ Gii

in ts T elU of:''A ssoolB tion w i ^ th

S t ra n g e .S ec t.

L. ST. JOSEPH, Midi., Miiy: i l - illon Charges tiiat.aecrel.cbam bem mul iku uted aago way* .ax isto t In Itia Houno c cldo DaT|dfc.for oae of '-KIbr" n^njaml ring Purnell and olher high cult Icmler

were fnreaftgaied (n<Tay (>y JudRu loay K arry mngeman'n "ono man" it* n

of Jury.‘he i>hMin iCium. ibe (.-onirnclor wb

- bulll Shiloh.. Piiriioll'a rcnldonce. wa thul nom m oned-to dincloao w beihor (b Ifch- cnlt'fl -JilBg!! could bo hiding lit ii flcc 1 (n. ra t apartm et)l a l the cotuny. .. nni. will .'alao Iw quisled an to tb

clinrKtn by Uio colooy’a ane'mles thn ' Denjamln u«e'd secre t’tunneia in'paBu ' Ing tb and.from roumn of young:slrli irih- foliowli]g,'teaUinony of Louisa lia

ger Jobnaon. H ula Uula dancer unl „P,g recently a t 'JMet\ Springs, tho cult' thiL famoua amuaemobt resQrt. other wli „ch. neasen wlil be lunm onod ' to ancertal if.Q wbethor Benjamin now demands foU "white w aah". affidavit from wome

membera -when (bey leave tbe colon: ifie r uutborillm announced.' - dent Tho Johnkon girl le tt 'Ih e H o u ses r tie Davtd th r w weekn ago. aho HRid, ai aktd ler atgnlrfc fin afCldarlt to the goo ould moral charac ter of tho cu lt loader

Bherlff O o o ^ Rrldgmtsn aaid.Tt'- ■' ^ 0 acciued Benjamin of attem ptln

Now Ul a tiack b w In a pantry a t one t nand tbe colony hutfdinsa and declared thi

, ahe waa niarrled ia boa o t (b« grod ntor* Vriddlbga tQ.«-.man«af 4C.

SS.^ Y iT n r^ a ^ t ^ u l i i r ^ A l t a W i w V>toro day.folJaw U g an ailagod a tte m p t'b

«ult n o s b a ra to a p p ro a o b ^ e r. her A ooIorCui deacrlption (ff how Kin

I Ibo Danjamln catered Ibo "genlileii mp- through<the Eden Sprlnga amuiem ei

Kl. reaoh waa given by the Jb h iso n gir r iL Bba-leam od H ula H ula da ad n g I malt, Honolulu, aha aaid. and foe favan HIM y e a n ah» Wan totployod aa ono of lli lory, principnl attractiona lo ihouaauda < ivafc lourlaia. .

d an CLAIMfl RHT ATKunfa 'D S ifv a il , May n —Investigation It

to n.Glalm by Joo Mayera. a Pole, thi . ho U 'lho to n of R ichard PInhom. we I knb«rn roaiau^ant owner wbo dlt

hero Jaat year, was begun by aotboi Itlea today. Siayera told nltachea i tlie .Unltod ,S u U a d la trlct attorney' offlco th a t ho vraa born In Poland an

' Ibal'P lnhori;. waa hta father. He I - m S rn T ro oWaln pa rt of P inhom ’i oi

aU le. T lnbom was widely know among holel men and touclsta ihroog

■ out <be WeaL ■

' * ' • .

i ' r , .

Idanl ^ 'trip,

« r li .a to*


have /im ey ' {•>Bd. , .

£ •' " ' ■ > 45«t la , N \ ,

i&- - rblch

•• • > , . rv

ranch . ' ,au t.'. I '/ . r i . '

i*',iJiMr ■ 'V'i. ‘>>ith

i'. '' a;;:-,'

u s s i r

(iing AUianco w itb D ry Element Ii

oncB ExpocUIthip of Liquor Men t( Girl Gnin tho E n d in View; Qucs tho tion in D ispute W ill Bo Takct

to Harding.

i l— WASHINGTON. Mny l l - A .InllbI Klh- eriitn cnnip.-iign to force .tlm rcslgiiii0 of lion Ilf Feilerol PrfllilUlllon ComuilH amln iloiier-Hoynen Is under way.iileri ll. iiQH lUMUiuell tiroporiloMA ibn

onuno nomu o t tlnynea ’ friendn to tcni * 0 ^ ll will nuececd. S tarted tiy "wpia,'

tlie cnnifiiigii la intended to tu rn thi wbu “dryn" ncalnst Mnyncn, In Iho hnpi wan thnl tb«y will demand (hai ho bo rc (bo pluccil. 1

<icc' Tllo. iilleKod breakdown of prohlbl tlcm enforccmont under Hnyncn' uit

1 tbo mlnlslrntlnn In iho bniln for Ibo nt thnt lack. Ito|>orted w tdeipread curriip

paan- tioii In Iho prohibition forco In balni lirla.' uned nx ono.iirguitfent ngalnit Hayne:

11#. by bin cnemten. working cnvortly. unlll They will pronontiy carry Ihclrcnin ru ll'i lo President H arding, who bcture Un wll* 19:>4 can4>alBn, will have to fnc<

rtaln iqu ire ly the (luentlon of hln iiohUIoi a a In the nexl cam paign on llquoi^Jav 3men oufdrcemeni.lony* U Iho invoHilBftilon now being con

docted a t S e c re lo ry .o t the Troaiur; l e ^ f Mfl’lon's order of alleged- corruiuloi I, a t- and bribery among prohlblllon agent, good dlnclunci any auch condition aa (h dors, rumora heard ; « r o would Indlcalo Ih

flKhl on .Haynea probably w i|i a t one ptlng b r e ^ ou t openly. -In any oren t il u ot *"* ho pressed lo tbo now congrest th a t «h«n .every poaalblo etfort wUi (>

irodp ®4do not only to. am tnd tbo V oUtef la w , but .otno to , cripple i.prohlbltlii enforcement by ourtalilng ,atlU fur

•_ (o . JJieraba.app(apid*tiaBa>4er-,U *-p«T « 'b y Poao.

Si? Oil CoMagraUbn ,, B i i r i u '< m U n c l i c i e k e d

< In in Soatliern Field»aral • • ■

' COIISIUANA. T eiM A .^ay l l - K ^ b “ nn- unceasing .f lW ’ f ^ l . - tlia raglm . ' iDfomi) IB J b o nughca McKJo flelOi

Wbero eleven m ^a w tro bum od (' 'death when a gian(. ,weti„ekp,Iodei

, continued today unconquorpd .by ol i f i l forla of flro f Ig h lo K . ). diod WorVcm labored a ll.a fg ^ t and |oda

lljor- ‘'onnecilng up giant;, .I»!1wb..Irol u 0, which stoam will be «l)#-iB ,tho tlatU aev'a l»g gualier. wMch blow (ip soon a tte I and ll brought in Wadflosday n igh t Ic ta fo u r sk e le to n a :a U it- 'i^ t of .read I oa- ot the workera. bccaase o t th o iin teu Down heal, caa.be aeenrbohlnd’tbo loreon 6 oogh amoko and flaniea aurrouBdIng th

ruins. . . ‘


0 7

^ 1 ) /

p ' - "

J.i e : ? '“’31 ;;K7.

? R Q S P ]

V T lI c a p t u r e d , A N D I R E L E A S E D

n t o I . . •

ukon V

- » . . ’ vf j t

ilnilh- - H B . igiiii- ‘B ^ D b -iiiiiiH' '


n the • yhnpou rp . ;ii)ticrl i*. Scrrlpp'. .\iin-rli-iiu ni-w

I iiiiiicrimili. (llriTlcir of llic Strlii|i,1,11,1 Hownr<l nowHti.iiior». lum Kriiiiiii'-ni. di'nrrlljsd hlii IbrlllliiR i-xiuTk-li.J while klrtiinimil In Chlnn:rriip- ■ ----------- -

CWACE RAISE 1 ATWTEIp'hoii (‘JlU'AGO. .Mny l l —Itiillwiiy iinliSgonia nUfcmpilnR in nccurc wuko I) (ho creaios for iiru ilcitlly nil i:1anNci0 Ibe omployoa, It wun rniiurtod horu lod:

r n i l want* ‘ho Ihnptnon. shop Ubort1 1 ’ mali>(«nanco o t.w a r mon. d c rk a a a tead PUtaw a rtr ucili)g. through ladlvldv u , i i r unWnH in foauwilnk'adVaifcoi. Sovi " , f " al .Yisda' have granlo<l auch petltloi J U L J> n li tL*n«aU pprcoBttUB o t tho cai

bavo. como .Iwfuca i b a United Btnl Railroad U b o r ^oaM .'

. . 'T heae - i’nclnda' roceni potillana maimenaitce bf way aod abop labori

s lc x s Bbopmen On Uie Brlc. Daltlmoro a . Oblo and Nuw York CWJtral, « il "IV

/ , lnrd aetllem ent” llnen-ln the rec< alrlke, have aaked the roads f o r '

i .M . Incrtaaa tatniloK between tSO.OOO.< and leojJM.OOO. iocw rdlng (o unoff

W aii w llrood labor boan l membera. ,y -The Chicago and Atlon nnd i'enns

vnnia hnvo ^ ra iil|» l wage advani initov dlracl w ith IHK roailn und If lUch : Irnln 'JUOhW uro n o l noltted tbo labor bot

■flarti- "■*" •’* petitioned.afte r ' --------------------r—

I b t - iiE-ELKCnBU.read i .N E W YORK; Maj- U .~ JuU u i toBse Barnes was . re*«Iecled prealdent «n 6 t Ihe Chamber of Commerce ot I

•tho United Slatea j6 d ay . John Jo^r Kd« »Tia ro-o1ec\oo ireoauror.

I M E : . ; - , : . ' ,


B l : .

■ - ■ ^ raO B TlU tM

S f E S

f i i i i i co iiil

I Miiis Aldrich Made Frlenda w ith ' , : V • I L ittle Son of Baodit.Ohlof ;-W A sr ....

I Well. Treated WhUo OapUvo: - ! InabtB Upon Continuing 'H e^ '

Tour Through China. '

^ I 'I;k i .S'. .Mi.y U-nro»HlnK beblnil a I H will! (i^lilniikelH Uclil by rcHpbclablo H CUlnojrf lirlKiindn, iliBltortiig from * i ■ hull uiiiriu.lii u Uni: kennel «o amaTI.H Iior liari' fni-i tiiuck nut. munching tha H Wj.rcr-llkc lii'nii cnkin'w ith which Om 'V'., 1 . iiliiivi-ii nnr fed. nml talking mart-IlK

>viih liuftUiiiK chliilren ot the baadliff v. MiK li wcrci ’inmp nf the axperleocW '

IH-W1- ill rlhcil I))- l.ucy Aldrlcll. lUlarrKi'^ rliijin- l:i« nt Jnliii 1>. Iliiiki'tullor. Jr.', upoK- -i.: i'-iill>’ I In r nrrlvnl lirrc,

j .\liMi Alilrlfh, »Iii> wnn pcrmUlotl to , ' 'I. frntn lh r l>rlRnii<ls wlio wrackaii V (Ulld n ibhul u crni'k’ express 8(radi^’,- iinnriiing, won thu rvputailon'aoyoiii;'I lu-r latuorK. nbo »ali|. of being a I "Rood sport." — • • '1 . Slio In turn riivh the bandlla^woro

frnllnnt. tha t Ibcy treatod bar. wilb. J P | \ renpeci. odd Ihat noUilag can> HU,-. L l l niindo la-r from ciintlDulng ber totir ijf

Tiiu CtblnMo are nol bad men and • 'nho dcslreii to nee more of them, she

<le<-laretl today In telling for tbe f irs t inlftnn limp hor full nlciry.;o lu- t'lud only In iilslil a llire, Mliii Atdr Hei or^rli-h iramped hrnvely iDlo tbe hUla Kwiai- ’*■“ '* b e r.cap lon . followloe ibe.wrock-

' ' Ing of the Shunilial iCxprcu. wbllo nhe nnd olher pa««ngo» W ere^^eep

borers early Sunday murnisg. ^a ai^U Uccauao ot hor trey balrsi'aha aald.. vldual thn b a n d lu .'a t tb o 'f ln l r llla ie they Bovar* uiniD to . gavo her lo ina th ln r to eat Itlonn. and ottered tie r addlllODal :.'Cbin«ie

B^oanakiDg''ao Improviiad-drMSikg Worn,

„ o t 'Within,-which iho '* itppM *:h to! '’tM liorara rongb dress. The brigaadi jrho iiold roada boudoir.w all wero gallant^-faha

' llcclarvd. • ’ fU ralnwi hard tha lirat. flight, w ra - ,

™ l « CO H.II. . , , ^ •MrVni ' *•'"» Aldrich (ookm hlga.itf a siraw •ftV'BH dog.kennel, bar* feet aticKinginnrxin o u l . lato the alorni. '. Sbe ^a|ept'-Ube

v‘" ‘, In Ibo morninK. abandoning ’ ^her ■

nnnyi- kennel nheltcr.'sho 'm ade'triM ida'vith rancen ^ thul.by Chinese boy. Iho. b liid ll Ch >'«; chlafialn 's nnn. whom alia learnM to bonril 111(0 exu>«dlngly.: Har affootlOB^Xor

(bo lad pleased Iho fiercely. wtiUWrod bondliK wbo beamed tipoa ha r ''land tried to lelt her, iB-slgn laqguagc^tKat

u- i{ aho need havo 00 tear. ■, - - '.■.Miss Aldrlch.-ln ber tnrn. trtiid

It,, convey to the bandiu that-alw n w d ftM Kdsoii nephewa :llk* th^ JiUlo boy. '

They uBdoratOM ba;^ to m a a n M M ',* -_____ and low bowa followed |h a p a n to a l i m c f t

Thu liign langoaRi Is under«loiNlJ»««' orally. MI«« A idrtth said. •

‘ Kverybody waa-mML kted to' w |» lc - 'ti aeemad. and ,w h«a shie d a r o o r a H m '" '-

. *■ -b lom iig paper*''oaken lUiit » a iW tlit- . 'H lirig>«aa’a 'f .w d -ijw y applauded'^lwrr.; • ns n good a p o rt, ' 'T b o ,enUre.fUia|[af,'),.‘ turned o o t lo catort b e r to Ibe next day. w t(B aha w u n l « | ^ . "V

WASHl.S’OTdN.' May .!agroed 10 a con ip tM ''tB in lr^ InlM tbe ^

I ' wrecking of. (ho: ib io g M I-P a k l^ E x -- . ' . ' prrti-aai^, k id^plB g b r ; , - ^ i 5 F > f

Americana and other . 'fb ralnara, ..tho i ' ktoledepa;rlmont'w a:<adTlied'(o£lrl>y -

Ameriean MiBliler SchUnnl< lu ^ ~ ~ ' ,"

Governor Swiifet C t o A s k T p i t ^ n m n : ; . , ' J

of Pa<^ a tDENVfiR, Way.

ttevoa It '‘unUraeiy aad n a w t t ^ q ^ o m o r W llilam .& 8w«at w t|A i0tvaV -.,r^ tend a m ^ n g eallod of the .Sonttaw ast'td .dU eB S i'W .Q K l^ .^1 rado Hvor pttot: ai;' B a s t a - ' i n r iM ^ ’ O iH r..'Jiioe 7<r, ha'.baa tlclata o t ’tho leaitts a t I jw iM M if th ' , ;

oatonalblrth e poct’*rtettW W i;CTliaif3m

’ ' haa Bdt

. to

Page 2: raOB TlUtM m m V T l S f E S Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · ifc.;::'...'. 1.-i p i i ! ^ P,BD-Tlme in BnssU: •Army Wot Bor^^or Slayln,

] s o C l lW h c c l L r ^ ^ o c i c t y

K t i i f * m .*D o o b ^ iinij,'l)»iil8« «i pl'part>i*. L * r « . ^ iM ltrn or tfu lt W ^ - lm»li rom ^'M tonii^llfe t» -W im « "«rv<cnrdibaraliuiroro ployctl aniJ.WwrjW u »uU i!#% j^«an>r.,*hf,w l> j< tA ^ W,

Coato( d ie tlniF*'' V u le i ) 'H o lU T T i ln /* m i t 10 IK# Jiou io ' u 'ilolI'iloUn hillcll Tliui»cn(e!r’i l ' im iiir thlili'J'. ''A^mut iwfo* mfltii

AddiwD Atcnue Horlal (lult—Mra. a.nilH, C.' i'araonii enlcTiolnoil llio Atltll- (luw■Kin A»i-nuo d u ll Iltl WciliiaiMjiiy. llo ll A ti« call w ni ftniiwiirta l>y "Iflalm >'iicw." DuHdr Uio Imilnoaa i*cKiiio« 4he lU-clt.

«lon w u reachcd to me«> Soiiljr oncc a wm- month durliiR .tho ^uiiimcr^A proKram favo

on lbe hlnti.ry «t WiiUo two mu- mbcJalcal numltora wiui rullowcil Iiy a ‘lc- iiow llcfooa iwovcurKP luniVi''ini. Mm. l ‘»r- ji;Kq.n» WB»- nailntcd In iicrvInK liy linr on 'iliiURlitcr. Alum. Tlm clul. iiri'Bi-ntnl „ ro

■' Imt w ltll qiilll hlcK-ki 11(1 u ruuvcnir. vlak• • « ■ K. S

Urlilin* t ’luU Kulprluliipil—Mr». A. niHicAlcxanil«r or llie Uo* Artn« u |.nrt- t . iuibntil onlurtnlnM .for hur liriilRO'club \Vn[Thuriiilny-iovijnlim.' ,X«o'_tiiblc«,'Wcrc 's iru,III pla^ <liJrtiiff Ih r pVciiitiK. liiKh xeori! 'iMlne won by Mra. J. K. MixlKi'ii. Mrn. 'J. A. Cum vlicll'w im n rum I of ibuclub; At n U to hour, .Mm. A lcxunJer '^ b u8cr*«l lunclu J.-OUI

X »*«ii >oWo WnincN f 1«l»-Mrn. lOMI.i' / *VBlkiD>» WB* lioBlMK llir tho I’flat

' NoblB OraniU d u b Ttiuniiiiiy evening,Tlie bUBlDM* ivsaluiK wna p rm ldnl m,), o»er by Mra. C. A. Rtnvn. iin-»lilnui.A Bla«*anl fflttturo nf llio inrdliiK wiiit j n

. llv* yt&tllnii «vt ft iett«r *f'«» Mtn- A. u „ , . tlio

' -i.-- . 'v r . ■ ^ I'luy


j mull

tit" '

71wOrW D«lF^-Dr6ikfc>tA11 A sts. o ‘ei QnldtLtach«Home,Offl*»FounUln«. cnjt«*M nk.M *ltedarabiE *tr(ietlnPow . wor dtrkTabletform*. Newteblac-Nacooklas. MJ.i• • ^ A w ld la lu a o ta M d S n la t i to le * McJ

— ------------j — via., - ^ --■• ■ Mt«


' - Coo. riso

■‘T h e r e ’ s o n l y ,

o n e w a y t o g e t

h o t c a k e s t h a t '

a r e u n i f o r m l y “ S

g o o d a n d t h a t ’s “ ■

t o a s k y o u r

g r o c e r f o r - T -


A lb e n Broc. M illing Co. ‘

S A M E If j f o r m o r e t h a n

ll 11C

- 'Fine

y U s e / e s

. ^AOE EIoilT

\ ' '

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ty E d i l o r - P b o n e 1339.

c»«lre. a rorm er momber of tbo club.' M o* llrltiR ln .aO irorn la . Tlioro w»»

(iloBMnt tqc lal hour, fuilowInK tbo Mou ualnvas anti Usbt refrcihuicnla wero tord

. . . • M Womcn'a CenBcfl-T lm ' Womitn-«

'oanull o f tho ChrlKllan church mot «, t iho 'bonio <ir S in . W. A. I 'a irick gn , ‘ I’huniiluy ntloriioon, T lilriy.four " 'lombora w ere prcaonl ond the follow- ,riR RUoata, Mlta Klo Honry o( Xlm> ‘orly,-Mra. Vem K inder of Pocatello ’ p, nd M n . Jamoa Hull. Voaen of nprlnR , . luw ora.^odo Uio rooiu« attractive. t(« r lbe builnena maoiliiR the pro* ram wna xWun under lbo direction f^JiIra. n , ' W, J 'a r ra r Ond tbo topicma “Hopjo and Mother." Mra. Hall “ ftvorcd v l lb two rocal eoloa "^lolhDriBclioe" und • "W btn You Come pr-.lorjo.” . ,7i®

M.-ii. I I . E. Ulcus reiid-u'fino pnpern "Wfttbor" nnd Mra. Kinder rbvo .. roB«lliie enlitlcd “Tbo Miracle." Ul- „ ^iaion -nutnbor one, directed by Mrn. g „ !. AJ. Jones nerred refreBbnicRU u»-lHio<l by Mrs. W. W. Uurka, Mm. J . >

K.rl«.nek. Mn., IC S, Tetora. Mra.VaKer MIMor, Mni. O. H. Tuylor aud nu] lira, i:orB 1‘atlim.

»:|.lxpi.j>nt*«iiltd .Meel*-Mr«. J. M, ,:ni<mlih iiniortalncil tbo EpiicopBl Uulld ruirhumdiiy afiornoun n i her bomu on ter. •*ounb ftvunuo Aorth. Thcrd wna uiood itlU-ndunvu und the nieniliera T<vero pfciui'd lo untertoln several Ho lUial*. M r*. James Tumor, Mra.Uradloy, und Mra. W ill Kcllar of Atuhl. A'nptpndid paper on “ Jorcmiah. An*be Molnufbiily," wuk rt'nd by Mrs. C. of i I. Hubn. iiii i l rn ll c»ll wna re»iiniidcd6 wllh vcrnin Irom Jereinlub. Clnalne \ho proRruiii Mth. Jnmua Uothwoll inc ilaynl tt Vlanri nuio. Mr», Smith waainaliili'cl In aorvUiK by Mr*. \V. O rr "Uu ^hnpninn und Mra, C.. V. Uroen.

IHonoring KniHW.I foupio—Compii- Ue:

nutiiary to Mlaa Frnncln Klold and inc Charlea A . HIU. Mr*. HoRh Ainsbarytnd M lu Mildred Anisbury on io ru ln : — Id TfluradUy'ovonlnR. Japancne lan- oriii nhd apple blunaonia were beau-ifully urraji8«d uround, Uie room*, t;;ordii wcro provldod for tho early — wetilnR hours nnd Intor dunulnR wu*injoyud. At a lulo hnur rorroiihninnta tnroro Horved. 'ihuko prennnt.wero tho whMU*na EMiicr/ McRobvrta,' Uo'rothy CalMclllll. Irm a Bplolberrr, Kothorlti* turklcCaln. R.IUB Ilcauchnmp. Kmma Db- Tb#la. Mr. oad Mrn. Emery Benoit, and *Mt«ara. lIuRh Amabary, l^u la Lco> Tw;io1d. l.eonard Avant, W ilbur now- "iie rry ,. I'h lllp KlnR. Jako Yochcni. P nloorKo Hnkar. II. I*. P arry .' and Q»r- tbflrison and I’roctiir Spi-nco or KItnberly^ Th

--------------------------OlOiFortlllto Ihb f te lU . 9P.

Simetlraea yoo aeo a m a n ^ hla io«;nto the ground ntirt hear-hlni aay: „ T tii* io ll'a dead, It w ill not produe*injfllt<aj:.“ to u do not roallxe, per ^ j,lapt. liow troo lb# wordt-are. Good wHtoll U lliendly. lUnc aoll, Afl‘ Ohio jlelenUst, PmfrMor McClurn, decliir«a a tmat "a Blnide teMPOonfitl nf to ll moj * ^coSBln nom llTlng Inhabltania thno Ico010 whole,Uniled BiaiM.” It la th e u Fri kiTlMblo liQt benelKeni IliUo people 1 of llw) M il th a t -nnlock lla aiored up fortimy nnd. cauao Uie plahtB lo erow.. <>« W lthour th e n farralog would be In- poulblfi.—Farm U fe .

Stom P a rtn t. Indeed. frl<A teocbrr In th e Indlanapolli public tlir

ichooU waa teacliinc reading hy tbo ' chi)b&netlc intthod rocenily. Having ^ lucceaa with amall wonli. a b e iio rte d wllb n b it more dimcull. Hbe cawe fothe word “rtecn." A auiall girl In Uio n Jfrnnt row w ai aaked to give the wont, . i -Slowly abo apeHed ll. •-l.e-hn.'-ana tintbrn anunded the Irttera "ai.cm." |,ci "Nnw naa the wnnl In a anileneo."•nld ihf> tencher. ••Sometlmea wben \ l^rwaac tn go to th* reoTica. my papa 1aaya: '.Vnthln' ai-erti" ' w ai h t r tea- .Mn

_ . . Ihl (Imcl.'II i'lanla now rrady. I'ulillc

: ______________ w,~ ( llOKKIl n>OI>.SAI,E . r®;TUr I'lrMKant View Indle* will hVvc

11 I i»ll..'r| tiMxl mile a t Cloa Book Store Siiiurdiiy.

P R I C E “ T wy e a r s \ I’n

M O N O ' in V D E R \ i

" K G % ; 11:l e r T e x t a r e ^ d ^ ”

r g e r V o l u m e in / „: baked goods. T *

less than of Iilgher j ariced brands, T

■ I 'Oons o f Poundt /

^byourCovcrnmeM H M 1‘!

M W rui

! T F

t p 'e r s o n a l s ,I ----------------■ ' " — —

JudRe E. A -'W altora w enl to J e ­rome yeatorday on legal bu tlne is.

Mra. C. A. Seybold ot Bubl who Iwaa In tbla clly the Rueal o t M n . i.Mounce. r e tu rn e d 'to her home yea- Iterday. , I

Mra. Craig and two “chUdrBn went | lo nogeraon Tburaday ' lo TlalU ' .i

Mra. MarRorilten of' 4nrbldRo waa In Twin Tnlla yMlerday bn he r way home arfer o tI*U w ith her mothor In' Niland, Cal. ' , ' ' '

’ Foreat ya rnoy camo In Thuradoy • from ruyinnnd. Waah., for o vlali with bla porcnu.,

A. fl. CamplKlI' le n TUuraday for Ktomoih Falla. Oro.

Cnrl Hrown K-fl yealerdny for picrro. a. n.. nller u viall wllh frienda hero.

A. I* McKenxle camo In todny nfli-/ n vlult wllh bla mother In 'Minloii.Ore.

Mra, Emmett Uruham la bere from Idahn I-'all*. the suual of M ra.,0 . K.Duke.

Mra. 3.JC. Hreedor I* horo from Po- cfitello lo apetid aomu Ume on tbo gUPDt of Mre. IU Ooodman. he r nln-

-Mr. ond .Mia, Will Scoll a re o l JM il i Hot SprlBRB for n week.'' .

Miia Luullo Wolfe hn i gnne to Kl.' j Anthony un bualneaa fiir tbo ofllcr of tbo probalo JudRo. |

W. E. Onlllnt la bunk Irii^i a bna- | iDcaa irlp Id Sail I.ako (tily und IdiilioF^lla In tho Iniercnt of tho Three „ .Hulofl Kliiro. ‘ ““

_____ ________________ mailPrealdent ll, .0. llcach of Ibo Idaho iinr(

Pflpariment »(ora.waa hi Hub! ou bua- — mean Ihla mornlnR. *

i HOLLISTER i ^t______________________________)

nOlXISTEII.—Mra- r . S. ' Moyd?Whu ho* bocn touring lbo ntntu of * 0 Calirnrnla Iho paat tbreo moniha ro-turned lo hor bomo lu Holllulor. in.inThuradny. ,jorB

S. P. Hahn tranaacled bualneaa In u-boTwin I-'all* Thuraday. i ,, .

Tbo Ladlea' Aid aocloiy uf Iho Jv oPreabyterlan church n l llo llia ter held ^or'tbolr onnuoh elecllon of officer* on ,hmThunday. Mrs. Adolph Kunklo woa .elected prealdeni. S tn . A. J . Mne- ,a „ ,

Lawrenco. * treoaurer. I t waa nn- ■> , nouneod lha t Ror. lUMowell will prcach hero .Sunday afiernoon.

Mra. C. C. Hull who hoa been 111 i , ^ wlU> flu i t nblo lo be about Bgoln..

Mlia Helen Pomeroy la Bpendlng — i . B tew dnyt wllh Mlaa Bernice Lonnr. ■ ■ * Mr. and M n. Oan Shater and Maur­ice Oub.«e]i moiored to Twin F bIIi F riday. . - . • ', • ■

The puplla In Mlaa Robert^.* room gave a peanut ahower for h er Frl- dBX afiernoon. A f 3 o’clock aho waa conducted lo tbo Budltbrlum whore tho nurprta# awaited her., Mr. and M n. U A. DevinRion and

aon Frank wore In HoIIltlor viilUnR frienda Sundiay. They came out In Umo to altend Sunday acbool and church.

Mr. nnd Mra. E. E. Lawrence and Mra. Kluaioeyer were lu Twin Kalla Saturday.

Mra, H. O. Ilead .came dnwn from Durley Saturday Io viall bor dauRhler Mra. J . W. Ilnulnn. Mr. and Mra. Iluuiim wenl lu TwiiTTBlla t<> mccl her.■ W, H. Crnvrn went lo Twin Falla

I-'rIiloy. relurninR Sunday.II I* pr<'sumcil tha t ofier Sunday.

.May in, tho train will leave Itoger- Kon In tbe luoruinK, returning In m Ihc evening. —

, Mr. ond .Mr*.-S. IK lla lin aiartfd • nUi Sunday lo ,vlnll Mr. and Mra.

W aller Colo hm iliry mla.aed iho roud and ao vUlied the Salmon dam iBtfeod. *•.

Mr. nnd M n. A. J. .MacDonald vla- ’ ited a t Ihe home of Tbomna Mac*

M im ld tasTwIn >'b1U Sunday.Mr. Canavan of Twin FB|la',wa*.

In Holllatar^ Monday.Harold Wllllnnia ond Mlaa Elvina

O erllar wore aurprltcd by b numbor of Uielr frienda, who Ratlurei) a t tho Wllltama bomo Friday ovening. M n. Willlama ond Mra. O erllar knew iibuui It befnrcbauil and made elob- orale prepnrallnnH rnr iho ontor- inlnnieni and refrenbnionla for the youair peuple. Thoao p re tc n i b*. Klilca lla ro ld and Mlna E lvina w ert .Mlaae* Carmen Hull, K iy Lowe. PVan- cla Poblman. Ircno and Arleno Dorn- hotiae i^ d Thelma Ciirilar. and tho Mr»"ra.(. Clayion Lowe. Stanlry .mrlukllfiR, John Pohlman, Mlko May and Hubert Oerllar.

Mr*. K. 8. Lloyd motored to Twin Kalla Thuraday.

Pity tha Hemalat* Man.A man Vho In Uie atruggle of Ufo

baa no home to rrlln ; to. In fart or la memory, la wlihout llf»U beat re- wxrdi and llfe'a d e f« u n .-« r. a Holland.

(<‘r i one 'o f Iboxo deltrlona eakeo IruBi ihe Kplvropal Ladlea a t AJtord t .HDtt> Matunlar.

.HOTHERK’ UAT, HI'XUAY TIIK tSIb Kor XoUirr a t ilom ^ newer* hrtffhl

n n i-cb f^ rfB t For Molhcr'a aem ory, flow en whllN n iy Tew ef (Jreen* h<iu<>e«. I'bone |g7B. Snd A rc. S. a t 70i Sin Twin Fall<. »> |io ,.

LirxniEO.X M WHITE KLEP1IA5Tby the Catholic U d iea. l/CRlnning of 11:30 Saturday mnrnlng In WriRbt'a uld alore. Cooked food, candy and rumniBRe aale. ■

F A L L S d a i l y ' t i m e s

S H A N T l i N G , T H E C H^

i 'i

i W i m 'K ' .. f 7 ^Tre.-tfAh *L S _ ^ A N -T U 1


^ KTbu triiln hnldiip anil kidnaping, ot Ai

:’ukuw-Tlcnlnln rullwny. aomcwhere In Ib nap. It In diri-clly In Ihn provlnc* of he inreil. It waa bere llml the Uoxor rebelli

QUESTION ANDJI (O oodno t«d b y A n

Q -I ) tn r AutUio flue: 1 read your yonvunderfuj cornor. over)- n lR hl. oflor Andvurk und cannot MVroaa my opprec- tboutiun-oad catccnwbut hopo youll un* Sheloratand. Tbia ia^mjr first offoaao: docJVhen In Molhera' Uoy and whol would aho>e a nice preaent for b young mau to orbI:lvo Uio dearoat llttlo inotber In tbo onovorld whom ho basn'a toon for nearly Qhroc M r a .—Sannyisllm. moA—Molhera'-day b ’Celebrated on tho ownlath thbi year. I t your llttlo moUior trlei:lT«a.lR»,uUy.iriM>jdWli>)UkM>llB<twra bavlollrorod to her, by t ^ l00Bli.fl0ri(ila. to 3If nhe doesn't, pen(li'I>tr any iDrt o t apmlift-hnj-thlnR thac.i jmn know aho eucivould eapeclBlV like, B^ery moUier —8Ikea nlco rIotc». protty.banklea, hand Alaga. etc.. and-witb loyaH n 'yoorheari Fra

F)OR i V ^ H E R St ' - • ..-J-' ■ ■ ' ' '

Thia day c f.o ll \ don ot d ln a o r RO,tl

\ . - H uldera . Think b' ■ n doURhlful Ulnnoi • i ‘iirork and worry

tJlvo h e r .o pleaaa h er and oil the fan wilh ua Suniloy

* ' -prtfiJiVlnr' B BPE tbia occaalon. ^

> -S P 2 0 IA L ,,M D B ia A I » ra . P . llrX aB .. ' H n . J* £ . ^

■ lUn*. w . . • SoJolat. Dinner S c m d from 5 Ho H P. M.

TJie P E R R I

Another Bii All SpriaCoats andW e h a v e r e d u c e d a l l o i i i

■2 5 C o a ^ i n t h e b e t t e

5 5 S u i t ^ . i n a i l c o l o r s ; l e s s t h a n ' . V r h ^ e s a l e p r i ^ f b r $ 4 . 9 5 . ^

— - S e e O u r W

N o w i s y o u r t i m e f o r r

FASHIO]Bojanoa Bstel


" . J V - I/ ’ the r

y / tbo flwiaba


5b£ T " ■ JA Bt


^S. < Kl

\ ( • nu

A \ . • ■: I- / A , i r

/ ■ < pr

^ - ■ s

( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _______________ -

t American ciiltvna occurred on Ihc1 Iho aren wllbiji Iho clrclo nn the r liantunR. lunR a liolbi'd of Chlni'ae lellion aiortcd In UDO.

ANSWER BOXAnntie Sue.)

y-oii can 'l JUHt ibe 'rlK hi thlng.l ll And wholover you uvnd don't overlook Lbo liltlo .le tte r lo toll uf your Jove.She knowg it olready? Of courae nbe Ioca. Sunny Jim . bu l thoro'n notliing Iho would raiher hear OROin ond iRoia. So toll the aiury o il .over— onco IX ycor. on her day, a t I c i i t - - ' ''

Q—Deer Aunllo Sue: C in you loll me tbo Bddreaa of Mr. Skagxa. iho owner of tbo chain aloreo? 1 havo irled In overy way to locale him. oqd bave faile<l overy time, ao have come ‘ to you for your help. WlnhlnR7fona ap'oedy i^nawur nnd wlalilng you. every tucccBa, I Remain, vory .truly yourii.—Bweot Atorle.

A -M r. O. P. Skagg. Box ESI. Snn Prancltc<), California, ta nol tho ja lf c

S D A Y -all dnya. Utt the bur* go,tllnR from mother'a k bow aho will enjoy m or w llhoul tho hard rry of praparlng il.>Baant lurpriao, bring family to have dinner

ay evening. We- are SPCCIAL .d in n e r, tor

3AL PEOGRAME. W hlla Tcrenp Pfelfaof•lat. Violin

- I14KI Per Cover

[ H c t i i t nN ----------- , -

^ S u i | s , d D r e ^ sm r S p r i n g G q o l b f r o m :

I j itier grade on hand.. ' s; they a re on sale for •rij^s. DressM bn sale [

Windows——* real bargains a t the

IN SHOP>tel BuUtUnff

■ ■■■

, _ ' . . , - . -FR IT ),

wner bu t la Ufl) general ijia noRcr. flowTho SkBRg te rrlla ry ia divided intn t“Hl

art*, and Mr. O. H olt, ConiCkutlonnl anm'ld g > to l t U k o City, l» In c-'iarge cf „10 unil corapriting Idaho, WnU, No- ^ itoB O d Wyoming. , ^^ O e a r AunUo Buo: W hril doea l‘e«’10 violet mean In. tho ranRuago of .10 flow en? W llh Iwai lovo and ■iabaa^Dlue Boll.A—Vlolola in th e languoRn o t the roae

Eal K sllo i^’ip ra |P ;re 9 i / permaiieiit relief

Prtedom from coniUpotlen.' mild of 1 or ebrenie, eaa be autclr'looked for wllb U yeu will ’eal Keltoffg’a Uran-crofy ' w dayl Two ublfapooafula'are. aalD- d e a t; fer aevciroeaaea with oneb anal.' K e'leggV B n n ia natutD'a moal on « wonSwlul iw>4 aitBWos a tSiante to „ bring, liack your bcollli. K cUoeb’b Bran la aelcBtlfically prcparttl to «*- doiii lieve gufferlng humanity irom conatL ■'vcr ration ond It will do Uuit » ^

B elnR oooked a n d k ru iab lcd , K c llo » ’« Bran U di'llclou* in lu nul.llke flavor. I t abould not 1« ron- tuard niUi common bran whleh Vi un. Y

!<alatohla ond Iiard to rot. KcllofCtf'a yout lnw oddi greatly t^.Iliw plrasuiu o f nnd eatlnc olber hot o r cold cercab. A liuin popular way lo aervo Kellogg’a Br.in clnh

U to cook 11 with hot^ccrcala. In vi.lu prtpatatlon, add tn o toUianKx-oiulj nsii

I f jz < ? > . mk

n o mt o b i

1 ^ 1T h e r e i s n t t i e

a tire that s have not alf eady s

After.all, it’s pei ' ■ promises, that cou;

sands of cars Ke telling their owi telling it more con any advertisement they speak in terr se^rvice and safety

For sale w herever'

S P R IN G ;!


,!T)AY, SfA Y ) l . 102 3 .,

low era ..‘mean.’allbfulnesa. Thnnk you. Slue D e l l- innio to you. -

Q -D c a r AhbUc Su«: Plfloae tell no tf Nonna TnlmadRO la married.,Mao w hatuailona llty bU« it. What to Iier addreaa?—Lucy Jeone. .

A -rN om ia TnlmadRO la Mrt. Joteph Schenck. She la of Irlah detcont. Ad- ilroaa h e r a t Untied Stndlo, M41 Mel- roao avenue,. Lo»_AnKele». CalUopila.

ef fnniieoii|dj|i«Qeiil Baf Bran for o M b 'P ^ B ,,B lx te ff .it’. ‘with tho eoreai'V) lw ''' KonoggV B iw ><tttiip*ilally ' llslouy In.fBlalii b«adj.m uflloi,pB «r.. eakra, nmcaroona, dtc. Bedpeaappeat’ ' von «arh iKiekage.- • •• 'I .

IlcBlIte wbat Sellegg'a Qm ia doiiiR fnr eonatiiiatlon aufferen all over tlo nnUon. then Ju tt tblnk what I t w n do for you and-yoors. Tbo liorrom fo como aboold guldo you to cat h n n rcguUrly, to aervolt iutoojo , fnrm cacb day.

You rnn drivo conaUpotion out ot m your fnnilli- wlUi Kcllogg't Bnui— ^ ► and rctiiovo ttio eauso ot Wi% of liuinftji lllncoal .Fint-claaa boleli and clnba a<T\-o' ICulIoRg’a Bran in indl- viilunl lOckaRM. Aak for l l a t your n s la u tu U Ail i;roeen.

. V


) S t S >

l o r ^

u y a

L t yttie to say aboxrt $ advertisements . r said .' ’ ' . • -performance, n o t: ■ ounts. On thou- Kelly Cords ^ e

.V.ohvincingly tf/an *' . V ♦ n t c o u l d b e c a u M , ■; '

srms o f n i i i k e , . %'ty. ., ■" ' ' ' J

- ' ■ ■ 4 r V y o u s e e D ili 's s i g h ' ' ' ■ |

II? 1 ‘ I-!u

5 F I E L D ;

Page 3: raOB TlUtM m m V T l S f E S Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · ifc.;::'...'. 1.-i p i i ! ^ P,BD-Tlme in BnssU: •Army Wot Bor^^or Slayln,

MEWS 0Ekpo-Waiard Favorites m ©oxingP^rby^^

F i r p o b u t W i l l a r d E n r , ^

j o y s . . O n l y S l i g h t A ' d - ,

v f i D t s i g e i n B e t t i n g ; A n M . . E n o r m o u s C r o w d E x - M

. . p e c t e d . . ' . i g

■" -KlNb'W YORK. May 11—Jcha WlilarU, pUuli

. Die blBRont pt«cs Uucic Sum Iiob on be dc s. rfi)K roet. nml tiiia Hlrpo. thc huse .

Argeniiuib^ (Ul>l«r, havo been mndo ~ Jicftvy (arortlei lo «mcrfiQ rriirn thfl , . yiiu tit b w r that will bo llirown Jnio ( ilif rliii( lit Ihs Yaiiktu alaaium loiiiur* 'I »i»w, ju» “losltfll coiiiendchi” fur thn ' ' heavyWBlKhl tliamploh»lil|».

WUlBrd Iim hotn c«lablliih«J nii « „111 to U fRVorlte ovor Kloyil Johti»ou un il,P lnw .-o»^r MtAulUto .wltll oOda iielna’ offered m n to i with no Jacl. , , ,* r

'McA'inrfo caili In «Uhl.The udiU on Wllluril aru jiiliilcaillnR

und oitinloti U mwii ulilmtttuin tliut _ tlic tro ilc , ll«ht lilitlac Johnson hanl^Ix httK & chft&ce; but tlioHu who Ilka Hliffrt onil jtamiilpn and ihp *'7outb>OKO-* 'p roverb «Trb bolting uijiiiui uxalunt tholr judxmenl.

Klrv9 la bucIi u pruiiouucei] favurtti* tlm t Ihn biiekcrB or (lie ' ArKvntliie ’ *r" Rlnni m l« h r io four or fivo lo ono li Ihero huppiDCil-tA-bi) nny inoucy ai ull ^ , to bock McAulliru. .

Intoreal In U w other threo I«uiii nil tho card UuVluui buoii anranRod for ! tho .bencUl of «(»« milk rnnd la loaa lhai) normal tnd thuy nre only ecrv*In s -fo r freak Jwta.

All or the bgxcrN bad completed the tr tmlnlBK ih ls ii)»rnlMR and the Himllum WftB practically ready for the haUI«B. . royal

Texx IllckBrit'wIm Ib dlrcctlnR Iba "ir K Nhow 'fo r tho coniniUiuu, haIiI ihiil m It >0,000 niiectalorfl rdiihl bo uci-nminn- i IMI ( In t^ and thhi hu cxpcctrd lo aev |i. in evory aoat filled.'. . KUo

Sa*0«3t iho 'icau i.liad Rono beyanif wiji^ $!60,000 nnd ll^•to aro ho mnny re- ,i,h Hcrictl nnd unresAvoO cnnin arallable | i „ ' for U le .dem aadi th a t Ibo Rate n u ru n -u p to IMO.OOO'lf the WMiUier li fnroreblo..' - *

Tho oxpeniM 'of the ahow nro « • llmnted a t IlCO.OOO. ' • '

___; ' hiniip - i — ------------------------------------------ « l l


» E V E R Y K I N D. ' i ' ' tr»»i

> ' , : *p«NEW YOHK-Uuy Prencb, now 110,- tbU

000 ahorutop, repoi‘te<l to tho Crook- ciallya.'ltoblna today. Ho will be uiod a t op i

/ oac*' and Jimmy Jobnaton mny b t ahlt^ed to aeeoad or tblrd bote.

„N in v YORK—T tx •Rickard '.m ay H?! : ~ c lo fc a match bet^r.Mn Mika MeT)r>«-

lU h t btlvyweliht-champion, nod 0«no. ToDDty when McTlfUo a rr lr e t today j’’*;

on tho.D arangarla from Eailand.'M c*Tigue la roalchod to fight Carpentler ■ ^

J u l r 14. but an InlurtU hand may runprcyont lh« Prenchraan from Illllnc ohhi* coatracl. uuil

OIUiAT PALL8. M otil.-Jnck Demp- ■ey will tU r t tn ln lo g hero In 10 dnya <] for. bis fight with Tom Olbbona, It |br

y w t t uiflouncod. Offlclala of tbfl Oreat N oKbt»a nlllroad aaid 1200 tieeplDg i-«m jfrlll be 'parked a t Bholby, July 4,

- wben tbo bout t i held., • It' TESTEHDAY'S HOME BVHH :

‘ Boliomley. Carda, 1 - 3 . , ?,K u u er.'A lb le lic t. 1—3.Tobin, Drowna, j - 2 . " "

____ Plagatoad, Iled Sox. 1 - 1 , ^

I 'O ft.sA u :Ivory r'eod baby atrollor. aa good ' „ i,

oj" MW .... .............. ........ ..I lS JflM k tz len tlon is b i t u id

:0 'upboItt« red£bnlr* ........ ..... . 3S.OO ';i-b«mor Clark J tw e l o il atovo 7.C0

Dwr tMd for ..................................ao.oo i■ W tubln* m ach ino ............ ............ 12.B0 »

HbOBIER PUllNlTUllE .E X C lJf iJn ! Ulf


. i , - , - i : L

' . MOTHER ON ;;m o t h e r 's■DAY,.IWITH A ' . ■ :I i ' ' ^ v . . . .

, j - B O X - O F , .

tiCHOCOLAl^S ■l'-

' j : o . M d J o ^ A iJ ) S

: O H O O O L A W 0 0 .

.S a i tU k a

I'iillUY, .MAY II, lail.

W t h e st I G T I M E G H I E r a

S I Z E T H I N G S U P .—

DY DILL K lL H PE n ' M anager CJilcago Cub#

Nothing Bhuri ot n t i n t dlvlklun jaltton will aatiity .jno .for.tho com- ■H teaaoa. In flnUhlng fifth -lu» i

haieball world. 1 " « will

' c g | | | n B | A do even better this f 9 | | H | | K ycnr.' r ^ lu u i ln R ‘ ' ‘'Z a S m S f f l n my h()p«:i o t i . ^m- “ a n S a H m t>ruved pUthlaR.

Homo or my yoiguj;- , W g K ^ M e r p lichen " \v llt

havo greatly bcne- I flleil by luat yoar'A

\ \ oxpofloiite. wbllo ■ S-P* t : 'Oaborno ahmild bu KILLEFBH "f-

liclnni iQ tbo league. Tho Cubs will J dangerout. •

C O A S T L E A G U E 1________________________ Hb

Cu.cAt'H im rM iici»co: U- H. !•:. un.lrnttio .....................................•. 4 U • ,in KranH .co ........................ 3 10 a AlUittailloa: ' Jucobs'iind -UlUlUo; Ht. I

lllchell. HogRft nad Yullo, ' I'hih--------- . !i llil

At Suerameiiio: ll. 11- K- toot,akland ................................... 1 * .f' MtU'a c rn m u n td ........................ . • 7 H Vlluiterleii: .trolwell. Bli-y. WcH« ntljl At

aVtr: Yolowhor»u ood'Kouhlor. Ctnc_____ ■; Ikint

At Suit U k c^ It. H. K. Uo...................................... M -'1 . • Ilur:

uU U k o .................. .............. ■ 14 '3 O'.NiJlnUnrlpa: Janivn nnd D. Murphy: oultl. McCiibc. Ki-oxh unO IVIrni,At U b AhroIok: ll»H . h., I

'o rtland .................................. D ^ »m Aagole* .............................. 4 10 0 , .

lJ*tierl.M: Middleton und Onalow: U . . 'homaa nnd Daldwla,

----------------------- -------- TlEnQlitrt Rsyai Houm. » ob

I'lnntngriu-I« «ub iI.* lu.iiie t.r the halli jyul home llllli »i'iuii1n l ih« throne one r KnRlund trun. llrn ry 11 UI.VMIJTU). ItkhnnI t i l (HSI14&') Ini'luilvi— ,tlii. period >if lUll )*'nin. ThlN «v.jrtJ It unld Tl

I. he. iWrlvvil fn.iii ihv pluntn eci.lita dccc (ho 8pUQltl> hn.ui.i |>liuill. n Bl>rlB of (hicli wu* u.l.i|iir.l «> a di-vlco by the f ‘ " nrl a f AnJ.iii. gn-ut-KraiuiriilhPr of l « r y ll. Uurlnii u |.llk-riinnn« lo the fqly )and. and wu» wmnwnly wom ^ . ly blm iD .tiU bNuiel.'-AetiuKlIng to hu ator.v, till* enrl I'him! th li ciiililein _ .,r iii’nl'tenthil rruwin*. Iinring offrtH-U ilnilHf be BOnurKotl wllh thu alwnl >f lhu liroon^ lUnni Iti aim.cmeiit for u j,oIi uurdcr he hml^c.miiiiUled. • Kn^

WHeti 8«ro«nt Pa.nl»**Heoi«velt.;; • C Wbert John Sargeat imlhtPd the por th e

ir»H or rii«.>d»r«' I5oo*cti'lt lUr- nrtl»: In*ipwil ■ i t s « I'o 'f ''" '“ ns “Ible poie. . r r h a t will du," Bnrgeiit tx- (lalmeO n t the two toen were itnrllnB ““ “ DP the tla lrn to the ttudlo.oo Iho »ec- ' nml day, IlooaeTHt, li;adlnR tho wny. “ ’’j, hBlf turned round and with a hktkl , retting oa tb e ’.baaDlititP. factnl th t i r tl i l i U Wlil t h i iioilllba iho i.o ln i^ UwlrcdL 8nrg»A ’ Iiaa;'-’«a uau to il method, whea palnlloc a portrait. Ue (im looka e t hta a liter ttendlly, then Ukea n a few «tfP» backw ard.' Thca he^adv lha vuncM raVldly and Oabi a b ll of color Uti oh the caiivot. ThU It n tw a ltd agala uud naala. ___________ ' “»*'

'"Claalno'' and •'AdJoumlnB." -'ITlicre It • dirremice betwcou .“clot-

lng” and ’’udjourslng” s lueetlug. T lit wfijXS "udjuum" iiiMtnt “to put off 'toanother dny,’* w rillt-“to rloio“ m e a n t ^ “the end." Thprcforc, If'tho buitncHIt untlulahed. o r If tbeincctlng I t a '.L rt-gulnr nockly. fortnlgtuli' ur u b n th l/atralK I t 'l l BilJui<nCd to a atated Ou^e. uIf, how oter; lbe' m eetlaf U an «in i« i< ,fdlnory ono, i-nllul for a t^peclal llfl^ firoac, n t toon o t thut b u d n n t Ib ni(n. ',1pli'twl, ihB,'iuevili)S J».vlo»t*I- Itl the Jroniier c a n . tli.f chalnuat\gtacn ',l)y > « ‘I«- “ \Vf . will't(0W fldKurn i|{t» Jla'mtlng un tiraiii'h and tuch « d;<i>{.'' r while la Ui'h lutiw . Iho fomrotlP.U J'••Wo n lll nnw fl.iae'thla iu>-eU.og.".j{c. '

A N atd for Vlalon.S elfltbnett t t a id t 1a a man’a wi<y.

<t U tlio' Q ilneta wall of Ignoraut in- aitrerciic« to tha w tlfnrt of othera, abd 1 f in rd t tbo upbuilding of your w>»o. ^

- J A G g H ^ 5 0 N C »

- « ^

■ W lih'-a W c T l g r ^ ^ O f - ^ * ^ -iny# , P opp«iaio ti 00tiM*^p5t ' ehoeolale f » c t^ 'f a « o r y W )itBall*

1 “Now roo ' e u u io nbkatl In siUet}^j 'on th tl r -way.

I ' ri'" I ',' i '.i l! / I

' — T \

Sm M T WT O D A Y ’S G A M E S n j l

» |\0W York a t Cleveland, fiottpontd: U f l I

Itoston a t atlcnRO, poaiponud; ‘rain. A

Al D etroit: » , II. E. iVaaliington .............................. 4 I '

l iu t lir lc i: iCucbury and Qhurrlty:.■olllna. Cn’u u n d ’Woodall.

Al Sl. U u la —3 Innings: ' ' „ ,I'hllttdoliihin ............... ................. 001-1Sl. lA>ul3 ................................ ...... 033-0 ,.

DaitcHcn: Ilonimull. Wpinerl. Ok- lo irtrad .l'tirk lna; W right and Scter- rIO, McCuRly. ' *

NA.TIO.NAI. LKAfllX yor;

Al Now York; II. II. K. n 'lio s■-’hlcagi) ....................... ............ 4 C 3 „nonaNew York ...................... .......... 7 10 I

llntterles: .N., Duinorluh. ChewoK, n|,ort ind O 'H Vrall: Scolt and Tuylor, jju ai

At Drooklyn: R. H. K.I’lttnburgb .................:..... - ...... e 11 3 jn ,Ilrooklyn ................... ................. 7 10 3

IJDltcrlcs: ItuRh}'. Kuai:. iliimllton. ,,i u,,ju>i-h. UlazMcr and Schmidt; Uritiicx [,|o i, un.l Tnylor.

-------- ------------------------ t il t 1Al I’hllnilclphiu-K hinlnr.«: i|,r ']

It. I.0UIN.......................I l l :iii;i 03*-i2 i,p w,I'hlhxlolphla .............. (IU5 34'.! 33—IJO un;n’

llaiturlva; llnlnen, iiherdull, Dur- ruacrtnot, tiiuurl nud AlnaniKh; ilohiin, ,-apnrMcudowB nml ilcalin.>. nncci:

t -------- ------------------------ Hp VAt HontOn;. II. II. K. n,ni

Ctnctiinatl .. ............. ............... • < 7 2 far nUoBton ............. ........................ 6 13 3 fonnu

llattarleu; I.iihu<i. Ki-i^k. Cuiirh atul nud IlarKriivva,:AVIniio; Muniunrd an.l-r-nn’toO'Neill. ' • unil,

----- :-------------- - I t

I , I IhoF I L E R

l - l _______________:_______________ ! Th.mllln

Tho JuDlor>fita)or banqiiot which voirWOB held on Pridny ovonlng hi thu utiathallR of the high achool building w{i» a IUkone of the moat delightful aftalm or «6nflthu kind aver hold tor tn tm lien ot !>rcnlthii gruduallng <i>xuii hero. nn Ir

Thn long corridor* woro hoauilfnlly toRodcroraied wllb Htreamum o t llKh - *WOl:green und whits cropu paper ami ]nc» ho hof apple blooaomn. tho la ite r decora- f«HWon a lto adorning tho tahtoii4it wh'lfth rontiw tre Boaleil th t tw enty-three mtmbom fnrd 'ot lh t Senior cIbrb. the Junior c la t l Jhe i nnd tho taciiltj. -•

A delicloua ^lvo''cmirao dinner wa* I'* '" 'terved 'unU vr Iho able nupervlilon nf " °"-Mlat Jeflto T horaber of tho dom ttlu , Bolenco departm ent, and ba r eiriclentho lrtra, w hile Prof.- Hanford of the ' '

. n u r tn g 'ib t W ort^r.^ouflJonolrt prT ch e« l» ' fnnlfihwJ mualc 'nniJ fijlfo»i*- J In* the dinner, ftt> addreaa o f’greetjBg w at'oxfended tho Tialiora By'Ralph LoTo, pretldont o f tho- Junior clata,BBd tho rospomM 4n behalf o f ih« S « p lor|i waa given by. ib t l r p r^ ldon t, L « v lla Ain'an.

.Ropretentlng lb# ta'culty Supt. O. i £. Donman briefly ad^rctfaed iKt cbua aod MJatea Tbalm a S h ta r and Edgar- - j laa Chandtor aaoK In a charm ing man* a » r.th o old iiudoh l aong, “Btadon*- tUia." . ’

TTho na io rlty of tbe mombert pf lh t Senior claaa a re expecting tp a t­tend aome college or unlveralty. maay nf them planning to altend Ibt ila ta unlvenlty .^


Oovernor Scrugbam o t Nevada today wired. P r e t ia tn t .n a rd ln s nrglng the pretldeat to recommend ih i l the peopio Join In a a u ^ boycott lo (<>rce down toa rlng augar y lc M . ^

R d C !* *j!

h3 B4M. I l l s iiw t» « « «■: J ,

~ ~ ^ .',~T 7~T 7^~ C A N D Y L a n d ■

W ! r ' ' '

i tb M It w a a 'to ^ i iZ p e c iM l 't b a t . lb ; .. l iW In'.-llB*.'! T h e ir 'm a rc h lo tbe *

hoCd or P llp . . ; ret}?': i l i f f O a i ^ ‘a'n^ M b*'Pep^rm lnU ,


iiisicysES , ,

ANimH fffi ,s 'Id t t i i t t i i i', .X , ' ,_____ •

- - -UJU r.clnl .S t^reW j. n ill - l lr ip . t ‘u«h M atter, a - . f a s h n i I‘oH«Ibl«* lu n itm rl la n j A'-NPtl.i HU Hollef In lie HuD.lh llcrore rnnflrm atton romps. t,

______ ’ lOlttti' , . ’ ‘ IIR u;

Pornier Governor I). W. d KvI*. nnw ■ :il urHlnlnnt. aecrotor>' i r ihn Interior, .nucimslitnn Hint. rIv.'k him Inrgc rr- ^.ni ionalblljlle* a» in rprlniiiailim nnd S.nid .m ultorB . wnn mi visitor, for u im wort timv .yeBlorday In Twin Palln ii exI arrived a t 3:M nnd led In about iiiTIt un hour «n n tnur of lnsp«trtlnii /eekgovornniBal'. rccrlumatloii projeiits .on*

In thn couniq of nn liitorvluw, Sec- .> tainry Dnvtn cfcprcnipd nrntltlealloti liint*

the npp.irorft Mter.'i.t ot the i.on- mtu^0 hero In tho’ /fm irlrnii Pnlln proj- nolalI. Ho )inld Ihut It tho ppnplo of Iclorc ,tilK dta lrlci n ritd tnvor.ilily on mvor pr^iijoct lit toiiinrrnw'ii clfcllon hut■ wmild rfcotnmi-:ul 'and vlKiirDunly leaau sn ’ Ibnt tho govij-jiinrnl hulld tlir <heu> »crvolr. na to ihi' rirnt iinll, to r. iroici pnrliy «>r 1.600,lino aero f c t J r r ^ .ml ocllvo nr tho roiitriiripil mo^^yK' ' vn o p w bn'an tltfled , howcvrr, he anli' ,npoi nl Intf.iru nciuul cimnirutlnn wnr uud r ndvanrrd Ihnl ninlrnetorB wduli' ro d ■nnumo Ihn piitln- l.r.OO.000 acra-fao’ Soi l.l Uicrn would prdlmhly liii tiinrf rvn iHloiiiura Ihnn iitiirnK.i In lhu tlra ' r i c lit, .1 ac •'It III rcoiionilnil tor lh " gnvi'rn ;an : ont and to r ihv (anin'rn tu bull.* U li0 rnarnrolr lo ut lenai 1.804,000 row TO foot caiinrJtv." Iid added. i nt)

JtngPn.on->Ycll<> Kailroad. untTho necrolary BnW ho had been fa- .11 plllnr with lbo Inriucares iho rpner- atoellr hnd on prn«iiectlvn railroad mpritialrucilon ..1101(11} ./rom ihiR trac t, angllhough nt (he^tttna hn wan here no romflri^allon -bad b.-en received frnm oun rcBhlonl O m y 'o f ih r Dulon Pacific1 t n ^ io rnllroud cdiinirucllos Irom jSp oRorann to Wolla. Hncreliu-y Unvlf lng ^aly foroRoslnd-Uial'lha llnu would ,d; i 0 hullt, na the-'i-allrond nXflcDilver ilan lit aallstled tba reaervoir wopid be- 0« instructed and/.thay had always ro- tt'Jni urdad ll aa an:i<ii»anllal fBRlor In rnat: 10 devoloptnant.ot (his te rrito ry of |ain ;rcl)*ractcr-Ihnt'W ftuirt Warrant the p< eavy Vexpenia 'oC railroad conatruc- :e ol Ion. • - -I’. ’ ..bifi

'L 0 » E R » 7 (f5 5 0 T lE k « -H U j< b A Y , ‘” a I■ • , , • • M A l HUu- . farn

-■-Hiteiboswioliwixea’MW er* jrw 'M i' 'barln i j i ' alipreclatMIC 'D o r 'a p o d a n r o | '■m«! ;i, n.SO .'-fa Mefa^’S t l l v n ^ ’ TrM. in u r ^vln FSIU. Ph8nei;12m t ’lty t o n e s plan iJratnhoDBQs;. 8nd‘'ATe. S. n t 7Ui B t , 0

; i i R . S A | l

P o r k , W a v y t r i m r a e c i , S !

‘ L e g . ' i > f P o r k , .......

' V e a l = - R o a « t ..........

C S ' ' S p r i n g L a m b i T V :-;-. V S p r i n t

■ » 0 ^ O r t v ^ ' ^ - P ( i i t g . ' o f (

r r


’i t l

,., Afiorr«irtfc*ort‘‘m aW i u ity t'nhderilr tlilnc. :',at. m t . g “Oiow lBte I'oi.*'.-

a n d ’ w atcb (he l l lU f .’PapptnB lnU : :.n ia d « to o M t r ^ r thM ny.'m /

i ''


fEEKiy w e a m r ;iSO M iR Y €

_____ bul II'crops

U0I8E, May U —Northefn Id n h o - Cbc! iDiidy w oatber Dbtnlncd ull week, Lower Itll tnmperaluroa I>pIu>v nuniml .lur- t:rcuni K Ihs lirs l huit. Sliowfrn ocrurii'.t Rlcl irly lo ihQ wwh, imi they «ur.' :ii;lii with . ul acoUerlnti uu.I ufl(irdi-<l Ilit!u rc- gnthm :l. The aoll hi bci'uuilng dr> uvu.' Kun oil-o f till; ilUtrlct und luiituru.; ruBitit un'cd crops noc.l rain, W inter wh.'ni uu.I k artu fn!r ijro'vlh iilid'l'i aloolliir, woll. Huh

und furl); ulnnltd i:oru aro c;inu- (ulfii i: uji to IX Kouil, aUind. Tlm frull <>«l- la'i.i ln ol: ciintlnur« <!Xi'.'’li-ni. Aiipl.;-. m-- .ml.I (ull liliium uno .'l:.:rrls:. urv ni'tllni: i’i:ri javlly. StrnwbcrrlM ar.- lu liisn.v ..hund oom,,liul wiTi! dam aetil nllnhlly I15 -aUjfi o il Thur!idny. rim.IniK o( o r u imu .-ipiiri'i :>tatotM) coullnucd. Suininur talhin’- -Mi.l iR und a ll olhcr farm work proKr"»»- whi'ui 1 und uru up to dal«, I'nuturuM con- :)l<-ntj nuc tlnu :iud ull iitock un- Iti vxci'l- I'niiui n l cotidlUoii. <:>trSomhwoBl Maho—Thc toro part ot 'hiT 1

Itl week wuu cool und tronl.n n«:urre.l •"‘'I "I expontd' pIucvH, but tutor thc noa- :'lciit) IIT warmed and ut thu closo ot thu I*"!' eek i|ull» fRvorablfl Rrowing condl- h rr I ons obtained, tho bent of thn iiuasoii I'aHlii > tar. Biinahinn wun iihundnnt. udi*- ''’urin lint* for u ll crop nocilii, mid tho ouly H"1 iifuvoruhlu. tu rto r wna dcnrih uf noil '" r lolaturo, I 'rrclpltutlon han bpi-ii ilo- ’‘t‘' ' cluni nil aptlniT ami dry lnr wliidn tivo carried nwny mucli moiHturo no iut lhu Koll l« nnuailnlly dry for lh. >:r<>w| »B«on, Piirm work of u l| Ulndn w.'nt |’0 rn head .wllh no liitcrruiillon uml, Rcn.il t'luivl rogrciiH wun mndo In pluniliiK cnrn ' Tw nd pntiiloea In lhu earlie r dliitrlrln. drui n oxcoptlonully heavy, fru ll hlooni Is c nporiod from a l l . nocllon*. .llnngo hiliir )ud la Imiirc.vlng und in ttlu nnd nhcup ro doing wolLSouihraiil Idaho-T lio wouthur han ,'*•««

ren Kcnonilly fuvor>sble. U ^ h i nhow- ’irox) rs occurred, hut moro ruin la iiec-ded I aonii' uvrilonn. No tronl dnmaitn ‘I"''" tnn reported.. I’.IowInK In helnx puiih- U In ull accllonn. W inter wliuni la '°n il rowing woll generaly. Spring w heal I aboui uU pluntcil In the iou th bul iint beginning In lbo north. UarloyIt planted. Alfaira la doing wall. Po- -----atoea aru bulng planted. Tbo range la . nprovlng. ('jiitlo went on foreut - I I angn- tn good condition. P ru lt treea I I ro bPRlnnluR to bloom In Oneldo ■ I oiinty. I I

Xote* frum ill^ PIcId ^ ^jSprlngflolil. Dinghutn county—Oot-

lng (lUlto dry; Hprlng w heat n il i ^ n t - id; oiitn bulng planii-ct; curly poiaToea ilanled. r .

Oeneva, Dear l.ako county—Vory vJndy a ll week; drying tho ground 'nat: tann ing a tarlod; much alfalfa lamagud hy gophem. E j .

Pocatello. Dannock county—-Wlicat,:e«ls and oata being planted: potatoea ibtfiic half p laattd ; rango improving: iltalfa doing fins but needing wnter.

Aberdeoii, llln^sham counly—Oood farming w eather and farm art. catching

■ecdtd: airalft^ f ln t ; raage fafri wa- I t r neoded for. jftock; soma'-potatoci planted..Cam brldgo,' 'W aahlngton .c o u n ty -

I A L S ' T

S h o u l d e r ..................... l l ) c >

............... .............................1 2 1 c : ,

......... . . . . : i 2 i c - 1 5 c

i n g - G l i i ^ e n s ' -

)f Oity Four Times Doily.5 1324— '

mJ;. a t 201 ^ o i h o n o : ' u k i

FMARKEtMil m _ i_ i i - ju j - i« ig w w > —"lil I

: J D r a w i r

;!li lrc o m « .iiM 'a > ' big, 'f tn o M o o k ln r » U i L*'.- r n i t C M W -C tfanw l. ffli^;tb* in ^iThfin.'ha lo l4 ^ * c )c -W gtypV uld* n b baVa tbtlr.'.ebooornU , ^ |.rc e ^ U , v^B

istiiii' ,iud r.iiiKr i-x. clli'nt coiidlt'ciu. ^lluri.-y, (.'icnlii I 'o iin ty -l lo .'l i i.inl ^

•mil urii'viun well; I'lunlo plmillUB ^■RUII. ___ 1 ^ii'isn, (inciitinr couniy—Heeding tsmul .lunr au.l cru]i« i-.rowliin well; Wuuo tro»t .luiiiugc, I , tvipori. Mluldoku c»unly-~Cold weekII 110 dBinsge: trult ull light au8 ' ^ ■ops doing well. . ^ Cbckochtrry. Uonnevlllt county— j 3wer ranee fulr; plowing under way, r l ■cund lu Kci.Hl cundltlon.Rlchtlvlil. I.Uirulii fuuiity--('ool i f Ith .-ontiicl. r.»l»ti- iirylnK. wlml: Irrl-lllon w alrr nTnllnblc n fx i week. ' ‘JwL Kuna. Ada county—K aln' hulped I 1iBitit li:iN>iin';i Ullll new Bt-rdCil KrainlIII KfU!ir. nrni, liul more li.-clud. 1 \ ' / 'a Iluhl. I'a in l.'alln^.'ounty-<-.xil; a l-j \ Y .

,l(j and I'luvir niuw; rhorrlea and 1 •■(..•lur. In l.kmm, ulli.-r i'r.'f!. I r a t l u g - l B

I’lirinu, I'aiiyuii rouiity—Sum.hliie ] I »- lUnda.ri: 'iitur.'liig .runitltlonN vi-ry ! k ilJ jfa .'t .;r\; live, llghi tr.n^ii'n hut no! _ _ iijiri-.'lalih' daUiuKO. I.MldxaU', \\\i«liinnton .•cmnty-l-'i.ll , " L h.’al K..«l; -iprlm; h .-OIui; d..|..-: ' l.-nty uf iiinlMiur.' nfier in ln ; ,iiilurcH anil iaiini> i'xr.-ll.-!r Cunli-U Vall.^y, llcihi- ...lu iiy W c/. J''’''.!, H'r uud :itill r.ivoruhlo f..i p')wlui: ud nr.',llu;;; (j.xiil i;Mi''.:i, foni ’lent) au.l MuLk il.duK well.Illlln.-. Alll. cuuuiy—W arnuT wea-

.pr luiprc.v.'il i-.riiwlnit’ .■oudltl.mn nn .t: anl.ir.^r. nml mr:iilow« ,Ud well; u I ' '•arm ralu "mild lu- brni^tUlal. '

llulll:,U i. T«vlii I.J1U c ..un lJ-S .H ..l- ' ' i III; wull :i|,uii;; ralnn luoiirr niuU tur.''■ir i 'ii ;il lliini KriiKih ii.-xi iw.i > 'I’lkn; Iroll, nil (lumiiri^. runi;.- uoud.,

ruwliii: nl.c 'y ' iin.l''ratMo'^uln(^''ou'l j ^ II ninKi', r i’iii'niiiy In R i'ix rrun iln ion :' 'liiwliii: niiiiitly cDuflnrd lu tnnl nnll,

Twill Kalin, Twin l 'utln .-iiuiily- — “ dru] w.'i'li for ull lariii w ork; pnlatii N' .ml .o rn i.laiitini; full nwtUK: nil trulL < loluR wi'll;, Krminil In (liiu Khiip.t f i i r 'l ',''- vor)(. ii;.ri-

f’lKl. kw Alla l oiinty —Snllnrurlurvl r'-'.'r cook In uplle of aomn trm iji; frull I " " >rni.iii'.iM fliiii u'lili Kiin.trally li.'uvy *■' ilnnni; Krain* und »;ranii.'n inaklur pivhdid aliowlui;.

Caldwell, (^aiiyun cuuniy—W. i-k fa- ■ombl.i for <Tuiiu;. llrhi fro..t iwo "T] ilghOi, hul no daningn lu f/'ilU}. wheat [-rt.t

Union PacifL o w S u m m e r

Excursion Rati

I T o p o i n t i

d a i l y b e g i

R e t u r n ^ ii

FoU ow i:^ Sound T rip Forei w ill apply' from ‘

T W I N F A L L S■ i ■■ ■


O maha o r Kan#

C h ic a g o . .r ..........

St. LoQig ..........

ifew Y ork Oit;

__Bogton ■Wftihinffloo ■.....

L ob Anffelet ....7" ''S on^F rano iico

■ P o rtland ...........’ ' '■ SetitUe

ProportioBAtely . mtmy o ther poi


^inga by Leslie ‘Elton. S1

i l Jack tbiD niMtcM a - im t f '. ipol. -Thgi’* M liU r T«tt)r;‘ t « p l t l a « ‘(

■ runa, ;',»Bniir ttv .B t ro k la c by rig h t m d « r t b t I n v . tu m .> ii* t« (c « o « w * d .) ,. .. : ;■.,.r.-/

n o u » '

I r o l l v o u r o w n w r r H l I M » 1 ^ C r e i* Pepere A lU e^J 1

nil mcjdnn'R It. t-xpcllenl condlUon; rrlgnlliiu wnter In plenly.

Ilolpomli. Ilnlnn rrninty—SomuSeed- III uf -<iain nnd ulfulfu done; rangu .■i:d 1i<iiii-r; fuwur lundn of aheepi rulllui; tlir.iui-.h than usual for aaa- iin: Uiradown inoUuK tine hul need '.at.'r; .-rci-kn low.

KnililauO I'uy.'tio county—Applca .ud prune- full hl.xmi; no liauiuilnK root ypi I.ud u full crop In proapoct, ilf.ilfu uml nmall sra ln doing welt; urn h-lii!; plunied: canntry pm a'

iiKikUiK tlii.i; IrrlKnilnn Jjpgun,

O A S S ro iiP V tR T ISB iiiKK dTiJl«>U<l.rOuW VrtiH '

N(lT!C!v-A UlK cui on''alT Oliv«v ull iTiin huriiprn for the next & buitu«^^I'lr.. i 'iin ii'w h llr ;h c y ja» i, NoatiicKan, '. i '. Ill.r.-, DfmonKUuifon ul aalo gtctnid j ' f .c ry SjHintaSwL O- i'eiern itn . It. I;'

KOU UKNT- Purnlahwl room . or rouim. r..r lli;hl houa.ikeeplng. B u a l- ' ' • n.'iii Klrl.i iin-t.Tred. 13;m.Slxih av»- IIUI- 'i'a>it- -Phon.. 744W:~___________ -

>-oU -C X h^4 H licV tflno rc t nul- fetit-nnd ,ro<w»ir._i22:jj'ortli'MBlDw.'^'- ' •

f i c S y s i i-!» ' ' ' ' .;

tesn t s e a s t a n d 'w e s t

B g i n n i n g M a y 1 5 t h .

^ i m i t , O c t o b e r 3 1 s t


ansas Oity.................... $ M .70 ’

................. ........................... 1 1 6 .7 0

..................... ................... T i i o . ■ / /

City..;..................... ........nS8.10

.............. .',..............

........................ ‘.':,:4 .l8a ib , • ,

................ ai.oo -M ....................:..........- ^ . . . e t o o ; -..b'

^ 41.40 , ■ ■5^

$ •• •; '

ely low fare ' to ' poinU.


s W b y :iia ip » iis ii^ l■ . , t ■ ■■•; '.

I . ' ■ - /J i i .

- FAUH n iH M

Page 4: raOB TlUtM m m V T l S f E S Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · ifc.;::'...'. 1.-i p i i ! ^ P,BD-Tlme in BnssU: •Army Wot Bor^^or Slayln,

TWIN FALLS/DAi' o i i i x a K i . ' ^ m w a i ^ 6 r ^

T h » r ' 3 ^ l h M i i ^ t o d m in lh, ’ • . . , ■ ^ ■ pnblleBtioD .

' PBliUibtd V n rr V nBlB g & M p l Soadar■ ■ > • C w n g ta r ; Tw in y»lU.

•;’L H..MAaTaRB, ......... - — ........

' e su r« d t t (b t Twla FBllii PM toRlca b i Dally PubltcaUon, April

• ! SUBSCRn*TION RD a l ly / ona ye#r._~..----------------------------•D *«y, « J t n o n t l u _ ; ___________ :____

\ D aily , one ..... .........1—

: P o c n tc llo in in raiu-h th e m im r j>OMUi bii in th e m n tt« r «[• finnhcoK. T lio 1(1 m to ‘ m e et th e n i'cdn o f tl\p f i ty , >t in r i‘| B o « , tlic ttcwly:i'ti*ctp»1 o x rcu liv o wivh Ii mcy>tinR to ouk Tor m ore m oneyl

„ , _____________O______

. TOW N AND COUNTRY' 'f*' ‘i r o f t o f th e diHCUiwioii r e la tiv e in 't l i 1>MD in re g a rd to th e hcnrfitH tlm t woul t h i f a m i n g d la tr ic l s om l lu it to th o se a y e t one ia d n d M Jbo o lh r r ; fo r w ithou t have tm p ro sp c ro u d c itie s nncl towiiH. I t r u r ^ e o i ^ u n i t i r f i th a t th e iirh n n o n rn i cW e* w ill g ro w j iw t in pro'i>oi-tioii n« tli ^ .p w d u c tlv o n e« ^ ^a ii3 v*ul«e^‘T ’in r~ \v i tow B p r o p ^ t y (IS m en a n d th c i r fainilii.-K th e c i ty "to k e e p puce -with th e Rrow ir ^ tM pero iy i 'fa rm erM . T lie i-lfy hiitd n>nipi Dt a v i ia ^ k in d 'i l l th o b u ild in g o f Ihc hix

; ; CREDIT DUE" " • • ^ o r ’a t i ^ t a ncoro o f yc o ra th e r

f o r a n in te rn a t io n a l c o u r t o f jiw tico ._ Tl a n d - th e goa l o f Htatciimun'! ^Vhl'n th o Ici iw d ono o f itn f irh t a n d g re n tc s t a c ts v w o rl4 c o u r t 'o f th U im tiiro . T lie lf«>cnp c o u r t w ben a do*en o r m ore nu tiun ii fl h a v e done n o th in g .

The; c o u r t is ' ko orjrniiizotl th n t i t inn l io n s o f ju iitic e w ith o u t ri’rorcnoo to lo buslDewi. ; i t Ih a n in ilcpcnden ti hnd y a u i to tb e ]cai^<! n u T y M ^ i> tn I^ tcn ii> 4 t lub

■ iv ib u n e (U oinihH onn). iT h « T r ib u n e in c f fc c t cohooH the* jir

t ^ L eague o f NiilionK l>y P n 's id '-n l ,1! lifC iiidrnt, udinitif. th a t n itly th r u u c h t

■ ..le a g u e hns ic. heon itnxxihlo tn oroiit<> tho p u b lic a n p n r ty haH o d v o c a tc il fo r m a n y y In te m a tio u o l trmihloH.

I f S H ch 'a c o u r t Ih iiro^ iaL r*'"''*** h is p n r ty linH Miid in variouN p la tfo n a i a n d th e O ak lan d T rih u iio doolnro . th is ci se cu red , w corpt th ro u R h th o Longup of r e a d jiiir tU ifd itn c.xistonoir h y tliix iii-t i I ’rcK idcnt W ilso n in o d m it tc d ly n pront p o b llc a n Kincc h e furiiiHlivd lliu innohim .o f th a t W hich th e y noukIiI a n d 'w o n ' iinij

0*gr*«t of Icnoi’anc*. 'D ontliy hnrt' h w i renrHns fu 'r r Afin

... ttlM . At btdtline mullicr' vreot OiktD' of Ii-ll•U ln to lakn i-ar* of lha rum nf4/for cvrcnlnthe DiBht. On eccuuni or buiPK-artect- i*‘t ilx•d by bn- m a in s iho ruli? lolc i. ilie ■nunnn

- fCjfiwed b»r, mo»i«r to lliu «>e»eincn!. w iix aiI t l l l n s i uoutuol. H er/ tnotlier iiirfPH

. mifldad liar alwut It. whi#eu|>.iti n<ir<H tli«* nnti>r n td ah t waa afraid In s ta r ntonc. xurfuir

, U tr no th tr .toM tier of iler cowardlc*. sm y ialattoc Ihnr licr .only'alx-»c<‘k«-<>1i] irrnii-<lbro tb tr I>unald waa nut evr» ufniliT tu n( tirut■tay alone upilalra. Wherruiiou ilic |»t m >■Bawtrtd b tr moUitr. "Uli. lie doM nt lim tx i

* kBPW eoougb to Im aTrald." niier ii■ llK-ll 1)1

Oflflln of -Oofld-by." Ji b t meaiUof uf tlioui;li

•oweltowA «rronfou»ly jflrfn (i» lu ttbB j—« r n tlN in —yuu.* i t miduubUHliy pig ble ■4od b« wltb ye." nml a i lu rh tia i |« t wl b ttn -d lp p td Into Ita modrm ftino. or luli

OMUra Plan “Black LIU."O oelon In I.ntiilon nru nUKKMilnc ^

*1)lacl« I1«r of imtlfiiin ulll. R'> f r» iu \|ti,„ ,,i o s t wwlleal man to arioiiivr initva-l of j , paylB* th tl r lilIU ! to tril

^ • .

;'SAY>‘BAYER” when y>.CiiliMa yoo t t « (be nnmo “Oayer” tro t,

e b p a ek a it o r oa InbttU ybu a r t whlcb a b t gM tlBc-tba xta tU ot D aytr pro- Handy d tK t p raa e rlb td . by pbytlfil&M oTtr ftw c< s a jttara ^ provtd aafa by m il- U ti e U oai to r '«oUa. btadacha. too tbacbt. irad t M rteb* . B tnra lcla. la sib a io . rtuoB ia- o t Mi tU m BitiriUa, a sd to r poln In f t a - aold.

UIY TIMES | Sr w m F A L L S , a O U H T T . Iif«: •{;

t h i t C it7 t h a n a n y o th e r n . ' •— »

day by tba TJo m Pabtlablng A l i»a. Idifaa>.__________________ m

r c .' uuil Ul

a i BaeoDd C taia M attar a i a |i>>« di„ i . 1 .. / ]t ™j .

. s m.w . ,„„ri,o--------- — — ....... J .W u,„ ,1„

.60 'I'lio - - - » UIKl Ir

■' .■■ ■-. I ■ I Rtrk-ktMilioii n s .T iv in Fn llji « fc im to “ “ “ il'

m ill levy w ill ho innilo(i«ntP dnilpK re p o r te d , a n d M nyor U. H<ii

« lie >vill hn v e to euli n mnBH| oain' . . iCroji

■ ----- — ■ WIII

r BOTH BENEFIT ^(iotlt. .

I 'tl io A n ic ricnn F a l ls dam has, COII o u ld iiceruo to th e pcojilc o f j "|y ' c w ho live in tlip c ity . A nd !8i>pt. . )ut p ro n p cro u s /n rm « \vi‘ w ill I t is o n ly h y h n ild in g up th e Ju ly . >s onn exists T h o lo\n»» nnd •

tli i i 't in r i 'o u n d in g fa rm s grow { ivill - flcan m o ro dcm d n d for ies w ill com e h e re to <level6p wIiiio" winK d c m n n d ^ rc s u l t in g from lic r , tli 'e rb furc, hns an inlcrcHt fancyh in d a m . V , ,fl© i.O__________ V \ (lan doi


■ • ' OMA1* ropuhU cnn p n r ty hnn Ktood ,Itecelpi

T lm t hiis hoon th e Hciitiiiiciil leag u e o f niitiniiH w a.i'orgaii* ifncdcrii

s w ns th o o stn ld islim ont, o f ^ ^ - j ^ ^ m e wnH n lilc to orgnnir.o lh in / |j |R ®or. R n o tin g in ilop o n d o n ily oiiuld

’22(0 tlm n y x e tt lo in to n ia ti im u l <inoN- ewe*,

le ag u e a ff ilia tio n Dr.loiiKUu _ , j a u d nny n a tio n no t holonKiiiK POU luborsM iiid 4>«iH'fitH.««paklMi<l

nioflm.jirn is i ' in d rr i 'i 't ly hestowYd ou .H n rd i iltr , '^ • lie n it , lilu ' th e

I lh c in H tru ino iitn lity o f 't l io "icady Iho Hort o f o o n r t w hioh he ro-V y i’a r s 'n s th o holo so lu tin u o f sho t

ilniuly I to nio

cKident lla rd iiiK Hays, nnd ns lO; vn n a s , a n d if oh th(* p res id en t '< cou rl cou ld n ovo r havo hocii CHI i f N 'n lio iw ,-the leaRUC has id- ‘t u lono . A n d if th in is tn io , ]|,,nbfi on to r H tntosm nn th a n a n y ro- choice linorj- fo r ih o n i'oom plishm ont iinuhlo to h r in g a h o u t.

I t llW hin I rialneoat L iakt, Inc ni

f i r r 'n ulillu n i ln ^ i tn )invu n trnjr Phoiic li-iilni; lliv ilniiipDvii) tlinmsli In inin |>1ai-ci. liut It Ix'nulte cunj to lli« innlK-r rlL'ht III llie folluwliis. All m rr: 8<fctiff u nmoll lump of Iwn- »l"o o ( und N|iri'ni1 Iho tuliirnnt un d flat Klmbi rp(i', \rn>iig «l<Ii- uimiinl. .Vow ruli

liiBltfrtul. u llll till- v.’ux unill Un- fuiu upprnn m tiavf lukcii on n l’«n y Illlt. When lln: urrn lio» t)f<-n due* I licit In tliU mnnnrr.,hold a ilicol iruwn (.atxT uvcr thc.upcit, nml tlirn 'M u ilh II hul lijin .''’Tlilii mdl* Hi**«»» oml .... kcn ll iuib* Inlo ereryr of tlie chiiti. Thv mluroai wiltII hp wculh|T|inn.r, ^

In Equal POiitien. u the >vorld'< uuilIciK'c hall, the ilm* ■, blaOe of «ruM iIlH on tJie Mta* cir*: with the lunlH-am* and the d a n . jjmldiiltht-—'racore. ' M

' Mian Individual. | ITie jucaiient muii In tho wurld U II one whu \vlll llo ><iu\dlrt und |jD apolueUc before ynu have time 'Itr il htm what yuu thlak uf him. ;

^ !)

myou buy Aspirin „

,1. Accept only “D aytr" p iekac t Icb conlalna proper directloaa. ndy-Jw xta of tw_^lirt tab ltta eoat r cen la ." D rusfla ta a lto ta ll bol- I of t l and 100. ^ i p i r h ) Ii d t m ark o t D aytr Manu/actnra MoDOsctllcacldaattr o t SaUcyUo-

<L ■ ■

K W i N

^ B i m e T l i o i n l i t y t r T M a u

•IIK UNTAMKI) TONdUB.—Ho W oI kcoiH'lh. hiH mnulli kc<-|H'lh h ll_______p r, Imt ho Hint <i|>i-ncih nhic hlx Iljn i ^ ,11 Imvc (ti»lruclloH.-lTov. 13:3. L _ ___

M A ^ It;ilIC.\CO. 11.—C ra ln 'con lln - •II umlcr un liily Iliiuhbtlnii ilurliifi V 11 duy on thu Chlcnico Bojtcl ofIldo nml III fhe (h u e . dlnpluyeil . ■nkiicHK,U'liHtable Utircprun und Amorlrnn ^ iidllluni. iot;uih.-r with weaker ntuck ' IBirkoti* iilayc.l n proiiilueni pnrt In I Ii< iluwMlura. III'ho cuKh mnrki't wna. very dully llil Inwer. Ilulnn over tho ilruuaht | |'Ickcn iiruaK of llllnoiii. Indlnnn umt IIlo durliiK the ilay wcru boiieflclal. J l MlbouRh umlur cooslderahlQ llqul- ' <A tlpK jiri-miure-irnrn-riillled nllKlitly J M ■ed nu raiuluuoil IlRht rcL-elpia nml

Incrcnne In ’ feeilpr il^m m li,Daln -wrnkonod \j'Uh other nmlnii. > 9 I | op report!, conllnueil fnvornhle.

< Ojieii. IllKh. U>w. Clo'ie. J ^ Siv iib a Y ^y ....... iiT'-ii 110'^ 110?;ly ....... 117 117 iir,!(r iir,v4lit............l l f l ' i lU.Ti lU llf.» i Tho:O Il.V - lltc trey ....... ..'78% 7H% 7VA 7R% ' “ "V 'ly ....... .73 7a 77%i 7S',fc cniJt........... .7814 7K> 77Vi ,77?4J A T 8 - roshleny ....... ..............................42Ti - « U fly ........«-s. 43-, rsii rs% „ . " y ‘>t........... ..*2% *2% <11,

1‘OTATOK.H. 'I"'"':ilICAOO, .Mny II.—I'utnloon—Up. 'I trcd ( PH., 207 cam : WUcmifiln round llo Buckod nnd hulk. $1« 1,1U; cy Jl.tC k Miiiii<a«in whilo nackeil

M IchlK n\roum l while bulk ar,c, ''K"'"- :cy \ l u h o ruralu uprouicd "JlutJl.OC, new liW hlly itro n re r : Flor- for nint double head \ i . J t7,C0: No. ^ ‘•-6. I over

.60. iweniy. --------V like Jl

O.UAH.V M VKS\0CK. ''’nnlncIMAIIA. Nebr.. Mny 11.—Callle— “ ‘‘® ‘ :elptn IROO; m arket n ^ d v : yenr- M I7®9.C0; Btcori. J s& ,7 8 ; cow* 'IrutiBla I belfeni. »3tfi)8.C0; if lickcn nnd O 'e r ,37 d c ri. lO.fiOOS.CO; cnlron. Ifi.tO® ,•I): bulla nnd alnptii. M.7608, tofea—Hecflplfl, onoo; m arkoi Bc ‘he r; hulk of Nalcn. »7.25«7.<0;. $7.<0, '■Ihe«|>—Reolptn, OOOO; m n rk n Ifl®I hiKher: InmUi, »11.7CC'ia,3r.; • ' j d »$, l4Xi)O7.&0. -

'P O ItT I.A M ) IdVKHTOCK.’ O n ri^ N D Ore.. Miy l l .-C n l lla

^&^:*H>«M ket M tfeady; ' n i l lntre Ite rra , ISCa.fiO;‘fair to «fiod ■ '■'•r*■flrs. »6.R0J?S.7K: oliclce nml 1 '.iIfem. |8.7C®7.2r.: ninncrn. *l,7riO I ' ur.: bulla. JSOG.25: cnlvM. » «HoKM — .Ilci'cipi|i. I l l ; , niarI;ot ^ , r■ady: prime mlied, y n ib wllsh buavlcH, tCiiS.JG; plK<i. Iti.GUO'' prrtAimtn. . RoodySheep — Itceclpm .f.7fi: innrUel fto*-l«iimly; prime lambn, 12012.IU: fair «

medium, »U)fiMl: yenrllnB*. J 7 { ^ ______! wethem. owe*. Sl’®n.rii).

•f llirA (7o silKKP.CIIICAOO. .May I I .—Itccelpla, r.OOO: iirk ii top himh* active, around Sr.r Rher; bom cllppeni. JU : woolcd ®J mb* upward of »16: rood nml lolco 110 10 IKfl nrundi. tC.WC _ . ?0r fow nprltiKcr*. Il(l.f.0pil7. T j ^

STOl* A>'n TIUXK I t la Umn tn cloan home. Knliimnln-' U lU K nnd palnllnc work Ruaraiitecd ’ none 1C12. i

FOU HALKAll lionirhold rood* of j . n , V w ., r i no one VelloiourliiK cur. u . (l.'Xuck. J , Imborly. |

Thought for th t 0«y. [l*ance In Ihp rcn'aril o^ the man wh./> r )e* 111* be-'il. I -I -

S A T U m u v . n U p B g

LOIS W aspiT -EO B ER T McKItt The ntnry tnke* place In n n ild lot

life In n ]>rliultlie loirvlnir (onn tu onrl actions-and hand-lo-hund riRhtlnul '

Hickory Hick” with.O ue nf llie t)r<-l roolln'-teolln’ ei

“ PALLS AH?AD” with Ml


e a u t i f u l L o 6 A n g e l e s

/ o m a n G i y m T a n l a c V

C r e d i t fo ir^ H e a l t h . "

' Iu IS w - -> firo In


■ J P / 7 > '; tenI (M k u - i S S f /

/ ’ a t the Eronm

\ ' nu*ly 'lainea


1 '1,0 W(

MUS. KI.OIIA IJ. ltIlS.SKU-. ‘!iu wniidurfiil power* nf ihu Tnn- (hk, qj trciitm nii uro osuin very force- IiIhIodI iletncmitr.ilcd. TIiIk time Incnne nf Mrn. Klnm l l .- ilu u o ll, m u P]

lly (ircimipllnhed nnd enleomed lent of 03f.(4 N. Or.iMi!o Hi.. Olfin-. n i l . .She nay * ^ ^vi|i|II the time t coinmcnrnd taklox hrut Inc 1 wnil suffcriu r tfuiii nn a n a t- ebarnc: nnd a ncrvon* nimlown fondl- ihIso"

My nlumnch wnn im dliior- — -d Ihnt evcrylhlriR I ule wouldor m r nml ut tliurn I couldn't V HIn eriin n claa* T^f wnler. 1 'Rlll 1 would never l>e myxclf

u t Tniiinc Junl* iiuiie<l my rane, U IM nince InklnR It I fed n* wetl an e r did. I hnvo ni tutilly Rained " T lly pounds In welnht mid I aleep ft child orery nlKlit. I beliovo lie w ill belp anyone niifforlnR <i1 did."

,nlae Is for nale by nll Rood ' ' “" f RiatH. ' Accept no Hubitltule.,37 million bottle* nold. Take

i.lBC V e s o ta b la ^ J lIn . a re Na- , a own rftn^w IJW r eonallpaiton. rm n i Bate everywhere.- _______ ___


Pastes s w s

CockruartM* >Bd m attucn .

Idy fo r U a d r-B e ttte th an TrapB*t u i . : ^ ‘ .01 41;. IKU. Iixo



am) u cent* n l l l a d n l t a n y . child of U ;e n n ~ o r nnder to

a t th e M a tin e e onS a tu r d a y o ^ y ' .

Cm Ihll r.nniM^ front I b t _“'rime*" and p r le u t I t w llh PSe a t Ihe bos nioe o l tbe

I d a h o T h e a t r e y o u

■ ■ ■ ■ '. „ . 1 ' 'i . i

’ U f '

ip ib ff iis e :Emmett J. FLYNN:iM -T U U .Y MABSHALLlo » n In eavlrni O rrm tie—I t ’ii

■nrly daj«-TlicPeN thrill* and

t h B o b b y V e r n o neemedlr* }n e ie r aaw



Sf F A L L S D A I L Y f f lM E S

7 . \ ' i . T ^ r a B 7 . ‘ . •. r t" ™ '!

THEATRES ;.'™;- - •' ( iiir wl

M . 1. ■ und a ll u itaR lns tbe iromomlou* fm;est imIIUcIi > In Ilcilnald tin rke r's production, 'lie mm o a ru A flitm e .''a t tho Orptioum the- a tcVrt: e, Mr. BArker.hiia created a spec- cave ai le tha t will B ^ d t o r . a long tinie a t bay ono of tbe renily ig re it achlevtl- t o l i

niH of tb«-*creen . and *«rre n i a Oibera a d a fd .fo r ilfflllar.accnfii'ln p l io i u - ---------

lacnirii-onily terrifying, th e - fire I L f l eep*. ucrom tbe scrcnn, tnmlnR Snty acren of beautiful, t'owerlnf: ^ ea to a ctnder-airewn w M e. In • . T

m lm itei ll deali'oya whai N ature , L k u humtred years tu hulld. I t l* n ht novel' 4o he. forRTSUen. SlnrllnR ■' ■« the top' o f n rlilRe In Ihe hack-

mml nml ru ih ln s down lowiiriU the iiera wllh terrific leupK BUrt lioiinrt*.• Tiro onvelopcii ihn unjjre forc*l IpriK (hun a mlnuic, - y Tkml lliroURh thu bluio, in plain vlow F f ( \ Ihe spoclntor, Apna Q. ^ 'I 'jin o o iU U vt*H n locomotivo. ntisklfis couraR- i*ly 10 tbe Ih io tno In KplI^.oC lho mea tlini Hck nlunR ibe cnh nnd •t In ihrouRh Iho window* with ev-■ new ■ Hcorcblntt dn ft u fn ir. Thbrcl or her'wllll ridn I? to neeuro "““"y ■viKr 10 dynnmlin u ridito ami in te '■ women uml chlldron In iho rallny Kit *' llwueai Sicyoml. nnd ihe fulBil- *“*■ ” nt of hrr hrr.vo mlanlon furnlnhea1 of tbe Rrenleot iiiriiiu In acresn


i'll'iRm ntraum, the Fox »inr, w)jl •irun Jn one of hln iilroiigeil ncreeo racterltatlon In "Wliboul Coaipro- 0." whicll cotnoB to thi Idahd the-

1P V M P w C n i i V M P ^ ■

TODAY ASD TOMORROW 'The Wonderfol Futo Drama ■

“ H B A B M AFLAME” dnpled rrem Harold TItut*-Morel

"T IM B E E " ' ske OnrTli^-^See I t - l l ’n a Big, I ^

Blfrl'lclurc . ■ VA irrrat eaat—Annn t], Xlllioh^ mnk Keenan, Ittehnrd Hedrick, >

lonlnRer, Leo Shunsway. riea»e ?lole-The taller two’ l i >mierlr ot Twin Fulim dn *eme *1 ilendlj nork In (hi* feature. I ^

A"''RiaDBiMli" p rad sd Jra ;' 1neaatlful leenery. Tbe nio»l mnarkuhle forri.t fin* ever , token by n euiiirni. Wnlre* mand bears I'riuhtenrd ffom f lIbelr hldloir placei leap mnd- Lly brfore (he entnem lu (he *nttcmpt lu excapr.

See Ibe (hrtlilnir sl^ht of n loeoniotho drhen tiy a Tounir Rlrt through Ihe blaa- Iiiir forent who I* determtoed (0 reach a ponder maRnjIne 'In order to blast a bill side In . order to «tn|> the 'itlant blaie.

E1«H M , r r , h . T n jij .U fl , / of the ]treate<<t we b a it • r- ever pre*entcd. " £

-o th e r Good HubjectH-Orjibeont^ Orthe-ilni jg

ftrneral I’rleent . _10c-^0<^-J»c «

Pro iperity i s hote-^-Oppor- ' / ;tmity i« beckonW hV oto Yea'or th e 'W o a d e r w Aaierican J?iiU i T 0 J 5 0 E E 0 W ; - - i

1 m m

RAILR([ t h e t w i n


LErsPTV o te * '


E 3 ; - ; ' ' ™

e for two dayi,_ beRluninit loday. I q ‘,l* : W ithout CompromitV- la ono of s o : red^bjck^td. b tvnan atorlea of . rotU ltr luwn; Iti wbtcb Parntun lii.' t a< tt aberlff wbo boa bla hdndi \ |a rk c I ' w tlb tho prlm lllre rousbneckn.I a lio fiRbta a bad RanR of crooked lllcImiB U) a •(nndnilll. Ue capture* |' m urilerer of hia foater-tlvler a fic r.:crrtbla band-to-liand battlo. In n : K |e( '« and Uitn bolita n' iyhctitni: mob i n ^ bay a ln ile banded. , i}I, '$ l^11 Wllaon playa-opposlto F^rnam- Twin lera In nn excellont c u t loclnde Orcrnl

E l i o n st o p u n ^ H iu

S IKOB IbrA oys B .iei'l o t tho Cboro- ,roU-bl<

kao Inillana., man haa rolled upon «* t«™ toprodaco

7 / 'J k T i ^ co rtttn barlia nnd ,,5^ ^ J t berba topu rlfy tbo aro t[ • H w / T \ { blood. Today, tbo 0. a. L H l / ' L V oaaufacturora ot clonni

\ 8 . . 0 . 8 . Rather hi^ibie ll I thousanda of tonu r - i —

tbeao 'cortsln ba rk s 'an d herba nn- a lly nnd proparo In concenlrutcd 1 ;;~f5 ■m, aelentlllejklly proiwrtlonod. tliat w i blood purinor. eatlod 8. 8 . 8 . my >1lla la why 3. S. a , alnco 1S28, baa I--------#n auch O 'K reat lucceia. It baa Try tailt'to nillllona of nmterwolRbt n a n ;rood d womon a plua^tn tbc lr stronelb. u o ro

S. s . So makes you Jed i

W a n t

U s e d FT o u tin g a , B o a d ite r i , Coupes oni

in a n y a l^ p e . O aah w aiting : fo r you

O o n s o ld on com:

C E N T R A L G-— -P h o n o 462-

W h o C a i. . “ — r a t t h e : :

Afflerican'Falls PrO N M A Y

^ - 7 - ■ ■

A N S W E R :

. E v e r y o w n e r o f r e a l e s t e

E v e r y h o l < J e r “ 6 f ' a c o n t n

r ^ l e s t a t e . . - >

i E v e r y h o l d e r o f a d e e d

e s c r o w . ;

A b c ^ v e r e f < e r f i t o —

rBoth Husbanc

u m m= A N D — - —


A ^ E N O C i■■ j r . . . ' ' - .'‘v ; - - , ^

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l ^ D . ^ y . ^ L W 1 1 .1 0 2 3 . 'J

l» Ilarlnni llobert McKirQ'.’T iiry nihfill, Fred K olilcr'aud Altaa'B*n<-

Inn lcn I'Jiiiila niiw renily:. TPhblti rkct. •,'•* •.•,•' r

,tMVi:it.H KOK M llTH Eit-flCX ^A T, ;ttJ V IS U u .- - - . . . . . I .

Slee bdtfK of mU'edViloKm.fti apprf«bitnl.. Qnr>«VeelBlt7''-'Bt

-e ttb ,.d e U » i« ^ U » (rJri Fall*.' Phone 127fc -Cti y ^ i i l f • crnlion«es j!p«I .VrB. '

ndflffl S ; | ; S yBi'S-' bullila biood poTfdr;-' f i. iio lU f-1. , I-blood<clli. Tbat Iff'W hat'BiakM h llu c M wor. And flchtln^ ^« 0 r Blroya*mpurlllo«I I t olwnya wbiaV . flKhta piRiplca. tt ORhtn akin onipi ps, It flshu rhcumailim.' it bullda . rru-povcr— tbluklni; twwer. T b tM o tb u rooions vlUcn b a ro n iid a’

S. S. today tbe e reateat MoOd- tnnaor. body-bullder and 'aucceaa • ' M«ier. . •

Mr. JwM Ouloi:pk*. .Cjido Sbtraua, chocl. OilIllMiht, Ohio, w tlin i ~l I Mt Uk» • atw mta a im itH at S.S.S. • ' r I t r e n m bnt*t tppnlta aai tiaaiti >r ikia •( pltarlta at4 MBtkl,tadir

Try t t ronnnslf. S. S. 6: la aold a t all od dm s ntoroa. .Tbo larce bIm ’ to ■3ro oconomlcal. Oct n bottle today t

•1 likgyoitnelf agma

F i b f l ri ^ o r d i sa n d Se d an s— a u y rnQdelf Or-. y o u r o ld car. ,

o n im liilo n . ••• v

G A R A G ES 2 - — ' ...

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’roject Electioir';^Y . i 2 t h " . V / , : ' : y . '

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state.trac t fo r the sale o f

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M fflif:r.

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Page 5: raOB TlUtM m m V T l S f E S Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · ifc.;::'...'. 1.-i p i i ! ^ P,BD-Tlme in BnssU: •Army Wot Bor^^or Slayln,

J P B I D ^ ; JIAT l i ; 1023, ■

M f M y m U O T W n n n iiA .

SilinijayScliooI ' L e s s o n »

<or RBv; p . a '- riT tw A T B ii. a d .. T<Mh«"«f8«fcUto'8lbla'|ti'Ui« U M r Ulbl«|0»rtUiil* W Chlcuo.)

j : U ^ O H FO R W 13

.. d ^ i p ^ h ^ V o k t . k i n q ; .! ‘

t> u S w 01, u-.t4..

nH re ilB N C B 'K A T E niA l^P t n ; Ua.• •iT tiJtr; O tll-Jti'Lnkt t:» i Acu S » U .

^ J W « A ^ * T0P1C-Tbi Shtpbtm Oof

P ■ c«"* • 8 » ' « D«,iNTBniiKDrA’n ! a k d o r a io n T o n o

—D4tM; ■» a 7rt«nd. '.•W3UNQ PBOPIiB AND ADULT TOPIC

•>k/UMa» yr#m th« U f« of David.

8amu*l M tum a fo r Saul (▼. 1).1.’ Wby H t Monnicd. .TUo OeoHi.of

6liul waa-ao do tib t a petvoaal ibM to^ Sam uel.'for,’SaDl >cai a commaaaias

aD<] loTablo .pcnonolttr. O^ien. too. tlie ruin o t ao proniUlns a cnrccr

, would - d n p l; affact a aoul Ittra Snm>» u»I., I^toaUr the bumlllatlon to'G od

and Ood'a p«opI« itricved lita heart.2. ’ KxMMlve UoiinitoB Ilcbuked.

T lia r tc t th a t Ood hnd rejected 8an1 « l)oq ll))av« tl^cM Sam uri,out,oM ita

*• i r t i f . D t ^ l r * crie fdv rir tliat which'Olid doM U 0 refl«(Jon upon Him and aIiM ltfll« 'A btikM .'f:'fB :A F God'a arta w s 'ahou ld aubinlt flUhougli It mar chihiiio oor plaat. iWMS aorrow ba- coi6*i a ^ ln d r jp c e 'to tho dlicliarBdof'dutjr. I t m ert^ rab a ^£ .

II. Samual S in t to ' Anoint David <VT.i:a); _

K S a m u d 'jr rc B r ( r . 2>. rerliap* b r ihla. tlm»;.6aul k u Doconilne n draparaW cbOraiftcK 'S afijuel- knew th a t I t Saut.’AboDid hear tha t ho wua

. ' takflBf a ttpa to anotat n aucrcasor to” hla jhroDO. h ti own llfo,«rould bo In

d a n irr . Satnt^M waa wIh In aobmlt- Ilnv Ibla d incu lt illuntlcQ to tho I/iriL (jod'a M rranta a re lo be .bhxYC. Slut • n n when (nlDS on e m n d a for Ood WB J abould no t court, danger. We alioaiil e rtr r iM the. s rn ti4 t-c au iln n . to% . u U K o iu r r i}ni)t»ra Ij» afnlilRl.

,,:jS „T be Lonl-a Direction (tt. 2.*a). Tbfl Lord imoolhed the w ar (or Earn- ue l.r 'H tah a ic afl Wm how to perform hla-dutr.*od eacap* tb e dan««r. J!am< u e l waa to take a be lfer and announce tb^( be-.wao, coins to 'o ffer a ucilflct.' o n to - tf ie l^ w W d 'to call J e n e to tlie •a n io ce .^ XBe^proiiliet‘'w ai not told alU that would happen. T lili la nrual-

-Ir.lOod'a w a r w ith u a . Ho Klrea va 0 8 | w ork .p lacv .b r Piece and Kutdei’ u fsa tep b r atep. ^ m u e l 'a purpose waa k w w a io ^ r h iu . I t w aa'to be k ^ t A * J a ^ > fhot 'tlie Oflwa vo'uld np< reich ' f l a o t ' waa a ahrewd

• deyiee bn t «nMrelr1e«Hlmatf. Tlic#i) la a o t if teaa lty fo r aa to reveal all

.( « j? pnrpoaea.-~ - n i . Bamual'a Obadlanca < ^ . 4<13).

t . Tlie Tremhllnit Eldera o(-Bethto- h e u («r. 4, G). . I t ' m m a tha t the whole natlbn waa allot through with fea r becauie o t Saul'a aln. To the •Idera* ntarmlnit Inrjulry Samuel n>- apondpl with tho aKxiinmrs of prore. iDTtllnK tbem to Join blni In w onhlp. I f i r Uie Lonl.

S. B nm lnattoa o t JM te 'ir Sooi (rr . M S ). The Lord had nvenled to 8a'm<. BM th a t one p f ,Jene;a aona waa to bV.the new klne, bd t no t tbe partlco* U t one. Tfae Miectloo o t tlie right (ftlkw aa a m oit Important m atter aa M tln te a bnn r-o p o n S t ' ( I ) '» l a b

-(T r. C*-7>. E llab w u .th e tn M M iM and tberetoro h e waa tbe ilcM prdaented aa'having S n t tight to UtKpIac* oC honor, f t r t h v , . he waa A 'i f i l a e ^ qM dD cn o f 'a man. tall and i M ^ e lD;apE;«aran«-ao tba t eren S l m e r w tr c a ^ l V a te d b r him a« he tiA ffbceD :^ ^ o L w a t ) . .Outward a » w i i 9 ^ ^ t e V A n ‘o(tUi^^

, i w a . br.v.Ooil, were., againit bro .- Ood, knowa whom B « n o . t r u i t w ff t. kr ti t M apoBilbimtea . ^ e fro-

, A u G fir i* [a a t* - 9 i ^ d r jm

• frktaeatir;2 i«dT;d« . t t ^ . v b u t Qod lAOkr mto ^-the b t a r t (3) - DiTld ti^Mcn ( w . 8 - ia ) . , All, btit ooa of J e i ^ a ’o«u.JM ;d .bM avlookad 'npoa l,5?*UU OWXfitTir ehWeoTiSff not ap.'

. - , p « > * 4 n u i fB -■ re in r

w a tch -tb e d b e p r^ o t g o t Importantw ong tirC *b j5u i4S ; t o A e fdEat -'Te^caniw jD aiid .waa fUtMiU-.aa a>ahq>. l i« 4 ,boXt fc* w i i to ' line fo r prono«

w ha,O o tt-f lT « iT U » i1M tt»ed .,

S t t tM . to d .a ttr a e ttr e /U d bnt« ■ « of w t w r i K u w B r a v 'B ja a ieC.Ood. Pow M ’B tu t eoBM fMm Ood Oaiy aa w a w a i ^ t i ^ l i y ^ a o l i Q iN « m w r t n ^ j j b ^ ^ aad^wp^ - . -

'Knewlna.WiMn.''.tsr< x t:te ta io iiia f '« iM ;ti> 'M U «:aB

^ . iM erttt»ll7» Um 8 < 4 « t4 i^ A M .tls Ia | ^ S ^ 5 i . l a ' t i » fao ift*b iB i to f««co a«

a ^ t a n ^ P U r ^ a t t .-- .

/ ? • b u r U fa ., ' ■■ ■' .


1 ChurchesUapllvt Hnndar School

A special liivlifttlon la eziendcd to D.. a ll men a u l women, boys and Rlrli Sf ( ro m 'th e cmdio roll up to , como^ lo •' Bible acbool Buuilar morning a t DUC.

Orc((ealra~«iUBic aud good ulnglug."• ■ I. H. M aatm , Supcrlntcsdoiii.

ItcTlral a t T n ln FnlU aiimlon , • . • 230 ird Ave.’B.

. Conducted b r H or. Pred Canadr.' BvaQK^Ilit. Come niul hear hlro'king . and preach tbe Qoopel. .

S t ;Mo4Uo'ga euDdoy 1 1 'B. nit, , ;S:30 r . . and 7:30 p . 'm .'. ■ • 'V ■a. On S unda / CTcnlne Ro^’. Canador H will Rivo hlH own oxporlanca o t how os' Ood Mved aod healed him, tru lr a D, miracle. __________

]Q iRimnnnal F.r. L nthem n Chnrch Third ATonue A H fth Street Weat.

IC John Olhrlng. Pastor. Tol. 733-H. Church Cslunder (or Spring and

Summer:Sunday achool, 9:4C-I0;30 a. m. Conducted under tbo teadunihlp of

to four tettcUara. ^ag Morning worahlp lOTSOo^.'m.)0, ETonlng w ^ b l p , 8:00 p. ni. e r Sunday achool and nil narviccf, ex*' m. co|)t tbo moriilntc worahlp on tlio li'ec- . J ond and fourth Suuday Jn iho monlh

nro f;onduclei] In the EnglliU languagd. To those eapeclally wbo havo no

, church homo n' cordial Invitation li> extended n t Uila place o t worattlp tn

Its hoar. "T hat Word which Is n I’oWor of ch Ood u n to Salvation.”nd ------- -^a ' F tn t Clmreli or'ChH si-'Scleniliiti n r Ninth nvonuo cuat.)». S undar aervlce, 11 a; m<

S undar acbool a t 10.a. m. (or puplla , under 20 yo a rt.o t a g e . ' , . ,

,1. TcHllMonlal m olting on W idnesday ° evening a t 8 o'clock.

A reading roam a t I3<H Main ave- P* nuo north l i open dully oxcopt ou n Sundaya and huUdays (rom 1:30 to

iw 4:30 p .m . ■ua Tho public 1» Invited to nttend theno lo lervlcca and to vUlt tho roadloc room.In ------------------------It. A«cen«Ion Eplxeopat Chnrtb r,L H er. O. H. Sumnor. Rector, u. 3:00 n. m.. Holy communion.

0 :45 n. ni., Church achool.11:00 a. m„ aioriilac prayer and

’ * aarmon.on- 8 t. Ednnrd’i O ilholle •u» n o r . F r. Roml 8. K okier, Pastor.

Mnaccs on Sunday a t 3 aud 10:30

m< Maas weok daya nl 3 n. m. m 'E ven ing norvlcM Sundiiya a t 7:30. m. Sornion al-oacli .Sunday und holiday


' * United Brethren in Christ..'' ’® T hird and Third EaiL’’u 10 n. m,. Sunday achool.al- 11 n. m..*Preahlug.o* • 7:30 p. m ..'C hristian Encdearor.le i’ ' S:00 p. in., Praachlng aflrvlcoa.me T h u rsd ar eveolng. prayer meetlnc.

M [ Twin Falla MlMlon» 0 3rd -avenue eoaC

^ J. M. Cloa. Pastor.•™ Sunday achool. 10 a. m. Mra. Ido

M. Portertlold. Supt.Thta Sunday morning apeclal meet-

>• Ids begins. Rev. Fred Canady will p r e a ^ a t 11 a . m., 2:30 and. 8 p. m.,

h* a ad ovorr evening a t 8 p.Ith speclol aong a irr lce boglna o t 7:4S.

--------------------------n>- Bird Accounted Unlucky,re. Tlm inytboloKlm. Angelci Du Guber- ill>' natln. explalna int- iinlucUncwi utirlb<

Utod to the awullotv. and In ivvemi TT. o lli tr trailltloiiul Incldciitti. hy aaying I'm-. Hint tlio swiilliiw. b*«uU(ul nnd iin.|il- to tious In sprlns. Imc-mea ugly and ul-

co* moat dinbcillrul '111 iln- othvr M-niona. jh t •■Hence," lw coiii-ludc*. ‘'itio a n iln its aa believe tliat It tvu.* n ImhI onu-n in

lab' 'd ream o( awnllowi, Acimntlug to the Xenophon, the tfppcnruni-o nf iliu nwul- the Iowa preceded the expedition »>r C jru i to agalnal tho .ScytliJau. .and a^qou'ncud

raa I t to 'b e Unlnctr. The aaroo.i.rcaage ind 4a tnado by the swallows lo D ariui ron wbOB be -moTca agnlifit tbo Si^tblanB, he and to Antlochui, who la n t w ar'w ltb

ird . Uio Parthlaua.~ ■ . t-tbe ' 'X;« t X O T ^ B S ' DAY, BtniDAY TH B IIU v*t Foi>^oU ier a t b one , f low en brlffb fro- and oheerfaL F o r HifUter'd ■Jjemorj m n o w en l .w h lt^ 'C K f Taw er-jO reea n a liooMH. T h n h 1870.^? S b I A v i & a

7U >;8^ Tw ta;yaU t. ^

Tid * Oartlen Planta now readr- Publli of M ar>eu •

poa 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 i 5 iap-'- ; ‘ .^ ,VbTis POE THElAMEWO

I Saturday S^ I ’ o f C l f d i c e ' B e e t «

tiMi \ - S . ............M-k>ifcU B o u t ! ______ . .^ ..2 2 y t0 -H v . PUt*,BoU---------

S u g t u r C u r e d H a i n'a n '>l»< ..-Ttt o u t :.8 p ^ ; S m o k e d . I

i , t s i , t ; ; ilf i ' -

lillilS i? '


s a ia m w r i r 'T *

Atnericatl Red Successfi

^ m o

inlh fc-ii . . . „ 11’ III I ^

“?,®o TJiI* 2s 16 Inlroduce MfS. Ch'ar- In lolte Heilman of Uound Drook, New

I tn Jersey, niir»inK director of the . Qf American Red C r o u jn Crtcce. She

if the woman upor) whom devolved much «f thevrcjponnihiliiy for the cate, of a million re(uRcei<who Ia«t

. fill and early la»t winter were un*, terertionioujly ivrept inlo Greece

from Anatolia and oiher Tufliiah- Plh* . occupird territory/ Xlorcnvef, it l>

. to Mrs. Charlotte Heilman that much Iday of the luecea* of the American Ued

. Crois eampaiim againM illrt and dii> >ve* eaie in the rank* ,o f the re'ufieea

ou m u ir iio attributed. T h t meirorioll- I lu tan nf .Athens ii alto thown liei'e

preaching unitary diiciiiline to itfn-

I A M S T E R D A M II ________ ;_____________________ h

. 'AMSTERDA-M.-MlS Alidrey Trua- map wnn tho RUest of her (rlend. I.otiIa Sklnnor. Sunday.

Sllpn UmSdlenon asjd tamlly wore n.'«n In AinAterdnm Sundny ruionuing Iho

Church servlcen.C. L KunkoL wna a RoKornon via-

r:30. nm- Mondny.Iday John Lnnilng nnd (nmlly of llORcr-

aon wuro RUi'SlR ut Iho Wolcoil homo Sunday.

• A rthur Trueman Is worklnK , for Ihe canal company end will rldo ditch this slimmer.k- A 'n e w lw |d n * l*'iM:lng-.hulll ov(#

>r. i|ie eaual. on tho Atato lilxhway ho*' 'tween AniHiordam anil Uotllsior. ThIf

ting, road Is- ctnned for tho tlmo boing from tho Caldw oir cornerv to Hollla­tor.

Araaterdam ncliool close* Friday of lllll woek. A ' program hi Uelpg pro- pared for F riday afiornoon.

. ■ Mr. nnd Mrti. Ollherl Hull of Hot- l l i l i r Tliltod 'ut Amsterdam on Sun^

’ '"I, d .r.' • Mr. and M ri. M. U nurgel motored

to P ller Sn,tuTdny nnd vlslicil w«W friends • » tu rn ln g home Saturday evening. ' - ..

0 . E. K ugent and family of Flier ibcr- altendod clHirch a l . Amsterdam and trlb- visited a t Charles H uinani Sunday, •eml M n. Mlna Dlntman spent Monday, ying afiernoon a t tho A. D. Acuff homo.' n>|il- C. M. Truem an and (amily wore 1 u |. M llera a t W. K. Slilnnor.’a on W od-

O l d T i m e r I s B a c kto - “My friends hnd a ll given up nnd

wui- nover expected to see mo aroundyru i again. 1 had given up hopliiR my-^ncud aolf. oa no . mediciue touched, myiage 0 ^ - ' The doctorn hnd tried ovory-iriui tfclsg, My '(ood did not dlggsl andi„n. U lltd m e w ith gas. "My broiher In'_,jUj Phlladei^hlo: wrote- ma to irv NayrV

*“ W onderful Remedy. Tho firnt done

llWt- th irty y e m 'r o u i l i e r . " ' I l ia a aim- rlffbt pie. barm leaa preparation' t b a ( r e - ' aerTi pjovea (be ea(|UTbal‘,muena f^ot?l{ie reen* in tM tln ii^ t ra o t ' :and al|«)ii t in is* S. a t nam m atl% .:w blflh «u tM :prB ptIcallx

' k ir a to n A l i ; l i r t r aAd^fhlctUnftt nil- '. oen ta . ‘ ifteludlDf appendldtll. ' One

ubilo dote will GonvlD^e o r money refund- ed. A t a ll druK alorea. , ,

M O A N ^ r a O J E O T _ T H ^

5^ 0R 0W D ‘■■AT‘b u E , ' . 'V

S p e ^ i SaieF a n d A l l Y b u n g I

Y t o . ■, B h o n ld w . F o r k . .B o B < t i . . ^ o ; ^ .f f l> o n Id e r-P o rk '8 ta a lo ;, : .a 6 e -

Buins, whol^ or half, 24c

1 . P o r k .S f tW ttg e .fo r yo iu : B tm d iy

i t - iT b e y , « e ‘?gopd ,

M i i l l l l

W I N F A L L S D A I i r y T I I V

d Cross Forces I ful'Fight Agqinsi ong Many Refug

iT- t t e i 45 p a rt o f 'th e Amctlcin Red ca;w C ro ii procram . ' lufie While reporu from more rastcrn c^he cciilerl o t relum e xrlltciiicilt have nied Jjroiiclit ncwj of l>p^lilcllc^ ami cpi- Sihe dcniic. In Greece u'licrc ilie Amrri- cli«t can H ni Criinii. and j>;iriii.-iil.iVl.v Mr.*.n- Hellnian and her M-iIt of A incrirjii ince nuric»..hnve hern liaiulllnH llie cc(ii. C:h- Rce lituation. enforcinj: 1i;ilhiiii: und thll malting delnntint; one of thc c»'-n- n||

ch llai requirement* for ih r iirr«on who wied loucht f meal lick'd. t'i>iileii>ici iiave <oi«- been nipped in ihe 'i",l and no con- lle* taKiouj d iie n e has been alluived to 3\II- gain a foothnhl. rai'e TyplnK. the mo>l drc.uled of all.0- the winter iliscates in ilie rc(tii;ee Ici

"1 ncHilny ovonint:. j Rov. U. W. llQlJnwrll iippnl nnvpral I days ill Ihln vlclnliy 1am week.

S Mlsi-c« Mlii 'Skliinur, J iu lu and Julia Kunkel molonrd i» the county

"• loa t on Krlday (or n iilioii|ilnK lour. Ralph Skinner an.l (nmlly gf Her-

gef enjoyed Sunday ^Iniling nt tho '

i»W ' -


k t l ' . : ' ^ a c / c e d /

1 V - ' - '

i S M


I M E S _____________ _

Direct\st Disease ' igees in Greece

-------IW ■ -X ; i: ■ •-N I


I campu. Ka* te en Vcpt af a m nimum: Mn.i1I|Kix liai been comlatei lij^an

I exteuiive vaeciiiaifon c am p a p i.^ n d : now lhat « iim nier'U at lapd Jn • Snnny Greece inoculation against ' clM'lera and typhoid ii (toinr; forward.

Thc AiHrrieaii KeJ Croi* Jiai upcJit in ihe tici|;hI)orhnod of ?2,600.000 in Cfceee in relieving . d itlrc ii amoiiff

I the rcfii.Kees and in wagimj ils war n |^ n d in and disease. M oit of it

■ for food; sonic of it went for •oap: some o l it went (or medicines, l l all camc out of_tlie emerReiicy dis­aster Innd m aintainnl by the nrRanl- ratinn lliroiii-h American charity ,.

.The emerceiicy phase of llic prot»- 1cm i*. rapidly pasiin j.

Fred Lehman homo, al Chnrk-ii I,. Caldwell wnn a ciillcr

nt tho rouniy ucnl on Saiurduy.- id .Mrn, A. I). Acutf vlalH'd u t Iho ty Dlninuin homo Krlday. ir. .Mr. nnd Mrti, l*;inl Ueed -motored r . lo Tw iji. t'aul! M’nndny. Mrn. Reed lio rc-mulni'd to r n (cw day* visit with.

■ \ V

r ' Spepjc

1.Tho popularity .of I

to'coMtdurinsHpnstl^vt , people. But those who

- o th « methods 9 f cookii c . .being uaed even moro g

% If You Want V Housev/ife.s W

^ ■ We doubt if • W: -usedan-ElectHcilaiure

' - Is the moAlhij^MjhprLi m S f i i,hA8 .bcconiea;Mtm:co< K W ; . I kitchoa

r . ' But.. paiial)8j'the b<lonce of elpctric.cooklns

■fif- '. : b n t o the 1 , ’utwi

Iii'r r.i-.ic'i', .\h ,, Dnffy ll ....1. . ].Mr. an.l :rr<. .V. Ho>v:ir.l of Twin j

I'lillri iilli'iii|i-ri ctiiiri'h ii'-i-vir.'.i a t'j

.Mr, Mr,.. H.-nry .if (J..:il ISpriri»;i w n.- .-;i1I.tii iU lh.- Kiinlti'1

S p e c i a l S h o e iI OUR PRICES AR]I j.iulli".’ Iiro'in .villi' anil 1,1.1 niiili.-i; -.. . l<i ........... .Mi'iiN liiu-iiniiy •h .ii'-;....................

.Mi'll’-, nnd li.'jO drp»« shln''^ iiihLuI l,ut <i( iiK ii'v iiiid lio]-'’ si.... . and

No oada and Eudu—AU 1S . s .

J.V1 .M ,u \ i : , i s r . •

V oleYesand getaPairofSliellR

Tho Dnvia Optical Co., in of thia wontlcrfnl trncl,' and

■ Palla P ro jcc t ia iv real opporli of tliin te rrito ry , will sivo any of Bhdl fram es PREE. Just

. low priccs)- Tlicrc in no bnnk guarantee nccompanios it.

W c will, givo you n thoroi mako tho b est lenses, ju sl te fram e will bo inchiilcd a t .tli

Tliis is a real OPPORTU •vo ting YES. . , ,

1 D a v i s O f;* F O R G O O C

^ tri^ c UV

a l %

tiic^ jq n g iof E lcctric Cookiiik bak sw ept tho c t»Q3retjJ8 to a n .er t e n t th a t fa realty

w h o m o i b i e m i l l n r w ith its nutn K)kin^; th e o n ly ,su rp rise Is th a t Elect ro ^ tie ra lly . tb .an-they ore.,

mt' to Know W HY- Who Uses jan ElectiLl will bd ab le to f in d a housew ife a inge, who w ill n o t te ll you w ith real ■ 1)rized arUelo in t h c fh o n d She w il r cook throufffi its ' u so and tb a t th e t ben g re a tly lessened.

e b i s t Uked fe a tu re o f all Is th s cot k ing r A snap o f th e sw itch g ives you itw isfls. T he en tire k itchen isn’t kep Rh o>boal range . ' r . : ;5 i ■ ■ t -

' ^ Y o u r K a 4 e n N q w l , V /

■ flGM irn t . /. jjioniii Sundny •afternoon.

In j n,ilo ffklnncr hun taken-'-up hix. at I.Illch ridlni;.'iiosltlon and Is living

|.',i>it o t Ilotllntur.:ii .M. 1.. lliirKi't WUB il huninfsin caller I'l ‘a t lti»;ornuii .Momluy rvenlnc.

! S a l e S a t u r d a y ! J/VRE T H E L O W E S T ' ' |Iiiii-r iir.'l ,ivf..ri|. ...............-... f.«• lind In.l »tru|i«. ‘ -

.... , ...............................................#3.75-hi„.>'i<ii3K lit .......... ........................ ipjjyi 'and oif.iF ;ts......................................ftJ/,0U N ew S lo ck J n s t R c c c iv e d ' - ’


1 Rims FREE Saturday,Only.in acco rd w ilh n il ffood booste r* •

,ud hclicvitiR ihtvi lU ia A m erican o r lu n ity lo fu rl lie r llio p ro sp e r ity a n y ponion n c e tU a g 'g lasses a p a ir list b n y ^ th c j c n s S ^ a t o u r u su a l mk iibolit Ihia o f fe r ftnd o u r u s u a l

Dronfjh c saw in a tio n fo r youV eyes,. te ll- ua y o u vo te d y e s , a n d th e .lh u ch arg e fo r th e lenses on ly .

;TU N ITY lo p ro f i t tw o w ay s by

. . . . . . . , W V IS : i ! . . « ; ! u i

p t i c a l C o .D D G L A S S E S

i i f - 1 '

^ ; I 'f i o i i s 0 : 1

^ ' ____

TiEfS ■

0 c o u n try f ro m c o a s t • •J lv BiirprlH tny t /» m tiirt _ ___tuiny a d v a n ta g e s o ^ e ^ • t'-i ile c tr ic R a n g e s a r e n o t - »

if— A s k A n y ,i t r i c R a n g e ' ; ■

e a n y w h e re , w h o h a * , . t a l e n th u s ia s m t h a U t . • • w ill t e n 7 0 0 t h a t 's h e . , ‘ . -le ta a k 01 k e e p in g . th e ■ ■ . ,. . , ; • ■ ......................

■c o o l n e s s ^ d c onvffl* . - -~ - - **

^ o u i n s t a i t h e a t , r i g h t - > - k e p t b o t f o r h o u r f ^

> i- <I }


Page 6: raOB TlUtM m m V T l S f E S Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · ifc.;::'...'. 1.-i p i i ! ^ P,BD-Tlme in BnssU: •Army Wot Bor^^or Slayln,

BOISE w pa r a G i f :

' • . (JttUKliier.

f i i M s :■ onuuty lio

B fa to C a p ita l , C h a m b e r o f O’em-

m e rc 6 rO o n g ra tu la to s T w i n i>utui ui i

F a l l s ; S e n tim e n t H ere I b T h o t

th o L in e S o H li /lf f N ow .A iauro 'd .

. VVVu'w.ioItoUo Cbamlwr of <‘cijnni»rfi- c t- {*rr»lr«

(^iiUi lo Twin Full'* cMipirraluln*IkuN In nfiiolrlnir iti fc o n > .lr [ i r i_ j , , , , I k a of A l ln p .tr ln e p n IK.itcriC lT , „ , and IVcllH. ThU fnnHtruflluti tilll , lie ItiD (u rtrunn rr o( |iraH|irrltj'UDtiarnUfJn) for llie T « ln Fall* xwlti I'ul' and iiurlh-ddi' dlotrirtn. Our lirun - ..vmii Io«l >iHI iflnlir^ fur tipcnlr coni< - g,, |,y fm, vfHlon n rr h rreh j rxtriidi-d. „r cjnucnIIOIHK nU M IIK U i t v l OMMK'tU

Uy ^I. A. LAWHtlX, J’rr«ldrnl.Tllo aliovu inORHOKiK^ccctved tcxln/ j.v,iurnir(l

trnm tJio main rn|ilinl nililtil In lli>' u,,. ■rWi-iii liupplncoH nr inuoy In tli l t clly wlio „„„ | r,-nCl uru riDullr'Crmvlni-oil Uittt.lbcv rallruuil luQR nmiHiu ciml promlnod-woii Htw)ui to li&ciitno a rcn iltr. In iliU city tin- o ,,] . k ,.,. r ec d iu . lunt >>ilRlit (If llio inrnxaKi-x lu); ri'i'C Irom I’resldont Curl CIruy ot tho Uiiliii' county Ai I’aclflc unit Supvrlnlundeitl 11. V. funiicil ili I’lnU of tiie 8liurl I.Inu convinced tliu m „( do)ibler!i wlio wanlril t<i Kel »nniulliliiR m rcd alRnrd by PrP»ldcni (Irny l.tforo Hii-y „f the iniv would beliuve. '

Daring tho inimy yeum wlilch Imn- I'lnup I’a elopiod nlnre lhc rullruud wuu rirni i)|jx „,„rn talked Id llili .communiiy. iho ntru* mnli iilri>! toRic Importuilco i» tho |ipo|iI>- ut n „n tlic »n abort lire li> ihu I’nrlfJc Iiiik n^viT „j |i,.rKiin< been overlooked. Kor ihp |mm couiilo nn way ii o f yoara Uia poosdu Imvn 1»-«in hc.liur orRunltcd ami more Iniilnlrni nnd the ^tlnmH Renrral bolict i* nnw Hmt iho r.-U 1- t,omic..niri Blnipyly a m atter of workinK out tho f,. 0 . pidetnlln. . . ----- . nlalod Ihn

WUI Mean Mtteh to Tract SuAdny. T hare bi mocb favornUlo comment on lociLlllm*

Ihe itreo ta relative to ihe commeiiin 1 o t (he Tlmea In a recenl editorial (|uarfell nhowInK th » n rm t advaittusen lhai Kour iiiin will «co ruB ' 10 Tw in I 'a lls from Uia layed tron conitn ic lton o t a rood Mouth coniieci- uliitlon 8 Io r with Ihe towna and Iracli la .Nn- Vaclflu tli vada. The iiunri

■WHI Pn«b PU na TliMaith country. , Tbo-Reneral aenilmont here amonr. _

tho tnembera ot iho railroad bureau c f n a ira n the ' Chamber of Commerco and Um 'f o ”eommiltee la tha t Ihlns* ihniild ln' ' I x * ^ puihod. A meellnR innlRht will luko are Ujrtn up Iho appointment of a cAmmlttee to * '" f ticcnre tho rl#hi of wny,•nnothor lo " '* fe will Horure Deceianry flnuiicoH and a ililnl *’'um and lo look Btirr the Reneral »lluallon., ' P.d

• T to T r t ,p .m C m r . , • - « H !■• «> *f1ib <iOeitfutt''orrlTC(t 'h'ere'Bbniii

n'olAcK and Wtt» rccolved wlih Rlad- -n.B rn’, Jieia. An informal meoiInK waa call-

. » 1 and ll wua determ ined, lo meel ajtnln lato thia afternoon or t'onUht.OwlnR lo Iho fuel tha l tnmlrman K. W.Dumko wai Jn cnurl and Ihnt E. I'.Orny of Conlnet urrlvcd In lown lutr.Uip RieeUnR was poxiponid until B

. n lthu - ' BT h r Trrm« of liN palrhri S

Ball Lako. May 10. l>i:‘3, - HA rthur L. Swim. S

“ Twin ^'ull». Idnhn, ^Am aniliorltod (n ndviiip iho Twin

>'uil» cummlllve of whioli you nr.i chulrmnn Ihal tho Orvenn Hhorl I.inu . Dl hernby conflrm a Itn oral iiuderxiaiul- rInR with your commllleo im tollown: / [l• "Jf tho committee wlil ncquirp a ll I lltlio capital flluck of tho Idaho Cun- , , K (m l Knllrnod coinpuny nnd ihoroupoii I [I nrcompllah tho cnnrollntlon of ihii r*- UtinR ccrlltlctln o t pnlilic convtnl- rnco .nnd necr««iiy Innurd lo ihiit yU compnny by iho Inlvrdlutu-ajm m frro j I commlBilon and In ndclKlon Will pro- m vide tree of cuhi lo tho OrcRon Shnrc W U no Uio n*cc"iinry rlKhl-of-\¥ny. In- ^ RludlnR Rroundn for lormlnaln a( UU Wella. Nov..' the aald OroRon Bhnrt ^ Lino -Kill colncidenlnlty apply .lo the , ( jjj

•Injenilate commerce commlMlon for W o cortltlcale of puhllc • ronvriiicnro ^ and necoiiiliy to h r iniuicd and whi-ii W tcrnnted will promplly bocin tho rou- J X conntruclloti of thi) ilnr frmn IIok- J I I I

^ T io n To Wnllii. pronrriMIni; Iho nniiio J r w llh proper and runtionnhio iIIIIriiiii! to’ comptelMii." W ^

(SlRncd) . C, .11, CllAV. /N1 nm Rmtlflod, im I (i...l non. iU<- ^

|>eople nf your I'^ctloii \ylll Im, with JLtho d irc rl pri>*ppcU< of fiilltr d i- l l j |Yclnjimoiilii for Iho Twin P.ilU nn.l V /: houthorn Idnho'T I>ilr|rl, . '

Thin outlet hy trnn»iiortalloii for ^Iho Krc.Hi'r prodiicllvciii.iii. ot iho WJrntiro BCrilon by ro.moii of yiiur In- J|Ltention in coiinervu llie tralcrH o t ijj l Snnko rlv rr will tend to JuiillfyM ^ W nomo di’Rrpo ihe expondltiiro fiir

' railroad conalrucllon. Ull(SlRned) n . V. PI,ATT. H

E l k s I n i t i a t e a n d . ! i \ "

D i s c u s s J u n e M e e t W

fccTi'n wory ln itlni.ll l.int .-vcnlni; ' IRli i l ^ nu'Ptlns ot tho Klkn In.li;.. whlrli JLiiiado iia nnnuni ohm-rvani'i' <>r ^Moihor'a dny with u proRruiu and ton- ] fiildored Uio forlbconiInK dl»lrli t khi- ^veniion on June H ot which there will Wbo an nlnboralo proRrnm* nnd Inlilj- ^ .tory ■ervice. ■ ib l

Tbuno Inlllalea w ere: K. II. V oiler. i f >r, ll.,U alJw ln. a W. VoouK, K. J. .Mr- ■ IjjlKlvoy. H. J . Uiley. >'.• E. Hnook. Wui- « Wlui-o F. While. Tbooduro I*. AVnrmi. A. /Uv

KnniM. A. K filand anil II. Ar- . Ul/rnURh. 8eroral look Iho th ird -d c- Aknrrc . .• • lit)

' ' fcTuy^mv ttiepon »«oiI ‘ flN , jtraiJBTK * .ojaaJ4i-iH O ij—Twpl iw |u _ UU

» uaqv jnpaMod worn lum i; poamoiu ^« a | ’pinaqa oq }( j i t»»Ao -aoiiftad ■ IMpoa ttto iand loq ’ptJo« «qj uuojuufJJ ^(IOB oiooi iiDin»i aajp j lou >i ^

•u«l'»»d Je ■'•'"Od »>li

r a a a B i x ' ^

,OCAL BRipS 1 5yp[otl Hii-.lnp..»-Wlliriini l.ir . T

hrutlipr i>f .Mm. II. O. llol- , |uvi'B un. Iho irain thl* ovp- ' |

----------------------- T h.'I Callfunila—Mr*. Scott aud " ‘tfi’," l» i er. Mlnn .Mu.., Uro bnck fi.iiii Ty.-M.I.iy , inele«. whore ihry biicoI tlio ui llir

a iimiliK't

Mrn. C. K, T^ylcr .if Mler t-i IK from hcnn iroutili' al Il’o 'v * ,i ' = w ________ - I ';.;'.: 7(!oiieurt TuiilujUi^Thoro will

xnd co.ici.rt hlllli n<-hool.II Ihu audliorluiu tonlRliI. iii,.i,i,r,| |

Jitrr. H lio rn -llu iiy Joan Caw-lhl- naii.o uf III.! iiaiiKhuT win.

; UI Iho hniiii! ot .Mr. un.l .Mr.r,< i i . , d _ M » ^ _____

lr.« nt S IV '.n .-T hr fiinrTcil »< r- r Thoiuup. W.ioiln nl lh.- .Molli- , hurch Suturday aliorniKin wlli , , ,' _____■ ■

i^tirnd l.iT liirc-A bout 7'i ^I'ulin ppopie niul4 r>.ii lo Iluhi Lumt c'MlHK lo uiiomi Iho Irriu ro i:lv Hlniio 1' riiinior JuilKo Krp<lurjck C. Ilull tlun uf li ton. niH. ' ],„a dropi

— ------------------- yiU buirOn h r rr j K<-Hthal In Jnn<^T hn it-d Iturul cluliK will i-hiortuin '.■;niii'lli ('I'liiitry cluh nl uu un*-ntlviil in Junu ai ihn homo of O I arrlo I lu rrc r While. t j / -

Iti'cord Onrp-^IIndor'ii n ^ n il- R a * I'Cflvi-d yciitrriliiy nffornoon. D C t

Auiilloir C: C. SiRitlni'i In in- R : i , Ihui orrorn lu rnrordliiK dun

ot enouKb ruvouufl aiuiiipn cun S n C c<l wllhout u nccond rocordinK Innlniinoiil.

I’OHIP (M rr-Ahciill 10 oVloi;k ' W q iirnliic tho Hull U k t- I ’orlhnul *Irpluuo flow over Twin Falhi ] N o . wny to lUilie, A lurKo nuinbor

<onn niiw Iho niUrhino winiiliiK iN O . lowurd Iho cnpiliil, ^

IH O n ln i l T im p-T hp nn- AL nipni ot Ihu Knnian Cliy « la r '. pruRroin puhllnhod ycnlordiiy.Ihnl ll would bo iil 3 :3 0 -p. m.

Thin In r tn ln ii time. Tho inie would iie 2:30.

fe ll r llrnn ilrn 'l—Thi‘ Orphoun ^lunrtetlii pruiirum will bp rc- rom tho Lon AnRolen IJxiitninfr 'o

8uiid«y niKbt ol 'J o’clock ^ Ci tlmo nr 10 o’,'luik lo.-ul Him., G o l

mrictiL- l» nuicii ihrouKhoui ihor-. ■ Talninfn A rc I.«rhI—Thn Inienl I S m rom the flKure nhurkn at wnrk c „«^«ffm Lof whplhc? wnrrnnin Irtnl nr irt>»,.4ato tho cfteci M e tioy a re iioi, lT“ in nnid thut ,i ’lll be nmplo xurplon lo puy b D. tnd leave auiio u bit of .capli md «bbro. The oxncl tlRUron J Klvon flnnlly Mondny nlRht. ' ■ ■

h k ,v t7 'T h k T n T o i ; k t . \ .cnno Chnrlen Smith uRninHl Dumke 10 prevent thn tl, H,

L-ompnny frnm colnR Into-hiH IK i l ' up beforo JudRo W. A,;k lodny.


Thp fnrl thal more npw rB^« rrM rnce (hut Ihe itflrlriK >.rrvl

n nhonld bp pluin lo r ic ry only ]io«H|b|p Mhcn c tfl r lrn t nrr nud al a unltxfnrlory prlrp.

liu j jo n r uriicrrlr.i u t Kkap Kii«lu|{ pripro.

M eat— Lardllv.lti’ii i'ri'uiiiiiu llu iiii iwholo)

^ I'urlliia- Hamn iwJinh!). ~


Huiiar Cur'd Ilncon.i I"T I'li'mil ......................

Hriio l.lly I.urd. <g' I I'l KOundn IIPI ......................... «J>.

D e s s e r t — F r u i t sI -'.J II). I'lllrappir,

I i'lMilivn'...............................

I ib. Aprlcolii,

i " .Sc. :: lilackborrlv-i.

\ G lcoa— Chocola

\ 11'.......................... ^ ...........\' livrnhry-,I 1 lb...................................................I Uunki-lH,

H ll>- •..I Jiunki'li.

1 lb....................... ............1 w . , „ ................

k Wuller nukcr’n Chix'olalo' ’i- lb . '" . ............................ ................., f'x-wi ill hnlk.

Ibn............. ...................................

I 100-Lb. Sack Finev;.

i s s ^

I H E M PLAY BEII‘ . I'niur iihiy, ’/li;r Mu"bund’» T I f ' In nll ro:uiy tor producilun next I JL I.iy ..K-nluR when u will ho kIv- I tl lhr OrplK'Um Ibvntro. Thin yrar *IIIIOO will aim. Imi kWpii III Illo inon. A dr.n;. n-'lirarnni will be Sund.iy iiiurnoiiii. 'lln.. i-aal In 'I'liuuKli iiinr'ii pliiy Is rxr.yii1(iii;illy lnl- ivolly won.uml uiuicr. Ihll nplciidid iiupor- roiK.rlcd II I.f .Mrn. lllijKn In cxpi'rli.d lo coiii.InlluKu wry unoii prrfonnunro, Thu biohcn thlrhaiaolrrn ot Iho play uru: Ihu h(»,plU1 ilundoliib-.Mnrnhu'J Hniiuirvillo «an muchinl llrliU'ii....Arlliur I’oavi'y. Jr. H dorlarciliel'ioli, hix uulIo ............. ....tlial unlui;................•.... liliuuiiii tlochor nlio will rltiuiilolI.il. Htuarl’H wife .... ....Iho parly,........... ............'r:in> DoWlIt Iiiof.. or I.

‘ IjkIiih , MiirRurrt Dunlap Thn liuhl................... . Ailcu Knlllnr. ilcnl:Iiiv.-i traiiiro In bolni; Iniroduc-ff H.-rnlco0 lutlor |i..rl of Ihn play whlrli ihln aftori ni; oftcri'il nn a nuriirini- lo Ihono .in whlrh : IhlK, Kulln lili:h

I --------------r- lUR wat O'Co..un,|,llon D r., . . .!««

w ,U>0<1 llio prr cupllii ron.nump- uf liinihor in (he Unlieil .Statoa lrop|.ed from 500 hourd feet (u r,",i „

'• '•'t-____________________

SATURDAY SP3eef P o t j t o a s t s , lb ................lib 'B b il B eef, lb ....................Shoulder S teak , lb ...................

. P U R E LA RD>lo. 3 P a il.:...:...........................<o. S P a il ..................... .............<o. 10 P a il .......

\L L O T H E R M E A T S IN I S p rin g Lam bs, S p ring

F ry in g ^ b b i t


J cans C orn , 25c; F la g P eas.jo ld e n B an tam C o m ...... .fa i l cans, S ego M ilk .....Small, cans Sego M ilk ..........Small V an C am p’s P o rk and Vledium V a n C am p’s P o rk a J b a rs F la k e W hite S oap.......

C e n tra l MP hones 311-31

G NEW FRIENDrB t'1nlrrH nre rnmlnit tn our niorrn Ihan t .prtlro «p urp rpiiilrrlnit N llKAltlNtV KU tery hou«euI.v, und nhupper Ihnt Jirmianri Kprrirp l« roudrrrd i.Iooi; \iltli dependableSkaiTK'' uud Piijo) thp-r iinu'iiur merlin ni

1 C ereals"L27C

2 5 c ' Crap.-Sul:., -A..17c * - .....24c ...$1.69 .... '“r ..............;i-lb. bar. of

lits - Oa„i . . ..............................

.....9 9 c M acaro n i— SpiS 4C Colilrn Aro ..Macaroni.

.....7 4 C Coldoii Aco J<p;iRhetll.7 4 c ' .............................. l-.in.y Id... . Ciirrn...

)la te por Ih, ........................

\ . 2 2 c 4 2 c Rice— Bea

. Iflc ■ j87c .Viivy iluanu, . . * 21c .................Hod Moxicnn2 1 c 1(1 II),I................

.....OCrt ■ Hcd KIdnoylioau..' 10 |hn................

ine -G ranu la ted S u g a r ..........

' _ ] T -


wlin_hiivnV — ----- ' rh n r hnun

d l Iho Iniurien lo MUa Dcrnlcu f ' ^ " kV vore min:.i moro nerioun than " f " X . ll lum ovinlnK m tho Tinios. ,UK of 0 froclurrd akull nnd a , y ' chin hono, It waa roporlud ul | * .piiiil thin ofli-riioon llm l ahu ‘,i..h hotter Tlian hint night. IIared i»y nttondliiR tdiyniclanHluia lln ro ahould bo u notlmck Ttll rpcovor. UtiKT inoinburn ut Tlioro l>ly. n.i Hlaled In Ihu Tiiiios wuro !mlng'vl«ilir ici'M painfully bruiaud. —lhl lltorahl nayn ot Ihu accl-

CO Kully wpH vnriounly Injured toriiooii when ihu automohlls M I:h nbl) nnd f iv u ’ o ther Twin . 'A li:h ncbool aludentn wore rid- i ovirlurnod on thn Rrade.Ro- Vll lu thn C lear Lukea roanri. ■ 1lunlor dun* of iho Twin I 'riie • ■ " pinnuod n picnic u l Clour lakea nd ubout iwcni>,;fivo cnra cnr-0 Mtudonia lo iho rcnorL ThoIvon by younK Victory con- t o n


f o r

PECIALS!...................................... 1 2 l ^ !

.................................. 0 6 c...........T........................ I S c H al

OfalD My

.........................................4 5 c

......................... 75c whi.......................$ 1 - 4 5 !

1 PROPORTION !g C h i c k e n s , t o

l i t s j

EPARTMENT ' I ra.Y----- II S ....................................2 0 c j ^

............. ....................2 0 c

.............................l o c -

......................................... 0 5 c I « In d B e a n s ............. 1 0 c

: and Beans....15c cat: .......................... 25c

A a r k ^ t ' “312

o storesDS I 'n er'eri b«£i*re 1* ut)Kltl-IT. jKm rn t aurcena In l yble merchaDdlaii L '

nnd uur l u n r

1 . ■■■' r

20c fi'o'....... 17c ■ I .........25c 1 5',".

14c “....... 4 5 c I I S ;

i p a g h e t t i W r« l

....:..2 5 c . : r 'Z

...............25c ' JK no:

........22c:.“:":;„33c f tL

,v reans .AK im.....59c ®

....... 79C | i II

..... 59c i . :i!59c . I S

. . $ 1 1 . 3 0 « “


Ihreo hoya and Ihreo Rlrla. ■ ■ ■ A A j loni i-oiilrol'o t the car juaC | \ / | A v | l

cached iho lu rn In Ihe crade l | I H i | | l Iho nprlng comea oul. lie h e a d - | l '» car fur iho porpendlcular Binne

OVKItDOINU IT. . I l l TinNQTON. D. c ,. May n . - wU \ ' nR nll nio Ume two couplenlH | ivn boon .danclnR ou n Poiomac inuioboul'herc. toddled aboard ir truck, two nlBppeil Into iho RP Ilconne clork’a ottlce. fox-

A) n Jewelor’n for' wcdillui: coiiforenc.e nnd wulUod Into the offiuu [«vonliiR. '

olico court JudRO who married L tllHcuxsli ‘" ’""" '111 ,. .ia™il

____________ Ihli-dT h e folio

Thought e.jr the Oay. > ’, „ , J f„r>1 la a vast dlfTcrontr belwePB [ jo i,„ « . luitunt nnd belnc auiplcjouo. xn. 128. i

NATIONALS aturday. U ay 12tb, is tho tb ird

throughout the United E tatc i and Cn publio an d Invitinff tbeir neighbors ror tbe slck 'fu ld injured. Thia is a Jent Harding, Governor Mogro of Id

PresideatU r. U atliew 0 . Folsy, Executive Seer National K otpital D ay Oommittoo. Ohicago^.^1.M y d ea r m tv Foley:

1 m ost b ^ r t i ly extend m y good It ia especially a pleasure to express which seeks to arouse tbe la rgest po bospitaU and sim ilar InsHtutiens. TJ iry of th e b irth of Florence N ightinga

,Oi30 of the finest and m ost huma every activity whicb aims to a u u ro deserves all B.ossibIo encoumgemont.

Mr. P aul Davis, Executive Secretary, Public H ealth League,Boise, Idaho.My dear Mr. Davis:

I t is w ith roal pleasure I recon 12th, the anniversary of tho b irth ol endeavor is very appropriate.

As 1 ofiaerstand it. tbe object ol a moro thorough understanding and for hum anity, eapeelally for tfao neet

Tho Prcsidont of tho U nited SI calling particu la r attentionM o its ht to the ir activities and urg ing m ore i

I , therefore, Tccommand- th a t th< fare avail themselves of tho Opport’ this, state.

Chairman of Local Hospital E Twin Falla, Idaho.D ear Sir:

I ohi happy to recommen H oapltal Day as. designated an

'' e m o r Mooro. Thia is in coidr Florence Nightingale. ‘Aa I tho hospitals and .tho publio t ciation of tho work o f these 1 . I t is only by a fu ll know:

th a t we can receive tbo fnlles effo rt to understand^ thft m ot th e ir lifb energies to relieve si

I , therefore tru s t th a t tb in terest in this day .and lond

. understanding of tbo purpose ^ hospitals. ^

The Hospit. W hen wo th ink .of a hospital i t a

i t w ith the idea of a achool. I t is, h( I f ono- stops to th ink a moment

bor of ways,' Doctors, nurses, techn tlons o r f i n i n g in ona w a t^ p r ia n i on in a % p ita l . ^

. Of course, tho object o f such od slon, snpersUtion and false theories disease. Wba.t hospitals do fo r th which are sdehtiflcally proven.

According to a receijt statem o tho babies of Idaho aro b o m in host tb a t only a fow years ago only a s

No ttro n g e r indication can bo gi rela tion to community . life. T hey and tho public is b e g in n i^ to taki du ties; the ir e ff ic ie n t, problems an

In the past the conception of narrow and imperfect bocaoM tb e bd tutions pf today. •

To most people a hospital i i a of in terest except to the sick. As tho tam e as wo have differen t olass< m utual responsibility ,of ho ip ita la ax inseparable.

A modom hospital is m o ri thai institutions, being absolutely neoessa

T w in-Falls,C ounty H o sp ita l.h o t This* is your hospltaj, owned a n d oj you know you aro a partn e r in tbo o f , Idaho? D iiring tb«,-5[oar. o f 19! yoiir hospital. In c o 'm p ^ o n , m ore city of Twin Falls. . . . .

V isit J'b'ur ho jp iw niccom o: aoqi cullies.

Conamittee f

p 1 dM = uiW lM iN lH i"iHiinififlNsis

--------- ^ Moor. JeiBcroRBi*

final meoUnR of tho dlatrlct poUop, Vienco of Maaona ended Innl und Maxi R. ‘ Tho ovoninR wna iianaed In Dean iiMlon ot matlera _ ralnod Inipatlon box ond In conferrlnK jf . Thoreilrd donreo on candldBtoH. Ior lodRotollowlns now errlvaia roRla- Trulii, Ufor Ihe ^ t mocling: BS: A. -E I H . llun lon . Mount E tna lodRO 1. Salt i j:s, Keyaiono. 8. P . ; ‘ Hobart C. See. Ulcl

l i i ltllrd A nnual Hospital Day, whon »

Canada w ill Jom in throw ing opsr }rs to come |n and seo fo r tbonuetv( } a national movement, having beei ’ Idaho, an d Mayor Hodgin of Twin

t Harding’s LetSecretary, ,

\od wishes fo r the most useful result css roy into rest in tb e w ork of Na1 . possible publio interest in tho wo:

Y q u hav e moat properly chosen Jt ingole, as N ational Hospital Day. umano products of our civilisation uro its advantages to an increasinj it.

(Signed) W AREEN G. HARE

ary ,

iconunend t o tbe people of Idaho “ tl of Florence Nightingale. Tbe^dn

:t of tbo d a y is to bring tho bospita xnd app rod ation of tbo w ork these i needs o f Uio sick and suffering.I S tates b a s ^ v e n his hearty indoi I humane aspect, advocating great< re and b e tte r hospitals.

th o ’ d tlzen s of Idaho wbo aro intei lortnnity tho day affords J a inspe

.................. RespcclfuUy y(Signed) 0 . 0 . M(

J Day Committee,■ r v

mend to th o people of Idaho tbo I an d recommended by F resident Hai oiam em oration and celebration of

I understand ijt, the o ^ e o t of th e ( lio to a m ore thorough understandi se instltu lions fo r humanity, lowledgo a n d a greater appreotatlos lUest ben e fit o f It. Too ofton wo mi motives th a t actuate those who una0 sickness a n d distress.

tbo d tlzen s of Twin F alls w ill t lond them selves tQward fu ller in te r poses of th e day and the servlco re

Respectfully yi

M ayor of 1

iitaTAs An Educiit seems a lo n g stre tch of the ima^

I, however, la rge ly an educational i nent w e ron llxe th a t hospital w ork it ichnical workers, patien ts .and tbe p j^anqtbor, d irec tly or indirectly, fro

1 educational Virotk is to prevent tbe ics among th o poople regarding the

tha, siok 1 s no t based on theory,

ement occurring in the publio prei bospitals. Tbis is a ra th e r surprising a small percentage of babiea were b s given of t be grow ing importance ley have become social, economlo ai take a -n iiro c t in terest in tbe lr riel

and needs.of a hospitnl, formed, by the aven i hbii^tals 0 f tbe p ast wero not tb(

i a b o sp ith l^ -^ th in g moro or le u , s As a m atte r ^ f fact there aro m am lasses o f business along the s a m e ^ I and th e public Jo w a rd com m u^t

tb an a b o ^ l fo r t^e sick and sufferl essoxy to e v e ry community, h a s .o rriu ig ed a p rograidiand n c e p t I operated b y th l d tisens o f i Twii th e most m odem and best equipped

1922,'. e leven -bundrea and live pa t l o r e ^ a n 'o h o out o f every ten of 1

loquolnted w i tb 'iu conidrtiction, equi:

for Nation^ iHo:

/r iu i

r. 0 . C. llendrlckien. M. W.B und B. W. IMalos. H u 'H r •Nrt 16; j : -W.’Welker. CorUpa, lodro .N o. .712! C. .W. Kooie. • ’

M. Updefraft, M .'o . Kuppel, L. ion. Ira Andemon. a 8 . W eit :^on A. Almanulai. Wendell No. B4& 0 . A. Journey; H ealh

!, M. 0 . Kennetlr. H #««raan No. 7 8 ; -Jobn D Mioa. U C.

[>aon. II. O. Carbnher, J.Jarom o lodRe-.No. « ; W. V.

ia. H n rrr H- Thuraton. O. .W.I. W. A. Tliompaon. C. P . SnUth Inxwell Kahn. Bden lodso No. ean H. Brown. Paul Ooditoi No. - . P. Craven, U. r . Hatcllff?, L. vlnston. HolllMler Iodge«Nd.'71! lorottu, D. W. McOomba; tiood- dlta No. C9; W. 8. I>arlah; 0 . I i ; '. U. n . Darla.,yilBi* ltkl«fu No.. -S. DanR. W oaatch: lodjto No. t U k e ; W. H. Bmaraou. Joaoph Rlchflalil .lodKe.yio..7S. I-;

sI some 6,000 hospitals m pen t b ^ doors t< tb e ■ jlves l ^ ^ hospiu ls caro leen-inaorscd by Pres!-' win Falls. . / .


iults from your efforts.National Hospital Day, . work of the country’s n May 12, tho annivers- ___,

)n is tho hospital and sing numbor of poopio -

.RDINO, Pr«aident. y (

) “ Hospital D ay,” May ^day selected for tb is

pitals and the publio to le institutions are doing ■

idortem ent to th is day, . . \ eater enlightenment as

D terested in publio wel- ’ ispect the h osp lta ls-« f— /

7 yours,MOORE, Govemoci

ho observance of H ard ing and O o w .of tbo b ir th " of 10 d ^ is to bring nding an d appre-

.lio n .o f th is work mako little o r no

unselfishly devote

1 take a greater I te re s t arid b e tte r I rendered by our

' H r a o iH , ’I Twfa PlUU.

catormoglnation to aasodate ',1 institution, k is edncatlon in a num- e publio receive instm o- from tb e w ork carried ’

^ e fpread of fear,-aver* -th e causes and care ofy, b u t founded on fac ts ’ _

press fu lly one>tbird of ing fac t wben w ^rejaliie « bom away from :^m b. ,:o« o f h o i p l t ^ iA tb e ir ' j 3 u d medical secessltlea; riBlatton^. f a c t io n s 'an d i '*

verage peraon, has been » tbe well equipped ih lti-

....................... , ■ '. ,

iw y k in S * o fofiSo. .There i!s also S.,:o inity health '.whld i aro

fcrlng, thByarendwitlHo'’’J

eption icromil lo>4-p. cb. 1|I I win FaUs »OonD(7 .:' Do.^'i ^>od hospital in tbe BtAto:, ' • paU eas were treated in )f the populattoa of .

qupimeat, aims and diffi-'U

o s p i t c f l

lUUAY, MAY 11, 102:1. y

Page 7: raOB TlUtM m m V T l S f E S Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · ifc.;::'...'. 1.-i p i i ! ^ P,BD-Tlme in BnssU: •Army Wot Bor^^or Slayln,

B n i i n e s s D i r e c t o r ; i n

Attorneys —P O ttT n a A WITIIAM. Law7«Ti.

B a l f t BmlU^ ft lUc» Dldg.

7 JtfflM IL BoUiweU . - Oit C h»pni« “ "'I"*

. ““1 iBHBSl. B.' W IL S O N ^ W c# : H m l f k f r j

N*Uonft> Btnlc’ Bldg. Iowa.

Shoe Repairing ■ • R o i S K 'r a o i j m & A n r - i n o i ? ^

K *y«ri,,P rop . lap s»coa<l 8 u " ‘“'O* y i a F tlU . I d y h ^ ____________2 :------C

'W elding— ■■■■ I .. . . ... imrimW. N. SKgJNER—0«yaeet>l«na weld lorj’ I

lo t : n n f l? lp r ln r t mntlo to ordor: lonco..bU cksm llhlas. Ph. 420. « 0 2nd. N iwnuli

^ — :--------- ------------------------------------ --- iim n

H e m s t i t c h i n g *1 Tlmcn

B1&80NNETTE^-221 Main At*

' .I’OITransfer ' ^

r a b z iE U T IU N S FK Il' COMPANT- liomioPhoa# 3»B. -------■ --------------------------------------- CIU

lW ncnO L 8 TUAN8 P-EU & 8T0II llciin-AOB CO.—Oarbage hnultd d a llj |)arru Phont too.

____ _ P r o f e s s i o n a l— ■ I Twint t H. ROUaiJ. M. U. Woo<k DlilB.! '"IO ‘

~A°ro«« tw m r . 0 . riiuiiu IGIH, luiik,

Blacksmithing.BLACKSM ITHM ACHtNK S H O I'-

Blaelntnlihlnc. UoltcrmaliluK.Wold- “ TTTlng. Maclilulsdi, HyrluK Work. Man- xviii .u taciurara. Suiipllcs o t a ll kimln. vv t ■Kra a g d Maclilno Co. ARunU fur '

, AnlUnan-TayloV Jlaclilnory Co. WAPlioa« K 02. ai0-22a.2nd Soutti. plc«.

M i s c e l l a n e o u s

Horaar to loan oq a ..u .tog. .A rthur . u 8wlm. \\-A

DR. BULA C.” aMVYEn OsloopathJc PbrulclaD

- flulUu 1 aad 2. Oora Jlullillnn. •17-1 P ho n t 164Q.W. n « i. 16<0-J, ■*•'01

• ELKUOnN CllEAJtBBr CO.Pucalello. Kl"im]

Idaho coucern. Why a o l le ll """•Ihtm your croam. Slotloa a l 231 -------M uth Ualn. rhono IMS. Crenm. poultry M d ’osCT. Open Sm ur.lny ' niche* nntll lO o'clocli. Uin». Under-

O a w m c f ! - ” ' ■ - r r rNow a n d . aocond nnnd rioihlns

booihf and iold. inO South Rho«linn» ' B triat. .. , ” nftor.

JUNK DBALKRS - Ooaier* In Junk ot a ll kind*. Twin

. . Fall* JuDk Hou»e. 2C3 2nil avonuo »»*t Phono 70C. Wb call for Junk.

“j f l n t c b » s Kaddle lIor*c9 for F C ^ t » - f o r Konllemtn or Indlo*.' u o n o s ’ IIom ^ Second arcnue 80. ptncl

^ ------ - ------ fcrlfc----- . ___ Jcroi

- IfEW TRAIN SCIIEDITLB ------(City or Mountain Tlmo.)

Eulbo&Dd , • ____No. I M ------------ .L.l.Doparf^:CO a. cff iv .N a 84 -------------- D epart 6:10 p. m. |„ o n

. . WeMhojind klod> No. S 3 ............. __ :D cpart 1:20 p. id |{oi|t

- N a IBB _________Dopart 4;20 p, m, -------

■BOGEBSON BRANCH TBAlKfl« Sonthbopna ------

No. S39 ..... ............... D epart l : 8p p. n .s Northbontia . " r JNo. » 4 0 __________ ArrlTc 4:65 p. ax.

. f " Phono 7P. ■________I'.L—

' 'v. Highest Cajh P rioa for , “uo

^LD METAL -. G . W . T A R R I . \V.

'■. A u to W rockiD ff' 819 Second A re. E . - Ijlyq'

' i' ' . . I . . ' - I antV- - r ----------- ■------------------------------------- -Dionl

7 P e t fa rm Loan*■ SW IM -. y ^ y O .

])'■. , , J . •. ' ; '• ; yout'v f. Oo to th a ih a d a l r Room* fo r ------

eltoA, quloi room* and good *— l*>«dik P rlc t* COc. 7( 0, a sd t t

rate* h r tho< ifooiK or ^ W O ^ . r A q n * OS. Mr». J . ,p . . .

|? p p tle « r f j S . l a f i ;

& D l l blooded J o n e r ball Tor (h!s I iS u o a 'ii id rrice . lloraoi^ >f!m e,;ii«e*Bd'iTeknt.*kMlb.V f I '• : ■••-??-t( /

. F n ll blooded B e lf lta horw . iM fb t dapple- Im t . w elsb t 21P0 ,i n ; e r « t n old, a t H o n o r, noB»i f w j l o u a e r serrlee.

• I - -Wolfhod and caah paid « t ro a r

. doOT. .gall m B w . « . ; p . ^ i i « .

miDAT, jrAT 11, lM-3.

r i M E SHelp Wanted

kVANTED—Two Irrigalora. \V. II. *~Foi Uor, lidon, Idttlio. —<llri

:HA-;iDEKMAU)’ \yANTi:U nt Jol.i.. "ll"!':*.»uti|na. ________________ PO,

jAC.ksM A.S-Gxctiitlonal opplrtun- J;'* L‘’’ . liuxtiors earnlnR* big. Wrllo Mc-r ^lory Calendar Factory, WuhtilnKiou. ^ 1

■ ._______________ ■ fiiriilii5ALEBMAN WANTED —' D epniar'prlccd Uno o t nUimlnimi w )iro. .'Kxcepllotinlly KOO'I opporim - uiuo 1pJM k caiumUrtnns. Wrlto AA. 'cr.r.. •non.' ' ■ FO!

Situation WantedVANTEI>—rotilUon n* d o rk or <lu-' rtmcnt iimuoKor in u Btoru or fac-jV y by nmn o t ailvoriil yenm’ o n m r - i ' ,,.' 1 CO. Havu miiimKcil tnii;hnii!i fo r.Bulf fur auvcrul yours nn.l k iiow ji,., „I inorctiiinillaliiK huulm.i.K, Inter- t.!__ Lw OH rmiucpt. Aililri'no W, P., curi^' koj

_____________________________ 1 IIOlIlM

f anted - Miscellaneous' •___________ __________________ H

[’O in /n iY WA.vrKly-tVl Hiu s ta r i)Cory A .Miirkul. I'Jioiio H’ J. ,

rtO\NTI21»-3 or “ rootfl f.inil.iblio uno. I’honu 33K.

L-UOI> <-ONTKA(-Ts” \VAyrKl)- ftiis nncl Suiifldwcr. S c 11:1 i|utck. }®Vm irruw ll ro j^ ^ c i l <1; Supply Cd,

»-A.STt:i>-Jron,'''jiic'ln).' ri,g:r nib- 'p. ij'Si'iI mnchlnory, plpo wid wick«. |j.po<,tfin I-ntlll Junk Houue, 2C3 :n .l n»u- Umr 10 tn.1t. riiunc *ai. , Wc c.ill f o r -------ik, . TOI■ ■ ' . ' ........._■ - ^ jipkVhy Klvo yo.ur furniture uwuy? '>’0 low / y cdhIi iin.I a ll U'h wurtU. I’hanoIW. Call ir.2 dcc .in j SuulU.

.VANTi;i>—U w n mowers tu |;rlml ' i.iuk.II cnll (or nnil ilollvur. I>h<.|i» S9I. ..;ruv T . Moiirc, 138 Ecc-iniJ uvunue So. -.n.*:

iVA.VTED—2C lono good cldfr np- ___II. T y in F a llj Vlnegnr & Cldor Co. - kVANTED—Ono ton o t tnhio car- ,„}i n. onu lini of pnrnnlps. U mllo eastuiity Honpllnl. ■**"•

IVANTED—Hucond h;in.l funitluru. — It pay cautr. A. H. Vlnccnl Co. ono 40s. " ts tlliDiilinnu St. .Suutb.

'or Sale-Automobiles-------- ----- lUOl'll

r o n SA1jB - '19 miMlut Uo.ln<'. on» ct>. "lllll car. oni' Voll.-, un.l uiit: Apia-r- —— n. T. II. Vaylft-. Kllcr.


Aiito Pprlnitn tuilli nml rtvn ln 'dongol Miichlnu Co., 2l0-i;iiu Xtcond *' • ' ■e. S, I’lii in i'1202.—Aclv. '• ' ' tnarliKOU SALE—ClinTroI.-t 490 touring Co.1 condlllon, iioii.l llrcs. I'linno " 20. ------tor. C ■?. m.. 205. ™

- - • - - - -------------------- /arn l F o r “Pop" ■*• *8Up," tho CyUBrti>t vnrnl -lador. 147 Socond avonuo nnrth. < 'lllt

WANTEI>—Forda, opon nn^ do ted Ci o d e la .'T e a s UIO an unllmltad num- amoi r. Contral Oarago. . >ucUi ----------------------------------------- --------- WU'JFor Sale-l^eal Estate bo---- « ■ . ttBBlKOU S,VI,B OU T1UDE--10- ncro “__rnch orcUnnl n r.ir lUvcml.In. C-illf.. rlre $GOOO, Wrllo R. ^ Uox 101. y ,, ;roiuo, Miilio.-------------------------- ;-------------------------

To Trad e ____WANTED TO EXCHANCI-:—A roK- L l torod Duroc Jonipy boar fnr smfio lod of anlmnl. I’c ter Clirintonson, FC o'llator. . • Shfo ------ ^ --------------------------- Kood

Lost and Found —I..08T OU -ST 01£N —Irish . S e ller will'od) femalo 6 yoam old. Solid color, coivins'wor* 10 namo of U d y . .Nollfy E. .head. Dooloy. Phlno 722J. Howard. iio«.

Board'and Room .U O A iiu 'A N D nOOM-121 Sorenlh renuo north .' j,«(;

W a n t e d t o H e n t S

WANTED TO UBNT—Wheel clinlr. fX licino 1038. *owii-------------------------------------------------- J , lyWANTKU TO UKNT—IS acres of ,o rvluo Krntiit p a itu rc. flro room houic'o, phoimv olhor fluibulldlnKa. I l£ por —~onlh . I'hono 603U11. ' tX

. ISc Itiiannooo'* Aitar;nougnt.

Wlicn n man loolfli'back and think* FCt wllllt u fool hc wim, hoJi* jlnd thpro ho^f' cro no ni»nkoy glaml* to pruloti* hi*putlu t ln d

, D O I N G S OP THE D l

:___ i■ ^ 4 R I - c a s e : / m r s . i :

■ ^ ISN’Tw r r i i .

’ "V ■


^ W A N TF o r Rent ' F o r

I-X)U U K N T-N lcclf fiiirnliiln.d room _____.direct liatli cuuiiuctlon. 4U KuurUi' “"'•'’..li" " !':_______________ ______ nounFOU ltK N T -2 room Iuiuko furpbti- I for IlKlil liou!icli«ci>lnK; 103 atc;oii<l, a n u o jio r ilit I'li.mo :nTJ. j Oak ^

ro it-U K .V r—H i'u.f, all o r 'im rliy .Star iruliilic;cl. M5 Main, -avuiiuu west. Coiul liono 23j . , • M-»k

r o u ItliNT-.-. room U.mw, ' i l l 'c luo Uikoii UWd. I’Uonu CU9.

FO u' UKNT—V'urniiiUcd hoi^oi:*o.-[.. '1: room .-init iilcupUii; ru icli; iil.c ri:o bcdru;;ni. eloic In. I’liotiu -SCnW.

H.>i.;ini., <>tricer.,'7i.Tr<"~m'l'ii.;i'. li, Kl < I”'( :.;ltert. UU .Mnlli Nn. I’Ji. 223, '

r o u UKNT-l.-lvn room hoii.io li; l'‘“ H lutli I’a rk Aclillliun. wntcr lu liounu^. u p.ir mouth. I’liono 2r.3, "I'- c:u—— —---------------------------— . yoiir IKOU U E ST -S.) ncrc.i, cnnh or crop Tv. In

Olli'vi'll (i Chiiliuiiin. * lit Wn

I'OU lllCNT—l.iiiht lioci'ieliiiopluj; n ) ll III Hleoplng rooma. 222 Klflli nvonuc

KOU HKNT—4U. kO and 12o'^n'c"- iict*. W ill i:lvp loni: I. uki. A'l- rens J . K. Vorirccn. Illcliflrld. I.laho

- .................. - - c trrlrlWATKU TO HENT—10 to HID tilmrcs -.1. A. ir 1923 nenfiou'. Cnn Invu It delivered licji.ir I ynu anywlioro un thu tracit. if yimr I'h.iti'' llohoM Imve cniiaclty to curry ll. Ar- inr L. Swim. Twin VnlLi, I-OU

room furnliilied lititmn to rent. Ar- s ," iur ij. Swim.

' t o u ■ riE N T -^ T Iir.'v^ .m i fiirni-ih' i,.'',';!*.' I np?irinn.|it. tlu pi.r nionili, lionnu. IW Apiu., 2nd uvsriui'. Kh Hlroi-l E ‘

•*<111 U:;Nr -lln.i-v I.^T ?!r»pn .-lent. .^.;n.nl..i..ly !.!r,.!-ti,-l for II-., >;.lonffcwpini;, 0110. two and lLro».irmo, clitae In, and lox rntsn, li) (.t,|

or luontti Tliv 0»ii.rd, 42’< M«i.. ^

----------- ------ '

ftirnlnlicd liounekecjilng apart- I’l'U'i- riienis, Onslii Home. 4'i:i Main Avo.^S'n. I’liono 071. ' _

Inl;.------------------------------ ----------------------I ’: ni

M i s c e l l a n e o u s “ i!;;;

MONEY TII I.,).\N-’ )n Tir;'t” u r m FOI u»i'tt:af.«!3. Ctfll at Wartjcn; Trnniitcr Iuoiih U ■ Mtirli'

r o u SAI.I->.-T..nm hfi^ ~ younic ' r o i orr.ju. chfi:p. I’urt c*inh. Hong. i;o;irUnihurly road. ' ” „ r trn

'lllCSIvllV].: YOl’Il-KtVIS u lili K .V ' koi > I’rrn.irvntlvu. It'n lu p.iw.ler rcini)^irili<.• III.' I'1-.il and ni.i»» . iitivcnl. r,i 011 i l iu ^ t-.--

nnrlitft. Darrov; llro:i. Seed ii Supply.]- i 'o i .'o. '•ic.-vrt.

r o u SALI';—Vn7rtiiar k'afnlnli. tlio l'*5l arnl-ih for floor* nnd furnlturo. •tli» l< c ;' tirubh thnl Iiot wnter won't lu ra cheaii y'hltv. I’hono C. Moon's Shop. ' Hoar.

a iE A P E R MONEY -^U n lim lled imount on farmn now nt 7. per eout. ' Rec' ucUulIni: ull rommlKflloni. i.clnch' & Muloi Vll'Jtima. I’houo J I8. • ——

--------------------------------------------------- KOIDOARD AND UOOM. 13S Clh aronuo ‘ cind I

'ftBt. _________________

CURTAIXS ' r o iWaHhed or strotuhod. I’ ono 226J.

------------------------------------3--------------- jiluholiAKI^R ItOO;a8^ U atba 3Sc 448 —

inutli Main. ,---------------------------------------------------- ting,Tuoad

Livestock and Poultryr o u SALE—12 purolind 3 year old

?hf6piihlro (iwc« wllh Inmlm; al;i'i FO] ;ood (jutlni: pnlatocA. 2Rc pcr nii-It id lor r ;ilt, O. U Dudley, IHiono 212, Ktler I M

r o r t s,V LB-lining OTirnlocked, I will n til uny of my high iirnd.i Jcr«o>’:roiv8 lind helfera. You will havo 30 o licail to ,,Mliiei from. aoverM fro jh ' ^ now. D. T . Clarlc. Vhono CMK3. ,

r o u SALB—■Bovcnl fronh cciwb nnil liolfora. F. Dontoa, b mllo cn.-ii, 3-4 ' . aorfli of Wnlnm’ cttrni'r. .

r o u SALE-Roi<i Comh red hon*. mut dra. J . Mnnnn, 3 mile* south, 1 m lla gro luat of-Klinborly^________ ;

r o u EA'iB^Choator Whlto bred ^ “ IOWA nnd 'n llii to fnrrow In Mny, Junu, l«ly. YouW l>oam . nld enough for lo rvko—nnwH^ood. E. J . Mulouo. y k ] Phono 67f.J2.

r o n SALB^Buff- Orpington ogga, n i l ISc t or 1C. Phono B1GJ3. UAl

FOit SAI^£>-Ono rcglalorod Duroc >Oftr. D. J . n ittor._________________•

TOR SALB—Daby chick* and S«l-' | / ;lnd 'egg». KingBbury. t m a

D U F F S t ^ ^

/ ^ i s ‘o h e \ o o ■ ' J .ir t£ * M A V & e 3 “ ; n p o j iR Q v ix r i

I — i ' . ^ f P T E R S H E

~ ' ■ rW T N F A L l


r A D s r)r Sale-Miscellaneous

Il'U NlTirKK KIU S .ll.i; lieuliliic- leather.loniiKi! .........J2:< r.i);iichcn fiafo .......................... .. 7.i»ilUchun catdncl li:i ,- .............ak iicjunru t.'ibl.', ,'i foot .... s.^.i -tiiiruer I’orfeetlini nil iilnvc ii.nn;tar r.'trlKoraior .......... t.r.l'onitilnallciu liooli Tii?u\ :mii

.......................... \ ..... T2 MX12 Axmln'Ucr rm: . .............

A. It. VINCENT ftl.MI’ANY I'^xxc'liauito lJ.'parini'-:ll

ir. ■' !ii-: lioru. fir. I’h ..’i.' 'lo'., ;

)lt SAl.hl-Autoniiul.' .uc/liln;; ■U", Wi.Hli hollfr. liilj:., ii'o l, rm;, .<)i.'u tj’i.'i'n. r.icl.ln:: . iL.Irii, iIIiiIhk Ills. ;:;i; f.ih .•a i.

'•OK S.VJ.K-Idnli.. lln ra l f.'.'.l im- Ir.im lli<' ln-i>». la fa s -

Cl,nniy, l or n r l - . I . ' l lv . - r . ' . l nl ir ra:.i'l< In.iulr.' .<f O. 1. Itavlcxv,In I-.ill;i, ;i-l m i'c. .'a:,t, >•. n.iilh WnahlnKli.u ru'ho.il.

1)11 H A l.E '-l’oVilMi;! irac lnr, i;nni: •.\v. iiulky pliiw, ill.'i'. In .•x.-.'lli'iit nlltlon. I'lii'iip, t In.Illlr.'! r>27 Mnln

•OH SAI.i; OU lU ADl;—llonhoa i-lrl.- ram;.', I phil.':.. c.vrti and cIdk-

A- II, Vliio'hl ComiK'iiy. lOxcliati;;!-Ii.iriiiH'Ql. 2iri Slio.liuiKi Sl. Snnlli.

lilt HAl.K-UalilU l.iillrii, linndiioino -iC:ii<-!>, Ur.iyum Oanlcmi. i'liono

■Ult SAl.ti—Hak'd Imy.. Marl;l«-'.i .ck:.milli>:lioji.-MJ Itll av.'iuiu vvc.il.

-Oil ;;.\l.l': or imd.t f..r Ford. lie..- d linn l li.i;ilRT or i.aiuk:., K . carc

i'tilt SA:-l';-KcirnU.iro and Htovea >d 2i;r. nuiirlii ot Iiduk- canned froll _____ry ....... . TJnnl l.o Mild thlu w.'.-li. / r —W. M!lli., C .'. 3rcl,a\.'U.U' weHt. T n lu . TU 'l.___________ ;•__________ ._ ' JfiiU S.M.I-: Hay, \ . ' iy l.>w prlc''. , fe ml Imi !iii'd Ihlll v,'i.'li an 1 11m l.;av- q ;. Im>' 1. im rnm li .1 nilI«f^i.iolli.: mil.-:. » « .' <:f i^j illi I’alU. \ . W. ill . i,f i ;ir.r avcniii;. "nvUi |

•■OU SAl.v:--IlanlJini .-.-rn. I'nrp7S^ ;\j„‘, IIIH nncl tcatcil uIIj Uii aceil. I’ubllcTli'-'l. ' ■ • ____ I.

['•Oil S .\l.i:-< :aliip 'vai;on. Iicci-*J)cl X y / :.r .lUllali'o f.ir t in y ^ > y ji)ii oull'lii Iruvrl. n:, m.ITj I'liurlTr :iv.-nuo ucbI.I

KOH SAt.n -Ilniitam rorn and n u r - |_S9S

roiU i^.U .ii-4Jr4y ^ IcJlc r l«h puiih C*l«r, rt. riumo 61».M, /. . . — ' nrnml-'OU ::a1,E—IllKli Ic-ni-alfulfa nec-O. Turk. u ; 'l" -h o lo SuinTlor r.raln d r ill.’ili'un eap: 0-|fnlleiri llofti«ln Sow. W. U .iRoun ja r . Kl/lhcrly llo.id, I'hono 12Sn, ' Dacoi— ——4 * — —-— — Hacoi

T5\.L>'.S Klill SALE HamRed .Kcilcanr.;. ItWl Kldnoyh. E. J . Hnm, iilouc, I’himo ."iJiL, I'ork— " - - — — ' ' Pork r o u SALI-;-CocHl-'-iicleet!mi of bcc- ,id Iiancl oil iMov»<' nnd Iro boxea. joBlor t-"umliup to h a n g o . X-ltotr o u A A l.B -Jo im Duero hoel cul- ator. Wrlto O. T..IIttwloy. Joromo, .,,,

- •_____ :_________ lYo?;FOU flALF>-Two ton* aecond cut- Sloor Ig, hargiiln If ta^^n , Mondny or Cowii leiday, 2 a-4 mlIeii'o:(iil W ashington ' aUe bool. S. 3. Humphrey.___________ Turk

Federal Farm Loans C}j p e r c e n t imicu

FOU BALE—ra ln t and kalaomlno r raln tln s aud kabomlnfng. Phoao

Moon-u Shop. _________



O lill QU'.N nOMK flltOIVX KESKLEtrrKI) K T ^ilN S JIJJ

II hax been UiOMitghly ' accll- mutod. You cnn depend pn It to' Illeiu grow and roalufe. .. v».

I T P A Y S T O P L A N T ' S

g o o d c o r n '•.*' . Ull

YKLI.OW A7<I» 1VIIITB DENT OU ------. .F L I T r : . I ' M


, IW W F .U J » , ! .p A H O / pro

The Worst

O O KS: F IM E A n’i U T M E , S U i ' ; , ,r SO M E T IM E ,., / K dIE M /\5 W O R M -1 7 ^ ij I I


L L S D A I L Y 'T I M E a


■ e A ' f?' o ^^ ■ = ^ s c r - r I --------

s /F A T /'/', I 7 'o sA e .c o I

O F T H ).' M ic K -d L . p l a - o : E > •71\g..f5AND> P>P0M L,


1....11: C. II, J. 11, Iliir- . t l , Im H',. l.liM i. I,-., Twih Kallii,1..','.|; KIlT •r„...„ .|i.. Co. 10 K, -I:' in rc r I.-ti> i:i 1.. 22. block 11.

• - [‘'.Vr

'win Fails Local 1.)’":''“'Product Marketi

SELLING i’EiCEH _ lov-n.

vil!i?uco rm inch ..... .... ...... 1------12H 016 r.Hui'rnnd _ ----------------------------- ----- lOC ;ir.| iiiirkiya. d ra w n ------------------------ .—26c ,41.1 ^I'UB ------- ........ . c.... ...................... 22c anound a l e a k ----------------- :----------- 2«aeon _ — --------------------------------30c ,.iaeon, a U c ad -------------40cam .. ....... .......... ---------------------- :.20t- j.,,!,nm, allced ___ __ ----------j„ ,j,

" km b chops ----------------------- 20O--C .prk anusngo — ,i.. H i ^ „ r '?l.ono B le a k ........... .......................... 22< ^rloln aioak .....................................20c ; . ,

JJUYl.NO r ttlC E s ' ‘ .

r :..=z:::=z=:=S\ H

S ■“ ■ - -- = rl5 :cnn .... ........[irlngcrn ........................................ 25c ____IntMll--------------------------- ■ .;„T I

- T f S i i : . ™ — - -anch Jiultor, per pound ...............35c . .uu tle rfu t. .........................3303ficgRH ..................................... 18c


Iclmrcl" Ko'.h. I'laiiilUf. '

, Chamhera ond Jonlii Chaniboni nnd n u u A. .Mann. Artmtalntrntor nt ®‘ ''I tlm nntuto nf Illchnrd \V. HonUc, Du- ccun^d. DetendnnlH. '• I '' ''’Undur nnd by vlrtn r of itu O nlor of

- .......... Octet

Phon^ t» 3 J l l fo r. 'WATKISS PKOmiCTR W atkins Co. ARont,K. 11. Freeman. I II . 'no ; 2. Splcea. ExtrartH nna l.lnlincnt. All o rd tm ■promptly >loll»ored. j'j— I— — I— — —

rst Is Yet to Come .------------■•' ' - • • ~ ~ :sv"— —L E N A , D ID A N V .1 ^ ,K A G E S >

’ COME TOR ME 'VJHIlp J WAS OUT? T ^ ve5 .

HA*---------_ 5 s n L 2 = « = = = s :^ . F v r - m e w i

' ' r?niEy^tE sw ei

'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!!_

'T^ ■


^ J l S f o o p S r ) J j

f t f i i

I ■

i - 5 O

a p E R . l o s t C O A JT tS O L .’•D B A T O N W H I L G P R A C T I S E

L A S T A 4H 5M T.__________________

.1.. nud D ccrc t of Korc. lni.nre i;.., ictl ou t of tlut D l'ilrk't Court ..f l l i c i '" '' Icveulh Judlclnl lUntrlcl of llic l!lale, >•“

liliiho, lu nncl for llir Conniy *'t' '" " ' ' IV In K..1IK, ilulciil thu mil. clay >'f ' liril, 11123, 111 Ihu ahovn entlllcil a .:-," " :m. w herein thc almv.t iinnicd I’lalii- “ tf iilitalncd II dccrce iiKlilU'iI H*'- 'li.:iintn inr-nllolicl lierelli. cm llin l;;'-' ' h day of April, lK2:i, wlilcli mild d c -.,"“ ' ee >vaa on the t-tli clay of April, li'2'''.; , 'conk'cl In Judgiuciit Hook Kiiilit o n ; “ IKC- 4n7 of nnlcl Dlntrlci (•.mri. 1 nml ' ; iinniandeil lo n.-ll all thul <-i-rl.-jln lo l,' ” *I.-c- o r iiarccJl cir luml nltuand In'her. :)Ui'.iy of Tw in Kalin, Slnlc of Idnho., ‘ ‘"'JII.i Imundecl uncl clc-nerllicd an foi-

I.oi nuiuhurcd Tlilriy-ncvcn irclinlnru HuIicIIvIkIoii. Twin Knlln iiiiniy. Idulii), uccordluK 10 the ot- ' ' clul llial tlierrof on flic und of re.;- rcl In tho nfflcc 6f tho rcrurdnr of llci T.vln Fnlln CAunty. loKotliur with I " ,II and BlnKulfir tho tenemonin. horcd- '*■' umenin nnd appnrienancea nnd wn-•r righlx ihvruunio belonging or In !iy\vlao nppcrtulnlng,I'nhllc .Notice In horehy given, tliai

n tho IClh dny o t Mui> 1923. n l theour ut 2 ‘o'c lock I’. M. (Mounlnin ___Ime) of suld dny, a ttho E:iat frocT oor of tho Court llouao of the Coun- ' of Twin Fitllii. S tate of Idaho, I will I o'bc'dlotico to aultl Order of Sale po nd Dccreo of Forccloaurp. sell the un hov* drncribed property lo nnllafy I't laliitlfrn decree with In tered there- op II, together w ith a ll conln that havu Sh ccrurd o r mny accrue, to the high- — >t bidder fo r-canh. law tul money ol — 10 United BtaCea o t America. ^ ^ m Daurd thi* 17th day of April, 1S23, _

M. E. FINCH. Sharlff. • J BY K. F. I'UATEH. A

________________________ Deputy.:o T ir i: w H iiK R iv r if h a m : ov' t lUIAI. EHTATB U M tCR DKCIiKE I OK V O B E ClO tiU nK A N B OIIDKB OP BALE. <

:. A. G rahuin. Plaintiff,

'a'l?! 1. Sm ith nnd Mnrth.% K, Smllh. P hln w ife. Mid F rnnk W agner, Do- fcRdnnln. • ■ eUndor and by v irtue ot an Onler of *.

alo nnd Decree of Fnrecloeurn ln*ued ^ lit of Uio D la lrlrl Court of the « :!ovonth Jud ic ia l Diairlct of the B ute f Maho. lli and ^ o r the Oounty of 'w in Knlln, ditU-d th.^’ 17th day of .. iprlt. 1023, In the nbovo ealltled ac- Ion. w herein tlio above Uumed i’lain- Iff nh ta lnn l a ' decreo agalimi tho )ctendantM mentioned herein, aa the , 3 th day of April, 1&23. .which *ald lecroe wnn on the aald 13tli day «f ip rll, 11123, recorded . In Judgntenl llook K lghl on pago 434 of aald'Din- rict Court. I am commando*) to aell ill Ihnt ciTiRln lot, pleco or parcel if. land a liu a u d la tho County. ..of rw ln Falla, fltate of Idaho, • nnd ^

( ' ^ W E O ^ v T ^ 'v U po vou KNOW ^ V l” * ’ ' ■ ™ 5.v H A 13-1 i l J

LM INY O U R. L([n A ^ ^

w e i u - . ' ■

, . r.‘-


m a -IJ 'P lT C H rtfM C K -iuT N C ^^ '

D p r-Gm M LOK' i .^c*1.l.»vIca [

ISOT& ' ~

i.mmli-.l an.l dcucrUtc.l an followa,

l.»i Thirl.-.-II <I"1, 111 IllrK'k Ono liimlf.-.| Kl.'v.'n n i l ) of the Tw in '•allti Tiiwiinll.'. ail the i.nmn In ahown II llic flnnl nnd anmn.Ii'd p lat thnro- if on fllo uml (if record In the otflce if the lleccivdcr <it nai.l Cnnuty and ilalc: toKi'ihcr 'n-iih nil aud alngulnr li.- iciieiiiontn. Ii.-rcdliamenlii ancl ap- ' iiirienancen ilicrruiiin belonging Of 11 nnywlnr- npiicrlaliilng.

■ 'nhllc Niillce in licreby given, tb a l iii Ihc ]5lh dav of May. 10:3, n t tho i.nir of 2 :ir. o-cii«k I'. M, {Mountain I'lmi.) of nahl day. at thn Konl front Ici.ir of tint Cnnrt Houno nt the C«un- V .it Twin I'alln. Slalo of Idaho, I .vUl, In i>lic:ilivi|cc to nnid Order ot 4al<' und Decree uf Korecloauro, M il :he ahiivc deacrlbid prpperty to aal>Infy Plulntlffn ilecron with l li te rn t heition, foKulhvr wJth a ll costa lbB( m v r nceriied or may accrue, to tbe ' ilj;heai bidder fnr cunh, lawful mon- :-y of Iho Unlleil Slnlc* of America..'

D.itrd Ihln lAih day of AprIL 1923.M. E, KI.SCK. Shorlff.UY a. K. .PUATKR.

■ Deputy. ■

POULTliy WANTKI) • nrlng wlml you havo lo u» W a

pay you for hrlnglug them In. Se«" un hefore you acl*. Soutli Itlabo’PouUry Co. n t the cream aMlIoul oppoalte Warburtc^a Storage, .409;' Shoshone wenu—Phono'647.

2 S t a g e s D a i l y J

Twin Falls-Boisrleave 8:30 a. m. Bod 3:30 p. ni;

daily.' ; -

F o r F i l e r ; B u h l , H a g ? * ;

e r m a i ; ! , B l i s s , K i n g )

H i l l , G l e n n s , K e r r j f ; a n d M o u n t a i n H o m e u ’

Voraloff f tage MOBMUir; .Xo. 10 at MooaUla Uobi^Knmpo, T o r tlaa i, B caU lb ’ V; '.

V ft a l l fo r pOJ*«RBm tCM W: cbargth W« a lso kaadia k a c p i^ '|

PUO.SE m " 0 B 888W. \ ! ^ , ,

T r a a k B r o s . S t a ^ ^ ^ '

- C o . , I n c . ; '

• _ B y :■

\ '- '.I *

jiS t" " ^ ' ' i - J - ■


Page 8: raOB TlUtM m m V T l S f E S Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · ifc.;::'...'. 1.-i p i i ! ^ P,BD-Tlme in BnssU: •Army Wot Bor^^or Slayln,

PAoi; EiQirr

' 0I WOI

Ai ' A N D



' E v e r y c

E v e r y h

A n y r e i

c a n h i s

E v e r y i

" B V h


t h e K i r

. T W

/ t h e p o l

i WiA I

' N o r t h v


IV Invc.

. 1 ^ t

. ■ J,



L m e r i c


I R a

V o te/

' o w n e r o f r e a l e s t a t e , a r

' h o l d e r o f a c o n t r a c t f o r i

r e s i d e n t o f t h e T w i n F a l l i

i s w i f e .

r m a n o r w o m a n , h o l d i n g

J H L — C I T Y H A L L


l i m b e r l y D r u g s t o r e c o m r

W I N F A L L S A U T O S A '

t o l l s o n e l e c t i o n d a y , c ^ l l

le, Z Twin. b i g * v o t e w i l l s h o w .

h w e s t .

E T ’ S> T E R S M U S T V O T E O F

M o « b u s in « is f o r Ifao fa rm

iv e s ^ m fo r w b a t w o h a v e to se ll a t |

A c l i n c h c r o n t h e R a i l n

- y



'T T H E

can Fa

i i l r o

J 7 E- W H (

a n d ' h i s w i f e , c a h ' v o t e .

>r r e a l e s t a t e , a n d h i s . A y i f e ,

■ ills R e s e r v o i r D i s t r i c t p r e c i

n g s e p a r a t e , i n s t e a d o f c o n -

— - W h e iP o l l s o p e n f r o

................................... "!^ E — S p e c i a l c a r s f o r v o t e r s

m m e n c i n g a t a r o u n d I O A .

A V A I L A B L E — C A L L P H C

a l l P h o n e 5 4 0 o r 2 7 5 , b o t h

I Falls SouthB T g d e t e r m i n a t i o n t b h e l p o i

r v o i- - - - - V E R YO N T H E C O N T R A C T A L

M orem o u d c ily .

N earea t p ro fi ta b le p ricc s . S u re j

i l r o a d s o u t h . F a i l u r e o f ! t h

l a y s a r e d


■ >

d i s R

» a d i

0 C A N V(; , c a n v o t e . ^ *

: c i n c t c a n v o t e h e r e , e v e n

i m m u n i t y p r o p e r t y , c a u v o

: r e t o ^F I L E R — C I T Y H A L L

r o m 8 A . M . u n t i l 7 r . M

T S a t a n d a r o u n d H a n s e n *

A . M . , f o r . t h o s e n o t o t h e r

r i O N E 5 4 0 ^ r , 2 7 5 - i ^ ^ F o r t h

> th a t M a g d l B r o s . , ' a n d c ;

h Side Havo u r s e l v e s a n d e n c o u r a g e c

TE I1 I M P O R "a s p . v g :i;e '% e s

I'ro employment fo e ' oar iibo rlfig 'c!

nre» and- be tte r m i^ lw U . 'io r . '^ r pr

0 srow tb a n d pB rnuw on^',']^^orlt;

....... .

t h e A m e r i c a n F a l U I h ’o j e c

; d a n g e r o u s . L e t ’s t a k e n c

. i'

T W IN F A L L S ]


? D A I L Y i p n a " 2 "

^ eserv

S o u l

T o m e:O T E ■: n i f h i s r e a l e s t a t e i s e l s e

vote. . ' . l i l M i P i l i

V O T E - - - -L T W I N

M . , M o u n t a i n T i m e .

n a n d K i m b e r l y w i l l l e a v e

t e r w i s e ^ p r o v i d e d . ,

t h o s e i n T w i n F a l l f e w h o c

c a r s w ^ l l b e s e n t . o u t ,

ve the g Cs o t h e r s t o h e l p u s m a k e p

T ACL T A N T - —i S ” A L L T H E T I M E F O P

:'ci»»3c» . ■, re v iv a l o f 'th '

.. p r o d u c e - , j

Jrlty . ' A m ore p ro ip c r o

[e c t : m i g h t e a s i l y c a u s e a r c

n o c h a n c e s .

' ” t - I

.'s t-V

’ o i r I

t h I0

w r o y

I s e w h e r e i n t h e D i s t r i c t , i

I N F A L L S - C O U R T H O I

i v e W i l s o n ’ s s t o r e a t H n a s

. . . . . . . . m m m m

0 d e s i r e a n a u t o t o . t a k e t

Chance NG. . . . ■ . f . :

‘ p u r t r a c t o n e o f t h e b e s t

yR o sO R A b e t t e r t i m e H

■the Twin ip ir i t—Gotl

■ ■ out of'tiie '^ rat.; ; r ' ,

joroas and ' oijntc^&U' pilopifi; on. t i i

. r e v i s i o n - l o f t h e p r o g r a m .

PRIDAT, JIAT. 11, 1D2.1. '

i l :



■ |;1

:, a n d s o

1 .'t

_ _ _ * ' [O U S E

l a s e n a n d ■'

D H iia i5 ^ e p i t o ■

s m n

DlV I ,e s t i n t h e ^ 1

j l '3ottiDF UB > -ffi ■

' M lt i i a t r a c t . ' j

1. Ete- I ' T r ’

" I - • >