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The Raving Fan Experience Kim Knapp

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Post on 02-Jun-2015



Real Estate

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Top Producers know the very best business is referral business! Within the next 5 years almost every lead will be a warm lead. Don’t get left behind! Master delivering a Raving Fan Experience. Learn to create and implement an effective customer centered business plan, increase sales and learn to successfully vet and assemble a team who will exceed customers’ expectations. Learn tools for managing and successfully understanding different types of customers. Transition yourself from a salesperson making cold calls to a trusted professional. Past customers become advocates and raving fans. Learn repeatable building blocks for creating a referral-based business starting now. That only comes when you know what it takes to create a RAVING FAN. There are several opportunities for you to differentiate yourself between “Yawn”….. and WOW! Customers expect good service because they are paying for it. If you want them to refer you, then you need to give them a Raving Fan Experience!!! By the time you leave this workshop you will be a Raving Fan Expert. Personal Notes – How do you sign them? Call to action? Emails, what do you say Have an appointment, is this an opportunity? Follow-up, what can you do? Closings – What next? Dating Your customer- How many can you date at once Dating, are there different types of Dating?


  • 1. The Raving FanExperienceKim Knapp

2. Decide what you want Create a vision centeredon the customer Assemble your team Deliver the Vision +1Where do you start? 3. Kim Knapp..I want to build a business with the foundation basedon referrals from satisfied customers, friends as wellas local business professionals who see me as thego to person for real estate.By providing a Raving Fan experience whileincorporating referrals seeds along the way I cancreate this model.Always remembering that the customers do notbelong to me, they remain parked out front as longas they perceive value. 4. Look past the person & see the need.Attitude is the Difference*Customers * Vendors * RealtorsYou see your life andothers through yourglasses.The way youSEE peopleis the way youtreat themZig Ziglar 5. It Takes a Village 6. On the TeamI recently decided to re-evaluate my Business partners and my futurerefer-ablilty. I realize you work with many real estate professional. I amnot asking you to refer me but to reinforce my relationship andprofessionalism with my own customers.From: Daniel Halvorsen Date: Monday, August 18, 2014 at 3:04 PMTo: JenifyrSubject: Couple ThingsWhen I am top of mind with my customers they will be more likely torefer me to their friends, neighbors and family, which in turn I refer toyou. Let me give you an example.I am calling to let you know your appraisal is in. Its 5,000 over yourcontract price. I know you must be very pleased with that as we do notsee that very often. Agent_____________ is a strong negotiator, and areal professional. If you know of anyone who may be consideringpurchasing a home in the next 6 months, Make sure you send them_______s way or I would be happy to call them for you.Plant enough seed and something is bound toGrow!Jenifyr,Hello again, Im sure youre enjoying having AJ back home!I have attached your appraisal to this email, the home appraised for $274,000 (we willthank Cari for the instant equity!). Everything looks great. We received the appraisal lateFriday and the loan was sent to underwriting today. Once the underwriter has reviewed itthey will issue conditional loan approval. We will fulfill any last requests the underwriterhas and get everything set for closing and funding by the end of the month.Daniel 7. The Magic Starts before you even get there! 8. Dont just convert - create valueThe Dating Begins at the Beginning! If you ask for something, give something Free Relocation Package Free Buyers Guide Reputable Mortgage lenders Information Information for First Time Buyers Buying a Short Sale/REO Guide 8 Tips to Guide Your Home Search Tips to Finding the Right Neighborhood for You 10 Questions you should ask a Home Inspector Information on Homestead Exemption Difference between CDDs and HOAs 9. 1st contact: May I ask, how did you get my name? I ask because most of mybusiness comes from referral and I would like to know who to thank for this callDuring: Its very important to me that I provide you excellent service. Relationshipsand referrals is where most of my business comes from. I want you to be so thrilledthat when someone says real estate you say,Kim Knapp.After Closing: Please know I understand referring someone to me reflects back onyou. I want you to be confident in knowing I will take excellent care of your friendsand family. I will also keep you updated on the progress. 10. When Someone SaysReal Estate yourcustomer thinksStay in front of the customer AFTER the sale 11. Andy MastersWhat does this mean?We have 3 groups SOI Fans A-List Raving Fans Social Community Get organized & add moreHow many can you date at once?Depends How intimately you are dating Value Rich Email campaign 0 1000 Semi-Personal contact annually 50-100 A-list 25 Social Contact 0-500 effectivelyAndy Masters 12. DatabaseWhatelephant,has Georgebeendrinking?NowWhat? 13. 30 DAY or 45 DAYAFTER THE SALE CALL SEQUENCEDay of Closing - put in Your calendar to Call themOn their 12 month anniversary!1st DayThank you for allowing me to serve3rd Day How did the move go?7th Day Are you starting to get out of boxes?Is Any questions or concerns with the property?14th Day Have you met the neighbors? How are the kids doing?30th Day Congratulations! You are on your 30th day in your new home!45th Day Is there anything that I can do for you? 14. Closing Transition DatingPrepare 2 pages of mailing labels [mail 1 week after closing]Prepare Homestead letter [mail 4 weeks after closing]Prepare new construction letter tax alert [mail November]Prepare HUD 1 letter [mail January 2nd following year]Add to appropriate databasesNot only customers go on the A-listStaying on the list on the A-list requiresresults 15. Dating Your Customer Video Email Call, Call Call them simply to say hello Personalized drip email Offer to do an Equity Evaluation 1 time a year Send Mailing Labels once a year Send at least 2 Power Notes annually Pop-Bys 4 times a year Email at least 1 times per month Preferred Vendor List Include coupons and offers from local Business 16. Acknowledging Your CustomerFollow up each Referral with a Prompt Thank You If you list a property, ask for their help Social Post, emails, Provide them the Flyer Share how pro-active you are Contact them when you close & thank again If its a Buyer give them regular updates Contact them when they find a house Contact them when you close & thank again 17. Make yourown CalendarPlanPersonalValueConsistent 18. Everybody You KnowBusiness ConnectionsProspects, SOIPast CustomersWrite Write WriteMichael MaherRead the Book!1. Use unbranded cards with something thatrepresents you, Its a personal note2. Use Blue Ink. Its original3. Words-Use you, avoid I, me, my.4. Be specific in your praise. acknowledge acharacteristic, or a unique quality youappreciate in the person you are writing to.5. Leverage the Power of Positive. Expressrespect for those who posses a quality(happiness, wealth, balance) you aspire toimprove on6. Power of the p.s. This is your call to action.Such as emailing or calling you. 19. Creating Raving Fans Re-capDecide what you want?Create a Customer Centered ExperienceAssemble Your TeamDeliver the Vision Plus 1Get Your Database Organized Power of the 30 day or 45 day Follow up PlanGive Your Customer Something to Talk About- Stay in Front of Them A-List Activity Calendar Customer Follow up Marketing Plan Calendar Based Marketing Social Networking Power Notes 20. Thank you for all you do! 21. Kim [email protected]