rc holy spirit ebulletin wb iv no. 19 march 21, 2012

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  • 8/2/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB IV No. 19 March 21, 2012


    The Dove

    Y 2011-12(Click for Resumes)


    New Generation

    Health & WellnessService Projects

    Club AdministrationHealth & Wellness

    PR & Asst ChairMembership The Rotary Foundation

    Fund Generation

    Sports & MemberFund Gen

    SportsTRF & MemberFund Gen

    sociate Members (RI Pilot Program)

    onorary Members

    st Governor in Charge

    March 21, 2012 Rotary Club of Holy Spirit Club No. 69935 RI District 3780 Philippines Vol. IV No. 19

    O f f i c i a l N e w s e B u l l e t i n o f t h e R o t a r y C l u b o f H o l y S p i r i t

    The FOUR-WAY TEST of the Things We Think, Say and DoI s i t t h e T R U T H ? I s i t F A I R t o a l l c o n c e r n e d ? W i l l i t b u i l d G O O D W I L L

    a n d B E T T E R F R I E N D S H I P S ? W i l l i t b e B E N E F I C I A L t o a l l c o n c e r n e d ?

    RC Holy Spirit PE Marcia Salvador completes 2012 Presidents-Elect

    Training Seminar

    It has been a unique opportunity for learning and

    inspiration as well as for expanding ones circle of

    Rotarian friends. The 2012 PETS (Presidents-

    Elect Training Seminar) held at

    the Summit Ridge Hotel in Ta-

    gaytay City last March 17 & 18

    was a truly wonderful Rotary ex-perience. The slew of qualified

    speakers, all seasoned Rotari-

    ans, imparted such wealth of

    information to prepare all attend-

    ing 80 presidents-elect for the

    responsibility of leading their

    clubs come July 1.

    The seminar started with District

    Governor-Elect Rufino Penny

    Policarpio presenting the RI

    theme and RI & district thrusts

    and goals. This was followed by

    District Secretary Designate PPMar Reyes who spoke on

    Understanding District Policies,

    Awards Guidelines, then Chief

    of Staff Designate PP Arnold

    Guerrero (Establishing a Communication Struc-

    ture). PDG Lindy Garcia of D-3820 talked on How

    the PRM Supports Rotary and You, PDG Oyan

    Villanueva of D-3790 (Membership Recruitment

    and Education), Rtn Baby Jamias of D-3810

    (Enhancing Rotarys Public Image), PDG Sonny

    Coloma of D-3830 (Role & Responsibilities of the

    Club President), Lt Gov Chito Borromeo

    (Accountability), and PDG Danny Fausto (Goal

    Setting). DG Jess Cifra talked on If I Could Be A

    President Again and gave practical tips on how to

    become an effective club president.

    The first-day sessions were capped by worship

    service, dinner and fellowship at the Le Jardin

    Rosella. The event was co-hosted by RC New Ma-

    nila East. Some 53 Silver Presidents came to

    render a heart-warming HARANA, complete with

    a rose offering to each of the PEs. It was a night

    of dining, wining, singing, dancing, and sheer

    Thanks to PP Sammy Pagdilao Jr for makin

    Jardin Rosella available as venue.

    The second training day was no less importan

    PDG Bobby Viray and PDG Dulce Coyukiat s

    at length on The Rotary Foundation. Afte

    pledging session, the PEs proceeded to a w

    shop where they met their Lieutenant Gover

    and Assistant Governors to plan for the inco

    Rotary year. (For RY 2012-13, clubs wi

    grouped into 4 regions. RCHS belongs to Re

    IV along with 24 other clubs.)

    After the workshop, all PEs donned togas fo

    closing ceremony and graduation rites where

    Jimmy Cura of D-3830 spoke on Servant Lea

    ship with such eloquence and profundity.

    Kudos to the Rotary Club of Metro West Tria

    who ably hosted the 2012 PETS! To DGE P

    Policarpio, PDG Dan Espinosa, DSD Mar R

    and the District service team, thank you f

    memorable experience!

    President Ped and PE Marcia are flanked by Gov. Jess Cifra and

    DGE Penny Policarpio in this photo taken during the PETS fellowship night.

  • 8/2/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB IV No. 19 March 21, 2012


    RCHS meeting last week


    Holy Spirit invites all chess players of R.I. District 3780 to join the 1-day 1st Gov. Jess

    he tournament is open to all Rotarians and members of family,

    ssociate Members, Interactors/Rotaractors.

    he tournament shall be under three (3) categories:

    roup I- Interactors/Rotaractors/Family Membersroup II- Rotariansroup III- Club Team (combined scores of Groups I & II provided both belong to the same club.)

    ame shall be played under the 7-Round Swiss System with each player allowed 20 minutes to play.

    ach group shall have a Champion, 1st

    Runner-Up and 2nd


    egistration fee is P300.00 which includes snacks (a.m. & p.m.) and lunch. Deadline for registration is March 24, 20

    rophies for the winners shall be awarded and there will be lots of raffle prizes and surprises.

    st Asia Chess Grandmaster Eugene Torre will make the first ceremonial move with Gov. Jess Cifra.

    e club held a robust regular meeting

    st March 14th.

    G Rose Imperial joined us briefly for

    n update on the clubs nominations

    r district awards, and to bid farewell

    she was then due to leave for

    ome the next day.

    ter the business agenda for the

    eeting had been covered, Club

    ainer AG Linda Palattao walked the

    embers through a Quiz-Bee contest

    a means to impart knowledge of

    y events and personalities in Rotary


    dmin chair Ric then led club mem-

    ers through the short Cash Register

    ory as a means to gauge reading,

    mprehension and logical thinking,

    nd reminded everyone about risks ofumping to conclusion.

    Photo taken by CP Nides using his smartphone.

    Reminders of important club events

    Club Planning Sessionis years club planning session shall be held on April

    4, 2012, a Saturday.

    e whole day event shall be held at the farm of DGN

    ancis & Rtn. Peth Rivera at Bgy. Sta. Rita, Guiginto,ulacan.

    ease mark the date on your calendar.

    7th Charter Anniversary of RC Holy SpiritThe 7th charter anniversary of our club shal

    commemorated on June 29, 2012. The ind

    tion of incoming club officers for RY 2012

    and the turn-over rite shall be timed with theniversary celebration. Officers of the Rota

    Club and Interact Club of Holy Spirit shall l

    wise be inducted on the same occasion.

  • 8/2/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB IV No. 19 March 21, 2012


    Scenes from PETS fellowship event for incoming Peace Presidents and outgoing Silver Presidents, March 17

    Clubs may download photos for their bulletins from the account

    of RC Holy Spirit at www.facebook.com/RCHS3780

    Short video

    clip at RCHS


  • 8/2/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB IV No. 19 March 21, 2012


    For missed club meetings get engaged with

    ROTARY e-Club One.

    Its only a click away from here.

    Rotary Club of Holy Spirit

    Mail address: 33 Don Carlos St., Don Antonio Heights, QC

    Club meets every Wednesday, 7:00 PM at the Clubhouse of DonAntonio Heights subdivision

    Lets all help curb Global Warming!

    The Dove, eBulletin of the Rotary Club of Holy Spirit, is published by theAdministration Committee of the club.

    Printed copies are distributed to club members during meetings while thedigital e-bulletin edition is e-mailed to members & friends, to donors, to se-lected District 3780 officers, to most of the 93 district club presidents who

    have known e-mail accounts, and to selected RI offices.

    Current editors are Dir Ric and Treasurer Marcia Salvador with email at

    [email protected].

    View Past Issues of the eBulletin

    First Issue of The Dove Vol. I No. 1The Dove Vol IV No. 16The Dove Vol IV No. 17

    7, 2012 The Dove Vol IV No. 18Back-trackfor earlier issues.

    For general information and fun -

    Latest update on the Weather from PAGASA

    Up-to-the-hour world news from CNN

    Follow RC Holy Spirit on

    WatchSports - Yahoo! Sports Minute

    Video for review & discussion:

    Watch clip: D3780 PETS fellowship night March 17, 20

    Program for March 21 Meeting


    For Rotary news & information -

    Rotary International www.rotary.orgDistrict 3780 Website www.distrct3780.org

    District Governors Monthly Letters

    July August September October November DecemJanuary

    March Celebrants, Congratulations!

    March 1 Marcia

    March 2 Kent

    March 8 Ric Joy & Ed

    March 9 Ped

    March 15 Irma & Ped; Peth & Francis

    March 17 Marites

    March 20 Dra Fe & Doc Roger

    From New Generations to next generation

    See you at the DISCON April 19-21, 2012

    7:00 Assembly-Dinner-Fellowship

    Call to Order - SP Ped Condeno

    Opening Rites

    Introduction of Guests

    Club Business

    Chess tournament project

    Planning session schedule

    District awards nomination

    Other matters

    Rotary learning session

    Presidents Time - SP Ped Condeno

    Adjournment - SP Ped Condeno

    Read how Interact and Rotaractclubs of Holy Spirit inspire servic

  • 8/2/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB IV No. 19 March 21, 2012


    The Object of RotaryFirst formulated in 1910, the Object of Rotary is to encourage and

    foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in par-

    ticular, to encourage and foster:

    FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity forservice;

    SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions,the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, andthe dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity

    to serve society;

    THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotar-ian's personal, business, and community life;

    FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding,goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business

    and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

    5 Avenues of ServiceBased on the Object of Rotary, the Five Avenues of Service are Rotarysphilosophical cornerstone and the foundation on which club activity isbased:

    Club Service focuses on strengthening fellowship and ensuring theeffective functioning of the club.

    Vocational Service encourages Rotarians to serve others through theirvocations and to practice high ethical standards.

    Community Service covers the projects and activities the club under-takes to improve life in its community.

    International Service encompasses actions taken to expand Rotaryshumanitarian reach around the globe and to promote world under-

    standing & peace.

    New Generations Service recognizes the positive change imple-mented by youth and young adults through leadership development

    activities, service projects, and exchange programs.

    The Four-Way TestOf the things we think, say or do

    Is it the TRUTH?Is it FAIR to all concerned?Will it build GOODWILL and BETTERFRIENDSHIPS?Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned

    ROTARIANS PLEDGEI am a Rotarian

    I will always uphold the TRUTH.

    I am a Rotarian

    I will always strive to be FAIR

    in all of my dealings with my fellowmen.

    I am a Rotarian

    I will always endeavor to build


    in my community,

    among my countrymen

    and people of all nations.

    I am a Rotarian

    I will always seek to promote

    the greatest good

    for the greatest number of people

    in the spirit of ROTARY SERVICE.

    I am a Rotarian

    I will always uphold

    the Rotary International Motto,


    Principles that Guide Rotary

    As a Rotarian, I will

    1. Exemplify the core value of integrity in all behaviors and activities

    2. Use my vocational experience and talents to serve in Rotary

    3. Conduct all of my personal, business, and professional affairs ethically, encouraging and fostering high ethical standards as an e

    ample to others

    4. Be fair in all dealings with others and treat them with the respect due to them as fellow human beings

    5. Promote recognition and respect for all occupations which are useful to society

    6. Offer my vocational talents: to provide opportunities for young people, to work for the relief of the special needs of others, and to

    improve the quality of life in my community

    7. Honor the trust that Rotary and fellow Rotarians provide and not do anything that will bring disfavor or reflect adversely on Rotary

    fellow Rotarians

    8. Not seek from a fellow Rotarian a privilege or advantage not normally accorded others in a business or professional relationship

    Rotary Code of Conduct(FormerlyDeclaration of Rotarians in Business and Professions)

    Watch songwriter Jerry Mills singCome Join Us online by clicking this link.
