· reach. with strong ot the. out tho ailv lor lo ehi, dor. bushu'^s.in* jii-iiithe westfield...

Reach. with strong ot the. out tho ailv lor lo eHi, dor. bushu'^s . i n * jii-iii THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE FADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY out for tiuhfii<-«n vvitij Clio J tint Class Prophecies and Gifts Samuel S. McClure, Editor, Speaks on "America." Ruth Provide Many Laughs, Houghton and Richard Sampson Also Deliver Fim ; Play Very Appropriate Orations DOROTHY H. JOHNSTON IS HONOR PUPIL. HOLDS EXERCISES 3^^FTraiJ]KAR-^ WE1)N1«1)AY, JUNK 2-1. 1025 CMHj^^^I^^^ SEVENTY'TWO^GRADMTES iS^IiiwEii"™^ ™~~~ RECEIVE THEIR DIPLOMAS am MYPR0GM 12 Pages—5 Cents TOWN COUNCIL GETS EEPORT ON TEST WELL ii«s n,i>- «-as in Awarding of Premiums is Feature of Excellent Program | Consulting Engineer Suggests j Medals and! Further Drilling in Report \ Submitted K. of C. DONATES GIFTS Kev-euty-two srntdiuiu-.s r-e*-iv-"d! "America" :nul tie. proved in he. a their iliplonicis, h vt uirlii. at the| .«T>loutliil i-.peiikot- and he ctuno to UiKli 3cliDi)l auiliiorinm, sIiniityitiR: W«stfielcl with a ravpiully prepared the completion of their studios at tlia• speech and a wealth of facts, Westfield Hljth srliool. The .-Hiss; At tin. conclusion of Mr. McClum's this year w.-is an mutually I..illicit' ai j, llVss Clmrles A Philhowor, made one and too much credit cannot bo given Miss Dorothy H. Johnston, who was named lirst honor niu»il. As a reward for her efforts 'lurine her four years of study at tl! ioral institution, Miss Johnston w:'s ward- ed the D. A, K. liair that his ilrnvn from the ma?! in front, of :ho Ili.'li school for tho i-:ist year. Kn .u year hy the gradating class. Tliose \vln> saw ill? play wer-j louii in their praise as It was sUeed wonderfully. liuriu>r tUe play ihe ekts.s prujsluM h'.s and uifts were ^iven and many a The ilt'Hchial Sclm lluly At ,i !t!V!-tni;; uf llu; Tmni Council Mi!Uii;sy ni;: In, a rrpon on t h f u 1 write on Uir Miller Viirm. by Thorn; Triu Uy Cat hulk* a fe umo roinarlis anrl gave tho claws fhio advice after whtcli lie pre- l (lie das5, with tlin rei-onimni- that they ho nivnnli-il their a.t thy for th diffe tlu' nrM'tl diplomas and they the Daiiprh 1 '-"^ ol" 'he Americii, Revo-j lution proaeiit a tta; j ; to the Hi^hi school with the understanclliiK thatj JSefore- presenting the the prizes were awarded were as follows: Tho College) Woman's Club Schol- arship of $300 to lluth UmiRhton; the Pascoo Essay Contest Prize of It should fly from tho mast in front' * 3E to I>CTr J' Jonos . wll " sn subject 1 i lig h school. O( tho school until tha end of the 1 was "U»l<>" County's Water Supply" Tho cast „„ term when it shall he presented to! tho N( »™'' k Alumni, Reusaellor l'oly follows; IauRli was heard "gruds" caiuo up ems." Tho J^iVs were presented by si-wards of the play, tit-ur^e D anil Uoni'jre Tliiuor. Tito J,TUJ>; weru ^iven by Merlin and Vivien, also parts in the play, played liy Douglas Francis ami Hulh lloughloii. The play was produced uuiler tho personal stinervlBhm of Mi^a Miua (iuosun, dramatic teacher in tho local d tho players wero as the honor pupil. In presenting tt to Miss Johnston, H. C, Wtck, presi- dent of tho Board of Education, said "a silk flat; mlprht have been given, a heautiful one, hut that coultt have beon repKiced easily, tlila one, htiw- over, 1B torn on tho odKos and shows signs of faithful service making It ft fitful reward for you." Lust year Miss Johnston hod the highest mark in the country for tho ColleRo En- tranco Kxaminatlon in English. Her mark was 98% which Is a aplftiulld mark, her being first in the country stamps Her aw beiriK an exceptionally brilliant student. Miss Ruth HotiKhton, also (in hon- or pupil, delivered the first oration. Miss Houphton's subject was "Amer- ica's Participation In International' lechnie Institute Mathemattc Medal' to Itlcliard Sampson; debate me.ituls to Kiith Iloujrhton, Murie.l Lawrence, Ttieh.ird .Sampson and George Thay-i t'r; and tho flag to Dorothy Johnston. 1 Aftor tha medals been awarded tho (iarctll, Robert Alt-Minder; Ilellleont, Theodora Woolhouse; ilrst kitchen boy, Kverett Smith; secoml kttclion Kirch; third kitchen boy Albert Van Natta; Kay, Jack Worth; and prizes nntV hauneclot, Alfrml Tunno; Hiiuiro, diplomas were ltohert Muml'ord; tlrst widow, Itosa- prescntoa by Howard C. Wick, prcsl-j n 0 (iibby; King Arthur, tiilbert dent ot tho Hoard of Kd.ucat.ion. The. Mcioro; audience then rose ami sang "Amerl-j Kinlth; ca" atu-r which tho Iluv. William W.i IVJU-SH Coe, II. II., pastor of the Con.ere.sa-: sender i tional Church, prononncrHl the IHMIU-! K<) II; herald, Kvorelt Sniltli; Lynnltc, Uulnevoro, tiwendolen siiciind widow Millicent Knight, John IVVIIIK; mes- from Mark. Hlohard diction. The followinK" received their IIi::h school diplomas last night: First Quarter: IlorDthy .lolin- Huth Iloiiirhtoii, .MtirieJ Dorotiiy .1 (»lilisti>ll; -Mi'riin, tcrancis; Vivian, Itiith Il kiiiKlit of tln> iiioriiin;; wl l''Lsi'iilK'r^; knight of tiin star, Max (ilii.«ser; knlKlit r( .lack oonda\- of tin 1 Affairs." She delivered it with much eloquence and her audience ence, Hubert Muni ford, Shirley Sin- : 1";"',", K s , l , i .".'.'..V.'""''}'. Wi ' 1 "",' ; lllllrk clalr, Virginia Apuar, Richard Samp " '" son, wiri-li Iv-id it-, I'liviiu; exen-isos nil Monday nh-Iit fur the primary .urnd^s ami Irist niHst tiir ihe L-riiiiimar and hi--'Ji srhnul.s In tin' school auditorium. The cM-n-isi-a liivth «i;;liis were at- ieiidt-d liy many friends and relatives of the pupils, Tho numbers on the pror-tam were exception,*! liy well rou dered hy the. [IIIUIIR HH.I r.-liee' mut-h rredit on the sisters who ha.J coached them. The program for .Monday night follows: Chorus, primary grades; The Trials of tho Toachor, grades one and two; recitation, Nnitlno (III bort; Nursery Rhymes, junior prl mary; dance, made, four isliis; Sixty years UKO. junior department; ltou- lien ('lor., grades live and six; Helen »nil Uvr Dollies, Little Tots; The Tea Party, graded three and fnur; danco minuet, umde, five girls; reci- tation, "Tlio Duel," (Iraduatea of 1SIH2; recitation, Kllzalmlli Mon- II'OHH; drill, ^rados five and nix; rloshu', chorus, pritnary pupils. read I-:. I-', Kan- A feature of tlio Inst niKltt was th« awardiiiR of premiums and medals to thn following: Third Rutlt .tun miule Ht^hcst iivi s riii.',e, 'B. Catechism, iirst prlzo, had flnished. After Miss Itoui hton's oration, n 1'jlizalKUh ilookin. Gwendolen r Oertrudf* Itutler Gallon^ applauded her j.roriiscly when she „],„„_ n orm ., n Alilfold, Kohert Alex ander, Alfred Tonuo, (illlmrt Moore, DOUKI.IS Francis, fieorpo Thnycr. chorus from Ihe- ^graduating classj Kuerton Ncwrombi Julia Scully, composcil of the Misses Dorotliyi second Quarter—Kveret Wood, Hlckok Johnston. Kliwibetb Oleve-j ( i( , orK,, nnot, nevorley .lonep, r.raee land Gooltin, lloverly Wanlta .Tones, | p ost j, lt . k Worth, norothy T.ofnnn- M. Edna Jones. Theodore LuclH sctti jnaaelio Chamherllti, Alice l!ell. well, Estelle .Schweitzer, GoorRODor-! Huth (Jallaslier, Perry .tones, Carol Kynes, Vfriiou Sortor, Ruth Titus.! Tholma ('nsey, Marjuiorito Anthony. tJordon Thorn. Third Qunrter;—Theodora Wool. i Theodore Luc "VVoolhouee, Millicent Pearsall and the Messers Robert B, Alexander, Georgo C. Dorsott. Perry Jonos, Georso Henry Thayer, Alfrod Edwin Tonne, and Rvorett Hardenbergh Wood, sang "Springtime" by Strauss. Tho second oration of the night honso, Kosallo Glbhy, Harry AVhlton, Cnthryn Llptnn, Albert Van Natta. was delivered liy Itlehard Hnzon. i lHth Waage, Kiliviu M'tiwlre, (ieort,-e Sampson, whose subject was "Amer.j Kirch, Elinor Crlclienhei-fter, Frank lea's Isolation in International Af-j O'Brien Kathleen Millar. Marenret fairs." Ho proved to bo very farnlt-; i,yi,,ie, ' Milllecnt 1'cnrsnll, Vance lar with his subject and his speech; Llttlelield, .Tntie IldckwPll, Kliza- wag very lnspirinir. j ), etl] rie.istcr Miss Elizaheeh riiestc'i- favnrod- Fi-ances Wegt the audience with a vtoltn selection,| Fourth Quarter: -Paul Jhomas Clements. accompanied on the piano by her sis- lioaitart. John Kiseiiber/r, Beatrice Cot.tlick". John Irvine, Kdna .loin-a, .Morri 1 ; Schoffer, Allco Holinft, JOdivaril SnmidffinniM Joseph Pollack, nnr- ter Wilholmiua. She played "Ro mance" by Amljroso mid proved tnj bo a talented violinist. \ Frank N. Neubauer, principal oti man Fisher, Grace Nn.wham. Willie!- the HiKh school, introduced Samuel; mina Plfister, Harriet Wcntlandt, S. McChire, editor of McClure's maR-j Florence Morrltouso, James MotTett, a7.ino, Mr. McClure's subject was Helen Johnston, Max rjlassor_ ANNUAL PLEDGE WEEK FOR T H E j : . C. HOME Westfield's Finest Work of Benevolence Needs $27,000 to Support the Kiddies XVh<Mi you liusy business men mi-el a younfi linly member nf tlie .Innior Auxiliary of thn Children's Country Home and her My. pin BACCALAUREATE SERMON LARGELY ATTENDED Rev. James A. Smith, Rector of St. Paul's, Preaches Impres- sive Sermon Tin- annual Haccilauriat*- s< \va; fireached hy the [tev. Jam Smith, rector of SI ruul's Troti """"''; Kplji-mial Church, at tho First. nntloillll-i , 7 funds for tho support ot the ellllll-r 1 draw llouif. i. and that usual - it a little ;ent in l.i;-l flee sit down and clioel;, or better y. liipser tlnn Hie m year. It rnnnirts the pum "f $27.0n0 .m- nnnlly to cure fnr the needs of the C. O. fl cripples all of wlmm nrf (•ural'ile. Tills is' We^tfield'i" flncpf and mo=t wnrth-while worl. o? b"n"v- i-s A. 'Sl'lllt Bali- Mem- lieverly Jon IMar.mierilu Anthony; stewaril.. tleur;:o Dorsett and tl;'uryi- 'Phavei ; attendants on widow. *'.iii,i i-"..;ic . and Virginia Apfjar; iadies In wuli- Iny to Cluinevfii'e, Doris lJoardiuau, Alii.-u Ilejl, M,-ir.L-aret l.yude, Julia Scully, Alice lic-IIni;, Knlhleen Allllar, Wilhelluiua I'lelat.'r. lllanehe iMiam- herlaln, and .fatiet Rockwell; ladies in waitltiK to Lyonera, Kloreuce :\Iorehouse, Klizaliet ll lioiikiu, Krau- cin We.sterbi'l*^^ I'.'dna .limes, l''li^a- hetli I'lei.sU'r, Mliirley riiuclalr; head stewardoHH, (Iracn i'osi. Serving maids, Dorothy l.etUnA- well, Huth (iulliiBlK-r, r.rnco New- ham, Hurriet Wonllniiil, Until Titus Ruth WaiiKC, Heiitrire Cuttllcti, Cnth- ryn Llptnn. Tliolina Casey: kitchen l»oy»i Alan Tlioinpann. KmintMt Doyle Cannan Fisher and Allen (iriswold; kniphts »f KIIIK Arthur's court, .Inmes Moffott, l-Iilferton Neweoinb, I'Mwhi McGwire, Joseph Pollack. Morris Scheffer, Canon/; Illiss. Ceor^e Koot, Frank tyilrien. Vance l.iltleiielil, Thomas ('lementH, Kil- wai-il rtmaid^inniH anil llerniitn Ahl- felt; pnuea, Helen .lohnslnii nnd 10s- lelle Schweitzer; heraiil perry Jones; scribes, Sydney Slovens and lOlmcr Ciickenlierirer; servitors, Ver- nnn hinrtor, MvfiriHt Wood. Thurluv 1'i'ltDii. I'liul lliuiart, lIordDii Thorn and Westley Smith. The play was directed kv Miss Minn lioussi-n. The follDUim; coninilleees u-ere In charee; Hr.'imiitlzailon, Uorothy Joliiustnii, f'ioui:las Francis. Huth Hour. html, liieliard Harnjisnn and .li.-s. sic Orjtill; nntsle, lOIizabeth )'lei-!er. liich :--cliool o r c h e s t r a i led hy ."lisi Willielntlna i'leisfer ,and l-.'ilna Jnn"s; Olive u. ,la!;"er; luiockH, .tail; Worth. Corlnide Under and Kns.ille 'liliby; scenery, l-;ik;ertori Ne'ivcniiili.i Uraee 1'ost. Kllzaln'th fiooklu a mil Itoliert Alexander; property, Fr-inl;l n'lirien, .Mar::ar<-t. l.ymli-, llenn.inj Ahlfeld. Kslelle Kelnveiizer anil Sbir-i !••>• Hinclair; M;:hthi." John Thomas Miiran: second prize, Helen Sullivan, l-'.uulisli, flvat. prize. Wil- liam (iilllH;ait; st v ci)ml prizi^ Ver- uulpa O'Diiiinell. Arlthmetir. tlrst |irl-/.i> Hohert llvvnes; second prize, Ulla 'itlley. Fourth Kr;ule—-Itlsht-sl iiverago, 'lordon Mur]>hy. Cateehism, lltHt S»riz\>, Kll'/.n bet h MmitrusH; si-eimd lu-tzo, .Tollu O't.^innor. l'!nt;lisli, lirsl pri'/.e XiUiine tUlbert; tiectind |)rize. ,lohn l-'o^nrty. Arithmetic, tlrst prize, Helen Nonnan; seend jirlz- 1 , Cntlii'i-lne i'oth, li'il'tii !;rmle--Highest aver.-ifu-, Joseph DuiTnn. i'atechlsui, first pri'/.e, -Mary Strnncli; second prize, Mar^aret Helvers. KimllHh, tit-Kt inize, l-'llzal)"1h Snyder; KCCOIHI prizi- .liimra Kiynn. Aritlimeili', llrHl priz" 1'anl Drown: seeond prize, Kllzahelh Hnyder. Sixth craile- llHvhest nvsra.ire, Marian .MC1>:IIIK1I1III. Cateehlsm, llrnt prize. Marie McCnll: Heciind prize. John Wnlil. ICIIKIIBII, first prize, Mtii'Kiiret. linrtis; second prize, Cecelia Byrnes lll):liest averaj-'e, and Marie Mullf- llrst prize, Mary irlze, Patrick N T o- llrst [irlze. John Uu- l/.M. Florence O'Neill, Soventb tirade Howard Ollloqpli van. Cateehlsm, Wlinlen; second Ian. lOni'llsh. Kan; second p Arltlimetlc, first prize, Joseph Cair- uassola; second jirizf.*. Josetib Wbe- lnn. Riielliiif,- Mary O'llonnell. Ki^hlli urade Illulir'st avorai'.e, Jean :\1. llrown. Catechlsni, first prize, Dorothy I'.'. Iliilin: second prize, James P. Wljolan. Kn!:lfHh, first prize, James A. Donnelly; sec- ond prize, James It. Wells. Arith- metic, llrst prize. Paul K. Oollliek; si»-<>ad prize'. Dorothy K. Hnllu Rpflllnir. Olj'.-i Pohlman. Freshrnen—-TTIirhest average, Vin- TOIII. N'ooiian and fieori.ru Miller. IS". Iljrion, first prlz", Ruth Koester; sec- IIIKI jirize. Mar.'.-ar.-t O'Neill. Ah-e- bra. firnt. prize, .tame.!-, I'ltzm'.'ilil: tlaljih of tln> wuter and flower com luiUee. Mr. Hai^dol]))! lured UKII npiivoprialloii of ft.tun) to Jl.Tiiii) he iua4< 1 Ut i-eiishuii" i Su 1 d'ii)lin/v. as flu {ireliiniunvy lesh; apjiiied In Ihe Wr1); un .tune IS and 1'• Iniliculn thai a surlily |if M-al.T is av.iiblble In \YeL-;t- lield hPie. Mr. lUnvu's repori follows In full: "On ,liino 16th nnd ltith, prelimin ar.\ tests tvere applied tn the wells- driven for tlio TUunlcipallly tin Un MllleV farm In Wcsl Held, \, .1. •Kemilts wuro fitvuralilo and ol)- sorvutioiut of th^ behavior nf (lit well;* indicate that ;i supply of \V;II(M Is avnllnblo In this location. During the period of elubt hours with the small pump located on tho grouud Huvface, a yield v.'iryin,t< bolw-een 220,000 nnd 250,001) Millions per tweniy-fou'r (24) houra waa ob- tnlniKl and with thin dlschiu);e the water surface, remained fairly con- stant nt a dlatanco of approximately 21-ft. ti-ln,, below tho top of the casing. "It must not bu assumed that till! tu.-Ua wero Innllgated for tho purpose of Ufcourtainliift the capacity that 1H imilldblo at tills site, for our facill- f( )l r pumping limited by the .second jirlze lirs Raymond ICeppler. i\ Antia Klucf-; ser- Ja K'rail anil <'; etl \\'i fichonl f:icuity_ ir were ;' ! .!F(? prir.ea The r.ervloe v: Rov. F.dv.-avil ,1. th<^ First I'.snti-i liani W. Cue I'. ds and Al. fill lain. rm:m i* oil ami Tin (irlora :en: on and •;ll f -r; proyratn .Sidney St'-ven ra Wr-olliMusi-, III-III- Cli Irvinr I Kv.-r-i i; CO!!-! ™?\ I Ham K. Jl tho I'ronh: criaii Wvi:: to tlio -work of the Hom tlin .Junior Auxiliary h' and m 'e been ,. I,,-,, t tlie lr arlr-s V. 1 iftert Knv. f •••.-. Wil- i.f Hi- i-dor of id Ilev. of th5 PAST PRESIDENT'S JEWEL I GIVEN Rev. E. J. HOLDENi seeond priz n , 1<\ "riphomo" Ifl:'he--:t aveni lla iCane and Annii ilauu. It [irst \tr\r.i\ I.IUI."ii nerty; [irlze, Ileleno K"ii|ilr-r. Tjatl |,ii;---. Olymida c.-ir.ii.r 1 'ol;i; \)ii'/.". Anna llrinn. 'leuaietr;, tienerai Mrienei-, l{e|f Fp-nrh, OlvmnUi flae: l-;n.'-lisli, r^nilan fierty. Tho ?'nlfl medals for liinhe. JV1-I-. WiT<- ill Cnun'Mi, l-^iii"!) fl'inii. pl-T. onated by W- . fli-y.t econd Anna K< p- and capacity of thu (.inline and other con- trollliiK fiictora tvhlcli necessarily control tho tluw ol' water obtainable under tho coiulithniH of tho test. "Important fael.s woro thua *v- ciirud which enable:! your JCugiueor to fu'rther substantial!.' tile orlKiiiul cuuftiutiou ihat UVHUUJIII may, nt a reuriunuldo cuyt socure ;t iMuulctpa! Wuter Hujiiiiy vvitliln itH cimltnyn. "1 wuultl respoctfully leciunuieucl tliai iV'i'll Mo. 2 bo fiutlier developed b}': "J. Coiitinuina the (Irilllng at least all addilluiuil 100 (out. "a. ApplybiK un uir-Uft test uf i;ieatur duralluu nfte'r rocommeiulii- tii)u No. 1 is aceuiuriilstiod." itcapeettully autimtttnd, r Tlio matt !•'. Howe. It w»s movud to bold an uil- jourued umeting ot the Council n t !i o'clock Thuvtidiiy night, to diaeuHM tlie iluestion. At. , H n'ulocK tnniorrovv ut^bt tlio WiUov cominit-.f3lim appoint- ed by Minor LHtliMhild last year will huld ll meeting lunl fliey will get to- gether with the 1D2& cuuncll to art upon tlie ssu^outions «IH decided upon by Usi* .:oniniiiiiiii>n. (Jidinanue:.s to lay sidewalks on bulb .sides nf Sussex Htreet nnd lo Imurovo Itiiliw.'iy avenue from (Irov,. .street In Willow (Irovo road wore pa.sseil on linal reading- Au ordin- ance lit lay out il llt:\v ,'itreet to be Known as l.uitlnw place and to run frnm N'ebion (duce lo (^larlt stre<-l was lulrodiiccid on tlrst loading and IL bonrinfr .^ot for Monday nijUit, July 1.'; t h. An ordinaiii-u to Improve Scotch I'lains avunui from West llrond street, to Oorian mail W.'IH in- frudiiced on firiit rending and a Iiear- IIIK' set fur Monday nii:hl July l;itb and an a|ijiropriation of $17,noil was made to ciu'er the eo.sl. of the liu- liriiveinent. A warrant was ntdi-red drawn for :jiL'l)i| 111 f a v o r of Chief of Polie-i ,/ohu C. Ho.si-n'raius to defray hi:i c.\|,onjio.-! in iittoutliui? tlio National Police ChielV t:onventiuu fn Indianapolis next, month on tho recommendation of < 'iiuiiei Inian VanOor'-ii of tin- tinatne i.-onmiitt ee, ,\ temporary iiii|ir<iv"nieli! mite hi tli*- a/miuiil uf -: 1,7.J;!. '.' 'i 'iVa:i o r i b - r e d i. sueil and a v.arranF. lor .-.'Iito wa-; iHflcri-il il'iawn in fai'or ni overseer "f ill" i'uor Co:;. Councilman Cerliart 'it the Jir<- iir.- euteil chip follow till-: ko snliclta- talled to ni'-ei Ihe mi'u : and sujiiily liirni 'ivitli !" It was" thnu-lit h'sf * n method, rather than m tlon ot funds hy a house-to-house convnps and il !•• i-:irn'-itlv lmperl (Hat lln< peiip!.- of the rnmmunity. who have never y.-t failed to respond to appeals of this -wrl. irl " '""""' r ° r - ward dUTin^' llsis l.-nnort.ant Plcdt-o •Weok and put tb" thins-' nvxr in tlio "Westflold way. Inquiry of any of tho yotintr Indies who meet the trains will*be, prndnctive of full details. t _______ The Place (o Dine—The Half-Wny House, sprlnslU'ia Kond, MomiKilii- ush They K»IC Mi-s H"ki I'.ar* 'i'lp.:i.u. Mvrtln .Ion - hkh school a"i-veil as ! received the offerim-. Mif-5 Kinlly Rockwell. M:tycocli, Miss Mildreil Ml:-.s Marion Kin'-, Mis' •-/, and Miss firace Dlck- sltlo. Steals mid A In Cartn, SitO-H Adv. Tel. sini. The church was (Wornted with spvl'iK !!<nvers. Special TnusiC was iiffered by tlie church quartet pro- paved by Thomas M. Jones, church Idnen linickers, Plftnncl Pant.« and Siimiiifr Stilts iu» SPlIlnpr hot Store Plulnfleld.—Mv. Carroll Ashlmrn, actor I'Iulnli"ld TlK'atre, was tin- s;n:aki>r at the ui-eldy luucln'on of tlin Hi,, dary Club, held r<^|:--rd'iy. r,t •)•.• Westtield lloti-l. Mv. Ai-bbiirn fnv,. au Inlerestini- fifteen miiriir- |-ilk mi tho work wnlcli lie does ni t h " t i n - , atre. William O. Hathaway gave a thren minute hloiri-anhy i>f h ' J llfi- and a report on the ret'nlta In-lil al Mindowasklr I'ark on Saturday was :;lven by Kyaro :vt. Hiitson. One ol thQ features ot tho luncheon v.as tbo liror.i'ntiition to I'ast President Rd- •vvanl .1. Holden uf a past president.'") jewel, set wttli [liamniitl'S. by Robert W, Harden. nueatR at the, luncheon Included Glenn Streotcr of tho Ful- ton Street. Rotary Club. New York, Cnurl Trinity tl,,.j America. CaMiolle Hair.'liter i ol [GRAMMAR SCHOOL EXERCISES TONIGHT torinm, cal.es nt John K. Xcvlus CloUiin);! Walter Dodge of the New Brunswick Yes, Wo slmi-pen lawn iiiowms, also sell new ours. A phono call or postal, we do Hie rest, Martin's 211 Enst Rioad strocl—Tel. fi,--J—Adv. Rotary Club East Oranse. and Victor Brook of ulile. \Wiv Sure— swift safe tell, liros. Expresf*, Boincr- !—Ntjw York—Adv. tin- Hi:.-h K, boivl Audi- a hundred and iil'ly pnpili. will b'- ^radimt.'d from thn local (iramniar Scbnols. Howard i',. Wick, president of the Hoard of Kdu- eafion, will [iresent thn diplomas, Tho program haft been arranged by the pupils and teachnni and In <-s- poctod to pr<nvi vry lutere^tiiu-'. I haul, - l i t t i n - tii-,ii lii-.i (JI-J>:I i-t ni'-ri I. fu D! Ili'-ir i J 11 i 111 j I . i ;>al ill'ila v af ternuo :::i\o tlie Imy, from -,va > drmvie-d. 'I'l leijui'.. |i il Dial the ehs.-il;:' ijuard ::e( jui mnter foi" tlti* town. ,\n a IIMIIII iiient. In li (tiil.-iin-- r,, 1 .s InirfMbp- mi Jlrst i'-ailiii fohlt of tliii TiHima:; Weils w hi \-i<:vl an extet en i-JImer .street. the do;; ordlnaui' 'e.iolutlou lill;: tb-: I'lainluld ;- tlin II.-.M l-al.i- l.i.-il i-llnr!. t.e in!.e, who{ M(ui ai -rli 1,1 flu- |n fjiiil iil ;;, IITITTB lilllllO.N* IH'TTI'lll lSOOTlf AT MRrtCUANT'8 KXPOHITION Seo tlio ISlne Itlh1>on nutter Itootli lit tho Mereh.'inCs i-'Apo^itlon durinu tho wpek .Turin 20-37 nt Perth Ani- 1)«>>". Thn uonderfiil dispj/i.v will In- *i>i-e;st every<me—esiK't-jjilly modern housewives. I'rco coupons will ho iliNtribiit.t'(l for viilnalih- prenents. Hon't mlsw it!—AUv. by Ci.ui-Hman W'ind- Iniildlni; eo/nmllti i-. va.-i K h e n jiernilssiiiii II. 1 .ion to his property An aini-ndmi-iiL tu '.van Intrijiliiei-d I and pa nie (!i)iinellman .MacfJowntt, on firrit reading, A reiiucrft from Siimuol B. /.OIIK to i-.xtend his buy lino, wan referred to tho license anil pollen committeii. Mayor Heard announced tlio re-up- uDliilment of (jiiorgo II. L, Morton a.'i aH:scs.sor for it tonn of two yean*. Tho nppolntmont was confirmed by Iho council. The town treasurer reported a bal- anci! ou hand of f!(/,'!,207,40 nnd tlio tax collector that ho bad collected tiixcB iimountiiijf to ?J(>.,T73.S'I .mid costs "I l.'lltl.B.'). Mnynr Heard pro- sided nnd all momhert nt tha council .vorn presont. Tli,> sulVt.v of y in ii- v;ilt!al)lr:.s is tnipoJ-Umt do not trust to ch;iiuv. Out- Safe Deposit Vault is Die place for thom~--)>rnU'ei>(l from (ire and (li<-n,. You can nmi a ]'riv:tf,. [,oi-k TSox here I'm' ?5.0l) JHHI up per ycjir. WJBSTFIEUJ.N.J. WestfieJd Sold $70,000 Insurance In Fifteen Minutes If you lim| B ,,UI over $10,O00,O«0 iiiBunuico we would bo confi- dent that you know your lumineKS. Thai's, tho point that sold a S l " ' W m mis.iK.ss riiim, who was an entire strimgor o $70000 iimiirnnc i nft it il o OFFICE: Second Floor 214 East Broad St. fDay-168 U Night-1037 LNight-91-W "Better be insured than sorry" Protecting Westfield Property for over $8,000,000.00 There is Only One Answer if your heater did nut (jive sat ^factory servit'i: last winter somethiiij,? is wrnnn'. if it needs rrpnii-iiin or rcnioilclintr, that in our job nnd we can tnlu- cure of il. If rt new heiili:r is needed, we will inspect the cnixlitlim.s to ho met, refonimend the rijjlit tyju; of lu-ati 1 !' to meet the requit-tmienti nnd in.stnll it properly. Today, not Ijiiiiwiuw, is the lime to pfive this matter nttmtion. Plumbing Heating Painting Decorating Carpentry Masonry Shectmetnl Work Modern Service Company 219 E. Broad Street Tel. 295 Tel. 407 Cpposite Post Office PACKING CRATING S l ' , who was an entire strim g or o $70,000 iimiirnnco i,, nftcon mimit.es wit-li itn itmuml premium otnlliiB flovcrnl IIUIIIII-VIIH of dollnra. ' " "'" Wo do not wmit to appuiir ogotiHtlcul but wo ilo tvvl that if we liiivu siiltslle.l IUUHII-CIIH »f clients for twenty ycnr.s and nro now c-«i')'yin» over $N,00(),000.00 of ri^k we cm. cortalnly sntWy you™ You fill) tret acciiratu insurance nilvir.. in y uln - home town through your homo npi'iit We have For Sale, a real bargain in a nine room house with adjoin- ing lot. Price is reasonable and terms easy. CONSULT 50 Elm Street THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST Telephone 226

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Page 1:  · Reach. with strong ot the. out tho ailv lor lo eHi, dor. bushu'^s.in* jii-iiiTHE WESTFIELD LEADER THE FADING AN D MOST WIDEL Y CIRCULATE WEEKL NEWSPAPER I N UNIO COUNT out for

Reach.withstrongot the.

o u tt h oailv

l o rl o




out for tiuhfii<-«nvvitij Clio

J tint

— Class Prophecies and Gifts

Samuel S. McClure, Editor, Speaks on "America." Ruth Provide Many Laughs,

Houghton and Richard Sampson Also Deliver F i m ; P l a y

Very Appropriate Orations



3^^FTraiJ]KAR-^ WE1)N1«1)AY, JUNK 2-1. 1025 CMHj^^^I^^^


12 Pages—5 Cents


ii«s n,i>- «-as in

Awarding ofPremiums is Feature of

Excellent Program

| Consulting Engineer Suggests jMedals and! Further Drilling in Report \



Kev-euty-two srntdiuiu-.s r-e*-iv-"d! "America" :nul tie. proved in he. atheir iliplonicis, h vt uirlii. at t h e | .«T>loutliil i-.peiikot- and he ctuno toUiKli 3cliDi)l auiliiorinm, sIiniityitiR: W«stfielcl with a ravpiully preparedthe completion of their studios at tlia• speech and a wealth of facts,Westfield Hljth srliool. The .-Hiss; At tin. conclusion of Mr. McClum'sthis year w.-is an mutua l ly I. . i l l icit ' a i j , l l V s s Clmrles A Philhowor, madeone and too much credit cannot bogiven Miss Dorothy H. Johnston,who was named lirst honor niu»il.

As a reward for her efforts 'lurineher four years of study at tl! • ioralinstitution, Miss Johnston w:'s ward-ed the D. A, K. liair that h i s ilrnvnfrom the ma?! in front, of :ho Ili.'lischool for tho i-:ist year. Kn .u year

hy t h e g r a d a t i n g c lass . Tl iose \vln>

saw ill? play wer-j louii in t h e i r

p r a i s e as It w a s s U e e d w o n d e r f u l l y .

liuriu>r tUe play i h e ekts.s prujsluM h'.s

a n d uif ts were ^ iven a n d m a n y a

T h e ilt'Hchial Sclm l l u l y

At ,i !t!V!-tni;; uf l lu; T m n i Counc i lM i!Uii;sy ni;: In, a r r p o n on t h f u1

wri te on Uir Mil ler Viirm. by Thorn ;

Tr iu U y Cat hulk*

a fe

umoro inar l i s anrl gave tho claws

fhio advice a f te r whtcli lie p r e -l (lie d a s 5 , wi th tlin r e i -on imni -

t h a t they ho nivnnli-il t he i r

a.t thy

for th



d i p l o m a sa n d they

the Daiiprh1'-"^ ol" 'he Americii, Revo-jlution proaeiit a tta;j; to the Hi^hischool with the understanclliiK thatj

JSefore- presenting thethe prizes were awardedwere as follows:

Tho College) Woman's Club Schol-arship of $300 to lluth UmiRhton;the Pascoo Essay Contest Prize of

It should fly from tho mast in front' * 3 E t o I>CTrJ' J o n o s . w l l " s n subject1 i l i g h school.O( tho school until tha end of the1 w a s "U»l<>" County's Water Supply" T h o c a s t „„term when it shall he presented to! t h o N ( »™' ' k Alumni, Reusaellor l'oly follows;

IauRli was heard"gruds" caiuo upems."

Tho J^iVs were presented bysi-wards of the play, tit-ur^e Danil Uoni'jre Tliiuor. Tito J,TUJ>;weru ^iven by Merlin and Vivien, alsoparts in the play, played liy DouglasFrancis ami Hulh lloughloii.

The play was produced uuiler thopersonal stinervlBhm of Mi^a Miua(iuosun, dramatic teacher in tho local

d tho players wero as

the honor pupil. In presenting tt toMiss Johnston, H. C, Wtck, presi-dent of tho Board of Education, said"a silk flat; mlprht have been given, aheautiful one, hut that coultt havebeon repKiced easily, tlila one, htiw-over, 1B torn on tho odKos and showssigns of faithful service making It ftfitful reward for you." Lust yearMiss Johnston hod the highest markin the country for tho ColleRo En-tranco Kxaminatlon in English. Hermark was 98% which Is a aplftiulldmark, her being first in the countrystamps Her aw beiriK an exceptionallybrilliant student.

Miss Ruth HotiKhton, also (in hon-or pupil, delivered the first oration.Miss Houphton's subject was "Amer-ica's Participation In International'

lechnie Institute Mathemattc Medal'to Itlcliard Sampson; debate me.itulsto Kiith Iloujrhton, Murie.l Lawrence,Ttieh.ird .Sampson and George Thay-it'r; and tho flag to Dorothy Johnston.1

Aftor tha medalsbeen awarded tho

(iarctll, Robert Alt-Minder; Ilellleont,Theodora Woolhouse; ilrst kitchenboy, Kverett Smith; secoml kttclion

Kirch; third kitchen boyAlbert Van Natta; Kay, Jack Worth;

and prizes nntV hauneclot, Alfrml Tunno; Hiiuiro,diplomas were ltohert Muml'ord; tlrst widow, Itosa-

p r e s c n t o a by H o w a r d C. Wick , prcsl - j n 0 ( i ibby; King Ar thur , t i i lbertd e n t ot tho Hoard of Kd.ucat.ion. The. Mcioro;a u d i e n c e then rose ami sang " A m e r l - j Kinlth;

c a " a tu - r which tho Iluv. Wi l l i am W.i IVJU-SHCoe , II. II., pas tor of t h e Con.ere.sa-: s ende r it i o n a l C hu rch , prononncrHl t he IHMIU-! K < ) I I ; hera ld , Kvorelt Sniltli; Lynnl tc ,

Uulnevoro, tiwendolensiiciind widow MillicentKnight, John IVVIIIK; mes-

from Mark. Hlohard

diction.The followinK" received their IIi::h

school diplomas last night:First Quarter: IlorDthy .lolin-

Huth Iloiiirhtoii, .MtirieJ

D o r o t i i y .1 (»l i l is t i>l l ; - M i ' r i i n ,

t c r a n c i s ; V i v i a n , I t i i t h I l

k i i i K l i t o f tln> i i i o r i i i n ; ; wl

l ' 'L s i ' i i lK ' r ^ ; k n i g h t o f t i i n

s t a r , M a x ( i l i i . « s e r ; k n l K l i t

r( .lackoonda\-of tin1

Affairs." She delivered it withmuch eloquence and her audience

ence, Hubert Muni ford, Shirley Sin- : 1";"',",K •s,l,i.".'.'..V.'""''}'. W i ' 1 "" , ' ; l l l l l r k

clalr, Virginia Apuar, Richard Samp " ' "son,

• wiri-li Iv-id it-,I'liviiu; exen-isos nil Monday nh-Iitfur the primary .urnd^s ami Irist niHsttiir ihe L-riiiiimar and hi--'Ji srhnul.s Intin' school auditorium.

The cM-n-isi-a liivth «i;;liis were at-ieiidt-d liy many friends and relativesof the pupils, Tho numbers on thepror-tam were exception,*! liy well roudered hy the. [IIIUIIR HH.I r.-liee'mut-h rredit on the sisters who ha.Jcoached them.

The program for .Monday nightfollows: Chorus, primary grades;The Trials of tho Toachor, gradesone and two; recitation, Nnitlno (IIIbort; Nursery Rhymes, junior prlmary; dance, made, four isliis; Sixtyyears UKO. junior department; ltou-lien ('lor., grades live and six; Helen»nil Uvr Dollies, Little Tots; TheTea Party, graded three and fnur;danco minuet, umde, five girls; reci-tation, "Tlio Duel," (Iraduatea of1SIH2; recitation, Kllzalmlli Mon-II'OHH; drill, ^rados five and nix;rloshu', chorus, pritnary pupils.

read I-:. I-', Kan-

A feature of tlio InstniKltt was th« awardiiiR of premiumsand medals to thn following:

ThirdRutlt .tun

miule Ht^hcst iivisriii.',e,'B. Catechism, iirst prlzo,

had flnished.After Miss Itoui hton's oration, n

1'jlizalKUh ilookin. Gwendolenr Oertrudf* Itutler Gallon^

applauded her j.roriiscly when she „],„„_ n o r m . , n Alilfold, Kohert Alexander, Alfred Tonuo, (illlmrt Moore,DOUKI.IS Francis, fieorpo Thnycr.

chorus from Ihe- graduating classj Kuerton Ncwrombi Julia Scully,composcil of the Misses Dorotliyi second Quarter—Kveret Wood,Hlckok Johnston. Kliwibetb Oleve-j (i(,orK,, nnot, nevorley .lonep, r.raeeland Gooltin, lloverly Wanlta .Tones, | p o s t j , l t . k Worth, norothy T.ofnnn-M. Edna Jones. Theodore LuclH s c t t i jnaaelio Chamherllti, Alice l!ell.

well, Estelle .Schweitzer, GoorRO Dor-!Huth (Jallaslier, Perry .tones, CarolKynes, Vfriiou Sortor, Ruth Titus.!Tholma ('nsey, Marjuiorito Anthony.tJordon Thorn.

Third Qunrter;—Theodora Wool.

i Theodore Luc"VVoolhouee, Millicent Pearsall andthe Messers Robert B, Alexander,Georgo C. Dorsott. Perry Jonos,Georso Henry Thayer, Alfrod EdwinTonne, and Rvorett HardenberghWood, sang "Springtime" byStrauss.

Tho second oration of the nighthonso, Kosallo Glbhy, Harry AVhlton,Cnthryn Llptnn, Albert Van Natta.

was delivered liy Itlehard Hnzon. i l H t h Waage, Kiliviu M'tiwlre, (ieort,-eSampson, whose subject was "Amer.j Kirch, Elinor Crlclienhei-fter, Franklea's Isolation in International Af-j O'Brien Kathleen Millar. Marenretfairs." Ho proved to bo very farnlt-; i,yi,,ie, ' Milllecnt 1'cnrsnll, Vancelar with his subject and his speech; Llttlelield, .Tntie IldckwPll, Kliza-wag very lnspirinir. j ),e t l ] rie.istcr

Miss Elizaheeh riiestc'i- favnrod- Fi-ances Wegtthe audience with a vtoltn selection,| Fourth Quarter: -Paul

Jhomas Clements.

accompanied on the piano by her sis-lioaitart.

John Kiseiiber/r, Beatrice Cot.tlick".John Irvine, Kdna .loin-a, .Morri1;Schoffer, Allco Holinft, JOdivarilSnmidffinniM Joseph Pollack, nnr-

ter Wilholmiua. She played "Romance" by Amljroso mid proved tnjbo a talented violinist. \

Frank N. Neubauer, principal oti man Fisher, Grace Nn.wham. Willie!-the HiKh school, introduced Samuel; mina Plfister, Harriet Wcntlandt,S. McChire, editor of McClure's maR-j Florence Morrltouso, James MotTett,a7.ino, Mr. McClure's subject was Helen Johnston, Max rjlassor_


Westfield's Finest Work ofBenevolence Needs $27,000

to Support the Kiddies

XVh<Mi you liusy business men mi-ela younfi linly member nf tlie .InniorAuxiliary of thn Children's CountryHome and her My. pin


Rev. James A. Smith, Rector ofSt. Paul's, Preaches Impres-

sive Sermon

Tin- annual Haccilauriat*- s<\va; fireached hy the [tev. JamSmith, rector of SI ruu l ' s Troti

""""''; Kplji-mial Church, at tho First.n n t l o i l l l l - i , 7

funds for tho support ot the

e l l l l l l - r 1


llouif.i. and

that usual- it a little;ent in l.i;-l

flee sit down andclioel;, or better y.liipser t lnn Hie myear.

It rnnnirts the pum "f $27.0n0 .m-nnnlly to cure fnr the needs of theC. O. f l cripples all of wlmm nrf(•ural'ile. Tills is ' We^tfield'i" flncpfand mo=t wnrth-while worl. o? b"n"v-

i-s A.



lieverly JonIMar.mierilu Anthony; s tewar i l . .

t leur;:o Dorset t a n d tl;'uryi- 'Phavei ;

a t t e n d a n t s on widow. *'.iii,i i-"..;ic .

and Virginia Apfjar; iadies In wuli-

Iny to Cluinevfii'e, Doris lJoardiuau,

Alii.-u Ilejl, M,-ir.L-aret l .yude, Julia

Scully, Alice lic-IIni;, Knlhleen Allllar,

Wilhel luiua I'lelat. 'r. l l lanehe iMiam-

herlaln, and .fatiet Rockwell ; ladies

in waitltiK to Lyonera , Kloreuce

:\Iorehouse, Klizaliet ll lioiikiu, Krau-

cin We.sterbi'l*^^ I'.'dna .limes, l''li^a-

hetli I'lei.sU'r, Mliirley riiuclalr; head

stewardoHH, (Iracn i 'osi .

Serving maids, Dorothy l.etUnA-

well , Huth (iulliiBlK-r, r .rnco New-

ham, Hurr ie t Wonllniiil, Until Ti tus

R u t h WaiiKC, Heiitrire Cuttllcti , Cnth-

ryn Llptnn. Tliolina Casey: ki tchen

l»oy»i Alan Tlioinpann. KmintMt Doyle

C a n n a n Fisher and Allen ( i r iswold;

kn iph t s »f KIIIK A r t h u r ' s court ,

.Inmes Moffott, l-Iilferton Neweoinb,

I'Mwhi McGwire, Joseph Pol lack.

Morr is Scheffer, Canon/; Illiss.

Ceor^e Koot, Frank ty i l r ien . Vance

l.iltleiielil, Thomas ('lementH, Kil-

wai-il rtmaid^inniH anil llerniitn Ahl-

felt; pnuea, Helen .lohnslnii nnd 10s-

lel le Schweitzer ; heraiil p e r r y

J o n e s ; scribes, Sydney Slovens and

lOlmcr Ciickenlierirer; servitors, Ver-

nnn hinrtor, MvfiriHt Wood. T h u r l u v

1'i'ltDii. I'liul lliuiart, lIordDii Thorn

and West ley Smith. The play was

directed kv Miss Minn lioussi-n.

The follDUim; coninilleees u-ere In

c h a r e e ; Hr.'imiitlzailon, Uorothy

Joliiustnii, f'ioui:las Franc i s . Huth

Hour. html, li ieliard Harnjisnn and .li.-s.

sic Orjtill; nntsle, lOIizabeth ) ' lei-!er.

liich :--cliool orches t ra i led hy ."lisi

Willielntlna i'leisfer ,and l-.'ilna J n n " s ;

Olive u. ,la!;"er; luiockH, .tail;

Wor th . C o r l n i d e Under and Kns.ille

' l i l iby; scenery, l-;ik;ertori Ne'ivcniiili.i

Uraee 1'ost. Kllzaln'th fiooklu a mil

Itoliert Alexander ; p roper ty , Fr-inl;l

n ' l i r i e n , .Mar::ar<-t. l.ymli-, l l enn . in j

Ahlfeld. Kslelle Kelnveiizer anil Sbir-i

!••>• Hinclair; M;:hthi." John

T h o m a s Miiran: second prize, Helen

Sullivan, l-'.uulisli, flvat. prize. Wil-

liam (iilllH;ait; stvci)ml prizi^ Ver-

uulpa O'Diiiinell. Ar l thmet i r . tlrst

|irl-/.i> Hohert l lvvnes; second prize,

Ulla 'itlley.

F o u r t h Kr;ule—-Itlsht-sl iiverago,

' lo rdon Mur]>hy. Cateehism, lltHt

S»riz\>, Kll'/.n bet h MmitrusH; si-eimd

lu-tzo, .Tollu O't.^innor. l'!nt;lisli, lirsl

pri'/.e XiUiine tUlber t ; tiectind |)rize.

,lohn l-'o^nrty. Ar i thmet ic , tlrst

prize, Helen Nonnan ; s e e n d jirlz-1,

Cntlii'i-lne i 'o th,

li'il'tii ! ; rmle- -Highes t aver.-ifu-,

Joseph DuiTnn. i 'a techlsui , first

pri'/.e, -Mary Strnncl i ; second prize,

Mar^aret Helvers. KimllHh, tit-Kt

inize , l-'llzal)"1h Snyder ; KCCOIHI prizi-

.liimra Kiynn. Arit l imeil i ' , llrHl pr iz"

1'anl Drown: seeond prize, Kllzahelh

Hnyder.Sixth c r a i l e - llHvhest nvsra.ire,

Mar ian .MC1>:IIIK1I1III. Ca t eeh l sm,llrnt p r ize . M a r i e McCnl l : Heciindpr ize . J o h n Wnli l . ICIIKIIBII, firstp r ize , Mtii'Kiiret. l i n r t i s ; second pr ize ,Cecelia Byrnes

lll):liest averaj-'e,and Marie Mullf-llrst prize, Maryirlze, Patrick NTo-

llrst [irlze. John Uu-l/.M. Florence O'Neill,

Soventb tiradeHoward Ollloqplivan. Cateehlsm,Wlinlen; secondIan. lOni'llsh.Kan; second pArltlimetlc, first prize, Joseph Cair-uassola; second jirizf.*. Josetib Wbe-lnn. Riielliiif,- Mary O'llonnell.

Ki^hlli urade • Illulir'st avorai'.e,Jean :\1. llrown. Catechlsni, firstprize, Dorothy I'.'. Iliilin: secondprize, James P. Wljolan. Kn!:lfHh,first prize, James A. Donnelly; sec-ond prize, James It. Wells. Arith-metic, llrst prize. Paul K. Oollliek;si»-<>ad prize'. Dorothy K. HnlluRpflllnir. Olj'.-i Pohlman.

Freshrnen—-TTIirhest average, Vin-TOIII. N'ooiian and fieori.ru Miller. IS".Iljrion, first prlz", Ruth Koester; sec-IIIKI jirize. Mar.'.-ar.-t O'Neill. Ah-e-bra. firnt. prize, .tame.!-, I'ltzm'.'ilil:

tlaljih of tln> w u t e r a n d flower comluiUee. Mr. Hai^dol]))! l u r e d UKIInpiivoprial loii of f t . t un ) to Jl.Tiiii) heiua4<1 Ut i-eiishuii" i Su1 d'ii)lin/v. a s flu{ireliiniunvy lesh ; apjiiied In Ihe Wr1);

un . tune IS and 1'• Iniliculn tha i asurl i ly |if M-al.T is av.i iblble In \YeL-;t-lield h P i e .

Mr. lUnvu's r epor i follows In ful l :"On ,liino 16 th nnd l t i t h , p re l imin

ar.\ t e s t s tvere app l ied tn t h e wells-d r iven fo r tlio TUunlcipallly tin UnMllleV farm In Wcs l Held, \ , .1.

•Kemilts wuro fitvuralilo a n d ol)-sorvutioiut of t h ^ behav io r nf (litwell;* i nd i ca t e tha t ;i supply of \V;II(MIs avnl lnb lo In th i s l oca t ion . D u r i n gthe per iod of elubt h o u r s wi th thesmal l p u m p loca t ed on tho g r o u u dHuvface, a yield v.'iryin,t< bolw-een220 ,000 nnd 250,001) Millions pertweniy- fou ' r ( 2 4 ) h o u r a waa ob -tnlniKl a n d wi th thin dlschiu) ;e t hew a t e r surface, r e m a i n e d fa i r ly con-s t a n t nt a dlatanco of a p p r o x i m a t e l y21-ft. ti-ln,, below t h o top of t h ecas ing .

" I t m u s t not bu a s s u m e d t h a t till!tu.-Ua wero Innl lgated for tho p u r p o s eof Ufcourtainliift the capac i ty t h a t 1Himi l ldb lo a t tills s i t e , for ou r facill-

f()lr p u m p i n g l imi ted by t h e

.second jirlze


Raymond ICeppler.i\ Antia Klucf-; ser-

J a


a n i l <';

etl \\'i

fichonl f:icuity_ irw e r e ;'!.!F(? prir .ea

T h e r.ervloe v:Rov. F.dv.-avil ,1.th<^ F i r s t I '.snti-il iani W . Cue I'.

ds andA l . f i l l


rm:m i*oil amiTin (irlora

:en: on and

•;llf-r; p r o y r a t n.Sidney St'-venra Wr-olliMusi-,


I r v i n r IK v . - r - i

i; CO!!-!

™?\• I

Ham K. Jltho I'ronh: cr ia i i


t o tlio -work of the Homtlin .Junior Auxi l iary h'

and m' e b e e n

,. I , , - , ,

t t l i e l r

arlr-s V.1

iftert Knv. f

•••.-. Wi l -i.f Hi-

i-dor ofid I lev.of t h 5


seeond p r i z n , 1<\

" r i p h o m o " Ifl:'he--:t a v e n illa iCane a n d Annii i l a u u . It[irst \tr\r.i\ I.IUI."ii n e r t y ;[irlze, I l e l e n o K"ii|ilr-r. Tjatl|,ii;---. O lymida c.-ir.ii.r1 'ol;i;\)ii'/.". Anna l l r inn . ' l eua ie t r ; ,

t i e n e r a i Mrienei-, l{e|fF p - n r h , OlvmnUi f lae :

l-;n.'-lisli, r^ni lan f i e r t y .

T h o ?'nlfl m e d a l s for l i inhe.J V 1 - I - . W i T < - i l l

Cnun'Mi, l-^iii"!)

fl ' inii.pl-T.

o n a t e d by W-

. fli-y.tecondAnnaK< p-


capacity of thu (.inline and other con-

trollliiK fiictora tvhlcli necessarily

control tho tluw ol' water obta inable

under tho coiulithniH of tho test.

" I m p o r t a n t fael.s woro thua *v-

ciirud which enable:! your JCugiueor

to fu'rther substantial!. ' tile orlKiiiul

cuuftiutiou ihat UVHUUJIII may, nt a

reuriunuldo cuyt socure ;t iMuulctpa!

Wuter Hujiiiiy vvitliln itH cimltnyn.

"1 wuultl respoctfully leciunuieucl

tl iai iV'i'll Mo. 2 bo f iu t l ie r developed


" J . Coiit inuina t he (Irilllng a t

least all addilluiuil 100 (out.

"a . ApplybiK un uir-Uft test uf

i;ieatur dural luu nfte'r rocommeiulii-

tii)u No. 1 is aceuiuriilstiod."

i tcapeettul ly autimtttnd,

r Tlio matt !•'. Howe.

It w»s movud to bold an uil-

jourued umeting ot the Council n t !i

o'clock Thuvtidiiy night, to diaeuHM tlie

iluestion. At. ,H n'ulocK tnniorrovv

u t^b t tlio WiUov cominit-.f3lim appoint-

ed by Minor LHtliMhild las t year will

huld ll mee t ing lunl fliey will get to-

gether with the 1D2& cuuncll to art

upon tlie ssu^out ions «IH decided upon

by Usi* .:oniniiiiiiii>n.

(Jidinanue:.s to lay sidewalks on

bulb .sides nf Sussex Htreet nnd lo

Imurovo Itiiliw.'iy avenue from (Irov,.

.street In Willow (Irovo road wore

pa.sseil on linal reading- Au ordin-

ance lit lay out il llt:\v ,'itreet to be

Known as l.uitlnw place and to run

frnm N'ebion (duce lo (^larlt stre<-l

was lulrodiiccid on tlrst loading and

IL bonrinfr .^ot for Monday nijUit, July

1.'; t h. An ordinaiii-u to Improve

Scotch I ' lains avunui from West

llrond street, to Oorian m a i l W.'IH in-

frudiiced on firiit rending and a Iiear-

IIIK' set fur Monday nii:hl July l;itb

and an a|ijiropriation of $17,noil was

made to ciu'er the eo.sl. of the liu-


A warran t was ntdi-red drawn for

:jiL'l)i| 111 favor of Chief of Polie-i ,/ohu

C. Ho.si-n'raius to defray hi:i c.\|,onjio.-!

in iittoutliui? tlio Nat ional Police

ChielV t:onventiuu fn Indianapol is

next, month on tho recommendationo f < ' i i u i i e i I n i a n V a n O o r ' - i i o f t i n -

t i n a t n e i . - o n m i i t t ee , , \ t e m p o r a r y

i i i i | i r < i v " n i e l i ! m i t e h i tli*- a / m i u i i l u f

-: 1,7.J;!. ' . ' ' i 'iVa:i o r i b - r e d i. s u e i l a n d a

v . a r r a n F . l o r .-. 'Iito wa - ; iHf l c r i - i l i l ' i a w n

in f a i ' o r ni o v e r s e e r " f i l l " i ' u o r

C o : ; .

C o u n c i l m a n C e r l i a r t 'it t h e Jir<-

iir.- e u t e i l


fo l low till-:ko snliclta-

t a l l e d t o n i ' - e i I h e m i ' u :

a n d s u j i i i l y l i i r n i ' i v i t l i !"

I t w a s " t h n u - l i t h ' s f *n

method, rather than mtlon ot funds hy a house-to-houseconvnps and il !•• i-:irn'-it lv lmperl(Hat lln< peiip!.- of t h e r n m m u n i t y .who have never y.-t failed to respondto appeals of this -wrl. i r l " '""""' r ° r -ward dUTin^' llsis l.-nnort.ant Plcdt-o•Weok and put t b " thins-' nvxr in tlio"Westflold way. Inquiry of any oftho yotintr Indies who meet the trainswill*be, prndnctive of full details.

t _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The Place (o Dine—The Half-WnyHouse, sprlnslU'ia Kond, MomiKilii-

ushThey K»ICMi-s H"kiI'.ar* 'i'lp.:i.u.Mvrtln .Ion

- h k h school a"i-veil as! received the offerim-.

Mif-5 Kinlly Rockwell.M:tycocli, Miss Mildreil

Ml:-.s Marion Kin'-, Mis'•-/, and Miss firace Dlck-

sltlo. Steals mid A In Cartn,SitO-H Adv.


sini. The church was (Wornted withspvl'iK !!<nvers. Special TnusiC wasiiffered by tlie church quartet pro-paved by Thomas M. Jones, church

Idnen linickers, Plftnncl Pant.«and Siimiiifr Stilts iu» SPlIlnprhotStore Plulnfleld.—Mv.

C a r r o l l A s h l m r n , a c t o r

I ' I u l n l i " l d T l K ' a t r e , w a s t i n - s ; n : a k i > r

a t t h e u i - e l d y l u u c l n ' o n of t l i n H i , ,

d a r y C l u b , h e l d r < ^ | : - - r d ' i y . r,t • ) • . •

W e s t t i e l d l l o t i - l . Mv. A i - b b i i r n f n v , .

a u I n l e r e s t i n i - f i f t e e n m i i r i i r - | - i l k m i

t h o w o r k w n l c l i l ie d o e s n i t h " t i n - ,

a t r e . W i l l i a m O . H a t h a w a y g a v e a

t h r e n m i n u t e h l o i r i - a n h y i>f h ' J l l f i -

a n d a r e p o r t o n t h e r e t ' n l t a In-lil a l

Mindowasklr I'ark on Saturday was:;lven by Kyaro :vt. Hiitson. One olthQ features ot tho luncheon v.as tboliror.i'ntiition to I'ast President Rd-•vvanl .1. Holden uf a past president.'")jewel, set wttli [liamniitl'S. by RobertW, Harden. nueatR at the, luncheonIncluded Glenn Streotcr of tho Ful-ton Street. Rotary Club. New York,

C n u r l T r i n i t y

tl,,.j America.C a M i o l l e H a i r . ' l i t e r i o l



cal.es nt John K. Xcvlus CloUiin);! Walter Dodge of the New Brunswick

Yes, Wo slmi-pen lawn iiiowms,also sell new ours. A phono call orpostal, we do Hie rest, Martin's 211Enst Rioad strocl—Tel. fi,--J—Adv.

Rotary ClubEast Oranse.

and Victor Brook of

ulile.\Wiv Sure— swift — safe — tell,

liros. Expresf*, Boincr-!—Ntjw York—Adv.

tin- Hi:.-h K, boivl Audi-a hundred and iil'ly

pnpili. will b'- ^radimt.'d from thnlocal (iramniar Scbnols. Howard i',.Wick, president of the Hoard of Kdu-eafion, will [iresent thn diplomas,Tho program haft been arranged bythe pupils and teachnni and In <-s-poctod to pr<nvi v r y lutere^tiiu-'.

I h a u l , - l i t t i n - t i i - , i i

l i i - . i ( J I - J > : I i-t n i ' - r i I. f u

D ! I l i ' - i r i J 11 i 111 • j I . • i •

; > a l i l l ' i l a v a f t e r n u o

:::i\o tlie Imy, f rom-,va > drmvie-d. 'I'lleijui'.. |i il Dial t h eehs.-il ; : ' ijuard ::e( j u im n t e r foi" tlti* t o w n .

, \ n a IIMIIII iiient. In li

(tiil.-iin-- r,,1.s InirfMbp-mi Jlrst i'-ailiiifohl t of tliiiTiHima:; Weils whi \-i<:vl an extete n i-JImer .street.t h e do;; o r d l n a u i '

'e.iolutloul i l l ; : tb-:

I ' l a in lu ld;- t l in II.-.M

l-al.i- l.i.-ili-llnr!. t.e

in!.e, who{M(ui ai

-rli 1,1 flu- |n

fji i i liil ; ; ,


Seo tlio ISlne Itlh1>on nu t t e r Itootlilit tho Mereh.'inCs i-'Apo^itlon durinutho wpek .Turin 20-37 n t Per th Ani-1)«>>". Thn uonderfiil dispj/i.v will In-*i>i-e;st every<me—esiK't-jjilly modernhousewives. I 'rco coupons will hoiliNtribiit.t'(l for viilnalih- prenents.Hon't mlsw it!—AUv.

by Ci.ui-Hman W'ind-Ini i ldlni ; e o / n m l l t i i-.va.-i K h e n j iernilssi i i i iII.1.ion to his p r o p e r t y

An aini-ndmi-iiL tu'.van Intrijiliiei-d I

a n d pa nie(!i)iinellman .MacfJowntt,on firrit reading,

A reiiucrft from Siimuol B. /.OIIK toi-.xtend his buy lino, wan referred totho license anil pollen committeii.Mayor Heard announced tlio re-up-uDliilment of (jiiorgo II. L, Morton a.'iaH:scs.sor for it tonn of two yean*.Tho nppolntmont was confirmed byIho council.

The town treasurer reported a bal-anci! ou hand of f!(/,'!,207,40 nnd tliotax collector that ho bad collectedtiixcB iimountiiijf to ?J(>.,T73.S'I .midcosts "I l.'lltl.B.'). Mnynr Heard pro-sided nnd all momhert nt tha council.vorn presont.

Tli,> sulVt.v of yinii- v;ilt!al)lr:.s is tnipoJ-Umt donot trust to ch;iiuv. Out- Safe Deposit Vault isDie place for thom~--)>rnU'ei>(l from (ire and(li<-n,. You can nmi a ]'riv:tf,. [,oi-k TSox hereI'm' ?5.0l) JHHI up per ycjir.



Sold $70,000 InsuranceIn Fifteen Minutes

If you lim| B,,UI over $10,O00,O«0 iiiBunuico we would bo confi-dent that you know your lumineKS. Thai's, tho point that sold a

S l " ' W m mis.iK.ss riiim, who was an entire strimgoro u« $70000 iimiirnnc i nft i t ilo u«

OFFICE:Second Floor

214 East Broad St.

fDay-168U Night-1037


"Better be insured than sorry"Protecting Westfield Property for over $8,000,000.00

There is Only One Answerif your heater did nut (jive sat factory servit'i: last winter

somethiiij,? is wrnnn'.

if it needs rrpnii-iiin or rcnioilclintr, that in our job nnd we cantnlu- cure of il.

If rt new heiili:r is needed, we will inspect the cnixlitlim.s to homet, refonimend the rijjlit tyju; of lu-ati1!' to meet the requit-tmientinnd in.stnll it properly.

Today, not Ijiiiiwiuw, is the lime to pfive this matter nttmtion.

PlumbingHeatingPaintingDecoratingCarpentryMasonryShectmetnl Work

Modern Service Company219 E. Broad Street

Tel. 295

Tel. 407 Cpposite Post Office


S l ' , who was an entire strimgoro u« $70,000 iimiirnnco i,, nftcon mimit.es wit-li itn itmuml premiumotnlliiB flovcrnl IIUIIIII-VIIH of dollnra. ' " " ' "

Wo do not wmit to appuiir ogotiHtlcul but wo ilo tvvl that ifwe liiivu siiltslle.l IUUHII-CIIH »f clients for twenty ycnr.s and nro nowc-«i')'yin» over $N,00(),000.00 of ri^k we cm. cortalnly sntWy you™

You fill) tret acciiratu insurance nilvir.. in yuln- home townthrough your homo npi'iit

We have For Sale, a real bargainin a nine room house with adjoin-ing lot. Price is reasonable andterms easy.


50 Elm Street



Telephone 226

Page 2:  · Reach. with strong ot the. out tho ailv lor lo eHi, dor. bushu'^s.in* jii-iiiTHE WESTFIELD LEADER THE FADING AN D MOST WIDEL Y CIRCULATE WEEKL NEWSPAPER I N UNIO COUNT out for




k> r e p o r t s i s sued by ill

A t t e m p t s to Save Life by Boy; de.,t)lr, euusralScouts a n d Othe r s P rove j other motor t

Unsuccessful i t v

Attfiiipin tii wivt tin- lift- uf Louis ;

Chase, Hi year old son of Mr. and IMrs. J . William Chase <.f 12 C r a w !ford street. Knsl Orange, proved uir-jsuccessful on Saturday afternoon \when yeuni.'- ChaM-1 wa,-- clrowru'd atKih'er Luke.

The boy llaJ iruni: to the lakv wilh ;

two companions and hud IKOII swim-ming near the saitd IKH- HII the ;-outh ;fide, when it i^ thought he Has svizpil ;with cramps, pos^ilily causecl by a cold •tspi'itili1 near where the iioy vra^ ;~svim-ming.

yciiut inasltr? an<! As^v^tiint ^couimaster of three boy rt'e.ut Umip:? f i-om 'Elizabeth, who were eampinp' a\ thelake at tempted to l«eate tlie body.

Stewart Toms of I)!", Ceni nil ave-'.nut% this town, finally lmated Hie:body in about five iVrt of water. h jwas found in a vrouehin^ puMtiun :which substantiated the iieiiel" that |* '"• '"••'• had been >eizec! by cramps, j


ol' Commerce jast \\eei<liy automobiles and•liicley f.xi'ejjt motor

cyclos iucreasad in 1SIH4 in file agai'e.yatM ill fifty-eight of tlie prliielji;il ell ice. A total or 5,030 deathand a fatality ra ts of nineteen perlUU.'.MHi' of jioiiulut ion iva.s an

Tills coiiiiiarns' wild -1,!HJS deathaiuj u rate of 18.8 for the sameeitioy in 1!*L;-'-!. The r a t e h;ia showna iooMressiv^* increase from l t . 0 iu1 !J 2 u. wiih i'i.1 ill 1321 and ] S.!i iu


) Keen Competition in BoatI Races; Lion's Victors in! Tilting Contest

ObM'onlt h e t i l t -


X*HV Y o r k hail lie- l-irj

a n d for ty •fiv*1 •vw Y o r k i>l" 1 tl.nsi rn tv , a **.<•. wm v ^ h , a n d th<-ftn- (Mm d m , N. .)

lii.ulK-f';itrrs-onMHedf i l. S C - C ' C l l l c I

.Tin- Tillitif,' tram <•!' thClub , (•••inp<.---i'd of Iicl-l G.a n d l l u n , I d C Tmvidi-y, woninj^1 cuiiti-.-l l iehveeii t h e Ijusme,-^IVh-n's A^sociai i,in, KotaJ'y C lub andtin- Lion 's Cluli. T h i s event was p a r tof the A W s t i i d d Civil- Hi-fcatta and-XijLiatii- S j i iTts Car i i iva! . ^pi/fi.^ol'fd

-.-s Mt-n's ,\ sHociation,d file [.ion's Chili , a n da-k in P a r k . S a t u r d a y .

Men':- U-ani wny foni-p,.>-e<l i.f l l i-rl .erl Hall a n d Royiiiau, while I ' y a n - M. U n i s o n an.^la:^^^^^ t a r r i e d t lie f i u t a r i an ' s

T h e Uol.-iiy c|nl> Chall i-uin

ih• li.ilt,held'Die

y Chiat Mi

(Juss-.I Don

I'nr mmlel aiii!Zabi kie

rafini'.h i^ I

v\asat h

Cup,n l>y

^' the


-Albatross1 'a i I'Civiim-i'V ".Ini

rs I event fuv

j liu.s «; : i i s l i l p

j s in I Hi

i H a n

the Shai-frcv method ofturn was immediately tried anil keptup for two hours, hut to no avail.

Mr. King, a scout executive tele-phoned here for a imhnotor, but nonewas available here. The T'lainfichlFive department M*as then iippeiileiito and they dispatched a car ivith alciuh lakespulinotor to the late. ; pijnnil'.s m

In the meantime Dr. Frederick A. jKinch of tliis town and l>r. J. L. }Meeker of the Summit Hospital were!summoned. I

The work of the medical men and;the pulmotor failed to restore con-sciousness and the boy wa.s pronounc-ed dead. .Police Chief Eugene Koeli-jalriess of* Mountainside then ordered j i,iVP1.p((the body removed to Brewster's'Morgue in Summit.

Chase's two companions, HarryAlexander of 285 Halstead street, anil

A (i il m i i i n i i i i (if Mil.-- l i f t 1 ! ! m a d * . l].\

t h e C l i l l e ^ e W , m i , m ' s ( . ' l u l l t h a t -Mi.-.-

I t u f II n o i i i ' M u i i >tf t\\f L - r . ' i d u ; i i in . ' j

c l a s s o f I ! i i ' \ \ > p < f i e l d I l l u l l . S c h o o l

n i :n - n u b ' s a w a r d o f ;i

Ml.-:s l l o u d i l m i Mill

'» ln-f ; i ! In t i n - f a l l .

-V h<l

I v.arth'] Tin-i made'was w-' Adeer

as first inint? boats

i> i^'eryitne. tlein-.iic Chase's1" w:is seioml and Merlon II.)"HeSiance'' was third.

Class II rvent, open to boatsnd sailed l.y West.field peoplen liy

r a l l i


i l ( I N

I Inl i m ; ;i s

l l Io ed l i s i i

•d o f l ina in ' i . ' i i n . ^ i s i a t i i - e

in o l i l a i i i i u . ^ ;i ei!l!i-£!e c d u c a i i o n i i e r

s c - l i o h i s t i c s t a n d i n i i a n d ^ o n c r a l .'tll--

n n i u i i d . i h i l i l y .

T l i e f i r s t siil-1 t o l - e r e i v e lll.> i n d p of

t h e r . e l le i i , - . CMilli. H e l e n M i c h a e l s .

( W e s t l i e l d I Hul l s V h i m l " J l i l i a s j u s t

b e e n i* i - ;u tna ted H-om S y r a c u s e 1 'n i -

v e r s i t y a n d t l i e s e r i n i d u i r l . H e l e n

( W e s t f i e h l l l i a h R e l m o i

| 1 0 2 1 ) h ; i s j u s t e t i i n p l o l e . l )),

al. l i l ' c iwn I ' n i ' . - e r B i l y .

IJan O'('oimer's ".luli(-•iinesen's " .Middef" ivm

f.sec'niid a n d A l c x a m b r Ii 'diinsnir.-• • l i l ' l id .e l l " c.-niie in Ihi l i l .

I Harvey Vincent finished first in tin' junior swiminiim1 race, followed by!j.lack Oickeiilicrsrer., Herbert Wells]; was third. Jack Heisenbev^ won the i' swiunuinti1 race for boys over 14 years:'of ae;o quit c easily, Herliert Yoss wasseeimd.

When the swimming event for jiirls; !was announced, only ono fi'irl came jI'ni v'ard to compete. Miss Margaret jMelCehvay, (he only contestant swam j


Report Shows Seventeen Curedout of Total of Fifty


K v i d f n t o o f (!M- b^nriU which t i n *

( ' l i i J d n M i ' s , f ' u M N t r y U o n u - i s p r o v i d -

i i i i ; for * i d c < itWiiron J - fcitroiifcly

h r c n e i i t u u f j f t i n - r - j p o ' n uf t l m

liuoH-1 far a j « T i n i f i ' r o n i J a n u a r y J to

tntrine t l i i s tM-r ioiJ . t Jit ' r* 'p<>rt

:-iio\v:-: that Uie }n>tm; cured for amini o f 5 0 p a l i i / u ! - . 1 7 o f w h i c h J i a v «

iwen d i s r h i i ' i ' i : ' ' ' ! ^ c u r e d . Tim 42nd

S t r r t ' t 11 o s n i t i t l i n N e w V o r k City

r^nt t w o | i a ( j f -d t s fo ( I f 1 Jaunt* and

{}'>• N'- ' \v .!{!,•,-.*•>• i >!•( !io[»<'(!i<- 1 l o s p i t -

; i l a t O n t n ^ e , J.%. 'i'k<> h u l a n c e w e n t

(i> t h e h o m e f r i ' i n ! h i;^ t n \ v n .

From . J a n u . i r y in .' UJH_- t iK ' f . 1 w e r e *

o j u - r a t i o n s i m i- . \n p . i t u ' n t s f u f i u -

i'crtvd i o u » i t s i \ i t k t h ' t t - e i i u i r ^ t - h i l -

i l r t ' n f o in- (IJH iai>'<! u p o n K O O U . D o n - j

f a l t r* ' . 'a l i i ioiU, i.^ts IMM'II J.MV*MI t o t i i v ^ t

i>;if it'Ji i s b y ! >v. H;s r k r a d c r . i\u(i t w t

p a l i d ) t s l i , i vi' it*-''it ( I ' c a i c d \\y O r .

i r ' . - id m < j u t a t t l i ' 1 - I ! H H I ! c J U t i c

j ' ' j « n l a l j o v f i t t s r y < ' X i i u i i n a t i o n 3 l i t

bo<-ui ^Iven free hy Ur, Goolie], of{"rafU'ord, i'ov i hvee nu>n!hs.

Thmuu'h tlh- ii.-nisiiuiw of the so-

surgical jnuls, 'I'l.ti'm coinprePsos and'!(to ln'n<:o str;u>> li;jv** liorn maeiR



Albert Van Brunt of 203 Ualsteailstreet, East Oranjre, notified the par-ents of the drowning1, Voting Cliasewas n member of the Order of DcMolay,


Mrs. Charles A. I'hllhinvei1 waselBclBd president of the AdvanceCluh Fo'r the cotnins year at the histniOfithiK of tlio season In'1,1 on Thurs-day evening at the liome of Mrs.Robert C. Taylor, in Slonoleigh Park.Mr. Harry A. Knlfl'en was oleetodfirst vjce-iirosident and Mrs. Tolm r,

.Rlnelihoff second vice-inesident. srrWilliam .H. Lyntle W.IH cliosen assecretary and Mr. Walter I, inin-nell as treasurer.

Charles R. Pitcher read » paiwron "The Hiso and Development ofout American Universities" and Mrs.H. E. D. Jackson save a review ofCurrent Events.

r I'uvl j the distance, thirty-five yards, andwas proclaimed the winner, receivingfirst award for her OIFOI'IK.

I n ""' J11"'"1' t iJti l 'K mnU-h '<•COUNTY SCHOOL MONEYn K T R I R M T P n r n l r . . v composed of liill Maillefert, and John!DISTRIBUTED FRIDAYj,ruk .hinps w a s fl].sti md K e m i c l h j

• ( Dietz and Dudley Rrauu sec<ind. InDr. Arthur L. .Toliti.^oii, (lounty the senior tiilii:^ match John Akers

Sunnrintpndonl of Sclionls, diatriliu jancl Charles Colhy held first place,tod the I!l25-l!i2fi stnte npportlon-Unil Ilermnn Vosa ltd Erie Cross see-mont for Union County's nineteen'find.school (liMlricis, Friday. The amoim Golii and silver medals were (riventot.'ileil $fi!)B.i.il.27 as asm'nst ?990,- a s f,rs(, im(] second prizes in all events0.1.11 allotted for ]!ILM-1!I25. j The officers in chiirce of tho contests

Tlie apportionments were mnd<> a.-iwore: Yacht races, Harold S. Thomp-folloivs; WestfieUl, $55,740.70; |son ; clerk of course, Henry h. Host;.Mountainside, $3,071.77; Clark starter, Kyare 1\1. Htilson; J I

$7,11 15.<'.!>: Cranfmd Knberl W. ITarden, Bert. G. OldfordTownship.*:J.!t.OiiS.Sfi; Klizalifitli, ?:U:'..2:17.77: and Ferris R. lVarsall.Oarwdod, $1-1,72-1.2-1; Hill^iile, $1H..| T h ( 1 ( . , i n i m i ( ( c ( . i u c h a r ( , f . ( l f

TUl.Jh; luHtllworth. $11,2-15.SS:.,. (,gatt,, i i m i Wat.cr sports follows:Linden. ? , - U f l O n : New Provhlpnco t a r y Club—Ryare M. Hutson, Tionald


, ' v o n w v i i i i i o i l 1 I I ; I u i . I l

Summit. $:,J,O4.|.O2 nnd Union, f ; M , : W n s h b u n i ) ,,.m)1(, f

' " ' " ' i Renjamin li. Kiss.im.f, T o w n l l , y


ANNOUNCEMENTOpens Tomorrow June 25th

We will open our new branch Service Station Tomorrow at

443 North AvenueNEAR PLAZA

Driving Gas Oil Greasing

Oiling Free Crank Case Service

Car Washing Car Parking


Auto Supplies x Tires x Tubes


Westfield Storage Battery & Supply Co.443 North Avenue Tel. 1344 WESTFIELD


^Washing Machine

$ £ ? Down 18 moIllhs tocora"" j plfte purchase in

.small monthly payments.

Why not buy a Thor andpay lor it with the money youwill save in laundry bills. TheThor is a home necessity, forit w.tshes your clothes in theni'jsl. -unitary way under yourown supervision. Fabrics wearlonger, because there is no friction in the Thor washing meth'od, yet clothes and linens arethoroughly cleansed.

The Thiir.iiid its five-position

swiujitnt; metal wringer removes

the laborious features from

wa^h tl;iy. All you need (Jo is

j^uidt' the elothes from one

washing operation to the other,

nnc] then hant; them on the line.

Public ServiceElectric & Gas


The Thor washes anything. Beforeyou put your blankets away for thesummer, let us wash one for you, free.You will he delighted wilh the results.Just fill out and mail ihc coupon.

PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC & GAS CO.,This coupon entitles me to have a pair ol

heavy double blankets washed in my mvn homewilh the Thor washer, lree. Il is agreed thaithis places me under no obligation whatever.

Name Street & No


Newark Newark

Summer Beaches will Swim in Colorten Smart Bathers Loaf on the Sandn

The greens and the blues of the waves and sky, the tan and grey shades of thesand, brilliant purple, scarlet, tangerine,—these arc the colors that wilt bloomon fashionable beaches and sparkle in the surt this summer. A com-plete choice of bathing suits and accessories, all at moderate Hahne prices.

Cups in four styles. The * -new close'fitting trenchmodel, the aviator cap withthe chin strnp.the diver's cap,and fancy flower trimmedcaps. 50c to 85c.Shoes, featuring the newcrepe rubber soled model.Delightful color choice, iiveluding nude. $1.35.Bathing Ba^s, NoveltyCongo dull style, $3.95.Waterproof sateen bagswith zipper closing, 95c;with snap closing, 49e.

Annette Kellermans, $3.95 to $12.75Five new styles--the boyish blawr-striped shirt with solid colortrunks; colorful embroidered all-over suits; slim pin-tucked models,polka dot embroidered styles; coat suits with round necks and Chanelplacket fronts.Annette Kdlennans, exclusive with Hahne 6? Co. in Newark.

Inexpensive One-Piece Suits, $2.95Made of line pure wool jersey, despite the low price. The colorsare guaranteed last, even in salt water. Bright and conservativeshades. Emerald,scarlet, royal blue,new purple, tangerine, copen blue,tan, cocoa, navy and black. With or without belt.

Silky Black Suits, $2.95 to $10.75Smart, yet conservative models favored by the elder woman. Allblack,'trimmed with all-over embroidery, white braid or piping, andwith rows of narrow nifties. Sateen and surf'satin suits, $2.95 and$3.95. Silk taflcrn suits, $5.95 to $10.75.

Tights to wear under silk suits.Of all wool jersey, regular sizes,$2.95, extra siaes, $3.95; of linecotton jersey, 95c.

Rubber Capes in plain colorsand marbeli;cd effects. Shoulderlengths to prevent sunburnedarms. 95c. Full length, $3.95to $9.75.

All Bathing Accessories may be had in matching colors.

Holme's—Bathing Suit Dept,—-Second Floor J

Page 3:  · Reach. with strong ot the. out tho ailv lor lo eHi, dor. bushu'^s.in* jii-iiiTHE WESTFIELD LEADER THE FADING AN D MOST WIDEL Y CIRCULATE WEEKL NEWSPAPER I N UNIO COUNT out for

1HE WE^l FIELD LEADER. "WEDNESDAY, JUNE ti, 1925 Page Tfare«



B* J« Van Ingen CompanyPurchase $200,000 Worth

of Issue

L i . Van liiotn I 'o i t i i iv , of New,j'A City, o n e tin" successful bide1- to 19i tioBds- vt'iiruseiitiui: a

ie ut *2'i',i,i'(ji), jjuri of tu |bnud issure for the new

rli'wL ttuw under conat ii meeting of the Board

! MCMtlou, 'mid In tlie High aclioo£hui*fsy msrlit. Their IM wasjlJfitf.S2S.lu for the ID 4 bonds

altca a iinuuium. of $6,; ( . The Peoiilas Hank mid

l^*ru»t jCtsinphiiy were among the un1 bidders.

lor f'lture schools wort; dts*find the committee was ad

Tlsed t s look into the uiiitwr njor"' and have a complete i o

ort ftt a later meeting of tli« board,A.11 Jjigiabers of the Board wei'H

^^ toep t Mrs. Alice R. PiicAnna Hoss Taylor, th

p o£ the. Hoard, Howard C,1MI.1I, j»pfsided


S'onyiAo boys and girls liavt su . Jiaduatcd from tlie boya

Q{ Moose vocational acboolil(p thev have been trained In jtlusy will not become pawns t«

slavery—a system whichi; the very life blood am

ines of so many other ohil-

rt was founded in 19UJby Ja»Sts I. Davis. I'. S.Secretary o

' that, ho could carry out hi|!fcfVthat "Every child is entitle!'al%en<.t a high school eduealim I

ireful trade". All children!lit-art art! tutiKht a useful]

well as lielns trained inhciid.

MiiBpeheart Is In uo sense a char-* -'.itflblf1 project, or orphanage or an lu-skUliltton tllzed homo. There are no

ini.irds. Incarceration, uuifor-of dress or concerted action

21111 is a co-operative venturej '.'-iHI oiich of tho 700,000 members oE''" t-t6« Moo-e order, by paying four• :fiI»Bta the week for it, have built and• -•t",*!'fl Joamttuniug it, and by the gift

";ol Beanie-, buy service for their rhilpay student can <>nte

.nt.are M useful trades and

.lloits (audit here, includingTrader, machine shopt ce-

.t md ornamental ennerettook the load

**- Liiu ioai^t* ~>l Pubs " Hei tu Us&«- - I tie^e tout *-£** tit t. if * !•! tha1 Id and i>«- at ' ia t t *u J f

i uist u ntti** t 1 w r\ n_a "Mai n m "i ; 'n H lj t tua

te ln\ 1 m -.in ii 1 i U s111 111 i t> t II I C til I

t i n c t ' ti\- u i _i t 1! jm i 1 v mi l Hi \ \ t u

I u k lit. f n \ s id l * \ ] i i 1 ifault trLm I) c ju i

M u \ hf\\ < t n n M 1 l ( i itin, o u ' dL c t n ii t> is ut m i

Th Mu- i ii i rt ii m 1 i >i Ini t ii <- \ !\ i n r ! s i d ] ii u

1 n n t i tt » i h j 1 h i il I lu ii i d i> u t m i t ha-. >nt Ii I 1 i in 1umiue i f t^. ins t i l t (> *eH ^ l * n i iiud t i lii d s ut, tKj u t i i i l l i

i m-.l i u a ^p t t n t V t M t t w h i« i U tu. opi_L t o tin. i u m i t it i ) c < f t 'if s e - ion |


Let there in* no mi^uiulot'statictiagas to wliore 1 stand and how I stau^ias the HejnibJionn oandidaU foGovernor t)f New .Jersey, I hav ;been I'hosi'n iiy one Iiiuiiln'rt and tliftythoUHiuid votery or jnoro ropreso-nting no special grouy or faction U\ b jthe Filumlartl bearer of the Uo.puUllrun party. I am not the Anti- «U>oa[e.amlifUto or the candidate of aujother orKani?ation in any souse otlif word. 1 am lit edged to no individual or group ot iiuUvUiuaU, Ieertrtinly made tit at very clear In m;.primary light when I plod sod tuy^'Kif elected Governor, to he the Gmornor in fuel us well, as let namo iintsulnnitted by cunilUlacy tu the ju vipl j


u To Fix Damages on RoadWork at Crmford, Neces- ;

sary Improvement ;

l t _ t >L i i ! li> t ) d .at1 i1U 6 s, i " K it tl It «u_J

it l J i % i ^ IU" u,) )jti i! tL Li.-, a uu t lp toicm tI 111 * 1 I 1 s L u ' d e n i t

I i Hi e X) O 31 I p

1 I ' ll l i n iiui ll Ii \ II 1 11 1 ll lit H d Hi 1 I i t n . l l

>t ' - i s t m wit3> i i ! i ts u t u i d i i* —'ill ot d shojebf, tih enoi n> senator Ariliur X. I'hn~o.a. and

t u t u and -raft \ u >ru«- I.olyd Toinpsoii U:iv>- lim-u1 un t 1 , u t \ v,orl n h i u i u u i %i Dinted by Justice Sar.uui KalUcii

im h t j u E t i ' i i n t HIL i>lai,uo >f t Newurli. to act witii ^iiinoy 1C111. u s i wl id i H i i i t il N w j n iiv o f Klizabctli. us .MUI missionl u n in t K l i t o£ tli u u on dm , , t 0 fjx ihunaeca In ri'Liard Ui conin< tin, iir«< tit t d i t t din? s j i i [ ,nn .!,!,, , , ,,f ];111,i horui-rliu tfce t>n>jan lu iv fn t io i 1 n mo tint th. , -, ,,,) r o u ( e 1)f noutc No. ;i SUMt>( JUK t ll/ Hi u Hi l t ll 1!, i1Way. at. (Tan (md.M I I I i Ut ill l l l t n

I am <.oi!i<k it in t m n d nt


Today - Thursday, Friday and Saturday

a Wonder Sale of Genuine Madame X Girdles

it is; to thai, . . 1 <id«-ay knowa as Routo 9 iliroiufti

partv'MfilUUmit 1 ^ ' ^ " o ' e V ' I T t h ^ Vr:uihird u u d tb(-' <=»«">»**'»"«s wil

l lasue brand of iiolm (-s ' , tud\vill wo'l^ | i ' ^ ' J H u " ' 1 ' ^ , whtell'will'bB tak"a

of h o n e s t , c n u l i l * a n J dt-f.-m - o v ii.ruiuent. Attorney Augustus V. Nasli 14

. ivpreseiitin^' llio propci-ly mvnov;. m ^ ].>,.,H|,,rj,.|, \y Hlevoe nr i hi* At

FOK NEWS, AND FACTS READ' t.nm.y Ceneial's Office, is tin, rap reEVERY PAGE. j »ouc,illvo ol tho Highway I\iaiii8i.iu

Known throughout the length and breadth of the landas the very best article of apparei for those who arestoutly inclined.

Usual Prices Range $7.85 to $11.85jBut Saturday You Can Buy

Genuine Madame X GirdlesAT THISLOW PRICE



Miron Furniture Co.PLA1NF1ELD, N. J.

'RefrigeratorsRefrigerators, all styb.snow ill Mock of (libson

nt vory low prices.

needs anil your nurse.

Priced from ...

ach I U " S

> )Uthtli f ldiBnltyot tabor.1 Chi! J B r t Ul" *«'»*>«««* l

to get di]>loinas, musItr their theses by building hous

machine;! ami doing oth-•llcttiil work. Mooaoheurt Riadu-

tal.o their jilnces with craftsmenIfne fxiip.rienco anil are able to J1 ie work as well, and they re-]

th" highest wapes paid. There•low 125(1 children at. Moosc-', and thoro have been over

<<S'a0(>" here, since it was founded.

and sizes,RcfriKera-Wv have

suit yotn'

$14.00 up

RUTGERS PLANSr; MANY NEW FEATURESAdvanced Registration very

large; Open Air Concertson Queen's Campus

I'.ora tlio prreent outlook many!S. 1- nts from New Jersey anil near j FIBRE SUITESU\ slates are nlaimln.K to attend thOj jjjj^j, SVircials in Fibro Suites areSummer Session at Rutgers which I \1V-W'K 0|jt,,.(.,i , l t the present Umu ut

J n e 2i> HeglBtnitlon toron June 2i>. HeglBtnitlon to , o w ^

date is well in advance of any pre-vious year and the number of ap-j Karjien 3-ricce Fibre Suitesplications is Kroivin? dally. Dr | Willow Chair.s aiul HockersCharles H. Klliott. Director, in a ro ; R c c l ] i,.ui, |)s

cent interview, said, "At no time i":Fi), r (, Fc-rnf-ric^Uie POM has llio Suiiiinfr Schoollooked so promisiii lhi'i s li'"-nier'p program Indiidii "-uinoiNwhich meet the, rc-qnit< m nN tot thtvaripus ptnte certiticite undi r boththe old and llio nen mini "\l"uyof the courses olTered itf "1 ' '"' ':-'vade aud may be used t >« ml i dcmie decrees. In lddlti m to tillaliovi; L'roups. we in- off i in ir<mr=e ill Public Health KlirsiU!-' :n«l

. i\5;nl»- rii:hf.| bo l t s aiul liriice- every p l a c ei it c i ' t ? tin- wi-.ir. I'.nilt t o irivn m a n y ii: yearii ni' i iani :•-(.•: vice.I I 'ricetl a t $ 1 3 . 5 0j A w n in >rs n t . . $7 .00


If ii ;•• hut in tlii- l)L-.-.i eimilition, you jshould ltavc it .••Iteii.leil to before the jstormy weather °eS;: in. j

We make a .-qu'cinlty of





Preserve Your VegetablesA root collar built of ronueu*will be frov from ruts «nt! dnmp-ni'ss — the two enemies thefarmer meets wlu'iistorlnflrodls,vegetables ani* fruits durlnft (liewinccr.

Your tmiUUtig material dealerwill tell you mnny ways in whiehAtlas l'nr(liini) Cement may beutil ized to ftreill udvantuftearound the home mid on (hefarm.

Kecimse of Rrealer productionthroufili the development of ••"••rotary kiln, An.vs Iseheaper <o-tlay Ihun thirty years ago.


•Me Stawianthy which all oilier makes arc mettsimd"

(£ ©


T h e y nvv \ff\ i •.•a.,.->nubiy p r i c e d and j


The MdmnnnM o r e t h a n d 1.1.(Mil l ; ; , i ^ m r l e r s a n i l i n o r i - t l i a n

f i P L I ' l i O c K i t r i r u n t i l - a n - i l l r * r r \ i i ' - i » n t i n -

1 ' C I i l . l c S f l ! V I < : K «;.\- a m i r l e r t r i e M ' - l c i i i - , a n d

' ! hr M r i i T i n . i n n i a i n l i i i n ~ l l n n i .

I n i t v i ' i i l s - o i K - < : a - M i n i i i f l i - c n r i i - r l r i e i n e ' r r

- l i u j i ^ . t l i e v n r l . i ) l t r - l i n ^ i i n d r e | > t i i r i n j : i - e i t i i -

- l . m l l v u i n l i - r « a y . T i n - . ^ t a m b r i l o f a i r u r i i r v

i- , l i i - l i . m i l f r i - ' | i i r n t l i ' - H K<- i - | i i l H I . l ' < - r i i > i l -

i r ; i ! ) \ r \ ( l v [ i i ' t i ' l " i l l M T s i r e i i i l r i K n l , N'. l i i l c

r r i n i r - l > n i « u - t ' i t i u - r - ^ I t i i l i ^ ; i m i n i i l i i i t r l i m - ^ i -

«r;il i« i t t .

I ' l - K l . i c S l l i V i r i . i - p r i i i n l ' i f i l ' i m - l i - r i i r a n -

i ^ ; i ( i < n i . \ i l i i c l i l i a - i i i s i - i i i t a i v e o n l n f m i ' d - r

| > e r f i i r m , n n i - t h a t k i - e j i s < n i n ( i l a i n l - a l a m i n i -

m u m .

T h e I ' l H l . l t : M : i i V H : K , M . ' i . - n n a i ! i - a s k i l l e d

m i e l i a r i i i - M I I U - I 1 I n i - i n i - - - * i t i i l o M I d i a l y n n r

H t i - l r i ' j i r ' i v i i l i ' - a n a i i - i i l u l c l v r u r r r i l i n - o n i

o f v i m r f l e e l r i e i l y a m i j j a > i - i o i - n m p t i - i n .

other ?a[i.«t!ii-tonly. A ilcln> may;!

add ''•> tlie corit, >•« why jmt off con-j Prieeii from $12.SO up

JOHN L MILLER Miron Furniture Co.28 Prospect St. Westfield, N. J.

Telephone 278

134 Eait Front StreetPLAINF1ELD, N. J.

ECHO LAKE DAIRYSpringfield Road

A Raw Home raised milkFINK and DOUGHERTY, Proprietors

Fink, 377-J; Dairy, 1279-W; Dougherty, 929-M

These Girdles are shown in grey or pink rubber—inboth clasp front and step-in styles.

ALL SIZES 0 to 10 •

Wear a Smaller Dress


Marvelous Madame X rubber girdle

makes you look inches thinner the

moment you put it on. Not just an-

other kind of corset—l»ut the original

reducing girdle—that makes you look

thin and get thin.








The imperfectiont arehardly noticeable andwill not impair the goodwearing qualities of thegirdles in any way^In consideration of thevery great reduction inprice at which they aresold we are forced tomake the following con-ditions :






Joseph Stoltz302 Lenox Ave. Westfield

TeUpfaona 1S8

BENJ. F. ELLENBERGERPainter and Decorator


KottinntMi Furnished



Phone 1S«0




Wlullc.iv HIiad<-(l Mild" to Ortl^rInterior Iln<or»thiK

I fhona '27f.

JR. A. HOPEI Carpentc-r and Builder

Jobbing; of All KindsEstimates Furnished



Gustav A. NeumannM A S O N





TtslspUone Connection


4 J ain't the hard proposition it used toX be a few years back. What with tractora and milldn'

machines and furnaces, a man's got a chance to takethings a lot easier." Neighbor Wiseacres i3 a progressiveman. He soon got tired of roasting his front and freezinghis back with an antiquated stove. So he installed a cele-brated Thatcher "Tubular" Furnace which lie says make*every room a wann room. His coal bills nre Tow, too.He's pro:5[)crous, so he ought to know.

THE cclcbratn! Thntclicr "Tuhuliir" Furnace for years lina betar<x"O$>,niz«l as ttic lnoi;t cfiiciettt, rdjablc ami ccmiomk-ul warm air

heatiiijx plant on tlie niarlcet. Ita sturdy, liuinljlc i:on.ftiurtion pro-vides ample, licnltlifiil lirnt :it low coat;nmi at the aamc tiinc rctiuires « minKUU£nof «Ucnti(m to Itct-ji it. firing cllicicntly.

Son,/ fur HlMlutltil I'tittuicn lx*Mot

THE THATCHER COMPANYFwmrth Th.ttther f«fn*? Co.

.Since KC.03 9 4 1 St. I-"raiici« Street

Ci.ioac. 111. NKWAIIK, N. ) . N«» YoA


ADVKETISK ALL OF THE TIMEI —not fxtriwaifuiitly, nut waatcfolly,• but DON'T GIVE ANYBODY Aj CHANGE TO FORGET YOU.


Fountain Pens Memory UooksAutograph Albums Remington Typewriters

BOOKSELLER and STATIONER29 Elm Street Westfield, N, J.




Page 4:  · Reach. with strong ot the. out tho ailv lor lo eHi, dor. bushu'^s.in* jii-iiiTHE WESTFIELD LEADER THE FADING AN D MOST WIDEL Y CIRCULATE WEEKL NEWSPAPER I N UNIO COUNT out for



In one of the novels by the lateHerbert Quick a couple gives totheir eldest son the resounding nameof "Celebrate Fourth". They weredown-and-out, hard-luck pioneersmisfits caught up and whirled alongHKe bits ol driftwood on the swirlingftoodB ol migration In a pioneerworld. But they lelt the thrill ofAmerican citizenship, the enthusiasmand confidence ol the, rising youngnation embraced upon the conquesof a continent. So in looking aboutfor a name tuv their younp hopeful,they hit upon that name, so reminis-cent of Praise-God Barebones andthe Puritan fathers and telliits own eloquence the placependence day and its celebration

glorious record in the few years of j NEW COURSES FORits existence.

Now again this year Independence!day is to be observed in thousands!of communities by picnics oa the;

Mr. Hoffman's classes during his al>-TEACHERS OF MUSIC ~ y o ^ / « « r * ^ ^ t h e

Students of voice win have an op->f=?w courses for teachers aud sti- i port unity to study und<ar Isidore

old-fashioned model. The Ameri-' Pervisors ot pubhc school music, un-, L u c k B t o n e Kell-knowu teacher ofcan Farm Bureau Federation with! to * distinguished iucully will he | n ' N p w y(jr]£ H e ]g a [ s f ) .,1.S0O county units and The Ameri-1 ° " s r e d h* t \« <l«Wrtm«it of music, m e m U e r o£ t ) l B f a ( , u l t y a n ( 1 w l u ( .o n .can Region with 11,000 posts are co-j educatioa of New Yorls University inoperating iu plans for a nallon-n-ids! t l l e bummer School, according to JOiv t e m s o£ t h , ) E i v e i . s i t v .observance. The purpose, as an-! H°"U Bonn, head of the department.| ^ ^ ^ lmg bem ^nounced by 0. E. Bradfute, president; Bummer School 'opens July 7lh. j u uf tJl<j R i u a t e B t s inK e r B o£ this

tinue his work through the regularMr. Luck

dated with

of the Federation and originator of j Beginning in September, the Unl-the idea, and endorsed by President! versily will offer a four-year course ^ _ & i _ ^ _ _Coolldge. is "to stimulate interest In! f o r supervisors and teachers of mus-j A f r O e sclK),a,.si,jpthe old-fashionied get-iogether pic-! ic >» th* School of Education. Five m u l y w i u b(J (m(J ()£nics as a means tending- towards the1 courses will be offered, leading to thedevelopment of the community 11 fo! degree of bachelor of science in edu-

gencyation and is internationallyreeogized as an authority on voice

lor intensivethe features of

Luekston'e master class.

p yheld in the thoughts ana lives ot iv j

" " ' " of the rural districts of the nation,: cation, each majoring In a. dmerentT I I although th0 celebration will by nu! "eld of music. Besides the courses

'e , means be confined to the formers." j for supervisors and directors of pub-jporauon American LCKIOII nostR evervwhera "c school music, they include a;


earlier generations.Everybody recalls the old-fash-

ioned Fourth of July. At least, •everybody except the younger gener-;ation recttll it. What (own or coun-|try community anywhei'o in tnese:

11 eo.operate heartily inworthy plan for what National Com-! al music; for teachers tmnndor James A. Drain lias termed! professional singers; a

! i d th

this' course for supervisors of ins! ruiuMil-] illt-s Mabel I'bili sinking and Mr. and Mrs. .Al.

"a lingo gathering (if infelilmon pettins better aciiuainti'il."'dreds of posts from thi' v ryning «f the Legion havf

tv bent! *-'i's 01 piano and theor.][„,,.. AlasterHM'in f and voice

classes Inwill he av?

Such a celebration, \rfHi its ora-tory and firDworks and pink lemonade and good neighbors petting to-gether for the common good, wastaken for granted. People enteredinto the Idea, not just perfunctorily,mechanically, as one more tnskwhich had to he done. They"pitched into" the preparations withenergy, enthusiasm and pleasure. Itwag an event, perhaps the event ofthe year for the people as a com-munity.

There may have been a deal ofspread-eagle oratory. They mayhare Vaunted themselves overmuch.They may have permitted no over-modesty to restrain them In their en-thusiasm. But it was all done Innocently, with a certainty of convic-tion and a wholeheartedness whichcould not be Questioned. It was therejoicing ot persons who believed iuthe United States, in the flag and theconstitution. It was the celebra-tion of people who were proud oftheir nation's history, proud of itsheroes, proud of Its Ideals and as-pirations, proud above all, ot its

wved tiloj dents In the music education deparl-ment this summer, according to Dr.Dann.

David SapertQii. o£ the piano de-partment of tho Curtis Institute of

with us iu commemorating the (lay

ip«, daughter o£I'hilllps, of 25$

d for teach- Kast Dudley avenue, at tho gradualion oxercisi s at Ya!'* rniversity lasWedur.sday, n-ived tlic defO'oo oI'll. i i .

-Miss I 'h i l l lps did her p r o p s r a t o r ;work at the Iu.nl 1 (i:• 11 school , g r a d uHiiu; in 1 I I \ •', wills h ighes t c lass h o n

.Shu ei i ten ' i l Wel l s Col lege t h

lnno, violin,la We to stu-

c, Philadelphia, will offer a classon which thirteen colonies along the.' for advanced etudenis of piano. Mr.Atlantic seaboard declared their in-' Sapert.au is assistant to Josep Maff-de'pendence and proclaimed to the! man, head of the department of pl-world principles of governmentwhich through tho years linve goneon extending their sway.


ami at the institute, and conducts

following fall and gruiluated in 191!)receiving the decrees of II. A. with.Manila Cum Lnude. Mis& Philliphas been four years at Yale Universily where slm receive 1 two Fellowships.

Mrs. William Fftzer was elected!president of the Willow Grove Sew-ing: Circle, at a meeting of that so-ciety held in the Chapel Wednesdayafternoon. Mrs. Harry Evans, otBrooklyn, was elected vice-president;Miss Ann Scuddor, secretary; Mrs,Robert I. Curran, treasurer; Mrs.James S. Purdy, chairman of theBoard of Directors: Mrs. Hoy Kher-ly, pianist: Mrs. William V. Steur-nagel, chairman of the Sickness Com-mittee. The Sewing Circle are mak-ing plans for the celebration of thehunitlredth anniversary, which willtake place the latter part of thlmonth.

Are the Moths in Your Piano ?In most every piano I have ever tuned, I have found moths

under the keys where most of the outside dirt accumulates. Inthe past five years, I have overhauled 800 pianos in Westfleld withgreat results. After trying everything else on the market, a mix-ture which I use in every piano will prevent moths forever; no odorand never evaporates. This is used by me, it is not on the market.Your piano once overhauled and tuned by me, will never have tobe overhauled again for moths.

Every piano I tune gets a thorough inspection.Let me look ever your piano and check up its condition.


Warren Groff, Piano Tuner563 Westfield Ave. Phone 1502-W Westfield, N. J.

Players and Reproducing Pianos Reconditioned.



kgepsupwith thetimesahead of


Their real fruitjuice flavors makethe big difference—that is why theyare so remarkablydifferent; so su-premely delicious!

everyserving theymake a hit!

Wt.. B...., A.t...bll.. Ar. B.ilV, iTtckyilTtZu ru.Z

No. 21

ttestion: Why is Buick^so generally acceptedas the Standard ofComparison?

: Because for more than 21 yearsBuick consistently has nearest approached theideal of a dependable motor car. Everyonecommends your judgment when you buy a Buick.



RAHWAYWestfield, N. J.


Page 5:  · Reach. with strong ot the. out tho ailv lor lo eHi, dor. bushu'^s.in* jii-iiiTHE WESTFIELD LEADER THE FADING AN D MOST WIDEL Y CIRCULATE WEEKL NEWSPAPER I N UNIO COUNT out for



Miss .Mabel Phillips, ibushier nfM'r. aud Mrs. Milton H. i>h>!)ijt=. andWilliam Clyde Do Van?, uf roliiinbin.8. C , were marrii'fl last. Saturdayafternoon -M one ot Hie mos! elKirm-lug vveadnH'.B us tin- season, »l tin1

hom^ of thii bride's parents, L','J8East Dudley iiv«:-]|\io. The eereiiionytook plui'e at f»ur inlofi; , bpfci'ie alarge group »f relatives and intimatefriends of Die ymiiia couple. Thehouse was profusely <]eci>riiie<] withrambler ro >v and a Siacl^rouinl <.rfoak leaver, tin- prevailinE cuin'rscli^niti S>t-iiiK i'ink.

The Rev. Jiinifs A. Smith, rei-tnrof St. Paul ' - lii>iscop;il rimreli. per-formed the ceremony nnd ihe ln-idewas given in marriage by her Father.Htfr sisters, I ho Misses Marsaret and<»rae,e Phillips attended her as brides-maids, and Mr. Dc Vane hart fur his!>e t man, 1-rtuis Pntton, of (Ii-eeri-Yillo, S. C , who has been ii.--soci:i(<"dwith him ;it Vale rniver*ity as ;igraduate sttidsnt. Mrs. laiela For-est Kustimin, liarpest, played (howedding music.

The bride was ucnvned lit whiteg-eo'rgette heavily beaded with pearls,witb. a court, tram of while satin.Her veil was or Prlneess laee, amigfre carried a hhower houM'iet ofwlilto roses and lilies of the valley.

%llss Margaret Phillips was gownadIn pale green pftorgette, and uhe ea'r-rled an arm bouquet of pink rones.Miss Grace Phillips wore pink geor-gette and carried pink roses. The,bridesmaids' gowns we're fashionedalike.

A reception at tlie home followedthe ceremony, after which Mr. andMrs, Do Vano left for an extendedweddinp trip. On Uinlr return theywill reside in Now Haven, Conn.,wheVe tho bridegroom la an instruc-tor in EiiRlish at Yale University.

The. hridp Ima a Host, of friends InWestflflkl where, she* lias lived moatof her life. She is a Rnitlnato ofWestfK'ld HlRli school and of WellsColl«Ke, at Aurora^ N, Y., and laatweek she received Hie decree of Ooe-tov of Philosophy, Yalo Bntversity.

of Mr. ami Jlr.s J. JJ.irsliaH Oowcll,(•I Liu u:-t avenue, Carwooii, was mar-ried lu ciiarli-,- Wesley Johnston, ofthis town, Thursday evening at thehome nf the bride's jiaVeiits. Tii"(t-ieiiiujiy tt.is p<rfonmd b>* K-v.Gordon M. Unwell.

AIiv. I.e-Jiij K, CifWfll, sisl-;r-in-!,is,v ui t)i<- hride was luiitr.

nd Dudley .)<)bVideuroeer <. i

in an.l-'nr T«o years U

ployed in MIP oilic.of the WV.-tlieid ilately had IIOPH emi.She w

if hoii-liroth-

Ihe h(-st; i


briui-j w;!

•f (lie [n-i;:h Sciiuo"eel in K<• uf the.


uuubnsiiy strong tills ^UJliniej,. In ;addition tci Dr. Keeue. die faculty Jwill include Dr. Cforte K. Keikp), IWrortor of Physical Training, State'of New Jersey; C.uy C. Throner,,I'rofcssor of Physical Education iiniljVarsity iiaseball Coach, OberllBI ' o ' U w imcl K i h p l A . t j i - D s w u i i . i ' l s » :

of t h t - \ ' « v J e r s e y S t a t e l l e j i a r i l n v i : !

of i ' l i i i i l i - H e a h l i . A i l s i v i i i i i n i i r . . :

, . i a t s e < w i l l be- n i u l e r ; h f d i r - ' H t i o h o(

John K. Liimstltn, mi expert swim-mer ami member of the Royal UfaSavins Society of the l'.itlsii ish1,-. j



TIIB wedding of Miss KliirpneeParker MeClintiirk. only daughter ofMr. mill Mrs. Prank Kmmlil Mc-Cllntock, of 111!) Hast Dudley ave-mie, and Mr. JIaleolm lipiitwitliAyres, will take lilnee tomorrowniRht at S:3l> at tho hnnie of thobrido'e parents. The Hev. .lainen A.Smith, rent or of St. Paul's KpiscopatCtmroh, will peiforin the eeretnony.

Thn bride's only attemlant will beMrs. Wilfred Henri Wolfs, of West-field, who will lift as matron of hon-or. Mr. GoorRO JIcNeal. of SebrJiiR,Kla., will bo the h»st man.


school l i tre, class of 1921.The bn'di'Kroou] jxraduated fwnn

(lie Ififch seiiuol In 1 !> I <i and is noweinukiyeil by tho Du'raU'x Corpora-tion in -\enarii.

Tpon I lie rtMlirll from tiieir wvil-din^ triji ttle couple wiit reside inClarwoiid.

{oijtv—i'.viTi:uso\AuiHHUu*on\o!it Ivas lieen mads1 t f;

the marriace of Miss .ianei DownieI'aUersdu, of \!ul«n City, N. 3., to1

Kranklfn H. Colby, of 410 K. Dudleyavemu1, mi Satwv^uy ni^hi .

Tiie ceremony was performed atIioris Temyiitt Si\ vh\U>n (!iiy, by HevMr. ltunliiou.

The host man >vas Waliare \V.I'olliy, Jr. a eonsin of tho groom andtbi> viebpvft %vere Juvries Patterson abrut her of lli« bride and Kdwih Clos.feriuvui, of Westiieid, a brolber-inlaw of the groom. James MaoDon-tthl, of Vonkwn, eHeliratod baritoneand radio entertainer. saiiR severalBOk>etioTi3, aeeoinlniniftl by bl.s wife.

Tlie couple left alter the weddingfor n trip to Cannon and will laterreside in Westliehl.

WKNUKIJ—IMSItKMKHMiss Maliel M. Deremer, dau^hto

of Mr. ,IIHI Mrs. Alfred Heronier, oCenter Blreot, Garwood, became th«brtdiwnf (iiistnv Vonzel. North aVemio newsdealer, at Kt. Paul's MvanRelical Chureli, flarwood, Siltiirda.niglil. Hev. Carl Schiter, rector o£tho rrhureh, perfornted the ceremony

Mis.s {/hristiao Deri'iner, a sister othe bride, was the "laid of honorand Ross Kom'Oe. of Kmvark, an intlrnnlo friend of tho prooni. was thbest man. June and Jane Nicholawore ilowor uirls.

A roeeptiiin followed Ilio ceremonynt llritz's auditorium and manyfriends- and relatives were present.The couple left for a short weddingtrip and upon their return, they wilreside at :ifM Center street.

A "t Xatiunai r u i n ;u-y iji;;,- !.•; ,,ii;the tiuibe National Bank, of the City:of New YvirK. series lSUli; with |u>r-,trait uf fWMijaimn ihiirison. At first;s-'biliee I bv. liill is ileeeptive. llllt;u',H!H e!os\T esaitiination its pjiiirhiuse'aarai'ter may he deiet-ted. Tip':nmiiheiiut-, Trea.-.iiry K1SS7SSH and jHaul; <Hi:,'J7. i-i in bhirk ink in.-ieart!

ol hlue as in the mnuille 'i'he spur-ious hill is ,i ]ihi.tf.,;)ii].hii renrodiie. •

KI.MS—.\SK1/TI.MOAtinoiiiieiuiient has lieett made (if

the marriHKe of ll"iitrke X. AseltiueuT L'OD ICi^ewtiiiil iiveiiiie, tn Dean

Tho imirriase (it Misa Isaliel Vres-' ICnmierfoii Kills,, nr Worwstur,land, daiiRlitei- nf Mrs. (ifiorsp Vree- Mass., nn .Satiinlay, at tlie Littleland, of 1 Holiarl I'laee, Summit C'liur<h Around the Corner, tu Nowand Clifford Cnbljlson. son of Mr | York. Bolli th« l)i'lde anil Rrcmm ut.and Mrs. O. 11. Culililson. of 24f>( tended the University of 1'euusyivu-Grove street, this town, which took nl.i. Tlio couplnlire mnv touring theplace l«tKt TueKday. has be.2ti an- Nrew ICufiiand Slates utul Canada nnonnccd. | upon their jot urn will refute

The ceremony was performed 111 Philadelphia wliern the ni'<u>iii is •tensed In hiiKinerfs.


the First Methodist KplsropnlChurcn, 'Yoiikcrs. >J. V., liy Ilev. HK. Stockdale.

Mrs. Ciililiison. Jr., is all activemember of the younger .social set ofSummit and is a prailiiatc of KentPlace School of that town. Mr. Cub- Tlu> program in Physical Ediu'abison, Jr.. IF, a graduate of Blair tjon at RutRcrs has been exteiulei!Academy. Hlairstown, N. .f., wiieni tlii^ Munmcr to Include many newhe WiiH a proniinoni athlete. Ho isnow coimwted with the Health Pro.(lyeta Corporation

Tho couide fiimakin;; the'r lion

".'! Newark.(ho proKPiH arein this town. i


A .weddiiiE «f Interest to many inWeatfleld, is (hut of Mu-s MargaretMcCandlp.KS, daughter of Mr. andMrs. II. W. McC'andless, of r,:1, \Yash-itiKton avenue, North I'laiplield anilJoUn Carlierry', Jr.. of f,JM> Vestfiehlavenue, this *,ov>n( wiiieli wiii tal:ep lae e nt tho brtde\- homo tomorrowaftemuon at five n'doeli.

Miss Waudan McCaiidless, a ~is-tp.r of the bride will lie maid of hon-or and Mis*- Ruth MoCamlless aiiotli-PV Bister, will be (lower Kirl. Don-ald Carhcrry. a brother of tin1 groom,•will be hest man. T">r. Claris, o[ theConoresationai (.'hiivch, N'ortb IMaiu-tv<?lt\ will ofiiciaie. ,

The briilo Is :> ttr.'iduaie of Tlart-rirtfio School and has been studyinsar t in Neiv York. Th'' groom nl-tpmK'd Colg-nlo rnlvev-lty. I

After n wetldhiir Irlp. Ihe couplewill make lli«-li- honie in Wcstflelrt. ;


Hilda May Wells, daughter of Mr.'tlllil Mrs. Thomas M. Wells, of 223Elmer st'-rpM. will bei-nni" the bride1

of. Karl liaynoiiiil l-.iiiw.ei., son of Mr. jnnil Mi's, fete,- M. Kriks'-n, of Car-Iwood, at n lo'inc W'ddliii;, Ta.-:ilay. Iwlilch is also l l v H-ilvef weddin-anniversary of i:e- bride's !,-iir<i:ts.

The n-roiioniy will be p.-rfortnedby tlie Kev. !!• W. ICliiolt. ofIt.-xliw.'iy ar Ihi. imnii- uf tin- Urid-Vsaunt and uncle, Mr. and Mr.-. i*i inl.\C. Wells. :•."• rar l . ]>\nv<-. lwlns ton .N. J. F'raiiri.s Maria Wellt;. a sisterOf the bride, will be maiil of binitir,and Mr. Jh'i't KriKi-vn. a brollieror the srnoni, will bo the b?-it man.Ohnrlotto Annette Well,:, a youn;;erslutor of tlio bride, will ho ;t ilowe'r

Klrl.Tho couple win spunil their lionev-

inoon, touring Canada, upon tholr re-turn t ier will rei'hlo in Oarwtiml.

courses in Plij'Bical Traininji. Hy-Kieno alitl courses in Health Admini-stration. Tile course in Aiiministralion of Health Education will bo undel- tho direction of Dr. Keen* of thoPennsylvania Department of Healthand Dr. Koilin) of the New JerseyHealth Department, The coursa inAthletics, specially adapted for in-.siruetcus aud coaches, of footballbafHtotball anil track will be undertho direction of Professor Throner,of Oberlin College, in addition t()I hes-e courses the program incluiUPhysical lOdiu-ation, Anatomy, 1're-ventive Medieiuo- ami Swiniiniiur.

Thti PhyaUtal l-'.diieation fncuKy 1-1

tieti nf i he original.A -Sa I'Vdora! Hescrve note- is on

ihe Kedeval ileserve liunli of NewVIPI-U. It lirars a portrait of Lin-coln. The face plate contains thenames of A. \V. Melbm. SeiTetar\- oftlie Treasury, and Frank White,Treasurer of the t 'nited States. Itis pout-ly exc-cu(eil. with a few col-ored lines represent ins the silk fiberof the ROUHIIU* hill. The number Is1105111202(111. The pnrtraii of l.ln-culn is poor, tho lines being dlscon-neeteil.

A $20 Federal Uoseyve note hasa portrait of Cleveland. It l s print-ed on paper without silk {breads orimitation of them. Tho soul IR anindigo liiue Instead of lir-.bt blue, ason the Kimulne bill. Tho niimher isA474«82',inA, the, figures lieing ir-regnlnr and poorly printed.


Roderick Perkins, of 35 Courtstreel, Newitrli, was fined five dol-lars for .speeding on Hiiutii avenue.Motorcycle idlleer Kriicst II. Longpreferreil Ihe chnifie.Monday:

Mrs. IJOIIIH Lulid'eo. of Grant ave-nue, I'laiiifield, was titled fifty dol-lars for allowing her husband todrive her car without a licence, ovpermil. Her ]iusliand was fined livdollars. Molnreyele olllcor .lobnHchrielier made the coiiuilalut.

If. Noingardt was lined live dul-lar.s ioj- passinp: a staitdiau trolleyciir, Odicer Alarllu Howarth pet-veilthe suminonH.

Willinni K. Duff, of 209 Park ave-nue, Xew- York, summoned Into courtby Motorcycle OIHe.Br Louis Pflrrmanfor speedini; on .North uveuue for-feited ii $10 deposit.

Frodcrick M. C'lmndler, of -I-111Davieti avduue, Kearney, was lined$lf> for speeding on North avenueand for having no regiHtration cards.He was given a siimmotiH by Motor-cycle oflieer l.'niest I.ollfX.

Peter Task-In, of Id Perry street,New York forfeited a deposit Of ?25for nllowitiK I'Mward KyninioiiR, of 57(Monlelth street, Now York to driveiii.s automobile without a license.

STOK.un-: H.\TTi:itv T O <ii'i:\MOW llltAM'H TOMdUltOW

The Wesllield Hterase iiattery kHujiply Co. will open a new branchservice station tomorrow, at H ; I.Vorlli avenue, where they will miiUii;i specialty of ear parkiuj;, ear wasii-ins.-, oilinir, Ki-easiu^. They will ab;t>liandle auto supplies, tires andtubes. Tin- new parUiiu; ordinancenf tin- lou-ii will have, special atten-tion ami patrons parking their i-avswith Ihein will he well taken car" ol'

•r.i.x \ci 'i:.\l.s TO IU;IIMAIU) M'iXT Tl l.SII.W

The I'uiou County Hoard ol' 'i'a>:a-tiou has announced that tax appealsfor W'PMfield will hH beard In theCimrl House, at l'".li?.nboth, at ft.:'.bA. M. on Tuesday, .limn ?,o. Heai-inu^. foi Mnuutaiuside will ite al ^J'.oP m. nn the .sumo day.



The New L. Bamberger & Co.



Three Hours' ParkingWithout Charge

ill a protected area on Plane street, between Central ave-nue and James street, just a few blocks from the Store.After the first three hours, a charge of 15 cents an houris made.

A Connecting BusAlso Free of Charge

operates continually between the parking area and theHalsey street entrance of the Store, and is as luxuriouslycomfortable as one could wish.





H. L. WOLBERT Auctioneer921 Bergen Avenue, Jersey City, N. J.


(.\\'ith largo plot 75x183)SATURDAY, JUNE 27On the premises, 2 P. M.


Westficld Nov.- Jer-ewith nltrwtlve mi.lrm-..nicnts include 8 brijrln an,]«howcrs hot wilri- heat •'horror Later. h^ucloset, liuvellcd mirrors in e].*rtAUCTIONEKIt'S CWMMKNT—Imnie<liml,..inK v.,cant iluc to the fact tliut. tla- .iOitv"lo be near I.fa place ,,f bus ing ,Itnilrnml of N. 3. tib.iut U\ miles from.

pleiitiiil iec'iiUon mid purromidlnpiini...:. The, feature, «„ , »nno.nl-,Ij.,ini...:.

ieei-rn! n»-i»«; .=»>> l',nrl,°,r-,2 f l e f ^ '"f 'mrelie •„ e ertncily, lluiltl Instantaneous

0,1: n..,.rinu, open lire ,»i.ce cedaretc. A BrtvnStt for <..l>™--- po.^sion, the « s * «wner lias moved <•<•*<**?

y- l ' ' ' i l ( l1 '"fh"/ INSPFCew > <>rl: (.Uy. INM EC-

portiinity i/olVcreil nt Public Auction.tionci-r'a telephone, Ii?rs;cn 478.

Sale niin or tfoine. Anc-

K O H K H T A V V h K T O N

PURE SILK GARMENTS-illk Costume Slips $2.98

ie chemist: *2- 7 s

ronf l',ati?U: slips, Ilnrid cmbrolilered $1-98Kill; JJrcs-< Scurfs $1.35Silk Dn-fH .Scarfs $2-»SSilk Dre:=.s .Scarfs $3.98

THE LINEN SHOP121 Walchung Avenue, near Front Street

TroM«y Pa#8«s tlic DoorPhone Plainfieia 3541 PLAINFIELD, N. J.

JULY CLEARANCE SALEBegins Saturday, Jane 27thSave citi yum' vacation ni'^d;',.

Save on your fall gift linens.

Save on bungalow ;ind porch lineitH. '


FRENCH VOILE UNDERWEARIdeal for Summer—Cool—fatt—All Shrunk

:?!. Ill Slop Ins $1.29$•'1.25 i'ajumas $2.89

PORCH OR BUNGALOW LINENSfi-pleco Limclieon .Sets, Cloth ami 4 napkins $1.89 awl $3.00Ilamltimile Italian Kets $4.98, 45.98, $6.98


h , i20 . i )0 n " ' H l ! m R U t e h W ' ' l,.d.M'..Za".n"Pki"S' • • " . » » H«« lUHw Vilet S H . ^ 4 5 " Hmmer, 0 M a c I)oiiios,,, 18x in, 18 x 5-1, Crush, Damusk or Mummy 98c Reg. $12.75 $10.00

Page 6:  · Reach. with strong ot the. out tho ailv lor lo eHi, dor. bushu'^s.in* jii-iiiTHE WESTFIELD LEADER THE FADING AN D MOST WIDEL Y CIRCULATE WEEKL NEWSPAPER I N UNIO COUNT out for


- WESTFIEUJ I,K4I*K« PltlK'I'lNUJlStD m t U S i l l S ' G COMPASI1

IKDfiPBXJJKKT K B W J l ' i l ' M



(Alternate Years) ;and \

Official OrKM o* tht Stiv Jer»ey »••<>-! , , .elation for Poultry Itn&rovemtut I IWttl

Entered 8t the Post Office at Westfleld,N. J., as Second Class Matter.

Teraia i13.00 a Vear la Adviow,

Advertising Kales Furnished UponApplications.

Business Office > 41)7Job Printing Dept I


I involves local pride as well as adoption of the definition "Coo-\a square deal for every local lidgeisrn" is clever for themerchant. ] country is more firmly united

It is not a new cause for con-; than ever in its support of thetroversy for it has been heard; policies of the able President ofin the past more than once and; our country,at times there have been excel-: Mr. Whitney goes into thislent grounds for complaint. As! campaign with brighter pros-it rule it has not been necessary; peels for success than any Ke-lt) do more than call attention; publican candidate during tht;jo the conditions upon which, past ten years and if he willthe complaints have been based! devote the campaign to di.seu.s-and the boards have eliminated isions of his plans for brinjringithe practice that .seemed un- about economy in administra-fitir. tion of the .state's affairs show-

The local (iejiler i.s entitled to • iriy some practical method byfirst consideration because ho j which taxe.s can be reduced hehu.s invested his money in West- is curtain to be elected in No-

nd he has developed ' vember.property that contribute-to the Thy people of the state rea-iax income of the town and liz<i that cliarg'e.s of extrava- Jevery local merchant i.s a real; jjancs! must be met by the mem-1factor in the community con-] beivs of the Legislature because jtributing liberally to its wel-j Governor Silzer could not have |fare as well as maintaining the!;spent one dollar without thebanks, building and loan asso-j consent and approval of a Leg-jciations anil it;- every progres-I ishtlure that has been over-jsive movement. i whelming'ly Republican for a!

Ra m n ! number of years.

l.)d not J'orjret this is Chil-d r e n ' sOuuntr y

Wednesday, June 24, 1925

j Help The Children'sI Country Home

1 and remember that.

H o m eW e e k

this iiisti-


Another year of progress in J tutiou i.s Westfield's proudestthe history of:i possession and its greatest op-1

School Year W e s t i" i e 1 d ' s j portunity for benefitting suffer-jNeari End schools neara its!»]g humanity. This home is j

completion and doing the greatest work i/i itsThe Leader extends its con-gratulations to the Board of Ed-ucation and each member ofthe faculty that has contributedto the excellent record that hasbeen made. The Board hasbeen called upon to meet andadjust quite as many difficultproblems as usual and its workhas demonstrated the loyalty

history and within the past fewyears the demand for its ser-vices has increased tremend-ously.

Every additional undertak-ing by the management of theHome calls for money and thistown must do its full part andmore than its estimated sharefor it is a Westfield institution

Art, Sewing, Manual Trainingand Printing Work on


Thi' animal i-xhibitiiiii of line andnjipiU'd art*, ni;iniKtI training ;itt(lprint his work is ln'ins liold at theHigh .school this week and luisattracted maiiv visitors unil manyfavorable comments have been madeon tlio worK shown.

In tlio gymnasium sewing workand art dt'atYiUKs arc displayed, Thowork i» seiviiiR and art work liasbeen prepared under the directionof .Miss Harriet S. Howard, art direc-tor at the high school, and Miss L'ellaM. DicketiHon, domestic Keiejieo In-structor. Tile course ill Kevins isdesigned primarily to leach girls tobecome intelligent aostumors. (lirlsof tlio f;railuatin& clusw, as an indi-vidual project, made afternoonfrocks a.sed at the. yraduution excr-clsesi. Tlte art woi'U includes arclU-tcctiii-al designs, of whlcli (neve, are

and devotion of the members! and Westfield has assumed theto the cause of education.! duty of seeing that it is prop-Every year increases the re-1 erly maintained under all cir-sponsibilities of the Board and j ctimstances. The Home hasit has met them courageously!been admirably managed byand with notable spirit of fair-1 its officials and some of themj f.".V "1"*4.*""X BL *l«»ro- i" 1&Sness to all concerned. 'give services that cannot be es-

The teaching staff has been!timatcd on any financial basis.one of unusual excellence and And there is not one of thesethere has been a fine spirit of i women who have failed in this


WflLL be going away soon for the summer.Have you thought of saving money on

coal by filling in now?

When you come back in the Fall, therewill be a rush of orders and uncertainweather conditions to delay deliveries. Ourcoal pockets are jammed full and runningover NOW.

Save money, relieve yourself of incon-venience, be sure of your coal supply. Orderit over phone, 1492.


The difference between Fiction andFact is, that in Fiction fortunes

are found; in Fact they areAccumulated










PHONE WESTFIELD,N.J.materials fir sturdy construction


co-operation throughout the en-tire system that has contributedconsiderably to the record of

voluntary service. As the workhas increased they have givenmore and more of their time to

advancement in the great cause this noble work for crippledin which they have been enlist-ed. The Leader extends itsbest wishes to the teachers andhopes they will enjoy the vaca-tion season and will be readyto resume their duties with re-newed energy when they arecalled back for the fall session.

The youug people who arenumbered with the graduating-

. class have only passed one ofthe milestones in their lives and

children and there must beliberal response to this appealfor financial support in keep-ing up this splendid charity.

In some of our cities todaythere are many children whoselives were saved

brought towhen theythis Home.

Every year health and happi-ness comes through the mini-strations of this Home. It ia aglorious work and one that de-

the most important duties are serves every praise as well asahead of them. While a do-1 ample financial backinggree of self reliance has been! Bo your part promptly anddemanded in the public schools: liberally for every dollar

| for fluI Home i.s honestly spent'does an amount of goodl cannot be approximatelyi mated.i B3 ra Ea

Children's Country


there is a sterner test that theymust undergo from now on re-gardless of the course theypursue.

The time has arrived forthese young men and womenwhen they must apply the les-sons they have been taught in:the High School. They are go-j Whitney Opensing into biyger, broader fields J His Campaignwhere competition is greater!and the contest for honors Wnoy in l i isnot easy in eoliejre or in thej K c p u b 1 i e a n candidate forworld of business. They have! G o v e v n o r of Now Jer-had the opportunity to build Hp' soy. Disregarding the attacksa strong foundation and they j on Governor Silzer there IKmust be ready to complete thej plenty of real common sense instructure through their own Krnator Whitney's statement.

cs of real merit, by Miss Helen Pcutz,and oilier work in landscapes, stilllite, IKISCSI sketches, perspective,liostoi'ti und Uatik work. The aeonery fur the. claws day play wus paint-ed l>y Unite l'osl ami Klizabotli

Tliu manual training and printing|exhibit wan hold in the. manual train-ing rooir^ al the High school. Tlioexhibit is without doubt, Uio bestthat h:ia ever been staged In AVoat-fiukl. When one sues this exhibit, lieis loud in his praise of Hfiroldilroolis, John Thompson and HaroldThompson, the instructors.

Tho work of all the grades, overthe ai.xtli, are displayed. Toys, birdhouses and small household articlescomprise, the sixth grude work.Radio stands, woven top foot stools,small tables, costumers and modelboats ari! shown as ronrosentativo ofseventh tirade work. The bouts aremodels of sailing yachts, schoonersand motor bouts.

TJie eighth grades have niocbanl-I'al drawing, jirinting and inotalu'ork. 'rite jirintln^ is simple composition and prcsswork and the niot-al work consists of hammered eou-per and sheet metal work. Smokingtrays, pin trays, paper knifes, hall

a re

HOIiAIlT 1IIJBON, HI!. -Word lias been received hero of

the death of Hobart Huson, Sr..;ii;od CM, at Newark, on tlio niffht ofJune 11. after mi Illness of severalyears duration. Kuneriil serviceswcu'o hold the afternoon ot Julie 10at the. imrlora of Stephen MorrlttBurial Company lit Now York City,services tioini; under auspices ot thaMasonic Ofdur and tho SalvationArmy. Interment, was made in thaSouth.

The late Iluliarl Hwsoiv was prom-inent In nowsnsiuer, political and so-cial welfare circles in tho SouthwestHo was formerly owner and prtltor otjtho "Gate City Oamttc" at T)enl»on,|TOXHS, and several years prior tojstntoliootl he went to Oklahoma'wliors lio waa connected for n "wlillwith newspaper and social njpltarowork.

31r Huson Is survived by two sonsllobnrt ITiiKOii II, nnd Franlt Sessum Hnson, and two prnndchlldrnnllobart Husan HI and Kathli'on l.nncastor lltison, nil of San Antoni"Tosas; two sisters, Mrs. Clara HusonAinvny, witc of Wilmore An way, ot

MISS KNOWLES, HairdresserTel. 17'ifi

8t Elm St. Wejtlield, N. J.


Facial Mi



issage Hair Cutting

Scalp Treating

Waving a Specialty

Now Torlc, and Mrs. Hatwidow of Klliott Mason

Westfield, N. ,7.

| Hcarsdale1 lie Mason


BEFORE VACATION TIMEArrange for your monument

now. When you return in thefall it will bo ready for theplanting of grass and shrub-bery.

i> t,toni

much to commendin tho open-ing jnm firedb y SeriiitorjArthur Whit-

ciiiiipiii.ifii a s

<l]ld I lantern* and otliainai^rud copper,rookie cu t te rs matchni'ls arc iiii'de from

Thu l l ^ h school IcasiN with k'Utlcil t:!;

IMirt tallies a nil hall titn\- and waitmt..

II.A/JOli IJKK I 'UISKHI-H. ltnacl Hioo C'lftrk. wif*

Edward M. Clarli, 115 Waslilnmade- out otj Htroet, ilicil :\t l\pr lminc. WudncDust pans,i iilnlit. Dt-atli was iluo to

;ixow aiul t'un-i mvipp^:

•ct uuMai. ' hand..luyct-. 1H>T parent?. Mr. ami Mi's.

inf n > i ! t . ;


t :u! io

tea-v.'iv.-oiu;, piano btiUihv. turucil briiiut.


Slio ia survived liy h'-'r» ftrav yr-ar old daii)K>T parent?, Mr. and



Opposite Post Ofl,cc MORRISTOWHN.J.

Baggy Knees?We'll take 'em Out!

BAGGY KNEES are found occasionally in eve«the best of pants—

But they'll quickly go—and the original MUM*lines will return if you'll let us shape your dcrtbesby our new Valeteria pressing method.

This is the superior service that's being t^rtm*tisEd in The Saturday Evening Post.

Phono no i'cr Valeteria service. We'll call «<once anil set your dotbes back when you vrtSStthsm.

$1.75. If it ni'i'tl-i

iavc iinf ini'iviiswl willi this addedA man ' s suit cleaniMl mid prossotl i l

^iim- only cliiii'jje is 75ft


MRS. G. 0 . KELLER, Inc.Valeteria Service Cleaning—Dyeing

at1 2 5 P A R K A V E N U E


and Hoar nnilio

d ia r ies L. Kite, of r.ranfnrrt, ami(iinr slKtnrs. Mrs. Frank r o r k r . ofWPKlflftlil, Mrs. AllKilstus C.rnbn, Mrs,AiiiirfW MrConnell anil Miss MnrlnlUico, tho last tlivrt. Df Cranffird.

Mrs. Clark was a member of theWiinu-n';-. Auxiliary nS Urn Ani('ric:mI.o^ion. l^niHiral s:c'rrice.^ \vor'> con-

the His I:

ability and energy.Pa Pa ps

While it has not

Buy Town SuppliesAt Home

jThe Huyue brand of politics isI not ;t hwilthy one for any corn-

been dis-lrcioinvealth and there is amplec l o s e d I room for improveivient in con-how htrge ditions at Trenton, but the cui-jiniimounthas been

didate pointed out sonm ofthem in his primary campaignthat, require attention from Re-publicans as well na Democrats,

The Republican party hasoverturned one of its most ae-

spent by the town's purehasim,'boards outside Westfield forsupplies that could have beenbought from local dealers withequal advantage to the town ititive leaders by nominating Mr.is evident that business men of I Whitney and one of his first ob-thc town have, some reason for! Hjration.s to his party is to Ijrinjrmaking the request that oqrml]about coinplete. harmony in hisopportunity for bidding be af- own party. It i.s in his powerforded to local dealers. Thematter is one that should be dis-cussed openly and freely for it

to do that and then lie can de-vote more of his time to thu

of the other parly. His

boys . !h'i niofUfuiictil d ruwiaK dls ] .k iy ;are plutcs lihowiim work In or-iijihic, h-oim-tric, oablnot and |0 pri>j<-'i'.tlon ; intersecting Hltr-1

development ot surfaces, fur-'1 design, trncin^K, and lihioi

ihtcUul at:uid bnrinlComotery,

lier• \ v ;

3 ahI.S Hi

• homeado at



nitnro dc^i^n,printb.

hi tliii prinliiarv^ i>Ux'.k linnltOilrisVnins amif^rani^ mul bi li'ter hoadH antlcomposition, p

; wovlt display, tlionitm? (.'lit.1!, tlireo colorlujliday cards, jiro-

ol J'nrins, imersok*. Tlio lioyscs-ivorlj .uul (


d intired jeweler.('curt. Iron lloters of Ann'i-jCrcAvc, leaver



i l i j l i v K i l l ! ,

b e c a u s e ho waIrr ai'tMlt!; toimuleli; of t hetli« ear;; i l"?iitlic snii ;:.!|i«nisa few of tht h r o u g h and

h-. a ] i a [ i [ ry m a i l ( m l a y ,

UIIM (if ( f ] ( . / , n v Cltry.H-

l)e r iV'Ml U1H' o f t 1111

n e w ( I I I - ' - J I ; r l i ' i iu i ' ^ ,

ii<-(l t o ln '1-i . i i in o n e of

nil (lie nrirlrni. tmlven" fours hav« TO moiiuli in very Utel v tu

liavp hi'cn aivardod utio, Tho car Isnow on dinplily in hh' sale.-!-Di):n,eorncr Ilrniul and I'oniieet sUveolti.

Tho car «lo.-;i'ly rosciulik-s lis. 'his-(<jr~car, tho CltrysWH- Six, HO murliso Mint only mi oxiierU'iiopd eye pannnlo Mto difL'erffiteo.

I I I W I I Y i \ w . (;I:I:VVHHenry l<\ \V. (Iri'wr dicil at tlu>

limiio of Mr.". C'harlcs l l n ^ r r , of fllilI'iirk stn-et, WcdnoPdiiy. Doath waseaii'ii'd by lioart discaic.1 He far

lived in Newark and ivas a re-He w;is a mnmbor of

itml, No. i;!2, Korps-fia, of Noivarlt. Mrtwo daughters, ]\If3.

Fred Slincninlci?!1, of Ilrooltlyn, N. Y. |and Mrs. .Tohn Mi'lehor, of Nowarlt |and two sans. Ooorno W. Orcwf, oEiIllllslrlo, and ll'.'iiry (irowo, or New-!ark. I

SHtS. .(ANIOT I,. IIAl.fi |-Mi'o. ,iam>t LiviiiiKiton Hall, Rl) j

ywvra old? motbnr of Jobn K Hall,!of l in N. Km-ll<l iivoimo, died yc.-i-tevday niorninL: at. S.;10 lit tlio re-I-dens't1 nf ber Mister, Ml'H. Kate jVlixirtof llrmiklyn. Mrp. llnll lived InW'CHtlield at Uio hnnii' of IKT "On fora litlnilM'i" of your*. l^nnera! Ber-vlrRs will ht! he-Id oil l'YulMj- at J.,10n'clocl: fi'otu }!I7 Madison St., i!roo]i-lyn, onndiutnd by llev. Frederick W.Norrln, «f Kt. I\Iatfhmvji l(:p:scoi»alOlntrch. Inlnrnivnt will lie tnad(> InHyprp^a IHUa Ooniftory.

Vacation Days Issue The

Call For New Sports

FootwearWlu'ii yuu'iv oiV Viitalion-

luviuul, it's UIKHI to know thatyour \'>i}-'; ur trunk I'ontains onenr >W(T.M1 p;iirs of sporis fooi-wc.-if. With ttu'in you will have{.'oiiNllf-ss houi's of pU'iisui'i1 amiri'bixnf ion. It. may lie tennis,nr K"lf, a not- of ci'oquot or nhike somewhere oiV in Uu1 hills;it is then that yon ivill approci-

tliis type of footwear most.ni|>3cto variety of brilliantlos in both men's and \vo-

's :;ports oxfords. Buck,if and oik leathers in several•t>ly colors with contrastingtided trinuninc?.

Smart Hosiery forSport or Dress Wear

VAN ARSDALE'S127 E. Front Street

Plainfield, N. J."Th«t Centre of tha Btuinau





at Does Title InsuranceMean To You ?

([•'VERY home owner or property owner isvitallyinterested in knowing that the title or owner-ship ot his property is free and clear.

Because of the great chance of flaws, defedtsor encumbrances appearing with resultantlitigation and losses, most people absolutelyrequire Title Insurance-Complete protection, financial advantages,comfort and peace of mind arc all offered forone small durye.

l"or those who are interested in learning moreabout Title Insurance, we shall be glad to sendour booklet—simply write, call or telephoneMarket 9200.

Fidelity UnionTitle & Mortgage Guaranty Co.

755 Broad St. and 9 Bank St., Newark, N. j .CrtJTTAL ANO SuRrujs—OvEn 52.5OO.0tX)

Page 7:  · Reach. with strong ot the. out tho ailv lor lo eHi, dor. bushu'^s.in* jii-iiiTHE WESTFIELD LEADER THE FADING AN D MOST WIDEL Y CIRCULATE WEEKL NEWSPAPER I N UNIO COUNT out for

;m v.P-ITIELT* . JVNE 24, 1.925 Page Sevee

, • ' •-••'"« ••' your out-'il-iuvrn savinars pas ,

book before j u ) v 5 0th, v,e will « r r , m p i ! to tnmsie r th.

; ) ( account tu We.tiiold without cost or loss nf interest.

'• I'1'1* «''U make y»ur money work for the bettermentof WestfieM instead of son,,, other town, besides beinK Imore convenient for yourself. J

Before going away leave your valuable l>uck,-,g,»f i>our upstairs storage vault.

Peoples Bank &Trust Company



I I I L 1' J \ I i i

1 It tt ^ 11 dc o m jt i 1


11 u 1i l l


t t l'f t l '


1 ,1) in * if h i t o lui

.Mrs. c'luruiuM* BeiKiuau. ot Kt>dI Is ink, 1-. \ IMLHI^ li< i niothoi Mrs.j .r A K* u > nt iUttn^ut >n*,iiiu .

Mi and All - J i t I JoUu-Um, u(d' 'In 1 -utnmwt \wi l'i V\ olUioro.

I . \ t t ) i u u u m ii( dinp I.iko

Tiauk sMtuitU'i I I

ui 1 IU> k Iio' >slu i*an

Kev. William K. McKluuey lias an-nounced tlnn the tallowing ministerswill uiiiciaie at Hie Sunday services

r the 1'resliyteiian Church, duringle period uf his trip to Scotland and

Irulaud.June 2S. Kev. Joseph 1, kwini:, 1).

t 11.; July 5, Rev. 1.. Vaiuleii Burn, II.II l>.: July 12, Kev. I'luiih'a 11. Mellon-

1( d 11 1 1 Id. 1). II.; July 111, Hi'v. F. \Y I.oet-11 i 1 I K U v iier, li. li.: July ;'ii, Kev. i\ A.luueheou. ; ctuizeaud, Westiieid Presbyterian

Miss tSi-.iiT Tree Voss, a former; (-'l'iirch's own missionary, homo onWostfield iiii-1. was a suest of Mis-si furlough Imm Ul.it, West. Africa;.Uarjorie Plant, of t'.irletun Jtiiad,: Aus>i-"t ". R«'v. Joseph I.. Kwins';over Iho week-end. Miss Voss uiaile *»>:us! !i, Kev. ('. A. Chazeaud; Aug.her s l a w debut last week, taking t l u [ l l s l 1 8- K " v - i !- v- <i™h;im, 1\ 1).;piirt of "Kit ty" in •'('iuu-ly's Aunt", ; A " « « s ' -'•'!. I»'V. ('. )•'.. Tedford, otnow playing at tho Daly Theatre 1V|1stiield. DuTiiiiv Dr. McKinney's


~^~ * M -£* *. *" •


Small 4, 5, and 6 room homes—attrac-tively built—complete in all details—hon-est construction throughout. Prices, $7,SO0up.

Let us show you our development andplans.

Goltra Construction Co.725 Summit Avenue PHONE 1512


|b tudenlMi a m i M i - i o l . u l u i - i i I ' V O S -

I p e i t • . t i e i l li t l l i s t s o i n Mi in -1 .infill »n w h . t e t he 1 - l i U t i a • . u m m t ' i 'I l l l l t ' l 'I-

Ml a i d U l - II II W a - i l l u m i , of

( u k i i n i n P l a n ' , a i e Ii n m . l u l v 1s t

i t o s p i lot t h u \ u u i ' u i m t ' \ \ Ai l i -

1 o u t ! uLs>

1 h o m i i i i ' U s o t i l n ( h i-.li t u Kn-

lil U O ! S K t- tA i l U i ' ) ' ?\\ -U^lH llil t ' i i

j l o i t l u ^ i t u i i u I t o - . t u t i . u n in

Ml l l l d \ 11^ l l u u \ l u i o i S.

L m l K l o i i n n l\ ' \ e oi n t i t h e i r

; I l e i R h t s , N. Y .

; Tl lO (liaVLH'UUHd a! ' lie W'Usis in i i '

' t o l l s e h o o l c i i i i i i m s o p e n s s'ur t h e se;i~

j s o u J u l y 1, u n d e r t l i o i l i r u i ' t i n n of

i .Miss J u l i a S t a U e l e .

j T h e t ivv i i ' i -h ick f evvk ' i " a i s i .

; P a u l ' s c l i u r o h w i t ! h e d i s c o n t i n u e d

after nest Suiulny. June 2S. mull thesoootul Suiulay in Sojit ".nlior.

Muster How.ud t.1. 'I'viliey, oi i'n>s-jieel sti'eot, is voi'vivi'i'iiii', m Mtitileii-liersA llosjUtal whole he undcrwenlan opi-'raliuu !'.«• appendii'itis mi Sat-urday.

A modal ot the montini.-nl whiehthe S. 1'. C. A, is iilaiinini.'. to eri'it

St. 1'auls street aiui Tremont avuuueis now lining exhibited at Fnitctiey'silfug store.

Mr. and Mrs. II. ('. Mi-Voy mid Mr.lUHl Mrs. (!. 11. Hih\v left lust weekto iiutvor to Detroit, where they willattend the National Convention oftho llnarils of Ue.tHors.

Mr. l\'.rey Tayioi. ot' l'huMiil ave-into,, joined the "Hole in One" Clubhist Wednesday when ho holi'd outa t tlui l " lh holo of thn Miirino anill''i«ld Club Course, in one stroke.T h e (l lstnneo WIIS 2»h y a rds .

.liihn ('. Klliott , stH-riMary of butiit h e \ 'i ' \v .lorsoy A?sm<iatlon of HeallOstnte l l na rds mid t h e loi-nl Hoa.-dof R e a l t o r s and Andrew s . Hani lo lphlofl S. i l i i rday, m o t o r i n g to Iho Real -t o r ' s r i m v p n l i o n ai Dei ro i t .

Uurin;.; .Inly and A imus l , in place. i of t h e r'.'Riilnr I'liiiir a in iar lc t con-

sihli iu; of Mrs. Allen llohb-., s o p r a n o ;r a n i Coison. n l to ; .losoph Wes t , ten-or Iind Ki 'mploll Seaylefi. bass willaiiiK it the si'ivii i>> at rit. 1'anl':,

' New York.a!



F o r S a l eMULTIPLE LISTING No. 156

A modern homo in Grant School section onvery easy terms. Stucco house with livingroom, open fireplace, hall, diniiiK room, kitchen,four sleeping rooms and two baths. Steamheat. , New two car g;inij?e. Priced at only$9,800 and remember, the terms will be madeeasy.

For further particulars apply to any of thefollowing members of the


ni^ht ier thealumni anil 11

s V\\\h on Krlrtny

ton'H orchcstni will furnish tliomusic.


Large Number of Visiting FireCompanies From all over

State Expected

A n i n i ' l i i i i ! o f I h o r n i m n i n r o o n a r -

i - a n ^ f i n o n : i H f o r 1lo» c o i o l t r a t i i m uf

i l i e i i f t i i ' l h ttiinlvnrBary of t l i o W o s t -

l i o l a K i r o D e p n r i n i i ' i i l . w a s h o l d i t

t h e firo l i o u s L ' , M o n d a y n i t i h t . P l a i n

w t r i HI ul I D I t i n n ill t i n - o l d il . i t I

it ! ln d i i ' i i t t m i i t t n i i a c o m p l o t f ;

h i s ! i n - y w i l l }n> w r i t l o n Vor a N O U V O -

i n , n o i n n \ h u li i i l , ))•' i l i . - ; t r ih t t t .o<l

t l i i l l l t i n i d i r n l i n i i . T i l ' . '

}i i i t , \ i l l 1 o i t t! , , m a n d (11::-

p l i il il i n \ l t h \ ( ; a l o l d p i c -

u i m d li

1' i I r li ^i t' t it l a ! : ' ' • n i n i i h i u 1

1 1 i i ( i 1 r< i n tnv . ' h • ; i r o n i l i l

w I i \ i 1 1 ] ! .-.-fii t a nd Mo.1:.

11 1 l I i \ i l a H i in Ki ' vo r . i l l i a n d : ; .

l u l l ] i n * t n v a t ii-; ;i ; - , iv ; ] ;

il n i l l v H i i l i l l ' h - o l l . ' p a r t -

i , 11 I i i ' o u - n w i l l n o t

i t 1 ii In li 1]' " f ' ^ " ' r ' y n ; ! ' ' i:;

i ii i ] U1 tit i ! ' . a i ! t i ' : n n f i o r - !

1 1 i I ' li a m i o v c r y o n o

ill h \ i i l nf ti d o h i - o r l i ' i 1

1 u l n Hi l if H o ' r . ' l i . l . r . i -

t i n u d ^ i i n ] in til r e ^ i i o n .<> : f iv. .

b.'ti Tree \ ih.s. u t'oi-in<'V'residoni of U'osttleld, wlm luis just !ri'HiirniHl froiu a trip around theUnited States, was a week-end juiestof Mr. and Mrs. Franr i i 0. plant, ofI'arleton Hoad. While in Seattle.Mr. Voss was Iho guest of tile Chi-ui'ii. Consul for that city.

Dr. J. IS. Harrison, in r.ast llroadstveei. has reuirned from Atlanti.iCity, where he attended a conven-tion of N'ew Jersey physicians.

Mr, mid Mrs. I!. 1'. Whltramh iindiamily, of North ICuclhl nventie willleave riatiirday to spi'ml tlio sittn-mer at thejr fotlaiio on l.alco ('h;iin-pluin.

Miss Miiiinl Itirli and Miss HelenIViirsall of I Iio primary departmentof the rirst Methodl-t Kiiuday si'hooland Miss Winifred Wlll'.ll! of theiniilor ileparl ne'llt will leave Mondaylo attend sessions of tile New JerseyCouncil of Methods at Itlalrstown.'I'lie sessions; are held under tlio niis-ipices of HIM (liiimcll of llelij:ioiia Kilu-eiitlon. !

Win. Ii. I'lrove, of llarclson live jline has recently rodirm'tl from a |livo months combination huslnesaand pleasure trip to ^duth Amei-icn,Mrs. Orovo ;uid dau^htovs, Mlldvedand Mniiorle; Joined Idiu hi liraziVand accompanied him mi tho hlilancof tho tour whlell Included UruguayArpieutiite, Chile, lN'vu, I'txrmiViftCanal and Cuba.


The Vote-vans' Krollc elosod Kut-invday nii^ht uflor a very siiijcessful iweek. The "Vets" are well pleased Iwith the way Ihr- townspeople turnedout for their affair. The $2(15 radio jset will not bo raffled off until Sal-1iivday uiulii bornnse it rained when]Ilio event wiis. scheduled lo bo hold.}

Thursday HIKIII was Veterans;nliihl and representaMven from Ihofollowin" posits were liroaont; Ar-jrimno l'ost. Kliziiliolh Piuit. and l(ali-|w.'iy Post, nil of Kllz.-tlidth; Railway jI'nst, of Hahwny: f rank I. DonnellyPost, of Plaliilleld; nmiolleu Post, ofnunellon: Rniunilt Pont, of Summit:)Soiiierville Post, of Sonierville; One|Hundred ami Sixth Infantry Pnftt, of!llrnoklyn. llall-Klreh Post. AniprlennlI/'irion. of Norlh rinliilleld. and tin;JPiilou County Voltiire, No. 227. For-Ily and Rljrllt. j

Ilnll-KliTli Post. American les ion, jof N'nrtli I'lalnfield, won the linml-lsoaio trophy ofrerfd by the lornl vet - jeriiiiH for the post tha t Iind the lnr«-jest attendance. j

Friday nli^lit was I'olebrnted asMasonic iiUvlit and n lnr^o mimher of-M^asons were present. Ratui'day was:"Kiddles" dny and naredevll Salvlo!Kitvn a Bpechil perforniancc for t.he|childr<'n in th<' morning. ']


F o r m e r Hlwiifr neiir:'... I!. John - i;Uon, of Scotch (Mains was ro-ol<*cl-<'d Moniiay nlirht as d i u i r u i a n of t h o :I'nion f i o i n t y Kc|ivibiic;iu Commi t - Ilee :it t in. a n n u a l i-e-on'.itnl'/.ntlon ;Illl'Ottlll. '.

. l o l m T r a v n o r . of ( i l l s t o w n , Wai'

o j p i t e d \ ' ; i ' ' - r h i i r m : i u of tli<- f ' o u n l y

I i i ' m o e r : i t i ' - C o m n i i l t e o .

;iliseiu'e (ho followinq' m e m b e r s oft h e i'oni;reiTaiion will lead the p rayers e r \ i c e s at t h e pa r i sh h o u s e overyU'j'diiesda\" e\eniiu,-; .Inly 1. AlbertW. .Meder; Ju ly S. A r t h u r 1). M u r t a y ;Ju ly IS, Alfred .1. c . l i o h e r l s o n ; J u l y'-i. iMllh-olni 11. Dulchel-; J u l y 2<J,l ' ' roderiek ( lu tes ; Angus! 5, Jolin C.M o r n m : AUKUSI l i , Jn.seph W.Cory ; Aiumst I!1. Wil l iam H. Lviule;Aiuuisi 2(1, C, K. Teilfo'i'il.

Stationery SaleVou will need a n<i<»l supplyof staliunory to take with youon your vjiealiou irip. Thefolks ill home will want to hearfrom you, ami you will want tohour from the folks i\l home, soboth nl' you will need Ktution-ery anil lots of it. You williind u goodly n.s.seiinient- hereat prices one-third to nne-lialfless Ihuii I'ejrulur prices.

Vacation NecessitiesWe ha\e a complete line ofTrip linnks, Writing' Portfolios,I'A-ershiil'li 1'eni'ils, AildroHaHooks, Fai^'uKemenl. IlouHs, ete.

WILLIAM C. FARRElm St., o|ip. Posl Office

Wostfielil New Jersey






Everything for the Table120 E. Broad St. Tel, 402 Westfield



'HETHER It lie men or mus-

lin, collegt'n or coal, it is


deliver tlm cuul; our cool de-

HverB the hen!—"l>y«t under the

sun ;ind fi square ton."

Comliuito saves coal. Let ui

delnulistrnte it lo you.


'i'duuy niulcriuls far smrity uunltmtioti'



Onteopnth ic F*hy»



Co. Bldg.,



RATS and MICECOLLEGE CLUB B A N Q U E TWELL A T T E N D E D no sisii.omi.otm Dane. Ve;ir

Members Present Elect nowOfficers for Ensuing

Oi l



9.3O A. M. - S P. M.:-: THUR. FRI. 8 P.'M.

ROSE GREY BEAUTY SHOPPEAll Modern Scientific Treatments

52 ELM STREETPljone For Appointment*

Westfield 1645

l i l l l l l l i i l Hi twoiiI ii i.-ntiiii;

\ ii 11 in i Ik mil ton foro i^n, lli ill ml ' t t , i ; n u a l CdlloKf

1 f n ( iih I ui [HI t h'-lil [aftt dvoii*in 11 mi n n r o i i H l r y C lub ,l n !l I in t it v ii ul t h ' ' l.irtrOKt,I II lit fi 1 * llll flfU'i'ti lHV'H<'lltlllil t 'olli.lllli. 'l 1'111V'U'lUf.}' V,-;h: Ilf'Kt

1| f l \I I III t 11' 11 t o r t h e c o m l n i ;

i \ i i |i rl " t h e p r o g r a m , tffeI v n !i in If l i d ; Pror . l i imi l ,\U L ii ( ut tor Vlco-prnsldoiit,I 1 i n v11 S cr ti:r>', W'allnc.o( u nil in 1 i l l in i Ilarntii Mor-gan.


! .MOTHSi| H o s l r o y M i l l i o n s w n r t h of Oln t l i i i i ! ; ,

t . 'nr lH' lH, I ^ u r n f i i u ' e

C n r r y u n l l m i t " ( l Dl.-iea•-•• i l i c r a u

I H I ; O L D iti-xi.AiiM'.' I O I :TWi;i/Vi! v i ; \ i : s

ui!i -.ervo you re .onahlyo

Best ltelerei,ce.j

Clloim i^.'U lilnoilltl"!(l

Morisrite SystemExtm. Co.

IKi H I J O O M P I B I / D tW'ii.


O o i i ' l . w.-t.sli ' l i n n 1 ,moiioy, tcinpiff Ijy no-itif lo sidi! lino "ux-jicrt:-;,"- conn'- In tli<-!)>)-i))i(.'i-|y (Mjiiipl., andwi<ll nuinm-d "n :nn i -z.'ition v.licn1 Dodgealartinjrt liglitint; a n d!i;nilion i.'t thorolyknown.

GRAYFuneral Directors

253 East Broad Street Weitfield, N. J,TEL. WESTFIELD 143

S. B. McEWENFlorist

FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASIONPlace Your Order EARLY and Avoid Disappointment

TELEPHONE 1142501 Grove Street,



Announces the removal of his business from 10S Elmstreet to—


Phone 24-W WESTFIELD, N. J.

A Leader Among Porch Suites

I ' i ' r f rc l , iii ilcsir.'ii,

in finiHli

in col t i r . FIU\VI<-.SK




Spriiiff Seat, Cushioned Back, WireKe-onforewlllich C'Mov


Page 8:  · Reach. with strong ot the. out tho ailv lor lo eHi, dor. bushu'^s.in* jii-iiiTHE WESTFIELD LEADER THE FADING AN D MOST WIDEL Y CIRCULATE WEEKL NEWSPAPER I N UNIO COUNT out for


Legion Team's First Win of Season; Defeats Roselle Firemen 3-2LEGION DEFEATS ROSELLE j MANY GRAMMAR SCHOOL j'

FfElMEN I i 11 IMiNGSJATEETES WILL CEADDAIEJLacal Team Strengthened by | Banqueted Friday, Receive



Three High Schooi PlayersScore 3 to 2

Tills is s ta t ion XY?. T'adilwill now t e J i inn * vt inttovy—a fa i ry s t o r y : I - n;th i s s o u n d s lilt ' ' a fairyI s n ' t — t h e Wosl f i ' id -!-<•;iiajl t e a m won thf-ir ?niiat A r m o r y Fiolit. rn'if.nselle F i r e m e n iv '» :; i"

b.-dt imeally fuilisry Imt il

Their Letters; BaseballAverages


( ' n r k i - i t •.•r l i a r t h o l -i U S W O l ' l :

IL* mi

and thr-ir lir-t•victory.

Tlie fvainothe lew that braved the tlux-irain were weli n'-wardfd as it waa avery good iuime. "I(eini<:" I'fiefferwas on tile iiioimd for the locals uudhe pitched a strung fame throughoutthe eleven inniiiRs. Pi'ifflVr amusedtli« fans liy liis inability tothrow to first on a ground ball tothe pitcher's box but George Kepp-ler was on first and he nulled somecircus catches and saved the* pitchermaay errors. It seems that "Heinic"has never been ahle to make thatthrow to first and tlie harder lietried Saturday, the worst he threwbut aside from his small failing, hewas a huge success. Besides sillch-ing a strong game he made four hitsIn five trips to the plate. On oneoccasion lie crossed the pitcher witha tares and two situation staringhim to the face. The game littlepitcher was at bat loft handed andthe Eoaelle pitcher threw him threeballs and two strikes, when l'fiefferturned to the right side of the plateand singled on the next pitch.

The Legion team had three of theHign school players in the. line-upand the added young blood worked•wonders. Bliss -was on third andSortor was at second. Clementscame to the flela late and he did notget into the game until the fourthinning, when ho replaced aieDede mright ftelfl. Sorter delivered the singlethat scored two rims in that luckyseventh Inning. Bliss played n finegame at third but lie had an off dayat bat, getting no hits in five timesup. Clements, up for the first time,Jined out what looked like a homeyun drive out someone had mis-placed the foul flag and it was fivefeet in from the line. Clement's hitdropped between the flag and tlioline. If the flag had been in theright place it would have licen fairbut under the circumstances, tlie

; llo- | kftli;;!l team of 1 (li-i-l ill;,",, a•e, in | banquet tendered them ;tt UM- Vsixth I iitJd l intel , Friday uitdu

f Tin; h;ini|U"t was also for (he iteam that was Hist uo-iHl <u

full tii tlirills iiml l.lic clianitdonsJiip hv Kos<!iv ispirited same 2-1.

It. Oio.kenbrtrgoi- f'e!ersu!i. Ktrack, Welch, llarth'okimeu-. WilCol by, Illauk ami !(Vjy v.ii! ^rudifrom the Grammar school U

umpire could do nothing else but callit foul. Clements was called uponto bat again and this time he singled.AH In all It was a great day for theHigh school boys—the time wornsaying—youth must be Berved—could well be applied to Saturday'sgame.

Keppler played flret for the hometeam mid he put up his usual good.game. Hunt did tho catching; andmade ft fine battery mate for Pfief-ftfr, Allie also looked good at batdriving out many hard drives buthe had t i e misfortune to hit themwhere they were instead of wherethey were not.

Giesler, the) Roselle ceterflolder,played a •wonderful pame and provedto be a second "Ty" Cobb with hisfiery playing and daring chances.He made one mistake however thatwas hard to overlook. He couldn'tstand the taunting of the fans out incenter-field and after making a veryhard catch, he deliberately throw theball at th^m. Some of MB pep evi-dently got out the Wrong way. Over-looking his foolishness, he was eas-ily the star ot the game, makinc fourhits out of five times \n>, three ofwhich were bunts. In tlio outiiddho cavorted around like a Cobb orSpeaker, accepting nvery chance thatcumo his way turning them into punyput-outs.

Vachel, tlio pitcher was strong inthe pincliC3 and pitched well enoughto win most any game bat he had thehard luck of being pitted againstPficffer, who was ilesrinod to win aslie never pitched a bettor ^aim.1.

The team will try to stretch theirwinning streak to two straight, thisSaturday, whon UK- play V'.'ulslmi'frTigers of Vallesbni-;.

The. scarp:

Westfielrt Lesion C,i)nb

Vfttt, »s aBIIBS, Til) .. ",

l b

Hunt, cPlaff, cfKeppler,Clarke, IfMcDedo, rtClements, rlSortor, bPflefier, p




43Roselle Firemen (2)

ab r

S 13

ll DO

3 .1.1

GiPpler, cfHohlvoiler^ If ..Hrimmow, i hfr. Vnchcl, pUliner, rfOnr.ol!il:i)r, ilblanlwoigfion, 2J. Yachel, c

3 2

0 I)

uichiThey will cuter High school in ilnfall mid the llisih sclinol will bo in-deed lucky to get a Krnn» of hoysproficient in sports. Peterson slionliipilch many uund Ramos white litHif.li school and all !ho rest slinuliimftUo good at either baseball orbasketball before they graduate.

Tlio butting averages of tlie base-ball tepni fnr tho past Reason are asfollows:

| nl) | r | li [avr.lfijGOO13J448

8|42S1| 7508|.t20SJ320<i|2D00/0000(00001000

ojoooo I p o o0(000ojooo

30| 16|29| 11|

a i | «|

-I •''!25/ !l|25/ J l j241 71


BartholomewWaringPreyIt. CrickenbergerSensbachBlankI'etnrsou, CaptIt. Crickenberger-..j |Uolhy I A\Nallor | 7|McDode j 2 |Wilson j 14|JohllKON [ 1 |Jackson j 0|

The team scored a total of SI runsto their opponents 12.

The team's fielding averages arcas follows;







Sensbach | S2|} . Crickenborfror | 15|Fray I Ill

Sp 05

0 j I 00 00|10000|10000(10004| 0C0

WelchR. CrlckenbergBartholomewIllanltColbyMcDedoJackson


•128S82SB 7833750750750000000

0| 0| 000


Affair Attracting Promi-nent Entries

Tho ninth anmiiil Open IVIixotlDoubles Tournainent of the West fieldTennis Club will be held on the localcourts Saturday and Sunday after-noons, Amon^; the entries to ilatca'ro Mrs. J . S. Taylor ami L. W.Knox, Montclair, N. J.: Mr. aud Mrs,Victor- I'1. Hockmcyor, ^Tontclair, N.J. and Miss Alico I^ranciH.

Entr ies should be sont to L. \J.Tvomaliie. 5G0 l'rospcct slret't. Wost-fielil, N. .!. Others on the ToiiM-nu-lnont Cotmnittoo aro: W. V. ne.\er,Mrs. .1. Conmho, C. V. Fuller. Wal-lace Hall, Mr?., S. W. HCAIKMI>-, MinsHelen MeAnslun. V. IS. Miner, .1. E.Nitchiy Jr., .1. K. iUu*;y, H. U.it(ifl;i-y', II. i). V. Sorpcntit, li. L.Tomhion ami ,). A. West. The i-of-eroes will bo Tl. T.. Hyrr.

A team from tlin loenlthe inuiMbrrs of tlic OraiiKif l u b in a New .Tcryoy Statmatch on tho lattor'.day afternoon ;imi was vainiuishiMjby tlio score of -1-0 with OIH1 mnti'li

rlnb metAthletic

rfs Satur-

1st sfiifrlt-'H: Lindsay Dunham < (ir-an.ut"> ilofcatcel L. J. Tr( iiialti.- (\Vcst-liobn ii-2. (i-'l. 2nd silicic-!: .1. n.Ccn-Kii (O'niUKOl (Icfcoteil WallacvHallBillKl<'H

routed0-2, (i-niul K.1)« V«.';Do Ye;field > l

•Jndrain v,-

i A \ ' i ' n t t i eld 1, li-: K. Dennetti i . t; •

'•',. 1st

Smithin anilm tindI-", fl-tiihmbli

ilii Or;

riliolSC.lH!doulik'i-(Grain-11). lion;11. Dor.:

r <

• : <

•\ ilidsild.-i

•-"-: m i l i n i i d i '

ill.'.:-1 Ii a<lliu

[',- ^ .

'anr.i-)Woatiii. Kh-

un (\nil 1\

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lirild r -

t ' l d i .

a h i i n

I'd .1.Ve.it-\'fu\-

o I I I

S- i l .


4 1 ' 2 *i 3 S i ;

Scoro by i n r i n g g :W'BoSd 0 0 0 0 o 0 2 0l loes l l s I t o o t i l 1

0 00 « u—s

• t i i i ' l d w a s u n a b l e In p r e i - e n i i n

'41;"t t o m n a m i t i n 1 c h o i c e <>i

n r f l ; i y i - o u ' r l s f n r ( I n . p b i y l u r

D I e i i i i i i r l l t o ofl':^--l I l ib , l i a n d i .

T h e l i l s l i ' ' l " v ; i v i - l i ' i - - i w i l l ] . | : i y l l i c

l t a l n v n y A ; A . f a m a t l i n h w a y , K a i -

l l l ' d n y a t '.!.'.',«. l ' . \ i n y i n i -.vlll ]• 11<• 11

f o r t in* loi ' i i lK iii 'ul l ' . i i i i o r w i l l i M I c h .

' i ' l i i i i t o a i n %vii:, H T i ' n t l v i i r i . :al i izt-<!

•iiut Is compoaeti nf t'oH'w and inli


1 i f.


as f»l'lay.;r

ess li.^l'veyiiN r . i ;^ ,^ ' r

.iD.-.pli J'ollin-lC a n o n s .;',iiss .Cl-Ol'LT. ItlH.tW'jn. .liuk^ini" r i l l - ' ^ . I ' S - ' n l i - l ! )

Ashen Hunnv\-U\. Hmaiiiiiinn

.1 ini m \r foil wayPrank U'Bi'ini .Harold Clark.Hubert Tu'rboi'M

^tandiiif: »f KWesllleld II.

M 1

14'i i;1611

til' llH.-ir will^,wit h <\ n eVt'i'-

IB ilris. 'ly fu i -i-r. r igh t t iekl -u average of

i-B lor tlu> pas t

| i i l )Jl i ls . iAvtr.Vi\ .4311•It- . i l l )j : i .:;•«-IT'l i :

l i i '

1 1

M> i i ' s

All-Htars at Anmion at tl\<' urlie si-i-imd Manthe local teaml i e i - p l l i i ' i r m i

a win ov*!r tli'-ii'J i rs t j r amc, thr-y


Hit- h(-:.

i t s

fur (

ISchackamaxon Course Scene ofVery Good Goif j Winner

Making 171

In tin1


K op pli'i'man ^vri]lW.-ihl ai

Ir1 r i ' i UlTli 'd Y)f[-

i i i - f t - a t i n t ; l l u - I ' l a i i i l i i r l i i l i a n k -

' i y a ft t o (i S C D I ' I - . I ' f i i ' f i ' w w i l l

l i i h o l l l t n i i i i l ! n r l h < - i o i ^ i l s a n d

i l l d i ) t i l ) r a i i - I i i i i f - y . 1 , 1 1 s t -

' ' i i u r ; i a i i i l . S n . i t ; i


on lir.-t. Hall ont o i l a n d \ \ ' ; i s l i ! i [ i n



.1 H"i

. 1 : ; (! '

. 1 -J "l



. Il (J 0

I h i r d . H u n t , l i . m k i - r , l l a i r i s - m i ,

f l a i l , ( m i l V i ' i l l . i n l K i l l i i l . t y t i n 1 d u i -

t i r t l d .

« I ;STIII ; I , I> 1'iin.if s i i i o o l ,I:DI,I, i m ; M.IV

inilr.s:., w o n s , l o s t S.


An all-toiuity mixed fourtioin9match WIIH played off Frulny oviir theShaekuiiiiixim Country flub course,when a team from tliu RuscJlc Gol

luh opposed represontatives ofShackam.axon.

Dan Williams, profeHKional atShackaniiixon, pnlrlnt; with Mrs.'ovoy of the same club lost to Jack

Parr, professional of the Itoselllub and Mrs. ,1. C. Mouison also ot

toselle. Tho match was a four bal'oursome which was scored on thwo-points per hole on tho best bal

and aRRt'egfate score, by flvo pointup and four to play.

Parr went around tho course in 78Williams shot a 7fi, Mrs. Moulsonhad a curd of 101, while Mrs. Poveyhad a 100.



Bathing SuitsBradley Make


Ladies and Men

Varieties of colors in the lutcstdesigns $4.25 to $10.00

BATHING BAGSThe ideal waterproof bat; foryour suit $1.25

Sale on



Plainfield's Leading SportingGood". Store


Phono 414S Plainfield, N. J.


Washinjiton HrbiKil -(IriidfJohn Wallace, Mcriaiii CI-MM.son .Moults, jrnrioii liynde, Valnell, Norma .Stalling!1. Msther

PI'S.Seven—1 —Leoila Kratonbilum

Ruth Wahvorth.Sflven :\—Hetty Kdwiirds, AVillliitii

Lod^e, Ilorbert Coirtoll.Kight .1—Vest a Alden, Shirley

Lawrence, Virginia Stallings,Ei^iit 5—ConylHiii;u IfouRhtoti,Lincoln School—(Irade Seven-U—

Robert Schmal, Irene Hefele, Bar-bara IJowdoin.

(trade Six-B—Dorothy Bhotwell.McKlnley School—Otrade Six, Jean


The Eastern All-Stars will meettho IMainfleld " P r o ' s " on thp fieldopposite the Shady Rest Oolf Club,Saturday. Last week the All-Starsplawed the Sinners, of Elizabeth andwere defeated 7 to 4. Kln/j willpitch for tho All-Stars, Saturday,

" " 7andreturn

SUNDAY, June 28Leave Elizabeth 11.35 P. M. Saturdaynight previous to above dates. Re-turning leave WushinKton 4.10 P. M.,Baltimore 6.10 P. M.

Add One Hour fnr Daylight Time.

Sundays June 28 and July 12and July 26

Leave Westfleld B.45 A. M.Add One Hour for Daylight Time.

HwwtumNEXT SUNDAY and July 4 and

July 12I.eiwc West field 8.3G A. M.

Add One Hour for Daylight Time.

Tickets Gwd only on special t raindate fur whicli issued

Eastern Standard Tjma Shown


Our Regular

JULY WHITE SALEStarts this year on Saturday, June 27th

To those who profited by our previous semi-annualsales nothing more need to be said.


THE LINEN SHOP121 Watchung Ave., near Front St. Plainfield, N. J.

AUCTION SALE of Personal Propertyo n F r i d a y , J u n o ' J i i . a t l . " l ) i

a t t l w H i i r r i f t W n o d r u i r F a r n i

l l r n v i ' i i o a d no. ' i r . H a l l w a y A v i ' . , Wv

f i i l l i iw i in r a r t i c l i s I'm- vai l - . i.iifTi'iiil

1 I r ' j s . - f t s , .Si't o f T i o i i h l c n m l S i n g l e

( 'hi i -] ; i ' iu- , A l - o O y l i n d t - r .StiiVo, ![;iir 51

a l . , b y o r i l e r ill ' !h ( . A d i n i n i s t r a l o r ,

f t h e A l n i i K o S t i l l I ' l a i - r m i W i l l i n v

, W o s t f i d d , N . J . , I w i l l ol l 'or t h o

Tlpr i^ -h t i ' i a n o , S i i k ' b i » a r d

riH'rtS, ~ l l o r s i ' s , C o w , 5(1

, I ' l inv a n d S c x ' c r a l l ' n i n t r d

A] rill.

n r i n n c i - o u :

in t i n ' l l i j r lu-

if S i i - l l . AI



I! . . ' i l roi , in S u i i . K a m i A N T I Q U E S , S r w i i u r T.-il.lt-.

l i n iw i ' t - : - . i l i:u.<'- l i i i l t d t n t h a i r s , l i m k n - s . l l i r c l i

l . i i U Ti i l 'U- . M a n y Mirroi-.-; .-iliil m : n ; ; i t h c r n r t i .

i i i i ' i i t i n n . A l l ilii--!|i jfiioil:! wi l l l i e ,.ulil w i l l i m i t !•!•

D i i l i l o r t o clu..:,. 11,,, ] v ; t a | . . o f • i ic h i t , . I l a n i i - t \V

•ilii.ul r,l) I.,ad.- i.f I-'in,. .M.MI.UI- , . .

i-'iir f u r t i i r r i n f o r m a t i u n i i p p l y t o —

W m . A. S c h o r b , The Auctioneer320 West Front Street, PLAINFIELD, N. J.

Phone 2296Uy m-der of AI0117.0 Slrll, Atlmiriistrator, \

Leavttt and Ulbrick, Attoi-neys.

Hay, and, ;,sWollK'll's -\fHun I ille Hi!uv,, flays, 1prised l(

l l l l ,

l i o l l l n

t i l l e d .


j ihiyed in,. Sliai-kii-nd Tliiir.s-; WUII t h ea result,

a £ct>rt< id' J 7 1 for | In-tlf fo] in WIT* wt'l't; yllr

I'-arn Ilia! .-ii'1 was Eo sUirtr.'itrll with Align ."Uanri'aji <)r-fif Kiii'lewoort. bolder of j iici-;tali\ Hie Eastern, tho Metro-

1 .urirl'H lilies :ind various ofliorAirs. Smith sjiowert tiieae,

or.-i dial (lie bandirappers wcr'il in .mi(b a ru l in" by IKT /in

siinii" over (lie ShnckaiJiiixun courslast week.

.MI'R. Sjnilb wan one point lxihintat tin.' Diul "f the first day'K play butclass told in the HnnI round and sinshot Into a comfortable load, whichsbo managed to hold.

Mrs. Jay l ^e , of TIarTfcnsncit proviiieri the surprises, the first daySIIQ finished in a tio for first place•with an SS, a s did Mrs. Walter Mac-Ciovan, nf Montfliiir. Tied for sec-ond place with Mrs. CourtlirndSmith, was Mrs. I'\ 75. DuIJols, ofKiiKlewood, both had !)S's.

The final scores were as follows:1st 2nd Tt

Mrs. (3. Smith, OlonIllrtso S9 82 171

Mrs. W. Macdowan,Mnnlcliiir SS 89 177




. . » • . I

! - ' i J ,












• \ Sale place fo shop wheren.iliiy anil Service are reqnir-

ed Kim St., in headquartersJ«T iiiKHiualcfl groceries, choice\ (.'jrotablos and meats.


Harry Klingcr, Manager

86 Elm Street Tel. 1338

.«;,.:], .._ US 84 1S2Miv. "l\ Hli.-l:iir-ll, Por-

cn Hill . 90 8-1 1 84Mrs, ('. • U \'iiorlioes,

Italtusrol - 93 94 1MSirs. K. V. llcckiT I.'H-

ny-j Brook . . ..' OH 91 IS.Miss M. J*;-* 1'Ker, .Spring

Laku . 1)8 91 1S9.Miss L. f'altRrsun. I 'latn-

iicld ^ lit 00 1!)U.Mrs, T. A. O'CallaKluin.

I'jipi'r Montclair !i,'! Si) lfti.Mri. il. T. Ksrhwetre.

I':III.-IL>\VOO(I 91 101 1(15.Vis. H. II. Xash, fial-

tllfci-Dl 95 300 HI.Mrs. F . H. Ky.ui, Iiaitns-

rol IIS 97 V.i:Mrs. II. II. r,iiini(!n. (ilen

liiiU't 96 101 1!)Alp. C. 1\\ ilcllosi ' ,

li.'irilan Valley . ..IO11 102 202.Mrs. \V. II. Cane, Areola HJ 100 203Mrs. )-;. li. Silvernail,

Kpppr MoiitcJair 104 !I9 201.Mrp. J. W. Rnyor, Voun-

takah .101 no 20;Mrs. T. P . CitnimliiKs,

Gli'n Iliiipo flil ]0il 205Mrs. 1). p . Price, (ilen

rtidBO !)i) 106 205Mrs. G. V.'. nandoll ,

Echo Lnlie 10.9 90 20>Mrs. IV. A. Kipp, Youn-

tnkah 103 108 211Mrs. T. J,, Mason, Mont-

Montclair 10S loe 211Mrs. J. H. Drake, .Mor-

is Co 105 110 215Mrs. I>. T. Dufiois,

YoniHaliah ... 10(i 112 21

f i in i t n u i M j , i t

t i l ^ h i ! li V t yt tn t l 1 i

lO 1(1 IV U k l t I 11 (1 ( 11

d HI 1 f til ,11 j I 1 H l l n < I, 1

1 ) 111 j h< 111 1) Wll id » 1 | 1,

p i n i t d t i n i n n t e n b t d i f i K

t m i l o n <-. m i l l i i r m i u t t 1 t ,

0 t i t ( O n ( H I M i j t i U i il 1 1 j

1 b r a i n ii li m i u t 1 l u ( 11 i H 1 j i l \ 101 ill b , u v

u n i m i l d Ibr ]iot si e l l ,


Designs and Finishes? tomeet every desire.Special efforts are madeto erect a pleasing' memoryto the departed.

We are ready to Serve youat All times.

Plainfield Granite WorksLAMPERTI BROS.

Richmond at Fourth St.


'Phone 4387

Landscape Gardener


Lawns Taken Van: of

llHl-lx-rry nml I'rivif for S:\',.-


Salvatore ManninoB7S l'ai-k St. Tel. 241-H WfstBeW

Through studies for theSummer!

What next?Wherever you go during

vacation and whateveryou're going to do there,here are the clothes youboys want.

Summer play suits—Sunday s u i t s — b a t h i n gsuits—camp suits—regula-tion Boy Scout outfits.

All the fixings—boys' all-leather shoes, $5.

Boys' c a n v a s shoes,leather t r i m m e d , crepe-rubber soles, $3.75.

ROGERS PEET COMPANYBroadway Broadway Broadwayat Liberty at Walrcn at 13th St.

"FtMHerald Sq. Cniivriiifltit Fifth Avc.t t 35th St. C(»-u«>-s" at 41st St.

Nrw York City

/ Freezing and blowing outsidebut Boynton warmth within

A BOYNTON Boiler or Furnacemeans a warm and rosy home. Thelive, clean, clinker-free fire—sureresult nf tlie exclusive Square Potcoiifttnu-lion—takes all the heatthere is in tlie coal anil sends it' n ' ° y°ur rooms. Ilcquirea verylittle attention. There's a size andstyle exactly rip;lit for your home.

Steam, hot-tvalir, ivnnti-air lyfli's—gas, coal and combination ranges—healing and cooking equipment forevery home. Write lor information.


5B W. 40lh St.. New York Opp. Bryant Turk



Aalten Keoeels^ Reg.Mountain Avenue SPRINGFIELD, N. J.

Summer BoardingKENNELS

Irish Terriers for sale, ,$20 and $30—the kind that

grow true to type. Dogs inoculated 'against rabies \>y

Graduate "Veterinarian.

Page 9:  · Reach. with strong ot the. out tho ailv lor lo eHi, dor. bushu'^s.in* jii-iiiTHE WESTFIELD LEADER THE FADING AN D MOST WIDEL Y CIRCULATE WEEKL NEWSPAPER I N UNIO COUNT out for




State Agricultural OfficialFind Insect Invader

Losing Ground

Tiie gutty muijj has l.*ua on tillosing side of a bmtlt waged agaiusit by tho State of Now Jerst-y in COoperation with Federal agenciesThis insect lias caused losses of millions of dollars in timlj.-iiand of NewEngland.

A survey of the work aecompiislied In this state was recently;made by Secretary IVm. IS. Dui'yeetogether witli tmiie new members atlie State Board of Agriculture antother agricultural officials having thwork in direct charge. It »wa3brought out that live years agoBCOuts loo&tea ntoro than ",()uo,(HHmoih ef-'s masse-. A =H:oiuiiiK othe infested area wen mine carelull}' made tliis year revealed on];09 of these masseu. Federal oltlcials declare the New .ItTsey i:Iean-uiof the moili is the tno^t eft'ectivpiece, of work of the kind that habeen erected In tin. country. Thej

Two lines uf defense against pollu-tion of the water supply and. protec-tion of tht> watershed are outlined la;t committee report of the AmericauWater Works Association. Reme-dies for evils are suggested by H. 1'J.Moses, chairmait of the committee.

In the first line of defense severalmethods are pursued, as fallows:purchase of the watershed, adequatepatroi, exclusion where possible off ewatre from streams, adequate treat-ment of community sewage.

''These, either singly or cfimhined,are valuable aids but cannot he con-sidered as the complete solution ofthe problem nor nu^t uio ufeat re-liance be placed upmi ihein for pre-vention of water borne disease." thereport onntiniir.^ as ijunterl by theNow Jersey 1'ublic Flinty Informa-tion OomniiUvc,

The sevuliil.ii.inc tlin,- si.-rfiltration.

"Aside from its purely eujniuvr-iiuv a,peeis long time storage aids intho redui-tlon of b.nleria ami im-proves (he (iiiallty of il»> water, dueto the <'onibina f ion nt' factors ofelapse,] time, f ediuienlatinn, arra-

Motorcycle Oflii-cr Krjuvr H. i.oiipicked up Edward Hrii-de. Jr.. S year |old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward

j Briede, of Fourth avpnue, llaselio,J on I'lainsield avenue, Jerscyland, j! Thursday afternoon. Edward Junior• told the officer that h e had run away' from home because the girls were al-; ways testing liim. Ht> told the of.' fleer that be bad wsiked all the way; to Westfleld. Tlie local police senti hiiu home.


e.- of defense are.-lilnriiiatlnn and

wa" ' . ho«»-'V«, that eternal viullanc | ,„ ,,„,„„,„ a | 1 ( 1 ( l i | u l ia one will suffice to prevent another; -r,,,,,,., | , , , w e v , , , I11:1V b(1 „„,„„,.„disastrous infestation until t).< ,l}. s h o r t , . i l . ( .u i U l l K , s,;.Jaa] 0 V P , JGipsy IB exterminated or brought tin • (,,,.„ 'der control of parasite;


t'tjr.suanl tu the o lder ef CH \ l ; ! , l>N. e'lllHilNiJ, S u m i t a l e of tile Count}-ef LTilisji, mtM.ie on f ht* tuenti tMh dav eApril, A. I->, 11125, mien the api'lloutloef the limlersi^neil, as KxvcuUir or thew l i u e of sal.! ik-etias,..!, imtico !s Jiert-lnf:t\en t e t he c red i to rs ef said decease.!ILI txh ib i t t>) the s u l w r i h t r mulur oathor alYh iiiiitien their eiaims atut .l.'in.wm-Hjialnst the es ta ie of said diH-enseilwithir Kis months frt.tn the date uf SHi-.terder, or they will t>t* forever h a m ifrom preseeuliiiK or rtcuvtTitiB th,"vn.'p.f aga ins t ttie subscr iber ,

P U K t l f . m i ' K ADRIAN KINfJI ,Exoeutor,

2C7 K. Hronri HI.,AVestfleld, N. J.

Fees $13.50 4-22-IU

Under the direction of Chit!Harry 1!. Weiss, of the State Bureaiof Statistics and Inspection and oDr. T. J. Ifcadlee, state entomolo-gist, the warfare Is continuing thissummer with relentless energy, despite the good reports brought in \>xthe departmental scJouls. Batterio'of power sprayers are In action Itspreading poison sprays over the follage of thousands of acres of parkorchard and forest lands. An ontirmountain range, north ot Soinm-vIIIewas found infested a year or twtago. It was a tremedous iob, buH. A. Ames, of the Federal Department, who Is co-opera ting with thstate ofllclnls and Is personally dlrectlns much of the field worktrained his batteries on tho mountains. Spraying material is pumpothrough pipe and hose, lines, often r-mllo or more In length, before Ireaches the nozzles that shoot It ovethe tallest trees, until every leaf andtwig Is saturated.

^feetiun of tho water at 01n«ar the intake or by accidental oiincidental pollution.

"Realization of those conditionslias been largely instrumental Infurthering tha practice of slerltzntion of surface supplies, even thoughthey havo been subjected to tho pre-liminary measures of defense. Itshould not bo adopted us tho onlysafeguard excojit, perhaps ]n caseswhero tho water is always free fromInrbidity. Buch cases will bo theexception. To bo effective It shouldbo continuous. Sumo statoa permitits omission during mid-winter onreinoto and Inaccessible jvatershods.

"Finally, unless water of a lilplisanitary qunlity can be continuouslyHOfured us n result of thoso prollmln-ary me^asuros, as demonstrated bysuitable tests, filtration and steriliza-tion aro indicated,"

Tho report is a most complete onoand includes, amoiiK other features,

resume of the leslslatlon covering!the whole Held.


Miss Caroline, Lent, Floral Artist,of TVestfleld, while driving towardsPlainfleld on South avenue, struckSaverlo Poscko, of S30 George street,Plninflcld, and caused Injuries thatnecessitated his being treated by Dr.Frederick Kineh. He was later re-moved to Muhlcnberg Hospital. MissLent was driving along at a moder-ate rate of spend and a car corningfrom Plnlnfleld deliberately cut.across her path at tho corner ofSouth avenue- and Osborno avenueforcing her to swerve her car, strikeIng Foscko .'IK she did It. Pnscknwas working, with several others, onthe road, he, being a New .Tersey;State HlRhway worker. Miss Lentfortunately avoided hitting all tharest but Poscko got into her way an'she could not help but hit him. Hesuffered cuts on his face'and handand other injuries.


Union County members of theForty and Right attended n dinnerof tho Somerset organization at theSomorvlllo Elks Cluh Saturday night


I'ureiiaut to tho order ef CHADH5SN. COIMJ1NO. BurruBiite uf tin- Countyof Union, nuiile on tlui twenty-ninth d[iyof May, A. !>.. 111 5, upon tlie aiipliciUinn(>f the uttrierslfcriKMl, as Esecutor of theestate of snf<l deceased, notice is here-by given to iho creditors of said de-ceased to exhibit to the subscriber un-

der oath nr afffrnnition their claims amidemands tfRainpt the estaie of salfl tle-oenseti within six months from the dateof Biifd order, or they will be foreverbarred from prosecuting or recoveringtho siune against the subscriber.

TIIE WRHTFllOljlJ TKU8T CO.,Went Hold. N. J.

Kxecutor.Pees $13.80 6-3-91


Pursuant to the order of CHAK1,ESN. CODDING, Surrogate of the Countyof Union, made on the fifteenth day ofApril, A. P., 1925, upon the applicationof the undersigned. Ha Administrator oftho estate of said deceased, notion IKhereby Klven to the creditors of sni.tdm'e&Hea to exhibit to the slibserlUerunder oath or affirmation their claimsand demands against the estate of suit!'ieei-neeii within six months from thiiliite of said order, or they will beforever barred from prosecutiiiR or re-covering tho Bnmo n^alnpt tile *uli-srrlber.

FRED A. VANDBnWIDO,Administrator.

I.IOAVITT & UlJtniCIl, I'roctors.1160 K. Jersey St., Elizabeth, >'

1-eiH 113.80



F R E D R U M P FSpringfield Rd.( MOUNTAINSIDE Phone 1847

Tho New Jersey (iuernsey Breeders Association reports that the following pure bred Guernseys mvne<hy Mr. fjonlon Hall of Oscpnl;Farms, Cranford, \ . .T., have com-'plctod their yearly advanced registryrecord. Imp. Bellona IV of Clalrmont No. 14.1222 produced l-MJHi.llbs. of milk containing Oiil.3 lbs. obutter fat.

Imp. Taylor's Ivy N"o. 1 l.'!20tl, produoeil 127.10.2 lbs. of milk, containing f!01 Ilia, nf butter fat, and ImpOsceola Honnymonn's TiloBpom No11 R!) 3 4 produced 125(1-1.4 His. omilk containing 8C1.S lbs. of outt^ifnt, with a percentace of 4.SI butte jfat. These records are niiito r." Imnrknbln when compared witli th ;average cow of the Vnited Slat»3 jwhich produce -Iflno His. of milK;containing 100 lbs. of butler fat.


J. S. IRVING CO.Dealers in

Coal, Lumber andBuilder's Supplies

Office and" Yards: Central Ave., near R. R. Crossing j

Phone 19 Westfield

Harry Hull 'if til" Hull Motors Co.loe.'il Chrysler doaler ruinounefs tha |he Is celebrating at liis: sliowroonChryslor Achievement Week and lihas invited tho public In attend amreceive a pcrsomil tnes-.u-.e from .Mr.•Walter P. C'lu-yiler of utmost importancf. Clirysler AchiovemenWeek is beitit.' celebrated all over t licountry. amirdliiK to Mr. Huh. It I ja tribute to Mr. Chry.-Ier as one o jtho outstanding llsnires in the Indus jtry. I t IK thn relobratiim of. Ill'-1 t re ;mcndoiiB sucre>s of tlie famou \Chr.VBlur ai-v. the- molur ear >\hi:-li i ,conceded to Jinvc aifected ilie desk-irand appearance of all in-oductn o jAmerica's grratr-st iiulti = !ry. Am ;Chrysler Acliievemrnt W'-elc i- sh jannouncement of -mother achieve :mont by the pre.-it ninniifnctui-"]-. l!i jpresentation of n rnnnliur mate fn |tho Chrysler Six. a four cylliider i l jwhich Mr. Ruli ?nys l.= ile-sllnc-d to jeclipse all others in If* clar-s. J

KEEP STEP WITH THE WARMTH OF THE SUNThe color scheme of the awnings add to the beauty of the Home

—and there is so muqh all around satisfaction in tho comfort ofAwnings,

Never Too Busy To Serve YouA. N. LAGGREN AWNING CO.

135 West Second St. Tel. 1948 Plainfield, N. J.J. WARREN BROWN, Westfield Agent, Phone 168

Miss Francos Edward's left Fridayfor Philadelphia, where she will bmaid of honor at She wedding oMiss Irraa Ford, formerly of WestHeld.

FRESH\Meats PoultryVegetables Fruits

The SCUDDER MARKET9 Elm Streets Telephone 536


', "

' • • "

' • ! ,

FOURS AND SIGHTSFrankly, unless you want to risk dissatisfactionwith everything else on wheels, stay awayfrom this wonderful Ki^ht.

Man! Yow\v iKArr driven IKT i/qual—and that includesall the cars ever

If you are in tin- market for the industry's newest—forthe most modern car in existence this Hupmobile Kightis for you.

Driven yourself, just once—and you won ' t even consideranything else.


Tel. 629

L. N. STEVENS11 Eastman St. CRANFORD, N. J.


The Adaptability of Electricity!It is tlie iiilupdiliilily of t-k-clricily that ni;iki-s it die idoal povvor forall tnaiiiifacturine processes. Irnni Hie same source and <mr tin- samewires comes the energy that oporalcs tin? ftianl craiiis that pick uplocomotivoN as if they wore feathers and tin" energy that operate.* thecarefully calibrated machinery used in the te.r.ile industries. I'ormanufacturers in a territory served by ;m ellkienl electric ulilily, (hequestion of power supply lias been solved by the Central .Station.

I n l i w > v : i r > i H ' r \ c u r l y < - k i l r i i s ; i l r , » l 1 ' u l i l i c S e i i i n - l ; i , . ' . -

t r k : : i i u l ( i . l s r i i n | ; ; n ^ , ( M i i . d i n j J ( i i i r c n t t u r I | K - ( j p c r u d o i l

o f K l r c t ' l e a r s , i m n - a - . i ' i l Uy .< u n l y \ut < i - n l . C o n . h i n t l y

l f l ! T [ ' : i < , i i H > c l [ n i ; i n i l f o r M - r i i . i - p i . i s t . i l n c i n M - i ' i l l ' l l i v s h a t l . i t )

by t h e e a r n i n g s o f r l i - i - t r i c u l i l i i i c s . ' H i n t ' s n r e n s i j i i f o r l i u j i i i | i

'iimulatlvelioeierred i


Our policy of Popular Ownership gives you an opportunity toinvest under exceptiunally favorable terms $10 down and .f 10 a

month vvilli inlerest paid you on all partial payments.


Ask Any Public Service Employe


f t u r ( ,d it i ' t ^ i n p r c d u c t s



ICE CREAMis Delicious and Satisfying

Westfield Candy Kitchen171 E. BROAD STREET,



Prompt Attention, Careful HaudHllfModaraU Pricn

Office «nd House Phone 1621

Call* Taken Dty or Nigbt



Moving a Specialty

All Kindt of Trucking

THAT'S all it is—just a stop—In U> Win tort i me. Were

yon warm lost winter or didyour heater net disgracefullycold toward your family? Letour heating engineer put it in Bgood humor—in « red hot hu-mor of perfect scrvico.

A tinll! a tiny keeps jroa fitrvrry wny.

William P. Steuernagel17 Elm St. WESTFIELD, N. J.

Phone 148

Slender At Last—At What A Relief!

ure than 100,000 fat people have re*(Hu:od to minimi weJeht and health tncomfort and safety, with Dr. II. IJ. Gra-imm'H famoiiB prescription, Neulrolde.

Noutroifla contain no thyroid or habit-forming dru^o, nre pleasant to takeinn] lil^hly eltectlvo.

Hnlii on a JIOHHIVO yimraiitoo of satis-faction or money refunded at—Fmf-ciiey'a I'lmrmaoj Co.

WHOM-: «;I:.AI\ WHIMT co.i hiiiiKo, III.

I)l:itril)iitor I.'. J. KWING,

I'lmtu1 1 128

Woixlliuiil .Vvc, WnaUk'

Landscape Gardener


I.nwni Taken Caro ofliarhorry »nd Privil for Salo


B72 Park St. Weitftold, N. J,Te!. 21S-R


Now is the time to consult KlmerWilaon oxporionced Painter and Pa-per Hunger before Rivinfj out yourcontracts. My motto 13 "Good workGood Mlttorial at Reasonable PricOa."

Phone Wettfield 230-RAddre.j, Weitfield, P. O., City Iti

Page 10:  · Reach. with strong ot the. out tho ailv lor lo eHi, dor. bushu'^s.in* jii-iiiTHE WESTFIELD LEADER THE FADING AN D MOST WIDEL Y CIRCULATE WEEKL NEWSPAPER I N UNIO COUNT out for



wonderful- j«n'r it?

We are switaiism^ hi a ssa of con-v*tit!ouaiSty Hiese days, aim flad it alot easier than fining to apologizeftjf our u&ual peculiar behavior.

Also we are being consistent withother s>OGial-noters in that we con-sider earh party and each weddingwe %vrUe np one of The most enjoy-B-bie or one of the prettiest of thereason. But, actually, tlie weddingof Miss Mabel Phillips and Mr. W. C.DoVanft -u-as lovely. The flowerswere beautiful and the colorfulclothes of this season, combined v-i(lithe flower*, made iho J'lullips homea 2SSBS of riototi* color. And MissGrace and Miss Margaret who attend-ed tlicir sister uere particularly at-tractive in palfi rose and green, re-

ture. The s;iii Crawford,dollars a davtwe»ty-5eYeii

me turns i.- beingJi costs seveaiy-flve

to run the Home aarlthousand dollars a


To Newark, Bayonne; Stores;Will be Closed for Fire-

men's Anniversary



f woTomorrow" there•weddings of interest to UVMlie'ii,Miss Florence MuC'llntock and Mr.Maieom Ajws .'ire being married atthe tome of tlio bride, on Dud levavenue, tomorrow nisht, and MissMargaret McCandless, of NorthPlalnfleld, and Mr. John Carberry, ofWeetflold. are lioing nwrrled at theMcCandiefs lionw at live o'llocli intlia afternoon.

Miss Isabel Vroelaml, of .Summit,and Mr. Hilton Culjbison, of Wfst-fleldv «'CjTe j married in YonKers aweek asto yesterday. Mrs. Cubhisonattended the Kent Plae^ Soliool inSuiniait aiui Mr. Cubbison is a grartuate of Blair Academy. Both of tin?young" people a*ve very popularWestfleld.

Miss Alice i3ske«eri entertained atbridge on Monday in honor of MissAnna Patton who is visiting MissEvelyn Anderson, li€r room-mate atSweetbriar.

Miss Fauny Meyers, of Kast Broudstreet Has among tlie graduates thisweek from the I'i'utt Institute, ofBrooklyn. She received her diplomaTor costume designing, ami p!u.u-3 tuopon a scop in tue near future.

Mr. aiui Mrs. Thonuis M. .1oiic>s. ofi 21 Mountain iivcisuf?. have <ifi-noimml Hie engagement of theirdausiiter, Marian, to Harrison Covy.nt Dudley avenue, \V«stfli4d. .Mr.Cory is tliB son of .Joseph \V. Cory.:i lifi'loim resident of Westfiehl.


s in ilie fi^ld;rrii)]))ed ebH-j

On Monday, of this iveolc. MissLucille and Miss Catherine Verlendeugave R shower anil bridge for Miss

. Margaret MeCandless. Miss McCan-dless was hostess at a luncheon atthe Plainfleld Country Clul) lastweek, and of the four WestfieMerswho attended, three brought, homeprizes, either for good bridge play-ing or because they had a pull withthe score keeper—it's hard to toll.

Miss Kathryn Van Dylto was theguest of honor at two parties thisweek. Mrs. Austin B. Crehore en-tertained four tables of bridge forher at her home on Lincoln road,Monday afternoon, and last nightMiss Margaret ICeyes was the hostessIt a bridge at her home on Harrisonavenue. The Van Dykes have soldtheir home In Westfleld, and are .so-ing to live In New Haven, Conn.,when they return from their sum-mer vacation spent in Plymouth,Mass.

Mr. and Mrs. Newton S. Noble, ofAkron, Ohio, have been spending sev-eral weeks with Mr. and Mrs. GuyNoble, of Highland avenue. Theydrovo'east in their car and Mrs. GuyNoble ig driving back with them.

This Is Pledge Week at the Chil-dren's Country Home. On yourtrips to the Btatton you have un-doubtedly noticed the young girls ofthe Junior Auxllary who are flownthere wltli their posters and lltera-

ll year Hornby fdri/n aud murit nialit.1 rft>od. ^"JUMIJihe children are dismissed from the;Home tli^y tire dismissed as curodjl\ot as u ehikl who h»K bpiifffited from::a f<i\v Mumniti- months ,^])fnt in Mio|country who nniM. go bacK to thnjcrowdiul or tlie home that is poniiyififtod fnr his speri;!! neefis—only to!i.'Oiue buck tn Uli1 Children's CountryHomo : 1H» ni'\i bummer.


Tills undnrtalilng must he run ona huyinesa like basig ati<l durhix

l Ills 1'ledKO AVeflt it is to lie hopedthat everyone in Westfielii will signup for hi.s full .share of the exponsp.

()u Tuesday moniinj; Nni'se Orudii-loaf lind five of tlie children at thesfiition and anyone who saw these*youngsters probably rosolved tosqueeze out lus quota of the; money jKomelKUv, hut Ihe thing' is—do Itnow.

We are quitu enjoying this con-ventional attitude and now find our-jself safely across the water for an-;other week and recommend that any-one wljo finds lite a little bit diffi-cult lo take a din in thla sea nf ours.It's like the Dead Saa—no troublo!to keep up in it at nil.


A eoniriji!U'e i LHnpo, *Hi of Fay t

Bardwflj, t l iaiiuiau: .lanies Bush;and Edward Ita«dol|ili was appolut>>d|by the liusinesH .Mcxt'a Asssjciatitm \at their inecliiiK Wednesday at Lew'Corby'B buogajow, to work with the;Traffic Agent of the Central Railroadof N. J. in an uffovt to (jet better'train .serrire b<?!uret:u Wci-tll^ld andKewark and lVestfield and Hiiyonm'.At presfiit, onirtitiiiits are such thatCraTiford lias bolter serviee betweenfhestj cities and mau,v people desir-;ous of IH'in^ in "We^tfield are forced^lo abaiidon (liii idea due to poor train'sorviee. i

TlM-1 ti^sociaiion will appont a eoai jinittc-e to make arraTjgprm'iit.s to ^ivo(liu youngsters of the tjhlldrnn'aCountry Homo an utit.ing- In tile form^of an [Uitoijiobile ride. I

Mmil .Soliusier told tlio associationabout Die plains of (he Firo Depart-,nieiit for c.eiebratiuK their iiftietiranniversary ant! the associationvoted to declare October 12 a holidayin TrVostGeld and all stores will boclosed. The association also votedto buy a cup to be donated to theKire Dopartment having tlio largestrepresentation a n d appearanceAbrnm H. Maxwell susgesled that/lie two valua!)h; pictures of the vol-unteer h're (k'3>artn]ent, haiisrin^ inthe Pirn House, lie taken out and dis-played.

The meeting was the most on-tlmsiastic ony that 1ms licen bekl ina long time. "Liuv" Col1 by provedto he a wonderful host and one ofthe best dinners the association hasever had was enjoyed by about fortymembers. Thn association lias extended «n invitation to hold theirJuly meeting ill the same place andthe Invitation was accepted. Th?meeting will bo held July 15 at"Lew" Goruy'd famous btMifralow.


iu accordance with a resolutionaduiiied at the cotiveufion of the"sVw Jersey State h^u^ue of KpuubH-fiin CJubs at Newark on May 28, theKew Jersey State League of Repubii-;can Clubs will licftd a rally of thei{epiib!iearj Clubs of tlie .State to en-dorse the chndidiifes lor Governorand oiher ofijce.s wjio aiv? nominatedat the priiaary. 'Ihe JueeHns willb(3 heit! at 15 AvMd^my St.t NewarkN. J.. on Wednesday, June 2-1, ;u SI1. M. Plans will be perfected lo :

carry on an active t(ate-wide mm-;iiiiijji) HJ» to eltclioti day. j

Tho Hejiublio^n Xominee for Guv-eniLM", and ofher jnuinineju Hepiib!) jran.s, including Se.uator Walter JJ iKd.aL1. have been invited to address'tho meeting1. !

A feature will 1>.I the cuiiducdiij;at pennanejit lieiidfiuarters. of aspeakers Bureau, which will furnish,sjtoakera wherever desired at shorinotice. I;i addition, Club work willi>n accelerated, and literature dls-|tribnled through the elubs. In the;rail for the convention, KepubHcanr-':are advised that the restoration of!Kopublican Government of New Jer-:.sey t)y the election of tho HepublmmCandidate for Governor, and a 11B-pabllran Legislature i.s more ini-portaut than any single issue, and;should have th» loyal support of;every citizen who wishes to have hisstate governed economically, honest-i)y, and with tho intelligence which iseharaeteiistic of Republican Aciinin!-!Htrations, :

The officers of the New Jersey!State League of Republican Olulw!are: i

Kdward Vromwell Urennan, Paa-HSJc County, President; Mrs. Llla WThaiKpsDn, Ocean County, Vice President; A. V. Quint, Middlesex Uounty,l^t Vjcri Presi(le/nt; J. U>. SumervilleUerjton C.-ounty, Secretary; SamuelA. Doblji?,, t*ani<3en ("ouuty. Trea.s-


-AI u nitel ijig of iho ilepuWicunTown CtMumJlteo IIGM SuiurdayMveninK a I the Town Hal!, I.)r,I 'lmmnry A), J-". Kzel was i-^-cNirivUrliaifiuan, Mi1 , Oharlts D. H w *WHS t]oct€-f3 vice.pjv^ideut H\HI will.-iicre^] Mrs. Edna T, Greasuu. Nl*x.Ma'rion K I ^ U T was rv-olaotvd &&\-r^-tary and Janie^ 0, Casoy, treususM


I June 23, 192| To the Editor; —I For sours time past, tlie wliistiiiifi of t ra ins passing through Westfield

at jii^ht, 1ms been mosi. annoying an1ii certainly would be appreciated '•

I the railroad could do something tistop thin nuisance. H is not ver?pleasam to IK Blmost fri.shleuvd stifo n in the f tiily night by tlie tcrrifi

j screaohins-' nf a car wlii^tle whld| could be blown at :-t more moderateI rate am! sill! answer the same purj pose.! I t rus t tome one having a little in| fluence in the m u t e r will see ihiI item and will give it Ihcir attention.I "An Interested Citizen"



152 Elm Street 766 Prospect Strwt• ! Phone, 1088-W Phone, gjg


! Flowers for every cccaaion

j Auto DeSiveries to nearby town*


Tel. 1279-J Tel. 742

Building Contractors

Repairing of all kinds

Carpentry Painting

Homes Planned and Estimate.




PICTURESThey lend such a charm to

every home and it is the one

gift so readily selected and so

highly appreciated.

The variety never was more

charming and pleasing in sub-

jects that have won such great


Please the Graduate as well in

Something Beautiful

SWAIN'S Art Store317 West Front Street


Ice Cream and Parties\ X 7 H E N MOTHER serves Ice* ' Cream at her party then tlie

children have a party too. Becausehow could Mother even think ofjust getting enough for the grown-ups and leaving She children out.

So, because the children are go-ing to get some too, Mother oughtto be sure that the ice cream slipbuys, is good icecream, that it isrich in foot! value and that it'sHeathized for purity's sake. Inshort, that it's

Division ofNotlonal Dairy Products Corporation

'Dealers Everywhere in T'len JerseyIrvington Newark Perth Atnboy


Supplying tio wealthiest rnition inthe world with cbaugu is a job of to-mendoiiB proportions. During 1924the United States mints struck off89,394,000 one cent pieces and 28,-816,000 nickels. The small cliange ofthe nation was enlarged by 37,940,(WOdimes and 16,892,000 quarters. Whilea drivo was started to popularize theJlver dollar, only 13,589,000 of the"stiver cartwheels" wero coined. Sin-galarly, tie half-dollar is the most un-popular coin tbat the United Statesmakes. During 1325 there wero just142,080 half-dollars struck off, and allof these wore the commemorativeHuguenot-Walloon coins. The rotuucoined 10.300,500 double eagleg.

Only $30 more than open car price!

Just get your foot on the accelerator of a PaigeBrougham when you're in a sportive mood.It has tlie pick-up stnd K'1 ° ' : ' racy roadster.

The ablest performing Brougham (he worldaffords —and how well it deserve* to becalled that!

And there'* be;uity in Paii;e Orou^luim toset any m;in\s blood atin^le. Or any woman's.

It's the finest looking I^uge we ever designed—the most admired ear on the road.

Paige Brougham (jives you the style —com-fort—performance and long-ruii economy ofthe costliest ears at only $1195. See it—drive it!

Hydraulic (uur-wlicd liralic, (LiiMiccJ iypt> ,it ilitflii mrt colt

LAMBERT GARAGE204 Central Ave. Westfield, N. J.

Telephone 509

Why not becomea "REGULAR " ?

IF YOU have tried Pan-Am Gasoline, we know you mustlike it, for there is none better. Then why not do

as so many others are doing—choose the most convenientPan-Am address and become a regular patron, for it iswise to use always the same brand of gas. And whenyou are on the road, stop at the blue-green Pan-Am pump.

PAN-AM Service StationWest Broad Street and North Avenue

PLAZA SQUARE Westfield, N. J.

PAN-AM Gasoline is always thesame, unvarying high finality,wherever or whenever you pur-chase it.



Re-Finished and UpholsteredEstimates Given

Hair Mattresses Made Over

. CHARLES LeCHERPhone 1427

130 W. Broad St.,near Plaza, Westfield

C A R P E T S a n d R U G SCleaned, Shampooed and J



H. O. BOCERTTel. 3145 Plainfield, N. J.

David's Pressing Club( leaning and Dyeing

Tailoring and Dressmaking

We make old suits look new. We

change old style dresses to New.

Called for and Delivered same Day

4 Suit* a month—$1.50406 W, Broad St. WettBeid, N. 1.

Tel. 128G-J

G. PAPAKxiH'HeiH'od Cnt'ticntrr and


Good Workmanship

372 I'M* St. Tel. 24J-K WestflelU



Window Shades, Linoleumi, and

Brais Rod*

J. A. GREENETel. 1998 1061 ROSE STREET


DON'T GET UP NIGHTSJohn Lurnpfclns, Dayton, OStio.aiiys: "Cotan

to 7 Carri«yt.. im<l I will show vou 2E>PiM"£»4>fgravel t hut, pasni-U uf f cr taking Li thiatcH Buclitt(Keller Formula). Had u\ jet up 1 5 tim«i Btnifrhtfortwayi-arA. AL-iRhtWow." LithiatcdUuchii cleanse tlio bladdtT like Epsom 3alUdu tlio bow fly, thi>rc!'>' rt-Ueving irritation,

crustv« iu-itb. Thi-^n ari- Die '.»inimj3 jf «n-Daturu) ufti.jii (if tfK* p!;uiil(T At sight. C.ithf-flt.'d Utitiiti i T.(•!!-•r i'\nTi«i!^i a* not a cheapnun.'k'tii". Th^U/itfiqrn^i j ?t>ma o«tcb. Soldat tc;-.'ji;;;» drui,' ntofvs u: Jvelier Laboratory,ilt'climiii'sinir^:, Ohii.

Frutchey PharmacyElm and Broad Streets


UNCLE ABE| 210 Watchung Ave., Plainfield

Opposite Post Office

New Suits and many induce-ments in others that it will payyou to see—Cheapest Prices.

L O C K S M I T HMnkrr or All Kliula of H t r i

Krvoltlue I.ooliK. Gmm, r:iec«rlc Belln,l*liont»K:riii>UH, civ.

J.nivn nr<nvrr« Sharpened UIK.1 Kepalrefl

, | H. B O R O D U L I NI I.'II Slullann Ave. Tel. 2511


S31 w>»t From SI., PWln*ft«

We Buy and SellANTIQUES

r:«!o!.ll»lir<l 1S98

TeUphonil 3521

666il a prescription fo?

Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue,Bilious Fever and Malaria.

It killa the garrat.

Page 11:  · Reach. with strong ot the. out tho ailv lor lo eHi, dor. bushu'^s.in* jii-iiiTHE WESTFIELD LEADER THE FADING AN D MOST WIDEL Y CIRCULATE WEEKL NEWSPAPER I N UNIO COUNT out for



theand Old

Plays andEvests Now Being

Various Playhouses -


Sure Death"See These Newark Show*" I AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS

\ t~~^wi'3ni yO&LCST PlfrCg m lyrwiP.>r.-



t'lii»ftiii*«—**I« Zat So?*'Iherr j L M « — " V i l a B!r*l"Curt Ilui-hflnr'« llrllitH"Oolcmtfll—"Lucky Saitttoo*'lujni-Oj —4<*«iii*vs>*>litaH—"Ij(»»i» XIV"Duls'iHaxlur ElUutt'n—Karl (ai-rull—''Desire Sutler the Kim*."fcmiiire—"The J-liive"lOltinue—"Tie I'ull Gu>"Frail.—Kulttis—titltc'ly "Tc'H 3U> Slorfr"(ietirju' >K Cuban—CeatBrj'—"The I.ovw Sonfi"

4iret>bMi(-ii Village—tiutUi—"I'se-itut- ami Cleopatra"llurrl.— ' \ \ IiM,. d.ll/i.»"Hippodrome—Vaad*TlUe|{|,(lMillIiuperiul—"Hone Marie*1

JOIBOU'*—"The Student Trlace"KIBVV—"They Knp*v \Vh»* Tk

Libert*—"I.Hily, lie <liiud"U K I*—IjoiiKiicrt—'*HIor*!t'iiHry 91Aty"lU icum—"LB(1 | I -» of the E v e n i n g "I,jr!<—"Aliinm of t h e South Sean"^iflrtiii ll«-i-k—lli.ur.v Miller'*—•MoTtkucu—"The Firebrand"Mutle HimNilduiml—"Tlic Hrlde lU-«(r«"A'dKliliorliiwd tiruu.1 Street Follies"New Am*<«r«l«m—ZlfBfeltl fnllle*Aurli Hfljff*—-ltalne4?— ViiudevUlelMu?li.,u>.-—"I'll* Suuw CHI"I'ljiuiiiilh—"What l'rlce Qlorr™

{'mu'li and Judy—Keliuhllt—"Allied Irtuli «»«"lilt*—SfUrfti '*Tli<» (iwrllln"SIiuli<-rt—Tliut'h Square—"Koaurr Hiity Kelly"Vumlerlillt—"My Girl"4V<illii>k'»—"Thi! UlKhl to Luvc"wiitJer (iarden—t'Skr llliflli**a»1h M "White Cnmttt"44<h St.—4Stli stttet—"Spooki."-loth St.—,%:;«! vi—"icnmn-iMr*

T I l l l . l ' I ' H I i N O T U S

Tin- H r r t i i » ' i r l i VIUiiKc Tl io iKi ' r «"illren\M.n 1 ; ; ir iy in S o p t n t n b e i ' u n d e r t h oiHi 'H' t i ' . i i " f .MjH^i'^v-fiii, J c m t H i iml( I 'N i -m. T l i c j - wi l l ma i l , , l ive ITUilUi:-t l . i i iv iin-ff TI.-.VI KoiiHon, roovipf,' t h . - s u c -c e s s f u l ulii.va m u i i t i i w n i l i i - a t r u a . Thi>l i r s l w i l l lie " O u t s l t o L o o k i n g I n " !ip l a y .if ( r a m p l i fe liy l l « s i r e l l A n O c r -mwi". fyuwKMl o n - l i e f m a r s nl U f o , " b yJ i m T u l l y . I n O r t n l i e r , ITI a s s o c i a t i o n\v!U> A. I., . lot i t -s i iml M<ivi-is Or t ' t i i i , t h e yw i l l i ' v ' ' d u c e Muuciii. ' O'Ncil l 'H d r a m a o f1 'ourc . l e l j i ' on , " T i m F m i nlii I n . " l a t o111 K i i v l l i l i c r w i l l c o m o O 'A 'C ' I J I 'H latenta n d m o s t r c m i i k n M . I ' l n " " " ' ( i i i " . i t(!(.a B r o w n . " a s i i l k l i i t > i - I " I ' m r n l I nd r a m a t i c f o r m i VPTI f o r tfJe a u t h c l <>1"Tin - ll.-ilr.v \ I " ' iiii'l I >" I . ' m i " i » rJ n n c ! " T)l<; f o i n l . i i m i l u i l l " " » i ' l '•• •When in r t c m . i i m i o ( \ » liv M i \ « i l !At)<lcrt'>Ti nu i l I , < n n - n . Kt i l l n,«i hfln-.il p i o i l u c l ' i m i>f (1H -P n » u w i l l t'>'" T i n - l . a s l M i Ht .if l>ou lu i n " 1!" -s t a n d ' s las t l ' ln»

M * *

ii n i.ro—« r.snii;i.i>Tniiif. lit anil Tliurwl.'iy, J^ll.'i <Jnlii)a)

in "S;i!":ii" <'f tin- 'I'i'iioni"nlH." Frida.'1

an«J Sat li:-<iii>- I'Hiiiilas Miirlvfan in " ln -troiinri- M'-,1' ICxtra ya iu rdny a t 4 p. in.,"Tli,.. liidlm: KO..1." Mmiiliiy ami Tm-s-flny. l y l i I ' b i i f v in "Thf Monster ."Comply . At. Si ,!"hn In •lun. imH.- IHin-•ill'.'1 Cr,i\'<rs,n News.

M * *H K I . K N T — K M / . \ I H " I ' H

" S . t . k c l u t l i a n i l S i - a r l i - t . " p n i d u r i i l liyJ I . T i r y K i n p . < l i r . r t . i r . . r - ' I ' l l ' - W l i l t i -H l s t . - r , " " n o i n o l n . " f t « ' , ai i ' I f ' a l i i r t i ' KA l l c - T f i T y nnd n p r o m i n e n t c i s t ofj . l a y . r s , om-i ia n 3 d a y s ' rii.-: IM-XI M " n -d:.i)' a1. l l i n H n K i ' n t T l l e a t r . 1 .

T i n ' s l u v y w n s ai lapU-i ' . ( " r t l v ~ . ] ' ' Hl .y T i n n ( ! f ^ a ^ h t . y l .Tul. 's F U V U L U U U I a n d. lu l l . - J V - r n o f ro i r i l l u - n . . v . i '•*>' ' : . . ^ ' . 'r ; i t ^ . ; ; a r u l a l ^ o r a n ^. ' r l i- ; i ly in t!i-- l ^ i 'B ' i i . 1 ; J l . i i , ' a z in i - . It r l u a l ; n i t l . : ip 1: - .VH.ii ml i . i y . s of : « ' u p l r l p , K i a l e r s , n i l nJ • >l":i n t h e w o r l d .

l ' . . r . . t i i y .S.-ljasr i:n , m . \ v to tli-- -•- •• • "•|.la>..T I ' . . l i y . A l i r r ; T e r r y ' s w n y w i i r i l Kls -H'l- i n t h e p r n i ) m . - U n n . O r v l l l « < " u l i l w l l ,j . i ' i n n i J u i n ^ta>;v- i iclvir , l a t h a m a n Int h e c a s o . n t i u r b i t : tuirti<'^ a i i j u ' a r ins i i M - f l ' t -

* * +I'r.M'ti.rN I'nIiN'.—\rtmrk

A trulv fami.ii^ nmsiiMl f'.'ltH-iiy iitarwil l I"! ' I'm list .if . l l»tlw»l»ln-il P'-r-aonngcu on th , . ] .rt.!j ram it '.I"' I'nl.'. <••:.Tifiil n ' tcU. Jain.-s Tiarti.n. i-HI.-t c o m . -dian (..' [lie W r i t e r r.ai-.li'fi. " r n j s l i i sSlum- of l->'-f" ini.l "r>'".v 1 "'»!• ' " ' " " : " » 'o t l l t r l)li: SUPCI'SC'CB; a w..|l i;iwv.-r. nmlcplclirat'-il s t a r of tli-J Aumri.Mli Blatc'.'. Ii« th,. .,i:i. taii.iiH- , •••:;r.i'.: illi:.if;.' In a.l-litl.T nt r w m r ' J Hil3 •.»'-.1«li. maldiiKJIar): '-t StTO't p:.-iyh..UM- or..- ..r th.,.

i few i^rt'at t h e a t r e s He will » i.^ii fiuvikij;I a very l imi ted lour in vaudeville.; N'WMrkvr;- will hu\'u til-.- IMI «. '.ippor-j (uni ty tu .«,.,.- th is fane Ms i-,iut-u,tiiI sad d&fttfor <?f supt-r inw-vh-piiiYoking-

nifr l ls , a p p e a r Iti Ilia till.- i<.>u< ,,f 'Tliu

1 sttisa-tjon of tin? *-tntury. Mr. iSuiMou

ssni[ih.'s of t h e ce lebra ted B a r ton! WiI style of dnnc iny . cum M a i n s tilt} a r t sj of s laps t ick . li*jk i;i!i ui'.d !

To F/i£s| L f t ^ ^ ^ A ^


Jicef, 1 Jb. can

qu, and! Picnic Tips, can

Newark boy, fonm'rly uf il,o u am .."l i G r a l > e f r u I t - C a

|is now do-|ll pi uiv t-ss ! B o i l e d C ll. CEU1

I.yona ali'l l'usl.ip- u pat tllf. il.ir;,, s,,, adopt Is Iw. ar that ill- j6li'«in.-in tha i Ids faille is int.-rna I lunal. \I*<>«« will present a varied lonccrt and; K e i l l k o n i l l l l . 1 111. Canlwinilar program ot songs, JtiiiRio aJid'






* * *T i n - r u s t , . f S h : i « V " A r m s a n . I i In

-Mm.1 I'-.r w h i . l i H i " T H i M t : . - U n i t , I l i . u

W a r w i c l i a m i l . y n i i V o n U u i i i , . N s r i l l if u r t h e r e n h a u s : o i 1 b y t h e S I H I H I U I . . 1 ' K r - i

A. D. MARENGHIElm Market Grocer

I ' l l K i . M r s iPhone 1059 58 Elm St.

Market Street, NewarkAll W«-e.k Starting Munday Matinct

HroiuluayV ( i n a t t - i r,.,iHil,;in


! Wed. & Thur Jettft Goudal in "Salome of the Tenements"

j Fri, & Sat,—Douglas Mac Lean in ''Introduce Me"

| Extra Sat. at 4 p. m—"The Riding Fool"

& Co. in "THI PEST"

VERA LAVKOVA(I^nvimt'^s Koyct1 t;;>rU'tt)

GEORGIE LYONSNewark's l'oinilar Stai'

YORKE & KINC — Many Other .


Lambert's Taxkab Service



8 PUOSI'M*.'!' HT.,

Jf o r t h o T h o u t r u U u l l d i n " W l r . - W i t h AS m i l u . " " B o i i l j i i u r O i . i i f . " ' 1 1 . \ \ ' i , . , i ; , t - . iS l i i | . p i . . l , " " l - ' r i i i n All.i-il 'I 'll i l i . l n i s h l " !.'ind ".Saint .loan." |

5 KM'ICIt'rs

Permanent WaveI.asts 0 to 0 Mouths, $2rt <!«

v*~ -nL a is it mttura•"flfe,"? li'"iu\i!; wuvp s

.£ c;m itn oiihliti-i ed Ji) porfooi

f coin tort a n ri

So»enbaum'» Baauty Sho^pcHocdllcl I'lom-

ItOSKNUAlIM HIIOS.' STOUKI'lnlnllold, ,V. ,; ,



" T H E M O N S T E R"

Comedy—Al St. John in "Dynamite Doggie"

• * *T h . ' " ( l , t i - r U * k i ; ; i ! i ' ! i « , " i l l . . ' I ' l l .

< Ju i l . t 'H l i f s l m H i i i n i r * > v i u \ l i . i ; . s u t . i xt ' l u n i K h t l i c u i i l y d ' l r u i r o f l - i i i i i . s . ',

o v e r H O O I I . H a r o l d r i u r m a n : . r i t i -u r i l d l l i l t i l l i ? f r o m I ' u l u n i h i a u a n l . - . l i . Jt i n i t i I ' n r l s a t i i l j i i : - i h ( ]> K . u k :i . J t i i i , .•ii.i-I >.>.•! i i f o f I-II11 II.S. > n i l y [11 I h i ' S .M ' l>" l l l i " . 't . . Klvi^ l i h n H e l f f i m i u U i i i i i A t . . , ( . . Hi.-;l l i i ' S l s « H o n I In. I V . m i l . l l a m a n i i . l jliv w o v k t a l I n . l . i . ' i j lU 'H (*n j . . . . iu ' . s . ' .U'lloulIn l a l u > tln> n u i ' S ! " o lT. ] I p r e t i m i f i l I h o ln e x t BOH.HI .H t a w r i t . j ^ y n i . r m s i r t U M r sf u r " T i n - P r c . n . a i i " , , n l l i . - i M t u i . . . t h , .' I r a n i A a n i l l i i u s i . ' a m ] t o t i n a s s i s t a n ts l i i ? . " m a i i a u . . ! - a l i l n - I ' l ' . i v H i i c l i M v nI l i r a t n . , h a v i n g l lia 1 I . , K o a s n s s i s l u n t ': > t a y o i n a n a ^ o r w i t h G c i n l i T i n I I I H N O WY - . r l , f i i a a R . - r n i ' i i l . 1 h - l u r n u . l f r o mt l m t t o c j u ' r y i n j ; I ' l i ' o j i a l r a i n a c a i j u - iI n t h e T M e a t r o O n l l i l ' a i i r i x l u c t l m i o f" U a o t , a v i n u l I ' l m i p i i i r n " u n t i l 111,, . < n h c r si n t i n ' l u i i b u f t U i \ t p i n y I t i s s u r p l u s• ' l i i ' r u y i i v i - r . ' l i u r f , . i l I n t o t h . - "< l i i r r k - Ui S a k ' t i i i s " o f w h i . i t In. l.i Kin,-., . i i H U a -u c r . 'I 'liiw p r n i k i . - t i ' i i i , w h a t w l f i i ilu>t ' l i o r u s t u r n i i i L ; l i i t u p r i n c i p a l s a m i t i n .i . r i i i c i i ' a l s t u i i i i u L , . i n t u r l i o r u . s f r o mii i i t i i lx- i - t.i n u i r i l x - r o n l y ,i , ] H , H I I . i fp l i l l o s o j j h y c t i u l i l h a n d l e .






Entrance on Central Avenue

Appointments Tel. 1241-.I ••



Feature—A Paramownt Picture" C O N T R A B A N D "Second Feature Picture


Single Rt*pl—"Topics"

Bonnell Motor Car Co,Distributor for



107 Union Ave,

Cranford, N. J.

Telephone Cranford 668


Comedy Hobby Vrrnon in "Great Guns"

Universal Ni;>vii

Exlrn S«t. n( 4 |i. m. —Hoot Gibson in



CARPET CLEANING WORKSOriental Rug Shampooing a Specialty

T. L. GRIFFITHS, Prop.826 Richmond Street Ti'I. 811 PUinfield, N. J.

HOLLY PARKBathing Beach

I'AltJi unit M.\I'M<; .AVMM K

SO. I'b.VlM'lIll.K

I).A\('IN<1—Tiios.luy ami IYi<ln>

MllNir Ii.) Al. liitU-r'.s SIH-ICI) ll»j>

it.vriiiN<{—vim win r.u.to.v

IIASKUT I'.VKTir.S Wl'.l.t (IMi;


Done Quickly ;il Heasoiiiibic riiciwAUTOMOBILE BLACKSM1THING—SPRING WORK

Oxy-Acetylene and Electric WeldingAgents for American Springs


Phone 2250 Near the Depot


MON., TUES., WED., JUNE 29, 30, JULY 1







The most nnnl'liMo line nl Nursery Sloe); for :ill jnirpo.si'.s.


PEONIAS, ROSES, etc.Ask for catalogue and estimate.

Frees You from

Kitchen Drudgery

No nccti M Mi. \1: ihefooJ.No bastit',;; i i r . i -.irv.

No wony ln'i.l;ii : P.H L: tin-

mcalwliLin-lirn .-i i.tidayi't].

Every ufii'rrK'oii iuvny.

Cmne in nntf M'I- the mii^e tluit

i,'ilt*5 :tnl JKl' hunts aMiiy from

the kifinrn. There's a site (Htit

just Jils >imr kihhm.

1\M iht CAS 'UJUNKU Ofl'f


Tel. 749 IO7 Prospect St.WESTFIELD, N. J.

Phone Westfield 1-W


Real Estate—Insurance

On Saixa! this (tort'




. % P A T T E R N S

\ % i\ \ i'lu-v arc punted.pi vforatcd,>.B \\ \ ', , , i

nolcliru and cut on! IC.KIV

for tisf. I'liL'tc an." lit) .-,ti-

pcr(ln;);r, ln,il'i;ins tu cut

avv.iy or i)\'eii.ip.

15c iu 45c

• \ \

1 h-ti\\,\- V'-''




THURS., FR]., SAT., JULY 2, 3, 4





NEXT—Constance TalmadKe and Antonio Moreno in




T O D A Y 2 : 1 5 7.OO 9:OOSYD CHAPLIN in

" C H A R L I E ' S A U N T "News Review Topics

TOMORROW ONLYClara Bow, Robert Ellis, Mnry Cnrr and Elliott Dexter in J;

" C A P I T A L P U N I S H M E N V



Ben Turpin in

"RASPBERRY ROMANCE"Other New Novelties

PRICES OF ADMISSIONMatinee*—Children, lOcs Aiiulti, 20c, 30c, 35c

ETB., Sn!., Hnlidnys—Children, ISc; AJulta, 2Sc, 40c, 50c

Tdephet* J28-J



Jobbing Promptly Att«ad*4 U

3S0 North AvenueGARWOOD, N. J.


Quality and ServiceTel. WestfieW 1738

Weatfield, N. J.


TILINGFireplaces, Porches and



383 Hillcreat Avenue

Tel. 3367 PLAINFIELD, N. J.

Hall's CatarrhMedicine H&1TE?both local and Internal, and has beensuccessful in tho treatment of Ca-tarrh for over 40 year». Sold by

F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, OhW


No Job Too Humll—Xono Too


PATSY ALIOIHlKlmsi Prloo3 r»ia For

OIil HftK1*. Iron, I'ftjH^r, Automobile


fUSU Hnnlli Vvir. Wt'mlflolil, S. 1.

Tel. 788-J.



l i l ' l ' l l .

e optn'il :i new pattern (Ii'iinrtiiii'iit- in ciiniH'tticm with tirelute soml- ami notions,

rt]t till ilks Collar and cufl" not.'i.i-.t Liinc" VJnflcrweur tw men. "Viola Brand" for ladies and chil-•V mta" fm tho little ernes.iipwl gundt of nil kind-. New line of Indies belts and clioker bends.

;h and Jilt-1 hanil nuide lace.Mimlintlnn Collar.-; and .Shirt?. Star SJiirts, Arrow Collars.

Our aim is to Accommodate «nd please

D. W. SHIRREFFS131 East Broad Street Tel. 1696 WESTFIELD, N. J.


The Great Family Resort

I SWIMMING POOL ^ ^ y f? Free Vaudeville and Baml Conr.<-i-|, p.-iily; New Jcrocy's Blflgssl *£ Da rice Floor. *j , FREE FIREWORKS' DISPLAY BVEflV FBIDAV k






Coatraots T«k«a and

Entlrosteu Checrtul'j' Olvsa«aa STOR5PH AVE. W,

T«l. «8T-MW«rtfl»W, X. 1.

Page 12:  · Reach. with strong ot the. out tho ailv lor lo eHi, dor. bushu'^s.in* jii-iiiTHE WESTFIELD LEADER THE FADING AN D MOST WIDEL Y CIRCULATE WEEKL NEWSPAPER I N UNIO COUNT out for


of A cceptanceWESDAVS, at 6 p. m.

Classified AdvertisementsONE-CENT-A-WORD

Telephone 407. "Ads" Accepted by Telephone

FOR SALE 11\ i li Mii H\ t A I JH 11 t

OUI I I>» *

i lew t

e 1

] OBf In oJ r

' " " I






or S-




1 1 II t

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I'J *•! ( I HI

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It r t u p « I i 1 I I I i t S l u l i % 1 i u jn ii H i a n d

31 Hi} i i u i j i tu i > i « 11 h \ ci l u l l [ til 111 tt I III \CI H I > O «s - ; ' , i - i i .

S I 4 M ) l l i l * l l t H I b — t \ ' t n a n d t l o ^ t l l iit N \ ) l ult i n i i i U o u i f - u a t u i i '

I p i Ul ^ u U In- lUf I i II) lllfc U Ll t il Iu i I i l U i i . H i n l U m i l i d L i

' t i 1 i ( . m i l il n n d 1 , n i \ 1 w4 1 tf

r <~tall' il I •

In IrNit "I

d ii aI I ui

3 ,35 tf



-II'llS *XioU r JTir nrrl r 1 1 0)seat. iel . SoG-J.

1--OH SAI,B — M in r,|anti library (urull

;i:id piano. J'lipiii; \W

II fk e 1

MISCELLANEOUSI H > l l l I t H I I M 1 I 111 •• l l I

_l \% i J tl I i l l 11 - II iii i t Si i \ \ I j i M 1 [t.1 i in 1 i I t

t n i l i i v-

I l l l I 11 n 1 Illl ll \<ll( 1 HIM( I H 1 1 1 I >! l I <- U l l l 1 l l I

i n m l m l i ] _ . . ( i u N I I I [ l i \ \


- . U - l l —

room, b< (I I'miiii,if, diHlieH, rilfi"S:,tiield :05 »-17-3t

CINDBRS tor sale. I'lione 704-Jd.


\ K U >ioi)i:it.\nl; KOUII i"i-

P O I t KI'S.Vl- A | . n r t i n t r i l nf i, 1I m l l l , n i l i i n j ' i ' i i v u l n w i U .H r i i ^ . , < V n t r ; i l ; i !nl l .<no>: A v

housM fi7U3-M.

SSI >. H I M i l H I 1) ll •> illC - n i l 111 I Illl Ul 111 S l U k t i l t l l l l

^ l u i a i i i i n l m i t r i i j m i l di-> i - i 1u u l i t ) I !>- H l U i l I t i i ii \ i ul . r 1' i

int- s i L |i i n ii s i \ ii i M 11 ti L

I S n l l l l l M I ' l / i l i h N I I

tl i kit I rt>ii I hull' ImiHt 1.101li J Id

°_l"- t r _ J ^ 1 _ . r Z ' V l l W H l n i l \ \ \ S I I mil Mi in

i r o n SALE^AIruasle piipMos.'AdtfreBB S '1 'J ' iVV'<!!r."!lXr"J i :\ 'w.h' ' tl1 | l; i ' ;M' i l J I | ' ! ' l i T ' " l , l " l J s i ' n < Yi/T'l 'oiVl'ViVliBox 212, Scotch I'luiiis. Tel. 1'airaoml i / . USt01 •>i'.K u i i n t l s i Tfi Div •>».' ' S 1 ' "Vni \ I

SrllEKKS FOR windows, doors, porches. I' ~ ~ , . . .~T 7777.7.,""^ 7, * l ! , .Vi \!)}t ^ i ' , , ! - IT.I .? ! I? ' IV" ' \ ' I \ . H \ I .A. VT. Nlco lson , J ' h o n e 782. 6 - l B - t r ] X * JJ|\?,* i'/^1.. A,**,,*, i n I n i p M v i m c n ' t s I u!"l iVi li I, iVl.i I i im. i . s i,,i Vi.lY

I ' O R S A L E — C h i l d ' s c r l l i , $2.00; a l s oa u t o m o b i l e h funmock for b a b y , $1.60. •I n q u i r e 453 d r o v e S t .

ti l , -lit K Jtruail y(. Tel, T'fiy, ulTi IOvt.iilllK, 1102. ti-24-tf

mil I i | "iS I" u <«UILI(1 N I

( cut i il ( n I n111 U Ml 111 I I

with pin str ipe, size 86, pract ical ly , - a n J | J t t U ] ; J l f . , l t hot 'n-a lcr and Junl-

MW. Tel. 1448. : U l r service. Vre nf lurso yuril, trull_.,,*,—"T~~. r~ "T~7—" and flowers. 656 Weetfteld Ave. l'liont

'Oil SALIC—Baby c a r n a g e , gn-ea.rt, t^vo ,:u TI- .t -i.. o.cribs , bassinet , biiby Hilt and yard.Phono Westflold 1841-W,

FOR SAI*12 — Mahogany Victvoln, cost$75, with records, f^5. Good as new,fine to take on vacation. Tel. 803-J.

TIfUHOVCtll-nitKO Kntfilsh hotter pupsfor sals, black and white, .Reasonable.Phono 1228-W.

l- OR SALE--Piano, Andiron, mgr, lacecurtains, furniture. Few ing machine.Mra. J. H. Hunt, I Stoneleigh Parb.

A. T0UE13-VIKCM llvinp room suite $85,g-olden oak stdeboard $30, mahoganyrocKcr |3, dark oak bureau $20, fourpost Ameritnu Walnut bed, bosapringa end mattress, bureau tomatch f?5, morrlB chaii* ?2, ROW chair11, golden oak china closet $30. Tel.

PV -v SALI3—Cuvninta for canning and\ , filso rhulmrli. ,T. D. Duvls, Rmd St., Westiield. N. J. Thone 1340.


Westfleid has u .shoi'ta^t; ul MUCH UO-i D l land as tliat opposite Ohil

C t H it boppos

, ijots31ill

siraDe lan s t o p p s t e hildren's Country Home, ijots may b«xvadeil or puri^msoil on 31ills)de Av«.fNew Providence HA. Springfield Ave.and IJAIIC. A(Uiruss, K^nnelly, inc.,14i> Broadway, New VorK. ii-24-2t

A HOfllK AT A JXAMUAiTi — An eightroom house with adjoining lot Jit n

• iovv price and easy terms. See W. ,).Lee, 60 Elm St. Tel. 407. (i-24-;n

WANTED—investors for Floridn ItmlEstate. Values arc inoroaHing1 Htemi-iiy, esjieclallv so In Winter Haven, inthe I^ake dfstrlct; go that investnifitHat present prlcts shoitld he not onlyBate, but very protllablc. Shall beglad to luruish prices, tf:rniH and nil

" "«ther detttlla upon rtMjuoBt. Address- • I* O. Venn, Winter Haven, Florida.


A F I V E HOOM IllHiSK on o. lot 00x120,Excel lent condition, ^ood ktcullon,atsam heat. Price and terms de-cidfedly reiisonable. Consult, AViiltorJ. Lee, BO Elm St. c-24-tf

SCOTCH PLAINS—New Six room houso.garage. All improvement, ros trie tedneiebbnirhooii. Price. $6,500,00. Callnt R. B. Gendnlls, Park Avo., Scotrlii'lalns, N. J. riione Kin wood. li!)-l-J.


A- l LOCATtOV—4 li.'d rormis and tilebath with Bhowpr on l!nd floor. Oakfloors throughout. Hut wntfr Imat.Copper leaders, KiUtcra, and scrofinst.New House, the. prifR ia very reason-a "hie. Phono for » jipolnf incut. AllenPeirce, Realtor. Phono 1735.



I*MF\T ""aHuilding.

|(J7 {jy {n;r1st, l!i^».

j-Jast Br


oaJ Kt.






! ( • -


T f l V T — - - 3 Kas t Uruad Ht. l tus-fit-U Bui ld ing , seven rooms and uuthMeam heat, hot wut t ' r supiilied, jun i -tur tjervice. |!*5,0{; jier nionl h, lJos-

f n U t b 1 t 1 :2G

( 1 1I t )

ni n

I'lllill |i

i n n

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1) iultilit lit.It III

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I.AU.V uuil 111)1)1.1i ivatiJiM. l-nod «i ill H n N i I i n

< u t t i l Si u t I i iA K 1111(1 sill i l l p i It tptu> \ \ i b t r u i i t J i i

i inn

the i


ciitlon, ']'• rni3 r e n afor llu-lit huu.HoUcppintsMi H l i i u n i i i 1 Hi iconhead, Mass.

ii \ m buhl , ui (inonHt I'cir your va


K E N T — H o u s e , e i g h t r o o m s , com- ' M ' « " M i n i v - . in<i> \ m I i i i n -pleteJy furn is l ied , g a r a g e . Hummer. n m k i i u 111 t i k i ^uwn- t t u in ikt uiseason or for one yea r . H. G. B o a r d - ' " i '"- ildi'-liiiii nt ^tdil t i if , i iuusvi mman, 251 w a l n u t St. Tel . 76-W. i mil ^ n i m s fur s m u t ( U u i o i s i » i

6-27-t t l i l u ilsn i . i i iu.l . Hint , I . ' . U i b t o i l ,I liuililini- l i i i t t i i i s t i i n i I ' l i ln l i i l i l

F O R HG.VT—Cranford , N. J . F o u r S l n I t i - . i i 6 - 1 llOR H . V T C r a n f o r , N. J. Fouritoom Apartments, vapor heat, anI m o v e t s w bildin Pitoom Apartments, vapor hImprovements, new building.

i n I d i t l t lPOT" I I I I I I I I M l I t o i l l s l ti. m i l

eeiVlon Immediately. induIre 'Bhinl lng HIIUIHUI iluilnj. I 'U -iminit i iBros., Central & Lenox Aves.. WOSL- I > ' " " " " i r I ' l i i h u l n s I)field. S-4-tf) ' l ' " i 1 0 1 ' K J4 n

P<IR Jll'lNT—5 Stores In Cranford. 1'osJ 1Session Immedlatel>'. Innulre KhmllngUrofl., Central &. Lenox Aven., West-!Held, N. .1. 2-U-tfl

I U I H I I I M . i i l l ) , t o n i l n h i m p u i n t - .Im i Illh s p i i h i n i t i II V lawnu u l ' - I I h i n I S t \ l , s t i l l Id N I

I II ii It i t I. 17 "t

I F I T IH i r o n 1 U : . \ T o r M l e , ive J i ave I • . . * ( \ o i i t i m i s i f n n - i i l , w i s h p dIt. Wal t e r J . U>e, GO Elm St., Wss t - |,l m l u , ,,fi J , , l Ifield. Tel, W . 2-IS-tt ! , " „ ' , ' , I, " l l " \ 1 " ' N, "l",uV I 1,..,',

^ r I i l - l l . ( i -17-11


II»I>1IIP. Iirlvlleyii of liffllt lloaNekfi-li-iuy. Addreas "WM J.eailer Ufflt-o.

" I ' l l S I ' K l l . l I / r l , I'MOATIXIi — InKiTni'li anil A nii'rk'aii .Slylns, alsoI Ii HIM! II 'MUM, Hue tonK ;nni iiul t nn-lules . "IIiiin.iltTfliiiif!' .Slioi)" and \\'iiman's I'Jxcliaime, l> hjim St. 0-lu-lil

MA.VIiOU HllL'SR 'rl> HKST—llodcr l ihoiiBC of •"! in1 Ii loomM ivitl] naras'i-, hiKood ilel^lihuvhooil, by mhluBu'-iiHri!rL'flneil uimplo. No .h lMren . JU-ninot oNccedinK ?UI0. Phone I'lnlnn«lil187C or Wcatllold 15)6.

WASTED—A factors' of about 5,000square feot of floor space, on onefloor if posslole, in vicinity of West-Held. Address "N. B. C." % headerOnice. 3-25-tt

ROOMS FOR RENT1-"IIH BUST— lioom.H tor Ilnhi

l l i t G

VI'—15. u u l if ul lai'Ki- rn in i i w i l l ,moillH f o r l i r a . L.-iru'i' f l l i s i ' l , h o i :ilitlco ld l v a t t i r i n r o o i t i , a l s o n sUnKl'*ronm, Phono lti^7.

P O I t HHXT—1> filrnlslmillltnilcvju-ii Wi'sll ifli^i 1

1 Olt HI \ ' l — I n ilil.t u n n i n g u itt i ht u n tnimufiy 11) itHim i h n .,111 !„ r i\ i t rd


I HIS i s T1MI0-O-STAT time—As soonis \ our furnace IK out, tile old bUK-bear of IKJT WATER for householduse commences. We can remove tlitHUGBI-JAlt for all time, save count-less trips to tlio cellar, make „ iswriter heaters KAr-'i£, and save enoughin £fts 1>111H to pay for tile iu.st:iUition. See us now, 1'earsall it Biti-il-well, 1 i'rospeet St. fi-27-tf

UI::rTI-:il ill-; IN.SL'llIiilt before It Is to.ilate. N\'e represent all the leadingcomttanU's, Aetna, Insurance Co, .iNorth America, "Westehester onil PIdi'lity and Casually Co. \ \ \ J. Leo.50 Kim St.. Weatfleld. '.1-1B--U

l ' l \ i : !>llI :SS>IAiv l \< ; done, -Mis. Musttr lnn. I'Jl W. l l roaa St.. Weatflold, na-timatey fhcerfullj" g iven, Tel. 1'llM


F i n n , U l l K i l . A K V Illlll AIITOMOIIII.l„.„. t^......- .»- insu rance In all tho leaOlnB comluiu-j v i I'hiiiii. l f t s r ep resen ted by \ \ . J, Lee, 50 101m

1 St Westi ield

, , , n l s U I I I I M I M r o U I l T N R l — Bll(jKlKei i,,t]i and rKpre^a Seivlcc office A I'to s U Hacker 4J1 North A \ t Phone 5t>Ilniili P o r n n l U with Amei lean K i l l m \ I J \

I MOSS t o 4-:2 II

AN OPI'OII 'I 'UMTYOwner will snrrllit'ci Ills line hnme of t\

rooms and bntli, ptenm lieat, ha rdwood floors, fireplace, slnepin^1 porch,sun par lor , full lenirtli ycreeny, UUTI-Inpp, and Rurafve. 'I'hls \x In G r a n tSchool sect ion will! splendid BhanVand shrubs. Price 110,500. Tornisi"in he arranM'etl.


130 «'. Ilroud S(. Plionc 1010 I

SITUATIONS WANTEDM M l l t l ' l O H III M i i t i o i n s i l l ll i n p n u i n u n l ' . In 1 m u o il M i i l u m l li n d H t i n t i t \ v u l l n n m v , " » I i IM i s W . l i t M i i i u i il *. 1 l i m i t I \ \ I t M I 41 It I l> ( I It I u n i t s M ! n , i a u u t 1.I i n n null r J l ' t i l u , i l U n i H , I i m i i h i I l i m i t w ,

lil . - > K

i hi l l n 1l.l r t t

in 1,1.1.\ . i * k i l l -ililt l

ii litmil 11 tin it i

't !tlon " l In MI,i .1 II

» on ix ivivrs i» o r i i s . - n i-'.itit 1 M



! M « VI 'UU III MS.II.K—Now t: room houpo, hoi I h h t In it i^a~> mil

lieal, bronze «creeiiB .-ill win-1 M m '11 VS i--1 IK Uldows and doors, eoppor lentlers :uid 'gutler.". built in tiafli tub . 7-8 ini-li , s I OIII l o I I I ~ ioak iloor an lir.st floor. Ft>r par t le- [ i U M M l M i t , Mnnnulara, 3^. A. Hnpo, o^vner and builder, j ^uinniit llie \V. Dutlley Ave J 'hone 1S76 , „

C-17-tf j | . | ) | i u , M _ , „„! n ,It HIM-. J

|On | ( i niunt" • 1» i t s t

111 I] I t III )11i t . i f u i n l H h i . i l

I i t


t i n il InI S 1



S I IflKt S(

\ I l p l \ p l iJ . JOIINSOY—Real ICslate and G e n e r a l : , inTnsuran.-t- ni-nl;L-r, linn opened an o f - l M it, y i , , ,nee a t ','15 rout l i .ivi-,, ne. i r W e s t ! • —Hroad .St. f have one and two family j TW n l,'i ItMSHI- IIhouse.i, many lots ;md p l o t s In c i t y 1 it1 .n mil , i . , l lnntl purrounriiiiK tmi l i s for Hale. lie- 1 1, ( , i i l i t l \ \ ,fyre buy ing stop in ,-itnl look o n ; r tini-i _ _1-iarRnin I J s t . Tel. 7'ay, 1SSS; I5v«- i n U M s i l l I) nr u n i u i nlblii il lounit, tonin K , 10i3. n-17-21 lei, 5 mimitcB from s ta t ion . IMiom I

, 1G40-W

V \ I 1 II - .h i i h Ui l u l i l i n n I m i .il l i i i n l i t m l M u s t li M M i

H H I M ! in I n n i n g t i n . I s ,u. l ! i ! ! \ l r i _' i n n In i i ,i> id [ ins i I i n n I n t a lit ' . ti *

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U 111 lil it ill i n . , l i i l t i l u l u- - l l I I ' l - m . l I h ll I I tl 1 ililn llvi 111 t t t l- ih i th il i . 1 s i i til l I njin t i n 1 it il n i m l l _ i i I _ ) H

» t llH JV ] 111 III till I 1M1IK 11 < ll l l t l l i . I\l ll 1ft i|l 1 1 I ( J l l t l l l i - 1 -1 I H SI t t t s l | t

\ \ l - l 1 III \ U | . ! „ , II II M i l I s I b \ R K

l e u i I II 11l i i rn , . 4 , 1826

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" I I \T i s l i ' l i | i n V I k \ < M \ N \I i HI i )H l l ^ A C B

H e i t m i l l i n e d In I In l o u i u l l o f 111l i n \ n ul S\ . s i n , )tl m t i t l m i n i s itI i n . m



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nil J i I -i n n i n t i l l i


^ If ii s a l t ! i - u i e \ J t s n i n b et o i i - t i u U t l u I J t 1 i1 s b i t i i j - lon i ft h t i i jwn I n - inf 11 u t i ' l . i i ' t i t i it t olit. a w a r t t I t m i I" > i s t i f - , i ui I t iu1 d d t i l i d i t ui ni\ i i tl lit t tl r ^ l o 1 iw ii ii n u i i n t ii u ti t i i ti p t c l l n i t " u s t i t t u i i u i K \ ii H *ir i

n I h i n H i t .1 ' i i i f l i " ( ' J • } ' -

ordinatu iI i l l i i l l ' <"~ , | ' 1 li ,f t l - i l I s n l i n l 1 t i l lir

t i l l ! tl t s s t i l i h s I l i t l l i - " ' " M l a i d m i d u 1 s t r u ti I u l <1 i I ' l i t n s u ofm l , i l n t l n , - l u m s t s ,11 n u l l I , l , i , t n m n , o f , i n i l i n t i n t p u n t \

tt 1 r t

. i l n t l n^ ht - o t 11 i^ i I - ^ b 11 i l I 1 11 ' i d t

ill, t o i l ] M i I li s ill I l l i c i t 'i ill ' 'i n i i o .f i u i i r u i u i . u i n i l l u i . '1 1 in - t n u s i i k ~ - l a v i n g , i 11 jr >i

'n in I i l o o i 111.I In 'If . lU^-tl Hi t IIIU

a i n n II f b u i l d i n g s i n liu l - u u l | n u n !!•> i m l i 1

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i li i t t i la urdln mff t mini' d l a l t l i

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th. iijikiv li it s

• tiH(JJ ir d1 l l lloi! foi

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iin rlacu

i n t i i n n i , tninv

kI i i l u n in iftr i il- - - _t l i om lln

i 11 h, ist i h sitl, Im, ut i I u It Slit 11(> i l int ill tu ii 11, d in 11 i ontliu! ilh»nI lln smti iu t fc t i i h slile l lni ul Nt 1l Hi."ii II i

i f c t i h d c H I I L u l N . Is h a l l In l i i h - t i > i (B^J t i l l

d li l f l ksh

tin i s d t si t lin il isu i m i l n ^ a t a i - o n n r o l e m o n u m e n t

u t tlifi i n t e r s e c l i o i l o f t h e l io i - lhl d l l l l l S l i

il s l n l \ M d c l l P i

i h t

f h e l i i l hn l ( l u l f S t u i l u i l h

id li f i dl s l n l M d c l l P i n l ( l u l f

H i e h u i i h w e s t e r l e s i d e l i n eI l a c e , -iiiiil i n o n u m e n l b e i n ^ i l i ^ i a n tl io i iL t in i i o i t l n i s i i i U s ld i . lfriL o fI 1 l i l t s i n , t ,47 lib Ii i I m i i i oui se u fN o . X'j'-lii' W. fl-oin Hie I i o r l l i w nfiidii l i n e o f 11'errin i'b-ici1 l o i n lid In i mt i i i iL p i . i n l I h c n i .i i i n g :

i I I A l t i n t , I In inn l i n n s l u i jl i n e o f L i u l i o w l ' l n e i , N \ 4 7 ° - M ' I 0 .l f 5of : i i lS52 fee l In

.-iRterly p r n i i . - r l y l in

7 M 0 . aj i o l n t In l lut h e n c e r i i u -in II

I1ILI ) Vli int , t i n inn Hit , t e i h n u n

II 1 \ l i n o s I I " 'I I i i l l s t m t t of iiUlI ' l l I " I i n u t I i If r iuin 11111 f lit st t i n l l n

i t l i iMlt r l \ itltiliiK of I j i i t l l . i u P l a t t

[In in i r u n n i n g

I i M i n n , Hi, m i l l i i s i , i i t , | , | t

n n " f l i n l l n n I'l i t , S 17 > i ' i ' n ii s l n u , of 'I i 1, , [ , | [,, t h U n i t i l d

mil t h I [ n i l —1 iii h n ul 1 1 i l l ; S I K , Ill 111 f 1 lllllHIll-

I 1 | \ l i in i . t i n ll, i l l l i s t , i lv s u i t HinI I I n I s u e , I \ i) I V \ \ , ,[] _

: n u i " I i - mi li i i in Hi, p i i, ( , t ii,i n i n i m

I n u n Hn n i < h « , ( t i l s s u l , l l n , , ,fb i t |i i i l l i i n o l till t u n t t i t t I l i s ti l i i» \ i d t s t r l l i t 1 t o t h t i s i i i i t h t i s i c i hn l nl N i l s o n M i , , s n o u I i i i l ou t

" " I upi m i l s i l t l m m l u c t n l i n l l b e. K l S I N i l . M I n ! \ \ i i l< i n t l t h , i m t f ii n o H i n i l i i t t l f o i i l i i i i i i t l o n i i t i h , s i l , ii n l . i 11 ii< il Ni IH IT, I 1 it i i s notv l i l i li 11 a m i n i i e n e d

J h t i t n i n i il ii, i t l i t ti it , m i l , , s l o' I t m I i i i p i , p n i t , f, i i I,, i n n , , o s , oii v i n i tun m i l tiln in 11 , s , i d p u h l i

s ' I ( i I Ol 1 II I il s i l l I) IH III Is , n d i ( il t s | i l l1 in i v I'I n t i i ss irv t i n u I m u p i mi l l in , . m p . n s m o i l lo t i n o u in r sIn i ol 1 I u n i t h i i t l i ( ii ttf it i i n l e t

' I »>.i ' • ! U l " n m i l If u i l n i t i i i i , i i lis t i t t.Tlipt l i s i l l t t i i t i n n , , [ h, l u m l t lit<> 1 'I* nn nt nt il nu u s iiiiii i l ln |,iItta. The dnnii iufs r e s u l t i n g frtiill luy-

IIK . .n i Illlll n p t ' l i l i i K » : i | ( | p i l l i l l t ; Klre'elir r t i i u l s t t l iul l l ie i l n l v IIui i i - t l t^i l a n i l piiiilin.I t in- imii , . i i i .s t h e i e f i - i i n i d u l y a s s e s s -.'1 upon the jirui.erlv art'ei'WMl t l l e r eby

I. T h i s orilln.-ini-'tl Mlillll tnltc el trclnimralln.tolj-.

P . i s m l nn liipletl, j :ILT>.

A.\ (MlllIXA.Vrl. : TO UIPHIIVIOs l ' O ' r r i l I ' l .AlXN AVii.Vl 'K I.'HOJI


UK I'L' OU11AINHI) by Iho Council ofll,,. Tmvn i,f Wdalllulti, In Ilio Ctmnty

1 rnion.' I ' ! ' ' I ^ I O I I I I I ' l i l n s W t n u , f i o i i ,

s t I ' i m i s n , | t , , 11 , , , i , „ - K , M , | i," "v '1 In t i n l u l l o u i u r , m i i n i i t i

( i l l u i m i s t i in t i n k i lmif . I I H , u i !•• l l H " l I ' " t i l l i l l m i l l l l i t l _ u l

t l m I i it ide o v , n i l' In H t i m n i i , t i i , i m p , \ d p m 11 ,i

!>' i ii 11 n , t v i \v i t h J I S n i t h i l li l It lull in i i I , n ,i t ) J i t s , n l f M . i ^ ( i , , , s l s l l n f , n u

i m m i l i i s m l i m i , n n , u I t h l l n ,'' pt i n tl i t i o n in i c i i l n m

' I ' '<> i l ' i l n ill i i l l n n n i i l m t il

\\ vvnoiiin i i i , i i


I I n n i l i i i^ hi Ipii tn l 7 li in i t

i n s t t t i e n ! n* iIn. m l If il i! i

' i l l '11

I> I \ pi 11 lit I „ ii I ii i i ii ii m i l l i t t m i l u l v t i l l Mls i n t i i i m u l t I i t l n l t I h i1 1 1 " i i i l l i t -' s t l t m l i

\ - 1 (I 11

FOK. S A L E — I I O U M six rooms , Imtli, e n - i .closed poreli, till modern [•onvtmlence.s, Ifour minutes to utn lion, t rol ley ami J.store?, ott deep lot. ?7,;H!0. ( .reene. •712 Houill Avt',, 1'lionc ^'eHtlH'Jd I '498-W, 0-3-41 I I


ilren.\( i n i l l

r o i l SAI.I-:—Very nli-e 0 room hou.sedouble RnriiKe, very rerincmalilo on ne - l 1! '"icount nf o ivn t r li'nvlntr town. I n - i T :quire :>2^ UrU'btiyood Ave. Tel.

t i tv1 vt u I 1 1 „ i , M

in I i tilt t i it i ul I I \tlt lti ' in t.i I , i 1 i mill i

I IMII ^ \ \ l s l l l \ < s< \ l I I 1> I O1E \ M) I>1 I I M III l>

, in 1 Ulli i l l u I in I 111 I n i l n f ti t h I l o t t i n ^ t i i i l i l .

ul ill II t[ ill I i i h [111 i .1 i n



utii I

-I'IMSIU'.U SHHVIIJ1 ,111 1 \ I I lllf I |,I

>- H. i r o n a t -.olll- It-I;m u l i i i i i i i i n i i m I n i n d l

I:S'I'I-'II:I.IIm BALE—At biirEnln«, S now Houses I i M I ( \n vi 1 | o l t III Nil N u ' ""V, , " , ' , « ' ' . i V J V f i ' J ' r ' l i " . ' " "on Cory I'liice, 2 new liousea on Ray-I i n i i . n I muie ir,(,-i\ i, m i l . , , « J « \moral St.. 3 now house,! on Chcst- I ,V»", . " " " . » > a V ' " l r \ . ^ ' " '.T.liut. St.. 2 new lioii.s-es on Pnrkvleiv I - I I I \ \ \ i < ' , n \ ( I I fill III \ IAve. Seo your airenl or W. II. Ab-1 i.!n n III \\ \N ( itililill iatt , owner , r ialnfleld. N. J. Tol . ' —S2»6. 11-12-tr i > i m VII < l l l \ ( I I li l t III M - s_-

POR.SAl .E OR B I ' . N T I - I IOJ1S6 l l . l s ^ ^ | / " ' " " ' J " " " , , ~

Ave.. Weslllelil

OI SALE OR BI.NT lloviso 12 rooinntand Bath, on Cumin rlnntl at. tnqulrolB. P. I^llonberRer, [>\1 Cumberland Jtt. iPhone. 15C0. 2-4-tf!

M'l'l.T. flIICIIAIII) niiil lilfi year nhlColoiilnl DwelUni: rr.i-r plot. 1100ft. f rontage, itran. -.v-sti.,-, i-u-ctrii-ltv).Sell all or par i . J. iciti:.-. i:,2 v i-'mlSt.. Ni-w York.

MUSICALI"OI I I VII I I I s r e l a m In o n I I m i

M i i d t i i i n I k u l t 1 m l t n i r H v n j t ii t v o u r t u n li t tui i | i \ i i i i i o l n t u i t t

I I I p n i l n i l n i v i l t t \1 r A\ , Ii

I l l s I I II \ i 1 ll

REPAIRING, ETCI I M I I I I ! Ill I ' M i l l 1) m d Pol lnht i l1 ' n \ Iiii t i l l u^ i n a i l t lu ertlt I1 i II rlit l l ' l H thv. i \ \ o 1, 'S7' I 0 JO-lf

l U l l l l i i i u l l n S M M I I i i ) , InnI i n 11 t, uul , i t w o r k ill i

mi l i m n i I I, (ilium \ \ i

I 1-7- IP W J A S A V r IIOl

.seven rooim'-, t v . , V,:i1}rful' section nf Wept lielilu n r a ^ e , i.'tiir.rl-t.i:?i-t! lot.reUHim. ('timnititiiratf-oivner at I-,v ']:, c ;, j . i a .

prnt ' l l rnl ly1} i AUTOMOBILES TOR SALE lul" .i!1,,' "\ Vs1™,'//in, ' " '

ITOIl S . \ « . n - • K'.-v,- i,(,vfit r.-.fin, l i , , i r ' " , i Ib l ' . ' l u l l f u l i d l u i ' l i t i r i . l.t - 1 ( , f Mm 1 ,.|-i n I I Ia n d c o T l s t r i i c l I n n , n i p h n l h n i t I m i l t - i'.ii fixture*, t-.v;:-- j t i u . j u r l - r a n d i itbt 'ealcfn*?! n o o k . n:i!; IIr,i,rR . t i i d l u r ^ e jc»;»en fire, p l n e e . \ \ r n l t o r S. f s j n j i ] , J pP h o n o ('•K-'W.

j , %.

Will MLB—Attrnmlvo brlok holreftrriB, 3 htslha, aim-parlor. 2 ear tjnr-affe .sbrubbery. i'lmne 7IJ5-M. Oi-aittSelinol fleetion. 4-ft-lfbroksr. )i)-82-tf

I ' l l l s , \ i i I ; 1 ! , . I 1 , i n i i i i | l

II t I 1 - 1 I I I l i I I f i l l 1 1 1 . I I

I i i n i i i i | i r d j , i I i i I ' i

I i n i l I i I i i I I t i I i i n i n I ' m I

I I I I n 1 I I H i I i u ] •- i i i i

i l l t v , ! „ i , i , i t o l l I

,n M>i i n n 1 l l n i l m n u I HI Ilil i I. u pi , I ii I I Hi ni i n i i

i ' l H i nil lit , ( i i i m in Mt . i1 » 1 11 \ \ M i h i s i ' . m i , i \ i l l ,

I 1 .4 J l

IIil l u n

I.I P ionill I I

nil ii n a ,l i ' l i n I

fi i',1 !),l

I M I I Ii i l l i n 1,1it i i t I

i I 1 i| 1

It illl

I I i

PO** SAI^IS—/ room moilem houao at;"IS "Westfield Ave. near school, trol-ley and town; Also a 0 room brickfeaofle, all mo^erji conveTilonce8-.-ti

. B. Sevrlno, Iraitaor anilPfione 3SSB-R or your own

1! 111 n i l 1 '1-0 inM ' \ \ t t i l ill

l l

1st iv i li v r o l i I r o i i t l i t f t ni fill I) i t l l t T,\ j i n U i , \ M miif l l i t o r i i l l il i-ll I l i n n , i l l

I'lANOS 111 HI \ i _ t o i 3i6 -vv, ,tj|pl(i

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1 I 11 1 7 1 1 <

f i.-ll'ili

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111 1 H M •»<>< I! ' i t i, In, l,i htth ( iIr l immil itml t 1 In i H I of litun Icni s i ii i , iiiiiitloii fui t*u -iinnm it vll m n - V W i n ! I. 11m Innir ui.titlttmtf r i n t u i l I i iqii t tuiH 1'n \\H r m d s i •\\ifctlirld 1-18 1 .

mil i-

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• " I - ll II ti. 1 i n I k . s i n 'i I tin" I t l i i l i t in m l p n h i d (In

I W ( Hi ' 1 iv i II i n i s , s i , , li [ , , „' l i t in ul . in , I i n l l u i \

II I i >HI I I i t n i I I I , | u ill , , , , s l

.'ne'rn, ,' " " ^ ' ' " " 'Hial Ih, i, 1 i,niii »,),„ nt 1, ,11

' " i '1 1 il b il n n l i r t ' i , u1 v i I, i, or i n , i t , , , , , 1 , , _ l i i , , i m i lin " ' " H i in t i l t h I i |,1 i 7 , , n , , i „ , , |H il H i ' H u n b tv I, ,i , , , , p , , , ,1 I , , ,

HI v h u l l I I , i n . u n n 111 w i t h I hI v n I ii . J n i in I I , , I, , , i n ,„ ,]

i if I l u i t i n in t

I i i m s , , „ „ , 1, , , r i i l ( i , , M l l ] v

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I IV IU '1 I , s, | „ , , , , I , , , l U | , , , | h , ,I v 1. m i l , . l h i l l In , , , s s , M i l l n l ,II II I III \ 1 1

Hut fn tin im,,, , , ol ni lin'1 i 1 i 111 i I i II I O| , , , | h i l l u i i Min ni tii i h ,li I , ni,] ii, , , i,, i , . ,I I I il 11" m i of M I ii , i n I h i m

n l P I h r i "17 I 'oin1 Hi it t i n , i I I I I H , i m i, ill , , i v , , i

! ' t JUiItli ,11 i I Ii1 1 1.1 111.1 I I I l l l l l I

< I M II V I O I I I H V \ M I M l

\ n n i i l m n u i i n \ t n m l ( I , n n , n , \ i1 I i m i l l ! ,1 \ s u p , | , , , , , , a , , , , „ , , , , ,u n u i m l l l i i l \ I I f n , l m m , ( , , , , , ,I i n m i l m i i i . l t i n l l , i n l i n n , , , n

I 1 i n f i n i i l l i i i l I n i n I i I I , n , i [ I n n l t ln u l i t h 11 i n u l \ v , I (i i d

I • I I " 1 I i l m ii liv t h I o n n i i l o t f nI A i l i l ' I i i l l n i n i i n t t i l

" " ' " ' " " ' ' H i s j j u i p i m o i t l « i I H i , i m i nl i , | , " " H e

i " . . l i i u r , , . f l i i i i M . i ^ s i n il i . I H it t i l s u r d l n m t ^ .11 1 , 1 . ',, ] ' . ' • ' " " , , ' , ' , , ' ' , ' ! , i ' 1 1 ' ' , t s M » > " ' t r i t !, , , 1 s i i , , i i n n t l u s t i K l n - n n i l ' I ff t n u m . d l a l t l i i t h , , , < i , i ' ' ' " " • " i «m i l s m l i l l s t n i l u l l , li ,11 I., i J < — 'i n u d M ' i i t l I n . . u l ' - , , • , , , . , ' , ' , ' ! , , "• ' i i ' :.s i , d

, ' i" ' , ' , ' , '/'I M ! \ \ , O " ' .:i' " I " . i i , 7 7 , — N , M 1 I " , ' " , " • ' i " " - i i . u , " , , f ' . i i l ! 1] v M

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J I h i t 'in i iuch of tho c^ht i n dc \ I IP I I4R ut <aiI<1 iinprov cinent 1^ HIT-lip l i « f tilli nw'essL'i on tha prui'Ci t l fstfitreliv IK nr fit Ml ^h ill 'IR SO isbLH^t 1h\ the l iTi id of Aeeessors

4 I h it foi tho purpose of irioctlit^ t h e (o1!* i n d expense nf said impi o\ einpiit. thoic sliUI he and he reby Isappropr i a t ed the sum of o lgh t j fiveh u n d u d du l l i r s (?8500>

Th it I hi " o rd inance ah ill tnkpThat sffect lmmodlalely.

i lI CH

t mmodlalely.Mil an.l ,-ulopttil Jun m l ,

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F n U n p t m o m p h ^ ^ h 1h i« i n n\ i s h n vh ,1) \tt df mi (I 1 \ l o l i t i " D v:

l l n i m 1l t l n i "M 1 Un i t si \ Ml Hi if u l i1

] \ < M ( h u s ( s 1/ . il m i l 1111«1 s i i i l l IM h i p t t i d m d lv ln t l J 1

li t Hi LI 1I \ I IK (1(*^ n i n l d i m r h u uf t l io pi UMII f u i t p i i l n d < f n o t U s 1

h 111 t u t 1 \ 1 Ij^ht 1181 l i m i M u n i t s1

»oi i r i l i d . r n i f d f i n n i I I K t h i n o f u n. H t u n d i n ; ; , ; i n d t h o n\\ n c i 01 p o i s o n 011-lil U'd t o t h t . ct isf m\y o i a n y d o ^ s owriztMl o r i m pnniul* '<l m a y , w i t h i n s n i dIHM-IOII ot f n r t y - f f f r f i i US') l m i i r H r o d r t i njf i ich ilo.«- u p o n p a y i n g in nnu\ i lntr wnvili-n tht>' s u m o f t w o d o l l a r s a n d f l f t j

( . r i i i 3 i!«i2,r.0) J 'nr t h t ' Ih - s t t w p t t t y - f m n<L'H h m i r w <>r f r t i c t l i m t l i e r o n f of H I U OI m p n u T i i H i i K n t 'U u n c t t o l l n r <$1 . ) f o r t i n^ i i b . - : r ( i n r n t t w t - n l y - f i u i r Cl!4) h o u r s o:p u r l t l H T f o f . A l l m o n o y HO c n l l c u l c d Iv1.1 i<[ < ln^ w i i r d o n « l i ( i l l t»o f o r f h e urn

r \Uv T i . w n a n d p h u l l \u> p a i d t o 1 h«T o w n <Mt-rU h y t ho <1OK i v a r t l o n tt

ilr^ ' t K i 'h iv o f ' t h e m o n t h f o l l o w i n g t hr i T t M p t tli«-r--(>t' l»y Miii tl w a r d e n ,

::. Ai iK-n.I S'.'Ci i n n t'lfclit t n r e n d a1 . l l o u s

S 1 \ t ! \ h ' _ i i n p o u m U (1 i s ( i l o uM I I I m d n o t i ul« * m u l u s i l n r o t i]<« tt h n ft 1 t \ t iVht ' -1st h(»ui s i n n It.k i l l i r i h \ t i n th>« w i u . h n In t h i i P - f 1 «>t i n p o u n d b u t n n i \ in S H U I l u m i i n -m u i m i i1- in i \ In i p p n i M i i h \ i i ^ i d ui l m ,»( t i t 1 o u n L t n i m II a m i s u e li d u\\ t n h n sh i l l i l l s p i i - o uf t l u o u t i s s ,in n d ^ s u k i l l n l 1»\ h i m T i i c\^•^^in m n i d P d d o i r " l i i t h s h i l l h t l t t u m i

MI t in p o u n t i nf l i 1 e n p t u u whi f >H t I•4hi l l U i i f l c t m i i l n k i i l t i l t l u «l

it n in etiargre of tho pounti slull l>< nt 1111 tl to 11 LLT\ n 11 inn 11n I n\\ n MH I

1 utit ovceedlni, two tlnlhr« ' ?2 > sI h t n u i i t i i 111 f\ h ^ 1 i s d i n t] (m ih t i 1til h i t M H h < (UlllM 11 s Minn t n t n \ t J t i l lu i M n t i<H»l>m ^\M d t u m d (11 n t h-F 1 \ n t n q n l i il 1>\ I l i N (u d i n i m t<It U ' l i i n t t u d hv M H h (!<>„ w i l t U t i 111s U u i m ^ t h t t l i s j H M M i m M u ^ u n i

I ' li. ildf, \ \ u in 11 in 1 I m < nt t h

p u M t n miincc t t o n w i t h :u:

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SlIKHlFK-.s HAI,10—In chnncory of Newi i i i t i JJriwcui John J oiif, con;pi Lin ml md lohn Itobrrt Nelson (ta Is., defendants. l''i fa. for sale ofmorl^-afi-efl liremisoK.Hv vir tue of tlio atiovu-.stfilo writ of

llorl faclaK lo me directed I shall oxpnsi for S I I P In public \ induc i t tinSin nil s o It j r t In tin t n u i t 11 rt u s t in tincity of Elizabeth, N. J.. oil

WEnNHSnAV, TllfJ 22N1> DAY OJ.JULY, A. !>.. 1025

il ti\*ii o'clnrk in Ilio aflrrnoon of sriliiila-v, (nnWlfcht finliiB? l ime)

All those i fit tin iols t r u l s oi p uir i s of lund and iirentisos. horoinafh tii:irlh'Ularly ilfacrilif.d, Kiniith', ly ln^nndVlriK In liio Ton-n of WrslfloUl', ciiuiiliof Union and Sin lo of Now .lerse\

PI l iST THAI-"!': HI'XlINNINd' at n

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M i l h i t n i l 1 ,\ * rnhfi 10 1 't Mh t vlnjr m im< ?<•h( litnrflf i\ in 01 1in Ihf i n i l l n ,1tltnt U tl jil IPI

Mnhfl Turn 2i 1 1

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Notary Public


"Leader" Office

50 Elm St.808 South Ave. We.tfiold, N. J

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IODOC aonoi lono > 30t3O

Announcement!To the Ladies of WeMfiold .ind ViuniU


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tydDdondrecommend it-