real news

1 1 CONTENT: Real News News paper English III Know more about Turrialba on page: Essays by: Fiorella Salazar . Taianna Marín. Nathalia Chaves. Ileana Lopez. Noelia Morera Students: 3 My country……….2 My hometown……3,4 About my career…5,6 Music and Trends.7 Costa Rica……….8

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Real News News paper English III

Know more about Turrialba on page:

Essays by: • Fiorella Salazar . • Taianna Marín. • Nathalia Chaves. • Ileana Lopez. • Noelia Morera



• My country……….2

• My hometown……3,4

• About my career…5,6

• Music and Trends.7

• Costa Rica……….8

Page 2: real news



My country: Costa Rica is a country known for its beautiful

nature. It is much visited by many tourists. The

tourism is one of the main economical activities, for

example the beaches are very famous for its

landscapes, hotels and friendly people. In Costa Rica

the people have a nice culture and the food like the

“Gallo pinto” has always been the principal dish for all

people that visit it. When the tourists visit my country,

they always say that Costa Rica is very rich in nature.

Costa Rica´s population display big a diversity. By the

way7, it makes has an interesting mix of traditions

what makes it the happiest country in the world, as

some people call it. These aspects make Costa Rica a

special country.

Tourism has made Costa Rica a very popular

country. Costa Rica offers many activities for the

tourists; for example, rafting, canopy, bungee and

others. Also, these sports are practiced in beautiful

places. The visitors can come to Costa Rica in every

season of the year. However, the tourists prefer the

summer to go to the beach. The Costa Ricans are very

friendly with the foreigners. Costa Rica has very interesting places to know

and enjoy. The beaches are very famous, for example;

Manuel Antonio, Playa Hermosa, Jacob, Tamarindo

and other wonderful beaches. However, the beaches

are not the unique places that have Costa Rica, the

forests are very green and it is in all our country. Also,

there is so much variety of flora and fauna, the plants

are beautiful and you can find in any place. Some

plants are much known because many people use these

plants as medicines, the aloe, linseed and the famous

"cola de caballo" are the names of this plants.

In Costa Rica the food is very popular, because the dishes have a special flavor. Dishes like ‘’el casado’’, ‘’el picadillo’’, and ‘’gallo pinto’’ are the dishes that Costa Rican people eat most. The tourists love to come to Costa Rica for its food, and to learn to cook our food. Each place in Costa Rica has a different dish; for example, in Guanacaste the people eat corn. These people cook the famous ‘’chorreadas’’. In Limon the favorite dish is rice and beans. Also, our food is very healthy; it is made with vegetables and meat, so we can enjoy this food so much.

Costa Ricans are very

fortunate to have a country like ours; many countries do not have the joy of having a green and beautiful country. Our culture makes us unique. We must make good use of the natural resources of our country. Also, we have to protect our nature, not exploit it. Finally, I think I am very lucky that I live in this country. It is not well developed yet, but has a unique nature, people and food.

Nathalia Chavez

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My hometown


Turrialba is a place full of beauty, fun and tradition. To illustrate, there is a true story about a trip to Turrialba. Turrialba had a railway for many years. One day, two men decided to walk along the railroad. These men did not forget to carry a map and a camera to take pictures of nature beauties and everything. The trip took two days and many obstacles were part of the tour. Now, some places the train used to go through are abandoned. For example, in a place called Peralta, there are some people with nostalgia because they remember the beautiful times when the train used to pass. People from Peralta say that they used to enjoy meeting travelers from different cultures. Also, many settlers of the place claim the train must be reinstalled. Thereby, the government should enable this train route to increase the economy of the area and promote culture interchange.

One important reason that makes Turrialba a special place is the variety of flora,

fauna, and the volcano. The tropical rainforest and wet forest mountains have the characteristic of being an amazing evergreen landscape. Also, it is possible to find trees of varying sizes and species. Equally, there is a richness of fauna that consists of little insects until big mammals. Currently, the Turrialba volcano is active and emitting gases. The view of smoke coming out of the crater is impressive. The nature makes Turrialba a preferred place for tourists to visit.

Turrialba is a place with many activities, such as: to visit the Center for Tropical

Agricultural Research and Education (CATIE), to go for a tour in the Golden Bean Coffee, to visit Guayabo National Park, and you can do rafting, too. The Center for Tropical Agricultural Research and Education (CATIE) is a place where you can learn a lot about plants and trees. There are different species of trees and plants, which are investigated. Local people have a souvenir store where you can buy some types of plants or trees. Also, The Golden Bean Coffee Tour is a very interesting excursion because it offers an explanation for sowing grains, and then they use the beans to make a cup of coffee. In Guayabo National Park, you will know and see our ancestors’ story and engineering. To make rafting trips on Pacuare River is one of the most magnificent experiences in the world. Class III and IV are excellent for beginners and experienced adventurers. People have many different activities to do in Turrialba, so this is a never-boring place.

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In my hometown, some free time activities became traditions. For example, the cheese fair that has been performed since 2001. In this fair people who make cheese can go to sell it. Also, it arranges many activities scheduled in an agenda. To illustrate, it offers typical dances, storytelling, crafts, theater and traditional meals like “tortilla de queso”, “gallos de picadillo”, “gallos de lechón” and “empanadas”. Another tradition is the local band that has existed for 94 years. It performs a show in the central park every week and people come to hear their music. Also, in the community, each December, they organize a track meeting on the path that is made around the hometown. The municipality makes sure that all these activities are safe, attractive, and family events. In conclusion, Turrialba, my hometown, is rich in natural resources, touristic activities and cultural events. To explain, the area has diversity of forests, wildlife, rivers and a volcano as well. Hence, all this biodiversity and resources makes possible a range of activities for tourists to visit it. Besides, there are some other cultural events nearby the city. One example is the Cheese Fair. However, it is required the support of its political authorities about culture and improving the economy. One reason is the loss of ancient traditions proper of this zone. Another important reason is the lack of job opportunities. In summary, the canton of Turrialba is missing the train activity it used to have in recent decades. The railway is a means of cultural and economic diversity. Finally, people needs and stands for more economical activities to survive in this wonderful piece of land.

Taianna Marín.

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About my career “Avertising”

"To break new ground, you have to invent, experiment, grow, take risks, break rules, make mistakes and have fun."(Mary Lou Cook)”. There are many terms for advertising, but the real meaning of this term becomes clear when you enter the world of this art. This is a misconception that many people have about this profession and they don’t have an idea about that what it mean study and work in this career. I feel that the previous proverb fits very well with what I have found during my years of study and that is how I will enjoy my future profession. It is more than just selling advertisements, is the art of creating and imagining. This is Advertising.

It is important to be sure when choosing what to study because the world needs people who love what they do, and advertising is definitely a career for these people who are to enjoy their work and do it the best way possible. I think this is true since in this case it is to advertise or sell this service. But behind this, there is a group of people working to make a successful campaign through factors, such as ideas, imagination, strategy, creativity, among others. And this implies long hours of meetings with clients, testing all possible creativity, and maybe working late, but for the purpose of delivering a good job. More than a strict and compulsory labor, it is the satisfaction of doing what one likes.

In an advertising agency there are many Jobs like planning, creative, production,

design, media and marketing. Definitely, my favorites the creative department and media production. this because throughout my career, I found better skills in these branches. For example, in the creative department, all ideas are created to make a successful ad campaigns. Also, my second choice is media production (audiovisual) here, occur most media, such as; television, radio, outdoor, and the Internet and see which one is right. In this way I have a clearer vision of what I would like to do in an agency.

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In an advertising agency there are many Jobs like planning, creative, production, design, media and marketing. Definitely, my favorites the creative department and media production. this because throughout my career, I found better skills in these branches. For example, in the creative department, all ideas are created to make a successful ad campaigns. Also, my second choice is media production (audiovisual) here, occur most media, such as; television, radio, outdoor, and the Internet and see which one is right. In this way I have a clearer vision of what I would like to do in an agency.

Advertisers do not have just the option to work in an agency, thanks to the growth of bussiness. There are more jobs in other areas. For example, one way is to work for an independent company. Every company must have a department dedicated to communication; this is a good option. And the other option is being a freelancer, like making designs, video editing, photography, and many more, depending on one’s skills. Whatever option, the most important thing is to enjoy and love this profession.

Thus the advertising career permits us to escape from rutine and having fun every day. And it permits to break schemes, each time we get an idea, and at the same time to share our talent. In conclusión, advertising is a career for people who like teamwork. Also, they like to satisfy the customer and the target market, but especially the satisfaction for their own work is importan. This is for people who have creativity as their vocation.

Fiorella Salazar P.

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Music Trends

All around the world music had been evolving according to how people are follow trends. A big amount of people follow their instincts and choose the kind of music that makes them feel better. Lots of musical trends were created when a new era started and the reason is because this change creates new sounds. People like to show their feelings through music. This can be the reason why so many genders show different moods and produce well-being. It is important to mention that many music trends are followed by people from different ages and cultures. Music lovers can gather at many festivals where their favorite bands play and give shows for different tastes. This is actually how new bands are showing their talent making the trends spread. By festivals held around the world and through advertising. One of the greatest periods of music started during the 80's where there was a great twist to music that involved several genres. During these years a number of revolutionary artists grew in popularity, taking center stage with their unique style and music like "Queen", "Madonna", " AC / DC “,” Iron Maiden". Rock, pop and heavy metal were major dominant genres during this decade. That is success carried over to the early 90's. It is said during this time music was at its best because of the lyrics’ meaning and agreement between the verses, which in current music has significantly declined. It should also be noted during this period fashion trends, less conservative than before, began to evolve as a result of hair styles and clothing used by bands and vocalists. In the world there are many countries that throughout the years have hosted different music festivals. This occurs in order to promote and introduce different singers and music genres that change every year. Some of the festivals that stand out most are “Lollapalooza” that has took place for years in the U.S.A and now have extended to other countries. In this event groups like “The Red Hot Chili Peppers” and “Black Sabbath” have been involved.

Other important events exist; for example, “Download” that takes place in England and focuses mainly on heavy metal music. Groups like “Metallica”, “Iron Maiden” and “Megadeth”, among others have all participated. Costa Rica has tried to imitate such an event with the “Festival Imperial”, where international artists such as Incubus, Sting, and Duran Duran have participated over the years.

It is important to mention that many recognized artist and bands have made contributions to the world, not only through their music but by helping others in need through charities. Bands like “The Killers”, “Coldplay”, “The Corrs” and singers like Phil Collins and Bono of “U2” are just a few of have made large donations through charities. It is through these actions that the true meaning of music is reflected by helping others, not just receiving money for making music. Many charity sites often thank the economic support from artist, and recognize their determination and motivation to help those most in need. Helping this to emerge more in they careers for make charity.

The music world is vast, and there are fans of all taste in music, as well as those who worship different singers. Music continues to be a trend worldwide, growing every day passing unimaginable limits. Regardless of age or beliefs, people of all nations have developed a love of music; whether it is buying CD’s or attending concerts, has made music a big business. No matter what kind of music you listen to or artist that catches your attention, one of the most important aspects is that many people find music as relaxing. Whether it was a long day of work or just a stressful day, music helps one find that space to get away from their daily routine and find that internal peace

Ileana López.

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Costa Rica is the only Latin American country in the list of the 22 oldest democratic countries in the world. This is the case because all around the world Costa Rica is known for having a very strong and stable democracy. Since this country does not have an army, people can feel that they are living or visiting a very peaceful place and this makes not only the residents very happy and calm, but also the tourists can feel that “Pura Vida” energy. Costa Rica, besides being a country where you can get very good energy, has beautiful landscapes that satisfy all of the visitors needs, because it has from very cold and green mountains to very sunny and warm beaches. This is a country to enjoy life, so if you do not know Costa Rica, do not wait more to come here. Costa Rica, being labeled the happiest country in the world, is a democracy that does not have an army. It is one of the favorite’s destinies because of the human quality that the foreigners are welcome and the comfort the residents give. People had the chance to visit this country can say that if you administer the money in a good way, it turns into a very cheap vacations. Some cheap activities you can make in cities close to San Jose are: canopy, rafting, paintball, go karts, surfing, kayaking, having dinner, working out and so many others that the only thing you have to do is search for the best options. Costa Rica has many safe options for you compared to many countries in Central America. The crime rate in Costa Rica has been increasing in the last couple of years, although it is very low compared to the other Latin American countries. There are places where of course, you should not be walking around after certain hours, like San Jose. Make sure that you research the area surrounding your hotel. The nightlife in Costa Rica is very varied depending on the area you are in. Just make sure that you go to the right places. Here are some steps to keep you safe; first, make a copy of your passport and bring that instead the original; second, do not have all of your money with you; third, ask the police station what areas you should not go to and find a local taxi driver that you feel you can trust in San Jose, the red taxis with the yellow triangle are considered safe; and fourth, always bring a map with you so you do not get lost. In conclusion, there are thousands of reasons why you should come to Costa Rica, I can summarize them saying that you should come first because of the weather; second, the people and third, the beautiful view you find everywhere. If you have the time and volition to come, it can end in the most unforgettable and coolest experience of your life. Just have a good attitude about new things and bring sun glasses supplemented by a big smile and let the fun start, the mystery of the tropical forest and the warm of the beaches are here waiting for you.

Noelia Morero

Costa Rica “Pura Vida“