recent stuff: 1914-present song: i want it that way- backstreet boys

Recent Stuff: 1914- Present Song: I Want it That Way- Backstreet Boys

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Recent Stuff: 1914-Present

Song: I Want it That Way- Backstreet Boys

World War 1 Era Alliances were kept to keep a balance of power Triple Alliance

Created by Otto von Bismarck

Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy

Triple Entente France, Britain,

and Russia

World War 1 Era

Outbreak of war was extremely possible, everyone was preparing

Schlieffen Plan: Called for attack on France through Belgium

Archduke Francis Ferdinand At left Ruled Austria-Hungary Assassinated by Garilo Princip

Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia

World War 1 Era Russia declared war on Austria-Hungary Alliances entered the war United States

Neutral (isolationism/focus on internal affairs) German sub sank British passenger line (The Lusitania) Zimmerman Telegram

Germany urging Mexico to take up arms Intercepted by the U.S.

Entered on side of the Allies

World War 1 Era Central Powers:

Germany Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire

Allies: Britain France Russia Italy United States

Millions of soldiers and civilians died Women worked in factories Treaty of Versailles:

Ended WW1 Germany had to pay reparations, release

territory, and downsize its military Divided Austria-Hungary

World War 1 Era

World War 1 Era Fourteen Points:

Woodrow Wilson Wanted peace and balance of power

League of Nations Wanted to preserve peace Not many nations joined, thought it was dumb

World War 1 Era Russian Revolution:

Poverty in Russia Czar Nicholas abdicated throne Alexander Kerensky

established a provisional government

Soviets local councils

Bolsheviks Socialist party Vladimir Lenin ruled party

(at right)

World War 1 Era Russian Revolution ct’d:

April Theses Lenin Demanded peace

Bolsheviks took over government Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

Armistice with Germany Russia dropped out of WW1

Red Army Commanded by Leon Trotsky Military force

World War 1 Era Turks:

Mustafa Kemal Aka Ataturk Led military campaigns against Greeks Overthrew Ottoman sultan 1st president of modern Turkey

World War 2 Era

Soviet Union: New Economic Policy

Helped agriculture Lenin died-Joseph Stalin took over

Stopped NEP Instituted 5-yr plans (collectivization) Totalitarian and Communist USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) Industrialized Great Purges

Enemies of Lenin were killed

World War 2 Era The Great Depression:

WW1 = expensive (warfare and rebuilding)

Americans lent Europe $$$ (France and Germany)

Loans couldn’t be repaid October 29, 1929:

STOCK MARKET CRASH Hurt governments Franklin Roosevelt

Became president of U.S.

World War 2 Era Italy:

Benito Mussolini founded Fascism National Fascist Party

Black shirts Fought communist and socialist organizations

Mussolini seized government

World War 2 Era German emperor abdicated Weimar Republic

Democratic republic Reichstag

Elected body

National Socialist Party (Nazis) rose to power

Adolf Hitler headed Nazis Established the 3rd Reich

Fascist government under Hitler

World War 2 Era Francisco Franco

Took over Spain Supported by Italy and Germany

Hitler: took back Rhineland

Area taken away after WW1 rebuilt German military

Violated Treaty of Versailles, no one cared Annexed Austria Munich Conference of 1939

Gave Sudetenland to Germany if Hitler promised to stop expanding Appeasement policy

Nazi-Soviet Pact Germany would not invade Soviet Union if they turned their backs to

Germany’s military

World War 2 Era Japan

Thriving economy Invaded Manchuria, renamed it Manchukuo Anti-Comintern Pact

Alliance with Germany, against Russian Communism

Rape of Nanjing Pillaging in China

World War 2 Era Blitzkrieg

Lightening war; used by Germany Used to take France

Winston Churchill Prime Minister of Britain

Battle of Britain Air bombing campaign used by Germany against Britain British won

Tripartite Pact Rome, Berlin, and Germany

Pearl Harbor December 7,1941 Japan bombed Hawaii

World War 2 Era Manhattan Project

Development of Atomic Bomb D-day

English, American, and Canadian forces landed on Normandy beaches Liberated France

President Truman Ordered dropping of Atomic Bomb Believed it would end the war sooner, with less

casualties than a prolonged war Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Sites in Japan where Atomic Bomb was dropped

World War 2 Era Holocaust

“The Final Solution” 6 million Jews killed

Japan became a democracy Marshall Plan

U.S. offered $$$ to European countries

Women gained more rights Formed the U.N.

Communism and the Cold War

Soviet Union vs.. United States Yalta and Potsdam conferences:

Europe would be divided into spheres of influence occupied by the Allies

Germany was divided between the U.S., France, Britain, and the Soviet Union

West Germany: U.S., France, and Britain Soviets cut off access from West Germany to Berlin with the

Berlin Blockade Berlin Airlift

Sent food and fuel to those in Berlin from West Germany

Communism and the Cold War

Soviet Bloc Soviet Satellites

Western Bloc Western Europe

Truman Doctrine Stated the U.S. would help countries threatened by Communists

(containment policy) NATO

Western Military alliance North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Warsaw Pact Alliance of Soviet Bloc

Communism and the Cold War

Iron Curtain Impenetrable line between Soviet and Western Blocs

Communism and the Cold War

Sun Yat-sen At right Led Chinese Revolution of 1911 Kuomintang

Political party Three Principles of the People

Nationalism Socialism democracy

Chiang Kai-Shek Successor to Yat-sen

Communism and the Cold War

Mao Zedong Rallied peasants to gain power Established the Republic of

China (became the People’s Republic of China)

Great Leap Forward Communes were created

to strengthen agriculture

Communism and the Cold War

Mao Zedong ct’d: Cultural Revolution

De-Westernized China Discouraged ruling class Schools were shut down,

many people were killed Red Guards Little Red Book

Deng Xiaoping: replaced Zedong Tiananmen Square Massacre

Government open fired on protesters

Communism and the Cold War

Korea: Korea is part of Japan before WW2 Korea became occupied by the U.S. and USSR Two separate governments established

North Korea = communist South Korea = democracy North Korea attacked South Korea

General MacArthur led U.N. forces, helping South Korea, but eventually China came in on the side of the North until an armistice could be reached

Communism and the Cold War

Vietnam: Vietminh fought against French control of Vietnam Vietnam became divided Ho Chi Minh

At right Communist Led the North

Ngo Dihn Diem President of the democratic south

France and United States fought for the South, led to reunification of Vietnam under Ho Chi Minh

Communism and the Cold War

Cuba: Platt Amendment

U.S. could remain involved in Cuban affairs Batista dictatorship

Supported by U.S. Fidel Castro

At right Overthrew Batista Communist

Cuban Revolution Overthrow of Batista

President Kennedy Authorized Bay of Pigs Invasion

Cuban Exiles sought to overthrow Castro, didn’t work

Communism and the Cold War

Cuba: Cuban Revolution

Overthrow of Batista

President Kennedy Authorized Bay of Pigs Invasion

Cuban Exiles sought to overthrow Castro, didn’t work

Cuban Missile Crisis Soviet Union installed missiles in Cuba Kennedy applied a naval blockade around Cuba Soviets removed missiles for the promise that the U.S.

wouldn’t invade Cuba

Communism and the Cold War

Poland Solidarity movement

Strike for economic reform Led by Lech Walesa Tadeusz Mazowiecki became a prime minister who

was for the movement

Communism fell apart

Communism and the Cold War

German Reunification East Germany cut ties with the USSR and united with West

Germany Berlin Wall fell in 1989 Now a modern democratic society

Communism and the Cold War

Collapse of Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in 1985

Glasnost (openness) Perestroika (restructuring) Many reforms

Ethnic cleansing many countries fell from the soviets power, but some did

not Yugoslavia: Muslims were slaughtered by Serbians

Soviet bloc disbanded, ending with the start of Russia

Independence Movements

India Indian National Congress and Muslim league were

formed to resist colonization Amritsar massacre

Many Indians were slaughtered with provoking the British during a peaceful protest

Mohandas Gandhi became the movements voice Britain granted independence to Britain after WW2

Independence Movements

Africa Northern African gained independence first Gamal Nassar helped to gain Egypt’s independence Southern Africa had little resources to help gain

independence Rwanda

Tutsi governed the larger Hutu population Hutu’s revolted after Rwanda gained independence Hutu’s ruled, but then civil war and genocide broke out

Independence Movements

South Africa Union of South Africa

Combination of British and Dutch ruled colonies, whites had the power

Apartheid system Divided whites and blacks

Nelson Mandela led the African National Congress against apartheid

Apartheid abolished in 1994

Independence Movements

Israel Zionists

Jewish nationalists Arthur Balfour

Balfour Declaration Stated right for a Jewish homeland

in Palestine David Ben-Gurion

1st prime minister Arabs uneasy of Jewish neighbors,

wanted their land back Six Day War

Jews won territory from Arabs Camp David Accords

Israel pulled out of some Arab territory, Arab prime minister recognized Israel as a state

Other Important Stuff

OPEC-Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

Taliban Violent Islamic fundamentalist regime

Al Queda International terrorist network Led by Osama Bin Ladin

Trading blocks North American Free Trade Agreement European Union


I chose I Want it That Way as my song, because of all the conflicts

going on in this time period, and how many different people and countries

wanted things to be their way, and no one else's.