recipe card analysis

Recipe card analysis

Upload: harisshaikhpbm

Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Recipe card analysis

Recipe card analysis

Page 2: Recipe card analysis
Page 3: Recipe card analysis

Colours- the colour scheme present in this recipe card is mainly red. This is because the recipe is risotto stuffed ramiro peppers, which are red. They do this so that it matches the featured food.

In the background there is a bowl of green salad. This helps reinforce the healthy vegetarian lifestyle associated with the recipe.

The ‘chefs tip’ featured at the bottom of the page is green, which further reinforces the vegetarian aspects of the recipe.

The image is the main feature on the front of this recipe card. It draws the attention of the reader. It features an idealised image of risotto stuffed ramiro peppers.

The title of the dish is featured in a box which is meant to look like a sticky note or piece of paper, this creates a ‘homemade’ sort of feel

Page 4: Recipe card analysis

The content on the back of this recipe card is very different to that of the front. It mainly features text, as opposed to the main feature being an image like the front.

The colour scheme used on the front carries through to the back, with red being the main colour. This is the house style of the vegetarian society recipe booklets.

The writing style featured in this recipe card is simple and easy to follow. This makes it more attractive to the consumer as it does not seem like a daunting task and makes it seem a lot more achievable.

The card features an easy to read list of ingredients allowing the viewer to see exactly what they will need and how much. This means they can go to shop with the list and purchase everything they need without any hassle.

All the writing used on this recipe card is all the same font, which is clear and easy to read. It is a sans-serif font, meaning it does not have the appendixes (feet) at the bottom of the letters

Page 5: Recipe card analysis
Page 6: Recipe card analysis

The colour scheme which has been used for this recipe has been selected on purpose because the red theme featured on the page matches the appearance of the recipe.

The main feature on the front of this recipe card is the photograph. It features an idealized image of the final product which attracts the viewer as they will most likely find this appealing as it looks like a nice dish.It is the first thing that the viewer notices and is the thing most likely to make the viewer pick up the recipe card and look at it. It is their ‘hook’ so to say.

The background is a deep purple colour which compliments the red. I think the target audience for this recipe card is women, I say this because of the colours and the way the food is presented is quite feminine.

Page 7: Recipe card analysis

The colour scheme carries through to the back. This is because it is the house style of the recipe card.

The list of ingredients is very clear and easy to read and appears in chronological order, making it much easier for the reader to see what they must acquire in order to complete the recipe.

The card features a cut out of the image from the front, allowing the reader to relate to the recipe/ingredients

Information on how long the recipe will take to prepare and how many it serves can be seen clearly underneath the recipe title, so the reader immediately knows how long it will take.