recipie (concepting model)


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Post on 07-Apr-2016




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    LIEKE VAN ERP / 2179627ANOUK BRETELER / 2185695

    BRAM KASTELIJNS / 2179480



    LIEKE VAN ERP / 2179627LIEKE VAN ERP / 2179627ANOUK BRETELER / 2185695ANOUK BRETELER / 2185695




    Our awesome



    Our awesome

    Our awesome


  • To give an example how the theoretical model works, the brand ZARA from Inditex was chosen to exemplify each step. The fundament of the model is the baking process of a pie. Because of the visualisa-tion the model is cal led Recipie. The pie is divided into f ive different categories and each piece stands for its own unique values of the company.

    The model is made with great enthusiasm and hopeful ly read in the same way.

    Anouk Breteler,Lieke van Erp,Bram Kastelijns,& Wil leke Steeghs

    This assignment is based on the advanced course Concepting Plus. For this course weve made up a theoretical model that can be used for almost every retailer. The purpo-se of this model is letting the com-pany find out themselves, what their business distinguish them from other competitors. Not directly by a competitor matrix, but to take a closer look at all intern facilities the customer conscious and uncons-cious may face. The model shows how well there is taken care of the customers and where attention should be paid. The model lends itself perfectly for repeats, so not everything has to change at once. The final outcome of the model is that customers feel more apprecia-ted, loved and understood what leads to more brand awareness, indirect marketing activities and even true fan customers.

    To give an example how the theoretical To give an example how the theoretical To give an example how the theoretical model works, the brand ZARA from model works, the brand ZARA from To give an example how the theoretical model works, the brand ZARA from To give an example how the theoretical

    Inditex was chosen to exemplify each step. Inditex was chosen to exemplify each step. Inditex was chosen to exemplify each step. model works, the brand ZARA from Inditex was chosen to exemplify each step. model works, the brand ZARA from

    The fundament of the model is the baking The fundament of the model is the baking The fundament of the model is the baking Inditex was chosen to exemplify each step. The fundament of the model is the baking Inditex was chosen to exemplify each step. Inditex was chosen to exemplify each step. The fundament of the model is the baking Inditex was chosen to exemplify each step.

    process of a pie. Because of the visualisaprocess of a pie. Because of the visualisaprocess of a pie. Because of the visualisaThe fundament of the model is the baking process of a pie. Because of the visualisaThe fundament of the model is the baking The fundament of the model is the baking process of a pie. Because of the visualisaThe fundament of the model is the baking

    -process of a pie. Because of the visualisa-process of a pie. Because of the visualisation the model is cal led Recipie. The pie tion the model is cal led Recipie. The pie tion the model is cal led Recipie. The pie process of a pie. Because of the visualisation the model is cal led Recipie. The pie process of a pie. Because of the visualisa

    is divided into f ive different categories is divided into f ive different categories tion the model is cal led Recipie. The pie is divided into f ive different categories tion the model is cal led Recipie. The pie tion the model is cal led Recipie. The pie is divided into f ive different categories tion the model is cal led Recipie. The pie

    and each piece stands for its own unique and each piece stands for its own unique and each piece stands for its own unique is divided into f ive different categories and each piece stands for its own unique is divided into f ive different categories is divided into f ive different categories and each piece stands for its own unique is divided into f ive different categories

    values of the company. values of the company. and each piece stands for its own unique values of the company. and each piece stands for its own unique

    The model is made with great enthusiasm The model is made with great enthusiasm The model is made with great enthusiasm and hopeful ly read in the same way.and hopeful ly read in the same way.The model is made with great enthusiasm and hopeful ly read in the same way.The model is made with great enthusiasm The model is made with great enthusiasm and hopeful ly read in the same way.The model is made with great enthusiasm

    Anouk Breteler,Anouk Breteler,Lieke van Erp,Lieke van Erp,Lieke van Erp,Anouk Breteler,Lieke van Erp,Anouk Breteler,

    Bram Kastelijns,Bram Kastelijns,Lieke van Erp,Bram Kastelijns,Lieke van Erp,

    & Wil leke Steeghs & Wil leke Steeghs & Wil leke Steeghs Bram Kastelijns,& Wil leke Steeghs Bram Kastelijns,

    This assignment is based on the advanced course Concepting Plus. For this course weve made up a theoretical model that can be used for almost every retailer. The purpo-se of this model is letting the com-pany find out themselves, what their business distinguish them from other competitors. Not directly by a competitor matrix, but to take a closer look at all intern facilities the customer conscious and uncons-cious may face. The model shows how well there is taken care of the customers and where attention should be paid. The model lends itself perfectly for repeats, so not everything has to change at once. The final outcome of the model is that customers feel more apprecia-ted, loved and understood what leads to more brand awareness, indirect marketing activities and even true fan customers.

  • For the dough a few ingredients hav

    e to be used. First

    of all: the eggs, which stand for the v

    ision of the com-

    pany. Second, flour has to be added.

    Flour stands for

    the mission of the company. Last but

    not least, corn-

    flour. The cornflour represents the co

    re values. This

    because core values link and mix eve


    together inside a company, just like c

    ornflour does in

    a pie.

    When the ingredients are mixed toge

    ther, they are

    ready to knead it to dough. The doug

    h becomes one

    unity. The dough gives the fundamen

    t of a pie. This is

    the basis. A company also needs a go

    od fundament

    that is created by the vision, mission

    and the core



  • While making the filling, a few questions can be asked.

    Who are the guests? The guests are in a companys case

    the target group.

    What to they like? A company also needs to know what their target gro

    up likes.

    Do they have any allergies?Companies also need to know if the

    re are thing their target group doesnt like.

    While baking a cake that can be allergies, but in companys those are th

    e donts.

    What do I like to bake?In a company this means what do y

    ou want to show to your target group, what

    would you want to be and how do you want to be seen.

    What is the budget?This is the same within a company.

    A company has to think about their own

    budget, but also about the budget of their target group, how much do th

    ey want to

    spend on your product.

    Important for the filling is the balance between taste and quantities of i


    dients. All of this has to fit with the dough. Another possibility is to tak

    e a closer

    look at the other recipes of competitors. This is the same within a comp

    any you

    need to find the right balance and have to look to your competitors. Wh

    at are the

    possibilities for a company to stand out compared to their competitors



    While making the filling, a few questions can be asked.

    Who are the guests? The guests are in a companys case

    the target group.

    What to they like? A company also needs to know what their target gro

    up likes.

    Do they have any allergies?Companies also need to know if the

    re are thing their target group doesnt like.

    While baking a cake that can be allergies, but in companys those are th

    e donts.

    What do I like to bake?In a company this means what do y

    ou want to show to your target group, what

    would you want to be and how do you want to be seen.

    What is the budget?This is the same within a company.

    A company has to think about their own

    budget, but also about the budget of their target group, how much do th

    ey want to

    spend on your product.

    Important for the filling is the balance between taste and quantities of i


    dients. All of this has to fit with the dough. Another possibility is to tak

    e a closer

    look at the other recipes of competitors. This is the same within a comp

    any you

    need to find the right balance and have to look to your competitors. Wh

    at are the

    possibilities for a company to stand out compared to their competitors



  • When the filling has to be put in the pie, the baking process can start. Put the pie in the oven. But keep an eye on it. Is it baking gradually and smooth? If not, get the cake out. Keep testing. Keep tasting. Keep improving. Change the recipe if necessary until the perfect pie comes out. Inside the company there is a need to constantly look at the process and the result that come from it. Keep testing. Keep changing. Keep improving, and change things when necessary. For example, keep looking if the vision still fits to the vision of the company. If not: the company needs to make sure that the companys vision fits with the strategies of the company. Keep trying to reach objectives.


    When the filling has to be put in the pie, the baking process can start. Put the pie in the oven. But keep an eye on it. Is it baking gradually and smooth? If not, get the cake out. Keep testing. Keep tasting. Keep improving. Change the recipe if necessary until the perfect pie comes out. Inside the company there is a need to constantly look at the process and the result that come from it. Keep testing. Keep changing. Keep improving, and change things when necessary. For example, keep looking if the vision still fits to the vision of the company. If not: the company needs to make sure that the companys vision fits with the strategies of the company. Keep trying to reach objectives.


  • Bake a unique pie, for standing

    out to keep competitors away. W

    ith the FUN-factors

    it is sure that the toppings are v

    ery tasteful for the guests.

    F: FunctionalityU: UsabilityN: Needs

    FunctionalityFunctionality g

    ives customers the right feeling

    when they step into a company


    Customers know how to find the

    ir products/services on the eas

    iest and fastest way.

    For example: When a customer

    walks into the ZARA, is the cu

    stomer able to direct-

    ly find the product in the right

    size where the customer is look

    ing for.

    UsabilityUsability gives

    customers more comfort while

    testing if they want to buy prod


    from a company. For example: T

    he costumer from the ZARA ca

    n fit the product in

    the appropriate fitting rooms w

    ith enough clothes hooks.

    NeedsThe extras cus

    tomers get while testing produ

    cts of a company. For example:


    customer in the ZARA gets a cu

    p of coffee while waiting in a com

    fortable couch.


    Bake a unique pie, for standing

    out to keep competitors away. W

    ith the FUN-factors

    it is sure that the toppings are v

    ery tasteful for the guests.

    F: FunctionalityU: UsabilityN: Needs

    FunctionalityFunctionality g

    ives customers the right feeling

    when they step into a company


    Customers know how to find the

    ir products/services on the eas

    iest and fastest way.

    For example: When a customer

    walks into the ZARA, is the cu

    stomer able to direct-

    ly find the product in the right

    size where the customer is look

    ing for.

    UsabilityUsability gives

    customers more comfort while

    testing if they want to buy prod


    from a company. For example: T

    he costumer from the ZARA ca

    n fit the product in

    the appropriate fitting rooms w

    ith enough clothes hooks.

    NeedsThe extras cus

    tomers get while testing produ

    cts of a company. For example:


    customer in the ZARA gets a cu

    p of coffee while waiting in a com

    fortable couch.


  • How the pie will be served. The pie can be served in a beautiful box with a bow, or it can be packed in a cardboard box. This also can be implemented for a company. How does the company deliver their products/servi-ces, does it appeal to their customers?

    STEP FIVE: PACKAGINGHow the pie will be served. The pie can be served in a beautiful box with a bow, or it can be packed in a cardboard box. This also can be implemented for a company. How does the company deliver their products/servi-ces, does it appeal to their customers?


  • REVIEWDid you like this recipe?

    REVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWDid you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you like this recipe?Did you 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  • Some other models inspired Recipie. The models Recipie got inspired by are The Golden Circle, Service Design Thinking and Built to Last.

    Step one in our process is mainly based on The Golden Circle theory. The Golden Circle theory describes that a company has to work from the core to outside. The model starts with why, then how and after that what. In our model this is also described in step one, the dough. Our eggs stand for the vision, flour for the vision and the cornflour for the core values.

    Service Design Thinking can be found in step 3 from Recipie, the baking process and step four the toppings. In step 3 it can be found that a company has to keep testing and impro-ving. The company has to make sure the vision fits with the strategies of the company. This is what can be found in the Service Design Thinking Model. This model describes that a company has to Research, Develop and Test. This is what a company does with constantly testing and looking if every-thing fits the core. In step four the model shows some factors that have to be in the cake for sure. These are not directly linked to the Service Design Thinking model, but the model has also three points which also have to be in there. In the Service Design Thinking model these aspects are Desirable, Effective & Efficient and Enjoyable. With Recpie these are the FUN factors. Namely, Functionality, Usability

    From the Built to last theory Recipie is based on the Preserve the Core method. Preserve the Core describes that a company has to know the essence and that the essence cant be changed. Within Recipie this can find that within step three. It descri-bes that it has to be checked constantly if everything fits the vision.

    Some other models inspired Recipie. The models Recipie got inspired by are The Golden Circle, Service Design Thinking and Built to Last.

    Step one in our process is mainly based on The Golden Circle theory. The Golden Circle theory describes that a company has to work from the core to outside. The model starts with why, then how and after that what. In our model this is also described in step one, the dough. Our eggs stand for the vision, flour for the vision and the cornflour for the core values.

    Service Design Thinking can be found in step 3 from Recipie, the baking process and step four the toppings. In step 3 it can be found that a company has to keep testing and impro-ving. The company has to make sure the vision fits with the strategies of the company. This is what can be found in the Service Design Thinking Model. This model describes that a company has to Research, Develop and Test. This is what a company does with constantly testing and looking if every-thing fits the core. In step four the model shows some factors that have to be in the cake for sure. These are not directly linked to the Service Design Thinking model, but the model has also three points which also have to be in there. In the Service Design Thinking model these aspects are Desirable, Effective & Efficient and Enjoyable. With Recpie these are the FUN factors. Namely, Functionality, Usability

    From the Built to last theory Recipie is based on the Preserve the Core method. Preserve the Core describes that a company has to know the essence and that the essence cant be changed. Within Recipie this can find that within step three. It descri-bes that it has to be checked constantly if everything fits the vision.

    Service Design Thinking can be found in step 3 from Recipie, Service Design Thinking can be found in step 3 from Recipie,


  • Origin ZARA is one of the largest companies in the int

    ernational fashion scene. It is

    part of Inditex, one of the largest groups of distribution in the world. The custo-

    mer is the centre of their particular business model. This brings design, produc-

    tion, distribution and sale together through a wide network of all the stores.

    Inditex is one of the world's largest fashion retailers with eight brands and over

    6,460 stores throughout the world. They are inspired by a responsible passion

    for fashion and, above all, by their customers.

    ZARA opened its first store in the coastal town A Corua in the northwest of

    Spain in 1975. ZARA has over 2.000 stores strategically located in leading cities

    across 88 countries. ZARAs designers and customers are inextricably linked.

    Specialist teams receive constant feedback on the decisions its customers are

    making at every ZARA store. This feedback inspires ZARA's creative team,

    which is made up of over 200 professionals. ZARA is always striving to meet the

    needs of its customers at the same time as helping to inform their ideas, trends

    and tastes. The idea is to share responsible passion for fashion across a broad

    spectrum of people, cultures and ages.


    Origin ZARA is one of the largest companies in the int

    ernational fashion scene. It is

    part of Inditex, one of the largest groups of distribution in the world. The custo-

    mer is the centre of their particular business model. This brings design, produc-

    tion, distribution and sale together through a wide network of all the stores.

    Inditex is one of the world's largest fashion retailers with eight brands and over

    6,460 stores throughout the world. They are inspired by a responsible passion

    for fashion and, above all, by their customers.

    ZARA opened its first store in the coastal town A Corua in the northwest of

    Spain in 1975. ZARA has over 2.000 stores strategically located in leading cities

    across 88 countries. ZARAs designers and customers are inextricably linked.

    Specialist teams receive constant feedback on the decisions its customers are

    making at every ZARA store. This feedback inspires ZARA's creative team,

    which is made up of over 200 professionals. ZARA is always striving to meet the

    needs of its customers at the same time as helping to inform their ideas, trends

    and tastes. The idea is to share responsible passion for fashion across a broad

    spectrum of people, cultures and ages.


  • The brandThe image of ZARA stands for trendy clothes and quality at an affordable price. ZARA markets collections in different price ranges for men, women, children and interior. After the opening of the first store in 1975, ZARA is now, located in 88 countries with over 2000 stores in the prime locations of large (main) cities. These international outlets are imple-menting the concept, that in national borders do not have to be a barrier for sharing the same fashion culture.Mission & visionThe vision of ZARA is that design should be available and affordable for all, with a rapid response to the demands of the market. ZARA is committed to satisfying the desires of the customers. A result they pledge to continuously innovate their business to improve the customers experience. They promise to provide new designs made from quality materials that are affordable. The company's mission is 'to get the shortest time to market ' or in very short time reach the market and offer the latest trends in high speed. The slogan is here today, gone tomor-row! Signifying their rapidly varied collections. Through ZARAs business model, they aim to contribute to the sustainable development of society and that of the environment with which they interact. They are now growing in the international market and try the next years to maintain this growth. So they can rapidly provide the latest trends in the interna-tional market. They also spend a lot of time trend watching to pay particular attention to the consumer and their needs. They stand for teamwork and open communication, but they also expect quality work. This will allow them to make clear that national borders dont have to be a barrier for sharing the same fashion culture.

    The brandThe image of ZARA stands for trendy clothes and quality at an affordable price. ZARA markets collections in different price ranges for men, women, children and interior. After the opening of the first store in 1975, ZARA is now, located in 88 countries with over 2000 stores in the prime locations of large (main) cities. These international outlets are imple-menting the concept, that in national borders do not have to be a barrier for sharing the same fashion culture.Mission & visionThe vision of ZARA is that design should be available and affordable for all, with a rapid response to the demands of the market. ZARA is committed to satisfying the desires of the customers. A result they pledge to continuously innovate their business to improve the customers experience. They promise to provide new designs made from quality materials that are affordable. The company's mission is 'to get the shortest time to market ' or in very short time reach the market and offer the latest trends in high speed. The slogan is here today, gone tomor-row! Signifying their rapidly varied collections. Through ZARAs business model, they aim to contribute to the sustainable development of society and that of the environment with which they interact. They are now growing in the international market and try the next years to maintain this growth. So they can rapidly provide the latest trends in the interna-tional market. They also spend a lot of time trend watching to pay particular attention to the consumer and their needs. They stand for teamwork and open communication, but they also expect quality work. This will allow them to make clear that national borders dont have to be a barrier for sharing the same fashion culture.

  • PropositionOffer luxury and value for a reasonab

    le price.

    Intended purpose & brand valuesThey make clothes that fit into contem

    porary fashion images. They grow globally strong

    and have a strong influence on the international fashion. They have differen

    t price

    ranges in their collections, making them accessible to a wide audience.

    Emotional brand valuesCheap luxury. They stand for trendy

    clothes and quality at an affordable price. People

    also find the experience of shopping in a store with quality appearance impo

    rtant. It

    makes them feel emotionally involved with ZARA, which also complies with


    Expressive brand valuesThey let the customer rediscover the

    authentic, classic and affordable clothing styles

    and thereby become and preserve being one of the largest international comp

    anies in

    the international fashion world.

    Companys prideThey are one of the largest internation

    al companies in the international fashion world

    and are still growing their share.

    PropositionOffer luxury and value for a reasonab

    le price.

    Intended purpose & brand valuesThey make clothes that fit into contem

    porary fashion images. They grow globally strong

    and have a strong influence on the international fashion. They have differen

    t price

    ranges in their collections, making them accessible to a wide audience.

    Emotional brand valuesCheap luxury. They stand for trendy

    clothes and quality at an affordable price. People

    also find the experience of shopping in a store with quality appearance impo

    rtant. It

    makes them feel emotionally involved with ZARA, which also complies with


    Expressive brand valuesThey let the customer rediscover the

    authentic, classic and affordable clothing styles

    and thereby become and preserve being one of the largest international comp

    anies in

    the international fashion world.

    Companys prideThey are one of the largest internation

    al companies in the international fashion world

    and are still growing their share.

  • Who are the guests? The target group consists of m

    en and women between 18 and 38 years who have a passion

    for fashion. Generally their spending patterns are like the av

    erage citizen and they want

    fashion items at the right time for the right price. The target

    audience is international to

    find and live in or around major cities.

    What do they like?Consumers who buy from ZAR

    A are looking for designer fashion at an affordable price.

    'Brands' are less important, but the experience of buying in a

    store with quality appearan-

    ce is their preference. With a smaller budget they reach an a

    ppearance that is not inferior

    compared to the expensive designer brands.

    Do they have any allergies?The customers of ZARA do not

    want to pay too much for their products. They like the fact

    that they can look as great in ZARA clothing as models do in d

    esigner pieces. Also they like

    to figure out themselves how they want to look in their cloth

    ing, they do want the advice of

    store employees, but not if the employees force that. They bu

    y at ZARAs because they offer

    a large range of clothing in different styles, so they can adapt

    to the fashion image directly.

    The offer of the products should thereby always be large eno


    What do I like to bake?They want to show the target g

    roup that they should feel confident about themselves. That

    it does not take a big amount of money to accomplish this fee

    ling, but that you can create

    the person you want to be with an affordable price. You can lo

    ok great with al ZARAs has

    to offer.


    Who are the guests? The target group consists of m

    en and women between 18 and 38 years who have a passion

    for fashion. Generally their spending patterns are like the av

    erage citizen and they want

    fashion items at the right time for the right price. The target

    audience is international to

    find and live in or around major cities.

    What do they like?Consumers who buy from ZAR

    A are looking for designer fashion at an affordable price.

    'Brands' are less important, but the experience of buying in a

    store with quality appearan-

    ce is their preference. With a smaller budget they reach an a

    ppearance that is not inferior

    compared to the expensive designer brands.

    Do they have any allergies?The customers of ZARA do not

    want to pay too much for their products. They like the fact

    that they can look as great in ZARA clothing as models do in d

    esigner pieces. Also they like

    to figure out themselves how they want to look in their cloth

    ing, they do want the advice of

    store employees, but not if the employees force that. They bu

    y at ZARAs because they offer

    a large range of clothing in different styles, so they can adapt

    to the fashion image directly.

    The offer of the products should thereby always be large eno


    What do I like to bake?They want to show the target g

    roup that they should feel confident about themselves. That

    it does not take a big amount of money to accomplish this fee

    ling, but that you can create

    the person you want to be with an affordable price. You can lo

    ok great with al ZARAs has

    to offer.


  • What is the budget?The target group does not want to spend a lot of money to fashion, but wants to have lots of different pieces to combine and make it adjustable for every moment. They want to spend money to fashion at every necessary moment, for example when there is a new trending item at the market. ZARA offers a lot of different clothing ranges, or very cheap or a little bit more expensive. The outcome of the research shows that over the years the custo-mers started paying more for their products at ZARA. The more expensive clothing has good quality while the more cheap basic clothing is more often of very low quality.What should be taken into account?ZARA has a lot of competitors. The most obvious competitor is H&M from Sweden, but also the Dutch WE and the Danish Jack and Jones are important competitors for ZARA. Furthermore, MANGO, Bijenkorf, C&A, V&D and HEMA are seen as competitors.

    What is the budget?The target group does not want to spend a lot of money to fashion, but wants to have lots of different pieces to combine and make it adjustable for every moment. They want to spend money to fashion at every necessary moment, for example when there is a new trending item at the market. ZARA offers a lot of different clothing ranges, or very cheap or a little bit more expensive. The outcome of the research shows that over the years the custo-mers started paying more for their products at ZARA. The more expensive clothing has good quality while the more cheap basic clothing is more often of very low quality.What should be taken into account?ZARA has a lot of competitors. The most obvious competitor is H&M from Sweden, but also the Dutch WE and the Danish Jack and Jones are important competitors for ZARA. Furthermore, MANGO, Bijenkorf, C&A, V&D and HEMA are seen as competitors.

  • ZARA offers a super

    -fast supply chain w

    ith which it distingu

    ishes itself from

    competitors. ZARA h

    olds the design, prod

    uction and distributi

    on processes in

    control, giving them

    the ability to respon

    d quickly to changes

    in the needs of the

    consumer. This appl

    ies both to the develo

    pment of clothing an

    d for the producti-

    on and distribution l

    ogistics. So ZARA ha

    s its own distribution

    centre where all

    products pass thru. T

    hey also have a vert

    ical marketing syste

    m where they

    control everything t

    hat determines the va

    lue of products itself

    . The ability to

    keep prices as low as

    possible is therefor

    e easier to achieve, a

    s well as the adjust-

    ment in the market.



    ZARA offers a super

    -fast supply chain w

    ith which it distingu

    ishes itself from

    competitors. ZARA h

    olds the design, prod

    uction and distributi

    on processes in

    control, giving them

    the ability to respon

    d quickly to changes

    in the needs of the

    consumer. This appl

    ies both to the develo

    pment of clothing an

    d for the producti-

    on and distribution l

    ogistics. So ZARA ha

    s its own distribution

    centre where all

    products pass thru. T

    hey also have a vert

    ical marketing syste

    m where they

    control everything t

    hat determines the va

    lue of products itself

    . The ability to

    keep prices as low as

    possible is therefor

    e easier to achieve, a

    s well as the adjust-

    ment in the market.



    keep prices as low as

    possible is therefor

    e easier to achieve, a

    s well as the adjust

  • The toppings can be related to ZARA. At the pie, we use the FUN-factor, which stands for

    Functionality, Usability and Needs. FunctionalityWhen customers step into the ZARA, the customers know their way. ZARA is a spacious

    and clear shop and does have familiarized signs for different sexes. For example: You can

    find ZARA menswear at floor 1, ZARA womens wear at floor 0 and ZARA kids wear at

    floor -1. Customers easily find their way. UsabilityZARA is a company that provides mass production. The fitting rooms are small. Your shop-

    ping partner cant wait for you in front of the fitting room, but has to wait outside inside

    the store. In that way you have to come out of your fitting room and leave all your personal

    stuff behind to show your shopping partner the clothes you are fitting. The light in the

    fitting rooms are also not good to fit clothes in. The colours look different in real daylight.

    There are a lot of fitting rooms next to each other. This is reliant on the store sizes, for

    example 20 fitting rooms. This also shows that ZARA is a mass production. NeedsZARA customers dont get any extras while shopping. They dont get a cup of coffee for

    example or other extras.

    STEP FOUR: TOPPINGSThe toppings can be related to ZARA. At the pie, we use the FUN-factor, which stands for

    Functionality, Usability and Needs. FunctionalityWhen customers step into the ZARA, the customers know their way. ZARA is a spacious

    and clear shop and does have familiarized signs for different sexes. For example: You can

    find ZARA menswear at floor 1, ZARA womens wear at floor 0 and ZARA kids wear at

    floor -1. Customers easily find their way. UsabilityZARA is a company that provides mass production. The fitting rooms are small. Your shop-

    ping partner cant wait for you in front of the fitting room, but has to wait outside inside

    the store. In that way you have to come out of your fitting room and leave all your personal

    stuff behind to show your shopping partner the clothes you are fitting. The light in the

    fitting rooms are also not good to fit clothes in. The colours look different in real daylight.

    There are a lot of fitting rooms next to each other. This is reliant on the store sizes, for

    example 20 fitting rooms. This also shows that ZARA is a mass production. NeedsZARA customers dont get any extras while shopping. They dont get a cup of coffee for

    example or other extras.


  • ZARA packages their products in a ZAR

    A bag. When a customer says it is a

    present, ZARA will wrap the product in a

    luxurious gift-box of carton. When

    customers order online, ZARA ships the

    ir products in a carton box with the

    ZARA logo on it. They ship to their own Z

    ARA stores for free. When custo-

    mers choose to ship their products to th

    eir home, ZARA uses standard ship-

    ping costs of 3,95. When the order is ab

    ove 50,00, there will be no ship-

    ping cost by using the standard shipping

    method. When customers chose for

    an express-shipping, ZARA charges ship

    ping costs of 9,95


    ZARA packages their products in a ZAR

    A bag. When a customer says it is a

    present, ZARA will wrap the product in a

    luxurious gift-box of carton. When

    customers order online, ZARA ships the

    ir products in a carton box with the

    ZARA logo on it. They ship to their own Z

    ARA stores for free. When custo-

    mers choose to ship their products to th

    eir home, ZARA uses standard ship-

    ping costs of 3,95. When the order is ab

    ove 50,00, there will be no ship-

    ping cost by using the standard shipping

    method. When customers chose for

    an express-shipping, ZARA charges ship

    ping costs of 9,95


  • We analysed ZARA with Recipie. From the analysis we found different pain points, which are described below. We noticed that ZARA overall is a company that is moving in a good direction and is working very well. But of course there are always some points that can be improved. These so called, pain points, cant be found in one single step of our model, but are in different steps, namely Pie filling, Baking Process and Toppings.

    The store employeeThe analysis showed that the customers find the personal help of store employees unne-cessary. They dont see the direct benefit of their presence. It is not that they dont want any advise at all, but over the years the staff was not useful enough or involved with the buying process of the customer. This is an important pain point of step 2 Pie filling. There are several solutions to make the employee more valuable and appreciated. The research at step 1 The dough already explained that ZARA feels involved with their employees, because they find them indispensible for their success.

    The needsWhile shopping at ZARAs there are no extras that make the shopping experience more comfortable. For example there is no coffee or free Wi-Fi. It could make ZARA become more loved, not only by its costumers but also by the shopping partner. The pain point from step 4 Toppings is important for making the decision making process easier for the customer. There are no extras yet, so there are a lot of opportunities.


    We analysed ZARA with Recipie. From the analysis we found different pain points, which are described below. We noticed that ZARA overall is a company that is moving in a good direction and is working very well. But of course there are always some points that can be improved. These so called, pain points, cant be found in one single step of our model, but are in different steps, namely Pie filling, Baking Process and Toppings.

    The store employeeThe analysis showed that the customers find the personal help of store employees unne-cessary. They dont see the direct benefit of their presence. It is not that they dont want any advise at all, but over the years the staff was not useful enough or involved with the buying process of the customer. This is an important pain point of step 2 Pie filling. There are several solutions to make the employee more valuable and appreciated. The research at step 1 The dough already explained that ZARA feels involved with their employees, because they find them indispensible for their success.

    The needsWhile shopping at ZARAs there are no extras that make the shopping experience more comfortable. For example there is no coffee or free Wi-Fi. It could make ZARA become more loved, not only by its costumers but also by the shopping partner. The pain point from step 4 Toppings is important for making the decision making process easier for the customer. There are no extras yet, so there are a lot of opportunities.


  • The budgetOver the y

    ears the customers of

    ZARA paid a lot mor

    e for their products.


    basic top still costs 5

    euros while a blazer

    for example costs 60

    euros. The

    customer appreciate

    s the difference in pri

    ce, but there is a twis

    t. There is a lack

    of quality with the ch

    eaper clothing. Of cou

    rse the customer exp

    ects more

    quality for the amoun

    t of money they have

    to pay, but the basic


    should be as good as

    the more expensive

    collection. This pain

    point can be

    found at step 3 Bakin

    g process when look

    ing at the budget. Th

    is is a pain point

    because the apprecia

    tion of the customer

    could become better

    and for that

    ZARA can create a tr

    ue fan base.

    The usability

    Although ZARA want

    s its customers to fee

    l appreciated and spe

    cial, the fitting

    rooms show that the

    re is a big focus on m

    ass production. For e

    xample there are

    numerous small fitti

    ng rooms next to each

    other, there is no ro

    om for your

    shopping partner to s

    it down and relax an

    d there is a difference

    in the colour of

    the light inside and o

    utside. This pain poin

    t from step 4 Topping

    s is very

    important because th

    e customers visit the

    shop for a good expe

    rience. There is

    no advantage for the

    m going to the shop o

    r shopping online. Th

    e usability of the

    shop should be the r

    eason to visit a phys

    ical shop.

    The budgetOver the y

    ears the customers of

    ZARA paid a lot mor

    e for their products.


    basic top still costs 5

    euros while a blazer

    for example costs 60

    euros. The

    customer appreciate

    s the difference in pri

    ce, but there is a twis

    t. There is a lack

    of quality with the ch

    eaper clothing. Of cou

    rse the customer exp

    ects more

    quality for the amoun

    t of money they have

    to pay, but the basic


    should be as good as

    the more expensive

    collection. This pain

    point can be

    found at step 3 Bakin

    g process when look

    ing at the budget. Th

    is is a pain point

    because the apprecia

    tion of the customer

    could become better

    and for that

    ZARA can create a tr

    ue fan base.

    The usability

    Although ZARA want

    s its customers to fee

    l appreciated and spe

    cial, the fitting

    rooms show that the

    re is a big focus on m

    ass production. For e

    xample there are

    numerous small fitti

    ng rooms next to each

    other, there is no ro

    om for your

    shopping partner to s

    it down and relax an

    d there is a difference

    in the colour of

    the light inside and o

    utside. This pain poin

    t from step 4 Topping

    s is very

    important because th

    e customers visit the

    shop for a good expe

    rience. There is

    no advantage for the

    m going to the shop o

    r shopping online. Th

    e usability of the

    shop should be the r

    eason to visit a phys

    ical shop.


  • The conclusion showed that one of the pain points is the store employees. Customers f ind the store employees unnecessary, dont see the benefit of their presence and they havent seen the usefulness and involvement of the staff over the years. This doesnt mean that the customers dont want any advice at al l.The research has shown that ZARA finds their employees indispensible for their success and that they feel involved with them. The solution has to be something in which get a better of more useful role for the customers.The solution for this pain point is to satisfy the consumer more. ZARA has to do that by two steps.

    One, make their employees more aware of what the customers want. From our personal experiences we know that the employees in ZARA dont do anything to make the custo-mer feel more comfortable. Most of the time the employees in ZARA arent friendly and most of the time grumpy. Second, ZARA has to pimp up their stores and work clothes so that their customers feel more com-fortable in the stores. When these two things are implemented the customer will appreciate ZARA and their employees more and by that they will also see advantage of the employees and dare to ask more questions to them.

    The conclusion showed that one of the pain The conclusion showed that one of the pain The conclusion showed that one of the pain points is the store employees. Customers points is the store employees. Customers The conclusion showed that one of the pain points is the store employees. Customers The conclusion showed that one of the pain f ind the store employees unnecessary, f ind the store employees unnecessary, f ind the store employees unnecessary, points is the store employees. Customers f ind the store employees unnecessary, points is the store employees. Customers dont see the benefit of their presence dont see the benefit of their presence dont see the benefit of their presence f ind the store employees unnecessary, dont see the benefit of their presence f ind the store employees unnecessary, f ind the store employees unnecessary, dont see the benefit of their presence f ind the store employees unnecessary, and they havent seen the usefulness and and they havent seen the usefulness and and they havent seen the usefulness and dont see the benefit of their presence and they havent seen the usefulness and dont see the benefit of their presence dont see the benefit of their presence and they havent seen the usefulness and dont see the benefit of their presence involvement of the staff over the years. involvement of the staff over the years. and they havent seen the usefulness and involvement of the staff over the years. and they havent seen the usefulness and and they havent seen the usefulness and involvement of the staff over the years. and they havent seen the usefulness and This doesnt mean that the customers This doesnt mean that the customers involvement of the staff over the years. This doesnt mean that the customers involvement of the staff over the years. dont want any advice at al l.dont want any advice at al l.The research has shown that ZARA finds The research has shown that ZARA finds their employees indispensible for their their employees indispensible for their their employees indispensible for their The research has shown that ZARA finds their employees indispensible for their The research has shown that ZARA finds success and that they feel involved with success and that they feel involved with success and that they feel involved with their employees indispensible for their success and that they feel involved with their employees indispensible for their their employees indispensible for their success and that they feel involved with their employees indispensible for their them. The solution has to be something in them. The solution has to be something in them. The solution has to be something in success and that they feel involved with them. The solution has to be something in success and that they feel involved with which get a better of more useful role for which get a better of more useful role for which get a better of more useful role for them. The solution has to be something in which get a better of more useful role for them. The solution has to be something in them. The solution has to be something in which get a better of more useful role for them. The solution has to be something in the customers.which get a better of more useful role for the customers.which get a better of more useful role for which get a better of more useful role for the customers.which get a better of more useful role for

    The solution for this pain point is to The solution for this pain point is to The solution for this pain point is to satisfy the consumer more. ZARA has to satisfy the consumer more. ZARA has to The solution for this pain point is to satisfy the consumer more. ZARA has to The solution for this pain point is to do that by two that by two that by two steps.satisfy the consumer more. ZARA has to do that by two steps.satisfy the consumer more. ZARA has to

    One, make their employees more aware of what the customers want. From our personal experiences we know that the employees in ZARA dont do anything to make the custo-mer feel more comfortable. Most of the time the employees in ZARA arent friendly and most of the time grumpy. Second, ZARA has to pimp up their stores and work clothes so that their customers feel more com-fortable in the stores. When these two things are implemented the customer will appreciate ZARA and their employees more and by that they will also see advantage of the employees and dare to ask more questions to them.

  • A Custome up day can fulfil the first step. A kind of course whic

    h every employee

    has to follow every year. In this course the employees will learn

    how to become more

    customer directed and how to become friendlier. In this course th

    ey will do different

    role-playing games to learn when a customer wants to be approa

    ched and when not.

    This is something that employees need to feel/see when a custom

    er enters the ZARA

    store. In the role-playing games theyll also learn how they have

    to handle a customer

    when he or she wants to get advice. What do you have to say and

    how do you have to

    say something. The best thing is to be honest, but how do you sa

    y something in a nice

    way, without being rude. Besides these role-playing games they

    will learn more about

    service. What do customers expect from them as employees. Th

    ey expect a smile in

    the stores for example. For that theyll do laugh exercises and e

    xercises to get to

    know their colleagues better. In that way they will enjoy their tim

    e in the store better

    and will keep the smile while working.

    For the second step the environment in a ZARA store has to cha

    nge. Now the employ-

    ees from ZARA have dark, blue and black, clothes. This is not ve

    ry recognisable for

    the customer. When you will give the shop more colours, both em

    ployees and custo-

    mers will walk through the shop more happy and willing to help

    and be helped. The

    clothes of the employees can consist of the same trousers and sh

    ows, but their blouses

    can change colours. More expressive colours like, light blue, pin

    k and orange. Also

    the rest of the decoration can use some extra colours. For examp

    le the curtains of the

    fitting rooms, the signs and pay desks.

    When the ZARA implements those two steps both employee and

    customer will walk

    through the ZARA store happier. The customers will feel welcom

    e and will ask for

    help when needed because the ZARA employee is very approach

    able and willing to

    give a good advice. The employees will be useful and appreciated

    again by the custo-

    mers of ZARA

    A Custome up day can fulfil the first step. A kind of course whic

    h every employee

    has to follow every year. In this course the employees will learn

    how to become more

    customer directed and how to become friendlier. In this course th

    ey will do different

    role-playing games to learn when a customer wants to be approa

    ched and when not.

    This is something that employees need to feel/see when a custom

    er enters the ZARA

    store. In the role-playing games theyll also learn how they have

    to handle a customer

    when he or she wants to get advice. What do you have to say and

    how do you have to

    say something. The best thing is to be honest, but how do you sa

    y something in a nice

    way, without being rude. Besides these role-playing games they

    will learn more about

    service. What do customers expect from them as employees. Th

    ey expect a smile in

    the stores for example. For that theyll do laugh exercises and e

    xercises to get to

    know their colleagues better. In that way they will enjoy their tim

    e in the store better

    and will keep the smile while working.

    For the second step the environment in a ZARA store has to cha

    nge. Now the employ-

    ees from ZARA have dark, blue and black, clothes. This is not ve

    ry recognisable for

    the customer. When you will give the shop more colours, both em

    ployees and custo-

    mers will walk through the shop more happy and willing to help

    and be helped. The

    clothes of the employees can consist of the same trousers and sh

    ows, but their blouses

    can change colours. More expressive colours like, light blue, pin

    k and orange. Also

    the rest of the decoration can use some extra colours. For examp

    le the curtains of the

    fitting rooms, the signs and pay desks.

    When the ZARA implements those two steps both employee and

    customer will walk

    through the ZARA store happier. The customers will feel welcom

    e and will ask for

    help when needed because the ZARA employee is very approach

    able and willing to

    give a good advice. The employees will be useful and appreciated

    again by the custo-

    mers of ZARA

  • Persona Lois, 19

    Yesterday I walked into the ZARA with Amber, a friend of mine. She is 18 and

    my friend since a few weeks. Shed never been to ZARA and needed some new

    clothes. So I said you have to go their now, since they are renewed they are so

    much better.

    How can they be so much better? She asked me. I answered that before I did

    like the ZARA clothes but most of the time bought online or at least first looke


    online because I didnt like the atmosphere in the ZARA stores. Besides that

    the employees werent that nice and most of the time grumpy. Amber said to

    me OK, and what changed? Well youll see! I said to her, and took her with


    Persona Lois, 19

    Yesterday I walked into the ZARA with Amber, a friend of mine. She is 18 and

    my friend since a few weeks. Shed never been to ZARA and needed some new

    clothes. So I said you have to go their now, since they are renewed they are so

    much better.

    How can they be so much better? She asked me. I answered that before I did

    like the ZARA clothes but most of the time bought online or at least first looke


    online because I didnt like the atmosphere in the ZARA stores. Besides that

    the employees werent that nice and most of the time grumpy. Amber said to

    me OK, and what changed? Well youll see! I said to her, and took her with


  • When we walked in the store a friendly young girl with a pink blouse walked

    through the store and said Hello. We just walked around and Amber saw a

    great pair of trousers. We were looking through the whole pile, but that took

    ages. The friendly young girl came to use and asked, What is the size you are

    looking for? 36, Amber said. She helped us finding the right size and we went

    to the fitting rooms. The curtains of the fitting rooms were very bright and nice.

    It cheered us up. Amber was trying to get her pants on, but they were too big. I

    looked around and saw the girl who helped us before and asked her if she could

    get us one size smaller. Of course, she said and within two minutes she was

    back. Later she walked by and asked if this was the right size. Amber said, Yes,

    it is great, but do you have a top which fits on it? Of course she said and 5

    minutes later she came back with 4 great options. So great, that it was a hard

    choice for Amber and in the end she bought the trousers and two tops. She was

    completely happy! At the pay desk the girl wished us a great day and said good-


    When we walked out the store Amber was so enthusiastic! She said, Wow, I

    didnt know this store, but will definitely go there more often! It is great that

    they know when to help you and when not and it is so nice with the colours, but

    not too much. When I need good advice I will definitely go here first.

    When we walked in the store a friendly young girl with a pink blouse walked

    through the store and said Hello. We just walked around and Amber saw a

    great pair of trousers. We were looking through the whole pile, but that took

    ages. The friendly young girl came to use and asked, What is the size you are

    looking for? 36, Amber said. She helped us finding the right size and we went

    to the fitting rooms. The curtains of the fitting rooms were very bright and nice.

    It cheered us up. Amber was trying to get her pants on, but they were too big. I

    looked around and saw the girl who helped us before and asked her if she could

    get us one size smaller. Of course, she said and within two minutes she was

    back. Later she walked by and asked if this was the right size. Amber said, Yes,

    it is great, but do you have a top which fits on it? Of course she said and 5

    minutes later she came back with 4 great options. So great, that it was a hard

    choice for Amber and in the end she bought the trousers and two tops. She was

    completely happy! At the pay desk the girl wished us a great day and said good-


    When we walked out the store Amber was so enthusiastic! She said, Wow, I

    didnt know this store, but will definitely go there more often! It is great that

    they know when to help you and when not and it is so nice with the colours, but

    not too much. When I need good advice I will definitely go here first.



  • Quality is an important core value for ZARA, just like the price of the clothes is. It should not be that quality is handed in for price. This is why ZARA needs to improve the quality of the basic-line clothes. This makes it possible that the price wil l increase a bit , because of production costs and labor costs. To keep customers happy, ZARA wil l open an outlet store in their own ZARA store. Like a shop in shop idea. This outlet store haves the same core values and appearance as the normal ZARA, the only difference is that this outlet ZARA has clothes for cheaper prices.

    All clothes from early seasons go to this outlet store. The benefit for customers is that they have the choice to buy new season quality clothes for a little bit more than they used to, or to buy last season quality clothes for a little less than they are used to. Customers dont have to wait for the sale season, because they have the possibility to buy their ZARA clothes for a cheaper price at the ZARA Outlet store whenever they want, all seasons.

    When the sale season is there, ZARA uses the usual method. Items are getting a discount label while they are still in the normal store. Besi-des the sale in the normal ZARA, ZARA Outlet also praises off items in the same way as the normal ZARA does: items getting a discount label. Customers have the benefit that they are having an outlet item with sale (double luck).

    Quality is an important core value for Quality is an important core value for Quality is an important core value for ZARA, just like the price of the ZARA, just like the price of the ZARA, just like the price of the Quality is an important core value for ZARA, just like the price of the Quality is an important core value for

    clothes is. It should not be that quality clothes is. It should not be that quality clothes is. It should not be that quality ZARA, just like the price of the clothes is. It should not be that quality ZARA, just like the price of the ZARA, just like the price of the clothes is. It should not be that quality ZARA, just like the price of the

    is handed in for price. This is why is handed in for price. This is why clothes is. It should not be that quality is handed in for price. This is why clothes is. It should not be that quality clothes is. It should not be that quality is handed in for price. This is why clothes is. It should not be that quality

    ZARA needs to improve the quality of ZARA needs to improve the quality of ZARA needs to improve the quality of is handed in for price. This is why ZARA needs to improve the quality of is handed in for price. This is why

    the basic-line clothes. This makes it the basic-line clothes. This makes it ZARA needs to improve the quality of the basic-line clothes. This makes it ZARA needs to improve the quality of ZARA needs to improve the quality of the basic-line clothes. This makes it ZARA needs to improve the quality of

    possible that the price wil l increase a possible that the price wil l increase a the basic-line clothes. This makes it possible that the price wil l increase a the basic-line clothes. This makes it

    bit , because of production costs and bit , because of production costs and possible that the price wil l increase a bit , because of production costs and possible that the price wil l increase a

    labor costs. To keep customers happy, labor costs. To keep customers happy, labor costs. To keep customers happy, bit , because of production costs and labor costs. To keep customers happy, bit , because of production costs and bit , because of production costs and labor costs. To keep customers happy, bit , because of production costs and

    ZARA wil l open an outlet store in their ZARA wil l open an outlet store in their ZARA wil l open an outlet store in their labor costs. To keep customers happy, ZARA wil l open an outlet store in their labor costs. To keep customers happy,

    own ZARA store. Like a shop in shop own ZARA store. Like a shop in shop own ZARA store. Like a shop in shop ZARA wil l open an outlet store in their own ZARA store. Like a shop in shop ZARA wil l open an outlet store in their ZARA wil l open an outlet store in their own ZARA store. Like a shop in shop ZARA wil l open an outlet store in their

    idea. This outlet store haves the same idea. This outlet store haves the same own ZARA store. Like a shop in shop idea. This outlet store haves the same own ZARA store. Like a shop in shop own ZARA store. Like a shop in shop idea. This outlet store haves the same own ZARA store. Like a shop in shop

    core values and appearance as the core values and appearance as the core values and appearance as the idea. This outlet store haves the same core values and appearance as the idea. This outlet store haves the same

    normal ZARA, the only difference is normal ZARA, the only difference is normal ZARA, the only difference is core values and appearance as the normal ZARA, the only difference is core values and appearance as the core values and appearance as the normal ZARA, the only difference is core values and appearance as the

    that this outlet ZARA has clothes for that this outlet ZARA has clothes for that this outlet ZARA has clothes for normal ZARA, the only difference is that this outlet ZARA has clothes for normal ZARA, the only difference is normal ZARA, the only difference is that this outlet ZARA has clothes for normal ZARA, the only difference is

    cheaper prices.cheaper prices.cheaper prices.that this outlet ZARA has clothes for cheaper prices.that this outlet ZARA has clothes for

    All clothes from early seasons go to this outlet store. The benefit for customers is that they have the choice to buy new season quality clothes for a little bit more than they used to, or to buy last season quality clothes for a little less than they are used to. Customers dont have to wait for the sale season, because they have the possibility to buy their ZARA clothes for a cheaper price at the ZARA Outlet store whenever they want, all seasons.

    When the sale season is there, ZARA uses the usual method. Items are getting a discount label while they are still in the normal store. Besi-des the sale in the normal ZARA, ZARA Outlet also praises off items in the same way as the normal ZARA does: items getting a discount label. Customers have the benefit that they are having an outlet item with sale (double luck).

  • Customers can see at the price tag if they are buying an outlet item or an item from the new season. There will be a crossed normal price, and an outlet price in red on the price tag by ZARA Outlet clothes.

    When ZARA uses the outlet-con-cept, customers are getting more appreciation for the store. The qualities of all ZARA clothes are the same and customers can make a choice if they want to spend more or less for their items.

    Customers can see at the price tag if they are buying an outlet item or an item from the new season. There will be a crossed normal price, and an outlet price in red on the price tag by ZARA Outlet clothes.

    When ZARA uses the outlet-con-cept, customers are getting more appreciation for the store. The qualities of all ZARA clothes are the same and customers can make a choice if they want to spend more or less for their items.

  • Persona Liza, 23

    My name is Liza. I am 23 years old and I live

    in Eindhoven. I am a law student

    and I am in my 3rd grade now. Cant wait to

    finish school and to go practice in

    real life! When I am not at school, I love to go

    shopping with my friends. Because

    of my study, I cannot work a lot and that is wh

    y I do not have a lot to spend. The

    store where I like to shop at most is ZARA. Th

    is store knows what fashion is!

    Every time I am there, they have the lovelie

    st pieces in store.

    I also have little sister, Sarah, who is 16. She

    also loves ZARA. When my mom,

    Sarah and I go shopping in Eindhoven, we can

    spend hours and hours in the

    ZARA. Every time I fall in love with somethi

    ng new, no matter what! But what I

    do not like is the quality of the basic line. I h

    ave a lot of black and white basic

    shirt, because they are so cheap! The disadv

    antage of this cheapness is the quali-

    ty. The seam is loose every time. And I hate

    that! When I buy something more

    expensive at ZARA, the quality is good. I wis

    h the quality of the products were

    the same for the same affordable prices.

    Last time I was there, I fitted the loveliest dr

    ess that matched my long brown hair

    and my light blue eyes. I fell in love directly.

    The sale assistant told me that she

    loved the dress at me as well. When I saw th

    e price tag, I was shocked. How the

    hell could this dress cost 150 euros?! I could

    feel that the quality was amazing;

    maybe the dress was this expensive for that

    reason. I had no money for the dress

    right now. The only thing I could do was wait

    ing for the sale, and hoping that

    nobody would fit that dress in my size. When

    I took of the dress, I looked at the

    price tag just one more time. This time I look

    ed a bit better. What I saw was unbe-

    lievable: normal price 150 euros, outlet pric

    e 75 euros. What?! This was my

    lucky day! The dress that I wanted SO much

    was an outlet item! Hell yeah! The

    dress is so perfect! I did not have to wait for

    the sale season, this was a dress

    from last season, and I am still rocking it!

    Persona Liza, 23

    My name is Liza. I am 23 years old and I live

    in Eindhoven. I am a law student

    and I am in my 3rd grade now. Cant wait to

    finish school and to go practice in

    real life! When I am not at school, I love to go

    shopping with my friends. Because

    of my study, I cannot work a lot and that is wh

    y I do not have a lot to spend. The

    store where I like to shop at most is ZARA. Th

    is store knows what fashion is!

    Every time I am there, they have the lovelie

    st pieces in store.

    I also have little sister, Sarah, who is 16. She

    also loves ZARA. When my mom,

    Sarah and I go shopping in Eindhoven, we can

    spend hours and hours in the

    ZARA. Every time I fall in love with somethi

    ng new, no matter what! But what I

    do not like is the quality of the basic line. I h

    ave a lot of black and white basic

    shirt, because they are so cheap! The disadv

    antage of this cheapness is the quali-

    ty. The seam is loose every time. And I hate

    that! When I buy something more

    expensive at ZARA, the quality is good. I wis

    h the quality of the products were

    the same for the same affordable prices.

    Last time I was there, I fitted the loveliest dr

    ess that matched my long brown hair

    and my light blue eyes. I fell in love directly.

    The sale assistant told me that she

    loved the dress at me as well. When I saw th

    e price tag, I was shocked. How the

    hell could this dress cost 150 euros?! I could

    feel that the quality was amazing;

    maybe the dress was this expensive for that

    reason. I had no money for the dress

    right now. The only thing I could do was wait

    ing for the sale, and hoping that

    nobody would fit that dress in my size. When

    I took of the dress, I looked at the

    price tag just one more time. This time I look

    ed a bit better. What I saw was unbe-

    lievable: normal price 150 euros, outlet pric

    e 75 euros. What?! This was my

    lucky day! The dress that I wanted SO much

    was an outlet item! Hell yeah! The

    dress is so perfect! I did not have to wait for

    the sale season, this was a dress

    from last season, and I am still rocking it!


  • Shopping is not just shopping anymore. Customers make several decisions before actual ly going inside a store. The market saturation makes competitions between stores even more visible. Distinguishing factors are in todays society most valuable.

    As the conclusion showed, Zara is one of the biggest clothing chains in the world. But there are still pain points that could be adjusted or even added. This also applies to the needs of the customers. Providing service to their customers could create a boost for their image. Provi-ding service is also an extra reason for customers to go to the store instead of buying it online. Aspects like loyalty, awareness and word of mouth advertisement are increasing when customers notice that they are appreciated and taken care off when they visit the store.

    Different kind of services can be added to the stores of Zara. Think for example about a coffee machine, free Wi-Fi, a personal shopper or an indoor sewer to make everything fit just the way you want. Since there are many services to unfold and even later on to extend, the focus will lie to a subject everyone has to deal with nowadays; the online world.

    refuel AT


    Shopping is not just shopping anymore. Shopping is not just shopping anymore. Shopping is not just shopping anymore. Customers make several decisions before Customers make several decisions before Shopping is not just shopping anymore. Customers make several decisions before Shopping is not just shopping anymore. Shopping is not just shopping anymore. Customers make several decisions before Shopping is not just shopping anymore. actual ly going inside a store. The market actual ly going inside a store. The market actual ly going inside a store. The market Customers make several decisions before actual ly going inside a store. The market Customers make several decisions before saturation makes competitions between saturation makes competitions between saturation makes competitions between actual ly going inside a store. The market saturation makes competitions between actual ly going inside a store. The market actual ly going inside a store. The market saturation makes competitions between actual ly going inside a store. The market stores even more visible. Distinguishing stores even more visible. Distinguishing stores even more visible. Distinguishing saturation makes competitions between stores even more visible. Distinguishing saturation makes competitions between saturation makes competitions between stores even more visible. Distinguishing saturation makes competitions between factors are in todays society most factors are in todays society most stores even more visible. Distinguishing factors are in todays society most stores even more visible. Distinguishing valuable.valuable.factors are in todays society most valuable.factors are in todays society most

    As the conclusion showed, Zara is one of the biggest clothing chains in the world. But there are still pain points that could be adjusted or even added. This also applies to the needs of the customers. Providing service to their customers could create a boost for their image. Provi-ding service is also an extra reason for customers to go to the store instead of buying it online. Aspects like loyalty, awareness and word of mouth advertisement are increasing when customers notice that they are appreciated and taken care off when they visit the store.

    Different kind of services can be added to the stores of Zara. Think for example about a coffee machine, free Wi-Fi, a personal shopper or an indoor sewer to make everything fit just the way you want. Since there are many services to unfold and even later on to extend, the focus will lie to a subject everyone has to deal with nowadays; the online world.

    refuel AT


  • Refuel @ Zaras is a concept that will be introduced to the audience and customers of Zara. I

    t contains

    several options that can be used in the store but with the focus towards the online touch.

    In every Zara store a lounge area including a bar will be placed. While sitting there you can


    in with your sell phone and even restore the battery. It is a meeting place for everyone. Whe


    friends want to meet each other in the city they can go to Zaras lounge.

    They can check-in and their friends will see this on their social media. Because they are alre

    ady in

    the store the shopping can start directly. So it is not only for the customer but also for exam

    ple the

    shopping buddy.

    The shopping buddy can take place to enjoy a nice cup of coffee, while the customer is in th

    e dres-

    sing room. Free Wi-Fi will keep them connected. The customer can make a picture of her o

    utfit and

    send this with her cell phone to her shopping buddy to know his or her opinion.

    Also through Whatsapp they can communicate while staying were they are. No more rush

    ing in

    the store and also no more gigantic waiting lines for the dressing rooms.

    There will also be an app release, only usable when you are in the store.

    With this app you can press the bell if you require any help by one of the employees.

    You can also press the scanner if you are not yet sure with buying a piece of clothing, this


    items are placed on your shoppinglist. Once back at home, with regrets, you can easily pur


    that piece of clothing with the app. Several options will be added to make the customers sho


    experience as easy as possible.

    When a piece of clothing is not in stock anymore in the right size they can be ordered direct

    ly by

    the kiosks in the store. So the wanted piece of clothing is delivered at home the same day o

    r the

    day after.

    Refuel @ Zaras is a concept that will be introduced to the audience and customers of Zara. I

    t contains

    several options that can be used in the store but with the focus towards the online touch.

    In every Zara store a lounge area including a bar will be placed. While sitting there you can


    in with your sell phone and even restore the battery. It is a meeting place for everyone. Whe


    friends want to meet each other in the city they can go to Zaras lounge.

    They can check-in and their friends will see this on their social media. Because they are alre

    ady in

    the store the shopping can start directly. So it is not only for the customer but also for exam

    ple the

    shopping buddy.

    The shopping buddy can take place to enjoy a nice cup of coffee, while the customer is in th

    e dres-

    sing room. Free Wi-Fi will keep them connected. The customer can make a picture of her o

    utfit and

    send this with her cell phone to her shopping buddy to know his or her opinion.

    Also through Whatsapp they can communicate while staying were they are. No more rush

    ing in

    the store and also no more gigantic waiting lines for the dressing rooms.

    There will also be an app release, only usable when you are in the store.

    With this app you can press the bell if you require any help by one of the employees.

    You can also press the scanner if you are not yet sure with buying a piece of clothing, this


    items are placed on your shoppinglist. Once back at home, with regrets, you can easily pur


    that piece of clothing with the app. Several options will be added to make the customers sho


    experience as easy as possible.

    When a piece of clothing is not in stock anymore in the right size they can be ordered direct

    ly by

    the kiosks in the store. So the wanted piece of clothing is delivered at home the same day o

    r the

    day after.



  • Persona Jolle

    With great enthusiasm Jolle tells her friends about the new

    shopping possibilities at

    Zaras. Jolle loves clothing and there is no greater fan of Iph

    one then she is, at least in

    her opinion. She definitely needs to try this out with her frien

    ds. She informs them about

    Refuel @ Zaras and directly picked a date to try it out.

    It is saturday morning 10 oclock, when Jolle sits with a big

    smile on her face in the

    train. She is going to the city to meet her friends and try out t

    he new shopping experien-

    ce. Her expectations are high and also are her friends expecta

    tions. Her cell phone rings,

    she looks up towards her screen and it says that her friend Vi

    cky is already there. Vicky

    just used the check-in possibility. Of course Jolle hoped that

    she was the first to check-in

    to see by al her friends. Nevertheless she hurries to meet Vick

    y and to check-in herself.

    Once in the store she checked-in and searched for her friends

    . When she found them she

    wanted to start shopping right away. Kevin didnt want to sho

    p directly because he had

    to hurry because he overslept himself, so he sat down for a cu

    p of coffee to wake-up a bit

    more. His phone rings and it shows a message of Jolle. She w

    ants to know what he

    thinks about the dress she is wearing. He types back he loves

    the dress. Jolle is glad she

    has a friend like Kevin and glad she can use the free Wi-Fi to

    stay connected. Having a

    busy life like hers with lots of moments with her phone she is g

    lad she can lower her bill

    for the end of the month. The next dress she tries on is a little

    too big so she uses the app.

    She pressed the bell and a friendly employee came to her for h

    elp. Just a few minutes

    later she could try on her dress in the right size. The gps sign

    al in the store works great.

    Satisfied she goes to the lounge to chill for a moment and mee

    t her friends again. Vicky is

    already there but she looks sad. They didnt had the dress she

    wanted in the right size.

    Luckily Jolle knows about the kiosks so she took Vicky with

    her to use one of them.

    They found the dress and ordered it online. Kevin was lookin

    g for them and saw they

    were standing at the kiosks. He went to the girls and was told

    what they were doing. He

    was very happy for Vicky. The three of them left the Zaras fe

    eling satisfied and happy.

    Persona Jolle

    With great enthusiasm Jolle tells her friends about the new

    shopping possibilities at

    Zaras. Jolle loves clothing and there is no greater fan of Iph

    one then she is, at least in

    her opinion. She definitely needs to try this out with her frien

    ds. She informs them about

    Refuel @ Zaras and directly picked a date to try it out.

    It is saturday morning 10 oclock, when Jolle sits with a big

    smile on her face in the

    train. She is going to the city to meet her friends and try out t

    he new shopping experien-

    ce. Her expectations are high and also are her friends expecta

    tions. Her cell phone rings,

    she looks up towards her screen and it says that her friend Vi

    cky is already there. Vicky

    just used the check-in possibility. Of course Jolle hoped that

    she was the first to check-in

    to see by al her friends. Neverth