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/ RECLASSIFIED AND RELEASEGIBY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SOURCESNETNODSEXEMPTION3G2B NAZI WAR CRIMESDISCLOSUREACT DATE 2000 2000 This is a fascinating report, tying Tilda •1NYAS in with SCHEIDLER, GRIMMS, HOETTL, FOELDES—PAPP and an alleged HIS agent named SERENYI who now is supposedly Arrow Cross. Do you know. JosSef SOLTRA? The case was started by Ma when a French i/o left a page ''of notes on his desk mentioning these personalities and misspelling ,most of them. John MEYER - is very interested. csf --c R sr WA; biscossa Win+ I sves-ri p rio ") Be co ori Nonra, 3y Lic 12A4A1 \Naki oBONe PNN:

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Page 1: RECLASSIFIED AND RELEASEGIBY CENTRAL … WILHELM VOL… · reclassified and releasegiby central intelligence agency sourcesnetnodsexemption3g2b nazi war crimesdisclosureact date 2000






This is a fascinating report, tying


HOETTL, FOELDES—PAPP and an alleged

HIS agent named SERENYI who now is

supposedly Arrow Cross. Do you know.


The case was started by Ma when a

French i/o left a page ''of notes on hisdesk mentioning these personalities and

misspelling ,most of them. John MEYER -

is very interested.


--c Rsr WA; biscossa Win+I sves-riprio ") Be co ori Nonra, 3y Lic





Page 2: RECLASSIFIED AND RELEASEGIBY CENTRAL … WILHELM VOL… · reclassified and releasegiby central intelligence agency sourcesnetnodsexemption3g2b nazi war crimesdisclosureact date 2000

."1"7? . E-

BANYAS, TildaAlleged RIS Personality in SalibuTg



ttriT.1751113'.:r a . S-- 1 4 )5 p t /7.1



I To determine whether or not SUBJECT is in contact •with one Lieutenant SABO (or SZABO) of the AVH throughone!Mrs, (mu) IRIS; to determine the identity of oneKarl SEIFERT or SCHIFFER, slab a 'Herbert" and a "Heinz-,all i of whom are alleged associate of krs. IRIS, and todetermine the identity of one (Mt) SERENYI, an allegedcourier between SUBJECT and-pB0 (SZABO),


: Disposition FOTM, G2. USFA, tfated 2 October 1951,(Ref, No, 0I 11452/51), Subject: "IANYAS' Tilde", transmittedvia Comment 2, Headquarters 430th CIC Detachment, dated8 October 1951, (Opns. Case No. 2.E".,18), which makes refer-ence to an attached informal revert dated April 1951,wheein . is Contained iriZormation to the effect thatSUBjECT had worked with (inn) URBIN for the Americaneand had allegedly eeid that she discontinued givinginfOrmation to URBAN for personal reasons. - When ques-tioned, he finally admitted to s ec working for e Lieztenerit(fin) SABO of the Ministry of Interior in Budapest, anemplloyee of the AVH. This ileo:Ueiant frequently travelsta Salzburg, where he meets SUEjE(T at the home of acertain Mrs. (fnu) IRIS, Who Maintains - a dressmakingestabflehment and whz io , the wife .of Earl SEIFERT orSCHIF tFER a German in the employ Gf URBAN, Sometimes,,.one ,tfnu, SERENYI is id se a ciLrier betheeth . SUBJECT .and SABO. Another cour,er is' a c(rtain "Herbert" who

, patronizes the Salon osfled by Mrs. IRIS Other asocciatcs,of IRIS are a certain -Joins" and a Ikrt.URBAN," InInnsbruck, SUBJECT moirtaine :ont:Aot with Dr, (fiwiRADAUY, who alo i, UT'AN. The DiEredsita_,Form states-that URBAN, mentioned ubove: iP undoubtedlyiden'tical with 4o P ef-Adel f URBAN, born J January 1897,a former Abwehr persofletity, neo—Host and peddler offalse information and tOst SUBjECY is Known to have been'his Mistress. flee, ac:ordinz to the Disposition Form •

- (fnup SBREN11, mentioned above, c.h/1d be identical withIstan SERENYT, Salzburg, Rushor6g; 22.




.4.1TI107:DAS 1): . KELLY, S i it ' --- ,cr., , . i ,c, ..,.,.:. ,,,.... S ir .. , I - c 3S , F 61. -' (-K-t r i" #

2 /51 eU41-1M liginpw)criN1


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4211-01 Ca ..; Sub-De- "A" ;Sal

20 Febrdary 1952BANYAS, Tilde

, Alleged HIS.Personality in Salzburg CIC Salzburg •Ref_ No. 3-11495 TDK/mb


1- SUBJECT is not known to Informants 3702, 3726-T,3764 and .3777-T or their eub-Seuroes, all of Whom con-cern themselves with Hungar1an'per3onalitiee•in theSalzburg area, (B-2)

On 23 November 19519 the tiles of IRO, LehenerSalzburg, contained .io . iniormatiOn. esncernimu


2: •-Kaaerne,SUBJECT_

3, It was c,stshlis10.:3ctober 1951 that thothe "Irie" Shop, Salzbur-apparel chop, is owEed athe wife of Arthur SCREEWith operates an auto paraddrees: •

tied througi'liarions sources on,."Wiener ADdelle" also known as

g, Franz -J)eefskai 9,, g women's .ad operate oy one "Iris" SCHEIDLER,DLER a fo-mer Abwehr persc;iality,'oe import :arm at tht same

4. to -A,,f:ormation -lade available by the, Sslzburg Po2J-ce on. 5 Ncvembel SUJJECT is not re-gistered as resiCting in 3.a.lzbnrg, Also, Josef AdolfTffiJJMJ.bri 8 Jar:var y ] ,4 17 net -e6 itstered j.11 Salziyorg.In WHETBLER nee J6UI.Th :orn 14 iovember 191;Vienna, whoj'eparntee,r. inakitg ostablishme:ot atFranz r-,e,efskai 9 ; re-:].(4)e-nt SelzHnrg, Eleheorasse 12Arthur SCHEIDLER, Iris liaTbsnd, e:so resides at-Eich-°tress@ 12. A complete List of el.. ricoupents'residi;le .at Seazburg, Kuehberggas3e 22 faillid to C.selose that oneIstvan SEREN1rI is resid7ig at that address,- Thmlist did. not disclose e?1 ,3 Aktez SZ.1B0 . 4Ent's -N6te.See Far. 7 and 2“e the ,:'s- to be :'osiciing737-177077m:.-6-•geese 22, The files do iieclose one Jozsef •SOLTRG,a Journalist, born 1 jarrlary . 1911 ngs,rw'rs Noee ProbablyJozsef SOLTRA) as repi 'hug at Kush1ergdEFFF-27-(asNote- See Par, 7 and T'f.1 Check), Police in-format-ErNT:Ther disclosed that cc,,) Istvan HERENYI o ':',rn 13 D:'OCA-tor . 1917, Trenosenliz, Thimania, arrived in Salzi:ur.;aurtng 1949, has rooidej,ai DP Camp Parch since 23November 195e. SERENt: li:?1,51 n5 an electrical tech-nician_" (!'s Note': Arthix.and 1rte SCHEIBLER ion-.tiont above are F,71-7,7. 5 br; i 1/44" - nti:'.41 with Karl'SEIFERT.or SCHIFFER and jnu) IRIS 'mentioned iPreference Disposition P- c:.'ha,) (B*3)

Page 4: RECLASSIFIED AND RELEASEGIBY CENTRAL … WILHELM VOL… · reclassified and releasegiby central intelligence agency sourcesnetnodsexemption3g2b nazi war crimesdisclosureact date 2000

DANYAS, TildeAlleged HIS Pereonality In Salzburg

:!(:) Febrdary 1"952

CIC SalzburgRef: No. 5-11495 TDK/mb

.5. A telephone abd letter intercept Of the-addresoand telephone . of Inci SCHEIDLER wee conducted for aPeriod of sixty days during - November and December 195...and January 1952, Thls These of the inveetigation failedto.dica:lose any information that SCHEIDLER is connected'with SUBJECT; Lieutenant SZABO (SABO), URBAN, SERENYI,or RADANT Also, there was nothing established betweenSCHEIDLER ' and a "Heinz" or a "Herbert"- The interceptsdid confirm other information, previouoly obtained,that Arthur and Iris SCBEIDLER are engaged in the sale ofWomen's apparel and the import of toys and,auto partsInto Austria.

6 'rho following information concerning Arthur and •IriS SCHEIDLER, owners of the "Wieaer Modelle", Salzburg,Franz J000fekai 9, wao obtained from Informant 3791-T(Evaluation's '33"), who has known the family since 1945:

TInformation: 3)

trite , scHEIDIER, divorced PRAXMARER nee JOOKL,married har present husband; Arthur SCREIDLER duringWorld War II, while ho w.1 an adjutant to GeneraIKALTENBRUNNER, Chief of the German SD for Auttria. Herformer 'husband, (fnu) PRAXMARER, was a well-known'physician in Vienna and a member ce the MAP. ArthurSCUT:IDLER was taken prisoner et-,th) end of World warII and held at Nuernburg. Germany =11 some time in.1.94& Ho was a witness at the Nazis War Crimes Arials,While Iris SCHEIDLER livcd at Alt quesee, she became

I acquainted with and gave information concerning Nazi Partymembers to several CIO perbonalitias. 'Iris moved toSalzburg, Haunepergstraoae 54 and )terated a the 'OH Hotel .„ The,indigenoue mtilager of thie USOfficor'e billets was one •"Heinz" 4RIM46, a brother of

'Wilhelm "Willie- GRIMMG, a Communiat jonmalia: in.Salz-burg, GRIM was known t) have been an :in-


telligenoe gatherer for the Commun:st Party and aCcording k

to what Iris SCHEIDLER told Informint, he also furnishedinformation to one Mn (fnu) MELLWJ, 430th . CIC. The go-between in the GRIM-MELLON compl)x was Iris eiCHEIDLER,Informant doeS not know how Irs. bacame ac:illainted withWillie° GRIMMS except perhaps thr)gh hi ProtJer, .'Heinz" GRIMMS, with whoa eh'.) work)d et the OR and with .

-Whom she wee on very intimae term), "Heinz" GRIMMS losthis jcb at the OH i n 1948 or 1949, when he was sentenced


/e/T430th CIC Sub-

,C.Dot "A" ( Selz) ,

,:--01" •,...oteceata fit. --S'a6ter-c-t,e-e-e-:-/

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BANYAS; TildeAlleged HIS Personality inSalzburg 'CIC Salzburg

Ref. No. 8-11495" TDIC./mh

by an Austrian Court to serve two years ic prison forblackmarket activities end forgery. After his release.(date unknown), Informort 'Learned durin'es a casual ccn-Atersation with Iris thut "Heinz" CRIMMS was employed *uy


IR°, Salzburg and that he is.agair. involved in sometype of. illegal activites, Informant doce not believethirt,IriS 12 in open ro':_atione with "Heinz" GRIMM, be-

_ oatilee • of the feat'that her husbane might become aware ofher . activities while hc wile a War Crimes prisoner_Whenever the subject ot the GRIMW: •brothers comes up,:Etta is usually more than anxiouento change the con-versation, Another per;:onality w_th whom the SWIMMERSare in :A pse contact ie "Herbert" (INU) and his wife,"Hilda". Nerbert"'is a formr S;; member, who was asubordinate of SOHEIDLE.:i during Wlrld War II. He is anAuStrian citizen and aoiut . 38 yes:-e old, Hilda, about35:years old, worked with Iris_at the CH Hotel and later.

.worked for iris when ricopefiTa--tie "Wiener Modelle"oniFranz . Jossfekai during 1950. 'Herbert" . and 'nude"•

• are not currently residing in Salzburg, He is employed

/, asia salesman for A tool and motor parts firm (nnme end

, lcoaticn unknown)'. AnoLher oereclality.wfth whom the• SCHEIDIERS were acci usiod is WilaoYM -Willie" . HOETTL..,

.8 i. eelident of Land Upper Auetria aho has been involvediniintelligenre activities fr the Americans. Until •1949 . or perhaps 1950 -the HOETTLS and the SCHEIDLERS_were °lode frieuis tnt according to Irie SCHEIDLER,the two families' hav e:: 1- p 1':n on the "oats" for abait tr20years. Ac::Crding to.Informant:'tne SOHEIDLEHS, in

to managing the Wisner ko ,.-Ialle, are engagedin! importing toye.anA noter part e into Austria. Informantcould not elaborate on this impozt Sueiness. (Age.r.t'sNote- Informant was gu.::stiohed cc-neerning other per-17711-lities mentioned fll rsferencv report and was not -able to give infmatim concern:mg any connection.between Iris SCHEIDIEil, and SUBJECT, URBAN, SEHEN7I,Liettenant SZABO -(SAS)), NANNY or NEMETH.)


-7, The followini anforMati tm concerninp IstvanSEHEITYI, born 13 DcOedsera917, 721e cubmitte 'S on 11February 1952 by Informant 3"02 :Evaluation: "B") who

• received the information from various refugees in the, Sltburg area: ;InformatiOh: 3)


THOMAS D. KELLY, S/A SIC /a ire-744 .4Cd:11 CIO Sub--W

• - :7 -1


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.:BANYAS, Tildt .;Alleged HIS Personality in Salzburg

20 February 1952.-

GIG Salzburg. Ref, No. S-13495 TDK/mb

,....TEOMAS D. KELLY, SiL (fTi

410t]1 CIC SuD-Det "Ag41/2.e,t

A /- !A.."

• . SERENYL a jcernaliet, C3Nr;) to Auetria during• ; 1949- 9 prior to which time he had °sea imprisoned fr) •

; Hungary for his jotirnalastic aotivities during World":War II, He was reloaeed and trained by KATPOL (Katona

, ' Politiksi Osztely - Militar y Politleal Department) and

) ,

7-sent to Western Austria on a mission. SERENYI, with! Karcly KARVALY,. aloe a KATPOL Agoot, turned theméelveei

\ in to the Western authorities upoo their arrival inL Austria, it is. not the general . 02inion among HungarianTIPe that SERENYI has had further iontact with the HIS.1On the contrary, SERENYI two join f '4 an extreme right-Wing organi gation c!;.nertating of f)rmer members of the .Iffungarian Ny•laskereezt (Arrow Crane Party), which lebperatirg in Auetria unler the- leilership 'of one j.urmerMingarian General, 74.pai RENNEY, ':? .ERENYI assumee 9 vary;active role in this organization And distributes thegrcap l s monthly bulletin, "Htdver)ck"c and other pro-,paganda pamphlets. He is also em23oyad by the US Army .pUblication, Etars and :tripre and operatse the paper'sdelivery rcutr)l-TE-SEt75irg, -SER3NYI resides at Salzburg.KueL'iorggaece 22, witn -one Jozse: SOLARA, an intelligehca

• opeistive for an unkncNn intalligince -group . Aleo re- .efoing at the same.a .:Idres and wh) is in close contactwith SERENYI and SOLTRA ie one Sander hAFICTI,'who uses'the Munich published nErvassper, Hurgaria, as a cover forMs intelligence activities and Tnie lkos SZABO, an

• intelligence operative naployed with one of the US;• intlligeres organizati_ine,. (AEent's Note) Sandor

HAHOTI hat been ander o -iservatIonly Itformant;3702 fora ..fc;reiderable iteriod e time, R”cent unconfirmed re-Ports have'mentioned warn , ' a uerscr who' is in nightlycontact with Ksroly FOE; 7,DES=PAPP, assietart cirief of theMagyar Iroda (Hungari go Office) in Salzburg: Informantdoe g inot know SOLTRA bat is aware- Of Akoe SZABOl s esti-vitiee....)

8, Acoordinc to the files at VP Camp Farsch and.BP Camp alascnbach, noa7 Salcburg. I stvan SERENYI, men-tioned above io no f; reg:;ctered at either caul:. (0-3)


-Other than refc! roni'e 1)1eposL.ion Form the filen of•this Sub-Detachment con-;ain o iri'ormation cor,cerninc;H.SUBJECT '

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BANYAS, TildeAlleged HIS Personality in. Salzburg

£'J ifi.,,-ary 1952

CIC.SalzburgRef. No, 8-11495 TDK/mb

- AGENT REPORT, OTC, Sun-Detaciu.:,nt "A", dated 26NOvember 1951, (Ref, No. S-11924)J Subjeeti "SZABOAkoez, Hungarian Refugee Residing in-Salzburg", mentionsSalzburg, Kuehberggasee 22 (stated in reference Dieposi-,.tion Form as the address of one - Intvan SERENYI) as theaddress of one Akoez SZABO, a Hungarian refugee in theSalzburg area, who is engaged . Inn Hungarien:reeistanCe.movement outside HUngary. .

•: 'ho files of this Sub-Detachment contain the names

of numerous personalities "SZAB0". none of which can be .identified as Lieutenant (fnu)2SZABO mentioned in refer-ence Dispoeition Form,

• 1 The files of this Sub-Detschnent contain the effect that one Istvan SERENYI. born 13 December1917 at Trencrenteplic, Rumania Mils re-sate or employ-ment.with.USFA on 29 August 1949; no a an given.According to his statement upona-)plication for employ-ment he was a-sport reporter and journalist since- 1941. HS


left Hungary during 1948 and was interrogated by CIC,Linz, who sent him back to Hungary onM mission duringJUly1 1948. 'He was arrested by th. 3 Hungarian Authoritiesduring February 1949 and a short while later was sentto the "West" with instructions. (Agent's Note': SERENYIdoes not elaborate on the above "instructione" but -rather States that he reperted .his activities to CICukon his arrival in Salzburg.) Acording to the files•EREN1I redided at DP Camp Glaeeneach, near Salzburg.

I `

' AGENT REPORT,. CIC, Sub-Detachment "A", dated 27 .July 1949, (Ref, No. 5-4929), Subject: "BAY Josef,Engineer, Radar Expert", mentions Istvan SERENYI, born 13'December 1917 in Trencin, CSR, as the sub-Source of in-formation concerningi a personality in Hungary desirous ofescaping to the West.

1 An undated letter from an unknown person to CIO,Salzburg discloeet that the wife of a former high rankingSD leader who worked with. General KALTENBRUNNER is re-siding in Austria and owns 100,000 dollars in banknotes,The anonymous author risk y CIO for a reward of 10 percent to be deposited in-Switzerland for his disclosure

4 Of the name, which he. would accomplieh if an agreement., . is reached. (Agent i e 'Note! Tae letter does not disclose.; - .



!1. 30th OIC Sub-Det "A" (Sas4, "4:711ni'A, A

. /del-at •Artle?,;/-

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BANYAS, lildaAlleged HIS Personality An Salaburg GIG Salzburg

Ref. No. S-11495 TDK/mb


letter, placed there by. an unidentified GIG personalitystates, that the woman - meationed atawe ie Frau (fnu)SCHEIBLER,. wife of(fnu) SCHEIDLER, KALTENBRUNNER's

the naMe; however, a pencil note a; the bottam of the

Adjutant. The letter indicates thut it may have beenwritten shortly- after World War II.)

Earoly KARVALY, born 28 March 1923 in Vberoesto,.Hungary, probably identical to perlonality mentionedabove,.; is mentioned as a posaible HIS Agent in-Austria.(AFenVe Note, KARVALY immigrated o South. America duringthe fall ot,l951.)-

Jsef SOLTRAa born 1 January 1911; Visnye, Hangary,probably identical tc'perecnality mentioned above, wasscreened by MIS during the period 24 to 28 October 1949as a Hungarian refugee. He was arrested by the Britiehfor lack of documente at FuratenfeLd with one VictorMCWOVAN, _during August 1950, while both were engaged inone specific rat-line operation from Rumania via Hungaryto Auatraa for CC..

Sander HAHOTI, born 22 April 1920, at Kapcsvar,Hungary, probably identical - to personality mentioned-above,i is mentioned in numerous reports an a Hungarianpersonality who claimed, upon his arrival in Austriaduring 1949, that he had at his disposal a subversiveorganization composed of seven thousand men placed at .strategic locatione in Hungary which could be used as an:Intelligence network, he attempted, without results, tosell hin plane to varioas US intelligence agencies,The files also contain infarmatior that HAHOTI has de-.

,briefed refugeea stating that he was employed with theHunaaria, published in Munich, -

General Arpa• hEENEY is mentioned . in the files of.thie Sub-Detachment as the leader of the HungarianNyilae in-Austria,

AGENT REPORT, CIC,,Suo-Detactmerit "C", dated 13January 1950, Ref., No. V-9710), Eubject:"PossibleFalse!Tnformation to oe Sold to Allied intelligenceAgenSieS", mentions ote Josef URB/J4-ae a =ember of agroup of persons olann:_ng tc draft b number of lengthyreports, containing faaoe information to be submitted as"smoke" to' Allied Intelligence Agrucies,

I_ •

THOMAS Ia, KELLY, S/A,CI,;430th CIC SubaDet,"A" (Salz &ter) .40

o.-16.eicy er

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BANYAS ) TildeAlleged HIS Personality in Salzburg


0'0 SalzbUrgRef. No: 5-11495 TDK/mh

, AGENT REPORT, CIO: bend Salzbt25 July 1945, (Ref. Case No. S-11-):REICHERT Kriminal Obereekretaer, KrSturmocharfuehrer", ment.ona one AiSS Obereturmfuehrer and an.Adjutant

rg Detachment, dated, Subjeett "Arthuripo and Allgemeine SS .thur SCHEIDLER as an (to General KALTENBRUNNER.

- AGENT REPORT, CIO, Upper Austria Section, dated 17April 1947, (Ref. Case No., BI/34331, Subject: "SCHEIDLERirie", contain° the reau:.te of an interrogation of IrisSCHEIDLER nee JOCKL, born 14 . Novom1 .er 1921 in,Viensa,concerning an allegation to the effect that she utilized.Atie funds of the Reichoo:, :zherheitemt for her personalilse and that several million Marks, frn-eign currency andgold, stored in Mrs. Scl-BIDLER'e apattment have nowdisappeared. The interrogation failed to show SCREIDLERinvolved in the above. • alIegation, • Also, in she reportit le brought out that Trio SCHEIDLER'ie an acquaintanceof Willie - HOETTL, probably identical to Wilhelm NOETTLmentioned above, .

Numerous other reports thia . Sub-Detachment mentionArthur SCREIDLER, husband of Trio 3CREIDLER„ as an SDleader, who was the Adjutant : of Geleral KALTENBRUNNER,head of th SD in Austria and the 3alkane,

The files of this Sub-Detachmint mention one Wolfgang,,GRIMMS, born 10 June 1914 in Vienns: a brother of Wilhelm'GRIMM, who is a KPOe member and as editor of the SalzbUrg,Tagblatt, Communist sponsored newspaper. The filesunenticn Wolfgang as a former employee of•.538th Ordnance'Tank. Maintenance Unit, and the Oesterreiehiecher Hof, 'who' served a jail sentence for blackmarketing of sugar,Wolfgang believed to be : identical with "Heinz" •GRIM mentioned : above, --

1 The files of this Sub-Detachment. eintain voluminousr information identifying Wilhelm GRIMMS, mentioned above,:ae . e K-20e member, a Salzburger Tagblatt editor, an.opportunist informant-Z-1 CIC, waThas been of considerable

: concern to this Sub-Detechment,

OD)-sa-12,) je";



' THOMAS - D, KELLY, Sik4-30th CIC SubA7Dst "A

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BANYAS, TildeAlleged HIS Personality in Salzburg

20,lobruary -I-

Cie SalzburgRef. Ho. 8.41495, TDK./mb

: Dr. Wilhelm HOETTL io mentioned in numerous reportsthis Sub-Detachment as a pereonality residing in LandUpper Austria, who ie involved in extensive intelligenceactivities for almoot anyone who is willing to purchasehie findings.

Monthly Situation Report, 1 August to 31 August1550, from CIO, Sub=Detachment:"P to AC of S, 02, USFA,dated '31 August 1950, mantione one Josef URBAN, a formerObersturmbsnnfueher, as one of the best workers of Dr,Adolf SLAVIK, a leading figure in the Auatrian NationalLeague,

, AGENT REPORT, CIC, Sub-Detachment "0", dated 3 Octo-ber 1949, (Ref. SOI-V-8116), Subject: "Organization forFalse 'Information-, mentions one joszi URBAN as the Chiefsource of false information for a groujo of individualsengaged in supplying 'false information concerning KPOsand the Soviets to whomaver will buy the information.URBAN is employed' with a US intelligence Agency in

-EUCOM'according to the report.

, Josef URBAN, horn 7 October J901, .a German National,last known address. Vienna, was dropped as an , Informantby US Intelligence Agencies in tha US Zorn of Germanyand Austria on 1 April 1950 for ineptitude.

Disposition Fork, 02 Oprip, dated 20 September 1950,. Subject: "Milos SWOBODA", mentionn one . Josef Adolf.URBAN (many aliaaee - none given) as. an Intelligencepersonality in Jontact with one Mf.los SWOBODA, who hasfurniehed information to numerous intelligence Agenciesecid who has been in contact with Wilhelm HDETTL.

Rarely FOELDES-PAPP is mentioned in the files ofthie Sub-Detachmeht as the assistant Chief of theMagyar Iroda (Hungarian Office) in Salzburg and who,:prior to obtaining the above position, wrote two com-promising letters to Hungary and who had Certain papersbrought from Hungary through Italian Diplomatic Channels'.He was a protestant church leader in Hungary prior to hisceming to Austria during 1951:

THOMA :S D. KELLY, S/A Old430th CIC Sub-Det . "A" (Salz) '17'464/ 411:4-41

-lead/ -Iftee-Ü4

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BANYAS, TildsAllegedHIS Personality in Salzburg CIO Salzbarg

Ref. No. 5-11495 TDK/mb■


Up to this:, time, tit Undersigned has not been able■to, locate SUBJECT without questioning the SCHEIDLERSother personalities who may be involved, Informant3 •791-T has been instructed to keep in contact with JrisSCNEIDLER to identify, if possible, other peraonalitioementioned in reference Diepoeition Form and to obtain anyother information which may "ahed" light on the allegedHIS activities, Alec an attempt to definitely locate

) Istvan SERBNYT and establish the extent of his activitiesfo'r future questioning le In progress. . It has not asyet been•fully established whether or not IetveneSERENTI,mentioned above, is identical with , (fnu) SERENTI referredto, in reference Diepoeitien Form, The investigation of

• the activities alleged in reference report is continuing,and it is hoped all Persons can be identified withoutdirectly questioning anyone concerned until the propertlme, • ,


It would app ear from the report attached. to referenceDisposition Form and from inveetigaticn so far concluded,that ,the Source of the informatior- was rot-too or he could have better identified Nra, Irie",the wife of "Karl SEIFEET or SCHIIFER". Also, the abovereport is dated April 1951 and it is poseible that theSoUree may have developed er learred further information,therefore, it is recommended that either the Source be

I reconiactecitofurnioh more information or that he be madeaVailtible to the Agent charged With cenducting the in-vestigation,.

Alec, reference Dinposition Form states that URBAN,mentioned in attached report, le ■Ildoubtedly identicalwith Josef Adolf URBAN, born 8 Jenuery 1897, forvarAbwebx personality, nee)-Nazi and peddler of falseinformation. SUBJECT is known to have been hie mistress.From the above atatemenes, it woued appear that the officeof origin of reference Disposition Form is in possession


THCMAS D. KELLY, S/A CIC /t2/44*30th CIO Sub-Dot "A" (Selz)

■ ---41dgePe , cxist#4---

Page 12: RECLASSIFIED AND RELEASEGIBY CENTRAL … WILHELM VOL… · reclassified and releasegiby central intelligence agency sourcesnetnodsexemption3g2b nazi war crimesdisclosureact date 2000

BANYAS, Tilde:Alleged HIS Personality an Selzburu CIC Salzburg

Ref. No. 3-11495 TAK/mb

of! information concern:H .1z SUBJECT mid URBAN that is notin the files of this Sub-Detachme Thereforo, it isrecommended that informadon which may be known concerningSUBJECT and URBAN be forwarded to nesist in further in-vestigation,.


JAMES E, MILLER DISTRIBUTION:•Major, MPC i - Hq 430th CIC,Commanding • 1 - CIC Sub-Dot "B"

1 - CIC Sub-Dot "C"2 - Inf Control 0 (Sala)2 - Files



taomAa At KELLY, SiA QIC, ■C4' I 49 /1.:Ca

430th GIG sut-Det "A" (Sal4) 2?Alati.„4