recorded - reconstruction

Reconstruct ion 1865 - 1877

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Post on 16-Nov-2014




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  • 1. Reconstruction 1865 - 1877

2. Civil War Caused by Sectional Differences NorthSouthIndustryAgricultureNo SlaverySlaveryIncreasing power in Decreasing power ingovernmentgovernmentFederalismStates Rights 3. Reunification:A. Harsh B. Lenient 4. Who would direct theprocess of Reconstruction?I. The PresidentII. CongressIII. Southern States 5. I. PresidentialReconstruction 6. Proclamation of Amnesty andReconstruction 10% Plan 7. Andrew Johnson 8. 13 th Amendment Section 1: Neither slavery norinvoluntary servitude, except as apunishment for crime whereof theparty shall have been duly convicted,shall exist within the United States,or any place subject to theirjurisdiction. 9. II.CongressionalReconstructionHarsh 10. Freedmens Bureau 11. Military Reconstruction Act 12. 14 th Amendment Sect. 1: All persons born or naturalized in theUnited States, and subject to the jurisdictionthereof, are citizens of the United States and ofthe state wherein they reside. No State shallmake or enforce any law which shall abridge theprivileges or immunities of citizens of theUnited States; nor shall any State deprive anyperson of life, liberty, or property, without dueprocess of law; nor deny to any person within itsjurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. 13. Johnsons Impeachment Tenure of Office Act 14. Edwin M. Stanton 15. Impeachment 16. 15 th Amendment Sect. 1: The right of citizens ofthe United States to vote shallnot be denied or abridged bythe United States or by any Stateon account of race, color, orprevious condition of servitude. 17. III.Southern StatesReconstruction 18. Black Codes 19. Restricted Working Conditions 20. Sharecropping 21. Restricted Voting Rights Literacy Tests Lengthy Residence Requirements Poll Tax Grandfather Clause 22. Restricted Social Interactions -Jim Crow Laws 23. Ku Klux Klan 24. We regard theReconstruction Acts(so called) of Congressas usurpations, andunconstitutional, revolutionary, and void. Democratic Platform This is a White Mans Government.-Thomas Nast, 1868 25. The End ofReconstruction 26. Grantism corruption 27. Colored Rule in a Reconstructed State (1874) 28. Election of 1876 and Compromise of 1877Democrat: Samuel J. Tilden Republican: Rutherford B.Hayes 29. Reconstruction 1865 - 1877