red line book festival 2013 programme

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South Dublin Libraries are delighted to announce our full programme of events for The Red Line Book Festival 2013 October 15th-20th. There are over 40 events taking place across South Dublin County. More information at Follow us on Twitter: @SDCCLibraries Follow us on Facebook: South Dublin Libraries


Page 1: Red Line Book Festival 2013 Programme

Brought to you by South Dublin Libraries

Colm Tóibín • Fintan O’Toole • Deirdre Purcell

Dermot Bolger • Mary Kenny • Alex Barclay

Fionn Davenport • Arlene Hunt • Catherine Dunne

Harry Clifton • Peter Sheridan & many more

Page 2: Red Line Book Festival 2013 Programme

Mayor WelcoMeMar Mhéara Chontae Átha Cliath Theas, is mór an onóir dom fáiltie a chuir romhaibh chuig an dara Féile Leabhar an Líne Dhearg. Tar éis an chéad Féile – a raibh an-rathúil ar fad – is rud iontach é go bhfuil sé eagraithe arís anseo i dTamhlacht.

As Mayor of South Dublin County I am delighted to welcome you to the Second Red Line Book Festival. The success of the inaugural Festival in 2012 has led to the renewal of this wonderful series of events based around our County Town of Tallaght. I would like to pay tribute to South Dublin Libraries and the many organisations and individuals both locally and nationally who have helped to make this festival happen.

All involved with South Dublin County Council – Councillors, management, staff and indeed those living in the County – are hugely proud of our award-winning Library Services who have organised the Red Line Book Festival. The growth in the numbers using our libraries and in accessing services as diverse as local studies, Internet access, children’s books and language learning shows just how progressive our library staff have been in a time of great flux.

The forward-looking perspective of our Libraries team is further evidenced in the wide range of events in this Festival, from the TEDxTallaght Atelier of Ideas to discussions on graphic novels, and from the poetry competition to the focus on crime writing by leading female Irish authors.

As a local Councillor and primary school teacher I have seen at close hand the development of Tallaght as an artistic hub in recent years. Along with the physical presence of the Civic Theatre, Rua Red and the County Library, there has been a sustained dual focus on bringing art to the local community and channelling art from it. This has been spearheaded by South Dublin County Council, community organisations and, most importantly, by local artists themselves.

In this Festival, local writers are further supported in their craft through the series of workshops and networking opportunities with fellow writers and industry experts. They will join with us ‘mere’ readers in listening to poets, authors, commentators and journalists across the festival. A particular highlight is the ever-popular Readers’ Day with such notables as Colm Tóibín, Deirdre Purcell, Harry Clifton, Mary Kenny, Fintan O’Toole and the ever-present Dermot Bolger.

Above all else, this Red Line Book Festival gives us an opportunity to celebrate the humble book. Challenged as it is by new technologies and the pressures of modern life, it is worth our while to take this time to appreciate the book itself; which, in the words of American author Madeleine L’Engle, “can be a star, a living fire to lighten the darkness, leading out into the expanding universe.”

All that said, I have always preferred the more succinct Dr Seuss; “Be awesome – be a book nut!”

Page 3: Red Line Book Festival 2013 Programme

Booking inforMationTickets may sell out quickly so book early to avoid disappointment

Book all events online at (no booking fee)

Book at the festival venues:

Civic Theatre, Tallaght 01 462 7477 [email protected]

Institute of Technology, Tallaght 01 404 2203 [email protected]

RUA RED, Tallaght 01 451 5860 [email protected]

Ballyroan Library, Orchardstown Avenue, Rathfarnham 01 494 1900

Castletymon Library, Tymon Road North, Tallaght 01 452 4888

Clondalkin Library, Monastery Road, Clondalkin 01 459 3315

County Library, Library Square, Tallaght 01 462 0073

Lucan Library, Superquinn SC, Newcastle Road, Lucan 01 621 6422

Palmerston Library at Stewarts, Mill Lane, Palmerston 01 651 8129

Whitechurch Library, Taylor’s Lane, Ballyboden, Dublin 16 01 493 0199

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HoW to get to tHe festival




























The SquareShopping Centre


Vehicle Entrance

ExitPedestrian Entrance


Luas Stop

ToNaas Road





Tallaght BypassM50/Templeogue



Car Park





IT Tallaght

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arise anD go!Poetry & Music WitH stePHen JaMes sMitH anD enDa reilly1.00pm – 1.45pm Tallaght Hospital Atrium

All Welcome

Arise and Go! is a groundbreaking collaboration by poet Stephen James Smith and folk musician Enda Reilly. This engaging performance explores Irishness through re-interpreting the poetry of Padraic MacPiaras, Patrick Kavanagh, W.B. Yeats and Luke Kelly, who all had unique views of what it is to be Irish. A wonderful lunchtime treat!

tHe cHarisMatic eDge: tHe art of coMPelling coMMunicationWitH oWen fitzPatrick1.00pm – 1.50pm Loose End Studio, Civic TheatreBooking at Civic Theatre Box Office: Tel 01 462 7477; [email protected]

Admission €5

Psychologist, co-founder of the Irish Institute of NLP, author of the bestseller Not Enough Hours, Owen Fitzpatrick shares the keys to becoming a confident and captivating speaker. If you are looking to get a promotion, become a better leader, master public speaking or build your business, you can dramatically improve how you impact others by following Owen’s advice.

JoHn McgaHern: His tiMe anD His Places6.30pm – 7.30pm Institute of Technology TallaghtBooking @ 01 404 2203; [email protected]

Admission Free

This is a special evening for book clubs and readers of John McGahern’s work who will have the opportunity to converse with Dr Eamon Maher, expert on McGahern and author of The Church and its Spire’: John McGahern and the Catholic Question and John McGahern: From the Local to the Universal.

The event will also include the opening of Still, a photographic exhibition by Paul Butler, which beautifully visualises passages from the writings of McGahern and evocates his time and places.

In association with IT Tallaght

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PuBlisHing: tHe insiDe track8.00pm Main Auditorium, Civic TheatreBooking at Civic Theatre Box Office: Tel 01 462 7477; [email protected]

Admission: €8 (€6 concessions)

Don’t miss this lively debate on getting published chaired by Ciaran Carty. The panel for the evening are Anthony Farrell of The Lilliput Press, literary agent Faith O’Grady and writers Kevin Power (author of Bad Day in Blackrock, the novel that became the film What Richard Did), Mike McCormack (author of prize-winning collection Getting it in the Head and one of Ireland’s leading short-story writers), and Elske Rahill, whose first novel Between Dog and Wolf is coming out in October.

The panel will discuss their experiences of writing and the process of getting published. A fantastic evening, not to be missed!

In association with

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a fit & faBulous neW you!WitH karl Henry1.00pm - 1.50pm Loose End Studio, Civic TheatreBooking at Civic Theatre Box Office:Tel 01 462 7477; [email protected]

Admission: €5

Join Karl for an energising lunchtime talk that will add impetus to your existing fitness programme or help you get started on the path to improved health and fitness. Karl has been the fitness expert on Operation Transformation on RTE 1 since the show started 7 years ago as well as a regular contributor to Irish newspapers and the major radio programmes. Karl’s latest book Bums, Tums and Bingo Wings was published this year.

a reaDing By sue Hassett froM acquittance 1231:15pm - 2:00pm Studio 3, 2nd Floor RUA REDBooking @ 01 451 5860; [email protected]

Admission Free

Sue Hassett is a writer and socially engaged artist and activist based in one of Rua Red’s incubator studios.

Her current work in progress, Acquittances 123, is a fictionalised memoir based on her experiences growing up in a mixed Irish and British family in Cork and west Cork in the 1960s and ‘70s. Sue is nearing completion of this work and invites ten people to join her for a reading and conversation about the work of writing.

tHe irisH quest for alPine PeaksWitH frank nugent6.30pm County Library TallaghtBooking @ 01 462 0073; [email protected]

Admission Free

No goggles or glacier glasses, no hi-tech axes or day-glo Gore-Tex adorned Alpinists of the mid-nineteenth century. From the 1850s to the early twentieth century, the achievements of Irish mountaineers are largely obscured in British historical accounts. As per his new book, Frank Nugent, mountaineer-explorer, will talk about the significant Irish contribution to Alpine Mountaineering. An experienced Alpinist, Frank has participated in expeditions to the Himalaya, Greenland and Iceland and he was Deputy Leader of the first and successful Irish Everest Expedition (1993).

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everest calling: tHe irisH JourneyWitH lorna siggins anD DerMot soMers7.00pm Ballyroan Library, RathfarnhamBooking @ 01 494 1900; [email protected]

Admission Free

Meet journalist Lorna Siggins and writer Dermot Somers, climber and member of the 1993 Irish Everest Expedition, to discover the incredible adventure of the first Irish team who reached Everest, the world’s highest mountain. The team’s bid for the summit has captured the public imagination and is now documented in Everest calling; The Irish Journey, Siggins’ new book.

Put on tHe kettle: irelanD’s love affair WitH teaWitH Juanita BroWne7.00pm Clondalkin LibraryBooking @ 01 459 3315; [email protected]

Admission Free

How do you take your tea? Tea leaves or teabag? Milk or sugar, weak or strong? Mug or fine bone china? Tea fanatic Juanita Browne investigates in her book our tea habits and the rules, the warmth, the comfort and the craic in every brew across Ireland. Join Juanita for a cup of tea in what is going to be a very relaxing and entertaining evening.

rHytHM anD slaM: Poetry anD PerforManceBy Migrant Writers anD PerforMing artists irelanD6.00pm, RUA RED Booking @ 01 451 5860; [email protected]

Admission Free

Enjoy a multicultural evening of poetry readings by the Migrant Writers and Performing Artists with an interlude of classical music and a performance by a scintillating Georgian dance group. The evening will feature work by Dr. Theophilus Ejorh, Dr. Kate Antosik Parsons, Nita Mishra, Ziad Salih, Kunle Animashaun, Usha Maharani and Nicy Kasa.

In association with the Arts Office, South Dublin County Council

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tHree Men talking aBout tHings tHey kinDa knoW aBout8.00pm Main Auditorium, Civic TheatreBooking at Civic Theatre Box Office Tel 01 462 7477; [email protected]

Admission: €12/€10 concessions

Ireland’s leading performance poets take you on an emotional journey about what it really means to be man. With Stephen James Smith, Colm Keegan & Kalle Ryan.

Venturing where few men have gone before they talk life, love, family and feelings in a show about universal truths, the things that make us human and the things that mess us up. Contains some strong language.

In association with Poetry Ireland

queen of floWers anD PearlsWitH gaBriella gHerManDi8.15pm, RUA RED Booking @ 01 451 5860; [email protected]

Admission Free

South Dublin Libraries are delighted to host the Irish premiere of this multicultural event.

Queen of Flowers and Pearls follows the life and vicissitudes of an Ethiopian family in Italy. Gabriella’s performance covers a vast temporal arc that begins with the Italian invasion of Ethiopia in 1935 and ends in 2000.

Gabriella Ghermandi, an Italo-Ethiopian is juror of the prestigious 2014 Neustadt International Prize for Literature.

In association with the African Cultural Project

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17October cHeck-out Poetry WitH colM keegan

1.00pm, Superquinn, Lucan All Welcome

Join us at Superquinn for a little poetry pick and mix and listen to Colm Keegan reading his poems at this lunchtime event. ‘Colm Keegan’s poetry is a soulful yet visceral evocation of what it is to live in Dublin’ (Dermot Bolger)

overcoMing Bullying WitH JoHn sHarry1.00pm – 1.50pm, Loose End Studio, Civic Theatre TallaghtBooking at Civic Theatre Box Office: Tel 01 462 7477; [email protected]

Admission €5

Bullying is one of the most common childhood problems that can lead to great misery and upset for children and teenagers. Drawing on a positive model on how children learn to get on with one another at home and at school, in this talk Dr. John Sharry will show parents how to get in early to prevent bullying and to help children resolve disputes. The talk will also focus on understanding the signs and patterns of bullying behaviour and how you can constructively respond if you feel your child is being bullied. A bestselling author of positive psychology and parenting books, John is also a regular contributor to radio and the national media, and is a weekly contributor to the Irish Times, writing on the subject of parenting and family life.

reD line Poetry coMPetition Prize-giving cereMony & reaDingsWitH sPecial guest alan JuDe Moore6.00pm, RUA RED Café

All Welcome

The competition winners of our first poetry competition will be announced and invited to read their poems. The event will include a reading by special guest, competition judge Alan Jude Moore. Widely published in Ireland and abroad, Alan has read at venues around the world. His new poetry collection, Zinger, will be published later this year.

against tHe Black sky, We listenWitH MicHael J. WHelan7.30pm, RUA REDBooking @ 01 451 5860; [email protected]

Admission Free

In this moving reading writer Michael J. Whelan brings to life poems from his collection inspired by peacekeeping experiences in Lebanon and Kosovo. Michael is a soldier-poet, historian and United Nations veteran.

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teDxtallagHt: tHe atelier of iDeas7.00pm, Main Auditorium, Civic TheatreBooking at Civic Theatre Box Office: Tel 01 462 7477; [email protected]

Admission €12/€10 concession

South Dublin Libraries are delighted to announce the 4th

annual TEDxTallaght, our TED (Technology, Entertainment &

Design) event showcasing the best of Irish and international

thinkers and innovators. Topics covered include Mindfulness,

Technology & Cancer Research, Social Media, Habits of

High Achievers, Creativity and Information, Women and

Technology, Re-wilding Yourself, Health & Technology. It will

be a truly inspirational evening. Follow the event on Twitter:


The speakers are: Michael Bhaskar (UK), Orlaith Carmody (Irl), Gary Thompson (US) Gerry Duffy (Irl), Rick Gannotta (US), Niall Harbison (Irl), Liam Ryan (Irl), Jane Ruffino (US/Irl) and Tara Wood (Kenya).

The event will be hosted by Social Media guru Darragh Doyle and Mentalist Shane Gillen.

For more information on the speakers see


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Break a leg, a one-Man-sHoW WitH Peter sHeriDan7.00pm, Penny Black Pub, Castletymon

Admission Free

Come along to this wonderful show from acclaimed playwright and director Peter Sheridan based on his memoir, Break A Leg, which tells the story of his life in the theatre, and touches on so much more delving deeply into Sheridan’s life, as well as the wider culture and politics of Dublin in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Sheridan’s story is in gutsy fresh prose that captures your attention from the first moment he speaks.

Meet WitH tHe autHor: catHerine Dunne7.00pm, Lucan LibraryBooking @ 01 621 6422; [email protected]

Admission Free

Join best-selling author Catherine Dunne to discuss her work. Like all good novels, Catherine’s latest book The Things We Know Now is about many things – love, loss, guilt, parenthood, adolescence – but the real beating heart of the story is a family in crisis.

criMe Writing WorksHoPWitH louise PHilliPs6.30pm – 8.30pm, County Library TallaghtBooking @ 01 462 0073; [email protected]

Admission Free

Best-selling author Louise Phillips takes participants through all the essential elements of crime writing from developing plot and characters, getting to grips with dialogues and making your story visual. Louise’s debut crime novel, Red Ribbons, was published in 2012 and nominated for Best Irish Crime Novel of the Year. Her latest book, The Doll’s House, was published this year to great acclaim.

Places limited; book early to avoid disappointment!

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HoMe anD aBroaD: HoliDays on a BuDgetWitH Julianne Mooney anD fionn DavenPort1.00pm – 1.50pm, Loose End Studio, Civic TheatreBooking at Civic Theatre Box Office: Tel 01 462 7477; [email protected]

Admission €5

Escaping for a holiday is often foremost in people’s minds, but how do you decide where to go and what to do? Join travel experts Fionn Davenport (Lonely Planet Guides, Newstalk and RTÉ) and Julianne Mooney (TV3 Travel, Time Out Guide to Ireland) to get inspiration for your next holiday … you are sure to walk away with some inspiring holiday ideas!

creative Writing WorksHoPWitH catHerine Dunne2.30pm, Ballyroan LibraryBooking @ 494 1900; [email protected]

Admission Free

Have you always wanted to write, but were never quite sure how to begin – or, once started, where to go to next? Or have you always loved language, and longed to express yourself better in poem or story?

If so, come along and join us for this informal writing session. We will look at exercises to unblock your creativity, examine how to build characters from scratch. We’ll see how eavesdropping on the bus is the perfect preparation for writing dialogue!

Places limited; book early to avoid disappointment!

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a WorksHoP WitH tHe Poetry Divas6.30pm, RUA REDBooking @ 01 451 5860; [email protected]

Admission €12/€8 concessions

Would you like to build up confidence in reading your poems aloud onstage? Are you looking for advice and tips on how to improve? This workshop with The Poetry Divas, who are well versed at reading their poetry aloud, is not about strictly performance poetry and or reciting poems; it’s about poetry in performance, for an audience.

Please bring along some poems which you would like to work on, or poems by another poet which you would like to perform.

Places limited, book early to avoid disappointment!

celeBrating tHe Work of seán keatinga talk By ÉiMear o’connor7.00pm, Ballyroan LibraryBooking @ 494 1900; [email protected] Admission Free

Join art expert Dr. Éimear O’Connor as she discusses renowned local artist, Seán Keating’s 70-year working life as an artist, art teacher, broadcaster, and public commentator. Based on extensive research and previously unavailable archival material, her book is the first-ever, full-scale work on the artist and offers a complete, thematically-based, well-balanced portrait.

get graPHic: stePHen Mooney, leeann HaMilton anD nick rocHe8.15pm, Loose End Studio, Civic Theatre TallaghtBooking at Civic Theatre Box Office: Tel 01 462 7477; [email protected] Admission €8

What qualities define a successful graphic novel? How do you go about creating one that really works? Join three leading Irish writers and artists Stephen Mooney Half Past Danger, Nick Roche Transformers and Leeann Hamilton Finn and Fish as they guide you through the creation and execution of a typical graphic novel.

Stephen, Nick and Leeann will have actual original artwork from various comic books and graphic novels on hand to display, and will answer any questions about working in this exciting field. An event not to be missed for graphic novel fans!

Page 15: Red Line Book Festival 2013 Programme

laDy killers: irelanD’s leaDing feMale criMe Writers8.00pm, Civic Theatre Tallaght, Main AuditoriumBooking at Civic Theatre Box Office: Tel 01 462 7477; [email protected]

Admission €12 / €10 concession

A killer evening not to be missed! Popular crime writers Alex Barclay, Arlene Hunt and Louise Phillips share their insights into creating a gripping thriller. Special guest Joanne Richardson, former County Coroner of Summit Colorado, brings an interesting element to the evening as she shares her experiences of this challenging role. Writer Susan Condon chairs this lively panel discussion.



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start Writing WorksHoPWitH vanessa o’lougHlin10.30am – 1.30pm, Lucan LibraryBooking 01-621 6422; [email protected]

Admission Free

Always wanted to write but don’t know where to start? Vanessa O’Loughlin is the Director of Inkwell Writers’ Workshops. She is PRO and Newsletter editor for Irish PEN and the founder of the Irish national writing resources website This three hour workshop will be an inspiration to those who have already begun the journey of writing and to those who feel they might have a story in them and want to get it out there. A truly motivating lady!

Places limited; book early to avoid disappointment!

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reaDers Day



Main Auditorium, Civic Theatre TallaghtPresented by the novelist and poet, Dermot Bolger – who has presented Reader’s Day since 2002 – this is an opportunity for the public to listen to and converse with a broad range of writers during a relaxed and intimate day of readings and public conversations.

This year’s Reader’s Day will take place in two sessions, Chapter One in the morning and Chapter Two in the afternoon. Each chapter is bookable separately.

reaDers Day: cHaPter one10.30amBooking at Civic Theatre Box Office: Tel 01 462 7477; [email protected]

Admission: €6

Chapter One of Readers Day will be an engaging and interactive morning of conversations and readings with Dermot Bolger, best-selling author Deirdre Purcell, acclaimed poet Harry Clifton and award-winning writer Colm Tóibín. This is the first time at Reader’s Day that Dermot becomes the interviewee rather than the interviewer, and we are sure it is an event our stalwart audience will not want to miss.

reaDers Day: cHaPter tWo2.30pmBooking at Civic Theatre Box Office: Tel 01 462 7477; [email protected]

Admission: €6

Chapter Two of Reader’s Day will see Dermot Bolger in conversation with Fintan O’Toole, one of Ireland’s leading political, social and cultural commentators and journalist Mary Kenny, who recalls with humour and charm her life experiences as told in her new memoir.

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tHe HuMan cHilDPresenteD By collaPsing Horse tHeatre coMPany5.00pm, Main Auditorium, Civic Theatre TallaghtBooking at Civic Theatre Box Office: Tel 01 462 7477; [email protected]

Admission €10 Adult/€5 Child

From Collapsing Horse, the creators of Monster/Clock, Human Child is a new play for children 8+ and their families. Lelia is a bold child. She doesn’t eat her dinner. She never goes to bed when she’s told. Her parents say she’ a worry. Her teacher says she’s a pain. She’s the kid who stands on the table, she’s the kid who won’t wash her hands, she’s the kid who has lots of friends but every one is in her head.

She’s the kid who hears a song that takes her on a wondrous journey to a place where she’s understood.

Come away, O human child!To the waters and the wildWith a faery, hand in hand.For the world’s more full of weeping than you can understand.

Inspired by changeling myths from Irish mythology and the poetry of WB Yeats, Human Child combines storytelling, with literature puppetry and live music to take us on a blazing adventure and back again.

“ executed with wit and skill...there’s no shortage of emotion, intricacy or craft in this beautifully-told story”

Irish Times

“enchanting, aesthetically beautiful and highly entertaining”Irish Theatre Magazine

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fringe events

great Book Bake off1 October 6.30pm County Library TallaghtPhone 01 462 0073 for more details

Baking has become increasingly popular and fashionable in the last few years, in no small part due to the increase in home entertaining. From this came the “Great British Bake Off” television series which in turn inspired the staff of County Library to organise the first “Great Tallaght Bake Off” in May of 2012. This proved to be a massive and tasty success with the public.

In October of 2013, as part of South Dublin Libraries Red Line Book Festival, County Library Tallaght will hold another “Great Book Bake Off”. Contestants must bake a cake, cupcake or cookie inspired by their favourite book!

In association with The Square Towncentre Tallaght

Writers grouPs . . . Writing togetHer12 October 10.00am – 4.30pmRUA RED Booking via Carolann Copland 086 192 3613

Admission €10

A unique opportunity for your writers’ group to get together and network for a day to…

• Gather together to network with other writers’ groups.• Participate in informal workshops.• Hear talks from other writers, authors and publishers.• Set further objectives for your own writers’ group. • Start an online Writers’ Group Forum to continue

networking with other groups.

tHink eMu ink! Monday 14th October County Library Tallaght at 7.30pmBooking @ 01-4620073; [email protected]

Admission Free

First-time published authors present and talk self-publishing – the professional route. MC’d by Emu Ink founder Emer Cleary, a selection of authors will present their newly published works ranging from crime novels, to a short story anthology, general fiction and autobiography. After readings the authors will talk about their experience of self-publishing through a professional company and take questions from the floor. If you have a story in you, this might be for you!

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still Institute of Technology, Tallaght

Photographic exhibition “Still” by Paul Butler will be on view in ITT Dublin library from October 2013 with the official launch on Tuesday 15th October at 6.30pm in the institute. The exhibition by Paul Butler visualizes passages from the writings of John McGahern and the evocation of time and place. This photographic exhibition revolves around the raw beauty and observations of a Leitrim countryside much loved by the writer.

All Welcome

tHe MytHical anD tHe MunDane: a cork PrintMakers touring exHiBition County Library Tallaght

The Mythical and the Mundane is an exhibition initiated by Cork Printmakers.Aoife Barrett, Conall Cary, Gary Dempsey, Valerie Gleeson, Debbie Godsell, Marcelle Hanselaar, Heike Helig Finn, Marianne Keating, Jo Kelley, Fiona Kelly, Paul La Rocque, Brian Lalor, Aoife Layton, Dermot McCarthy, Linda McConville, Monika Meler, Brid Moynahan, Antonia O’Mahony, Shane O’Driscoll , Sylvia Taylor and Scott Travis.

The Cork Printmakers invited artist members to develop a print work based on Ireland’s rich folklore tradition. Artists were encouraged to develop their own interpretation or depict the narrative of a story precisely.

The works submitted for selection to show in The Mythical and the Mundane are executed in a range of printmaking techniques and each artist has tackled the theme from their own individual experience and expression, resulting in an exhibition that is rich and varied.

All Welcome

t.J. Byrne: arcHitect Ballyroan Library

T.J. Byrne (1876-1939) played a significant part in the building of modern Ireland. As clerk and architect to the South Dublin Rural District Council, his innovative ideas led to considerable advances in the standard of local authority housing, and as Principle Architect at the Office of Public Works, he was responsible for the rebuilding of the major public buildings in Dublin city centre which had been destroyed between 1916 and 1922. His work still stands out today, 100 years later.Two of his most notable buildings are the Carnegie Libraries at Clondalkin and Whitechurch, fine but modest public buildings in the Arts and Crafts tradition. A wonderfully put together and thought provoking exhibition.

All Welcome


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Children’s & School’s Programme

yee HaW it’s sHoWtiMe! WitH gillian PerDueMonday 14th October Lucan Library: 10.00am and 11.15amClass Visit: Booking: 01 621 6422; [email protected]

Admission Free, Booking Essential

Dance, drama, fun and cowboy hats are all on offer in workshops facilitated by author Gillian Perdue. Gillian is a full-time children’s writer. She previously worked as a primary school teacher for over fifteen years and has always had a deep love for children’s books. 1st and 2nd class will love this event which will last for about 50 minutes.

Gillian will also visit a school with our Mobile Library Services librarian on Tuesday 15th. Booking at 01 4597834; [email protected]

soctastic MatH-o-Matix sHoW Ballyroan liBrary Monday 14th October at 9.45am, 11.00am and 12.15pmClass Visit: Booking: 01 494 1900; [email protected]

Admission Free, Booking Essential

This was a huge hit in our libraries last year and we couldn’t wait to have it back again. Little Big Top theatre group invite children into a sumptuous environment full of colour, shapes and fun! A mischievous Peg-a-saurours, an urgent shape hunt and a bubbly finale all add up to make this the most engaging maths lesson you will ever see.

Each show lasts for about 45 minutes and is most suitable for Junior and Senior Infants. Book in advance for a morning of fun and laughter and a brilliant learning experience.

aDMission free for all scHool events

*Refundable booking deposit required for Civic Theatre events.

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MaD granDaD anD otHer oDD tHingsMonday 14th October 10am and 11.15am Castletymon Library Class Visit: Booking: 01 452 4888

Admission Free, Booking Essential

Author and illustrator Oisin McGann needs little or no introduction. He has written and illustrated numerous titles including the Mad Grandad series and the Forbidden Files series for younger children and many novels for the older reader. Oisín visits our library in Castletymon to read one or two of his shorter books. Using an easel and display pages, Oisin will bring the pages of these books to life for 1st to 3rd class children.

tall talesTuesday 15th OctoberCivic Theatre, Tallaght - Loose End Studio at 10.30am Booking at Civic Theatre Box Office:Tel 01 4627477; [email protected]

Ballyroan Library at 12.15pmBooking: 01 494 1900; [email protected]

Lucan Library at 3.15pmBooking: 01 621 6422; [email protected]

Admission Free, Booking Essential

This lively session with storyteller Patrick Ryan is something we are really looking forward to. Patrick Ryan has a wealth of experience in storytelling, having told at festivals worldwide. Patrick has worked as a teacher and professional storyteller for over thirty years. He regularly tours Britain, Europe and the US performing, lecturing and conducting a variety of workshops.

This event is suitable for 2nd to 5th class.

Picture tHat! Wednesday 16th OctoberBallyroan Library 10.00am - 11.00am 2nd to 4th class pupils11.30am - 12.30pm 4th and 5th class pupilsClass Visit: Booking: 01 494 1900; [email protected]

Admission Free, Booking Essential

Irish artist and book illustrator, Jonathan Barry visits us to chat to children about art and illustration of books. He has illustrated many famous children’s books, including The Narnia series, The Wind in The Willows, Alice in Wonderland, and The Secret Garden. Jonathan has a keen interest in both the Titanic story and Dracula so these sessions promise to be very entertaining.

Children’s & School’s Programme

Page 23: Red Line Book Festival 2013 Programme

BookeD! reaDing sPortWitH alan nolan, Joe o’Brien & gerarD sigginsWednesday 16th October at 10.30amCivic Theatre, Tallaght - Main AuditoriumBooking at Civic Theatre Box Office:Tel 01 4627477; [email protected]

Admission Free, Booking Essential

Reading Sport brings together three fantastic Irish authors for children, Alan Nolan, Joe O’Brien and Gerard Siggins who will discuss and chat with the children about their books and writing. The event, will appeal particularly to boys but as we all know….girls do sport too! Great for 3rd to 6th classes.

Joe O’Brien needs little or no introduction. This event will focus on his trilogy of sports books. Little Croker, Féile Fever and Tiger Boots all feature Danny Wilde and the adventures of his GAA team Littlestown Crokes.

Alan Nolan is well known for his comic books and graphic novels. Alan turns his hand to sport in his new book due out in early 2014. Fintan’s Fifteen features a school hurling team and will be a mix of text and Alan’s famous graphics.

Gerard Siggins is a Dublin based journalist with a keen interest in many sports. His book for children Rugby Spirit features a young Eoin who has just started secondary school in a famous rugby school not far from Lansdowne Road. The exciting sequel to Rugby Spirit is due out in Spring 2014.

In association with Dublin Book Festival

tHe Beast quest sHoWThursday 17th October at 10.30amCivic Theatre, Tallaght - Main AuditoriumBooking at Civic Theatre Box Office:Tel 01 4627477; [email protected]

Admission Free, Booking Essential

Calling all valiant Beast Quest fans! Help the good wizard Aduro, in this interactive event, to solve cryptic puzzles and free the beasts from Malvel’s evil spell and participate in a Beast Quest Tournament . . . Also get a sneak peek of Adam Blade’s new series, Sea Quest! Deep in the water lurks a new breed of Beast . . .

This promises to be a fantastic event for 3rd to 6th classes.

Children’s & School’s Programme

Page 24: Red Line Book Festival 2013 Programme

Butterfly Hearts anD sleePing BaoBaBsClondalkin Library Wednesday 16th October 10am and 11.15am Class Visit: Booking: 01 459 3315; [email protected]

Admission Free, Booking Essential

We’re delighted to welcome Paula Leydon on her first visit to South Dublin. Paula is an award winning author of The Butterfly Heart and The Sleeping Baobab Tree. Both of these wonderful titles have been endorsed by Amnesty International.

Suitable for children from 4th and 5th class.

tá sPiDey anseoThursday 17th October 10amPalmerston Library at Stewarts, PalmerstonBooking: 01 651 8129

Admission Free, Booking Essential; Class Visit - Suitable for Pre-Schoolers

Author/Illustrator Carmel Ui Cheallaigh brings her Irish picture book Spidey to life in this interactive bi-lingual author visit.

alex Barclay: tHe curse of tHe kingstalking fantasy fictionFriday 18th October at 10.30amThe Civic Theatre, Tallaght - Loose End StudioBooking at Civic Theatre Box Office:Tel 01 4627477; [email protected]

Admission Free, Booking Essential

The Curse of the Kings is a book filled with adventure, bravery, mystery, riddles, quests, hybrid beasts, and secrets. Come along and meet Alex Barclay, the mind behind this wonderful fantasy world which has been likened to Tolkien’s The Hobbit.

Suitable for second level students - 1st-3rd years.

Children’s & School’s Programme

Page 25: Red Line Book Festival 2013 Programme

The Red Line Book Festival is brought to you by:

South Dublin Libraries

7 Branch Libraries 4 Mobile Libraries 1.4m Books Borrowed

1.5m Visitors 5,000 Followers on

3,500 Followers on #RLBF

Page 26: Red Line Book Festival 2013 Programme

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSFestival DirectorGeorgina Byrne

Festival Co-ordinatorsDomitilla FaganPatricia FitzgeraldCaroline Higgins

Schools Events ProgrammersLaura JoyceMaria O’Sullivan

Readers Day MCDermot Bolger

Supporting TeamMairead Brady, Bridget Cribbin, Catherine Gallagher, Coleesa Humphreys, Helen McMahon, Paula Murphy, Ronan Murphy, Emma Perry, Tony Reid, Breid Ryan, Kieran Swords, Alison Yates

Festival PRRosemary DAWSON PR086 827 9380

Graphic DesignSilverbark Creative

BooksellerAlan Hanna’s Bookshop

PhotographerRob O’Connor @Rocshot

PartnersAfrican Cultural ProjectArts CouncilArts Office, South Dublin County CouncilCarousel CreatesCivic Theatre TallaghtDublin Book FestivalEmuInkGill & MacmillanInTallaghtInstitute of Technology, TallaghtLiberties PressLUAS

Mary MullanO’Brien PressPadraig HylandPenny Black Pub, TallaghtPoetry IrelandRUA REDTallaght HospitalThe Collins PressThe Echo NewspaperThe Lilliput PressThe Square Towncentre Tallaght

Special thanks to the staff of the venues and libraries involved, and all the authors and facilitators of this year’s programme.

South Dublin Libraries would like to thank South Dublin County Council and County Councillors for their support of the Festival.

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Page 28: Red Line Book Festival 2013 Programme

Booking details

Tuesday 15th October1:00pm Arise and Go! Poetry & Music with Stephen James Smith and Enda Reilly Tallaght Hospital1:00pm The Charismatic Edge with Owen Fitzpatrick Civic Theatre, Loose End3:15pm Tall Tales: Storytelling for Children with Patrick Ryan Lucan Library6:30pm Evocating time and places of John McGahern – Opening of Still Institute of Technology, Tallaght8:00pm Publishing: The inside track with Lilliput Press Civic Theatre, Main Auditorium

Wednesday 16th October10:00am Butterfly Hearts & Sleeping Baobabs with Paula Leydon Clondalkin Library10:30am Booked! Reading Sport with Alan Nolan, Joe O’Brien and Gerard Siggins Civic Theatre, Main Auditorium11:30am Jonathan Barry Children’s Illustrator Ballyroan Library

1:00pm A fit and fabulous new you! with Karl Henry Civic Theatre, Loose End1:15pm Sue Hassett: Acquittances 123 RuA REd6:00pm Rhythm and Slam - Migrant Writers and Performing Artists Ireland RuA REd6:30pm The Irish Quest for Alpine Peaks with Frank Nugent County Library Tallaght7:00pm Everest Calling: The Irish Journey with Lorna Siggins & dermot Somers Ballyroan Library7:00pm Put on the Kettle: Ireland’s Love Affair with Tea with Juanita Browne Clondalkin Library8:00pm Three Men Talking about Things they Kinda Know About Civic Theatre, Main Auditorium8:15pm Queen of Flowers and Pearls with Gabriella Ghermandi RuA REd

Thursday 17th October10:30am The Beast Quest Show Civic Theatre, Main Auditorium

1:00pm Overcoming bullying with dr John McSharry Civic Theatre, Loose End1:00pm Check-out Poetry with Colm Keegan Superquinn, Lucan SC6:30pm Crime Writing Workshop with Louise Phillips County Library Tallaght6:00pm RLBF Poetry Competition Prize giving ceremony and readings RuA REd Café7:30pm Against the Black Sky, We Listen with Michael J. Whelan RuA REd7:00pm Break a Leg with Peter Sheridan Penny Black Pub, Castletymon7:00pm Meet the Author: Catherine dunne Lucan Library7:00pm TEdxTallaght: The Atelier of Ideas Civic Theatre, Main Auditorium

Friday 18th October10:30am Curse of Kings: Talking fantasy with Alex Barclay Civic Theatre, Loose End

1:00pm Home & Abroad: Holidays on a Budget with Julianne Mooney & Fionn davenport

Civic Theatre, Loose End

2:30pm Creative Writing Workshop with Catherine dunne Ballyroan Library6:30pm Poetry Performance Workshop with The Poetry divas RuA REd7:00pm Celebrating the work of Sean Keating with dr Eimear O’Connor Ballyroan Library8:00pm Lady Killers: Ireland’s leading female crime fiction writers Civic Theatre, Main Auditorium8:15pm Get Graphic with Stephen Mooney, Nick Roche & Leann Hamilton Civic Theatre, Loose End

Saturday 19th October10:30am Start writing workshop with Vanessa O’Loughlin Lucan Library10:30am Readers day: Chapter One Civic Theatre, Main Auditorium

2:30pm Readers day: Chapter Two Civic Theatre, Main Auditorium

Sunday 20th October5:00pm The Human Child, Collapsing Horse Theatre Company Civic Theatre, Main Auditorium

On Going EventsThe Mythical and the Mundane: A Cork Printmakers Touring Exhibition County Library TallaghtT.J. Byrne Architect: An Exhibition Ballyroan LibraryStill: Photographic exhibition on John McGahem by Paul Butler Institute of Technology, Tallaght

Fringe EventsGreat Book Bake Off: 1st October, 6.30pm County Library TallaghtWriting Groups . . . Writing Together:12th October, 10.00am RuA REdThink Emu Ink! 14th October, 7.30pm County Library Tallaght