redesign 01 (page 1)

METRO Friday 4 – 17 February 2011 Your FREE City paper ZUMA TO ADDRESS NATION News Page 3 Opinion Page 6 ezasegagasini TRIBUTE TO STRUGGLE VET ELSIE NAIR News Page 2 CLIMATE: SUTCLIFFE’S CLARION CALL NONDU NGCONGO M AYOR Obed Mlaba has call- ed on eThek- wini residents to register this weekend for the forthcoming local government elections. Mlaba said, “Voter regi- stration is important not only because it allows people to cast their votes in an election, but it also contributes towards service delivery.” Voter registration helped officials identify people who were unable to access grants and other services because they did not have ID books, said Mlaba. This information was also important for long-term plan- ning and service delivery. To this end, Municipal officials have been assisting with ID drives across eThekwini. Recently, the Community Participation and Action Sup- port Unit held a Public Participation Programme at the Wendolins Sports Ground, KwaSanti. Peaceful Sbonelo Mzobe, of the Inde- pendent Electoral Com- mission (IEC), assured Kwa- Santi residents that the regi- stration process would be peaceful and they would not have to wait in long queues thanks to the Nazareth Island community hall being added as a registration station. Mzobe said people with disabilities who could not get to the registration stations or the IEC’s offices in Dr Langa- libalele Dube Street should contact the IEC (see box, inset) and request an official visit them at home. Joe Nene, Advisor in the Mayor’s Office, who was also at KwaSanti, urged residents to register and not abstain from voting because they were dissatisfied. “You are advised to register because it helps to see how many people live in a particular ward when the budget is divided.” He said residents should take their grievances to Councillors and if they were still not satisfied, contact the Speaker’s Office at the City Hall. Nene, who was accompanied by officials from various Municipal departments, said he had found that many people in the area do not have electricity. Residents complained that rates were too high and there is a huge demand for houses. He said Coun- cillors and officials would meet soon to tackle the problems. Officials were saddened by the story of a mother of seven, including triplets, who had lost her husband and house to fire. She had received a donation of 500 concrete blocks, but could not afford to buy other material to build the house and is staying with relatives. Hlengiwe Thwala, Senior Manager of Regional Services in the Community Partici- pation Unit, was “deeply touched” by the women’s plight and promised help. [email protected] See Mayor’s column, Page 6 It’s time: register to vote SOHANA SINGH and SANE SHANDU THE Department of Home Affairs and the Municipality have signed a memorandum of understanding to formalise their commitment to ensur- ing all citizens have identity documents. Home Affairs Minister, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma said, “A better life starts with a birth certificate and an ID book. People need to be made aware of the importance of registering every birth and obtaining a birth certificate.” The signing would go a long way to establishing an accur- ate, reliable population reg- ister. “We use this information for long term planning for health, education, and other projects,” said Dlamini-Zuma. She praised the Municipality for making it easier for people to register their births and get ID books. Mayor Obed Mlaba said, “This programme is an im- portant inter-governmental initiative that will ensure the lives of our people are improved and all spheres of government will be able to work in an integrated and efficient manner.” The signing formalises a relationship that has already achieved much in recent months through the work of the eThekwini-Home Affairs Stakeholders’ Forum, with more than 15 600 ID books and 1 500 birth certificates issued, many to residents of informal settlements and vill- ages in traditional authority areas of the Municipality. [email protected] [email protected] SIGNED AND SEALED: Minister of Home Affairs, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma and Mayor Obed Mlaba shake hands after signing a memorandum of understanding Picture: SANE SHANDU Top backing for Durban ID drive Municipal finances get the nod ZIBUSE NDLOVU THE eThekwini Municipality has welcomed the unqualified audit report on its financial affairs issued by the office of the Provincial Auditor-General. Presenting the report for the 2009/2010 financial year at a recent full Council meeting, Herman van Zyl of the AG’s Office said the Municipality had, over the years, consistently achieved unqualified audits. Deputy Mayor Logie Naidoo, who chairs the Economic Development Committee, thanked the AG’s office for assisting the Municipality in the achievement. “We have a sound financial status and a good credit rating, which bodes well for the future,” said Naidoo. City Manager Michael Sutcliffe said, “Although the Auditor General has given the Municipality an unqualified audit report, we acknowledge the areas of concern pointed out and we will continue to work hard to ensure that this Municipality achieves a clean audit by 2014.” Some of the matters raised by the AG include irregular expenditure amounting to more than R532-million, mainly as a result of awards to suppliers being in contravention of the supply chain management regulations, and material losses relating to water, electricity and bad debts written off during the year. Meanwhile, the Council’s Executive Committee (EXCO) has backed further consultation on a proposed R910-million loan from a French Development Agency. The matter was tabled at Exco on Tuesday, following an “in principle” decision by the Council last month to approve the loan for the Municipality’s landfill gas-to- electricity project. But the ANC caucus then requested that proper consultation take place first. Mayor Obed Mlaba said, “We felt it was important to thoroughly scrutinise the loan agreement so that when we take the final decision we are fully informed.” A further report is due before EXCO on 15 February. The loan facility expires on 1 April. [email protected] Voters’ roll for local government elections open this weekend To check if your voters’ roll details are correct: • Call the IEC toll- free at 0800 118 000 from 8am to 5pm; • SMS your ID no to 32810; or • Visit www. Are you registered?

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4 – 17 February 2011Your FREE City paper


News Page 3Opinion Page 6

e z a s e g a g a s i n i




MAYOR ObedMlaba has call-ed on eThek-wini residentsto register this

weekend for the forthcominglocal government elections.

Mlaba said, “Voter regi-stration is important not onlybecause it allows people tocast their votes inan election, but italso contributestowards servicedelivery.”

Voter registrationhelped officialsidentify peoplewho were unableto access grantsand other servicesbecause they didnot have ID books,said Mlaba. Thisinformation wasalso important forlong-term plan-ning and servicedelivery.

To this end, Municipalofficials have beenassisting with IDdrives acrosseThekwini.

Recently, theC o m m u n i t yParticipationand Action Sup-port Unit held a PublicParticipation Programme atthe Wendolins Sports Ground,KwaSanti.

PeacefulSbonelo Mzobe, of the Inde-

pendent Electoral Com-mission (IEC), assured Kwa-Santi residents that the regi-stration process would bepeaceful and they would nothave to wait in long queuesthanks to the Nazareth Islandcommunity hall being addedas a registration station.

Mzobe said people withdisabilities who could not getto the registration stations orthe IEC’s offices in Dr Langa-

libalele Dube Street shouldcontact the IEC (see box,inset) and request an officialvisit them at home.

Joe Nene, Advisor in theMayor’s Office, who was alsoat KwaSanti, urged residentsto register and not abstainfrom voting because theywere dissatisfied.

“You are advised to registerbecause it helps to see how

many people livein a particular wardwhen the budget isdivided.”

He said residentsshould take theirgrievances toCouncillors and ifthey were still notsatisfied, contactthe Speaker’s Officeat the City Hall.

Nene, who wasaccompanied byofficials fromvarious Municipaldepartments, saidhe had found that

many people in thearea do not have

electricity. R e s i d e n t s

complained thatrates were toohigh and there is ahuge demand forhouses.He said Coun-

cillors and officials wouldmeet soon to tackle theproblems.

Officials were saddened bythe story of a mother of seven,including triplets, who hadlost her husband and house tofire.

She had received a donationof 500 concrete blocks, butcould not afford to buy othermaterial to build the houseand is staying with relatives.

Hlengiwe Thwala, SeniorManager of Regional Servicesin the Community Partici-pation Unit, was “deeplytouched” by the women’splight and promised help.

[email protected] Mayor’s column, Page 6

It’s time:registerto vote


THE Department of HomeAffairs and the Municipalityhave signed a memorandumof understanding to formalisetheir commitment to ensur-ing all citizens have identitydocuments.

Home Affairs Minister, DrNkosazana Dlamini-Zumasaid, “A better life starts with a

birth certificate and an IDbook. People need to be madeaware of the importance ofregistering every birth andobtaining a birth certificate.”

The signing would go a longway to establishing an accur-ate, reliable population reg-ister. “We use this informationfor long term planning forhealth, education, and otherprojects,” said Dlamini-Zuma.

She praised the Municipality

for making it easier for peopleto register their births and getID books.

Mayor Obed Mlaba said,“This programme is an im-portant inter-governmentalinitiative that will ensure thelives of our people areimproved and all spheres ofgovernment will be able towork in an integrated andefficient manner.”

The signing formalises a

relationship that has alreadyachieved much in recentmonths through the work ofthe eThekwini-Home AffairsStakeholders’ Forum, withmore than 15 600 ID booksand 1 500 birth certificatesissued, many to residents ofinformal settlements and vill-ages in traditional authorityareas of the Municipality.

[email protected]

SIGNED AND SEALED: Minister of Home Affairs, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma and Mayor Obed Mlaba shakehands after signing a memorandum of understanding Picture: SANE SHANDU

Top backing for Durban ID drive

Municipal finances get the nodZIBUSE NDLOVU

THE eThekwini Municipalityhas welcomed theunqualified audit report onits financial affairs issued bythe office of the ProvincialAuditor-General.

Presenting the report for the2009/2010 financial year at arecent full Council meeting,Herman van Zyl of the AG’sOffice said the Municipalityhad, over the years,consistently achievedunqualified audits.

Deputy Mayor LogieNaidoo, who chairs theEconomic Development

Committee, thanked the AG’s office for assisting theMunicipality in theachievement.

“We have a sound financialstatus and a good creditrating, which bodes well forthe future,” said Naidoo.

City Manager MichaelSutcliffe said, “Although theAuditor General has given theMunicipality an unqualifiedaudit report, we acknowledgethe areas of concern pointedout and we will continue towork hard to ensure that thisMunicipality achieves a cleanaudit by 2014.”

Some of the matters raised

by the AG include irregularexpenditure amounting tomore than R532-million,mainly as a result of awardsto suppliers being incontravention of the supplychain managementregulations, and materiallosses relating to water,electricity and bad debtswritten off during the year.

Meanwhile, the Council’sExecutive Committee (EXCO)has backed furtherconsultation on a proposedR910-million loan from aFrench Development Agency.

The matter was tabled atExco on Tuesday, following an

“in principle” decision by theCouncil last month toapprove the loan for theMunicipality’s landfill gas-to-electricity project.

But the ANC caucus thenrequested that properconsultation take place first.

Mayor Obed Mlaba said,“We felt it was important tothoroughly scrutinise theloan agreement so that whenwe take the final decision weare fully informed.”

A further report is duebefore EXCO on 15 February.The loan facility expires on 1April.

[email protected]

Voters’ roll for local governmentelections open this weekend

To check if yourvoters’ roll detailsare correct:• Call the IEC toll-free at0800 118 000from 8am to 5pm;• SMS your ID noto 32810; or• Visit

Are youregistered?

Page 2: Redesign 01 (Page 1)

NEWSPage 2 4 – 17 February 2011

ABOUT USThe eZasegagasini Metro is theofficial eThekwini Municipalitypublication through whichratepayers and residents areinformed of news andperspectives in greater Durban.It is a forum for readers’ viewsand is published fortnightly on aFriday, with 400 000 copiesdistributed. To contact us:eZasegagasini Metro, PO Box5588, Durban, 4000 Newsroom: 031 311 4813/14/15/16 Fax: 031 332 8051Reception: 031 311 [email protected]

Editor: Ntsiki MagwazaNews Editor: Mandla NseleContent co-ordinator: MackMakhathiniSub-editors: Matthew Hattingh,Alan CooperWriters: Nondu Ngcongo,Romita Hanuman, ThembaKhumalo, Sane Shandu,Themba Nyathikazi, SohanaSingh, Khaya Sengani, GuguMdlalose, S’celo Khuzwayo,Zibuse Ndlovu, Jabulani Msweli,Vuyolwethu GwalaPhotographer: Jessie SinghTranslations: ThembaNyathikazi, Zibuse Ndlovu, MackMakhathini, Themba Khumalo,Nondu Ngcongo, S’celoKhuzwayoGraphics: Amith Sewparsad,Zama Zwane, Zakhe Ntshingila



A NEW exhibition at theMunicipality’s Old CourtHouse Museum offers thepublic a fascinating glimpseinto the history of thecountry’s most popular radiostation, uKhozi FM

The opening coincided withthe station’s 50th birthdaycelebrations. UKhozi FM,formerly Radio Zulu, is part ofthe SABC and is the secondlargest station in the world,after one in China.

The exhibition includesequipment used by thestation’s first presenters andlarge posters of uKhozi FMlegends, including CyrilMchunu, affectionatelyknown as “Kansas” whose

melodic voice accompaniedthe music on his hit Fridaynight show, Akulalwa.

Speaking at the opening,Mayor Obed Mlaba said,“Everyone has got somethingto say about uKhozi FM. Ithas become part of our livesand has played a huge role inso many people’s lives.”

‘Cool Cat’The event was attended by

many former and currentpresenters and managers,including the Reverend HawuMbatha, Nat “Cool Cat”Gumbi and current stationmanager Bonga Mpanza.

SABC Acting Chief ofOperations CharlotteMampane thanked the staff

for making sure uKhozi FMremained so successful.

“It’s been quite turbulent atthe SABC but I am glad thingsare not the way they havebeen reported in newspapers.To us, the audience comesfirst and when we grow, we

grow with our audience,”Mampane said.

Gumbi advised presentersto put listeners before thestation and themselves. “Weare grateful for the fact thatpeople still remember us. Tome this means that we left a

mark in radio,” he said. Chairwoman of the Health

and Social ServicesCommittee, CouncillorNomvuzo Shabalala said theexhibition was part of historyand urged the public to visit.

[email protected]

Exhibitionmilestonefor uKhozi


SPEAKER James Nxumalo haspaid tribute to struggleheroine Elsie Nair, who diedrecently.

Nxumalo described Nair,the widow of liberation figureBilly Nair who died in 2008,as, “One of the mostdisciplined and committedmember of our freedomstruggle.

She died at the VictoriaHospital in her husband’sformer ANC constituency ofTongaat on 27 January. Shewas 82.

“On behalf of the eThekwiniMunicipality and the peopleof Durban, we extend ourheartfelt condolences to thebereaved family, friends andrelatives.”

Nxumalo said Nair wouldgo down in struggle history asone of many spouses andfamily members whoprovided unswerving supportfor a generation of freedomfighters. “They were

persecuted politically,tortured in jail, detainedwithout trial, and socially andeconomically disadvantagedby the apartheid statesecurity police apparatus.

“It is thanks to the courageof South Africans of thecalibre of Mrs Nair that manyof our imprisoned and exiledleaders and activistssucceeded in overcoming thepsychological impact of beingseparated from families and

community so that theycould be focused on the goalof freeing our country fromthe yoke of racialdiscrimination and social andeconomic injustices.”

Nxumalo said Nair hadsupported her husbandduring a lengthy spell onRobben Island, andcontinued to demonstratefaith in him when he wasarrested for his involvementin Operation Vula with MacMaharaj, Pravin Gordhan(now the Finance Minister)and other ANC UmkhontoweSizwe operatives.

“For the best part of her life,Mrs Nair, a humble clothingfactory worker and activist-supporter, stood firmly, with asense of quiet dignity, as apillar of strength to Billy Nairwhen he was jailed for 20years on Robben Islandalongside Nelson Mandela,Walter Sisulu, and his fellowLittle Rivonia saboteurs ZuluMoonsamy, Kisten Dorasamyand Curnick Ndlovu.”

Speaker’s rich tribute tostruggle veteran Elsie Nair

FRESH START: The Pinetown Metro Police Station isundergoing a renovation Picture: JESSIE SINGH


THE Pinetown Metro PoliceStation is set to close for athree-month renovation.

The upgrade will include theaddition of an Alcohol Evi-dence Centre equipped withthe latest testing equipmentand closed circuit TV camerassponsored by the SouthAfrican Breweries (SAB).

When it reopens, the stationwill operate around the clock.In the past it closed at 10pm.

Metro Police Deputy Headof Operations Titus Malazasaid, “We want to eliminatethe problem of drunkendriving in Pinetown. Thisimproved facility will help usto deal swiftly with motoristswho drink and drive, puttingother road users at risk.”

Metro Police spokesman

Eugene Msomi said, “Policingin the area has not beencompromised, as thedespatching is done in thecommunication centre inDurban.

“Once renovations are com-plete, the benefits will begreat, as processing ofdrunken driving suspects willbe done in the station.”

While renovations are underway, officers from the stationwill report to the Queens-burgh station, but will con-tinue to patrol and respond tocomplaints in Pinetown.

The new alcohol evidencecentre will be the second of itskind in the Municipality.

Malaza said the Metro Policewere negotiating with SAB tohave a third built in theSouthern Region.

[email protected] [email protected]


GEDLEYIHLEKISA gave theSimiso Nkwanyana region a91-34 whipping in the finals ofthe under-16 basketball dev-elopment league, at theuMlazi indoor sports centrerecently.

It was the culmination of theeThekwini Sport and Recrea-tion Development Depart-ment’s basketball league dev-elopment programme, whichwas started in June last year.

In the semi-finals Gedleyi-hlekisa defeated MathewsMeyiwa region 59-11 andSimiso Nkwanyana edgedFelix Dlamini 46-40 to reachthe finals.

In the women’s results,

Blessing Ninela region werecrowned champs afterdefeating Prince Cyril Zuluregion 27-20.

In earlier results BlessingNinela hammered Felix Dlam-ini 28-11, while Prince CyrilZulu won 23-14 to reach thefinals.

Department Sport OfficerThembi Khanyile said, “Sev-enteen zones participated inthe league, including malesand females.”

Khanyile said the initiativewas part of an effort to fast-track basketball developmentin the city.

“The establishment of theeThekwini Basketball Asso-ciation made it possible for usto have a league. We had a few

hurdles in the beginning butthings are looking up and I amsure we will stage an evenbetter tournament this year,”said Khanyile.

She said, however, that itwas worrying that girls weren’tcoming forward in sufficientnumbers to participate.

“We allowed girls who werenot under-16 to compete inthe league because there werenot enough girls. This year wewill be a little harsh and notallow that to happen,” shesaid.

EThekwini Basketball Asso-ciation Chairman Kim Rod-rigues said, “We wanted togive back to the youth. Withthe continued support of theMunicipality, this association

will continue to grow instrength.”

Rodrigues said a passion forthe game has been rekindled.“Going to all the zones andseeing these young kids takingpart in the league is what thisassociation was establishedfor,” he said.

The association was formedin 2009 after a call was madeby Basketball South Africa torevive the game.

Haddon Beukes, coach ofGedleyihlekisa, said, “I amhappy for my boys and wouldlike to thank the Municipalityand the eThekwini BasketballAssociation for making itpossible for our kids to playbasketball.”

[email protected]

HISTORIC: SABC Acting Chief of Operations Charlotte Mampane, Head of theParks, Recreation and Culture Thembinkosi Ngcobo and uKhozi FM stationmanager Bonga Mpanza at the exhibition Picture: VUYO GWALA

Basketball league ends on a high

Police station to be renovated


SOUTH Africa’s annualboxing awards will be held inDurban on February 19, at avenue to be announced.

It will be the first time theprize-giving has been held inthe city in many years.

The return of the awardshas been described in somequarters as an indication ofthe KwaZulu-NatalGovernment’s commitmentto promoting the sport in theprovince. – Metro Reporter

Boxing awards return to city

TOP JOB: Jimmy Manyihas been appointed CEOof the GovernmentCommunication andInformation System(GCIS) and CabinetSpokesperson. Manyi,who was formerly theDirector-General of theDepartment of Labour,replaces Themba Maseko,who will join theDepartment of PublicService andAdministration asDirector-General

Page 3: Redesign 01 (Page 1)

NEWS4 – 17 February 2011 Page 3

Sizakalaextends hours THE Hillcrest SizakalaCustomer Centre is nowopen on the first and lastSaturday of the month.

This will make it easier forworking residents to payaccounts, arrange electricityand water connections anddisconnections, makebuilding plans and ratesqueries, among otherservices.

Regional Centres UnitHead Gerard Strydom said,“We hope to meet theneeds of the community byextending our services andmaking the centre moreaccessible.”

Lungi Khuzwayo, WesternArea Manager, said that ifthere is a good turnout ofcustomers using the centreon Saturdays, then the Unitwill consider opening everySaturday.

The centre is at 22Delamore Road, Hillcrest. Itis open weekdays from7.30am to 3.30pm andfrom 7.30am to 11.30amon the two Saturdays.

For complaints, enquiriesand information call0800 331 011 or [email protected] .

Bulwer Parkpublic meetingCITY Architects will reportback to residents at aBulwer Park communitymeeting on 8 February, atGlenwood PreparatorySchool, Bulwer Road at5.30pm.

The public meeting, thesecond so far, will befacilitated by ImagineDurban with the help of theArchitecture and BuildingDepartment to getresidents’ views ondeveloping the park.

The aim is to create a safe,protected and sustainablepublic park, whichencourages communityinteraction, health and publicparticipation.

City Architects haveidentified a number of short-term initiatives that couldhave an immediate effect onthe park and its surrounds.

South Durbansafety effortA CRIME and communitysafety workshop hosted bythe South Durban BasinArea Based Managementlate last year has beendescribed as a success.

Now projects arising fromthe workshop, held at theMondi sports centre, will beimplemented in the nearfuture.

The organisers are hopingthat many of the 120organisations, individualsand businesses thatattended will participate in afeedback session on 10February at the AustervilleCommunity Hall, from 9amto 11am.

A project action plan willbe tabled and communitysafety forums will beelected.

For more details and toRSVP, contact Xoli Mncwabeat 031 451 9817.



PRESIDENT Jacob Zuma willbe delivering the annual Stateof the Nation address onThursday, 10 February.

The address, to a joint sittingof the National Assembly andthe National Council of Prov-inces, will be broadcast live onradio and TV.

As was the case last year, thespeech will be given a primeevening slot of 7-8pm and isexpected to focus largely oneconomic upliftment and jobcreation.

Service delivery, includinghealth and policing are likelyto come under the spotlighttoo.

With the local governmentelections around the corner,the President’s speech willoffer an opportunity forcitizens to hear how the Gov-

ernment will expand servicedelivery.

The public can also expectupdates on the progress ofperformance monitoring inGovernment institutions.

The President will be add-ressing the nation in hiscapacity as Head of State andnot as Head of Government.

It is one of the rare occasionswhen the three arms of thestate come together in oneplace – the Executive, theJudiciary and the Legislature.

The speech is the centralevent in the official opening ofParliament each year.

As is customary, the eventwill be accompanied by pompand ceremony, includingmilitary escorts and marchingbands and will attract politicalveterans, foreign dignitariesand other worthies.

In the days following the

address political parties willget to respond to the pointsraised by the President.

For more details, call theGovernment Communicationand Information System at031 301 6787/8 or [email protected] .


THE Municipality’s revenueclearance system is now auto-mated, promising faster andcheaper property clearance.

Previously, applications forrevenue clearance certificateswere processed manually.

This was time-consumingand sometimes frustrating,

involving checking for com-pliance, additional admini-stration procedures in cases ofrejections, and capturinginformation onto the system.

Councillor Nigel Gumede,Chairman of the Infrastruc-ture, Housing and CorporateHuman Resources Commit-tee, said the new system was“simpler, cheaper and def-initely faster”.

It “eliminated many of theproblems associated withmanual applications”, includ-ing errors “from both theconveyancer and the Muni-cipality”, he said.

Conveyancers can nowdownload revenue clearancecertificates issued by theMunicipality using securedigital certificate encryptiontechnology.

Messengers would no longerbe needed to pick upcertificates from Municipalcounters.

“This will manage the risk offraud and the misuse of onlineaccess,” Gumede said.

City Manager Michael Sut-cliffe said the new systemwould save applicants money.

“The cost to process anelectronic application is just

under R76 for properties lessthan or equal to R120 000 andabout R122 for properties overthat value.

“Manual applications wouldcost about R152 for propertiesbelow or equal R120 000 whilefor properties above thatvalue, it would cost aboutR228.”

[email protected] [email protected]

Revenue clearance system saves time, money


THE Municipality has backedits decision to hand overhouses to residents of uMlaziF Section before the con-struction of water treatmentand sewerage plants.

Housing Committee Chair,Councillor Nigel Gumede saidhouses had to be built beforeservices could be providedbecause shacks had to becleared from road reserves,access ways and servitudes.

“It was necessary to buildstructures and move familiesout of informal structures tonew structures with temp-orary services,” said Gumede.

He said shacks in the way ofplanned infrastructure had tobe demolished.

“We will put in the servicesand then connect the housesto the services,” said Gumede.

Housing Unit Head CogiPather said Umlazi F projectdoes have bulk services but“the internal services and the

housing connections are stillunder construction”. He said ateam had been set up to speedup the provision of services.

“Once services, includingwater and electricity havebeen put in, applicants willhave to complete forms andpay deposits for the services tobe installed,” said Pather.

He said plumbers wouldstart connecting homes towater and sewer systems assoon as construction wascomplete. “We are doing

everything to ensure chall-enges are mitigated,” saidPather.

Meanwhile, in response tomedia reports about theCornubia housing develop-ment being hamstrung by alack of bulk infrastructure,Pather said bulk services forthe development were beingdesigned and finalised.

“Work on the project hasstarted: the bridge and mainaccess to the site is completeand the next phase of infra-

structure and housing is dueto begin within the next twomonths,” said Pather.

He said insufficient fundingand access to well locatedland were some of the diffi-culties delaying housingdelivery in the Municipality.

“When it comes to layingpipes and cables for bulkinfrastructure in areas withuneven terrain, the costs arehigher due to the difficultterrain,” said Pather.

[email protected]

Housing handover defended


DURBAN played host tointernational delegates at theAfrican Coalition of Citiesagainst Racism andDiscrimination last week.

The conference was part ofan initiative launched byUnesco in 2004 to establish anetwork of cities interested insharing experiences toimprove their policies to fightracism, discrimination andxenophobia.

The aim of the coalition isto supply local authoritieswith a programme to helpthem put policies in place toprevent discrimination.

Objectives of theconference includedimplementing a plan ofaction that was adopted bymunicipalities at the AfricitiesSummit in Nairobi in 2006.

The plan is composed ofcommitments dealing witheducation, housing,employment, cultural andsporting activities.

The conference discussedbest practice regardingdiscrimination and elected anexecutive committee, chairedby the Mayor of Bulawayo, asister city of Durban.

Bongiwe Mkhize, Africa/Nepad Programme Managerwith the International andGovernance Relations Unit,said, “The conference was asuccess. The turnout showsdiscrimination is takenseriously and theMunicipality is involved inbringing about change.”

The next conference will beheld next month. ContactMkhize at 031 311 2067 or e-mail [email protected] .

[email protected]

Racism conferenceadjudged a success

DEPUTY MayorLogie Naidoo withSandra Wickee,Carolyn Osborne,Gilian Noyce,Ernest Gugeshe,Kenny Dlaminiand Bev Fowlesat the opening ofthe revampedCommunityRecycling Centrein Kloof, lastweekend


Tune in for State ofthe Nation address

JACOB ZUMA: ThePresident is expected tofocus on economicupliftment, job creationand service delivery

Page 4: Redesign 01 (Page 1)

NEWSPage 4 4 –17 February 2011


TWENTY emerging womenbusiness owners are to gethelp with branding andmarketing, thanks to theJumpstart EntrepreneurialProgramme, which enjoys thebacking of the BusinessSupport and Markets Unit.

The programme, which wasfinanced by the Gift of theGivers Foundation and dev-eloped by advertising andmarketing agency Assegai &Javelin, was launched in CatoManor recently.

It aims to help small busi-nesses overcome the diffi-culties and cost of marketing.

E-brochures, e-mail, a web-site and social networkingtools such as Facebook andTwitter will be used to marketsmall businesses. The pro-gramme takes entrepreneurs

through the process of dev-eloping a corporate identityand they get a logo, businesscards and letterheads.

Chairman and founder ofthe Gift of the Givers, DrImtiaz Sooliman told theentrepreneurs that the bestway to ensure the economicsustainability of the nation isthrough entrepreneurship.

He said there were manypeople operating small enter-prises in the region who wereheld back because they were“unable to connect with theworld, because of the sheercost”. Sooliman said it wasimportant to harness newtechnologies to improve themarketing of such businesses.

Selvan Moodley, Chief Exec-utive of Assegai & Javelin, saidJumpstart would produce anew breed of entrepreneurscapable of using technology

to boost their business.Thulani Nzama, Operations

Manager with the BusinessSupport and Markets Unit,said they remained com-

mitted to helping entrep-reneurs. “This keeps us true toour motto of small business isbig business,” said Nzama

[email protected]


THE Regional Director of theKwaZulu-Natal Departmentof Water Affairs, VeronicaMkhize, has made animpassioned plea to thepublic to look after our rivers.

“Forward with keeping ourstreams clean, forward.Forward with the conservingof water, forward,” saidMkhize at a water awarenesscampaign in uMlazi recently.

The Municipality, theDepartment of Water Affairs,Umgeni Water and theDepartments of Health,Agriculture, EnvironmentalAffairs and Rural

Development hosted thecampaign to encourageuMlazi residents to savewater and to bolster theAdopt-a-River project.

The project was launchedby Water Affairs DeputyMinister RejoiceMabudhafasi, at Menzi Highlast year.

Mkhize said the departmenthad budgeted R1.7-million tosupport the initiative.

“Once people adopt a riverand start cleaning it, theDepartment of Water Affairsand Umgeni Water willintervene to assist them,” shesaid.

Mkhize called on the public

to save water and adopt andclean rivers because “ourcountry is facing a challengewhen it comes to water”.

Future generationsDepartment of Agriculture,

Environment Affairs andRural DevelopmentEducation Officer NanaNdlovu urged residents tohelp preserve theenvironment for futuregenerations.

Community Liaison OfficerPhindile Nyawose said theMunicipality was aiming toidentify, mitigate and preventharm to river water quality.

She said, “It is important tokeep our rivers and streamsclean because if water isdrawn from polluted riverspurification becomes morecostly.

“This will have an impacton water tariffs which willdirectly affect consumers.Polluted water is anenvironmental hazard.

“Eco-systems are destroyedand people who rely on riversfor recreation are affected.

“Water flowing through ourrivers eventually ends up onour beaches, which has adirect impact on the health ofbeach users,” said Nyawose.

[email protected]

Call to public to protect rivers

CHEQUE THIS OUT: Imtiaz Sooliman, of Gift of theGivers, Khosi Sithole, Programme Manager BSMU,Selvan Moodley of Assegai & Javelin, and ThulaniNzama of the BSMU Picture: NHLAKANIPHO KHANYILE

Support for women entrepreneurs Small businesseswin big at awards


DEPUTY Mayor Logie Naidoohas urged Durban residents tospread the word about thenew Green Hub on the banksof the uMngeni River at BlueLagoon.

Speaking at the officialopening of the facility, Naidoosaid, “We expect this place tobe the centre of attractionduring this year’s UN climatechange conference.”

He said the uMngeni estuarywas one of the most import-ant bio-diversity assets in theeThekwini Municipal Area, asit was one of the few remain-ing estuarine habitats on theKwaZulu-Natal coastline.

“The estuary is surroundedby unique riverfront parklandand is the only place in the citywhere people can experiencethe combination of the beach,estuary and river, with all theirassociated activities andofferings, in a setting thatprotects and preserves thecrucial biodiversity of thearea,” Naidoo said.

Project Manager, Sustain-able Development, GaryCullen said one of the Muni-cipality’s goals was to positionthe uMngeni Valley forOlympic water sports insupport of Durban’s possiblebid for the games.

The aim was to portrayDurban as a beautiful, life-styles city working to preserveits natural environment, rollback poverty and achieve

social harmony and localeconomic development

“We want to transform theuMngeni Valley into an iconicleisure zone for adventuresport, nature-based recrea-tion and cultural and eco-tourism.

Adventure“The core concept is a

network of multi-use trailsand adventure activity nodeslinking the beachfront andsports precinct with theestuary, along the valley up tothe eThekwini boundary and,ultimately, through to theDrakensberg,” Cullen said.

City Manager Michael Sut-cliffe said the Green Hub wasone of the City’s many worldCup Legacy projects. “Wewere the only city ever to holda carbon neutral event. Thisplace is going to do a lot inpromoting eco-tourism,”Sutcliffe said.

The R4-million building wasdesigned by the Municipality’sarchitecture department. Itgets its power from solarpanels, harnesses rainwaterand uses low-energy lights.

Breezeblocks under thebuilding allow for cool air toenter the building.

It is open every day from8am to 4pm.

For more information call031 811 5183 or [email protected] .

[email protected]

UMngeni River Green Hub opens

INSPIRING INITIATIVE: Officially opening the GreenHub (inset) are River Ranger S’phamandla Jiyane, CityManager Michael Sutcliffe, Deputy Mayor LogieNaidoo, Project Administrator Zandile Ngcobo andProject Manager, Sustainable Development GaryCullen Picture: THEMBA KHUMALO

PURPOSEFUL: Municipal officials and members of theBhukula Mfazi team take a break from cleaning theuMlazi River Picture: MUSA MTHALANE


THE Municipality-backedtechnology hub,SmartXchange, hosted its fifthannual small, medium andmicro enterprise awards atthe Botanic Gardens Visitors’complex recently.

Chairman Themba Ngcobosaid, “Everyone is a winner.Thank you to all the sponsors.Without you this would nothave been possible.”

The R30 000 prize for theSMME of the Year, sponsoredby Dimension Data, went toNitsak. Runners-up wereEgsibit and SnesaTechnologies.

The Best Newcomer of theYear was won by I&STransdata, which walked

away with R10 000 sponsoredby AdaptIT Holdings.Runners up were Kuvira andSouthern Avenue.

Dimension Data wasnamed the Most SupportiveCorporate of the Year.

The Leadership Award ofthe Year went to LungileShandu of Egsibit, who wonR10 000. The runners-upwere Siphephelo Mbhele ofCreative Lead and ShabnamSinghgouden of KuviraConsulting.

SmartXchange ChiefExecutive Robynne Erwinsaid, “We work closely withour SMMEs to build theircapacity and their technicalknowledge to become trulyprofessional.”

[email protected]

Page 5: Redesign 01 (Page 1)

NEWS4 – 17 February 2010 Page 5


THE Municipality’s Skills Dev-elopment Unit has given 23matriculants a flying start tofurther education by spon-soring their registration fees attertiary institutions.

The pupils were part of theMaths Science and Tech-nology (MST) Programmestarted in 2008 with Grade 9pupils. The first of these pupilshave now matriculated andthe best of them receivedcheques at a recent function.

Head of Skills Development

Gugu Mji said, “You mustmake sure you excel in yourstudies.

“There are many studentswho are less fortunate. Theyhave the results, but cannotafford to pursue a tertiaryqualification. In a year’s timeyou all must meet here so wecan celebrate you passingyour first year.

“The foundation of manyjobs is maths and science. Youare all lucky. Hard work paysoff.”

Mji told pupils that theymust be serious about their

studies as the drop-out ratefor first years in tertiaryinstitutions is very high. “Nomatter which institution youare at, there are going to betemptations, like parties. Youneed to work hard. We do notwant to hear that you havedropped out.”

ProofThe cheques were made out

to the relevant tertiary insti-tutions and students will berequired to show the Unitproof they have registered.

Mbali Zulu (16) said, “I amvery excited. I thought I wouldnot study because I could notafford the registration fee. Butthe Municipality has made itpossible.

“I will be studying Mech-anical Engineering this year. Iam extremely happy andgrateful.”

Xola Dumakude, also 16,said, “I feel great. The Muni-cipality must continue to dogreat things like this. They arecontributing to the nation’sfuture leaders.”

[email protected]


THE Municipality has givenits Parks, Recreation andCulture Unit an additionalR10-million to boost its vergecutting programme.

A proposal was made lastyear to cease trimmingresidential verges due tobudget constraints and

because the service was onlyavailable in some suburbsand the Municipality wantedto establish a uniformstandard across eThekwini.

But the matter was laterreviewed and it was decidedthat maintaining verges wasimportant because itcontributed to security andbeautified the city.

Parks, Recreation andCulture Unit HeadThembinkosi Ngcobo saidthe money would be used tohire 150 small companies and108 co-operatives acrosseThekwini to provide theservice.

He said the Unit would liketo extend verge cutting intotownships, including areas

they had until now lacked thecapacity to service.

“We are grateful that theMunicipality has given us thismoney. It will enable us to doour work well,” Ngcobo said.

Residents with inquiriesabout verge cutting shouldcontact their local Sikazalacentre for assistance.

[email protected]

Flying start for ‘future leaders’

R10m boost to extend verge cutting


DESERVING pupils andschools got the recognitionthey deserve when MayorObed Mlaba hosted the 10thMatric Awards for 2010 at theUpper Deck, UShaka MarineWorld recently.

“The Municipality is here toencourage and support thosewho have little support. Eventhough education is not ourmandate, the Municipalityfully supports the advance-ment of education,” Mlabasaid.

Nedbank sponsored 10 toppupils from disadvantagedschools with R10 000 each, sixof them from Umlazi’s Com-tech High School.

A further R20 000 was awar-ded to two pupils fromKhabazela High School underthe War on Poverty Project.After the Mayor and Premier,Dr Zweli Mkhize intervened atthe beginning of last year, theschool’s pass rate soared from22% to 88%.

Sandile Khumalo, a Com-tech pupil who passed withseven A’s and one B said, “Ithank God because it was hisgrace that helped me study. Ifit wasn’t for him I wouldn’t bewhere I am now. To my dedi-cated teachers, thank you.”

The Department of Edu-cation’s Palesa Majozi said, theDepartment was seriousabout education, as shown bythe Matric pass rate of 70.7%.

She congratulated theMunicipality for having thehighest pass rate in theprovince, lead by Umlazi andPinetown schools.

The Municipality’s Elec-tricity Unit awarded full bur-saries to three pupils to studya BSc in electronics andelectrical engineering at theUniversity of KwaZulu-Natal.

‘Excited’“This bursary includes the

cost of tuition, books, accom-modation, an allowance, com-puters and other equipment,”said the Deputy Head ofElectricity, Veer Ramnarain.

A beneficiary of the bursary,Wandile Jwili, who will be

studying electrical engin-eering said, “I’m excited aboutthis bursary. I promise to keepup the good work at UKZN. Iwant to uplift my communityin Lamontville.”

Kirsty Lee Francis of Craw-ford College, La Lucia, passedwith nine A’s and was amongthe top 10 pupils in eThekwini.“I’m very excited. All the hardwork has paid off,” she said.

Mlaba encouraged prin-cipals and teachers to re-double their efforts this year.“Every school can do well. Itlies with the principal. It isabout the commitment of theleadership. With guidance ofgood teachers you can dowell,” Mlaba said.

[email protected]

Hard working matrics rewarded

TOP CLASS: Mayor Obed Mlaba and Mavric Webbstock Head of Corporate Banking KZN, with sponsor Nedbankjoin disadvantaged eThekwini matrics who excelled in 2010 who received cash to further their studies. Thepupils are: Nonkululeko Mseleku, Thandeka Ngcobo, Thembelani Shozi, Thembeka Nzama, Thandeka Ndlovu,Sandile Khumalo, Sandile Nkwanya, Lucky Lekeme and Wonderboy Sishi Picture: JESSIE SINGH


A TEAM from the Office of thePremier recently visited sev-eral government institutionsunannounced to check up onhow the public are treatedand to assess workingconditions.

The visits were part of PublicService Week, which encour-ages government officials toput customers first.

The officials, in two teams,visited Florence MkhizeBuilding, Addington Hospital,the Durban Magistrate’s Courtand other governmentdepartments.

Dimakatso Mavundla, of theMunicipality’s Batho PeleOffice, explained the signifi-cance of these visits.

“These things helps us toidentify the bottlenecks inservice delivery; how we, aspublic servants do our jobsand treat our customers.”

Mavundla said, “TheIllembe Municipality will bebenchmarking from us, basedon what they learnt at theWater Department. I amhappy about that.

“At the same time, we mustacknowledge there are areasand gaps that needs to be

improved, and we will workon them.”

Idah Dlomo, an official fromthe KZN Treasury Depart-ment, advised clients at thecourt to report problems tothe Department of Justice andto use the complaints boxesprovided.

‘Mission’“Government is on a miss-

ion to unlock service deliverybottlenecks and improve thestandard of service deliverywithin government institu-tions,” said Dlomo.

Natasha Ramkissoon, Com-munications Manager at theNational Prosecuting Auth-ority explained why unan-nounced visits were im-portant. “We, as government,need to constantly check onthe levels of service that werender to our customers. Thisexperience has taught me tosee things from a customer’spoint of view; to identify thepositives and negatives.”

Afterwards the teams met tocompile reports of the week’sactivities. A final report will besent to relevant officials andthe Premier’s Office.

[email protected] [email protected]

SURPRISE! A team from the Office of the Premier payan unannounced visit to the Durban Magistrate’sCourt to check on service delivery. They are SbusisoNgcoya, Jeannie Govender, Mdu Mtolo, ZaneleNtombela and Nonceba Damane


Visits keepofficials ontheir toes


THE One Home, One Gardenproject is coming toClairwood.

Run out of the SouthDurban Basin Area BasedManagement Office, theproject aims to equip at least50 residents with tools,plants, seeds and the skillsneeded to start and run foodgardens at their homes.

The Environment andLanguage Trust, a non-profitorganisation, is working withthe Clairwood Residents’

Association to kick-start theproject and local companiesto clean and prepare sites.

Eurakha Singh, SocialDevelopment Manager, withthe Office, said, “With thegroundwork in place, thescene is set for a successfulproject.”

Trust Director Mervyn Oglesaid, “It provides an excellentopportunity for residents toearn income.”

To join the project contactZain Amod of the Trust at031 261 3177 [email protected] .

Veggies for Clairwood

Page 6: Redesign 01 (Page 1)

OPINION, NEWS and NOTICESPage 6 4 – 17 February 2011

Voter registration:why it’s important

V OTER registration isan importantprocess, not onlybecause it allows

people to cast their votes inan election, but because itcontributes towards servicedelivery.

In our door-to-doorcampaigns as publicrepresentatives we meetmany people without IDbooks. This means they donot have access to socialgrants.

The process of voterregistration helps inidentifying such people andensuring they are properlyregistered. It also allows thegovernment to get accurateinformation on the numberof people living in particularareas and to understand theirneeds. This information helpsus plan service delivery.

It is, therefore, importantfor our people to understandthat registering to vote andcasting the actual ballot is notonly about putting aCouncillor in a position. It’salso about helping yourselfby ensuring that thegovernment betterunderstands your servicedelivery needs.

I also call upon our youngpeople to ensure that theirnames appear on the voters’roll. The youth are the futureof our country and it’s

important they play a role indetermining the way forwardfor our nation.

Apart from the servicedelivery, voting is importantin securing our democracy.We are seeing conflictselsewhere on the Africancontinent which are mainlythe result of governments notlistening to their people.

Voting is not just aboutexercising your rights. It alsooffers citizens a chance tovote the right people intooffice, people who will workfor them. To ensure thishappens, citizens must checkthat their details are correcton the roll.

With this in mind, theeThekwini Municipality hasjoined hands with theDepartment of Home Affairsto ensure people get thecorrect documents.

We encourage people to goto community centres andtake advantage of IDregistration and collectionfacilities. Remember toregister this weekend.


EACH year I realisemore and more howdifficult it is to plan forclimate change. The

effects are hitting us in manyways: storms; migration fromrural areas; pressure on ourinfrastructure; agriculture;health and energy resources.

We must find new ways toplan, adapt and mitigate.

Livestock are hard hit byhigh temperatures andmillions of birds have beenlost during heat waves. Milkand cattle production areunder threat too.

A change in rainfallpatterns will affect cropproduction and moreresilient crops need to becultivated or developed.

Heat waves affect peopletoo and can lead to a loss oflife. Related illnesses andinjury are not wellunderstood and moreresearch needs to be done.

Increased rainfall mean abigger threat of water-bornediseases, while decreasedrainfall heightens the risk offamine and malnutrition.

Excessive temperatures alsoaffect the transport sector,damaging roads, lowering theperformance of aircraft andwarping rail lines.

Unusual rainfall patternswill put pressure on storm-water drainage and roads,and the capacity of thisinfrastructure will need to beincreased to cope.

Higher temperaturesincrease the demand forwater.

For example, water isneeded to cool metalstructures like bridges to

prevent heat failure. Water quality is

compromised because heatpromotes rampant algaegrowth, killing fish in riversand lakes.

Coasts and nearby wetlandecosystems are vulnerable tosea level rises. In eThekwinimost coastal land isundeveloped, but a fewmetres above the currenthigh tide line could be lost toa sea-level rise, among themsome economicallyimportant and coastalrecreation areas, if trendscontinue. However, seawallsand other measures can helpstem the tide.

Extreme events such asflash floods, cyclones,tsunamis, mudslides andlandslides, are occurringmore frequently due toclimate change.

The world as we know it isbeing adversely affected byclimate change and that iswhy eThekwini hasdeveloped a locally rootedclimate change adaptationand mitigation strategy.

As we move towards theUN’s Climate Changeconference at the end of theyear we will reflect on each ofthese sectors and what stepswe must take in this changingworld.

Climate change:it’s time to act

MichaelSutcliffe eThekwiniManager

Facilitation and Co-ordination of theeThekwini Municipality Business

Empowerment WorkshopsThe eThekwini Municipality’s

Business Support, Tourism and MarketsUnit invites quoted proposals fromorganisations/institutions andconsultants for the facilitation andcoordination of the BusinessEmpowerment Workshops.

Briefs with more detail are obtainable

from the 08 February 2011 at BusinessSupport and Market Unit, 11th Floor, 75Dr. Langalibalele Dube (Winder) Street,DURBAN 4001.

All proposals should be submitted in asealed envelope and be posted or handdelivered, clearly addressed:“FACILITATION AND CO-ORDINATION OF THE BUSINESSEMPOWERMENT WORKSHOPS” to for

the attention of: Winile Mntungwa,Business Support, Tourism and MarketsUnit, 11th Floor, 75 Dr. LangalibaleleDube (Winder) Street, DURBAN 4001.

The closing date for submission ofproposals is 12h30 Friday, 18 February2011.

For more information and enquiries,please contact; Blessing Magubane on031 311 4456, email:[email protected]



The eThekwini Municipality’s Business Support,Tourism and Markets Unit invites quoted proposals fromorganisations/ institutions and consultants forConducting a Socio-Economic Impact Assessment forthe forthcoming Business Empowerment Workshops.

Briefs with more detail are obtainable from the 08February 2011 at Business Support and Market Unit,11th Floor, 75 Dr. Langalibalele Dube (Winder) Street,DURBAN 4001.

All proposals should be submitted in a sealed envelopeand posted or hand delivered, clearly addressed:“CONDUCTING A SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACTASSESSEMENT FOR BUSINESS EMPOWERMENTWORKSHOPS” to for the attention of: Winile Mntungwa,Business Support, Tourism and Market Unit, 11th Floor,75 Dr. Langalibalele Dube (Winder) Street, DURBAN4001.

The closing date for the submission of proposals is12h30 Friday, 18 February 2011.

For more information and enquiries, please contact;Blessing Magubane on 031 311 4456, email:[email protected]

Invitation for quoted proposals

Invitation for quoted proposals

ETAS Banda of Zambia and South Africa’sNompumelelo Nyandeni challenge for the ball during aqualifying match for the 2012 London Olympic Games,played at at Umlazi’s revamped King Zwelithini’sStadium on Saturday. Banyana Banyana’s qualifyingcampaign gained momentum with a resounding 3-0thumping of Zambia. Banyana won 5-1 on aggregate,having won the first leg 2-1 in Zambia. The hostsquickly stamped their authority on the match with aslick passing game, which had their Zambiancounterparts looking baffled at times. Describing her

side’s quick and enterprising play, Banyana’s captain,Amanda Dlamini, said “We have put a lot of effort intoour preparation for this qualifier and that showed todayas we were able to stroke the ball with composureleading us to impose ourselves on the opposition.”Banyana coach Joseph Mkhonza waxed lyrical abouthis players saying they had executed their game plan.The team dedicated its victory to the magnificentcrowd which rallied behind them with song and dancethroughout the thrilling 90 minutes.

Report: Samkelo Mtshali, Picture: THEMBA KHUMALO

Banyana on the Ball

Page 7: Redesign 01 (Page 1)


GENERAL ASSISTANTR59 424.00/70 152.00 pa

Grade 3Qualifications (Essential):Basic literacy and numeracy.(Preferred): Ability to com-municate in Isi-Zulu andEnglishExperience (Essential): NilDuties Include: Receiving ver-bal instructions from theimmediate supervisor on thework programme and /or pri-orities related to specificdepartments and/or communi-cating specific cleaning materi-als requirements. Cleaningclinic facilities, sweeping/ mop-ping/ polishing and vacuumingfloors, dusting and cleaningsurfaces, toilets, windows,hand basins using specificdetergents. Verbally communi-cating cleaning materials/detergent requirements to theimmediate supervisor and indi-cating urgent replenishmentneeds. Cleaning and maintain-ing hygiene standards to rest-rooms.Applications to The HumanResources AdministrationSection, Health Department, 9Old Fort Place, Durban, 4001or PO Box 2443, Durban, 4000and returned by Friday 2011-02-18 at 12.00 (Midday).




43000186 R189 948.00/R246 552.00 pa

Grade 12Emergency Control

Centre Unit Qualifications (Essential):Relevant 3 year tertiary quali-fication in DisasterManagement or ManagementEnvironment. Valid unrestrict-ed code B driver’s licenceQualifications (Preferred):Disaster Management or otherrelevant tertiary qualification.Experience (Essential): Min 3years relevant experience in asenior position within a disas-ter management working envi-ronment. Well developed man-agerial and lecturing skills andbe capable of planning indetail and communicating atall levels. (Preferred): 4 yearsrelevant experience.Duties Include: Manages(plans, leads, organises andcontrols) IncidentManagement and Trainingfunctions in order to ensureoptimum emergency/disastermanagement functions in theDurban Metropolitan Area tothe benefit and safety of thepublic at large.Applications to TheRecruitment Division OfEmergency ServicesUnit/Metropolitan Police Unit,

Human Resources,GroundFloor, Health Unit, 9 Old FortPlace, Durban 4001 or PO Box2553 Durban 4000 or [email protected](Tel: 031 311-3742 ) by Friday2011-02-18 at 12.00 (Midday).


R13 407.00/17 403.00 pa Grade 11

Emergency Control Centre Unit

Qualifications (Essential):Matric/Grade 12. Valid unre-stricted Code B driver’s licence Qualifications (Preferred):Fluency in English and anadditional language (Zulu)would be an advantage.Disaster Management or rele-vant tertiary qualifiacation.Experience (Essential):Relevant 2 years experience ina Disaster Management orsimilar working environment.Administrative and lecturingskills and be capable of com-municating at all levels.Computer Literate.Duties Include: Undertakecommunity preparedness andrecovery activities in order toensure optimumemergency/disaster manage-ment functions in the DurbanMetropolitan Area to the ben-efit and safety of the public atlarge.Applications to TheRecruitment Division OfEmergency ServicesUnit/Metropolitan Police Unit,Human Resources,GroundFloor, Health Unit, 9 Old FortPlace, Durban 4001 or PO Box2553 Durban 4000 or [email protected], (tel031- 311-3742 ) by Friday2011-02-18 at 12.00 (Midday).



R277 596.00/360 336.00 paGrade 15

Parks, Leisure & CemeteriesDepartment

Qualifications (Essential):Relevant 3 year tertiary quali-fication in Parks, Leisure andCemeteries environment.Valid code EB driver licenceand 3 years relevant experi-ence preferably 5 years rele-vant experience.Duties Include: In conjunctionwith the Senior Manager,undertakes the formulation ofthe strategic direction of theDivision. Manage and imple-ment Leisure Facilitation.Initiates and manages specialprojects. Liases with stake-holders. Liases with sportscodes, internal / externalDepartments, external agen-cies, other local governmentorganizations, businesses,development forums, clubs,councillors and public.

Responsible and accountablefor the financial control of theLeisure, Facilitation andStadia division under his orher control. Undertakes thegeneral management of theDivision. Manages theDivision Human Resources Inconjunction with the DeputyHead, act in the absence of theSenior Manager: Parks,Leisure and Cemeteries(Kindly submit only certifiedcopies of Qualifications andCertificates held.)Applications to The HumanResources AdministrationSection, Parks, Recreation andCulture, 3rd Floor, RennieHouse, 41 Margaret Mncadi(Victoria Embarkment), P.O.Box 5426, Durban, 4000 (Tel031 311-4102) by Friday 2011-02-18 at 12.00 (Midday).


R160 884.00/R208 836.00 paGrade 11

Parks, Leisure & CemeteriesDepartment of the Parks,Recreation and Culture

Service Unit for aSuperintendent: Aquatic

Safety, Qualifications (Essential):Appropriate level of second-ary education, PoolManagement Certificate,Safety Certificate. Valid codeEB drivers licence; 3 years rel-evant experience as well ascomputer literacy. (Preferred):Lifesaving ExaminersCertificate, as well as LawEnforcement or Peace OfficerCertificate will be an advan-tage Duties Include: Manage oper-ational activities of theAquatic Safety sub section.Assumes overall responsibilityfor the training and develop-ment needs of staff and thepromotion of Aquatic Safetyawareness amongst the public.Manages the general adminis-trative and financial functionsof the Aquatic Safety sub-sec-tion. Manage the HumanResources of the sub section.Responsible for the opera-tional safety aspects of thesub-section, and dealing withthe public.Physical Requirements:No disabilities, which wouldprevent the efficient perform-ance of dutiesSpecial conditions: Requiredto work regularly over week-ends and public holidays. Postsare interchangeable within theAquatic Safety Division. Applicants who applied for theSuperintendent position adver-tised in the SVC 271 shouldnot re-apply, their applicationswill be considered togetherwith applications for the aboveposts.Ababefake izicelo zemisebenziwe superintentend owawu-vezwe ku sekhula 271mabangazihluphi ngoku buye

bafake izicelo ngoba izicelozabo ziyohlungwa kanye naleziezizomukwelwa kulezikhalaezikhangisiwe.Applications to The HumanResources AdministrationSection, Parks, Recreation AndCulture, 3 Rd Floor, RennieHouse, 41 Margaret Mncandi(Victoria Embankment) or POBox 5426, Durban, 4000 (Tel031 311-4102) by Friday 2010-02-18 at 12.00 (Midday).

LIFEGUARDR95 484 00/123 948.00 pa

Grade 7Parks, Leisure and Cemeteries

Department. Parks,Recreation and Culture

Service Unit Aquatic Safety (Beaches)

Qualifications (Essential):Appropriate secondary educa-tion, Lifeguard Award orequivalent with a valid retestand a Valid level 2 First AidCertificate. Duties Include: In conjunctionwith the Senior Lifeguard, per-forms Lifeguard duties at anydesignated beach. Assists withthe administration and super-vision of the beach. Assist withPower Craft (IRB/Jet Ski)operations. Comply with alltraining requirements.Upholds the professionalimage of the Aquatic SafetyService Please note: Applicants maybe required to participate in acomprehensive assessmentprocess.Applications to the HumanResources AdministrationSection, Parks, Recreation andCulture, 3rd Floor, RennieHouse, 41 Margaret Mncadi(Victoria Embarkment), POBox 5426, Durban, 4000 (Tel031 311-4102) by Friday 2011-02-18 at 12.00 (Midday).

POOL ATTENDANT R60 852.00/R77 136.00 pa

Grade 4Parks, Leisure and Cemeteries

Department in the AquaticSafety Branch for a Pool

Attendant, Qualifications (Essential):Appropriate level of educa-tion. 1 month knowledge inswimming pool environmentpreferably secondary educa-tion and 6 months experience.Duties Include: Prepares forthe days work. Undertakesmanual duties required tomaintain the swimming pool,its change rooms, buildingsand surrounds. Assists mem-bers of the public. EnsureOccupational Health andSafety Act regulations arecomplied with (Kindly submit only certifiedcopies of Qualifications andCertificates held.)Applications to the HumanResources AdministrationSection, Parks, Recreation andCulture, 3rd Floor, RennieHouse, 41 Margaret Mncadi

(Victoria Embarkment), POBox 5426, Durban, 4000 (Tel031 311-4102) by Friday 2011-02-18 at 12.00 (Midday).

TEAM LEADER R66 900.00 / R86 844.00 pa

Grade 5Parks, Leisure & Cemeteries

Department Qualifications (Essential):Appropriate level ofSecondary Education.Matric/Grade 12. 3 months rel-evant experience, preferably 6months relevant experienceDuties Include: Prepares forthe days work. Oversees on-the-job performance of staff.Keep immediate supervisorwell informed. EnsureOccupational Health and safe-ty Act regulations are com-plied with. Assist members ofthe general public. Prepares toend the work day (Kindly submit only certifiedcopies of Qualifications andCertificates held.)Applications to the HumanResources AdministrationSection, Parks, Recreation andCulture, 3rd Floor, RennieHouse, 41 Margaret Mncadi(Victoria Embarkment), POBox 5426, Durban, 4000 (Tel031-311-4102) by Friday 2011-02-18 at 12.00 (Midday).


MUNITY HALLS)R121 044.00/R157 116.00 pa

Grade 9Parks, Leisure & Cemeteries

DepartmentParks, Recreation and Culture

Service Unit for aAdministrator

Qualifications (Essential):Grade 12/ Matric. Valid codeB drivers licence. (Preferred): Relevant Tertiaryqualification e.g. managementdiploma. Experience (Essential): 12Months relevant experience,Computer literacy.(Preferred): 2 years relevantexperiencePhysical Requirements: Onlywhere directly relevant to theperformance of the job(Kindly submit only certifiedcopies of qualifications/certifi-cates held)Duties Include: The total man-agement of the operation,development and maintenanceof designated community halls,recreation and leisure facili-ties. Ensuring all infrastruc-ture, vehicles, tools and equip-ment are maintained in a safe,clean and functional condi-tions Drives allocated vehicleor heavy plant. Administer,supervise and train allocatedstaff. Actively instructing,leading and advising subordi-nate staff. Perform line func-tion administration and finan-cial controls. Developing andimplementing loss controlmeasures, safety and evacua-

tion procedures. Ensure thehealth and safety of staff andthe general public. Complyingwith all relevant safety proce-dures, policies, Acts and legis-lation, coordinating and serv-ing on line department safetycommittees. Communications,liaises and interacts with com-munities, internal and externalstakeholders. Remainingaccessible during working andstandby hours, promoting andapplying the principals ofBatho PeleSpecial conditions: May berequired to workovertime/irregular hoursAll posts of superintendent(Community Halls) within thedepartment are interchange-ableApplications to The HumanResources AdministrationSection, Parks, Recreation AndCulture, 3 Rd Floor, RennieHouse, 41 Margaret Mncandi(Victoria Embankment) orP.O. Box 5426, Durban, 4000(Tel 031 311-4102) by Friday2011-02-18 at 12.00 (Midday).





R121 044.00/R157 116.00 p.a.Grade 9

Treasury Cluster, RevenueManagement Unit, Call

Centre and CorrespondenceDepartment.

Qualifications (Essential):Matric / Grade 12 (Preferred):Any post matriculation qualifi-cation in call centre supervi-sion or customer management.Experience (Essential): Min 2years’ relevant experience, atleast 6 months of which mustbe supervisory in nature.(Preferred): 3 Years relevantexperience. Understanding ofthe Revenue Billing systemand Legislations pertaining tosame, i.e. Municipal SystemsAct (Section 118) no 32 of2000. Excellent communica-tion & Interpersonal skills.Duties Include: Co-ordinate,Manage and ensure an effi-cient Call Centre Division.Supervise, Control and AssessStaff performance. Complywith Council Policy, By-Lawsand Credit Control Policy.Ensure Account adjustmentsand Deposit queries areprocessed timeouslyApplications to The HumanResources (Treasury), GroundFloor, Florence MkhizeBuilding, 251 Anton LembedeStreet, Durban 4001 or P OBox 828, Durban 4000 or [email protected](Tel 031- 311-1630 Fax: 031-3111651) by Friday 2011-02-18 At12.00 (Midday)

VACANCIES & PUBLIC NOTICESPage 7 4 – 17 February 2011








The Notice published on 31January 2011 inviting com-ments from interested membersof the local community is here-by withdrawn due to a furtherconsultation process takingplace in line with a revised timetable.

Dr M.O. SutcliffeMunicipal Manager

02 February 2011





In its third phase, theeThekwini Municipality’sBusiness Support and MarketsUnit in partnership with theCity of Leeds will be rollingout the 2010/2011 Lions’ DenCompetition. The competition applicationprocess is done through thecompletion of an applicationform and submission of a business plan. From historicalexperience it has become evi-dent that the prospective competition SMME applicantshave to a certain degree,

business plan compilationshortfalls that still need signifi-cant skills development intervention. In this view, ithas become apparent that theapplicants undergo businessplan training on the businessplan compilation, comprehension of the compo-nents integration and ability toadvocate on the business planfor funding. Quoted proposals are therefore invited from interested and competent service providers for the:• The Provision of aComprehensive Business PlanTraining for the 2011 Lions’Den Competition applicants. Briefs with more details areobtainable from the 07February 2011, 75 Dr.

Langalibalele Dube (Winder)Street, Durban.

The closing date for submis-sion of quoted proposals is12h30 Friday 18th February2011. All proposals should be sub-mitted in a sealed envelopeand hand delivered to for theattention of: Winile Mntungwa: TheBusiness Plan Training of 2011Lion’s Den CompetitionApplicants at BusinessSupport and Markets Unit,11th Floor, 75 Dr.Langalibalele Dube (Winder)Street, DURBAN 4001. Forany further enquiries, pleasecontact: Blessing Magubane on031 – 311 4456 or Email:[email protected]




The eThekwini Municipality’sBusiness Support, Tourismand Markets Unit (BSTMU),in partnership with the RuralArea Based Management(RABM) invites experiencedorganisations / institutions /consultants to forward pro-posals that will indicate howthey will deliver on the out-comes of the client. Briefswith more details are obtain-able from 07 February 2011,at 11th Floor, 75 Dr Langalalibalele Dube(Winder) Street, Durban.Interested service providers

are requested to submit proposals on or before 12:00,on 18 February 2011.

All proposals should besealed in an envelope andhand delivered for the attention of Khosi Sithole,‘Mentorship to existing seamstresses and sewingcoops’ at Business Support ,Tourism & Markets Unit, 75 Dr Langalibalele Dube(Winder) Street, Durban 4001.

For further information andclarification, please contactKhosi Sithole on tel. 031-311 4500; email: [email protected]

Page 8: Redesign 01 (Page 1)

CLASSIFIEDS vacanciesThe place for eThekwini jobs, staff news, calls for proposals, tenders and notices

Priority will be given to applicants who are under represented in terms of race, gender and disability within the occupational level of the respective advertised posts. Applicants who have not beencontacted within three months from the closing date should consider themselves unsuccessful. An employee may be deployed to any of the office, depot or workplaces of the municipality within its

area of jurisdiction. Canvassing councillors or officials in respect of these positions will lead to disqualification of the applicants. Applicants may be required to participate in a comprehensiveassessment process and must be deemed competent. Work sample and / or psychometrics test’s may be undertaken as part of the selection process.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for the vacancies advertised here



R462 533,00/R588 580,00 pa)Total Remuneration

PackageGrade 15

Benefits included in the totalvalue of remuneration package (Pension; 13th

Cheque; Medical Aid; HousingSubsidy and Car Allowance)

are payable in accordance withthe rules/ requirements of the

respective benefit schemes andany revisions that may occurfrom time to time which mayalter the total value of remu-

neration package. A non-pen-sionable Market Allowance

may be payable in terms of theScarce Skills Policy.Procurement and

Infrastructure Cluster,Electricity Unit, Technical

Support Department,Communications Networks

Branch. Duties Include: Provide support to the ChiefEngineer: CommunicationNetworks by effectivelyresearching and investigating,testing, designing, planningand commissioning of thecommunication networks ofeThekwini Electricity whichrelate to complex and highlycomplex, new and broadlyavailable and unavailabletechnical practices.Qualifications (Essential):Registration as a ProfessionalEngineer (Electronic) withthe Engineering Council ofSouth Africa (ECSA). Pass aProficiency test set by thedepartment to prove sufficient general knowledgeof electrical and communication theory at thelevel of Engineer. Valid CodeB driver’s licence. First AidCertificate or obtain one within 6 months of date ofappointment.Experience (Essential):Minimum of 3 years relevantexperienceApplications must be lodgedat the Human ResourcesAdministration Division,Electricity Unit, 1 Jelf Taylor Crescent, (OppositeKingsmead Cricket Stadium)Durban 4001 or P O Box 147,Durban 4000, or [email protected] (Tel311 9166/9517/9123) by Friday2011/02/18 at 12.00 (Midday).


R462 533,00/588 580,00 paTotal Remuneration

PackageGrade 15Benefits included in the totalvalue of remuneration pack-age (Pension; 13th Cheque;

Medical Aid; Housing Subsidyand Car Allowance) are

payable in accordance with therules/ requirements of the

respective benefit schemes andany revisions that may occurfrom time to time which mayalter the total value of remu-

neration package. A non-pen-sionable Market Allowance

may be payable in terms of theScarce Skills Policy.Procurement and

Infrastructure Cluster,Electricity Unit, MV/LV

Operations Department,Construction Planning and

Works Branch. Duties Include: Managing theactivities and functions of therelevant ConstructionDivision broadly but notspecifically within definedareas of the region, in themost effective and efficientmanner.Qualifications (Essential):Registration as a ProfessionalTechnician (Electrical) withthe Engineering Council ofSouth Africa; OR NationalDiploma in Engineering(Electrical) from a Technikonor University of Technologyaccredited by the Council onHigher Education AND eligible for immediate registration as a ProfessionalTechnician with theEngineering Council of SouthAfrica which is required with-in 6 months as a condition ofappointment. Valid code Bdriver’s licence Authorised forMV Switching in terms of theService Unit’s Safety Rulesand System OperatingRegulations, within 12months of date of assumptionof dutyExperience (Essential): 5years experience in the elec-trical industry Sound knowl-edge of relevant constructionand contractual techniques,and Occupational Health andSafety Act (Preferred): 2years management experi-ence. Electrical reticulationconstruction and planningexperience.Working knowledge of budgetcontrol and incentive bonusschemes.Applications must be lodgedat the Human ResourcesAdministration Division,Electricity Unit, 1 Jelf TaylorCrescent, (Opp Kingsmead

Cricket Stadium) Durban4001 or P O Box 147, Durban4000, or may be [email protected] (Tel311 9166/9517/9123) by Friday2011/02/18 at 12.00 (Midday).


R462 533,00/588 580,00 paTotal Remuneration

PackageGrade 15Benefits included in the totalvalue of remuneration pack-age (Pension; 13th Cheque;

Medical Aid; Housing Subsidyand Car Allowance) are

payable in accordance with therules/ requirements of the

respective benefit schemes andany revisions that may occurfrom time to time which mayalter the total value of remu-

neration package. A non-pen-sionable Market Allowance

may be payable in terms of theScarce Skills Policy.Procurement and

Infrastructure Cluster,Electricity Unit, MV/LVOperations Department,

Maintenance Planning andWorks Branch.

Duties Include: Managementof the activities and functionsof the relevant MaintenanceWorks Division broadly butnot specifically in accordancewith the defined Areas of theService Unit in the mosteffective and efficient manner.Qualifications (Essential):Registration as a Professional

Technician (Electrical) withthe Engineering Council ofSouth Africa; OR NationalDiploma in Engineering(Electrical) from a Technikonor University of Technologyaccredited by the Council ofHigher Education and eligiblefor immediate registration asa Professional Technician withthe Engineering Council ofSouth Africa which isrequired within 6 months as acondition of appointment.Valid code B driver’s licence.Authorised for MV Switchingin terms of the Service Unit’sSafety Rulesand System OperatingRegulations, within 12months of date of assumptionof duty. (Preferred): Same asessential. Experience(Essential): Min 5 years postqualification experience in theelectricity distribution supplyindustry. Sound knowledge ofrelevant maintenance tech-niques and OccupationalHealth and Safety Act(Preferred): Over 2 yearsmanagement experience inthe electricity supply industry.Electrical reticulation mainte-nance experience. Experienceof computer systems andrelated data capture andworking knowledge of budgetcontrol and incentive bonusscheme.Applications must be lodgedat the Human ResourcesAdministration Division,Electricity Unit, 1 Jelf Taylor Crescent, (Opp KingsmeadCricket Stadium) Durban4001 or P O Box 147, Durban4000, or may be [email protected] (Tel311 9166/9517/9123) by Friday2011/02/18 at 12.00 (Midday).

ELECTRONIC ENGINEERR406 447,00/515 767,00 pa

Total Remuneration PackageGrade 14

Benefits included in the totalvalue of remuneration pack-age (Pension; 13th Cheque;

Medical Aid; Housing Subsidyand Car Allowance) are

payable in accordance with therules/ requirements of the

respective benefit schemes andany revisions that may occurfrom time to time which mayalter the total value of remu-

neration package. A non-pen-sionable Market Allowance

may be payable in terms of theScarce Skills Policy.Procurement and

Infrastructure Cluster,Electricity Unit, Technical

Support Department,Communications Networks

Branch. Duties Include: Provide sup-port to the Chief Engineer:Communication Networks byeffectively researching andinvestigating, testing, design-ing, planning and commis-sioning of the communicationnetworks of eThekwiniElectricity which relate tonew and broadly availableand unavailable technicalpractices.Qualifications (Essential):B.Sc Engineering (Electronic)Degree from a universityaccredited by the Council onHigher Education. Pass aProficiency test set by thedepartment to prove suffi-cient general knowledge of

electrical and communicationtheory at the level ofEngineer. Valid code B dri-ver’s licence. First AidCertificate or obtain one with-in 6 months of the date ofappointmentExperience (Essential): Min 2years relevant experience(Preferred): Min 3 years rele-vant experienceApplications must be lodgedat the Human ResourcesAdministration Division,Electricity Unit, 1 Jelf Taylor Crescent, (OppositeKingsmead Cricket Stadium)Durban 4001 or P O Box 147,Durban 4000, or may be [email protected] (Tel311 9166/9517/9123) by Friday2011/02/18 at 12.00 (Midday).


R121 044,00/157 116,00 paGrade 9

Subject to NMC RatificationProcurement and

Infrastructure Cluster,Electricity Unit, Technical

Support Department, Sherqand Training Branch.

Details Include: Undergotraining, perform work andundertake projects and tasksas a Candidate Technician inall relevant technical areas ofthe low voltage (up to 1 000volts), medium voltage (up to11 000 volts) and high voltage(up to 275 000 volts) net-works. Qualifications (Essential):

National Diploma inEngineering (Electrical orElectronic) from a Technikonor University of Technologyaccredited by the Council onHigher Education; ANDEligible for immediate regis-tration as a CandidateTechnician with theEngineering Council of SouthAfrica (ECSA) which isrequired within 6 months as acondition of appointment.Pass a proficiency test set bythe department to prove suffi-cient general knowledge oflow voltage and medium volt-age electrical networks at thelevel of a CandidateTechnician.(Preferred): Registered as aCandidate Technician withECSAExperience (Essential): Nil(Preferred): Practical experi-ence in the electrical engi-neering field. Applications received withoutAcademic record (not CreditCertificate) will not be consideredApplications must be lodgedat the Human ResourcesAdministration Division,eThekwini Electricity, 1 JelfTaylor Crescent, (OppositeKingsmead Cricket Stadium)Durban 4001 or P O Box 147,Durban 4000 or may be [email protected] (Tel311 9517/9166/9123) by Friday2011/02/18 at 12.00 (Midday).

LEARNER TECHNICIANR95 484,00/123 948,00 pa

Grade 7Subject to NMC Ratification

Procurement andInfrastructure Cluster,

Electricity Unit, TechnicalSupport Department, Sherq

and Training Branch. Duties Include: Undergo

training, perform work andundertake projects and tasksas a Learner Technician inrelevant technical areas inorder to obtain workshopbased training P1 and fieldbased training P2 for theaward of the NationalDiploma in ElectronicEngineering.Qualifications (Essential):Completed the theoreticalrequirements, namely the S4,of the National Diploma inElectrical Engineering orElectronic Engineering froma University of Technologyaccredited by the Council forHigher Education. Pass a pro-ficiency test set by the depart-ment to prove sufficient gen-eral knowledge of electricaland/or electronic engineeringfundamentals. Experience (Essential): Nil(Preferred): Practical experi-ence in the electrical and/orelectronic engineering field.Applications received withoutAcademic record (not CreditCertificate) will not be consid-eredApplications must be lodgedat the Human ResourcesAdministration Division,eThekwini Electricity, 1 JelfTaylor Crescent, (OppositeKingsmead Cricket Stadium)Durban 4001 or P O Box 147,Durban 4000 or [email protected] (Tel311 9517/9166/9123) by Friday 2011/02/18 at 12.00(Midday).



MANUFACTURING)R189 948.00/R246 552.00p.a

Grade 12Procurement and

Infrastructure Cluster,Engineering Unit, RoadsProvision Department.

In addition to the Basic Salary,successful applicants will

receive, inter alia, the followingbenefits, subjects to eligibility:Pension; 13th cheque MedicalAid; Housing Subsidy; AnnualLeave; Sick Leave; and Otherallowances where applicable.

Qualification (Essential):Relevant tertiary education.Valid code B driving licence.Experience (Essential): 3years supervisory experiencein production /engineeringenvironment. Computer liter-acy. (Preferred): 4 years rele-vant experience.Duties Include: Co-ordinatesand controls the operationsassociated with the provisionof an Asphalt ManufacturingService, inclusive of monitor-ing and implementing proce-dures, establishing resourcerequirements, planning, andevaluating outcomes, moni-toring and attending to devia-tions in productivity and per-formance and standards and,attending to specific adminis-trative and informationreporting requirements andprocesses.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Engineering Unit, 166 KeMasinga (Old Fort) Road,Durban, 4001 or PO Box 680,Durban, 4000, (Tel 031-3117740/7639 or email

[email protected] by Friday, 2011/02/18 at12.00 (Midday).


R66 900.00/R86 844.00 paGrade 5

Procurement andInfrastructure Cluster,

Engineering Unit, CoastalStormwater and CatchmentManagement Department,Engineering Services and

Records Branch.Qualification (Essential):Matric/Grade 12 withMathematics and Geography.Valid code B drivers licenseExperience (Essential): NilPreferred: NilDuties Include: TraineeDraughtpersons will follow atwo year intensive in-housetraining programme whichwill give a thorough grounding in the field ofdraughting relative toGeographic InformationSystems (GIS).On completion of the trainingthey will be required to pass adepartmental test in order toprogress to a Draughtsperson.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Engineering Unit, 166 KeMasinga Road, Durban, 4001or PO Box 680, Durban, 4000,(Tel 031 311 7740) or [email protected] by Friday, 2011/02/18 at12.00 (Midday).

SENIOR CLERK R78 984.00/R102 528.00 pa

Grade 6Procurement and

Infrastructure Cluster,Engineering Unit, Roads &Stormwater Maintenance

Department.Qualification (Essential):Appropriate secondary education. Experience (Essential): Min 6months relevant experience.Computer Literacy – OfficeApplications. (Preferred):Min 12 months relevant expe-rience.Duties Include: Performs specific tasks/ activities associated with the provisionof a secretarial service at theRegional Office, Using wordprocessing and /or other“Office applications” to prepare, format and copy typedocumentation/ correspondence, etc.Confirming availability andreserving the ConferenceRoom for scheduled meetingsand / or co-ordinatingarrangements/set-up in accor-dance with requirements.#Performs a Receptionist /Telephonist function at theRegional Offices. Performsspecific administrative / cleri-cal tasks/ activities.Recording/monitoring incom-ing/ outgoing correspondenceon the “Roads MaintenanceManagement InformationSystem” using establishedsequential numbers and / orcontrol codes.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Engineering Unit, 166 OldFort Road, Durban, 4001 OrP.O. Box 680, Durban, 4000,(Tel 031-3117740) or [email protected] by Friday, 2011/02/18 at12.00 (Midday).

Page 9: Redesign 01 (Page 1)



R515 767.00/R657 700.00 pa Grade 16 Subject to NMC

Total Value of RemunerationPackage.

“Benefits included in the totalvalue of remuneration packageRange (Pension; 13th Cheque;Medical Aid; Housing Subsidy

and Car Allowance) are payablein accordance with the

rules/requirements of the respec-tive benefit schemes and any

revisions that may occur fromtime to time which may alter the

TotalValue of RemunerationPackage. A non-pensionable

Market Allowance may bepayable in terms of the Scarce

Skills Policy”.Duties Include: The effectivemanagement and developmentof the Business Engineeringand Marketing. Provision andmaintenance of a competitiveand sustainable business branchfor the unit. Development pro-vision and maintenance offinancial statistical and cus-tomer management informa-tion. Personnel and perform-ance management. Qualification (Essential):Relevant 3 year tertiary qualifi-cation. Valid code B driversli-cence (Preferred): Doctorate orEquivalent. Relevant post grad-uate qualification.Experience (Essential): 6 yearsrelevant experience.(Preferred): 8 years relevantexperienceApplications to The HumanResources AdministrationDivision, Ethekwini WaterServices, 3 Prior Road, Durban,PO Box 1038, Durban, 4000 oremail [email protected] (Tel 031 3118779/8780) by Friday, 2011/02/18at 12.00 (Midday).



R340 046.00/R430 703.00 paTotal Value of Remuneration

Package – Grade 14Benefits included in the total

value of remuneration package(Pension, 13th Cheque; MedicalAid and Housing Subsidy) arepayable in accordance with the

rules/requirements of the respec-tive benefit schemes and any

revisions that may occur fromtime to time which may alter the

total value of remunerationpackage.

Office of the City ManagerCluster, Geographical

Information and Policy OfficeUnit, Applications and Projects

Department.Qualifications (Essential):Relevant 3 year tertiary qualifi-cation. Valid code B driverslicence (Preferred): Relevantpost graduate qualificationExperience (Essential): 4 yearsrelevant experience(Preferred): 6 years experiencein an active ProjectManagement role, preferably inthe Information Technologyindustry.Duties Include: Ensure the effi-ciency and effectiveness of themunicipality’s portfolio of ITprojects by targeting ITresources to meet specific busi-ness goals and increaseIT/Business alignment.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Ground Floor, Shell House, 221Anton Lembede Street, Durban4001 or P O Box 5892, Durban4000 or [email protected](Tel 031 311-3172) by Friday2011-02-18 at 12.00 (Midday)


SENIOR CLERK R78 984.00/R102 528.00 pa

Grade 6Legal Services Unit of theOffice of the City Manager

Cluster.Qualifications (Essential):

Appropriate level of secondaryeducation. (Preferred):Diploma / certificate in officeadministrationExperience (Essential): 6months relevant experience andcomputer literate (Preferred):12 months relevant experiencein record keeping and officead-ministration.Duties Include: Provision of acomprehensive and competentcase management system forthe Unit.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Ground Floor, Shell House, 221Smith Street, Durban 4001 orPO Box 5892, Durban 4000 [email protected](Tel 031 311-3172) by Friday2011-02-18 at 12.00 (Midday)


R95 484.00/R123 984.00 paGrade 7

Development Planning,Environment and Management

Unit of the SustainableDevelopment and City

Enterprises Cluster.Qualifications (Essential):Matric / Grade 12 (Preferred):Relevant Post MatricCertificateExperience (Essential): 12Months relevant experience.Computer literacy. (Preferred):18 months relevant experience.Duties Include: Assist theFramework Planning and theLand use ManagementBranches and provide the nec-essary administrative functionsand support.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Ground Floor, Shell House, 221Anton Lembede (Smith) Street,Durban 4001 or PO Box 5892,Durban 4000 or [email protected](Tel 311-3167) by Friday 2011-02-18 at 12.00 (Midday)




SIONAL PLANNERR406 447.00/R515 767.00 pa

Grade 14R462 533.00/R588 580.00 pa

Grade 15Benefits included in the total

value of remuneration package(Pension, 13th Cheque; Medical

Aid , Housing Subsidy andLocomotion Allowance) are

payable in accordance with therules/requirements of the

respective benefit schemes andany revisions that may occurfrom time to time which may

alter the total value of remuner-ation package.

Development Planning,Environment and

Management Unit of theSustainable Development &

City Enterprises Cluster.Grade 14:Qualifications (Essential):Accredited planning educa-tional programme at theNational QualificationsFramework level 7 or higheror a development related fouryear degree from a recognisedinstitution. Valid code B driv-ers licence Computer literate (Preferred): Post Graduatedegree in Town and Regionalplanning from a recognizedinstitution eligible for registra-tion as a Professional Plannerwith the South AfricanCouncil for Town andRegional PlannersExperience (Essential):Acceptable relevant experi-ence (Preferred):Considerable relevant experi-enceGrade 15Qualifications (Essential): PostGraduate degree in Town andRegional planning from a rec-ognized institution. Eligiblefor registration as aProfessional Planner with theSouth African Council forTown and Regional Planners. Valid code B drivers licence.

Computer literate Experience (Essential): Min 3years relevant experience.(Preferred): Min 5 years rele-vant experienceGrade 14Duties Include: Undertakeand assist with spatial and inte-grated planning tasks requiredfor the production of Unit out-puts in the following areas, vizResearch and Policy,Framework Planning, LandUse Management,Information andCommunication, in compli-ance with applicable legisla-tion, regulations, bylaws andpolicies.Grade 15Duties Include: Assist theManager: FrameworkPlanning and manager: LandUse Management with, Spatialand Land Use Planning, LandUse Management System,Research and Policy, by under-taking such task necessary toensure that the core outputs ofthe Unit, namely: Researchand Policy, FrameworkPlanning, Land UseManagement, Information andCommunication are achievedin compliance with applicablelegislation, regulations, bylawsand policies.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Ground Floor, Shell House,221 Smith Street, Durban 4001or P O Box 5892, Durban 4000or email [email protected] (Tel 031 311-3172/3) by Friday 2011-02-18 at12.00 (Midday)


R160 884.00/R208 836.00 paGrade 11

Development Planning,Environment and

Management Unit of theSustainable Development &

City Enterprises Cluster.Qualifications (Essential):Appropriate 3 year tertiaryqualification. Valid code Bdrivers licence. (Preferred): Adiploma/degree in Town andRegional Planning andRegional Planning or allieddiscipline from a recognizedinstitutionExperience (Essential): Min 2years working experience in anenvironment that offers expe-rience to assess developmentand building plans, includingthose of a large scale and com-plex nature, and economically significant projects. Goodcommunications and cus-tomers interface experience.Computer literate (Preferred):Min of 5 years experience inthe field on interpreting build-ing plans of a large scale andcomplex nature from aNational Building Regulationsand Town Planning perspec-tiveDuties Include: Provide a cus-tomer focused building devel-opment and land use advisoryservice.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Ground Floor, Shell House,221 Anton Lembede (Smith)Street, Durban 4001 or POBox 5892, Durban 4000 oremail [email protected] (Tel 031-3113173)by Friday 2011-02-18 at 12.00(Midday)

PRINCIPAL CLERK R95 484.00/123 948.00 pa

Grade 7Development Planning,

Environment & ManagementUnit of the SustainableDevelopment & CityEnterprises Cluster.

Qualifications (Essential):Matric/Grade 12 (Preferred):Relevant post MatricCertificateExperience (Essential): 12months relevant experience.Computer literacy (Preferred):18 months relevant experienceDuties Include: Assist withadministrative functionsrequired by theDivision/Branch/Department.

Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Ground Floor, Shell House,221 Anton Lembede Street,Durban 4001 or PO Box 5892,Durban 4000 or [email protected] (Tel 031 311-3172/3173) byFriday 2011-02-18 at 12.00(Midday).

PRINCIPAL CLERK R95 484.00/R123 948.00 pa

Grade 7Development Planning,

Environment & ManagementUnit of the SustainableDevelopment & CityEnterprises Cluster.

Qualifications (Essential):Matric/Grade 12. (Preferred):Relevant post MatricCertificateExperience (Essential): 12months relevant experience.Computer literacy.(Preferred): 18 Months rele-vant experienceDuties Include: Assist withadministrative functionsrequired by theDivision/Branch/Department.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Ground Floor, Shell House,221 Anton Lembede Street,Durban 4001 or PO Box 5892,Durban 4000 or [email protected] (Tel 031 311-3172/3173) byFriday 2011-02-18 at 12.00(Midday)


STAFF ASSISTANTR95 484.00/R123 948.00 pa

Grade 7Human Resources Unit of the

Corporate and HumanResources Cluster.

Qualifications (Essential):Matric / Grade 12. Valid codeB drivers license. (Preferred):Relevant post matric certifi-cate.Experience (Essential): 12months relevant experience.Computer literacy.(Preferred): 18 months rele-vant experience in a HumanResources Administrationenvironment.Duties Include: Provide cleri-cal and administrative assis-tance to the Human ResourcesServices Branch.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Ground Floor, Shell House,221 Smith Street, Durban 4001or P O Box 5892, Durban 4000or email [email protected] (Tel 031 311-3173)by Friday 2011-02-18 at 12.00(Midday)

PRINCIPAL CLERKR95 484.00/R123 948.00 pa

Grade 7Human Resources

Unit of the Corporate andHuman Resources Cluster.

Qualification (Essential):Appropriate secondary educa-tion. Computer literate. Validcode B drivers licence(Preferred): Relevant tertiaryqualificationExperience (Essential): 2 yearsrelevant experience. Goodcommand of English andisiZulu including the ability tointerpret and translate isiZulu(Preferred): Municipal HumanResources administration experienceDuties Include: Provides a liai-son service within the HumanResources Department by:attending to family membersof deceased employees andadvising them of proceduresand requirements for finaliza-tion of deceased memberspayment of final benefits:complete pension returns, UIFdocuments and liaises with the different pension funds.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Ground Floor, Shell House,221 Anton Lembede Street,Durban 4001 or PO Box 5892,Durban 4000 or [email protected]

by Friday 2011-02-18 at 12h00Midday

SECRETARYR95 484.00/R123 948.00 pa

Grade 7Human Resources Unit of the

Corporate and HumanResources Cluster. (P&I)

Qualification (Essential):Appropriate secondary educa-tionExperience (Essential): 6months relevant experience.Computer literacy (Preferred):12 months relevant experi-ence.Duties Include: Performstasks/activities associated withthe provision of a secretarialservice to the HumanResources Branch and under-takes telephonist/ receptionistfunctions.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Ground Floor, Shell House,221 Anton Lembede Street,Durban 4001 or P O Box 5892,Durban 4000 or [email protected] Friday 2011-02-18 at 12h00Midday



R406 447.00/R515 767.00 pa Grade 14

Total Cost Package“Benefits included in the Total

Value of RemunerationPackage Range (Pension, 13thCheque, Medical Aid, Housing

Subsidy and LocomotionAllowance) are payable in

accordance with therules/requirements of the

respective benefit schemes andany revisions that may occurfrom time to time which may

alter the Total Value ofRemuneration Package. In

addition other allowances maybe payable (where applicable).Management Services Unit of

the Corporate and HumanResources Cluster.

Qualifications (Essential): 3year tertiary qualification.Valid code B drivers licenceExperience (Essential): 2 yearsrelevant management consul-tancy experience (Preferred):Knowledge of LocalGovernment, Transformationand restructuring processThorough understanding ofprocess re-design techniques.Duties Include: Knowledge ofLocal Government,Transformation and restructur-ing process. Thorough under-standing of process re-designtechniquesApplications to The HumanResources Administration,Ground Floor, Shell House,221 Anton Lembede Street,Durban 4001 or PO Box 5892,Durban 4000 or [email protected](Tel 031 311-3167) by Friday2011-02-18 at 12.00 (Midday)



R136 284.00.00/176 904.00 pa Grade 10

Business Support and MarketsUnit of the SustainableDevelopment & CityEnterprises Cluster.

Qualifications (Essential):Relevant post Matric certifi-cate. Valid code B driver’slicence Computer literacy.(Preferred): 3 year tertiaryDiploma or DegreeExperience (Essential): 24Months relevant experience(Preferred): Knowledge of theMunicipal environment and itsfinancial operations At least 3years relevant experienceDuties Include: Responsiblefor providing a comprehensiveadministrative support serviceto the Unit. Applications to The HumanResources Administration,

Ground Floor, Shell House,221 Anton Lembede Street,Durban 4001 or PO Box 5892,Durban 4000 or email:[email protected](Tel 031 311-3172/3173) byFriday 2011-02-18 at 12.00(Midday)



R66 900.00/86 844.00 pa Grade 5

Market Unit of theSustainable Development &

City Enterprises Cluster.Qualifications (Essential):Appropriate secondary educa-tion (Preferred): A good basiceducation. Valid code B dri-ver’s licenceExperience (Essential): 3months relevant experience inthe maintenance/technicalfield. Have a good knowledgeof electric power tools (e.g.angle grinder, drill etc).(Preferred): 6 months relevantexperienceDuties Include: Services plantand vehicles, replaces fusedlight bulbs, tubes or starters,conducts general maintenance,assists the maintenance officer,records electricity meters torecover costs from tenantsApplications to The HumanResources Administration,Ground Floor, Shell House,221 Anton Lembede Street,Durban 4001 or PO Box 5892,Durban 4000 or [email protected](Tel 031 311-3172/3173) byFriday 2011-02-18 at 12.00(Midday)



R515 767.00/657 700.00 paGrade 16 - Total Value of

Remuneration Package Range “Benefits included in the total

value of remuneration package(Pension;13th Cheque;

Medical Aid; Housing Subsidyand Car Allowance)are

payable in accordance with therules/requirements of the

respective benefits schemes andany revisions that may occurfrom time to time which may

alter the total value of remuner-ation package. A non-pension-able Market Allowance may bepayable in terms of the Scarce

Skills Policy”Qualifications (Essential):Registered as a MedicalPractitioner with HPCSA.Valid code B driver’s Licence(Preferred): Relevant postgraduate qualification.Experience (Essential): 5Years clinic experience ofwhich one year must be in theprovision of ARV initiationservices. Computer literacy.(Preferred): 8 Years relevantexperience in Communicabledisease management.Duties Include: ManagingCommunicable Diseases(Tuberculosis and SexuallyTransmitted Diseases andother includingHIV/AIDS,etc.) in the depart-ment. Controls task/activitiesassociated with the pro-gramme management.Performs specific activitiesassociated with communica-tion/liaison support to linefunctions. Controls specificprocedures and measure per-taining to research and compli-ance on development.Coordinates functions associ-ated with the financial andhuman resource management.Contributing to the provisionof a high quality clinical serv-ice.Applications to The HumanResources AdministrationSection, Health Department, 9Old Fort Place, Durban, 4001or PO Box 2443, Durban, 4000or [email protected] 031 311 3516) and returnedby Friday 2011-02-18 at 12.00(Midday)

VACANCIESPage 9 4 – 17 February 2011

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PUBLIC NOTICESPage 10 4 – 17 February 2011




Contract Number 1A-6291

Proposals are invited fromappropriately experienced con-sultancies / professional serviceproviders to update theeThekwini Green House GasEmission Inventory (GHGEI)and establish a system forannually reportingGreenhouse Gases in the city.

SCOPE / PURPOSEA Service Provider is requiredto complete a GHGEI for2009/2010 eThekwiniMunicipality financial year.Based on the experience ofdeveloping the inventory theService provider should estab-lish a system for developingand reporting the GHGEI on

annual basis. The GHGEIInventory should follow theInternational LocalGovernment GHG EmissionsAnalysis Protocol Version 1.0.The system for developing andreporting the GHGEI on anannual basis should providerecommendations for internalmunicipal information collec-tion that could improve theaccuracy of the operationalemissions portion of theGHGEI in future years.

COMPULSORY SITEBRIEFING SESSIONAll bidders must attend a com-pulsory site briefing session at09:00am on 11th February2011 at The Penthouse (room6 ½), 6th floor, City EngineersBuilding, 166 KE Masinga(Old Fort) Road, Durban.


Proposals must be clearlymarked: eThekwini GreenHouse Gas EmissionsInventory and ReportingSystem, Contract Number 1A-6291 and be placed in the ten-der box located on the GroundFloor, 166 K E Masinga Road,Durban, on or before 11:00 onFriday 2011-02-25

FURTHER ENQUIRIESFurther enquiries can be madeto Derek Morgan, eThekwiniEnergy Office, on Tel: +27 31311 11 39 or e-mail: [email protected]

TENDER DOCUMENTThe tender document will becollected from cashier, GroundFloor, 166 K E Masinga Road,Durban. A non-refundabledeposit of R100 is payable incheque made out in favour ofthe employer, is required oncollection of the document.



Network level visual conditionassessment survey of paved


The eThekwini Municipalityinvites expressions of interestfor network level visual condi-tion assessment survey ofpaved roads within theeThekwini Municipality inaccordance withTMH9/UTG12. TheExpression of Interest docu-ments are obtainable from Mr

S. Moodley, Roads ProvisionDepartment, 2nd Floor, ETABuilding (Room 202), 30Archie Gumede Place,Durban. A compulsory brief-ing meeting will be held at9:00, on 2011-02-23, in theRoads Provision ConferenceRoom, 2nd Floor, ETABuilding (Room 213), 30Archie Gumede Place,Durban. Attendance at thismeeting is compulsory andsubmissions will not be consid-ered from consultancies whodo not attend. Submissions for

the Expression of Interestmust be sealed in an envelope,labelled, “VISUAL ASSESS-MENT 2009” together withthe name of the consultancyand placed in the tender boxlocated on the ground floor,Municipal Buildings, 166 KEMasinga Road, Durban (andnot any other Municipaldepartment), no later than11:00, on 2011-03-04.All enquiries: 031-311 7368(E.P. Lathleiff) or 031-311 7968(S. Moodley) or 031-311 7507(M. Covele).




Service Delivery and BudgetImplementation Plan (SDBIP)

In terms of the LocalGovernment: MunicipalPlanning and PerformanceManagement Regulations of2001 S3.4(b) any proposedamendments to the IDP

should be published for publiccomment for a period of atleast 21 days in a manner thatallows the public an opportuni-ty to make representationswith regard to the proposedamendment. The amendedOrganisational Scorecard andService Delivery and BudgetImplementation Plan (SDBIP)have entered a public partici-pation phase. Citizens andstakeholders have until 21February 2011 to submit com-ments. The abovementionedreports are available on the

Municipality’s and willalso be placed in the Municipallibraries for use by the publicfrom 1 February 2011.Enquiries:Head Performance Monitoringand Evaluation Unit, NirmalaGovender PerformanceMonitoring and EvaluationUnit. 41 Margaret Mncadi Ave(Victoria Embankment), Durban 4001.Fax: 031 311 4209Email:[email protected]




Through its Tourism SectorSMME Development Desk,the eThekwini Municipality’sBusiness Support and MarketsUnit (BSMU) invites allSMMEs operating within theTourism Sector to register onthe database for enterprisedevelopment. This will assistthe Unit in an attempt to ade-quately address the challengesfaced by SMMEs through astructured plan and resourceallocation and ensuring that nolegible beneficiaries are leftout during various businessdevelopment interventions. Onregistration in a narrowingsequence, SMMEs will be cat-egorized according to the spe-cific product offering withinthe broader sector, the phaseof product lifecycle they are atand a business developmentneeds analysis will be done to

inform the required develop-ment intervention. The data-base will also enable the con-tinuous communication toSMMEs of relevant businessinformation and opportunities. Registration process andSMME development condi-tions:• All registration should bedone on the registration formto be provided by BSMU.• Registration forms can beobtained electronically or col-lected from BSMU. Contactperson and physical addressare below.• Any registration in any otherform or document outside ofthis appropriate form will notbe accepted. • All interventions will be exe-cuted as informed by the out-come of a professional busi-ness needs analysis.• The eThekwiniMunicipality’s BSMU reservesthe right to execute the SMMEdevelopment interventions inaccordance to its set struc-tured plan and available

resources.• During project execution,atmost cooperation is requiredfrom all potential beneficiariesto ensure project success. • The ranges of product offer-ing could be: Tourist guides,Tour operators,Travel agents/Tour Brokers,Accommodation, Caterers,Event Companies,Entertainments, Logistics andmanufacturers of Tourismrelated products (novelties andsouvenirs). All registration forms accom-panied by a company profileor C.V must be returned in asealed envelope addressed forthe attention of WinileMntungwa, 11th Floor, 75 DrLangalibalele Dube (Winder)Street, Durban. For enquiries and applicationforms please contact HopewellNoyingana, Tel: 031-311 4500;Fax: 031-311 1011; email:[email protected] closing date for registration is 2011-03-07, at16:00.




The eThekwini Municipality’sBusiness Support, Tourism andMarkets Unit, through itsTourism Sector SMMEDevelopment Desk, requiresthe services of accredited serv-ice providers to forward pro-posals for the training ofTourist Guides within six focusareas of the eThekwiniMunicipality: Clermont,Inanda, KwaMashu, DurbanCentral, Hammersdale &

Umlazi (South of Durban).Detailed Terms of Reference(TORs) are obtainable from2011-02-07 at Business Supportand Markets Unit offices onthe 11th floor, 75 DrLangalibalele Dube (Winder)Street, Durban. The documents will be issuedfrom Monday to Friday, from08:00 – 16:00. The closing datefor the submission of quotedproposals is Friday, 14February 2011, at 11:00. Acompulsory briefing sessionwill be held on Thursday, 10February 2011, at 11:00, atBusiness Support & MarketsUnit, 11th floor, 75 Dr

Langalibalele Dube (Winder)Street, Durban. All quotedproposals should be handdelivered in a sealed envelopefor the attention of theProgramme Manager, WinileMntungwa, Business Support& Markets Unit, 11th floor, 75Dr Langalibalele Dube(Winder) Street, Durban 4001.Electronic submissions will notbe accepted, and a submissionregister will be signed. For more information and further enquiries, please contact Hopewell Noyinganaon 031 311 4500 or e-mail: [email protected]




The eThekwini Municipality inpartnership with the LeedsCity Council launched theLion’s Den Programme in2006. Over the years, overR400k worth of grant moneyand business support hasenabled SMMEs to benefitfrom the programme throughcompetition. The competitionis once again running and allprospective SMME beneficiar-ies within eThekwiniMunicipality are invited to

apply for this exciting opportu-nity. Through the provision ofthe financial support, theobjective of the competition isto stimulate good businessideas, encourage sustainableentrepreneurship, innovationand competitiveness amongstentrepreneurs. It is also to fur-ther loin SMMEs with otherbusiness development oppor-tunities. The competition awards willbe in the following three cate-gories in which SMMEs canapply:• Emerging SMMEs withviable business ideas• Established SMMEs in need

of venture expansion capital• SMMEs that have demon-strated entrepreneurship excel-lence Application forms with moredetails can be obtained fromBusiness Support and MarketsUnit, 75 Dr LangalibaleleDube (Winder) Street, from 7 February 2011 and on 10February 2011. Competition closes on 4 March2011. For enquiries contact BlessingMagubane at 031 311-4500 [email protected]




Emoyeni Educare Centre

It is hereby notified in terms ofsection 14(2) of the MunicipalFinance Management Act No.56 of 2003 and the SupplyChain Regulations that it is theintention of the Municipalityto sell, in freehold, by privatetreaty to Emoyeni EducareCentre, the land described asErf 207 Lamontville,Registration Division FT inthe Province of KwaZuluNatal, in extent 1066m² asdepicted on plan SJ 4404/2 at aprice of R1 140.00 (inclusive of

VAT).Copies of the Conditions ofSale No. 7038 will be availablefor inspection at the office ofthe Head: Real Estate, Room1702, 17th floor, 75 DrLangalibalele Dube (Winder)Street, Durban (Ref 19/46/2:Bathobile Ntobela), ContactNo. 031 311 4388 between07:45 and 16:30, Monday toFriday, for a period of 14 dayscommencing on 4 February2011.Representation or objection tothe proposed sale shall only beconsidered as valid if:-(a) The full names, IdentityNumber and Physical addressand contact details of theauthor are recorded thereon;

(b) The interest of the authoris recorded fully;(c) The grounds thereof are setout in detail; and(d) Is lodged with the under-signed not later than 17:00 on21 February 2011

Should the author fail to com-ply substantially with the crite-ria above, the representationand/ or objection may beregarded by the eThekwiniMunicipality as invalid.

Dr M.O. SutcliffeCity Manager

City HallDr. Pixley kaSeme (West)

Street, Durban




eThekwini Municipality’sAnnual Report 2009/2010, alegal requirement in terms ofthe Local Government:Municipal Finance

Management Act 56 of 2003,was tabled at Council on 27January 2011. The AnnualReport process has entered apublic participation phase andcitizens and stakeholders haveuntil 1 March 2011 to makesubmissions. The AnnualReport is available on the

City’s and will beplaced in City libraries, servicecentres and information cen-tres for use by the public. Enquiries: Carolyn KerrPhone: 031- 322 4520Fax: 031 - 261 3405e-mail: [email protected]




In a quest to assist cooperatives to address theircompliance statutory status,eThekwini Municipality’sBusiness Support and MarketsUnit are offering StatutoryCompliance Workshops for

registered cooperatives operating within the Municipalboundaries. The workshopsare structured as follows:

• SARS: To address tax issues • Dept of Labour: To addresslabour issues• BCCCI

Interested cooperatives are

encouraged to register theircooperatives particulars at theBusiness Support & MarketsUnit Main Office, 11th Floor,Room 1101, 75 Dr.Langalibalele Dube Street,Durban 4001. For more infor-mation please contactSebenzile Ndlovu on 031 3114500/ 4578 or [email protected]


The eThekwini Municipality’sBusiness Support, Tourism andMarkets Unit is facilitatingskills development and train-ing opportunity for womenowned businesses within theirarea of jurisdiction. BSTMUinvites women SMMEs operat-ing in all sectors to submitbusiness profiles for the selec-tion to participate in the train-ing programme. Selection will be based on thefollowing criteria:• Number of years in business• Business in full operation• Working premises• Age of business minimum 2years in full operation

• Quality of products or servic-es• The SMMEs who meet thecriteria will be invited for acompulsory assessmentTargeted Beneficiaries• SMME service providers• Women owned enterprises• BEE enterprises Interested applicants arerequested to fill out the pre-scribed database forms whichare obtainable from BusinessSupport:• A detailed company profile • Full company contact details• Number of employees ormember in the company • BEE Status

• Copy of company registra-tion documents SARS, VAT,Registrar of Companies,Business Licence or other.Delivery Address Ethekwini MunicipalityBusiness Support, TourismAnd Markets UnitSuite 1101, 11Th Floor75 Dr Langalibalele Dube(Winder) StreetDurban, 4001031 311 4500Delivery: Monday to Friday07:30-16:00Closing date for registration:18 February 2011, at 12:00noon.



Page 11: Redesign 01 (Page 1)

PUBLIC NOTICESPage 11 4 – 17 February 2011





PROJECT”Contract 1N-6279

Proposals are invited fromappropriately experiencedconsultants / professionalservice providers for the facil-itation of a CleanDevelopment Mechanism(CDM) application to bemade under the KyotoProtocol to the UNFCCC fora carbon emissions reductions(composting) project to beestablished at the municipali-ty’s Mariannhill Landfill Site.The eThekwini Municipalityintends to remain as theApplicant / Project Ownerand Project Developer forthis project, and retain fullownership of all carbon cred-its that result from the suc-cessful application.

SCOPE / PURPOSEAs part of its commitment to“greening” the 2010 FIFAWorld Cup which was hostedin Durban, the eThekwiniMunicipality set a target tohost a “climate neutralevent”. In pursuit of this tar-get, a significant amount ofwork has been completed inthe identification of potentialcarbon emissions reductions(CER) projects that could beimplemented within theeThekwini Municipal Areato offset the carbon footprintof the event. This processleads to the identification offive immediately imple-mentable CER projects.One of these projects is the“Mariannhill Landfill SiteComposting Project”. Thisproject involves the diversionof green waste from the pri-mary mixed municipal wastestream, subjecting it tomechanical biological treat-ment and anaerobic diges-tion, with the intention ofcapturing the resulting

methane gas and convertingit to electricity. The projectwill complement an existinglandfill gas to energy installa-tion at the landfill site.The project’s emission reduc-tions will be realised fromthree sources i.e. 1. The destruction ofmethane which is producedby the Anaerobic Digestion(AD) processes employinghigh efficient flares and inter-nal combustion engines;2. The avoidance of methaneemissions by the compostingof waste that is currently dis-posed to the MariannhillLandfill Site;3. The reduction in carbondioxide emissions attributedto the displacement of gridelectricity produced from fos-sil fuels (coal). The intention is to developand register the project as aCDM initiative under theKyoto Protocol, and realizetradable carbon credits. Acertain portion of the carboncredits generated will beretired by the eThekwini

Municipality as part-contri-bution towards offsetting thecarbon footprint of theWorld Cup event hosted inDurban, with the balancebeing sold by the municipali-ty. The proposed project doesnot trigger the need forEnvironmentalAuthorisation in terms of theNational EnvironmentalImpact AssessmentRegulations (2010), and con-sequently no BasicAssessment orEnvironmental ImpactAssessment is required. ABusiness Plan has been pre-pared for the project. Inaddition to this, a ProjectIdentification Note (PIN) hasbeen prepared and submittedto the Designated NationalAuthority for CDM in SouthAfrica, and been accepted,effectively completing thefirst step in the CDM projectregistration process. TheeThekwini Municipality nowintends to take the CDM reg-istration process for theMariannhill Landfill Site

Composting Project forward,and requires the services ofappropriately experiencedconsultancies or professionalsto prepare a ProjectDevelopment Document(PDD) and facilitate theprocess of lodging the CDMRegistration Applicationwith the UNFCCC andtracking this through thereview process. The workwill start in April 2011 andmust be completed by June2012.

TENDER DOCUMENTSAND COMPULSORYSITE BRIEFINGTender Documents are to beobtained from the GroundFloor, City EngineersBuilding (166 K E MasingaRoad, Durban), and a com-pulsory non-refundabledeposit of R100 is payable oncollection of these docu-ments. All bidders musthave collected the TenderDocuments and paid thisdeposit in order to attend theSite Briefing and qualify for

evaluation in the tenderprocess. A Compulsory SiteBriefing will be held at theMariannhill Landfill Site,west of Durban, on 11thFebruary 2011 at 11am.

SUBMISSION OF PRO-POSALSProposals must be placed in asealed envelope clearlymarked “Facilitation ofCDM Registration Processfor Mariannhill Landfill SiteComposting Project:Contract 1N-6279”, and beplaced in the tender boxlocated on the Ground Floor,166 K E Masinga Road,Durban, on or before 11:00(am) on Friday 25 February2011.FURTHER ENQUIRIESFurther enquiries can bemade to Nicci Diederichs,Greening Durban 2010Programme Manager for theEnvironmental Planning andClimate ProtectionDepartment on Tel: 031 7646449 or e-mail: [email protected]





Contract 1N-6280

Proposals are invited fromsuitably qualified profession-al service providers to pro-vide technical project man-agement and specialist serv-ices for municipal projectsrelating to carbon emissionsreductions and carbon foot-printing.

SCOPE / PURPOSEAs part of its commitment to“greening” the 2010 FIFAWorld Cup which was host-ed in Durban, the eThekwiniMunicipality set a target tohost a “climate neutralevent”. In pursuit of thistarget, a significant amountof work was completed inthe identification of poten-tial carbon emissions reduc-

tions (CER) projects thatcould be implemented with-in the eThekwini MunicipalArea to offset the carbonfootprint of the event. Thisprocess leads to the identifi-cation of a range of possibleCER projects. Two of theseprojects are to be registeredwith the United NationsFramework Convention onClimate Change (UNFCCC)as Clean DevelopmentMechanism (CDM) projects:a) The “eThekwiniMunicipality Solar WaterHeater Rollout Project”. This project involves themunicipality facilitating theinstallation of solar waterheaters on homes and busi-nesses throughout themunicipal area. The projecttargets middle and upperincome homeowners / busi-nesses.b) The “Mariannhill LandfillSite Composting Project”.This project involves theinstallation of a mechanicalbiological treatment and

anaerobic digestion plant atthe Mariannhill Landfill Site,aimed at complementing theexisting Landfill Gas toEnergy Project at this site.The eThekwini Municipalitywill appoint two serviceproviders to undertake theCDM Application processfor the above two projects.However, it also requires theservices of a SPECIALISTPROJECT CONSULTANTto oversee, guide and sup-port the service providersthat will be conducting thiswork. The current tenderprocess is for this SPECIAL-IST PROJECT CONSULT-ANT CONTRACT, and notthe CDM Application con-tracts. Note also that theCDM Application contractswill be direct contractsbetween the eThekwiniMunicipality and theirappointed service providers,and not sub-contracts of theSpecialist ProjectConsultant.The eThekwini Municipality

is also going to be hostingthe next UNFCCCConference of the Parties(COP17-CMP7) inNovember-December 2011.The municipality is obligedin terms of the UNFCCCrequirements to host thisconference in a “ClimateNeutral” manner. Themunicipality requires thesupport of a suitably quali-fied and experienced profes-sional in this. Specifically theindividual will need to assistwith identifying the carbonfootprint of the conference,and means to reducing andoffsetting this carbon foot-print. The service providerappointed to project managethe two contracts for CDMregistration applications forthe Solar Water Heater andMariannhill Landfill SiteComposting Projects willtherefore also be required toprovide the abovementionedassistance in respect of themunicipality’s plans to host a

“Carbon Neutral COP17-CMP7”.It is the intention to appointan individual to undertakethe required SpecialistProject Consultant servicesunder this contract.However, the individual maybe supported by a team ofother professionals in orderto meet the full set of skillsrequirements of the work(i.e. carbon footprinting, car-bon footprint minimisationstrategy etc).The work will start in April2011 and must be completedby June 2012.

TENDER DOCUMENTSTender Documents are to beobtained from the GroundFloor, City EngineersBuilding (166 K E MasingaRoad, Durban), and a com-pulsory non-refundabledeposit of R100 is payableon collection of these docu-ments. All bidders musthave collected the TenderDocuments and paid this

deposit in order to qualifyfor evaluation in the tenderprocess.

SUBMISSION OF PRO-POSALSProposals must be placed ina sealed envelope clearlymarked “Specialist ProjectConsultant – CarbonEmissions Reductions andCarbon Footprinting:Contract 1N-6280”, and beplaced in the tender boxlocated on the GroundFloor, 166 K E MasingaRoad, Durban, on or before11:00 (am) on Friday 25February 2011.

FURTHER ENQUIRIESFurther enquiries can bemade to Nicci Diederichs,Greening Durban 2010Programme Manager for theEnvironmental Planning andClimate ProtectionDepartment on Tel: 031 7646449 or e-mail: [email protected]






Contract 1N-6281

Proposals are invited fromappropriately experiencedconsultancies / professionalservice providers for thefacilitation of a CleanDevelopment Mechanism(CDM) application to bemade under the KyotoProtocol to the UNFCCCfor a carbon emissions reduc-tions (SOLAR WATERHEATER) project to beimplemented by theeThekwini Municipality. TheeThekwini Municipalityintends to remain as theApplicant / Project Ownerand Project Developer forthis project, and retain fullownership of all carbon cred-

its that result from the suc-cessful application.


As part of its commitment to“greening” the 2010 FIFAWorld Cup which was hostedin Durban, the eThekwiniMunicipality set a target tohost a “climate neutralevent”. In pursuit of this tar-get, a significant amount ofwork has been completed inthe identification of potentialcarbon emissions reductions(CER) projects that could beimplemented within theeThekwini Municipal Areato offset the carbon footprintof the event. This process leads to theidentification of a number ofimmediately implementableCER projects. One of theseprojects is the “eThekwiniMunicipality Solar WaterHeater Programme”. Thisproject involves the munici-pality facilitating the installa-tion of solar water heaters onhomes and businesses

throughout the municipalarea. The project is effective-ly a facilitatory one, in whichthe municipality is activelypromoting and facilitatingmarket uptake of solar waterheaters in the greaterDurban area with the inten-tion of reducing energy con-sumption and associatedgreenhouse gas emissions.The municipality is notactively involved in the pur-chase and installation of solarwater heaters. This project istherefore ideally placed to beregistered as a“Programmatic CDM /Programme of Activities”CDM:“A programme of activities(PoA) is a voluntary coordi-nated action by a private orpublic entity which coordi-nates and implements anypolicy/measure or stated goal(i.e. incentive schemes andvoluntary programmes),which leads to anthropogenicGHG emission reductions ornet anthropogenic green-house gas removals by sinks

that are additional to anythat would occur in theabsence of the PoA, via anunlimited number of CDMprogramme activities (CPAs)(EB 47, Annex 29, paragraph3) .”The project aims to facilitatethe installation of 30,000solar water heaters (SWHs)on middle and upper incomehomes / businesses by 2015and 100,000 by 2020. The work in respect ofundertaking the CDM regis-tration process for theeThekwini Solar WaterHeater Programme will startin April 2011 and must becompleted by June 2012. Consultancies or profession-als bidding to undertake thisprocess need to demonstratepractical experience in theCDM registration process,technical involvement in sim-ilar types of solar waterheater carbon emissionsreductions projects, andappropriate technical qualifi-cations to conduct therequired work. Only firms /

teams that can properlydemonstrate an establishedtrack record in all relevantaspects of CDM projects andregistration processes will beconsidered. Contact refer-ences for all projects listed insupport of this motivationmust be provided.


Tender Documents are to beobtained from the GroundFloor, City EngineersBuilding (166 K E MasingaRoad, Durban), and a com-pulsory non-refundabledeposit of R100 is payable oncollection of these docu-ments. All bidders musthave collected the TenderDocuments and paid thisdeposit in order to attend theSite Briefing and qualify forevaluation in the tenderprocess.All bidders must attend acompulsory site briefing ses-sion at 2pm on 11th February

2011 at The PenthouseConference Room, 6th floor,City Engineers Building, 166KE Masinga (Old Fort)Road, Durban.

SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALSProposals must be placed in asealed envelope clearlymarked “Facilitation ofCDM Registration Processfor eThekwini MunicipalitySolar Water HeaterProgramme: Contract 1N-6281”, and be placed in thetender box located on theGround Floor, 166 K EMasinga Road, Durban, onor before 11:00 (am) onFriday 25 February 2011.


Further enquiries can bemade to Nicci Diederichs,Greening Durban 2010Programme Manager for theeThekwini Municipality onTel: 031 764 6449 or e-mail: [email protected]

Page 12: Redesign 01 (Page 1)

Sealed tenders, addressed to the CITY MANAGER, c/o GROUND FLOOR, MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 166 K.E. MASINGA ROAD (formerly OLD FORT ROAD, DURBAN 4001, will be received at any time prior to but NOT LATER THAN 11:00 on the closing dates specified for the requirements indicated, when tenders

will be opened publicly. Specifications and tender forms are obtainable from the service unit or consultants indicatedDr Michael O Sutcliffe • CITY MANAGER • 2011-02-04

CLASSIFIEDS tendersThe place for eThekwini jobs, staff news, calls for proposals, tenders and notices




The Infrastructure Management & Socio-economic Development Department(Rural ABM) and Business Support,Markets & Tourism Unit are hostingArts & Craft SMME EmpowermentWorkshops in the rural areas of

eThekwini Municipality. The workshopswill focus on the following topics:• Product quality and diversification• Product marketing• Financial assistance• Costing and pricing• Business opportunities




Tender documents (available inEnglish) are obtainable fromeThekwini Electricity, 1 Jelf

Taylor Crescent, Durban(Cashier times are from 08:00 to

15:00, Mondays to Fridays.Closed on public holidays)

E.8967 Disconnection, recon-nection and inspection of elec-trical services/ meters ineThekwini Electricty’s area ofsupply during a 24-month peri-od (R250 non-refundable ten-der fee - cash or bank guaran-teed cheques only)Closing date: 11 March 2011All bidders shall make them-selves or their representativesavailable for a compulsory bid-ders’ meeting which will be heldon 2011-02-17. Bidders shallmeet at 9:30 for 10:00, ateThekwini Electricity’s TrainingCentre, 17 Supply Road,Springfield, Durban. Attendanceat this meeting is compulsory andbids submitted by bidders that donot attend this meeting will notbe considered. Only those ten-derers who are registered withthe CIDB, or are capable ofbeing so prior to the evaluationof submissions, in a contractorgrading designation equal to orhigher than a contractor gradingdesignation determined in accor-dance with the sum tendered fora 4EB EP/3EB EP PE class ofwork, are eligible to tender.Enquiries: Tel: 031-311 9422(Gavin Joseph).

E.8968 Professional servicesfor the inspection and report-ing of the required mainte-nance for eThekwiniElectricity’s distribution net-works during a 24-month peri-od (R250 non-refundable ten-der fee - cash or bank guaran-teed cheques only)Closing date: 11 March 2011All bidders shall make them-selves or their representativesavailable for a compulsory bid-ders’ meeting which will be heldon 2011-02-18. Bidders shallmeet at 9:30 for 10:00, ateThekwini Electricity’s MainExecutive Boardroom, 1 JelfTaylor Crescent, Durban.Attendance at this meeting iscompulsory and bids submittedby bidders that do not attend thismeeting will not be considered.Bids are expected to be receivedfrom the consulting firms who

shall be registered with anacreddited professional body forconsulting engineers. Bidderswho do not comply with thisrequirement will be disregarded.Bidders shall submit a copy ofthe certificate with their bids.Enquiries: Tel: 031-311 9422(Gavin Joseph).

E.8980 Supply and delivery ofHRC fuse-links during a 24-month period (R250 non-refundable tender fee - cash orbank guaranteed chequesonly)Closing date: 4 March 2011Enquiries: Tel: 031-311 9422(Gavin Joseph).


Tender documents (available inEnglish) are obtainable from theCashier, Basement, EngineeringUnit, Municipal Centre, 166 KE

Masinga (Old Fort) Road,Durban (between 08:00 and

12:30 and from 13:15 to 15:15)

1R-5948 Francois RoadBridge: Emergency repairwork to structural defects(R1000 non-refundable tendercharge - cash or bank guaran-teed cheques only)Closing date: 25 February 2011A compulsory site inspection willbe held at 10:00, on 2011-02-16,in Rick Turner Road, at FrancoisRoad Bridge which crosses theM4 Inkosi Albert LuthuliFreeway. Tenders submitted bytenderers who do not attend thismeeting will not be considered.Only those tenderers who areregistered with the CIDB, or arecapable of being registered priorto the evaluation of submissions,in a contractor grading designa-tion equal to or higher than acontractor grading designationdetermined in accordance withthe sum tendered for a 5CE classof construction work or higher,are eligible to tenderEnquiries: Tel: 031-311 7660(M.D. Diamond).

1M-6273 Enquiry for RoadReserve Maintenance 1: M4North (Ruth First),Masabalala Yengwa Avenue(NMR including SomtseuRoad), North Coast Road,Queen Nandi Drive andInanda Road. (R500 non-refundable tender charge -cash or bank guaranteedcheques only)Closing date: 18 February 2011

A compulsory site inspection willbe held at 11:00, on 2011-02-10,at Roads and StormwaterMaintenance Headquarters, K.E.Masinga Road, Durban. Tenderssubmitted by tenderers who donot attend this meeting will notbe considered. Only those ten-derers who are registered withthe CIDB, or are capable ofbeing registered prior to theevaluation of submissions, in acontractor grading designationequal to or higher than a con-tractor grading designationdetermined in accordance withthe sum tendered for a 5CE classof construction work or higher,are eligible to tender. Tenderdocuments must be collected nolater than 3 days from close oftender.Enquiries: Tel: 031-311 7429(Sandile Masondo).

1M-6274 Enquiry for RoadReserve Maintenance 1:Alpine Road and FelixDlamini Road (Brickfield),Western Freeway (N3), KingCetshwayo Highway (JanSmuts), Bellair Road andUmngeni Road (R500 non-refundable tender charge -cash or bank guaranteedcheques only)Closing date: 18 February 2011A compulsory site inspection willbe held at 11:00, on 2011-02-10,at Roads and StormwaterMaintenance Headquarters, K.E.Masinga Road, Durban. Tenderssubmitted by tenderers who donot attend this meeting will notbe considered. Only those ten-derers who are registered withthe CIDB, or are capable ofbeing registered prior to theevaluation of submissions, in acontractor grading designationequal to or higher than a con-tractor grading designationdetermined in accordance withthe sum tendered for a 5CE classof construction work or higher,are eligible to tender. Tenderdocuments must be collected nolater than 3 days from close oftender.Enquiries: Tel: 031-311 7429(Sandile Masondo).

1M-6275 Enquiry for RoadReserve Maintenance 1: SouthCoast Road, SolomonMahlangu Drive (EdwinSwales), Bayhead Road, M4South (Albert Luthuli), PhilaNdwandwe Road (Old Main –Isipingo) and Wilcox/ JeffelsRoad (R500 non-refundabletender charge - cash or bank

guaranteed cheques only)Closing date: 18 February 2011A compulsory site inspection willbe held at 11:00, on 2011-02-10,at Roads and StormwaterMaintenance Headquarters, K.E.Masinga Road, Durban. Tenderssubmitted by tenderers who donot attend this meeting will notbe considered. Only those ten-derers who are registered withthe CIDB, or are capable ofbeing registered prior to theevaluation of submissions, in acontractor grading designationequal to or higher than a con-tractor grading designationdetermined in accordance withthe sum tendered for a 5CE classof construction work or higher,are eligible to tender. Tenderdocuments must be collected nolater than 3 days from close oftender.Enquiries: Tel: 031-311 7429(Sandile Masondo).


Tender documents (available inEnglish) are available from theCashier Basement, EngineeringUnit, Municipal Centre, 166 KE

Masinga (formerly Old Fort)Road, Durban, 4001 (between08:00 to 12:30 and 13:15 to


1H-6278 Material supply andwage disbursement for theconstruction of 500 houses atOld/ New Dunbar InsituUpgrade Housing Projectwithin Ward 29 (R1000 non-refundable tender fee - cash orbank guaranteed chequesonly)Closing date: 18 February 2011A compulsory site inspection willbe held on 2011-02-10.Tenderers to meet in the 13thFloor Boardroom, 221 AntonLembede (Smith) Street, Durban,at 12:00. Tenders submitted bytenderers who do not attend thismeeting will not be considered. Enquiries: Tel: 031-311 3325(M. Tshabalala)


Tender documents (available inEnglish) are obtainable from the

Cashier, eThekwini WaterServices, 3 Prior Road, Durban

WS.6041 Annual manufacture,supply, delivery and off-load-

ing of precast concrete panels(MK5 urine diversion) (R250non-refundable tender charge- cash or bank guaranteedcheques only)Closing date: 18 February 2011Enquiries: Tel: 031-311 8519;Fax: 031-311 8561 (SibongiseniCele).

WS.6075 Mahatma GandhiRoad Sewage Pump Stationrelocation: Construction ofpump station building andgravity sewer extension(R1000 non-refundable tendercharge - cash or bank guaran-teed cheques only)Closing date: 4 March 2011A compulsory site inspection willbe held at 10:00, on 2011-02-10,at the existing pump station inMahatma Gandhi Road, thePoint, Durban. Tenders submit-ted by tenderers who do notattend this meeting will not beconsidered. Only those tendererswho are registered with theCIDB, or are capable of being soprior to the evaluation of submis-sions, in a contractor gradingdesignation equal to or higherthan a contractor grading desig-nation determined in accordancewith the sum tendered for a 8CEclass of construction work, areeligible to tender.Enquiries: Tel: 031-583 3400;Fax: 031-583 3401 (KendallSlater-Goba (Pty) Ltd).

WS.6100 Malacca RoadGarden Refuse Depot:Rehabilitation of yard area(R100 non-refundable tendercharge - cash or bank guaran-teed cheques only)Closing date: 18 February 2011A compulsory site inspection willbe held on 2011-02-11.Prospective tenderers are to meetat 10:00, at the entrance to thedepot in Malacca Road, DurbanNorth. Attendance at this meetingis compulsory and tenders willnot be considered from tendererswho do not attend. Only thosetenderers who are registeredwith the CIDB, or are capable ofbeing so prior to the evaluationof submissions, in a contractorgrading designation equal to orhigher than a contractor gradingdesignation determined in accor-dance with the sum tendered fora 3CE/2CE PE class of construc-tion work, are eligible to tender.Enquiries: 031-263 1371/2; Fax:031-263 0501 (R. Sivapersad).

WS.6103 Supply of trucks andskips and the transportation

and disposal of screenings anddetritous from theHammarsdale WastewaterTreatment Works (R100 non-refundable tendercharge - cash or bank guaran-teed cheques only)Closing date: 18 February 2011A compulsory site inspection willbe held on 2011-02-14.Prospective tenderers are to meetat 10:00, atHammarsdaleWastewaterTreatment Works in Scott Road,off Anderson Road,Hammarsdale. Attendance at thismeeting is compulsory and ten-ders will not be considered fromtenderers who do not attend.Enquiries: 031-311 2671; Fax:031-736 2315 (L. Tshangela).

WS.6104 Supply of trucks andskips and the transportationand disposal of sludge fromthe Hillcrest WastewaterTreatment Works (R100 non-refundable tender charge -cash or bank guaranteedcheques only)Closing date: 18 February 2011A compulsory site inspection willbe held on 2011-02-18.Prospective tenderers are to meetat 13:00, at the HillcrestWastewater Treatment Works, 18Shongweni Road, Hillcrest.Attendance at this meeting iscompulsory and tenders will notbe considered from tendererswho do not attend.Enquiries: 031-311 2671; Fax:031-736 2315 (L. Tshangela).

WS.6105 Cleaning ofMunicipal premises – 3 PriorRoad, Durban (R100 non-refundable tender charge -cash or bank guaranteedcheques only)Closing date: 4 March 2011A compulsory site inspection willbe held on 2011-02-18.Prospective tenderers are to meetat 10:00 for 10:15, in the Atriumlocated at the Ground Floor,eThekwini Water and SanitationHeadquarters, 3 Prior Road,Durban. Attendance at this meet-ing is compulsory and tenderswill not be considered from ten-derers who do not attend.Enquiries: Tel: 031-311 8725(Sibongiseni Cele); email:[email protected]

Dr M.O. SutcliffeCity Manager


08 February 2011

15 February 2011

17 February 2011

21 February 2011


09:00 – 14:00

09:00 – 14:00

09:00 – 14:00

09:00 – 14:00


97, 98, 94, 95, 93



99, 98, 89, 84.


Erf 7484Pinetown

Deposit Required:20% of upset priceInterested parties must collecttender documents from theCashier’s office, Ground Floor,City Engineers Building, 166KE Masinga (Old Fort) Road,Durban.The Tender will close at 11.a.m. on Friday 4 March 2011when the offers will be openedin the public at 6th Floor,Municipal Buildings, 166 KEMasinga (Old Fort) Road,

Durban.Please note that this tender issubject to the Municipality’sPreferential AdjudicationSystem. A 20% [of the upsetprice] deposit is payable byBidders/Tenderers for alloffers made to purchase.A compulsory site inspectionand briefing will be held on 17February 2011 at 10:00.Prospective tenderers are tomeet at 43 Goodwood Road,Pinetown.

NB: A non-refundable tenderfee of R150.00 will be chargedfor each tender document col-lected.For further details contactSindi Daba or Vanessa Woodon tel: (031) 311 4388 or (031)311 4326 during office hours(e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] ).

Dr MO SutcliffeCity Manager


2 400 m²

Upset PriceR2 160 000.00


Deposit RequiredR432 000.00

[Four Hundred andThirty-Two Thousand


Physical Address

43 GoodwoodRoad, Pinetown

These one-day workshops can be attended on the dates and venues listed below:

For more details, call Vuyo Jayiya or Siphiwe Ngubane on 031-322 4490.


Lovu C- Section Hall

KwaXimba (No.9 Community Hall)

Intshanga (Michael Gwala Hall)

Amanzimtoti Civic Centre (Supper room)

Page 13: Redesign 01 (Page 1)


In terms of Section 229 (1) onthe Constitution of theRepublic of South Africa Act108 of 1996, the Municipalityhas the power to levy a rateon property in its area.

In terms of Section 3 (1) ofthe Local Government:Municipal Property Rates Act6 of 2004 (hereinafter referredto as the MPRA) and Section62 (1)(f ) of the LocalGovernment: MunicipalFinance Management Act 56of 2003 (hereinafter referredto as the MFMA), aMunicipality should adoptand implement a policy onthe levying of rates onrateable property.

This document sets out therates policy of the eThekwiniMunicipality and must beread with the MPRA.


The objective of this policy isto regulate the power of theMunicipality to impose rateson property in a sustainable,fair and equitable way.


In addition to the Definitionsprovided for in the Act thefollowing Definitions applyfor the purpose of this Policy.

“accommodationestablishment” is as definedin the Municipality'sAccommodationEstablishment bylaws.

"agricultural property"means any land or buildingsin respect of which there iscurrent an agriculturalcertificate is¬sued.

“Bed & Breakfast” means anaccommodationestablishment with less thanor equal to 4 bedroomsavailable to guests.

“Billing Cycle” means thestart of the cycle in which theaccount is printed to the dateon which it falls due andpayable.

“Guest-house” means anaccommodationestablishment with between 5and 10 bedrooms available toguests.

In addition to the personsdefined in the Act, “owner”includes:

a) An owner in a Sectionaltitle Scheme who owns inaddition to the residentialunit, a garage, parking,granny flat or storage room,on separate Title, is deemedto be the owner of ONEproperty for the purposes of7.2 and 7.3. herein;

b) An owner of two or moreproperties which arenotarially tied to each other,is deemed to be the owner ofONE property for thepurposes of 7.2 and 7.3herein;

c) Trustees and beneficiariesjointly, in the case of propertyin a trust;

d) An executor oradministrator, in the case ofproperty in a deceased estate;

e) A trustee or liquidator, inthe case of a property in an

insolvent estate or inliquidation;

f ) A judicial manager, in thecase of a property in theestate of a person underjudicial management;

g) A curator, in the case ofproperty in the estate of aperson under curatorship;

h) A person in whose name ausufruct or other personalservitude is registered, in thecase of a property that issubject to a usufruct or otherpersonal servitude, as jointowner together with theregistered owner;

i) A lessee, in the case of aproperty that is registered inthe name of the Municipalityand is leased by it; or

j) A buyer, in the case of aproperty that was sold by theMunicipality and of whichpossession was given to thebuyer pending registration ofownership in the name of thebuyer;

k) A holder of a registeredlong lease;

l) A fideicommissary as jointowner together with thefiduciary.

“Primary Property” meansthe property on which theowner permanently resides.

“Public BenefitOrganisation” means anorganization as described inSection 30 of the Income TaxAct.

“Rate” means a tax onproperty which is imposed bythe Municipality, as envisagedin Section 229 (1) (a) of theConstitution.

“residential property”means a dwelling, whichforms a living unit that isused for human habitationpurposes, or a multiplenumber of such units on aproperty excluding a dwellingwhere more than one third ofthe total floor area is used forany purpose other thanresidential, or a hotel,accommodationestablishment, Bed &Breakfast, guest house orsimilar, property leased on adaily basis.

“School Not For Gain”means an Independent orPrivate School which enrollslearners in one or moregrades between zero andgrade twelve and is notsubsidized, either wholly or inpart, by the State.

“ Senior Citizen” means anatural person who is over theage of sixty (60).

“Special Rating Area” meansa geographic area withinwhich property owners agreeto pay for certain servicessupplementary to thosesupplied by the Municipality.These services are financed bylevying an additional rate,

which is added to the ratesbill of the property ownerswithin the precinct.

“The Municipality” meanseThekwini Municipality.

“Trading Services” shallinclude: Abattoir; Airport;property used by theMunicipality's ElectricityDepartment ; Gas; ParkingAreas/Buildings; MarketBuildings;; property used bythe municipality's Waterdepartment .

“Value of property” meansthe market value of theproperty as valued in terms ofthe Act.


Rates are necessary to fundservice delivery and othermunicipal services andoutputs. To ensure excellencein corporate governance, allmunicipal stakeholders mustbe consulted on theMunicipality's rationale to thelevying of rates, and informedabout the rates process.

This is the third review ofthe original Rates Policywritten in terms of the MPRAand adopted in 2008.

The rates policy will beavailable for perusal free ofcharge at all municipal officesand the City Hall, Durban.



1.1 Treasury is theresponsible municipal cluster.

1.2 In applying the ratespolicy, the Municipality willmeet the requirements of theMPRA and the MFMA,including any Regulationsmade under these Acts.

1.3 Section 3 of the Actprovides that the Rates Policytakes effect on the effectivedate of the first valuation rollprepared by the Municipalityin terms of this Act.

1.4 Council shall review theRates Policy, together with theMunicipality's budget,annually.


2.1 Rates levied on propertymust be paid by the owner ofthe property.

2.2 Joint owners are jointlyand severally liable forpayment of Rates on theproperty.

2.3 Service of accounts ordocuments or process on anyone owner is deemed to beservice on all owners.


The Municipality will, byresolution, as part of eachannual operating budgetprocess, determine a rate inthe rand for every category ofproperty.


4.1 The Municipality shallrecover a rate on a monthlybasis in twelve (12) near equalinstalments, together withany supplementary rates.

4.2 The Municipality mayrecover a rate annually, onapplication, from owners withfifty (50) or more propertyrates accounts.

4.2.1 Such application toreach the Municipality on orbefore 30 April of each year.

4.2.2 Such annual amount tobe paid by 31 October of eachyear.

4.3 The Municipality mayrecover a rate annually forNational and ProvincialGovernment owned property.

4.4 The payment of ratesshall not be affected byreason of objections, anappeal or non-compliancewith the rates policy.

4.5 The Municipality maypublish a number ofSupplementary ValuationRolls during the year, inaccordance with Section 78 ofthe MPRA. The rates, asadjusted by theSupplementary ValuationRoll, will be leviedaccordingly.


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5.1 The Municipality maylevy different Rates fordifferent categories ofProperty, the details of whichare published in annexure Ahereto.

5.2 The categories ofproperty are determinedaccording to the actual use ofthe property and the propertyshall be rated on such actualuse.

5.3 A change in use mayresult in a change in thecategory of the property.

5.4 The Municipality doesnot value jura in re aliena(Rights in land) except:

i) Public ServiceInfrastructure;

ii) Rights of Extension inSectional Title Schemes.

5.5 Differential ratingamong the various propertycategories may be executed bydifferent rate randages foreach property category.

5.6 The Municipality hasdetermined the followingcategories of property:

a) residentialb) agriculturalc) industrial d) business & commercial e) multiple usef ) public service

infrastructureg) vacant landh) Unauthorised or Illegal



6.1 The Municipality may, interms of the criteria set out inthis Policy :

a) exempt a specific categoryof owners of properties, orthe owners of a specificcategory of properties, fromthe payment of a rate leviedon their property; or

b) grant to a specificcategory of owners ofproperties, or to the owners ofa specific category ofproperties, a rebate on or areduction in the rates payablein respect of their properties,as determined in 7.below.

6.2 The Municipality hasdetermined the followingcategories of owners ofproperty:

a) Residentialb) senior citizensc) disability grantees /

medically boarded personsd) Child Headed Householdse) public benefit

organisationsf ) Life Rights Schemes and

Retirement Complexesg) Bed & Breakfasts and

Guesthousesh) Schools not for gaini) sporting bodiesj) land reform beneficiaries k) municipall) Public Service

Infrastructurem) owners of property

situated within an areaaffected by a disaster withinthe meaning of the DisasterManagement Act 57 of 2002

n) vacant lando) Nature Reserves /

Conservation Areas


The Municipality grantsExemptions, Rebates andReductions, on categories ofowners, based on local

conditions andcircumstances.


7.1.1 The MPRA imposes aR15 000 reduction in value ofresidential property.

7.1.2 The Municipality maygrant an additional reductionon the valuation of residentialproperty by resolution ofCouncil at its annual budget.This further reduction isaimed primarily at personsowning low-cost propertiesand is an integral part of themunicipality's indigent reliefmeasures.


The aim of this rebate is toalleviate the burden on seniorcitizens who have a fixedincome and limited resources.The rebate was granted to allsenior citizens in the last twoyears to assist senior citizensto absorb the shift inincidence that arose from theMPRA. From the statistics thathave been gathered, it isfound that senior citizens whoown property valued belowR1million are in greater needof assistance. TheMunicipality will thereforeembark on a programme tocap the values on which therebate may be granted. In thenext two financial years, theMunicipality plans to cap thevalue of property on whichrebates may be granted, asfollows:2010 / 2011 - R3 000 0002011 / 2012 - R2 000 000Further caps may bedetermined after the nextgeneral valuation.

7.2.1 Senior Citizens may begranted a rebate on theprimary property asdetermined by a resolution ofCouncil at its annual budget,with effect from the nextpractical billing cyclefollowing the date ofapplication, subject to thefollowing:

7.2.2 The Applicant mustmeet the following criterion

a) He/She must be sixty (60)years or older;

b) He/She must produce aSouth African bar codedidentity document;

c) He/She must be theowner of the primaryproperty. This includes co-owners who are married toeach other or property ownedsolely by either spouse;

d) In the case of jointownership, all owners mustmeet the qualifying criteria in7.2 or 7.3 (ie as a seniorcitizen / disabled / medicallyboarded person);

e) He/She must residepermanently on the primaryproperty;

f ) The value of the primaryproperty must not exceed avalue as determined byCouncil at its annual budget;

g) In the case of a Trust, TheTrustee must meet all of theabove criteria. A copy of theTitle Deed must be produced;

h) In the case of a usufructor other personal servitude,the servitude must be registeredover the whole property. Theholder of the personal servitudemust meet all of the abovecriteria. A copy of The Title Deedmust be produced.

i) Executors/Administrators ofdeceased estates, Liquidatorsand Trustees are excluded fromthe rebates.

7.2.3 Once the Application is

approved, the Applicant mustrenew the application, asprescribed, by no later than 30April preceding the start of theMunicipal year for which relief issought.

7.2.4 the senior citizens rebatewill lapse:

a) on death of the applicant;b) On application for a

Revenue Clearance Certificatewhich results in the alienation ofthe property;

c) when the Applicant ceases toreside permanently on theproperty;

d) if applications are notrenewed annually on or before30 April. Late renewals may bere-instated with effect from thenext practical billing cycle.

7.2.5 Deferment of Rates forsenior citizens.

With effect from the date ofimplementation of the MPRA (1July 2008), the facility to deferrates for senior citizens hasbeen removed. The following willapply to the rates previouslydeferred:

a) No new applications fordeferment shall be accepted;

b) rates that have already beendeferred shall remain sodeferred provided that theaccumulated amount of deferredrates and interest may notexceed 50% of the value of theproperty concerned;

c) The Deferment will lapseupon:

i) death of the owner, exceptwhere the property concernedhas been inherited by andoccupied by the survivingspouse;

ii) the expropriation, sale,disposal or alienation of theproperty; or

iii) the failure of the applicantto reside permanently on theproperty.

d) Owners whose rates werepreviously deferred and whomeet the qualifying criteria mayapply for a pensioners rebate interms of 7.2 above, for theircurrent rates.

e) An application for thecurrent rebate prevents futuredeferment.


7.3.1 The intension of thisrebate is to assist those peoplewho have a physical or mentalcondition that constrainshim/her from performingnormal work related functionsand as a consequence he/she isunable to find employment orunable to maximise his/herearning capacity. In the spirit ofthis, the Chief Financial Officer(CFO) or his nominee may hearrepresentations where anapplication has been rejected.The Applicant may be requiredto submit to further medicalexaminations by a Municipalappointed medical practitioner,at the expense of the Applicant.The CFO or his nominee maymake a decision, that is binding.

7.3.2 Disability Grantees /Medically Boarded persons may,on annual application, begranted a rebate, as determinedby a resolution of Council at itsannual budget, with effect fromthe next practical billing cyclefollowing the date of application,subject to the following:

a) Disability grantees : theapplicant must be in possessionof a letter, issued by theDepartment of Social welfare,confirming receipt of a disabilitygrant, OR a specialist medicalpractitioner confirmingdisability and inability to work;

b) Medically boarded persons:the applicant must produce a

letter from the Applicant'srelevant ex-employer or theunderwriter for the employerconfirming medical boarding;

c) the applicant must producea South African bar codedidentity document;

d) the applicant must residepermanently on the primaryproperty;

e) the applicant must be theregistered owner of the primaryproperty. This includes co-owners who are married to eachother or property owned solelyby either spouse;

f) Joint owners must each meetthe above criteria or the criteriaset out in 7.2 above (ie as asenior citizen / disabled /medically boarded person).

g) In the case of a Trust, TheTrustee must meet all of theabove criteria. A copy of the TitleDeed must be produced;

h) In the case of a usufruct orother personal servitude, theservitude must be registeredover the whole property. Theholder of the personal servitudemust meet all of the abovecriteria. A copy of The Title Deedmust be produced.

a) Executors/Administrators ofdeceased estates, Liquidatorsand Trustees of Insolvent Estatesand temporary disabilitygrantees are excluded from therebates.

7.3.3 the rebate will lapse:a) on death of the applicant;b) On application for a

Revenue Clearance Certificateand on alienation of theproperty;

c) when the applicant ceases toreside permanently on theproperty;

d) If a medically boardedperson gains employment;

e) If applications are notrenewed annually on or before30 April. Late renewals may bere-instated with effect from thenext practical billing cycle.


Property shall be classified as a“Child Headed Household” if theminors in the household havebeen investigated by a socialworker from the Department ofSocial Development anddeclared as such.

7.4.1 Such Child HeadedHousehold may receive a rebate,as determined by a resolution ofCouncil at its annual budget,from a date as determined by theChief Financial Officer, subjectto the following:

a) The terminally ill parent, thechild or the deceased estate ofthe parent as aforesaid must bethe owner of the property;

b) The Application must beaccompanied by :

i) confirmation from theDepartment of SocialDevelopment that the abovecriterion have been met and thatthe property is one that is aChild Headed Household;

ii) if the parent is deceased:o a copy of the letter of

Executorship or Administrationof the Deceased Estate;

o a copy of the Liquidation andDistribution Account showingtransfer of the property to theminors;

o the death certificate of theparent;

iii) if the parent is terminallyill, a certified copy of the MedicalReport confirming his status;and

iv) birth certificates of minorsresiding on the property.

c) The minors must residepermanently on the property;

d) The value of the applicantsproperty must not exceed a valueas determined by a resolution ofCouncil at its annual budget;

e) Applications must berenewed annually by theDepartment of Social Welfare.

7.4.2 The rebate will lapse:a) when the minor reaches the

age of majority;b) on alienation of the

property;c) when the minors ceases to

reside permanently on theproperty;

d) if the Department of SocialDevelopment no longer regardsthe Household as being ChildHeaded.

e) if applications are notsubmitted annually; Lateapplications may be reinstatedwith effect from the nextpractical billing cycle.


7.5.1 The following PublicBenefit Organisations may applyfor the exemption of propertyrates:

i) Welfare & HumanitarianInstitutions

Properties used exclusively asan orphanage, non-profitretirement villages or life - rightsschemes, old age home or othernon-profit institution for thebenefit of the public or a sectionthereof, provided that any profitsfrom the use of the property areused entirely for the benefit ofthe institution and/or tocharitable purposes.

ii) Health Care InstitutionsProperties used exclusively as a

hospital, clinic or mentalhospital, provided that anyprofits from the use of theproperty are used entirely for thebenefit of the institution and/orto charitable purposes.

iii) Animal WelfareProperty registered in the

name of and used byinstitutions/ organisationswhose exclusive aim is to protectbirds, reptiles and animals on anon-profit basis.

iv) cemeteriesproperty used exclusively for

the purposes of a cemetery orcrematorium.

7.5.2 The above Exemptionsshall be subject to the followingconditions:

i) Applications must be inwriting in the prescribed formand must reach the Municipalitybefore 30 April ;

ii) Applicants must produce atax exemption certificate issuedby the South African RevenueServices (SARS) as contemplatedin Part 1 of the Ninth Schedule ofthe Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act 58of 1962);

iii) The Municipal Manager orhis/her nominee must approveall applications;

iv) The Municipality retains theright to refuse an exemption ifthe details supplied on theapplication form are incomplete,incorrect or false;

v) the use of any land orbuildings, or any part thereof, interms of 7.5.1 above, shall not befor the private pecuniary benefitof any individual, whether as ashareholder in a company orotherwise;

vi) if during the currency of anyfinancial year, any such land orbuilding is used for any purposeother than the purpose for whichit was so exempted, theMunicipality shall impose ratesthereon or on such portion soused, at a rate proportionate tothe period of such use; and

vii) the applicant shall not bestate owned.

viii) Once the Application isgranted, the Applicant isrequired to submit annually, anaffidavit confirming the use ofthe property.

7.5.3 Religious institutions - As

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required in terms of 17(1)(i) ofthe Act, property registered inthe name of and used primarilyas a place of public worship by areligious community, includingan official residence registered inthe name of that communitywhich is occupied by an officebearer of that community whoofficiates at services at that placeof worship.


7.6.1 Upon application, LifeRights Schemes and RetirementComplexes may receive a rebateas determined by Council at itsannual budget.

7.6.2 Qualifying Criteriaa) The Scheme must be

registered in terms of theHousing Development Schemefor Retired Persons Act 65 of1988 ;

b) The Scheme must beregistered with and regulated bythe South African Association forHomes for the Aged (SAHA)

d) The Title Deeds of theproperty must be appropriatelyendorsed.


Upon Application, Bed andBreakfast and Guesthouseestablishments may receive arebate as determined by Councilat its annual budget.

7.7.1 Qualifying Criteria:a) The owner of the property

must permanently reside on theproperty. In the case of aCompany, Close Corporation orTrust being the registered owner,at least onedirector/member/trustee thereofmust reside permanently on theproperty, subject to any of themembers of such companies,close corporations and trusts notbeing a member of anothercompany, close corporation ortrust that owns a Bed andBreakfast establishment or aGuest House;

b) The Bed & Breakfast /Guesthouse must be registeredwith a properly constitutedorganization/s as may beapproved by the Municipalityfrom time to time;

c) The Bed & Breakfast /Guesthouse must only offeraccommodation facilities anddining facilities only toregistered guests.Establishments that in addition,offer conferencing, spa's, hairsalons etc. will not qualify;

d) The applicant must providedetails of the establishment inrespect of total size of developedproperty, total number of rooms,and facilities available to guests.This will be required to becertified by the memberAssociation;

e) An annual application mustbe made by 30 April precedingthe start of the new financialyear for which relief is sought.

f) A Registration Certificate interms of the “AccommodationEstablishment Bylaws” mustaccompany the application.

7.7.2 Rebatea) The establishment will be

rated as commercial.b) where up to four bedrooms

are available to guests, a rebatenot exceeding 50%, or asdetermined by Council at itsannual budget, will apply;

c) where between five to tenbedrooms are available toguests, a rebate not exceeding25%, or as determined byCouncil at its annual budget, willapply.


A School Not For Gain mayreceive a rebate as determinedby a resolution of Council at itsannual budget.

7.8.1 Rebates may be grantedsubject to the followingconditions:

a. The applicant must producea tax exemption certificateissued by the South AfricanRevenue Services (SARS) ascontemplated in Part 1 of theNinth Schedule of the IncomeTax Act, 1962 (Act 58 of 1962);

b. The Municipal Manager orhis nominee must approve allapplications;

c. Applications must reach theMunicipality on or before 30April preceding the start of thenew municipal year for whichthe rebate is sought failing whichthe existing application willlapse and will only be re-instated, from the next practicalbilling cycle, once a newapplication has been approved;

d. The municipality retains theright to refuse an application ifthe details supplied in theapplication form are incomplete,incorrect or false;

e. the use of any land orbuildings, or any part thereof,shall not be for the privatepecuniary benefit of anyindividual, whether as ashareholder in a company orotherwise;

f. if during the currency of anyfinancial year, any such land orbuilding is used for any purposeother than the purpose for whichit was so granted a rebate, theMunicipality shall impose ratesthereon or on such portion soused, at a rate proportionate tothe period of such use

7.8.2 A School Not For Gainhoused on property registered inthe name of a place of publicworship, shall be valued andrated in accordance with thecriteria set out above.


7.9.1 Sporting bodies shall, onapplication, be rated on thevalue of the building area only.

7.9.2 The building area shallexclude change rooms and storerooms necessary for the sport.

7.9.3 Applicants must producea tax exemption certificateissued by the South AfricanRevenue Services (SARS) ascontemplated in Part 1 of theNinth Schedule of the IncomeTax Act, 1962 (Act 58 of 1962).


In accordance with the Act,property belonging to a landreform beneficiary or his/herheirs is exempt from rates for ten(10) years from date on whichthe beneficiaries' Title wasregistered in the office of theRegistrar of Deeds.

7.11 MUNICIPAL PROPERTIESExcept for Trading Services and

Housing suspensive saleagreements, property owned bythe Municipality, or occupied bythe Municipality

Development Housing, isexempt from paying rates.


In accordance with the Act,Public Service Infrastructure willnot be rated on the first 30% ofthe value.


Properties that have beendamaged by a natural disaster, asdefined in terms of the DisasterManagement Act 57 of 2002,may be re-valued onapplication, as at date of suchnatural disaster, in accordancewith the Act.


The Municipality may grant areduction in market value ofvacant land , as determined byCouncil at its annual budget.


7.15.1 Nature Reserves andConservation areas which areproclaimed in terms of theNational EnvironmentalManagement: Protected AreasAct, 2003, shall be exempt fromrates.

7.15.2 Newly ProclaimedNature Reserves / Conservationareas shall receive an exemptionupon application andproduction of the relevantProclamation.

7.15.3 Property not Proclaimedas aforesaid, shall be rated asvacant land and may be exemptfrom rates, once the owners arein receipt of an EnvironmentalCertificate in terms of 7.15.4below.

7.15.4 Upon application to theEnvironment ManagementDepartment, by no later than 30April preceding the start of thenew Municipal year for whichthe certificate is sought, anEnvironmental Certificate maybe granted to owners of anypiece of land or part thereof,where:

a) The Municipality considersthe land to be environmentallysensitive, e.g. it forms part of theDurban Metropolitan OpenSpace System (DMOSS);

b) The land is zoned forconservation purposes or anenvironmental servitude hasbeen registered in favour of theMunicipality over theenvironmentally sensitive area;or

c) The landowner, with theassistance of the Municipality,prepares and implements anapproved management planaimed at protecting andimproving the localenvironment.

7.15.5 The owner of a NatureReserve / Conservation areacannot receive a reduction orrebate on the NatureReserve/Conservation areacomponent of the property inaddition to the rate benefits interms of 7.15.4 above.

7.15.6 The EnvironmentalCertificate will lapse if theproperty is no longer used forbona fide environmentalconservation purposes, in whichevent, the property will be ratedon its new use from date of suchuse.


8.1 Property shall be rated asAgricultural Property once theowners are in receipt of anAgricultural Certificate from theReal Estates department.

8.2 Upon application therefore,an Agricultural Certificate maybe granted to owners of anypiece of land or part thereof, onthe following basis:

a) the Valuer is satisfied that

such land is used exclusively forbona fide agricultural purposes;

b) the owner must applyannually to the Real Estate Unit,by no later than 30th Aprilpreceding the start of the newMunicipal year for which thecertificate is sought;

c) the certificate must be issuedby the valuer;

d) the Applicants must producea tax certificate issued by theSouth African Revenue Services(SARS) proving that they aretaxed as a farmer or a millcontract proving that he/she isan active farmer.

8.3 the owner of agriculturalproperty cannot receivereduction or rebate on theagricultural component of theproperty in addition to theagricultural randage.


9.1 The Municipality may, byresolution of Council, establishSpecial Rating Areas (hereinaftercalled SRA) and levy anadditional rate on property inthat area for the purpose ofraising funds for improving orupgrading that area.

9.2 Any Rebate granted interms of clause 7 hereof doesnot apply to the additional ratepayable by the owner in a SRA.

9.3 An SRA may be establishedonce the following criterion havebeen fulfilled:

a) the boundaries of the SRAmust be defined;

b) The SRA must contain notless than 200 properties or thetotal value of the propertiesmust exceed a value asdetermined by Council fromtime to time;

9.3 An SRA may be establishedonce the following criterion havebeen fulfilled:

a) the boundaries of the SRAmust be defined;

b) The SRA must contain notless than 200 properties or thetotal value of the propertiesmust exceed a value asdetermined by Council fromtime to time;

c) The SRA must beprovisionally contracted with acompany registered in terms ofSection 21 of the Companies Actto manage the funds of the SRA;

d) It must be demonstratedthat at least 66% of owners innumber and 51% of propertyvalue have voted in favour of theestablishment of the SRA; and

e) Such Application shall beaccompanied by the section 21Company's budget and businessplan on the management of theSRA by no later than 30September preceding the start ofthe new municipal year forwhich Application is made.

9.4 The SRA must enter into anAgreement with the Municipalityin terms of Section 67 of theMFMA.

Funds will not be transferredto the SRA Company unless aSection 67 Agreement is signedand received by the Municipality.

9.5 Once the SRA isestablished, the aforesaidSection 67 Agreement must berenewed annually by no laterthan 31 January together withthe budget of the SRA.

9.6 Once the SRA has beenapproved by a Resolution ofCouncil at its annual budget, themunicipality will levy the specialrate and funds will be paid to theSRA as they are collected.

9.7 New developments withinthe jurisdiction of the SRA, willbe rated in accordance with the

effective date of theSupplementary Valuation roll.

9.8 A SRA shall be dissolved ifthe Section 67 Agreement asaforesaid:

a) has not been renewed; or b) has not been honoured.


10.1 Where a Sectional TitleScheme has not been approved,the municipality shall apply thehighest order use principle whenrating properties which are usedfor multiple purposes, with theexception of the instances setout in 10.2, 10.3 and 10.4 below.

10.2 Except for Bed & Breakfastand guest- House facilities, Toqualify for residentialcategorisation, the non -residential use must not occupymore than one third of the totalbuilding area.

10.3 Where one use is exempt,the property will be categorizedunder a “Multiple Use” categoryand the exempt portion will betreated separately to theremainder.

10.4 Where the remainder isalso used for multiple uses,“highest order use” will apply.

10.5 In the case of agriculturalproperty, the multiple usecategory will apply where:

a) a portion is used forresidential purposes by theowner or tenant (not a farmmanager); or

b) a portion is used for nonresidential and non agriculturalpurposes.


11.1 Where a property isAbandoned, developed or usedillegally and in contravention ofthe Municipality's bylaws andregulations, the Municipalitymay change its category to theUnauthorised or IllegalDevelopment / Use category.


12.1 Exclusive use areasregistered with the Registrar ofDeeds shall be valued togetherwith the units concerned;

12.2 Exclusive use areas interms of the Rules of the BodyCorporate shall form part of thecommon property;

12.3 units not used forresidential purposes shall notbenefit from residential rebatesor reductions;

12.4 Unregistered units shallform part of the Developersrights or the holder of suchrights;

12.5 the Municipality mayvalue real rights of extension, theowner of which shall be theHolder of such right;

12.6 Where a developer pursuesa phased development, the bulkland shall be valued inaccordance with 12.5 above;

12.7 Where rights are beingtraded, the rights may beincluded in the valuation roll.


Payment and recovery of rates

Page 16: Redesign 01 (Page 1)


Use Use Code Description Rating DESCRIPTIONCode Category

3 Amusement (Theatrical etc) 5 Business & Commercial

4 Banks 5 Business & Commercial

5 Barracks 1 Residential

6 Buildings Societies 5 Business & Commercial

7 Caretakear 1 Residential

8 Ecotourism/Hunting 5 Business & Commercial

9 Cemeteries and Crematoria 5 Business & Commercial

10 Place of Worship 5 Business & Commercial

11 Bed & Breakfasts 5 Business & Commercial

12 Tertiary Education Institution 5 Business & Commercial

13 Compounds 1 Residential

14 Doctors Quarters (Government) 5 Business & Commercial

15 Single Residential 1 Residential

16 Multiple Residential 1 Residential

17 Petrol Filling Station 5 Business & Commercial

19 Hall 5 Business & Commercial

20 Homes (Nursing etc) 5 Business & Commercial

21 Hospitals 5 Business & Commercial

22 Hostels 1 Residential

23 Furnished Accommodation 5 Business & Commercial

25 Law Courts 5 Business & Commercial

26 Missions 5 Business & Commercial

27 Mortuary 5 Business & Commercial

28 Municipal (Public Buildings) 5 Business & Commercial

29 Nominal Buildings 5 Business & Commercial

30 Nurses Quarters 1 Residential

31 Place of Worship - 1 ResidentialOfficial Residence

32 Police Station 5 Business & Commercial

33 Post Office 5 Business & Commercial

34 Creche 5 Business & Commercial

35 Agricultural Residential 1 Residential

36 Quarries 4 Industrial

37 Recreation 5 Business & Commercial

38 S A Railway & Harbours 5 Business & Commercial

39 Schools 5 Business & Commercial

40 Shops 5 Business & Commercial

41 Retail/Offices/Entertainment/ 5 Business & CommercialRestaurant

42 Mixed Use: > 2/3 Residential 1 Residential

43 Railway Stations 5 Business & Commercial

45 Industrial 4 Industrial

46 Military Base 5 Business & Commercial

47 Vacant Land 3 Vacant Land

48 Offices 5 Business & Commercial

Use Use Code Description Rating DESCRIPTIONCode Category

49 Stables 5 Business & Commercial

50 Roads 8 PSI

51 Canals 5 Business & Commercial

52 Right - of - Way 5 Business & Commercial

53 Uninhabitable Buildings 5 Business & Commercial

54 Substations 8 PSI

55 Conveniences 5 Business & Commercial

56 Hotels 5 Business & Commercial

57 Tanks 4 Industrial

58 Mixed Use: > 2/3 Commercial 5 Business & Commercial

59 Nominal Buildings 1 Residential

60 Old Age Homes 1 Residential

61 Registered Parcel 3 Vacant Land

62 Guest Houses 5 Business & Commercial

63 Unauthorised/ 22 Illegal UsageAbandoned/ Illegal Usage

64 Prisons 5 Business & Commercial

65 Special Schools 5 Business & Commercial

66 Nature Reserve 5 Business & Commercial

67 Market 5 Business & Commercial

69 Nominal Buildings 5 Business & Commercial

71 Durban Corporation (Rates/Rent) 1 Residential

72 Durban Corporation (Rates/Rent) 1 Residential

73 Durban Corporation (Rates/Rent) 5 Business & Commercial

74 Sporting bodies (10c) 5 Business & Commercial

75 Sporting bodies (R2) 5 Business & Commercial

76 Sporting bodies (R100) 5 Business & Commercial

77 Agricultural 2 Agricultural

78 Airport 8 PSI

79 Bus/Taxi Rank 5 Business & Commercial

80 Commercial Parking Garage 5 Business & Commercial

81 Public Buildings 5 Business & Commercial

82 Railway Lines 8 PSI

83 Navigational Aids 8 PSI

84 Breakwaters 8 PSI

85 Quays 8 PSI

86 Pipelines 8 PSI

87 Reservoirs 8 PSI

88 Dams and Walls 8 PSI

89 Water Treatment Works 8 PSI

90 Powerlines 8 PSI

91 Telephone Exchanges 8 PSI

92 Runways and Aprons 8 PSI

93 Transmission Facilitie 8 PSI

shall be governed by theMunicipality's Credit Controland Debt Collection Policy.


Refer to item 4.3 of the Tariff

and Surcharge Policy.


15.1 The CFO or his nomineemay hear representations whereapplications for rebates orexemptions have been rejected

and he/his nominee may take adecision, based on the spirit ofthe Policy, that is binding.


Practical implementation

issues, legislative requirementsand where applicable, statisticsare used to evaluate and reviewthis policy. This policy isreviewed annually in terms ofthe MPRA.



Please note that the closing date for public comments is 21 February 2011Visit: