regional operational programme of the opolskie...

181 CCI:2007/PL/16/1/PO/012 EXECUTIVE BOARD OF THE OPOLSKIE VOIVODESHIP Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013 National Strategic Reference Framework 2007-2013 Document approved by the European Commission with the Regulation (Decision) CCI 2007 PL 161 PO 012 of the 1st October 2007 concerning acceptance of ERDF operational programme, within the Community assistance, under the Convergence Objective for the Opole Voivodeship in Poland, and with the Resolution 1070/2007 of 29th October 2007 of the Board of the Opole Voivodeship. Opole, October 2007

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Page 1: Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie … Priority axes of the Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship




Regional Operational Programme of

the Opolskie Voivodeship

for 2007-2013

National Strategic Reference Framework 2007-2013

Document approved by the European Commission with the Regulation (Decision) CCI 2007

PL 161 PO 012 of the 1st October 2007 concerning acceptance of ERDF operational programme, within the Community assistance, under the Convergence Objective for the

Opole Voivodeship in Poland, and with the Resolution 1070/2007 of 29th October 2007 of the Board of the Opole Voivodeship.

Opole, October 2007

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Map No. 1 Opolskie Voivodeship

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Opolskie Voivodeship in comparison to Poland and the European Union in 2005

Item Description Opolskie Voivodeship Poland EU-25

1 Area (thousand km2) 9.4 312.7 3,972,9 2 Population (thousand people) 1,047.4 38,157.1 461,478.7


Population (%), age: − pre-working − working − retired

19.6 64.7 15.7

20.6 64.0 15.4

16.4 b 67.1 b 16.5 b

4 Population density per 1 km2 of area (person) 111 122 118 b 5 Infant mortality (per 1000 live births) 4.9 6.4 4.5 6 Birth rate per 1000 of population -0.9 -0.1 0.8 7 Net migration per 1000 people -3.0 -0.3 3.6

8 Average lifespan of persons at the age of 0 (years)

− men − women

71.9 79.5

70.8 79.4

75.8 81.9


Working people per sectors (%) − agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishing − industry and civil engineering − services

17.2 30.0 52.8

17.1 27.9 55.0

4.9 27.4 67.7

10 Total employment rate (%)a 44.7 45.2 63.8 11 Labour force activity rate (%)a 53.8 54.9 69.7 b 12 Rate of registered unemployment total (%) 18.7 17.6 8.8


Education (%)c: − high − medium − low

10.0 74.1 15.9

12.3 70.7 17.0

20.6 48.7 30.7

14 Number of students per 10 thousand of people (person) 355 512 371 b

15 Expenditure on research and development in relation to GDP (%)b

0.13 0.43 1.95 b

16 Wired telephone subscribers per 100 people (subscriber) 26.6 30.8 81b

17 Households with personal computer with access to the Internet (%)

19.3 22.5 48.0

18 Municipal waste per 1 person (kg)

− collected − stored

243 227

245 226

526 227

19 Tourist collective accommodation establishments total (establishments) per 100 km²

1.3 2.2 10.02 b

20 Traffic fatalities per 100 thousand of population 14 14 11 b 21 GDP per capita (UE-25 (in SSN) = 100 %) 37.3 47.0 100


Percentage in gross value added (w %)b − agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishing − industry and civil engineering − services

5.8 37.1 57.0

5.0 30.2 64.8

1.9 26.2 71.9

a) as per BAEL (Badania Aktywności Ekonomicznej Ludności – Population Economic Activity Poll) b) Data for 2004 c) Data for 2002. The classification of education into low, medium and high arises from the ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education). The division includes people between the ages of 25 and 64 and specifies the education levels which is classified according to the educational system in a particular EU country Source:

− Eurostat, − Rocznik Statystyczny Województwa Opolskiego 2006 (Statistical Yearbook of the Opolskie Voivodeship 2006), Statistical

Office, Opole 2006, − Rocznik Statystyczny Województw 2006 (Statistical Yearbook of Voivodeships 2006), Central Statistical Office, Warszawa


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Table of contents

Introduction 7

1. Profile of the Opolskie Voivodeship 10

1.1. Diagnosis of the current situation of the Opolskie Voivodeship 10

1.2 Analysis and evaluation of state aid and foreign assistance between 1999-2006 66

1.2.1 State aid and earmarked funds 66

1.2.2 Foreign assistance – pre-accession funds 68

1.2.3 Foreign assistance – structural funds 74

1.2.4 Rural Development Programme (RDP) 78

1.2.5 Summary 79

1.3 SWOT Analysis 83

2. Strategy for implementing the Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013


2.1 Opolskie Voivodeship Development Strategy 89

2.2 Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013 91

2.2.1 General objective and specific objectives of ROP OV 2007-2013 91

2.2.2 Justification for selecting objectives and priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2007 92

2.2.3 Consistency between the objectives of ROP OV 2007-2013 with the European Union policy and programming documents at the national and regional levels


2.3 Indicators for ROP OV 2007-2013


2.4 Cohesion of ROP OV 2007-2013 objectives with the European Union policy and programme documents at the national and regional level


2.5 Implementation of the renewed Lisbon Strategy within ROP OV 2007-2013 107

2.6 Complementarity of actions under ROP OV 2007-2013 with programmes financed from the cohesion policy funds and with programmes financed by EAFRD and EFF


3. Priority axes of the Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013


3.1 Priority axis 1 – Strengthening the Region’s Attractiveness 111

3.2 Priority axis 2 – Information Society 121

3.3 Priority axis 3 – Transport 128

3.4 Priority axis 4 – Environmental Protection 135

3.5 Priority axis 5 – Social Infrastructure and higher education 144

3.6 Priority axis 6 – Mobilisation of Municipal and Degraded Areas 154

3.7 Priority axis 7 – Technical Assistance 161

4. Financial Plan 165

5. System for implementing ROP OV 2007-2013 – implementing regulations 172

5.1 Competence of institutions involved in the management of ROP OV 2007-2013 172

5.1.1 Co-ordination 172

5.1.2 Management of ROP OV 2007-2013 172

5.2 Monitoring 181

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5.2.1 ROP OV 2007-2013 Monitoring Committee 181

5.2.2 Procedure of project selection 182

5.2.3 Annual and final reports on the implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013 183

5.2.4 Evaluation 184

5.2.5 Control system 186

5.3 National IT system for the period of 2007-2013 (SIMIK 07-13) 186

5.3.1 Characteristics of the National IT System 187

5.3.2 Architecture of the National IT System 188

5.3.3 Description of procedures designed to ensure reliability of computerised systems of accounting, monitoring and financial reporting


5.3.4 Information concerning the internal circulation of information among the “central entity” (MS Liaison) and entities declaring the demand for access/modification of access rights to SFC2007


5.4 Financial flows 190

5.4.1 Procedures for interest earned


5.5 Information and publicity 192

6. Ex-ante evaluation of the Programme with the assessment of the expected macroeconomic effect


6.1 Results of ex-ante evaluation of draft ROP OV 2007-2013 194

6.1.1 Grounds for and description of ex-ante evaluation performance 194

6.1.2 Recommendations from evaluation and description of the manner in which results of the estimated evaluation of draft ROP OV 2007-2013 have been integrated


6.2 Assessment of expected macroeconomic effects of the implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013


7. Environmental impact assessment of ROP OV 2007-2013 204

7.1 Legal basis 204

7.2 Executor of the forecast of environmental impact OF ROP OV 2007-2013 204

7.3 Forecast of environmental impact of ROP OV 2007-2013 204

7.4 Social consultations of the Forecast of environmental impact of ROP OV 2007-2013. 206

7.5 Information on the application of provisions contained in the Forecast of environmental impact of ROP OV 2007-2013, comments made during the consultation period as well as the opinion of the Governor of the Opolskie Voivodeship and the State Voivodeship Sanitary Inspector


7.6 Monitoring of environmental impact of ROP OV 2007-2013 211

8. Information about social consultations held on ROP OV 2007-2013 214

8.1 Legal basis of consultations 214

8.2 Aim, organisation and course of the process of social consultations 214

8.3 Comments passed during social consultations – 3rd stage 217

8.4 Conclusions 219

Glossary 220

List of abbreviations 232

List of tables 235

List of drawings 238

Annex 240

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Introduction ”The action taken by the Community under Article 158 of the Treaty shall be designed to strengthen the economic and social cohesion of the enlarged European Union in order to promote the harmonious, balanced and sustainable development of the Community. This action shall be taken with the aid of the Funds, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and other existing financial instruments. It shall be aimed at reducing the economic, social and territorial disparities which have arisen particularly in countries and regions whose development is lagging behind and in connection with economic and social restructuring and the ageing of the population. The action taken under the Funds shall incorporate, at national and regional level, the Community's priorities in favour of sustainable development by strengthening growth, competitiveness, employment and social inclusion and by protecting and improving the quality of the environment.”1

The reform of the cohesion policy to be followed between 2007-2013 applies mainly to concentration of actions based on three new objectives, i.e.:

1. Convergence objective, to support growth and job creation in the poorest regions – this objective covers all the voivodeships in Poland.

2. Regional competitiveness and employment objective, to support structural changes in regions which do not satisfy eligibility criteria of the objective 1 and changes in the labour market.

3. European territorial co-operation objective, to support territorial competitiveness and promote harmonious and sustained development of the Community territory at three levels: cross-border, transnational and interregional.

New solutions in the years 2007-2013 apply also to correlating the cohesion policy with the EU strategic priorities formulated in the Lisbon Strategy such as competitive economy based on knowledge and sustained development. Hence in the current financial framework, funds within the cohesion policy constitute approximately one third of the budget of the European Union, and at the same time they are a basic instrument for accomplishing objectives of the aforementioned Strategy.

In the light of the period of 2004-2006, new provisions apply mainly to streamlining of the process through limiting it to two stages, introducing mono-funding of operational programmes2 and providing for greater decentralisation and regionalisation of funds through the use of simpler, more efficient systems of implementation and management.

A new legal framework for 2007-2013 reflects more strategic approach to the programming process. Once the Community Strategic Guidelines were adopted, programming has concentrated more on the EU priorities. Limiting of the process only to two stages means that a member state (Poland) prepares the National Strategic Reference Framework (1st stage), and then draws up national and regional operational programmes (2nd stage). The national strategic reference framework is a new instrument in the programming system for 2007-2013 which defines, among other things, a strategy for preparing operational programmes co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Cohesion Fund. Operational programmes are to be documents more strategic in nature, i.e. the emphasis on the description of strategies and priorities has been increased. A

1 Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 of 11 July, 2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No. 1260/1999 (Official Journal 210 of 31.7.2006, p. 25), chapter II, art. 1 2 Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 (Official Journal 210 of 31.7.2006, p. 25), art. 34

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new approach to more strategic and simpler programming at the same time resulted in the resignation from preparing the Community Support Framework and Programme Complements as the situation was in the period of 2004-2006.

The idea of complete decentralisation of programming regional development for 2007-2013 was confirmed when voivodeship local governments were given competencies for preparing and implementing regional operational programmes to be supported from the ERDF according to the principle of mono-funding. Thus Executive Boards of Voivodeships, for the first time, are to serve as Managing Authorities for the programmes.

The Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013 (ROP OV 2007-2013) should be regarded as one of the instruments for implementing the Opolskie Voivodeship Development Strategy which means that it is to contribute to the achievement of objectives set in it through undertaking actions identified as the most significant in the years 2007-2013 from the point of view of the region’s development and which at the same time are eligible for co-financing from the ERDF3.

The eligible area, the system for implementing ROP OV 2007-2013 and the manner of preparing the Programme comply with legal regulations applicable at the national and the Community levels, applicable programming documents as well as basic rules regarding multiannual programming, additionality, partnership , co-financing and evaluation whose details are given in subsequent chapters of the document.

The following basic legal acts formed a basis for the preparation of ROP OV 2007-2013:

− Act on rules of how to operate development policy of 6 December, 20064,

− Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 of 11 July, 2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No. 1260/1999,

− Regulation (EC) No. 1080/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 July, 2006 on the European Regional Development Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No. 1783/1999.

The general objective of ROP OV 2007-2013 is to enhance competitiveness and ensure social, economic and spatial cohesion in order to increase attractiveness of the Opolskie Voivodeship as a place for investing, working and living. To achieve the general objective seven strategic objectives have been established which will be pursued through seven corresponding priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013.

In accordance with the rules concerning programming, objectives defined in ROP OV 2007-2013 are consistent with the objectives indicated in the aforesaid Opolskie Voivodeship Development Strategy, but also with the development directions set at the national level in the National Strategic Reference Framework 2007-2013 in support of growth and jobs (NSRF 2007-2013)5 and at the Community level in the Cohesion Policy in support of growth and jobs: Community Strategic Guidelines 2007-20136 and guidelines of the renewed Lisbon Strategy. At the same time ROP OV 2007-2013 is complementary to the national operational

3 Regulation (EC) No. 1080/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 July, 2006 on the European Regional Development Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No. 1783/1999 (Official Journal 210 of 31.7.2006, p. 1) 4 Journal of Laws No. 227, item 1658 5 Document approved of by the Government on 29.11.2006 6 Document approved of by the EU Council on 6.10.2006 (Official Journal 291 of 21.10.2006)

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programmes for 2007-2013 implemented within the NSRF 2007-2013 and other initiatives and programmes to be implemented in the current financial framework.

The authors of ROP OV 2007-2013 made every effort to prepare the Programme in a clear and comprehensible manner. The information contained in it constitutes an orderly and logical structure, and applies to the following components:

− diagnosis of the social and economic situation of the Opolskie Voivodeship in comparison to other regions of Poland and the European Union along with the analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the region,

− development strategy of the region specifying the objective of strategic actions undertaken within the Programme along with the justification for selecting priority axes,

− information about priority axes taking into account objectives and fields of intervention,

− financial plan divided into years and priority axes indicating sources of financing,

− system of implementation (i.e. implementing provisions), specifying tasks of authorities and describing procedures relating to, among other things, management of ROP OV 2007-2013, monitoring and evaluation, audit and control, publicity and information as well as financial flows,

− ex-ante evaluation of ROP OV 2007-2013 and assessment of the expected macroeconomic effect,

− forecast about impact of ROP OV 2007-2013 on the environment.

Moreover, ROP OV 2007-2013 is accompanied by the information concerning major projects as provided for in art. 37, par. 1, letter h of the Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 (Appendix No. 1) and a list of context indicators for the Programme (Appendix No. 2).

All the elements of ROP OV 2007-2013 were prepared according to the rules established for this type of programming documents. Works on ROP OV 2007-2013 began in 2005 when, under resolution of the Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship, a Programme Board and a Task Force for preparing the Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013 were appointed. Taking into account the partnership principle, representatives of different environments such as scientific, social, economic and other, were involved in the works of the aforementioned groups. As a consequence the Programme Board determining major directions of works on the Programme was also made up of, apart from members of the Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship and representatives of departments of the Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship, experts from the outside of the Office who deal with regional development in practice and theory. Within the Task Force, 9 Subgroups were selected to consider basic thematic areas significant to the development of the Voivodeship which became a basis for specifying areas of priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013. Members of the Sub-groups were appointed from among representatives of all the most important environments associated with creating and operating the regional policy, including socio-economic partners.

ROP OV 2007-2013, taking into account results of works of the aforesaid groups, was drawn up at the Department for Co-ordination of Operational Programmes at the Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship and according to the common practice it was subject to large-scale social and economic consultations held at particular stages of preparing ROP OV 2007-2013.

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PROFILE OF THE OPOLSKIE VOIVODESHIP 1.1. Diagnosis of the current situation of the Opolskie Voivodeship Methodological comments

A diagnosis of the social and economic situation is one of the basic stages in a process of strategic planning. The document identifies the most important internal and external conditions of the development of the Opolskie Voivodeship. It originates from the Opolskie Voivodeship Development Strategy adopted for the years 2000-2015 and the diagnosis itself is a basis for preparing a SWOT analysis.

Overwhelming majority of the diagnosis is based on the data from 2004 and 2005. To provide for greater transparency and comparability of the data, they were, if possible, presented in a greater time span, i.e. in the years 1995-2005. A basic source of information was data from the Central Statistical Office in Warsaw and the Statistical Office in Opole as well as information from the EUROSTAT databases for the data on the European Union which were extended by other available publications and our own calculations. In addition, the document contains data from the Investor Assistance Centre in Opole, the Club of Naturalists from Świebodzin, the Opolskie Voivodeship Office, the Opole Inspector of Monuments and the National Heritage Board of Poland in Warsaw.

The diagnosis includes nineteen thematic areas, i.e. general information about the Voivodeship, demographic situation, living conditions, population income and safety, labour market, economic growth and investment attractiveness, industry, civil engineering and services, development of rural areas, economic entities, including SME sector, business support organisations, R&D and innovative activities, transport infrastructure, municipal infrastructure, power industry, environmental protection, education and human resources, building of information society, health care, culture and heritage, tourism and sport.

Areas for diagnosis were selected on the basis, among other things, of Priorities defined in Regulation (EC) No. 1080/20067. The areas presented in the diagnosis allow for creating a real picture of the Opolskie Voivodeship with particular attention to the most important aspects of its development. General information about the Voivodeship

The Opolskie Voivodeship is situated in the south-western part of the country. It neighbours on the following voivodeships: śląskie, łódzkie, wielkopolskie and dolnośląskie. In the south it borders on Czech Republic.

The region belongs to a group of small European regions and covers the area of 9,412 km2 (3% of Poland’s area) with the population of approximately 1,050 thousand people. Population density in the Opolskie Voivodeship, although lower than the national average (122 people per km2), is close to the EU average (UE25 = 117.5) and amounts to 112 people per km 2. The population and the population density in gminas of the Opolskie Voivodeship is shown on map No. 1 in the Appendix No. 3 in the Annex.

As regards administrative division the Opolskie Voivodeship is divided into 12 poviats (poviat – second level of local government administration in Poland), including 1 grodzki 7Regulation (EC) No. 1080/2006 (Official Journal 210 of 31.7.2006, p. 1).

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poviat which is Opole (grodzki poviat – township) and 71 gminas (gmina – first level of local government administration in Poland), including 3 municipal gminas, 32 municipal and rural ones and 36 rural.

All the gminas in the Opolskie Voivodeship have valid studies of land development conditions and directions. However, only 28.3% of the area of the Opolskie Voivodeship are covered with valid land development plans8. Coverage by land development plans is highly diversified – from gminas which do not have such plans at all to gminas whose area is covered by plans in 100%.

The evenly developed settlement system of the region consists of 35 towns and 1025 solectwos (solectwo – lowest unit of local administration, usually comprising a single village), including 1191 rural settlement units. The biggest towns are as follows: Opole (population of 128.9 thousand), Kędzierzyn-Koźle (66.1 thousand), Nysa (47.8 thousand) and Brzeg (38.6 thousand).

The Opolskie Voivodeship’s functional and spatial structure is based on three zones: central – the Opole agglomeration which covers Opole together with the Opolski and Krapkowicki Poviats – whose distinguishing features in comparison to the rest of the voivodeship are the highest level of urbanisation and the concentration of administrative, service, industrial and housing functions; eastern made up of the Kluczborski, Oleski, Strzelecki and Kędzierzyńsko-Kozielski Poviats – which is characterised by a high level of industrialisation and urbanisation as well as the western zone with the Namysłowski, Brzeski, Nyski, Prudnicki and Głubczycki Poviats where agricultural and tourist functions are of significant importance. A functional and spatial structure of the Opolskie Voivodeship is shown on map no. 2 in the Appendix No. 3 in the Annex.

An important factor for the growth of the Opolskie Voivodeship is the development of metropolitan functions in the Opolskie conurbation through strengthening and development of such fields as: economy, specialist services, culture, recreation and entertainment, communication and telecommunications, higher education, R & D, mass media. The Opole agglomeration which serves metropolitan functions includes the following towns: Opole, Krapkowice, Gogolin, Prószków, Ozimek, Niemodlin and Zdzieszowice as well as highly urbanised rural gminas in the Opolski and Krapkowicki Poviats (it total 335 thousand people).

Rural settlement is dense in nature. Typical for rural areas in the region are large villages of the highest in Poland urbanisation rate which are often local development centres. Population of a rural settlement is on average 418 people (in Poland 277 people). The society in the settlements is self-organised and local environments, including national minorities, very active. The location and structure of rural settlements in the Opolskie Voivodeship are shown on map No. 3 in the Appendix No. 3 in the Annex.

The Opolskie Voivodeship is a frontier and culturally diverse region on the former Polish, German and Czech borderland. The regional community displays a strong sense of regional identity, has a wealth of experience arising from cultural distinction and openness to the world. In the Opolskie Voivodeship there are 71% of the total number of people in Poland who declare German nationality and 14% declaring to be Silesians. The problem is limited knowledge of the region and its heritage as well as insufficient coverage of multicultural aspects by educational and cultural institutions.

After 1989 the third sector of the public life, which is the major element of civil society, began to develop rapidly. Until 1999 only 160 organisations operated, in 1998 about

8 On the basis of data from the Department of Land Development Planning of the Marshal’s Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship as at the end of 2005.

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1,200. The greatest number of non-government organisations were established in 2004, at the moment it is estimated that in the Opolskie Voivodeship there are about 2,700 non-governmental organisations. Most of them operate in education, sport, tourism, health, rehabilitation, welfare, environmental protection, culture, social and economic development.

The region is open to cross-border co-operation within Euroregions “Pradziad” and “Silesia” as well as to contacts with foreign economic partners (among others, with the German land Rheinland-Pfalz, French Burgundy, Czech Středočeský kraj, Hungarian Komitat Fejér, Ukrainian Ivano-Frankivski Region, Austrian Steiermark). Local self-governments in the Opolskie Voivodeship co-operate with partners all over Europe. Local environments, including national minorities, are highly active. Self-governments co-operate with each other and, among other things, establishing associations of gminas. However, co-operation between voivodeships is poor as well as the level of integration between environments and subregional co-operation, including partnerships.

Demographic situation

The comparison of the last two general censuses in respect of the demographic potential shows that the population of the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2002 considerably decreased by 15.7 thousand people in comparison with 1988. Since 2002 the population has been declining systematically (in 2002-2005 further decrease by 13.6 thousand people). The low and declining demographic potential of the region is recognised as the most important barrier of development. The situation arises from high migration which results in permanent stay abroad and negative population growth rate (Tab. No. 1.1).

Tab. No. 1.1. Changes in population and population growth rate and migration balance per 1000 people in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 1995-2005.

Source: Rocznik demograficzny, Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2003, Rocznik statystyczny województw, Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2003, Mały rocznik statystyczny Polski, Warszawa 2005, Biuletyn Statystyczny Województwa Opolskiego, Opole 2006.

Year 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Population (31.12) (thousand)

1093.2 1092.5 1091.9 1089.6 1088.3 1084.7 1080.5 1061.0 1055.7 1051.5 1047.4

Population growth rate (‰)

1.1 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.2 -0.0 -0.2 -0.8 -1.2 -0.9 -0.9

Net permanent migration (‰)

-2.8 -2.2 -2.0 -1.9 -2.0 -3.4 -3.5 -4.3 -4.0 -3.2 -3.0

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> (-130)

(-130) - (-260)

(-261) - (-390)

< (-390)










Przyrost naturalnyw osobach np. - 136 osóbw powiecie nyskim

Saldo migracji w osobach

In 2005 the population growth rate in the Opolskie Voivodeship was -0.9 per mill and, similarly as in Poland, was negative. Only in three poviats in the region the population growth rate was positive and amounted to: in the Brzeg Poviat (0.3 per mill), in the Krapkowice Poviat (0.6 per mill), in the Namysłów Poviat (0.3 per mill). The highest negative population growth rate was in the Prudnik Poviat with -2.4 per mill and the Głubczyce Poviat with -2.3 per mill (Fig. 1.1).

The Opolskie Voivodeship is characterised by the high negative migration balance, mainly abroad, resulting from migratory traditions of the region and existing relations between the society of the region and the destination country, as well as the possibility of obtaining legal job abroad9. A positive aspect of labour migration is adopting European models of working, import of new technologies, modern organisation of work as well as of capital brought into the region. Leaving Poland in search for work, apart from positive aspects, is also perceived as a threat to the labour market due to draining skilled staff as well as to family life where parent’s long-term stay abroad results in irregularities in family functioning, weakened family ties and greater number of single-parent families. Moreover, depopulation of villages and decrease in

births. In addition, disproportions in socioeconomic development as well as in living conditions of people become greater.10.

Considerable migration abroad (permanent and labour-related) is an important

problem for the Opolskie Voivodship to cope with. Factors determining such migration, apart from the historical tradition mentioned above, include also negative effects of a transformation process. According to the National General Census from 2002 a number of people staying abroad temporarily, i.e. for more than 2 months, was approx. 105.2 thousand people, including 77.9% at production age. After 2004 the EU borders were opened systematically to the people willing to work in other countries of the Community and these numbers have increased enormously. In this light labour-related migration of the Opolskie Voivodeship population is an important demographic, social, economic and political issue11. In 2006 the self-government of the Opolskie Voivodeship launched programme ”Opolskie I stay here” whose aim is to reduce a large number of people leaving for abroad to find a job, to promote opportunities of employment and career in the region, to arouse an interest in the possibilities of education, of further career advancement through promotion of the voivodeship attractiveness and educational conditions as well as to encourage people working abroad to come back to the voivodeship. The expected effects of the programme will include

9 This possibility relates to a part of the region’s population that has German citizenship and EU passports enabling them to obtain legal job, on the basis of: K. Heffner, R. Rauziński, Region migracyjny (wybrane aspekty demograficzne, społeczne i gospodarcze na przykładzie Śląska Opolskiego), Opole 2003, p. 17-34. 10 R. Rauziński, Diagnoza sytuacji demograficznej, zatrudnienia, rynku pracy i bezrobocia na Śląsku Opolskim [w:] D. Berlińska (red.): Województwo opolskie 1999. Wstępna diagnoza wybranych dziedzin, Opole 1999. 11 R. Rauziński, Wyjazdy zarobkowe w śląskim krajobrazie społecznym [w]: Wyjazdy zarobkowe-szansa czy zagroŜenie, red. K.Glombik, P. Morciniec, Opole 2005, s. 51-66.

Fig. 1.1. Net permanent migration and population growth rate in the Opolskie

Voivodeship in poviats in 2004. Source: Biuletyn Statystyczny


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a reduction of labour-related migration thanks to the promotion of employment in the region, career development, starting-up one’s own business as well as making people aware of negative social effects of labour-related migration. Partners of the programme, apart from the Marshall Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship, are the Voivodeship Labour Office, poviat Labour Offices, the Voivodeship Methodological Centre, universities and economic entities.

The negative internal and foreign migration balance resulting in permanent stay per 1000 people in 2004 amounted to -3.2 per mill with the national average amounting to -0.2 per mill, which ranks the region first in Poland. In the Opolskie Voivodeship in all the poviats there is negative migration balance. In 2003 in 25 countries of the European Union average migration balance per 1000 of population was 4.6 per mill. The lowest was in Latvia (-1.8), Lithuania (-0.4) and in Poland (-0.4). Positive balance, above 10 per mill, was in: Spain (17.6), Cyprus (17.2) and Italy (10.4).

Demographic forecasts for the next 30 years anticipate that the negative population growth rate will maintain in the Opolskie Voivodeship. In case of external migrations from the Opolskie Voivodeship, it will be the second region after the Śląskie Voivodeship where the emigration will be the highest. In 2030 population of the Opolskie Voivodeship will be 866.5 thousand, and 50.2% of it will live in rural areas. Population of the voivodeship will be lower by 194.5 thousand people in comparison with 2002 (Tab. nr 1.2).

Tab. No. 1.2. Forecast of the principal demographic quantities in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2002-2030.

Year Birth rate (thousand)

Death rate (thousand)

Population growth rate


Internal migration balance


External migration balance


Population (thousand)

2002 8.5 9.3 -0.8 -0.7 -3.9 1,061.0

2005 8.0 9.3 -1.3 -0.3 -4.2 1,045.3

2010 7.6 9.5 -1.9 -0.1 -5.0 1,013.5

2015 7.8 10.0 -2.2 0.0 -4.5 980.1

2020 7.1 10.4 -3.3 0.3 -4.1 945.5

2025 5.9 10.4 -4.5 0.4 -3.8 907.9

2030 5.0 10.7 -5.8 0.6 -3.5 866.5

Source: Demographic forecast for 2003-2030, Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2004, p. 104

In the Opolskie Voivodeship 496.2 thousand people live in villages. In 2010-2030 the number of people living in towns and villages will be decreasing (Tab. No. 1.3). Tab. No. 1.3. Population and forecast of population in the Opolskie Voivodeship in towns and rural areas in 2010-2030 (in thousand).

Description 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030

Total population, including:

1047.4 1013.5 980.1 945.5 907.9 866.5

population in towns 551.2 528.3 507.2 483.9 458.9 431.8

population in villages 496.2 485.2 473.0 461.6 449.0 434.7

Source: Opolszczyzna w liczbach 2006, Statistical Office in Opole, Opole 2006.

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The urbanisation rate in the Opolskie Voivodeship is 52.6% in comparison to the average in Poland of 61.4%. It is forecasted that this rate in 2030 will be lower and will amount to 49.8%. Living conditions, population income and safety

According to census data, there were 369.8 thousand households in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2002. They comprised 2.8% of total households in Poland. According to the demographic forecast, the number of households in 2015 will increase to 397.8 thousand, but will decline later to reach 373.8 thousand in 2030. The anticipated decrease of the number of households in the Opolskie Voivodeship will mainly concern towns.

The Opolskie Voivodeship is characterised by higher income of the population than the national average, but the level of average salaries and pensions is lower12. The average monthly gross salary amounted to PLN 2,068.3 (total in Poland – PLN 2,273.4) in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2004 which ranked the Opolskie Voivodeship the 8th in Poland. Pensions from the extra-agricultural social security system in 2004 reached PLN 1,069.33 (5th place among voivodeships, average in Poland: PLN 1,140.94), whereas pensions of individual farmers amounted to PLN 788.3 (5th place among voivodeships, average in Poland: PLN 747.2).

As regards the average income at disposal of 1 person in a household (assigned for expenses, and consumer goods and services, and increase in savings), the Opolskie Voivodeship is ranked 6th in Poland. The income amounts to ca. PLN 744.6 and is higher than the average income in Poland by ca. PLN 10. Moreover, the average monthly expenses are also higher, amounting to PLN 727.5 in the Opolskie Voivodeship, with the national average amounting to PLN 694.7. The difference between the income and expenses in the region, and the average income and expenses in Poland results from the fact that resources originating from work abroad are most probably spent in the Opolskie Voivodeship.13

Poverty and social exclusion are problems faced by many families despite better economic level and living conditions. Welfare in the Opolskie Voivodeship is currently aimed at a numerous (142 thousand people) and diverse group of people that need aid. However, the Opolskie Voivodeship is one of the regions in Poland where a relatively low ratio of people is covered by welfare service. In 2004, 526 people per 10 thousand people in the voivodeship used the benefits, whereas the national average amounted to 631 people. A spatial distribution of the indicator for a number of people using social welfare in the Opolskie Voivodeship is shown on map No. 4 in the Appendix No. 3 in the Annex.

The voivodeship records insufficient number of welfare establishments, in particular in rural areas. Moreover, many establishments do not comply with applicable standards and legal regulations. Numerous tasks to aid families facing problems and people endangered by poverty and social exclusion are performed by non-governmental organisations and voluntary services. However, the problem is a low number of such organisations and people involved.

According to the data of the National General Census conducted in 2002 the disabled constitute approx. 10% of the Opolskie Voivodeship population in comparison to the national

12 Data do not take into account salaries of people migrating abroad (ca. PLN 2.3 billion annually) that significantly impact the prosperity and consumption level in this part of regional society in the Opolskie Voivodeship. 13 It is estimated that, after taking these into account, average income would increase evenly by ca. 35%. See R. Jończy, Migracje zarobkowe ludności autochtonicznej z województwa opolskiego. Studium ekonomicznych determinant i konsekwencji, Opole University, Opole 2003, p. 188-189.

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average of 14.3%. A phenomenon of the disability in the Opole region is the least intense among all the voivodeships, both in towns and in the countryside.

As the results of questionnaires carried out by the Regional Social Policy Centre in Opole show the disabled grapple with a number of problems and the greatest of them are as follows: moving outside the house (36%), enlisting material or financial assistance (35%), simple household tasks and hygiene as well as specialist treatment (about 33% each) – Fig. 1.2.

Fig. 1.2. Problems of the disabled in the Opolskie Voivodeship (in %). Source: Niepełnosprawność. Rzeczywistość i marzenia. Regional Social Policy Centre, Opole 2003.

Permanently or temporarily inhabited housing stock in the Opolskie Voivodeship reached 333.3 thousand in 2004, which comprised 2.6% of the housing stock in Poland. The number of inhabited flats per 1000 people in 2004 amounted to 317 and it was less than the national average (332 flats). However, in respect of the average usable flat area per person, the Opolskie Voivodeship is characterised by the highest ratio in Poland – 24 m2, which provides the high quality of life of its inhabitants which together with other indicators for housing resources indicates better housing conditions than in other regions of Poland.

Taking into consideration a number of new flats commissioned for use in relation to the population, the Opolskie Voivodeship is the last in Poland (2.6 compared to 4.3 flats in Poland in 2003). The results both for the voivodeship and the whole country are bad in comparison with the European Union where these figures range somewhere between 5-10. Since 1998 a number of new flats commissioned for use has increased every year. In 2004 in the Opolskie Voivodeship 1,232 new flats were commissioned for use and it was more than in 2000 by 12%. In Poland the increase was much higher and amounted to 23.2 %.

A serious threat to the existing housing stock is their dramatic decapitalisation. The problem is mainly faced by towns and villages with post-state-owned farms and post-military-owned areas, with the challenge of “refurbishment gap”. In the voivodeship there is a large number of abandoned properties with unsettled ownership, many empty, uninhabited flats and buildings as well as lots of devastated outbuildings.

Historic town centres require revitalisation. According to the Land Development Plan of the Opolskie Voivodeship14 in 30 towns historic urban designs survived, including 23 of








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them listed in the monument register of the Opolskie Voivodeship, i.e. Baborów, Biała, Brzeg, Byczyna, Głogówek, Głubczyce, Głuchołazy, Gorzów Śląski, Grodków, Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Kluczbork, Krapkowice, Leśnica, Lewin Brzeski, Namysłów, Niemodlin, Nysa, Opole, Otmuchów, Paczków, Prudnik, Strzelce Opolskie and Ujazd. Also panel block housing estates, post-industrial and post-military areas as well as degraded districts and working-class housing estates require revitalisation.

Living conditions of inhabitants are also significantly affected by safety and operation of public order institutions. The highest number of crimes is noted in towns with large population. Number of crimes in the Opolskie Voivodeship, which comprised 2.6% of total crimes recorded in Poland in 2004 (37.3 thousand), has a declining trend (Fig. 1.3), whereas the crime detection rate increases (Fig. 1.4). The statistical analyses and public opinion polls show that the Opolskie Voivodeship is one of the safest regions in Poland. In spite of improvement in public safety, this field – due to frontier location of the region and dynamics of social phenomena and in consequence dynamics of crime – requires continuous monitoring.

Moreover, the attention should be turned to threats from the use of alcohol and drugs by young people. The poll conducted in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2005 shows that 34.9% of people at the age of 17/18 got drunk during 30 days preceding the poll and 15.2% of people at the same age used marijuana or hashish15.

Labour market

In 2004, the national economy of the Opolskie Voivodeship employed 290.8 thousand people (2.3% working population in Poland). Average employment in the enterprise sector, amounting to 93.0 thousand people in 2005, is characterised by a growing trend (Tab. No. 1.4).

14 Land Development Plan of the Opolskie Voivodeship approved of with the resolution of the Sejmik of the Opolskie Voivodeship No. XLIX/357/2002 of 24 September, 2002 on approving the Land Development Plan of the Opolskie Voivodeship (Dz. Urz. Woj. Opolskiego No. 112, item 1448). 15 J. Sierosławski, P. Jabłoński, UŜywanie alkoholu i narkotyków przez młodzieŜ szkolną. Raport z badań ankietowych zrealizowanych w województwie opolskim w 2005 r. Europejski Program Badań Ankietowych w Szkołach ESPAD, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, Warsaw 2005, p.16, 24.

Fig. 1.4. Crime detection rate in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 1998 – 2004.

Source: Roczniki Statystyczne Województw 1999-2005,

Central Statistical Office.

Fig. 1.3. Total number of crimes in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 1998 – 2004.

Source: Roczniki Statystyczne Województw 1999-

2005, Central Statistical Office.

25 77827 472

30 54934 397

39 08337 989

37 256








1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

55,2 54,459,2

64,469,1 67,7 69,4





1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

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Tab. No. 1.4. Changes of average monthly employment in the sector of enterprises in 2000-2005 in the Opolskie Voivodeship.

Description 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Average employment in the sector of enterprises (in thousand) 113.9 107.2 98.5 94.2 91.5 93.0

Dynamics (preceding period =100) (%) 94.2 94.1 91.8 95.7 97.1 101,6

Source: Biuletyn statystyczny Województwa Opolskiego from December 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and from September 2005, Komunikat o sytuacji społeczno-gospodarczej, December 2004

The employment level, expressed in the so-called employment index, is relatively low in comparison with the national average. According to 2004 BAEL16 data, a value of the index in the Opolskie Voivodeship was 43% with the national average amounting to 44.3%. In towns of the Opolskie Voivodeship the index amounted to 44.2%, while in villages 41.3%. In 2004 in the Opolskie Voivodeship the activity rate was 52.3%, while in towns – 54.1% and in villages – 50.0%. The rate is lower than the national average which amounts to 54.9%. It is anticipated that the activity rate will fall by 0.8% in the region in the years 2004-2008. As regards dynamics the Opolskie Voivodeship takes the 15th place in Poland17.

Referring to the data on the labour market contained in the National Reform Programme (KPR) 2005-200818, one should notice that in the Opolskie Voivodeship an employment rate (for people between the ages of 15-64) is close to the national average (52.5% in comparison to 53%). At the same time it is by 3.5 pp lower than the one forecast for Poland in 200819.

Employment structure in the Opolskie Voivodeship as compared with the national structure and the EU structure is unfavourable as it is characterised by high percentage of employment in agriculture and low percentage in services (Fig. 1.5). Many sectors also record insufficient number of well-qualified personnel, in particular experts. There is also a low employment rate in relation to the working population.

Fig. 1.5. Employees divided into sectors in the Opolskie Voivodeship and in Poland as compared with the European Union in 2003 (in %).

Source: Produkt Krajowy Brutto. Rachunki Regionalne 2003, Central Statistical Office 2005, Rocznik Statystyczny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej 2004, Central Statistical Office 2005.

16 Population Economic Activity Poll conducted by the Central Statistical Office once a quarter published among others in Biuletyny Statystyczne Województwa Opolskiego of the Statistical office in Opole. 17 Source: Polska: regionalne prognozy ekonomiczne 2005-2008. Analiza porównawcza polskich województw, PMR Publications, Kraków 2005, p. 60. 18 Report 2006 on implementation of the National Reform Programme for the Lisbon Strategy (after the first Lear of implementation); the document approved by the government on 13 October, 2006, Ministry of Economy, Warsaw 2006, p. 71. 19 In 2008 it is estimated the average employment rate (age 15-64) will be 56.0%.







52,6 54,3











agriculture, hunting, forestry, fisheryand fishing

industry and construction services

the Opolskie Voivodeship



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kujawsko -pomorskie



zachodnio-pomorskie podlaskie

od 13,8% do 17,3%

od 24,6% do 27,5%

od 21,0% do 24,5%

od 17,4% do 20,9%

Polska = 17,6%

Fig. 1.6. Unemployment rate in Poland by voivodeships (at the end of December 2005).

Source: Biuletyn Statystyczny Województwa Opolskiego, 4th quarter 2005.

The number of registered unemployed people in the Opolskie Voivodeship at the end

of December 2005 amounted to 69.4 thousand people and was characterised by a declining trend, although unemployment, particularly in small towns, in the areas of post-state-owned farms and dominated by small agricultural farms, is recognised as a vital development problem (Tab. No. 1.5). At the end of 2005 at the labour offices in the Opolskie Voivodeship there were 31.6 thousand inhabitants of villages registered which constituted 45.5% of all the unemployed. On average their percentage was 42.6% in Poland.

The Opolskie Voivodeship is also characterised by a higher than the national average

percentage of women in the unemployed structure. At the end of 2005 women formed almost 56% of the registered unemployed in labour offices and this percentage is growing year by year. The smallest percentage of women in the total number of the registered unemployed is in prudnicki and nyski poviats. The largest percentage is observed in poviats: krapkowicki, country poviat of Opole and strzelecki (above 60%). Such a situation arises first of all from the unique nature of the Opole region characterised by a high migration balance and the Silesian model of family.

The importance of the support to women in the labour market is manifested in projects submitted under measure 1.6 SOP HRD – “Vocational integration and reintegration of women”. In years 2004-2006 in the Opolskie Voivodeship funds were allocated to 14 projects and the total sum of co-financing was almost PLN 9 million. These were mainly training projects aimed at broadening and improving vocational qualifications of women.

The other social group encountering

difficulties in the labour market is made up of the disabled. Possibilities of employing such people in the sector of enterprises in the Opole region are little. These people find jobs mainly in supported employment establishments and only few companies without such a status are interested in employing the disabled. Mainly private companies, first of all production and trading, are willing to employ them; the majority of potential employers belong to a sector of medium-sized and large enterprises20.

20 Rozmiary i kierunki zapotrzebowania na kwalifikowane kadry pracownicze w województwie opolskim (Volume and directions of demand for qualified staff In the Opolskie Voivodeship) .Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship, Opole 2001, p. 84-85.

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Tab. No. 1.5. Number of the registered unemployed in the Opolskie Voivodeship and unemployment rate in 1999-2005 in Poland and in the Opolskie Voivodeship (at the end of December).

Description 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Number of unemployed people in the Opolskie Voivodeship (thousand)

59.5 69.3 78.6 83.4 81.6 74.6 69.4

Unemployment rate in the Opolskie Voivodeship (%)

13.2 15.3 18.2 19.3 21.4 19.9 18.6

Unemployment rate in Poland (%) 13.1 15.0 17.5 18.0 19.6 19.0 17.6

Source: Biuletyn statystyczny województwa opolskiego, December 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, Komunikat o sytuacji społeczno-gospodarczej, December 2004.

The registered unemployment rate in the Opolskie Voivodeship at the end of December 2005 amounted to 18.6% (in Poland: 17.6%), which ranks the region 8th among other voivodeships (Fig. 1.6). The unemployment rate is spatially diverse in the region. At the end of December

2005 it ranged between 9.0% in Opole and 29.9% in the Nysa Poviat (Fig. 1.7).

On average the unemployment rate in the EU ranges between 8-9% and is different in particular states, the lowest: the Netherlands – 4.0%, Ireland – 4.2%, Denmark – 4.3%; the highest: Poland -18.6%, Slovakia – 15.7%, Greece – 9.6%, France – 9.1%.

With reference to priority 5 of the National Reform Programme 2005-200821 “Creating and maintaining new jobs and reduction of unemployment”, according to Eurostat data, the unemployment rate in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2005 (16.9%) was by 0.8 pp lower than the national average. It is estimated that in 2008 this value in Poland will be 14.6%.

The unemployment rate among women in the Opolskie Voivodeship is higher than the national average (20.7% in comparison to 19.1%) and it is by 4.7 pp higher than the forecast value in Poland in 2008. In addition in the voivodeship a percentage of the long-term

unemployed in their total number is by 13.4 pp higher than the national average (65.6% in comparison to 52.2%).

It is forecast that in the Opolskie Voivodeship at the end of 2008 the unemployment rate will be lower than at the moment and will amount to 14.3% which will make the region rank 7th in Poland22.

A problem of unemployment faces also communities from ethnic minorities. In the Opolskie Voivodeship this group includes Gypsies of whom there are 2.5 thousand. The Gypsy community is particularly exposed to remaining unemployed. Since 2004 Poland has been operating the Community Initiative EQUAL, financed by the European Social Fund. Its

21 Report on implementation …, p. 71 22 Source: Polska: regionalne prognozy…, p. 67

od 9,0% do 14,2%

od 14,3% do 19,5%

od 19,6% do 24,8%

od 24,9% do 29,9%

woj. opolskie = 18,6%

Fig. 1.7. Unemployment rate in the Opolskie Voivodeship by poviats (at the end of December 2005).

Source: Biuletyn Statystyczny Województwa Opolskiego, 4th quarter 2005.

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aim is to test and support – in the course of transnational co-operation – new ways of fighting any forms of discrimination and inequality in the labour market both towards employed people and those looking for a job. One of the projects aimed at the improvement of professional and social situation of ethnic minorities is the Project of the Association of Gypsies in Poland called "Gypsies in the labour market". The implementation of the project was planned for years 2004-2008. The project partners from the Opolskie Voivodeship are as follows: Nysa Gmina, Prudnik Gmina as well as the Association of Gypsies and Rother Nationalities in Nysa. These partners participate in the project implementation as in their area there is the Gypsy minority present and there are a number of social phenomena connected with that fact which they are going to solve. A separate block is intended for women and its aim is to prepare to dealing with traditional in the Gypsy minority mistrust towards professional activity and emancipation of women. Actions addressed at women are aimed not only at increasing their chances to find jobs but also to combine a career with keeping a house.

Measures aimed at solving social problems related to the labour market were carried out in the Opolskie Voivodeship under pre-accession programmes (Phare Social and Economic Cohesion). In years 2004-2006 in the programmes co-financed from structural funds different forms of assistance were implemented. For example, in measure 2.1 of the Integrated Operational Regional Development Programme (“Development of skills related to the requirements of the regional labour market and possibilities of continuing education in the region”) by the end of 2006 the support within the projects implemented was provided to 7.8 thousand people who used trainings, advisory services, including running one’s own business and employment agency. Also projects related to researches and analyses for the purposes of the regional labour market were completed.

The assistance was also provided to unique groups of people, i.e. looking for a new job outside agriculture or threatened with a loss of job due to restructuring an enterprise (IORDP: measure 2.3 – “Retraining of people leaving agriculture” and 2.4 – “Retraining of people threatened with restructuring processes”). In measure 2.3 a greater emphasis was put on vocational trainings which gave beneficiaries opportunities for finding a new job. Due to a unique nature of the Opolskie Voivodeship sectors of health care and education were identified in measure 2.4 as the restructured ones. As a result a majority of projects were intended for these two groups. In total, in all the projects implemented under Measures 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, more than 10 thousand people took part. This number will certainly be greater as some of the projects are still in progress. At the end of 2006 under the aforesaid measures 33 projects were completed, thus there were 32 still in progress. A percentage of women in the total number of people who made use of different forms of assistance is 61%. Many people among those who have already used the assistance express desire to participate again in this type of initiatives. This shows that there is a need for organising further undertakings of this type as well as that active people are ready for a change or improving professional qualifications.

The next programme aimed at, among others, the development of the labour market is SOP HRD where for measures 1.2 and 1.3 the Implementing Authority is the Voivodeship Labour Office in Opole. By the end of 2006 there were 50 projects in progress aimed at the support and promotion of employment and self-employment of young people as well as the support for the unemployed and the long-term unemployed as regards professional reintegration. Under the both measures by the end of 2006 the assistance was provided to 11.3 thousand people who used the support in a form of trainings, traineeships, career guidance, employment agencies, subsidies on start-up of economic activity, subsidising expenses related to a new job at an employer’s and vocational training on site. The figures above will be higher

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as some projects are still in progress. A percentage of women in the total number of people using those and other forms of assistance is 57% (6,451 women).

Economic growth and investment attractiveness

Gross domestic product in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2003 was PLN 18.2 billion which constituted 2.2% of the state GDP. GDP per capita amounting to PLN 17,173 in 2003 ensured the 11th position of the Opolskie Voivodeship in the domestic ranking (Fig. 1.8). Lower GDP per capita was in voivodeships in the eastern part of Poland (i.e. warmińsko-mazurskie, podlaskie, lubelskie, podkarpackie and świętokrzyskie).

The region is challenged by a lower rate of economic growth as compared with other regions in Poland. A GDP value in 1995–2003 increased almost 2.5 times in Poland (an increase by 148%), whereas in the Opolskie Voivodeship only by 99%.

GDP per capita in the region decreases as compared to the national average (Fig. 1.9).




17,4 17,1 17,8 18,2
















Fig. 1.8. Change in Gross Domestic Product in

the Opolskie Voivodeship in 1995-2003 (in billion PLN).

Source: Produkt Krajowy Brutto. Rachunki Regionalne 1999-2003, Central Statistical Office 2001-2005.


















Fig. 1.9. GDP per capita in the Opolskie

Voivodeship compared to the national average in 1995-2003 (%) (Poland=100).

Source: Produkt Krajowy Brutto. Rachunki Regionalne 1999-2003, Central Statistical Office


It is forecast that in the coming years GDP will continue to grow, and the GDP increase in 2005-2008 (average annual changes) will be one of the highest in Poland and will amount to 5% in this period. Forecasts predict that in 2008 the region’s share in Poland’s GDP will be at the same level as at the moment and will amount to 2.2%. According to forecasts GDP per capita in the Opolskie Voivodeship will also increase and finally it will reach 81.1% of the national average in 200823.

Taking into consideration performance indicators for priorities and measures of the National Reform Programme one should state that the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2003 was characterised by GDP growth rate more than two times lower than a value of this rate forecast for Poland in 2008.

In comparison with other European regions, the share of the Opolskie Voivodeship as regards GDP per capita is also unfavourable because in comparison with the average of the European Union (25 states) in 2003 it amounted to 37.4%, with average for Poland reaching 45.6%. The Opolskie Voivodeship is in a group of 10 regions of the EU with the lowest GDP per capita (Tab. No. 1.6). As regards this indicator the Opolskie Voivodeship was 6th among the 10 poorest regions in the European Union.

23 Source: Polska: regionalne prognozy ekonomiczne …, p. 18, 20, 24.

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Tab. No. 1.6. GDP per capita in EU 25 in 2003.

Regions with the highest GDP per capita Regions with the lowest GDP per capita

Item Region EU(25) =100%

Item Region EU(25) =100%

1 Inner London (UK) 278 1 Lubelskie (PL) 33

2 Bruxelles-Capitale (BE) 238 2 Podkarpackie (PL) 33

3 Luxembourg 234 3 Podlaskie (PL) 36

4 Hamburg (DE) 184 4 Świętkorzyskie (PL) 37

5 Île de France (FR) 173 5 Warmińsko-Mazurskie (PL) 37

6 Wien (AT) 171 6 Opolskie (PL) 37

7 Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire (UK)

165 7 Észak Magyaroszág (HU) 38

8 Provincia Autonoma Bolzano (IT) 160 8 Východné Slovensko (SK) 39

9 Oberbayern (DE) 158 9 Eszag-Alföld (HU) 39

10 Stockholm (SE) 158 10 Dél-Alföld (HU) 40

Source: Eurostat data. Surveys on diversity of investment attractiveness of Poland have placed the Opolskie

Voivodeship in the group of regions characterised by average (mediocre) attractiveness (in the so-called III class of investment attractiveness, Fig. 1.10)24. At the same time, it is visible that there is a lack of significant investments in the region.. Both a number of locations of direct foreign investments and the amount of foreign capital per 10 thousand of people make the Opolskie Voivodeship rank respectively as 6th and 7th in Poland. In the Opolskie Voivodeship there are 60 plants owned by foreign investors who in whole Poland invested at least 1 million USD25. This figure constitutes 2% of total locations of this type in Poland. Growth dynamics of companies with foreign capital based in the Opolskie Voivodeship has shown increasing tendency.

An important element in the region development is appropriately prepared land for investment. First of all the land has to have technical infrastructure as well as communications with the A4 motorway. The offer of areas for investment is spatially diversified in the Voivodeship (Fig. 1.11).

Although the Opolskie region is conveniently located on the border of national and European communication routes, the problem lies in strong competition of the neighbouring voivodeships. There are few offers to attract investors from outside the region as the land is not sufficiently prepared for investment26.

24 K.Gawlikowska – Hueckel, Konkurencyjność i atrakcyjność województwa opolskiego w świetle integracji z Unią Europejską, [w:] K. Heffner (red.) Uwarunkowania rozwoju regionalnego województwa opolskiego ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem migracji zagranicznych. Red. K. Heffner, Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship, Opole University of Technology, Faculty of Management and Production Engineering, Opole 2002, p. 77. 25 Kapitał zagraniczny w województwie opolskim, Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship, Department of Regional Development, Section for Polls and Strategic Analyses, Opole 2005 26 Source: W. Skowroński, T. Skowroński, Analiza sektorowa budownictwa i diagnoza sytuacji ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem sytuacji w województwie opolskim, Study ordered by the Ministry of Economy and Labour in Warsaw, Opole 2005, p. 91, reproduced material

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kędzierzy ńsko- kozielski




– liczba wszystkich terenów inwestycyjnych

– tereny o uregulowanym statusie prawnym, dobrym uzbrojeniu technicznym

Fig. 1.11. Areas for investment in poviats of the Opolskie Voivodeship (at the end of 2005).

Source: On the basis of data from the Investor Assistance Centre in Opole.

Industry, civil engineering and services

Industry, characterised by the developed sectoral structure, plays a considerable role in the economy of the region. Diversity of industrial structure is recognised as beneficial in the development of the voivodeship. Among the strengths of the region there are plants from the food industry and the cement and lime sector as well as modern and developed furniture and woodworking industries based on long tradition. For the development of the region the potential of such sectors as food, power, construction materials, chemical, engineering, electrical engineering and metalworking are of significance.

Industrial plants show considerable potential proven, among other things, by a number and quality of fixed assets. A gross value of fixed assets in economic entities above 49 employees per capita in the Opolskie Voivodeship is 47.1 thousand PLN, while the national average is 45.8 thousand PLN. This indicator places the region 2nd in Poland.

The value of industry production sold per capita in 2004 placed the voivodeship 6th in Poland (17.2 thousand PLN with the national average amounting to 17.8 thousand PLN). After periods of intensive increases in industry production sold, the dynamics of this value has shown considerable fluctuations in recent years. Year 2005 did not change these trends. The industry production sold was approximately 16 billion PLN, which means that it fell by 2.2% in comparison with the preceding year.

There is a large development potential of the civil engineering sector in the Opolskie Voivodeship, in combination with the building materials industry based on natural resources27. However, despite the large potential, this sector faces serious difficulties, similarly to civil engineering in the whole country. A value of civil engineering and erection production per capita in 2004 was lower than the national average (PLN 1,100 and PLN 1,904) and, in this respect, the voivodeship was ranked 15th in Poland. In 2005 civil engineering production sold amounted to 1,211.4 billion PLN, in comparison with the corresponding period of the preceding year a 1.2% increase was recorded. It is predicted that in coming years a value of civil engineering and erection production will rise

27 There are 209 documented mineral raw material deposits in the Opolskie Voivodeship. These include mainly carbonate raw materials, natural aggregates, sand and ceramic clay; the most important are carbonate deposits used in cement and lime industry, natural aggregates, sand and ceramic clays used in construction; documented raw material resources provide for functioning of mining industry for ca. 50 years of marl and lime for lime industry and ca. 240 years of natural aggregates.

Fig. 1.10. Synthetic assessment of investment attractiveness of voivodeships.

Source: As in note 14

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Fig. 1.12. Structure of GVA creation in the EU states and in the Opolskie Voivodeship (in %). Source: Data from the Central Statistical Office.

due to, among other things, opening of the EU markets. The forecast for 2005-2008 predicts an increase by 7.6% in the production sold in the region28. The improvement in the construction sector in the Opolskie Voivodeship may be proven by preliminary data summarising year 2006 where the revival of this industry was recorded.29

The significance of services in the economy of the Opolskie Voivodeship is gradually increasing; however, the region considerably differs from the national average in respect of the development level of the sector. The region comes almost as the last in Poland in respect of percentage of services in developing the regional gross value added (GVA), which demonstrates an insufficiently developed and weak service sector (Fig. 1.12).

The service sector provides employment for 52.5% of people working in the region,

including 32.4% in market services and 20.1% in non-market services. On average, 54.4 % of people are employed in the service sector in Poland and, in this respect, the region comes 9th in Poland. As regards productivity, services in the Opolskie Voivodeship comprise the most efficient sector of economy, which is demonstrated by the highest GVA as per one working person. This value amounted to PLN 69.3 thousand in 2003. For comparison, GVA as per one

28 Source: Dodatek do raportu – Polska: regionalne prognozy ekonomiczne 2005-2008. Analiza porównawcza polskich województw, PMR Publications, Kraków 2005 29 The most important changes and trends observable in the building industry in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2006 are as follows:

− systematic, higher than in Poland, increase in number of entities, in 2006 at the level of 5.8%; − better financial results since 2004 r.; − more than 9 times increase in gross financial result in 2006 and net financial result at the level of PLN 32.7

million in 2006 in comparison to PLN 0.4 million in 2005; − improving profitability of construction companies in the Opole region; − increase in number of flats commissioned in 2006, but still this is the last place among voivodeships as

regards number of flats commissioned in comparison to population. In 2006 1,338 flats were commissioned, i.e. by 15.6% more than in 2005;

− significant increase (by 159.2% more than in 2005) in investment outlays in 2006; − increase in sales in construction industry by 21.4% in 2006;

− systematic increase in average monthly pay; − increase in average employment level in 2006.

0,9 2,67,1

2,6 1,1 3,7 3,5 3,1

23,5 24,7 22,327,1 28,8 30,2 31,1


72,7 70,6 70,3 70,166,1 65,4


3,1 4,7




































Rolnictwo, łowiectwo i leśnictwo; rybactwo Przemysł i budownictwo Uslugi

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working person in the industry amounted to PLN 58.0 thousand, in construction PLN 49.9 thousand and in agriculture PLN 12.5 thousand. Economic entities from the service sector30 comprise 86.8 % of all entities registered in the Opolskie Voivodeship. At the end of 2004, there were about 77 thousand of such entities. Rural development

Rural areas constitute ca. 92% of the area of the voivodeship. Rural population stands at almost half a million people, i.e. ca. 47% of all the inhabitants of the region31. As compared with other regions, villages in the Opolskie Voivodeship are characterised by spatial order, aesthetics and beauty of rural landscape as well as a relatively high standard of public space, individual housing and farmyards. As one of few in Poland, the Opole region develops its image by exhibiting villages, e.g. by the 1997 Programme “Rural Restoration.” The rural restoration programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship is the largest and the long-lasting regional project of local society mobilisation in Poland. Moreover, it is the first one that implemented the methodology of establishing the development strategy at the level of solectvo. The number of solectvos that applied to the programme in 2006 increased to 376.

Many villages which undertook activities under Programme „Village renewal” are today villages of success where thanks to the commitment of inhabitants, with the support of the gmina self-government, basic problems have been cured and social and cultural life enlivened. This is the reason why the village renewal has been included In the Sectoral Operational Programme Restructuring and Modernisation of Food Sector and Rural Development (SOP AGR). In years 2004-2006 in whole Poland EUR 90 million were allocated to the projects of village renewal, while in the Opolskie Voivodeship approx. PLN 11 million.

Under measure 2.3 “Village renewal, maintenance and protection of cultural heritage” SOP AGR a value of funding applied for was two times higher than the allocation available to the Opolskie Voivodeship for years 2004-2006. A majority, i.e. 52%, of projects implemented in the Opolskie Voivodeship are related to modernisation and equipping facilities serving cultural functions, i.e. community centres, rural common rooms. A little bit fewer, i.e. 33% projects are related to infrastructure, recreation, sport and tourism (playing fields, playgrounds). A smaller percentage, i.e. about 10%, includes undertakings associated with shaping and development of village centres, development of green areas (pavements, grounds, squares). A marginal percentage of projects is connected with renovation or adaptation of historic buildings or purchase and refurbishment of non-usable facilities characteristic for the local tradition.

Villages in the Opolskie Voivodeship are also famous for their excellent tangible assets. Percentage of flats in villages furnished with a water supply system, central heating and bathrooms considerably exceeds the average national values. On the other hand, the situation as regards these facilities in villages is worse than in towns of the region (Tab. No. 1.7).

30 Including civil engineering 31 In Poland analogous proportions are as follows: 90% of area and 38% of population in Poland, on the basis of: M. Smoleński, ZróŜnicowanie przestrzeni przyrodniczej polskiej wsi, A. Stasiak, R. Horodelski (red.), Przestrzenne aspekty rozwoju wsi polskiej z uwzględnieniem obszarów depresji społeczno-gospodarczej, Warszawa 2005, p. 37

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Tab. No. 1.7. Flats with particular facilities in the Opolskie Voivodeship in towns and rural areas in 2004 (w %).

Description Water supply system Toilet Bathroom Gas from

network Central heating

Towns 99.2 95.1 93.1 77.3 83.3 Rural areas 95.6 83.4 86.0 2.5 72.4

Source: Rocznik Statystyczny Województwa Opolskiego 2006 (Statistical Yearbook of the Opolskie Voivodeship 2006), Statistical Office in Opole, Opole 2005.

However, the problem is poor infrastructure of the sewage system in villages of the

Opolskie Voivodeship. In 2004, there were 789.5 km of the sewage system and 5,118.6 km of the water supply system. The indicator of water supply and sewage system density in rural areas continues to rise (Tab. No. 1.8). Tab. No. 1.8. Indicator of water supply and sewage system density in rural areas in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 1999-2004.

Description 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Indicator of water supply system density in rural areas (length of water supply system in km per 100 km2)

55.4 56.5 56.9 58.0 58.5 59.2

Indicator of sewage system density in rural areas (length of sewage system in km per 100 km2)

3.0 3.8 5.2 6.2 7.6 9.1

Source: Rocznik Statystyczny Województw 2000 (Statistical Yearbook of Voivodeships 2000), Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2000, Rocznik Statystyczny Województw 2001 (Statistical Yearbook of Voivodeships 2001), Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2001, Rocznik Statystyczny Województw 2002 (Statistical Yearbook of Voivodeships 2002), Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2002, Rocznik Statystyczny Województw 2003 (Statistical Yearbook of Voivodeships 2003), Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2003, Rocznik Statystyczny Województw 2004 (Statistical Yearbook of Voivodeships 2004), Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2004, Rocznik Statystyczny Województw 2005 (Statistical Yearbook of Voivodeships 2005), Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2005.

In the Opolskie Voivodeship the problems of areas where state-owned farms used to operate exist generally in the areas inhabited by incoming people. State-owned farms were run mainly in the western part of the region – in brzeski, nyski, namysłowski poviats. A considerable number of them were also in the kluczborski poviat. The location of former state-owned farms is shown on map No. 5 in the Appendix No. 3 in the Annex.

During the transformation period no state-owned farm collapsed. The State Treasury’s Agricultural Property Resources took over in the Opolskie Voivodeship 95 agricultural enterprises whose total area was approx. 140 thousand hectares. The properties taken over by the Resources are developed in two ways: - permanently, i.e. sale and free of charge transfer - and impermanent form, first of all through lease, management, administration and


Every state-owned farm was taken over by a new owner who entered into so called benefits package with employees.

In the region there are examples of very good development of former state-owned farm settlements. Often local communities integrate, taking over the property and e.g. implementing joint projects. Such an example may be Frączków village awarded in the competition within the framework of Programme “Village Renewal”. Another example of

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good practices in this field may be Kombinat Rolny “Kietrz” (agricultural agglomerate) – the Treasury joint stock company, established on the basis of the former state-owned farm. The company has a very good financial standing.

There are approximately 26 thousand economic entities registered in rural areas (almost 1/3 of all the entities registered in the voivodeship). These include mainly small and medium-sized enterprises; only 3.8% of entities are related to agriculture. The major development barriers include poorly developed services, craftsmanship and manufacturing in areas with dominating agricultural functions, barely used and undeveloped tourist potential of rural areas as well as a lack of well-furnished recreational areas within the vicinity of towns.

One of dynamically developing forms of activity in rural areas is running farms providing tourist accommodation. In 2005 there were about 100 of such farms in the Opole region offering almost a thousand beds. The location of farms providing tourist accommodation is shown on map No. 6 in the Appendix No. 3 in the Annex.

In 2004 in rural areas there were 102 healthcare centres and 96 medical practices. The Health Strategy for the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2006-2013 shows that weaknesses of the voivodeship include: limited access to specialist outpatients’ clinics in rural areas and a shortage of specialists outside towns in the region. Moreover, a pre-hospital death rate in acute brain and cardiovascular events is high.

Medical infrastructure in rural areas should be described as poorly developed. Specialist outpatients’ clinics are insufficiently equipped with diagnostic devices, access to outpatients’ services is unequal and computerisation assessed as insufficient.32

The Opolskie Voivodeship has a dense network of educational units in rural areas. In the school year 2004/2005 in the countryside there were: 299 primary schools where 30,617 pupils attended and 63 junior secondary schools with 12,050 pupils. Moreover, there were 2 vocational schools where 222 pupils attended. At the same time 5 secondary schools provided 438 pupils with education. However, some schools need renovation, extension and modernisation. Results of final tests and exams show that pupils receiving education in rural areas gain worse marks than children at their age from municipal areas33. Therefore the efforts should be intensified to improve the quality of education at all types of schools in rural areas.

Favourable natural conditions of the Opolskie Voivodeship allow for intensive agricultural production34. Agricultural functions are of particular significance to the southern, western and northern parts of the region35.

The Opolskie Voivodeship records high percentage of modern agricultural farms with large development potential. The average area of an individual farm exceeding 1 ha of agricultural arable land was 10.1 ha in mid 2004 (8th in Poland). At the moment these sizes systematically increase and the area of individual farm in the region is approx. 20 ha.

32 Strategia Ochrony Zdrowia dla Województwa Opolskiego na lata 2006-2013 (Health Strategy for the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2006-2013), Sejmik of the Opolskie Voivodeship , Opole 2005, p. 48, 50, 61. 33 Sprawdzian w szóstej klasie szkoły podstawowej w województwie dolnośląskim i opolskim w 2005 roku (Test in the sixth form at primary school in Dolnośląskie and Opolskie Voivodeship in 2005), Report, Wrocław 2005, p. 13. 34 Land is low-lying, flat, slightly rolling, the region is one of the warmest in Poland. A vegetation period begins early, most often at the end of March and lasts 200÷225 days. Annual rainfall ranges between 600÷800 mm, with 160÷180 days with rainfall on average. Soil with grade of 1.06 for arable land and of 1.05 for grassland rates among good ones. 35 Source: Raport o stanie zagospodarowania przestrzennego województwa opolskiego. Synteza. Zarząd Województwa Opolskiego, Opole 2006.

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Applications submitted for direct payments show that there are about 30 thousand of

individual farms of the area above 1 ha. The southern and central part of the region faces periodical water shortages and

deficits in periods of the highest demand (e.g. plant vegetation) as well as periods of water surplus (early spring and summer), which result in rivers in spate and floods. One of the problems is poor condition of soil-improving equipment and primary watercourses as well as a shortage of available resources of surface water.

46.1% of arable land (ca. 250 thousand ha) in the Opolskie Voivodeship are improved; however, these include old infrastructure (approximately 30% of the equipment depreciated). There are 8 small storage reservoirs in the voivodeship (total 5.5 million m3 and 232.3 ha of area), which are very unevenly arranged and their impact is insignificant.

Economic entities, including small and medium-sized enterprises

The number of economic entities registered in the Opolskie Voivodeship at the end of

2005 was approximately 91 thousand and it increased by 2.5% in comparison with the corresponding period of the preceding year. Despite the systematic increase of the number of entities, their growth rate has been declining year by year.

Enterprise ratios have been lower than the national average for many years. In 2005 the Opolskie Voivodeship came 11th in Poland with the value of 86.5 when the national average amounted to 94.8 (Fig. 1.13). Analogous indicator illustrating enterprise in rural areas amounts to 54.0, and its spatial distribution is shown on map No. 8 in the Appendix No. 3 in the Annex. Entrepreneurs from rural areas express considerable interest in co-financing investments with the EU funds as the experience from previous programming period show. For example under measure 3.4 – micro-enterprises, firms from rural areas constituted approx. 42% of beneficiaries. Spatial distribution of the enterprise ratio in the Opolskie Voivodeship in total and in rural areas is shown on maps No. 7 and 8 in the Appendix No. 3 in the Annex.


75,884,1 85,5


82,4 86,193,7 94,8















1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

województwo opolskie Polska

Fig. 1.13 Number of economic entities per 1,000 people in the Opolskie Voivodeship and in Poland in 1998-2004.

Source: Own calculations on the basis of data from the Central Statistical Office.

The greatest number of entities operate in the service sector – 76.3%, in industry and civil engineering – 19.9%.

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The sector of small and medium-sized enterprises comprises 99.9% of all the entities, including the highest percentage of micro-enterprises. In 1995-2005, the number of the smallest entities (employing up to 9 people) increased by 46.8 thousand, i.e. by 117.9%. The number of entities employing from 10 to 49 people increased by 1133 (i.e. by 50.7 %) and the number of medium entities (50-249 employees) increased by 75 (i.e. by 11.9%). In the aforementioned period, the number of large entities (employing 250 people and more) fell by 58 entities (by 37.6%). A decrease in the number of large enterprises results, among other things, from advancement of restructuring and privatisation processes. (Tab. No. 1.9).

Tab. No. 1.9. Economic entities in the Opolskie Voivodeship as per the number of employees in 1995 and 2005.

Number of employees Year Total

Up to 9 10-49 50-249 250 and more

1995 42,679 39,661 2,235 632 151

2005 90,597 86,429 3,368 707 93 Source: Data of the Statistical Office in Opole.

Going through a process of transformation a number of phenomena and processes are observed in Poland which deserve credit among which it is worth mentioning the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. It seems that it is significant that a process of development of economic entrepreneurship appeared and strengthens in the society.

At the end of 1990 a number of registered state enterprises in Poland was 8,453, including 268 in the Opolskie Voivodeship (i.e. 3.2%); for 167 of them a founding body was the voivodeship governor.

Taking into consideration the number of state enterprises as per 10 thousand people in 2005 in comparison to 1990 one may state that the Opole region is characterised by an effective process of ownership transformations – a value of this indicator has significantly dropped and it is more than two times lower than the national average (fig. 1.14.).

At the moment36 under founding supervision of the Opolskie Voivodeship Governor there is 1 enterprise in liquidation and 4 enterprises in bankruptcy.

Taking into consideration the advancement of the processes one should state that ownership conversions of state

36 As in June 2007












liczba przedsiębiorstwpaństw ow ych na koniec 1990 r. na

10 tys. mieszkańców

liczba przedsiębiorstwpaństw ow ych na 31.12.2005 r. na

10 tys. mieszkańców

województwo opolskie Polska

Fig. 1.14. Changes in the number of state enterprises in the Opolskie Voivodeship in years 1990-2005.

Source: Data of the Opolskie Voivodeship Office.

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enterprises, for which a founding body is the Opolskie Voivodeship Governor, have been completed in the Opolskie Voivodeship37.

Enterprises in the Opole region, including SMEs, have poor financial standing.

Investment rates in enterprises in the Opolskie Voivodeship, including SMEs, are the lowest in Poland. Investment outlays on new fixed assets per 1 enterprise in the SME sector in the Opolskie Voivodeship were PLN 8.6 thousand, while the average in Poland PLN 10.5 thousand (2004). The voivodeship in this respect is the 10th among the Polish regions. Similarly, the analogous indicator per 1 working person in SMEs in the Opolskie Voivodeship amounted to PLN 4.6 thousand, while in Poland it was PLN 5.5 thousand on average (11th position in the ranking of the Polish regions).

The impairing economic efficiency of enterprises in the Opole region is also manifested in their financial results. The results in 2006 indicate that the economic efficiency of enterprises in comparison to 2005 decreased. The Opolskie Voivodeship was one of the four voivodeships where a cost level indicator increased (from 92.5% to 93.1%). In the region there was the highest in Poland decrease in the gross turnover profitability rate (from 7.9% to 6.9%). The decrease occurred also in the net turnover profitability rate (from 6.2% to 5.5%) and the profitability indicator for sale of products, goods and materials (from 8.6% to 8.0%).

As there is a shortage of investment funds and financial results are poor, enterprises are interested in non-reimbursable sources of funding. This is evident from the experiences in years 2004-2006 when there was a very strong interest in programmes designed to provide direct assistance to enterprises – including, first of all, in a form non-reimbursable investment subsidies. Although a number of undertakings are still in progress, one may assume that the investments will improve competitiveness of enterprises from the Opole region, both in the local market as well as in the national and international markets.

However, the possibilities of satisfying the demand for subsidies were limited. In total, within two programmes under which it was possible to support enterprises in investments (IORDP and SOP Increase of Enterprise Competitiveness), the assistance was provided to about ¼ enterprises which submitted applications, and the amount of the assistance was 20% of the sum which was applied for. The data presented indicate also other effects, apart from material and financial, of the projects in the SME sector. IORDP and SOP IEC were an important source of experience for beneficiaries (economic entities) and they prepared them to run next projects, from a new financial point of view. Business support organisations

Business support organisations assist development of small and medium-sized enterprises, e.g. helping establishing economic relationships, providing consulting and financial services, etc.

The number of these units in the market has grown significantly. In 1995-2003, the number of business support organisations increased in the Opolskie Voivodeship by 154.6 %, i.e. by over 8 thousand and, at the end of 2003, over 13.7 thousand business support organisations were registered in the region, which is shown in Tab. No. 1.10.

37 Source: Information concerning processes of ownership conversions of state enterprises for which a founding body was the Opolskie Voivodeship Governor in years 1990-2004, with particular consideration to the recent three years, Opolskie Voivodeship Office, Opole 2005, p. 10.

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Tab. No. 1.10. Number of economic entities according to the division included in business support sector in 1995-2003.

Year Total Financial brokerage

Including banks

IT Other services related to

running economic activity Commercial organisations

1995 5,398 634 51 307 4,362 95

1996 7,553 876 49 376 6,200 101

1997 8,416 1,321 52 436 6,549 110

1998 9,449 1,767 51 518 7,051 113

1999 10,673 2,351 43 611 7,595 116

2000 11,733 2,858 36 672 8,080 123

2001 12,788 3,223 39 781 8,659 125

2002 13295 3416 53 847 8901 131

2003 13742 3536 63 900 9165 141 Source: Data of the Statistical Office in Opole.

According to data from the Regional Research Centre in Warsaw, the Opolskie

Voivodeship has the highest percentage of business support organisations in Poland is comparison to all the registered economic entities. In 2001 this indicator in the Opolskie Voivodeship was 21.4%, while the national average 17.3%38. However, in the region there are no specialist institutions, i.e. scientific and technological parks.

The problem of the region is the institutional, organisational and financial weakness of business support organisations and their low competitiveness in comparison with other entities of this type in Poland. The role of business support organisations in the Opolskie Voivodeship should increase year by year. In programming period 2007-2013 it is necessary to continue projects, commenced when pre-accession programmes were implemented, aimed at assisting this type of institutions.

Tasks falling within reimbursable financial assistance for economic entities are performed in the region by the Fundacja Rozwoju Śląska and Wspierania Inicjatyw Lokalnych (Foundation for Silesia Development and Local Initiative Support) and the Opolski Regionalny Fundusz Poręczeń Kredytowych (Opole Regional Fund of Credit Guarantees).

The Foundation for Silesia Development and Local Initiative Support focuses on the Aid Programme for small and medium-sized enterprises through granting loans on preferential terms within three lines of operation:

� Regional Loan Fund (capital 5 million in years 2004-2006), intended for loans to SMEs for undertakings providing new jobs, starting business and development of economic entities, financing undertakings contributing to creating new jobs.

� Micro-Loan Fund (capital 25 million in years 2005-2006) which carries out the programme aiding micro-entrepreneurship in a form of loans granted to owners of the smallest firms operating in towns, to persons who are going to start own business, who run non-agricultural business activity in rural areas, to associations established for small investments aimed at making life of local communities easier.

� Programme for Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (capital 23 million for year 2006).

38 W. SuraŜska, Potencjał rozwojowy województwa opolskiego (analiza metodą “benchmarking”), [w:] K. Heffner (red.) Uwarunkowania rozwoju regionalnego województwa opolskiego ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem migracji zagranicznych. Red. K. Heffner, Marshall Oddice of the Opolskie Voivodeship, Opole University of Technology, Faculty of Management and Production Engineering, Opole 2002, p. 56.

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Other significant institution offering reimbursable assistance to economic entities is the Opolski Regionalny Fundusz Poręczeń Kredytowych Sp. z o. o. (Opole Regional Fund of Credit Guarantees Ltd) which is a tool for aiding the SME sector by the Self-Government of the Opolskie Voivodeship (capital in 2006 – PLN 7.8 million). The Fund gives guarantees for bank credits or loans for purposes directly related to running business activity. The system of guarantees works well as an instrument offering efficient regional assistance to micro, small land medium-sized entrepreneurs. The Fund regularly expands the base of co-operating banks. Shareholders of the Fund are: the Opolskie Voivodeship, the Voivodeship Environmental Protection and Water Management Fund in Opole, the Strzelecki Poviat and the National Economy Bank in Warsaw. The Fund belongs to a chain of 10 regional guarantee funds associated in the National Economy Bank in Warsaw.

The aforementioned financial assistance instruments for economic entities, in spite of a number of difficulties and weaknesses arising, among others, from their short history in the region, develop actively. During subsequent periods of their operation firms show a greater interest in these funds. In 2006 in comparison to 2005 a number of loans granted by the Foundation for Silesia Development and Local Initiative Support increased by more than 2,5 times (from 73 to 189), while a number of guarantees granted by the Opole Regional Fund of Credit Guarantees Ltd increased by approx. 150% (from 34 to 52). In the first half of 2007 the interest in this type of assistance has further increased. A number of loans granted by the Fund at the end of May 2007 was 134, while a number of guarantees 31.

In addition, in the Opolskie Voivodeship there is the Fundusz Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości (Enterprise Development Fund) which operates at Association “Enterprise Promotion” in Opole. The Fund provides financial assistance in a form of preferential loans to enterprises from the SME sector for the development of business activity. R&D and innovative activities

Innovative activities being the determinant of competitiveness are decisive for economic growth. Research and development activities are directly related to innovativeness.

The value of expenditure on innovative activities in industrial enterprises in the Opolskie Voivodeship amounted to PLN 396.9 million in 2004, which is 2.6% of total expenditure in Poland. In comparison with the preceding year, the value of expenditure on innovative activities dropped by almost PLN 10 million, i.e. 2.4%. However, as per capita, it was lower than the national average (PLN 377.5 in comparison with PLN 405.8 per inhabitant in 2004). Although the expenditure per capita was so small the voivodeship ranked 5th among voivodeships.

Stronger competition in the market and technological progress make it necessary to implement innovations and new technologies. Percentage of industrial plants which in 2002-2004 implemented technical innovations was in the Opolskie Voivodeship 27.9% ranking the Opolskie Voivodeship 6th among voivodeships.

Considering innovative activities in respect of companies size it should be highlighted that medium-sized and large companies are definitely more innovative as 48.5% of them implemented technical innovations in 2002-2004, while among small companies employing from 10 to 49 people only 17.6% implemented innovations in these years. The innovativeness rate for large companies was the highest in Poland, while as regards the analogous rates for small and medium-sized firms the voivodeship was 7th.

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The most innovative sectors in the Opole economy include such industries as: electromechanical, chemical, agricultural and food, power engineering, metal, carpentry and construction materials.39

The Opolskie Voivodeship is characterised by a low potential of the sector of high technologies. In 2000 in the register of economic entities (REGON) there were 79 of entities from the sector of high technologies registered, which constituted 1.2% of all such entities in Poland. In 2000 in the Opolskie Voivodeship there were 12 entities from the sector of high technologies per 1000 of production companies, while the national average was 17 entities which placed the region 12th among voivodeship40.

In 2004 the local authorities adopted the Regional Strategy of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2004-2013 which is a basic document organising long-term activities related to innovations and transfers of new technologies in the region.

In years 2004-2006 R&D and innovations were supported mainly under the Integrated Operational Regional Development Programme (measure 2.6 Regional Innovative Strategies and Knowledge Transfer) and the Sectoral Operational Programme Increase of Enterprise Competitiveness (measure 1.3 Creating conditions favourable to development of firms, measure 1.4 Strengthening co-operation between the R&D sector and the economy).

For example the Opole University of Technology Opole has launched a project called “Management and Monitoring Centre for the Regional Innovation Strategy of the Opolskie Voivodeship”. Also the Regional Innovation Forum has been established as a consultative and advisory body for the Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship in issues related to programming, co-ordination, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Opolskie Voivodeship development policy in respect of innovations.

As a subsequent stage of fulfilling tasks in the development of innovation in the region, in May 2007 the Opole Economy Development Centre was established. It has taken over a role of the entity managing the implementation of the Regional Innovation Strategy.

The solutions above fully allow for the commencement of proper implementation of innovation processes in the Opolskie Voivodeship, and a new Plan of Actions for 2007- 2009 has been prepared taking into consideration the comments contained in the Evaluation of the Regional Innovation Strategy. To control the performance of the Regional Innovation Strategy the System for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Strategy is under construction.

Analyses conducted for purposes of the Regional Innovation Strategy of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2004-2013 clearly indicate that there no business support organisations, in particular such institutions as parks, incubators, clusters. The Regional Innovation Strategy highlights the development needs in this respect, including also such elements as access of SMEs to financing not only in a form of classical type of loan funds but also hedge funds.

The Regional Innovation Strategy also points to the need for combining R&D with the production activities of SMEs and to the benefit of SMEs, based not only on research and scientific facilities of universities but also of the existing research institutes in the voivodeship. Thus, it is necessary to mobilise a scholarly environment of universities and R&D institutes in the Opolskie Voivodeship.

39 Compare Obraz przedsiębiorstw województwa opolskiego z nakreśleniem potrzeb warunkujących ich innowacyjny rozwój, Opolskie Centrum Transferu Innowacji, Opole 2007. 40 On the basis of: Profil społeczny i gospodarczy województwa opolskiego, J. Szomburg (kier.), Instytut Badań nad Gospodarką Rynkową, Gdańsk 2002.

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In the Opole region a cluster sphere started to operate. In 2007 the first cluster was established in the wood industry. Potential sectors where such initiatives may take place include such industries as: food and agricultural, building, metal working, natural resources, chemical, tourist and catering, based on traditional trades (co called vanishing trades).

The research and development sector includes scientific establishments of PAN (the Polish Academy of Sciences), research and development units, science support units (science libraries, archives, science associations), universities that conduct R&D activities and development units that conduct research and development work apart from other operations. In 2004, there were only 14 units of this kind in the Opolskie Voivodeship, which comprised approximately 1.4% of establishments of this kind in Poland. In 2004 the number of units classified in the R&D sector increased by one in comparison with 2003. This sector faces problems due to low competitiveness of the regional scientific and research portfolio as well as insufficient co-operation between these units and economic entities. Only 21% of firms undertake co-operation with the R&D institutions – thus it is the field “underdeveloped” by the Opole enterprises. The most common forms of co-operation between these units are trainings, consultations and advisory.41

Universities and R&D institutes in the Opole region are characterised by low but actively growing development potential. They carry out and undertake scientific researches independently and in co-operation with other scientific and research centres in Poland and abroad as well as more often in close co-operation with economic units in a wide range of interests.

Projects in innovations completed so far and in progress at universities from the Opolskie Voivodeship closely correspond with the Regional Innovation Strategy for the Opolskie Voivodeship and its Plan of Actions. The staff working the Instytut Mineralnych Materiałów Budowlanych (Institute of Mineral Construction Materiale), the Instytut CięŜkiej Syntezy Organicznej (Institute of Heavy Organic Institute), the Opole University of Technology, the Opole University as well as other universities and larger industrial plants of the voivodeship guarantee correct absorption of structural funds and achieving objectives formulated in the Regional Innovation Strategy, in particular as regards the combination of R&D and industry. Within the framework of the Integrated Operational Regional Development Programme it was possible to carry out projects aimed at human resources development and the ones establishing structures for improving innovativeness of the region. To continue these activities comprehensively it should be indicated that scientific and research centres have poor infrastructure.

An important element of the Opole University of Technology operation are works for economic entities. Every year it performs a few dozen research works and services, mainly for purposes of the domestic power industry, but also for small and medium-sized firms. Among the most important partners co-operating with the university as regards scientific researches, expert works and consultancy, traineeship in companies and activities aiding research there are:

� domestic power plants, heat and power plants, including coal power plants in Brzezie near Opole, in Bełchatów, Nowy Czarnów, Jaworzno, Koncern Energetyczny EnergiaPro O/Opole,

� KGHM Polska Miedź, � Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN S.A. in Płock,

41 On the basis of:: Stan innowacyjności przedsiębiorstw Opolszczyzny, wyniki badań monitoringowych cz. I, Opole University of Technology, Academic Business Incubator, Opole 2006

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� cement plants in GóraŜdŜe and Opole, � Fabryka Aparatury i Urządzeń “ENERGOMET” in Opole, Steelworks in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski and others.

Partnership agreements are concluded for scientific and educational co-operation as well as for exchange of experiences. In recent years agreements were concluded with: Voivodeship Medical Centre in Opole, Silesia Institute in Opole, GóraŜdŜe Cement S.A., Siemens Sp. z o.o. in Warsaw, Fabryka Silników Elektrycznych BESEL S.A. in Brzeg and others. Right now the co-operation agreement with Zakłady Azotowe “Kędzierzyn” S.A. is in progress. Moreover, there were established consortiums, among others, with Instytut Mineralnych Materiałów Budowlanych in Opole, as well as scientific and industrial agreements with the participation of entities from the world of science, R&D institutes, economic entities and business support organisations.

The Opole University of Technology is a partner in bilateral research projects carried out together with Czech technical universities in Prague, Brno and Ostrava as well as with the research and production company in Lvov. At the moment the university is taking part in INTERREG IIIA under which four projects on the borderline between science and education are being implemented. A project worth several million have been completed under 5.FP EU – Centre of Excellence. Within the framework of this programme, the Centre of Structural Integrity – CESTI was established at the university.

The Opole University of Technology has joined the programme “Technological Initiative” designed to support innovative undertakings and to dynamise the co-operation between the business world and the world of scientific research.

The University is developing new forms and possibilities of assisting entrepreneurship and innovation of the academic environment, among others, through a system of trainings, additional postgraduate studies. At the Opole University of Technology there is the Academic Enterprise Incubator which offers its services and initiatives to students, academic staff and entrepreneurs. The Incubator organises internships, trainings, courses, seminars, conferences, workshops, consultancy and others.

The Opole University conducts scientific researches in the humanities, theology, law, economics, maths, physics, chemistry, biology and technical sciences. In a number of science disciplines researches are carried out in co-operation with scholars from prestigious universities and research institutes in Poland and abroad as well as joint research programmes are run.

The university conducts researches arising from 51 major directions of research worked out throughout years. The themes explored include over 400 subjects of value about PLN 5 million. The university handles European and national grants, including 6 FP, special research programmes, statutory researches, proprietary researches and those commissioned by different institutions.

As a part of co-operation with the industry and local government units the university completes several research works a year, commissioned by the industry and other entities from the Opole region and other regions. It also provides consultancy and expert services for the region in the issues related to the development of the Opolskie Voivodeship.

It is possible to carry out researches, in particular in experimental fields of study, thanks to laboratories equipped with necessary instruments. However, it should be stressed that the condition of the majority of labs is unsatisfactory, and equipment – in spite of continuous efforts to modernise it – is undergoing gradual decapitalisation, and no progress in this respect (due to insufficient funds) may threaten in the near future further development of

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experimental fields of studies which train staff for the economy and conduct researches utilitarian in nature.

Instytut CięŜkiej Syntezy Organicznej “Blachownia” (Institute of Heavy Organic Synthesis “Blachownia”) since the very beginning of its operation, i.e. since 1959, has closely co-operated with the industry, running implementation activities. The Institute is a pioneer of organisational and economic solutions in scientific and research units. As a result of economic changes in the nineties the Institute undertook restructuring actions. In 1996 these processes enlisted assistance under 1st Programme PHARE SCI-TECH. In July 2006 they implemented the Quality Management System and in September opened the Centre of Excellence for Environmental-friendly Organic Syntheses.

The Institute is a unit with considerable research potential, good technical and analytical facilities, prepared to participate actively in creating the knowledge-based economy. The Institute is one of the initiators of the chain of Polish and German research institutes dealing with problems of environmental protection and safety - INCREASE, takes part in bilateral research co-operation with many countries. Particular importance is attached to EUREKA projects whose aim is to exploit scientific potential in order to increase activity and competitiveness of the industry and European economies.

At the moment a few projects are in progress. Under SOP – Increase of Enterprise Competitiveness the regional laboratory of industrial chemistry and the laboratory of phenolic resins are being modernised and provided with additional equipment. Under the Integrated Operational Regional Development Programme measure 2.6 a project called “Technological innovation platform of the Opole region” is implemented to integrate scientific and research environments and manufacturers in the region, in particular in the chemical sector, processing coal and oil, paints and varnishes, plastic processing and power engineering.

Instytut Mineralnych Materiałów Budowlanych (Institute of Mineral Construction Materials), established in 1954, specialises in applied researches covering complete cycles from basic researches to industrial implementation. The Institute carries out scientific researches, research services, experiments, trainings and implementations. At the beginning operations of the Institute were intended for the industry of construction bonding materials. During long operation the Institute developed interdisciplinary researches. This allowed for increasing a customer base from other branches of industry. Works in heating technology, ecology, automatic control, waste management, etc. are of particular importance. A profile of operations is regularly adjusted to the market. Apart from large economic entities served by the Institute, a percentage of SMEs increases systematically.

The Institute of Mineral Construction Materials closely co-operates with many universities as well as scientific and research centres: AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Cracow University of Technology, Opole University of Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, Lublin University of Technology, Wrocław University of Technology, Road and Bridge Research Institute, Research and Development Centre for Concrete Industry “CEBET”. Among foreign partners of the Institute there are research centres from the United Kingdom, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Czech republic and Hungary.

In 2006 the aforementioned institutions started talks and making arrangements in order to establish a consortium and open the Opole Regional Scientific and Research Centre. The objective of the project is to construct and equip a scientific and research centre for all the scientific entities from the Opole region of value approx. PLN 50-60 million and a teaching centre, also for PhD students. The main idea of the Opole Regional Scientific and Research Centre is to provide possibilities of conducting innovative scientific researches at a high level

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as well as works in a form of services for economic entities in the region. This will allow for full and efficient use of concentrated scientific equipment first of all for research purposes, but also (within orders paid) for solving technological and analytical problems (accredited laboratories). The Centre will open up opportunities for training additional scientific and technical staff for the economy, science and education at the level similar to international standards. Laboratories in the Centre will be mainly adapted to the needs of scientific units and economic entities in our region.

The problem is an employment level in research and development units which in 2004 amounted to 1,545 people and which shows a decreasing trend, yet the number of people employed increased in comparison with 2003 (Tab. No. 1.11). In the Opolskie region there are only 1.5 person employed in the R&D sector per 1,000 inhabitants people, while in the European Union (EU15) it is approximately 6 (e.g. in Finland 13 people).

Tab. No. 1.11. Number of people employed in R&D in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 1995-2004.

Years 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Number of people 1,353 1,790 1,870 1,794 1,817 1,694 1,650 1,553 1,538 1,545

Source: Nauka i technika w 2000 roku, Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2002, p. 91, Nauka i technika w 2001 roku, Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2003, p. 85., Nauka i technika w 2002 roku, Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2003, Rocznik Statystyczny Województwa Opolskiego (Statistical Yearbook of the Opolskie Voivodeship), Statistical Office in Opole, Opole 2005.

The weakness of the R&D sector in the Opolskie Voivodeship is additionally aggravated by very low expenditure that amounted to PLN 29.4 million in 2004 (0.6% of outlay in Poland). The organisational and financial support system is insufficient which does not motivate companies and scientists to creative and innovative activities. In the Opolskie Voivodeship only PLN 2.1 million of expenditure on R&D was allocated to one research and development unit, whereas the national average reached almost PLN 5 million. The ratio of the expenditure on research and development to the gross domestic product in 2003 amounted to 0.16% in the Opolskie Voivodeship and was three times lower than the national average. Therefore, the region ranks 15th among other voivodeships. (Fig. 1.15).


0,54 0,48 0,43 0,41 0,40 0,36 0,330,25 0,23 0,20 0,18 0,17 0,16


































































Fig. 1.15. Ratio of expenditure on research and development (R&D) to gross domestic product as per

voivodeships in 2003 (in %). Source: Own calculations on the basis of data from the Central Statistical Office.

On average in the European Union the expenditure in 2003 was 1.95%, the greatest was in Finland 3.51%, Denmark 2.6%, Germany 2.5%.

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Referring to indicators of the National Reform Programme for 2005-2008 corresponding to priority 3 – Increase of enterprise innovativeness – one should indicate that a percentage of outlays on R&D in relation to the GDP in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2004 was 0.13%, i.e. four times smaller than the average in Poland (0.56%).

Moreover, expenditure on research and development in the Opolskie Voivodeship is very low. In 2004 the amount per capita was PLN 28 with the national average amounting to PLN 135, which made the region 14th among Polish regions. Low expenditure on research and development is a considerable barrier for the region development.

A problem of the Opolskie Voivodeship is weakness of innovation support institutions. In the region there is the Opole Centre for Innovation Transfer operating at the Institute of Mineral Construction Materials in Opole. The aim of the Centre is to overcome innovation barriers, to stimulate innovation activity of SMEs and efficient use by the industry of scientific researches carried out by the R&D sector. The Centre provides comprehensive assistance from identification and informing of the demand for innovations, through consultancy about possible sources of financing for innovations, to proposals of final ready innovative solutions.

One of the instruments for developing the modern economy is technological and industrial parks. They open up the opportunity for increasing innovativeness of small and medium-sized enterprises as well as modernising production of other entities. In the Opolskie Voivodeship there are:

− Opole Scientific and Technological Park which is to support economic undertakings connected with the highest level of innovation as well as small and medium-sized enterprises which would like to implement these technologies and to give information to investors and creators. The operations of the Park are directed first of all to SMEs, persons who want to start business based on modern technologies or modernise and improve the existing production. It also has an offer for authors of modern solutions who want to implement them in production as well as for investors interested in investing funds in promising sectors of economy.

− Kędzierzyn-Koźle Industrial Park was established under the agreement between the Kędzierzyn-Koźle gmina, Zakłady Azotowe “Kędzierzyn” S.A., Institute of Heavy Organic Synthesis, Blachownia Holding S.A. and ICSO Chemical Production Sp. z o.o. The mission of the Park is to use knowledge and considerable experience in running various economic activities in the Kędzierzyn-Koźle region in order to stimulate entrepreneurship, productivity and innovativeness in the areas, to create new jobs through providing entrepreneurs with favourable conditions to operate thanks to efficient management of production assets and rendering infrastructure and consultancy services together with a system of financial assistance.

Among innovation support institutions in the Opolskie Voivodeship one may also

mention the Academic Business Incubator which is an organisational unit of the Opole University of Technology. The mission of the Incubator is to exploit intellectual potential of the Opole academic environment for commercial purposes, mainly to the benefit of the Opole region growth, to support competitiveness and innovativeness in the region through transfer of knowledge and innovations from the academic environment of the Opole University of Technology, to create conditions favourable to the development of individual careers of students and graduates.

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Transport infrastructure

The A4 Zgorzelec–Korczowa motorway which runs across the voivodeship is a part of the Third Pan-European Transport Corridor and significantly favours development. The motorway section running across the Opolskie Voivodeship is 88.1 km long, with 6 communication junctions (a transport system of the Opolskie Voivodeship is shown on map No. 9 in the Appendix No. 3 in the Annex). The motorway ensures efficient transport, and areas in immediate vicinity of it are very attractive for potential investors. The connection between development sites of the voiovodeship and the A4 motorway can be regarded as proper, however, both the technical condition and parameters of roads are unsatisfactory. There are no ring roads for towns and villages on transit roads, either.

In years 2004-2006 investments aimed at improving the connection between the motorway and other areas in the region were launched with the use of structural funds42 and own finance. The investments were related to the reconstruction of voivodeship road No. 401 on section Przylesie – Grodków and the modernisation of voivodeship road No. 426 on section Olszowa – Zalesie Śląskie – Sławęcice as well as the construction of ring road for Bierzów on voivodeship road No. 403. It is necessary to continue works on the aforementioned roads to improve accessibility of motorway junctions in the eastern and western parts of the region. In accordance with the adopted vision of the role of transport in the Opolskie voivodeship, support should be given to transport which is technically, organizationally and legally compliant with the requirements of the European Union. The region’s transport policy will be coherent with the European Commission’s guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T).

For the investment on road 401 on section Przylesie – Grodków it is planned to construct a ring road for Grodków and reconstruct the connection Grodków – Chróścina – Pakosławice. In the eastern part, on road No. 426 the next planned investment is the reconstruction on the crossing in Zalesie Śl. and on section Strzelce Op. – Piotrówka.

It is also necessary to connect the central part of the region with the motorway through the multi-stage reconstruction of voivodeship road number 414 on section Biała – Prószków and the construction of ring road for Prószków Town along with the reconstruction of voivodeship road number 429. The investment was launched with the project of constructing a ring road for Biała, on voivodeship road No. 414 Opole-Lubrza. These activities will also contribute to improving the connection between the motorway and the southern, border part of the Opole region. There are 5 generally accessible border checkpoints (including one full freight), 11 checkpoints of low cross-border traffic and 1 tourist checkpoint through which the Czech Republic can be reached. There is also one railway checkpoint.

In 2004 in the Opolskie Voivodeship there were 8,516 kilometres of public hard-surface roads, including 950 km of voivodeship roads, 3,771 km of poviat roads and 2,975 km of gmina roads. The indicator of public roads density in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2004 was 90.48 km/100km2 with the average in Poland amounting to 80.7 km/100km2 (Tab. No. 1.12).

42 Under the Integrated Operational Regional Development Programme

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Tab. No. 1.12. Public hard-surface roads per 100 km2 and percentage of roads with improved surface in total length of roads in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 1999-2005.

Description 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Public hard-surface roads per 100 km2

89.1 89.9 90.9 87.7 90.4 90.5 88.9

Percentage of roads with improved surface in total length of roads (in %)

87.6 87.9 87.6 87.6 88.1 88.2 88.7

Source: Rocznik Statystyczny Województw 2000 (Statistical Yearbook of Voivodeships 2000), Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2000, Rocznik Statystyczny Województw 2001 (Statistical Yearbook of Voivodeships 2001), Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2001, Rocznik Statystyczny Województw 2002 (Statistical Yearbook of Voivodeships 2002), Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2002, Rocznik Statystyczny Województw 2003 (Statistical Yearbook of Voivodeships 2003), Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2003, Rocznik Statystyczny Województw 2004 (Statistical Yearbook of Voivodeships 2004), Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2004, Opolszczyzna w liczbach, Statistical Office in Opole, Opole 2006.

Since 2000 in the Opolskie Voivodeship a number of road investments have been completed with the use of pre-accession funds (e.g. PHARE CBC), the state budget (so called voivodeship contracts) or structural funds (Integrated Operational Regional Development Programme, SOP T). The projects were related, among others, to the construction of ring road for Prudnik town on national road No. 40 Kłodzko – Gliwice, the construction of ring road for Lubrza on national road No. 40 or the construction of ring road for Opole Town on national road No. 46. The projects did not include only national or voivodeship roads. The greatest number of projects on local roads were completed under voivodeship contracts and most often they were related to the construction of pavements and rain water drainage systems, widening of roadway or resurfacing. Moreover, within the Community initiative INTERREG, the Głubczyce gmina has been constructing a gmina road Gaszowice-State Border (Rusin). In addition, under the aforesaid initiative national road No. 411 from the state border to Głuchołazy town has been reconstructed.

As the experience from previous years shows, the reason for which the majority of road investments in the region have been carried out is first of all a bad technical condition of roads leading to the decrease in flow capacity and limited weight and size of vehicles moving on them. This results in transport difficulties, in particular in industrial areas where traffic of large vehicles takes place. Thus it is necessary to adapt roads to the load of 115 kN per axle. Besides important aspects are safety and environmental protection (to direct traffic out of towns and villages).

In respect of road traffic safety, the situation in the Opolskie Voivodeship is similar to the average situation in Poland; however, the latter considerably differs from the situation in the “old” EU Member States. There were 1,191 traffic accidents, with 150 fatalities and 1,536 injured in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2004 (Fig. 1.16).

The reasons include, among others, a substandard condition of roads that require modernisation. A considerable development restriction is also the insufficient number of town and village transit ring roads.

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Fig. 1.16. Number of accidents and fatalities in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 1999 - 2004. Source: Data of the Central Statistical Office.

In the Opolskie Voivodeship four towns have public transport – Opole, Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Nysa where the services are provided by Miejskie Zakłady Komunikacyjne (Municipal Transport Company) and Brzeg where they are rendered by Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacji Samochodowej Sp. z o.o. (Road Transport Company Ltd) in Brzeg on the basis of the agreement with the Brzeg town43.

The analysis carried out by the Chamber of Urban Transport in Warsaw shows that the demand for bus transport has stabilised in towns and conurbations in Poland. In 2004 31 million people used the public transport in the Opolskie Voivodeship, in 2003 also 31 million people and in 2002 - 32 million.44 One of disadvantageous phenomena is a gradual decrease in the number of new buses in public transport. The aforesaid analysis indicates that the average age of town buses used in Poland becomes greater. Approximately 50% constitute ten-year-old and older buses, and just more than 8% are buses less than three years old which meet the highest ecological and technical standards. A similar situation is in the Opolskie Voivodeship, e.g. in Opole there are 100 buses and the average age is 12.5 years. They offer a low standard of travelling, bad working conditions for drivers, they do not fulfil ecological requirements, and their frequent breakdowns make maintenance costs considerably higher.

Bus services are provided in all the poviats of the voivodeship. There are connections between poviat towns and the voivodeship town and between poviat towns. Regular transport service, as in previous years, continues to be reduced. Generally, changes are related to the reduction of the number and frequency of connections as well as to corrections in permits already issued and in valid timetables. Still, one should assume a decrease in the number of passengers. At the moment the Ministry of Transport is working on the law on organising

43 Miejski Zakład Komunikacyjny (Municipal Transport Company) in Opole operates 14 lines, among which 5 go outside the town border to the following villages: Sławice – Dąbrowa gmina, Czarnowąsy, Krzanowice –Dobrzeń Wielki gmina, Polska Nowa Wieś, Ochodze, Wawelno, Chróścina Opolska, Mechnice – Dąbrowa gmina, śerkowice – Komprachcice gmina. Miejski Zakład Komunikacyjny (Municipal Transport Company) in Nysa operates 13 lines, among which 3 go outside the town border to the following villages: Nadziejów –Otmuchów gmina, Sękowice – Nysa gmina, Bykowice – Pakosławice gmina. MZK (Municipal Transport Company) in Kędzierzyn-Koźle operates 13 lines, among which none goes outside the town border. PKS Brzeg [State Road Transport Company Branch Brzeg) operates 6 lines, among which 4 go outside the town border (the area of Skarbimierz and Lubsza gminas) to the following villages: Kościerzyce, Pisarzowice, śłobizna, Pawłów, Skarbimierz, Zielęcice, Małujowice, Łukowice Brzeskie, Bierzów, Brzezina, Lipki. 44Rocznik Statystyczny Województw 2003 (Statistical Yearbook of Voivodeships 2003), Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2003, Rocznik Statystyczny Województw 2004 (Statistical Yearbook of Voivodeships 2004), Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2004, Rocznik Statystyczny Województw 2005 (Statistical Yearbook of Voivodeships 2005), Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2005.






149167193 141163









1999 rok 2000 rok 2001 rok 2002 rok 2003 rok 2004 rok







liczba wypadków liczba ofiar śmiertelnych

Number of accidents

Number of fatalities

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public transport and assistance for it which, among others, provides for that the Voivodeship Marshal will serve a function of the organiser of road transport in the voivodeship. This provision will allow for affecting the existing network and frequency of bus connections to a greater extent than at the moment. The bill provides also for public services in this branch of transport subsidised by the local government.45

The Opolskie Voivodeship has a well developed railway system, which, however, requires modernisation. The total length of standard-gauge railway lines used is 839 km.

As regards passenger railway transport, a number of connections increases in the Opolskie Voivodeship as opposed to nation-wide trends where many of the links are suspended. In 2005 a number of connections increased as compared with 2004 by 200 thousand train kilometres.

The self-government of the Opolskie Voivodeship has now 4 rail buses. The first vehicle was purchased in 2004. All the vehicles have been lent free of charge to operate lines of regional railway passenger transport. It is important that vehicles are used only to provide public services subsidised and ordered by the self-government of the voivodeship (the self-government own task). In 2006 the rail vehicles in operation transported about 600 thousand passengers. Throughout the same period traditional rolling stock transported about 750 thousand passengers.

These vehicles are used as the main means of railway transport on non-electrified lines, i.e.: Kędzierzyn Koźle – Nysa – Kamieniec Ząbkowicki and Kluczbork – Opole. The experience arising from these undertakings have shown that the operation of the rail vehicles on these lines efficiently raises attractiveness of passenger transport in the region. These investments have affected: reduction of transport costs, increase in the number of passengers, improvement of regional transport services through shortening travel time and increasing safety levels and travelling comfort.

In addition, the Polish Railways managed to withdraw some outdated rolling stock (diesel locomotives) which had a negative effect on economic and environmental aspects of regional transport.

Still, a part of regional railway transport services in the Opolskie Voivodeship on non-electrified lines are provided with the use of obsolete diesel locomotives (including the entire railway line Opole Główne – Nysa). This rolling stock, to a significant extent, has a negative effect on the natural environment. The out-of-date technology of the diesel drive, the weight and power result in high fuel consumption, thus they are characterised by high exhaust and CO2 emission levels. New rail vehicles made in the state-of-the-art technologies will contribute enormously to limiting the degradation of the natural environment.

In order to satisfy current needs of the region as regards railway passenger transport it is necessary to equip the rolling stock on all the non-electrified railway lines in operation, i.e. Kluczbork – Opole, Nysa – Opole, Nysa – Kędzierzyn Koźle – Kamieniec Ząbkowicki. In consequence it will be possible to withdraw from traffic the antiquated rolling stock, i.e. diesel locomotives. When additional rail vehicles are bought, rail buses in total will have the capacity to transport approx. 1,350 thousand passengers a year, i.e. 15% of all the passengers of regional railways operated in the Opolskie Voivodeship throughout a year.

45 Pursuant to the law of 6 September, 2001 on road transport in force, the Voivodeship Marshal is a body to issue permits for regular and regular special passenger transport in national road transport, but he/she is not an organiser of bus transport in the voivodeship. This means that at the moment an initiative on opening or liquidating lines is undertaken only by carriers.

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There is a large potential of river transport in the voivodeship, in particular related to a water route on the Odra River and its basin. The total length of water routes is 131.2 km. They are equipped with the barrage system with small and large locks. Unfortunately, the quality of hydrotechnical infrastructure does not allow for getting the III navigability class on the Odra River and the Gliwicki Canal. The main ports are located in Opole and Kędzierzyn-Koźle; however, they are highly depreciated.

There is no local passenger airport in the Opolskie Voivodeship and the closest airports in neighbouring regions are located ca. 100 km away. In the voivodeship there are two airports: in Kamień Śląski and Polska Nowa Wieś, but the latter has a grass runway intended mainly for the Flying Club purposes.

The airport in Kamień Śląski is an only airport in the Opolskie Voivodeship with a

hard-surface runway more than 2,000 m long, which within a short time may start to operate domestic and international flights. It is a post-military airport and, according to the guidelines in the Programme for Development of Airport Network and Airport Ground Equipment, functions of former post-military airports in the lists of the Military Property Agency should be maintained46. Potential directions for development of the airport in Kamień Śląski: operation of international flights (low fare airlines), operation of regular connections with Germany, - charter flights, - Cargo, - General Aviation: - Certified Flying Training Centre, - authorised maintenance service of aircrafts, - rallies of aircrafts from whole Europe. The Preliminary Feasibility Study for “Opole” Airport in Kamień Śląski47 shows that the passenger airport will bring numerous economic and social benefits for the development of the region. The most significant economic functions include: more jobs for directly and indirectly employed (through so called multiplier effects), a factor affecting the selection of location for domestic and foreign investments, integration of the region with central and highly developed areas in Poland and the European Union. Among social functions of air transport the most important is greater mobility of the society.

The airport is prepared to perform a function as a local airport. It has acquired a status of “other landing site” and all the documents required by the act Air Law, necessary for obtaining a permit for opening a local public airport, have been submitted. Also a decision about the Environmental Conditions was given and a Preliminary Feasibility Study made for the airport in Kamień Śląski, according to which, from a point of view of economic results, investments in the airport should be regarded as profitable48.

46 Kamień Śląski is among such airports. 47 The Preliminary Feasibility Study for “Opole” Airport in Kamień Śląski was prepared by Crowley Infrastructure Development Group from Warsaw. The aim of the Study was to assess preliminarily chances of completing the investment. 48 Moreover, on commission of the Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship, Przedsiębiorstwo Państwowe “Porty Lotnicze w Warszawie” is preparing the “Report on technical and economic conditions” connected with opening of the local airport in Kamień Śląski. It will include the assessment of the location, the assessment of the airport in respect of possible conflict with the existing airports, assumptions for the analysis of creating air traffic, a breakdown of necessary equipment, the calculation of necessary investment and maintenance costs, a financial analysis of the undertaking along with financial flows based on traffic forecasts as well as financial engineering of the undertaking, according to the scenario adopted. The project will be supported with Programme’s funds only on condition the requirements stipulated in the Strategy (Chapter 2.2.2) and Priority axis 3 Transport are met

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Feasibility of correct operation and economic justification of the undertaking arise also from the fact that in recent years the number of passengers in Polish airports have increased dynamically from 6.3 million in 2001 to 15.4 million in 2006, i.e. almost by 2.5 times49. Public services infrastructure

The length of the water supply system in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2004 was 6,497.6 km. The density ratio of the system in the Opolskie Voivodeship as compared with the whole country in 2004 was 69 km/100km2, with the national average amounting to 76.5 km, which ranked the voivodeship 8th among 16 voivodeships. In 2004 the water supply system was used by 986.7 people which constitute 93.8 % of total population of the voivodeship using the water supply system. Water supply systems in the Opolskie Voivodeship gminas are shown on map No. 10 in the Appendix No. 3 in the Annex.

In 1998–2003 in the Opolskie Voivodeship 806 km of the sewage system was commissioned, but the range of the system is still insufficient. The length of the system in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2004 amounted to 1,797.5 km and served only to 52.1% of the population. The sewage system is available mainly in towns, and a significant development barrier is a predominance of areas which lack collective sewage systems. The density ratio of the system in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2004 was 19.1 km/100 km2 with the national average amounting to 23.6 km per 100 km2, which ranked the voivodeship 10th among other voivodeships. Sewage systems in the Opolskie Voivodeship gminas are shown on map No. 11 in the Appendix No. 3 in the Annex.

Increased availability of technical utilities is an essential prerequisite for improving the quality of life. Construction, modernisation and repairs of water supply and sewage systems should noticeably improve living conditions of people living in the Opolskie Voivodeship.

Investments in the environmental protection in the Opolskie Voivodeship were co-financed from the pre-accession funds. Under infrastructure component Phare SSG in the Opolskie Voivodeship 5 projects were completed whose total value amounted almost to PLN 52 million. They were related to the construction of sewage systems, the modernisation of sewage treatment plants and preparing sites for investors in the following gminas: Głogówek, Ozimek, Kolonowskie, Popielów, Bierawa. A similar project was carried out under PHARE CBC, in the Prudnik gmina.

The needs of the Opolskie Voivodeship as regards the infrastructure of water supply and sewage systems are huge. This may be proven by the interest in projects prepared by the Opolskie Voivodeship gminas within the framework of the Integrated Operational Regional Development Programme. At the end of 2006, within measures 1.2 (Infrastructure of environmental protection), 3.1 (Rural areas) and 3.2 (Areas for restructuring), the assistance was given to 32 projects related to investments in water supply and sewage systems as well as in utilities, and co-financing from the ERDF was approx. PLN 62 million, and to the construction of the modern sewage treatment plant. Funds available under the Integrated Operational Regional Development Programme were allocated to the construction of about 140 km of sewage system and 25 km of water supply system.

49 Data of the Civil Aviation Office indicate an increase in the number of passengers in airports neighbouring with Opole, i.e. Wrocław Starachowice (2004/2005 – 28%; 2005/2006 – 89%), Katowice Pyrzowice (2004/2005 – 87%; 2005-2006 – 33%).

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A number of projects which, due to a limited amount of funds, could not enlist co-financing in years 2004-2006 and the interest of beneficiaries in the possibilities opened up by a new programming period show that the needs in this field are considerable.

Undoubtedly, also finance from the Cohesion Fund (previously pre-accession instrument ISPA) has an effect on the improvement of the natural environment in the Opole region. At the moment within its framework 4 large projects are in progress whose total value is approx. PLN 427 million. The aim of these undertakings is to fully control the sewage management in the Brzeg poviat, a part of the Oława poviat, in the reception basin of the Nysa Kłodzka and Biała Głuchołaska Rivers which is a source of drinking water for more than 53 thousand inhabitants of the Nysa gmina, Opole and surroundings (in total about 47 thousand people), Kędzierzyn-Koźle (66 thousand people).

The gas network in the Opolskie Voivodeship is poorly developed and requires investments. At the end of December 2004 its length reached 1,976.6 km. The system was used by 41.4% of the population. Majority of the gas system, ca. 61.2% of its total length, is located in towns of the Opolskie Voivodeship where 76.5% of consumers uses it. The length of the system in rural areas is 767 km; however, gas is used only by 12 thousand (2.4%) people in villages. The average length of the gas system per 100 km2 was over two times lower than the national average50 in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2004 and amounted to 12.6 km (13th in Poland; Fig. 1.17). However, residents of rural areas use only bottled gas to heat their housed and water and for cooking purposes. Support in respect of this is planned under programmes other than ROP OV 2007-2013, including, but not limited by construction of the Brzeg-Zdzieszowice gas pipeline that will improve access to the gas network in the region.




































































Długość sieci wodociągowej na 100 km kw.

Długośc sieci kanalizacyjnej na 100 km kw.

Długość sieci gazowej na 100 km kw.

Fig. 1.17. Density of water supply and sewage systems and gas network in voivodeships in 2004. Source: Own calculations on the basis of: Rocznik Statystyczny Województw 2005 (Statistical Yearbook of

Voivodeships 2005), Central Statistical Office 2005.

In the Opole region a heating system is concentrated around urban heat generating systems. Basic sources of heat energy for the population in the Opolskie Voivodeship are Energetyka Cieplna Opolszczyzny SA (ECO) and BOT Elektrownia Opole SA (Power Plant Opole). Generally, heat generating systems are in towos/larger villages (i.e. Bierawa, Branice, Brzeg, Głuchołazy, Grodków, Dobrzeń Wielki, Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Kietrz, Kluczbork, Krapkowice, Namysłów, Nysa, Olesno, Opole, Ozimek, Praszka, Prudnik, Strzelce Opolskie, Zawadzkie, Zdzieszowice). The length of heat distribution network in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2005 was 833.7 km (including 749.7 km in towns, and 84.0 km in villages). Due to limited accessibility of the centralised heat distribution network, heating requirements for a vast majority of the voivodeship population are fulfilled by local boiler houses and coal-, coke-, oil- and gas-fired furnaces.

50 In 2004 in Poland there were 32.6 km of gas network per 100 km2.

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Power engineering

In the Opolskie Voivodeship the power grid is made up of 351 km of 400 and 220 kV lines (197 km of 400 kV lines and 154 km of 220 kV lines) and 4 NN/110 kV stations. The power grid and the distribution network in the voivodeship is loaded with power evacuation from BOT Power Plant Opole and power transmission from the surplus area of the Upper Silesia, from Bełchatów Power Plant in the westerly direction.

The existing line run 400 kV Trębaczew – Dobrzeń – Pasikurowice constitutes an element of transmission path from Bełchatów Power Plant and Opole Power Plant towards Wrocław and further on towards the German system through station 400/220/110 kV Mikułowa. 220 kV lines serve mainly a function of power transmission from Upper Silesia to the west. In the Opolskie Voivodeship there are four stations NN/110 kV. Of the greatest system importance is station 400/220/110 kV Dobrzeń. It is used first of all for power evacuation from BOT Power Plant Opole and supply of 110 kV network of Zakład Energetyczny Opole SA (Opole Power Supply Company). In the Opolskie Voivodeship the 110 kV distribution network is made up of:

- about 1,030 km overhead line routes (about 1,530 line routes), - 5.1 km cable lines, - 60 stations.

The owner of the overwhelming majority of the network is Zakład Energetyczny Opole SA (Opole Power Supply Company). The remaining part is managed by neighbouring distribution companies (power supply companies) and other economic entities (industrial plants, Polish Railways, power plants, Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne SA). The 110 kV network is well-developed in the central part of the Opolskie Voivodeship, where there is Opole Town, and in the south-eastern part, where there is concentration of large industrial plants (krapkowicki, strzelecki and kędzierzyńsko-kozielski poviats). It is the least developed in the southern part of the voivodeship (nyski, prudnicki and głubczycki poviats) and the north-western part (namysłowski poviat).

The location of high voltage power lines and substations in the Opolskie Voivodeship is shown on maps No. 12 and 13 in the Appendix No. 3 in the Annex.

The major power supplier in the Opolskie Voivodeship is BOT Power Plant Opole. This is a system power plant with total installed capacity 1,492 MW and attainable capacity of 1,506 MW, fired by hard coal. In addition, in the region there are power plant “Blachownia” in Kędzierzyn–Koźle (158 MW), heat and power generating plants, industrial power plants of local significance (from 4.5 MW to 40 MW) and hydroelectric power plants (from 0.022 MW to 4.8 MW.

Co-generation energy sources are mainly owned by the two mentioned large generators (BOT Power Plant Opole, „Blachownia” Power Plant). Smaller, local units are not interested in the utilisation of technology in which one source generates thermal and electric energy or mechanical energy.

The basic thermal energy sources for people in towns are heat-generating systems. Moreover, there are still boiler houses (mainly coal-fired) that serve consumers in particular gminas.

The power potential of renewable energy sources includes almost 40 boiler houses, using biofuels of total installed capacity 26.2 MW (0.56% of total heat demand in the voivodeship) and 22 hydroelectric power plants of total capacity 18.82 MW (2.5% of total

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electric energy demand in the Opolskie Voivodeship). The location of plants using renewable energy sources in the Opolskie Voivodeship is shown on map No. 14 in the Appendix No. 3 in the Annex.

In the Opolskie Voivodeship, as in whole Poland, for ecological and social reasons there is a need for small local water power plants. Another type of unconventional and renewable energy sources is the construction of wind power plants. The map of average annual wind distribution at a height of 30 m in open areas in Poland shows that the Opolskie Voivodeship is in the zone short of wind power energy. However, in the region there are several locations where this renewable energy source is used. There are also plans for measures to increase the use of wind power in energy production.

Despite considerable resources, renewable energy sources satisfy only a small part of the power demand. Power production from renewable sources in 2002 reached ca. 58.6 MWh.

The percentage of renewable sources of energy in the global fuel and energy balance is approximately 18%. Total supplies of renewable energy in Poland in 2002 constituted 5.2% of total supplies of primary energy (while in EU15 5.9%). A basic source of renewable energy in Poland, also in the Opolskie Voivodeship, is biomass. The Opolskie Voivodeship in comparison with Poland has an enormous potential of biomass, the greatest potential of straw and dynamic development of crops based on energy plants. The major consumer of biomass in the Opolskie Voivodeship is BOT Power Plant Opole. At the moment it burns approx. 75 thousand Mg of biomass51, the plans for 2010 are 280 thousand Mg and therefore it will be necessary to increase its supply.

In 2005 BOT Power Plant Opole established its own cultivation of energetic willow; the cultivation was to popularise and encourage other farmers to establish cultivations of energetic plants, and in consequence to improve a balance of biomass supply in the region. The firm for several years have been undertaking actions to promote cultivation of energetic plants for purposes of renewable energy production, among others:

− co-operation with Opolski Ośrodek Doradztwa Rolniczego (Opole Centre for Agricultural Consultancy) which supervises the Power Plant cultivation and promotes cultivation of willow and of other energetic plants;

− contracting biomass from willow cultivation; − promotion actions of the Power Plant – in local press and agricultural press

(regional and all-Polish), radio, television; − the Power Plant was an organiser and co-organiser of many meetings with farmers

in a form of trainings, conferences, etc.

An increase in supplies of biomass will be achieved through, among others: looking for new suppliers of wood biomass in order to diversify them, developing cultivations of energetic willow, increasing quantities of wood waste collected from the industry and of other types of biomass such as: cereal and rape straw, cereal bran, brewer’s spent grain, spent beer, oilseed cake.

Taking into account sustainable development and limited availability of natural resources, efforts should be made to increase the percentage of energy from renewable sources in the overall structure of energy produced.

51 At the end of 2005.

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189 184177 176

167 166153

138 133 129


9688 87



































































Environmental protection

In 2004 expenditure on investments in environmental protection per capita in the Opolskie Voivodeship was PLN 184 (2nd in Poland). It was above the national average (PLN 140; Fig. 1.18).

Fig. 1.18. Investment outlay on environmental protection per capita in voivodeships in 2004 (in PLN). Source: Own calculations on the basis of: Rocznik Statystyczny Województw 2005 (Statistical Yearbook of

Voivodeships 2005), Central Statistical Office 2005.

The quantity of disposed industrial and municipal waste that required treatment in 2004 amounted to 85 hm3, including 96.8% were treated.

Approximately 55.1% of total population of the region was served by treatment plants (the national average ratio was 59%), which ranked the region 11th among other voivodeships. All the poviats in the Opolskie Voivodeship have their municipal treatment plants of total flow capacity 219 dam3/d. In total there are 64 municipal treatment plants used in the voivodeship, including 45 biological ones, 18 with increased biogenic removal and 1 mechanical plant. The problem is an insufficient sewage system in the outskirts of towns and in rural areas.

Apart from municipal treatment plants, there are 47 industrial treatment plants with flow capacity 726.1 dam3/d, including 21 mechanical ones, 3 chemical plants, 18 biological and 5 with increased biogenic removal.

Emission of dust pollution to the atmosphere from plants that are particularly troublesome in the Opolskie Voivodeship decreases every year, which results mainly from reduction of high emission. The problem is still posed by the so called low pollution emission. In 1998 industrial plants emitted 12.4 thousand tonnes of dust pollution and in 2004 8 thousand tonnes (64.5%) less – i.e. 4.4 thousand tonnes.

In 1998–2004 the quantity of gas pollution (without carbon dioxide) also decreased – by 3.0 thousand tonnes (i.e. by 5.4%). In 2004 the emission reached 52.7 thousand tonnes.

Dust and gas emissions in the Opolskie Voivodeship are shown on maps No. 15 and 16 in the Appendix No. 3 in the Annex.

In 2004 in the Opolskie Voivodeship 1,816.6 thousand tonnes of industrial waste was generated, including ca. 87.5% was subject to recycling and 8.7% was neutralised and stored. As regards industrial waste produced the Opolskie Voivodeship is 11th in Poland. Also 270.6 thousand tonnes of municipal waste were produced which calculated per capita places the

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voivodeship 8th in Poland with 257 kg of waste per person. In Poland the rate is 256 kg. At the end of 2004, there were 45 active waste dumps in the voivodeship whose total area was 259.4 ha and 2 waste dumps with concluded utilisation of total area 5.5. In addition, 17 waste dumps have degassing systems. In the voivodeship there is no common and fully operating system for utilising municipal waste. Moreover, there is no dangerous waste dump.

The Opolskie Voivodeship is abundant in underground water and poor in surface water. However, pollution of surface water remains and the quality of underground water deteriorates. Surface water that complies with the requirements of the purity grade I comprises 3%; water of grade II comprises 34.4%; and water of grade III comprises 31.3%. Water polluted above standards constitutes 31.3 % of all waters. A serious threat for the voivodeship is a lack of efficient flood control system and possible losses in case of flood. The existing flood control system is insufficient, with levees, storage reservoirs, small retention reservoirs and river polders requiring most immediate extension and modernisation. Problems about flood protection in the Opolskie Voivodeship are shown on map No. 17 in the Appendix No. 3 in the Annex.

Under the Integrated Operational Regional Development Programme storage reservoir “Włodzienin” on the Troja River is being constructed. When it is completed a flood wave on the river will be reduced – at least by 25 %, and its shift will allow for safe passing of the flood wave in the bed through the developed areas of the Branice and Kietrz gminas. The project is also one of the elements of the small retention system in the Opolskie Voivodeship.

The needs within flood protection in the Opolskie Voivodeship are considerable. In order to protect the northern parts of the region it is necessary to construct storage reservoir “Kluczbork” on the Stobrawa River which will allow for solving a problem of flood protection in these areas, ensuring water supplies for running economic activity and using rough waters for energy purposes. In order to fully protect the areas along the Odra River it is also required to close a system of levees in the kędzierzyńsko-kozielski poviat on section Cisek – Dzielniczka.

In order to improve the flood control system an investment related to the flood control reservoir “Racibórz” of key importance for the Opolskie Voivodeship is in progress. In addition, it is necessary to implement the “Programme for the Odra River 2006” in the Odra basin which is scheduled for 2006-2016.

The Opolskie Voivodeship is rich in unique natural resources, in particular: − the Chełm massif (St. Anna Mount) which is a concentration of stenothermic and

calciphil plants unique in Poland; − the Opawskie Mountains (including their south-east fragment near Opawica and

Pielgrzymowo) which is a “natural bridge” between the Carpathian and Sudeten Mountains;

− the Odra valley with fragments of river valley nature best preserved in the voivodeship (Grądy Odrzańskie);

− unique localities of bats in the Nyskie Forts and Sławniowicko-Burgabickie quarries.

The Opolskie Voivodeship carries out activities called Natura 2000 related to protection of natural ecosystems, habitats and communities in the areas of natural sanctuaries. In the Opolskie region the first in Poland regional concept of Natura 2000 network was developed; moreover, the Opolskie Voivodeship as the only one has so called “Red Book52 of

52 K Spałek, A. Nowak, Czerwona księga roślin województwa opolskiego. Rośliny naczyniowe, wymarłe, zagroŜone i rzadkie [Red Book of Plants in the Opolskie Voivodeship]. Opolskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauki. Opole 2003.

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Plants in the Opolskie Voivodeship” (in Polish: “Czerwona księga roślin województwa opolskiego”) – a study devoted to endangered plant species. According to the current guidelines of the Ministry of Environment, target Natura 2000 network in the Opolskie Voivodeship will include 11 sanctuaries whose total area will be approx. ok. 48.12 thousand ha. At the end of 2005, there is one bird sanctuary approved – Grądy Odrzańskie (7.880 thousand ha). Fig. 1.19 presents target Natura 2000 network in the Opolskie Voivodeship.

Moreover, in the Opolskie Voivodeship the Programme “Reintroduction of Spermophilus citellus” (species of gopher) is in progress53. It is an only colony of these animals in Poland. The aim of the Programme is to reconstruct the self-reproducing population of this species of gopher which in Poland became totally extinct at the turn of the seventies and eighties of the 20th century.

Education and human resources

Effects of transformation process in the economy, the administrative reform in Poland and negative demographic processes have forced changes in the educational system. The Opolskie Voivodeship, reacting to the aforementioned changes, systematically carried out a restructuring process of the educational network. For example, a number of primary schools in school year 2005/2006 in comparison to 2000/2001 decreased by 82 establishments, i.e. by about 15%. Education at pre-school, primary and junior secondary (gimnazjum) levels is in charge of local self-governments, the establishments are located both in urban and rural areas. Post-gimnazjum education is located in poviat towns, in vast majority being in charge of poviat starostvos54. Data illustrating the quantity potential of education as regards the number of people and units available are shown in Tab. No. 1.13. Changes made in the number of educational establishments resulted in the fact that the Opolskie Voivodeship is characterised by a dense school system adequate to social needs. However, the establishments are characterised by a low standard of equipment.

53 Reintroduction of Spermophilus citellus in the Opole Region is carried out within the programme "Gopher", under supervision of the Polskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Przyrody "Salamandra" in co-operation with the Poznań ZOO and Opole "BIOS" Association. It is funded, among others, by Eko Fundusz and the Voivodeship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Opole. 54 In the Opolskie Voivodeship only 4 post-gimnazjum schools are manager by gmina self-governments.

Jezioro Otmuchowskie

Jezioro Nyskie

Jezioro Turawskie

Grądy Odrzańskie

Opolska Dolina Odry (Łęg Zdzieszowicki)

Kamień Śląski

Góra Świętej Anny

Ostoja Sławniowicko-Burgrabicka

Forty Nyskie

Góry Opawskie (cz. pd.)

Góry Opawskie (cz. pn.)

Opolska Dolina Odry (Łęg Stobrawski)

Lasy Barucickie

Fig. 1.19. Target Natura 2000 network in the Opolskie Voivodeship

Source: Shadow List

Specjalne Obszary Ochrony Siedlisk Obszary Specjalnej Ochrony Ptaków

Druk prosty - nazwy obszarów wyznaczonych / zgłoszonych Komisji Europejskiej;Kursywa - nazwy obszarów wymagających wyznaczenia / zgłoszenia

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Tab. No. 1.13. Number of schools by the education level and the number of pupils in school year 2004/2005.

Number of schools Number of pupils/students

Education for children and youth

Kindergartens 481 26,132

Primary 427 68,819

Junior secondary (in Polish: gimnazjum)

160 43,746

Post-primary, including: - vocational - general senior secondary - vocational senior secondary

- 2 95


27 4,535

Post-gimnazjum, including: - vocational - general senior secondary - senior secondary with defined

specialisation - technical senior secondary - art senior secondary

49 59 51

53 5


16, 839 7,681

9,308 575

Post-secondary 93 6,474 Higher 6 37,946

Education for adults Junior secondary (in Polish: gimnazjum)

8 834

Post-primary 66 5,244 Post-gimnazjum 71 3,213

Source: Statistical Yearbook of the Opolskie Voivodeship, Statistical Office, Opole 2005.

Nursery education in the Opolskie Voivodeship is characterised by a large number of small units, densely distributed around the voivodeship, although some rural areas lack such units. In 2004 in the voivodeship there were 481 nursery schools (kindergartens and nursery units at primary schools), including 321 in rural areas.

All the indicators for pre-school education in the region are the highest in Poland, including rural areas. An example may be a percentage indicator for the number of children attending kindergartens in the Opolskie Voivodeship villages which is 2.5 times higher than the average in Poland. In the Opolskie Voivodeship approx. 76% children between the ages 3-6 have places in kindergartens, while the national average is less than 47%. Basic data about pre-school education in Poland are shown in table 1.14.

Tab. No. 1.14. Number of children in pre-school establishments and kindergartens per 1,000 children between the ages 3-6 in 2005.

Source: GUS data

Pre-school establishments Kindergartens


Opolskie Voivodeship 682 1st place in

Poland 617 1st place in Poland

Poland (national average) 556 -- 433 -- rural areas

Opolskie Voivodeship 587 1st place in

Poland 471 1st place in Poland

Poland (national average) 372 -- 188 --

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Infrastructure in primary and lower junior schools in the Opolskie Voivodeship is not satisfactory, in particular in respect of ICT tools. Among 592 schools of this type, 207 are equipped with computers with access to the broadband Internet, which constitutes 35% of all the schools of this type. In urban areas 48.7% of total number of primary and lower junior schools are equipped with computers with access to the broadband Internet, i.e. 113 schools. While in rural areas only a little bit more than one fourth of the aforesaid schools have computers with access to the broadband Internet, i.e. 94 schools. Access to the Internet in schools is diverse throughout the voivodeship. Only in two gminas 100% primary and lower junior schools have computers with access to the broadband Internet. In 17 gminas at least a half of schools have such access. In 8 gminas there are school with no computers with access to the broadband Internet.

Under measure 2.2. „Increasing the quality of education with relation to labour market requirements” in Sectoral Operational Programme „Human Resources Development” it was be possible for primary, junior secondary and post-gimnazjum schools to be supported for the purchase of IT equipment and software. Until the end of 2006 as many as 226 were supported, 207 additional school computer rooms and 105 school libraries55 are in progress. Evaluation of the impact of the European Social Fund on the development of the regions has not been completed, thus it is not possible to provide detailed information on the consolidated results of ESF implementation in the region.

A very important role in the educational process of providing the society with knowledge and vocational skills adequate to the growing labour market demand is played, among others, by centres for continued education and practical training as well as for in-service and vocational training. These establishments often have no modern infrastructure and teaching aids, including those enabling participants to use the latest technology applied in economy. Currently, such establishments operate in Opole, Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Nysa, Grodków, Głubczyce and Kluczbork. Most of them require, however, improved infrastructure and modern equipment.

In years 2004-2006 some investment activities were undertaken aimed at providing additional equipment and modernising resources of post-gimnazjum schools. Under the Contract for the Voivodeship the Practical Education Centres in Nysa and Kędzierzyn-Koźle were modernised, while under the Integrated Operational Regional Development Programme – in Opole. The activities in these units should be continued and other units should be supported so as all of them could provide education at the European level.

Development of higher education is a significant advantage of the region. Higher education in the Opolskie Voivodeship is based mainly on the science and academic centre in Opole. There are two active universities in the capital of the voivodeship: the Opole University and the Opole University of Technology; and two schools of higher education: the Academy of Management and Administration and the State Medical Vocational College. Moreover, there are two vocational colleges in the voivodeship: the State School of Higher Vocational Education in Nysa and the private Academy of Humanities and Economics in Brzeg. In addition, in many towns of the region branches of schools of higher education from all over the country are opened. Almost 38 thousand students attend the aforementioned university schools and colleges. These units employ in total 1,518 academic teachers. The largest educational establishment is the Opole University with over 15 thousand students (47% of all students in the voivodeship). The Opole University of Technology is attended by over 11 thousand students (34% of total number of students), whereas the private Academy of Management and Administration in Opole – over 4 thousand students (ca. 11%). The State 55 Data of Educational Board in Opole.

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School of Higher Vocational Education in Nysa has over 4.9 thousand students, the private Academy of Humanities and Economics in Brzeg – over 430 students, and the State Medical Vocational College in Opole – over 580 students.

In programming period 2004–2006 universities in the Opolskie Voivodeship actively used the structural funds (under such programmes as the Integrated Operational Regional Development Programme, SOP HRD, SOP SEC and the Community Initiative INTERREG IIIA Czech Republic – Poland) and state funds (voivodeship contract).

The greatest interest was attracted by the Integrated Operational Regional Development Programme under which universities could apply for funds for investment, consultancy and training projects, including PhD and postgraduate studies.

Among the largest projects carried out within the framework of the Integrated Operational Regional Development Programme and completed in September 2006 there were investments of the Opole University of Technology aimed at the development of the 2nd campus where a modern sports hall and teaching facilities for the Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy were established. The undertakings in the 2nd campus are continued and planned for co-financing from the Community funds after 2006. Another example of the project under this measure may be the establishing of the Research and Educational Centre for Monument Conservation at the State Vocational School in Nysa. This project was of particular significance in the Opole region where there are no institutions dealing with monument conservation in educational and research dimension. Under SOP HRD the largest project carried out by a university in the Opolskie Voivodeship was project entitled “Comprehensive development of SMEs staff through postgraduate studies and vocational trainings”. The project was carried out by the Opole University of Technology within co-operation with Europejski Instytut Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości (European Institute of Enterprise Development) in Warsaw. The project combines postgraduate studies with vocational trainings in an organised whole, offering entrepreneurs a comprehensive solution to improve qualifications of the management and employees. The project is intended for small and medium-sized enterprises, mainly from the region of southern Poland. While under SOP SEC the Opole University of Technology has been carrying out project “Opolskie Voivodeship as a Sustainable Development Region – Regional Foresight until 2020”. The aim of the project is to identify and assess key technologies affecting the sustainable and permanent development of the Opole region as well as to determine priorities in R&D, in adjusting the market of technology supply to regional conditions. Within INTERREG IIIA Czech republic-Poland the Opole University and the Opole University of Technology carry out joint projects with Czech universities.

The experience of programming period 2004-2006 shows that universities in the Opolskie Voivodeship, through projects co-financed from the structural funds, support the region competitiveness and strengthen their position as a participant of development processes. Satisfying their needs, first of all related to technical infrastructure, determines their further development and an increase of their competitiveness in comparison to other universities in Poland.

Continuing education of adults in the Opolskie Voivodeship is organised within school and extra-school systems. In the school year 2005/2006 schools for adults provided 8.9 thousand people in total with education. Post-secondary schools were attended by total of 7.2 thousand people, including 715 people at the Teacher Training College of Foreign Languages in Opole. Continued education also takes place at all universities and colleges as a part of extramural and evening studies.

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Fig. 1.20. Percentage of people with university education in Poland in 2002. Source: Data of the National Census 2002.

Fig. 1.21. Education level of population in 2002 (in %).

Source: As in note 34.

Despite the increasing educational ambitions of inhabitants of the voivodeship, the region is generally characterised by a low ratio of people with university education. According to 2002 census data it reaches 8.3%, with the national average amounting to 10.2%. Even taking into account the significant increase in this value since 1988 amounting to 5%, it is still the lowest among other voivodeships (Fig. 1.20). Percentage of population with university education by gminas of the Opolskie Voivodeship is shown on map No. 18 in the Appendix No. 3 in the Annex.

The increased interest in university studies in the Opolskie Voivodeship brought about over twofold increase of students (from 13.7 thousand in 1996 to 38 thousand in 2005). The number of university graduates increased almost five times (7.6 thousand people in comparison with 1.7 thousand five years ago). Owing to continuing population decline and intensified emigration of population as well as taking into account demographic forecasts until 2030 it is anticipated that the number of students and pupils will drop in the immediate future.

The level of education differentiates urban and rural population. The ratio of people with university education in towns of the Opolskie Voivodeship is three times higher than in villages of the Opolskie Voivodeship (12% in towns and 4% in villages); the ratio of people with secondary education is also higher (36% in towns and 20.6% in villages).

Although in comparison with the European Union the ratio of people with university education is not good, it is important that in the Opolskie Voivodeship the ratio of people with secondary education is higher than the average in Poland and the EU, while the ratio of poorly educated people – lower (Fig. 1.21)56.

56 The diagram prepared on the basis of: A New Partnership for cohesion, convergence, competitiveness, cooperation. Third report on economic and social cohesion. European Commission. Luxembourg 2004, p. 189, 201. The classification of education into low, medium and high arises from the ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education). The division covers people between the ages of 25 to 64 and specifies the education level classified depending on the educational system in a particular EU state.










0 20 40 60 80




w ojew ództw o opolskiePolskaUE–25

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Building of the information society

Information and communication technologies have become a new factor of

competitiveness in the regions. Telephone and IT infrastructure in the Opolskie Voivodeship is poorly developed. It is demonstrated in the number of standard telephone connections: 26 per 100 inhabitants, while the average in Poland is 35. In 2004 in the Opolskie Voivodeship the number of subscribers amounted to 269 thousand people and increased as compared with 1999 by 7.4% (Fig. 1.22). Almost 65% of all the subscribers to standard connections were town inhabitants, while village inhabitants 35.5%

Fig. 1.22. Number of telephone lines per 100 people in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2002 in comparison with the national average, other voivodeships and the EU.

Source: Own study on the basis of the Rocznik Statystyczny Województw 2003 (Statistical Yearbook of Voivodeships 2003), Central Statistical Office 2003 and data of the Central Statistical Office.

A poorly developed telephone network results in e.g. restrictions in the access to the Internet (most users connect with the global network via modems). Data of the largest telephone network operator in the Opolskie Voivodeship show that a number of people using the Internet in 2005 was 34 thousand and increased in comparison with 2004 by 19%. The Internet users constitute about 13% of all the people who have telephone connections supplied by this operator.

The Opolskie Voivodeship is poorly covered by a network of fibre-optic cables which ensures high bandwidth of data transmission. Moreover, there are serious limitations in a broadband access to the Web, in many areas it is technically difficult and very expensive. The accessibility of IT services is even worse due to the cost of services which is one of the highest in the European Union.

According to the data of one of the ICT operators in the region57 the density of telephone connections per 100 households in the Opolskie Voivodeship is 66.8% on average, while the density of ADSLs is 8.5% (diagram 1.23)

The situation in the Opolskie Voivodeship gminas as regards access to the broadband Internet is as follows:

57 Telekomunikacja Polska S.A.

37 36 3533 33 32 32 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 24 23






















































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� In 7 gminas more than 10% households have access, � In 37 gminas more than 5-9.9% households have access, � In 16 gminas more than 3-4.9% households have access, � In 6 gminas less than 3% households have access, � In other 5 gminas there is no access to the broadband Internet.

Fig. 1.23. Density of ICT connections per 100 households in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2005.

Source: Own study on the basis of TP S.A. data

In 2004 in the Opolskie Voivodeship 31.6% of all the households were equipped with personal computers, including 13.1% with an access to the Internet. On average 32.9% of households in Poland have computers, including 16.9% with an access to the Internet. Percentage of households with computers, including those with an access to the Internet, significantly differs from the relevant indicators noted in the EU states. For comparison, in 2003 personal computers were owned by 142 people per 1,000 people which is considerably different from the EU average (Fig. 1.24).

594 577

485 467

142 134110 108

















002) Dan






















Fig. 1.24. Number of personal computers in use per 1000 of population in the EU selected states in

2003. Source: Own study on the basis of Mały rocznik statystyczny Polski 2006, Central Statistical Office 2006.
































gęsto ść łączy na 100 gosp. dom.

gęsto ść ADSL na 100 gosp. dom.



Srednie wartosci dla woj. opolskiego
































gęsto ść łączy na 100 gosp. dom.

gęsto ść ADSL na 100 gosp. dom.



Srednie wartosci dla woj. opolskiego

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Building of the information society is of considerable importance for the region growth. The self-government of the Opolskie Voivodeship, aware of this fact, has been undertaking a number of actions for several years. Among initiatives it is worth mentioning: establishing 85 Internet reading rooms – points of “Ikonka” project, creating regional information portal “Wrota Opolszczyzny” which provides for, among others, pilot e-services within e-government. The region has been carrying out project “eUrząd dla mieszkańca Opolszczyzny” („e-Office for Opole region inhabitant”) which is to improve the quality of technical facilities of self-government units and build e-circulation of documents within the office. In the project 57 self-government units from the Opolskie Voivodeship participate. The initiative is the first such a comprehensive solution in Poland. A number of projects related to building of the information society are also taken in the field of education, e.g. “E-school - school with the future” in which 8% schools from the region take part. All these measures form a basis for further expanding and intensifying activities in building of the information society. On the basis of experiences from projects implemented so far as well as their effects and benefits one should stress that a basic pillar of building and development of the information society in the Opolskie Voivodeship will be IT and telecommunications networks providing access to e-services as it is possible to use e-services and ICT tools in all and any areas of life only if there is a technical possibility of ICT communication between a sender and a recipient.

Public health care

The health insurance in the National Health Fund covers approximately 953 thousand people58 in the Opolskie Voivodeship. There are many indications that in following years the demand for health care services will increase, e.g. due to the increasing life expectancy. Life expectancy in the Opolskie Voivodeship is 71.9 years for men and 79.7 for women; in both cases the ratios are above the national average. The percentage of people at pre-working age in the total number of inhabitants in 2004 reached 20.3% and shows a declining trend, but the population at retirement age (15.6%) constantly grows.

A mortality rate in the Opolskie Voivodeship is lower than the national average (in 2004 it was 8.7 per 1,000 inhabitants which placed the voivodeship 12th). The major causes of incidence and mortality in the region include cardiovascular illnesses and cancers. Taking into account infant mortality regarded as the synthetic measure of the civilisation level, the Opolskie Voivodeship has the best results in Poland. In 2004 in the Opolskie Voivodeship the infant mortality rate per 1000 live births was 4.3, average in Poland 6.8. Decreasing tendencies for infant mortality have been observed for several years. A value of the indicator in the Opolskie Voivodeship is the same as the average in the “old” states of the European Union. The level of public healthcare of the population in the Opolskie Voivodeship is unsatisfactory, in terms of medical personnel and the infrastructure. All the ratios related to standards in this respect are below the national average. There are 237 people per 1 bed in general hospitals in the voivodeship, with the national average amounting to 208 people, ranking the region 15th as compared with other voivodeships.

In 2004 on average there were 17 doctors per 10 thousand of population which made the region the last but one among voivodeships. The average in Poland is higher and amounts to more than 20 doctors (in 2002 23.1). In the EU countries this indicator differed in particular states. In 2002, per 10 thousand of population there were 15.6 in the UK, 24.8 in Portugal and 26.0 in Sweden. In 2004 in the Opolskie Voivodeship on average there were about 39 nurses per 10 thousand of population which placed the region the last but one among voivodeships. 58 In January 2006

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On average this indicator in Poland was 48.7, while in the EU countries: 31.4 in Portugal; 33 in Ireland; 42 in Spain and 55 in the Netherlands.

On average in 25 states of the European Union there are 639.1 hospital beds per 100 thousand people. In comparison with this value, the Opolskie Voivodeship with the result 445.4 is at a similar level to the one noted in Italy, Denmark and the Netherlands (Fig. 1.25).

Fig. 1.25. Number of beds per 100 thousand of people in the EU states and in the Opolskie

Voivodeship in 2002. Source: Eurostat data.

In the Opolskie Voivodeship there are 27 general hospitals, including 7 private, with

4,308 beds. Moreover, 5 psychiatric care units, including 3 psychiatric hospitals, 1 alcoholic detox centre and 1 rehabilitation centre for addicts. The ratio in general hospitals is 41 beds per 10 thousand people (15th in Poland). The national average is 48 beds per 10 thousand inhabitants. There are 17 care and treatment centres operating in the Opolskie Voivodeship, with 722 places, and 2 hospices with 33 places. There are no nursing and care units.

The outpatient health care in 2004 was provided by 326 health care centres, including 73 public and 253 non-public, and 274 individual and group medical and dental practices. 102 health care centres from among 326 were in rural areas. First aid is provided on the basis of the Opolskie Centre for Medical Emergency Services and 24 medical rescue teams. The medical emergency service has 9 resuscitation teams and 12 casualty teams. There are no emergency air teams on duty. The medical emergency service in the Opolskie Voivodeship is one of the best organised services in Poland; however, it requires integrated and permanent modernisation. There are two operating emergency information centres in the region.

In 2004 in the Opolskie Voivodeship there were 255 pharmacies, with 54 of them and 21 dispensaries in the countryside. A number of people per 1 pharmacy regularly decreases and in 2004 it amounted to 4,124 people in the voivodeship. In rural areas the indicator was worse and amounted to 9,213 people per 1 pharmacy.

Restructuring processes of health service units in the Opolskie Voivodeship began in 1999, i.e. from a reform of the state administration, when local governments took over rights and obligations of the founding body for health service units. The activities in years 1999 – 2003 and in 2005 were carried out in voivodeship and poviat health service units which met particular criteria in the programmes financed from the state budget.

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Restructuring, as a continuous process, is still carried out by local governments of the Opolskie Voivodeship as founding bodies for health service units through, among others, undertaking actions aimed at improving and stabilising a financial and economic situation of hospitals. Restructuring activities carried out by local governments of the Opolskie Voivodeship were also related to transformation of units, for example separating out-patient health care, joining units to make them have joint logistics, joint administration, transformation such as establishing limited liability companies which later on became a founding body for a non-public health centre, while a public entity was wound up. All the measures in this field are still implemented. Restructuring so far has led to a significant reduction in debts of health care centres, the improvement in quality and safety of medical services provision.

Health service establishments used the assistance from the structural funds as regards the improvement in quality of medical services provided at a regional and local levels.

Projects at a regional level were related to the most significant needs of highly specialised establishments, connected first of all with modernisation of buildings and providing specialist medical equipment. Thanks to the financial assistance modern medical equipment was purchased (among others, CAT scanner, X-ray apparatuses, USG, defibrillators, endoscopes). Also 3 ambulance were bought for the Voivodeship Medical Centre in Opole and the Opole Medical Emergency Centre. The equipment has been designated for treatment of neoplastic diseases, heart diseases, medical emergency and intensive therapy.

Accessibility of medical services in small towns and in rural areas is limited due to improper health care infrastructure and a shortage of medical equipment at a proper level. To eliminate these disproportions in access to health care infrastructure, e.g. under the Integrated Operational Regional Development Programme there were investments planned whose aim was to increase a level of services provided by local health care centres. The investments in this field were mainly related to modernisation of buildings and adapting them to patients’ needs (in particular the disabled), equipping surgeries and purchasing medical equipment in general.

Effects brought about by projects implemented so far should be considered first of all in respect of socio-economic benefits which are impossible to be presented by means of measurable performance indicators. It is true for the increase in health safety of the region population. The projects have contributed to the improvement in quality and modernisation of medical equipment, what makes the patients’ chances greater when their health of life is threatened.

Financial problems faced by public health care, apart from debts of health care centres, result also in infrastructure depreciation, restricted access to medical technologies and low salaries for medical personnel. Equal access to professional public health services is of particular significance, especially that there are differences in this respect in individual parts of the region. It is also important to promote health among inhabitants of the region. Taking into consideration experiences in the implementation and importance of the projects carried out under the Integrated Operational Regional Development Programme it is worth mentioning that future investments should be aimed first of all at further improving infrastructure of health care centres and providing them with modern medical equipment ensuring early diagnosis, at improving accessibility, efficiency and quality of treatment.

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Culture and cultural heritage The cultural variety of the region results, among other things, from multiculturalism

due to historical circumstances. Under the influence of many cultures, a specific regional tradition and culture have developed which distinguishes the Opolskie Voivodeship in Poland. It is visible mainly in the folklore, customs and language specific to the region. Cultural heritage of the region is rich and artistic achievements numerous.

The most significant cultural institutions are situated in the capital of the voivodeship with 2 theatres and a concert hall housing in total 1,727 seats. The ratio of audience in theatres and music centres was 167 per 1,000 people in 2004, with the national average of 244.

Cultural institutions in the Opolskie Voivodeship have highly decapitalised material assets and equipment. Such a situation is in particular true in rural areas and small towns.

There are 14 cinemas in the voivodeship housing 5 thousand seats. There were 49 viewers per 1 screening in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2004, i.e. above the national average (37 viewers per 1 screening) (Fig. 1.26).















315540167 500


102462 268 400


































































liczba widzów w kinach na 1000 ludności

liczba widzów i słuchaczy w teatrach i instytucjach muzycznych na 1000 ludności

Fig. 1.26. Ratio of audience in cinemas, theatres and music centres per 1,000 of population in voivodeships in 2004.

Source: Own calculations on the basis of data from the Central Statistical Office. In the region there are only 13 of 668 museums in Poland (the lowest number among

all the voivodeships). In 2004, they organised 119 exhibitions visited by 200.8 thousand people, a half of them comprised organised groups of school students. The ratio of visitors in museums per 1,000 of population in 2004 was 191.1 which was almost two times lower than the national average (458.6 visitors per 1,000 of population).

The Opolskie Voivodeship has quite low ratios of participation in culture by inhabitants. The audience in cinemas, theatres and music centres per 1,000 people is smaller than the national average. In 2005 every second inhabitant of the region went to the cinema only once and almost every fifth attended a theatrical or musical performance (Tab. No. 1.15).

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Tab. No. 1.15. Audience in cinemas per 1,000 of population and audience in theatres and music centres per 1,000 of people in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 1999-2005.

Description 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Audience in cinemas per 1,000 of population

473 276 359 316 375 540 430

Audience in theatres and music centres per 1,000 of population

198 193 205 190 192 167 190

Source: Rocznik Statystyczny Województw 2000 (Statistical Yearbook of Voivodeships 2000), Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2000, Rocznik Statystyczny Województw 2001 (Statistical Yearbook of Voivodeships 2001), Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2001, Rocznik Statystyczny Województw 2002 (Statistical Yearbook of Voivodeships 2002), Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2002, Rocznik Statystyczny Województw 2003 (Statistical Yearbook of Voivodeships 2003), Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2003, Rocznik Statystyczny Województw 2004 (Statistical Yearbook of Voivodeships 2004), Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2004, Rocznik Statystyczny Województw 2005 (Statistical Yearbook of Voivodeships 2005), Central Statistical Office, Warszawa 2005, Opolszczyzna w liczbach, Statistical Office in Opole, Opole 2006.

The important sites/buildings of cultural heritage include historically developed urban complexes and elements of architecture. In the voivodeship there are more than 5.5 thousand archaeological sites.

The region is one of the most abounding in monuments and historic buildings, unfortunately, many of them are in a bad technical state which reduces their attractiveness and restricts accessibility (Tab. No. 1.16). Location of historic sites in the Opolskie Voivodeship is shown on map No. 19 in the Appendix No. 3 in the Annex.

A flagship of cultural life and an “identification mark” of the Opolskie Voivodeship is the Festival of Polish Song which since 1963 has taken place in the Millennium Amphitheatre in Opole every year. Due to the above, Opole is called a capital city of Polish song. The amphitheatre with accompanying facilities is deeply decapitalised – it is not up to today’s standards and needs major renovation.

Tab. No. 1.16. Number of monuments in the Opolskie Voivodeship (at the end of 2005).

Type of monument Buildings and sites

listed in the voivodeship monument record*

Buildings and sites listed in the monument


Percentage of buildings and sites from the Opolskie

Voivodeship listed in the national register

Immovable monuments 30,000 3,038 5%

Movable monuments 13,000 6,676 4%

Archaeological sites 10,000 1,128 15%

Total 53,000 10,842 4%

* Data about buildings /sites listed in the voivodeship monument record are estimated values.

Source: Data of the Opole Inspector of Monuments and the National Heritage Board of Poland in Warsaw.

Cultural institutions in every Polish region suffer from a shortage of funds for investments which contribute to the improvement of services provided by them as well as affect the image and attractiveness of the region. This situation concerns also cultural institutions in the Opolskie Voivodeship. Some of them enlisted assistance, e.g. under the Integrated Operational Regional Development Programme or initiative INTERREG IIIA.

An example can be the Museum of Opole Silesia which gained the assistance for project called “Mons Universitatis. Extension and renovation of the Museum of Opole Silesia in Opole”. Its aim is to prepare a modern, comprehensive tourist and cultural offer to boost the development of domestic and foreign tourism and at the same time to increase the region competitiveness. The project assumes a maximum use of the museum resources through

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renovation, reconstruction and extension of the 4 buildings. The museum has also received the aid under the voivodeship contract for modernisation of the building of the Museum of Uprising Actions on the St. Anna Mount.

Projects were also intended for cultural heritage sites such as, for example, rebuilding of the Town Hall in Głubczyce, renovation of the Franciscan historic church and monastery complex in Opole or establishing a Cultural and Natural Park of the Nysa Stronghold59. The investments in this field, utilising the region potential, in particular resources of cultural heritage and of natural environment, influence permanently an increase of the Opole region attractiveness for tourists, investors and inhabitants.

Under the voivodeship contract, as a part of upgrading cultural facilities and popularisation of cultural heritage, the assistance was provided to: Józefa Elsner Concert Hall and Jan Kochanowski Theatre in Opole, cultural institutions with rich traditions and distinguished in the Polish culture. They attract audience with their wide offer, contributing to the attractiveness and growth of the whole region. The tasks completed contributed to an increase of service quality during events, to the European safety standards.

Tourism and sport

The Opolskie Voivodeship has attractive and diverse local natural and cultural resources, favourable to developing the economic activity in tourism, recreation and sightseeing.

Diversified conditions for the development of tourism are related to values of the natural environment, a variety of landscape forms, a broad range of possible forms of recreation as well as a large number of historical sites. The most favourite places for spending leisure time by the water are Turawskie Lakes and reservoirs situated in the south-western part of the region – Nyskie Lake and Otmuchowskie Lake.

The major tourist attractions include urban complexes of Medieval towns (Brzeg, Byczyna, Głogówek, Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Namysłów, Nysa, Opole, Paczków), sacred buildings, monuments of material culture (e.g. castles in Brzeg, Moszna, Kamień Śląski, Głogówek, Rogów Opolski), open-air ethnographic museum Opole-Bierkowice, museums and art galleries. Historic old town and rural complexes in the Opolskie Voivodeship are shown on map No. 20 in the Appendix No. 3 in the Annex.

A special tourist attraction is unique in Europe a documentation site of inanimate nature “Trias” in Krasiejów. Here, the most significant discovery in the history of Polish palaeontology was made, i.e. the oldest dinosaur in the world, from 230 million years ago, called the Silesian Saurian from Opole – Silesaurus Opolensis was discovered.

Moreover, attractive natural and landscape assets can be found in the Opawskie Mountains and the Chełmski Massif with the St. Anna Mount, a place of worship and pilgrimages. Cultural Landscape “St. Anna Mount” has been selected by UNESCO for the World Heritage List. A high quality of landscape and cultural resources of Opole villages (many villages traditional in nature) are also worth mentioning. The majority of buildings and sites interesting for tourists are underinvested. A tourist attraction hardly used in the Opolskie Voivodeship is the Odra River.

The chances for development of tourism are seen in creating an attractive and competitive tourist product as well as in sentimental tourism.

59 Investment was carried out also under the Community Initiative INTERREG IIIA Czech Republic – Poland

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The infrastructure related to tourism does not allow for exploiting the regional potential to a full extent, which is a considerable barrier to development. In 2004 tourists were offered 33 hotels, motels and pensions, and 94 other group lodging facilities in the Opolskie Voivodeship. In 1998-2004, 28 lodging facilities stopped to operate, which is mainly accountable to lower demand from tourists and a shortage of funds for refurbishment.

In the Opolskie Voivodeship the number of tourists is increasing, including tourists from abroad, using overnight accommodation in group lodging facilities. Since 2004 the number of tourists using such accommodation, after a significant increase noted in years 2003-2004, has remained at a similar level. The reasons may be ascribed to insufficient development of the network of lodging facilities. This is presented in diagram 1.27, while the location of lodgings is shown on map No. 21 in the Appendix No. 3 in the Annex..

Fig. 1.27. Users of lodging facilities in the Opolskie Voivodeship in years 2000-2005. Source: Own calculations on the basis of GUS data.

The network of lodging facilities is very poor. In 2004 in the Opolskie Voivodeship there was 1.3 lodging facility per 100 km2, the average in Poland 2.2, while in the states of the European Union it was on average 10.2. The highest value was in Malt, Italy and the UK, the lowest – in Finland, Latvia and Sweden. (Fig. 1.28).


38,0 36,8


17,0 16,4 15,512,6 11,6 10,2 9,7

7,0 6,5 5,4 4,2 3,6 3,2 2,5 2,4 1,4 0,9 0,8 0,5 0,4 2,2 1,3














ka B




















- 2







































Fig. 1.28. Number of tourist group lodging facilities per 100 km2 in the EU states and the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2004. Source: Eurostat data.

149 292

189 099190 973

166 503144 837142 422

33 04334 42329 19230 978 27 31530 624


40 000

80 000

120 000

160 000

200 000

240 000

2000 rok 2001 rok 2002 rok 2003 rok 2004 rok 2005 rok

Korzystający z obiektów zbiorowego zakwaterowania w tym turyści zagraniczni

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Travel agencies operating in the Opolskie Voivodeship – whose number has greatly

increased in recent years – offer mainly transport services. There are few tourist information offices and the newly founded offices at travelling agencies and hotels have insufficient information.

In the Opolskie Voivodeship sports and recreational facilities are quite evenly spread over its whole area. However, there are few multi-purpose sports halls with seats for spectators, indoor pools, ice rinks and tennis courts.

The assets of the Opolskie Voivodeship presented above, as the assets of the region where the importance of tourism is appreciated, are confirmed in the experiences of applying for and using external sources of co-financing tourist undertakings.

For example under the voivodeship contract the assistance was provided for the project whose objective was prophylaxis and health promotion with the use of Kneipp’s hydropathy method through the establishing of the Rehabilitation and Tourist Centre in a historic palace and grange complex in Kamień Śląski. The investment was continued under the Integrated Operational Development Programme. The aim of the project was to comprehensively integrate measures related to the protection of cultural heritage and the development of different forms of tourism: health, business, educational and ecological.

Other significant projects carried out from a point of view of increasing the tourist attractiveness of the region were 3 tasks completed by the Friars Minor of the Observance Monastery situated on the St. Anna Mount. The St. Anna Mount is one of the most outstanding examples of the European landscape calvary sanctuaries.

An important example which combines both a task related to an increase in the tourist attractiveness of the region and the protection of natural heritage is the investment in Krasiejów connected with establishing DINOPARK. The investments which started developing of the paleontologic discovery were carried out under the Integrated Operational Regional Development Programme, INTERREG IIIA and the voivodeship contract. The initiative of the park is extensive, thus it is necessary to continue the undertakings launched.

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1.2 Analysis and evaluation of state aid and foreign assistance in 1999-2006

A significant element of support for activities of local governments and of other entities aimed at economic, social and cultural development of the voivodeship as well as improving the quality of life of its inhabitants, is the use of state aid, European funding and earmarked funds. Its beneficiary is, directly or indirectly, every person living in the region.

Funding programmes presented below do not constitute a complete list of programmes from which beneficiaries in the Opolskie Voivodeship benefited. Only the largest programmes whose effects are of greatest importance to the region development in 1999-2006 are presented.

1.2.1 State aid and earmarked funds

Within the framework of the state aid for the Opolskie Voivodeship in 1999-2006 a number of investments were completed. They have contributed, among other things, to strengthening attractiveness of the regional economy, made it more competitive, to a greater extent based on knowledge and entrepreneurship.

Contract for the Opolskie Voivodeship In the Opolskie Voivodeship the Contract has been executed in three “editions”:

− Contract for the Opolskie Voivodeship 2001-2003;

− Contract for the Opolskie Voivodeship 2004;

− Contract for the Opolskie Voivodeship 2005-2006.

In all the “editions” of the Contract in total 273 projects were accepted and co-funding amounted to PLN 87.4 million.

Within the Contract for the Opolskie Voivodeship for the years 2001-2003 the funds were allocated mainly to tasks in technical and social infrastructure, to investments and investment purchases by local government units. The effects of the investment included, among other things: extension of the radiotherapy unit at the Voivodeship Oncology Centre, replacement of fittings in cultural institutions (approx. 36 thousand running metres), construction of approx. 8 km of the sanitary sewage system and 40 km of the water supply system as well as construction of 6 km of roads.

Within the Contract for the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2004 funding was provided to road infrastructure, modernisation of cultural buildings of regional importance (e.g. the first stage of thermal modernisation of the Concert Hall and the Jan Kochanowski Theatre in Opole). Tasks aimed at preserving unique objects of cultural heritage in the region (museums, including regional ones, sacred buildings) as well as tasks in health service (38 pieces of equipment for treatment and rehabilitation) were also accomplished.

Within the Contract for the Opolskie Voivodeship for the years 2005-2006 the majority of funds have been allocated to upgrading teaching facilities in educational institutions, modernising the health care system and investments into strengthening local and regional attractiveness.

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Experience gained from implementing the Contract for the Opolskie Voivodeship shows that there is a considerable investment potential among would-be beneficiaries, mainly among units of local self-government, but recently to a greater extent also among other institutions.

Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Within the Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in 1999-200560 the funds in the amount of PLN 395.7 million were granted for 908 projects in: air protection, water protection, water management and ground surface protection, related to erection, repairs and modernisation of plants and equipment to improve the environment (boiler houses, treatment plants, sewage system, waste dumps, etc.).

The effects of projects, among other things, are as follows: construction/modernisation of 26 sewage treatment plants, reduction in pollution emitted to the air, construction or extension of waste dumps of area 22.73 ha and capacity 1,974.420 m3, reconstruction of watercourses and flood walls along 155,170 m.

“100 million” Programme – Development and improvement of technical infrastructure in rural areas

“100 million (…)” Programme was implemented in 1999-2000. Within the programme 32 tasks in construction and modernisation of the road system as well as sewage and water supply systems in gminas of the Opolskie Voivodeship were co-financed in the amount of PLN 5.1 million. The programme covered 30 gminas in the voivodeship, Poviat Starosty (poviat starosty – poviat’s administrative authorities) from Opole and Związek Gmin AQUA Silesia (AQUA Silesia Association of Gminas). As a result of these tasks more than 4.4 km of roads were modernised, almost 33 km of the sewage system and 38 km of the water supply system constructed. In addition 1,120 house drains and more than 500 service lines were made.

Fund for Development of Physical Culture – Programme for Development of Sports Facilities

Finances from the Fund are allocated to tasks included in voivodeship programmes for development of sports facilities covering several years, approved of by voivodeship sejmiks, as well as to tasks listed in the programme of investments of particular importance for sport, prepared by the Polish Confederation of Sport. The Fund may co-finance, among other things, construction, extension, reconstruction, modernisation and renovation of facilities and provision of equipment for sports purposes.

In 1999-2006 in the Opolskie Voivodeship within the “Programme for Development of Sports Facilities in the Opolskie Voivodeship”, 94 tasks were accomplished for the total amount of PLN 70.9 million. The funds were allocated to construction or modernisation of gyms, sports halls, pitches and swimming pools. Projects co-financed from the Fund include mainly the Entertainment and Sports Arena in Kędzierzyn-Koźle which meets requirements

60 The Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship has data for 2005.

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set by the Federation of European Volleyball and the Federation of International Volleyball as well as the in-door swimming pool in Dobrodzień whose area is 468 m2. This instrument proved to be extremely important for improving sports facilities in the Opolskie Voivodeship, especially at the lowest level.

Regional Agricultural Land Protection Fund

The Regional Agricultural Land Protection Fund is a non-budgetary earmarked fund whose resources, in a form of grants, are allocated by the Voivodeship Self-government for protection, reclamation and improvement in the quality of agricultural land, i.e. among other things for:

− prevention of soil erosion on farming land;

− construction and modernisation of access roads to agricultural land;

− preparing documentation on farm land protection;

− purchase of computer hardware and software necessary for keeping records of agricultural land protection as well as for opening and updating surveys of land records.

Within the Regional Agricultural Land Protection Fund in 2000-2006 in total 203 projects were approved for the amount of PLN 34,5 million. Such a great number of projects are of high importance, in particular for eliminating intraregional differences in the development, noticeable especially in rural areas. In 2006 by the end of June, 47 projects were implemented of total value PLN 10.5 mn, including PLN 8.5 mn for construction of 50.7 km of access roads to agricultural land in 33 gminas. In the Branice Gmina a small storage reservoir of the area of 86 ha is under construction, and 10 starostys were provided with funds for purchasing computer hardware and software necessary for keeping records of agricultural land protection as well as for opening and updating surveys of land records.

1.2.2. Foreign assistance – pre-accession funds

Highly developed countries in order to support transformation processes in political systems and economy launched financial aid programmes for the states applying for membership in the European Union whose aim was to assist the countries lagging behind in social and economic development. The basic objective of pre-accession funds was to prepare to the EU membership, to get to know mechanisms and instruments in the European regional policy as well as how to use the Community financial assistance after the accession to the EU.

The Opolskie Voivodeship is using or used the following pre-accession programmes:

− PHARE SEC – Social and Economic Cohesion;

− PHARE CBC – Cross-Border Co-operation;

− ISPA (from 1 May, 2004 – Cohesion Fund);


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PHARE Social and Economic Cohesion (Phare SEC)

Phare Social and Economic Cohesion (Phare SEC) is aimed at reducing lagging and disparities in development between regions through promoting economic activity, solving social problems related to the labour market, restructuring and development of infrastructure.

Phare SEC consists of three major parts (components):

− Assistance for infrastructure development (INFRA);

− Assistance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs);

− Assistance for human resources development (HRD).

The Opolskie Voivodeship participated in the Phare SEC at a regional level already in 2001 when it used two components of financial assistance, i.e. SMEs and HRD. In 2002 the voivodeship used all the components of Phare SEC.


Within the framework of Phare SEC 2001 the Opolskie Voivodeship implemented the projects in:

− Assistance for the development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs);

− Human Resources Development (HRD).

Total value of the projects was PLN 54.3 mn61 and co-financing from Phare - PLN 12.9 mn.

- Assistance for the development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)

Within the framework of the SMEs component of Phare SEC 2001, the Association “Business Promotion” in Opole, Regional Financing Institution, carried out the project “Development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Opolskie Voivodeship” of total value of PLN 48.7 million. 156 contracts were signed, in overwhelming majority (119) from the Investment Grant Scheme for the amount of co-funding of PLN 8.7 mn.

- Human Resources Development (HRD)

Within the framework of the HRD component of Phare SEC 2001 the project “Employment promotion and human resources development” was implemented. The project beneficiary was the Voivodeship Labour Office in Opole. The total value of the project amounted to PLN 5.6 million, including the aid from Phare – PLN 4.2 million.

The project was carried out in all the poviats in the Opolskie Voivodeship from October 2003 to January 2005. The direct objective of the project was to solve problems in the regional labour market. Within the framework of the programme approximately 400 trainings were organised, including courses and workshops. More than 2,000 people participated in them, including 318 people who took a job, 20 people who received support and 12 who signed agreements for opening their own economic activity. 61 For Phare SEC, Phare CBC and ISPA/Cohesion Fund the Exchange rate applied was 1 EUR = 4 PLN.

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Within the framework of Phare SEC 2002 the Opolskie Voivodeship implemented the projects in:

− Infrastructure development (INFRA);

− Assistance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs);

− Human Resources Development (HRD).

The total value of the projects was PLN 72.7 million, including aid from Phare - PLN 47.6 million.

− Infrastructure development (INFRA)

Within the framework of the INFRA component of Phare SEC 2002 in the Opolskie Voivodeship 4 infrastructure projects were implemented. The total value of the projects was PLN 51.7 million and co-financing from Phare – PLN 36,8 million:

− “Development of investments in Głogówek” – carried out by the Głogówek Gmina. The project value is PLN 13.5 million and co-financing from Phare – PLN 8.7 million EUR. The aim of the project was to construct a sewage system in the Town of Głogówek, Mochów and DzierŜysławice as well as to drain sewage to the municipal sewage treatment plant. The investment was commissioned in September 2005.

− “Economic development of Kolonowskie” - carried out by the Kolonowskie Gmina. The project value was PLN 14.8 million and co-financing from Phare – PLN 11.1 million. The Project included, among other things: construction of the gmina sewage treatment plant “Staniszcze” with the necessary infrastructure (road, water supply system, transformer station, telephone), construction of the sanitary collector from “Staniszcze” sewage plant to the zone of industry and service development in Kolonowskie with the distribution network and terminals. The investment was commissioned in September 2005.

− “Development of tourism in the Opolskie Voivodeship” – carried out by the Popielów Gmina. The project value was PLN 12.3 million and co-financing from Phare – PLN 8.7 million. The project resulted in construction of the sanitary sewage system in the Popielów Gmina and environmental protection of the Stobrawski Park Krajobrazowy. The investment was commissioned in September 2005.

− “Development of tourism and the SME sector in Ozimek” – carried out by the Ozimek Gmina. The project value was PLN 11.1 million and co-financing from Phare – PLN 8.3 million. The aim of the project was regulation of the water supply and sewage management in the Ozimek Gmina through extension and modernisation of the sewage treatment plant in Antoniów, construction of the sewage system and purchase of vehicles for multifunctional cleaning of the sewage system. The investment was commissioned in October 2005.

− Assistance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

Within the framework of the SME component of Phare SEC 2002 the project “Entrepreneurship in Poland: Regional Programme for Support of SMEs” has been implemented, co-ordinated by the Association “Business Promotion” in Opole, Regional

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Financing Institution (SPP RIF) and Opolski Regionalny Fundusz Poręczeń Kredytowych Sp. z.o.o. (ORFPK). The total value of the project was PLN 13.2 million. Within the project 124 contracts were concluded for which co-financing amounted to PLN 4.9 million.

− Human Resources Development (HRD)

Within the framework of the HRD component of Phare SEC 2002 the Voivodeship Labour Office carried out the project “Opole Programme for Staff Training”. The total value of the project was PLN 7.8 million and co-financing from Phare - PLN 5.9 million. Within the programme more than 150 trainings were organised with approximately 2,300 participants from which 282 people took a job. More than 50 new economic entities were established.


In 2003 works on how to use funds from Phare SEC 2003 began. The total value of the projects is PLN 13.3 million, including the aid from Phare – PLN 8.6 million. In the last edition of Phare SEC the following projects will be funded:

- Infrastructure development (INFRA)

Within the framework of the INFRA component of Phare SEC 2003 the project “Development of industry in Bierawa” has been carried out whose the beneficiary is the Bierawa Gmina. The total value of the project is PLN 12.4 million and co-financing from Phare – PLN 8.0 million. The aim of the project is to make it possible for entities in Bierawa to drain sewage. The project will allow for making 45 connections to existing economic entities situated in the gmina and in its vicinity, i.e.: Zakłady Azotowe, Blachownia, Rafamet, other chemical plants, and maintaining about 300 workplaces. In addition, the following facilities will be constructed: a petrol station, a car wash, a car showroom, a hotel and a car park as well as workshops creating approximately 100 new jobs.

- Assistance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

Within the framework of the SME component the project: “Regional Programme for Support of SMEs” has been implemented, co-ordinated by Opolski Fundusz Poręczeń Kredytowych Sp. z.o.o. (ORFPK). The total value of the project is PLN 0.9 million and co-financing from Phare – PLN 0.6 million. By July 2006, 7 credit guarantees were granted.

In retrospect and as regards effects produced the aforementioned 3 editions of Phare SEC can be assessed very positively.

The effect of infrastructure projects will be creation of approx. 650 new jobs and maintaining more than 1,100 of them in already operating plants in the areas covered by investments.

The projects from the component of human resources, according to the data made available by beneficiaries so far, allowed for training and improving vocational qualifications of over 4,400 people (mainly persons permanently unemployed but working ones as well), among whom a large group found permanent employment which is the direct effect of the projects implemented. As a result of the component intended for the SME sector about 250 economic entities received the assistance which significantly enhanced their competitiveness in the local and regional markets as well as allowed for creating new jobs.

The projects aimed at capitalisation of the Regionalny Fundusz Poręczeń Kredytowych (Regional Fund of Credit Guarantees) will allow for creating or maintaining approx. 200 workplaces. Large funds involved, for the first time to such a great extent, for the

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direct aid to the SME sector most important for the development of economy allowed for improving competitiveness of these enterprises and eliminating some unfavourable aspects of competition in the Single European Market.

PHARE CBC – Cross-Border Co-operation Programme

In the Opolskie Voivodeship the Cross-Border Programme covers two zones of poviats: those situated along the Czech border, i.e. nyski, prudnicki, głubczycki poviats and brzeski, opolski, krapkowicki, kędzierzyńsko-kozielski poviats and the Town of Opole with the poviat rights.

Within the framework of Phare CBC in the Opolskie Voivodeship funds have been allocated to two projects related to the development of road infrastructure and to one project connected with the environmental protection whose total value was PLN 40.5 million, including the aid from Phare CBC - PLN 26.5 million:

Phare CBC 2000

- Co-financing for the project “Construction of the ring road for the town of Prudnik on the national road No. 408 Kłodzko-Gliwice” submitted by the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways – Branch in Opole. The total value of the project was PLN 9.7 million, including co-financing from Phare CBC – PLN 8.0 million. As a result of the project the ring road with the status of national road cat. G was constructed, the length of bypass 3.2 km. The investment was commissioned in September 2003.

Phare CBC 2002

- Co-financing for the project “Extension of the bypass in Lubrza on the national road No. 40” submitted by the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways – Branch in Opole. The total value of the Project was PLN 17.4 million, including co-financing from Phare CBC – PLN 9.7 million. The length of the ring road constructed is 3.4 km. As a result of the project an access to the full freight border crossing Prudnik-Bartulovice has been facilitated. The investment was commissioned in July 2005.

Phare CBC 2003

- In the Opole region the project “Forming a basis for the system of biodiversity and development of Dolina Złotego Potoku” submitted by the Prudnik Gmina. The total value of the project is PLN 13.4 million, including co-financing from Phare CBC – PLN 8.8 million. The aim of the project was to improve surface water of Dolina Złotego Potoku through reduction of sewage discharged directly into the cross-border river Złoty Potok, thanks to extension of infrastructure for sewage disposal in municipal and rural areas to the municipal sewage treatment plant in Prudnik.

The tasks already accomplished (Phare CBC 2000, 2002) have improved first of all a transport system in borderland creating conditions for economic growth in these areas. Moreover, an indirect effect of the aforementioned projects is creation of approx. 70 jobs in workshops located in zones affected by them.

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ISPA/Cohesion Fund

Instrument for Structural Policies for Pre-Accession (ISPA) is a programme created in order to assist ten candidate countries of Central and Eastern Europe in protection of the natural environment and transport in 2000–2006. A basic aim of the ISPA is to support candidate countries in social and economic cohesion through co-funding large investment projects in the environment and transport sectors. On the day Poland joined the European Union the ISPA ceased to operate and was replaced by the Cohesion Fund.

Within the ISPA/Cohesion Fund in the Opolskie Voivodeship three large investment projects are in progress. They are related to protection of the natural environment and in total they amount to PLN 607.1 million, including aid from the ISPA/Cohesion Fund – PLN 405.5 million:

ISPA 2000

- “Sewage treatment in Brzeg” submitted by the Brzeg Gmina. The total value of the project is PLN 115.5 million, including co-financing from the programme – PLN 68.6 million. The aim of the project is to protect drinking water for the towns of Brzeg, Wrocław and Oława, by providing villages with sewage systems in Brzeg, Oława, Olszanka, Lubsza, Skarbimierz and Lewin Brzeski gminas. The project affects directly more than 120 thousand inhabitants of the Opolskie and Dolnośląskie Voivodeships.

ISPA 2001

- “Improvement of water quality in Opole” submitted by the Office of the Town of Opole. The major objective of the project is to protect resources of the underground water reservoir GZWP 333 Opole – Zawadzkie which is situated in the Opolskie and Śląskie Voivodeships. The total value of the project is PLN 249.2 million, including co-financing from the programme – PLN 162.1 million. Seven gminas participate in the project: Chrząstowice, Dąbrowa, Komprachcice, Łubniany, Opole, Prószków and Tarnów Opolski, but the beneficiary is the Opole gmina.

ISPA 2003

- The approval was granted to the application “Water supply and sewage treatment in Kędzierzyn-Koźle” submitted by Kędzierzyn-Koźle Gmina. The project will provide a comprehensive solution to current problems in the systems of water supply and sewage treatment. The total value of the project is PLN 167.4 million, including co-financing from the programme – PLN 113.2 million. The material effect of the project will be the construction of 96 km of sanitary sewage system, 76 km of rain water drainage system and 17.5 km of water supply system.

In December 2005 the approval was given to the project „Sanitary Sewage Disposal from the Town of Nysa and villages in the Nysa Gmina” submitted by the Nysa Gmina. The project aims at construction of sewage systems in 22 solectwos and 4 districts of the town. In total 171 km of the sanitary sewage system and 38 intermediate pumping stations will be constructed. The total value of the project is PLN 75.0 million and co-financing from the cohesion fund amounts to PLN 61.6 million.

Owing to the complexity and procedural problems the implementation of the aforesaid projects is behind the schedule. However, at the present stage it is possible to anticipate their effects (not only material ones). The most significant effect will be considerable relief to the natural environment as the projects are carried out in the biggest population centres in the Opole region (Opole and Kędzierzyn-Koźle are two largest towns in the region). Protection of

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the underground water reservoir GZWP 333 which covers a significant part of the Opole region is of vital importance to further development of the region since it constitutes the major source of drinking water, while protection of waters of the second largest river in Poland – the Odra River, will improve not only ecological safety but also tourist attractiveness of the region.


SAPARD Operational Programme has been prepared at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for the benefit of development of agriculture and of rural areas. SAPARD was launched at the beginning of July 2002 and the deadline for contracting was September 2004. The programme covered the following measures:

− Measure 1. Improvement in processing and marketing of agricultural and fish products;

− Measure 2. Investments in farms;

− Measure 3. Development and improvement of rural areas infrastructure;

− Measure 4. Diversification of economic activity in rural areas.

Within the framework of SAPARD 430 contracts have been signed for which total value of co-financing was PLN 67.9 million.

As a result of the programme village inhabitants were activated and encouraged to improve, in spite of current problems, technical resources of their farms what has become a safeguard of competitiveness in the Single European Market. In addition, these measures allowed for encouraging and supporting people who want to stay in the countryside, however, they want to work out of agriculture. Poland has the highest percentage of people employed in agriculture in the whole European Union. Only if this situation changes, thanks to the funds allocated to business diversification, the structure of employment will be updated.

Tasks in the field of basic infrastructure in rural areas were effectively performed. As a result of the programme over 42 km of roads were modernised, over 154 km of the sanitary sewage system and 112 km of water supply system constructed. The programme covered about 6,500 households and enterprises.

The experiences gained from SAPARD are now reflected in active participation of rural inhabitants in tasks co-financed from the Sectoral Operational Programme “Restructuring and Modernisation of the Food Sector and Rural Development for 2004-2006”.

1.2.3 Foreign assistance – structural funds

Since 1 May, 2004 Poland has become a beneficiary of structural funds. The aid from structural funds in 2004-2006 can be obtained within the framework of six Operational Programmes and the Community Initiatives: EQUAL or INTERREG. The objective of structural funds is to support restructuring and modernisation of the EU countries economy. This is the way to increase the Community economic and social cohesion. The funds are directed to the economic sectors and regions which without financial assistance are not capable of achieving the average economic level in the EU. The structural policy and funds are to help governments and regional authorities of less developed regions in solving their most important economic problems.

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Integrated Regional Operational Programme 2004-2006

The Integrated Regional Operational Programme (IROP) aims at creating conditions for increased competitiveness of regions and at preventing marginalisation of some areas in a manner supporting economic development of Poland, its economic, social and territorial cohesion as well as integration with the European Union. The IROP sets out the objectives, directions and amounts of funds earmarked for pursuing the state regional policy to be used in 2004-2006, with the participation of two structural funds: the European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund. Almost 40% of finance from the Structural Funds earmarked for Poland for the period of 2004-2006 are allocated to the implementation of IROP.

Funds allocated to the Opolskie Voivodeship within the IROP 2004-2006 amount to more than EUR 76.7 million which is 2.78% from all the funds available for the entire state. On average, it is EUR 73 per 1 head in the region.

By the end of June 2006, within the IROP 2004-2006, in the Opolskie Voivodeship 998 applications for co-financing from the EU funding were filed and 297 have already been approved for implementation (some IROP measures are still under evaluation) with co-financing in the amount PLN 307.0 million. By the end of June 2006 260 contracts were signed for co-financing in the amount of PLN 250.4 million.

In terms of sums, the largest amounts of funds within the framework of the IROP in the Opolskie Voivodeship have been allocated to projects in road infrastructure. This sum constitutes approximately 31% of the total sum of co-financing for which the projects have been approved. Significant amounts have also been allocated to human resources development, among other things, to trainings and scholarships for pupils and students from the Opolskie Voivodeship.

It will be possible to assess all the effects of IROP 2004-2006 when it is completed in 2008 and evaluated by the Managing Authority. However, taking into account the fact that substantial majority of funds has already been contracted, it is possible to state that, apart from the effect which is involvement of potential beneficiaries in a process of obtaining external funding (good augury for the future programming period), the programme has brought about positive economic and social effects.

Sectoral Operational Programmes (SOP)

In 2004-2006 six operational programmes have been implemented:

− Sectoral Operational Programme “Increase in Competitiveness of Enterprises” (SOP ICE);

− Sectoral Operational Programme “Human Resources Development” (SOP HRD);

− Sectoral Operational Programme “Transport” (SOP T);

− Sectoral Operational Programme “Restructuring and Modernisation of the Food Sector and Rural Development” (SOP RURAL);

− Sectoral Operational Programme “Fisheries and Fish Processing”(SOP FISH);

− Operational Programme “Technical Assistance” (OP TA).

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The last programme mentioned above, i.e. OP TA is intended only for the Managing Authority and the Paying Authority as the units co-ordinating tasks carried out by other units involved in implementing structural funds.

By the end of June 2006 within the framework of the Sectoral Operational Programmes 1,541 projects were approved for implementation and total co-financing for them amounted to PLN 330.3 million (Tab. No. 1.17).

Tab. No. 1.17. Projects from the Opolskie Voivodeship approved for implementation within particular Sectoral Operational Programmes.

[in mn PLN]

Sectoral Operational Programme Number of projects granted Co-financing

SOP “Increase in Competitiveness of Enterprises”* 158 75.6

SOP “Human Resources Development” 70 50.0

SOP “Transport” 1 43,6

SOP “Restructuring and Modernisation of the Food Sector and Rural Development”

1,308 159,3

SOP “Fisheries and Fish Processing” 4 1,8

Total 1,541 330,3

*co-financing amount: ERDF + state budget Source: Own study.

The table above shows that the involvement of entities from the Opole region in accomplishing structural objectives in so many fields is really deep. It is possible to state that in particular activity of enterprises and rural inhabitants is intense which directly translates into improved competitiveness of companies from the Opole region as well as into mobilisation of farmers and diversifying their activities. Such a situation arises probably from the use of pre-accession programmes mentioned above which strengthened the conviction carried by many people and institutions that the accomplishment of the structural policy objectives brings about unquestionable positive effects at every level of social activities.

At the same time it should be mentioned that the Opole region is one of the leaders in Poland as regards fulfilling tasks from so called “Village Renovation” programme. These activities require establishing of so called Local Action Groups involved in affairs of inhabitants of a particular village and related to development. Community initiatives

Beneficiaries from the Opolskie Voivodeship have taken advantage of the following Community Initiatives which are an important element of the development policy co-ordinated by the European Commission:

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INTERREG IIIA Czech Republic - Poland

Community Initiative Interreg IIIA Czech Republic-Poland supports mainly measures taken to improve conditions and standard of living on the borderline through joint undertakings performed by communities and institutions from Poland and Czech Republic.

Within the framework of the Interreg IIIA Czech Republic-Poland initiative, by the end of June 2006 in total 96 projects for co-funding of PLN 19,8 million were accepted, including 63 projects within 2.2 measure – Support for local initiatives, Micro-Projects, which is implemented by Euroregions:

− Small Projects Fund in the Euroregion “Pradziad” – 54 projects were approved for implementation for the amount of co-financing from the ERDF of PLN 2.1 million;

− Micro-Projects Fund in the Euroregion “Silesia” – 9 projects were approved for implementation for the amount of co-financing from the ERDF of PLN 193.3 thousand.

Preliminary ex-ante evaluation of the programme implementation so far is positive. First, an important element is co-operation necessary for implementing projects within the Initiative. Opportunities offered by the programme allowed for or even encouraged close co-operation between the Czech and Polish partners. It is a very significant element with a view to using the funds from the Territorial Co-operation Programme for 2007-2013 which will require implementing of joint Polish-Czech projects. Apart from infrastructural projects aimed at joint objectives of co-operation related to road traffic safety as well as access to tourist and cultural attractions, a number of projects non-investment in nature are implemented which promote co-operation between local institutions and communities, e.g. co-operation between universities, co-operation whose aim is to promote tourist attractions on both sides of the border, joint cultural and economic events.

At the moment, due to the fact that in the majority of infrastructural projects their material implementation has just begun, it is not possible to estimate material effects of the tasks.


Community Initiative Interreg III C aids interregional co-operation with the European Union regions in exchanging of experiences, supporting and popularisation of the best practices. One of the projects carried out in the Opolskie Voivodeship is “PRAXIS. Making Rural Entrepreneurship work” where the Opolskie Voivodeship Self-Government is a partner. The aim of the project is to enhance a restructuring process of farms in the European regions with support for the development of new forms of economic activity in rural areas. PRAXIS enables partners to find “the best practice” thanks to the exchange of experiences of establishing effective partnerships whose objective is to promote and aid rural entrepreneurship. A leading partner in the project is the Essex County Council from the UK. There are 15 partners from different European regions taking part in the project. The project value is PLN 6.8 million, including PLN 379.2 thousand allocated to the Opolskie Voivodeship.


The EQUAL initiative aims at supporting measures to create more jobs and to ensure unrestricted access to them. As a result of the assessment of projects within EQUAL 2

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projects were approved for implementation in the Opolskie Voivodeship of total value of PLN 5.0 million:

- Project called ”Opolski e-rzemieślnik” (”Opole e-craftsman”) for the amount of co-financing of PLN 4.7 million carried out by the Opole Centre for Local Democracy, designed to adapt firms and employees to economic changes and the use of IT technologies.

- Project “Partnership for professionalisation of the 3rd sector” , whose value of co-financing is PLN 303.4 thousand, implemented in the Opolskie Voivodeship jointly by the Opole Centre for Local Democracy and Namysłowskie Stowarzyszenie Inicjatyw Gospodarczych (Association of Economic Initiatives in Namysłów), and aimed at non-governmental organisations operating in the Opolskie and Śląskie Voivodeships. The aim of the project is, among other things, to develop a model of joint activities of organisations, to prepare to promotion and implementation of initiatives based on co-operation between organisations and partners from two other sectors of economy, undertaken at the local level.

Taking into consideration negative phenomena in the labour market, the initiatives designed to support job creation, in particular intended for direct participants of economic changes, affect highly positively the regional labour market. The fact that the project has covered a large group of people (over 100) from the whole voivodeship as well as implementation of innovative solutions (in ICT) indicate that actions undertaken are consistent and comprehensive, and at the same time they follow the regional development policy.

1.2.4 Rural Development Programme - (RDP)

The Rural Development Programme (RDP) was financed from the loan from the World Bank, on the basis of loan agreement between the Republic of Poland and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development concluded in 2000. The RDP included three components:

− COMPONENT A - Micro-credits (establishing micro-enterprises);

− COMPONENT B – Mobilisation of human resources;

� Subcomponent B1 – Labour force retraining;

� Subcomponent B2 - Education;

− COMPONENT C – Rural infrastructure. The Opolskie Voivodeship received funds for Component C and Subcomponent B2.

The major aims of the programme include raising the employment outside agriculture in rural areas and as a consequence limiting the number of unemployed people. The Rural Development Programme was implemented in 2000-2005, 110 projects were completed for the total amount of co-financing of PLN 16 million, including PLN 5.5 million from the RDP. RDP COMPONENT C – Rural infrastructure

Funding was allocated to 15 projects related to road infrastructure (modernisation and construction of gmina and poviat roads, bridges, streets, bicycle paths) as well as to sewage

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and water supply infrastructure of total value of PLN 8.2 million, including PLN 2.5 million from the RDP.

Tasks from the RDP COMPONENT C were completed in 2004. The programme resulted in the construction of 21.8 km of the sewage system, 5.1 km of the water supply system and 5.3 km of roads and two bridges. RDP SUBCOMPONENT B 2 - Education

Funds allocated to the Opolskie Voivodeship within the framework of this subcomponent were used, among other things, to refurbishment of village schools, in particular preschool facilities for six-year-old children, including purchasing the equipment for them, as well as to consolidation of school networks (redecoration and equipping of common rooms, etc). In addition the training programme “Building institutional potential of local and regional administration” designed for self-government workers was carried out. By the end of March 2005 when implementation of the subcomponent B2 finished, gminas had accomplished 143 tasks connected with 95 schools in rural areas whose total value was PLN 7.8 million, including more than PLN 3.0 million of co-financing.

The programme resulted in renovation of 76 schools, refurbishment of 16 common rooms, supply of equipment to 27 preschool units for six-year-old children as well as provision of furniture, equipment and teaching aids to 24 common rooms.

RDP covered also areas which needed the aid most, i.e. rural areas where, although the situation had been improving, significant intraregional differences existed.

1.2.5. Summary

The chapter describes particular programmes and the descriptions are accompanied by brief assessment of their effects. Due to the fact that a number of projects within the framework of structural and even pre-accession funds are still in progress (subsequent editions of Phare SEC, PHARE CBC, ISPA), it is not possible to finally sum up their effects. Although at present stage no detailed data about material effects and direct results of the projects already completed or the projects still in progress are available, it is possible to try to summarise in general a process of obtaining external funding (in particular EU structural funds) by entities from the Opolskie Voivodeship.

However, the effects produced as a result of 4,000 tasks aimed at the aid for SMEs, human resources and infrastructure at the regional and local levels clearly indicate that the funds allocated to the development of the region can be evaluated positively not only as regards the full use of them, although it is an important but secondary issue.

The most significant effects of the measures taken include the observable influence on a better quality of life of inhabitants and first of all direct and indirect support for business activity run in the region. It can be said that an aspect of economic growth was emphasised in most programmes and social measures (aimed at e.g. health care or cultural and educational activities) were designed to improve standard of living and growth of the region’s population necessary for greater mobilisation of the inhabitants in the labour market. Investment processes were efficiently completed by activities aimed at development of human resources (among other things, mobilisation programmes for the unemployed and people at risk of unemployment), building enterprising attitudes (funds to encourage starting business) or finally direct support for enterprises which, as a result, will become competitive and open to market changes.

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Total co-funding for the Opolskie Voivodeship within programmes implemented in

1999-2006 was PLN 1,830.2 million, which means the assistance in the amount of PLN 1,747 per 1 inhabitant of the region.

Tab. No. 1.18. Summary of programmes implemented in 1999-2006. [in mn PLN]



Contract for the Opolskie Voivodeship 2001-2003, 2004, 2005-2006

273 87.4

Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management 1999-2005

908 395.7

Fund for Development of Physical Culture – Programme for Development of Sports facilities 1999-2006

94 70.9

100 million Programme – Development and improvement of technical infrastructure in rural areas 1999-2000

32 5.1

Regional Agricultural Land Protection Fund 2000-2006 203 34.5



PHARE 2000-2003 13 95.6 ISPA 2000-2005/ Cohesion Fund 4 405.5SAPARD 2002-2004 430 67.9TOTAL PRE-ACCESSION FUNDS 447 569.0


Integrated Regional Operational Programme 2004-2006 297 307.0Sectoral Operational Programmes 2004-2006 1,541 330.3Community Initiatives 2004-2006: Interreg III A Czech Republic-Poland, Equal

98 24.8



Rural Development Programme 2000-2005 110 5.5

TOTAL 4,003 1830.2

on 30 June, 2006.(data about the Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management cover 1999-2005) Source: Own study.

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The aid from national and foreign programmes62 related, among other things, to the following fields: − roads, − water, sewage system, waste, − human resources, − health, welfare, − education, − culture, tourism, sport, − entrepreneurship, innovations, − information society.

Fig. 1.29 Number of projects implemented in 1999 – 2006 with division into areas.



208 210





∑= 1,255 projects ∑= PLN 1,180 mn Source: Own study. Source: Own study.

As regards the number of projects granted, the greatest number was approved in: entrepreneurship, innovations, roads and education. As regards the sums concerned, the greatest sums were allocated to: water, sewage systems, waste and roads. The breakdown above shows that there are considerable and difficult to fully satisfy needs in technical infrastructure, in particular in sewage disposal and treatment, waste management, construction of roads. Hence, it is necessary to further co-finance these fields. As regards the number of projects implemented, it is noticeable that the funds required are the ones directly related to 62 Breakdown covers the following programmes: ISPA/ Cohesion Fund 2000-2005, PHARE 2000-2003, Fund for Development of Physical Culture – Programme for Development of Sports Facilities 1999-2006, 100 million Programme 1999-2004, Regional Agricultural Land Protection Fund 2000-2006, Rural Development Programme 2000-2005, Contract for the Opolskie Voivodeship 2001-2003, 2004, 2005-2006, IROP 2004-2006, Sectoral Operational Programme Increase in Competitiveness of Enterprises 2004-2006, Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2004-2006, SOP T 2004-2006.

Fig. 1.30 Amount of co-financing for projects implemented in 1999 – 2006 with division into areas

76,4 37,0


131,0 130,4 11,5




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the development of entrepreneurship which have the greatest effect on the enhancement of competitiveness of the Opole region economy.

Taking into consideration the scale and range of tasks (in particular investment ones) performed within the framework of programmes available so far, it is possible to state that external funds constitute and will constitute a powerful and indispensable – having in mind the scale of socio-economic problems – stimulus to the social and economic growth of the Opole region. The interest of the entities from the region was generally greater than the funds available which is evident from the data about the number and value of projects submitted within by and large all the programmes. The experience of implementing structural funds for 2000-2006 will allow for establishing efficient – and what is the most important, friendly for beneficiaries and staff of these institutions – standards, rules and procedures applicable in the next programming period, i.e. 2007-2013.

Moreover, it should be highlighted that large projects have had a significant impact and a role of co-operation between different entities in implementation of projects has been increasing. A fine example of such co-operation in the phase of preparing and completing an investment is a regional project in the field of information society (e-Office for the Opole region inhabitant) which is carried out within the framework of the IROP on the basis of the partnership between over 50 self-governments from the Opolskie Voivodeship. Other examples of such co-operation are projects in environmental protection carried out by special associations of self-governmental units (in particular within ISPA). Experiences so far show that such projects of at least supralocal importance or integrating many entities should become a major objective of the European Regional Fund intervention within the ROP OV 2007-2013. Such trends are noticeable first of all in the measures related to transport, environmental protection, culture or information society.

It is also worth mentioning that beneficiaries from the Opole region are genuinely interested in obtaining funds for the development of entrepreneurship and the R&D sector, both at the national and regional levels. It seems that a more and more innovative approach to running business activity should be particularly supported as such entities will determine potential and market competitiveness of our economy.

The priority axes indicated in ROP OV 2007-2013 to a significant extent directly or indirectly aid the development of enterprise attitudes, in particular with investment subsidies for enterprises, business support organisations and assistance for research and development. Large amounts of money should be allocated to development of the information society as disproportions within the EU in this respect may lead to further marginalisation of „new” member states. Other fields which should receive special attention in 2007-2013 include the development of transport and the improvement of the natural environment as these elements determine a level of the region’s attractiveness, in particular as a place for investing and working. Moreover, on the basis of present experiences it is noticeable that consistent activities aimed at revitalisation of degraded areas need support. In the next programming period the assistance should be given to these elements of regional infrastructure of health care and culture which will directly affect a quality of life of the inhabitants and the possibility of using well-developed and modern education.

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1.3 SWOT analysis

The SWOT analysis, in a condensed and clear manner, presents results of the diagnosis of the socio-economic situation as well as of the analysis and evaluation of the use of the state aid and foreign assistance in 1999-2006. It constitutes a specific summary of information and conclusions contained in the chapters above, indicating the most significant problems and trump cards of the region. This is a breakdown of strengths and weaknesses which determine development potential of the region as well as opportunities and threats to further development of the Opolskie Voivodeship.

The SWOT analysis was prepared with the use of the expert method and based on the similar document drawn up for the purposes of the Opolskie Voivodeship Development Strategy updated in 2005. In the course of works it was completed with current information and results of the survey of the region’s experiences in using available aid programmes. The strategic balance of the region is based on assumptions arising from a critical evaluation of the initial situation of the region, on the other hand it is a starting point for specifying a mission, a vision and objectives of the region’s development.

The classification of factors in four problem groups has allowed for identifying key issues which determine the strategy and directions of the Opole region development in the future. The problem groups in the strategic balance include:

I. Conditions of macroeconomic situation and innovativeness,

II. Human resources and social issues,

III. Infrastructure, spatial and environmental aspects,

IV. Development of rural areas, agriculture.

The factors have been selected so as to outline the situation of the region to a largest extent as well as to indicate problems and areas which may be supported by the Programme and to ensure that subsidiary and complementarity principles are applied in particular objectives and areas. The analysis, however, is more comprehensive and includes also the issues which will not be directly addressed by the Programme, but it was necessary to indicate them in order to form a complete picture of the region and the background to the body of the programme.

Strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats were identified first of all on the basis of the analysis of phenomena in time (phenomena taking place now, predicted in future and references to phenomena which may occur) as well as in external and internal aspects (conditions dependent on the region and those arising from general economic phenomena). Strengths and weaknesses refer to the internal and current situation of the region. Opportunities and threats cover internal and external conditions in which the voivodeship operates and relate to future phenomena.

Development factors in each problem group have been hierarchised so as to make it clear and easy to understand which issues are of key importance to the implementation of the Opolskie Voivodeship Development Strategy and which directions for development are the most significant.

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I. Conditions of macroeconomic situation and innovativeness:


1. diversified structure of industry; 2. highly competitive plants from food

industry and cement and lime sector; 3. modern and developed furniture and

woodworking industries based on long tradition;

4. high innovativeness of medium-sized and large enterprises;

5. Poland’s highest provision of technical equipment in the workplace (gross value of fixed assets per capita);

6. high level of disposable income and consumption per person in comparison to the national average;

7. advanced restructuring processes of large enterprises;

8. increased interest in the use of assistance funds, including structural funds.

1. relatively low pace of economic growth in comparison with Poland;

2. very low level of expenditure on research and development (R&D);

3. low potential of the high-tech sector; 4. underdeveloped business support

organisations to aid economic growth; 5. shortage of significant investments; 6. low level of entrepreneurship; 7. underdeveloped sector of services; 8. the lowest in Poland employment level in

relation to a group of active people; 9. high unemployment rate; 10. insufficiently developed metropolitan

functions of the Opole conurbation; 11. developmental disproportions between

particular parts of the region; 12. low competitiveness of the scientific and

research offer, 13. low integration and shortage of forms of

co-operation (partnerships) at the sub-regional level;

14. funds used to a small extent by economic entities.


1. transfers of: income, knowledge and technologies from the job-related migration;

2. increase in significance of the SME sector;

3. development of information society; 4. increase in the importance of tourism; 5. potential of food, construction materials,

chemicals, power, metal products, engineering and electrical engineering sectors;

6. potential development of the Opole conurbation;

7. increasing competitiveness of the Polish economy;

8. re-emigration.

1. competitive position of the neighbouring voivodeships in attracting investments;

2. little interest in the region among external investors;

3. underinvested R&D; 4. steady trend for declining employment in

R&D; 5. continuous high unemployment level.

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II. Human resources and social issues:


1. strong sense of regional identity and traditions of frugality;

2. developing higher education; 3. people’s territorial mobility; 4. multiculturalism and diversity of

experience; 5. high level of activity of local cultural

environments; 6. well-developed international co-operation

of self-governments; 7. high level of public safety; 8. experience, skills and qualifications gained

in foreign labour markets.

1. continuous considerable exodus of population to other countries;

2. shortage of staff and specialists significant for development of the region in sectors;

3. no attractive and competitive tourist products;

4. the lowest in Poland scholarisation rate; 5. disproportions in living conditions in the

population; 6. unsatisfactory level of social

infrastructure; 7. insufficient infrastructure for the

development of continuous learning; 8. bad state of monuments and limited

access to them; 9. negative effect of labour migration on

family ties and local communities.


1. growing educational aspirations of the voivodeship’s inhabitants;

2. development and increase in significance of educational, health, cultural, sports and recreational services;

3. improving quality of life of population; 4. development of civil society; 5. co-operation and contacts with other

countries and the possibility of using European experiences.

1. further intensification of job-related migration and its transformation into permanent migration;

2. exodus of highly qualified staff from the region;

3. continuing low level of education among inhabitants;

4. decreasing population of the region; 5. intensification of the phenomenon of

social exclusion.

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III. Infrastructure, spatial and environmental aspects:


1. location in the Third Pan-European Corridor and conditions for establishing logistic centres;

2. dense network of road and railway connections;

3. inanimate nature site “Trias” in Krasiejów, unique on a European scale;

4. rich mineral deposits, underground waters; 5. settlement system evenly developed in the

region; 6. network of educational establishments

adequate to the needs.

1. insufficient transport system between developmental areas and the A4 motorway;

2. insufficient number of ring-roads around towns and villages on transit roads;

3. no local airport; 4. poorly developed telecommunications

and IT infrastructure which limits the access to broadband Internet;

5. insufficient infrastructure for tourist purposes;

6. low level of utilisation of renewable energy sources;

7. continuous pollution of surface waters and deteriorating quality of underground waters;

8. insufficient flood protection; 9. lack of common and fully operating

system for utilising municipal waste; 10. bothersome low emission; 11. degraded areas which need major

revitalisation activities.


1. utilisation of the potential of the A-4 motorway infrastructure;

2. opening a regional civil airport; 3. complete implementation of the

“Programme for Odra 2006” and utilisation of developmental potential of the Odra River basin;

4. border with Czech Republic.

1. location of investments and place of residence outside the Opole region;

2. inadequate preparation of land for investment purposes;

3. delays in completion of investments important for the regional development whose significance is supraregional (e.g. construction of the water reservoir “Racibórz”);

4. further decapitalisation of transport infrastructure;

5. growing decapitalisation of flats, in particular in degraded areas.

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IV. Development of rural areas:


1. high percentage of modern farms with a big production potential;

2. high standard of public space and housing resources;

3. large resources of biomass; 4. high degree of social self-organisation at

the local level, numerous leaders and the operation of the programme, groups and associations devoted to rural renovation;

5. experience arising from performing tasks in so called “Village Renovation”;

6. biodiversity as well as attractive and locally diversified natural, cultural and landscape resources, favourable to business development of tourism, recreation and sightseeing.

1. poorly developed services, crafts and production in areas of predominantly agricultural significance;

2. no land development plans in the majority of rural gminas;

3. insufficient access to recreational, leisure and cultural infrastructure;

4. unevenly distributed technical infrastructure;

5. numerous abandoned houses/farms with unspecified ownership status as well as numerous uninhabited homes and devastated outbuildings.


1. increased attractiveness of rural areas for living, spending leisure time and recreation;

2. use of biomass as a potential source of renewable energy;

3. increased demand for agricultural and food products in neighbouring regions;

4. increased demand for regional products, craft and food produced using environment-friendly methods;

5. popularisation of the LEADER approach as well as rural renovation programmes and an increase in the extent to which those activities are financed with structural funds.

1. high competitive position of the neighbouring voivodeships in agricultural and food processing;

2. poor progress in development of agricultural and food processing;

3. spatial disproportions in development of entrepreneurship.

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The chapter presents justification for Priority axes selected for implementation within the framework of ROP OV 2007-2013 and their relations to regional, national and Community strategic documents indicating directions of policies and activities in 2007-201363.

Coordination of and the fulfilment of the objectives of the EU cohesion policy at the Community, national and regional levels is co-ordinated with regard for the principle which requires making decisions on the basis on strategic documents prepared at these three levels (Fig. 2.1). At the Community level general guidelines for implementing the EU cohesion policy in 2007-2013 were prepared set out in the Cohesion Policy in support of Growth and Jobs - Community Strategic Guidelines 2007-201364.

The Community guidelines at the national level are laid down in the National Strategic Reference Framework 2007-2013 (NSRF 2007-2013)65 which as a strategic document gives guidelines for the national development strategy and provides a framework for developing national and regional operational programmes. Operational programmes prepared on the basis of the NSRF 2007-2013 indicate priority areas to be supported in 2007-2013 which will allow for accomplishing the objectives set out in strategic documents applicable to this programming period.

At the regional level the operational programme developed also has to be consistent with the development policy directions given in the basic document for planning development of the voivodeship which is the regional development strategy.

To rationalise the management of cohesion policy, interventions within structural funds aim at taking measures with the use of only single fund allocated to a particular programme. Hence, ROP OV for 2007-2013 as regards European funding will be co-funded only from the European Regional Development Fund66.

63 Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 (Official Journal 210 of 31.7.2006, p. 25), art. 37 and Regulation (EC) No. 1080/2006 (Official Journal 210 of 31.7.2006, p.1), art. 12 64 Official Journal 291 of 21.10.2006 65 Document accepted by the Council of Ministers on 29 November 2006 66 Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 (Official Journal 210 of 31.7.2006, p. 25)

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Fig. 2.1 Relations between documents at the EU, national and regional levels

Source: Own study.

2.1 Opolskie Voivodeship Development Strategy

The Opolskie Voivodeship is diverse with respect to numerous physical and geographical as well as social and economic properties. It is characterised by a range of values which create good development prospects. Its favourable geographical location (neighbourhood with the Czech Republic, proximity of such centres as Prague or Berlin), urban agglomeration of medium size, convenient transport system (motorway A4 being a part of the Pan-European Transport Corridor from France to Ukraine), functional diversification of the region, development potential of the Odra Basin, or the developing system of higher education – these are just a few of essential assets of the region which must be used in the process of increasing its competitiveness and the pace of economic growth.

A serious impediment to reduction of unemployment and stimulation of economic growth of the Opolskie voivodeship is insufficient support for the development of human resources and economic potential of the region. With respect to its total area, the Opole voivodeship is the smallest region in Poland, and one of the smallest as to population potential. As against the entire country, it stands out due to its highly negative balance of migration caused primarily by labour emigration, mainly to Germany, as well as a negative birth-rate which, according to the demographic forecast for the upcoming thirty years, will be continuing. The poor and decreasing demographic potential of the Opole voivodeship makes a major barrier to its development. Furthermore, the Opole voivodeship, being a region of so-called social and cultural borderland, belongs to areas characterised by high diversification of population. Its multicultural character and diversification of human capital take on a particular dimension in activation of its economic ties with the European Community. Typical of the region family ties of its inhabitants with Germany contribute primarily to maintain family ties and contacts, develop institutional and partnership-based co-operation between gminas, poviats and the voivodeship. The positive aspect of labour migration is seen in adopting European patterns, better work organisation and import of new technologies. However, continuing and strengthening migration tendencies, including labour migration, pose a threat








CSG: Community Strategic Guidelines 2007-2013 NSRF: National Strategic Reference Framework 2007-2013 ROP OV: Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013 OVDS: Opolskie Voivodeship Development Strategy

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to the regional labour market since they result in outflow of qualified human resources, depopulation of villages and gminas and, simultaneously, cause abnormalities in the functioning of families and weaken family ties. This, in turn, leads to an increase in the number of incomplete families and a decrease in the region’s birth-rate. Unfavourable influence of migration is also seen in deepening disproportions in social and economic development and broadly understood living conditions of people of various origins. The differences brought about in territorial, social and economic systems constitute a considerable barrier to development within the region.

Directions of the regional policy delineated in The Opolskie Voivodeship Development Strategy 67 allow for the above described specificity of the region, its conditions for development and a changing social and economic situation, both at home and in the European Union. The top priority for the Opole region include enhancing competitiveness of the voivodeship and making a level of the social and economic growth equal throughout the region. The diagnosis and strategic balance of the Opolskie Voivodeship provided a basis for the Strategy to specify a vision, a mission of the region development and to set strategic objectives and priorities:



STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES of the “Opolskie Voivodeship Development Strategy”:

I. Innovative region with a well-educated and active population

II. Providing favourable living conditions in the region

III. Extension and modernisation of the regional infrastructure

IV. Economic stimulation of the region in accordance with the principle of sustainable development

V. Development of metropolitan functions of the Opole conurbation

VI. Multi-purpose, diversified rural areas attractive for investing and living

VII. Development of multicultural identity and international and national regional co-operation

67 adopted by resolution of the Sejmik of the Opolskie Voivodeship (Sejmik - voivodeship assembly) No. XXXIX/350/2005 of 11 October, 2005 on adoption of the updated Opolskie Voivodeship Development Strategy

A multicultural region, open to the world, friendly to its residents, with a competitive economy, participating in international co-operation and having a well-educated and active population.

To take and support measures which will ensure dynamic and sustainable development, competitiveness, socio-economic and territorial cohesion of the region, while preserving the identity, specific nature of the cultural heritage and natural assets of Opole Silesia.

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PRIORITIES of the “Opolskie Voivodeship Development Strategy”:

I. To enhance competitiveness of the Opole Voivodeship

II. To make a level of the social and economic development equal throughout the region

One of the tools of pursuing the directions delineated in the Opolskie Voivodeship Development Strategy is the Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013. It is assumed that the Programme will include these objectives set in the Strategy which, based on the diagnosis and analysis of the situation, were found to be the most important for achieving in 2007-2013 and, simultaneously, which may be supported from the funds from the European Regional Development Fund in areas defined in the Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 and Regulation (EC) of the European Parliament and of the Council No. 1080/2006.

2.2 Programme assumptions of ROP OV 2007-2013

2.2.1 General objective and strategic objectives of ROP OV 2007-2013

Within the Convergence objective the European Regional Development Fund concentrates its aid on the support for sustainable, integrated economic growth and employment at the regional and local levels through mobilisation and strengthening of endogenic capabilities within the framework of operational programmes whose aim is to modernise and diversify economic structures as well as to create and protect permanent workplaces.68

Having in mind the ERDF objective above as well as socio-economic conditions of the Opolskie Voivodeship, the following general objective of ROP OV 2007-2013 was formulated:


In order to attain the general objective 7 strategic objectives were defined which are to

stimulate the economic potential, improve attractiveness and competitiveness of the Opolskie Voivodeship as well as to raise employment:

68 Regulation (EC) No. 1080/2006 (Official Journal 210 of 31.7.2006, p.1), art. 4

To enhance competitiveness and ensure social, economic and spatial cohesion to strengthen attractiveness of the Opolskie Voivodeship

as a place for investing, working and living.

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C1. Strengthening the region’s economy through development of entrepreneurship, innovativeness, R&D sector as well as tourist and recreational infrastructure to the benefit of socio-economic growth.

C2. Creating technical conditions for common use of ICTs and their popularisation to build the information society in the Opolskie Voivodeship.

C3. Enhancement of prospects for development of the region and mobility of its population through development of transport infrastructure.

C4. Improvement of the natural environment and environmental protection as well as ensuring safe flood prevention.

C5. Strengthening the role of education, increasing significance of culture to enhance attractiveness of the region and raising the level of health safety to ensure efficiency of the regional human resources.

C6. Preventing social, economic and spatial marginalisation of selected degraded areas and intended for revitalisation.

C7. Ensuring effective and efficient systems of management, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and control of ROP OV 2007-2013 and full absorption of structural funds allocated in 2007-2013.

2.2.2 Justification of selection of objectives and Priority axes in ROP OV 2007-2013

The general objective of ROP OV 2007-2013 results immediately from the vision and mission of the voivodeship specified in the Opolskie Voivodeship Development Strategy, and it also indirectly refers to arrangements of the renewed development strategies of the European Union (Lisbon and Göteborg). The strategic objectives of the Programme were formulated directly based on the SWOT balance by applying a method of strengthening assets and eliminating weaknesses with simultaneous seizing opportunities for development and avoiding possible threats generated by the surroundings of the region. Specification of areas for support in ROP OV 2007-2013 formulated in the aforementioned objectives was determined, apart from the scope of intervention of the European Regional Development Fund, also by conclusion drawn from the diagnosis of the current condition of the Opolskie Voivodeship. Based on the analysis, it was possible to define the key socio-economic problems and main challenges to be faced by the Opolskie voivodeship. Impact of interventions of the structural funds in the period of 2004-2006 and other programmes as well as indication of development disproportions seen across the region defined in the diagnosis enabled a strategic approach to these areas of development of the voivodeship which should be implemented within ROP OV 2007-1013 so as to ensure concentration of funds from ERDF on socio-economic aspects adequately to the needs of the Opole region. It should be stressed that on the regional scale, all structural funds will exert a considerable influence on the broadly understood regional development. It is the ambition of the region to achieve in 2015, including, but not limited to the application of structural funds in the years 2007-2013, GDP level per capita in excess of 50% of the Community’s average.

The general objective includes both a reference to competitiveness of the region’s economy and guarantee of its social, economic and spatial cohesion. As a result, the strategic objectives connected with the general one, as well as objectives of individual Priority axes remain to be interrelated.

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Achievement of the objectives of ROP OV 2007-2013 will also correspond to directions set in horizontal policies of the European Union and these topics will be treated as cross-section issues within the entire Programme. Balancing structural transformations (narrowing gaps and disproportions in economy) is favourable for development of structures ensuring higher effectiveness of management, and thus, prospective improvement in broadly understood quality of living69. Permanence of regional capitals (natural, social, economic) and balancing the dimensions of development (ecological, economic and social) will constitute main determinants of contribution of ROP OV 2007-2013 to global, sustainable and permanent development. The strategic objectives of ROP OV 2007-2013 becoming simultaneously a part of different development dimensions, is consistent with directions of the policy specified in the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Enlarged EU, and their achievement will concurrently remain in synergy with the renewed Lisbon Strategy. The manner in which the sustainable development principle is implemented by the Managing Authority of ROP OV 2007-2013 was detailed in subchapter and the principle will be applied in all relevant Priority Axes of the Programme in the horizontal approach.. An effective approach to solving key global problems determined in the amended Göteborg Strategy, including climate changes and pure energy will be of essential significance in implementation of the Programme. The problem of global climate change implies a necessity for new solutions which will be reflected in ROP OV 2007-2013, among others in areas concerning energy (renewable sources, energy efficiency), transport (balanced transport with respect to public means of transport).

The necessity to equalise historically generated disproportions, discriminating regional and local communities, brings about the necessity to support initiatives and measures accelerating the development of rural, border and peripheral areas. Elimination of, among others, gaps in infrastructure or transport will enable acceleration of development in conformity with the European parameters and will ensure participation in civilisation processes for all inhabitants of the region. According to the programmed allocation of funds from ERDF within the framework of ROP OV 2007-2013, a large portion of funds of the Programme is earmarked for rural areas. This results mainly from the region’s specificity, i.e. more than 90% of the voivodeship’s territory represents this type of areas. The scope of support allocated within the framework of ROP OV 2007-2013 will remain in conformity with the scope of intervention from ERDF and projects concerning rural areas are foreseen to be implemented under all Programme’s Priority axes. Measures undertaken for the benefit of rural areas will be complementary to undertakings conducted under other initiatives and operational programmes for the years of 2007-2013, in particular with the Rural Development Programme for 2007-2013. The achievement of objectives specified in ROP OV 2007-2013 is meant to effect impact on development of the entire Opolskie voivodeship and to ensure its spatial, social and economic cohesion hence no areas of the Opolskie Voivodeship will be discriminated.

System-based measures for achieving the general objective and strategic objectives of ROP OV 2007-2013 were specified in 7 corresponding priority axes of the Programme (Fig. 2.2) which means that objectives of Priority axes are equivalent to the strategic objectives of the Programme.

69 Communication of the European Commission to the Council and European Parliament on review of the Sustainable Development Strategy. A platform for Action., COM (2005) 658 final of 13.12.2005.

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Fig. 2.2 Consistency between strategic objectives and priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013.

Source: Own study.

GENERAL OBJECTIVE To enhance competitiveness and ensure social, economic and spatial cohesion to strengthen attractiveness of the Opolskie Voivodeship as a place for investing, working and living.

C1. Strengthening the region’s economy through development of entrepreneurship, innovativeness, R&D sector as well as tourist and recreational infrastructure to the benefit of socio-economic growth

C3. Enhancement of prospects for development of the region and mobility of its population through development of transport infrastructure

C2. Creating technical conditions for common use of ICTs and their popularisation to build the information society in the Opolskie Voivodeship

C4. Improvement of the natural environment and environmental protection as well as ensuring safe flood prevention

C5. Strengthening the role of education, increasing significance of culture to enhance attractiveness of the region and raising a level of health safety to ensure efficiency of the regional human resources

C6. Preventing social, economic and spatial marginalisation of selected degraded areas and intended for revitalisation

PRIORITY AXIS 1 Strengthening economic attractiveness of the region

PRIORITY AXIS 2 Information society


PRIORITY AXIS 4 Environmental protection

PRIORITY AXIS 5 Social infrastructure and higher education

PRIORITY AXIS 6 Mobilisation of municipal and degraded areas

C7. Ensuring effective and efficient systems of management, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and control of ROP OV 2007-2013 and full absorption of structural funds allocated in 2007-2013

PRIORITY AXIS 7 Technical assistance

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Priority axes identified in the Programme refer directly to this sphere of social and economic issues which will have the most effective influence on enhancement of competitiveness and attractiveness of the region. Therefore, support for the areas pointed out in ROP OV 2007-2013 will result in achievement of these Programme’s objectives which aim at ensuring environmental and spatial cohesion and improving quality of living for the region’s inhabitants.

The Opolskie Voivodeship is characterised by relatively slow economic growth and a small number of significant investments which could be a driving force for economic growth, therefore it is necessary to strengthen the region’s economy through development of entrepreneurship, innovativeness, R&D sector as well as tourist and recreational infrastructure. At the moment weak business support organisations as well as a small number of active and powerful institutions to support economic growth, in particular those operating on the basis of innovative solutions, constitute a barrier to development of entrepreneurship. Low dynamics of economic growth in the Opolskie Voivodeship arises from the underdeveloped, weak service sector, in particular tourism, commerce and modern production which create a high added value. As a result in the Opolskie Voivodeship there is a shortage of significant investments. A problem in the Opolskie Voivodeship is also development of innovative economy. Among conditions of macroeconomic situation and innovativeness the most significant weaknesses of the Opolskie Voivodeship there are: very low expenditure on research and development, weak centres of innovation, insufficiently utilised tourist potential of the region. The unsatisfactory situation of the Opolskie Voivodeship in the aforesaid fields will be eliminated through Priority Axis 1 Strengthening economic attractiveness of the region. Undertakings conducted within the Axis will aim at increasing the competitiveness of enterprises in the field of production, services, technology and organisation. A range of actions will be carried out for the benefit of, among others, development of innovativeness of enterprises in the SME sector, investments in modern technologies, strengthening the R&D sector as the crucial factors in economic development. Intervention of the axis will also concern investment support of institutions and regional structures which will aid initiating business activity and its development. Development of and providing additional capital for credit and loan guarantees, and other public financial institutions offering repayable financial instruments will be supported for reinforcement of conducted actions. Within the Axis such actions will be carried out which relate to areas of tourism, recreation and sports and they aim at increasing the standard of infrastructure and quality of offered services. Such actions will contribute to economic growth in the region and to enhancement of its attractiveness for the inhabitants and potential tourists and investors. The scope of the Axis entirely follows guidelines of the renewed Lisbon Strategy. oncurrently, undertakings carried out within the framework of the axis will correspond with objectives and topic areas of the Opolskie Voivodeship Regional Innovative Strategy of the for 2004-201370. Additionally, within the Axis there will be applied a principle stipulating that the maximum direct support limit for large companies will be 10% of allocation under the Programme.

A weakness of the Opolskie Voivodeship is insufficient use of ICTs, including poor telecommunications and IT infrastructure which restricts access to modern information and communications technologies. In the face of challenges posed by the renewed Lisbon Strategy and taking into account the EU strategy for sustainable development adopted at the Göteborg summit by the European Council, a priority for the Opolskie Voivodeship and an opportunity

70 Document adopted by Resolution No. XII/196/2004 of the Sejmik of the Opolskie Voivodeship (Sejmik - voivodeship assembly) of 29 June 2004 on adoption of the Opolskie Voivodeship Regional Innovative Strategy for 2004-2013

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for its development is to create technical conditions for common use of ICTs and their popularisation to build the information society in the region. Due to the fact that investments in ICTs constitute one of the most important factors of growth and productivity as well as a fundamental element of increasing competitiveness and development of the region, common use of ICTs will be promoted and at the same time the support will be provided to measures aimed at ensuring and increasing availability of these technologies. Actions taken in this field are to contribute to eliminating social differences, narrowing a digital gap and supporting territorial and social cohesion. Development of the information society through development of e-services information modules to enhance competitiveness of the voivodeship and establishing proper infrastructural facilities for ICTs will take place within Priority Axis 2 Information Society.

The SWOT analysis shows that it is also necessary to make technical infrastructure more dynamic and to take advantage of a convenient location of the region and its demographic and social potential to a greater extent. A good competitive position of the neighbouring voivodeships as regards attractiveness combined with an unsatisfactory interest in the Opolskie Voivodeship by external investors sets up a serious barrier to development of the region. Such a situation arises, among other things, from a low quality of transport infrastructure in the Opolskie Voivodeship where, in spite of a high level of industrialisation, a well-developed transport network, civilisation gaps are not narrowed to a satisfactory extent and economic weaknesses are not eliminated. Hence, a special attention will be paid to improving accessibility of the areas important to development of the Opolskie Voivodeship (mainly areas for investments, municipal centres) to the A-4 motorway. For these reasons a strategic objective for the Opolskie Voivodeship is to enhance prospects for development of the region and mobility of its population through development of transport infrastructure . This objective also includes undertaking actions to eliminate barriers to free transfer between rural and urban areas and it will be fulfilled through implementing Priority Axis 3 Transport. The activities carried out within this Priority Axe will be aimed at increasing transport accessibility of the region, improving safety and increasing mobility of the region’s residents with the application of environmentally-friendly solutions. Undertakings to be carried out will include construction of road infrastructure of regional and local importance, development of public transport system i.e. urban and railway transport. Moreover, as regards airport infrastructure it is planned to open local airport based on the already existing post-military airport in Kamień Śląski. The investment under the Programme is subject to a prior independent analysis that will clearly confirm the economic viability of the project, including its financial stability in the operation period. At the same time, the investment will have to be verified and assessed at the national level, going beyond the regional level, in terms of the planed transport infrastructure development in compliance with the Polish and EU regulations in force.

Improvement of the natural environment and environmental protection as well as ensuring safe flood prevention are to contribute to enhancement of the Opolskie Voivodeship competitiveness and achievement of synergy between environmental protection and economic growth in the region. Modern, up to European standards technical infrastructure is one of vital elements of the region’s competitiveness which determines further possibilities of its socio-economic growth. The utilities available translate directly also into a standard of living as well as a value of regional economy and investment potential of the Opolskie Voivodeship. The tasks to be funded within Priority Axis 4 Environmental protection will be aimed at improving the environment quality through the development of public water –sewage and waste management, flood management, air protection and removable energy sources management. There will also be implemented projects aimed at the preservation of

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biological biodiversity, natural resources, landscape and those connected with environment monitoring. As regards the modernisation of water and sewage management measures will be implemented in agglomerations of the size specified in document „Demarcation line for programmes under Common Agricultural Policy, Common Fisheries Policy and Cohesion Policy”, included in the National Household Waste Treatment Programme71, thus they will be compliant with Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC72. Within the Axis, preference will be given to projects displaying large energy efficiency in compliance with the objectives of the Poland's Energy Policy until 2025 (excluding investments related to electricity networks, gas distribution networks and co-generation 73). As regards the improvement of waste and biogas management, preference will be given to project for their usage for energy and heating purposes especially in small cogeneration units or directly for technological purposes. Air protection will cover actions designed to reduce emission of gases and dust to the air. In addition, following the Community policy directions for 2007-2013, the tasks performed within Axis 4 are to increase the use of renewable energy sources as well as stimulate actions aimed at preserving biological diversity and unique in Poland natural and landscape assets of the Opolskie Voivodeship. Due to the fact that in the Opolskie Voivodeship there is a real risk of flood, the funds will be also allocated to development of flood prevention infrastructure. As regards flood management, projects will be based on the interdisciplinary planning for the total catchment area. Priority will be given to the activities aimed at natural flow rate reduction and increasing the natural water retention (e.g.: recreation of flood and wet areas). If necessary, projects can also be targeted at the reconstruction of the existing flood protection infrastructure. New flood protection measures will only be permitted to be planned if, despite the implementation of the aforementioned measures, flood risk will still be presents and provided that undertakings are conducted in accordance with EU Directives, including art. 47 of the Water Framework Directive setting the framework of the Community actions in the field of water policy. At the same time, where floods can not be avoided and where they have to be controlled support should also be granted to the preparation and maintenance in operational state also regional and local emergency plan in case of flooding.

Unsatisfactory quality of infrastructure has an adverse effect on creating favourable conditions for living in the Opolskie Voivodeship as a place friendly to its inhabitants. Moreover, it does not satisfy basic requirements of the Opolskie Voivodeship population related to work, health services and educational needs. It is important that living conditions in the Opolskie Voivodeship, in particular related to educational and cultural needs, encourage also external investors to locate their businesses in the region. Thus within Priority Axis 5 Social infrastructure and higher education the aim will be to increase attractiveness of the region for living and development of inhabitants through strengthening the role of education, increasing significance of culture and raising a level of health safety. Within the Axis undertakings will be carried out related to regional educational infrastructure at the level of higher, post-secondary and post-middle-school education as well as educational institutions aiding equalisation of educational opportunities. Raising the standards of infrastructure and equipment combined with actions which adjust educational offerings and life-long learning are also meant to contribute to effective responding to economic changes in the region, including restructuring processes. Furthermore, in education actions to improve

71 National Household Waste Treatment Programme (KPOŚK) – document drafted to fulfil the commitments of the Polish government as regards provision of agglomerations with collective sewerage systems and household waste treatment plants. These commitments were adopted in the Poland's EU Accession Treaty. 72 Directive of 23 October 2000 setting up frameworks for Community water management measures (Official Journal of EC L 327 of 22 Dec. 2000) 73 It follows for instance from the fact that these measures are planned to be implemented within the framework of other programmes of have not been identified as priority ones (Chapter 1.1).

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quality of educational infrastructure will be undertaken at the local level, with particular attention to the demographic and economic situation in a given area. The axis will also support actions strongly related to ensuring an adequate quality of living to the region’s inhabitants which will concern protection of their health i.e. stationary and ambulatory medical care functioning within the public health insurance74. Actions undertaken in this respect will aim primarily at raising the standards of infrastructure as well as quality and availability of provided services. In order to produce permanent competitive advantages of the region, increase its attractiveness and aid its socio-economic development, the Axis will provide support for undertakings in the field of culture as well as cultural and natural heritage. Actions conducted in this respect will focus on projects of significance minimum above the local level. Simultaneously, the support will exclude projects concerning sites to be found on the list of the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage or the ones which have been recognised by President of the Republic of Poland as historical monuments.

Problematic areas are a sign of disproportions in development, therefore it is necessary to identify and limit them to pursue the regional policy. In the Opolskie Voivodeship to prevent social, economic and spatial marginalisation of selected degraded areas and intended for revitalisation, the measures will be aimed at ensuring sustainable development and intraregional cohesion as well as improving the quality of life of the inhabitants, restoring spatial order and economic revival as well as re-establishing social ties. Areas of intervention within this objective are defined in Priority Axis 6 Mobilisation of municipal and degraded areas. Interrelated actions taken in indicated problematic areas aimed at developing of infrastructural facilities together with actions aimed at socio-economic revival will result in elimination of negative phenomena in the economic, technical and social spheres which lead to intraregional disproportions and do not contribute to sustainable development of the whole region. Revitalisation of municipal areas supported within ROP OV 2007-2013 will be carried out in three dimensions, related to each other: social, economic and spatial, and shall arise from Local Revitalisation Programmes prepared by relevant units of local government. In order to ensure complexity of actions undertaken with respect to revitalisation of urban areas (covered by LRP) and having in mind effective management of the Programme funds, the Axis will support: Opole, Nysa, Brzeg, Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Kluczbork and a maximum of 10 remaining towns which qualify for such support i.e. with more than 5 thousand inhabitants. Actions undertaken in urban areas will concern among others rehabilitation of public space, the shaping of space and building, including creation of conditions for enhancement of the inhabitants’ safety. Moreover, on urban areas investments related directly to housing substance will be supported, assuming that these undertakings should meet the criteria selected by the Managing Authority of ROP OV 2007-2013 based on art. 47 of Regulation No. 1828/2006, and construction-related expenses will remain in conformity with eligibility principles specified in Art. 7(2) of Regulation No. 1080/2006 and Art. 47(1) of Regulation No. 1828/2006. In other areas, defined in the Programme as degraded, measures to be supported will be aimed at their development, stimulating economic growth, enhancing investment attractiveness and improving conditions for raising employment. The role of the projects carried out within these undertakings will be to implement processes to make degraded areas able to function efficiently again, by changing the structure of the areas and giving them new functions, and first of all mobilisation of the space by introducing a positive value of the quality change.

To ensure effective and efficient management, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, control and promotion of ROP OV 2007-2013, separate support for entities involved in these processes is required which will be provided within Priority 7 Technical 74 Conducted under the contract with the Financing Authority for Public Heath Services

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Assistance. Actions carried out within the Axis are to ensure growth and stability of employment as well as raise the quality of human resources involved in implementation of the Programme and completion of implementation of IROP 2004-2006. Actions in this Axis will be carried out at the staff, organisational and technical levels. Implementation of the Axis is to ensure efficient implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013 and it will embrace processes of management, control and monitoring, as well as information and publicity actions related to the Programme, taking into consideration improvement in the flow of information about aid from the Community in 2007-2013. Moreover, funds allocated within the Axis will be used for proper preparation of projects and popularisation of knowledge and information on the system of public procurement tenders, especially among potential beneficiaries in this respect.

The position of the Opolskie voivodeship results from its belonging to a numerous group of small, European regions. Essential for further development of the Opole region is also strengthening its active participation in partnership-based (regional, national, international) co-operation as well as its full participation in the regional policy of the European Union. This should refer to the sphere of exchange of best practices and experiences. One of instruments to allow achievement of this objective may be the initiative of the European Commission entitled “Regions for Economic Change”. Taking this into account while implementing the Programme, the Managing Authority of ROP OV 2007-2013 may make a decision to apply this instrument if it brings measurable influence and is coherent with assumptions of the regional policy of the Opolskie Voivodeship to be implemented in 2007-2013.

2.2.3 Principles for achievement of objectives of ROP OV 2007-2013

To accomplish the objectives laid down in ROP OV 2007–2013, the Managing Authority of ROP OV 2007–2013 will ensure that the operational programme is implemented based on the adopted system of the Community and national legal regulations, including principles of assistance defined in chapter IV of the Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 75 Basic principles

complementarity – EU funds shall ensure assistance which complements national actions, including actions at the regional and local levels, integrating into them the priorities of the Community.

cohesion – measures co-financed by the ERDF within the framework of ROP OV 2007-2013 shall be consistent with the policies, priorities indicated by the Community and complementary to other financial instruments of the Community.

earmarking of funds – the assistance co-financed by the ERDF within the framework of ROP OV 2007-2013 shall target the EU priorities of promoting competitiveness and creating jobs, including meeting the objectives set out in the Guidelines for Growth and Jobs – integrated guidelines for 2005-2008.

co-ordination – respect for responsibilities of the Commission and of the member state related to co-ordination of the assistance from the funds, the EAFRD, the EFF and interventions of the EIB and of other existing financial instruments.

75 Official Journal 210 of 31.7.2006

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compliance – operations financed within the framework of ROP OV 2007-2013 shall comply with the provisions of the Treaty and of acts adopted under it.

programming – objectives of the structural funds shall be pursued in the framework of a multiannual programming system organised in several stages comprising the identification of priorities, the financing and a system of management and control.

subsidiarity (at a relevant territorial level) – to ensure optimum efficiency of the EU cohesion policy, the aim shall be to decentralise and deconcentrate performance of tasks related to programming and management of the ERDF at a regional level. According to this principle, particular levels of authorities in the fields which fall outside their exclusive competence shall take actions only if the objectives of a particular measure are not to be achieved to a sufficient extent by the authorities of lower levels.

proportionality – financial and administrative resources employed by the European Commission and Poland for implementing structural funds in relation to: the choice of indicators, the evaluation, the general principles of management and control systems, shall be proportional to the total amount of expenditure allocated to the operational programme.

shared management – the EU budget allocated to the funds shall be implemented within framework of shared management between the member state and the Commission.

additionality – contributions from the structural funds shall not replace public or equivalent expenditure by a member state. According to this principle, own funds for particular tasks related to the regional development shall be supported, to a reasonable extent, by the funds from the state budget, from the EU structural funds and other financial instruments available throughout the programming period 2007 – 2013.

concentration – according to this principle, funds allocated to a limited number of objectives necessary to be achieved in certain areas shall be concentrated. Areas of support shall limited to those of basic importance for the EU socio-economic cohesion, i.e. which guarantee considerable economic growth and rise in employment.

evaluation – shall be used in order to improve the quality, efficiency and cohesion of interventions of the structural funds and to improve the implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013.

civil society – implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013 shall support creating space for civil activity, where functioning is possible for institutions, organisations, social groups and units with a feel of interrelation to operate and which willingly co-operate with each other to serve joint interests, improve a quality of life in the region and for the benefit of the society as a whole. Principle of non-discrimination and equality of opportunities for men and women

The Managing Authority of ROP OV 2007-2013 shall ensure that the principle of preventing any discrimination based on sex, race or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation at each stage of implementation of the Programme is observed. According to the adopted strategy of programming the principle was decided to be treated as a horizontal issue, cross-section for the entire Programme. Where applicable in all priority Axes the issue of equality of opportunities will be allowed for, including in particular equality between men and women and the principle of non-discrimination of disabled persons. The Managing Authority of ROP OV 2007-2013 will also ensure that at the stage of implementation,

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monitoring and evaluation of the Programme actions will be undertaken to prevent any manifestations of discrimination. Partnership principle

Pursuant to art. 11 of Regulation No. 1083/2006 and the national law participation of partners has been included and will be respected at all stages of implementation of ROP OV 2007–2013. The applied partnership principle will relate to co-operation with appropriate bodies of government administration and local, municipal and other public authorities as well as economic, social partners, entities representing the civil society, partners dealing with problems of the natural environment, non-governmental organisations and entities responsible for promoting equality between men and women. The Managing Authority of ROP OV 2007–2013 will ensure that partnership is based on the respect for institutional, legal and financial powers of the institutions concerned. At the stage of preparation of ROP OV 2007-2013 the principle was applied through appointing task forces for preparation of the Programme, made up of, among others, representatives of environments indicated directly in the Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 and discussed in “Introduction” to ROP OV 2007-2013. The application of the principle as regards consultations of subsequent versions of the document and taking into account comments from theses processes is presented in chapters No. 7 and 8 of the Programme. Within appropriate ROP OV 2007-2013 priority axes support for social partners and non-governmental organisations was ensured, which may become beneficiaries of aid specified within the framework of the Programme. Simultaneously, at the stage of implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013 partners will play a considerable role in the ROP OV 2007-2013 Monitoring Committee. Allowing for the partnership principle, representatives of the government, local government, social and economic partners as well as representatives of non-governmental organisations will take part in the Monitoring Committee. When appointing members of the Committee, just participation of representatives of individual groups, who at the same time will be able to ensure the highest effectiveness of its work, will be preserved. At the stage of monitoring the partnership principle will be taken into account through passing and circulating information on results of implementation of the Programme as well as participation of partners in the discussion on outcome of its evaluation. Sustainable development principle Objectives of the funds shall be pursued in the framework of sustainable development and the Community promotion of the goal of protecting and improving the environment. The sustainable development principle will be allowed for when achieving the general objective and all strategic objectives of ROP OV 2007-2013 as well as with all relevant Priority axes in the entire Programme in the horizontal approach so as to ensure greater cohesion with Art. 17 of Council Regulation (EC) 1083/2006. Undertakings effected within the Programme will contribute to strengthening actions for the benefit of the environment in the long-term perspective. The Managing Authority of ROP OV 2007-2013 will ensure that the sustainable development principle will be observed at each stage of implementation of the Programme. This refers to the stage of programming – within the scope of objectives formulated for ROP OV 2007-2013. At the stage of implementation i.e. where applicable in preparation, selection, implementation of projects the following will taken into account: rational usage of energy, energy efficiency and renewable sources of energy as well as promotion of solutions to reduce emission of carbon dioxide and to moderate and adapt to climate change. Similarly, at the stage of monitoring and reporting, monitoring of compliance of actions undertaken under ROP OV 2007-2013 with this principle will be ensured. At the stage of evaluation it will be examined how the Programme influences observance of the sustainable development

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principle, how effective is support of sustainable economic and social growth as well as widely understood environmental protection. Areas of Natura 2000 network Projects co-financed within the operational programme will retain full conformity with provisions of EIA, Habitat and Birds Directives. At the stage of selection of projects adequate qualification criteria will be applied in order to guarantee that projects meet requirements specified by the above mentioned directives. Co-financing for projects which have an adverse influence on potential areas of Natura 2000 (i.e. those areas which according to the European Commission should have been identified by Poland until 1 May 2004, but were not) will not be permitted. Public procurement

The Managing Authority will ensure that public tenders, including licences granted, related to the projects financed with the assistance of Structural Funds are in compliance with Directive 2004/17/EC, 2004/18/EC, EC Regulation No. 1564/2005 or relevant Treaty provisions. 2.3 Indicators for ROP OV 2007-2013

Indicators were prepared on the basis of the guidelines from the European Commission and the Co-ordinating Authority for Operational Programmes - the Ministry of Regional Development as well as arrangements of the Task Force for Indicators at the MRD.

Indicators for ROP OV 2007-2013 were identified at three levels:

− indicators for the general objective (programme),

− indicators for Priority axes,

− context indicators.

The aim of the programme indicators, specified at the level of ROP OV 2007-2013 general objective (Tab. No. 2.1), is to express - by means of countable values - the degree to which the Programme as a whole has been implemented. Target values of programme indicators concerning the change in the level of GDP and the number of jobs created have been assessed by means of the HERMIN model.76

At the next level there are indicators for Priority Axes For ROP OV 2007-2013. They have been taken from the mandatory list of the European Commission, mentioned in the methodological note for indicators and evaluation77. The set has been completed with result indicators required by the Co-ordinating Authority of Operational Programmes in the Ministry of Regional Development and according to the Managing Authority of ROP OV 2007-2013 necessary for complete, quantitative presentation of accomplishment of strategic objectives of the Programme and its priority axes.

76 The HERMIN model for regional economies is used, among other things, for the evaluation of the forecasted effect of investments co-finanaced with EU funds. In order to calculate the programme indicators of ROP OV 2007-2013 the 2006 release which contains a data base from the years 1995-2002 was used. The model was developed by the team of Wrocław Regional Development Agency - Wrocław Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego (WARR) headed by prof. Janusz Zaleski, in co-operation with John Bradley, Ph.D. – author of the based HERMIN model and an employee of the Irish Economic and Social Research Institute - ESRI. The model is subject to continuous modification, so does the historical data base which are used for the calculation, thus the simulation results will have to be systematically analysed and adjusted. 77 Release of 01.08.2006.

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Context indicators are data and information coming from the system of official statistics, obtained mainly on the basis of resources of the Central Statistical Office. The aim of this set of indicators is a multi-faceted presentation of the background of the socio-economic situation in the region where the programme is to be implemented. For this group of indicators a baseline year is 2005 and, where it was not possible, the most recent data. In several cases data from 2006 were given. For context indicators target values are not assessed since it is impossible to generate the impact of the programme on these indicators. A list of context indicators is Annex No. 2 to ROP OV 2007-2013 in Schedule No. 2.

Tab. No. 2.1 Indicators for general objective of ROP OV 2007-2013.

Item Name of indicator Unit Value in baseline year

Value in 2013

Value in 2015

Frequency of measurement Source of data

1. Change in GDP (%) 78 % 0 1.51 1.30

year based on Hermin


2. Number of jobs created (net total)79

item 0 2 010 890

year based on Hermin



Number of jobs created (gross) in which:

- men - women

item 0

2 854

1 427 1 427

3 568

1784 1784

year Data of MA

Source: Own study.

2.4 Cohesion of ROP OV 2007-2013 objectives with the European Union policy and

programme documents at the national and regional level. In response to the globalisation process and challenges posed by the renewed Lisbon Strategy, Poland must have a modern development policy which will allow for narrowing the gap in development separating it from richer states of the European Union. National Development Strategy 2007-2015 (NDS 2007-2015)80 is a basic strategic document specifying objectives and priorities for socio-economic development of Poland as well as conditions to ensure this development. The Strategy sets objectives and identifies areas found the most important for accomplishing these objectives, in which actions of the state will concentrate. At the same time it takes into consideration the most significant tendencies in development of the global economy and objectives defined in the Lisbon Strategy by the European Union. NDS 2007-2015 gives priority to measures to be taken by the government in 2007-2015 in order to implement the vision of Poland. Taking into account the nature of NDS 2007-2015 and the fact that it combines other documents prepared for Poland, the analysis of objectives of ROP OV 2007-2013 below was

78 Means a change in the GDP level calculated in fixed market prices (in %) – difference between the scenario „with ROP” and „without ROP”. The values estimated based on the HERMIN model show the accumulated effect of ROP in 2013 and 2015. The HERMIN model-based estimates follow the assumption for a specific distribution of payments under the ROP, according to which main disbursements will take place in 2013, while in the years 2014-2015 they will see a considerable drop. 79 Mean the total number of additionally employed as a result of implementation of ROP – difference between the scenario „with ROP” and „without ROP”. The values estimated based on the HERMIN model show the non-accumulated effect at the end of 2013 and 2015 80 Document adopted by the Council of Ministers 29 November 2006

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made in relation to the following documents: National Reform Programme for 2005-2008 to implement Lisbon Strategy81, NSRF 2007-2013 and the Opolskie Voivodeship Development Strategy. Moreover, the analysis was given to consistency between the objectives of ROP OV 2007-2013 and the Community Strategic Guidelines.

The analysis shows that the objectives of ROP OV 2007-2013 are consistent with the objectives and policy directions set in superior, strategic documents at the national and Community levels for programming period 2007-2013.

Correlations between the objectives of ROP OV 2007-2013 and objectives and directions for development set in the aforementioned documents are presented in Tab. No. 2.2. Due to the nature and the importance of the analysis of consistency between the objectives of ROP OV 2007-2013 and guidelines of the National Reform Programme in the context of attaining the objectives of the Lisbon Strategy, the issue is a separate problem and was presented in chapter 2.5

81 Document adopted by the Council of Ministers on 27 December 2005

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Tab. No. 2.2. Consistency between the objectives of ROP OV 2007-2013 with documents at the national and regional levels

ROP OV 2007-2013

- specific objectives -


- strategic objectives -



– horizontal objectives -


C1. Strengthening the region’s economy through development of entrepreneurship, innovativeness, R&D sector as well as tourist and recreational infrastructure for the benefit of socio-economic growth

I. Innovative region with well-educated and active population II. Providing favourable living conditions in the region III. Extension and modernisation of the region’s infrastructure IV. Economic stimulation of the region in accordance with the principle of sustainable development

4. Increasing competitiveness and innovativeness of enterprises, in particular from the manufacturing sector of high added value and the service sector

1.2 Improving knowledge and innovation for growth

C2 Creating technical conditions for common use of ITCs and promoting information society

I. Innovative region with well-educated and active population VI. Multifunctional, diverse and attractive for investing and living rural areas

4. Increasing competitiveness and innovativeness of enterprises, in particular from the manufacturing sector of high added value and the service sector 6. Making opportunities for development equal and supporting structural changes in rural areas

1.2 Improving knowledge and innovation for growth

C3. Enhancement of prospects for development of the region and mobility of its population through development of transport infrastructure.

III. Extension and modernisation of the region’s infrastructure IV. Economic stimulation of the region in accordance with the principle of sustainable development V. Development of metropolitan functions of the Opole conurbation VI. Multifunctional, diverse and attractive for investing and living rural areas

3. Building and modernisation of technical and social infrastructure of basic importance for the increase in competitiveness of Poland.

1.1. Making Europe and its regions more attractive places to invest and work

C4. Improvement of the natural environment and environmental protection as well as ensuring safe flood prevention

II Providing favourable living conditions in the region III. Extension and modernisation of the region’s infrastructure IV. Economic stimulation of the region in

3. Building and modernisation of technical and social infrastructure of basic importance for the increase in competitiveness of Poland and its regions 6. Making opportunities for development

1.1. Making Europe and its regions more attractive places to invest and work

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ROP OV 2007-2013

- specific objectives -


- strategic objectives -



– horizontal objectives -


accordance with the principle of sustainable development VI. Multifunctional, diverse and attractive for investing and living rural areas

equal and supporting structural changes in rural areas

C5. Strengthening the role of education, increasing significance of culture to enhance attractiveness and increasing the level of health safety to ensure efficiency of regional human resources

I. Innovative region with well-educated and active population II. Providing favourable living conditions in the region V. Development of metropolitan functions of the Opole conurbation VI. Multifunctional, diverse and attractive for investing and living rural areas VII. Development of multicultural identity as well as international and national interregional co-operation

2. Improving human resources and increasing social cohesion 3. Building and modernisation of technical and social infrastructure of basic importance for the increase in competitiveness of Poland and its regions 6. Making opportunities for development equal and supporting structural changes in rural areas

1.3 More and better jobs

C6. Preventing social, economic and spatial marginalisation of selected degraded areas and intended for revitalisation

II. Providing favourable living conditions in the region III. Extension and modernisation of the region’s infrastructure IV. Economic stimulation of the region in accordance with the principle of sustainable development VI. Multifunctional, diverse and attractive for investing and living rural areas

2. Improving human resources and increasing social cohesion 5. Increasing competitiveness of Polish regions and preventing their social, economic and spatial marginalisation 6. Making opportunities for development equal and supporting structural changes in rural areas

1.3 More and better jobs 2.1 Contribution of cities to growth and jobs

C7. Ensuring effective and efficient systems of management, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and control of ROP OV 2007-2013 as well as full absorption of allocated structural funds in 2007-2013

I. Innovative region with well-educated and active population

1. Improving the quality of operating public institutions and extending mechanisms of partnership

1.3.4 Administrative capacity

Source: Own study

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2.5 Implementation of the renewed Lisbon Strategy within ROP OV 2007-2013

The Cohesion Policy in 2007-2013 should contribute to economic growth, increased competitiveness and employment including the Community priorities concerning durable growth, determined in the meeting of the European Council in Göteborg in 2001 and in the renewed Lisbon Strategy. In the less developed regions, among which there is the Opolskie Voivodeship, a challenge which is to fulfil these objectives is much more serious than in other areas. In this context, activities aimed, among other things, at establishing and development of innovative enterprises, enhancing economic competitiveness of the region and making it more dynamic or forming a basis for building the information society become of particular importance for creating the development policy of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013. As it is necessary to co-ordinate the objectives of the cohesion policy with the priorities of the Lisbon Strategy so called earmarking of funds was introduced according to which a part of funds from the cohesion policy (for ROP OV 2007-2013 from the ERDF) is dedicated to the measures82 fulfilling the objectives of the Strategy. Taking into account the conditions above and the fact that the National Reform Programme for 2005-2008 to implement the Lisbon Strategy83 is a strategic document which at the national level is an instrument for attaining the objectives of the Lisbon Strategy and following the Integrated Guidelines for Growth and Jobs for 2005-200884, an analysis of consistency between the priority axes defined in ROP OV 2007-2013 and measures (priorities) specified in this direction document was conducted (Tab. No. 2.3).

Tab. No. 2.3. Analysis of priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013 in comparison with the National Reform Programme for 2005-2008 to implement the Lisbon Strategy.

ROP OV 2007-2013

- priority axes -

National Reform Programme for 2005-2008 to implement the Lisbon Strategy

- priorities -

Priority Axis 1 Enhancing economic attractiveness of the region

Priority 2 Development of entrepreneurship Priority 3 Strengthening innovativeness of enterprises

Priority Axis 2 Information society

Priority 3 Strengthening innovativeness of enterprises

Priority Axis 3 Transport

Priority 4 Development and modernisation of infrastructure as well as ensuring conditions for competitiveness in network sectors

Priority Axis 4 Environmental protection

Priority 4 Development and modernisation of infrastructure as well as ensuring conditions for competitiveness in network sectors

Source: Own study.

82 The scope of these measures is presented in annex No. 4 to Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006. The analysis of the amount of financial assistance within ROP OV 2007-2013 is defined in detail in Chapter 4 ROP OV 2007-2013. 83 Document approved by the Council of Ministers on 27 December, 2005 84 Official Journal 205 of 6.8.2005

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2.6 Complementarity of actions under ROP OV 2007-2013 with programmes financed from the cohesion policy funds and with programmes financed by EAFRD and EFF

Funds from ERDF allocated within the framework of ROP OV 2007-2013 will not be the only financial instrument to implement projects strengthening process of socio-economic development of the Opolskie voivodeship. An equally important, potential source of funds for the support of development of the Opolskie region in the years 2007-2013 will be National Operational Programmes implemented under the National Strategic Reference Framework 2007-2013 i.e.:

- OP Infrastructure and Environment; source of funds: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund,

- OP Human Capital; source of funds: European Social Fund (ESF)

- OP Innovative Economy; source of funds: ERDF,

- OP European territorial cooperation; source of funds: ERDF.

Moreover, it will be possible to support actions in the field of regional development with funds under the Common Agricultural Policy and Common Fisheries Policy within the framework of:

- Rural Development Programme for 2007-2013; source of funds: European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).,

- Operational Programme Sustainable Development of Fisheries Sector and Coastal Fishing Areas for 2007-2013; source of funds: European Fisheries Fund (EFF).

To ensure maximum effectiveness of utilisation of funds within the framework of the cohesion policy, the Common Agricultural Policy and the Common Fisheries policy, complementary support will be guaranteed under all instruments of the aforementioned policies as well as clear mechanisms of coordination and rules to avoid cross-financing will be specified.

ROP OV 2007-2013 is complementary to programmes financed from the cohesion policy funds:

- Actions undertaken in OP Innovative Economy, in particular in the field of investments into innovation, research and development of modern technologies, entrepreneurship, information society,

- Actions in OP Infrastructure and Environment, in particular in the field of transport, environment, social infrastructure.

On a synergy basis with programmes co-financed by EAFRD and EFF ROP OV 2007-2013 will support common areas of interventions directed at development of rural and fishery-dependent areas, such as e.g.:

- development of infrastructure of environmental protection,

- development of social infrastructure

- entrepreneurship.

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The analysis of the scope and level of complementarity between ROP OV 2007-2013 and demarcation criteria have been detailed in descriptions of individual Priority axes of the Programme.

Undertakings implemented based on funds from EAFRD and the Cohesion Fund will contribute to efficient and effective fulfilment of objectives OP Human Capital finances from ESF. Various type of support in the field of human resources with the Programme combined with results of infrastructural investments will enable faster achievement of objectives of social, economic and spatial cohesion.

Simultaneously, ROP OV 2007-2013 will be complementary in relation to transboundary and international actions undertaken within the programmes of European Territorial Cooperation, in particular in areas concerning the environment, transport, usage of ITC, entrepreneurship (SME), innovative potential and transfer of technologies and renewable sources of energy.

In order to eliminate possible cross-financing of individual operational programmes co-financed from structural funds, the Cohesion Fund, EAFRD and EFF, the Managing Authority of ROP OV 2007-2013 will adjust to guidelines in the “Demarcation line between Operational Programmes of the Cohesion Policy, Common Agricultural Policy and Common Fisheries Policy” – a document accepted by the Coordination Committee of NSRF. This document details demarcation criteria (demarcation) based particularly on: territorial coverage of actions, values of projects, type of beneficiary, etc. and it is a result of arrangements among all institutions involved in the programming of development for 2007-2013.

At the same time, the NSRF Co-ordination Committee will establish a working group composed of representatives of all authorities managing the programmes financed with ERDF, ESF, EAFRD and EFF. The task of the working group will be to develop of proposal for mechanisms of cross-checking of investments supported within specific programmes (e.g. relevant questions in co-financing applications, controls based on a sample of projects, common access to the data base). These activities will be aimed at avoidance of a double project financing and ensuring compliance with the demarcation lime set.

The potential threats of double financing of the same projects from various programmes and funds will also be prevented at the regional level, including, but not limited to by including them as an important element in the proceedings of the ROP OV 2007-2013 Monitoring Committee, Monitoring Subcommittee of OP HC (regional component) and by collecting beneficiaries' declarations.

In addition, concentration of institutions involved in implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013, the regional component of OP HC, ETC and selected actions in RDP in the Marshal’s Office, will aid in avoiding cross-financing as well as in optimising implementation of all programmes.

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In order to attain the objectives of ROP OV 2007-2013 7 priority axes were chosen to be co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund (Tab. No. 3.1).

The description of priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013 includes85 information on:

− areas of intervention under the given Priority axis (intervention categories);

− objectives and justification for the selection of the given Axis;

− major groups of beneficiaries;

− target indicators for the given Axis;

− use of flexibility instrument (cross-financing).

− complementarity of the given Axis towards Operational Programmes financed from the Cohesion Policy funds and programmes financed from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and European Fisheries Fund.

Tab. No. 3.1. List of priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013.


Priority axis 1 Strengthening economic attractiveness of the region

Priority axis 2 Information society

Priority axis 3 Transport

Priority axis 4 Environmental protection

Priority axis 5 Social infrastructure and higher education

Priority axis 6 Mobilisation of municipal and degraded areas

Priority axis 7 Technical assistance

Source: Own study.

85Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006, art. 37, (Official Journal 210 of 31.7.2006, p. 25).

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Undertakings implemented within Priority axis 1 Strengthening economic attractiveness of the region will comply with Regulation (EC) No. 1080/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Regional Development Fund which revokes Regulation (EC) No. 1783/1999, pursuant to art. 4 items 1, 3 and 6 concerning:

− research and technological development, innovation and entrepreneurship; − local initiatives on development and support for structures providing local services

in creating jobs; − tourism.


02 - R&D infrastructure (including equipment, instruments and fast IT networks connecting research centres) and specialist centres of technological competencies

03 - Transfer of technology and improvement of networks of co-operation between SMEs, SMEs and other enterprises, universities, all kinds of post secondary education institutions, regional authorities, R&D centres (science and technology parks, technopolies, etc.)

04 -

Support for R&D sector development, in particular at SMEs (including access to R&D services at research centres)

05 - Services in advanced support for enterprises and groups of enterprises

06 -

Support for SMEs in promotion of environmentally friendly products and processes (implementation of efficient environment management systems, implementation / application of pollution prevention technologies, implementation of clean technologies in companies’ production operation)

07 -

Investments in enterprises directly connected with research and innovations (innovative technologies, establishing enterprises by universities, existing R&D centres and enterprises, etc.)

08 - Other investments in enterprises

09 - Other actions aimed at stimulating research, innovation and entrepreneurship at SMEs

24 - Bicycle paths

57 - Other assistance to strengthen tourist services

86 Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1828/2006 of 8 December, 2006 setting out rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund , the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and of Regulation (EC) No. 1080/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Regional Development Fund (Official Journal 371 of 27.12.2006, p. 1).

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3.1.1 Objectives of the priority axis

− To create conditions for initiating and development of entrepreneurship in the region, development of innovation and the knowledge-based economy;

− To develop the regional R&D sector for growth of entrepreneurship;

− To increase the importance of tourism, recreation and sport as factors affecting socio-economic growth of the region, in particular the labour market.

3.1.2 Justification of the Priority axis chosen

The economic competitiveness and attractiveness of the Opolskie Voivodeship will be increased within the framework of Axis 1 with the measures for strengthening enterprises, in particular micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), development of innovative potential of enterprises, support for the R&D sector and institutions operating for the benefit of entrepreneurship. Additionally, within Axis 1 there will be performed measures aimed at increasing the standard of infrastructure and quality of services offered in regional tourism which will contribute to the rise in the region’s economic activity and its attractiveness to tourists, investors and residents.

A considerable responsibility for creating regional economic potential rests, in accordance with the current tendencies, on MSMEs whose development at the moment is regarded as a basic factor in the economic growth. It is necessary to provide favourable conditions for the development of these companies. Under Priority axis 1, there will be respected the principle stipulating that the maximum direct support for large companies will total 10 % of Programme’s allocation. Investment support will for this type of undertakings will be offered only in exceptional cases and considering the following requirements:

– the investment should not exceed EUR 2 million, – the project should produce considerable effect and should have a major impact on the

regional economy, – the maximum support level should be respected. and, additionally, the condition formulated in sec. 42 in the introduction to the Council Regulation No. 1083/200687.

As a result of Axis 1 it is expected that the regional economy will become more competitive, mainly owing to strengthening its innovativeness, thanks to, among other things, focusing investments on innovative undertakings which provide the greatest opportunity for creating value added. The basic document which regulates the prospective activities related to innovation and transfer of new technologies in the region is the Regional Innovation Strategy of the Opolskie Voivodeship [RIS]88. Objectives and thematic areas of the RIS will be financed by projects foreseen to be implemented within Priority axis 1. It will be related to the reinforcement of effectiveness of the regional innovation support system, boosting the potential of research and development institutions in the region and increasing the competitive advantage of region-based companies.

87 During the evaluation of large production investment projects it is necessary to determine if the fund financial contribution does not lead to excessive reduction of jobs at the existing centres on the territory of the EU, in order to ensure that the Community financing does not contribute to the relocation of jobs to areas outside the EU (Official Journal 210 of 31.7.2006, p. 25) 88 „Regional Innovation Strategy of the Opolskie Voivodeship for the years 2004-2013”, adopted by Resolution No. XXII/196/2004 of the Local Government of the Opolskie Voivodeship dated 29 June 2004 on the adoption of the Regional Innovation Strategy of the Opolskie Voivodeship for the years 2004-2013.

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To achieve the objectives in Axis 1 different instruments will be applied which contribute to strengthening the role of enterprises in a process of building the knowledge-based economy through an increase in the production and service competitiveness, including technologies and organisation. Support for knowledge and innovation within Axis 1 is in compliance with the measures of the Community Lisbon Programme, in this document regarded as “a driving force for durable growth”89.

One of weaknesses of the Opolskie Voivodeship is the business support sector which is underdeveloped, with few strong centres to support the economic growth which are unevenly spread over poviats in the region. Thus, it is necessary to develop the policy of stronger support for enterprising attitudes.

Measures taken to create conditions conducive to the development of entrepreneurship will be aimed at supporting investment processes directly related to intensification of operations carried out by business support organisations which initiate and support entrepreneurship. Within the framework of Axis 1, attention will be focused on supporting regional institutions and structures. Support will be granted to projects which ensure a comprehensive portfolio of services available to companies, thus stimulating starting up of business activity and help enterprises further operate in the market, i.e. mainly: business incubators, industrial, technological, research and technology parks, clusters, centres for transfer of technologies and management of innovations, logistic centres and commodity exchanges. They gather considerable potential of knowledge and experience, and should be a partner for public authorities in establishing a coherent and efficient economic policy and competitive enterprises. Assistance will not cover entities which provide solely consultancy, training and information services to enterprises. Analyses of the region’s economic standing, as well as provisions of the RIS indicate that the reinforcement of the region’s potential requires help in setting up structures fostering efficient co-operation between enterprises, R&D sector and business support institutions. Clusters belong to such structures. As evidenced by the analyses compiled for the needs of the RIS, clusters should focus on the following sectors: wood processing, food and agriculture, building, metal machining, natural resources, chemical, tourist and restaurant and activities based on traditional (the so-called „vanishing”) professions.

An important element which often hampers the development of enterprises is limited access to external sources of funds. Many companies, due to small capital resources or problems with liquidity, do not meet criteria necessary for obtaining bank loans. The existing Private Equity and Venture Capital funds are reluctant to invest in undertakings at an early stage of company operation. Thus, to solve this problem, it is necessary to develop and reinforce (by channelling capital into them) loan and credit guarantee funds, micro-loan funds and other public financial institutions offering reimbursable financial instruments. At Programme implementation stage, the possibilities offered within the JEREMIE initiative in the areas where there are main gaps in SME financing access are not ruled out.

The R&D sector in the Opole region besets with a number of problems, however its potential and importance is consistently growing. Innovation-related projects so far completed and those being implemented by institutions of higher education in the Opolskie region fall within the strategic objectives of the RIS and its Action Plan. The objectives defined in the RIS for Priority II Increase of potential of research and development institutions in the voivodeship foresee a development of a system of academic research oriented at stimulating economic development of the region, as well as introduction of mechanisms for the

89 “Common Actions for Growth and Jobs: the Community Lisbon Programme”. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament {SEC(2005)981}, Brussels, on 20.07.2005.

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application of scientific research in enterprises, which will be realised under Axis 1. As evidenced in the Diagnosis of the current condition of the Opolskie voivodeship, there are observed strong tendencies towards matching academic activities with the needs of industry.

The current potential of the Institute of Mineral Building Materials (Instytut Mineralnych Materiałów Budowlanych), Institute of Heavy Organic Synthesis (Instytut CięŜkiej Syntezy Organicznej), Opole University of Technology (Politechnika Opolska), Opole University (Uniwersytet Opolski) other institutions of higher education and of the large industrial companies, secures appropriate absorption of EU funds and completion of the objectives foreseen in the RIS, especially in the area of linking R&D with industry. However, expenditure on the operation and infrastructure of the R&D sector is insufficient and, as a consequence, their offer to enterprises is not competitive. Therefore there is a need for undertakings aimed at strengthening the R&D sector which operates to the benefit of innovative economy as well as at initiating and developing co-operation between R&D centres and businesses which would allow for transferring technologies to companies. To succeed, it is necessary to significantly strengthen the potential of scientific units90 and other entities running R&D activities and other institutions supporting development of innovation at the regional level, with - among other things - acquisition of machinery, equipment and intangible assets. In particular, this pertains to SMEs purchasing, among other things, fixed assets necessary to carry out R&D in-house. A prerequisite for these units to gain assistance will be to prove that they carry out research for enterprise development in the area covered by the project.

In the Opole region the sector of high technologies has small potential. There are numerous reasons why enterprises absorb innovations and results of research only to a small extent, one of which being poor institutional back-up. Therefore, to increase competitiveness, it is so important to streamline access to innovations and to support the application of research results at enterprises. Already existing centres which assist enterprises in solving problems with modernisation should be supported. If the region’s economy were based on all available innovative solutions, it would develop much faster. The use of innovations and transfer of new technologies, in particular by clusters/networks of such institutions as: enterprises, universities and R&D units91, provide an opportunity for bridging the gap in development between our region’s economy and the economy of other EU regions92. Within Priority axis 1, priority will be given to the projects which will demonstrate link to potential and existing research carried out under 7 Framework Programme of the EU (or other innovation financing sources), provided these opportunities can be proved to be useful for enterprises.

Underfunding, out-of-date machinery, difficulties and too high risk involved in a rapid and capital-intensive investment process in the development of companies are serious drawbacks in the regional economy. In particular it is true for investments in modern technologies which allow for a fast progress in the economic development. Analyses of enterprises from the Opolskie Voivodeship show that implementation and application of modern technologies and innovations in these enterprises leave much to be desired. The amounts spent on innovations in industrial enterprises in the region are smaller than the average in Poland. Thus, building economic potential of the Opolskie Voivodeship will require heavy expenditure in new and already existing SMEs on investments related to

90 As provided for by the Act of 8.10.2004 on rules for financing science (Journal of Laws No. 238 of 2004, item 2390) 91 As above 92 This direction of assistance is compliance with the objectives of the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union.

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the implementation of innovative solutions (e.g. purchase of patents, licences, know-how, machinery, equipment), including environmental and eco-innovative undertakings to make it possible to implement projects in compliance with the system objectives of the II Polish Ecological Policy. Special support will be offered to projects which will enable utilisation of renewable energy sources and those demonstrating energy efficiency, which will be reflected in the project selection criteria. Support to investments leading to an increase in innovativeness of enterprises in the Opolskie Voivodeship, which mean substantial changes in products, production processes or organisational and technical changes, should contribute to the improvement of competitiveness of enterprises in the region. Priority will be given to undertakings arising from the RIS. Similarly, special support will be granted to projects directly connected with sectors of economy which will be found, as a result of research and analyses associated with the “Regional Foresight”, as the most innovative and vital for further economic growth of the Opolskie Voivodeship. In planning and stimulating multifaceted development of modern economy in the region, the potential of the sectors identified in the SWOT analysis: food processing, cement and lime, furniture, wood processing, building materials, chemical, power generation, metal, machine, electrical machine will be used to a greater extent. The potential of the river Odra should also be used as e.g. source of renewable energy, water route for transport of bulk and large cargo, or as a stimulus of business activity in tourist and recreational sector. Odra can become an axis of economic development of the region, just as in the case of the A4 motorway.

Among the weaknesses of the Opole region there is also relatively low economic growth, disparities in development between different areas of region, underdeveloped service sector, high unemployment (registered and hidden), in particular in some towns and in the areas where state-owned farms used to be based. Thus, priority will be given to projects from areas featuring the lowest entrepreneurship indicators, i.e. from rural areas, which will be reflected in project selection criteria. Enterprises with insufficient staff, capital and technologies are not competitive in the Single European Market (SEM). Therefore it is necessary to create conditions for growth, stimulation and improvement of competitiveness of enterprises, in particular micro-enterprises which, because of their potential, can play a major role in the socio-economic development of the region and elimination of the effects of structural transformations. A major barrier to development of micro-enterprises is the lack of companies’ own funds for investments. Activities within Axis 1 will be related, among other things, to supporting investments with subsidies for micro-enterprises from the Opolskie Voivodeship allocated to construction, renovation, extension or reconstruction of micro-enterprises, investments related to fundamental changes in production or to purchase of equipment necessary for business operation.

A considerable competitive advantage of the Opolskie Voivodeship is the fact that it has conditions for the development of such fields as tourist, recreational and sports services. This is because the region is attractive and diversified as regards natural, landscape and cultural assets as well as it features various cultural and tourist sites93. The present state of infrastructure related to tourism, recreation and sport, however, does not allow to fully utilise these assets and can be described as insufficient and unsatisfactory. Similarly, the quality of tourist facilities, in particular accommodation and catering ones is poor. Measures taken to construct new tourist, recreational and sports facilities of regional importance, to stop the progressing degradation and deterioration of the existing facilities and to fully utilise them for tourist, hotel, catering, recreational and sports purposes, will contribute to an increase in economic activity in the region, as well as its attractiveness and competitiveness. They are to 93 „Projekt Strategii ZrównowaŜonego Rozwoju Turystyki w Województwie Opolskim na lata 2007-2013”, Opole, 2005,

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strengthen the role of tourism, recreation and sport as factors which positively affect socio-economic development of the voivodeship, including first of all creation of new, better jobs. Projects concerning tourism that will be supported within Priority axis 1 must show a clear influence on the region’s economic growth. Priority will be given to projects that will aim at attracting tourists from outside the region, including foreign ones and which fall within tourism development plans in the Opolskie region. Investment tasks accomplished within the framework of Axis 1 are to contribute also to facilitating the access to regional attractions as well as tourist, recreational and sports facilities. Barriers which at the moment make it impossible for the disabled people to use these assets will be removed.

The standard of infrastructure facilities will be also increased at the institutions which deal with the development of sport in order to ensure better efficiency of their activities. The infrastructure developed should be made available to inhabitants to the greatest possible extent. Fitness and physical condition of the Opolskie Voivodeship population are getting worse and worse due to, among other things, inaccessibility of or difficult access to sports infrastructure at an appropriate level. Updated sports facilities in the region will allow for increasing physical activity of different groups of the society. In addition, it is expected that young people will take an active part in the development of sport as well as training conditions for selected competitors representing the voivodeship in Poland and abroad. Investment tasks performed within Axis 1 are also to contribute to facilitating access to regional sports facilities.

The support of tourism, recreation and sport will be directed both to enterprises and public entities.

To utilise tourist assets of the voivodeship to the full, the region requires better promotion to inform about opportunities and forms of recreation, thus establishment of regional tourist information centres will be supported. The tasks carried out within Axis 1 will be related to promotion and publicity in order to stimulate the socio-economic growth of the region based on the existing tourist potential.

3.1.3 Assistance within Priority Axis 1 Strengthening economic attractiveness of the region will be provided mainly to the following groups of beneficiaries:

1. Entrepreneurs and natural persons intending to start-up business operation;

2. Business support institutions;

3. Units of local self-government, their unions and associations;

4. Incorporated organisational units (legal persons);

5. PGL Lasy Państwowe (Polish Forest Management Company) and its organisational units;

6. Social and economic partners;

7. Non-governmental organisations;

8. Churches and denominations as well as legal persons of churches and denominations;

9. Universities;

10. Research/scientific units;

11. Incorporated units from the sector of public finance (legal persons) not mentioned above.

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3.1.4 Target indicators for Priority axis 1 Tab. No. 3.1.1 Target indicators for Priority axis 1 of ROP OV 2007-2013


No Name Unit

Value in baseline

year (2007)

Value in target year


Value in 2015 Source

Measur. frequen.

Reference to context. indicator

Priority axis 1: Strengthening economic attractiveness of the region

1.1. 1.1 Number of R&D projects, including: - at SMEs

pcs. 0 24 8

30 10

Monitoring system

year 23

1.2. 1.2 Number of projects for the co-operation between enterprises and research institutions

pcs. 0 16 20 Monitoring

system year 23


Number of projects related to direct investment assistance for enterprises, including investments into:

� Micro: max 9 employees, � Small: 10–49 employees, � Medium: 50–249 employees and � Innovative undertakings � Environment-related

undertakings � Companies which have been

operating for less than two years

pcs. 0


816 192 39

112 18



1.020 240 49

140 22


Monitoring system

year 24

− 1.4

Number of companies created as a result of support, including:

� companies still operating two years after their establishment

pcs. 0 29




Monitoring system

year 24

1.5 Value of funds allocated as support for enterprises in the form of loans and guarantees

million Euro

0 8 10 Monitoring

system year -

1.6 Number of projects in tourism, recreation and sports

pcs. 0 139 174 Monitoring

system year 10




1.6. 1.7 Value of enterprise investments into clean technologies

million Euro

0 1,44 1,8 Monitoring

system year 24, 32

1.7. 1.8 Number of jobs created in R&D - FTE (best to provide figures for 5 years from the start of the project)

pcs. 0


27 27


34 34

Monitoring system

year 1, 3


Number of jobs created (gross, full-time equivalents) at enterprises, including: - women, - men, - rural areas.

pcs. 0


1.232 1.232 1.186


1.540 1.540 1.482

Monitoring system

year 1, 3


Number of jobs created in tourism, including: - women, - men, - rural areas

pcs. 0

336 168 168 200

420 210 210 250

Monitoring system

year 1, 3

1.11 Number of enterprises based in technology parks, incubators

pcs. 0 136 170 Monitoring

system year -



1.12 Additionally launched investments (mEUR)

mEUR 0 137,0 171,2 Monitoring

system year 23

Source: Own study

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3.1.5 Flexibility instrument (cross-financing)

To ensure efficient accomplishment of the objectives from Priority axis 1 Strengthening economic attractiveness of the region a part of measures eligible for assistance from the European Social Fund (pursuant to art. 34 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 of 11 July, 2006) will be implemented within the framework of Axis 1. It will be possible to allocate maximum 10% of funds at the level of Axis 1 to expenditure eligible under the ESF, necessary for completing investment projects and directly associated with them.

3.1.6 Information on complementarity and demarcation of Priority Axis 1 Strengthening economic attractiveness of the region.

Priority axis 1 is complementary to:

- Rural Development Programme for the years 2007-2013 [Program Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich 2007-2013], financed from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development [EAFRD],

- Operational Programme Sustainable development of fisheries and coastal fishing areas 2007-2013 [ZrównowaŜony rozwój sektora rybołówstwa i nadbrzeŜnych obszarów rybackich 2007-2013], financed from the European Fisheries Fund [EFF],

- operational programmes financed under NSRF 2007-2013 from the European Regional Development Fund, European Social Fund or the Cohesion Fund,

- other priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013

in a manner that prevents the overlapping of financial operations financed under these programmes within the areas as specified below.

Tab. No 3.1.2 Complementarity and demarcation with measures financed under EAFRD and EFF

Programme Priority axis / thematic area Demarcation criteria

Rural Development Programme for the years 2007-2013

Axis 1. Improvement of competitiveness of the agricultural and forest sectors Measure Increasing added value of basic agricultural and forest production

Axis 3 Quality of life in rural areas and diversification of rural economy Measure Diversification towards non-agricultural activity and Measure Setting-up and development of micro-enterprises as regards:

− setting up and development of microenterprises;

- type of business operation,

location of the microenterprise, amount of assistance

- type of business operation,

location of the microenterprise, amount of assistance

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Axis 3 Quality of life in rural areas and diversification of rural economy Measure Rural area renewal and development Axis 4. LEADER Measure Implementation of local development strategies as regards:

− tourist, recreational and sports infrastructure

- location and character of the project (local/supraregional)

Operational Programme Sustainable development of fisheries and riparian fishing areas 2007-2013

Priority axis II Aquaculture, inland fisheries, fish processing and fish market as regards: - fish breeding and farming

companies (aquaculture); Priority axis IV Sustainable development of areas depending on fisheries as regards: - eco-tourism.

- type of business operation

- type and area of beneficiary’s operation

Source: Own study

Tab. No 3.1.3 Complementarity and demarcation with measures financed under NSRF 2007-2013

Programme Priority axis / thematic area Demarcation criteria

Priority axis 1 Research and development of modern technologies and Priority axis 2 R&D infrastructure as regards - R&D sector infrastructure

- project value

Priority axis 3 Capital for innovation as regards - revolving financial instruments

- type of project/financial instrument

Priority axis 4 Investments into innovative enterprises as regards - innovation at enterprises

- project value

Priority axis 6 Polish economy on international market as regards - tourist and recreational services

- range (regional / supraregional) and type of project

Operational Programme Innovative Economy 2007-2013

Priority axis 7 Building and development of information society as regards - implementation and use of ICT

at enterprises

- beneficiary

Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2007-2013

Priority axis IV Projects harmonising enterprises with environment protection regulations as regards - environmentally and eco-

innovative investments of enterprises

- size of enterprise

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Programme Priority axis / thematic area Demarcation criteria

Priority axis VII Environmentally friendly transport as regards - logistics centres.

- project value

Operational Programme Human Capital 2007-2013

Priority I Employment and social inclusion Priority II Development of human resources and adaptation potential of enterprises and improvement of health condition of the employed Priority VI Labour market open for all Priority VIII Regional economy staff as regards support for employability, economy staff, entrepreneurship, social inclusion

- type of project

Source: Own study

Additionally, projects implemented under Priority axis 1 are complementary with 7 Framework Programme of the EU as regards matching companies with R&D sector in order to transfer new technologies and innovation.

Tab. No 3.1.4 Complementarity and demarcation with other priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013

Priority axis / thematic area Demarcation criteria

Priority axis 2 Information society as regards: - infrastructure, information modules, e-

services platform - type of project

Priority axis 3 Transport as regards: - parking lots, bicycle paths

- type of project

Priority axis 4 Environment protection - as regards: - environmentally and eco-innovative

investments of enterprises

- type of beneficiary

Priority axis 6 Mobilisation of municipal and degraded areas as regards: - support for entrepreneurship and tourism


- project execution area

Source: Own study

Detailed information on the criteria for financing specific operations by Operational Programmes and co-ordination mechanisms ruling out the risk of the same operations being financed from various Operational Programmes are specified in the „Demarcation line for the Common Agricultural Policy, Common Fisheries Policy and Cohesion Policy”.

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Undertakings implemented within Priority axis 2 Information society will comply with Regulation (EC) No. 1080/2006 of the European Parliament and the of the Council on the European Regional Development Fund which revokes Regulation (EC) No. 1783/1999, pursuant to art. 4, item 2, concerning information society.


10 - Telecommunications infrastructure (including broadband networks)

11 - Information and communications technologies (access, security, interoperability, hazard prevention, research, innovations, digital content, etc.)

13 - Services and applications for citizens (e-health, e-administration, e-learning, e-integration, etc.)

3.2.1 Objectives of the priority axis

− To create technical conditions for common use of ICTs;

− To promote information society through the development of information modules, including e-services, in order to increase competitiveness of the region.

3.2.2 Justification of the priority axis chosen

Within the framework of Priority Axis 2 Information society the actions to be taken will contribute to the development of the information society infrastructure, popularisation and increasing of skills in the use of information and communication technologies, as well as development of public services in this field for the inhabitants of the region.

The enormous importance of the dynamic development of the information society for economic growth of the whole European Community has been reflected in the guidelines of the amended Lisbon Strategy and the Community Strategic Guidelines. Information and communication technologies are factors which strongly stimulate growth and job creation which make services, skills and infrastructure connected with the development of these technologies a very important element in the modern economy and society. At the same time, easy access to services based on the latest technologies has become a significant element determining economic competitiveness and attractiveness of all the regions in the European Union. Hence, the support for the development of the fully integrated information society based on modern information and communication technologies seems to be an opportunity for development of the Opolskie Voivodeship, and this issue is a crucial element in the strategic planning of the Opolskie Voivodeship development.

In order to harmonize the undertakings planned within Priority axis 2 with processes of development of the information society in Poland and the Community, during the selection

94Official Journal 371 of 27.12.2006, p. 1

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of measures, the objectives set in the following strategic documents were taken into account: Cohesion Policy for growth and jobs: Community Strategic Guidelines, Development strategy for IT introduction in Poland to 2013 and perspective forecast for transformation of the information society to 202095, in particular in the following key areas of this strategy: development of a system of commonly available electronic services in public administration, business, health care and development of state’s teleinformation infrastructure, in particular ensuring broadband access to the Internet and services available by e-mail, as well as ensuring access to Internet-based content.

The identification of the needs of the Opolskie Voivodeship as regards building the information society integrates also the existing initiatives of the European Union, in particular initiative “i2010: European Information Society for Growth and Jobs”96, while the measures taken are to meet the provisions of objective 1 of the a/m initiative: „A Single European Information Space offering affordable and secure high bandwidth communications, rich and diverse content and digital services”.

The fist measures aiming at building the information society had been taken by the Opolskie Voivodeship before Poland’s accession into the European Union, in March 2004. In the years 2004-2006, the region saw the implementation of four main information society- related projects i.e. „Icon” – network if Internet-based libraries, Opolskie Gate – regional information portal, „eOffice for Opolskie residents” – electronic document circulation system at self-governmental institutions and pilot project „eSchool, school with the future” which consisted in the application of ICT in everyday school life. Detailed information on the results of implementation of these projects were presented in the Diagnosis of the current condition of the Opolskie Voivodeship.

Current experience in the implementation of ICT in the region forms a solid base for further development of the region in this domain. It should be emphasised that the measures programmed in the Opolskie region are a supplementation of initiatives planned at the national level (i.e. within the Operational Programme Innovative Economy and Rural Development Programme). Activities planned to be performed under Priority axis 2 i.e. creation of electronic service platforms for citizens will be supplemented with activities planned within Priority axis 1 and Priority axis 5 of ROP OV 2007-2013.

Free access to and use of knowledge are basic criteria allowing for democratic development of the society based on knowledge, applying necessary technological innovations. Bearing this in mind, it is necessary to make further positive and substantial changes in the use of information and communication technologies in the Opolskie Voivodeship, including activities to eliminate a phenomenon of digital exclusion. Thus, the aim is to increase the use of ICTs in the region which will allow for efficient production, diffusion and sharing of knowledge affecting, at the same time, increased development of innovations and, in consequence, an increase in productivity rate. The actions in the field of ICTs to be taken in the voivodeship are meant to stimulate changes in models of management and affect additional investments in the quality of human resources.

Within Priority 2 Information society projects to be implemented will contribute to the development of the information society, including the development of resources, services and applications, the improvement in the accessibility of the Internet services. It will be important for the implementation of the Axis to co-finance investments in ICTs in order to achieve the so-called network effects, as well as to promote investments in this field in sectors which do

95 Version from 24 June, 2005 96 COM(2005)229

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not use ICTs at all or use them only to a limited extent. To produce a significant effect, measures undertaken for the state-of-the-art information technologies should be integrated and the standard of infrastructure enabling the access to IT and telecommunications systems raised. At the same time, the knowledge of the ICTs use should be broadened. Due to the fact that the information society means also, apart from the technical infrastructure already existing or under construction, the possibilities and skills of using ICTs in everyday life, adjustment measures corresponding to global tendencies for the development of on-line services platforms will be taken as well. Popularisation of the development and the standard of ICT services is to contribute to establishing a competitive, efficient electronic economy and at the same time to stimulate the economy of the voivodeship leading to the growth and creation of new and better jobs in the Opolskie Voivodeship. Investments in the ICT infrastructure carried out within the framework of the Axis are to take into account a rapid technological growth as well as to follow a principle of technical neutrality and unlimited access. Actions taken will be primarily addressed at territorial government units, public educational institutions and other entities offering public services.

The development of the telecommunications and IT infrastructure is an extremely significant element which will determine the competitiveness of the Opolskie Voivodeship and affect its image. Tendencies in social and economic processes indicate that the unrestricted access to information is a prerequisite condition for economic development. Basic pillars of building and development of the information society in the Opolskie Voivodeship will, thus, be telecommunication networks.

The use of the ICT in all the areas of life is possible only if it is technically possible to have a telecommunications and IT connection between the sender and the receiver. Within the framework of Axis 2 the tasks performed will be aimed at constructing new and modernising already existing local, regional, secure and broadband networks or other adequate tools, including wireless connections supplemented with a network of infomats (internet kiosks) co-operating with the regional or national skeleton networks.

Projects related to building technical bases for the systems using ICTs in a broad sense, including the systems for secure collection, storage and processing of data, will have to have supraregional or regional nature. Priority will be given to the measures aimed at the elimination of digital exclusion in rural areas. Projects exceeding the area of the Opolskie Voivodeship will not be eligible for assistance. The expected result of measures under Priority axis 2 is the creation of a regional, modern optical fibre skeleton network going through investment areas, technology parks, as well as linking territorial government units, especially in the areas of digital exclusion.

The tasks co-financed within the framework of Axis 2 related to increasing access to thematic information and databases are to provide conditions for entrepreneurship development in the region as well as be conducive to the integration and improvement in the quality of life of the local population. To use infrastructure resources to the maximum extent, the Internet portals based on e-services and available to all residents should be developed, including, but not limited to, in the following areas: health, science, culture, administration, economy. Priority will be given to undertakings which will be universal and will combine many functions. One of the initiatives that could be taken could be the measures being a follow-up of project „eOffice for Opolskie residents” which aims at building IT network in offices, furnishing necessary IT equipment and software required for electronic document circulation, including delivery of eGoverment servers. An important initiative for the development of information society in the area of eServies is a comprehensive project that is a follow-up of pilot project „eSchool, school with the future”, addressed at educational institutions in the region. The implementation of the a/m project will create opportunities for

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active and substantive application of ICT in school activities, primarily in the educational process, but also in school management processes (performed by the school itself and its supervisory bodies).

Additionally, within Priority axis 2 the existing systems of databases will be standardised and updated. There will be undertaken activities aiming at building, extension and furnishing local/regional network management centres, as well as the regional data centre (with a possible creation of an incubator making use of state-of-the-art ICT solutions). Development of new forms of services using modern information technologies should be an interesting alternative to other, often more expensive, models of service provision.

Improvement of qualifications necessary in the knowledge-based economy, IT education along with easy access to the ICT tools, development of on-line services platforms will be a touchstone of region’s development. Actions planned within Priority axis 2 are to make information and communication technologies a source of new opportunities for the socio-economic growth of the Opolskie Voivodeship and a factor increasing its competitiveness, thanks to the common use and application of ICTs by business entities.

3.2.3 Assistance within Priority Axis 2 Information society will be provided mainly to the following groups of beneficiaries:

1. Units of local self-government, their unions and associations;

2. Incorporated organisational units (legal persons);

3. Universities;

4. Government administration;

5. Health centres operating in the public health service;

6. Incorporated units from the sector of public finance (legal persons) not mentioned above;

7. Churches and denominations as well as legal persons of churches and denominations;

8. Non-governmental organisations;

9. Entrepreneurs97.

97 Entities (including commercial law companies), providing public services, where a major shareholder is the Opolskie Voivodeship, a poviat, a gmina, a town, an association of gminas, the State Treasury or entities selected according to the regulations of the Public Procurement Law performing tasks on the basis a separate, valid agreement concluded with a unit of local self-government (also in a form of public and private partnerships)

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3.2.4 Target indicators for Priority axis 2

Tab. No. 3.2.1 Target indicators for Priority axis 2 of ROP OV 2007-2013


No Name Unit

Value in baseline

year (2007)

Value in target year


Value in 2015 Source

Measur. frequen.

Reference to context. indicator

Priority axis 2 Information society

2.1 Number of information society-related projects pcs. 0 4 5


system year 6, 8




2.2 Length of broadband Internet networks

pcs. 0 240 300 Monitor

ing system

year 6, 8

2.3 Potential number of public services provided on-line as a result of the projects implemented

pcs. 0 Target value

will be estimated*

Target value will be



system year 6, 8

2.4 Number of people who gained access to broadband Internet

pcs. 0 279.200





system year 6, 8




Number of broadband Internet connections at:

- households, - SMEs, - schools, including:

- in rural areas.

pcs. 0 Target value

will be estimated*

Target value will be



system year 6, 8

* Target value will be estimated by 2013

Source: Own study

3.2.5 Flexibility instrument (cross-financing)

To ensure efficient accomplishment of the objectives from Priority axis 2 Information society a part of measures eligible for assistance from the European Social Fund (pursuant to art. 34 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 of 11 July, 2006) will be implemented within Axis 2. It will be possible to allocate maximum 10% of funds at the level of Axis 2 to expenditure eligible under the ESF, necessary for completing investment projects and directly associated with them.

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3.2.6 Information on complementarity and demarcation of Priority axis 2 Information society

Priority axis 2 is complementary to:

- operational programmes financed under NSRF 2007-2013 from the European Regional Development Fund, European Social Fund or the Cohesion Fund,

- other priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013

in a manner that prevents the overlapping of financial operations financed under these programmes within the areas as specified below.

Tab. No 3.2.2 Complementarity and demarcation with measures financed under NSRF 2007-2013

Programme Priority axis / thematic area Demarcation criteria

Operational Programme Innovative Economy2007-2013

Priority axis 7. Building and development of information society in the following areas: - construction of platform of e-services for

citizens, - integration of electronic public


- scope of project

Operational Programme Human Capital 2007-2013

Priority II Development of human resources and adaptation potential of enterprises and improvement of health condition of the employed Priority III High quality of educational system Priority VIII Regional economy staff Priority IX Development of education and competencies in regions in the following areas: - development of life-long education systems, - development of education and competences, - development of adaptation potential Priority V Good governance as regards: - support to public administration in

application ICT

- type of project - type of beneficiary

Source: Own study

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Tab. No. 3.2.3 Complementarity and demarcation with other Priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013

Priority axis / thematic area Demarcation criteria

Priority axis 1 Strengthening economic attractiveness of the region as regards: - implementation of ICTs at enterprises

- type of beneficiary

- type of project

Priority axis 5 Social infrastructure and higher education as regards: - building a platform of e-services for


- type of project

Source: Own study

Detailed information on the criteria for financing specific operations by Operational Programmes and co-ordination mechanisms ruling out the risk of the same operations being financed from various Operational Programmes are specified in the „Demarcation line for the Common Agricultural Policy, Common Fisheries Policy and Cohesion Policy”.

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Undertakings implemented within Priority axis 3 Transport will comply with Regulation (EC) No. 1080/2006 of the European Parliament and the of the Council on the European Regional Development Fund which revokes Regulation (EC) No. 1783/1999, pursuant to art. 4, item 8, concerning transport investments. CATEGORIES OF INTERVENTION 98:

18 - Rolling stock 23 - Regional/local roads 52 - Promotion of clean urban transport 29 - Airports

3.3.1 Objectives of the priority axis

− To improve accessibility of areas and sites of key importance to economic growth of the voivodeship, of national and international transport systems and to improve safety of road users;

− To increase mobility of the region’s inhabitants through extending the public transport system.

3.3.2 Justification of the priority axis chosen The measures taken within the framework of Axis 3 Transport will be aimed at

satisfying the most important needs related to transport infrastructure, in particular at improving accessibility of areas and sites of key significance to economic growth of the voivodeship, as well as increasing safety and improving mobility of the region’s inhabitants.

According to the Community Strategic Guidelines99 and based on the experiences of the region, efficient and safe transport infrastructure is a prerequisite for the achievement of economic growth, mainly due to ensuring efficient and quick transfer of people and goods.

Dynamically developing transport may have a negative effect on the natural environment and human health. Therefore it is very important to make efforts to combine economic objectives with environmental ones following the so-called principle of sustainable development. This aspect was emphasised both in the Community Strategic Guidelines100 and in national documents such as: Polish Transport Policy for 2006-2025101, Transport Development Strategy for 2007-2013102.

The Opolskie Voivodeship belongs to Poland’s regions featuring a relatively well planned system of national and voivodeship roads. An undeniable asset of the voivodeship is a location of the region in the 3rd Pan-European transport corridor which includes the A4 98 Official Journal 371 of 27.12.2006, p. 1 99 Official Journal 291 of 21.10.2006 100 As above 101 National Transport Policy for 2006-2025, Ministry of Infrastructure, Warsaw 2005 102 Transport Development Strategy for 2007-2013, Ministry of Transport, Warsaw 2006 [draft].

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motorway. Such a location constitutes a strength of the voivodeship as, among other things, it creates conditions for establishing logistics centres and economic zones which in future may attract significant investments. The A4 motorway potential opens up an opportunity for the development of the Opolskie Voivodeship. Moreover, it is necessary to exploit the potential arising from the location on the border.

Weaknesses of the region include an insufficient number of roads between areas intended for development with the A4 motorway as well as an insufficient number of ring roads around towns and villages on transit roads. A problem of the region is also unsatisfactory quality of road infrastructure (including inadequate road technical parameters) and relatively poor level of safety on the roads in the voivodeship.

Due to the above, measures to be supported within the framework of Axis 3 will be aimed at developing the road infrastructure of regional and local importance, where a priority will be given to the tasks contributing to the improvement of access to the A4 motorway junctions and roads leading to it, to border crossings, investment sites and municipal centres while ensuring safety issues. The Diagnosis of the current condition of the Opolskie Voivodeship identifies main road connections which will be built in the years 2007-2013103 and which will improve connections to the A4 motorway and other strategic national transport corridors.

Within Priority axis 3, cofinancing will be granted to projects which will be related, among other things, to the construction, reconstruction and repairs of roads, including adaptation of surfaces to loads of at least 115 kN/axle, construction of ring roads, flyovers, bridges together with generally available accompanying infrastructure, e.g. lighting system, car parks, bicycle paths which will contribute to increased road safety. Additionally, support will be lent to projects which will employ Intelligent Transportation Systems – ITS which offer major advantages such as increased capacity of transport networks, decreased number of road accident casualties and shortened travelling time.

In order to increase the level of regional road safety, within Priority axis 3 preference will be given to projects encompassing elements which contribute to this safety, including those which make use of Intelligent Transportation Systems.

Under Priority axis 3 priority will be given to road infrastructure of regional importance.

Within the road infrastructure of regional importan ce, aid will be provided to projects aimed at the development of voivodeship roads in order to improve accessibility of investment sites, border crossings, as well as of sites and road routes of key importance to economic growth, including airports and the A4 motorway. As road traffic safety in the voivodeship is not sufficient, apart from the preferred projects which will contribute to its improvement, support will be given to investments designed to protect transport routes against threats and effects of catastrophes, through providing institutions operating in these fields with transport means and equipment used for road rescue service.

A significant limitation for growth is poorly developed road infrastructure of local importance. Such a situation combined with limited funds of local self-governments has a negative effect on the attractiveness of the region to potential investors. As a consequence, within Axis 3, aid will be provided to investments whose aim will be to extend and modernise a network of poviat and gmina roads of major economic importance. In addition, assistance 103 In Annex to ROP OV 2007-2013, in Appendix No. 4 there is a graphic presentation of roads investments of regional dimension (only roads), which will be executed in the years 2007-2013

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will be given to undertakings to ensure accessibility of investment sites, among other things, aimed at providing utilities for these sites making them ready for economic investments, connecting these sites with national and regional roads, with sites of great importance to economic growth, with municipal centres.

Within the framework of Axis 3, in order to increase competitiveness and investment attractiveness of the region, except measures related to road infrastructure, also projects aimed at improvement of public transport (i.e. urban and railway transport, airport infrastructure ) will be supported.

Today, mobility, i.e. a possibility of free movement to different places where human needs are satisfied, is one of the basic needs of the society. Part of measures within public transport is to ensure appropriate mobility of population. With a view to that, it is important to abolish barriers preventing people from moving from rural to urban areas, ensure a proper quality of transport, in particular taking into account environmentally friendly solutions and comfort.

In the Opolskie region, urban transportation operates in four cities i.e. Opole, Nysa, Kędzierzyn-Koźle and Brzeg. As proved in the Diagnosis of the current condition of the Opolskie Voivodeship, this transportation serves passengers in cities and suburban areas. Decapitalised means of transportation which do not offer adequate travelling quality and are not environmentally friendly are a weakness of municipal transport.

Consequently, urban transport- related projects to receive support will be aimed at replacement of old buses with new ones which meet the highest technical and ecological standards. Moreover, it is necessary to ensure proper infrastructure to serve passengers by construction, among other things, of integrated changing hubs between different means of transport, of car parks “Park and Go”. Such investments will contribute to the transfer to more environmentally-friendly means of transport, the so-called “ecologically clean vehicles” and to establishing an integrated transport system. Urban transportation-related measures undertaken will support the development of towns serving as growth stimulators, will be improve connections with the existing rural areas and have a positive influence on the environment.

The area of the Opolskie Voivodeship is crossed by one of the most important, main and first class railway lines in Poland. A major asset of the region is a well developed railway network. A number of passenger lines in the Opolskie Voivodeship has increased in contrast with tendencies in Poland. That is why it is important to secure means of transportation which ensure adequate comfort of travelling and are environmentally friendly.

In the years 2004-2007, the Local Government of the Opolskie Voivodeship initiated activities aiming at the replacement of decapitalised rolling stock with modern railbuses. Up until now, however, part of the regions’ non-electrified lines are served by obsolete Diesel locomotives which have negative impact on the environment.

Projects supported within railway transport will be the ones which foresee purchase of railbuses for regional railway passenger transport only by public units in order to improve the condition of the environment, increase comfort and safety of travelling, reduce costs of operation and reduce travelling time.

Measures undertaken in this area will lead to the elimination of obsolete Diesel engines on non-electrified lines throughout the voivodeship and will contribute to increasing regional railway traffic attractiveness and competitiveness.

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One of the factors determining competitiveness of economy is access to air transport. At the moment the demand for these services is rising sharply, in particular at regional and local airports. As it is forecast that the demand for air transport services will grow further, it will become necessary to extend a network of airports, especially based on the existing airport infrastructure, including post-military, sports and service airports104.

In the Opolskie Voivodeship there are no such airports, which in the SWOT analysis was mentioned as a weakness of the region. However, there are sites which have airport infrastructure to be a basis for development of this type of transport. The facility that might potentially be converted into a local airport is the post-military airport in Kamień Śląski.

The execution of the local airport under Priority axis 3 is subject to a prior independent analysis that will clearly confirm the economic viability of the project, including its financial stability in the operation period. At the same time, the investment will have to be verified and assessed at the national level, going beyond the regional level, in terms of the planed transport infrastructure development. All measures undertaken in order to execute the airport in Kamień Śląski will have to ensure compliance with the Polish and EU regulations in force. In particular, this relates to planning, analytic and similar documents. A possibility of involving the European Investment Bank and/or JASPERS initiative into the preparation and financing of the project will be investigated into.

If the aforementioned requirement for starting the airport in Kamień Śląski under the Programme are met, the expected output will include opening the region to foreign partners and ensuring greater mobility of the local population. Main economic advantages related to the airport will include, among other things, attraction of new investments, creation of new jobs and improvement of access to Polish and international markets.

In social aspects, considering the specificity of the Opolskie region, the airport may mitigate the negative impact of temporary migration for jobs and the extent of permanent emigration. Better accessibility of the voivodeship i.e. possibility of quicker and more efficient movement of the local population may have positive impact on the creation of favourable conditions for maintaining family bonds and contacts.

3.3.3 Assistance within Priority Axis 3 Transport will be provided mainly to the following groups of beneficiaries:

1. Units of local self-government, their unions and associations;

2. Incorporated organisational units (legal persons);

3. Government administration;

4. Entrepreneurs;

5. Non-governmental organisations.

104 On the basis of: Air Transport (Export Evaluation), Dr Hab. E. Marciszewska, Dr D. Kaliński, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw 2004

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3.3.4 Target indicators for Priority axis 3

Tab. No. 3.3.1 Target indicators for Priority axis 3 of ROP OV 2007-2013


No Name Unit

Value in baseline

year (2007)

Value in target year


Value in 2015 Source

Measur. frequen.

Reference to context. indicator

Priority axis 3 Transport

3.1. Number of projects in transport pcs. 0 48 60 Monitor

ing system

year 14

3.2. Length of new roads, including: - regional (provincial) roads, - local (poviat and commune) roads.

pcs. 0 9 5 4

11 6 5


system year 14

3.3. Length of up-graded roads, including: - regional (provincial) roads, - local (poviat and commune) roads.

km 0 74 24 50

93 30 63


system year 14 P



3.4. Means of public transport purchased pcs. 0 10 12 Monitor

ing system

year 13

3.5. Time saving (in EUR) on new and modernised roads in passenger and freight transport

PLN/ Euro

0 Target value

will be estimated*

Target value will be



system year 14

3.6. Potential number of people using public transport as a result of the projects

pcs. 0 1.040 1.300 Monitor

ing system

year 13

3.7. Increase in the number of people using municipal transport supported within the Programme

pcs. 0 1.226.400 1.533.000 Monitor

ing system

year 13 Res


3.8. Number of people served by the local airport

pcs. 0 160.000 200.000 Monitor

ing system

year -

* Target value will be estimated at a later stage, based on the methodology of the Institute of Roads and Bridges in Warsaw

3.3.5 Flexibility instrument (cross-financing)

Within the framework of Priority axis 3 Transport the principle of cross-financing shall not apply.

3.3.6 Information on complementarity and demarcation of Priority axis 3 Transport

Priority axis 3 is complementary to:

- Rural Development Programme for the years 2007-2013 [Program Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich 2007-2013], financed from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development [EAFRD],

- Operational Programme Sustainable development of fisheries and coastal fishing areas 2007-2013 [ZrównowaŜony rozwój sektora rybołówstwa i nadbrzeŜnych obszarów rybackich 2007-2013], financed from the European Fisheries Fund [EFR],

- operational programmes financed under NSRF 2007-2013 from the European Regional Development Fund, Cohesion Fund,

- other priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013

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in a manner that prevents the overlapping of financial operations financed under these programmes within the areas as specified below.

Tab. No 3.3.2 Complementarity and demarcation with measures financed under EFF

Programme Priority axis / thematic area Demarcation criteria

Rural Development Programme for the years 2007-2013

Axis 1. Improvement of competitiveness of the agricultural and forest sectors

Measure: Improvement and development of infrastructure related to development and adaptation of agriculture and forestry as regards:

- access roads to agricultural and forest areas grouped together within land integration projects

- project execution area - road classification

Operational Programme Sustainable development of fisheries and coastal fishing areas 2007-2013

Priority axis 3 Means earmarked for common interests as regards:

- road infrastructure

- project execution area

Source: Own study

Tab. No 3.3.3 Complementarity and demarcation with measures financed under NSRF 2007-2013

Programme Priority axis / thematic area Demarcation criteria

Priority axis VI Road and air TEN-T network in the following areas:

- road infrastructure - road classification

- airport infrastructure - airport location

Priority axis VII Environmentally-friendly transport in the following areas: - railway transport - municipal transport

- project execution area

Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2007-2013

Priority axis VIII Transport safety and national transportation networks in the following areas: - road rescue - road infrastructure - intelligent transport systems

- road classification

Source: Own study

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Tab. No 3.3.4 Complementarity and demarcation with other Priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013

Priority axis / thematic area Demarcation criteria

Priority axis 1 Strengthening economic attractiveness of the region as regards:

- parking lots, bicycle paths

- type of project

Priority axis 6 Activisation of degraded municipal areas as regards: - road infrastructure

- project execution area

Source: Own study

Detailed information on the criteria for financing specific operations by Operational

Programmes and co-ordination mechanisms ruling out the risk of the same operations being financed from various Operational Programmes are specified in the „Demarcation line for the Common Agricultural Policy, Common Fisheries Policy and Cohesion Policy”.

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ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Undertakings to be implemented within Priority axis 4 Environmental protection will comply with Regulation (EC) No. 1080/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Regional Development Fund which revokes Regulation (EC) No. 1783/1999, pursuant to art. 4, items 4, 5 and 9 concerning:

− environment;

− hazard prevention;

− energy investments.


39 - Renewable energy: wind

40 - Renewable energy: solar 41 - Renewable energy: biomass 42 - Renewable energy: hydroelectric, geothermal and other 43 - Energy efficiency, cogeneration, energy management 44 - Management of municipal and industrial waste 46 - Sewage treatment

51 - Promotion of biodiversity and nature protection (including NATURA 2000)

53 - Hazard prevention (including preparation and implementation of plans and instruments for preventing and managing natural and technological hazards)

54 - Other activities for environment protection and hazard prevention

3.4.1 Objectives of the priority axis

− To improve quality of the natural environment through modernisation of water and sewage management and reduction of flood hazard;

− To increase the amount of waste sorted and recycled;

− To improve air quality and to increase use of renewable energy;

− To maintain biological diversity as well as natural and landscape assets of the Opole region.

3.4.2 Justification of the priority axis chosen

Recently in Poland and in the Opole region a positive tendency in the environment improvement can be observed. It is a result of gradual introduction of, among other things, more environment-friendly technologies. Still, however, there is no proper environmental protection infrastructure which makes it impossible to ensure the appropriate quality of life to the population in the region. It has also an adverse effect on economic growth which takes into account respect for environmental resources and assets. Extension and development of 105 Official Journal 371 of 27.12.2006, p. 1

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the environmental protection infrastructure is meant not only to raise living standards, build an integrated monitoring system for the environment and limit the consequences of extraordinary hazards, but also to maintain and protect areas with interesting natural and landscape assets.

Projects implemented within Axis 4 Environmental protection will contribute to the improvement of quality of the natural environment through the development of the following infrastructure: municipal as regards water, sewage and waste management, flood protection, air protection, renewable energy sources. Moreover, measures to be taken will be aimed at maintaining biological diversity, region’s natural and landscape assets, as well as those related to monitoring of the environment. Axis 4 will allow for strengthening synergy between environmental protection and economic growth which was highlighted in the Community Strategic Guidelines106 as an important element affecting the improvement in conditions being conducive to region’s development.

Attractiveness of the region is to a significant extent determined by access to basic utilities and public services. Implementation of rational solutions as regards utilities and public services is an essential element of the contemporary policy on environmental protection.

The Opolskie Voivodeship is beset with two serious problems, i.e. considerable pollution of waters and insufficient sewage systems in the region, in particular in rural areas. Due to the above, within water and sewage management the main emphasis will be placed on projects related to construction, extension and modernisation of sewage treatment plants as well as construction and extension of sewage systems, connected to sewage treatment plants. Projects related to the water supply system will be carried out only if they are an element of a sewage treatment-related project.

In order to extend systems of water quality control and of underground water protection against pollution, assistance will be given to undertakings aimed at extending monitoring systems by purchasing devices and necessary equipment.

As regards water and sewage management, aid will be provided to projects in conurbation areas with a size as specified in the „Demarcation line for the Common Agricultural Policy, Common Fisheries Policy and Cohesion Policy”, included in the National Programme for Municipal Sewage Treatment107, at the same time fulfilling the obligations arising from the Framework Water Directive 2000/60/EC108.

Among weaknesses of the region there is the lack of common and fully operating system of waste utilisation, including, among other things, recycling, composting, recovering biogas from landfills. Therefore it is necessary to introduce significant changes to waste management in order to improve segregation systems, organisation of waste collection and recycling.

Among others, support will be given to measures aimed at closing down and reclamation of landfills, segregation and recycling with special consideration given to utilisation of waste and gas from landfills, sewage treatment plants, composting plants for

106 Official Journal 291 of 21.10.2006 107 National Programme for Municipal Sewage Treatment. The Programme was prepared in order to fulfil obligations of the Polish Government as regards providing conurbations with mass sewage systems and municipal sewage plants adopted in the Treaty of Accession between Poland and the European Union. 108 Directive of 23 October, 200 setting up framework for the Community action in water policy (Official Journal 327 of 22 December, 2000).

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power generation and heating purposes, in particular by small combined heat and power plants or directly for process purposes.

It is also necessary to take measures aimed at neutralisation and recovery of sediment from municipal sewage treatment plants if they can be used for power generation purposes and also take action to select and utilise hazardous waste.

As in the Opolskie Voivodeship there is no landfill site for waste containing asbestos, such a site should be provided or already existing sites should be extended by sections for this waste.

Within Axis 4 no new landfill sites are to be constructed, except landfill sites for waste containing asbestos, while emphasis will be put on waste recycling. Projects eligible for assistance are only those in compliance with the current Plan of waste management for the Opolskie Voivodeship109.

Owing to the location of the Opolskie Voivodeship in the Odra River basin, flood prevention and protection against its effects is a significant problem for the region development. Although a number of investments have been already completed, the region still features some weaknesses – such as lack of efficient flood protection as well as a risk of damages in case of flood. In order to ensure efficient flood protection of Opole, Nysa, Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Brzeg, Krapkowice and Lewin Brzeski as well as other areas situated in the Odra River basin and to minimise damages caused by floods, of fundamental importance will be investments related to flood protection facilities.

As regards flood protection management, project will be based on an interdisciplinary planning for the entire catchment area.

Priority will be given to the activities aimed at natural flow rate reduction and increasing the natural water retention (e.g.: recreation of flood and wet areas). If necessary, projects can also be targeted at the reconstruction of the existing flood protection infrastructure.

New flood protection measures will only be permitted to be planned if, despite the implementation of the aforementioned measures, flood risk will still be presents and provided that undertakings are conducted in accordance with EU Directives, including art. 47 of the Water Framework Directive110.

At the same time, where floods can not be avoided and where they have to be controlled support should also be granted to the preparation and maintenance in operational state also regional and local emergency plan in case of flooding.

Measures taken within this Axis should create conditions for the maintenance and gradual development of river navigability as well as for using energy potential of waters for renewable energy production. Comprehensive flood control should include also measures

109 Waste management plan stipulates, among other things, description of the current waste management plant, waste management objectives, including deadlines for their achievement, types of undertakings and their implementation schedule. The document currently in force in the Opolskie Voivodeship is the Plan of waste management for the Opolskie Voivodeship adopted by the Local Government of the Opolskie Voivodeship on 18 November 2003 by resolution No XIV/131/2003 on the adoption of the Environment protection programme of Opolskie voivodeship for the years 2003-2006, including 2007-2010 and the Plan of waste management for the Opolskie Voivodeship. Pursuant to the Waste Act of 27 April 2001 (Journal of Laws 2001, No 62, item 628), Waste management plans are to be up-dated at least once every 4 years. 110 As in footnote No. 5.

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aimed at maintaining and reconstructing ecosystems of rivers and their valleys as well as maintaining running waters and water equipment significant for agriculture in good technical and ecological condition.

Year by year, the Opolskie region sees decreasing dust emissions, which is a consequence of reduction of high emissions. The problem persists however when it comes to the so-called low emissions. Thus, the improvement of air cleanliness in the Opolskie Voivodeship requires more intensified actions to be taken. In particular the area of the whole Opolskie Voivodeship should be covered with the programme for eliminating low emissions.

One of objectives of the Poland’s Energy Policy until 2025111 is increase of energy efficiency. This objective will be achieved, among other things, by undertaking measures leading to energy savings, improved efficiency of energy utilisation in order to limit the gap between the maximum and minimum energy demand.

In relation to that, within Priority axis 4, cofinancing will be given to projects leading to energy savings of public facilities, including but not limited to, by replacement of windows, external doors, application of thermal insulation, modernisation of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems, replacement of heat sources, as well as building and modernisation of district heating networks.

Within Priority axis 4, preference will be given to projects ensuring large energy efficiency which will lead to energy savings. Measures taken within Axis 4 will result in the reduction of dust and gas emissions to atmosphere, which will contribute to the improvement of air quality in the region.

The Opolskie voivodeship stands out from other Polish regions because of its major potential of biomass production (from farming and plant production). Investments related to the use of biomass are managed mainly by power plants. As proved in the Diagnosis of the current condition of the Opolskie voivodeship, the key recipient of biomass is power plant BOT Elektrownia Opole. Additionally, in the Opolskie region there are water courses on which hydro-electric power plants can be built, while the Odra river should, in accordance with the Opolskie Voivodeship Development strategy112, be better used as the source of renewable energy.

However, despite major resources, renewable energy sources meet only a small proportion of energy requirements of the voivodeship.

In compliance with the Community Strategic Guidelines113 a top priority is to reduce the dependence on conventional energy by ensuring greater efficiency of energy and renewable energy consumption. Energy obtained from renewable sources is to constitute a major share in the energy balance of the Opolskie voivodeship. This objective will not be achieved only by the measures foreseen under Priority axis 4, but also by private projects launched within Priority axis 1 Strengthening economic attractiveness of the region and by investments of regional beneficiaries financed from National Programme funds such as Rural Development Programme for the years 2007-2013.

Within Axis 4, as regards measures taken in order to construct plants for generation, processing, storage and transfer of renewable energy, i.e. solar, wind, biomass, hydroelectric, geothermal, support will be granted to construction, reconstruction and modernisation of

111 Poland’s Energy Policy until 2025. Ministry of Economy and Labour. Unit for energy policy. Document accepted by the Council of Ministers on 4 January 2005. 112 Opolskie Voivodeship Development Strategy. Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Opolskiego. Opole 2005. 113 Official Journal EU L291 dated 21.10.2006

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facilities, as well as purchase or up-grade of equipment. It is expected that as a result of RES-related projects, potential generated installed capacity of renewable energy will amount to 4.25 MW, which will constitute approx. 0.28 %114 of electricity generated in the region.

The Opolskie Voivodeship is among more valuable regions in Poland as regards biodiversity, landscape and natural assets. It is very important to take actions which will safeguard the most unique natural resources of the voivodeship in an appropriate manner. The projects implemented within Axis 4 will be aimed at preserving natural habitats (ecosystems), making ecological corridors more passable and maintaining diversity of species. Actions designed to protect and recover natural and landscape biodiversity, to maintain and restore habitats, including water and mud as well as forest ones, to ensure functionality of ecological corridors as well to reintroduce species and ex situ protection. These measures are necessary for the implementation of the common European ecological system Natura 2000 and for protection of the voivodeship biodiversity.

3.4.3 Assistance within Priority Axis 4 Environmental protection will be provided mainly to the following groups of beneficiaries:

1. Units of local self-government, their unions and associations;

2. Incorporated organisational units (legal persons);

3. Non-government organisations;

4. Churches and denominations as well as legal persons of churches and denominations;

5. Government administration;

6. Water companies;

7. PGL Lasy Państwowe (Polish Forest Management Company) and its organisational units;

8. National and landscape parks;

9. Entrepreneurs115;

10. Incorporated units from the sector of public finance (legal persons) not mentioned above.

114 The estimate applies solely to installed electrical energy capacity in the voivodeship, due to incomplete data on the installed thermal energy capacity. It is estimated that if the a/m value were compared to the total of thermal and electrical energy generated, the indicator would equal approx. 0.16 % 115 Entities (including commercial law companies), providing public services, where a major shareholder is the Opolskie Voivodeship, a poviat, a gmina, a town, an association of gminas, the State Treasury or entities selected according to the regulations of the Public Procurement Law performing tasks on the basis a separate, valid agreement concluded with a unit of local self-government (also in a form of public and private partnerships)

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3.4.4 Target indicators for Priority axis 4

Tab. No 3.4.1 Target indicators for Priority axis 4 of ROP OV 2007-2013


No Name Unit

Value in baseline

year (2007)

Value in target year


Value in 2015 Source

Measur. frequen.

Reference to

context. indicato


Priority axis 4 Environmental protection

4.1. Number of projects in water and sewage management

pcs. 0 7 9 Monitori

ng system

year 26, 28,


4.2. Number of projects in waste management

pcs. 0 2 3 Monitori

ng system

year 30, 31

4.3. Number of projects aimed at improving air quality

pcs. 0 1 2 Monitori

ng system

year 33, 37,


4.4. Number of projects related to renewable energy

pcs. 0 6 8 Monitori

ng system

year 33




4.5. Number of projects related to risk prevention

pcs. 0 1 2 Monitori

ng system

year -

4.6. Reclaimed area (km²) in result of project execution

km² 0 0,01 0,01 Monitori

ng system

year 35, 36

4.7. Number of people covered by selective waste collection as a result of the projects

pcs. 0 24.800 31.000 Monitori

ng system

year 30

4.8. Number of people protected against flood as a result of project execution

pcs. 0 Target value

will be estimated*

Target value will be



system year -


Number of people connected to the sewage system as a result of project execution

pcs. 0 11.200 14.000 Monitori

ng system

year 26



4.10. Additional installed power from renewable sources

MW 0 3,4 4,25 Monitori

ng system

year 32

* The target value will be estimated by the end of 2010 Source: Own study

3.4.5 Flexibility instrument (cross-financing)

To ensure efficient accomplishment of the objectives from Priority axis 4 Environmental protection a part of measures eligible for assistance from the European Social Fund (pursuant to art. 34 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 of 11 July, 2006) will be implemented within Axis 4. It will be possible to allocate maximum 10% of funds at the level of Axis 4 to expenditure eligible under the ESF, necessary for completing investment projects and directly associated with them.

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3.4.6 Information on complementarity and demarcation of Priority Axis 4 Environmental protection

Priority axis 4 is complementary to:

- Rural Development Programme for the years 2007-2013 [Program Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich 2007-2013], financed from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development [EAFRD],

- Operational Programme Sustainable development of fisheries and coastal fishing areas 2007-2013 [ZrównowaŜony rozwój sektora rybołówstwa i nadbrzeŜnych obszarów rybackich 2007-2013], financed from the European Fisheries Fund [EFF],

- operational programmes financed under NSRF 2007-2013 from the European Regional Development Fund, European Social Fund or the Cohesion Fund,

- other priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013

in a manner that prevents the overlapping of financial operations financed under these programmes within the areas as specified below.

Tab. No 3.4.2 Complementarity and demarcation with measures financed under EAFRD, EFF

Programme Priority axis / thematic area Demarcation criteria

Rural Development Programme for the years 2007-2013

Axis 1. Improvement of competitiveness of the agricultural and forest sectors

Measure: Improvement and development of infrastructure related to development and adaptation of agriculture and forestry as regards:

- management of agricultural water resources

Axis 2 Improvement of natural environment and rural areas Measure: Agriculture and environment programme as regards: - biodiversity preservation Measure: Reconstruction of forest production potential destroyed by disasters and implementation of preventive instruments as regards: - tree protection

− type of beneficiary; − type of project − project execution area; − type of beneficiary; − type of project − project execution area; − type of project

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Axis 3 Quality of life in rural areas and diversification of rural economy Measure Basic services for rural economy and population in the following areas: - water and sewage management - waste management - renewable energy

− project execution area and

project value; − type of beneficiary; − type of project

Priority axis 2 Aquaculture, inland fisheries, fish and aquaculture processing and trade as regards:

- preservation and improvement of environment and water resources

- type of beneficiary’s operation

Operational Programme Sustainable development of fisheries and coastal fishing areas 2007-2013

Priority axis 3 Means earmarked for common interest as regards: - aquatic flora and fauna protection and development

- type of project

Source: Own study

Tab. No 3.4.3 Complementarity and demarcation with measures financed under NSRF 2007-2013

Programme Priority axis / thematic area Demarcation criteria

Priority axis I Water and sewage management as regards: - water and sewage management

- size of agglomeration

Priority axis II Waste management and ground surface protection as regards: - waste management

- number of citizens served by systems and installations

Priority axis III Resources management and environmental hazard prevention as regards: - flood protection

- reservoir capacity and project value

Priority axis V Nature preservation and promoting environmental behaviours as regards: - preservation of biodiversity

- project value

Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2007-2013

Priority axis IX Environmentally friendly power generation infrastructure in the following areas:

- energy efficiency - renewable energy sources

- project value

Source: Own study

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Tab. No 3.4.4 Complementarity and demarcation with other priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013

Priority axis / thematic area Demarcation criteria

Priority axis 1 Strengthening economic attractiveness of the region as regards: - environmentally friendly investments and eco-

innovative enterprises

- type of beneficiary

Priority axis 5 Social infrastructure and higher education as regards: - air protection

- type of project

Priority axis 6 Mobilisation of degraded municipal areas in the following areas: - water and sewage management - air protection, - renewable energy.

- project execution area

Source: Own study

Detailed information on the criteria for financing specific operations by Operational Programmes and co-ordination mechanisms ruling out the risk of the same operations being financed from various Operational Programmes are specified in the „Demarcation line for the Common Agricultural Policy, Common Fisheries Policy and Cohesion Policy”.

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SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND HIGHER EDUCATION Undertakings implemented within Priority axis 5 Social infrastructure and higher education will comply with Regulation (EC) No. 1080/2006 of the European Parliament and the of the Council on the European Regional Development Fund which revokes Regulation (EC) No. 1783/1999, pursuant to art. 4, items 7, 10 and 11, concerning:

− investments in education; − investments in health care infrastructure and social infrastructure;

− investments in culture. CATEGORIES OF INTERVENTION 116:

56 - Protection and valorisation of natural heritage

58 - Protection and preservation of cultural heritage

59 - Development of cultural infrastructure

60 - Other support for improvement of cultural services

75 - Infrastructure of education system

76 - Infrastructure of health service 3.5.1 Objectives of the priority axis

− To increase competitiveness of human resources in the labour market by improving the standard and conditions of education in the region;

− To strengthen and improve health safety of the region’s inhabitants, in particular of people active in the labour market;

− To protect sites of cultural and natural heritage of regional importance;

− To strengthen the role of culture as a factor affecting an attractive image of the region.

3.5.2 Justification of the priority axis chosen

Measures implemented within the framework of Axis 5 Social infrastructure and higher education will be aimed at the development of educational and medical facilities of the Opolskie Voivodeship, for raising the infrastructure standard in culture of supralocal and regional importance and for the protection of cultural and natural heritage.

116 Official Journal 371 of 27.12.2006, p. 1

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One of the conditions to build and develop a modern, competitive economy on a European scale is to raise the quality of human resources which means a rise in the level of education of the region’s inhabitants. Among the strengths of the Opolskie Voivodeship there are increasing educational aspirations of the voivodeship population and rapidly developing higher education. Still, however, the Opolskie Voivodeship has the smallest in Poland number of people with higher education in total population and a serious shortage of qualified staff and specialists, which constitutes a major barrier to locating new investments in the Opolskie Voivodeship. Another characteristic feature of the voivodeship is the continuous and high migration of people abroad and, at the same time, high unemployment rate in the region, which have a negative influence on the skilled staff resources in the voivodeship.

Considering the aforementioned situation, it is important to take decisive actions fostering the development of human resources, to create appropriate conditions for gaining knowledge by wide social groups in the region and to co-ordinate activities in relation to educational infrastructure so that to create an efficient, market labour matching, system of staff training. It will require ensuring access to educational infrastructure which will be adjusted to the modern educational system using mainly ICT solutions and tools117. This will be coherent with the measures taken within Priority axis 2 Information society.

Analysis of the regional infrastructure in the field of higher, post-secondary and secondary education as well as educational centres for equal educational opportunities (CKU /CKP) shows that that it is necessary to up-grade educational facilities and their equipment. At universities and colleges in the Opole region it is necessary to extend research and lecturing facilities. Particular attention should be paid to the development of lecturing and science facilities, which will contribute to the growth of the regional modern economy, in particular in the fields indicated in the “Regional Foresight”. Axis 5 excludes investments in university-based research and development infrastructure for the development of entrepreneurship which may be co-financed from funds within Axis 1 Strengthening economic attractiveness of the region of ROP OV 2007-2013.

The opportunities for region’s development lie in preparing modern educational infrastructure for continuous education and practical training which will affect the whole region. To adjust the infrastructure to the development of establishments for continuous education (CKU) and practical training (CKP) in the Opolskie Voivodeship is of key importance in order to ensure competitiveness of the regional economy. In view of changes taking place in economy and dynamically changing labour market requirements, matching education and vocational training to the region’s needs becomes of key importance. This process will be secured based on provision of educational infrastructure and equipment of adequate standard. This will require extension and development of the infrastructure and, more importantly, ensuring modern tools and equipment at educational institutions at university, secondary and junior high school level, which is expected to result in matching graduates’ skills and qualifications to the needs of economy. Broad educational offer matters both for people employed and jobseekers and should lead to the increased employability of the unemployed, in particular – women.

Preparation to mobility in the European labour market requires intensive teaching of foreign languages and thus it is so important to provide appropriate training facilities where foreign languages can be taught, including preparation to bilingual education of pupils; especially when keeping in mind that year by year there are more and more persons interested in learning foreign languages at such centres.

117 Initiative ” i2010: European Information Society for Growth and Jobs”, COM(2005)229

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An important element in strategic measures of the Opolskie Voivodeship, complement to the aforesaid directions for development, is the improvement of quality of educational infrastructure at the local level.

The region has a system of educational units which suits the needs at the primary and junior secondary levels, but, as evidenced based on the diagnosis of the Opolskie voivodeship, the quality of educational infrastructure is poor and ICT tools used to a small extent, in particular in rural areas. Hence, tasks to be completed within Axis 5 will be aimed at lifting barriers in access to education by children, including those from rural and marginalised areas, i.e. in a particularly difficult situation in this respect. Projects taken within the framework of Axis 5 will aim at raising the standard of infrastructure of educational facilities at the primary and junior secondary levels to make them suit contemporary requirements and new teaching methods, mainly with purchase of investment equipment for teaching purposes, including ICT tools.

To increase investment attractiveness of the region it is also planned, within Axis 5, to implement projects to provide appropriate educational facilities for people migrating in relation to investments located in the Opolskie Voivodeship.

Investment projects planned for implementation within Axis 5 will be analysed considering demographic and economic conditions in the given area. Preference will be given (where applicable and possible) to education facilities which can be made available to a broader spectrum of users e.g. for further training. Such a solution will reinforce the universality of facilities and will make it possible to use the available facilities in an efficient manner.

Measures taken are coherent with the Opolskie Voivodeship Development Strategy – strategic objective No II Securing favourable living conditions in the region, measure 8 Creation of conditions for the fulfilment of educational and cultural needs of the society. Additionally, this approach is in parallel with the Education Development Strategy for the years 2007 – 2013118, which emphasised a need for transformation in the Polish educational system, especially in terms of new competencies required on the labour market and related to the modern civilisation and globalizing worlds (such as foreign languages, ICT, entrepreneurship, new professions), which require educational facilities of adequate standard and equipment.

The activities within Axis 5 are also necessary to fully achieve the objectives included in the Operational Programme Human Resources.

The quality of health care provided to the population of the Opolskie Voivodeship, both in terms of medical staff and medical infrastructure is not satisfactory. The indicators concerning medical staff and the use of medical infrastructure by patients are below the national average which means that there are significant difficulties in access to public health centres, modern medical equipment and health services.

Conditions and the pace of professional life cause greater health hazards and, as a consequence, the demand for medical services becomes higher. The strategic objective of the National Healthcare Programme for the years 2006-2015 is (just as in the programme for the years 1996-2005) improvement of health and quality of life of citizens119. Due to the dynamic of demographic and social changes, significant elements in the society development will be

118 Education Development Strategy for the years 2007 – 2013, adopted by the Council of Ministers on 2 August 2005 119 „National Healthcare Programme for the years 2006-2015”, draft framework programme of 28 September 2005

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measures taken in the field of health care i.e. development of health institutions, in particular those oriented at healthcare for people active in the labour market. The lifestyle, modern-age diseases and hazards result in a larger number of disabled people. In the Opole region a number of the disabled has been increasing and therefore there is a need for the increased accessibility to medical services and rehabilitation by these patients, in particular in order to enable them to return to activity in the labour market.

Due to a considerable budgetary deficit in Poland, also in the Opole region has a problem lying in the decapitalisation of the infrastructure and limited access to expensive and state-of-the-art medical technologies. Investments in this field will support restructuring of the existing hospital facilities (stationary health care) and optimisation of out-patient medical facilities, as specified in the catalogue of intervention areas listed in the Health Care Strategy of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2006-2013120. Projects in the area of stationary health care are to contribute to increasing the efficiency of hospital wards, rationalisation of management, adjustment of a profile and specialist hospital facilities to the needs in the region, optimisation of a network of primary health care hospitals through allocation of beds, further development of long-term care institutions according to the local community requirements and extension of out-patient (daily) hospital facilities.

The main cause of disease incidence and mortality in the region are malignant and cardiovascular system diseases. Thus, priority will be given to projects meant to improve infrastructure of health centres where these civilisation-related diseases are treated. These projects should especially be related to early detection, an increase in accessibility to, efficiency and quality of diagnostics and therapy in oncology and haematology as well as treatment of brain vascular incidents. Additionally, support will be granted to projects contributing to the improvement of health of women of child-bearing age and of neonates and infants.

An important element of strategic measures of the Opolskie Voivodeship is also to improve quality of and accessibility of health care infrastructure at the local level (out-patient health care).

The accessibility of health services is limited at the moment, in particular in rural areas, mainly due to unsatisfactory technical infrastructure of local primary health care centres and a shortage of medical equipment at a proper level. To eliminate negative effects of this situation the measures taken will be aimed at improving the quality of primary health care to guarantee effective contact with patients. Medical infrastructure will be modernised both in terms of facilities and equipment. These measures will be supported through the optimisation of medical facilities of out-patient health care, mainly organising diagnostic and therapeutic support for a system of primary health care units.

Within Axis 5, aid will be provided to projects related to health care only within a public health insurance system which delivers services provided for in the contract with the Public Healthcare Services Financing Institution (e.g. National Healthcare Fund). The measures taken within Axis 5 must not lead to extending the sector of health services by new medical units.

Assistance within Axis 5 excludes health units eligible for assistance under Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment, i.e. those established by the minister

120 “Healthcare Strategy of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2006-2013”, adopted by Resolution No. XLIV/418/2006 of the Sejmik of the Opolskie Voivodeship on 31 January, 2006 on adopting the Health Care Strategy of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2006-2013.

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or the central body of government administration or a public medical university running teaching and research activities in medical sciences.

Support for culture follows from the recognition of the role of culture as a factor creating social attitudes, moral, ethic and aesthetic standards. Support for culture should be regarded as support for socio-economic development of the region, raising attractiveness of the region and an element which increases competitiveness based on the region’s potential, in particular resources of cultural and natural heritage. Axis 5 will be implemented based on the development of infrastructure of cultural institutions, preparing a varied regional offer of cultural attractions, protection of monuments and cultural heritage (sites/buildings listed in the register of monuments121) and natural heritage which will bring about an increase in attractiveness of the region as a place to work, live and spend leisure time.

The Opolskie Voivodeship boasts rich culture arising mainly from historically determined merged Polish, Czech and German cultures. The region, however, has lower than Poland’s average statistics as regards the number of spectators, listeners, readers taking advantage of the offer of cultural institutions . To improve these figures it is necessary to provide easier access to culture through, among other things, extension of infrastructure, at the moment unevenly spread over the region – located mainly in Opole which is the region’s centre.

Assistance for projects in culture will contribute to economic growth of the region as a result of, among other things, creating new jobs, and it will be focused on investments in public cultural infrastructure, thus contributing to the preparation of a high quality cultural offer and to raising active participation of the society in culture. The projects are to lead to the modernisation of cultural facilities improving their equipment such as exhibition, storage, technical and multimedia equipment as well as systems raising safety of the facilities. The increased cultural potential will have an impact on promotion of Opole where the majority of regional cultural institutions are situated, but also on promotion of the whole region. National and international cultural undertakings will be carried out with the use of the infrastructure already existing and the infrastructure to be built. Modernisation of cultural facilities will provide conditions for creating top quality works of art and artistic demonstrations. As a result, the interest in participation in different events will increase and social integration of the regional population from municipal and rural areas will be strengthened.

Assistance will be provided to projects aimed at making culture available to the whole society removing architectural barriers in cultural institutions and system solutions for disabled people.

The Opolskie Voivodeship is among the richest Polish regions in terms of historical sites/buildings in Poland, however, the weakness is their bad condition and limited accessibility. Among important sites of cultural heritage there are, among other things, historically developed urban areas and monuments of architecture. Owing to the deterioration of monuments, measures will be undertaken to stop degradation and destruction of buildings listed in the register of monuments as well as to utilise them to the maximum extent for cultural purposes. In addition, assistance will be rendered to projects aimed at the preservation of artefacts in museums, archive records, antique books, book collections and other moveable monuments.

121 Pursuant to the Act on historical monument preservation and care (Dz. U. dated 23 July 2003, No 162, item 1568, as amended) the Provincial Conservation Officer keeps a record of monuments located in the region. Monuments listed in the record are protected by law.

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In the Opolskie Voivodeship there are over 5.5 thousand archaeological sites. A trump card of the region is a unique on a European scale site of inanimate nature “Trias” in Krasiejów where remains of the oldest dinosaur were found. However, sites of natural heritage are insufficiently developed and hardly available to visitors.

All measures in the area of culture and national heritage will focus on the most important projects of at least supralocal importance. The Axis excludes projects which may receive aid within Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment (e.g. monuments on the list of UNESCO Global Cultural and Natural Heritage or classified by the President of the Republic of Poland as Historical Monuments). Moreover, it excludes the investments which will be supported within Rural Development Programme 2007-2013.

In investments within Priority axis 5 Social infrastructure and higher education, priority will be given to projects which feature energy efficiency (this focus will also be reflected in project selection criteria).

3.5.3 Assistance within Priority Axis 5 Social infrastructure and higher education will be provided mainly to the following groups of beneficiaries:

1. Units of local self-government, their unions and associations;

2. Incorporated organisational units (legal persons);

3. Universities;

4. Legal and natural persons who are bodies managing schools and establishments;

5. Health units operating in the public health care system122;

6. Non-government organisations;

7. Churches and denominations as well as legal persons of churches and denominations;

8. Cultural institutions;

9. Incorporated units from the sector of public finance (legal persons) not mentioned above.

122 Beneficiaries can only be entities which deliver services guaranteed under the contract with the Public Healthcare Services Financing Institution (e.g. National Healthcare Fund)

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3.5.4 Target indicators for Priority axis 5

Tab. No 3.5.1 Target indicators for Priority axis 5 of ROP OV 2007-2013


No Name Unit

Value in baseline

year (2007)

Value in target year


Value in 2015 Source

Measur. frequen.

Reference to context. indicator

Priority axis 5 Social infrastructure and higher education

5.1. Number of projects related to education

pcs. 0 8 10 Monitori

ng system

year 4

5.2. Number of educational institutions receiving support

pcs. 0 8 10 Monitori

ng system

year 4, 6

5.3. Number of projects related to health care

pcs. 0 18 22 Monitori

ng system

year -

5.4. Number of medical units receiving support, including hospitals and clinical hospitals

pcs. 0 18 9

22 11


system year -

5.5. Amount of medical equipment purchased

pcs. 0 7 9 Monitori

ng system

year -

5.6. Number of projects in cultural and natural heritage

pcs. 0 5 6 Monitori

ng system

year -




5.7. Number of cultural facilities receiving support

pcs. 0 2 3 Monitori

ng system

year -


Number of students taking advantage of projects' output, including: - those using new/modernised infrastructure

pcs. 0 2.320 2.320

2.900 2.900


system year 5


Number of pupils and other people taking advantage of projects' output, including: - those using new/modernised infrastructure

pcs. 0 800 800

1.000 1.000


system year 7




Potential number of specialist medical examinations conducted with the use of equipment purchased/modernised as a result of the projects

pcs. 0 13.600 17.000 Monitori

ng system

year -

Source: Own study

3.5.5 Flexibility instrument (cross-financing)

To ensure efficient accomplishment of the objectives from Priority axis 5 Social infrastructure and higher education a part of measures eligible for assistance from the European Social Fund (pursuant to art. 34 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 of 11 July, 2006) will be implemented within Axis 5. It will be possible to allocate maximum 10%

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of funds at the level of Axis 5 to expenditure eligible under the ESF, necessary for completing investment projects and directly associated with them.

3.5.6 Information on complementarity and demarcation of Priority Axis 5 Social infrastructure and higher education.

Priority axis 5 is complementary to:

- Rural Development Programme for the years 2007-2013 [Program Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich 2007-2013], financed from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development [EAFRD],

- operational programmes financed under NSRF 2007-2013 from the European Regional Development Fund, European Social Fund or the Cohesion Fund,

- other priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013

in a manner that prevents the overlapping of financial operations financed under these programmes within the areas as specified below.

Tab. No 3.5.2. Complementarity and demarcation with measures financed under EAFRD and EFF

Programme Priority axis / thematic area Demarcation criteria

Rural Development Programme for the years 2007-2013

Axis 3 Quality of life in rural areas and diversification of rural economy Measure Rural area renewal and development Axis 4. LEADER Measure Implementation of local development strategies in the following areas: - preservation of cultural heritage - cultural infrastructure

- location and character of the project (local/supraregional)

Source: Own study

Tab. No 3.5.3. Complementarity and demarcation with measures financed under NSRF 2007-2013

Programme Priority axis / thematic area Demarcation criteria

Operational Programme Innovative Economy 2007-2013

Priority axis VII. Building and development of information society as regards: - infrastructure, information

modules, e-service platforms

- type of project

Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2007-2013

Priority axis XI Culture and cultural heritage as regards: - infrastructure of cultural and

cultural heritage institutions

- range (regional / supraregional) - founding body - minimum project value

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Programme Priority axis / thematic area Demarcation criteria

Priority axis XII Healthcare security and improvement of healthcare system efficiency as regards: - infrastructure of stationary health


- range (regional / supraregional) - founding body

Priority axis XIII Higher education infrastructure as regards: - infrastructure of higher education

- type of beneficiary (indicative list of higher schools attached to OP I&E)

Priority II Development of human resources and adaptation potential of enterprises and improvement of health condition of the employed Priority III High quality of educational system Priority IV Higher education and science Priority IX. Development of education and competencies in regions in the following areas: - education at university,

postsecondary, post junior high school and elementary school level, lifelong and practical training

- type of project

Operational Programme Human Capital 2007-2013

Priority II Development of human resources and adaptation potential of enterprises and improvement of health condition of the employed as regards: - health protection, in particular

with respect to professionally active people

- type of project

Source: Own study

Tab. No 3.5.4. Complementarity and demarcation with other priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013

Priority axis / thematic area Demarcation criteria

Priority axis 1 Strengthening economic attractiveness of the region as regards: - strengthening economic attractiveness of the


- type of project

Priority axis 2 Information society as regards: - information modules, e-services platform

and data bases for education, health and culture preservation

- type of project

Priority axis 4 Environment protection as regards: - air protection

- type of project

Priority axis 6 Mobilisation of municipal and degraded areas as regards: - support for culture and cultural heritage as an

- project execution area

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Priority axis / thematic area Demarcation criteria

element of revitalisation in cities and degraded areas

Source: Own study

Detailed information on the criteria for financing specific operations by Operational Programmes and co-ordination mechanisms ruling out the risk of the same operations being financed from various Operational Programmes are specified in the „Demarcation line for the Common Agricultural Policy, Common Fisheries Policy and Cohesion Policy”.

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Undertakings to be implemented within Priority axis 6 Mobilisation of municipal and degraded areas will comply with Regulation (EC) No. 1080/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Regional Development Fund which revokes Regulation (EC) No. 1783/1999, pursuant to art. 7 and 8 concerning urban areas and those experiencing or threatened by physical deterioration and social exclusion.


50 - Revitalisation of industrial areas and reclamation of contaminated land

61 - Integrated projects for revitalisation of urban and rural areas

78 - Housing infrastructure

3.6.1 Objectives of the priority axis

− To give new social and economic functions to municipal and degraded areas and revitalise them to increase their territorial and economic attractiveness as well as to create conditions for employment rise in these areas.

3.6.2 Justification of the priority axis chosen

One of the features distinguishing the cohesion policy is its capability to adapt to special needs and a unique nature of particular geographical challenges and opportunities. Hence, it is of profound importance to prevent unequal regional development. To limit heavy concentration of economic, territorial and social problems in urban areas and threatened with degradation is a priority task for the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2007-2013.

Diversity of the Opolskie Voivodeship as regards the number of physical and geographical as well as social and economic features highlights the fact that problem areas exist. Negative economic, technical and social phenomena in these areas result in intraregional disparities at the voivodeship level. These phenomena create a barrier to the development of the problem areas themselves, mainly owing to unsatisfactory infrastructure and unfavourable processes affecting them. Weaknesses of the Opolskie Voivodeship identified in the strategic analysis of the region include areas which require comprehensive revitalisation actions and the increasing rate of social exclusion. Characteristic for these areas – high unemployment rate, low level of economic activity, more and more common pathological phenomena, are the reasons why even basic social needs in these areas are not sufficiently satisfied. Social inequality is more and more noticeable in the region – areas of poverty, pathology and threat of crime near areas inhabited by rich people with stable social status. The situation of the voivodeship as regards housing resources is also bad in comparison with other regions in Poland. Negative phenomena in this respect are connected both with the age structure of flats and their statistic shortage. Low dynamics of development 123 Official Journal 371 of 27.12.2006, p. 1

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of the housing industry is particularly alarming as regards the relation between the number of new flats commissioned and the number of marriages contracted (as in comparison with Poland it is one of the worst124).

The implementation of Axis 6 will include undertakings in indicated areas, combined measures for the development of infrastructure with measures for socio-economic revival. As a consequence, the tasks within the Axis will be aimed at stimulating economic growth, promoting entrepreneurship, development of local employment as well as increasing the quality of services provided to the population. The measures taken within the Axis will contribute, apart from economic aspects, to the re-establishment of social ties in problem areas and restoration of spatial order.

Due to the fact that economic problems, neglected, degraded spatial structures and social exclusion are of considerable importance to the urbanised areas of the Opolskie Voivodeship – the aim of the measures within the Axis will be mainly revitalisation of urban areas. Assistance granted to these areas is to contribute to the development of towns as drivers of economic growth and of neighbouring areas to bolster sustainable development of the whole Opolskie Voivodeship. It is to result in socio-economic cohesion in urban areas, increasing their attractiveness, support of growth and new, better jobs. Revitalisation of these areas should introduce solutions in spatial, social and economic dimensions. The effect, on the one hand, should be strengthening or restoration of central functions of urban areas, integrating local communities, but on the other hand also the establishment of permanent functional relations between urban and rural areas. Measures taken within Axis 6 in municipal areas will relate, among other things, to the rehabilitation of public space, including separation of industrial functions from housing and recreational ones, to space management and building development in a manner facilitating inhabitants mutual communication and co-operation. Moreover, actions taken within Axis will also relate to creating safe places and at the same time tasks aimed at improving safety of inhabitants from the revitalised areas as these areas are particularly threatened by pathologies. Assistance will be given mainly to old town centres, buildings/sites of cultural heritage and necessary measures in infrastructure, including municipal and power industry infrastructure only in revitalised areas. Some measures in urban areas will be associated with direct investments in the housing construction125. Negative phenomenon witnessed in the Opolskie voivodeship is a very negative age of flats126 and their major decapitalisation127. Investments in the housing construction will be directed mainly to housing co-operatives and local self-governments, and they will be related to multi-family buildings and buildings owned by public authorities, intended for dwelling purposes for people with low income from revitalised areas. Special support will be given to projects which will make it possible to use renewable energy sources and those taking into consideration energy efficiency, which will be reflected in project selection criteria. Measures in this area will not apply to facilities used for purposes of public administration (except external elements of buildings listed in the register of monuments). Housing investments to receive support should meet the criteria set forth in Article 47 of Regulation No 1828/2006128, selected by the Managing Authority for ROP OV 2007-2013 124 Acc. to “Report on land development of the Opolskie Voivodeship-synthesis”, June 2006 125 Regulation (EC) No. 1080/2006 of 5 July, 2006 (Official Journal 210 of 31.7.2006, p. 1), art. 7 and Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1828/2006 of 8 December, 2006 (Official Journal 371 of 27.12.2006, p. 1), art. 47 126 Acc. to „Report on the condition of spatial management in the Opolskie region - synthesis”, June 2006 127 Chapter 1.1 Diagnosis of the current condition of Opolskie Voivodeship hereof. 128Areas to receive support should meet at least three out of the following criteria [including two out of those listed in let. from a) to h)]:

a) high level of poverty and exclusion; b) high long-term unemployment rate;

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and described in the documents which contain detailed description of the Programme. Housing-related expenditures must comply with eligibility principles stipulated in Article 7(2) of Regulation No 1080/2006 and 47(1) Regulation 1828/2006.

In order to assure complexity of measures for the revitalisation of urban areas, the following cities have been chosen to receive support: Opole – as the province’s capital city, main centre of regional services, home to general and supraregional institutions, as well as three centres included in the Concept for Policy of Spatial Management of the Country129 and defined as regional sustainable development centres: Nysa, Brzeg, Kędzierzyn-Koźle and Kluczbork – as an additional, fourth centre whose role in the spatial development plan of the voivodeship is to be a regional sustainable growth centre. In the region, Nysa, Brzeg, Kędzierzyn-Koźle and Kluczbork there are the so-called subregional centres130. Additionally, support can cover up to 10 of other eligible towns (with a population of over 5,000), which was graphically presented in the Appendix No. 5 in the Annex to the Programme.

Towns will be chosen to receive support based on Revitalisation Programmes developed by relevant self-government units, which apply to at least planning period 2007-2013.

Projects to be implemented will cover the areas specified in the Local Revitalisation Programmes. It is of key importance to reliably identify and analyse areas intended for revitalisation as projects implemented within Local Revitalisation Programmes will not be eligible for assistance under other Priority Axes of ROP OV 2007-2013. Moreover, the areas will be indicated and necessary revitalisation actions planned by units of local self-government in co-operation with other entities based on the guidelines laid down on the basis of valid legislation by the Managing Institution. As regards revitalisation of urban areas the Managing Institution may also, during the implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013, take a decision about using an additional financial instrument in the form of Community Initiative JESSICA on terms as defined by the Community guidelines.

As a part of removing development barriers and negative processes taking place in problem areas, measures to be taken within Axis 6 will be aimed at development of other degraded areas131, area to which a beneficiary has a usufruct right and which lost its previous functions such as: housing, recreational, production (including agricultural production), service (including public services), state defence, transport and where unused facilities are in majority, located in municipal areas not covered by the Local Revitalisation Programmes referred to above and in areas outside administration borders of towns. Measures undertaken under Priority axis 6 will specifically concern post-military, post-police and environmentally degraded grounds. Measures to be supported in these areas will be aimed at stimulating economic growth, increasing investment attractiveness and improving conditions for creating jobs in these areas.

c) negative demographic trends; d) low level of education, noticeable deficit of qualifications and high rate of school drop-outs; e) high delinquency and offence rate; f) particularly high level of environment degradation; g) low rate of entrepreneurship; h) high number of immigrants, ethnic groups and minorities or refugees; i) relatively low level of lodgings; j) low level of energy efficiency of houses.

129 Concept for Policy of Spatial Management of the Country, (M. P. of 2001, No 26, item 432). 130 Subregional centres have been defined in the „Report on the spatial management of the Opolskie Voivodeship - synthesis”, June 2006 and „Opolskie Voivodeship Development Strategy” in Enclosure 1 Diagnosis of the current condition of the Opolskie Voivodeship. The definition of a subregional centre has been presented in the glossary. [Remark 13.5] 131 Definition of the degraded area has been presented in the glossary.

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The purpose of projects carried out within these undertakings will be the implementation of processes which are to restore the efficient functioning of these areas through a change in their structure and allocation of new functions to them, and first of all – by the mobilisation of these areas through a positive change. Support will be provided to undertakings generating added value for the economy and resulting in an improvement in the quality of life of inhabitants. Revitalisation measures will be taken in three interrelated areas: spatial, social and economic

Priority will be given to measures aimed at preparing the sites for new economic investments (including all utilities), demolishing old facilities and preparing existing facilities to support business activity. Investments in infrastructure of facilities with economic, educational, tourist, cultural or social functions should directly translate into an increase of the economy efficiency, i.e. contribute to the development of entrepreneurship, an increase of investment attractiveness of the sites. Special support will be given to project making it possible to use renewable energy sources and considering the aspect of energy efficiency, which will be reflected in project selection criteria. Undertaking to be carried out will provide inhabitants from degraded areas with access to basic supplies and services. Changes in functions and the structure of degraded areas are to contribute to the general improvement in land development and at the same time directly aid socio-economic growth.

3.6.3 Assistance within Priority Axis 6 Mobilisation of municipal and degraded areas will be provided mainly to the following groups of beneficiaries:

1. Units of local self-government, their unions and associations;

2. Incorporated organisational units (legal persons);

3. Universities;

4. Incorporated units from the sector of public finance (legal persons) not mentioned above;

5. Non-government organisations;

6. Churches and denominations as well as legal persons of churches and denominations;

7. Housing co-operatives and communities;

8. Enterprises.132

132 Entities (including commercial law companies), providing public services, where a major shareholder is the Opolskie Voivodeship, a poviat, a gmina, a town, an association of gminas, the State Treasury or entities selected according to the regulations of the Public Procurement Law performing tasks on the basis a separate, valid agreement concluded with a unit of local self-government (also in a form of public and private partnerships).

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3.6.4 Target indicators for Priority axis 6 Tab. No 3.6.1 Target indicators for Priority axis 6 of ROP OV 2007-2013


No Name Unit

Value in baseline

year (2007)

Value in target year


Value in 2015 Source

Measur. frequen.

Reference to context. indicator

Priority axis 6 Mobilisation of municipal and degraded areas


Number of projects ensuring sustainable development and improving town attractiveness

pcs. 0 6 8 Monitori

ng system

year 36


Number of projects promoting entrepreneurship and application of new technologies

pcs. 0 3 4 Monitori

ng system

year -





Number of projects offering services promoting equal opportunities and preventing social exclusion of ethnic minorities and the youth

pcs. 0 3 4 Monitori

ng system

year -


Areas subject to revitalisation and management, including: - municipal - degraded

km² 0 0,15 0,1 0,05

0,191 0,122 0,069


system year 35, 36



6.5. Number of jobs created on degraded areas

pcs. 0 Target value

to be estimated*

Target value to be



system year 1

* Target value will be estimated by 2013 Source: Own study

3.6.5 Flexibility instrument (cross-financing)

To ensure efficient accomplishment of the objectives from Priority axis 6 Mobilisation of municipal and degraded areas a part of measures eligible for assistance from the European Social Fund (pursuant to art. 34 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 of 11 July, 2006) will be implemented within Axis 6. It will be possible to allocate maximum 10% of funds at the level of Axis 6 to expenditure eligible under the ESF, necessary for completing investment projects and directly associated with them.

3.6.6 Information on complementarity and demarcation of Priority Axis 6 Mobilisation of municipal and degraded areas.

Priority axis 6 is complementary to:

- Rural Development Programme for the years 2007-2013 [Program Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich 2007-2013], financed from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development [EAFRD],

- operational programmes financed under NSRF 2007-2013 from the European Regional Development Fund, European Social Fund or the Cohesion Fund,

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- other priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013

in a manner that prevents the overlapping of financial operations financed under these programmes within the areas as specified below.

Tab. No 3.6.2 Complementarity and demarcation with measures financed under EAFRD and EFF

Programme Priority axis / thematic area Demarcation criteria

Rural Development Programme for the years 2007-2013

Axis 1. Improvement of competitiveness of the agricultural and forest sectors

Measure: Improvement and development of infrastructure related to development and adaptation of agriculture and forestry as regards:

- access roads to agricultural and forest areas grouped together within land integration projects Axis 3 Quality of life in rural areas and diversification of rural economy Measure Basic services for rural economy and population as regards: - water and sewage management, - renewable energy sources Axis 3 Quality of life in rural areas and diversification of rural economy Measure Rural renewal

Axis 4 LEADER Measure: Implementation of local development strategies as regards: - management of public space

- project execution area - project value

Operational Programme Sustainable development of fisheries and coastal fishing areas 2007-2013

Priority axis 3 Means supporting matters of common interests as regards:

- road infrastructure

- project execution area

Source: Own study

Tab. No 3.6.3 Complementarity and demarcation with measures financed under NSRF 2007-2013

Programme Priority axis / thematic area Demarcation criteria

Operational Programme Infrastructure and

Priority axis I Water and sewage management as regards: - water and sewage management

- size of agglomeration

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Priority axis II Waste management and ground surface protection as regards: - reclamation of degraded areas

- project value

Priority axis VI Road and air TEN-T network as regards: - road infrastructure

- road classification

Priority axis VIII Transport safety and national transportation networks as regards: - road infrastructure

- road classification

Priority axis IX Environmentally friendly power generation infrastructure in the following areas: - renewable energy sources - energy efficiency

- project value

Environment 2007-2013

Priority axis XI Culture and cultural heritage as regards: - preservation and protection of cultural


- project value

Source: Own study

Tab. No 3.6.4 Complementarity and demarcation with other Priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013

Priority axis / thematic area Demarcation criteria

Priority axis 1 Strengthening economic attractiveness of the region as regards: - entrepreneurship promotion - tourism support

- project execution area

Priority axis 3 Transport as regards: - road infrastructure

- project execution area

Priority axis 4 Environment protection in the following areas: - water and sewage management, - renewable energy sources, - energy efficiency

- project execution area

Priority axis 5 Social infrastructure and higher education as regards: - preservation and protection of cultural


- project execution area

Source: Own study

Detailed information on the criteria for financing specific operations by Operational Programmes and co-ordination mechanisms ruling out the risk of the same operations being financed from various Operational Programmes are specified in the „Demarcation line for the Common Agricultural Policy, Common Fisheries Policy and Cohesion Policy”.

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Undertakings to be implemented within Priority axis 7 Technical assistance ROP OV 2007-2013 will be in compliance with Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund which revokes Regulation (EC) No. 1260/1999, pursuant to art. 46 concerning technical assistance. CATEGORIES OF INTERVENTION 133:

85 - Preparation, implementation, monitoring and control

86 - Evaluation, research/expert opinions, information and communication

3.7.1 Objectives of the priority axis − To ensure the effective and efficient implementation of the Regional Operational

Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013 as well as full absorption of structural funds available within it.

− To ensure proper project development in order to facilitate their implementation,

- To ensure full participation in the uniform IT-based monitoring system

3.7.2 Justification of the priority axis chosen

The tasks to be implemented within Priority axis 7 of ROP OV 2007-2013 will be aimed at assisting the administrative bodies accountable for the management and implementation of the Programme i.e. the Managing Authority and 2nd degree Intermediate Body in charge of ROP OV 2007-2013. Under Priority axis 7, the whole administrative structure related to the implementation of the Programme will be eligible.

The amount of structural funds allocated under ROP OV 2007-2013 to undertakings of priority importance for the region is several times greater than the funds allocated in the period 2004-2006 within, among other things, the Integrated Regional Operational Programme. To use these funds efficiently it will be necessary to provide an effective implementation system, which requires considerable financial expenditure.

The experiences from years 2004-2006 have confirmed that undertakings carried out within Axis 7 Technical Assistance are extremely important for the efficient use of structural funds. Analysis of the situation of units which have participated in the implementation process of operational programmes in the programming period 2004-2006 shows that it was necessary to support employment of adequately qualified staff, staff trainings, providing institutions with the required equipment (especially computers), organising and servicing meetings of the Monitoring Committee as well as to support promotional and publicity actions. Without financial assistance a number of tasks would not have been possible to accomplish.

133 Official Journal 371 of 27.12.2006, p. 1.

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A new, full, seven-year programming period of structural funds poses a considerable challenge for every region. The challenge is related not only to appropriate preparations, implementation and settlement of the projects by beneficiaries, but also to the management of own operational programme by the self-government of every voivodeship. Therefore the aim is to best prepare both the Managing Authority and 2nd degree Intermediate Body in charge of ROP OV 2007-2013 ROP OV 2007-2013 for the implementation of the Programme and for the finalisation of implementation of IROP 2004-2006, as regards technical, staff and organizational aspects. The expected result of measures under Axis 7 is to ensure the smooth transition from the 2004-2006 programming period to the next one i.e. 2007-2013, as well as adequately prepare for the following horizon – beyond 2013.

Technical assistance for ROP OV 2007-2013 will be given to the strengthening of institutions involved in management, implementation, monitoring, control, evaluation and assessment of the progress of ROP OV 2007-2013, as well as to promotion and publicity of the assistance available within its framework. The assistance will be aimed at providing office space (including current operating costs), furnishing offices with, including but not limited to, computer software and hardware, other office equipment and consumables, as well as implementation and maintenance of an IT-system supporting the Programme and ensuring full participation in the uniform IT-based monitoring system.

It will be necessary to train staff responsible for the accomplishment of tasks at particular stages in the management of ROP OV 2007-2013. Emphasis will be put on providing properly educated and prepared personnel. This will be achieved by employing new employees who will be involved in processes related to the implementation of the Programme, (incl. programming, monitoring and clearing of the programme, as well as organizing calls for proposals, project evaluation, control and financial settlement), as well as by the development of the staff already working on structural funds an by ensuring experts‘ support at all stages of implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013. The funds will be allocated to trainings of employees and other persons involved in the implementation of activities related to the implementation of the Programme, their specialist studies, conferences, seminars, traineeships (also abroad) and other forms of in-service training.

It will be also necessary to guarantee organisational assistance for the Managing Authority and 2nd degree Intermediate Body in charge of ROP OV 2007-2013. It will be important to support a process of collecting, assessing and selecting projects, monitoring their implementation and monitoring the whole Programme, verification of payments and financial audits as well as archiving documents. Assistance will be also provided to committees and other auxiliary bodies, including those responsible for the evaluation and selection of projects under ROP OV 2007-2013, also as regards training and preparation of their members to perform functions.

Also all and any information and promotional measures are necessary as they will popularise knowledge of the programme, raise the society awareness of access and use of structural funds. Moreover, training and consultancy measures for potential beneficiaries are required. The actions to be taken will include publication of information materials, handbooks, thematic bulletins, preparation of services and publicity programmes, websites (and their hosting), specialist analyses, evaluations and expert opinions. The Programme will also be promoted by conferences, seminars, training for beneficiaries and potential beneficiaries of ROP OV 2007-2013. Training sessions will be focused on supporting public procurement system in Poland and, additionally, will be a source of expertise for potential beneficiaries. Equally important topic of trainings will be correct project development so that to ensure their efficient implementation. The support for information and promotional

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measures is necessary because their efficiency will affect the number and quality of submitted projects and, in consequence, efficient use of funds within ROP OV 2007-2013.

Considering the aforementioned areas, one could state that within Priority axis 7 there will be guaranteed adequate budgetary resources to perform the evaluation, to meet information and promotional measures, as well as for monitoring, project drafting and improvement of the public procurement system.

3.7.3 Assistance within Priority Axis 7 Technical assistance will be provided to the following beneficiary:

Institutions in charge of management and implementation of the Programme i.e. the Managing Authority and 2nd degree Intermediate Body in charge of ROP OV 2007-2013.

3.7.4 Target indicators for Priority axis 7

Tab. No 3.7.1 Target indicators for Priority axis 7 ROP OV 2007-2013


No Name Unit

Value in baseline

year (2007)

Value in target year


Value in 2015 Source

Measur. frequen.

Reference to context. indicator

Priority axis 7 Technical assistance


Number of workstations serving the programme, co-financed from the TA, including: -women, -men.



62 22


78 27


system year 1

7.2.Number of computer sets purchased (laptops, servers, PCs)

pcs. 0 186 232 Monitor

ing system

year -

7.3.Number of trainings, conferences and seminars

pcs. 400 500 Monitor

ing system





7.4.Number of expert's opinions, evaluations, analyses, concepts, studies

pcs. 0 50 63 Monitor

ing system

year -


Number of beneficiaries participating in different types of trainings, conferences and information meetings about the programme

person 0 11.200 14.000 Monitor

ing system

year 5

7.6.Potential number of recipients of information contained in information materials

person 0 20.400 25.500 Monitor

ing system

year -

7.8 Website visit statistics pcs. 0 144.000 180.000 Monitor

ing system

year -



7.9 Percentage of formally correct applications filed

% 0 80 80 Monitor

ing system

year -

Source: Own study

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3.7.5 Flexibility instrument (cross-financing)

Within the framework of Priority axis 7 Technical assistance the principle of cross-financing shall not apply.

3.7.6. Information on complementarity and demarcation of Priority axis 7 Technical assistance

Priority axis 7 is complementary to:

- operational programmes financed under NSRF 2007-2013 from the European Regional Development Fund, Cohesion Fund,

in a manner that prevents the overlapping of financial operations financed under these programmes within the areas as specified below.

Tab. No 3.7.2 Complementarity and demarcation with measures financed under NSRF 2007-2013

Programme Priority axis / thematic area Demarcation criteria

Operational Programme Technical Assistance 2007-2013

Priority axis 1 Support for human resources in the following areas: - employability support - qualification raising

Priority axis 2 IT support for implementation of NSRF in the following areas: - operation and development of the IT system

- IT infrastructure

Priority axis 3 Support for implementation of structural funds in the following areas:

- operation of institutions involved in the Programme implementation

- assessment (evaluation)

Priority axis 4 Communication and publicity as regards:

- promotion and information

- type of beneficiary

Source: Own study

Detailed information on the criteria for financing specific operations by Operational Programmes and co-ordination mechanisms ruling out the risk of the same operations being financed from various Operational Programmes are specified in the „Demarcation line for the Common Agricultural Policy, Common Fisheries Policy and Cohesion Policy”.

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For the purpose of implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013, the region will be allocated EUR 427.144.813 under the European Regional Development Fund.

The amount of structural funds allocated to the Opolskie Voivodeship arises from the algorithm 80/10/10 defined in the National Strategic Reference Framework 2007-2013 for Growth and Jobs, National Cohesion Strategy which, taking into account current statistical data, is a resultant of the following criteria:

− population in particular voivodeships;

− gross domestic product [GDP] per capita;

− unemployment rate.

Distribution of the allocated funds available within ROP OV 2007-2013 between particular priority axes arises from a number of factors, i.e.:

− needs of the region – identified at the stage of the diagnosis of the situation in the Opolskie Voivodeship;

− the effect of particular axes on the accomplishment of the general objective of ROP OV 2007-2013, in particular on economic growth of the region;

− a scope of interventions of particular axes;

− limitations arising from the Community Regulations on implementation of structural funds in 2007-2013;

− a demarcation line between regional operational programmes and national operational programmes;

− results of socio-economic consultations held according to the partnership principle;

− obligations of Poland concerning implementation of guidelines of the renewed Lisbon Strategy.

Taking into account the aforementioned factors, funds have been distributed within the Programme as shown in the tables from 4.1 to 4.6 below.

Full absorption of the funds for ROP OV 2007-2013 depends on a number of factors. One of them is to ensure the appropriate own contribution. Pursuant to art. 53, sec. 2 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006, the allocation of funds at the level of operational programmes within the Convergence objective is maximum 85 % of public eligible expenditure. In case of public assistance in the meaning of art. 87 of the Treaty establishing the European Community, the allocation of funds will depend on the relevant regulations in force. The Managing Authority will ensure that each support constituting public assistance within the Programme will comply with the regulations for granting this assistance which were in force at the moment of granting support.

Additionally, under the Programme there will be applied principles concerning:

- profit-generating projects pursuant to art. 55 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006,

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- maximum direct support for large companies in the amount of 10% of allocation under the Programme.

As experiences from the period between 2000-2006 show, the major beneficiary of funds from the European Union is the local self-government. The use of the funds for ROP OV 2007-2013 to the full extent will depend mainly on ensuring appropriate co-financing by the units of local self-government.

The forecasted value of the investment potential index in the Opolskie Voivodeship, i.e. a relation between necessary co-financing for projects aided from the EU funds to the total amount of funds for development available to units of local self-government intending to use the EU funds, is lower than the national average134. This shows that a risk of problems with finding appropriate funds for co-financing of projects supported by the EU funds is relatively low. The experiences from 2000-2006 and the analysis of financial potential of units of local self-government justify a thesis that all the funds within the Programme will be used.

Tab. No. 4.1 Distribution of the funds available under ROP OV 2007-2013 and implementation of the Lisbon Strategy per Priority axes of the Programme. [EUR]

No. Priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013

% of funds ROP OV 2007-2013


% of implementation

of Lisbon Strategy


Axis 1 Strengthening economic attractiveness of the region

37 % 158 043 581 89 % 140 785 222

Axis 2 Information society 6 % 25 628 689 100 % 25 628 689

Axis 3 Transport 26 % 111 057 652 8 % 9 162 256

Axis 4 Environmental protection

10 % 42 714 481 20 % 8 542 896

Axis 5 Social infrastructure and higher education

10 % 42 714 481 0 % 0

Axis 6 Mobilisation of municipal and degraded areas

8 % 34 171 585 0 % 0

Axis 7 Technical assistance 3 % 12 814 344 0 % 0

Total 100 % 427 144 813 43 % 184 119 063

Source: Own study.

The Managing Authority may, during the implementation of the Programme, decide about excluding some funds from the funds allocated to Axes 3 and 4, to finance the so-called integrated projects combining two support areas indicated in ROP OV 2007-2013, i.e. road infrastructure from Axis 3 and water and sewage infrastructure from Axis 4 in order to provide all the utilities on sites for economic investments.

134M. Mackiewicz, E. Malinowska-Misiąg, W. Misiąg, M. Tomalak “Ramy finansowe strategii rozwoju województw na lata 2007-2013”, Instytut Badań nad Gospodarką Rynkową, Warsaw 2006

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Tab. No. 4.2. Distribution of total funds available under ROP OV 2007-2013 broken down into particular years (commitments). [EUR]

Years ERDF allocation

2007 59 880 067

2008 61 282 272

2009 62 675 245

2010 61 857 628

2011 60 702 554

2012 59 584 324

2013 61 162 723

2007-2013 427 144 813

Source: Own study, in compliance with NSRF 2007-2013. Tab. No. 4.3. Distribution of funds with division into Priority axes and sources of financing. [EUR]

For information purposes

Community allocation

National public

contribution Total





n in










Priority axes ROP OV 2007-2013

1 2 3=1+2 4=1/3 5 6

AXIS I 158 043 581 27 890 044 185 933 625 85 % 0 171 224 845

AXIS II 25 628 689 4 522 710 30 151 399 85 % 0 20 123 839

AXIS III 111 057 652 19 598 410 130 656 062 85 % 0 8 819 285

AXIS IV 42 714 481 7 537 849 50 252 330 85 % 0 11 859 550

AXIS V 42 714 481 7 537 849 50 252 330 85 % 0 0

AXIS VI 34 171 585 6 030 280 40 201 865 85 % 0 25 729 193

AXIS VII 12 814 344 2 261 355 15 075 699 85 % 0 0

2007-2013 427 144 813 75 378 497 502 523 310 85% 0 237 756 712 Source: Own study

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Tab. No. 4.4 Indicative distribution, according to categories of the programmed use of the ERDF allocation in ROP OV 2007-2013 – priority issues.


Priority issues

Code Name of code Amount

Research and technological development, innovations and entrepreneurship

02 R&D infrastructure (including equipment, instruments and fast IT networks connecting research centres) and specialist centres of technological competencies

4 884 139


Transfer of technology and improvement of networks of co-operation between SMEs, SMEs and other enterprises, universities, all kinds of post secondary education institutions, regional authorities, R&D centres and science and technology institutions (science and technology parks, technopolies, etc.)

4 884 139

04 Support for R&D sector development, in particular in SMEs (including access to R&D services in research centres)

1 894 093

05 Advanced support for enterprises and groups of enterprises 10 000 000


Support for SMEs in promotion of environmentally friendly products and processes (implementation of efficient environment management systems, implementation / application of pollution prevention technologies, implementation of clean technologies in companies’ production operation)

2 394 093

07 Investments in enterprises directly related to research and innovations (innovative technologies, establishing enterprises by universities, existing R+TD centres and enterprises, etc.)

34 093 675

08 Other investments in enterprises 58 775 056

09 Other activities aimed at stimulating research, innovations and entrepreneurship at SMEs

23 860 027

Total 140 785 222

Information society

10 Telecommunications infrastructure (including broadband networks) 13 684 210

11 Information and communication technologies (access, security, interoperability, preventing threats, research, innovations, digital contents, etc.)

3 421 053

13 Services and applications for citizens (e-health, e-administration, e-learning, e-integration, etc.)

8 523 426

Total 25 628 689


18 Rolling stock 7 496 392

23 Regional/local roads 94 399 004

24 Bicycle paths 862 918

52 Promotion of clean municipal transport 1 665 865

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Priority issues

Code Name of code Amount

29 Airports 7 496 391

Total 111 920 570


39 Renewable energy: wind 854 290

40 Renewable energy: solar 1 281 434

41 Renewable energy: biomass 1 708 579

42 Renewable energy: hydroelectric, geothermal and other 1 708 579

43 Energy efficiency, cogeneration, energy management 2 990 014

Total 8 542 896

Environmental protection and preventing threats

44 Management of municipal and industrial waste 3 075 443

46 Sewage treatment 17 222 479

50 Revitalisation of municipal areas and reclamation of contaminated land 13 668 634

51 Promoting biodiversity and natural protection (including NATURA 2000) 2 135 724

53 Hazard prevention (including preparation and implementation of plans and instruments for preventing and managing natural and technological threats)

11 532 910

54 Other environment protection and hazard prevention measures 205 029

Total 47 840 219


56 Protection and valorisation of natural heritage 1 153 291

57 Other support for strengthening tourist services 16 395 441

Total 17 548 732


58 Protection and preservation of cultural heritage 5 638 312

59 Development of cultural infrastructure 5 638 312

60 Other support for improvement of cultural services 384 430

Total 11 661 054

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Priority issues

Code Name of code Amount

Revitalisation of municipal and rural areas

61 Integrated projects for revitalisation of municipal and rural areas 16 402 361

Total 16 402 361

Investments in social infrastructure

75 Infrastructure of educational system 17 085 792

76 Infrastructure of health service 12 814 344

78 Housing infrastructure 4 100 590

Total 34 000 726

Technical assistance

85 Preparation, implementation, monitoring and control 9 226 328

86 Evaluation, research/expert opinions, information and communication 3 588 016

Total 12 814 344

TOTAL 427 144 813

Source: Own study, in compliance with annex No. II to Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1828/2006 of 8 December, 2006 setting out rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 and Regulation (EC) No. 1080/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council. Tab. No. 4.5. Indicative distribution, according to categories of the programmed use of the ERDF allocation in ROP OV 2007-2013 – forms of financing.


Form of financing

Code Name of code Amount

01 Non-reimbursable financial assistance 417 144 813

02 Financial assistance (loan, interest-rate subsidy, guarantees)

10 000 000

03 Venture capital (purchase of shares, venture capital funds) 0

04 Other forms of financing 0

Total 427 144 813

Source: as above

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Tab. No. 4.6. Indicative distribution, according to categories of the programmed use of the ERDF allocation in ROP OV 2007-2013 - areas. [EUR]


Code Name of code Amount

01 Municipal area 204 518 406

02 Mountain area 0

03 Isles 0

04 Areas with low or very low population density 0

05 Rural areas (except mountain areas, isles, areas with low or very low population density)

209 812 063

06 Former external borders of the EU (after 30.04.2004) 0

07 Peripheral region 0

08 Areas of transborder co-operation 0

09 Areas of transnational co-operation 0

10 Areas of interregional co-operation 0

00 N/A 12,814,344

Total 427 144 813

Source: as above.

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5.1. Competence of institutions involved in the management of ROP OV 2007-2013

5.1.1. Co-ordination Co-ordination at the level of NSRF – Minister competent for regional development

The Minister competent for regional development supervises correct operation of the NSRF implementation system and is responsible for evaluations at the level of the NSRF, including horizontal, supplementary and ad hoc examinations arising from monitoring of the NSRF implementation. Co-ordination of 16 Regional Operational Programmes – Co-ordinating Authority for Regional Operational Programmes

A function of the Co-ordinating Authority for 16 Regional Operational Programmes will be performed by the Minister competent for Regional Development, served by the Department for Co-ordination of Regional Programmes within the Ministry for Regional Development.

The Co-ordinating Authority for 16 ROPs is responsible in particular for:

− verifying a ROP for its compliance with the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF);

− negotiating a ROP with the European Commission in co-operation with the Managing Authorities of a ROP;

− ensuring consistency of guidelines applied;

− monitoring effects of implementing ROPs in regions (comparative analyses).

Mutual relations as well as detailed responsibilities and distribution of tasks between the Co-ordinating Authority for ROPs and the Managing Authority of ROP OV 2007-2013, i.e. the Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship, will be specified upon agreement between these authorities.

5.1.2. Management of ROP OV 2007-2013 Managing Authority of ROP OV 2007-2013

Pursuant to Act of 6 December 2006 on principles of the development policy135 the Managing Authority for ROP OV 2007-2013 shall be the Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship. According to the internal regulations136 prepared by the Executive Board of the

135 Journal of Law of 2006, No. 227 it. 1658 136 Resolution No. 542/2007 of the Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship of 21 May 2007 on passing the Organisational Regulations of the Marshal’s Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship.

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Opolskie Voivodeship, a function of the Managing Authority is performed by an organisational unit within the Marshal’s Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship. At present, this function is fulfilled by the Department for Coordination of Operational Programmes.

The Managing Authority, pursuant to art. 60 of Council Regulation No. 1083/2006, is responsible for the management of ROP OV 2007-2013 and its implementation following a principle of due management of finance, in particular for: − ensuring that operations for funding are selected in conformity with criteria applicable

to ROP OV 2007-2013 as well as that they meet relevant Community and national principles throughout the whole implementation period;

− verifying that co-financed goods and services have been provided as well as that expenditure on operations declared by beneficiaries have been actually incurred and that they are in conformity with the Community and national principles;

− ensuring a computerised system for registering and storing accounting records for every operation within ROP OV 2007-2013 as well as ensuring that data about performance, necessary for purposes of financial management, monitoring, verification, audits and evaluation are collected;

− ensuring that beneficiaries and other entities participating in operations have a separate accounting system or a relevant accounting code for all transactions related to a particular operation without prejudice to the national accounting rules;

− ensuring that the evaluation of ROP OV 2007-2013, referred to in art. 48 par. 3 of Council Regulation No. 1083/2006, is in conformity with art. 47 of the aforesaid Regulation;

− establishing procedures for ensuring that any documents related to expenditure and audits, necessary for a proper audit trail, are stored pursuant to the regulations of art. 90 of Council Regulation No. 1083/2006;

− ensuring that the Certifying Body receives all the necessary information about procedures and verifications carried out in relation to expenditure, for certification purposes;

− managing works of the Regional Monitoring Committee of ROP OV 2007-2013 and providing it with documentation required for monitoring a quality of implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013 in the light of its specific objectives;

− preparing and submitting annual and final reports on the implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013 to the Commission, after they are approved by the Regional Monitoring Committee;

− ensuring compliance with requirements concerning information and publicity defined in art. 69 of Council Regulation No. 1083/2006;

− providing the Commission with information to enable it to evaluate major projects. Intermediate Body of the second degree

A function of the Intermediate Body II of the second degree in the field of selected actions of Axis 1 Strengthening of economic attractiveness of the region of ROP OV 2007-2013 is performed by the Opole Centre for Economy Development (OCRG). OCRG was

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founded by Resolution No. V/38/2007137 of the Sejmik of the Opolskie Voivodeship of 27 February 2007 as a budget unit of the Self-government of the Opolskie Voivodeship. Pursuant to the aforesaid Resolution the statute of the unit was also adopted.

Resolution No. 647/2007138 of the Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship of 25 June 2007 specified tasks to perform by OCRG in relation with implementation of selected actions of Priority axis 1 Strengthening of economic attractiveness of the region.

According to the aforesaid Resolution this unit shall be responsible, among others, for:

- collecting applications for funding

- signing agreements to provide funding for projects,

- conducting supervision of project implementation on an-going basis,

- settlement of projects,

- reporting to the Managing Authority,

- carrying out controls of projects.

137 Resolution No. V/38/2007 the Sejmik of the Opolskie Voivodeship of 27 February 2007 on establishment of an organisational unit of self-government at the voivodeship level – budget unit under the name “Opole centre for Economy Development” and adoption of its statute. 138 Resolution No.647/2007 of the Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship of 25 June 2007 on authorisation of to the Marshal of the Opolskie Voivodeship Józef Sebesta and Deputy Marshal of the Opolskie Voivodeship Józef Kotyś to delegate powers to Director of the Opole Centre for Economy Development to implement tasks under the Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship 2007-2013, Priority axis 1 Strengthening of economic attractiveness of the region with the exclusion of sub-measure 1.4.2 Tourist, sport and recreational services provided by the public sector.

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Fig. 5.1 Institutional chart of the Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship 2007-2013

European Commission

Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship/Managing Authority of ROW OV 2007-2013

Coordinating Authority of ROP in MRD

Marshal’s Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship/ Department for Coordination of Operational Programmes

ROP OV 2007-2013, entire Programme

Axis 2 Informative society

Axis 3 Transport

Axis 4 Environmental protection

Axis 5 Social infrastructure and higher education

Axis 6 Mobilisation of rural and degraded areas

Axis 7 Technical assistance

Opole Centre for Economy Development – Intermediate Body II


Axis 1 Strengthening of economic attractiveness of the region2


Implementing functions Managing functions Implementing functions

Axis 1 Increase of economic attractiveness of the region*

* only sub-measure 14.2 Tourist, sport and recreational services provided by the public sector

** with the exclusion of sub-measure 1.4.2 Tourist, sport and recreational services provided by the public sector

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176 Certifying Authority Pursuant to art. 35 par. 35 item 7 of the Act of 6 December 2006 on principles for the development policy, the Minister competent for the regional development certifies to the European Commission correctness of incurring expenses within operational programmes. The Certifying Authority is an organisational unit set up by a ruling of the minister competent for regional development on formulation of the organisational regulations of the Ministry for Regional Development, responsible for certification of expenses incurred within ERDF/ESF/CF, which within the scope of performed tasks is a unit independent from units performing the function of managing authorities for individual operational programmes being a part of separate divisions subordinate to other members of the Ministry Management. A Member of the MRD Management supervising the Certifying Authority reports directly to the Minister of Regional Development and autonomously makes decisions with respect to effecting and suspending the process of certification of statements of expenses and application for payment to The European Commission. At present, the function of the Certifying Authority is performed by the Certifying Authority Department.

The Certifying Authority for ROP OV 2007-2013 is responsible in particular for:

• drawing up and submitting to the Commission certified statements of expenditure and applications for payment;

• certifying that a statement of expenditure is accurate, arises from reliable accounting systems and is based on verifiable supporting documentation,

• certifying that declared expenditure is in compliance with the relevant Community and national principles as well as that it has been incurred in respect of operations selected for funding according to criteria applicable to the programme and meets the Community and national principles;

• ensuring, for certification purposes, that it received proper information from the Managing Authority concerning procedures and verifications carried out in relation to expenditure included in statements of expenditure;

• taking into account, for certification purposes, results of all audits carried out by the Audit Authority or under its responsibility;

• maintaining accounting records in an electronic form related to expenditure declared to the Commission;

• keeping an account of amounts recoverable and of amounts withdrawn after cancellation of all or a part of financial contribution for an operation. The amounts recovered are returned to the general budget of the European Union before closure of the operational programme by deducting them from the next statement of expenditure;

• taking into account for certification purposes information on any irregularities found in the operational programme,

• taking into account for certification purposes results of all system audits carried out by the managing authorities and inspection of expenses;

• preparing opinions, for the purpose of certification of expenses, on implementing instructions of the Managing Authorities of operational programmes

• making system inspection visits in the Managing Authority and institutions subordinate to the Managing Authority or, possibly, at the beneficiary’s with respect

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to implementation of the programme as well as inspection visits to examine expenses based on received applications for reimbursement from the managing authorities

• making check visits in the Intermediate Body for Certification in relation to conformity with requirements of the certification system of ROP OV 2007-2013.

Within the framework of ROP OV 2007-2013 the Certifying Authority delegates a part of its tasks in certification to the Opolskie Voivodeship Office acting as the Intermediate Body for Certification, with the Certifying Authority in the Ministry for Regional Development retaining its responsibility for delegated tasks, according to art. 59 par. 2 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006. Entrusting a portion of tasks of the Certifying Authority, is done, pursuant to art. 12 of Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1826/2006, through conclusion a written agreement between the Certifying Authority in the Ministry of Regional Development and the Governor of the Opolskie Voivodeship which specifies the scope of delegated tasks and responsibilities of the institutions which is entrusted with the tasks. Units in the Opolskie Voivodeship Office, which serve the Governor of the Opole Voivodeship as regards delegated tasks, are functionally independent from organisational units performing tasks delegated from Managing Authorities of operational programmes. Delegated tasks include in particular:

- receiving and verifying in formal and accounting terms statement of expenses and application for an interim/final payment for ROP OV 2007-2013 received from the managing authority;

- certifying for the Certifying Authority expenses for ROP OV 2007-2013 declared by the managing authority in a certified by itself application for a interim/final payment;

- making system inspection visits on behalf of the Certifying Authority in the Managing Authority and institutions subordinate to the Managing Authority or at the beneficiary’s with respect to implementation of the programme as well as inspection visits to examine expenses based on applications for reimbursement received from the managing authorities;

- collecting, for the purpose of certification of expenses implementing instructions of the Managing Authority of ROP OV 2007-2013;

- analysing for certification purposes expenses received from the Managing Authority and, in case of delegation of tasks by the Managing Authority in this scope to its subordinate institutions, data containing information on system inspections and inspections of expenses concerning ROP OV 2007-2013 carried out by these institutions.

- collecting from the Managing Authority and taking it into consideration for certification purposes information on irregularities found in the scope of execution of expenses within ROP OV 2007-2013,

- based on data received from the Managing Authority of ROP OV 2007-2013 keeping an electronic account of amounts recoverable and of amounts withdrawn after cancellation of all or a part of financial contribution for an operation;

- based on data received from the Managing Authority of ROP OV 2007-2013 monitoring of the n+3/n+2 principle for a given regional operational programme.

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178 Audit Authority

Tasks of the Audit Authority specified in the Council Regulation No. 1083/2006 are performed by the Chief Tax Inspector whose function is performed by the secretary of state or deputy secretary of state in the Ministry of Finance, on the basis of provisions of Act of 28 September 1991 on tax inspection139. The Audit Authority is independent from the Managing Authority of OP, Intermediate Bodies for ROP, Intermediate Bodies of the second degree, and the Certifying Authority.

Tasks of the Audit Authority are carried out through organisational units of tax inspection subordinate to the Chief Tax Inspector i.e. an organisational unit established within the Ministry of Finance (at present Department for Certifying and Declaring EU Funds) and the Tax Inspection Office in Opole. Organisational units were organised there responsible for inspection of funds from the European Union.

The Audit Authority is responsible for the whole of work related to issuing a statement ensuring that the systems of management and control over ROP OV 2007-2013 meet the requirements of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006, including its responsibility for preparation before the first application for the final payment is submitted, but not later than within 12 months from the date of approval of ROP OV 2007-2013, of a statement presenting results if the evaluation of establishment of systems and of an opinion related to conformity of the systems of management and control of ROP OV 2007-2013 with art. 58-62 of the Regulation. Work conducted under the audit of conformity is conducted by the Department for Certifying and Declaring EU Funds and the Tax Inspection Office in Opole. The opinion is signed by the Chief Tax Inspector.

The Audit Authority ensures that audit measures incorporate recognised globally standards of audit. The main tasks of the Audit Authority include in particular:

1. ensuring that audits in order to verify effectiveness of the systems of management and control for ROP OV 2007-2013 are effected,

2. ensuring that audits of operations on the basis of relevant samples in order to verify declared expenditure are effected;

3. presenting the Commission, within nine months after approval of ROP OV 2007-2013, an audit strategy involving entities to carry out audits referred to in points 1 and 2, a methodology to be followed, methods of selecting data samples for the purpose of audit of operations and an indicative schedule of audits in order to ensure that major entities are audited and audits will be evenly spread over the whole programming period;

4. by 31 December of each year throughout the period of 2008-2015

a) providing the Commission with an annual report on audits with results of audits from the previous 12 months, ended on 30 June of a particular year, according to the audit strategy for ROP OV 2007-2013 as well as informing of any gaps found in the system of management and control of ROP OV 2007-2013. The first report to be submitted by 31 December 2008 covers the period from 1 January 2007 to 30 June 2008. Information concerning audits carried out after 1 July 2015 will be attached to the final report on audits to be a complement of the winding-up declaration as referred to in point 5;

139 Journal of Law of 2004, No. 8 it. 8 with amendments

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b) giving opinions, on the basis of controls and audits carried out under its responsibility, if the system of management and control is efficient so as to provide a rational guarantee that declarations of expenditure submitted to the Commission are correct and thus provide a rational guarantee that transactions which are a basis for it remain in compliance with the law and are correct

c) submitting a declaration of partial winding-up of ROP OV 2007-2013 with the assessment of compliance with the law and correctness of relevant expenditure.

d) submitting to the Commission, by 31 March, 2017 at the latest, a winding-up declaration, including the assessment of legitimacy of the payment application for the final balance as well as of compliance with the law and of correctness of transactions which are a basis for expenditure covered by the final declaration of expenditure with the accompanying final report on audits

Within the aforementioned tasks the Department for Certifying and Declaring EU Funds supervises, coordinates and assures quality of work of the Tax Inspection Office in Opole. To assure quality of work performed by the Tax Inspection Office, the Department ensures application of adequate mechanisms of control. They include in particular:

• introducing a system for management of documentation (including specification of criteria of its preparation, verification and acceptance; standardisation and computerisation of documentation).

• supervising performed work (delegation of responsibility for performance of tasks and verification of their performance to employees)

• making annual inspections aimed at checking quality of performed work (within so-called re-performance audit and audits to verify correctness of methodology applied by tax inspection offices). Institution competent for receiving payments from the European Commission

An authority responsible for receiving payments made by the European commission is the Ministry of Finance. Pursuant to the labour regulations of the Ministry of Finance, bank accounts to which payments from the Community funds will be made are serviced by the Paying Authority Department.

Funds from the European Commission as payments on account and payments of final balance will be incorporated in the state budget as its income.

Fig. 5.2 represents an organisational chart of relations among the Managing Authority, Certifying Authority and Audit Authority.

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Fig. 5.2 Organisational chart illustrating the positions of ROP OV 2007-2013 Managing Authority, ROP OV 2007-2013 Coordinating Authority, Certifying Authority and Audit Authority as well as of the institution responsible for receiving payments from EC

Ministry of Regional Development

Department acting as Coordinating

Authority for ROP-

Department acting as Certifying


Secretary of State

Department acting as Audit


Deputy Secretary of State

General Tax Inspector

Ministry of Finance

General Director

Tax Inspection Office in Opole

Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship

Department acting as ROP OV

2007-2013 Managing Authority-

Department for Coordination of

Operational Programmes

Deputy Secretary of State

Department acting as the Institution responsible for

receiving payments from EC

Governor of the Opole Voivodeship

General Director

Unit acting as Intermediate Body for Certification within ROP OV


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181 Institution or institutions responsible for making payments to beneficiaries

Payments to beneficiaries will be made by the Managing Authority of ROP OV 2007-2013 in a form of reimbursements of expenditure incurred or payments on account. A basis for a transfer of funds will be an agreement between the Managing Authority of ROP OV 2007-2013 and a beneficiary as well as a correctly prepared and accepted payment application.

5.2 Monitoring

The aim of monitoring the operational programme is to ensure a proper quality of implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013. It is carried out by the Managing Authority and the Monitoring Committee of ROP OV 2007-2013. In addition, monitoring of the effects of ROP OV 2007-2013 is carried also out by the Co-ordinating Authority of ROP OV 2007-2013.

To properly and efficiently monitor the implementation of the Programme context indicators, programme indicators and indicators for strategic objectives have been developed (a system of indicators is described in chapter 2.2.5).

The Managing Authority, mainly by means of indicators to be prepared for monitoring of particular operations and on the basis of statistical data, will be preparing indicators showing the extent to which the objectives of the programme have been accomplished. This will allow for an on-going analysis of the progress in the achievement of the objectives of ROP OV 2007-2013 and taking necessary measures by the Managing Authority in order to ensure attaining the objectives set. Results of current monitoring will be used also in the reporting process and evaluation of ROP OV 2007-2013, and in particular in the annual analysis of the Programme, referred to in art. 68 of Council Regulation No. 1083/2006.

Another important element to be subject of current monitoring by the Managing Authority is financial implementation of the Programme dependent on the progress of projects in particular priority axes of the Programme. The aim of current monitoring is to ensure compliance between expenditure incurred and an estimated financial plan.

5.2.1 ROP OV 2007-2013 Monitoring Committee

The Monitoring Committee of ROP OV 2007-2013 is set up within three months from the date of the notification to Poland of the decision approving ROP OV 2007-2013 by the European Commission.

The Monitoring Committee in the Opolskie Voivodeship will be composed of representatives of, among others, the Managing Authority, a minister competent for regional development as a co-ordinator of regional operational programmes, local self-governments as well as social and economic partners. Representative of the Managing authority in charge of Rural Area Development Programme can participate in meetings of the Monitoring Committee as an observer. When determining the composition of the Monitoring Committee the partnership principle will be applied.

The Monitoring Committee satisfies itself as to the effectiveness and quality of the implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013 in accordance with the following provisions140:

140 Council Regulation No. 1083/2006, art. 65.

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− analyses and approves criteria for selecting projects within ROP OV 2007-2013 within six months of the approval of the operational programme and approves any revision of these criteria in accordance with programming needs;

− periodically reviews the progress made towards achieving the specific targets of ROP OV 2007-2013 on the basis of documents submitted by the Managing Authority;

− analyses results of the implementation, in particular achievement of the targets set for each priority axis and results of appraisals (evaluations) related to monitoring of the Programme, in particular if monitoring shows significant deviations from the originally set targets or if an application for revising the Programme is filed;

− analyses and approves annual and final reports on the implementation on ROP OV 2007-2013, referred to in art. 67 of Council Regulation No. 1083/2006;

− is informed of the annual audit report or of the part of the report referring to ROP OV 2007-2013 and of any relevant comments the European Commission may make after analysing the report or its part referring to ROP OV 2007-2013;

− may propose to the Managing Authority any revision or analysis of ROP OV 2007-2013, likely to make possible the attainment of the funds’ objectives, referred to in art. 3 of Council Regulation No. 1083/2006 or to improve management of the Programme, including financial management;

− analyses and approves any proposal to amend the content of the Commission decision on the contribution from the funds.

Monitoring is carried out pursuant to art. 66 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 by reference to the financial indicators and indicators related to products and results141, quantifying objectives of particular priority axes. Where possible, relevant statistical data are broken down by sex and the size of projects carried out by the beneficiaries. Data for monitoring purposes will be exchanged with the European Commission electronically.

5.2.2 Procedure of project selection

Selection of a project will depend on fulfilment of criteria accepted by the Monitoring Committee (pursuant to art. 65 letter b of Council Regulation (EC) No.1083/2006) and on approval of the project for additional funding by the Managing Authority (MA) or Intermediate Body (IB). These strategic, formal and merit criteria (excluding preparation of relevant documentation and readiness for implementation) will be identical for all potential beneficiaries of all projects concerning a particular category of operation within the Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013 (ROP OV 2007-2013).

Within the Programme the following modes of project selection will be applied: individual (for key projects), competition-based and technical assistance-based. Depending on the nature of a particular priority axis adequate balance among various modes of project selection will be ensured. Application of a given mode should serve improvement in achieving strategic objectives of individual priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013. Details as regards the scope of application of a particular mode within a particular priority axis and institutions involved in the process of selection will be presented in “Detailed description of ROP OV 2007-2013

141 Council Regulation No. 1083/2006, art. 37 par. 1 letter c

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priority axes”. Projects will be selected in compliance with the relevant guidelines of the Ministry of Regional Development.

5.2.3 Annual and final reports on the implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013

The first annual report on the implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013 has to be submitted to the European Commission by the Managing Authority in 2008. Subsequent annual reports will be sent by 30 June each year. The final report on implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013 will be submitted to the European Commission by 31 March, 2017.

Before submitting them to the European Commission the reports will be approved by the Regional Monitoring Committee of ROP OV 2007-2013.

Reports will include the following information in order to obtain a clear view of the implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013:

− the progress in implementing ROP OV 2007-2013 and its priority axes in relation to their specific, verifiable objectives, where possible with quantification and indicators of product and result at the level of the priority axis;

− information about financial implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013, with details for each axis:

− expenditure paid out by beneficiaries, included in applications for payment sent to the Managing Authority and the relevant public contribution;

− the total payments received from the Commission and quantification of the financial indicators;

− the expenditure paid out by the body responsible for making payments to beneficiaries;

− for information purposes – the indicative breakdown of allocation of funds by categories of intervention, in accordance with the implementing rules adopted by the European Commission;

− the steps taken by the Managing Authority or the Regional Monitoring Committee in order to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the implementation, in particular:

− measures within monitoring and evaluation, including data collecting arrangements;

− a summary of any significant problems encountered in implementing ROP OV 2007-2013 and any measures taken to solve them;

− the use made of technical assistance;

− the measures taken to provide information about ROP OV 2007-2013 and its publicity;

− information about significant problems associated with observing the Community law encountered in implementing ROP OV 2007-2013 and remedial measures taken;

− if appropriate, the progress and financing of major projects;

− the use of assistance released following cancellation, referred to in art. 98 par. 2 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006, to the Managing Authority during the period of implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013;

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− information about cases where substantial modifications have been detected on the basis of art. 57 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006.

Every year, after submitting the annual report on the implementation, the Commission and the Managing Authority analyse the progress made in the implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013, the most important results achieved over the previous year, the financial implementation and other factors in respect of their implementation.

The analysis may be given to any aspects of operation of the management and control systems listed in the last annual control report, referred to in art. 62 par. 1 letter d) item i).

5.2.4 Evaluation

To improve the quality, effectiveness and cohesion of the funds assistance as well as the strategy and implementation the Managing Authority shall carry out evaluation of assistance financed form EU structural funds142. The Managing Authority will ensure conformity of the manner of evaluation of operational programmes with the European Union legislation and fulfilment of requirements specified by the European Commission.

It is the responsibility of the Managing Authority to carry out evaluation of an operational programme, specifically of a dedicated evaluation unit established within the Managing Authority.

„At the beginning of the programming period the Managing Authority drafts an Evaluation plan within 1 month from the acceptance of the Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship for the years 2007-2013by the European Commission”.

Evaluation of ROP OV 2007-2013 will take on the character of:

- strategic evaluations aimed to evaluate and analyse the evolution of operational programmes as against national and Community priorities,

- operational evaluations to support the process of monitoring of operational programmes.

Taking into account that evaluation is carried out in the programming period of 2007-2013 there are several types of evaluations: evaluation conducted before the commencement of implementation of the programme (ex-ante evaluation), during implementation of the Programme (on-going evaluation) and after the completion of implementation of the Programme (ex-post evaluation).

Evaluation before the commencement of implementation of the operational programme (ex-ante evaluation) was made by external evaluators in 2006 and its results were allowed for in the programming process.

Pursuant to Council Regulation No. 1083/2006, after the completion of implementation of operational programmes the responsibility for carrying out ex-post evaluations lies with the European Commission. The Managing Authority is obliged, jointly with the Coordinating Authority of ROP OV 2007-2013 and the National Evaluation Unit, to cooperate with the European Commission in the field required by the European Commission and necessary to make the ex-post evaluation.

142 Pursuant to Council Regulation (CE) No. 1083/2006 of 11 July 2006 laying down general regulations on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No. 1260/1999.

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On-going evaluation is a process aimed at better understanding of current results of interventions and formulating recommendations useful from the point of view of programme implementation. Carrying out on-going evaluations may occur in cases where results of monitoring indicate significant deviations from the originally set objectives or when propositions of changes in the programme are filed. For the programming period 2007-2013 high flexibility of evaluation is applied and detailed specification of examinations should be parallel with the process of Programme implementation.

The Managing Authority of ROP OV 2007-2013 is also obliged to cooperate with the National Evaluation Unit and the European Commission with respect to evaluation carried out on their initiative.

To guarantee objectivity of results and independence of the evaluator’s work, evaluations will be carried out primarily by external entities (external evaluators) functionally independent from the Certifying Authority and Audit Authority.

The Evaluation Unit may additionally carry out its own evaluation (internal evaluation) as complementary evaluations if it guarantees independence of the evaluation process and objectivity of results and if it remains functionally independent from the Certifying Authority and Audit Authority.

At the beginning of the programming period the Managing Authority shall prepare Evaluation plan for the Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013. Evaluation plan for ROP OV 2007-2013 aims at identifying a manner of organisation of the evaluation process at a particular level of implementation and main directions of evaluations undertaken by the Managing Authority in the period of 2007-2013. Evaluation plan for the Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013 will be further elaborated in Periodical evaluation plans for ROP OV 2007-2013 including actions related to evaluation of ROP OV 2007-2013 planned for implementation in the following year.

In the time span embracing the implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013, evaluation of implementation of the general objective and selected specific objectives of the Programme will play an important role in the entire process of evaluation. Main areas subject to evaluation within the operational programme will primarily concern two types of measures:

- evaluation of ROP OV 2007-2013 as regards strengthening economic attractiveness of the Opolskie voivodeship – the subject of evaluation will be issues related to competitiveness, innovativeness and promotion of entrepreneurship as well as development of human capital. These areas will constitute key factors contributing to achievement of objectives of the Lisbon Strategy. Instruments favouring improvement of competitiveness and innovativeness of enterprises and entire economy which are oriented directly and indirectly to enterprises will be inspected.

- evaluation of ROP OV 2007-2013 as regards technical and social infrastructure – these evaluations will examine impact of development and modernisation of technical and social infrastructure within the framework of ROP OV 2007-2013 on socio-economic development of the region. This examination will concentrate on, among others, issues related to evaluation of intervention in transport and public transport as well as social infrastructure.

Evaluation exceeding – in its nature or subject - the aforementioned areas will also be made, as necessary for efficient, effective and useful implementation of the process of evaluation of the Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013.

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Within technical assistance of ROP OV 2007-2013 the Managing Authority will ensure funds for carrying evaluations in accordance with the requirements and needs.

Results of evaluation will be presented to the Monitoring Committee of ROP OV 2007-2013 and the National Evaluation Unit, as well as to the European Commission, in particular when applications for review of the operational programme or its part in conformity with art. 33 of Council Regulation No. 1083/2006 or at its request are to be filed.

Results of all conducted evaluations of ROP OV 2007-2013 will be publicised and, simultaneously, MA will monitor the process of implementation of recommendations formulated as a result of conducted evaluations.

5.2.5. Control system

A basic control function of the Managing Authority arising directly from Council

Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 is to verify expenditure on goods and services co-financed within projects, if they have been delivered, if the expenditure has been actually incurred and if it is in accordance with the Community and national rules. In the Polish system, due to a large number of institutions taking part in implementation of programmes, verification of expenditure is usually delegated to the lower levels of management. In such a situation the Managing Authority sets up rules for carrying out control and division of obligations in the system.

5.3 National IT system for the period of 2007-2013 (SIMIK 07-13)

The minister competent for regional development assisted by the Department for Coordination of and Management of Community Support Framework at the Ministry of Regional Development supervises preparation of a new IT system and sets standards for data collection by all participants of the system of NSRF implementation. The minister competent for public finance assisted by the Department of IT System Development at the Ministry of Finance is responsible for creation and development of the computer system on the basis of standards for collecting data set by the minister competent for regional development.

Individual modules of the National IT System will be ready to use since July 2007. The System’s full operating capacity with respect to its all components will be achieved as at the end of 2007.

Pursuant to art. 58 d) and art. 60 c) of Regulation 1083/2006, the systems of management and control should operate reliable accounting as well as monitoring and financial reporting systems in computerised form to ensure registration and maintenance of accounting records for each operation within the operational programme and to ensure collection of data on implementation of each important operation necessary for the purpose of financial management, monitoring, verification, audit and evaluation.

For the purpose of management and reporting, in the Managing Authority, intermediate bodies, intermediate bodies of the second degree and the Certifying Authority two basic types of IT systems will be used:

- financial and accounting system meeting requirements of the Accounting Act

- National IT System of monitoring and accounting

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and, optionally, a local system of monitoring and reporting at the level of institution responsible for implementation of the operational programme.

The National IT System is consistent and compatible with the system of monitoring and accounting established for the operational programme.

Access to data collected in the National IT system will be granted to all entities participating in the process of implementation, i.e. the Managing Authority, intermediate bodies, intermediate bodies of the second degree, the Certifying Authority and the Audit Authority in the degree necessary for proper implementation of tasks.

National and local systems of monitoring and reporting.

National IT System (centralised system) made available for the needs of monitoring and reporting will, at the national level, collect data necessary for management and control systems established for the operational programme.

5.3.1. Characteristics of the National IT System

According to accepted assumptions the National IT System will primarily function as a system of registration i.e. it will collect data entered into the central data base after relevant events have taken place. In particular the system will enable collection of information in the following areas:

• keeping records of data related to the operational programmes,

• providing support for life-cycle of projects, in which:

− keeping records of applications fulfilling formal requirements,

− keeping records of large projects within the scope specified by Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1828/2006,

− keeping records of agreements for funding,

− keeping records of applications for payments,

− keeping records of data on controls of individual projects,

− keeping records of indicators of activity progress, including uniform dictionary of indicators,

• keeping records of data on irregularities,

• keeping records of recovered amounts (including a register of debtors)

Furthermore, the National IT System will enable preparation of specific reports, in particular:

• statement of expenditure from the level of intermediate body as well as statements of expenditure and applications for payments prepared at higher levels,

• expenditure forecast.

The system will contain and supply data specified in Annex 3 to Implementing Regulation 1828/2006

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5.3.2 Architecture of the National IT System

The National IT System is built based on web technology where access to data collected in the central data base is performed through an Internet browser launched on a computer with access to the public Internet.

Within the framework of ROP OV 2007-2013 a national IT system will be introduced to support implementation of NSRF, financed from funds for Priority axis 2 IT support for implementation of NSRF within OP TA 2007-2013.

At the same time, it is admitted that a separate IT systems may be constructed for the need of management and implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013. The system will be entirely compatible with the national IT system, and the scope of data processed therein will be consistent with the scope of data specified in Annex 3 to Commission Regulation (CE) No. 1828/2006 of 8 December 2006. The chart representing architecture of the National IT system is presented below.

Fig. 5.3 Architecture of the National IT System

5.3.3 Description of procedures designed to ensure reliability of computerised systems of accounting, monitoring and financial reporting

The security policy for the National IT System is conducted on many levels. Usage of secure protocol https along with appropriate architecture of access network points located in the system operator’s seat i.e. Minister competent of public finance assisted by the

National IT system informatyczny

Local IT systems Workstations of the system’s users

Public network - Internet

IT system of the European Union

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Department of IT System Development at the Ministry of Finance, reduces the risk of hacking and obtaining unauthorised access and, what follows, of modification of data in the system by unauthorised persons. Moreover, it prevents changing data during a transmission of data onto the server.

Extended functionality of awarding rights for users (three-dimensional model of rights: function of the system, level of implementation, region) causes that they have access only to data necessary to performance of tasks.

An appropriate policy of making backups guarantees that in case of a serious failure of the system, which would result in destruction of the data base, it is possible to restore data collected in the system one day before the failure.

5.3.4. Information concerning the internal circulation of information among the “central entity” (MS Liaison) and entities declaring the demand for access/modification of access rights to SFC2007

Electronic exchange of data with the European Commission pursuant to art. 39 of Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1828/2006 of 8 December 2006.

Rules for access to system of electronic exchange of data with European Commission (SFC2007) have been settled in Procedure for granting users access to the system of electronic exchange of data with the European Commission SFC2007 drawn up by the Ministry of Regional Development.

According to this procedure, function of MS Liaison for the European Social Fund, the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund which results from the obligation imposed by the regulations of art. 14 of Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1828/2006, specifying that Member States apply for access rights to system SFC2007 on a centralised basis, has been assigned to an organisational unit within the Ministry of Regional Development. Pursuant to principles laid down by the Commission, function of MS Liaison and MS Liaison Deputy is performed by two employees of the aforementioned organisational unit appointed and approved by the Commission’s services.

To ensure security of access to system SFC2007 the aforementioned Procedure specifies principles on which users apply for access. Pursuant to the assumption at the national level and the Node Hierarchy structure access to the system is granted only to employees (as so-called Key Users) of the following institutions:

− Coordinating Authority at the national level (status of Member State Authority)

− Managing Authority for the programme (status of Member State Managing Authority)

− Certifying Authority (status of Certifying Authority)

− Audit Authority (status of Audit Authority)

The procedure also determines principles for verification of a candidate filed for a user by MS Liaison and adequacy of the scope of rights applied for (Permissions, Role), as well as the principle of informing on any changes concerning Key Users.

A list of Key Users, i.e. persons having access to system SFC2007 is kept in the organisational unit within the Ministry of Regional Development performing the function of MS Liaison, with respect to regulations binding with respect to protection of personal data.

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5.4 Financial flows The European Commission transfers to Poland funds of the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund as pre-financing, interim payments and the final balance payments. Funds transferred to Poland by the European Union in the aforesaid form are deposited on selected bank accounts in EUR maintained by the Minister of Finance. The funds on the account, after conversion into PLN, are sent to the central account of the budget of the state based on an instruction of the Ministry of Finance and constitute income of the state.

Expenditure for implementation of operational programmes is planned within the budget part of a relevant administrator of funds, where funds for development subsidies for voivodeship self-governments acting as Managing Authorities for regional operational programmes as well as Intermediate Bodies in OP Human Capital are planned in the part of the budget administered by the Minister of Regional Development, and then they are transferred as development subsidy to the voivodeship self government.

Expenditure for implementation of operational programmes planned in budget parts of individual administrators, i.e. competent ministers are transferred to beneficiaries as pre-financing or reimbursements (or through intermediate bodies of the second degree from the sector of public finance). In the case of ROP OV 2007-2013 payments for the beneficiary are made by the Self-government of the Opolskie Voivodeship, or by the agency of the Intermediate Body of the second degree).

Amounts for voivodeship self-governments transferred to them as development subsidy do not include expenditure incurred by the state budget units implementing projects within operational programmes for which the Executive Board of a voivodeship acts as the Intermediate Body or Managing Authority.

Chart of financial flows is presented on Fig. 5.4

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Fig. 5.4 Financial flows and certification in ROP OV 2007-2013

Within the system of monitoring of financial flows MA of ROP OV 2007-2013 will monitor amounts of eligible expenses, including expenses constituting national co-financing. MA of ROP OV 2007-2013 will estimate the level of co-financing from the EU funds at the level of priority axis so as to ensure that contribution of the EU funds is not greater than the level accepted in ROP OV 2007-2013 for each priority axis.

5.4.1 Procedures for interest earned

Within the operational programme, interest accrued on funds received by individual institutions participating in the financing of ROP OV 2007-2013 is earmarked for implementation of a particular priority axis/measure of the Programme and it is included in the report on implementation of the axis/measure. Pursuant to art. 83 for the servicing of funds received from the European Union, within financial perspective 2007-2013 a system of bank accounts will be kept similar as for perspective 2004-2006 i.e. accounts of the 1st level – fund account, and accounts of the 2nd level – programme accounts.

All bank accounts, both fund and programme, will yield interest, and interest will be credited to the account balance. Immediately after calculation of interest, the Institution receiving funds from the European Commission will transfer appropriate amounts to the account of the State Budget income and they will be used for national co-financing.

Financial flows

Application for reimbursement/payment

European Commission

State budget unit

Development subsidy

Ministry for Regional Development

Certifying Authority

Voivodeship Office in Opole Intermediate Body for Certification

Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship Managing Authority of ROP


Ministry of Finance Institution responsible for receiving payments from the Commission

Relevant administrator of

budget part (MRD)

Relevant administrator of

budget part

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5.5 Information and publicity

Pursuant to provisions of art. 2, it. 1 of Commission Regulation (EC) no. 1828/2006 specifying principles for implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 laying down general regulations related to the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund as well as Regulation (EC) No. 1080/2006 of the European Parliament and Council on the European Regional Development Fund, Poland is preparing the Communication Strategy for European Funds In Poland for 2007-2013 for all funds and programmes available. The Common Strategy is aimed primarily at ensuring effective coordination of measures taken by individual institutions, which will serve increase in efficiency and effectiveness of information and publicity.

The communication strategy is being prepared by the Coordinating Authority of NSRF (within the structure of the ministry competent for regional development) in co-operation with Managing Authorities. It allows for principles accepted in the Guidelines by the Minister of Regional Development in the field of information and publicity.

The communication strategy specifies the basic rules for undertaking information and publicity actions for the needs of all operational programmes and the National Strategic Reference Framework, and in particular it describes objectives and the central assumption, specifies target groups, indicates institutions involved in information and publicity actions and the required minimum of undertaken actions.

The Managing Authority of ROP OV 2007-2013 will prepare the Communication Plan for ROP OV 2007-2013 including objectives of actions, characteristics of target groups, description of planned information, publicity and training actions, description of task division and scope of responsibility with respect to publicity, information and training actions between units involved in implementation of the Plan.

In the Communication Plan for ROP OV 2007-2013 the Managing Authority will additionally specify a framework schedule of undertaken actions, the manner of their evaluation, reporting principles and an indicative budget. Moreover, the Managing Authority of ROP OV 2007-2013 will be preparing annual plans of actions of implementing nature.

The Communication Plan for ROP OV 2007-2013 is subject to consultation with the Coordinating Authority of NSFR with respect to its consistency the Communication Strategy and to acceptance on the part of the Monitoring Committee of ROP OV 2007-2013.

The strategic (long-term) objective of implementation of the Communication Plan for ROP OV 2007-2013 is to raise awareness of the region’s inhabitants and institutions, to enhance their activity in the field of acquisition of assistance from the structural funds and to obtain acceptance for effects of their usage. This objective will be achieved by means of:

� Ensuring transparency of procedures for implementation of the programme,

� Popularising advantages generated by implementation of the programme,

� Supporting beneficiaries in the process of fund acquisition,

� Improving knowledge and qualifications of persons involved in the process of management, information and implementation of the programme on an on-going basis.

Fulfilment of the aforementioned objectives is to ensure maximal usage of European funds available for the Opolskie voivodeship, raise the level of knowledge and abilities of beneficiaries in the field of usage of available assistance, as well as to increase public awareness of contribution of the European Union.

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Moreover, the aim of programmed actions will be to focus them on the added value of the Community assistance, e.g. by establishing and popularising efficient and durable information flows concerning ROP OV 2007-2013 together with indicating the financial contribution under the ERDF.

The scope of tasks related to information and publicity within the framework of implementation of the Communication Plan for ROP OV 2007-2013 will include, among others, organisation of information campaigns in cooperation with regional and local media, social and economic partners, as well as construction and maintenance of an Internet site dedicated to ROP OV 2007-2013, publication and distribution of programme documents, publications/leaflets and running an information and advisory centre.

The aforementioned actions aim at providing to all involved parties, access to clearly formulated and detailed information regarding rules for receiving assistance from the cohesion policy funds, hence target groups for information and publicity actions for ROP OV 2007-2013 should be the following:

1. beneficiaries and potential beneficiaries of ROP OV 2007-2013,

2. social and economic partners,

3. employees of institutions involved in the process of implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013,

4. employees of information centres,

5. the public – the whole of society, recipients of results (local communities)

The Managing Authority of ROP OV 2007-2013 will ensure monitoring and evaluation of information and publicity actions taken.

Information about measures in this respect will be submitted to the Monitoring Committee and included in annual and final reports on implementation of the programme referred to in art 67. of Regulation (EC) No. 1080/2006.

Examples of evaluation methods and actions taken:

1. Annual reports prepared by the Managing Authority of ROP OV 2007-2013 for the European Commission containing a description of actions taken within the Communication Plan for ROP OV 2007-2013.

2. Report prepared by the ROP OV 2007-2013 Managing Authority for the NSRF Coordinating Authority to give account of implementation of the Communication Strategy for the Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund in Poland.

3. In cooperation with the NSRF Coordinating Authority and at least every two years, examination of effectiveness and efficiency of information and publicity actions resulting from implementation of the Communication Strategy.

Information and publicity actions taken with respect to the Communication Plan of ROP OV 2007-2013 will be financed within the framework of Priority Axis 7 “Technical assistance” of ROP OV 2007-2013.

Funds for information and publicity actions for the years of 2007-2013 total EUR 1.2 m, in which:

▪ ERDF – EUR 1.02 m

▪ national co-financing (budget of the voivodeship self-government) – EUR 181 k

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6.1. Results of ex-ante evaluation of draft ROP OV 2007-2013

6.1.1 Grounds for and description of ex-ante evaluation performance The requirement to prepare the ex-ante evaluation for the draft Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007 – 2013 within the “Convergence” Objective is imposed on the Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship by art. 48 par. 2 of Council Regulation No. 1083/2006. The report on the ex-ante evaluation was made within expert opinion “Estimated evaluation of drafts of 16 Regional Operational Programmes and Operational Programme Development of Eastern Poland for 2007-2013” prepared by WYG International Sp. z o.o. on order of the Ministry for Regional Development.

The evaluation of ROP OV 2007-2013 contains all the standard elements provided for the evaluation of regional operational programmes of particular voivodeships, taking into account the unique nature of the region examined. The report is in conformity with the methodology of the ex-ante evaluation of operational programmes for 2007-2013, set by the European Commission in October 2005.

The scope of the evaluation of ROP OV 2007-2013 included:

− verification of the socio-economic analysis and of its quality in the light of identified needs of the region’s development,

− evaluation of the economic justification and the internal consistency of the projection part of ROP OV 2007-2013,

− evaluation of the external consistency of ROP OV 2007-2013 with the Community, national and regional policies,

− evaluation of the expected result and effect,

− evaluation of the proposed system for implementing the operational programme.

The assumptions of ROP OV 2007-2013, including particularly a diagnosis, objectives, priority axes and measures were evaluated in the light of such strategic documents as: Community Strategic Guidelines (CSG), Lisbon Strategy, National Development Strategy (NDS), National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), Updated National Concept of Land Development, Polish Ecological Policy, Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment, Opolskie Voivodeship Development Strategy (OVDS).

The chapter presents recommendations from the ex-ante evaluation of draft ROP OV 2007-2013 and the manner how they are taken into account in the present version of the document, while the detailed estimated evaluation of ROP OV 2007-2013 is presented on the Marshal Office website143. It is assumed that the results of the evaluation should contribute to the improvement of ROP OV 2007-2013.

143 A complete version of “Estimated evaluation of ROP OV 2007-2013. Report”, WYG International Sp. z. o.o., Warsaw, November 2006, presented on the Internet website

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6.1.2 Recommendations from evaluation and description of the manner in which results of the estimated evaluation of draft ROP OV 2007-2013 have been integrated

Diagnosis of the operational programme

Generally the results of the evaluation showed that a diagnostic part of the Programme serves its function, i.e. justifies a majority of objectives and priority axes.

Evaluation experts pointed out to the relation of the diagnostic part of the Programme to the analogous field in the Opolskie Voivodeship Development Strategy.

Positive assessment was given to the selection of parameters, the relevance of data and the use of time series as well as to the internal consistency of the diagnosis.

In the opinion of the evaluation expert, to improve the quality of the document it was suggested to make slight changes in the arrangement of the subchapters and add a summary of the diagnostic part.

According to the evaluation experts, in the diagnosis the most important stimulating and hindering factors for the development of the region so far were presented. The diagnosis was also completed with the criteria for selecting diagnostic areas, although their arrangement was found accurate.

The diagnosis was completed with the comments on the method for making it and the forecast diagnosis, where possible, extended in diagnosis areas.

Moreover, the ex-ante evaluation drew attention to adding source items, i.e. giving a breakdown of items (bibliography) and presenting more clearly in the introduction the structure of the document what was completed with relevant provisions in the present version of the Programme.

SWOT analysis

In evaluation expert’s opinion, to improve the quality of the document it was suggested to sum up the whole diagnostic part so as to show all the needs of the voivodeship and their hierarchy, with particular attention to the needs which may be satisfied with the implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013.

According to the results of the evaluation, the SWOT analysis covered also subchapter 1.3 (in the present version of the Programme 1.2) about the use of national and foreign funds.

For a greater consistency of the SWOT analysis, it was described how strengths and weaknesses of the Opolskie Voivodeship as well as opportunities and threats are indicated and it was presented how to group these elements in other areas than presented in the diagnosis.

The opinion of the evaluation experts about hierarchisation of the region’s needs was taken into account and the phenomena described in the SWOT hierarchised so as to clearly and directly show that the issues are of key importance for the implementation of the Voivodeship Development Strategy and what the most important directions for development are.

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Projection part of the operational programme

The persons evaluating the programme showed that a projection part of ROP OV 2007-2013 deserves a generally positive opinion. It was emphasised that a structure of the projection part is clear and logical.

However, as a result of the evaluation the experts pointed to several shortcomings which need to be addressed. Thus, the missing elements of ROP OV 2007-2013 have been completed according to critical comments of the evaluation experts so as to ensure that the document is complete, i.e. baseline and target values of indicators as well as frequency of measurements together with the source of data have been added, it has been given which year is regarded as baseline and which as target one, the use of cross-financing in particular priority axes explained, the allocation of funds from the ERDF into particular categories of intervention presented, corrections in the financial part according to the guidelines from the Ministry for Regional Development made.

As regards comments to Chapter 2 devoted to the implementation strategy for ROP OV 2007-2013, the evaluation experts indicated that the objectives had been selected accurately which, in addition, were justified in the description of the objectives and in the priority axes.

In reply to the results of the ex-ante evaluation, in chapter 2 it was emphasised that when drawing up the document theoretical bases for the planned intervention were taken into consideration, i.e. it was shown that a planned intervention focused on such fields where it was possible to indicate that a market mechanism failed (e.g. provision of public goods, support for markets where there are external benefits). Moreover, it was stressed that when preparing the document and specifying particular priority axes due care was given to the territorial cohesion of the region.

In order to ensure greater consistency between descriptions in the projection part and the SWOT analysis, the quality of justification for the objectives and the priority axes has been improved.

Financial part

In chapter 4 devoted to the financial part, referring to the opinion of the evaluation experts, the criteria for distribution of funds between particular priority axes and years have been commented as well as the values in tables updated, taking into account the current distribution of funds (according to the draft NSRF approved by the government, version from 29 November, 2006).

The estimated evaluation of ROP OV 2007-2013 points to making a reference to a risk related to the possibility of failure to use the funds allocated to ROP OV 2007-2013, which has been dealt with in chapter 4 of the Programme; it is forecast that the analysis of financial potential of the units of local self-government to be the major beneficiary of the Programme provides a basis to assume that all the funds within the Programme will be used.

External consistency of the Regional Operational Programme for 2007-2013

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As the ex-ante evaluation pf ROP OV 2007-2013 shows, the external consistency of the projection part of the Programme is good. It was noticed that the objectives of ROP OV 2007-2013 are consistent with the objectives of superior strategic documents (such as: CSG, NDS, NSRF, VDS). The consistency arises both from common axiological premises at their bases and identical or coincident diagnostic conclusions. The consistency is considerable, in particular as regards the NSRF and the VDS.

Comments to the Programme, arising from the fact that the draft version of the document was subject to the ex–ante evaluation, related to: the update of names of particular guidelines (in CSG) and of the objectives of the NSRF, the explanation of divergence between the relations strategic objectives – CSG and priorities - CSG. All the issues have been explained.

Assessment of the expected results and effect

The ex-ante evaluation of the Programme showed that a list of indicators for ROP OV 2007-1013 required numerous completions and changes. The situation was due to the fact that a process of drawing up the Programme was carried out at the same time as works of the team for indicators at the Ministry for Regional Development. In the present version of the Programme all the comments of the evaluation experts concerning a system of indicators have been taken into account.

As a result of the evaluation, indicators for the general objective have been completed with the effect of ROP OV 2007-2013 on the GDP increase, a decrease in employment in the region, calculated on the basis of HERMIN model (“Assessment of the macroeconomic effect of the Regional Operational Programme for 2007-2013 on the economy of the Opolskie Voivodeship using HERMIN model. Report No. 2”).

Also the number of specific objectives of ROP OV 2007-2013 has been reduced by one so as to make it the same as the number of priority axes in order to facilitate monitoring of ROP.

The evaluation experts pointed to the consistency between the selected proposals for indicators and a list of indicators set by the European Commission as compulsory for operational programmes. In the present version of the Programme all the indicators have been completed with target and baseline values where required, pursuant to the guidelines of the Ministry for regional Development.

For monitoring of the Programme a list of context indicators according to the enclosure to the ex-ante evaluation has also been prepared. A list of context indicators is appendix No. 2 to ROP OV 2007-2013.

System for implementing the operational programme

According to the evaluation experts a description of the system for implementing the Programme is quite general and based mainly on regulations of the European Commission, the NSRF and the guidelines of the MRD available at the moment the analysed version of the Programme was prepared.

Due to the above, the evaluation experts indicated that there were missing elements in the description of the management system of ROP OV 2007-2013 and recommended to make it more precise and complete some provisions.

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In reply to the results of ex-ante evaluation a structure of management has been described so as to show the whole system as functioning efficiently, effectively and transparently. Apart from listing powers of particular institutions, it has been also outlined how they function and co-operate for the effective and efficient implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013. All the descriptions of powers and relations between the institutions have been verified in more details, according the guidelines of the Ministry for Regional Development so as to remove repetitions, contradictions and gaps.

All the powers of institutions have been verified with the national and the Community regulations. Also elements of the publicity system have been described – it has been indicated that a communication plan would be prepared to specify a scope and the strategy for implementation of measures related to information and publicity of ROP OV 2007-2013, the system of information exchange with the European Commission has been described as well as procedures to ensure transparency of the payment process presented.

As a result of the evaluation of ROP OV 2007-2013, in the chapter of the report devoted to the implementation system it has been stated that in the Opolskie Voivodeship the system variant chosen for implementation is to ensure maximum effectiveness and efficiency.

According to the recommendation that when choosing the system variant for implementing ROP in the context of maximum effectiveness and efficiency a principle of concentrating implementation in the managing authority should be applied, in the evaluation of the programme it was emphasised that tasks related to entrepreneurship and innovations should be delegated to another institution.

Taking into account the opinions of evaluation experts, ROP OV 2007-2013 contains provisions regarding a partnership rule, not only in the context of preparing the Programme, but also its monitoring. Thus, it has been described how partners of the system will be able to influence the implementation process of the Programme.

Summing up, the evaluation examination proved that ROP OV 2007-2013 presented for evaluation (preliminary draft, version No. 3 b) meets the majority of formal and factual requirements, and the missing elements in the document indicated by the evaluation experts have been included in the present version of the draft of ROP OV 2007-2013.

6.2. Assessment of expected macroeconomic effects of the implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013

The analysis of potential effect of investments carried out within the Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013 was conducted following HERMIN model144. For that purpose, first the initial simulation was carried out, for which 144 The assessment of forecast effect of investments to be carried out and co-financed from the European funds was conducted using HERMIN model for regional economies – version from 2006 including database from 1995-2002. The model was devised by the team of the Regional Development Agency in Wrocław (WARR) under direction of Prof. Janusz Zaleski, in co-operation of John Bradley, PhD – the author of HERMIN model and a long standing scientist of The Economic and Social Research Institute – ESRI in Dublin. HERMIN is a macro-model for analysing the impact of structural funds on the economy. The model is based on conventional Keynes mechanisms, however, it also has important neoclassical features related to the supply component. More information about HERMIN model: and The model undergoes constant modifications, also the base of historical data, which will provide a basis for calculations, will be updated in the coming years and therefore the results of simulations will have to be analysed and corrected systematically. A complete version of the document “Assessment of macroeconomic effect of the Regional Operational Programme for 2007-2013 on the economy of the Opolskie Voivodeship using HERMIN model. Report No. 2b” available on:

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expenditure within ROP OV 2007-2013 were not taken into account and a number of assumptions about external and internal conditions affecting the Polish economy were made (so called baseline scenario)145. The next simulation carried out assumed investment expenditure at the level set in ROP OV 2007-2013146, and then its results were compared with the baseline scenario specifying potential macroeconomic effects of the Programme.

As a result of the simulation carried out using HERMIN model the indicators describing the effect of the Regional Operational Programme were defined and presented as a change in relation to the baseline forecast made without the effect of ROP OV 2007-2013. The results of the effect of ROP OV 2007-2013 were presented by means of several basic macroeconomic parameters: GDP (expressed in prices from 1995), unemployment rate, a number of the employed as well as resources of physical infrastructure and human resources.

The obtained results of the effect of ROP OV2007-2013 on GDP of the Opolskie Voivodeship allow for stating that that ROP OV 2007-2013 probably will increase GDP in relation to the baseline forecast, as the Programme will be gradually implemented. By 2014 the effect of ROP OV 2007-2013 on GDP will be increasing gradually and in 2014 will reach the highest value. It is assessed that GDP will be higher then in relation to the baseline scenario by 1.52% (Fig. 6.1). In next year 2015 the increase in relation to the baseline forecast becomes smaller as all the investment undertakings within ROP OV 2007-2013 will be finished (last payments will be made) (Fig. 6.1). Moreover, next funds related to programming period 2014-2020 will be activated but we are not able to anticipate their amount now.

145 Main features of the baseline scenario concerning external conditions are as follows (version of the model from 2006): an increase in industrial production in Poland is forecast at the level of approx. 5 % annually, the efficiency of work is still increasing, implying the probability that the employment will increase more slowly than production, and increasing employment and continuous source of workforce result in continuous decrease of unemployment. It is anticipated that an exchange rate will be constant and the inflation a little bit higher than the average in “the old states” of the European Union. 146The initial features for the model arising from ROP OV 2007-2013 assume, among other things, the allocation for the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013 in the amount of EUR 427.14 mn. These funds have been distributed between particular priorities of ROP OV 2007-2013 (allocation as in June 2007). ROP OV 2007-2013 will be implemented for nine years from 1 January, 2007 to 31 December, 2015 (following the “n+3” principle applicable in 2007-2010 and the “n+2” applicable in 2011-2013). According to the methodology of recalculating transfers into economic categories prepared by WARR, for the Opolskie Voivodeship the following distribution has been calculated: basic technical infrastructure (BI) – 51.21%; human resources development (HRD) – 9.00%; direct assistance for production sector (DAPS) – 39.79%.

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2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015



















2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015




Fig. 6.1. Effect of ROP OV 2007-2013 on GDP*.

* % change in relation to the baseline scenario (without ROP)

Source: “Assessment of macroeconomic effect of the Regional Operational Programme for 2007-2013 on the economy of the Opolskie Voivodeship using HERMIN model. Report No. 2b”, Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship, June 2007

Analysing the effect of ROP OV 2007-2013 on the labour market two indicators were

chosen: unemployment rate and employment. It is assessed that the largest decrease of the unemployment rate147 will take place in

years 2009-2013 and will amount to approx. 0.45 percentage point in relation to the level of this indicator assessed if no funds are used (Fig. 6.2). This means that the accumulated effect in a form of the number of the employed will amount in these years to approx. 2 thousand people (Fig. 6.3).

Fig. 6. 2. Effect of ROP OV 2007-2013 on unemployment rate in percentage points

Source: “Assessment of macroeconomic effect of the Regional Operational Programme for 2007-2013 on the economy of the Opolskie Voivodeship using HERMIN model. Report No. 2b”, Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship, June 2007

147 Change in the unemployment rate is described in percentage points

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1,03 1,20


1,98 2,04











2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

w t


Fig. 6. 3. Effect of ROP OV 2007-2013 on the number of the employed in thousand people

Source: “Assessment of macroeconomic effect of the Regional Operational Programme for 2007-2013 on the economy of the Opolskie Voivodeship using HERMIN model. Report No. 2b”, Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship, June 2007

The research conducted indicates that the effect of the European funds is relatively higher on economic growth than on the labour market: employment rate and unemployment rate. Structural funds have a particularly strong effect first of all on an increase in efficiency of production factors (both due to improving qualifications of workforce and better accessibility of technical infrastructure, including transport infrastructure). The increase in global efficiency of the economy, with the same production level, results in limiting demand for workforce, however, in a longer time improves international competitiveness of the economy, attracts foreign capital, increases production and in consequence positively affects the employment.

Tab. No. 6.1. Total effect of ROP OV 2007-2013 on GDP (in %), unemployment rate (in percentage points), number of the employed (in thousand people) and investments in fixed assets (%) in relation to the baseline scenario.

Effect of ROP OV 2007-2013 on:

Years GDP

(in %)

Unemployment rate

(in percentage points)

Number of the employed (in

thousand people)

Investments in fixed assets (%)

2007 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2008 0.54 -0.31 1.39 4.18 2009 0.87 -0.46 2.02 5.93 2010 0.99 -0.43 1.92 5.47 2011 1.24 -0.44 1.99 5.47 2012 1.38 -0.44 1.99 5.26 2013 1.51 -0.44 2.01 5.04 2014 1.52 -0.38 1.72 4.05 2015 1.30 -0.19 0.89 1.84

Source: “Assessment of macroeconomic effect of the Regional Operational Programme for 2007-2013 on the economy of the Opolskie Voivodeship using HERMIN model. Report No. 2b”, Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship, June 2007

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Taking into consideration a potential effect which the implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013 will have on the production volume in particular sectors of economy, it turns out that the greatest effect will be observable in the industrial sector. In 2012-2015, when it is the highest in relation to the baseline scenario, it will be from 2.0% to 2.4%. While in the sector of market services in 2009-2013 it will amount to approx. 1.3%.

For the sector of processing industry the employment level in 2012-2015 may be higher by approx. 1 thousand people (in comparison to the baseline scenario). Also in the sector of market services approx. 1 thousand people will find additional jobs but in 2008-2010.

Detailed data concerning the effect of ROP OV 2007-2013 on the level of actual (i.e. expressed in constant prices) production volume and on the situation in the labour market in particular sectors are presented in Tab. No. 6.2.

Tab. No. 6.2. Effect of ROP OV 2007-2013 on production volume (expressed as a percentage change in relation to the baseline scenario) and on the situation in the labour market (expressed as a change in relation to the baseline scenario) in particular sectors.


Production in sector of processing

industry (in %)

Production in sector of market

services (in %)

Employment in sector of processing

industry (in thousand


Employment in sector of market

services (in thousand

people) 2007 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2008 0.39 0.87 0.26 1.06 2009 0.80 1.27 0.50 1.44 2010 1.18 1.22 0.68 1.16 2011 1.72 1.28 0.96 0.95 2012 2.01 1.28 1.12 0.78 2013 2.29 1.28 1.29 0.63 2014 2.43 1.11 1.38 0.27 2015 2.31 0.63 1.29 -0.43

Source: “Assessment of macroeconomic effect of the Regional Operational Programme for 2007-2013 on the economy of the Opolskie Voivodeship using HERMIN model. Report No. 2b”, Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship, June 2007

To increase the level of objectivity of the evaluation of the effect of structural funds on the economy of the Opolskie Voivodeship, the assessment of the macroeconomic effect conducted using HERMIN model was compared to the results obtained with the use of the alternative macroeconomic model. For that purpose, MaMoR2 model was used which is so called computational model of general balance148. The comparison of forecasts of effects of

148 Report: “Forecast of macroeconomic effect of the Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007 – 2013” was prepared by the Institute of Research on Market Economy (IBnGR) on order of the Ministry for Regional Development. The model used allows for examining some aspects of the economy in the regional context, i.e. at the level of voivodeships. The tool used in the model does not assume simply 16 models for economies of particular voivodeships. The regions are fully autonomous as regards creating a product as well as determining volumes of streams and resources such as consumption, investments or capital. At the national level decisions about the structure of some streams are made: purpose of national production and sources of consumption goods. (Report: “Forecast of macroeconomic effect of the Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007 – 2013”, IBnGR, November 2006).

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the European funds on GDB obtained using the models above are presented in the table below.

Tab. No. 6.3. Comparison of a change in GDP with the baseline forecast in 2007-2015 obtained using HERMIN model and MaMoR2 model.

Years HERMIN model MaMoR2 model

2007 0.00 -0.01 2008 0.54 -0.01 2009 0.87 0.10 2010 0.99 0.38 2011 1.24 0.78 2012 1.38 1.17 2013 1.51 1.60 2014 1.52 1.97 2015 1.30 2.11

Average growth pace 1.04 0.90

Source: “Assessment of macroeconomic effect of the Regional Operational Programme for 2007-2013 on the economy of the Opolskie Voivodeship using HERMIN model. Report No. 2b”, Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship, June 2007; “Forecast of macroeconomic effect of the Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007 – 2013”, IBnGR, November 2006

Tab. No. 6.3 presents the results of simulation for GDP growth pace including investment shock which is ROP OV 2007-2013. The GDP average growth pace with the full use of the European funds using HERMIN model is 1.04%, while using MaMoR2 model it is 0.90% annually.

The results obtained with the use of different research tools suggest a positive effect of ROP OV 2007-2013 on the economy of the Opolskie Voivodeship.

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7.1 Legal basis

Pursuant to Art. 47 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006149 and the Act of 27 April 2001 on Environmental Protection Law150, actions were instigated with respect to the Environmental Impact Assessment of ROP OV 2007-2013.

7.2 Executor of the Forecast of environmental impact of ROP OV 2007-2013

Preparation of the Forecast of environmental impact of ROP OV 2007-2013 was outsourced to the Institution of Urban Development in Kraków. The executor was selected after the review of quotations which had been submitted by external companies, functionally independent from the Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship, having necessary expertise in preparing such documents and meeting requirements set out by the Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship. In the selection of the executor the following criteria were considered:

− references confirming experience in drafting such analyses, compliant with the order;

− order completion price;

− order completion date.

7.3 Forecast of environmental impact of ROP OV 2007-2013

The subject of the Environmental Impact Assessment was the Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013 (draft project, version 3b of 14 July 2006). The scope and the degree of detail in the Forecast of environmental impact of ROP OV 2007-2013 [hereinafter referred to as the Forecast] follow from provisions of the Environmental Protection Law, Directive No 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament and the Council151 as well as arrangements made by the Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship with the Governor of the Opolskie Voivodeship (representing the environmental protection body) and the State Voivodeship Sanitary Inspectorate.

The key aim of the assessment was to determine possible effects seen in the environment, which may arise following the implementation of the document being assessed.

The Forecast is composed of eight parts. In the introductory part an outline and structure of the main national plans were described and so were their links with the EU guidelines. Additionally, objectives of the EU Structural Funds were discussed, along with documents which confirm validity of the EU strategy of Sustainable Development from

149 Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 (OJ L 210 of 31.07.2006) 150 Environment Protection Law of 27 April 2001(Journal of Laws No 62, of 20 June 2001, item 627 as

amended (Official journal of 2006, No 142, item 1590, as amended) 151 Directive No 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 June 2001 on the

environmental impact assessment of plans and programmes (Official Journal EU, L.197 of 21.07.2001 s.30)

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Göteborg, including quotations of binding principles of this policy. The initial part also comprises the thematic description of ROP OV 2007-2013.

The starting point for the Forecast was the diagnosis of the state of the environment in the Opolskie Voivodeship, the main problems encountered in the environmental protection, as well as a general description of a development scenario, if plans for the years 2007-2013 were not implemented.

The fundamental part in chapter 5 of the Forecast starts with the analysis of ROP OV 2007-2013, with reference to six (6) zones making up sustainable development, as well as the assessment to what degree Priorities of the Programme will constitute implementation thereof. Compliance of objectives of the Programme was assessed against the Opolskie Voivodeship Development Strategy and the Community Strategic Guidelines and Council Regulation (EC) No 1080/2006152. Chapter 5.3 is of crucial significance in the assessment, where an overall review was carried out concerning environmental protection objectives formulated in the programme documents of the voivodeship, including an analysis of whether relevant assumptions in ROP OV 2007-2013 would enable, with a build-up of projects, to cover them with programme's support, or whether they could be achieved in the region through national operational programmes.

In the assessment of considerable environmental impact, conducted at the lowest level of arrangements in the Programme, i.e. types of future undertakings, an analysis of mutual interactions of the Programme's objectives was performed, indicating the need to join projects with overlapping territories, for reaching effects of project synergy; or the necessity to control whether the objectives stand in contradiction with one another which may be revealed in case of execution of projects which have the same territory, but are carried out within different Programme objectives.

The analysis of alternative solutions of the Programme includes an assessment of possibility to achieve the subject-related scope of environmental objectives, allowing for insufficient, as compared with the actual needs, funds allocated to the environmental priority.

The summary contains main conclusions from the Forecast, as well as, among other things, criteria that should be taken into consideration in qualifying projects to be covered by the Programme's financial support.

According to the authors of the Forecast, it can be expected that the implementation of objectives related to Priority 4 Environmental protection will directly bring major benefits in the form of reduction of environmental burdens:

− reduction of pollutant emissions to surface water and air, thus indirect reduction of soil and ground water hazards,

− increased use of clean energy from renewable sources, including from biomass,

− optimisation of local waste management,

− reduction of risk of flood losses,

− improvement of qualitative and quantitative environment protection indicators and increasing region’s biodiversity.

The scope and territorial location of these changes will determine future projects which have not been defined in the ROP OV 2007-2013 yet.

152 Journal of Laws 210 of 31.7.2006, page 1.

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Apart from the environmental priority, it can be expected that clearly favourable impact on the environment and human health may be an outcome of implementation of projects:

− under Priority 3 Transport, e.g. those aiming to increase the role of public transport, which could result in a reduction of environmental hazard in this branch of economy;

− under Priority 6 Mobilisation of municipal and degraded areas, focused on regeneration of urban and other areas, which should result in an improvement of environmental standards in these areas.

The ultimate extent of positive outcomes generated under the Programme will depend on the projects under priorities implementing non-environmental objectives which intensify or introduce new activities, which involves a certain increase in the amount of pollutants emitted to the environment, changes in the spatial development of the area and the risk of occurrence of emergencies. Judging by the types of activities meeting these priorities, as envisaged in the Programme, it can be deduced that the Programme does not support activities characterised as particularly hazardous to the environment. Also the scale of these projects will be limited to the local or sub-regional dimension153.

7.4 Social consultations of the Forecast of environmental impact of ROP OV 2007-2013.

In accordance with Art. 43 of the Environmental Protection Act,154 the Forecast of environmental impact of ROP OV 2007-2013, together with the Programme in question, was launched for social consultations between 16 August and 10 September 2006. This was done according to the regulations and methods adopted by the Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship in the previous stages of public consultation (described in Chapter 8 of ROP OV 2007-2013), i.e. among other things, by offering unlimited access to the documents in question to all persons and groups interested, as well as by applying the partnership155 principles, i.e. involvement of economic and social partners, especially green organisations, into consultations.

Information about launching the process of consultation of both documents was published on the website as well as in two regional daily papers - in 'Nowa Trybuna Opolska' and in Opole supplement to 'Gazeta Wyborcza'. The website offered access to the Forecast of environmental impact as well as ROP OV 2007-2013 in the evaluated version. During the consultation period comments could have been sent to the following e-mail address: [email protected].

In order to involve ecological activists in the consultation process, there was held a meeting with them on 31 August 2006 during which provisions of the two documents and main conclusions resulting from the Forecast were presented. The invitation to participate in this consultation meeting was printed in the local press. In addition, 31 institutions – representatives of ecological organisations and institutions involved in the issues of environmental protection – received personal invitations to the meeting.

153 Projects of national and sometimes regional importance will be pursued under national operational programmes. 6 The Environmental Protection Act of 27 April 2001, Journal of Laws No. 62 of 20 June 2001, item 627 with subsequent amendments. 155 Partnership principle was described in Chapter 2.5.3 Partnership principle of ROP OV 2007-2013.

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7.5 Information on the application of provisions contained in the Forecast of environmental impact of ROP OV 2007-2013, comments made during the consultation period as well as the opinion of the Governor of the Opolskie Voivodeship and the State Voivodeship Sanitary Inspector

7.5.1 Provisions contained in the Forecast of environmental impact of ROP OV 2007-2013

Recommendations for entities implementing the Programme related to the possible limitation of the adverse impact on the environment resulting from the implementation of future projects pertain to:

− extension of the range of activities stipulated in Priority 1, among other things, inclusion of pro-environmental and ecologically innovative projects in order to facilitate implementation of projects in compliance with the systemic objectives of the II National Ecological Policy and the Programme for Environment Protection of the Opolskie Voivodeship, and also in order to facilitate implementation of ecological education projects under the environmental Priority;

− introduction of necessary amendments to the programme, including, but not limited to, by specifying quantitative objectives, including environmental objectives;

− at the stage of project selection, introduction of evaluation of ecological projects in order to identify and analyse the possibilities to enhance the ecological outcomes of projects implemented under non-environmental Priorities of the Programme or also joining projects from the same area with a view to achieving these outcomes at a lower cost;

− application of appropriate ecological, legal and social eligibility criteria for projects, taking into account internal conditions of the Programme, e.g. analysis of compatibility with other objectives, irrespective of the requirements stipulated in the administrative procedures for these projects;

− maintenance of open procedures of the Programme management at project planning, selection and implementation stage, with appropriately extended information to potential beneficiaries on how to best draft projects to meet eligibility criteria.

The Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship became acquainted with the provisions of the Forecast of environmental impact of ROP OV 2007-2013. With reference to the conclusions contained in the Forecast it has been ascertained that:

− Priority 1 does not preclude implementation of pro-environmental and ecologically innovative projects, however, considering the sustainable development objectives, this aspect of entrepreneurship support will be emphasised in provisions of the Priority axis;

− implementation of ecological educational projects – under Priority 4, using cross-financing, support can be given to ecological education trainings – as an element or supplementation of investment projects;

− ROP OV 2007-2013 will be supplied with the target values of the monitoring indicators;

− recommendations related to detailed eligibility criteria for projects will be recognised, as long as they stem from the binding law, in additional documents supplementing ROP OV 2007-2013. Additionally, it was assumed that in case of priority projects foreseen to be implemented within the Programme, environmental impact assessments of these projects will be monitored already at the preparatory stage. This was so in the case of the project

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for the up-grade of the airport in Kamień Śląski. Information on the relevant procedure was provided in Chapter 7.5.4.

− openness of Programme management procedures at each stage of its implementation – ROP OV 2007–2013 will be implemented in accordance with the adopted system of legal regulations, both European and national, and also some other principles, including partnership, safeguarding that the preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of ROP OV 2007–2013 will be done on the basis of partnership with appropriate institutions of government administration, self-government and other public authorities, economic and social partners as well as other stakeholders.

7.5.2 Comments received during social consultations

During the consultation period no comments concerning either of the documents were submitted, with the exception of the consultation meeting on 31 August 2006, during which comments were made with reference to both the Forecast of environmental impact and ROP OV 2007-2013.

Below is a list of these comments and information on how they were applied in both documents:

Tab. No 7.1 Comments lodged during social consultations of the Forecast of environmental assessment of ROP OV 2007-2013.

Comment lodged at consultation meeting How it was applied

Outdated statistical data in the Diagnosis of the current condition of the voivodeship

Comment considered – ROP OV 2007-2013 was updated with statistical data where possible

Distribution of funds under ROP OV 2007-2013 according to proportions and not fully based on the real needs

Comment unjustified – distribution of funds per specific Priorities of ROP OV 2007-2013 follows from the diagnosis of the Opolskie voivodeship, priority axes of the European Regional Development Fund and limits specified by the Ministry of Regional Development

No reference to the forecast of environmental impact drafted in the Opolskie voivodeship for other documents in the Forecast of environmental impact of ROP OV 2007-2013

Comment unjustified – these forecasts were analysed in parallel with other documents (listed in Appendix 1 of the Forecast), but since they were not related to ROP OV 2007-2013, they were not referred to in the Forecast

Too superfluous consideration of Natura 2000 areas in the Forecast

Comment unjustified – the Forecast identifies the existing and forecasted flora and fauna habitats to be protected, including those being the initiative of NGOs, emphasises that environmental impact assessment procedures with relation to these types of habitats must be equal and points out to potential location-based conflicts with the undertakings contained in previously approved detailed programmes, e.g. small retention, which based on these procedures must be solved at the stage of qualification and selection of projects to be supported under ROP OV 2007-2013

Non-compliance of the Diagnosis of the current condition of the voivodeship in ROP OV 2007-2013 and the Forecast of environmental impact as regards evaluation of resources and quality of surface waters of the voivodeship

Comment considered – faulty provisions of Chapter 1 of ROP OV 2007-2013 were amended as appropriate

Source: Own study.

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7.5.3 Opinion of the Governor of the Opolskie Voivodeship (the body responsible for protection of the natural environment) and the State Voivodeship Sanitary Inspector

Pursuant to Art. 44 of the Environmental Protection Act,156 on 21 August 2006 the Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship addressed the Governor of the Opolskie Voivodeship (representing the body responsible for protection of the natural environment) and the State Voivodeship Sanitary Inspector with a request to issue their recommendation concerning ROP OV 2007-2013 and its Forecast of environmental impact.

The opinion from the State Voivodeship Sanitary Inspector was passed on 11 September 2006 and did not contain any critical remarks about the Programme. Moreover, it confirmed that the solutions adopted in ROP OV 2007-2013 safeguard compliance with standards for protection of the natural environment as well as hygiene and health.

The Governor of the Opolskie Voivodeship issued a favourable opinion for both documents on 16 October 2006. The Governor of the Opolskie Voivodeship also attached to his recommendation a copy of 'The paper to accompany the Forecast of environmental impact of ROP OV 2007-2013', written in October 2006 by Dr Eng. Adam Rak, on the basis of which the Governor’s positive opinion was issued.

The complete text of the Final report of the Forecast of environmental impact of ROP OV 2007-2013 can be found on the web-site of Marshal’s Office of Opolskie Voivodeship: The report contains a summary of the Forecast drafted by the Institute of Town Development in Kraków. The summary was also included in the Annex to the Programme as Appendix No 6.

The a/m website contains also synthetic information on the performed procedure of Environmental impact of ROP OV 2007-2013 described herein. Additionally, it contains next, up-dated versions of the Programme. After the approval of ROP OV 2007-2013 by the European Commission, the final version of the Programme will also be placed on website

7.5.4 Environmental impact assessment of project „Reconstruction of the airport in Kamień Śląski”

One of weaknesses of the Opolskie voivodeship is the lack of a passenger airport that could serve current and potential needs for air traffic. The only airport with a hard-surface runway in the Opolskie region is the one in Kamień Śląski. That airport is an optimal site for a local airport that could within a short time start operating domestic and international flights.

The airport was established before the 2nd World War and has been operated ever since. Currently, it operates based on the licence granted by State Enterprise Przedsiębiorstwa Państwowe „Porty Lotnicze” Agencja Ruchu Lotniczego No 18/Wrocław/07.01.2005, which classifies the airport as the „Area suitable for Take-offs and Landings – Kamień Śląski”.

In the years 2003 – 2007, the airport saw a number of investments which made it possible to start operation (e.g. plane hangars, fencing, radionavigation and radiotelecommunications systems, lighting and navigation system, electronic and meteorological protection system, plane repair hangar).

156 Journal of Laws No. 62 of 20 June 2001, item 627 with subsequent amendments.

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The project to build the Opole – Kamień Śląski airport was, pursuant to art. 51 of the Environment Protection Act157, decrees and Directive 97/11/EC of 03.03.1997 on the evaluation of public and private projects on the environment, subjected to the environmental impact assessment procedure, carried out by the Mayor of Gogolin (the airport is based within the administrative area of the town). During the procedure, the investor submitted the „Environmental impact assessment report of the Opole – Kamień Śląski airport” which was then reviewed and opinionated by relevant authorities: State Poviat Sanitary Inspector and the Governor of the Opolskie Voivodship. The report was also twice subjected to social consultations. Based on the procedure of environmental impact assessment, on 15.03.2007, the Mayor of Gogolin issued environmental decision No WG.VI-7610-10/2006/2007 permitting the project to be executed.

The analysis and environmental impact assessment shows that the construction and operation of the airport with the following parameters:

- length of runway – 1900 m (actual length – 2300 m) - number of passengers served annually in 2015 – 150,000 - number of operations – approx. 30,000/year - servicing planes with a take-off mass up to approx. 50 Mg (class B737, A320)

will not result in environmental or human hazard, while the environmental impact (primarily as regards noise, air pollution and sewage) will not go beyond the commonly accepted environmental quality standards as specified in the Polish legislation.

Within the foreseen project solutions, the airport is to be furnished with state-of-the-art technical solutions aimed at minimising environmental impact, mainly as regards electromagnetic radiation, water and sewage management, as well as fuel and energy management.

The airport was found to have a major acoustic impact. Airport’s operation contributes to the deterioration of the current acoustic condition of environment, however the level and scale of the impact does not lead to the permissible quality standards to be exceeded outside the area to which the investor has a legal title, nor within protected areas in the vicinity. Thus, it is not going to be a source of local social conflicts, far from it, based on the social consultations, the investment is much desired by the local society.

It is hereby emphasised that, as a result of a very sound co-operation between the investor and state and local administration bodies (Ministry of Environment, Governor of the Opolskie Voivodship, Marshal of the Opolskie Voivodeship, Krapkowice Starost, Mayor of Gogolin), NGOs (PTOP „Salamandra”, BIOS Opole) and Opole Diocese, there was struck a consensus as regards the operation of the airport (it is worth noting that the path leading to the consensus can be considered a good model to follow).

157 Official Journal No 62 of 20 June 2001, item 627, as amended.

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7.6 Monitoring of environmental impact of ROP OV 2007-2013

Monitoring of environmental impact of the implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013 will fall within the monitoring described in Chapter 5 System for Implementing ROP OV 2007-2013 – Implementing Regulations, Subchapter 5.2 Monitoring. Monitoring is carried out by the Managing Authority and the Monitoring Committee of ROP OV 2007-2013. In addition, monitoring of the effects of ROP OV 2007-2013 is carried out by the Co-Ordinating Authority of Operational Programmes (Ministry of Regional Development).

Out of indicators that will be used to measure progress in the fulfilment of objectives of Priority axes foreseen in the Programme (product and result indicators) and listed in the Programme - in Chapter 3 Priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013, the implementation of the Programme will be monitored based on the following indicators:

Tab. No 7.2. Indicators for monitoring of environmental impact of Priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013

Indicator Priority axis

Name Type Unit

Priority axis 1 – Strengthening economic attractiveness of the region

Value of enterprises’ investments into clean technologies

product Euro

Priority axis 3 Transport

Number of purchased means of public transportation product pcs

Number of projects in water and sewage management

product pcs.

Number of projects related to waste management product pcs. Number of projects aimed at improving air quality product pcs. Number of projects related to renewable energy product pcs. Number of projects related to risk prevention product pcs. Reclaimed area (in km²) as a result of project execution

result km²

Number of people covered by selective waste collection as a result of the projects

result pcs.

Number of people protected against flood as a result of project execution

result pcs.

Number of people connected to the sewage system as a result of project execution

result pcs.

Priority axis 4 Environmental protection

Additional installed power of energy from renewable sources

result MW

Priority axis 6 Mobilisation of municipal and degraded areas

Area of revitalised and managed space, including: - urban - degraded



Source: Own study.

The aforementioned indicators are foreseen to be measured annually. Input data will

be taken from the monitoring system of ROP OV 2007-2013.

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Except product and result-type indicators for all priority axes, the Programme contains also context indicators which aim at presentation of the background of socio-economic condition in the region (Appendix No 2 in the Annex to the Programme). The source of input data for these indicators will be official statistics, i.e. mainly available from the Main Office of Statistics. Out of context indicators, the following relate to environmental aspects in the region:

Tab. No 7.3. Context indicators of environmental impact of ROP OV 2007-2013

No Variable/Indicators Unit

1 Total atmospheric pollution emissions: − dust

− previous year = 100 − sulphur dioxide (without CO2)

− previous year = 100 − nitrogen oxides

− previous year = 100

kg % kg % kg %

2 Population using sewage system − including in villages − % of total population − including in villages

thous. thous.

% %

3 Population using water-supply system − including in villages − % of total population − including in villages

thous. thous.

% %

4 Population served by sewage treatment plants in % of total population:

- including in villages


% 5 Treated industrial and municipal waste:

− per km² of area − % of sewage requiring treatment



6 Percentage of recycled waste in the total volume of generated waste (excluding municipal waste) %

7 Municipal waste produced per 1 inhabitant kg

8 Energy from renewable sources (installed power) MW

9 Percentage of energy production from renewable sources of energy in total production


10 Area with special natural assets legally protected in % of total area %

11 Percentage of devastated and degraded areas that require reclamation compared to the total area %

12 Area of reclaimed and developed grounds compared to the total area to be reclaimed


13 Total CO2 emissions - per 1 inhabitant

thous. ton/year ton

Source: Own study.

It is expected that except the set of monitoring indicators as specified in ROP OV

2007-2013 there will also be set up an additional data base of detailed information on the

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implementation of operational programmes in the new programming horizon. The Ministry of Regional Development has prepared a list of additional, detailed indicators at a level of projects which will be used to monitor progress in the implementation of operational programmes. Many of these indicators will be useful in the evaluation of the environmental impact of implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013. As regards enterprises, these will for instance be indicators concerning the number of companies which up-graded their production processes with a view to air protection, waste management or water protection.

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8.1 Legal basis of consultations

The requirement to hold consultations arises from Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006158. Art. 11 of the aforementioned Regulation states that every member state pursuing objectives of the funds by means of the operational programme is obliged to close co-operation (partnership)159 with the authorities as well as social and economic partners, also at the stage of preparing the programme.

To implement this provision the Managing Authority of ROP OV 2007-2013 assumed the principle that the Programme should be drawn up and then evaluated by as many environments interested in the development of the region as possible.

8.2. Aim, organisation and course of the process of social consultations

8.2.1 Aim and course of consultations

The aim of social consultations was to gather opinions on proposals contained in preliminary drafts of ROP OV 2007-2013 and to discuss in a circle of specialists detail, problem themes integrally connected with the Programme.

A process of consultations on ROP OV 2007-2013 began in September 2005. It was carried out in four stages:

− 1st stage – internal consultations, directed to people involved in creating the document – Heads of Departments and Offices of the Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship, representatives of subordinate units and co-operating people, held from 12 September, 2005 to 21 October, 2005. Internal suggestions and comments gathered during internal consultations were used in further works and formulating the Preliminary Draft of ROP OV 2007-2013 in the version adopted by the Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship on 15 November, 2005.

− 2nd stage – socio-economic consultations, directed to all the people and environments from the Opolskie Voivodeship, were held from 15 November, 2005 to 9 January, 2006. When organising them the principle was to make them as broadly conceived as possible in geographical as well as sectoral and backgrounds terms. In 20 consultation meetings organised in total 328 people participated. The consultation meetings were an opportunity for presenting to a broad circle of people interested the document, its function and role it is to have in the economic and social development of the region in 2007-2013. During consultations 50 entities sent 287 comments. The aim of this stage of consultations was to gather opinions on proposals contained in the Preliminary draft of ROP OV 2007-2013 of 15 November, 2005, and their effect was drawing up ROP OV 2007-2013 (preliminary draft, version No. 2 of 28 February, 2006). The enclosure to this document was the Report on socio-economic consultations held where the second stage of consultations was summed up.

158 Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 (Official Journal 210 of 31.7.2006) 159 Partnership principle is described in detail in Subchapter 2.5.3 Partnership principle ROP OV 2007-2013

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− 3rd stage of socio-economic consultations took place from 20 April, 2006. The subject of consultations was ROP OV 2007-2013 (preliminary draft, version No. 3 of 19 April, 2006) which in particular integrated comments of the representatives of the European Commission, guidelines of the Ministry for Regional Development, the opinion of the Governor of the Opolskie Voivodeship and motions filed at the second stage of consultations. To this stage of consultations 234 people/entities were invited by name. The 3rd stage of consultations was summarized in detail in July 2006 in the Report on social consultations on ROP OV 2007-2013160.

− 4th stage of consultations related to a procedure of preparing the Forecast about the impact of ROP OV 2007-2013 on the environment. Pursuant to the Act of 27 April, 2001 Environmental Protection Law161, the Forecast of the impact of ROP OV 2007-2013 on the environment and the Programme to which it referred were subject to social consultations. They were held from 16 August to 10 September, 2006. They are summed up in Chapter 7 ROP OV 2007-2013.

Motions put at every stage of consultations contributed to verification of provisions of the programme and giving it a form which was an attempt to combine provisions to best fulfil the objectives established in the new programming period and expectations of potential beneficiaries.

8.2.2 Notification of consultations

An official notification of consultations and an invitation from the Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship to participate in consultations each time were published on the Internet website of the Marshal Office ( and in two regional daily papers – in “Nowa Trybuna Opolska” and in the Opole supplement to “Gazeta Wyborcza”.

In addition, environments interested in the development of the Opolskie Voivodeship were invited by name to participate in consultations.

8.2.3 Participants of consultations

The consultations were based on the openness principle to ensure free access documents and data, on the equality, openness and partnership principles which mean that anybody interested was allowed to participate in them (not only institutions). Apart from public invitations to consultations published in the press and on the Internet website, the Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship invited by name, among others:

− Parliament members from the Opolskie Voivodeship;

− representatives of all the levels of local self-government in the voivodeship;

− Marshals of neighbouring voivodeships;

− the Governor of the Opolskie Voivodeship and representatives of government administration in the voivodeship;

− social and economic organisations operating in the Opolskie Voivodeship;

− organisations of entrepreneurs;

− organisations dealing with issues of the natural environment;

− scientific environments;

− other groups of interest.

160 Report on social consultations on ROP OV 2007-2013 is available on the website of the Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship: 161 Journal of Laws No. 62 of 20 June, 2001, item 627 with subsequent amendments.

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8.2.4 Internet website

The Internet sub-site of the Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship about ROP OV 2007-2013 was launched in November 2005. In order to provide all the interested with access to documents directly related to the version of ROP OV 2007-2013 subject to consultations, the sub-site contained also, apart from the version of draft ROP OV 2007-2013 being consulted, updated versions of legal acts (the Community and national ones), strategic documents and drafts of national operational programmes. In addition, it contained information about organisation of meetings, procedures and rules for participating in consultations and a Form for suggesting comments/amendments. For communication purposes a special e-mail address was launched: [email protected].

8.2.5 Consultation meetings – 3rd stage

On 21 April, 2006 the conference inaugurating the 3rd stage of social consultations on ROP OV 2007-2013 and consultations on the National Cohesion Strategy162 was held and, among others, the participants were:

− Władysław Ortyl, Undersecretary of State at the Ministry for Regional Development and representatives of the Ministry for Regional Development,

− Manfred Beschel from the Directorate General for Regional Development and representatives of the European Commission,

− Governor of the Opolskie Voivodeship and representatives of the regional state administration,

− Parliament members from the Opolskie Voivodeship, representatives of local self-governments, of the institutions for regional development, of science, education, culture and health.

Within the framework of the 3rd stage of consultations from 20 April to 30 June, 2006 in total 23 meetings, conferences and discussion panels were organised. In comparison to the 2nd stage of socio-economic consultations, they were more specialist and detailed in nature – they related to selected problems, thematic issues or beneficiaries of ROP OV 2007-2013.

Consultation meetings were organised at the request of institutions and were concerned with thematic areas suggested by the entity making a request. 4 such meetings were held:

− with the Executive Board of the Association of the Opole Silesia Gminas, about financial issues (algorithm of funds allocation under ERDF to regions, allocation for the Opolskie Voivodeship, algorithm of funds allocation for implementation of local projects);

− with representatives of the Regional Directorate of the Forest Management Company in Katowice, about a possibility of including among beneficiaries of the priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013 entities subordinate to the Directorate of the Forest Management Company;

− with representatives of health service, about provisions of the Programme concerning health care;

162 Present name is the National Strategic Reference Framework.

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− with representatives of the Customs Chamber and the Voivodeship Police Headquarters in Opole, about a possibility of co-financing projects of these bodies within ROP OV 2007-2013.

Also 7 conferences and discussion panels were organised which concerned selected, detailed problems of ROP OV 2007-2013.

Another form of presenting and consulting ROP OV 2007-2013 it was a series of meetings, organised in co-operation with poviat starosts and the Voivodeship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Opole, about preparing future beneficiaries to using ROP OV 2007-2013 as well as other sources of support. Between May and July 2006 12 meetings we organised in all the voivodeship poviats, directed to units of local self-government. Their main aim was to prepare future beneficiaries to applying for funds within ROP OV 2007-2013 and to present the Internet database (so called System of Project Record).

In consultation meetings information materials were distributed: printed versions of ROP OV 2007-2013 (preliminary draft, version No. 3); National Cohesion Strategy (National Strategic Reference Framework) draft of 14 February, 2006 and Form for suggesting comments/amendments to the Programme.

8.2.6 Form of making comments and motions

When organising social consultations it was decided that comments and motions to ROP OV 2007-2013 could be made only on the “Form for suggesting comments/amendments”. The form made it possible to suggest new content of a provision and justify the comment what allowed for reading the intention of the persons making the comment. Suggestions for amendments could be sent traditionally (fax, mail) or electronically at the e-mail address created especially for that purpose: [email protected].

8.2.7 Documentation of a process of social consultations

Complete documentation of social consultations, including opinions, comments and stands from consultations, has been collected at the Unit for Programming and Monitoring of the Department for Co-ordination of Operational Programmes of the Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship. Also here the documentation on consultation meetings, discussion panels and conferences is stored, except poviat meetings organised and documented by the Unit for Preparing Projects at the Department for Co-ordination of Operational Programmes of the Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship.

8.3. Comments passed during social consultations – 3rd stage

At the 3rd stage of consultations on ROP OV 2007-2013 the Department for Co-ordination of Operational Programmes of the Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship received in total 266 comments which were different in terms of how detailed they were, from comments general and analytical in nature to proposals for detailed provisions.

The comments were made by 50 entities, including 5 institutions from the outside the Opolskie Voivodeship (the Marshal Office of the Dolnośląskie Voivodeship, Ekstraklasa S.A. in Warsaw, Fundacja Wspomagania Wsi [Foundation for Countryside Support] in Warsaw, Club of Naturalists in Świebodzin and the Regional Directorate of the Forest Management Company in Katowice).

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From among 266 comments in total passed during consultations, subject to consideration by the Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship were 217 comments about the content of ROP OV 2007-2013. Other comments did not refer directly to provisions of ROP OV 2007-2013 – they were related to measures and conditions extreme for the measures. These comments were considered at the stage of works on supplementary documents for the Programme. Some of these comments were not subject to consideration as they referred to the provisions of ROP OV 2007-2013 which were verified during consultations by the Managing Authority in a form of own amendments, e.g. formulating general and specific objectives of the Programme, names of priority axes precisely specifying its content.

The consideration was not given to the comments concerning indicators for monitoring the programme and particular axes as a special work force for indicators set up at the Ministry for Regional Development worked on indicators in order to make them uniform for all the operational programmes for 2007-2013 and establish a central database.

As regards thematic content the comments made related mainly to:

− a description and a subject scope of priority axes to be implemented in 2007-2013,

− beneficiaries anticipated within particular priority axes,

− proposals for distribution of funds.

Tab. No. 8.1. Comments gathered during consultations by thematic areas.

Chapters of ROP OV 2007-2013 (preliminary draft, version No. 3) Number of comments

Comments to the whole document 15

Diagnosis of the current situation in the Opolskie Voivodeship 12

SWOT analysis 4

Analysis and assessment of the use of state aid and foreign assistance in 1999-2005


Strategy for implementing ROP OV 2007-2013 11

Priority axes ROP OV 2007-2013: 151

Financial plan 18

Other elements ROP OV 2007-2013 2


Source: Own study.

Comments on specific provisions of priority axes of the Programme were aimed at making them more precise, i.e. among other things:

− listing specific tasks which may receive financial assistance;

− completing a list of beneficiaries for particular priority axes with additional categories;

− completing thematic areas and types of projects with additional, not included categories;

− indicating directions for regional development of strategic importance.

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A part of comments related to proposals for distribution of funds, e.g. shifting funds between priority axes, allocating funds intended as programme reserve.

All the comments passed during the consultations on ROP OV 2007-2013 were considered by the Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship which on 24 July, 2006 took a decision about the manner how to address the comments sent – taking them into account or not.

A collective summary of comments sent as well as individual decisions about each of them are available on website:, as an element of the report on consultations held163. 8.4. Conclusions

As a result of the consultations on subsequent versions of drafts, ROP OV 2007-2013 has undergone changes. The comments sent by participants of the consultations were analysed by the Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship and, if justified and possible, in particular taking into consideration provisions of EC regulations and guidelines of the Ministry for Regional Development, integrated in further works on the document.

The changes were related to all the chapters of ROP OV 2007-2013 and, among other

things, consisted in:

− updating a diagnosis of the socio-economic situation in the Opolskie Voivodeship and the assessment of the use of state aid and foreign assistance on the basis of current and available statistical data;

− restructuring the SWOT analysis, both as regards factual content (differently laid stresses, new gradation, indicating new strengths and weaknesses of the region) and clearer presentation of elements of the SWOT analysis;

− new formulating of the objectives of ROP OV 2007-2013;

− restructuring provisions concerning priority axes – taking into account changes related to the thematic scope and potential beneficiaries, types of projects and support areas as well as the allocation of funds to particular axes;

− restructuring parts concerning indicators for monitoring the programme and axes;

− preparing the comprehensive system of implementation and management of ROP OV 2007-2013.

163 Detailed description of the process of consultations is presented in the Report on social consultations on ROP OV 2007-2013, available on the website of the Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship:

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Autochthonous population

Population of Polish origin living in Silesia. Commonly called “Silesians” applied both to indigenous population in the region, to incoming population living there even for several generations and identifying themselves with a new place of residence as well as to German-speaking population connected with Silesia as a place of birth, residence, tradition and at the moment often living in Germany.

Beneficiary Pursuant to Council Regulation (EC) 1083/2006 – economic entity, entity or enterprise, public or private, responsible for initiation or initiating and carrying out undertakings. Within aid schemes referred to in art. 87 of the Treaty, beneficiaries can be public or private enterprises which implement individual projects and receive public aid.

Biodiversity Diversity of forms of life with their variability at the level of genes, species and ecosystems, on the global scale or closer biogeographical units. According to the definition officially adopted by the Convention on Biological Diversity, species diversity means diversity of all living organisms on the Earth, among others in land, sea and other water ecosystems as well as in ecological complexes whose part these organisms are. It applies to diversity within the species and diversity at the level of ecosystems.

Biomass It is the third in volume natural energy source in the world. According to the European Union definition, biomass includes any organic substances of plant or animal origin as well as all derivatives obtained as a result of processing substances of plant or animal origin. According to the order of the Minister of Economic Affairs and Labour of 9 December, 2004 biomass is biodegradable solid or liquid substance of plant or animal origin.

Broadband access to the Internet

Form of permanent access to the Internet of high quality, including services added and active equipment administered by an operator, provided with quality warranty; common name of transfer technologies (wired, wireless, fibre optic and infra red) which provide a final user with a high capacity access to information (bandwidth several times higher than an access via modem).

Business centre Centre for selling goods and services of co-operating companies. Co-operation within a centre includes: continuous comprehensive marketing and commercial service aimed at getting through to new contracting parties, gaining orders, access to demand of potential customers and quotations of reliable suppliers as well as legal service of transactions and short-term activities related to commercial promotions, creating and managing economic initiatives as well as consultancy and assistance in getting funds from the European Union programmes.

Business incubator Non-commercial instrument for entrepreneurship development whose aim is to streamline establishment and operation of small and medium-sized enterprises. It is an instrument aiding job creation and development of different types of business activity, leading to establishing a greater number of firms which use high technologies.

Business support institutions

Units of financial and insurance system, organisations which facilitate establishing of economic contacts and support economic growth.

Cluster Geographical centres of interrelated firms, specialised suppliers, units providing services, plants/workshops operating in related sectors as well as institutions connected with them (e.g. universities, units for standardisation and trade associations) in particular sectors, competing but also co-operating with each other. Clusters, achieving critical mass and remarkable competition successes in certain fields are a conspicuous feature of almost every national, regional, state economy, and even big-city economy, in particular in developed countries.

The effect of their operation is strengthening innovative potential of the region, development of co-operation between firms from related sectors of economy (by co-operation with the R&D sector and business support organisations as well as

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increasing competitiveness of companies in the local, national and international markets).

Commodity exchange Place of meetings, entering into agreements and transactions. Place of confrontation between the supply and demand as well as of purchasing and selling of mass goods, highly standardised in respect of quality and quantity, where prices of goods are set. A basic objective of the contemporary commodity exchange, which constitutes the essence of its operation, is to create trading space and facilities in the trade of particular goods.

Community Strategic Guidelines

Community document setting general priorities of the cohesion policy which provides a framework for programming development for 2007-2013. The idea of the document is to give general guidelines for the cohesion policy in programming period 2007-2013 to be taken into account in development plans prepared in particular member states of the EU. The Community Strategic Guidelines were adopted with Council Decision of 6 October, 2006 (2006/702/WE).

Competitiveness of the region

Set of features which determine attractiveness of the region as a place for investing or living; it is also a manifestation of technological advantage or lower prices of goods and services produced in the region in comparison with other regions.

Continuing education Process of continuous improvement of general and professional qualifications which lasts all man’s life. It is regular adaptation to economic, cultural and scientific changes in the contemporary world as education received at school becomes out-of-date with time. It should be continued and rounded out as time goes by. Continuing education is provided by public and non-public units.

Conurbation Type of settlement system with a group of towns and villages concentrated around one centre with central functions. It is a concentration, set, grouping of (several or more) settlement units, functionally interrelated, located close to each other and displaying a tendency towards further development of closer economic, social and cultural co-operation, leading to integration into a more compact complex. Conurbation all the time transforms, develops and grows (rarely regresses).

Convergence One of the three strategic objectives of the EU in programming period 2007-2013. The objective is aimed at areas with low socio-economic development whose priority is economic growth and creating jobs. The objective is to be achieved by improving conditions for growth and jobs thanks to increased investments in material and human resources, development of innovativeness and knowledge-based society, abilities to adapt to economic and social changes, protection and improvement of the environment, increasing in efficiency of administration.

Crisis state A number of harmful and destructive processes affecting the space, technical equipment, the society and economy which have led to the degradation of particular area.

Cross-financing Principle of flexible, cross financing aimed at making single-fund operational programmes easier to implement through funding measures which fall within the intervention area of another structural fund, in compliance with art. 34 Council Regulation (EC) 1083/2006. This principle applies only to the measures which are both necessary for successful completion of the project and directly connected with the project or a group of projects. The percentage of funds which may be covered by the principle is limited to 10% at the priority axis level of the Programme.

Degraded areas Isolated area to which a beneficiary has a usufruct right and which lost its previous functions such as: housing, recreational, production (including agricultural production), service (including public services), state defence, transport and where unused facilities are in majority.

Development conditionality

External and internal conditions and occurrences which may significantly affect economic growth and structural changes in the region.

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Ecological corridor Pursuant to the act of 16 April, 2004 (Journal of Laws of 2004 No. 92, item 880, of 2005 No. 113, item 954, No. 130, item 1087.) on protection of nature, it is the area allowing for migration of plants, animals and fungi.

Ecosystem Ecological unit which includes biocoenosis (all the populations inhabiting a particular area) and biotope (environment of these populations).

Effectiveness (of funds use)

Evaluation criterion to compare expenditure on the programme (e.g. financial, administrative, human) with actual effects of the programme at the level of product, result and impact.

Eligibility of expenditure Criteria concerning expenditure incurred when the project is carried out, implemented and monitored which have to be satisfied in order to have it partially reimbursed from structural funds or from the Cohesion Fund.

Energy efficiency Energy efficiency is related to the economic utilisation of energy carriers. It aims at rationalisation of heat, electricity and gaseous fuels utilisation, with the simultaneous minimisation of harmful environmental impact. Energy demand can be reduced by undertaking measures related to efficient utilisation of this energy i.e. thermal up-grading and thermal modernisation of buildings, up-grading of heating systems in buildings, cogeneration of energy based on the existing heat sources, application of energy consumption meters and regulators.

Entrepreneurship Set of characteristics and behaviours for which typical are a skill of perceiving Leeds and readiness to take a risk. Apart labour, land and capital, it is a production factor.

A measure of entrepreneurship is an entrepreneurship indicator, usually show as a number of economic entities per 1,000 people.

e-services Services provided electronically. Pursuant to the act of 18 July, 2002 on provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws No. 144, item 1204 as amended), electronic services are those rendered through sending and receiving data by means of telecommunications and IT systems, at the customer’s individual request, without both parties present at the same time, and the data are transmitted via public networks. E-services are for example: purchases in Internet shops, opening bank accounts and bank operations, programme downloading, taking part in auctions.

European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)

One of structural funds whose aim is to promote sustainable development of rural areas in the whole Community in the manner complimentary to market instruments.

European Fisheries Fund (EFF)

One of structural funds whose major aims are rational management of living resources of waters and improvement in efficiency of the fisheries sector as well as increasing competitiveness of fisheries and fish processing.

European Investment Bank

European Investment Bank (EIB) was established in 1958 under the Treaty of Rome. The Bank grants loans for European projects (such as railway and road connections, airports, programmes of environmental protection), especially in poorer regions, candidate states and developing countries. Also credits for investments are granted to small enterprises (SEs).

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

One of structural funds whose objective is to eliminate disproportions in development of the EU regions. In particular, the fund provides support for investments in production, infrastructure development, local development initiatives as well as small and medium-sized enterprises.

European Social Fund (ESF)

One of structural funds, the main instrument of the Community social policy. It ensures financial assistance for projects related to professional trainings, changing professional qualifications and creating jobs.

Euroregion Clearly specified and sectioned off borderland in two or more states which co-operating with each other through local self-governments solve common problems of inhabitants, break down mutual prejudices. It can be defined as a formal structure of

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cross-border co-operation between representatives of societies, local and regional authorities, as well as economic and cultural partners. Joint projects are related most often to: transport, trade, ecology or energy consumption. Joint initiatives on regional development and environmental protection facilitates solving problems at a local level. In the European Union euroregions were strongly promoted as pilot solutions, preceding and preparing to integration of member states. Euroregions and their functioning were regulated by the European framework convention on transborder co-operation (of 1980) and the European Charter of Border and Cross-Border Regions (of 1995). The aims of euroregions include first of all economic co-operation, development of transport connections, environmental protection, cultural and educational activities as well as tourism. Euroregional co-operation is the closest and most institutionalised form of cross-border co-operation.

Ex situ protection (Latin ex situ – off-site) – protection of protected species through moving it to a replacement ecosystem where it may continue to live unaided in natural conditions or to the environment artificially created where it has to be continuously provided with man’s care. Ex situ protection may be provided only by scientific/research institutions, conservator offices and national parks.

Ex-ante evaluation Evaluation made before the implementation of the programme begins. Its basic aim is to verify long-term effects of support, included in programme documents. The essential aim of the ex-ante evaluation is to improve a quality of programme documents due to participation of an entity independent of the programming institution in a programming process. Ex-ante evaluation is to ensure that funds appropriated for implementing the policy of eliminating differences in development between particular regions in the European Union will be used so as to guarantee the best effects.

Ex-post evaluation Evaluation made after the programme implementation is completed whose major aim is to specify its long-term effects, including the amount of funds involved, efficiency and effectiveness of the assistance. The major aim of the ex-post evaluation is first of all to provide information about lasting effects brought about by the implementation of a particular programme along with conclusions on structural policy directions.

Fight against social exclusion in some areas

Taking intervention measures in the areas with the smallest opportunities for development and the most difficult socio-economic situation.

General regulation A fundamental legal act of the European Union which regulates the use of structural funds and Cohesion Fund: Council regulation laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund. [Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 of 11 July, 2006, Official Journal 210 of 31.07.2006]

Gmina road Road which has a category of gmina road and a number given by the Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship.

Gross Domestic Product It is a synthetic measure for a socio-economic level of the state. It signifies production in a particular state in a particular period, usually of one year, as a sum of expenditure by households on purchases of consumption goods and services, expenditure of a private sector on purchases of investment goods and services, state expenditure on purchases of goods and services as well as foreign trade balance.

Habitat Place where an organism or population occurs naturally.

Hermin model Econometric model for assessing the effect of the EU structural funds on the macroeconomic situation in Poland.

High-tech sector High-tech companies use first of all knowledge and human resources. They require intensive innovative activities and considerable outlays on research and development, aiding growth of all the sectors of economy. Strong and rapidly developing high-tech companies are one of the most important factors determining a success of the whole economy. Thanks to high-tech companies the economies receive new solutions. Their

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experiences are used by a traditional part of the economy.

ICT Information and Communication Technologies

.A branch of knowledge covering information technology (including hardware and software used for creating, transmitting, presenting and securing information), telecommunications, tools and other technologies related to information. It provides a user with tools which help him obtain information, sort it out, analyse, process, manage and transmit to other people. Modern information and communication technologies are first of all IT technologies (telephone and IT) related to storing, processing, transmitting and using resources of information and knowledge.

In situ protection (Latin in situ – on site) – protection of protected species in its natural habitat through maintaining unchanged environment conditions and resigning from procuring specimens of this species or adjusting the volume and methods of procuring to the possibilities of their reproduction. For in situ protection mainly reserves and national parks are used.

Indicators Measure for objectives to be achieved, resources involved, products and effects obtained as well as other variables (in particular economic, social, related to environmental protection)

Industrial park Industrial lands prepared by gmina for companies which want to invest. Location for plants which, due to the end of “incubation” period in a business incubator, have to continue production in some other place. Such lands should be provided with basic utilities and have prepared roads. A particular type of industrial parks are special economic zones in Poland where investors may obtain tax reliefs.

Information society Establishing a network of information technology which will radically change living and working conditions in Europe. Joint efforts to create the European information society is a task of top priority for the European Union. In 1994 so called Bangemann’s report highlighted the importance of electronics, IT sector and telecommunications for economic future of the EU. Since 1996 a few thematic projects have been initiated to popularise modern technologies in different environments in the member states. Target groups for projects are enterprises, in particular small and medium-sized, public administration and educational sector. During the summit of the European Union in Helsinki in 1999 a declaration was made to jointly perform tasks recognised as of key importance for building the information society: introduction of digital technology into everyday life, creating opportunities for making use of digital information, social support for these processes and strengthening the European unity. New technologies constitute enormous potential of new services. Often it is enough to use a computer and connect it to a telephone network.

Innovation Idea, conduct or thing which in quality terms is different from those existing so far. Innovations include products and services as well as actions aimed at providing them to customers and convincing them of their usefulness. They offer entrepreneurs and managers favourable opportunities for making significant changes, undertaking a new activity, rendering new services and attracting innovative customers thanks to them. A test for a successful innovation is a success in the market. [T. Szucki “Encyklopedia marketingu”, Warsaw 1998].

In a company innovation means most often novelties used in products, technology or management. Actually, innovations in a company are divided into: process, product, organizational, marketing and environmental.

Innovation management centre

Institution increasing capacity of creating and absorption of innovative solutions In modern technologies. The task of the centre is to assist enterprises in the implementation of innovative technological projects and in the transfer of modern pro-ecological technologies to the industry, in order to increase their competitiveness and create permanent new jobs

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Innovativeness Capability of enterprises to create and implement innovations as well as an actual skill of launching new and modernised products, new or changed technological or organisational and technical processes.

Integrated project Package of individual projects integrating investment tasks in providing complete utilities for a site which at the same time are covered by two support areas indicated in ROP, i.e. road infrastructure from priority axis 3 - Transport and water and sewage infrastructure from priority axis 4 – Environmental protection.

Intermediate body in management

Pursuant to Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006, art. 2 – every entity or institution, public or private, for whose operation the managing or certifying authority is responsible, or unit which is delegated with a part of powers by such an authority for beneficiaries implementing operations.

Irregularity Pursuant to Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006, art. 2 – any infringement of a provision of the Community law resulting from an act or omission of an economic entity which has, or would have the effect of prejudicing the general budget of the European Union by charging an unjustified item of expenditure to the general budget.

JEREMIE Joint European Resources for Micro to Medium Enterprises. The Community initiative prepared by the Directorate General for Regional Policy (DG REGIO), other services of the European Commission and Groups of the European Investment Bank (EIB). Its aim is to better implement the Lisbon Strategy through supporting a more effective access to financing the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and micro-enterprises in regions in programming period 2007-2013..

It combines resources of the Commission, authorities of member states/regions, the European Investment Fund (EIF), the EIB and International Financial Institutions. On the basis of funds of the aforementioned institutions a national fund is established which through: - Microloan Institutions, - Technology Transfer, - Guarantee Funds and - Venture Capital Funds supports small and medium-sized enterprises and micro-enterprises.

JESSICA Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas. The Community initiative whose main objective is to optimise the use of funds for extending an access to financing projects related to the development of urban areas.

It combines resources of the Commission, authorities of member states/regions, the EIB and International Financial Instruments. These funds will be a basis for establishing Urban Development Funds (UDF) operating as public and private partnerships.

Funds available under JESSICA are repayable and renewable.

The initiative instruments include, among others, loan guarantees and loans which are supposed to attract investments from a private sector in the following fields: - basic urban infrastructure, - regeneration, - development of entrepreneurship and trade, - city transport, - social housing.

Knowledge-based economy

Economy directly based on production, distribution and use of knowledge and information. The knowledge is regarded as a product and a factor driving economic growth. The most important feature of the knowledge-based economy is the increasing importance in globalisation, IT technologies, and first of all in the development of science and knowledge as a basis for changes in the economy.

LEADER Community initiative for aiding projects related to rural development, in particular local pilot undertakings. The initiative is fully financed by the Guidance Section of the

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European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund. LEADER assistance is intended for grass-roots formulation and implementation of the development strategy for a particular area, not for concrete projects whose themes are imposed in advance. Local community has to organise itself in a local action group (LAG) and present a development strategy for its region. Then it receives financial resources (so called global grant) which is at their disposal within the adopted strategy. The programme provides for two schemes of measures and aid: scheme I – promotion, information and training as a preliminary stage to prepare for devising a strategy. It includes expert evaluations, studies, analyses, assistance in establishing a LAG. Scheme II – financing operational costs of a LAG, promotion of the region, including organisation of cultural events, fairs, exhibitions, competitions etc., information, trainings, inter-regional co-operation, consultancy and expert evaluations. The Community Initiative implemented in Poland in 2004-2006.

Lisbon Strategy Socio-economic programme of the European Union whose aim is to build in Europe by 2010 the most competitive and dynamic economy in the world, knowledge-based, capable of long-term development, creating more, better jobs and characterised by greater social cohesion. The Strategy was adopted in March 2000 during the summit of the European Union in Lisbon, completed during the summit in Goeteborg in 2001.

Local airport Pursuant to the Community Guidelines on Financing of Airports and Start-up aid to Airlines departing from Regional Airports [Official Journal of the EU of 9 December, 2005, C312/01] there are four categories of airports: category A, hereinafter referred to as “the Community large airports”, covering more than 10 million passenger flights a year; category B which consists of “national airports”, covering 5-10 million passenger flights a year; category C which consists of “large regional airports”, covering 1-5 million passenger flights a year; category D, hereinafter referred to as a category of “small regional airports”, covering less than 1 million passenger flights a year. Airports serving passenger transport below 200 thousand a year is defined in the Programme of Airport Network and Ground Equipment Development as “local airports”.

Logistic centre Intermodal transport junction with an access to a system of road, railway and water connections, and at the same time a logistic operator with a rich offer of services. A logistic centre is a zone of intensive investments with infrastructure prepared for companies with logistic profile, importers handling distribution in the whole country and platforms supplying shopping chains.

Managing Authority Pursuant to Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006, art. 59 - national, regional or local body of public authorities, or public or private entity indicated by a member state to manage an operational programme.

Metropolitan area Area of great city and its immediate surroundings functionally related to it, established in the concept of land development for the state.

Metropolitan functions Functions of cities and urban complexes. Depending on their level of development and specialisation, quality and uniqueness, they are regional, national, continental or even global in nature. They should ensure external expansion of the region where they are located on national and international scale. Metropolitan functions have a value of rare goods and are characterised by a high quality of basic service functions (including also high quality of space).

Micro-enterprise Firms which at least in one of the two recent financial years employed on average fewer than 10 people a year and recorded net turnover in sales of goods, products and services as well as financial operations not exceeding the equivalent in PLN of EUR 2 million, or the sum of its assets in the balance sheet prepared at the end of one of these years did not exceed the equivalent in PLN of EUR 2 million.

Apart from the criterion of firm size, when determining eligibility also indicators of enterprises in particular relationships with a micro-enterprise applying for assistance specified in art. 110 of the Act on freedom of economic activity are taken into account.

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Migration In general, phenomena related to travelling of population between spatial units - towns, gminas, regions, states. Migration also means movement of people aimed at changing permanently or temporarily a place of stay both within a particular state (internal, domestic migrations) as well as from one state to the other (external migrations – emigration and immigration). Migration also includes phenomena of population transfer and displacement.

Monitoring Process of collecting and analysing systematically financial and material information concerning implementation of projects and programmes.

National Development Strategy

A basic strategic document specifying objectives and priorities of the development policy for the nearest years and conditions to ensure his development. The National Development Strategy is a superior, multiannual, strategic document for the socio-economic growth of the state which is a reference for other government strategies and programmes as well as those prepared by units of local self-government. The National Development Strategy is not a document required by the European Commission. However, for information purposes, it will be submitted to the Commission. On 29 November, 2006 the government adopted the National Development Strategy for 2007-2015.

National Strategic Framework of Reference / National Cohesion Strategy

Strategic document setting priorities and support areas as well as the implementation system for EU funds: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), European Social Fund (ESF) and Cohesion Fund within the Community budget for the years 2007–2013. The NSRF was adopted by the government on 29 November, 2006.

NATURA 2000 Programme for establishing in the states of the European Union a common system of areas where nature is protected. A basis for the programme is provided by the Birds Directive and the Habitats Directive as well as a number of other regulations and implementing documents. The aim of the programme is to preserve certain types of natural habitats and species regarded as valuable and endangered on European scale and listed in appendices to the Directives.

Operational programme Document submitted by a Member State and approved by the Commission which specifies a development strategy with the use of coherent set of priorities to be achieved be means of the fund or as for the “Convergence” objective of the Cohesion Fund and ERDF.

Polish Classification of Economic Activities

Classification introduced by the government regulation of 20 January, 2004 (Journal of Laws No. 33, item 289) with subsequent amendments to be used in statistics, recordings, documentation and accounting as well as in official registers and information systems of the public administration.. Prepared on the basis of statistical classification of economic activities in the European Union – NACE, introduced by the Council regulation No. 3037/90 of 9.10.1990 (OJ No. L 293 of 24.10.1990.).

Population equivalent Conventional parameter specifying the size of sewage treatment plants. 1 PE is a biodegradable organic unit expressed in five-day biochemical demand for oxygen (BDO5) in 60 g of oxygen per day (pursuant to art. 43 par. 2 of the act of 18 July, 2001 Water law).

Poviat road Poviat road – road which has a category of poviat road and a number given by the Executive Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship.

Pre-accession funds Funds of non-reimbursable financial aid granted to candidate countries by the European Union. Their major aim is to prepare these states to membership in the EU and to help in eliminating economic differences. The instruments within these funds include: PHARE, ISPA, SAPARD.

Priority axis Pursuant to Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 – one of the priorities of the strategy in an operational programme comprising a group of operations which are related and have specific measurable goals.

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Private Equity and Venture Capital investments

Private Equity investments are those where an investor makes his/her equity available to companies not quoted on the stock exchange. This equity enables entrepreneurs to finance their considerable growth. Private Equity means any investments in a non-public capital market aimed at earning medium and long-term profits on capital equity growth. One of the PE investments is participation in a PE Fund. PE Funds may invest in different types of enterprises: mature companies, planning to be listed on the stock exchange in future, requiring restructuring or changing owners. In the Western Europe a popular form of PE investments is management buyout. Venture Capital is another type of Private Equity. These are investments made in early stages of enterprise developments aimed at starting up a particular company or at its expansion. Private Equity investments are investments in enterprises in different phases of their development. Every phase is characterised by specific financing possibilities and has specific requirements.

Programme evaluation Assessment of the Community structural assistance impact in relation to objectives and analysis of its effect on specific structural problems.

Programme for the Odra River 2006

It was approved for implementation with the Sejm act on 6 July, 2001 as a long-term governmental programme (Journal of Laws 2001, No. 1067, item 98), covering a number of economic and investment measures related to modernisation of the Odra River water system, among which the most important is flood prevention in the whole Odra River basin. The programme is carried out by the Council of Ministers through the agency of the Government Proxy for the "Programme for the Odra River 2006" (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 31, item 278). A consultative and advisory body is a Steering Committee made up, among others, of: Prime Minister’s representative, representatives of competent ministers (for water management, public finances, public administration, rural development, regional development, economic affairs, transport, sea management and environment), European Integration Committee as well as of governors of lubuskie, śląskie, opolskie, dolnośląskie, kujawsko-pomorskie, łódzkie, wielkopolskie, zachodniopomorskie voivodeships, representatives of science and ecological organisations. The programme is scheduled for the years 2002-2016, and its cost will be more than 9 milliard PLN. For comparison – damage due to the flood in July 1997 were assessed at 14-25 milliard PLN.

Programming period Period when programme documents are valid providing a basis for applying for assistance from the European Commission.

Project generating income Means any operation including an investment into infrastructure, which if used is subject to fees incurred directly by users or any operation which brings about the sale of land or buildings, or the lease or renting of buildings, or the provision of any other services for a fee.

Project of regional importance

Project to the greatest extent is to affect economic growth of the region and creating jobs as well as constitute a driving force for the development of the voivodeship.

Public site Site owned by an entity from the sector of public finance.

Recycling Use of waste or used elements (e.g. machinery parts) for making new products, e.g. waste paper to manufacture paper, used car tyres as fuel in cement plants.

Reemigration Come back of emigrants (return migration) to their homeland after permanent stay abroad. Reemigrants are persons who come back to the home country after permanent stay abroad.

Regional development All the measures taken by regional and national authorities aimed at increasing economic potential of regions as well as permanent improving of their competitiveness and living standards of their inhabitants which contribute to socio-economic growth of the state.

Regional foresight Analysis of development and tendencies of the region in order to show the desired directions for changes and optimum route for shaping internal factors of regional growth taking into account the effect of external factors, to identify current priorities in

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research, development, technologies and innovations on the basis of scenarios for the desired development of these fields as well as the economy and society.

Results of the Foresight inform policy-makers of new tendencies, help agree upon scenarios of development, allow for making actions of social partners harmonious.

Regional Innovation Strategy

Necessary document which has to be prepared in every region to make it possible for the region to use the EU funds for measures related to innovations and transfer of new technologies. The document is focused on the SMEs sector, universities, scientific and research institutes as well as large companies.

Register of monuments Pursuant to the Act on Protection and Care of Monuments (Journal of Laws of 23 July 2003, No. 162, item 1568, as amended) the Voivodeship Monument Conservator keeps a register of monuments located in the voivodeship. The monuments listed in the register of monuments are subject to legal protection.

Reintroduction In biology a term meaning reintroducing into old places of living native species of animals and plants which used to live there but were killed off. In the Opole region a programme for reintroduction of Spermophilus citellus (a species of gopher) is in progress.

Renewable energy sources Energy sources whose resources renew themselves and for that reason they are practically inexhaustible. Non-renewable sources are first of all fossil resources: hard coal, brown coal, peat, petroleum and natural gas. The most important renewable source is energy of falling water. Other renewable sources – solar energy, wind energy, biomass, geothermal energy and other – are used to a smaller extent. Renewable energy is cheap, user and environment friendly. Renewable sources are available for free (solar, wind, biogas energy) or at a low cost (straw, wood).

Research and development


Creative work undertaken in a systematic manner in order to broaden knowledge and use the knowledge for creating new application.

Today, economic growth depends on scientific and technical progress which determines its directions and pace. The Treaty of Rome of 1957 (art. 130 f) provides for the necessity of strengthening a scientific and technological position of the European Community in the global market. The aims of the Community measures within R&D are to co-ordinate policies of particular member states as well as to call for and implement scientific and research programmes, in particular related to research problems which – due to many disciplines involved, the amount of expenditure, research staff – may be better, more quickly and more efficiently conducted jointly. The Community R&D policy is also aimed at creating cohesion between measures taken in this area by particular states as well as making the results available to small and medium-sized enterprises. It is to support and in consequence make technological differences between regions smaller and create better conditions for fair competition. The abbreviation for research and development is R&D.

The R&D sphere includes scientific, research and development units, units serving science (scientific libraries, archives, scientific associations), universities running R&D operations and development units running R&D operations apart from other operation.

Restitution Restoration of a species or population threatened with extinction.

Revitalisation Includes a process of rehabilitation and redevelopment of polluted areas or areas whose natural conditions have been adversely changed, in order to restore such conditions which will make it possible for these areas to serve functional purposes.

Rural areas Area of the state excluding towns whose population is at least 5 thousand people (i.e. rural gminas as well as municipal and rural gminas, excluding the area of towns whose population is at least 5 thousand people within their administrative borders).

Single European Market Specific economic organism and at the same time a set of rules on common economic policy. Its aim is to bring about such structural changes in economy of the member

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states in order to increase the EU capability to create economic growth and jobs.

Small and medium-sized enterprises


Pursuant to the Act of 2 July 2004 on Free Economic Activity, a small enterprise is the one which in at least one of two recent financial years: on average employed fewer than 50 people and reported a net turnover in sales of goods, products and services as well as financial operations which did not exceed the equivalent in PLN of EUR 10 million, or sum of its assets in the balance sheet drafted at the end of one of these years did not exceed the equivalent in PLN of EUR 10 million.

A medium enterprise is the one which in at least one of two recent financial years: on average employed fewer than 250 people and reported a net turnover in sales of goods, products and services as well as financial operations which did not exceed the equivalent in PLN of EUR 50 million, or sum of its assets in the balance sheet drafted at the end of one of these years did not exceed the equivalent in PLN of EUR 43 million.

Apart from the company size criterion, during the qualification process there are also taken into account indicators of enterprises which are related to the enterprise applying for assistance, specified in Art. 110 of the Act on Free Economic Activity.

Definitions: microenterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises have been specified in the EC Regulation No 70/2001 amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 364/2004 dated 25 February 2004. These definitions are reflected in the definitions contained in the provisions of Art. 103-110 of the Act on Free Economic Activity of 2 July 2004 (Journal of Laws, Dz.U. No 173, item 1807, as amended).

State aid Any assistance granted by a Member State or with the use of state resources in any form which disrupts or may disrupt competition by favouring some enterprises or manufacturing of some goods, it is against the single market to the extent to which it affects trade exchange between Member States.

Storage reservoir Also called artificial, is constructed at water dykes on rivers and intended for taking surplus water (in case of flood, spring melt) and returning it during droughts. Storage reservoirs protect lower situated areas against flood. Water stored in them is often used for power generation purposes (for driving turbines in hydroelectric power stations), irrigation of arable land, water supplies to towns and industrial plants, improvement in conditions of sailing as well as for recreational purposes.

Strategic objective Objective set in a wider sectoral, regional or national perspective to which the project is to contribute. It specifies a required vision of reality within time covered by the programme.

Structural funds EU financial resources which allow for assistance in restructuring and modernisation of member states economy with interventions in key sectors and regions (improvement in structure). There are four structural funds: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), European Social Fund (ESF), European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) [in 2004-2006 European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund], European Fisheries Fund [in 2004 -2006 Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance].

Subregional centres Municipal centres serving three major functions: they support the main centre (voivodeship centre) in its service functions of the highest level, deepen their individual unique character enriching the region’s profile, consolidate relations with a poviat system.

Sustainable development Socio-economic development where political, economic and social measures are integrated and at the same time natural balance and basic natural processes are maintained in order to guarantee that basic needs of particular communities or citizens both in contemporary and future generations will be satisfied.

Technological park Institution which supports any measures requiring a high level of innovativeness. A customer of the technological park can be anybody, in particular a small and medium entrepreneur, who would like to start a business based on state-of-the-art technologies

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or to modernise and improve existing production. A technological park helps in: drawing up a project of innovative enterprise, risk assessment, preparation of business plan, projects and applications for grants and funds, in contacting partners to implement innovative enterprises, obtaining land, premises, necessary equipment for the project, applying to financial institutions and local administration, establishing international relations, marketing actions, promotion of products in Poland and abroad.

Technology Transfer Centre

Centre whose aim is to establish a bridge between innovative representatives of science – creators of new technological solutions and the industry, mainly from a sector of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Thermal modernisation Undertaking aimed at reducing thermal energy demand and consumption in a particular building. Thermal modernisation activities, pursuant to the act of 18 December, 1998 on support for thermal modernisation activities (Journal of Laws of 1998 No. 162, item 1121 with subsequent amendments), include, among others: improvements resulting in the reduction of annual demand for energy used for room heating and heating of usable water by 10 up to 25% depending on the type of modernisation and previous improvements; improvements resulting in the decrease of annual losses of primary energy in a local heat source and a local heating network by at least 25%; reduction of purchasing costs of heat supplied to a building by at least 20% a year thanks to making technical connections to a centralised heat source and liquidation of a local heat source; replacement of conventional sources of energy with unconventional sources.

Third Pan-European corridor

Pan-European transport corridors were established at conferences on transport organised by the European Parliament and the European Commission in Crete (1994) and Helsinki (1997). Across Poland there are four pan-European corridors running. The Third Pan-European Transport Corridor is a road and railway route which runs at the northern part of Sudeten and Carpathian Mountains, from southern Germany, across southern Poland, western Ukraine, to Kiev at the Dniepr River. In Poland it connects the most important centres in the south: Legnica, Wrocław, Opole, Gliwice, Katowice, Kraków, Rzeszów, Przemyśl.

Transeuropean networks Infrastructure network including transport connections (TEN-T), power lines (TEN-E) and telecommunications system within the EU area.

Urban areas Area within administrative borders of towns above 5,000 population, defined in Local Regeneration Programmes covering at least years 2007-2013.

Voivodeship contract Pursuant to the act of 6 December, 2006 on rules for development policy – an agreement about co-financing a regional operational programme with funds from the state budget of from foreign sources, concluded between a minister competent for regional development and the executive board of the voivodeship under terms and conditions set by the government.

Voivodeship road Road which has a category of voivodeship road and a number given by the General Director of National Roads and Motorways.

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List of abbreviations


ARE Energy Market Agency

BAEL Population Economic Activity Poll

CF Cohesion Fund

CKP Centre for practical training

CKU Centre for continuing education

CSG Community Strategic Guidelines

EARDF European Agricultural Rural Development Fund

EC European Commission

EFF European Fishery Fund

EIB European Investment Bank

EIF European Investment Fund

EQUAL Initiative on supporting measures aimed at creating a greater number of

jobs and ensuring access to them

ERDF European Regional Development Fund

ESF European Social Fund

EU European Union

EUROSTAT European Statistical Office

GUS Central Statistical Office

GUS-BDR Central Statistical Office – Regional Data Bank

GUS-publ Publications of the Central Statistical Office

GZWP-333 Underground water reservoir Opole - Zawadzkie

IB Intermediate Body

IB Implementing Body

ICT Information and Communication Technology – sector of information and

telecommunications technologies

IG Integrated Guidelines on Growth and Jobs

INTERREG Initiative of inter-regional co-operation between the European Union


IP II Intermediate Body, 2nd degree

IROP Integrated Regional Operational Programme 2004-2006

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ISPA Instrument for Structural Policies for Pre-Accession

LEADER Community initiative on supporting rural development projects

MA Managing Authority

MC Monitoring Committee

MEN Ministry of Education

MRR Ministry for Regional Development

MSMEs Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises

NDS National Development Strategy

NPMWT National Programme for Municipal Waste Treatment

NSRF/NCS National Strategic Reference Framework/National Cohesion Strategy

OCRG Opolskie Centrum Rozwoju Gospodarki (Opolskie Economic Development Centre)

OP Operational Programme

OP HM 2007-2013 Operational Programme Human Resources 2007-2013

OP I&E 2007-2013 Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2007-2013

OP IE 2007-2013 Operational Programme Innovative Economy 2007-2013

OP TA 2007-2013 Operational Programme Technical Assistance 2007-2013

OVDS Opolskie Voivodeship Development Strategy

PE Population equivalent

PHARE CBC PHARE Cross-Border Co-operation Programme

PHARE SEC Socio-economic cohesion

R&D Research and Development

RDP Rural Development Programme

RDP 2007-2013 Rural Development Programme 2007-2013

RES Renewable energy sources

ROP OV 2007-2013 Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-


SEM Single European Market

SGU Self-government units

SMEs Small and medium-sized enterprises

SOP Sectoral Operational Programme

SOP “Transport” Sectoral Operational Programme “Transport”

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SOP FISH Sectoral Operational Programme “Fisheries and Fish Processing”

SOP HRD Sectoral Operational Programme “Human Resources Development”

SOP IEC Sector Operational Programme “Increase in Enterprises


SOP RURAL Sectoral Operational Programme “Restructuring and Modernisation of

Food Sector and Rural Development”

SWOT strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats – a method for analysing

advantages and weaknesses in comparison with opportunities and threats

in the area

TFOGR Regional Agricultural Land Protection Fund

UMWO Marshal Office of the Opolskie Voivodeship

WFOŚiGW Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

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List of tables NO. TITLE OF TABLE PAGE

1.1 Changes in population and population growth rate and migration balance per 1000 people in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 1995-2005.


1.2 Forecast of the principal demographic quantities in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2002-2030.


1.3 Population and forecast on population in the Opolskie Voivodeship in towns and in rural areas in 2010-2030 (in thousand)


1.4 Changes of average monthly employment in the sector of enterprises in 2000-2004 in the Opolskie Voivodeship.


1.5 Number of registered unemployed people in the Opolskie Voivodeship and unemployment rate in 1999-2005 in Poland and in the Opolskie Voivodeship (at the end of December).


1.6 GDP per capita in the EU 25 in 2003 23

1.7 Flats with particular facilities in the Opolskie Voivodeship in towns and rural areas in 2004 (w %).


1.8 Density of water-supply and sewage systems in rural areas in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 1999-2004


1.9 Economic entities in the Opolskie Voivodeship as per the number of employees in 1995 and 2005


1.10 Number of economic entities according to the division included in business support sector in 1995-2003


1.11 Number of people employed in R&D in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 1995-2004. 39

1.12 Public hard-surface roads per 100 km2 and percentage of roads with improved surface in total length of roads in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 1999-2005


1.13 Number of schools by the education level and the number of pupils in school year 2004/2005.


1.14 Number of children in pre-school establishments and kindergartens per 1,000 children between the ages 3-6 in 2005.


1.15 Audience in cinemas per 1,000 of population and audience in theatres and music centres per 1,000 of people in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 1999-2005.


1.16 Number of monuments in the Opolskie Voivodeship (at the end of 2005) 63

1.17 Projects from the Opolskie Voivodeship approved for implementation within particular Sectoral Operational Programmes


1.18 Summary of programmes implemented in 1999-2006. 81

2.1 Indicators for general objective of ROP OV 2007-2013 103

2.2 Consistency between the objectives of ROP OV 2007-2013 with documents at the national and regional levels


2.3 Analysis of priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013 in comparison with the National Reform Programme for 2005-2008 to implement the Lisbon Strategy


3.1 List of priority axes ROP OV 2007-2013 110

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3.1.1 Target indicators for Priority axis 1 of ROP OV 2007-2013 117

3.1.2 Complementarity and demarcation with measures financed under EAFRD and EFF 118

3.1.3 Complementarity and demarcation with measures financed under NSRF 2007-2013 119

3.1.4 Complementarity and demarcation with other priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013 120

3.2.1 Target indicators for Priority axis 2 of ROP OV 2007-2013 125

3.2.2 Complementarity and demarcation with measures financed under NSRF 2007-2013 126

3.2.3 Complementarity and demarcation with other Priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013 126

3.3.1 Target indicators for Priority axis 3 of ROP OV 2007-2013 131

3.3.2 Complementarity and demarcation with measures financed under EFF 132

3.3.3 Complementarity and demarcation with measures financed under NSRF 2007-2013 132

3.3.4 Complementarity and demarcation with other Priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013 133

3.4.1 Target indicators for Priority axis 4 of ROP OV 2007-2013 139

3.4.2 Complementarity and demarcation with measures financed under EAFRD, EFF 140

3.4.3 Complementarity and demarcation with measures financed under NSRF 2007-2013 141

3.4.4 Complementarity and demarcation with other priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013 141

3.5.1 Target indicators for Priority axis 5 of ROP OV 2007-2013 148

3.5.2 Complementarity and demarcation with measures financed under EAFRD and EFF 149

3.5.3 Complementarity and demarcation with measures financed under NSRF 2007-2013 150

3.5.4 Complementarity and demarcation with other priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013 150

3.6.1 Target indicators for Priority axis 6 of ROP OV 2007-2013 156

3.6.2 Complementarity and demarcation with measures financed under EAFRD and EFF 157

3.6.3 Complementarity and demarcation with measures financed under NSRF 2007-2013 157

3.6.4 Complementarity and demarcation with other Priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013 158

3.7.1 Target indicators for Priority axis 7 ROP OV 2007-2013 162

3.7.2 Complementarity and demarcation with measures financed under NSRF 2007-2013 163

4.1 Distribution of the funds available under ROP OV 2007-2013 and implementation of the Lisbon Strategy per Priority axes of the Programme


4.2 Distribution of total funds available under ROP OV 2007-2013 broken down into particular years (commitments)


4.3 Distribution of funds with division into priority axes and sources of financing 166

4.4 Indicative distribution, according to categories of the programmed use of the ERDF allocation in ROP OV 2007-2013 – priority issues


4.5 Indicative distribution, according to categories of the programmed use of the ERDF allocation in ROP OV 2007-2013 – forms of financing


4.6 Indicative distribution, according to categories of the programmed use of the ERDF allocation in ROP OV 2007-2013 - areas


6.1 Total effect of ROP OV on GDP (in %), unemployment rate (in percentage points), number of the employed (in thousand people) and investments in fixed assets (%) in


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relation to the baseline scenario

6.2 Effect of ROP OV 2007-2013 on production volume (expressed as percentage change in relation to the baseline scenario) and on the situation in the labour market (expressed as change in relation to the baseline scenario) in particular sectors


6.3 Comparison of a change in GDP with the baseline forecast in 2007-2015 obtained using HERMIN model and MaMoR2 model


7.1 Comments lodged during social consultations of the Forecast of environmental assessment of ROP OV 2007-2013


7.2 Indicators for monitoring of environmental impact of Priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013


7.3 Context indicators of environmental impact of ROP OV 2007-2013 210

8.1 Comments gathered during consultations by thematic areas 217

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List of drawings


1.1 Net permanent migration and population growth rate in the Opolskie Voivodeship in poviats in 2004


1.2 Problems of the disabled in the Opolskie Voivodeship (in %) 16

1.3 Total number of crimes in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 1998-2004 17

1.4 Crime detection in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 1998–2004 17

1.5 Employees divided into sectors in the Opolskie Voivodeship and in Poland as compared with the European Union in 2003 (in %)


1.6 Unemployment rate in Poland by voivodeships (at the end of December 2005) 20

1.7 Unemployment rate in the Opolskie Voivodeship by poviats (at the end of December 2005).


1.8 Changes in Gross Domestic Product in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 1995-2003 (in PLN billion)


1.9 GDP per capita in the Opolskie Voivodeship compared to the national average in 1995-2003 (%) (Poland=100)


1.10 Synthetic assessment of investment attractiveness of voivodeships 24

1.11 Areas for investment in poviats of the Opolskie Voivodeship (at the end of 2005) 24

1.12 Structure of GVA creation in the EU states and in the Opolskie Voivodeship (in %) 26

1.13 Number of economic entities per 1,000 people in the Opolskie Voivodeship and in Poland in 1998-2004


1.14 Changes in the number of state enterprises in the Opolskie Voivodeship in years 1990-2005


1.15 Ratio of expenditure on research and development (R&D) to gross domestic product as per voivodeships in 2003 (in %).


1.16 Number of accidents and fatalities in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 1999–2004 42

1.17 Density of water supply and sewage systems and gas network in voivodeships in 2004 47

1.18 Investment outlay on environmental protection per capita in voivodeships in 2004 (in PLN)


1.19 Target Natura 2000 network in the Opolskie Voivodeship 50

1.20 Percentage of people with university education in Poland in 2002 56

1.21 Education level of population in 2002 (in %). 56

1.22 Number of telephone lines per 100 people in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2002 in comparison with the national average, other voivodeships and the EU


1.23 Density of ICT connections per 100 households in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2005


1.24 Number of personal computers in use per 1000 of population in the EU selected states in 2003


1.25 Number of beds per 100 thousand of people in the EU states and in the Opolskie 60

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Voivodeship in 2002

1.26 Ratio of audience in cinemas, theatres and music centres per 1,000 of population in voivodeships in 2004


1.27 Users of lodging facilities in the Opolskie Voivodeship in years 2000-2005 67

1.28 Number of tourist group lodging facilities per 100 km2 in the EU states and the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2004


1.29 Number of projects implemented in 1999-2006 with division into areas 82

1.30 Amount of co-financing for projects implemented in 1999-2006 with division into areas 82

2.1 Relations between documents at the EU, national and regional levels 90

2.2 Consistency between strategic objectives and priority axes of ROP OV 2007-2013 95

5.1 Institutional chart of the Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship 2007-2013


5.2 Organisational chart illustrating the positions of ROP OV 2007-2013 Managing Authority, ROP OV 2007-2013 Coordinating Authority, Certifying Authority and Audit Authority as well as of the institution responsible for receiving payments from EC


5.3 Architecture of the National IT System 187

5.4 Financial flows and certification in ROP OV 2007-2013 190

6.1 Effect of ROP OV 2007-2013 on GDP 199

6.2 Effect of ROP OV 2007-2013 on unemployment rate in percentage points 199

6.3 Effect of ROP OV 2007-2013 on number of the employed in thousand people 200

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Appendix No. 1 Information about major projects 241 Appendix No. 2 Context indicators for ROP OV 2007-2013 242 Appendix No. 3 Maps for diagnosis of the current situation of the Opolskie

Voivodeship 249

Appendix No. 4 Road Investments in Opolskie Voivodeship 271 Appendix No. 5 Town designated for assistance the Priority axis 6

Redevelopment of municipal and degraded areas 272

Appendix No. 6 Summary in non-technical language of The Assessment of the environmental impact of ROP OV 2007-2013


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Appendix No. 1. Information about major projects

Major projects , pursuant to Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006164, are

expenditure associated with an operation comprising a number of works, measures or services:

− whose aim is to accomplish a non-divided task precise in economic or technical nature,

− which has clearly set objectives,

− whose total cost does not exceed EUR 25 mln in the natural environment and EUR 50 mln in other fields.

Within the framework of the Regional Operational Programme of the Opolskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013 it is not anticipated to finance expenditure associated with implementation of major projects.

164 Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 (Official Journal 210 of 31.7.2006, p. 25)., art. 39.

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Appendix No 2. Context indicators for ROP OV 2007-2013

No Variable/Indicator Unit of measure Baseline year Source Baseline value



Employment rate (15 years and more, as per BAEL):

− total by age groups: − 15-64 years − 15-24 years − 25-34 years − 35-44 years − 45-54 years − 55-64 years

− total by sex: − men − women

− total by town/village: − town − village


% % % % % %

% %

% %


2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005

2005 2005

2005 2005


Eurostat Eurostat Eurostat Eurostat Eurostat Eurostat




52,5 20,4 67,4 76,1 67,0 26,1

36,3 53,7

46,2 43,1


Unemployment rate (as per BAEL): - including women

Registered unemployment rate - including long-term unemployment

% % % %

2005 2005 2005 2005


17,0 20,7 18,7 12,2


Total number of people working year 2004=100

- including in private sector - including at SMEs (aggregation

according to the registered office of the enterprise)

in thous. % % %

2005 2005 2005 2005

GUS-publ GUS-publ GUS-publ GUS-publ

294,2 101,2 71,2 67,8

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No Variable/Indicator Unit of measure Baseline year Source Baseline value


Education of people at the age of 15 and more (BAEL):

- elementary and incomplete elementary (including gymnasium – i.e. junior secondary); level 0-2 (ISCED 1997)

- post-elementary and post-gymnasium; level 3-4 (ISCED 1997)

- higher; level 5-6 (ISCED 1997)













6. Percentage of pupils, students and other

learners in the total number of population aged 25-64

% 2005 GUS-BDR 4,0


Percentage of schools equipped with computers:

- including elementary schools and gymnasiums

- including post-elementary and post-gymnasium schools

- including post-secondary schools

% % %


2005/2006 2005/2006 2005/2006


57,0 76,2 31,7



Number of pupils per 1 computer with access to the Internet: - including elementary schools and gymnasiums

- including post-elementary and post-gymnasium schools

- including post-secondary schools

















9. Households equipped with PCs with access to the Internet in % of the total number of households

% 2005 GUS 19,3

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No Variable/Indicator Unit of measure Baseline year Source Baseline value


Balance of domestic migrations: − in towns − in villages

Balance of out-of-country migrations

number number number number

2005 2005 2005 2005


-633 -1.248

615 -2.552


Lodgings at tourist facilities per 1 thousand residents - including foreign










Lethal casualties of road accidents: - per 100,000 residents - per 100,000 registered vehicles - (previous year =100)

number number number number

2005 2005 2005 2005


148 14,1 31,0 98,7

13. Number of road accidents number 2005 GUS 1.013

14. Number of people using municipal means

of transportation million 2005 GUS-publ 29,8


Total length of public roads (with hardened surface):

- per 100 km² - including provincial - including poviat - including commune


km km km km


2005 2005 2005 2005


GUS-publ GUS-publ GUS-publ GUS-publ


88,9 969

3.763 2.831

16. Total length of railway lines in operation:

- per 100 km² km km

2005 2005

GUS-publ GUS-publ

851 11,1


17. Gross domestic product per capita PLN 2004 GUS-BDR 20.785

18. Gross domestic product per capita in PPS – UE25=100

% 2004 GUS+Eurostat 43,7

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No Variable/Indicator Unit of measure Baseline year Source Baseline value

19. Increase in GDP in fixed prices (previous year = 100)

% 2003 Eurostat 1,1



- Poland = 100 - per sectors: - Agriculture, hunting and forestry,

fishery and fishing - Poland = 100 - Industry - Poland = 100 - including industrial processing - Poland = 100 - Building industry - Poland = 100 - Market services - Poland = 100 - Non-market services - Poland = 100




% PLN %








2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004








120,6 84.951 122,6

80.264 125,5

59.495 88,9

79.765 92,3

53.677 99,6


Structure of working people by sectors of economy (voivodeship =100)

- Agriculture, hunting and forestry, fishery and fishing - previous year = 100 - Industry - previous year = 100 - including industrial processing - previous year = 100 - Building industry - previous year = 100




















100,2 24,6

100,2 22,0

100,9 5,4


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No Variable/Indicator Unit of measure Baseline year Source Baseline value

- Market services - previous year = 100 - Non-market services - previous year = 100




32,9 102,6 19,9



Entities of national economy registered in the REGON register per 10 thousand of population:

− including: SMEs [pcs.]

absolute figures 31.12.2005 GUS-publ



23. Investment expenditure per capita:

− including share of private sector in thous. PLN

% 2005 2005

GUS-publ GUS-publ

2,6 59,1


Foreign capital in entities with foreign capital participation per capita Research and development expenditures – percentage of GDP

- including financial outlays of businesses

in thous. PLN












25. Percentage of enterprises running innovative operations in industry

% 2005 GUS-publ 36,7



Total atmospheric pollution emissions:

− dust − previous year = 100 − sulphur dioxide (without CO2) − previous year = 100 − nitrogen oxides − previous year = 100

kg % kg % kg %

2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005


406 86,9

1.306 98,3

2.220 98,2

VI. Population using sewage system

− including in villages thous. thous.

2005 2005


561,4 85,7

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No Variable/Indicator Unit of measure Baseline year Source Baseline value

− % of total population − including in villages

% %

2005 2005


53,6 17,3


Population using water-supply system − including in villages − % of total population − including in villages

thous. thous.

% %

2005 2005 2005 2005


981,5 444,6 93,7 89,6

VIII.Population served by sewage treatment plants in % of total population:

- including in villages










Treated industrial and municipal waste: − per km² of area − % of sewage requiring




2005 2005


8,1 96,5

X. Percentage of recycled waste in the total volume of generated waste (excluding municipal waste)

% 2005 GUS-BDR 90,5

XI. Municipal waste produced per 1 inhabitant

kg 2005 GUS 243,0

26. Energy from renewable sources (installed power)

MW 2005 ARE 22,8

27. Percentage of energy production from renewable sources of energy in total production

% 2005 GUS-BDR ARE 1,2

28. Area with special natural assets legally protected in % of total area % 2005 GUS 27,1

29. Percentage of devastated and degraded areas that require reclamation compared to the total area

% 2005 GUS 0,3

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No Variable/Indicator Unit of measure Baseline year Source Baseline value

30. Area of reclaimed and developed grounds compared to the total area to be reclaimed % 2005 GUS


31. Total CO2 emissions per 1 inhabitant

thous. ton/year ton

2005 2005


13.221,1 12,6

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Appendix No. 3. Maps for diagnosis of the current situation of the Opolskie Voivodeship Number Map title

1 Population and population density in the Opolskie Voivodeship gminas (at the end of December 2005)

2 Functional and spatial structure of the Opolskie Voivodeship 3 Rural settlement units in the Opolskie Voivodeship 4 Number of people provided with welfare per 10 thousand people in

the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2005 5 Państwowe Gospodarstwa Rolne (State Farmsteads) taken over into

agricultural resources owned by the State Treasury 6 Number of farms providing tourist accommodation in the Opolskie

Voivodeship gminas in 2005 7 Entrepreneurship indicator in the Opolskie Voivodeship gminas in

2005 8 Entrepreneurship indicator in rural areas in the Opolskie

Voivodeship in 2005 9 Transport system of the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2005

10 Water supply systems in rural and urban areas of the Opolskie Voivodeship (at the end of 2005)

11 Sewage systems in rural and urban areas of the Opolskie Voivodeship (at the end of 2005)

12 High voltage power lines in the Opolskie Voivodeship 13 Power stations in the Opolskie Voivodeship 14 Renewable energy sources of the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2005 15 Gas emissions in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2005 16 Dust emissions in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2005 17 Flood protection of the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2005 18 People with higher education in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2002

(people at the age of 15 and above) 19 Particularly treasured historical sites in the Opolskie Voivodeship in

2005 20 Period old town and rural complexes of the Opolskie Voivodeship in

2005 21 Tourist accommodation in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2004,

Overnight accommodation facilities (in July)

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Map 1. Population and population density in the Opolskie Voivodeship gminas (at the end of

December 2005)

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Map 2. Functional and spatial structure of the Opolskie Voivodeship

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Map 3. Rural settlement units in the Opolskie Voivodeship

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Map 4. Number of people provided with welfare per 10 thousand people in the Opolskie

Voivodeship in 2005

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Map 5. Państwowe Gospodarstwa Rolne (State Farmsteads) taken over into agricultural resources owned by the State Treasury

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Map 6. Number of farms providing tourist accommodation in the Opolskie Voivodeship gminas in 2005

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Map 7. Entrepreneurship indicator in the Opolskie Voivodeship gminas in 2005

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Map 8. Entrepreneurship indicator in rural areas in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2005

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Map 9. Transport system of the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2005

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Map 10. Water supply systems in rural and urban areas of the Opolskie Voivodeship (at the end of 2005)

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Map 11. Sewage systems in rural and urban areas of the Opolskie Voivodeship (at the end of


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Map 12. High voltage power lines in the Opolskie Voivodeship

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Map 13. Power stations in the Opolskie Voivodeship

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Map 14. Renewable energy sources of the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2005

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Map 15. Gas emissions in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2005

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Map 16. Dust emissions in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2005

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Map 17. Flood protection of the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2005

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Map 18. People with higher education in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2002 (people at the age of 15 and above)

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Map 19. Particularly treasured historical sites in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2005

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Map 20. Period old town and rural complexes of the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2005

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Map 21. Tourist accommodation in the Opolskie Voivodeship in 2004, Overnight accommodation facilities (in July)

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Appendix no 4. Road Investments in Opolskie Voivodeship

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Appendix no 5. Town designated for assistance the Priority axis 6 Redevelopment of municipal and degraded areas.

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Appendix no. 6. Summary in non-technical language of The Assessment of the environmental impact of ROP OV 2007-2013

The proposed Regional Operational Programme for the Opolskie Voivodeship for the period 2007-2013 (ROP OV) is one of the 16 similar documents drawn parallelly in other voivodeships and together with 6 national operational programmes it constitutes a framework for the nearest future for the implementation of most investment projects financed under EU structural funds and national public and private means. The seventh important national operational programme will be the OP for the Development of Rural Areas, financed mainly under the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, assisting farming and environmental protection in rural areas.

I. Role of the assessment

Assessment constitutes an element of the co-ordination process required in the case all strategic documents which may have a considerable environmental impact. The framework scope of the assessment called The Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment is laid down in Art. 40 of the Act of 27 April 2001 on Environmental Protection Law165. The regulations derive from the provisions contained in Directive No. 2001/42/EC166 on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment.

The so-called evaluation process is regulated by the European law. Its significance is manifest also in Art. 47 point 1 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006167 on the European Regional Development Fund, which consists the main source of financing for projects drawn under regional operational programmes, saying that ‘Evaluations shall aim to improve the quality, effectiveness and consistency of the assistance from the Funds and the strategy and implementation of operational programmes with respect to the specific structural problems affecting the Member States and regions concerned, while taking account of the objective of sustainable development and of the relevant Community legislation concerning environmental impact and strategic environmental assessment' while point 2 says that ‘Evaluations may be of a strategic nature in order to examine the evolution of a programme or group of programmes in relation to Community and national priorities, or of an operational nature in order to support the monitoring of an operational programme. Evaluations shall be carried out before, during and after the programming period.’ Thus assessment constitutes a subsidiary instrument in the decision-making process for the decision-making body with reference to the content of the provisions laid down in the document as well as information material for all the participants of the process during evaluation and negotiation of the final version before it is accepted.

II. Presentation of the scope of the assessment and issues arising from its preparation 165 Dz. U. No. 62 of 20 June 2001, item 627 with subsequent amendments. 166 Directive No. 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament and Council of 27 June 2001on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment (Dz.U. EU L.197 of 21.07.2001 p.30) 167 Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 of 11 July 2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No. 1260/1999 (Dz.U. L.210 of 31.7.2006)

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The introduction to ROP OV assessment presents an outline and the structure of the main national programmes, links with EU structural funds as well as documents referring to the EU Sustainable Development Strategy from Gothenburg, followed by the adoption of the so-called Reviewed Sustainable Development Strategy on 15 June 2006.

The second part contains a diagnosis of the state of the environment in the voivodeship, the main issues of protection as well as a general description of a possible development scenario should the development plans for the period 2007-2013 not be implemented.

The core analysis of the ROP OV document begins in chapter 5 of the assessment, discussing its objectives and priorities with reference to areas of sustainable development, compatibility between environmental objectives and Community and national documents as well as regional tasks, which will be implemented under ROP OV in accordance with the adopted scope designation of operational programmes. Against such a background is presented a quantitative forecast for environmental objectives in the region in the light of different documents.

The chapter on anticipated considerable impact of the implementation of the Programme also contains an analysis of links between the courses of future activities under ROP OV, emphasising additional benefits of implementing joint tasks in the same area to obtain synergy.

The proposed alternative solutions in the Assessment refer to supplementing some priorities in the programme due to integration of activities related to sustainable development, maintaining appropriate balance between these activities as well as creating the conditions to foster implementation of projects envisaged under the National Environmental Policy II.

The final part of the assessment presents suggestions for monitoring the environmental objectives of ROP OV, the main conclusions resulting from the assessment and a recommendation of among others eligibility criteria for future projects for financial support under the Programme.

The main difficulty encountered in preparation of the assessment was connected with the open character of the drafted ROP OV document characterising among others the programme, organisational and financial framework, but as yet not designating the material scope for particular courses of activity, or consequently projects eligible for assistance under the Programme. The assessment focused mainly on identification, analysis and evaluation of environmental objectives ROP OV in the context of other documents and with reference to environmental issues in the region with a view to ascertaining whether the proposed Programme is relevant and consistent and whether it envisages appropriate intervention (implementation) with regard to environmental tasks. As the document does not nominate any projects, the analysis of potential considerable environmental impact was descriptive in character. On the basis of information about courses of future activities under the Programme, the cause-and-effect analysis examined the most likely and common impact connected with particular kinds of projects and placed greater emphasis on the possible occurrence of adverse effects in the environment rather than favourable phenomena, without referring to particular locations.

The Programme does not contain target values for particular objectives, which decreases the scope of certitude of the assessment, as the questions of effectiveness and efficacy of ROP OV with reference to envisaged necessary activities related to environmental protection remain unanswered.

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III. Description of the content, main objectives of ROP OV as well as links with other relevant plans and programmes

Version 3b of ROP OV of 14 July 2006 consists of an introduction, 5 thematic chapters and 5 annexes, altogether 111 pages.

It starts with a characterisation of the voivodeship, with a synthetic description of the main sectors of economy, society, state of the environment, a SWOT analysis presented in four problem groups: strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and risks as well as a presentation of the scope of national and foreign assistance for the region in the period 1999-2005.

Chapter two of the Programme is concerned with the basis for the establishment of ROP OV, the starting point for which is the Development Strategy for the Opolskie Voivodeship adopted in October 2005. A comprehensive and concise presentation of the most important directive for the region entails presentation of the structure and justification of the selected objectives and priorities contained in ROP OV. The principles behind the preparation and subsequent implementation of the Programme include sustainable development, as aspiration to improve the quality of life of the population in the region with simultaneous protection and preservation of natural and cultural heritage as well as appropriate demographic structure. The main principle behind the implementation of ROP OV 2007-2013 objectives is achieving a balance between economic effectiveness of the undertaken activities and provisions connected with the promotion of sustainable development, with due respect for gender equality as well as preservation of natural assets.

The methodological part of the Programme ends in a comparison of ROP OV objectives with relevant elements of the Community Strategic Guidelines (CSG), constituting the main EU document for the drawing of operational plans for member states as well as the most important national documents for ROP OV, in this case the already mentioned Development Strategy for the Opolskie Voivodeship, Assumptions of the National Development Strategy for the period 2007-2015 and the initial draft of the National Cohesion Strategy 2007-2013.

The core part of Programme is presented in chapter three, which discusses in turn ROP OV priorities with specific objectives, justification of all priorities serving as its declaration of programme, designation of the main courses of activity, links with other national programmes, designation of beneficiaries for assistance under the programme and the scope of such assistance as well as a list of indicators for monitoring and the so-called ‘intervention categories’, that is types of future tasks specified in accordance with EU classification.

The structure of ROP OV is based on the main objective, that is increasing competitiveness as well as ensuring social, economic and spatial cohesion for the improvement of attractiveness of the Opolskie Voivodeship as a place of investment, work and abode as well as seven strategic objectives representing tendencies in particular sectors of economy, which will be implemented under more specific priorities of the Programme. These priorities are as follows:

1. Improvement of economic attractiveness of the region

2. Information society

3 Transport

4. Environmental protection

5. Social infrastructure and tertiary education

6. Revitalisation

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7. Technical assistance

Chapter four presents a preliminary financial plan with an annual breakdown. Altogether in the period 2007-2013 ROP OV will probably administer the funds of the range of 1,969,600,000 zlotys, out of which Priority 4 ‘Environmental protection’ will be allocated 10.0% of the sum.

The description of the Programme ends in a presentation of the implementation system of ROP OV, including the role and tasks of the programme managing authority, that is Self-government of the Opolskie Voivodeship, of the certifying authority, that is the Ministry for Regional Development, and of the audit authority. It also presents the Regional Monitoring Committee's role in the monitoring system of reports and annual assessment of the Programme as well as the significance of information and promotion of the Programme for its beneficiaries and the wide circle of those interested in the implementation of ROP OV.

IV. Important issues related to the state of the environment

The Opolskie Voivodeship, situated mainly on the Silesian Lowland, occupies an area of ca. 3% of the territory of Poland, with 1,056,000 inhabitants, that is ca. 2.7% of the whole country’s population. Administratively, it consists of 12 poviats and 71 gminas with a relatively evenly developed settlement pattern. Centrally located Opole, with 129,000 inhabitants is the capital and the main city of the region.

The Opolskie region has diversified natural resources, which to a large extent are responsible for its present industrial and agricultural character. The greatest of mineral resources are carbonate rocks exploited mainly in the central part in poviats krapkowicki, opolski and kędzierzyńsko-kozielski as well as in the south in the Opawskie Mountains, a basis for the developed cement and lime industry.

Underground water resources (2.8% of the whole country’s resources), located in 14 main reservoirs of the Main Underground Water Resources (MUWR), with the most valuable Triassic reservoir Opole – Zawadzkie (MUWR 333), are the main source for water supply for the population and cater for the demand of municipal economy, industry and agriculture. A well developed hydrographic network of the region has its main axis in the Odra river, but water resources per capita (796 m3⋅mk/year) constitute nearly half of the value for the national resources. Periodical shortages occur in the southern part of the voivodeship (e.g. the Głubczycki Plateau). The Opolskie Voivodeship has the biggest water reservoirs in this part of the country: Otmuchów and Nysa on the Nysa Kłodzka as well as reservoir Turawa on the river Mała Panew.

The biggest potential of the voivodeship lies in its soil resources. The most valuable soil formed on loess cover the Głubczycki Plateau, Paczkowskie Highlands and Strzelińskie Hills, the area of Leśnica, and highly valued alluvial soils and fen soils are common in river valleys. Good soil and favourable climatic conditions foster intensive farming. Indicators for their agricultural use, particularly high in the southern and western part of the voivodeship, earns the region the first place in the country. Despite its small area, the voivodeship is a major producer of cereals, sugar beet, rape seed, supplying from 5 to nearly 10% of the total national crops, and the harvests of the main agricultural products belong to the highest.

Forested areas, occupying a total of 26.3% of the region, with the biggest solid complexes in the central, northern and eastern part of the voivodeship, play not only an economic role but also important protective functions of different kinds.

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A characteristic feature is a very high degree of damage of the forest stand (99.4% of the area) due to industrial pollution with a zone of serious damage mainly in the vicinity of Kędzierzyn and Strzelce Opolskie.

The voivodeship has diversified biological communities and a diversity of species as well as internationally important refugia of water and marsh fowl. In the region's environmental land-use system integrating different areas and safeguarding preservation and protection of typical habitats and floral and faunal communities in key areas, an important role is played by the system of wildlife corridors, ranging in importance from regional, through national to international (the valleys of the rivers Prosna, Nysa Kłodzka and Odra).

The network of protected natural areas comprises sites of different legal status: landscape parks, protected landscape areas, nature reserves, natural and landscape complexes, ecological sites, geologic formation sites, natural monuments and a refugium Natura 2000 and occupies a total of 28.23% of the area of the voivodeship.

The interaction between different cultures in the long history of settlement in the area is manifest in numerous and diversified cultural heritage sites, above all historical urban and rural complexes, architectural works and archaeological sites. A special place among large forms of cultural landscape belongs to Góra Świętej Anny, nominated for inscription on UNESCO World Heritage List.

With respect to land use, the region is characterised by a high level of urbanisation of densely built-up rural areas and good technical facilities in public and private spaces. Living standards expressed in the number of installed utilities, water supply and central heating systems are clearly the best in comparison with other rural regions in the country, with the exception of the low degree of municipal sewage drainage in these areas.

Intensive industrial and agricultural activity in the region constitutes a source of pressure and various burdens for the environment. However, over the last several years more or less intensive positive changes have been taking place in respect of its state, mainly connected with pro-ecological activities at different levels and high degree of involvement of financial means in the environmental protection of the region (per capita the second place in the country).

With respect to air protection, dust emission from particularly burdensome sources has been considerably reduced. The degree of pollutant reduction exceeds the country's average.

With regard to gas emission into the atmosphere, the voivodeship occupies the 6th place in the country, with the main share falling to the poviats: kędzierzyńsko-kozielski, krapkowicki and opolski.

The reduction of pollutant emission observed in the period 2000-2004 is not fully reflected by improved air quality, as concentration of one or several controlled substances in many places exceed the maximum level, including mainly dust below 10 µm.

The main challenge in the nearest future will be the necessity for adaptation of industry and energy producers to comply with stricter emission norms which will come into force in 2008. Urban areas, where the poor air quality is to a large degree caused by pollution coming from municipal sources and the constantly growing automobile transport, require multi-course activities: modernisation of buildings, increasing the efficiency of heat production and distribution, elimination of traffic from city centres, etc.

The quality of surface waters is poor. A major part of the water flow network is affected by constant or periodical bacteriological contamination (class IV or V), due to municipal and industrial discharges as well as the biogens washed away from agricultural and forested areas.

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The pollution from rural settlements without municipal sewage drainage systems, where a major part of communal and industrial waste-water is discharged untreated into small rivers, streams and ditches, overruled the self-purificatory properties of water. Exceeded concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus cause eutrophication of the water. Generally, water in the region is not suitable for bathing. Only ca. 15% conforms to salmon water norms. Surface waters can be used upon application of highly effective methods of water treatment. To remedy the situation it is necessary to intensify the protection of catchment areas of rivers, especially the Nysa Kłodzka, Biała Głuchołaska, Prosna and Widawa.

The existing infrastructural gap in respect of waste-water discharge and treatment systems in rural areas as well as introduction of large amounts of biogens to the soil also constitutes a threat to underground waters, the main source of water supply for the population. The risk is aggravated by high permeability of the covering layers as well as drainage of some of these waters as a result of exploitation of carbonate resources.

The situation necessitates a major overhaul of the waste-water management system, in line with the National Programme of Municipal Sewage Treatment stipulating the construction of collective sewage drainage systems and sewage treatment plants, firstly in the current strategic areas, and providing a long-term water supply for the population, mainly in rural areas and suburban districts without municipal sewage drainage systems.

In the face of uneven distribution of water resources and insufficient supply for the population and agriculture it is necessary to reduce and limit the use of underground water to meet only the potable water demand and the needs of the food and pharmaceutical industries as well as introducing closed water circulation systems in industry and water-efficient production technologies, eliminating water losses in the water mains, making industrial use of the water pumped out in mines, etc.

A serious side effect of the exploitation of mineral resources is the continuous existence in the region of a large degraded and devastated area, mainly in the central and eastern poviats and the opolski poviat as well as some gminas, among others Lewin Brzeski, Otmuchów and Paczków. Over the last years the rate of their recultivation has also slowed down.

Although the voivodeship has a waste management programme, due to lack of funding there is no working comprehensive system of selective waste collection. In 2004 sorted waste accounted for a mere 3.3% of the total amount of municipal waste. Still, the predominant waste management consists in landfill storage.

An important issue is increasing the level of ecological safety of the population among others through regulation of hazardous materials and substances management in compliance with EU directives, elimination of the existing risks arising from accumulation of asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxins and furanes in the environment, raising the quality of food and water safety, implementation of a control programme against the spread of genetically modified organisms and genetically modified foods through the environment.

The voivodeship is a region of a relatively high degree and range of flood risk, mainly in the valleys of the Odra, Nysa Kłodzka, Osobłoga, Stobrawa, Mała Panew, Biała Głuchołaska, Opawa, Opawica, Psina, Troja, Jemielnica, Prudnik, Złoty Potok. There is insufficient flood retention and no comprehensive system of flood management: risk monitoring, meteorological support, flood warning.

The situation should change for the better with the implementation of the government ‘Programme for the Odra River 2006’, entailing construction of reservoirs (among others reservoir Racibórz), modernisation and construction of dikes, construction of polders, rehabilitation and cleaning of river beds, construction and modernisation of weirs and sluices

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as well as increasing water retention in line with ‘The Programme for the Construction of Small Retention Reservoirs in the Opolskie Voivodeship’. Problems include also the bad condition of drainage and irrigation facilities and the need to reconstruct the drainage and irrigation system on farming grounds as well as lack of modern infrastructure for opening the waterway on the Odra river.

In the existing natural areas in the region nearly 30% of the plant species are endangered. The most seriously threatened habitats are those of the valley of the Mała Panew together with the surrounding forested areas, the valley of the Odra (Krapkowice-Obrowiec), the valley of the Stobrawa, Nysa Kłodzka, the western part of Bory Niemodlińskie together with the complex of Tułowickie Ponds, Niemodlińskie Ponds, the Opawskie Mountains, Góra Świętej Anny, lakes Nyskie, Otmuchowskie and Turawskie.

The necessary measures concerning protection of areas special conservation interest in the nearest future should focus around the implementation of the network of Natura 2000 and ECONET sites, together with the proposals put forward by ecological organisations in ’the shadow list’. A considerable obstacle is the fact that there are no approved protection programmes.

The following areas require restitution, renaturalisation or recultivation:

- a majority of forest complexes in the Opolskie Voivodeship, characterised by its inconsistent habitat of forest stands, especially forest complexes situated in Bory Niemodlińskie, Bory Raciborskie as well as in the Protected Landscape Area Mokre Lewice,

- the forest complexes situated in the flood plains of the valleys of the Odra, Nysa Kłodzka, Mała Panew as well as in the polder of Stobrawa Rybna,

- the forest complexes of Nadleśnictwo Kędzierzyn-Koźle which require reconstruction after the great fire of 1992,

- areas requiring extensive renaturalisation in the river valleys of the Odra (the upper and middle segments), Nysa Kłodzka (the middle segment) and Mała Panew, below reservoir Turawa,

- devastated areas of xerothermic floral communities in the Landscape Park of Góra Świętej Anny.

The list of urban and industrial areas of the most impoverished quality of the environment168 includes:

- the town of Kędzierzyn-Koźle due to air pollution, waste-water contamination and contamination with waste,

- the city of Opole – ditto and devastated ground surface,

- gmina Zdzieszowice – ditto and flood risk,

- gmina Dobrzeń Wielki – ditto

- as well as gminas Bierawa, Nysa, Strzelce Opolskie and Ozimek, with a great natural potential expressed by the amount of protected natural areas and the degree of forestation.

168 Evaluation of gminas and poviats by the Department of Spatial Planning at the Marshal Office, in The Report on Land-use in the Opolskie voivodeship... [2006].

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With reference to the regional indicators for environmental development analysed in the Assessment of ROP OV, the voivodeship occupies a low position of in the country with respect to the following:

the area of the existing and proposed Natura 2000 sites,

the failure to produce energy from the available renewable resources, including water,

the small percentage of sustainable farming in the total farming grounds area,

the length of bicycle paths in towns and cities.

V. Possible environmental impact in case of failure to implement ROP OV

The object of the analysis of the possible environmental impact – on the assumption of failure to implement ROP OV– was not a quantitative simulation. However, on the basis of the envisaged scope of intervention under the Programme, it can be proved that abandonment of the environmental objectives would result in a gap in the drafted system of environmental protection in the voivodeship for the period 2007-2013 and in consequence some deterioration of its state in all aspects. The ROP OV aims at realisation of regional and local tasks which are of key importance for the prevention and elimination of changes in the environment. A failure to carry them out (together with the remaining ROP OV objectives) would result in an increasing burden for the water environment, breakdown of the waste management programme, increased flood and technological risk, etc. The possible lesser pressure on the environment due to the slowing down of economic processes, with other accompanying phenomena, would probably be of no importance.

Still, another question remains: whether the amalgam of all the prepared programmes for the period 2007-2013 will assist in overcoming the dependence between economic growth and resource depletion in the voivodeship, that is in meeting the objective for the European member states and regions.

VI. Current environmental issues connected with ROP OV, in particular related to areas of special conservation interest, including those designated under directives 79/409 EEC and 92/43 EEC

The balance of strengths and weaknesses of the environment in the region, prepared by the authors of the Programme (Chapter 1.2 of ROP OV), enumerates the following major strengths: rich rock and underground water resources, attractive and diversified local natural, cultural and landscape resources fostering development of tourism, recreation and regional and cultural studies. Among strengths is also listed the palaeontological site in Krasiejów, which is unique in Europe and should revive tourism in the region.

The Opolskie Voivodeship is believed to have a relatively good state of the environment, but it cannot be validated in confrontation with the presented problems.

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The authors of the draft list the following weaknesses (though of a relatively small significance169):

- insufficient flood prevention;

- lack of a fully operational communal system of municipal waste management;

- burdensome low emission of air pollutants;

- little use of renewable energy resources;

- continuing surface water pollution and the deteriorating quality of underground waters,

and in rural areas:

− the bad condition of drainage and irrigation facilities and main streams;

− the poor use and management of the tourism potential of rural areas;

− prevalence of areas with average or poor natural and landscape assets;

− shortage of recreational facilities in villages;

− shortage of available surface water resources;

− spread of architectural designs and methods of modernisation which are alien to the culture of the region;

− high percentage of farming grounds exposed to water and wind erosion.

The biggest opportunities for the development of the region include European cohesion and regional development policy, also for rural areas and agriculture, the significant opportunities – implementation of the Programme for the Odra River 2006 and the pro-ecological development model of the European and national economy. For rural areas such opportunities lie among others in the increased demand for ecological food, greater attractiveness for relaxation and recreation purposes as well as implementation of the assistance programme ‘Leader’.

The current environmental issues in the region were more extensively presented in the justification of Priority 4 ‘Environmental protection’, where the following were deemed equally important:

− water and waste management,

− waste management,

− flood prevention in the region,

− air protection, including more extensive use of renewable resources,

− protection of biodiversity, natural and landscape assets,

with emphasis that activities in the latter ‘are indispensable for implementation of the common European ecological system of Natura 2000 network as well as necessary for the protection of biodiversity in the voivodeship’ 170.

169 On a three-degree scale 170 The work on preparation and establishment of Natura 2000 sites do not lie within the competence of regional programmes.

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So far the implementation of provisions of the European directive on protection of wild fowl, known as the Birds Directive, has resulted in the establishment in the Opolskie Voivodeship of one special protection area of birds (SPA) Natura 2000 Grądy Odrzańskie, and another eleven areas have been approved at the national level and submitted to the European Commission. The refugium in the Opolskie Voivodeship occupies an area of 7,879.8 ha, that is 0.84% of the total protected area in the voivodeship.

Under the Habitats Directive the proposal of establishment of two special areas of conservation (SACs): refugium Forty Nyskie (49.7 ha) and refugium Góra Świętej Anny (5174.6 ha) was submitted to the European Commission

Pursuant to the ‘Shadow List’ proposal to optimise the Natura 2000 sites network in Poland there are plans to establish also the following refugia:

- under the Habitats Directive (SACs): the Opawskie Mountains, Kamień Śląski, Barucickie Woods, Opolean Valley of the River Odra, Sławniowicko-Burgrabickie Refugia,

- under the Birds Directive (SPAs): reservoir Turawski, reservoir Otmuchowski and reservoir Nyski.

It is recommended to include information about the existing and proposed Natura 2000 sites in the programme and graphic representation of ROP OV.

VII. International, Community and member state environmental protection objectives relevant for plans and programmes as well as the ways in which these objectives and other environmental aspects were accounted for during the programme's preparation.

Accepting the paradigm of sustainable development as a guideline in plan formulation is a prerequisite among others in:

− Community directives, the so-called renewed Lisbon strategy, but above all the Sustainable Development Strategy from Gothenburg and the Reviewed Sustainable Development Strategy of June 2006 and the Regulation on ERDF No. 1083/2006,

− national documents, among others the National Environmental Policy II and III and the National Development Strategy, fundamental for operational programmes,

− as well as the Development Strategy for the Opolskie Voivodeship for the period 2007-2013 adopted in 2005.

Sustainable Development (SD) served as one of the sources in the creation of the ROP OV structure.

With reference to the main spheres of SD171 objectives and priorities Programme were laid down in such a way that nearly all of them comprise several spheres of SD, which reflects the principle of integration of its constituent economic, social and environmental activities172.

Economic resources management constitutes the most important part of the Programme. Apart from the first, main strategic objective, in at least five others realisation of future activities is to foster dynamic economic growth of the voivodeship. The Programme directly refers to the CSG openly aiming at greater competitiveness, innovation and creation of new 171 The full list comprises the following: economic resources management, human resources management, environmental management, land-use, awareness raising and choice of lifestyle, institutional solutions. See e.g. B. Piontek, The Concept of Sustainable and Ongoing Development of Poland. PWN, Warszawa 2002. 172 As illustrated in Table 18 of the assessment of ROP OV.

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workplaces, determining other areas of management. The importance of Priority 1 is also expressed in the allocation of funds to particular areas of management. According to a very rough estimate, the area will be allocated ca. 45% of the total ROP OV funds.

Human resources management constitutes the main focus area for four operational objectives of the Programme. Apart from the implementation of CSG objectives aiming at development of an information society (targeted in the second objective of the Programme) they are intended to strengthen the sense of regional and economic identity, eliminate the greatest risks, including growing economic migration, outflow of qualified workforce and depopulation of the region. The objectives focus on health promotion, education and equal educational opportunities, prevention of social exclusion of groups most likely to be affected by changes. In the latter, assistance for revitalised areas should also include groups outside the areas of future land transformations.

In respect of the adopted European documents, since problems of the Opolskie Voivodeship differ slightly from those in the EU member states, greater emphasis needs to be placed among others on counteracting the effects of an ageing society and availability of nursery care.

The issue of appropriate land-use management consistent with the natural conditions and the historically formed socio-economic structure is equally important for the development of the region. The ROP OV programme refers to it in the following objectives:

- objective one, where among others some tasks will be focused on the development of tourism with the use of natural assets of the voivodeship concentrated in some areas,

- objective three, envisaging obtaining greater land-use cohesion in the region through the development of a transport network,

- objective five and objective six, giving greater importance to education, health promotion as well as protection of cultural heritage with simultaneous revitalisation of urban, post-industrial and post-army areas and functional transformation of the land.

The issue of supporting relations between urban and rural areas and development of the latter, among ERDF priorities, is not sufficiently emphasised in the programme, at least at the level of objectives and priorities. In implementation of the Programme the self-government authorities of the voivodeship should have the possibility of actively reducing the gap between these areas by supporting projects intended to redress these imbalances.

In implementation conditions for future projects, land-use preferences have not been specified.

Awareness raising and the choice of lifestyle. This area has a tremendous importance for the implementation of the principle of sustainable and ongoing development of the region in economy and its popularisation in society. On the one hand the multicultural character of the region and a strong sense of regional identity, development of civil society, self-organisation, may have a strong facilitating effect on the achievement of these objectives, on the other the constant the high migratory outflow of the most active citizens undermines these strengths by popularising consumptionistic, extremely materialistic lifestyle. In the drafted national and regional development programmes this area of SD is represented marginally, with a clear assumption that the benefits from achieving other objectives may generate some ‘added value’ for changes in public awareness. Positive outcome of projects which may be important for this area will require appropriate promotion of non-material benefits.

The draft version of ROP OV does not propose significant activities in the respect of institutional solutions. At the regional level, economic and creative solutions are envisaged

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under Priority 1. Internal forms of institutional organisation and management system of the Programme are listed in Priority 7 – Technical assistance.

In comparison, the most interesting area, environmental management constitutes the most concentrated area in the Programme, which may be considered a drawback with regard to sustainable development. Yet, activities influencing the development of infrastructure for environmental protection, preservation of natural and cultural heritage can be found also in other parts of Programme, with the main aim of strengthening the economic and social cohesion and reducing the disproportions in the region.

Specific objectives of environmental priority 4 – encompassing improvement of the state of the natural environment and environmental protection as well as flood prevention – are as follows:

- improvement in the quality of the natural environment through modernisation of water and waste management and more effective flood prevention,

- greater degree of waste sorting and re-use,

- improvement in the quality of air as well as greater use of renewable energies,

- preservation of biodiversity and natural assets in the Opolskie voivodeship.

They are reflected in the envisaged courses of activity:

- Water and waste-water infrastructure and waste management,

- Flood prevention,

- Air protection and renewable resources,

- Protection of biodiversity in the Opolskie voivodeship.

The achievement of these objectives is to foster dynamic economic growth and raise the living standards, at the same time reducing the impact on the environment.

The kinds of projects which can be significant for environmental sustainability of other activities173 or which can have a positive influence on the environment are listed in the w Programme:

Priority 1 – with development of infrastructure for tourism and recreation – to raise the standards.

Priority 3 – with public transport infrastructure – in which among others mass transit can play a part.

Priority 5 – with development of culture and sport as well as protection of cultural heritage – aimed among others at preservation of regional cultural heritage.

Priority 6 – with development of urban areas – aimed at improvement of the living standards, including the environment and revitalisation of post-army, post-police and post-industrial areas – focused on the new character of revitalised areas with simultaneous raising of their environmental standards.

In the assessment of objectives z Community, national and regional documents174, with respect to the environment, the adopted selection and structure of objectives in ROP OV is

173 the so-called ‘sectoral sustainability’ 174 The objectives are discussed in chapters 5.2 and 5.3 of the assessment of ROP OV, mainly with reference to Community Strategic Guidelines, Regulation on the ERDF, the National Environmental Policy II and III, the

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appropriate, consistent with them and inherently coherent at this level. Specific observations, some of which are presented also in the next part of the summary, are voiced in chapters 5-8 of the assessment.

VIII. Potentially considerable environmental impact175

It results from the distribution of competences between national and regional operational programmes that in the light of the specified criteria only some future projects will qualify as undertakings of considerable environmental impact, which does not mean that impact of single small projects not regulated by the binding provisions of the environmental protection law may be disregarded with regard to accumulated impact. A review of ROP OV priorities offers the following conclusions:

In Priority 1 Improvement of economic attractiveness of the region two groups of undertakings to be implemented have environmental impact:

- supporting economic activity, also through investment and technological innovations

- as well as development of infrastructure for tourism and recreation.

In the first group of projects favourable direct environmental impact connected with generally understood modernisation of mean of production and introduction of innovations to the manufacturing processes may refer to lower energy consumption, material consumption and water consumption, which should in the final analysis reduce the burden for the environment and constitute regional contribution in the protection of the global climate. Adverse effects on the environment should be successfully eliminated on the basis of the binding national procedures in the construction law and environmental protection law concerning bigger undertakings. Approval through appropriate administrative decisions should be a prerequisite for eligibility of a project for financial support under the Programme.

However in the assistance structure of ROP OV a majority of funds will be allocated to very small and small undertakings, in the case of which these procedures are considerably simplified. The expected increase in the production and services offered by these undertakings with the Programme's assistance may result on a local scale in increased emission of pollutants to water and air as well as noise resulting from accumulated activity of many undertakings. These can be accompanied by secondary effects of increased transport of goods to the production and services areas. Thus in fact some deterioration may take place in areas where the neighbouring entities and areas differ in character: production and services as well as residential areas and where norms for air and noise quality are already exceeded. The impact connected with possible use of biologically active areas in towns and cities seems to be of secondary importance, as the activity activating economy will concentrate on the existing and transformed undertakings. Therefore, analysis of environmental impact would be irrelevant, at least in its general dimension.

With the second group of projects – related to tourism and recreation (among others concerning construction of new buildings) – it may be assumed that their implementation will take place in the vicinity of protected areas and areas of special conservation interest, involving both direct and indirect negative impact on the natural environment. The scale of this impact will be connected with the size of the investments, their number and localisation.

Development Strategy for the Opolskie Voivodeship for the period 2007-2015 as well as the Environmental Protection Programme for the Opolskie Voivodeship. 175 Pursuant to the provisions of Directive 2001/42.

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Since there may be a considerable number of such undertakings in some regions, their environmental impact may also increase over a longer period of time and depend among others on the implementation of other activities preventing degradation of these areas. Although there is a recommendation to implement these undertakings in areas designated in the local land-use plan, yet it must be taken into consideration that some plans envisage intensive use of an area on a short-term basis, e.g. without appropriate utilities infrastructure.

Priority 2 Information society together with its envisaged activities, upon analysis, is not expected to have considerable negative impact on the biotic and abiotic elements in the voivodeship.

Implementation of undertakings under Priority 3 Transport, aimed directly at introduction of sustainable transport through public transport undertakings in towns and cities, increasing pedestrian zones and alternatives to automobile traffic, should result in direct positive influence on human health and the environment as well as greater road users' safety. In turn, modernisation of the existing roads and streets, on the conditions stipulated for their managing bodies in the environmental protection law since 2007, with inevitable losses connected with discontinuation of the use of some neighbouring estates, should result in at least partial local environmental improvement over a longer period of time and in connection with the accompanying comprehensive changes in traffic organisation in towns and cities. Considerable direct and indirect adverse effects may occur in the case of construction of new roads bordering natural environment sites through disruption, limitation or blocking of routes of animal migration and wildlife corridors. Activation of local sport and recreational airfields as well as airfields used by emergency medical services and for fire protection purposes is not expected to have considerable adverse effects on the natural environment.

As projects under ‘environmental’ priority 4 will directly focus on the achievement of environmental objectives, it may be assumed that they will be of benefit for the environment with relation to particular specific objectives.

Potentially, there may be a negative impact of infrastructural projects for water and waste management and the flood prevention programme, when they are implemented in areas of special conservation interest. However, a majority of this impact should be short-lasting and reversible.

Projects eligible for ROP OV financial support to a large extent derive from already adopted specific programmes drawn at various times and so they can be mutually inconsistent. Partial identification of such projects, only in relation to the proposed Natura 2000 sites, reveals that a conflict area, not necessarily resulting in exclusion of any projects, may concern the Odra river: in the vicinity of Siołkowice Stare – 3 km levee, on the stretch Brzeg-Brzezina – 1 km levee, on the stretch Brzezina-Lipki – 2 km levee (in line with the government programme) situated in the SPA called Grądy Odrzańskie, and in the catchment of lake Otmuchowskie – small retention reservoir ‘Stary Paczków’ on the stream Tarnawka of the capacity of 1 million m3 (in line with the Programme for the Construction of Small Retention Reservoirs in the Opolskie Voivodeship).

Areas designated for the implementation of objectives, priorities and activities with a risk of causing transformations, disruptions and lasting changes, especially in the environment and the water ecosystem in the region (on a large scale, concentration and space), include the following:

- areas of implementation of flood prevention activities, mainly in the valleys of the Odra and Nysa Kłodzka,

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- areas designated for construction of small retention reservoirs (that is mainly the southern and north-eastern part of the voivodeship),

- areas of implementation of activities concerning the municipal waste-water management system.

The Valley of the Odra River, constituting a wildlife corridor of international importance, is particularly exposed to risk. Despite considerable anthropogenic transformations it still retains outstanding natural assets in many stretches. This concerns in particular the protected landscape area Łęg Zdzieszowicki, where the complex of the riparian forest adjacent the river bed is susceptible to considerable flood risk. Similarly, the stretch below the city of Opole constitutes the most environmentally valuable part of the Valley of the Odra (Stobrawski Landscape Park and a birds refugium of international significance – Grądy Odrzańskie).

Activities under Priority 5 Social infrastructure and tertiary education will concentrate on anthropogenically transformed areas and w the existing facilities (e.g. health centres, cultural heritage sites as well as infrastructure for education and sport). So generally the character of such activities and their localisation should not give rise to considerable adverse effects.

Direct favourable results for the environment and human health may be anticipated in the case of projects carried out under Priority 6 Revitalisation in towns and cities and degraded areas. As a result, they should considerable reduce the pollution of air, water, soil and indirectly also the natural environment, at the same time contributing to the environmental outcome of the Programme.

The work carried out under Priority 7 Technical assistance may significantly contribute to the preparation and appropriate eligibility of projects with respect to the environmental aspect, by reducing adverse effects in connection with the implementation of particular undertakings.

In its present shape the draft version of ROP OV does not have a possible environmental impact across the border, which could occur on the territory of the Czech Republic in connection with its implementation.

IX. Stipulated funds for prevention, reduction and compensation for the possible considerable adverse effects on the environment in connection with the implementation of ROP OV

To prevent, reduce and compensate adverse effects which could arise from the implementation of ROP OV as well as to achieve synergy of projects, it is necessary to adopt Programme eligibility ecological criteria and restrictive conditions, complementing the currently binding national provisions, e.g. in investment procedures176.

Activities related to tourism and recreation require a detailed environmental analysis during the preparation stage of these investments conducted on the basis of procedures and legal regulations concerning environmental protection and land-use planning. An important criterion for the selection of projects should be information about the environmental capacity of the areas. Preference should be given to projects combining renaturalisation activities and/or restoring quality standards in the areas. Implementation of tourism investments should take into account the existing and proposed forms of protection of environmental (including Natura 2000 sites) and cultural assets, which should not sustain damage or suffer degradation. Degradation of these assets may limit or prevent the development of tourism and recreation in the region.

176 More detailed solutions are presented in the assessment of ROP OV.

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Detection of adverse effects will entail also an analysis of possible activities connected with the change in localisation of the investment, activities minimising the impact and compensatory activities.

Similarly, in the case of implementation of investments under Priority 2 in areas of special conservation interest, a natural and landscape analysis is also imperative. It is essential for the implementation of these task to secure protection against electromagnetic fields and protection of landscape assets, which should be carried out on the basis of relevant records in land-use plans, according with the provisions of Art. 71 of the Act on Environmental Protection Law.

With a view to possible minimisation of the environmental impact of such investments it is recommended to use the existing traffic routes (such as roads, pavements) for the laying the new (underground) cables. Aerial installations should reckon with landscape assets of the area and also the existing forms of protection.

Although the construction of new regional and local roads in the voivodeship will not be done on a relatively large scale, still in the case of such investments it is necessary to conduct the procedure of environmental assessment on the basis of legal regulations concerning environmental protection. In their course, or already at the programming stage for the road network, the responsible bodies should take into account the wildlife corridors listed in the ECONET network and also corridors of regional and local importance as well as forms of environmental protection of the existing and proposed (including Natura 2000 sites). Preference should be given to solutions which omijają areas of special conservation interest, in order to prevent their fragmentation, and not to short-sighted economic calculation.

Selection criteria for development projects of regional and local roads (others remain in the competence of the Operational Programme for Infrastructure and Environment) should include environmental and safety aspects. Development of transport should follow the principles of a common sustainable transport policy in the region and with clearly defined selection criteria for projects and regulations on the local and regional scale.

The construction of several bypasses should be correlated with activities permanently reducing traffic (and what follows the noise level, air pollution and accidents) on the most difficult and dangerous stretches of the existing network of roads and streets. The decision-making process should rely on, apart from the assessment of environmental impact, also analysis of costs and benefits, with consideration for external costs for society and the environment.

In the case of implementation of investments without any alternative solutions in wildlife corridors and areas of special conservation interest, whose negative impact on any of the elements of the environment or human health has also been detected, it is necessary to conduct analysis and adopt appropriate corrective measures, compensating or minimising adverse effects. Such activities particularly important in forested areas and in the vicinity of water reservoirs (e.g. possible Natura 2000 sites) may entail construction or modernisation of the existing paths for animals, construction of devices preventing animals from entering traffic routes, as well as adjustment of the existing road devices (e.g. culverts) also to objectives connected with migration of animals. It is important to co-ordinate the constructed paths for animals with the current state of knowledge, that is providing appropriate length and width, appropriate preparation (that is overgrowth of trees and bushes).

With regard to the assets and uniqueness of the proposed Natura 2000 sites it is evident that further action should be subsidiary to preservation of these sites and in the case of detection of

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adverse effects, implementation of activities causing such effects should be terminated, which equals withdrawal of financial support for such a project.

An important issue in the selection of projects may arise in the case of undertakings conducted under environmental priority, where specific programmes may be mutually incompatible. The platform for specification and verification of regional plans in this area (e.g. small retention programmes, flood prevention) should be the currently reviewed Environmental Protection Programme for the Opolskie Voivodeship.

Also with reference to projects implemented under this priority, in the case of their localisation in wildlife corridors and areas of special conservation interest, whose negative impact on any of the elements of the environment has been detected, it is necessary to conduct analysis and adopt appropriate measures compensating or minimising adverse effects on the natural environment. This should also refer to maintaining appropriate conditions e.g. for the fish fauna, for which the river constitutes the only ecosystem for existence and survival, for ecosystems of the existing oxbow lakes and marshlands.

In the case of tasks related to municipal economy infrastructure and waste management (e.g. asbestos waste storage), it is recommended to conduct an analysis of multiple criteria on the basis of records from voivodeship and local land-use plan, also with respect to their localisation, at the stage of document preparation and project eligibility.

Generally, in the case of projects submitted for financing from ROP OV, among others aiming at minimising the environmental impact of investment, modernisation and revitalisation projects (irrespective of their scale), an evaluation of their compatibility with all the specific objectives of ROP OV should be carried out. This will facilitate elimination at an early stage of preparation of conflicting investments and combination in organisational, technical and spatial terms of tasks whose total effect may be greater and achieved at a smaller cost. CSG mention synergy between economic objectives and environmental protection as one of the key tasks facing authors and implementers of projects for the period 2007-2013.

Joint projects may comprise different priorities, e.g. development of tourism, protection of biodiversity, development of infrastructure for culture and sport, protection of cultural heritage. For example, support for tourism projects in the vicinity of lake Turawskie may be justified and cohesive with environmental objectives when they are combined with projects aiming at improvement in water quality in the lake, etc.

In order to increase the benefits from projects implemented under ROP OV it is necessary to correlate them with activities implemented under other programmes drawn in the form of local regulations, e.g. remedial programmes for particular areas pursuant to the Act on Environmental Protection Law.

The authors of the Assessment ROP OV believe that, irrespective of the current national standards, project documentation should assist the selection committees in appropriate choice and evaluation, among others with regard to:

- the degree to which the project's outcome will influence the current state of the environment in the area where it will be implemented, - the scale of environmental efficiency (envisaged environmental impact, tempo, effectiveness), - the degree of combined influence on the changes in the environment in a given area,

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- the significance of the undertaking for the development of the structure and system of environmental protection as well as environmental management at the regional and local level, etc.177.

An important element of this process is clarity of criteria and open selection of projects facilitating co-operation of beneficiaries, local government authorities and agencies responsible for environmental protection as well as appropriate level of ecological education in this respect.

X. Description of the justification for selection of the adopted alternative solutions

The draft version of ROP OV is characterised by a great degree of compliance with Community and national leading documents related to sustainable development, and at simultaneously, within its competences, it indicates regional issues of environmental protection in the programme. Still, the authors of the assessment deem it necessary to supply some additional information about the ROP OV structure, such as:

1. To increase the degree of integration of future activities between economic, social and environmental areas, departure from sectoral division of objectives, it is necessary to include projects from group no. 06 in Priority 1 Support for small and medium-sized companies in the respect of promotion of environmentally friendly products and processes (implementation of efficient environment management systems, implementation and application/ use of pollution prevention technologies, implementation of clean technologies in the production in enterprises178.

EU guidelines list such projects in the thematic group of research, technological development, innovation and entrepreneurship, and so they correspond to the priority of improvement of economic attractiveness of the region w ROP OV. In some EU member states innovative environmental projects and clean technologies account for ca. 1/3 of all such projects, directly raising the competitiveness of undertakings, attractiveness and promotion of regions.

2. Next to environmental protection projects, aimed at achieving the direct effects of reducing the environmental impact, at the regional level of major importance are also indirect activities, called system activities in the National Environmental Policy II and III, connected with the promotion of the concept of sustainable development, raising ecological awareness in society, promotion of economic mechanisms in environmental protection. To safeguard the implementation of these important objectives, the description of the justification of the ‘environmental’ priority should include:

− promotion of changes in the model of consumption and production,

− greater social involvement in the decision-making processes concerning the environment,

− implementation of educational tasks promoting sustainable development and environmental protection, raising the level of ecological awareness in society as well as local authorities179,

177 The issue is further discussed in the assessment of ROP OV, p. 103. 178 In line with Annex II to the Regulation on the ERDF. 179 among others through promotion of biodiversity on training courses and during information campaigns as well as improvement in social communication in the respect of understanding the objectives and effects of protection of biodiversity – promotion of a moderate use of natural resources and economical and rational management practices in order to use the natural resources only for the satisfaction of the basic needs, as well as pinpointing local benefits arising from preservation of biological and landscape diversity.

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− improvement in the operation of economic mechanisms in the area of environmental protection financed from funds at the disposal of self-government and voivodeship authorities.

3. The issue of maintaining appropriate sustainability of some activities or territorial sustainability referred to in EU documents would necessitate strengthening of objectives in the draft version of ROP OV and providing justification in some parts of ROP OV, that is:

a) in the environmental objective, by increasing the range of undertakings concerning the protection of the climate and greater energy efficiency;

b) with respect to sustainable tourism – placing greater emphasis on promotion of natural assets as a potential for sustainable development or new directions in tourism, with a shift in emphasis on justification of making protected areas available for tourism – which is undoubtedly necessary, but as a component of projects aiming at their more effective protection or restoration of appropriate quality standards e.g. of surface waters, and not as an objective per se;

c) with respect to sustainable transport – provisions contained in the description of Priority 3 should emphasise important elements of sustainability in this sector and greater safety, with preference, next to public transport projects, also for multimodal transport and intelligent transport systems as well as cycle paths. In the whole implementation period of transport undertakings the following principle should hold: the principle of absolute necessity for protection of the most precious areas of special conservation interest as well as the need for activities limiting damage to a socially acceptable level and compensatory means to counteract adverse effects inn the remaining protected natural areas;

d) with respect to implementation of projects increasing cohesion between urban and rural areas and redressing the imbalances in the latter it seems essential to place greater importance on such projects as a course of activity and/or appropriate justification of Priority 6, which concentrates on revitalisation of mainly urban areas.

4. The comments contained on pp. 92-93 of the assessment referring to among others widening the scope of the Programme constitute merely a proposal put forward by their authors concerning the stipulated funds for the environmental priority.

XI. Description of the stipulated means of monitoring

The proposed ROP OV establishes an organisational framework for monitoring its implementation. Indicators for monitoring envisaged in the Programme have been divided into three groups: indicators for the strategic objective, indicators for output and indicators for result. The latter will quote baseline year and target year values, to be specified at a later time. The proposal to make each of them relate to at least one specific objective is met with reference to priority 4. The stipulated annual frequency is sufficient to monitor the evolution of the Programme. The assessment of ROP OV recommends increasing the repertory of these indicators as well as their specification with a view to differentiating between results connected with direct implementation of ROP OV and effects of implementation of other operational programmes in the voivodeship stipulated for the period 2007-2013. Independently, to evaluate the state of the environment in the region, the monitoring committee should use the results obtained from the state environment monitoring system as well as the official statistics stored in the Regional Database - the Central Statistical Office.

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