regular meeting dolgeville village board … · regular meeting dolgeville village board of...

REGULAR MEETING DOLGEVILLE VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES APRIL 15,2013 PRESENT: MAYOR: Bruce T. Lyon TRUSTEES: Larry 1. Brandow-absent Donna L. Loucks Gary C. Luther Mary E. Puznowski-6:22 ATTORNEY: Norman Mastromoro RECORDING SECRETARY: Tammy L. Chmielewski ATTENDED: Ed Scharpou, Neal Winkler, John Houle, Rich Congdon Chet Szymanski, Randy Tennant, Dave & Sarah Jaquay and Rob Juteau. Mayor Bruce T. Lyon at Village Hall called this Regular Meeting of the Dolgeville Village Board of Trustees to order at 6:04 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Approval of Meeting Minutes By Trustee Loucks Motion to approve and place on file the meeting minutes of March 18 th and 25, 2013. Sec. Trustee Luther. Ayes all. Appointment Planning Board By Trustee Loucks Motion to approve the appointment of Beverly Waleur to the Planning Board to replace Esther Austin. Term expires Annual Meeting 2014. Sec. Trustee Luther. Ayes all. Abstract of Audited Vouchers Resolution # 26-2013 The following resolution was offered by Trustee Loucks and sec. by Trustee Luther. Ayes all. RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to sign the Abstract of Audited Vouchers from the following funds for the amount specified: GENERAL TRUST & AGENCY SEWER WATER $ 42,524.74 $ 1,433.94 $ 30,552.12 $ 4,430.23 AYES: Trustees Loucks, Luther and Mayor Lyon

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Page 1: REGULAR MEETING DOLGEVILLE VILLAGE BOARD … · REGULAR MEETING DOLGEVILLE VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES APRIL 15,2013 ... Changes were made to draft proposal for Sewer Use Law. ... Attorney


APRIL 15,2013

PRESENT: MAYOR: Bruce T. LyonTRUSTEES: Larry 1. Brandow-absent

Donna L. LoucksGary C. LutherMary E. Puznowski-6:22

ATTORNEY: Norman Mastromoro


ATTENDED: Ed Scharpou, Neal Winkler, John Houle, Rich Congdon Chet Szymanski,Randy Tennant, Dave & Sarah Jaquay and Rob Juteau.

Mayor Bruce T. Lyon at Village Hall called this Regular Meeting of the DolgevilleVillage Board of Trustees to order at 6:04 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Approval ofMeeting Minutes By Trustee Loucks

Motion to approve and place on file the meetingminutes of March 18th and 25, 2013. Sec. Trustee Luther.Ayes all.


Planning Board By Trustee LoucksMotion to approve the appointment of Beverly

Waleur to the Planning Board to replace Esther Austin.Term expires Annual Meeting 2014. Sec. Trustee Luther.Ayes all.

Abstract ofAudited VouchersResolution # 26-2013 The following resolution was offered by Trustee

Loucks and sec. by Trustee Luther. Ayes all.

RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and is herebyauthorized to sign the Abstract of Audited Vouchers fromthe following funds for the amount specified:


$ 42,524.74$ 1,433.94$ 30,552.12$ 4,430.23

AYES: Trustees Loucks, Luther and Mayor Lyon

Page 2: REGULAR MEETING DOLGEVILLE VILLAGE BOARD … · REGULAR MEETING DOLGEVILLE VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES APRIL 15,2013 ... Changes were made to draft proposal for Sewer Use Law. ... Attorney

CT. MaleI & I Upgrade

Department Heads

Police Department

Part Time Officer Hire

Glock School

Thank You


Police Monthly Report

Code Enforcement


Code EnforcementMonthly Report


NAYS: NoneABSENT: Trustees Puznowski and BrandowADOPTED - April 15, 2013

Chet Szymanski of C.T. Male came before theBoard on the following:

Bid opening April 23rd @ 3:00 p.m. - Village Hall. C.T.Male is preparing an addendum to include movingmanholes and number of feet of pipe.

Provisional Chief of Police Richard Congdon came beforethe Board on the following:

By Trustee LoucksMotion to hire Vito Carbone Sr. as a trained part

time officer. Sec. Trustee Luther. Ayes all.

Daniel Elthorp will attend a 3 day Glock armored school -handgun certified training at a cost of $ 200.00. TrusteeLuther asked if a full time officer should go too.

Thank you to John Houle and Tammy Chmielewski duringthe emergency situation in Herkimer.

Police Dept. will assist with an intersection during theCROP Walk in May.

By Trustee LutherMotion to approve and place on file the March 2013

Police report as submitted. Sec. Trustee Loucks. Ayes all.

Code Enforcement Officer Barry Vickers came before theBoard on the following:

Appeal for chicken request. Per Attorney Barry can'tconsider if they can have chickens because the law clearlysays no chickens. The Village Board could amend theLocal Law. The law was changed back in the 80' s. Checkprevious Zoning law (green book).

By Trustee LutherMotion to approve and place on file the April 9,

2013 Code Enforcement report as submitted. Sec. TrusteeLoucks. Ayes all.

D.P.W. Superintendent John Houle came before the Boardon the following:

Page 3: REGULAR MEETING DOLGEVILLE VILLAGE BOARD … · REGULAR MEETING DOLGEVILLE VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES APRIL 15,2013 ... Changes were made to draft proposal for Sewer Use Law. ... Attorney

Village Hall Windows

Dump BuildingNot needed for public use

Brush Pick Up

Town of ManheimTransfer Station

Bulk Storage TankViolation


Received quotes for 21 windows installed:

Kevin Barton - $ 7,125.00Stan Busch - Weatherite - $ 8,753.64Residential Specialists - $ 675.00 ea.

Kevin also gave a quote for additional windows upstairs -Youth Center - $ 5,695.00 - 16 windows.

By Trustee LoucksMotion to award 21 window contract to Kevin

Barton in the amount of $ 7,125.00. Sec. TrusteePuznowski. Ayes all.

By Trustee LoucksMotion stating the former dump site collapsed

building is no longer needed for public use and authorizingScott Moore to dismantle and clean up unused materials.Sec. Trustee Luther. Ayes all.

Violation notices will be handed out to persons notadhering to the 4 ft. bundle and 50 lb. limit, putting items inbuckets or boxes, no plastic bags, leaves in containers,paper or biodegradable available at Zipp's.

Transfer station to open May 4th.

Village received a petroleum bulk storage violation -3/22/13.

Broken fuel gauge - fixedTank Corrosion - paint - will do when weather warms upIncomplete paperwork - monthly inspection reports -implemented.

John asked the Board why there is no overtime in thebudget - $ 24,000 - $ 13,000 - streets and $ 11,000 - snowremoval. There used to be 100 hrs. per man. To date Davehas used 81 hrs. Terry - 60 hrs., Don, 70 hrs., Brad - 74hrs., and John - 63 hrs .. Do the employees go home after40 hours and you took away comp. time. Some overtime ischarged to the water/sewer. D.P.W. does maintenance,mows lawns. Friday coverage in the summer not an issue -there's always somebody. Check to see if the currentbudget included 50 or 100 hrs. Consider re-instating cornp.time.

Page 4: REGULAR MEETING DOLGEVILLE VILLAGE BOARD … · REGULAR MEETING DOLGEVILLE VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES APRIL 15,2013 ... Changes were made to draft proposal for Sewer Use Law. ... Attorney

Commissioner Meeting

D.P. W. Monthly Report

Fire Department

Fire DepartmentMonthly Report

Water Plant

Annual WaterQuality Report

Reservoir Cleaning

Water Plant Siding

Radio Read Meters

Trustee Luther explained there was an $ 80,000 increase inpersonnel. Board - 2080 hrs. figured in the budget,suggested shift change. Can't do shift change without 72hour notice per contract.

John is requesting a meeting once a month withcomnussioners. Trustee Brandow and Loucks - D.P.W.commissioners.

By Trustee LoucksMotion to approve and place on file the March 2013

D.P.W. report as submitted. Sec. Trustee Luther. Ayes all.

Fire Chief Randy Tennant came before the Board on thefollowing:

Arial truck inspection tomorrow.

Code Enforcement Officer Barry Vickers commends theFire Dept. re: Fire on South Helmer Avenue.

Randy to get parade list request ready for Board approval.

Safety Expo cancelled.

By Trustee PuznowskiMotion to approve and place on file the March 2013

Fire Department report as submitted. Sec. Trustee Luther.Ayes all.

Water Plant Operator Neal Winkler came before the Boardon the following:

Working on annual report due May 31st Village lookinginto putting report on website to save money. Village tocheck with DOH to see if this is within compliance. Clerkwill also put a message on water bills. If we don't mail -post in 6 places.

Village will start setting up area for reservoir cleaning thisweek. Cleaning anticipated for July.

Previous supplier went out of business. Neal located a newcompany and the price per sq. ft. without accessories is $7.50. Neal will get quotes and email to Board.

Blair Supply will be at next meeting to discuss radio readmeters (15 min.).

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Water Monthly Report


Composting Site

Sewer Use Law

Work Orders

Annual Inspection

WWTP Monthly Report


Expenditures,Encumbrances, andAppropriationsResolution # 27-2013

Balance SheetResolution # 28-2013

By Trustee LoucksMotion to approve and place on file the March 2013

water report as submitted. Sec. Trustee Puznowski. Ayesall.

WWTP Operator Edward Scharpou came before the Boardon the following:

Don Darling will cut trees and do stump removal at WWTPand pay the Village $ 2,500.00.

Changes were made to draft proposal for Sewer Use Law.Village will hold a public hearing on May zo" @ 6:00 p.m.

Ed would like to implement work orders betweendepartments.

Annual inspection with DEC went very well. DEC isrequiring an assess management plan for the SPEDESpermitting. DEC is requiring a 10 year capital plan.

By Trustee LoucksMotion to approve and place on file the March 2013

WWTP report as submitted. Sec. Trustee Luther. Ayes all.

Treasurer Michele Weakley was unavailable for themeeting but submitted the following:

By Trustee LoucksMotion to place on file the Statement of

Expenditures, Encumbrances, Appropriations for the periodending April 13,2013. Sec. Trustee Luther. Ayes all.

AYES: Trustees Loucks, Luther, PuznowskiNAYS: NoneABSENT: Trustee BrandowADOPTED - April 15, 2013

By TrusteeMotion to place on file the Balance Sheet for the

period ending March 30,2013. Sec. Trustee. Ayes all.

AYES: Trustees Loucks, Luther, PuznowskiNAYS: NoneABSENT: Trustee BrandowADOPTED - April 15, 2013

Page 6: REGULAR MEETING DOLGEVILLE VILLAGE BOARD … · REGULAR MEETING DOLGEVILLE VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES APRIL 15,2013 ... Changes were made to draft proposal for Sewer Use Law. ... Attorney

Old Business


2013-2014 VillageTentative Budget

New Business

Payroll CertificationResolution # 29-2013

Payroll CertificationResolution # 30-2013

Check ReconciliationResolution # 30A-2013

The Village of Dolgeville was awarded an ARC Grant inthe amount of $ 155,000.00. The village still has questionsregarding administration fees. Village will table approvalfor signatures until meeting with Shelter Planning on May29th


Check with budget officer on SRO numbers and have finalready for final presentation on April 29th.

The following resolution was offered by Trustee Luther andsec. by Trustee Loucks. Ayes all.

WHEREAS, Michele Weakley does hereby submitfor certification that the following payroll period of 212113-3115113 in the amount of $ 26,548.12 be approved forpayment from the appropriation authorized by the Villageof Dolgeville Board of Trustees.

AYES: Trustees Loucks, Luther, PuznowskiNAYS: NoneABSENT: Trustee BrandowADOPTED - April 15,2013

The following resolution was offered by Trustee Luther andsec. by Trustee Loucks. Ayes all.

WHEREAS, Michele Weakley does hereby submitfor certification that the following payroll period of 3116113- 3129/13 in the amount of $ 23,384.97 be approved forpayment from the appropriation authorized by the Villageof Dolgeville Board of Trustees.

AYES: Trustees Loucks, Luther, PuznowskiNAYS: NoneABSENT: Trustee BrandowADOPTED - April 15, 2013

By TrusteeMotion to place on file the check reconciliations as

presented. Sec. Trustee. Ayes all.

Unemployment Acct. *953 3/1/13 - 3/31/13Flood Reimbursement Fund *597 311/13 - 3131113Sewer Savings *792 311113 - 3/31/13

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Water Disconnect




State Small Program *222 3/1/13 - 3/31/13Helterline Park *784 311/13 - 3/31/13Sewer Waste Hauling *405 311113- 3/31113General Savings *482 3/1/13 - 3/31/13Water Fund *490 3/1/13 - 3/31/13Spohn's Disposal *187 311113- 3/31113D.P.W. Motorized Equip. *788 3/1/13 - 3/31/13General Fund *315 311/13 - 3/31113Housing Rehabilitation *299 311113- 3/31113E.D.R.L.F. *448 311113- 3/31113Trust & Agency *807 211113- 3/31/13Water/Sewer *320 2/1/13 - 2/28/13

AYES: Trustees Loucks, Luther, PuznowskiNAYS: NoneABSENT: Trustee BrandowADOPTED - April 15,2013

10-l2 Schuyler Street temp. due to repairs.

Vito Carbone Sf. - Police and Kayla Rumrill - SchoolCrossing Guard. Place on file.

Crop Walk - May 4th @ 10:00 a.m. Organizers requestingassistance in monitoring the intersection Military Roadfrom Moore Road to Shedd Road. Board o.k'd for police toassist.

Public Service Commission Electric Safety Standards - Place on file.

Dolgeville-ManheimPublic Library


Main St. Project - Update

Sewer Use LawResolution # 30B-20l3

By Trustee LoucksMotion to place on file the March 5, 2013

Dolgeville-Manheim Public Library meeting minutes aspresented. Sec. Trustee Puznowski. Ayes all.

Village Attorney Norman Mastromoro came before theBoard on the following:

Village requesting a meeting with Lochner to discussoutstanding issues and timeline for completion. Specialmeeting set for April 29th.

The following resolution was offered by TrusteeLoucks and sec. by Trustee Puznowski. Ayes all.

Motion to adopt proposed Local Law # 2-2013Sewer Use Law for presentation at a public hearing on May20th @ 6:00 p.m. - Village Hall.

Page 8: REGULAR MEETING DOLGEVILLE VILLAGE BOARD … · REGULAR MEETING DOLGEVILLE VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES APRIL 15,2013 ... Changes were made to draft proposal for Sewer Use Law. ... Attorney

AYES: Trustees Loucks, Luther, PuznowskiNAYS: NoneABSENT: Trustee BrandowADOPTED - April 15, 2013

SCCC Lease Agreement SCCC Village Attorney still needs correct name andaddress for Stoney Creek and intended purpose for use ofbuilding. Message left with Linda Fake.

Beaver Brook Dam - EAP Barton & Loguidice submitted draft copy for signatures.Attorney still waiting for DEC re: owner, sponsorsdefinitions. 0 & M agreement date needs to be changedand all sponsors should sign.

Board is requesting a special meeting with Barton &Loguidice to discuss draft. Village will request Jim Thomasattend. Tentative date for special meeting April 29th @ 6:00p.m.

2009 FreightlinerBAN Resolution 31-2013 The following resolution was offered by Trustee

Luther and sec. by Trustee Loucks. Ayes all.


WHEREAS, on February 9, 2009 the Village ofDolgeville, Counties of Herkimer and Fulton, New Yorkcompleted the purchase of a 2009 Freightliner, modelM2106V, dump body type truck, VIN1FVAC38S69HAL1268, from Fleet Maintenance, Inc.,West Seneca, New York; and,

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Village ofDolgeville deems it desirable to reissue a BondAnticipation Note to continue to finance its obligation inthis regard for which $ 62,279.55 is due and owing,

NOW, THEREFORE, this 15th day of April, 2013, be it

RESOLVED, the Village of Dolgeville is herebyauthorized to draw, and shall draw, a Bond AnticipationNote to be of the following terms, form and contents, towit: said Note shall be in the principal sum of $ 62,297.55,have a maturity date on March 28, 2014, and be issuedeffective from March 29,2013; and,

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RESOVED, said Note shall be sold by the VillageTreasurer for not less than par and accrued interest at aprivate sale with the place of payment, denominations andall contents of said Note, including the rate of interest, to bedetermined by the Village Treasurer in accordance with thisResolution and the Local Finance Law; and,

RESOLVED, said Note shall be executed by theVillage Treasurer and countersigned by the Village Clerkand shall have the corporate seal of the Village affixedthereto; and,

RESOLVED, this Bond Anticipation Note isdeemed to be authorized in accordance with Section 23.00of the Local Finance Law; and,

RESOL VED, the full faith and credit of the Villageof Dolgeville are hereby irrevocably pledged for thepayment of the principal and interest on the BondAnticipation Note according to its terms; and,

RESOLVED, this Resolution shall take effectimmediately.

AYES: Trustees Loucks, Luther, PuznowskiNAYS: NoneABSENT: Trustee BrandowADOPTED - April 15, 2013

Future Meetings Special Meeting - April 29th @ 6:00 p.m. - Village Hall.

Regular Meeting - May 20th @ 6:00 p.m. - Village Hall.

Adjournment By Trustee LutherMotion to adjourn regular meeting at 8:55 p.m. Sec.

Trustee Puznowski. Ayes all.

__________________________ ~~ayor

_____________ Village Clerk