relay december 2009

Romsey Road Runners December 2009 The RRR Ho’ Down and Pig Roast 2009 Lynne makes her debut In the Beginning... A look at how Romsey Runners started The annual awards dinner

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Romsey Road Runners Quarterly Newsletter


Romsey Road RunnersDecember 2009

The RRR Ho’ Down and Pig

Roast 2009

Lynne makes her debut

In the Beginning...A look at how Romsey Runners started

The annual awards dinner

RELAY Winter 2009/10

We are now on the Winter training schedule, which you can find in this newsletter, back to running around the various town routes. Welcome to the newer members who may not be so familiar with these routes, please ask if you are unsure.

I would also like to welcome the new coaching assistants as announced at the AGM. Gill, Heidi, Iain, Matt, Nick and Steve will be helping out leading groups and sessions so please support them as much as you support me. Hopefully they will have some great ideas to keep us motivated!

These routes hopefully provide a mixture of distances and flat and hill efforts. It is important to train for speed and endurance, even if you only race 5mile or 10kms. Hills will aid endurance and give you the ability and confidence to tackle even the biggest hill in a CC6 or a marathon. I often look at a hill in a race and think “that’s nothing compared to Richmond Lane or Cemetry Hill x 7 times”. Remember you need to train your mind as well as your body and positive thinking is very important.

I have scheduled the first Thursday of December, January and February to be held at Mountbatten school tennis courts (floodlit) for some fun effort sessions including the bleep test and other relays and efforts – tennis balls required! The idea of these sessions is to run short sprints to help with race speed and your finishing line effort.

The bleep test is a great marker to show progress and my database of results is showing this for a number of members (despite various outdoor weather conditions!)

With the dark nights please remember that there are club Safety Guidelines in my folder on a club night or on the website – so please make yourself aware of these for club sessions and when you are training on your own. Fluorescent bibs are now needed, and I normally have spares if you forget.

Keep running!Jane Carter

Session Leader Report

RELAY Winter 2009/

Chippenham Half MarathonAli Longworth 1:27:18 PB (75 » th)

Solent Half MarathonSteve Reed 1:33:19 (41 » st)Janet Burnage 1:44:16 (4 » th F50)

Leicester MarathonClive Hearn 3:32:22 »

Great Clarendon MarathonAli Longworth 3:50:08 (78 » th)Clive Hearn 3:52:17 (87 » th)

Great Clarendon Half MarathonChristopher Brown 1:40:51 »

British Masters 10 mile ChampionshipsLynne Whitaker 1:09:58 (2 » nd V50)

Stroud 1/2 MarathonAli Longworth 1:28:27 Course PB (118 » th)

Salisbury Half MarathonTony King 1:37:45 PB »

The Stickler 10 mile XCTamatha Ryan 1:32:51 »Steve Davies 1:38:41 Course PB »David Page 1:49:30 »Wendy Cooper 1:57:19 »Ruth Page 2:01:16 »Derek Kelly 2:02:08 »Gill Callus 2:11:50 »

Great South RunAmanda Hull 1:08:28 (7 » th AG)Lynne Whitaker 1:08:42 (1 » st AG)Paul Willis 1:12:45 »

Recent Results

Katie Boyman 1:23:49 (181 » st AG)Liz Slade 1:26:20 (24 » th AG)Sarah Thorn 1:33:42 (586 » th AG)Michelle Hughes 1:43:41 (1268 » th AG)Lindsey Dunford 1:43:58 (149 » th AG)

Lordshill 10 mileAli Longworth 1:07:17 PB »Lynne Whitaker 1:09:18 (2 » nd F45)Amanda Hull 1:09:44 »Steve Reed 1:11:12 »Paul Bradley 1:14:53 »Jane Carter 1:17:19 »Paul Cutbill 1:20:04 »Janet Burnage 1:20:30 »Penny Jennings 1:23:09 »

Endurance Life Coastal MarathonTamatha Ryan 5:08:27 (3rd lady) »

Endurance Life Coastal Half MarathonIan Ralph 2:14:57 (47 » th overall)Wendy George 2:49:51 »Hazel Smith 3:15:43 »

Gosport Half MarathonAli Longworth 1:28:44 »Christopher Brown 1:28:56 PB »Amanda Hull 1:31:30 »Jane Carter 1:41:17 »Janet Burnage 1:45:28 »Tony Peelo 1:45:18 »Heidi Williams 1:53:01 »Liz Slade 2:05:02 »Ned Awty 2:38:11 »

RELAY Winter 2009/10

England vest at last!Lynne Whitaker

Having been selected as reserve for the England V50 team last year, I had set myself a goal of making the team in 2009. I increased the amount of “quality” (ie. hard!) training I was doing, as well as making sure I did one good long run a week wherever possible. As a result I had improved my times over 5 miles, 10k and 10 miles and was secretly hopeful that I had done enough to earn my place. I have to admit to being a little disappointed therefore when, in October, I was once again selected as reserve. However, three weeks before the race I got a call from the England team manager to say that a member of our team had pulled out due to a throat infection and that I was now one of four V50 women who would be representing England in the British and Irish Masters Cross Country International in November.

The event has been taking place for 22 years and is for veteran athletes from England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. There are medals for each 5 year age category from 35+ to 70+ and, although England often dominate the medals, there are top class athletes from every country, some of whom have raced at international level in their younger days.

One problem with “Masters” athletics as it is now called, is that there is very little funding available and all athletes have to fund their own travel expenses. However we were all encouraged to stay at the same hotel, near Coventry, from which a coach had been arranged to take us to the race on the Saturday morning. Fortunately I had decided to travel to Coventry on the Friday evening rather than risk an early start on the Saturday – a journey which took 5 hours thanks to various traffic hold ups. My father, who had come to support, had arrived at the team hotel earlier in the day and had fortunately already collected my England vest and shorts – meaning I was able to wear one of the “small” vests, unlike some of my fellow team members who had to make do with larger sizes and a lot of safety pins!

Saturday morning came and off we went by coach to Perry Park in Birmingham. The race headquarters were at Alexander Stadium, home to Birchfield Harriers whose past members include the likes of Denise Lewis and Kelly Sotherton. The weather by this time was awful – driving winds and rain – and we were torn between the need to warm up,

RELAY Winter 2009/

and the obligation to remain near the stadium for the team photo which was due to take place just 45 minutes before the start of the race. Somehow we managed both, although I looked such a fright by this time that I decided not to invest in the resulting photo!

The women’s race was the first of the day, consisting of 3 muddy laps around the park, a total distance of 6k. Our race also included the men 65+, with two separate races of 8k for the men 50 – 64 and finally the men 35-49.

The weather seemed to be at its worst as we set off at a fairly fast pace and I was soon some way behind the leaders. The rest of the race was a case of mind over matter as I tried to keep pushing the pace against the driving wind and rain – to be honest I was more concerned with beating the elements than my fellow competitors! I finished 8th V50, the last of the England team to finish, but ahead of all the Welsh, Scottish, and most of the Northern Irish. The Republic of Ireland fielded a very strong team as well as the V50 winner, Carmel Parnell, who finished in 25m 39s ( almost 2 minutes ahead of my own time of 27m 30s) and they beat the England team by just one point to take the gold medal.

After a welcome hot shower and a change of clothes, we attended the presentation dinner at the National Motorcycle Museum in Birmingham. Here we collected our silver medals in an atmosphere of great camaraderie, and joined our fellow athletes on the dance floor to show that we hadn’t left all our energy on the course!

How to get involved in Masters and Veterans Events:The British Veteran Athletic movement was founded in 1975 to encourage competition amongst older athletes – originally this was for over 40’s but today it caters for athletes of 35 and upwards. The name was recently changed to British Masters to tie in with the USA, where the term “veteran” tends to be used only for the military. However many competitors and regional bodies still prefer to use the word “veteran” over here.

There are many races and championships which are held exclusively for veteran athletes, held at both regional, national and international level. If you are interested in taking part, you need to first join your regional veteran’s athletics club – for those living in Hampshire this would be the South West Veterans, where membership is currently £10 per year for athletes who already first claim members of another club. For further details visit or

My family and I moved from Petersfield to Halterworth Lane , Romsey in April 1985. I had started to run a few years before this, having been inspired by the first London Marathon. In order to give me the incentive to keep going my wife Lesley entered me for my first race in Oct. 1984; the Butser Hill Fell Run!! I was not deterred and even ran a 10 mile road race on a section of the M25! Before it was open to traffic of course.

On moving to Romsey I began to explore the lanes and footpaths, and met up with Frank Martinelli. We soon began to run out together on a regular basis and decided that it might be a good idea to form a club. We placed advertisements in various shop windows and were subsequently contacted by several like minded people. We began to meet up on Sundays at The Dog and Crook and then at The Hunters Inn, to run routes out in the lanes beyond Braishfield. Then a date was set for the Inaugural General Meeting. This meeting was held at my house in Seward Rise on 20th November 1985 and everyone attended; all six of us! Prior to this meeting a few of us had thought that the club could be named Halterworth Harriers!! However at the meeting it was decided that this sounded too elitist, and would put people off! The name ‘Romsey Road Runners’ was formally adopted. I became the first Club Chairman, with Frank Martinelli as Treasurer and Steve Lees as Meets/Fixtures Secretary.

The summer of 1986 saw RRR grow by leaps and bounds. One Thursday night for the first time, double figures were achieved and the place was buzzing! Membership jumped

to 41 of which 19 were ladies. A further sign of the clubs development was the publication of first newsletter by Alan Chatfield, and the first dinner dance event held at The Dolphin Hotel in November. (now part of Bradbeers store)

Although we were a ‘road running’ club we felt

In the Beginning... Winter 2009/10

Keith Stone, Lesley Stone, Ray Masters, David Nixon and June Lees in photos. Recognise any more? Any guesses on 229 and 213??!

RELAY Winter 2009/

it important to give members the opportunity to try other aspects of athletics including cross-country, ultra distance, and track running. I tried it all except for the ultra distance! My one and only marathon was London in 1989 (3hrs 59min!) after which I switched my attention to 10K races with the target of getting under 40min. Never did: My best official time was 40min 6sec! My most successful running has been on the track as a Vet. While in the M40 category I managed to run the 1500m in under 5min on several occasions. I soon realised however that I was at my most competitive at even shorter distances. In June 1991 I entered as an M45 in the South West Vet T & F Champs at Exeter. I crossed the line first in a time of 61sec. Five years later I became the South West of England Champion over 200m as a M50 in a time of 27.9sec. I have slowed down a little over the years since but still enjoy track running. Greg Rawlson even persuaded me to make a ‘come back’ this year at the Vets meeting in Basingstoke. I ran the M60 200 on virtually no prior training and finished 5th out of 8 in a time of 33sec .

OK enough from me although Greg and I have been talking recently about having a club Track and Field meeting sometime. Anyone interested?

Keith Stone

RELAY Winter 2009/10

The RRR Ho’ Down and Pig Roast 2009

in place. Some had taken the chance to dress up for the occasion with notable characters such as Paul “Amigo” Bradley, Greg and his good lady “His and Hers Matching Sheriff Outfits” Roulston, and Steve “YMCA” Reed.

With a mixture of cultures of the hired band that had their roots in the Austrian Alps and the theme of the Wild West, the tables soon began to fill up quickly. The smell of roasting pork wafted in from outside as the ex-Piggy was done to a turn and carved up ready for the hungry guests. Noting the hungry and dangerous glint in the guest’s eyes it was decided to move quickly onto the presentation section as the “Host with the Most” Bradley took the megaphone and soon rapturous applause was resounding off the walls as the well deserving members of the Club went up for

The wild coyotes of Ampfield howled mournfully at the pale moon, their only company lost and forlorn bundles of tumbleweed which skittered across the dusty car park of the Ampfield Golf Club. Startled, they bolted off into the night as they heard the approaching noise of the motorised horse carriages arriving containing the intrepid guests in anticipation of this year’s Romsey Road Runners Presentation Evening, aka the long awaited Pig Roast and Ho’ Down!!

The lights burned brightly within the building encouraging the assembling guests to brush off the dust from their long travels and enter into the warm abode of the Golf Club and take the welcome opportunity to quench their parched throats by receiving their free drinks voucher as they surveyed the long tables and decorations already put

More photos on the website

RELAY Winter 2009/

the various awards and recognitions for the year!!

By this time, the hungry glints had intensified, so Piggy was served with salad accompaniments and a hearty selection for the vegetarian contingent. Afterwards with appetites sated and jostling room only at the bar as the whiskies and beer were refilled, came the highlight of the evening - the Ho’ Down!! Guests quickly helped to clear back the tables, brush away the sawdust and pack the spittoons so there was enough room for the dancing.

Now it started to get complicated!! The instructions for the first dance were relayed to the guests, and keeping in mind that this may have been the first time line dancing had been tried a simple dance was chosen which appeared to go off well with only a few trodden toes and bumped elbows. Now it was time to crank it up and the instructions were relayed with slow time manoeuvres enacted to try and get the idea before full

speed was attempted. Being an observer, it was interesting to note the looks of wonderment/confusion, glazed expressions, and hurried downing of copious amounts of hard liquor as the steps were called out. Then it was off and the dance floor became a melee of whirring bodies and flailing arms and torso’s.

This was going to be the gist for the rest of the night and a huge well done to all those who persevered, expending enough energy comparable to a hard run half marathon as the sweat was flowing and Paul “Amigo” Bradley metamorphosed into Paul “Whip Master” Bradley to entice the dancers into yet faster routines!

Soon however the dawn began to show across the rocky mountains of the Test Valley, so the tired guests bade each other farewell and started the long treks back to their respective ranches and cattle farms tired but happy.


RELAY Winter 2009/10

Winter XC League Table

CC6 HXCL Total

R1 R2 R1 R2 Pts


Wendy Cooper

57 68 110 115 26

Jane Carter 10 11 19Lynda Brown 16 16 17Julia Abab 27 33 14Amanda Hull

1 10

Karen Keane 51 51 9Anna Duignan

49 7

Penny Jennings

19 7

Diane Cross 50 6Hannah Knowles

30 5

Ruth Page 55 4

CC6 Total

R1 R2 Pts


Nick Berryman 1 3 20Jim Wright 13 19 18Steve Reed 21 23 16Chris Brown 24 40 14Paul Willis 37 49 11Tony Peelo 66 65 8Greg Roulston 73 77 6Matt Hurst 28 6David Page 79 78 4Paul Cutbill 63 4Keith Stone 86 93 2Derek Kelly 92 2Peter Ide 95 1Ian Whyton 98 1Raymond Masters 104 1Roger Pleasant 94 1

Awards Winners

Well done to the following:

RRR of the Year - Sally Sillence Award -Chairperson's Award -Ladies Pentathlon -Men's Pentathlon -

Ladies' Cross Country -Men's Cross Country -Ladies' RR10 -Men's RR10 -5k handicap -

Nick BerrymanAlistair LongworthJeremy HartleyJane CarterNick Berryman

Wendy CouperNick BerrymanAmanda HullMatt HammertonWendy Couper


Winter Club Schedule 2009/10

Thurs 3rdThurs 10thThurs 17thThurs 24thThurs 31st

RELAY Winter 2009/


Thurs 7thThurs 14thThurs 21stThurs 28th


Thurs 4thThurs 11thThurs 18thThurs 25th

Monday sessions

Course 1 Halterworth / Tadburn

6 efforts: effort length 4200m: total distance 5762m

Course 2 Cupernham / Fishlake

6 efforts: effort length 4400m: total distance 6080m

Course 3 Halterworth/ Inds Estate

6 efforts

Course 4 Woodley/ Campion DriveHill effort loop

Thursday sessions

Route A: Romsey Inds Estate1000m efforts (10k pace)

Route B: Fishlake Meadows: 666m effort

Route C: Cemetry Hill: Sustained 400m hill effort

Route D: Tadburn Road: 960m efforts (5k pace)

Route E: Chambers Ave: 650m hill climb

Plus hill sessions when routes A, B & D scheduled

C3 Halterworth/Inds Estate C4 Woodley/Campion Drive C1 Halterworth/TadburnC2 Cupernham/Fishlake

Mountbatten school session Route C Cemetry Hill Route D Tadburn RoadNo Club Christmas Eve Route E Chambers Ave

C3 Halterworth/Inds Estate C4 Woodley/Campion Drive C1 Halterworth/TadburnC2 Cupernham/Fishlake

Mountbatten school session Route A Romsey Inds EstateRoute B Fishlake MeadowsRoute C Cemetry Hill

C3 Halterworth/Inds Estate C4 Woodley/Campion Drive C1 Halterworth/TadburnC2 Cupernham/Fishlake

Mountbatten school session Route D Tadburn RoadRoute E Chambers AveRoute A Romsey Inds Estate

Mon 4thMon 11thMon 18thMon 25th

Mon 1stMon 8thMon 15thMon 22nd

Mon 7thMon 14thMon 21stMon 28th


n/a 2-Dec28-Novn/a 7-Dec

n/a 11-Dec




20-Jann/a 25-Jan9-Jan


n/a 1-Feb6-Febn/a 14-Feb

17-Feb19-Feb12-Feb Winter 2009/10


HXCL - Popham Airfield nr Basingstoke testTadley Runners Xmas XC 5.3Basingstoke Santa 5kmCC6 - Fritham EnclosureBelieve & Achieve 5k Santa RunBasingstoke ParkRun 5kmRound The Lakes Poole 10km (P) Broadstone Quarter MarathonSomerley 10k Tadworth 10Stubbington 10km (P)Rough 'n' Tumble 10Plumpton Classic 7.5k Hants XC League - ReadingPortland Endurance Life CTSRomsey 5 (p)CC6 - Badger's FarmRiotRunner 7Heartbreak Half

Ryde 10 (P)David Lloyd 5kmHants XC League - SalisburyBramley 10/20 (P)Lytchett Manor 10 (P)CC6 - Stoney Cross - HOSTSCoastal Half-marathon

Winchester 10km (P)Meon Valley Plod 20The Terminator (11mile trail)


Sat 5

Sun 6Sun 6Sun 13Sun 13

Fri 25Sat 26

Fri 1Sun 3Sun 3Sun 10Sun 10Sun 10

Sat 16Sat 23Sun 24Sun 24Sun 31Sun 31

Sun 7Sun 7Sat 13Sun 14Sun 14Sun 21Sun 21

Sun 21Sun 28Sun 28


L 13:35M 14:30

















HXCL Race 3 (10km M; 6km L)

Undulating 5.3-mile xc

BHF Charity run

CC6 race 3

Flat, out&back run from Portsmouth RNLI

Need to pre-register

Four laps of the main lake.F97

New Year race in Bournemouth

Two-lap 5km race around

Epsom race course


Challenging off-road event

Three-lap course within race course and bridleways.

HXC race 4 (10km M; 6km L)

10km, 1/2 / full marathon

Five-mile road race.

CC6 race 4

Gruelling XC - enough said

Undulating half at Sandy Balls!

HRRL race 7

5km in Southampton

HXC race 5 (10km M; 6km L)

HRRL Race8 -Enter early!

10miler near Poole

CC6 race 5 - HOSTS

Flat out-and back, Portsmouth course

Undulating 1lap

Long cross-country run

Mud, hills, water, mud, tears…








