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SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin Version 2011 (7.0.0) June 2010 DMAR1-PE-200042G

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SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin

Version 2011 (7.0.0) June 2010 DMAR1-PE-200042G

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SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin i


Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 1 

Highlights of this Release ........................................................................................................................... 2 

General ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 

Software Requirements for Version 2011 (7.0.0) .................................................................................. 3 New Documentation ............................................................................................................................... 3 eSupplier License Handling ................................................................................................................... 4 Automatic User Log-off ......................................................................................................................... 4 SMTP with Authorization ...................................................................................................................... 5 

Administration ............................................................................................................................................ 6 

Project Table Enhancement .................................................................................................................... 6 Default Configuration ............................................................................................................................ 7 Approval Sequence Modifications ......................................................................................................... 7 User Preferences..................................................................................................................................... 8 

SmartPlant Reference Data ..................................................................................................................... 10 

Part Connection Points ......................................................................................................................... 10 Short Code Improvement ..................................................................................................................... 11 Duplicate Table Detail Links ............................................................................................................... 11 Spec Filter Enhancements .................................................................................................................... 12 CIP added to Build Idents from Spec ................................................................................................... 14 Commodity Symbols in Spec Report ................................................................................................... 15 SP3D – Incomplete Records ................................................................................................................ 15 SP3D – Generic Sheets enhancements ................................................................................................. 16 SP3D – Analyze log enhancements ..................................................................................................... 16 SP3D – Changes for Gaskets, Nuts, and Washers ............................................................................... 16 SP3D – Project dependent settings....................................................................................................... 20 SP3D – Destination Update ................................................................................................................. 20 SP3D – Export Job Performance Improvement ................................................................................... 21 

SmartPlant Reference Data Plus ............................................................................................................. 22 

SPRD Spec Editor ................................................................................................................................ 22 Use Branch Table to insert Components ....................................................................................... 22 Branch Table Enhancements ......................................................................................................... 24 Short Code on Filter Line .............................................................................................................. 26 Relation between Commodity Groups & Parts ............................................................................. 26 Option Code Enhancements .......................................................................................................... 27 Table Detail Grid ........................................................................................................................... 27 

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ii SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin

Component Area Layout Changes ................................................................................................. 28 Preferred Thickness ....................................................................................................................... 29 Copy Filterlines ............................................................................................................................. 30 Mandatory Tables .......................................................................................................................... 31 Spec Item Geometrics .................................................................................................................... 31 

Component Management System (CMS) ............................................................................................ 31 Class Independent Properties ......................................................................................................... 32 XML Data ...................................................................................................................................... 33 

E&PI (BOM) ............................................................................................................................................. 34 

BOM Positions with incomplete Specs ................................................................................................ 34 Duplication of manual BOM Positions ................................................................................................ 35 Issue Status at Node Level ................................................................................................................... 35 Unique Tag Numbers ........................................................................................................................... 37 

E&PI (Requisitions) ................................................................................................................................. 38 

Requisition Balance ............................................................................................................................. 38 

MSCM ........................................................................................................................................................ 42 

Attributes of Approved Agreements changeable ................................................................................. 42 Approval Sequence locked when RfA is set ........................................................................................ 42 Company Registration Enhancements ................................................................................................. 43 Commercial Evaluation Changes ......................................................................................................... 48 Quote Quantity on Inquiry ................................................................................................................... 50 Agreement Line Item Comment ........................................................................................................... 51 Total Cost History ................................................................................................................................ 52 Guarantee Document Types ................................................................................................................. 52 Approval Sequence Modifications ....................................................................................................... 53 Adding Quotes fills Origin and Manufacturer ..................................................................................... 53 Deactivation of Warning Messages...................................................................................................... 54 CIP call changed .................................................................................................................................. 54 Performance Improvements ................................................................................................................. 54 Milestone Planning across multiple Requisitions ................................................................................ 55 Item Ship Export corresponding to ZP_ZEROISH .............................................................................. 55 Traffic Changes .................................................................................................................................... 56 Only Inspector permitted to create IRC ............................................................................................... 57 Inspection Task field width increased .................................................................................................. 58 VDR Expediting ................................................................................................................................... 59 VDR Expediting Reports ..................................................................................................................... 61 

Site .............................................................................................................................................................. 63 

Field Material Control .......................................................................................................................... 63 Site Consolidation .......................................................................................................................... 63 MRR, MIR, and MTR number uniqueness ................................................................................... 63 Only positions with available quantity are displayed .................................................................... 63 Heat Number Certification assignment ......................................................................................... 64 Heat Number Query Screen ........................................................................................................... 64 

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Issued Quantity .............................................................................................................................. 66 How to manage Scrap .................................................................................................................... 67 CIP added to Forecast Run ............................................................................................................ 67 Information by Tag Number .......................................................................................................... 68 Site API Enhancement ................................................................................................................... 68 

Subcontract Management ..................................................................................................................... 69 Decrease Subcontract Cost ............................................................................................................ 69 Milestone Summary Details Layout Change ................................................................................. 70 New Change Order Requests Report ............................................................................................. 70 

Integration ................................................................................................................................................. 71 

Integrated Line List .............................................................................................................................. 71 

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SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin 1

The purpose of this document is to give a technical overview of the major new features of the SmartPlant® Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data 2011 (7.0.0) software. The features are also described in the Release Notes delivered with the product. This release of the software contains a number of valuable functions that increase productivity for users. This document presents a list of the major features, grouped by module. This document does not include workflow or end-user information. You can send your documentation comments or suggestions to [email protected].


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Highlights of this Release

2 SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin

SmartPlant Reference Data SP3D – Incomplete Records The display option Show incomplete records can be used to display only data with empty mandatory fields and/or with all optional fields not filled. The empty mandatory fields are highlighted with a pink background color. SP3D – Analyze log enhancements The Analyze log was enhanced to handle more different log messages. SP3D – Destination Update Destination data created by an export job can now manually be updated. The manual modifications will be considered by the next export job run. SPRD Plus Use Branch Table to insert Components You can now insert components from a branch table into a specification, so you do not have to enter the items one by one manually. SmartPlant Materials VDR Expediting The new screen P.70.81 VDR Submittal and Status was enhanced with a new single-record layout window to facilitate the data entry and the use of the screen. Heat Number Query Screen The new Heat Number Search Screen provides the Site user with a powerful enhancement. With this screen, you get a quick overview about all heat numbers that are in use on Site, with double-click features to quickly show you information about the quantities and warehouse information.

Highlights of this Release

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SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin 3

Software Requirements for Version 2011 (7.0.0)

The SmartPlant Materials/Reference Data version 2011 (7.0.0) requires Oracle Database 11g R2 and Oracle Fusion Middleware 11gR1. For the exact versions and media packs read the SmartPlant Materials Installation and Migration Guide, Version 2011 (7.0.0). For upgrading an existing SmartPlant Materials database to 2011 (7.0.0), the migration procedure requires at a minimum the version 2008.7 (6.3.8 SP7).

New Documentation

(B-04008, B-07609, B-11806) SmartPlant Materials/Reference Data - User Interface Basics This document is a user’s guide for SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data. It provides a working knowledge of the basic features and general screen handling. It does not deliver insight into SmartPlant Materials or SmartPlant Reference Data functionality or workflows. This document replaces the old document SPMat and SPRD Introduction.


This new version of SmartPlant Materials / Reference Data requires the 11g version of Oracle DB and AS. The minimum prerequisite for the migration of an existing database is SmartPlant Materials / Reference Data 2008.7 (6.3.8).

New Documentation was added to the Printable Guides library to provide User’s Guides with detailed information about the basics of the user interface, the SPRD-SP3D interface, and the Project Defaults.

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4 SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin

SmartPlant Reference Data - SmartPlant 3D Interface User’s Guide This document is a user’s guide for SmartPlant Reference Data. It describes the SP3D interface of SmartPlant Reference Data. All reference data in SmartPlant 3D is maintained in Excel workbooks. SmartPlant Reference Data provides all needed settings, configurations, and templates to export SPRD data into the applicable Excel sheets. SmartPlant Reference Data delivers standard definitions and configurations for most areas of the SP3D interface. SmartPlant Materials/Reference Data - Project Defaults This document describes the required project default settings for a new project in SmartPlant Materials. In many areas of SmartPlant Materials, the software behavior and workflows are defined by parameter defaults for projects. Several definition levels are available. Project defaults can be defined on the project group level, project level, or project/discipline level, as well as on the product group level. This document replaces the old documents General Project Defaults, SPRD Project Defaults, BOM (E&PI) Project Defaults, Req (E&PI) Project Defaults, and MSCM Project Defaults, which were removed from the Printable Guides.

eSupplier License Handling

(B-04897) The eSupplier login is used from suppliers and subcontractors to log in from outside the company’s intranet. The functionality of this application is restricted to company registration, bidding on quotations, and handling subcontractor workload. eSupplier logins will now first allocate MSCM-SUPP (supplier remote access) seats. Only if there is no more MSCM-SUPP seat available will it take an MSCM seat.

Automatic User Log-off

(B-24326) The main purpose of this user story is to automatically log off the user from the SmartPlant Materials application after a specified idle time so that acquired licenses can be released.

The SmartPlant Materials Administrator can now set up the system to log off users automatically after being idle for a certain time, so that acquired licenses can be released.

eSupplier logins will now first allocate MSCM-SUPP seats instead of MSCM seats.

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SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin 5

This idle time (in minutes) can be specified with the new DBA setting IDLE_TIME in the A.60.04 DBA Settings screen. The value is set to 0 by default, which indicates that the allowed idle time is unlimited. Specifying a positive value for this setting indicates that the user is allowed to stay idle for the specified number of minutes. For example, if a value 6 is specified, the allowed idle time is 6 minutes. After the idle time is exceeded, the corresponding session is marked as ‘SNIPED’ in v$session. Now, when the user tries to perform any action in the application, he will be alerted to re-login to SmartPlant Materials. If these sessions should be killed automatically without user interference, the DBA has to set the parameter SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME to a value in minutes to enable the dead connection detection.

Any change in the value for this DBA Setting will come into effect only when: • The user re-logs in. • The system parameter resource_limit is set to ‘TRUE’.

SMTP with Authorization

(B-13065) Two new DBA settings will allow for sending emails with a password-protected SMTP server: • SMTP_USER - The system user account that connects to the SMTP_HOST in order to send

emails. Only required if SMTP_PASS is set. • SMTP_PASS - Optional password of the system user account that connects to the

SMTP_HOST in order to send emails. If no password is given, the emails are sent out without transmitting user/password. This is possible at SMTP servers that do not require authentication. If you try to deliver emails with a null password to a protected server, you will receive a “SecurityException: Access to default session denied” message, and if user/password is unknown or incorrect, you will get an “AuthenticationFailedException”.

SmartPlant Materials can now send emails with username and password for authorization at the SMTP server.

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6 SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin

Project Table Enhancement

(B-05606) A.20.01.02 Project Information Four new columns were added to the database table m_projects; these are PROJ_MANAGER varchar2(256) PROJ_ENGINEER varchar2(256) PROJ_TECHNICIAN varchar2(256) PROJ_STATUS varchar2(256) The corresponding fields Project Manager, Project Engineer, Project Technician, and Project Status were added to the A.20.01.02 Project Information screen.

The Project Status can be selected from a drop-down list; you can select Open, Closed, or a null value. The other fields are free text fields. The new report P.70.R.84 Open Projects can be used to print the list of open projects based on the Project Status maintained in A.20.01.02. You can find this report in the menu underneath SmartPlant Materials -> MSCM -> P.70 Expediting -> P.70.R Reports.


Many companies require information about the persons in charge like the Project Manager, the Project Engineer, or the Project Technician. These can now be assigned to projects.

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SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin 7

Default Configuration

(B-14798/CR-MA10056) A.30.03 Roles/Menus The Default check box has been added in folder 'Configurations' of A.30.03 screen. It is an indicator whether a configuration is to be used as default. You can only mark one configuration at most per screen as the default.

If a configuration is marked as default, this one is used when the associated screen is called and no configuration was selected so far.

Approval Sequence Modifications

(B-13558, CR-MA10113) A.20.49 Approval Sequence • The Reverse Approval button becomes active immediately after one user within the

approval list has approved or rejected.

The new CIP package M_PCK_MAIL_CUSTOM was implemented to make the approval sequences and the emails sent out at approval, rejection, or reversal consistent. The new project default ZP_STOPREJ controls if the approval sequence will stop at rejection or continue. The approval can now be reversed at any time after starting the approval sequence.

When multiple configurations were created for a screen, you can mark one of these as the default configuration. When the user opens the associated screen, this default configuration will be used.

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8 SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin

• The new project default ZP_STOPREJ is implemented to control the behavior of the approval sequences. If this project default is set to 'Y' (default value), the approval stops after a user within the approval list has rejected. If this project default is set to 'N', the next user will get an invitation to approve even if the last user has rejected.

• The new CIP package M_PCK_MAIL_CUSTOM has been introduced to provide functions

for maintaining all emails used for any approval action triggered from A.20.49 Approval Sequence screen. The functions allow you to set up specific email texts for each type of approval/rejection. The main procedure SEND_NOTIFICATIONS is described below: This procedure sends e-mail notifications related to a single approval step within a multi-step approval process. In a multi-step approval process, the users who have to approve (or reject) the object in question are ordered by an ordering sequence and may have a distribution category associated with them. This procedure is called whenever one of those users issues or withdraws an approval or a rejection and sends a notification e-mail a) to the user that should (not necessarily must) become active next within the ongoing

approval process, as indicated by his/her order sequence number, but only upon an approval or rejection (that is, a reminder e-mail)

b) to each of the members of the distribution category associated with the user who has issued his/her approval or rejection or the withdrawal of either (for information purposes).

User Preferences

(B-14799) A.60.61 User Preferences The Super User can now update the user preferences for all users. All fields are queryable to have the ability to search for particular user preference settings.

The Super User can update the user preferences for all users.

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SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin 9

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SmartPlant Reference Data

10 SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin

Part Connection Points

(B-14977) S.10.04 Object Parameter Dropdown box Ports added to the screen. The following values are available: • 1 Port • 2 Ports (Default)

The item allows you to specify how many connection points the item has. For example, a pipe typically has one nominal size in SPRD but two nominal sizes in PDS/SP3D because it has two ports. So the nominal size from SPRD will be duplicated for the export to PDS/SP3D. If the item has only one port (for example, for a cap), duplication is not required. Please note that during data migration, the default value 2 Ports will be applied to all existing data. This means that after applying this installation package, you must check all object parameters and change ports when required. S.10.05 Object Parameter Detail Dropdown box Ports added to the screen.

SmartPlant Reference Data

The new Ports option at the Object Parameter level allows for defining the number of connection points of a part for use in PDS and SP3D.

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SmartPlant Reference Data

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Short Code Improvement

(CR-MA10636) S.10.08 Short Codes In S.10.08 the functionality of the windows for ‘Parts to Short Codes’, ‘Allowed Option Codes’, ‘SP3D Short Codes’, ‘Group Short Codes’ and ‘Sheets to Short Codes’ has been merged into a window with several tab pages. This makes the handling of the screen more user-friendly, because you don’t have to click through all windows to get to the one on which you want to work.

Duplicate Table Detail Links

(CR-MA8344) S.20.02 Tablenames with Details The project default ZS_ALL_TDL was enhanced with the additional option ‘G’. The check for duplicate table detail links will check only on the table group level; this means that duplicate table detail links in different table groups of the same table are allowed, but not within the same table group.

New option G for project default ZS_ALL_TDL: S - Duplicate table detail links are allowed in different table groups of the same table, but not within the same table group.

To make the Short Codes screen more user-friendly, all sub-windows were merged into a second window with several tab folders.

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SmartPlant Reference Data

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Spec Filter Enhancements

(B-22700) S.50.06 Specification Management Filter tables on the specification header level of type ‘Nominal Size’ and ‘Nominal Reducer’ can now be used to filter specification items even if a geometric filter was assigned on the item level. A nominal size filter table will only work for items with one nominal size, while the nominal reducer table will work for items with two nominal sizes. To activate the filter, check the new Size Filter check box for the specification item.

When first using this new feature, you must select the Size Filter check box in S.50.06.01 S.50.06 Configurations screen to make it visible on the Layout or Geometric tab page. The pictures below show an example. The nominal reducer geometric P_146_MM is assigned to spec 00-MM765 as a filter with the size1 range 1 to 6.

Geometrics can be assigned to a specification on the header and item level. Both levels have been enhanced to improve the filter functionality.

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SmartPlant Reference Data

SmartPlant Materials and SmartPlant Reference Data Release Bulletin 13

The spec item with seq 2 has the geometric ELF_DA_MD assigned with the size1 range 2 to 20.

The idents are filtered based on both filters on the spec header and spec item level, so only idents with size1 between 2 and 6 are displayed.

(B-24155, CR-MA8230, CR-MA8250) S.50.06 Specification Management The new project default ZS_UNIT_S2 can be used to fill Unit2 of a specification item automatically. The unit assigned to the project default is filled in automatically in the unit2 field when creating a new specification item.

The new project default ZS_SP_HGP can be used to restrict the spec header geometrics to tables defined in the project. If it is set to 'A', all geometrics defined in the project and in the product group are available. This is the default behavior. If the project default is set to 'P', only geometrics defined in the project are available.

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SmartPlant Reference Data

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CIP added to Build Idents from Spec

(CR-MA9609/B-13062) This allows users of S.50.06 Specification Management to customize the creation of ident codes when idents get created from within this screen. A new CIP procedure post_build_idents ( IN p_commodity_id) has been implemented in the package m_pck_std_custom. The CIP execution will take place after idents are built and obsolete idents are removed.

A new CIP was implemented in the Build Idents procedure of the Specification Management screen to allow the user to modify the ident codes according to corporate requirements.

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SmartPlant Reference Data

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Commodity Symbols in Spec Report

(CR-MA10647) S.50.R.07 Spec Items with Idents The new standard parameter “Show commod. symbol?” was implemented and added to report S.50.R.07 Spec Items with Idents. With this parameter, the user can decide to print out Commodity Code Symbols (one or more) in description area of S50R06. The print out of the description is also parameterized. The two parameters are not affecting each other.

SP3D – Incomplete Records

(B-14977) SP3D 10.08 Templates Sheets Data with empty mandatory fields or with all optional fields empty will be displayed when the Show incomplete records indicator is checked. The check box was renamed from ‘Show records with empty mandatory fields’ to ‘Show incomplete records’.

You can now print out the commodity symbols with the Spec Item Idents report.

The display option Show incomplete records can be used to display only data with empty mandatory fields and/or with all optional fields not filled. The empty mandatory fields are highlighted with a pink background color.

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SmartPlant Reference Data

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SP3D – Generic Sheets enhancements

(B-14977) SP3D 20.01 Export Jobs Improvements and fixes in the export of the Generic sheets Generic data will be generated only for idents specified in the SP3D 20.01 Export Jobs screen, tab folder Selected Idents. In addition to the Generic Sheet enhancements made for the previous version 6.3.8, the generation for sheet DINWallThickness is now implemented. You have to define table translation ‘GMIS’ in the A.50.I.01 Interface Table screen for all tables with DIN data. You can use a sequence number, for example, GMIS1, GMIS2, and so forth.

SP3D – Analyze log enhancements

(B-04878) SP3D Analyze log will handle more different log messages. Also, if the BULKLOAD_MODE config item is set to AUTOMATIC_DIRECT, and if there is no proper bulkload logfile, the bulkload stage will error out.

SP3D – Changes for Gaskets, Nuts, and Washers

(B-13054) SmartPlant 3D requires the following for gaskets, nuts, and washers: • The Gasket Thickness should be part of the gasket Commodity Code in the sheets

GasketPartData, PipingCommodityMatlControlData and PipingCommodityProcurementData.

• The Bolt Diameter and Nut Height should be part of the bolt Commodity Code in the sheets NutPartData, and PipingCommodityMatlControlData.

• The Bolt Diameter and Washer Thickness should be part of the washer Commodity Code in the sheets WasherPartData and PipingCommodityMatlControlData.

Changes were implemented to fulfill the SmartPlant 3D requirements regarding part definition of gaskets, nuts, and washers.

The Analyze log was enhanced to handle more different log messages.

The generic sheets enhancements are now also available for the DIN wallthickness sheet. The generic data will only be generated for idents assigned to the export job.

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SmartPlant Reference Data

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For the export of gaskets, nuts, and washers from SPRD, the values described above must be appended to the Commodity Codes in the appropriate sheets separated by an underscore. This behavior should be controlled by new general config items. These config items are defined in SP3D 10.01 General Configs. The new items are listed below with a description and the available values. Config Item Comment Item Values TRANS_CC_GASKET Translate the gasket commodity code

in the part data sheet GasketPartData and in the part filter sheets PipingCommodityMatlControlData, PipingCommodityProcurementData. This config item is valid only when the translation level for GasketPartData sheet is set to IDENT as decided by the config item PD_GASKET_TRANS_LEVEL and the translation level for PipingCommodityMatlControlData, PipingCommodityProcurementData sheets is set to IDENT/ CC_OR_IDENT as decided by the config item PF_TRANSLATION_LEVEL.

NO - No translation of the gasket commodity code. This config item value is the default. YES - The gasket commodity code in the sheets GasketPartData, PipingCommodityMatlControlData, and PipingCommodityProcurementData will be translated. Commodity Code will be appended with Gasket Thickness value (ident input 2). The commodity code with appended values will be stored as company ident against the company given by the project default ZI_SP3D_CO.

TRANS_CC_NUT Translate the nut commodity code in the part data sheet NutPartData and in the part filter sheets PipingCommodityMatlControlData, PipingCommodityProcurementData. This config item is valid only when the translation level for NutPartData sheet is set to IDENT as decided by the config item PD_NUT_TRANS_LEVEL and the translation level for PipingCommodityMatlControlData, PipingCommodityProcurementData sheets is set to IDENT/ CC_OR_IDENT as decided by the config item PF_TRANSLATION_LEVEL.

NO - No translation of the nut commodity code. This config item value is the default. YES - The nut commodity code in the sheets NutPartData, PipingCommodityMatlControlData, and PipingCommodityProcurementData will be translated. Commodity Code will be appended with Bolt Diameter value (ident input 1) and Nut Height value (ident input 2). The commodity code with appended values will be stored as company ident against the company given by the project default ZI_SP3D_CO.

TRANS_CC_WASHER Translate the washer commodity code in the part data sheet WasherPartData and in the part filter sheets PipingCommodityMatlControlData, PipingCommodityProcurementData. This config item is valid only when the translation level for WasherPartData sheet is set to IDENT as decided by the config item PD_WASHER_TRANS_LEVEL and

NO - No translation of the washer commodity code. This config item value is the default. YES - The washer commodity code in the sheets WasherPartData, PipingCommodityMatlControlData, and PipingCommodityProcurementData will be translated. Commodity Code will be appended with Bolt

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the translation level for PipingCommodityMatlControlData, PipingCommodityProcurementData sheets is set to IDENT/ CC_OR_IDENT as decided by the config item PF_TRANSLATION_LEVEL.

Diameter value (ident input 1) and Washer Thickness value (ident input 2). The commodity code with appended values will be stored as company ident against the company given by the project default ZI_SP3D_CO.

The new logic of appending the values to the gasket, nut, and washer commodity code is implemented in the CIP function m_pck_sp3d_custom.get_trans_cc_gnw. This function is set as Retrieval Source for the attributes: • IndustryCommodityCode of the sheets GasketPartData, NutPartData, and

WasherPartData • ContractorCommodityCode of the sheet PipingCommodityMatlControlData • CommodityCode of the sheet PipingCommodityProcurementData Appending values to the commodity code is controlled by these three new config items (described in detail in the table above): • TRANS_CC_GASKET to control Gaskets • TRANS_CC_NUT to control Nuts • TRANS_CC_WASHER to control Washers. The new Commodity Code with appended values will be stored as Company Ident assigned to the company defined by project default ZI_SP3D_CO, so that during BOM import specifying the company, the BOM data can be imported into SPRD. The logic of building company Idents for gasket, nut, and washer part data sheets is implemented in the CIP function m_pck_sp3d_custom.set_catalog_part_number.

Gaskets Set the config item TRANS_CC_GASKET to YES to apply the logic described above when exporting the GasketPartData sheet or part filter sheets PipingCommodityMatlControlData and PipingCommodityProcurementData. GasketPartData If the config item PD_GASKET_TRANS_LEVEL is set to IDENT, the Commodity Code is appended with the gasket thickness value, separated by an underscore. The gasket thickness value will be fetched from the Ident input_2. PipingCommodityMatlControlData and PipingCommodityProcurementData If the config item PF_TRANSLATION_LEVEL is set to IDENT or CC_OR_IDENT, the values to be appended to the gasket commodity codes are to be fetched from the Ident inputs. When the config item is set to CC_OR_IDENT, this new logic will apply only to the records at the Ident level.

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The gasket commodity codes will be identified by the assignment of parts to the GasketPartData sheet in the SP3D 10.04 Item Mappings screen. Nuts Set the config item TRANS_CC_NUT to YES to apply the logic described above when exporting the NutPartData sheet or the part filter sheet PipingCommodityMatlControlData. NutPartData If the config item PD_NUT_TRANS_LEVEL is set to IDENT, the Commodity Code is appended with the bolt diameter and the nut height values, separated by an underscore. The bolt diameter and the nut height values will be fetched from the Ident input_1 (bolt diameter) and input_2 (nut height). PipingCommodityMatlControlData If the config item PF_TRANSLATION_LEVEL is set to IDENT or CC_OR_IDENT, the values to be appended to the nut commodity codes are to be fetched from the Ident inputs. When the config item is set to CC_OR_IDENT, this new logic will apply only to the records at the Ident level. The nut commodity codes will be identified by the assignment of parts to the NutPartData sheet in the SP3D 10.04 Item Mappings screen. Washers Set the config item TRANS_CC_WASHER to YES to apply the logic described above when exporting the WasherPartData sheet or part filter sheet PipingCommodityMatlControlData. WasherPartData If the config item PD_WASHER_TRANS_LEVEL is set to IDENT, the Commodity Code is appended with the bolt diameter and the washer thickness values, separated by an underscore. The bolt diameter and the washer thickness values will be fetched from the Ident input_1 (bolt diameter) and input_2 (washer thickness). PipingCommodityMatlControlData If the config item PF_TRANSLATION_LEVEL is set to IDENT or CC_OR_IDENT, the values to be appended to the washer commodity codes are to be fetched from the Ident inputs. When the config item is set to CC_OR_IDENT, this new logic will apply only to the records at Ident level. The washer commodity codes will be identified by the assignment of parts to the WasherPartData sheet in the SP3D 10.04 Item Mappings screen.

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SP3D – Project dependent settings

(B-15140) Data in the screens SP3D 10.01 General Configs, SP3D 10.06 Transfer Types, SP3D 10.07 Sheet Configs, and SP3D 10.08 Templates are now project dependent. Existing non-project data is propagated to each product group.

SP3D – Destination Update

(B-15257) It is now possible to update the destination data directly. This can be done from both SP3D 20.01 Export Jobs and SP3D 20.02 Destination Data screens. When an export job has passed the FILL_IF_TABS stage, you can click the Show Results button (or double-click the job code) in the SP3D 20.01 screen to open window 2.

To update the export job data of any sheet, select that sheet in the tree or list view and select Show Sheet Data from the right mouse-click menu (or double-click the sheet name) to open window 3.

Destination data created by an export job can now be manually updated. The manual modifications will be considered by the next export job run.

The General Configs, Transfer Types, Sheet Configs, and Templates are now project dependent to allow the user to define the settings on the project level.

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Here you can manually change values created by the job or add missing values. After saving the changes, re-query the data. All changed or added values will be highlighted with a red background color as shown in the example above for the Flange Thickness values. When all manual modifications are done, cancel the job in window 1, create a new run, and start this new job to apply these manual modifications in the FILL_IF_TABS stage. It will copy the changed data to the interface tables. After that new run, the manual modifications will be displayed with a green background color to indicate that the values were manually entered/changed and transferred to SP3D. You can also do the modifications in the SP3D 20.02 Destination Data screen. The manual changes will then be considered in the next export job run. Modifications are only allowed on the non-unique key columns. If no unique key is defined for the sheet, then update of none of the columns is allowed.

Manual modifications are indicated by a different background color. Manually updated data that is not yet copied to the interface tables is indicated by the RED color, and the manual changes that were copied by the previous export job run are indicated by the GREEN color. SP3D 20.02 Destination Data is enhanced to show sheets in a list view like in SP3D 20.01.

SP3D – Export Job Performance Improvement

(CR-MA10278) To improve the performance of export jobs started from SP3D 20.01 Export Jobs screen, temporary spec ident table will only be filled once for the different job stages. Additionally some optimizations were made to handle big selected ident table.

To decrease the amount of data in the selected ident table it is recommended to remove older job runs (that were canceled or completed) from time to time. Go to SP3D 20.01, execute query and press delete record on runs no longer needed. Any detail job data will also be removed, while destination data (SP3D 20.02) will not be touched.

The performance has been improved for SP3D export jobs started from SP3D 20.01.

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For more and detailed information about the enhancements of the SmartPlant Reference Data Plus application, read the SmartPlant Reference Data Plus User's Guide.

SPRD Spec Editor

Use Branch Table to insert Components

(B-04623) You can now insert components from a branch table into a specification, so you do not have to enter the items one by one manually. You can use branch table components during the generation of commodity codes and inserting specification items.

Workflow 1. In the Branch Editor, assign a branch table to a component group of type B. This is done in

the Component Group box.

One component group can be assigned to only one branch table in a specification. Similarly, one branch can be assigned to only one component group within a


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As a Pipe Spec Editor, I want to insert all components of a branch table into the specification so that I do not have to enter them manually one by one.

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2. In the Gen Pref box, specify the preference of the branch to consider during generation.

Logic during generation When you click Generate for a component group of type B, the software considers the

intersection of the group and parts in the branch table (assigned to the component group) and the group and parts in the component group.

The short code/group/part is derived from the intersection of the component group and the branch table. Component Group:

Branch Table:


If the group/part combination is common to the component group and branch table but the

short codes are different, the combination is not considered for generation. However, if the short code of the component group is %, the software considers the combination, taking the short code from the branch table. Please note that this case is applicable only when: The group/part combination match. The short codes are different and the short code of the component group is %.

If the component group is empty, the software considers the short code/group/part combination from the branch table.

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If the component group is not empty and there is no common combination of short code/group/part between the component group and the branch table, the software considers nothing for generation.

For the short code/group/part combination, the software considers the From1/To1 range as the intersection of the filter line From1/To1 (From1/To1 may further be adjusted depending on the main material sizes and spec defaults) and Minimum/Maximum header size for the part in the branch table. For the short code/group/part combination, the software considers the From2/To2 range as the intersection of the filter line From2/To2 and Minimum/Maximum branch size for the part in the branch table.

If the From2/To2 values are not entered in the filter line for the branch component group, the software considers the valid range of the branch size from the attached branch table as the From2/To2 size.

For branch component groups, if there are no filter lines, the software adds a filter line with From1/To1 taking the Min/Max of the header size of the branch table and From2/To2 taking the Min/Max of the branch size. Also, note that we consider the nominal sizes from the General page. That is, we take the intersecting size ranges between the header/branch size of the branch table and the nominal sizes on the General page. Example: The Min/Max of the header size in the branch table is 0.75 – 4 and the Min/Max branch size is 4 – 8. If the allowed nominal sizes from the General page are from 1 – 6, then for the default filter line, From1/To1 is 1 – 4 and From2/To2 is 4 – 6.

Branch Table Enhancements

(B-06880) Enhancements have been made to the Branch Editor. • The new Add Diameter from General button was added. This button allows you to add

NPS values from the General page to the Branch Editor axes. The button is applicable only for Template Specs. So when the button is clicked, the NPS values that are present for the selected spec on the General Screen will be added to the Branch Editor Details when they are not yet present.

Several enhancements were implemented to improve the branch table definition.

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• The Group/Part LOVs on the branch table show only those parts that are branches. To define parts as branches, the new type BRANCH was added to the Kind of Part field in S.10.03 Commodity Part screen.

This field is displayed also on the Components Parts Grid of the Component Manager.

The LOV for Branch Editor Group/Part is now restricted to Groups/Parts that are of type Branch, which means they are defined with Kind of Part = BRANCH.

• When a new preference is added, the grid automatically refreshes with the new values.

• The cells are light gray if the corresponding X, Y values are not present in the NPS values in

the Thickness grid.

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Short Code on Filter Line

(B-04709) You can pre-define the short code on the filter line in order to control the selected short code in the case of multiple matches. The Short Code column has been added to the filter line grid on the Component Area page. In order to specify a short code in the filter line grid, you must first specify a value in the Limit to Part field. Then you can click the LOV button in the Short Code field. When the Short Code is specified, the software takes the short code into consideration during the generation of specification items.

In order to display the Limit to Group, Limit to Part and Short Code columns, click the

Limit to Group? box above the component group area.

Relation between Commodity Groups & Parts

(B-04708) The Limit to Part LOV in the filter area on the Component Area page is now filtered according to the commodity group filter (Limit to Group column).

When selecting a Commodity Group on a new filter line, only Commodity Parts of this group are available to be selected in the Limit to Part field.

As a Spec Editor, I want to pre-define the short code already on the Filter line so that I can control the selected Short Code in case of multiple matches.

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Option Code Enhancements

(B-04688) The Option Code field in the filter line grid has been enhanced.

When you click the browse button to the right of the Option column, the software displays a LOV with valid option codes, depending on the short codes defined in the Short Code/Group/Part grid.

You can enter an option code on the filter line under these conditions:

• If there is no LOV available for the Option Code field, all values are allowed. • If there is an LOV for the Option Code field, all values from the LOV and 1 are


Table Detail Grid

(B-14809) The system now provides the facility to define and review table details by means of the new table detail grid. The user can create, modify and delete the table details through this grid. The grid has the following fields to define the Table Details:

1. Table Detail ( the TD Code) 2. Short Desc 3. Description 4. Parent Table Detail (Parent TD Code) 5. Parent Short Desc (read-only field that is populated on re-load of the grid) 6. Control Status (both the main and Nls table) 7. User Defined Attributes (both the main and Nls table)

As a data manager, I shall be able to view and edit/create/delete table details for a selected table group in the Component Manager. Additionally I shall be able to specify a parent table detail for a selected Table detail in the grid

Option Codes are restricted to the available list of values.

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The user can now also define the hierarchy for table details. This means that the table details can be organized in a hierarchical manner also. For realizing the same, the user needs to fill the parent table detail. All the existing table details will be available for specifying it as parent table detail except those table details that are a child of the corresponding table detail. Please note that table details from the same table group only are made available to be specified as parent table detail. Users cannot add or modify or delete table details corresponding to a table group that has not been created in the logged-in discipline.

Component Area Layout Changes

(B-04668) The layout of the Component Area of the Spec Editor has been enhanced to include the following:

• The Descriptions and Symbols for the various component groups. • Various Component Groups and Branch Matrix are open as collapsed. • The positioning of the various buttons has been changed. • The views for the filter line and result line can be configured and saved.

The Layout of the Component Area within the Spec Editor was redesigned to make it more clearly arranged and to improve the user experience.

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It is now possible to associate pictures with component groups. These pictures appear on the Component Area page.

Preferred Thickness

(B-12846) Preferred Thicknesses can optionally have a schedule table. If the optional schedule values are populated in the preferred thickness and also if there is no schedule table attached to the main material, the schedule values are copied from the preferred thickness to the Schedule column in the Thickness grid.

The Preferred Thickness can optionally have a Schedule table assigned. If there is no schedule table attached to the main material, the thickness grid is populated with the schedule values of the assigned schedule table.

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If there is a schedule table attached to the main material, the optional schedule values in the preferred thickness are populated, and then the schedule values attached to the main material are compared with the schedule values in the preferred thickness:

• If they match, they are copied into the Thickness grid. • If they do not match, the wall thickness values are copied to the Schedule column.

Copy Filterlines

(B-23097) Cut Diameter Range when copy When you copy a filter line from another specification, the software trims the sizes according to the main material sizes. If the From, To sizes fall completely out of bounds, then that filter line is not copied. For example, if the main material has From of 1.00 and To of 10.00 and the selected filter line has From1 of 0.5 and To1 of 24, the value 0.5 is trimmed to 1 and the value 24 is trimmed to 10. Main material:

Filter line to copy:

Result after copying:

When copying a filter line, the sizes will be trimmed according to the main material sizes.

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This behavior applies to From1 and To1 as well as From2 and To2 values. If the filter line sizes do not completely fall in the main material size range, the filter line is

not copied. (B-23097) Duplicate Row In grids, when you click Duplicate Row, a new row is added, and its content is the same as the original row. Before this change, the new row had the string "COPY" appended.

Mandatory Tables

(B-23099) Mandatory tables are now shaded on the Coding on the Fly dialog box so you know which ones you must fill in. If the software cannot derive all the mandatory table details for the commodity codes, the Coding on the fly selection dialog box appears. The mandatory tables are shaded.

Spec Item Geometrics

(B-24046) When clicking the Generate button, the Geometric of the Spec Items (Result Line) is filled based on the Commodity Geometric Relation.

Component Management System (CMS) For more and detailed information about the enhancements of the Component Management System within the SmartPlant Reference Data Plus application, read the document SmartPlant Reference Data Component Management System (CMS).

The Generate button fills the Spec Item geometric based on the Commodity Geometric Relation.

To highlight mandatory tables in the Coding on the Fly dialog, the fields are now displayed with a colored background.

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Class Independent Properties

(B-08352) A new provision is provided for maintaining the Class Independent Properties in CMS. It is similar to the functionality of defining Global Properties for a Class System; the only difference is Global Properties are defined for a Class System whereas these Class Independent Properties are not dependent on any Class System or Class. They are applicable for all Classes. The user shall be able to Query / Insert / Update Delete data. These properties and their values will appear as other properties in the multi article view. Adding a new Class Independent Property will result in adding the same in all the Classes of all the Class Systems. Also, deleting the Class Independent Property will result in the same property getting deleted from all the Classes of all the Class Systems. The User can navigate to the provided UI through the following menu item: CMS XC10 Manage Class Systems XC1030 Create Class Independent Properties

This will open the screen displayed below:

In the Multi Article View, the class independent properties can be selected for display by using View Config for all classes. The Class independent properties shall be editable.

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XML Data


Data for all CMS logical structures shall be available in the XML file for structures. The distinct elements / attributes of the XML file will be mapped to a unique CMS logical structure. This user story deals with importing the Class System, Revision, and Short / Long Descriptions of the Class Systems.

Following are the assumptions / behavior for this functionality.

Sl. Remarks 1 Data will be organized in XML as per CMS logical hierarchy only. This means (for

example) that the Class will always be appearing hierarchically down with reference to the Class System Code.

2 Data for Class System Code will always correspond to an Element in XML file. 3 Class System + Revision combination should not exist already. 4 Element for Class System Code will act as root for all data that would be imported into

CMS. Any data hierarchically up than Class System Code (element) would not be considered.

5 Revision can either be a separate Element or an Attribute of the Element for the Class System Code.

6 There can be only one occurrence of the Element in the XML file corresponding to Class System and Revision (which can also be an Attribute).

7 If data for revision is not found, then it would be taken as 0. 8 If Class System Short Description is not found (and Long Description is also not

available), then it will be the same as the Class System Code. 9 If Class System Long Description is not found, then it will be the same as the Class

System Short Description. Similarly, if Class System Short Description is not found, then it will be the same as the Class System Description (if available).

10 There will be only one tag for Language (NLS) in the XML file. It can either be an Element or Attribute. In the case of Attribute, it will be the Attribute of the main data (for example, Description or Layout, etc.). In the case of Element, it will be specified immediately after the Element for main data.

11 Language Description (M_NLS.DESCRIPTION) will be provided in the XML file as language value.

12 Class System Description (Short and Long) will always correspond to an Element (and not Attribute) in the XML file.

As an Import Job User, I want to parse through the stored XML data available in database tables so that I can search for the given tag (element or attribute) within the data and its value.

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BOM Positions with incomplete Specs

(B-13061) The new ‘Use incompl. Specs’ check box was implemented in the B.20.01 Edit BOM and B.20.03 Adv. Maintain BOM screens on the single and multi position windows, as displayed below for B.20.01.

If the ‘Use incompl. Specs’ check box is checked, then • specs can be used in creating a BOM position that do not contain any Spec Item. • all Short Codes, Option Codes from S.10.08 Short Codes can be used in creating a BOM

position independent of the selected Spec • all Sizes from S.40.01 Nominal Sizes of the nominal size table assigned to the Spec Header

Geometrics of the selected Spec can be used in creating a BOM position. • Once a Short Code is filled, the user is forced to enter the corresponding Sizes. Once a Short Code is filled, the field ‘Unit’ will be updated with the corresponding Quantity Unit. The user can include a new configurable field into the BOM views that displays the ‘Short Code Short Desc’. This new field is available only for the multi-positions. The new project default ZB_IN_SPEC has been introduced. This project default provides the default value for the new check box ‘Use Incompl. Specs’. If it is set to ‘Y’, the check box is checked when you open B.20.01 or B.20.03 on the single or multi position windows.


As a pipe engineer, I want to enter manual BOM Positions by providing Diameter, Component Type (Short Code), Option Code, Spec Name, Unit, Area, and Line even though the Specification is not complete.

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Duplication of manual BOM Positions

(B-13059/CR-MA8424) The following are the changes done in ‘B.20.01 Edit BOM’ and ‘B.20.03 Adv. Maintain BOM’ as a part of this user story. The new project default ZB_DUP_LP has been introduced. This project default controls the duplication of manual BOM positions with the same Ident, Unit, Tag Number and Position Attributes. If this project default is set to ‘Y’ (default), then duplicate manual BOM positions are allowed. If this project default is set to ‘N’, then duplicate manual BOM positions are not allowed. Please note that only those Position Attributes that are used in the project defaults ZX_BOM_UK1..4 will be a part of this duplication check.

Issue Status at Node Level

(B-15277) B.20.01 Edit BOM, B.20.03 Adv. BOM Maintain The user can now assign issue status at the BOM node level. Once a BOM Node is assigned an issue status at the node level, the following will happen: • All the children of the BOM nodes will be assigned the same issue status • The existing manual positions for the node and its child nodes will get copied with the assigned issue status at the node level. However, it will not be possible to assign the issue status at the node level if: • The existing manual positions for the node and its child nodes have an issue status higher

than the one assigned to the node. • The existing manual positions for the node and its child nodes have one or more positions

with reserved quantity or issued quantity greater than zero or have un-posted MIRs.

You can now assign the issue status at the BOM node level to make sure that all sub-nodes and positions will get the same issue status.

The system now prevents manual BOM positions from having the same Ident, Unit, Tag Number and Position Attributes, controlled by the new project default ZB_DUP_LP.

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Select an issue status from the LOV on Preassigned Status and save the change. The message below will appear.

Acknowledge with Continue to populate all child nodes and positions with the selected issue status. If you add a new child node, the preassigned status from the parent node is automatically assigned to the child node.

When creating a new BOM position at a node with preassigned issue status, this status will automatically be copied to the position and cannot be changed there.

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Click the Next Issue Status button and acknowledge with Yes to assign the issue status with the next order seq to the node.

When there is no higher issue status defined, a message appears, asking you if the new status should be created.

The software will create a new issue status starting with AUTO and followed by the Order Seq. The new Order Seq is calculated as the old highest order seq + 1.

Unique Tag Numbers

(B-04905) When creating BOM positions in the B.20.01 Edit BOM or B.20.03 Adv. BOM Maintain screens, or loading positions via OMI, duplicate tag numbers with different idents are now prevented. After creating an ident for a tag number, this information is now stored in a new background table. BOM loads and requisition and agreement line items will refer to this new table to check uniqueness. The obsolete project default ZB_DUTAB has been removed.

The system now prevents duplicate idents for the same tag number on BOM positions, and requisition or order line items. This applies to items with the item rule ‘TAB’.

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E&PI (Requisitions)

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Requisition Balance

(B-13056) R.10.41 Nodes and Templates A new type of requisition nodes is introduced: balance requisition node or balance node. Balance nodes will generally be created by MTO Types when MTO Option is set to Balance. MTO Types created with MTO Option Balance are named Balance MTO Types. Balance nodes can contain only one requisition template. All balance nodes created in the system must be located under a root balance node. You will have one root balance node for every discipline. This single balance root node is created automatically during creation of the first balance MTO type if it doesn’t exist for the discipline yet. The purpose of the balance root node is to store all child balance nodes created in the screen R.10.51 MTO Types during creation of the balance MTO Type. So the balance root node cannot have any requisition templates. Requisition Templates: Window 2 The Sum Attrs and Group By buttons are deactivated for the balance requisition node. Only one requisition template is allowed for the balance requisition node. A new indicator (check box) Balance Requisition is added to the screen for informational purposes only.

R.10.46 Copy Req Nodes You cannot copy a balance requisition node to the root of the requisition nodes because only one balance root node is allowed. R.10.47 Move Req Nodes Moving of the root balance requisition node is not allowed.

E&PI (Requisitions)

This new feature provides you with the ability of balancing material requisitions of different req cycles. This can be used towards the end of a project to calculate the actually required quantity across multiple requisitions. The main purpose and benefit of this requisition balance is to minimize surplus and to avoid shortage of material, especially when not using the SPMat MSCM module for purchasing the material.

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R.10.48 Create Req Master Nodes New indicator (check box) Balance Requisition is added to the screen. You cannot create a root balance node if it already exists in the project you are logged in.

R.10.49 Create Req Nodes New indicator (check box) Balance Requisition is added to the screen. You can create a balance node only under a root balance node. R.10.51 MTO Types New MTO Type is introduced: Balance MTO Type. In previous versions, you were able to create two different kinds of MTO Types: classic MTO type or based on the template structure. The indicator Requisition Template was removed from the screen as a result of adding the balance MTO Type. The indicator Requisition Template is replaced by the dropdown list MTO Option. MTO Option contains the following items:

• Standard • Template Structure • Balance

Standard means classic MTO type, with the same functionality as in previous versions, with the Requisition Template indicator not checked. Template Structure means the same functionality as in previous versions, with the Requisition Template indicator checked. Balance indicates the new functionality added to the system. Balance MTO Type You must specify a Req Rule and a Req Desc Rule in order to create a Balance MTO Type. A new balance requisition node will be created for every Balance MTO Type. The system will create a balance node under the root balance node and try to use MTO Type as the name of the requisition node if possible. If the MTO name cannot be used as the node name, a new name will be generated automatically in the form BR-XXXX, where XXXX is part of the primary key. After the balance node is created, the system will create a requisition template for the balance node. Fields like Req Rule, Req Desc Rule, Doc Type Set, and Email Templ Set will be populated from the MTO Types screen. After the Balance MTO Type is created, you will assign child MTO Types to the balance MTO. Group By and Summary attributes assigned to the child MTO type will be populated into the Balance MTO Type. You can inspect them using button Sum. Attr or Group By, but you cannot modify them manually. The next step is to create and start an MTO Job based on the Balance MTO Type.

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E&PI (Requisitions)

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The Balance MTO Job will create a new balance requisition first and walk over all requisitions created by the child MTO Types. The Balance job will try to collect the same materials over all child requisitions and create a new single line item in the balance requisition if possible. If such grouping is not possible, for example, different group by attributes, the balance job will create several line items for the same material. Each child requisition becomes a reference to the balance requisition, so you will able to track the dependencies. Please note that you are not able any more to release child requisitions to procurement since such references have been created. When you modify the group by or sum attributes of the MTO type that is assigned to a balance MTO type, you are informed when attributes are not the same for all MTO types assigned to the balance MTO type. R.20.01 MTO Jobs In the first (MTO Types) block, the new MTO Option drop down list was added, with the available options:

• Standard • Template Structure • Balance

When you create a ‘Balance’ MTO job, the new button Req Candidate will be available in the Job Control area at the bottom. Using this button, you can see all requisitions that will be part of the balance requisition when you start the balance MTO job immediately. This button is not available after the balance MTO job has been started.

R.30.05 Process Requisition Line Items In the first (MTO Types) block, the new MTO Option drop down list was added.

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E&PI (Requisitions)

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Window 2: Trace Double-clicking in the Pos field in window 1 opens window 2. Here you can see how the line item of the balance requisition is built. All requisitions that are included in the creation of the balance line item are listed here.

R.40.11 Requisition Tools The Indicator Requisition Template was removed from the screen as result of adding the balance MTO Type. The indicator Requisition Template is replaced by the dropdown list MTO Option. MTO Option contains the items as described above in the R.10.51 section. P.30.01 Requisition Workload Inquiry Cycle is not available for non-PO balance requisition. P.30.21 Prepare RfQ You cannot add an inquiry balance requisition to an inquiry. P.30.22 Commercial Evaluation Button ‘Create PO Req’ is not available when a line item belongs to a balance requisition.

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Attributes of Approved Agreements changeable

(CR-MA10472) You can now apply changes in the D.90.21 Attachments screen even if called from the latest approved agreement if the next agreement supplement (not yet approved) already exists. Please note that changes that are done under these circumstances must also be applied to the supplement not yet approved. Otherwise, the changes will get lost for the next supplement(s).

Approval Sequence locked when RfA is set

(CR-MA10642) A.20.49 Approval Sequence The new project default ZP_RFA_CHG (default value = 'Y') controls whether an approval list is changeable even when the RfA check box is set. If ZP_RFA_CHG is set to 'N' and the RfA check box is set, the approval list is locked and cannot be changed (of course, this does not apply to the Approved and Rejected check boxes and also the Comment field). For users who have already approved within the approval list, this project default has no effect. In this case, you cannot change anything except the fields Approved, Rejected, and Comment.


As soon as the Ready for Approval (RfA) check box is selected, the Approval Sequence cannot be changed anymore. This is controlled for all Approval Sequences in SPMat by a new Project Default.

The attribute values of the latest approved agreement supplement can now be updated even if the next and not yet approved supplement exists.

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Company Registration Enhancements

(CR-MA10410, CR-MA10411, CR-MA10414, CR-MA10416, CR-MA10328, CR-MA10340, CR-MA10355, CR-MA10356, CR-MA10357, CR-MA10633, CR-MA10977, CR-MA10876) P.20.01 Suppliers/Subcontractors • Similar to tab folder 'Qualification Questions', an icon with a green background color has

been added to the tab folder 'Company Profile' indicating the availability of uploaded documents. Clicking the button for a specific question will then open the 'Documents' window that allows for viewing all documents that have been uploaded in addition to the answer provided to that question (B-19712/CR-MA10414).

• The Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 fields (defined in P.10.25 Question List) have been

added to tab folder 'Qualification Questions' in window 2 to facilitate running meaningful queries in this block (CR-MA10340).

P.20.02 Login Requests • The new Submitted check box has been added to the 'Login Requests' block. It allows for

selective queries for login requests that have been submitted already (check box ticked in enter-query mode) or that have not been submitted yet (check box ticked twice in enter-query mode) (B-19712/CR-MA10411).

Several features were implemented in the Company Registration screens to improve user-friendliness.

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• When attempting to close the screen after having committed new or updated data to the database without finally clicking button 'Submit', an alert will pop up now reminding the user to click the Submit button in order to file the changes. It is then up to the user to decide whether to leave the screen or click the Submit button prior to exiting. Of course, this reminder only shows up if the screen is called via eSupplier Portal. (CR-MA10328)

• If an eSupplier wants to create a login request and tries to leave the screen without entering

and saving all data completely, he will get a warning message that all data entered so far will be deleted when the screen is closed. If the user acknowledges with Yes, it closes the screen without saving the record. (B-19711/CR-MA10355)

• The eSupplier will also get an email with the user ID and password after the password has

been changed, not only after a new password has been created. To maintain the email message text for a changed password, use the new CIP CHANGED_PW_USER_EMAIL_TEXT in the package M_PCK_COMPANY_CUSTOM. (B-19711/CR-MA10356)

• After a new login request is submitted, the eSupplier gets a message asking whether he

wants to continue with the next step. If he clicks the Yes button, it will open screen P.20.03 Questionnaire without the need to re-login. If he clicks the No button, the screen is closed and he is back to the Login screen. The 3-step approval process was not changed as it requires an approval of the login request. (B-19711/CR-MA10357)

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P.20.03 Questionnaire • The company selection window that pops up initially when calling this screen from the main

menu has been enhanced by a radio group that allows for predefining restrictions on the companies displayed by the list of values (LOV) of the 'Company' field with respect to the specific level of completion of the qualifications part of the questionnaire. Thus, by selecting the appropriate option, the user may focus on companies that did not submit their qualifications yet, or on companies that have submitted their qualifications already. The LOV also indicates the availability of submitted qualifications for each company (B-19712/CR-MA10411).

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• The 'Answers' block has been provided with an icon indicating the availability of uploaded documents with a green background color. The button can be clicked to launch the Upload/View dialog (alternatively, the user can click the 'Upload Files' button for this purpose) (B-19712/CR-MA10416).

• When a document is uploaded and then the upload window closed, the ‘Document Attached’

check box is checked without refreshing the data (B-22695/TR-MA10577). • The material/work group multi-selection LOV (P.20.03 Window 8) has been revised

completely. It now displays a tree-like structure where the top-level nodes represent the material/work group types that can be expanded to show all material/work groups of the respective type that are available for selection by the user (B-19712/CR-MA10410).

• When attempting to close the screen after having committed new or updated data to the

database without finally clicking button 'Submit', an alert will pop up now reminding the user to click the Submit button in order to file the changes. It is then up to the user to decide whether to leave the screen or click the Submit button prior to exiting. The alert will only pop up if all mandatory questions related to either branch ‘Company Profile’ or ‘Qualifications’ have been answered (the Submit button is enabled). Of course, this reminder only shows up if the screen is called via eSupplier Portal. (CR-MA10328)

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• When being called from the eSupplier login, the screen now displays an additional reminder to submit the answers provided in Window 2 when the user tries to close that window. The reminder distinguishes between answers related to the Company Profile part of the questionnaire and answers related to the Qualifications part. However, in order to not annoy users, each reminder does not show up more than once per session, and, of course, only as long as the respective part of the questionnaire has not been submitted. (B-22695/CR-MA10633)

• When P.20.03 Questionnaire is called from the eSupplier login and the user tries to close Window 2, the submission reminder now only pops up if all mandatory questions of the questionnaire branch the user is currently working on (that is, company profile or qualifications) have been answered already (CR-MA10977).

• It is now possible to prevent the upload of files in P.20.03 having names containing special characters. The default installation will exclude the & character. The list of excluded characters can be maintained by adding or removing records from table CG_REF_CODES with the following values: RV_DOMAIN: INVALID_FILE_CHARACTER RV_LOV_VALUE: Character which is not allowed in filenames (CR-MA10876)

P.20.04 Company Profile • A radio group has been added to the 'Company' block to allow the user to decide whether

companies that have submitted their company profile already (original behavior) or companies that did not submit their company profile yet shall be queried (B-19712/CR-MA10411). In case of the second alternative being chosen, the user will be able to view the unsubmitted company profile, but of course without the possibility to approve or reject it. Choosing the first alternative yields the original behavior of the screen (that is, the latest submitted revision of the company profile is displayed); however, a check box will appear in the 'Company Profile' block indicating the availability of a newer revision of the company profile still being worked on and therefore not submitted yet. The user may then select this check box in order to glance at the revision being worked on, but again without the possibility to approve or reject it.

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Commercial Evaluation Changes

(B-13563) P.10.33 Other Costs • A default indicator has been added on tab 'Other Cost Sets' for both set types (delivered site

costs/price comparison costs). Marking another cost set as the default will cause this set to be preselected for the other cost set of the respective type that can be specified in the data selection window of screen P.30.26 Awarding II.

Several changes were implemented to ease the handling of Quote Awarding using the P.30.26 Awarding II screen.

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P.30.26 Awarding II • In the data selection window that precedes the actual awarding, the other cost sets that may

be specified for delivered site costs and price comparison costs will be predefined by the respective other cost sets marked as default in P.10.33 Other Costs. If no default has been defined, the corresponding field will be left blank initially.

• The 'Items' tab folder will now show one more line per detail tag containing its ident short

description. • The 'Summary' tab now highlights inquiry positions for which at least one bidder has created

detail tags with an orange-like background color (similar to P.30.25 Awarding). The user may then double-click the colored fields for directly accessing Window 4 of P.30.25 Awarding in order to re-align the detail tags for facilitating comparison of the different bids.

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Double-clicking the highlighted item opens P.30.25 Window 4 displaying the detail tags.

Quote Quantity on Inquiry

(B-14792) In the P.30.21 Prepare RFQ screen, you can now set the quantity to be quoted in the tab 'Requisitions'. So far the increased quantity of a requisition line item was used as the quoted quantity. This is now the default for the new Quote Quantity field, which is now used as quoted quantity for the quote summaries. So you can now influence the quantity to be quoted before approving an inquiry. Up until now this had to be done after all quotes had already been created.

The Buyer can now define a Quantity to be quoted less than the Requisition Line Item Quantity on the Inquiry.

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Moreover, a multi-selection LOV has been implemented in the P.30.21 screen for the assignment of requisitions to an inquiry.

The Sel check box has to be selected for Requisitions to be added. Then, use the Add button to add the selected Reqs to the agreement, or the Cancel button to abort.

Agreement Line Item Comment

(B-13559/CR-MA8963) The new Comment field has been added in tab 'Line Items' of the P.50.07 Maintain Agreements screen. It is a free text field. If a comment was entered on the requisition line item based on which an agreement line item has been created, this comment is taken over into this field.

The new Comment field allows you to add comments to agreement line items.

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Total Cost History

(B-14798/CR-MA8514) If the new total costs of a currency total up to 0 on a change order, the currency record is now kept in the history.

Guarantee Document Types

((B-14798/CR-MA7460) The new screen P.10.59 Guarantee Document Types was implemented.

You can use this screen to maintain document types for guarantees, which are used in P.50.07 Maintain Agreements on tab Guarantees. The Doc Type field provides an LOV with all values defined in P.10.59.

A double-click on the Doc Type field automatically opens the P.10.59 screen.

When a negative value on a change order zeros out the item costs, it will now be kept in the history with cost value of 0. .

The new guarantee document types can be used in the Maintain Agreements screen on the Guarantees tab.

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Approval Sequence Modifications

(B-13558) P.50.07 Maintain Agreements The new privilege SM APPROVAL was implemented to be consistent with the existing privileges PO APPROVAL, NOC APPROVAL, and BO APPROVAL. If you have this privilege SM_APPROVAL assigned, you will be able to approve agreements of type Subcontract in P.50.07 Maintain Agreements. The new project default ZP_APRBO can be used to assign a default approval template used for the approval of Blanket Orders. The approval template is used to populate the approval sequence when you check the Ready for Approval check box on the Agreement tab of screen P.50.07. Furthermore, the first person in the approval template/sequence will be informed by email that the agreement is ready for approval. The new project default ZP_APRNC can be used to assign a default approval template used for the approval of Notices of Commitments. The approval template is used to populate the approval sequence when you check the Ready for Approval check box on the Agreement tab of screen P.50.07. Furthermore, the first person in the approval template/sequence will be informed by email that the agreement is ready for approval.

Adding Quotes fills Origin and Manufacturer

(CR-MA10887) Country of Origin and Manufacturer are now taken over from the quote when adding a quote summary to an agreement via the Add ... button in the P.50.07 Maintain Agreements screen.

When adding a new quote summary to an agreement, the country of origin and the manufacturer are filled now with the values from the quote.

One new privilege and two new project defaults were implemented to make the behavior of the agreement approvals and approval sequences consistent.

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Deactivation of Warning Messages

(CR-MA10743) To suppress the alert "Project default for template not set." in screen P.50.07, you can now either unsubscribe message MAR-30344 or you can reset the warning indicator for this message in screen A.60.31. (This message appears when you set check box 'Ready for Approval' and the project default for the corresponding approval template - ZP_APRBO, ZP_APRPO, ZP_APRNC, ZP_APRSM - is not set.)

CIP call changed

(CR-MA10549) The call of CIP m_pck_po_custom.delete_order has been moved from a trigger into a package to allow customers to read table m_po_headers. Prior to this change, you could not retrieve data from that table but received an error message instead ("ORA-04091: table M_SYS.M_PO_HEADERS is mutating, trigger/function may not see it").

Performance Improvements

(CR-MA11024, CR-MA11072) Saving data in screen P.50.07 Maintain Agreements has been tuned. This can be experienced especially when working agreements with thousands of lines. (CR-MA11024) The cost calculation for agreements has been tuned. You will see this tuning measure especially for agreements with hundreds of lines. (CR-MA11072)

The performance of saving data and cost calculation in P.50.07 Maintain Agreements has been improved.

When you do not use the approval sequence for agreement approval in P.50.07, you can de-activate the message that approval templates were not assigned to the corresponding project default by resetting the warning indicator.

To make the CIP m_pck_po_custom.delete_order usable, it is called now in a package.

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Milestone Planning across multiple Requisitions

(CR-MA10467) The Engineering Requisition field in the header block of window 2 of P.60.03 Requisitions Planning screen has been replaced by a dropdown list that allows for easy switching between all planned requisitions you have previously queried in the main window of the screen (prior to opening window 2). This is especially useful with respect to milestone planning across multiple requisition links. You no longer have to close window 2 to switch the planned requisition.

Item Ship Export corresponding to ZP_ZEROISH

(B-13565/CR-MA7354) P.70.71 Expediter Workload / P.70.72 Expediting Details Dependent on the project default ZP_ZEROISH, the Excel export will only export item shipments with quantity > 0 (ZP_ZEROISH = 'N') or all item shipments regardless of their quantity (ZP_ZEROISH = 'Y').

The Excel export of Item Shipments now considers the setting of project default ZP_ZEROISH.

To facilitate Milestone Planning across multiple requisition links, the requisition can now be selected from a dropdown list.

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Traffic Changes

(B-14797/CR-MA10096, TR-MA10662, CR-MA10663, CR-MA10958, CR-MA10214) P.70.74 Packages • The new project default ZP_PCK_DIM has been introduced, the value of which is used as

the default dimension unit for newly created packages (CR-MA10096).

• Deleting obsolete preliminary packing via the Delete Obsolete PPLs button now also takes

parent tags into account once all of their respective detail tags have been removed from preliminary packages (CR-MA10663). Of course, this also applies in cases where the Delete Obsolete PPLs button is invisible because of the project default setting ZP_PPL_DEL = 'Y' and the preliminary packing clean-up is triggered by the approval of release notes.

• The error message that appeared when the user modified the weights of a package such that its gross weight was less than its (calculated) net weight has been reduced to a warning; that is, the weight values will now be accepted upon commit (CR-MA10958). The alert window showing the warning message contains the well-known Show never again button. The user can click this button to suppress this warning in the future.

PT.20.01 Traffic Tree • When deciding on oversize/overweight of a preliminary package, its quantity is no longer

taken into account (TR-MA10662). • In the 'Actual' branch of the traffic tree, means of conveyance (MOCs) are now

associated with date ranges in a slightly different way: A MOC that represents the end of a transport chain – that is, its unloading point is equal to its delivery designation – is now shown in the date range corresponding to its ATA (or, if this is not available, ETA) date (instead of its ATD/ETD date, which was taken into account before). The same applies to 'Workload' nodes created by MOCs that do not represent the end of a transport chain. This allows for easier identification of the month in which the next MOC has to be booked. (CR-MA10214)

Several changes in the Traffic module were implemented to ease the handling.

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PT.20.21 Preliminary Packages • The new project default ZP_PCK_DIM has been introduced, the value of which is used as

the default dimension unit for newly created packages (CR-MA10096). • When deciding on oversize/overweight of a preliminary package, its quantity is no longer

taken into account (TR-MA10662). • The error message that appeared when the user modified the weights of a package such that

its gross weight was less than its (calculated) net weight has been reduced to a warning; that is, the weight values will now be accepted upon commit (CR-MA10958). The alert window showing the warning message contains the well-known Show never again button. The user can click this button to suppress this warning in the future.

Only Inspector permitted to create IRC

(B-14799/CR-MA8830) P.70.72 Expediting Details Depending on the setting of the new project default ZP_IRCAPRQ, data can be changed at any point in time and by every user or not. If ZP_IRCAPRQ is set to 'N' (default), data can be changed at any time by any user. An approval of the IRC is not required to continue the workflow, that is, to place an item shipment on a release note. If ZP_IRCAPRQ is set to 'Y', only users who have been assigned to the current order as inspector via screen P.70.73 can create and modify IRCs as long as the indicator 'Ready for Approval' has not been set. Once the IRC has been marked as ready for approval, no one can apply changes to the IRC. In the next step, the IRC must be approved by pressing the corresponding button. The privilege 'IRC APPROVAL' is required to approve IRCs. After an IRC has been approved, only users who have been assigned to the current order as expediter via screen P.70.73 can modify the IRC. Moreover, the item shipments of an approved IRC can then be placed on a release note. To reverse the approval of an IRC, you also need the privilege 'IRC APPROVAL'. When setting the check box 'Ready for Approval', an email is automatically sent to the expediter(s) of the order to inform him (them) that the IRC is ready for approval. For the system to be able to send out this mail, you need to set up an email template in screen A.10.51 for template type 'EXPEDITING' and assign this template to the project default ZP_EMT_IRC.

Only the inspector assigned to an agreement should be able to create and modify IRCs as long as the agreement is not set to ‘ready for approval’.

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Please note that you have to work with screen P.70.72 if you want to make use of this new feature; the screen P.70.75 does NOT support this feature. P.70.73 Order Reference The new project defaults ZP_VPAPRQ and ZP_EMT_VP will be implemented. If the project default ZP_VPAPRQ is set to 'N' (default), all users can change the data of the vendor progress and approve it. If the project default ZP_VPAPRQ is set to 'Y', the approval for the vendor progress must be executed by the inspector, who sets the 'Ready for Approval' checkbox (RfA) and the expediter, who must approve the vendor progress. Before the vendor progress is marked as ready for approval (RfA), the inspector, entered in the folder 'Order Reference', can change any data. After the checkbox RfA was set, all data are protected and the expediter, also entered in the folder 'Order Reference', gets an invitation via email to approve the vendor progress. To be able to approve or to reverse the approval he must have the privilege VENDOR PROGRESS APPROVAL. After the vendor progress is approved, only the expediter can change the data. Project default ZP_EMT_VP With the new project default ZP_EMT_VP you are able to assign an email template when an email will be sent to the expediter after setting the 'Ready for Approval' checkbox in the folder 'Vendor Progress' First define an email template in the A.10.51 Email Templates screen for the invitation to approve the vendor progress. After that go to screen P.70.73 Order Reference and assign this template to ZP_EMT_VP in A.60.63 Valid Settings as usual.

Inspection Task field width increased

(CR-MA11066) P.70.73 Order Reference The field Task on tabs Expediting Tasks and Inspection Tasks in the P.70.73 screen has been enlarged from 30 to 60 characters.

The width of the Inspection Task fields was increased to 60 characters.

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VDR Expediting

(B-05595) P.70.81 VDR Submittal and Status Some features have been added to screen P.70.81 VDR Submittal and Status. The screen now has an additional single-record layout window:

When you double-click the Supplier or Company Name field in the Supplier block, the A.10.23 Companies screen will be opened displaying the contact information of the selected company. The Expediting Contact Name field in the Engineering Data Contact block is used to display the first and the last name of the expediting contact. When you double-click this field, the P.70.73 Order Reference screen is opened where the expediting contacts are maintained. With the new project default ZP_VSSMODE, you determine in which mode screen P.70.81 is started. If you wish to work with a multi-record layout, you must set this project default to 'MULTI' (default). If you prefer to start with the single-record layout (getting more information at first glance), you should set this project default to 'SINGLE'. When you open the screen in multi-record mode (ZP_VSSMODE=MULTI), a double-click on the Agreement Number field will open a second window containing mainly contact and address details of the agreement.

The new screen P.70.81 VDR Submittal and Status was enhanced with a new single-record layout window to facilitate data entry and the use of the screen.

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When you open the screen in single-record mode (ZP_VSSMODE=SINGLE), a double-click on the Agreement Number field will open the multi-record mode displaying all VDRs assigned to the selected agreement: the VDRs assigned to the header as well as the VDRs assigned to the positions. When you double-click instead on the Pos field in the single-record layout mode, only the VDRs of the selected/current position are displayed. The number of documents that are available in screen P.70.81 VDR Submittal and Status depends on the setting of the new project default ZP_VSS_DOC. If it has been set to 'ALL' (default), all documents stored in D.10.11 are available. If the project default has been set to 'AGREEMENT', you can only select from the documents that have already been assigned to the agreement or any of its line items. The Approval Code field has been added to the multi-record layout screen.

The approval codes are set up in the new screen P.10.71 VDR Approval Codes.

The new Returns button has been added.

When you click the Returns button, the software first starts the CIP m_pck_vdr_custom.return_transmittal, and then the report screen for the report that is given by the CIP m_pck_vdr_custom.returns_report is opened. In a standard installation, the P.70.R.88 report is returned by this CIP. For example, you can use this button to send an email to the supplier informing him that some documents have to be reworked. You should select at least one VDR to which a document has been assigned before you click this button. When you double-click on the Distribution Category field, the screen A.10.52 is called for the current distribution category. Several changes were made to screen A.10.52 Distribution Categories.

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The Reviewer field has been added to the details block for distribution categories.

In contrast to all other fields related to distribution categories and their details, the value of this column is given by the distribution category that has been marked as master (check box Master selected). Only one distribution category per project can be marked as master. This information is only of interest with respect to the Reviewer field in the distribution category details. Whenever the reviewer of the master is updated, this value is taken over to ALL distribution categories of the current project with the same email. If data are copied from another project (either by copying the procurement setup or by clicking the Copy button at the top of this screen), the reviewer is NOT taken over from the source project but from the master distribution category of the current (= target) project. If no master is available, the field remains empty. There is no further functionality or workflow behind this field. It has been introduced in connection with screen P.70.81. If a VDR document needs to be reviewed, you can enter the persons responsible for this review here. By assigning a distribution category to a VDR and by double-clicking on the corresponding field in screen P.70.81, you can view and maintain the reviewers. Please read the online help for screen P.70.81 to learn more about the full functionality of this screen.

VDR Expediting Reports

(B-05606) The new reports give various overviews about:

• performance of VDR handling in general regarding VDR sub- and resubmittals • performance of suppliers VDR handling in detail, regarding VDR sub- and resubmittals

(within several days) • VDR resubmittals (within several days) • number of returned VDRs • days slipped per tag number / agreement number • exceptions past due

Seven new reports were implemented to allow the output of data entered in the new screen P.70.81 VDR Submittal and Status.

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These new reports have been implemented in the menu underneath SmartPlant Materials -> MSCM -> P.70 Expediting -> P.70.R Reports:

• P.70.R.80 Supplier Performance (Supplier Performance Report) • P.70.R.81 Supplier Performance Summary (Supplier Performance Overview) • P.70.R.83 Supplier Perform. Doc Returns (Supplier Performance Document Returns) • P.70.R.85 Submittal Performance (Submittal Performance Report) • P.70.R.86 Supp Track&Appr/Exceptions (SupplierData Tracking and Approval /

Past-Due Exceptions Report) • P.70.R.87 Supp Track&Subm/Slippage (SupplierData Tracking and Approval /

Project Submittal Slippage Report) • P.70.R.88 Resubmittal Letter (Resubmittal Letter)

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Field Material Control

Site Consolidation

(B-05598) The exception handling of all inventory actions was improved to get better and more helpful messages in case of an error.

MRR, MIR, and MTR number uniqueness

(B-04890) When two users are creating a new Material Receiving Report (MRR), a new Material Issue Report (MIR), or a new Material Transfer Report (MTR) at the same time, they might receive the same MRR number. When trying to save this MRR/MIR/MTR, an error message will occur due to a unique key violation. To resolve this issue, the numbers are checked now before creating a new MRR, MIR, or MTR.

Only positions with available quantity are displayed

(B-14791) C.20.01Prepare MRR by PO C.20.01 Prepare MRR by PO window 5 displays only the available received quantity of tags (item type SWT). When opening C.20.01 BOM Positions (LOV), only positions are shown with available TAG quantities. The displayed quantity in this screen refers to the quantity on the BOM. If a position is taken over to C.20.01, at Window5 the Tag Number is displayed with the available received quantity. At the quantity calculation, only the highest revision of a MRR is considered.


When receiving items of item type SWT (standard with tag), the BOM position LOV shows only BOM positions with available quantity.

The concurrent creation of new MRRs, MIRs, or MTRs will no longer cause problems due to using the same numbers.

The exception handling of all inventory actions was improved to get better and more helpful messages in case of an error.

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Heat Number Certification assignment

(B-25159) The system allows now the assignment of multiple and different certifications to the same heat number during material receiving.

Heat Number Query Screen

(B-14790) The new screen C.20.16.02 Heat Number Query Screen was implemented. This screen can be used to display heat numbers with all related quantities and warehouse information. If you double-click any of the Qty fields in the first block, the software opens a new window with detailed information about the item and the quantity. If you double-click the code field (MRR, MIR, MTR) in this window, the software opens the corresponding screen and displays the details and items of the selected document (MRR, MIR, MTR).

The system accepts now the same heat number with different certificates.

The new Heat Number Search Screen provides the Site user with a powerful enhancement. With this screen, you get a quick overview about all heat numbers that are in use on Site, with double-click features to quickly show you information about the quantities and warehouse information..

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The second block at C.20.16.02 shows the warehouse, location, receiving status, and inventory onhand quantity of the selected heat number.

For example, if you double-click the Received Qty field in the first block, window 2 will open with detailed information about the material receiving of the selected heat number.

Double-click the MRR Number to open the corresponding screen displaying the selected MRR with all related information. The receiving screen that opens depends on the type of receiving. Here it’s an MRR by PO, so the screen C.20.01 Prepare MRR by PO is opened.

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Issued Quantity

(CR-MA10637) The Issue Quantity field has changed position in the C.20.21MIR by Reservation and C.20.23.01 MIR by Direct Issue screens. It is now the first field on the scrollable area of the screens.

The Issued Quantity field was positioned in front of the Ident field to ease the input and check of the issued quantity.

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How to manage Scrap

(B-24995) The new Scrap Warehouse field was added to the screens C.20.21 MIR by Reservation, C.20.21.11 MIR for Plates, C.20.22.01 MIR by BOM Commodity, C.20.22.02 MIR by BOM Commodity (Group by), and C.20.22.04 MIR by BOM Ident.

Only warehouses defined as Scrap Warehouse in C.10.02Warehouses can be selected.

The new project default ZC_SCRAP_M can be used to assign a where condition defined in A.60.06 Where Conditions. Only Where Conditions (mv_where views) assigned to module C20 are available to be selected. This view should control which material (idents) should be transferred into the scrap warehouse in case of an overissue, and thus no more available will be available on-hand. If this project default is NOT set and a scrap warehouse is entered in any of the issue screens, all overissued material of the MIR will be transferred into the scrap warehouse.

CIP added to Forecast Run

(CR-MA10715) The custom procedure m_pck_forecast_custom.check_before_rr was added to the forecast run; before it was only included in the reservation run. The parameter was added to the custom procedure m_pck_forecast_custom.check_before_rr.

For particular items, it is necessary to issue more than the requested BOM quantity, but the overissued quantity shall no longer be available on-hand. This scrap material will automatically be transferred to a scrap warehouse.

In addition to the reservation run, the CIP m_pck_forecast_custom.check_before_rr is now also called in the forecast run.

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Information by Tag Number

(B-04880) C.40.01 Information by Commodity The new Tag Number field was added to screen C.40.01. You can use it to query for particular Tag numbers.

To display the Tag Number field on the main window, you have to click the Setup button to open window 10 with the C.40.01 Setup. On that window, check the Query with Tag Number check box to enable the Tag Number field.

Site API Enhancement

(CR-MA10735) The get data procedure for the table m_actual_polis was added to the Site API. Furthermore, the automatic quantity update of heat details in the case of inserting increased receiving quantity was implemented. New procedure: m_api_site.get_actual_polis_data PROCEDURE get_actual_polis_data( p_last_date IN DATE, g_proj_id IN m_user_securities.proj_id%TYPE, p_actual_polis_data OUT actual_polis_array); TYPE actual_polis_rec IS RECORD ( esi_status m_esi_updates.esi_status%TYPE ,APOLI_ID m_actual_polis.apoli_id%TYPE ,PROJ_ID m_actual_polis.proj_id%TYPE ,POH_ID m_actual_polis.poh_id%TYPE ,POLI_ID m_actual_polis.poli_id%TYPE ,DP_ID m_actual_polis.dp_id%TYPE

The Site API was enhanced by the procedure get_actual_polis_data and an automatic heat detail quantity update when increasing the received quantity.

The Information by Commodity screen now also shows the Tag Number. This field can be used to search for a certain Tag number.

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,BASE_POLI_ID m_actual_polis.base_poli_id%TYPE ,USR_ID m_actual_polis.usr_id%TYPE ,LMOD m_actual_polis.lmod%TYPE ,INT_REV m_actual_polis.int_rev%TYPE ); TYPE actual_polis_array IS TABLE OF actual_polis_rec;

Subcontract Management

Decrease Subcontract Cost

(CR-MA10102) SM.40.02 Change Order Requests To be able to decrease subcontract cost and schedule in P.50.07 Maintain Agreements, you can enter negative values for Material Total, Labor Total (by double-clicking the Labor Total field and entering negative values for Hours or Unit Rate), Construction Equipment Total, Consumables Total, and Others Total. After assigning that Change Order Request (COR) to the agreement, you must adjust and remove the negative values in P.50.07 Maintain Agreements, tabs Line Items and Schedule of Values. Otherwise, you can neither approve the agreement nor leave the screen. P.50.07 Maintain Agreements Line Items folder: If negative values exist for the line items generated by a COR, you must adjust and remove these values by setting the value to 0 or by deleting the line item after the negative values have been applied to other line items. Otherwise, you can neither approve the agreement nor leave the screen. Schedule of Values folder: If negative values are generated by a COR, you must adjust and remove these values. Otherwise, you can neither approve the agreement nor leave the screen.

We strongly recommend NOT to delete the line items with negative values after you have adjusted the negative values to other line items. In that case, the COR will be available again in SM.40.04 COR Workload to create another CO. Just leave the line items with values 0 instead of negative values.

The capability to create negative value Change Order Requests (COR) was implemented. Handling these CORs as Subcontract Change Orders allows for the decreasing of the Subcontract costs.

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Milestone Summary Details Layout Change


SM.20.11 Subcontract Administration

The fields Forecasted Start and Forecasted End in the SM.20.11 screen on tab Milestone Summary Details (window 14) are now displayed between the fields Planned Completion Date and Expected Progress (%), similar to the SOV Progress Details tab (window 10). Forecast Start date and Forecast End date are entered before any actual date.

New Change Order Requests Report

(V-ID8905) SM.40.R.02 Change Order Requests This report SM.40.R.02 Change Order Requests (SM40R02.rdf) outputs the data of the SM.40.02 Change Order Requests screen. Starting this flexible report, the user can choose individually to print these details on the report:

• submitted data • price breakdown data • labor hours data • approved data • rejected data

A new report was implemented to allow the printout of Change Order Requests (COR).

Fields on the Milestone Summary Details tab re-arranged to make sure that Forecast Start date and Forecast End date is entered before any actual date.

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Integrated Line List

(B-11858) With this functionality user will be able to publish the line list documents with set of pipelines and line list records under pipe lines from SmartPlant Materials to SmartPlant Foundation. Basic workflow to publish line list documents is as shown below.

The following steps describe the proposed workflow required.

Retrieve of Plant Breakdown Structure (PBS) Documents from SmartPlant Foundation (SPF) into SmartPlant Materials (SPMat) using SmartPlant Materials Tool for Integration (MTI).

Correlate / Create the line units in SPMat based on the value of the unit code property of the retrieved functional unit based PBS Item.

Create / Import the line data in SPMat

Publish the line list documents from SPMat to SPF using MTI Interface.

Publish of the line list documents will be based on the selected line unit and line status.

If a line unit is not correlated with the retrieved functional unit based PBS Item then the line data will not be allowed for publish.

In order to publish the line list documents, SmartPlant Materials Tool for Integration Application and Service (MTI Application and MTI Service) are used.


New functionality implemented for publishing line list documents from SmartPlant Materials to SmartPlant Foundation.

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With this functionality, the retrieve of the line list documents functionality which was developed earlier will no longer work. This is because, with this functionality, publish of line list documents happens with respect to selected line unit and line status but in the earlier implementation the publish of line list documents happen with respect to the retrieved line list document from SPF. For the details, read the Integration User's Guide (MTI-User.pdf) and the Adapter and Integration Configuration Guide (MTI-Install.pdf).

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