religious saints - view by benedictine · pdf filereligious saints - view by benedictine...

Religious Saints - View by Benedictine Family Religious Saints and Blesseds © 2015 Conference of Major Superiors of Men, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA. page 1 of 24 # Feast Name Death Suffix Location Martyr Group 1 Benedictines 1.1 10/09 Saint Aaron of Cracow 1059 Abbot & Bishop Cluny 1.2 12/03 Saint Abbo of Auxerre 860 Abbot & Bishop St. Germain d'Auxerre 1.3 11/13 Saint Abbo of Fleury 1004 Abbot & Martyr Fleury Benedictine Martyr 1.4 11/06 Blessed Abel Angel Palazuelos Maruri 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Solesmes Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.5 08/05 Saint Abel of Lobbes (Rheims) c751 Abbot Lobbes 1.6 10/20 Saint Acca of Hexham 740 Abbot & Bishop Hexham 1.7 01/02 Saint Adalard (Adalhard, Adelhard, Adelard, Alard) 827 Abbot Corbie 1.8 04/28 Saint Adalbero (Adalberd) of Augsburg 909 Abbot & Bishop Ellwangen 1.9 06/20 Saint Adalbert of Magdeburg 981 Bishop Trier 1.10 04/23 Saint Adalbert of Prague 997 Bishop & Martyr Rome Benedictine Martyr 1.11 05/09 Saint Adalgar (Adalgisus) of Bremen 909 Bishop Corvey 1.12 10/26 Saint Adalgott I 1031 Abbot Clairvaux 1.13 06/04 Saint Adalgrin (Adegrin) 939 Religious Hermit Baume 1.14 05/21 Saint Adalric 888 Religious & Martyr 1.15 05/16 Saint Adam of Fermo c1210 Abbot St. Sabino 1.16 06/25 Saint Adelbert of Echternach 740 Religious 1.17 11/26 Saint Adelbert (Adalbert) of Oberaltaich 1131 Abbot 1.18 01/30 Saint Adelelm (Adelelmus) of Burgos 1097 Abbot Castile, Spain 1.19 01/31 Saint Adelelmus (Adeaume) c1100 Abbot Chaise-Dieu 1.20 06/27 Saint Adelenus c700 Abbot 1.21 02/25 Blessed Adelhelm of Engelberg 1131 Abbot Engelberg 1.22 04/30 Saint Adjutor (Ayutre) 1131 Religious Hermit 1.23 12/16 Saint Ado of Vienne 875 Bishop Vienne 1.24 01/09 Saint Adrian of Canterbury 710 Abbot Canterbury 1.25 06/17 Saint Adulf of Canterbury 7th C. Bishop Canterbury 1.26 02/16 Saint Aganus 1100 Abbot Campania 1.27 01/10 Saint Agatho 681 Pope Palermo 1.28 05/21 Saint Ageranus (Adalric, Ayram) of Beze 888 Religious & Martyr Beze Benedictine Martyr 1.29 07/09 Saint Agilulf (Agilolf) of Cologne 751 Abbot, Bishop & Martyr Stavelot-Malmedy 1.30 08/10 Saint Agilus 650 Abbot Luxeuil 1.31 05/21 Saint Agnellus of Naples 694 Abbot 1.32 06/21 Saint Agofred 738 Religious 1.33 11/06 Blessed Agustí Busquets Creixell 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Subiaco Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.34 04/07 Saint Aibert (Aybert) of Crespin 1140 Presbyter & Hermit Crespin 1.35 09/15 Saint Aichard (Achard) of Jumièges 687 Abbot Jumieges 1.36 05/22 Saint Aigulf (Aigulph) of Bourges c835 Abbot, Bishop & Martyr St. Lucia 1.37 09/03 Saint Aigulf (Ayou, Aygulf) of Lérins 676 Abbot & Martyr Lerins 1.38 05/21 Saint Aiman 888 Religious & Martyr

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Religious Saints - View by Benedictine Family

Religious Saints and Blesseds © 2015 Conference of Major Superiors of Men, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA. page 1 of 24

# Feast Name Death Suffix Location Martyr Group

1 Benedictines1.1 10/09 Saint Aaron of Cracow 1059 Abbot & Bishop Cluny1.2 12/03 Saint Abbo of Auxerre 860 Abbot & Bishop St. Germain d'Auxerre1.3 11/13 Saint Abbo of Fleury 1004 Abbot & Martyr Fleury Benedictine Martyr1.4 11/06 Blessed Abel Angel Palazuelos Maruri 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Solesmes Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.5 08/05 Saint Abel of Lobbes (Rheims) c751 Abbot Lobbes1.6 10/20 Saint Acca of Hexham 740 Abbot & Bishop Hexham1.7 01/02 Saint Adalard (Adalhard, Adelhard, Adelard, Alard) 827 Abbot Corbie1.8 04/28 Saint Adalbero (Adalberd) of Augsburg 909 Abbot & Bishop Ellwangen1.9 06/20 Saint Adalbert of Magdeburg 981 Bishop Trier1.10 04/23 Saint Adalbert of Prague 997 Bishop & Martyr Rome Benedictine Martyr1.11 05/09 Saint Adalgar (Adalgisus) of Bremen 909 Bishop Corvey1.12 10/26 Saint Adalgott I 1031 Abbot Clairvaux1.13 06/04 Saint Adalgrin (Adegrin) 939 Religious Hermit Baume1.14 05/21 Saint Adalric 888 Religious & Martyr1.15 05/16 Saint Adam of Fermo c1210 Abbot St. Sabino1.16 06/25 Saint Adelbert of Echternach 740 Religious1.17 11/26 Saint Adelbert (Adalbert) of Oberaltaich 1131 Abbot1.18 01/30 Saint Adelelm (Adelelmus) of Burgos 1097 Abbot Castile, Spain1.19 01/31 Saint Adelelmus (Adeaume) c1100 Abbot Chaise-Dieu1.20 06/27 Saint Adelenus c700 Abbot1.21 02/25 Blessed Adelhelm of Engelberg 1131 Abbot Engelberg1.22 04/30 Saint Adjutor (Ayutre) 1131 Religious Hermit1.23 12/16 Saint Ado of Vienne 875 Bishop Vienne1.24 01/09 Saint Adrian of Canterbury 710 Abbot Canterbury1.25 06/17 Saint Adulf of Canterbury 7th C. Bishop Canterbury1.26 02/16 Saint Aganus 1100 Abbot Campania1.27 01/10 Saint Agatho 681 Pope Palermo1.28 05/21 Saint Ageranus (Adalric, Ayram) of Beze 888 Religious & Martyr Beze Benedictine Martyr1.29 07/09 Saint Agilulf (Agilolf) of Cologne 751 Abbot, Bishop & Martyr Stavelot-Malmedy1.30 08/10 Saint Agilus 650 Abbot Luxeuil1.31 05/21 Saint Agnellus of Naples 694 Abbot1.32 06/21 Saint Agofred 738 Religious1.33 11/06 Blessed Agustí Busquets Creixell 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Subiaco Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.34 04/07 Saint Aibert (Aybert) of Crespin 1140 Presbyter & Hermit Crespin1.35 09/15 Saint Aichard (Achard) of Jumièges 687 Abbot Jumieges1.36 05/22 Saint Aigulf (Aigulph) of Bourges c835 Abbot, Bishop & Martyr St. Lucia1.37 09/03 Saint Aigulf (Ayou, Aygulf) of Lérins 676 Abbot & Martyr Lerins1.38 05/21 Saint Aiman 888 Religious & Martyr

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# Feast Name Death Suffix Location Martyr Group

1.39 07/18 Blessed Alan of Sassovivo 12th C. Religious Hermit Umbria1.40 09/29 Saint Alaric 975 Religious Hermit Einsiedeln1.41 01/31 Saint Alban Bartholomew Roe 1642 Presbyter & Martyr Martyrs of England1.42 12/24 Saint Alberic (Albert) of Gladbach 10th C. Religious Gladbach1.43 09/05 Saint Albert of Butrio 1073 Abbot Butric1.44 06/03 Saint Albert of Como 1092 Abbot & Bishop Como1.45 09/05 Blessed Albert of Pontida 1095 Religious Pontida1.46 12/10 Blessed Albert of Sassovivo 1012 Abbot Umbria1.47 01/06 Blessed Albert of Schoenberg 1132 Religious Breitenau1.48 10/26 Saint Albinos (Albuinus or Witta) of Buraburg 755 Bishop Buraburg1.49 09/07 Saint Alcmund (Alchmund) of Hexham 781 Bishop Northumbria1.50 05/19 Blessed Alcuin of Tours 804 Abbot Tours1.51 03/24 Saint Aldemar c1080 Presbyter Monte Cassino1.52 10/10 Saint Alderic of Sense 841 Bishop Ferrieres1.53 05/25 Saint Aldhelm (Adhelm) of Malmesbury 709 Bishop Malmesbury1.54 10/10 Saint Aldrich 840 Bishop1.55 01/10 Saint Aldus 8th C. Religious Hermit Bobbio1.56 11/06 Blessed Alejo (Aleix) Civil Castellví 1936 Religious & Martyr Subiaco Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.57 10/09 Saint Alfanus (Alphanus) 1085 Presbyter1.58 04/12 Saint Alferius of Pappacarbona 1050 Abbot La Cava1.59 11/16 Saint Alfrick (Alfric) of Wilton 1005 Bishop Abingdon1.60 08/16 Saint Alfrid (Altfried, Alfrid) of Hildesheim 874 Bishop Corvey1.61 03/25 Saint Alfwold of Sherborne 1058 Bishop Sherborne1.62 03/12 Saint Alphege (Elphage the Elder) of Winchester 951 Bishop Winchester1.63 04/19 Saint Alphege (Elphage) of Canterbury 1011 Bishop & Martyr Bath1.64 01/26 Saint Alphonsus of Astorga 9th C. Bishop Astorga1.65 08/23 Saint Altigianus 731 Religious & Martyr Saint Seine1.66 02/09 Saint Alto 8th C. Hermit & Abbot Altomunster1.67 09/05 Saint Alvitus (Avitus, Aluinus, Albinus) c1063 Bishop1.68 02/06 Saint Amandus of Elnone (or Maastricht) 679 Bishop Elnone-en-Pavele1.69 11/18 Saint Amandus of Lérins c708 Abbot Lerins1.70 08/31 Saint Amatus of Nusco 1193 Bishop Fontigreno1.71 09/13 Saint Amatus (Aime) of Sion c690 Abbot & Bishop Agaune1.72 07/19 Saint Ambrose Autpertus 778 Abbot Volturno1.73 09/10 Saint Ambrose Barlow 1641 Presbyter & Martyr Valladolid Martyrs of England1.74 09/02 Blessed Ambrose Chevreaux 1792 Abbot & Martyr Martyrs of the French Revol1.75 11/20 Saint Amicus of Fonteavellana c1075 Presbyter & Hermit Fonte Avellana1.76 01/30 Saint Amnichad (Amnuchad) 1043 Religious Hermit Fulda1.77 10/08 Saint Amor (Amour) of Aquitaine 9th C. Religious Hermit Aquitaine

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# Feast Name Death Suffix Location Martyr Group

1.78 10/16 Saint Anastasius of Cluny 1085 Religious Hermit Cluny1.79 06/14 Saint Anastasius of Cordoba 853 Religious & Martyr Tabones Martyred under Islam1.80 02/06 Blessed Andrew of Elnone 690 Abbot Elnore-en-Porele1.81 07/17 Saint Andrew Svorad (Zorard) c1010 Religious Hermit Moravia1.82 11/06 Blessed Angel Carmelo Boix Cosials 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Solesmes Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.83 11/06 Blessed Angel Maria Rodamilans Canals 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Subiaco Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.84 11/27 Blessed Angelus Sinesius c1386 Abbot1.85 02/18 Saint Angilbert 814 Abbot Centula1.86 07/12 Saint Ansbald of Pruem 886 Abbot Pruem1.87 07/20 Saint Ansegis (Ansegisus) of Fontenelle 833 Abbot Fontenelle1.88 11/18 Saint Anselin (Anselm) of Lérins c708 Abbot Lerins1.89 03/18 Saint Anselm II of Lucca 1086 Bishop1.90 04/21 Saint Anselm of Canterbury 1109 Bishop & Doctor of the ChurchCanterbury1.91 03/03 Saint Anselm of Nonantola 803 Abbot Nonantola1.92 05/03 Saint Ansfrid of Ultrecht 1010 Bishop Heiligenberg1.93 02/03 Saint Ansgar (Anschar) of Hamburg 865 Bishop New Corbie1.94 10/11 Saint Ansilio 7th C. Religious Lagny1.95 09/07 Saint Ansteus 960 Abbot Gorze1.96 05/21 Saint Ansuin 888 Religious & Martyr1.97 07/15 Saint Ansurius of Orense 1068 Abbot & Martyr St. George1.98 01/18 Saint Anthony of Monte Cassino 12th C. Religious1.99 01/17 Saint Anthony of Rome c590 Religious Rome1.100 01/28 Saint Antimus 8th C. Abbot1.101 11/06 Blessed Antolín Pablos Villanueva 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Solesmes Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.102 02/14 Saint Antoninus of Sorrento 830 Hermit & Abbot St. Agrippinus1.103 11/06 Blessed Antonio Fuertes Boira 1936 Religious & Martyr Solesmes Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.104 11/06 Blessed Antonio Lladós Salud 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Solesmes Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.105 11/06 Blessed Antonio Suárez Riu 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Solesmes Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.106 11/27 Blessed Apollinaris of Monte Cassino 828 Abbot Monte Cassino1.107 03/04 Saint Appian of Commacchio 8th C. Religious Hermit Pavia1.108 02/11 Saint Ardan (Ardagne, Ardagnus, Ardaing) 1050 Abbot Tournus1.109 03/07 Saint Ardo Smaragdus 843 Abbot Aniane1.110 06/28 Saint Argymyrus 856 Religious & Martyr Cordoba Martyred under Islam1.111 03/14 Saint Arnold de'Cattenei (Arnaldus de Catani) 1255 Abbot & Martyr Padua1.112 11/30 Blessed Arnold of Gemblours 1155 Abbot Gemblours1.113 09/19 Saint Arnulf (Arnold) of Gap c1070 Bishop Gap1.114 08/15 Saint Arnulf (Arnoul, Arnulph) of Soissons 1087 Bishop Soissons1.115 11/12 Saint Astericus (Anastasius, Astricus) of Esztergom 1036 Abbot Esztergom1.116 04/03 Saint Attala (Attalus) of Taormina c800 Abbot Taormina

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# Feast Name Death Suffix Location Martyr Group

1.117 10/05 Saint Attilanus of Zamora 1009 Bishop Tarazona1.118 11/19 Saint Atto of Tordino c1010 Abbot Tordino1.119 09/02 Blessed Augustin-Theophile Desruelles 1794 Religious & Martyr Martyrs of the French Revol1.120 05/28 Saint Augustine of Canterbury c605 Bishop Canterbury1.121 11/05 Saint Augustine of Terracina 6th C. Religious Monte Cassino1.122 07/09 Saint Auremund 680 Abbot Marie Evescan1.123 09/25 Saint Austindus of Auch 1068 Bishop Cluny1.124 02/01 Saint Autbert of Landevennec 1129 Presbyter Landevennec1.125 10/05 Blessed Aymard of Cluny 964 Abbot Cluny1.126 10/08 Saint Badilo 870 Abbot Leuze-en-Haunault1.127 08/19 Saint Badulf 850 Abbot Ainay1.128 10/16 Saint Balderic (Baudry) 640 Abbot Montfaucon1.129 11/24 Saint Balsamus 1232 Abbot Cava1.130 03/06 Saint Balther (Baldred, Balred) 756 Religious Lindisfarne1.131 12/27 Blessed Balto 1157 Abbot1.132 06/10 Saint Bardo of Mainz 1053 Bishop Hersfeld1.133 01/23 Saint Barnard (Bernard) of Vienne 842 Bishop Vienne1.134 03/25 Saint Barontius 7th C. Religious Hermit Lonray1.135 06/24 Saint Bartholomew of Farne (Durham) 1193 Presbyter & Hermit Farne1.136 02/24 Saint Bartholomew of Marmoutier 1084 Abbot Marmoutier1.137 11/11 Saint Bartholomew of Rossano 1065 Abbot1.138 10/01 Saint Bavo (Alowinus) 654 Religious Hermit1.139 05/25 Saint Bede the Venerable 735 Presbyter & Doctor of the Chu Wearmouth1.140 04/10 Saint Bede the Younger 883 Presbyter Gavello1.141 05/11 Saint Bellerius c690 Religious St. Gislen1.142 02/11 Saint Benedict of Aniane 821 Abbot Aniane1.143 11/12 Saint Benedict of Braunau (Gnesen) 1005 Religious & Martyr1.144 02/17 Saint Benedict of Cagliari 1112 Bishop Caligari1.145 05/22 Blessed Benedict of Capua 1055 Religious Monte Cassino1.146 05/31 Saint Benedict of Chiusa 1091 Abbot Monte Cassino1.147 07/11 Saint Benedict of Nursia 547 Founder1.148 10/23 Saint Benedict of Sebaste (Poitiers) c654 Religious1.149 02/12 Saint Benedict Revelli of Albenga c900 Bishop & Hermit Santa Maria del Fonti1.150 07/17 Saint Benedict Skalka 1037 Religious & Martyr Nitra Benedictine Martyr1.151 01/12 Saint Benet (Benedict) Biscop 690 Abbot Wearmouth1.152 07/21 Saint Benignus of Moyenmoutier 707 Religious Moyenmoutier1.153 01/10 Blessed Benincasa of la Cava 1194 Abbot Cava1.154 07/12 Saint Benno II of Osnabruck 1088 Bishop Reichenau1.155 08/03 Blessed Benno of Einsiedeln (Metz) 940 Abbot & Bishop Einsiedeln

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# Feast Name Death Suffix Location Martyr Group

1.156 04/10 Saint Beocca of Chertsey 869 Abbot & Martyr Chertsey1.157 10/16 Saint Bercharius 696 Abbot & Martyr Hautvilliers1.158 05/26 Saint Berencardus (Berenger) of St. Papoul 1293 Presbyter St. Papoul1.159 10/29 Blessed Berengarius of Formbach 1108 Abbot Formbach1.160 08/26 Saint Berguin (Bregwin, Bregowine) of Canterbury 765 Bishop Canterbury1.161 07/19 Blessed Bernard of Rodez 1079 Abbot Marseilles1.162 12/19 Saint Bernard of Teramo (Paleara) 1122 Bishop Monte Cassino1.163 04/14 Saint Bernard of Tiron 1117 Abbot Tiron1.164 04/19 Blessed Bernard the Penitent 1182 Religious Hermit Sithiu1.165 01/03 Blessed Bernarius 830 Religious Corbie1.166 01/13 Blessed Berno of Cluny 927 Abbot Cluny1.167 11/25 Blessed Bernold of Ottobeuren c1050 Religious1.168 11/20 Saint Bernwald 1022 Bishop Hildesheim1.169 10/22 Saint Bertharius of Monte Cassino 883 Abbot & Martyr Monte Cassino Martyred under Islam1.170 11/03 Blessed Berthold of Engelberg 1197 Abbot Engelberg1.171 07/27 Saint Berthold of Garsten 1142 Abbot Garsden1.172 07/05 Blessed Berthold of Loccum 1200 Bishop & Martyr1.173 03/26 Blessed Bertilio c880 Abbot & Martyr Dijon1.174 02/05 Saint Bertoul (Bertulf) of Renty 8th C. Religious Renty1.175 02/24 Saint Betto of Auxerre 918 Bishop Auxerre1.176 11/04 Saint Birnstan of Winchester 934 Bishop Winchester1.177 01/31 Saint Bobinus of Troyes c766 Bishop Moulier-la-Celle1.178 09/11 Saint Bodo Leudinus of Toul 678 Bishop1.179 09/27 Saint Bonfilius of Foligno 1125 Abbot & Bishop1.180 05/25 Saint Boniface IV 615 Pope1.181 06/05 Saint Boniface of Mainz, Apostle of Germany 724 Bishop & Martyr Exeter & Nursling Benedictine Martyr1.182 10/15 Saint Boniface (Bruno) of Querfurt, Apostle of Russia 1009 Bishop & Martyr1.183 07/07 Saint Bonitus of Monte Cassino 582 Abbot Monte Cassino1.184 01/15 Saint Bonitus (Bont) of Clermont 754 Bishop Manglieu1.185 03/09 Saint Bosa of Deria 705 Bishop Whitby1.186 06/17 Saint Botolph (Motulf) 7th C. Religious Boston1.187 05/15 Saint Brithunus (Britwin, Berehthum) of Beverly 733 Abbot Beverly1.188 01/22 Saint Brithwold of Ramsbury 1045 Bishop Ramsbury1.189 01/09 Saint Brithwold (Brihtwald, Berthwald) of Canterbury 731 Abbot & Bishop Canterbury1.190 07/18 Saint Bruno of Segni 1123 Abbot & Bishop1.191 11/10 Saint Bundlinus c1220 Bishop1.192 08/20 Saint Burchard of Worms 1026 Bishop Worms1.193 10/14 Saint Burchard (Burkard) of Würzburg 754 Bishop Wurzburg1.194 03/06 Saint Cadroe (Cadroel) 976 Abbot Metz

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# Feast Name Death Suffix Location Martyr Group

1.195 02/11 Saint Caedmon 7th C. Religious Whitby1.196 08/17 Blessed Carloman (Carlmann) 756 Religious Monte Cassino1.197 11/06 Blessed Càndid Feliu Soler 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Subiaco Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.198 05/19 Saint Celestine V (Peter Celestine) 1296 Pope1.199 11/12 Saint Christian of Braunau (Gnesen) 1005 Religious & Martyr1.200 08/20 Saint Christopher 852 Religious & Martyr Cordoba Martyred under Islam1.201 06/18 Blessed Cincuinus 9th CenturReligious1.202 11/06 Blessed Cipriano González Millán 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Subiaco Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.203 02/01 Saint Clarus of Seligenstadt c1048 Religious Hermit1.204 01/01 Saint Clarus of Vienne 660 Abbot Vienne1.205 08/09 Blessed Claude Richard 1794 Religious & Martyr Martyrs of Rochefort Prison 1.206 06/06 Saint Claudius of Besançon 699 Bishop Besançon1.207 03/30 Saint Clinus (Clinius) of Monte Cassino Unknown Abbot Monte Cassino1.208 10/03 Blessed Columba Marmion 1923 Abbot Maredsous1.209 11/06 Saint Condeluc (Condelue) 870 Presbyter1.210 01/25 Blessed Conhojarn c868 Religious Redon1.211 01/15 Blessed Conrad Bosinlother of Mondsee 1145 Abbot & Martyr Mondsee1.212 07/27 Blessed Conrad of Ottobeuren 1227 Abbot1.213 05/02 Blessed Conrad of Seldenbüren (Engelberg) 1126 Religious & Martyr Engelberg1.214 02/17 Saint Constabilis 1124 Abbot Cava1.215 07/21 Saint Constantine of Montecassino c560 Abbot Monte Cassino1.216 06/03 Saint Conus (Canus, Cano) of Codossa c1200 Religious Lucania1.217 01/05 Saint Convoyon 868 Abbot Glanfeuil1.218 08/19 Saint Credan of Evesham 780 Abbot Evesham1.219 03/20 Saint Cuthbert of Lindisfarne 687 Bishop Hexham1.220 07/15 Saint David of Monkentorp c1080 Abbot & Bishop1.221 09/03 Blessed Degenhard 1374 Religious Hermit1.222 01/18 Saint Deicola (Diey, Deicolus) c625 Abbot Luxeuil1.223 06/07 Saint Deochar (Theotker, Gottlieb) 847 Hermit & Abbot Herriedon1.224 10/19 Saint Desiderius of Lonrey (Longret) c705 Religious Hermit1.225 03/25 Saint Desiderius of Pistoja c685 Religious Hermit1.226 07/14 Saint Deusdedit of Canterbury 664 Bishop Canterbury1.227 10/09 Saint Deusdedit of Monte Cassino 834 Abbot & Martyr Monte Cassino1.228 09/08 Saint Disibod (Disen) c674 Bishop Disibodenberg1.229 10/01 Saint Dodo 737 Hermit & Abbot Lobbes1.230 06/21 Blessed Dominic of Comacchio c820 Religious Commachio1.231 12/20 Saint Dominic of Silos 1073 Abbot San Millian del Cogolia1.232 01/22 Saint Dominic of Sora 1081 Abbot1.233 08/17 Saint Donatus of Ripacandida 1198 Religious Monte Vergine

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# Feast Name Death Suffix Location Martyr Group

1.234 10/05 Saint Donatus of Sicily 4th C. Religious1.235 04/02 Blessed Drogo of Baume 10th C. Religious1.236 08/13 Saint Druthmar 1046 Abbot Lorsch1.237 10/25 Saint Dulcard 584 Religious Hermit1.238 05/19 Saint Dunstan of Canterbury 988 Bishop Glastonbury1.239 08/27 Saint Ebbo of Hamburg 1162 Abbot & Bishop1.240 08/13 Saint Eberhard of Ebersheimmuenster 690 Abbot Ebersheimmuenster1.241 06/22 Saint Eberhard of Salzburg 1164 Bishop1.242 08/14 Blessed Eberhard (Everard) of Einsiedeln 958 Abbot Einsiedeln1.243 04/07 Saint Eberhard (Everard) of Schaffhausen 1075 Religious1.244 06/10 Saint Ebremond (Evermund) 720 Abbot Montmaire1.245 10/19 Saint Ednot (Ednoth) of Dorchester 1016 Bishop Worcester1.246 10/30 Saint Egelnothus the Good 1038 Bishop1.247 12/17 Saint Egil (Aeigilus) 822 Abbot Fulda1.248 05/25 Saint Egilhard 881 Abbot & Martyr Cornelimunster1.249 06/28 Saint Egilo (Egilon, Eigil) 871 Abbot Prum1.250 07/15 Blessed Egino of Augsburg 1120 Abbot Augsburg1.251 12/30 Saint Egwin of Worcester 717 Bishop Evesham1.252 11/25 Saint Ekbert (Egbert, Eckbert) of Muensterschwarach 1075 Abbot Gorze1.253 09/06 Saint Eleutherius of Spoleto c590 Abbot1.254 04/16 Blessed Elias of Cologne 1042 Abbot St. Martin1.255 12/30 Saint Elias of Sainte-Foi c900 Abbot1.256 12/03 Saint Eloquius (Eloque) of Lagny 666 Abbot Lagny1.257 03/12 Saint Elphege of Winchester 951 Bishop Winchester1.258 06/04 Saint Elsiar (Elzearius) 1015 Religious Saint-Savin1.259 04/06 Saint Elstan of Ramsbury 981 Bishop Ramsbury1.260 11/12 Saint Emilian of Cogolla 574 Religious Hermit1.261 01/07 Saint Emilian (Aemilio/Aemilian) of Combes 767 Religious Combes1.262 03/10 Saint Emilian (Aermillanus) of Lagny c675 Abbot Lagny1.263 01/27 Saint Emmerius 8th C. Abbot Bannoles1.264 06/01 Saint Eneco (Iñigo) of Ona 1057 Abbot Ona (Spain)1.265 12/09 Saint Enguerrammus (Angilram) 1045 Abbot Abbeville1.266 04/30 Saint Erconwald (Erkenwald) of London 693 Bishop Chertsey1.267 06/24 Saint Erich 924 Religious Auxerre1.268 04/12 Saint Erkenbodo 742 Bishop Sithiu1.269 11/06 Saint Erlafrid c830 Abbot Hirschau1.270 04/25 Saint Ermin of Lobbes 737 Abbot & Bishop Lobbes1.271 09/25 Saint Erminfrid (Ermenfrid) c670 Abbot Cusance1.272 01/06 Saint Erminold 1121 Abbot & Martyr Lorsch

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# Feast Name Death Suffix Location Martyr Group

1.273 11/07 Saint Ernest 1148 Abbot Zwiefalten1.274 03/07 Saint Esterwine 686 Abbot Wearmouth1.275 08/01 Saint Ethelwold of Winchester 984 Bishop Winchester1.276 03/23 Saint Ethelwold (Oidilwald, Oldilwald) 699 Religious Hermit Ripon1.277 07/10 Saint Etto (Hetto) of St. Peter in Fescau 670 Abbot & Bishop1.278 02/20 Saint Eucherius of Orléans 743 Bishop Jumieges1.279 11/20 Saint Eudo (Eudon, Eudes, Odo) c760 Abbot Lerins1.280 11/13 Saint Eugene of Toledo 647 Bishop Agali1.281 01/31 Saint Eusebius of St. Gall 884 Religious Hermit St. Gall1.282 09/07 Saint Faciolus of Poitiers c960 Religious St. Cyprian1.283 07/25 Saint Fagildus c1063 Abbot Antealtares1.284 06/06 Saint Falco of Cava 1146 Abbot Cava1.285 06/13 Saint Fandila (Fandilas) 853 Abbot & Martyr Penamelaria Martyred under Islam1.286 02/15 Saint Faustus of Monte Cassino 6th C. Religious Monte Cassino1.287 09/06 Saint Faustus of Syracuse 607 Abbot St. Lucy, Syracuse1.288 03/23 Blessed Felix of Chieti (Monte Cassino) c1000 Religious1.289 06/14 Saint Felix of Cordoba 853 Religious & Martyr Cordoba Martyred under Islam1.290 06/05 Saint Felix of Fritzlar c790 Religious & Martyr Fritzlar1.291 03/04 Saint Felix of Rhuys 1038 Hermit & Abbot Rhuys1.292 06/05 Blessed Ferdinand 1443 Religious1.293 11/06 Blessed Fernando Salinas Romeo 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Solesmes Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.294 11/15 Saint Findan (Fintanus, Fintan) 879 Religious Hermit Rheina1.295 03/11 Saint Firmian (Fermanus) c1020 Abbot San Sabino Piceno1.296 12/11 Saint Fitweten 868 Religious1.297 11/01 Saint Florbert of Mont Blandin 660 Abbot1.298 12/10 Saint Florentius of Carracedo 1156 Abbot Carracedo1.299 12/22 Blessed Florus Unknown Religious & Martyr Glanfeuil1.300 04/30 Saint Forannan 982 Abbot & Bishop Waulsort (Wazor?)1.301 05/13 Blessed Fortis Gabrielli 1040 Religious Hermit Fonte Avellana1.302 11/06 Blessed Francesco Maria de Paula Sánchez Solé 1936 Religious & Martyr Subiaco Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.303 06/04 Blessed Francis Ronci 1294 Cardinal1.304 06/05 Saint Franco of Assergi c1275 Religious Hermit Assergi1.305 07/17 Saint Fredegand (Fregaut) of Kerkelodor 740 Abbot Kerkelodor1.306 01/06 Blessed Frederic of St. Vaast 1022 Religious1.307 05/07 Blessed Frederick of Hirschau c1070 Abbot1.308 10/03 Saint Froilán of Leon 1006 Bishop1.309 09/03 Saint Frongentius c675 Religious & Martyr1.310 03/07 Blessed Frowin of Engelberg 1178 Abbot Engelberg1.311 04/16 Saint Fructuosus of Braga 665 Bishop

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# Feast Name Death Suffix Location Martyr Group

1.312 12/25 Blessed Fulco 1232 Bishop1.313 12/10 Blessed Fulgentius of Affligem 1122 Abbot1.314 10/10 Saint Fulk of Fontenelle 845 Abbot Fontenelle1.315 07/16 Saint Fulrad 784 Abbot Saint-Denis1.316 09/29 Saint Garcia of Artanza 1073 Abbot1.317 05/10 Blessed Garinus of Toul 1230 Abbot & Bishop St. Apre1.318 01/05 Saint Gaudentius (Radzim) of Gniezno c1004 Bishop St. Alessio1.319 06/03 Blessed Gausmar 984 Abbot1.320 10/21 Saint Gebizo 1087 Religious1.321 05/21 Saint Genesius of Besue 888 Religious & Martyr1.322 04/30 Saint Genistus of Aynac (or Limoges) c1100 Religious1.323 05/25 Saint Gennadius of Astorga c936 Abbot Argeo1.324 04/11 Blessed George Gervase 1608 Presbyter & Martyr Douai Martyrs of England1.325 02/19 Saint George of Lodève 884 Bishop Saint-Foi-de-Conques1.326 02/06 Saint Gerald of Ostia 1077 Bishop Cluny1.327 04/05 Saint Gerald of Sauve-Majeure 1095 Abbot Sauve-Majeure1.328 05/21 Saint Gerard 888 Religious & Martyr1.329 10/03 Saint Gerard of Brogne 959 Abbot St. Denys1.330 12/06 Saint Gerard of La Charité 1109 Abbot Soignies1.331 05/29 Blessed Gerard of Mâcon 927 Bishop Brou1.332 09/24 Saint Gerard (Collert) Sagredo of Csanad 1046 Abbot, Bishop & Martyr Venice1.333 12/05 Saint Gerard (Gerald) of Braga 1109 Bishop Moissac1.334 05/25 Blessed Gerbald 862 Religious & Martyr St. Bertin1.335 09/24 Saint Geremar (Germer, Geremarus) 658 Abbot Pentale1.336 11/01 Saint Germanus of Montfort 1000 Presbyter Savigny1.337 06/28 Saint Germanus of Valaam c1329 Religious1.338 05/16 Saint Germerius of Toulouse c560. Bishop Dux1.339 04/19 Saint Gerold (Geroldus) of Einsiedeln 978 Religious Hermit Einsiedeln1.340 05/24 Saint Gerwald 861 Religious & Martyr1.341 03/03 Saint Gerwin (Gervinus) of Rheims 1075 Abbot Verdun1.342 04/17 Saint Gerwin (Gerwinus) of Oldenburg (Aldenberg) 1117 Religious Hermit Aldenberg1.343 04/07 Saint Gibardus (Gibard, Gibert) 888 Abbot & Martyr1.344 08/21 Saint Gilbert of Valenciennes 1185 Abbot Soissons1.345 09/25 Saint Gingurian 1030 Religious1.346 11/04 Saint Girard (Gerard or Giarf) of Bazonches 1123 Religious Angers1.347 05/31 Saint Gislemar 870 Religious Corbie1.348 10/09 Saint Gislenus (Ghislain, Guislain) 680 Abbot St. Ghislain1.349 05/05 Saint Godehard (Godard, Gothard) of Hildesheim 1038 Abbot & Bishop Niederaltaich1.350 11/08 Saint Godfrey of Amiens 1115 Bishop Nogent

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# Feast Name Death Suffix Location Martyr Group

1.351 11/10 Blessed Godfrey of Corvey 1009 Religious Corvey1.352 07/22 Blessed Godfrey of Langres 1165 Bishop1.353 05/21 Saint Godric (Goderic) of Finchale 1170 Religious Hermit1.354 05/01 Saint Gombert (Gumbert) 10th C. Religious & Martyr Rheims1.355 09/17 Blessed Gordian Unknown Religious & Martyr1.356 08/28 Saint Gorman of Schleswig 965 Bishop Reichenau1.357 02/13 Saint Gosbert of Osnabruck 874 Bishop New Corbie1.358 02/12 Saint Goscelin (Goscelinus, Goslin) 1053 Abbot Turin1.359 10/09 Saint Goswin 1165 Abbot Anchin1.360 09/03 Saint Gregory I "the Great" 604 Pope & Doctor of the Church Rome1.361 11/08 Saint Gregory of Einsiedeln 996 Abbot Einsiedeln1.362 08/03 Blessed Gregory of Nonantula 933 Abbot Nonantula1.363 05/09 Saint Gregory of Ostia 1044 Cardinal Rome1.364 12/12 Saint Gregory of Terracina c570 Religious1.365 08/25 Saint Gregory of Ultrecht 776 Abbot Ultrecht1.366 05/25 Saint Gregory VII (Hildebrand) 1085 Pope1.367 09/26 Blessed Guarin of Corvey 856 Abbot Corvey1.368 11/10 Saint Guerembald 965 Presbyter Hirschau1.369 05/23 Saint Guibert 962 Religious Hermit Gorze1.370 11/25 Saint Guido of Casauria 1045 Religious Casauria1.371 03/31 Saint Guido (Guy) of Pomposa 1046 Abbot St. Severus1.372 05/26 Saint Guinizo of Monte Cassino 1050 Religious Hermit Monte Cassino1.373 12/10 Saint Guitmar 765 Abbot Saint-Riquier1.374 11/29 Saint Gulstan 1010 Religious1.375 02/21 Saint Gundebert (Gumbert, Gondelbert) of Sens c676 Bishop & Hermit1.376 08/02 Blessed Gundechar (Gundekar, Giundechar) 1073 Bishop1.377 12/08 Blessed Guntard c780 Abbot1.378 10/09 Blessed Gunther (Guenther) 1045 Religious Hermit Niederaltaich1.379 08/25 Saint Gurloes (Gurloesius) of Brittany 1057 Abbot Britany1.380 04/11 Saint Guthlac (Gutlac) 714 Religious Hermit1.381 06/18 Saint Guy of Baume c940 Abbot Baume1.382 06/07 Saint Habentius (Abenzo) of Cordoba 851 Religious & Martyr Cordoba Martyred under Islam1.383 11/10 Saint Hadelin of Sées c910 Abbot Saint-Calais1.384 08/20 Saint Haduin (Harduin) of Le Mans c653 Bishop Le Mans1.385 06/05 Saint Hadulph (Hadulphus) 754 Religious & Martyr1.386 02/13 Saint Haimon 790 Religious Hermit1.387 02/23 Blessed Hartman 1165 Bishop1.388 07/15 Saint Haruch of Werden c830 Abbot & Bishop Werden1.389 08/09 Blessed Harveus 1093 Religious Hermit

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# Feast Name Death Suffix Location Martyr Group

1.390 07/30 Saint Hatebrand (Hathebrand) 1198 Abbot Olden-Klooster1.391 07/04 Blessed Hatto 985 Religious Ottobeuren1.392 07/07 Saint Hedda of Dorchester (Winchester) 705 Bishop Whitby1.393 04/09 Saint Hedda of Peterborough (Medeshamstede) 869 Abbot & Martyr Petersburogh1.394 03/13 Saint Heldrad (Heldradus, Eldrad) 9th C. Abbot Novalese1.395 02/18 Saint Helladius of Toledo 633 Abbot & Bishop Agali1.396 01/16 Saint Henry of Coquet 1127 Religious Hermit Tynemouth1.397 12/06 Blessed Henry of Pontida 1100 Abbot Pontida1.398 10/30 Saint Herbert (Haerne) of Rennes 1198 Bishop Clermont1.399 04/25 Saint Heribald of Auxerre 9th C. Abbot & Bishop St. Germanus1.400 08/26 Blessed Herluin 1078 Abbot Bonneville1.401 09/03 Blessed Herman of Heidelberg 1326 Religious Hermit1.402 09/24 Blessed Herman (Contractus) of Reichenau 1054 Religious Reichenau1.403 11/05 Saint Hermenegild of Salcedo 953 Religious Salcedo1.404 06/26 Saint Hermogius of Tuy c942 Bishop Tuy1.405 12/27 Blessed Hesso of Beinwil 1133 Abbot Hirschau1.406 06/23 Saint Hidulf (Hidulphus) of Lobbes c707 Religious1.407 08/23 Saint Hilarinus 731 Religious & Martyr Saint-Seine1.408 05/15 Saint Hilary of Galeata (Sestre) 558 Religious Hermit Galeata1.409 06/19 Saint Hildegrin (Hildegrim of Chalons) c827 Abbot & Bishop Chalons-sur-Marne1.410 12/10 Saint Hildemar of Beauvais 844 Bishop Corbie1.411 07/11 Saint Hildulph 707 Abbot & Bishop Moyenmoutiere1.412 12/20 Saint Hoger (Hogerus) of Hamburg-Bremen 916 Bishop Corvey1.413 01/16 Saint Honoratus of Fondi 6th C. Abbot Fondi1.414 09/30 Saint Honorius of Canterbury 653 Bishop Canterbury1.415 05/30 Saint Hubert (Hugbert) of Brétigny c714 Religious Bretigny1.416 11/15 Blessed Hugh Cook Faringdon 1539 Abbot & Martyr Reading Martyrs of England1.417 10/21 Saint Hugh of Ambronay 9th C. Abbot Ambronay1.418 04/20 Saint Hugh of Anzy-le-Duc 930 Abbot St. Martin at Autun1.419 04/01 Saint Hugh of Grenoble 1132 Bishop Grenoble1.420 04/09 Saint Hugh of Rouen 730 Bishop Rouen1.421 05/11 Saint Hugh the Great of Cluny 1109 Abbot Cluny1.422 06/11 Saint Hugo of Marchiennes 1148 Abbot Marchiennes1.423 03/25 Saint Humbert of Marolles c680 Abbot Leon1.424 03/08 Saint Humphrey (Hunfried) of Thérouanne 871 Abbot & Bishop Prum1.425 02/13 Saint Huna c690 Religious Hermit Ely1.426 03/08 Saint Hunfrid of Terrouane 871 Abbot & Bishop Pruem1.427 11/06 Blessed Ignacio Guilà Ximenes 1936 Religious & Martyr Subiaco Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.428 08/30 Blessed Ildephonsus Schuster of Milan 1954 Cardinal Milan

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# Feast Name Death Suffix Location Martyr Group

1.429 05/11 Saint Illuminatus of Sanseverino c1000 Religious San Severino1.430 09/08 Saint Ina 727 Religious1.431 11/12 Saint Isaac of Braunau (Gnesen) 1005 Religious & Martyr1.432 06/03 Saint Isaac of Tabanos (Cordoba) 850 Religious & Martyr Cordoba Martyred under Islam1.433 07/18 Blessed Isaac the Good 880 Bishop1.434 09/24 Saint Isarnus (Ysarn) of Toulouse 1048 Abbot1.435 11/28 Saint Isthmido 11th C. Religious1.436 11/28 Saint Isthmus 11th C. Religious1.437 06/10 Saint Ithamar of Rochester c656. Bishop1.438 11/06 Blessed Jaime Caballé Bru 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Solesmes Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.439 05/10 Blessed James of Parano c1300 Religious Parano1.440 11/19 Saint James of Sasseau c865 Religious Hermit1.441 06/23 Saint James of Toul 769 Bishop Hernbach1.442 11/06 Blessed Jaume Vendrell Olivella 1936 Religious & Martyr Subiaco Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.443 09/15 Saint Jeremias 852 Religious & Martyr Cordoba Martyred under Islam1.444 11/06 Blessed Joan Costa Canal 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Subiaco Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.445 11/06 Blessed Joan Grau Bullich 1937 Presbyter & Martyr Subiaco Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.446 11/06 Blessed Joan Roca Bosch 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Subiaco Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.447 12/13 Saint Jodocus 668 Religious Hermit1.448 01/25 Saint Joel of Pulsano 1185 Religious St. Mary Abbey1.449 02/22 Saint John Apulus 1055 Abbot Lucca1.450 08/26 Blessed John Bassand (Bassano) 1445 Presbyter Celestine1.451 12/01 Blessed John Beche 1539 Abbot & Martyr Colchester Martyrs of England1.452 09/26 Saint John de Meda 1159 Abbot1.453 03/16 Blessed John de Surdis 1181 Abbot & Bishop Mantua1.454 11/15 Blessed John Eynon 1539 Presbyter & Martyr Reading Martyrs of England1.455 11/25 Saint John Francardus 1478 Abbot Celestine1.456 05/07 Saint John of Beverley (Hexham) 721 Bishop Whitby1.457 11/12 Saint John of Braunau (Gnesen) 1005 Religious & Martyr1.458 09/29 Blessed John of Ghent 1439 Religious Hermit Saint-Claude1.459 02/27 Blessed John of Gorze 973 Abbot Gorze1.460 09/07 Saint John of Gubbio (Lodi) 1106 Bishop Gubbio1.461 06/20 Saint John of Matera 1139 Presbyter Pulsano1.462 11/10 Saint John of Mecklenburg 1066 Bishop & Martyr Mecklenberg1.463 08/17 Saint John of Monte Marano 1095 Bishop Monte Marano1.464 05/12 Blessed John of Monte Vergine 1189 Abbot Monte Vergine1.465 07/21 Saint John of Moyenmoutier 707 Presbyter Moyenmoutier1.466 05/22 Saint John of Parma 982 Abbot Parma1.467 01/17 Saint John of Rome c590 Religious

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# Feast Name Death Suffix Location Martyr Group

1.468 11/17 Saint John of Rome (Monk of Rome) 620 Religious1.469 06/08 Blessed John Rainuzzi 1330 Religious1.470 10/25 Saint John Roberts 1611 Presbyter & Martyr Martyrs of England1.471 11/15 Blessed John Rugg 1539 Presbyter & Martyr Reading Martyrs of England1.472 03/16 Blessed John Sordi Cacciafronte of Mantua 1183 Abbot, Bishop & Martyr Cremona1.473 02/22 Blessed John the Saxon 895 Abbot & Martyr Athelingay1.474 11/15 Blessed John Thorne 1539 Presbyter & Martyr Glastonbury Martyrs of England1.475 12/21 Saint John Vincent 1012 Bishop Saint-Michael Chiusa1.476 12/05 Blessed John (Giovanni) Gradenigo 1025 Religious Hermit Monte Cassino1.477 08/01 Saint Jonatus 690 Abbot Elnone1.478 11/02 Saint Jorand 1340 Religious Hermit Kergrist1.479 09/05 Blessed Jordan 1152 Abbot Pulsano1.480 08/07 Blessed Jordan Forzatè 1158 Abbot Padua1.481 11/30 Blessed Joscio c1163 Religious1.482 11/06 Blessed Josep Albareda Ramoneda 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Subiaco Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.483 11/06 Blessed Josep Maria Fontseré Masdeú 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Subiaco Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.484 09/25 Blessed Joseph-Benedict Dusmet 1894 Cardinal1.485 11/06 Blessed José Antón Gómez 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Solesmes Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.486 11/06 Blessed José Erausquin Aramburu 1936 Religious & Martyr Subiaco Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.487 11/06 Blessed José María Jordà Jordà 1936 Religious & Martyr Subiaco Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.488 10/04 Blessed Julian Majali 1470 Abbot San Martino1.489 11/06 Blessed Julio Fernández Muñiz 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Solesmes Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.490 11/10 Saint Justus of Canterbury 627 Bishop Canterbury1.491 09/17 Saint Lambert of Maastricht 705 Religious & Martyr Stavelot1.492 06/22 Blessed Lambert of St. Bertain 1125 Abbot St. Bertain1.493 10/09 Saint Lambert of St. Gislen (Ghislain) c680 Religious1.494 05/26 Saint Lambert Péloguin of Vence 1154 Bishop Vence1.495 06/15 Saint Landelin (Landelinus) of Lobbes (or Crespin) 686 Abbot Crespin1.496 06/10 Saint Landric of Novalese (Paris) c661 Bishop Paris1.497 06/07 Saint Landulf Variglia 1134 Bishop1.498 05/28 Blessed Lanfranc 1089 Bishop Canterbury1.499 04/01 Blessed Lanzo c1100 Presbyter1.500 08/16 Blessed Laurence Loricatus c1190 Religious Hermit Suiaco1.501 11/02 Saint Lautenus 10th C. Abbot1.502 08/16 Blessed Lawrence Loricatus of Fanello 1243 Religious Hermit Fanello1.503 09/05 Saint Lawrence of Canterbury 619 Bishop Canterbury1.504 02/27 Saint Leander 596 Bishop Seville1.505 11/06 Blessed Leandro Cuesta Andrés 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Solesmes Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.506 08/19 Blessed Leo II of Cava 1295 Abbot Cava

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# Feast Name Death Suffix Location Martyr Group

1.507 07/17 Saint Leo IV 855 Pope1.508 07/12 Saint Leo of Lucca 1079 Abbot Lucca1.509 11/20 Saint Leo of Nonantula 1000 Abbot Nonantula1.510 03/14 Saint Leobinus (Lubin) of Chartres 558 Abbot & Bishop Brou1.511 11/06 Blessed Leon Alesanco Maestro 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Subiaco Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.512 08/18 Blessed Leonard of Cava 1255 Abbot Cava1.513 11/06 Blessed Leoncio Ibáñez Caballero 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Solesmes Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.514 10/23 Saint Leothade (Leothadius) of Auch 718 Bishop1.515 08/20 Saint Leovigild 852 Religious & Martyr Cordoba Martyred under Islam1.516 01/04 Saint Libentius (Liawizo) 1013 Bishop1.517 07/02 Saint Lidanus 1118 Abbot Sezze1.518 11/06 Blessed Lluis Casanovas Vila 1936 Religious & Martyr Subiaco Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.519 01/11 Saint Lohemellus 870 Religious Redon1.520 11/06 Blessed Lorenzo Santolaria Ester 1936 Religious & Martyr Solesmes Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.521 11/06 Blessed Lorenzo Sobrevía Cañardo 1936 Religious & Martyr Solesmes Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.522 08/20 Blessed Louis-François Le Brun 1794 Religious & Martyr Fontenelle Martyrs of Rochefort Prison 1.523 09/02 Blessed Louis Barreau de la Touche 1792 Presbyter & Martyr Cong. St. Maur Martyrs of Rochefort Prison 1.524 03/26 Saint Ludger (Liudger) of Munster 809 Bishop Munster1.525 08/13 Saint Ludolf of Corvey 983 Abbot Corvey1.526 09/29 Saint Ludwin (Leodewin) 713 Bishop Treve & Leon1.527 11/06 Blessed Luis Palacios Lozano 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Subiaco Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.528 11/06 Blessed Luis Vidaurrázaga González 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Solesmes Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.529 10/16 Saint Lull (Lullus) of Mainz 786 Bishop Malmesbury1.530 07/28 Saint Lyutius c1038 Religious Hermit Monte Cassino1.531 12/19 Blessed Macarius the Scot 1153 Abbot Nuremburg1.532 01/21 Saint Maccallin (Maccallan) 978 Abbot Gorze1.533 09/17 Blessed Macrinus Unknown Religious & Martyr1.534 08/19 Saint Magnus of Avignon c660 Bishop Avignon1.535 05/11 Saint Maiolus (Majolus/Maieul) of Cluny 994 Abbot Cluny1.536 04/10 Saint Malchus of Waterford 1111 Bishop Waterford1.537 07/14 Saint Marcellinus (Marchelm, Marculf) of Deventer 760 Religious Deventer1.538 10/24 Saint Marcius of Montecassino 579 Religious Hermit Monte Cassino1.539 11/06 Blessed Mariano Palau Sin 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Solesmes Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.540 11/06 Blessed Mariano Sierra Almázor 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Solesmes Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.541 02/09 Blessed Marianus Scotus (Muirdach MacRobartaigh) 1088 Abbot Michelsburg1.542 08/19 Saint Marinus of Besalú (Catalonia) c800 Bishop Catalonia1.543 12/15 Blessed Marinus of Cava 1170 Abbot Cava1.544 11/24 Saint Marinus of Chandor 731 Religious & Martyr1.545 06/12 Saint Marinus of Griesstetten 1153 Religious Hermit Griessetten

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# Feast Name Death Suffix Location Martyr Group

1.546 02/27 Blessed Mark Barkworth (Lambert) 1601 Presbyter & Martyr Valladolid Martyrs of England1.547 02/02 Saint Marquard of Hildesheim 880 Bishop & Martyr Hildesheim1.548 02/27 Saint Marquart of Pruem 853 Abbot Pruem1.549 11/26 Saint Martin of Arades 726 Presbyter Corbie1.550 10/24 Saint Martin of Vertou 601 Abbot Vertou1.551 11/06 Blessed Martín Donamaría Valencia 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Solesmes Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.552 12/25 Blessed Matthew of Albano 1134 Cardinal Albano1.553 11/12 Saint Matthew of Braunau (Gnesen) 1005 Religious & Martyr Braunau1.554 08/09 Saint Maurilius of Rouen 1067 Abbot Rouen1.555 01/09 Saint Maurontius of Glonne 695 Abbot Glonne1.556 01/20 Saint Maurus of Cesena 946 Abbot & Bishop Cesena1.557 01/15 Saint Maurus of Glanfeuil 583 Abbot1.558 10/25 Blessed Maurus of Pécs 1075 Abbot & Bishop Pecs1.559 05/30 Blessed Maurus Scott 1612 Presbyter & Martyr Spain Martyrs of England1.560 06/26 Saint Maxentius (Maixent) of Agde 6th C. Abbot Poitou1.561 06/09 Saint Maximian of Syracuse 594 Bishop Syracuse1.562 02/23 Saint Medrald (Meerald, Meeraut) 850 Abbot Vendome1.563 03/16 Saint Megingaud (Mengold, Megingoz) of Wurzburg 794 Abbot & Bishop Fritzlar1.564 09/26 Blessed Meginhard 1059 Abbot1.565 01/21 Saint Meinrad of Einsiedeln 861 Religious & Martyr Reichenau Benedictine Martyr1.566 12/10 Blessed Meinrad (Mainard) of Sassovivo 1067 Abbot1.567 04/24 Saint Mellitus 624 Bishop Canterbury1.568 07/22 Saint Menelaus (Ménelé, Mauvier) c770 Abbot Carmery1.569 03/23 Blessed Merbodo 1120 Religious & Martyr1.570 01/17 Saint Merulus of Rome c590 Religious Rome1.571 07/18 Saint Minnborinus 986 Abbot St. Martin in Cologne1.572 10/22 Saint Moderan (Moderannus, Moran) c730 Bishop1.573 02/05 Saint Modestus 780 Bishop1.574 06/03 Saint Morand 1115 Abbot Cluny1.575 08/08 Saint Mummolus 678 Abbot1.576 11/18 Saint Mummolus (Mumbolus, Momleolus, Momble) c690 Abbot1.577 02/09 Blessed Murcherad 1080 Religious Hermit1.578 07/31 Saint Neot 9th C. Religious Hermit Glastonbury1.579 11/21 Blessed Nicholas Giustiniani (Justinian) of Vaucelles 1180 Religious Vaucelles1.580 02/23 Blessed Nicholas of Prussia 1456 Presbyter Prussia1.581 04/15 Saint Nidgar (Nidger, Nitgar) of Augsburg 831 Abbot & Bishop Augsburg1.582 02/04 Saint Nithard 845 Religious & Martyr Corbie1.583 09/02 Saint Nonnosus 575 Abbot Mount Saracte1.584 10/17 Saint Nothelm 8th C. Bishop Canterbury

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# Feast Name Death Suffix Location Martyr Group

1.585 12/22 Saint Notingus of Constance 935 Bishop1.586 04/06 Blessed Notker Balbulus 912 Religious St. Gall1.587 08/06 Blessed Octavian of Savona 1132 Bishop Savona1.588 12/02 Blessed Oderisius de' Marsi 1105 Cardinal Monte Cassino1.589 05/08 Saint Odger (Otger) c753 Bishop1.590 05/11 Saint Odilo of Cluny 1049 Abbot Cluny1.591 10/15 Blessed Odilo of Stavelot Malmédy c954 Abbot1.592 01/28 Saint Odo of Beauvais 880 Abbot & Bishop Corbie1.593 06/19 Blessed Odo of Cambrai 1050 Bishop Cambrai1.594 07/04 Saint Odo of Canterbury (Odo the Good) 959 Bishop Canterbury1.595 05/11 Saint Odo of Cluny 942 Abbot Cluny1.596 07/13 Blessed Olbert 1048 Abbot Liege1.597 02/03 Saint Oliver of Ancona c1050 Religious Ancona1.598 12/21 Saint Onnenus Unknown Religious1.599 02/23 Saint Ordonius of Astorga 1066 Bishop Astorga1.600 02/28 Saint Oswald of Worcester 992 Bishop Worcester1.601 11/16 Saint Othmar (Otmar, Audemar) 759 Religious1.602 12/28 Blessed Otto of Heidelberg 1344 Religious Hermit1.603 11/15 Saint Paduinus (Paduin, Pavin) c703 Abbot1.604 01/11 Saint Paldo c720 Abbot San Vincenzo1.605 04/10 Saint Palladius of Auxerre 661 Bishop Auxerre1.606 01/04 Blessed Palumbus of Subiaco 1070 Presbyter1.607 10/06 Saint Pardulphus (Pardoux) c738 Abbot1.608 05/14 Saint Paschal I 824 Pope1.609 04/26 Saint Paschasius Radbert c865 Religious1.610 04/10 Saint Paternus of Abdinghof 1058 Religious1.611 09/23 Saint Paternus (Pair) of Avranches 564 Religious1.612 07/20 Saint Paul of St. Zoilus 851 Religious & Martyr Cordoba Martyred under Islam1.613 02/08 Saint Paul of Verdun c649 Bishop1.614 05/04 Saint Paulinus 1280 Religious1.615 10/10 Saint Paulinus of York 644 Bishop1.616 11/06 Blessed Pedro Vilar Espona 1936 Religious & Martyr Subiaco Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.617 11/06 Blessed Pere Vallmitjana Abarca 1937 Presbyter & Martyr Subiaco Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.618 02/21 Saint Peter Damian 1072 Cardinal1.619 03/13 Blessed Peter II of Cava 1208 Abbot1.620 09/10 Saint Peter Martinez of Mozonzo c1000 Bishop1.621 12/25 Blessed Peter Mauritius 1157 Abbot Cluny1.622 08/03 Saint Peter of Anagni 1105 Bishop1.623 01/06 Saint Peter of Canterbury c607 Religious

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# Feast Name Death Suffix Location Martyr Group

1.624 07/10 Blessed Peter of Caprario 1007 Abbot1.625 06/07 Saint Peter of Cordoba 851 Religious & Martyr Cordoba Martyred under Islam1.626 08/02 Saint Peter of Osma 1109 Bishop1.627 12/31 Blessed Peter of Subiaco 1003 Abbot & Martyr1.628 01/10 Saint Peter Orseolo 987 Religious Hermit Rousillon1.629 03/04 Saint Peter Pappacarbone (of Cava) 1123 Abbot & Bishop Cava1.630 03/12 Saint Peter the Deacon c615 Religious1.631 05/11 Blessed Peter the Venerable of Cluny 1156 Abbot1.632 01/14 Saint Peter Urseolus 987 Religious1.633 07/10 Saint Peter Vincioli 1007 Abbot1.634 05/06 Saint Petronax c747 Abbot1.635 06/30 Blessed Philip Powel 1646 Presbyter & Martyr Martyrs of England1.636 11/03 Saint Pirmin (Pirminus) 753 Bishop1.637 03/15 Blessed Placid Riccardi 1915 Presbyter Rebais1.638 01/15 Saint Placid (Placidus) 6th C. Religious1.639 05/08 Saint Plechelm c753 Bishop1.640 08/02 Saint Plegmund 914 Bishop & Hermit Canterbury1.641 03/26 Saint Pontius of Avignon 1078 Abbot Avignon1.642 12/29 Blessed Pontius of Puy-en-Velais 1130 Bishop Chaise-Dieu1.643 01/25 Saint Poppo 1048 Abbot Lotharingia1.644 08/12 Saint Porcarius 732 Abbot & Martyr Lerins1.645 05/26 Blessed Probus 858 Presbyter Mainz1.646 07/04 Saint Procopius 1053 Abbot Sazava1.647 02/04 Blessed Rabanus Maurus of Mainz 856 Bishop Fulda1.648 11/29 Saint Radbod of Ultrecht 918 Bishop1.649 11/06 Blessed Rafael Alcocer Martínez 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Solesmes Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.650 08/16 Blessed Ralph de la Futaye (de Fageio) 1129 Abbot Rennes1.651 06/21 Saint Ralph of Bourges 866 Bishop Bourges1.652 06/17 Saint Rambold (Ramnold, Ramuold) 1001 Abbot Regensburg1.653 03/13 Saint Ramirus 6th C. Abbot & Martyr Leon1.654 11/06 Blessed Ramón Sanz de Galdeano Mañeru 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Solesmes Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.655 02/21 Saint Randoald c677 Abbot & Martyr Granfield1.656 05/17 Blessed Rasso (Ratho) c953 Religious Grafrath1.657 05/29 Blessed Raymond 1242 Religious & Martyr1.658 02/09 Saint Raynald of Nocera 1225 Bishop Nocera1.659 05/24 Saint Raynard 861 Religious & Martyr1.660 02/22 Saint Raynerius (Raynier) of Beaulieu 967 Religious Beaulieu1.661 10/13 Saint Regimbald 1039 Bishop1.662 10/13 Blessed Reginbald of Tegernsee 1039 Abbot & Bishop

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# Feast Name Death Suffix Location Martyr Group

1.663 05/25 Blessed Reinhard (Reginhard) c1168 Religious & Martyr Reinhausen1.664 01/07 Saint Reinold (Rainald, Reynold) c960 Religious & Martyr Cologne1.665 02/04 Saint Rembert 888 Bishop Hamberg/Bremen1.666 09/02 Blessed Rene-Julian Massey 1792 Presbyter & Martyr Congr St. Maur Martyrs of Rochefort Prison 1.667 03/31 Saint Renovatus of Merida c633 Bishop Merida1.668 06/14 Blessed Richard of St. Vannes 1046 Abbot Verdun1.669 11/15 Blessed Richard Whiting 1539 Abbot & Martyr Glastonbury Martyrs of England1.670 01/04 Saint Rigobert of Rheims 8th C. Bishop Orbais1.671 09/15 Saint Ritbert (Rithbert) 690 Abbot Varennes1.672 02/24 Blessed Robert of Arbrissel 1117 Religious Fontrevault1.673 04/17 Saint Robert of Aurillac (of Chaise-Dieu) 1067 Abbot Cluny1.674 06/08 Saint Robert of Frassinoro 1070 Abbot Frassinoro1.675 07/18 Blessed Robert of Soleto 1341 Presbyter Soleto1.676 04/25 Saint Robert of Syracuse (Sicily) c1000 Abbot1.677 03/13 Blessed Roderic (Roderick) 857 Religious & Martyr Cordoba Martyred under Islam1.678 09/17 Saint Roding (Rouin) 680 Abbot Beaulieu1.679 05/21 Saint Rodio 888 Religious & Martyr1.680 06/26 Saint Rodulfus of Gubbio 1063 Bishop Gubbio1.681 09/16 Saint Rogelius of Cordoba 852 Religious & Martyr Cordoba Martyred under Islam1.682 11/15 Blessed Roger James 1539 Religious & Martyr Glastonbury Martyrs of England1.683 05/22 Saint Romanus of Subiaco c560 Religious Hermit Monte Cassino1.684 03/01 Saint Rudesind (Rosendo) 977 Bishop Celanova1.685 10/17 Saint Rudolf of Gubbio (of Taloire) c1066 Bishop Gubbio1.686 08/15 Blessed Rupert of Ottobeuren 1145 Presbyter Ottobeuren1.687 06/01 Blessed Rupert of Tegernsee 1186 Abbot Tegernsee1.688 03/27 Saint Rupert (Robert, Hrodbert) of Salzburg c717 Bishop Salzburg1.689 06/08 Saint Sabinian of Carmeri c740 Abbot Carmeri1.690 06/07 Saint Sabinian of Cordoba 851 Religious & Martyr Cordoba Martyred under Islam1.691 08/24 Saint Sandratus (Sandrad) 986 Abbot Trier1.692 11/06 Blessed Santiago Pardo López 1936 Presbyter & Martyr Solesmes Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil 1.693 08/19 Saint Sebald c770 Religious Reichswald1.694 12/30 Blessed Sebastian of Esztergom 1036 Bishop Esztergom1.695 05/07 Saint Serenedus 7th C. Religious Hermit Rome1.696 05/07 Saint Serenicus 7th C. Religious Hermit Rome1.697 06/28 Saint Sergius of Valaam c1329 Religious1.698 01/13 Saint Servus Dei (Servideus) 852 Religious & Martyr Cordoba Martyred under Islam1.699 12/09 Blessed Severus of Prague 1067 Bishop Prague1.700 05/23 Saint Siagrius of Nice 787 Bishop1.701 11/14 Saint Sidonius (Saëns) of Jumièges c690 Abbot

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# Feast Name Death Suffix Location Martyr Group

1.702 05/21 Saint Sifard 888 Religious & Martyr1.703 02/15 Saint Sigfrid of Växjö c1045 Presbyter York1.704 09/22 Saint Sigfrid of Wearmouth 688 Abbot Wearmouth1.705 06/12 Blessed Sigo 1070 Abbot Glonne & Saumur1.706 11/16 Saint Simeon of Cava 1140 Abbot Cava1.707 07/26 Saint Simeon of Padolirone 1016 Religious Hermit1.708 09/18 Saint Simon of Créspy 1082 Religious Saint-Claude1.709 10/13 Saint Simpert 807 Bishop1.710 10/22 Saint Simplicius of Montecassino c570 Abbot Monte Cassino1.711 03/15 Saint Sisebut 1082 Abbot Cardena1.712 03/01 Saint Siviard c729 Abbot St. Calais1.713 12/03 Saint Sola (Sol, Suolo) 794 Religious Hermit Solnhofen1.714 03/15 Saint Speciosus c555 Religious Monte Cassino1.715 05/03 Blessed Sperandeus (Sperandus) c1261 Abbot Gubbio1.716 11/05 Saint Spinulus (Spinolus) c707 Abbot Moyenmoutier1.717 07/19 Saint Stephen del Lupo 1191 Abbot St. Peter Vallebona1.718 10/29 Saint Stephen of Caiazzo 1023 Bishop Caiazzo1.719 08/06 Saint Stephen of Cardena & Companions 872 Abbot & Martyr Castile, Spain1.720 06/02 Saint Stephen of Corvey (Stephen of Sweden) 1075 Bishop & Martyr Corvey1.721 12/26 Blessed Stephen of Palermo Unknown Abbot Palermo1.722 09/16 Saint Stephen of Perugia 1026 Abbot Perugia1.723 02/13 Saint Stephen of Rieti 6th C. Abbot Rieti1.724 01/13 Saint Stephen of Verdun (Liege) 1061 Abbot Liege1.725 08/06 Saint Stephen Sanctius of Cardena 872 Abbot & Martyr Cardena Martyred under Islam1.726 12/17 Saint Sturmi (Sturm) 779 Abbot Fulda1.727 02/15 Saint Sunaman c1040 Religious & Martyr1.728 03/01 Saint Swithbert the Elder 731 Bishop Lower Germany1.729 07/02 Saint Swithin of Winchester (Swithun) 862 Bishop1.730 05/23 Saint Syagrius (Siacre) of Nice c787 Bishop Lerins1.731 11/18 Saint Sylvanus of Lerins c708 Abbot Lerins1.732 11/26 Saint Sylvester Gozzolini 1267 Abbot1.733 01/11 Saint Taso c729 Abbot San Vincenzo1.734 01/11 Saint Tato c739 Abbot San Vincenzo1.735 07/30 Saint Tatwin 734 Bishop Canterbury1.736 01/11 Saint Tethwius 870 Religious1.737 04/12 Saint Tetricus 707 Bishop & Martyr Auxerre1.738 09/10 Saint Theodard 668 Bishop & Martyr1.739 05/01 Saint Theodard (Audard) of Narbonne 893 Bishop1.740 10/08 Saint Theodefrid of Amiens c690 Bishop Amiens

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# Feast Name Death Suffix Location Martyr Group

1.741 01/14 Blessed Theodemar 1090 Presbyter Monte Cassino1.742 07/25 Saint Theodemir of Cordoba 851 Religious & Martyr Cordoba Martyred under Islam1.743 01/27 Saint Theodoric II of Orléans 1022 Bishop Orleans1.744 10/25 Blessed Theodoric (Thierry) of St. Hubert 1087 Abbot1.745 06/24 Saint Theodulf (Thiou) of Lobbes 776 Bishop Lobbes1.746 01/26 Saint Theofrid (Theofroy) of Corbie c690 Bishop Corbie1.747 04/29 Blessed Theoger (Theogerus) 1120 Bishop1.748 09/28 Saint Thiemo (Theodmar) of Salzburg 1101 Abbot, Bishop & Martyr Salzburg1.749 08/10 Blessed Thiento & Companions 955 Abbot & Martyr Wessobrunn1.750 05/28 Saint Thietland 963 Abbot Einsiedeln1.751 08/02 Blessed Thomas Hales of Dover 1295 Religious & Martyr Dover1.752 12/10 Saint Thomas of Farfa 720 Religious Hermit Farfa1.753 05/09 Blessed Thomas Pickering 1679 Religious & Martyr Martyrs of England1.754 07/13 Saint Thomas Tunstal 1616 Presbyter & Martyr Martyrs of England1.755 01/07 Saint Thorfinn 1284 Bishop Ter Doest1.756 12/23 Saint Thorlák Thórhallsson of Skalholt 1193 Bishop1.757 09/07 Saint Tilbert (Gilbert) of Hexham 789 Bishop Hexham1.758 09/03 Saint Troncharius c675 Religious & Martyr1.759 02/10 Saint Trumwin c704 Bishop1.760 07/11 Saint Turketil (Turketul) 975 Abbot Bedford1.761 11/25 Blessed Tussanus 1420 Religious1.762 05/14 Blessed Tuto (Totto) of Regensburg (Ottobeuron) 815 Bishop Regensburg1.763 05/29 Blessed Ulric of Einsiedeln 979 Religious Hermit Einsiedeln1.764 07/14 Saint Ulric of Zell (of Breisgau) 1093 Religious Breisgau1.765 07/04 Saint Ulric (Udalric) of Augsburg 973 Bishop Augsburg1.766 02/15 Saint Unaman c1040 Religious & Martyr1.767 07/29 Blessed Urban II 1099 Pope Cluny1.768 04/06 Saint Urban of Penalba c940 Abbot Penalba1.769 12/19 Blessed Urban V 1370 Pope St. Germain1.770 06/03 Saint Urbicius 6th C. Abbot Meung-sur-Loire1.771 10/02 Saint Ursicinus of Chur 760 Abbot Chur1.772 04/18 Saint Ursmar 713 Bishop Lobbes1.773 10/03 Blessed Utto 828 Abbot Metten1.774 09/17 Blessed Valerian Unknown Religious & Martyr1.775 02/25 Blessed Valerius 695 Abbot St. Peter de Montibus1.776 05/31 Blessed Ventura Spellucci 12th C. Abbot1.777 03/08 Saint Veremund of Hierache 1092 Abbot Hierache1.778 12/12 Saint Vicelin 1154 Bishop Oldenburg1.779 11/06 Blessed Vicente Burrel Enjuanes 1936 Religious & Martyr Solesmes Congr. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil

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# Feast Name Death Suffix Location Martyr Group

1.780 09/16 Saint Victor III 1087 Pope Monte Cassino1.781 05/07 Saint Villanus 1237 Bishop Gubbio1.782 06/12 Saint Vimius c1153 Religious Hermit Regensburg1.783 03/13 Saint Vincent of Leon 554 Abbot & Martyr1.784 05/09 Saint Vincent of Montes (Astorga) c950 Abbot Astorga1.785 03/11 Saint Vindician of Cambrai 713 Bishop Cambrai1.786 12/23 Saint Vintila 890 Religious Hermit Orensa1.787 03/05 Saint Virgil of Arles 610 Bishop Arles1.788 10/01 Saint Virila (Virilus) 1000 Abbot Leyre1.789 05/31 Saint Vitalis of Montesubasio c1370 Religious Hermit1.790 10/20 Saint Vitalis of Salzburg 730 Bishop Salzburg1.791 09/16 Blessed Vitalis of Savigny 1122 Presbyter Savigny1.792 09/05 Saint Vitus of Pontida 1095 Religious Pontida1.793 03/07 Blessed Volker 1132 Religious & Martyr Siegburg1.794 02/04 Saint Vulgis c760 Bishop Lobbes1.795 06/07 Saint Walabonsus 851 Religious & Martyr Cordoba Martyred under Islam1.796 02/15 Saint Walfrid (Walafrid, Gualfredo) 764 Abbot Monte Verde1.797 06/04 Saint Walter of Fontenelle 1150 Abbot1.798 04/08 Saint Walter of Pontoise 1095 Abbot Pontoise1.799 06/04 Saint Walter of Serviliano 1250 Religious Hermit Serviliano1.800 10/21 Saint Wendelin (Wendolin) 617 Religious Hermit Saarland1.801 04/18 Saint Wicterp (Wigbert) of Augsburg 749 Bishop Ellwangen1.802 12/13 Blessed Wifred 1021 Abbot Marseilles1.803 10/13 Saint Wigand 5th C. Abbot St. Martin of Tours1.804 08/13 Saint Wigbert of Fritzlar 747 Abbot Hersfeld1.805 10/12 Saint Wilfrid of York 709 Bishop York1.806 04/29 Saint Wilfrid the Younger of York 8th C. Bishop Whitby1.807 11/07 Saint Wilgis c700 Religious Hermit1.808 11/08 Saint Willehad of Bremen 789 Bishop Bremen1.809 07/14 Saint William of Breteuil 1130 Abbot Breteuil1.810 01/01 Saint William of Dijon (William of St. Benignus) 1031 Abbot Dijon1.811 05/28 Saint William of Gellone 812 Religious1.812 07/04 Blessed William of Hirsau 1091 Abbot Hirsau1.813 02/10 Saint William of Maleval 1157 Religious Hermit Williamites1.814 11/30 Blessed William of Maniaco 1315 Abbot1.815 06/25 Saint William of Monte Vergine 1142 Religious Hermit Subiaco Congr.1.816 03/20 Saint William of Peñacorada c1042 Religious Hermit Peñacorada1.817 05/10 Saint William of Pontoise 1192 Religious Hermit1.818 07/07 Saint Willibald (Willebald) of Eichstatt 781 Bishop Eichstatt

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# Feast Name Death Suffix Location Martyr Group

1.819 11/07 Saint Willibrord of Ultrecht 7th C. Bishop Ripon1.820 09/28 Saint Willigod of Moyenmoutier 786 Abbot Romant1.821 10/21 Saint Wimo 936 Bishop Corbie1.822 02/15 Saint Winaman c1040 Religious & Martyr Scandinavia1.823 05/25 Blessed Winebald (Winnebald) 862 Religious & Martyr1.824 12/18 Saint Winebald (Winnibald) of Heidenheim 761 Abbot Heidenheim1.825 04/27 Saint Winewald of Beverly 751 Abbot Beverly1.826 05/08 Saint Wiro c753 Bishop1.827 06/07 Saint Wistremund 851 Religious & Martyr Cordoba Martyred under Islam1.828 08/22 Blessed Witmer 716 Religious1.829 10/31 Saint Wolfgang of Regensburg 994 Bishop Einsiedeln1.830 04/22 Blessed Wolfhelm (Wolphelm) 1091 Abbot Brauverler1.831 05/25 Saint Worad (Worard) 861 Presbyter & Martyr1.832 12/11 Saint Wulfer 1018 Presbyter1.833 03/20 Saint Wulfram of Sens 703 Bishop Fontenelle1.834 01/08 Saint Wulsin of Sherborne 1008 Abbot & Bishop Westminster1.835 01/19 Saint Wulstan 1095 Bishop Worcester1.836 06/12 Saint Zimius of Regensburg c1153 Religious Hermit Regensburg2 Camaldolese Hermits2.1 08/29 Saint Alberic (Albric) of Bagno de Romana c1050 Religious Hermit Bagno de Romana2.2 01/07 Blessed Albert of Monte Alceto 1181 Hermit2.3 04/13 Saint Albertinus (Albertin) of Fonte Avellana 1294 Presbyter & Hermit Fonte Avellana2.4 11/20 Blessed Ambrose Traversari 1439 Presbyter St. Mary of the Angels2.5 02/14 Blessed Angelus of Gualdo 1325 Religious Hermit Gualdo2.6 05/08 Blessed Angelus of Massaccio 1458 Religious Hermit Massaccio2.7 01/28 Blessed Bartholomew 'Aiutami-Cristo' 1224 Religious2.8 11/26 Blessed Bellatanus Unknown Religious Hermit2.9 11/12 Saint Benedict of Benevento 1003 Presbyter & Martyr Benevento2.10 11/16 Saint Benedict of Poland 1004 Religious & Martyr2.11 06/10 Saint Bogumil (Theophilus) of Gniezno 1182 Bishop2.12 08/30 Saint Bononius of Lucedio 1026 Abbot Lucedio2.13 10/08 Blessed Compagni 1264 Religious Padua2.14 03/31 Blessed Daniel of Murano 1411 Religious Hermit2.15 10/14 Saint Dominic Loricatus 1060 Religious Hermit Fonte Avellana2.16 04/20 Blessed Dominic Vernagalli 1218 Religious2.17 04/01 Blessed Gerard (Girald) of Sassoferrato 1367 Presbyter Sassoferrato2.18 05/11 Saint Gualfard (Guilfardus/Wolfhard of Augsburg) 1127 Religious Hermit San Savatore2.19 04/13 Blessed James Guidi of Certaldo 1292 Religious Volterra2.20 07/28 Blessed Jerome of Prague 1440 Religious Hermit

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# Feast Name Death Suffix Location Martyr Group

2.21 04/11 Blessed John of Cupramontana 1303 Religious Hermit2.22 11/16 Saint John of Poland 1004 Religious & Martyr2.23 06/12 Blessed Maciej Poprawa 1942 Presbyter & Martyr Poland Blessed Polish Martyrs2.24 09/13 Blessed Martin of Camaldoli 1259 Abbot2.25 01/27 Blessed Michael Pini 1522 Religious Hermit2.26 06/11 Saint Parisius 1267 Presbyter2.27 06/28 Blessed Paul Giustiniani 1528 Presbyter Monte Corona2.28 06/03 Blessed Peregrinus 1288 Religious Hermit2.29 12/20 Blessed Peter Massalenus 1453 Religious2.30 08/04 Saint Raynerius of Split (Croatia) 1180 Bishop & Martyr Split or Spalato2.31 10/12 Blessed Rodulph 1106 Abbot2.32 06/19 Saint Romuald 1027 Founder Camaldoli2.33 11/26 Blessed Savinus Unknown Religious Hermit2.34 06/09 Blessed Sylvester Ventura of Florence 1348 Religious Florence2.35 06/30 Saint Theobald of Provins 1066 Religious Hermit2.36 03/25 Blessed Thomas (Tomasso) of Umbria 1337 Religious Hermit Costacciaro2.37 06/12 Blessed Walenty Kozik 1942 Presbyter & Martyr Poland Blessed Polish Martyrs3 Celtic Monks3.1 06/09 Saint Cummian (Cumian, Cummin, Cumuan) of Bobb 720 Bishop3.2 09/09 Saint Omer (Audomarus) 670 Bishop Luxeuil3.3 11/27 Saint Virgilius (Virgil) of Salzburg 672 Bishop Salzburg4 Olivetan Benedictines4.1 08/19 Saint Bernardo Tolomei 1348 Abbot Monte Oliveto5 Silvestrine Benedictines5.1 08/19 Blessed Angelus of Acquapagana 1313 Religious Hermit Silvestrine5.2 09/19 Blessed Hugh of Sassoferrato 1250 Religious5.3 03/24 Blessed John of Bastone 1290 Religious Monte Fano6 Vallombrosan Benedictines6.1 05/20 Blessed Albert of Bologna 1245 Abbot Bologna6.2 10/25 Blessed Albert of Sassoferrato 1330 Religious6.3 08/01 Blessed Albert of Vallombrosa 1094 Religious6.4 03/10 Saint Andrew of Strumi (Andrew of Strumis) 1097 Abbot San Fedele at Strumi6.5 05/22 Saint Atto (Attho) of Pistoia 1153 Abbot & Bishop Pistola6.6 01/20 Blessed Benedict of St. Lawrence (Ricasoli) 1107 Religious Hermit Ricasoli6.7 07/17 Blessed Benignus Visdmini of Vallombrosia 1236 Abbot Vollombros6.8 12/04 Saint Bernard of Parma 1133 Cardinal Parma6.9 10/21 Saint Berthold of Parma 1111 Religious6.10 02/09 Blessed Erizzo (Enzzo) 1094 Abbot6.11 06/18 Blessed Jerome of Vallombrosa 1135 Religious Hermit

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# Feast Name Death Suffix Location Martyr Group

6.12 07/12 Saint John Gualbert 1073 Founder6.13 03/10 Blessed John of Vallombrosa 1310 Religious Hermit Florence6.14 06/23 Blessed Lanfranc of Beccaria 1194 Bishop6.15 03/26 Blessed Melior 1158 Religious Hermit6.16 02/08 Blessed Peter Igneus (Aldobrandini of Albano) c1089 Cardinal6.17 04/12 Blessed Peter of Montepiano 1098 Abbot6.18 08/01 Blessed Rudolf of Vallombrosa 1076 Abbot Vallombrosa6.19 03/12 Blessed Rusticus 1092 Presbyter6.20 03/16 Blessed Torello (Torelli) 1283 Religious