
REMNANT Written by Ryan P. Stark 1405 Scarlett Way Lexington KY, 40514 606-571-3446 [email protected]

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Sample from a Screenplay written by Ryan P. Stark


Page 1: Remnant


Written by

Ryan P. Stark

1405 Scarlett WayLexington KY, [email protected]

Page 2: Remnant

EXT. SPACEStars and galaxies speckled amongst the black void. A single bright star hangs in view. It’s blinding light almost too much to look at.Suddenly, the star goes dim. The outer edge shrivels as the gasses from the star dissipate. For a brief second all is calm.Violent flashes of light burst outward-- gigantic flares of gas uncoil into space.

INT. THE ARCADIA - BRIDGEThe Arcadia-- a ship of mercenaries and thieves, the type of place where you watch your back and sleep with one eye open. The ship comprises of cold, dark grey metal. The bridge is dimly lit, the main source of light the scattered console screens which flash red warning lights.The room is oval shaped, with display screens lining the back wall. In the center of the room are three control stations, the middle one hosting a chair for the Captain. The front of the room has two helm stations, both used to control the direction of the ship.The ship rocks violently. Sparks from exploding conduits rain down randomly.The crew, all dressed in plain clothes, suggesting a very lax and unorganized hierarchy, scramble to keep the ship in one piece. CAPTAIN JONATHAN TAU, late 50’s, a seasoned Captain and mercenary, a father figure to many of the crew, jumps from his chair in the center of the room to a control panel beside him-- furiously punching the touch-screen display.

TAUGet her nose into the solar wake!

The shaking continues-- explosions from damaged equipment become more frequent.On the other side of the bridge, AERIS TOLLVER second in command, mid-30’s, ruggedly handsome, a commanding presence but with a chip on his shoulder, bolts into action.

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AERISEngines aren’t responding. Jayna-- reroute auxiliary power to the ventral thrusters.

INT. THE ARCADIA - ENGINE ROOMThe Engine Room of the Arcadia is cluttered like an old garage. Parts lie strewn all over-- smoke rolls out of various components scattered throughout the room. Alarms sound and red indicator lights flash wildly.In the center of the room are two massive turbine-like machines that sit horizontally-- the engines. A walkway leads over top of them.JAYNA ALTAIRA rolls out from underneath a massive piece of equipment-- 30’s, beautiful, despite the filth of machinery all over her. She is the kind of person that needs to take things apart to figure out how they work, and feels the need to fix everything.

JAYNAI can only give you auxiliary power from secondary systems- the rest of it is holding this ship together.


That’s all I need. This will be just like Taven.

Another HARD JOLT sends some of the crew to the ground-- one man is thrown over a console-- headfirst into the floor.He gets up-- blood running down his face, covering a look of pure disgust. Simply known as PAN, with a worn and battered face that makes him look much older than he actually is. He is a ruthless mercenary, greedy, ambitious, and hungry for power.Another crewman rushes to his aid. VAI, Pan’s brother, early 30’s, impressionable but not yet as corrupted by greed as his brother.Vai helps Pan to his feet. Pan pushes him away, but nods in appreciation. Vai takes a seat back at the helm.Pan looks over his console display-- he pounds it over and over.


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PANThe ram scoop isn’t functioning! Route all available power to it!

Aeris ignores Pan’s order and resumes his work-- sliding over to an adjacent panel, punching in commands faster than we can see.

AERISI’ve still got nothing, Jayna.

JAYNA (O.S.)The relay circuits are fused.

Pan stumbles over to Aeris’ control panel, the ship still rocking back and forth.He pushes him out of the way and tries to reroute the power he needs.Aeris pushes him back.

AERISWhat the hell are you doing?!

PANAll the expelling material is being wasted!

AERISAnd we won’t be around to spend any of it if you don’t get out of my way!

Vai turns from the helm, trying to calm down Pan.VAI

Let it go, brother.Pan reluctantly returns to his station, pounding on the display a couple more times, hoping violence will make it work.

INT. THE ARCADIA - ENGINE ROOMJayna hunches over a display panel-- she looks down to see a jagged piece of shrapnel sticking out of her leg.Behind her is a twisted staircase that was the walkway-- blown to the other side of the room blocking the door. Other people are shouting as they rush to put out several fires.


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JAYNAI can’t do anything from here. Manual override is on level one.

INT. THE ARCADIA - BRIDGEAnother crew member picks himself up and sits next to Vai at the helm. This is REN TOLLVER, 20’s, Aeris’ brother. He is a dreamer-- loyal, kind, he looks up to his brother and will follow him anywhere.


The crew looks to the display screen to see a massive chunk of stellar material-- like a giant molten asteroid-- slowly spinning and heading straight for them.

TAUHow long have we got?

RENTwo minutes.

The ship is ROCKED by another explosion on consoles-- the ceiling above Tau crashes down on top of him-- knocking him unconscious.

INT. THE ARCADIA - ENGINE ROOMCinders from damaged equipment shower the entire room in fiery flakes.Jayna struggles to move debris that prevents anyone from exiting the engine room.


We’re trapped in here. Someone has to get to that override if Aeris is going to perform his little stunt.

Aeris tries to pull Tau from the debris-- everyone looks toward him for a decision.He feels Tau’s neck for a pulse. Satisfied, he returns to his station to check the display.Ren stands, ready to go.


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Aeris looks at Ren with concern.REN

I installed that system myself, Aeris.

Aeris shakes his head.AERIS

No, I need you here. (beat) Vai.

Pan shoots a look of anger toward Aeris.PAN

Your brother knows the system. He volunteered!

Aeris doesn’t know how to respond.Vai stands anyway.

VAII got this.

AERISEnd of this level, second to last conduit on the left.

VAII know.

Vai stops in front of Pan-- he puts his hand on his shoulder in consolation.

VAI (CONT’D)If I’m gone longer than two minutes, you’ll know where to find me.

PANDon’t try and be a hero...

Vai laughs.VAI

Hell is full of heroes.

Vai pries open the door and slips through.


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INT. THE ARCADIA - LEVEL 1 CORRIDORThe corridor is dimly lit-- the only source of light several flashing red warning lights. A countdown until impact can be heard over the sirens that echo through the ship.

COMPUTEROne minute, forty seconds until impact.

Vai speeds though the halls-- turning one corner sharply, almost losing his footing-- jumping over scattered debris.

EXT. SPACE - THE ARCADIAThe ship continues to be rocked back and forth by the solar wake-- the chunk of stellar material spins ever closer.


One minute, ten seconds until impact.

Vai reaches the manual auxiliary override panel. Two latches secure a metal plate over the panel-- he releases one of the latches, the other has been damaged and won’t budge.He tries gripping it with both hands, but the latch isn’t big enough.

COMPUTER (CONT’D)Fifty seconds until impact.

Vai frantically looks for something to pry it open with-- picking up various materials lying on the ground-- discarding several until he finds the perfect one.He puts one end in the remaining latch and grunts as he pries the metal panel off.Another shock wave hits the ship as the panel falls to the ground-- some of the surrounding circuitry EXPLODES outward from the blast-- hitting Vai in the face.Vai is thrown to the ground-- his face singed-- we don’t know if he is unconscious or not.


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INT. THE ARCADIA - BRIDGEAeris has cleared all the debris around Tau and he begins to regain consciousness.

COMPUTERThirty seconds until impact.

Tau looks around, still dazed and visually confused.TAU

William..Aeris sinks into his chair-- abandoning all hope.

RENI’ve got to get down to Jayna.

AERISThere’s no time.

Ren sits back down, a blank expression as he struggles to accept his fate.

INT. THE ARCADIA - LEVEL 1 CORRIDORVai struggles to open one eye-- the left side of his face is blackened-- his eyelid seared with the rest of the burned flesh on his face.

COMPUTERTwenty seconds until impact.

He grabs a piece of twisted steel and pulls himself closer to the panel.

EXT. SPACE - THE ARCADIAThe Arcadia hangs motionless-- the stellar material almost on top of them.

INT. THE ARCADIA - LEVEL 1 CORRIDORVai cries out in agony and he forces himself all the way up-- his injuries much worse than he’s realized.He reaches inside the panel-- it’s on fire-- he throws his arm past the wall of flame and grabs a large handle.

COMPUTERTen seconds until impact.


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With all his remaining strength Vai turns the handle--COMPUTER (CONT’D)


INT. THE ARCADIA - BRIDGEAeris is staring off into nothingness.


Suddenly-- a green indicator light.AERIS

I have power to the ventral thrusters!


He bolts up from his chair-- faster than anything we’ve ever seen-- he taps his display screen inputting commands.


EXT. SPACE - THE ARCADIAA massive burst from a single thruster on the bottom of the ship-- sending the ship upwards on it’s Z-Axis, turning it ever so slightly into a roll.The chunk of stellar material passes-- the ship tilts just in time to miss the edge.The rest of the thrusters fire-- straightening the ship out, it’s nose facing the solar wake-- upside down.


Get us out of this, Ren.REN

Engaging aft thrusters.AERIS

Primary systems are coming back online. Radiation and Deflection Units- active.


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A collective sigh of relief from all that are still standing.Tau focuses a bit more-- starting to come out of his confused state.

TAUWhat- What is the status of the ram scoop?

PANJust coming back online. All that material wasted!

As Pan continues to rant, Tau struggles to stand. He limps over to a sliding door.

TAUContinue material collection. Those who can walk, take those who can’t down to med-bay.

Pan activates a communications panel.PAN

Vai.. Vai- respond.Pan smashes his fist into the communications panel.


Pan glares at Aeris. Aeris waits for a response with a blank expression-- realizing he may have sent Vai to his death.Pan rushes off the bridge.Ren shoots up from his chair.

AERISWe need you here in case we need another quick getaway.

Ren hesitates--AERIS (CONT’D)

I’ll check on her.Aeris walks into the elevator-- the door hisses as it quickly shuts.


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INT. THE ARCADIA - MEDICAL BAYSeveral crew members lie on med-station beds-- a curved, almost fluidic screen blankets their body like a cocoon. On the screen is a display of damaged organs and critical systems. There is a large robotic arm performing surgery on one crew member.Pan scans the room and sees Vai lying on one of the tables. A large bandage covers half of his face-- the curved screen hovers above his face like a mask-- showing his eyeball, tendons, facial muscles and tissue.Alarms sound-- the display screen above Vai flashes red.Pan rushes up to Vai.Behind them approaches KRYSS. He is a Perspicarian, a crustacean-like humanoid. He has a reddish tint, his eyes are attached to muscles that sit in sockets but can move in and out. He has two large antennae on his head. Two small mandible-like claws on his face hold a translation synthesizer over his mouth, converting his very alien language into English. He has seven fingers on each hand, all very long, thin and pointy.When he speaks, a deep robotic voice overlaps his high-pitched native language. Some of the words sound broken up and pieced together to form a sentence.He works quickly, injecting different medicines into Vai, and using different instruments to keep him alive.Aeris enters the medical bay-- he stands motionless by the door watching the emergency ensue.A robotic arm quickly moves over Vai’s body-- it works in tandem with Kryss, performing a complex procedure.Despite all the efforts to keep him alive, a steady flat line overlaps the display as it dims.The robotic arm hovers over him still taking scans-- Pan furiously shoves it out of the way-- he embraces his brother one last time.

AERISPan.. I-I’m sorry.

In a blind rage, Pan picks up a sharp medical instrument. He glares at Aeris-- his hand trembling.


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Aeris inches his hand toward his side-arm.Calming himself, Pan slowly puts down the instrument.

PANThis isn’t over, Tollver. There will be another time.

Pan storms out of the medical-bay.Aeris breathes a sigh of relief.

AERISIt was my fault, Kryss.

KRYSSYou. Inflicted. His injuries?

AERISNo- But I sent him down there.

KRYSSWould we not. All be dead. If you had not?

AERISI should’ve sent Ren. He knew the system.

KRYSSThe burden. Of command. Comes. At a terrible price.

AERISThis time the price may be too high.. What about the rest?

KRYSSMajority. Have. Minor injuries. Fortunately. There were. No casualties.


Aeris takes a look around the room at the rest of the crew-- robotic arms at work on most of them now.

AERIS (CONT’D)The Captain’s falling apart, Kryss. First at Meridian, and now this.


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KRYSSCaptain Tau. No longer. Desires armed conflict.

AERISHe’s showing weakness. Now, I don’t mind a setback or two, but not all of the crew share my patience.


AERISHe’s always been a ticking pulse grenade. Tau has always kept him in check, but I can’t predict how he is going to react. Anyway, I better check the engine room to see if it’s still there.

KRYSSWatch. Your back. Aeris.

Aeris nods to Kryss and exits the Medical Bay.

INT. THE ARCADIA - LEVEL 5 CORRIDORThe elevator door slides open quickly-- Aeris walks out.He heads down the corridor. The lights flicker-- the walls are sleek and cold-- display screens on the walls fluctuate on and off. Turning a corner, one of the display monitors explodes-- sparks fly out of the now exposed conduit.Shielding his eyes, he surveys the damage and continues down the corridor with renewed vigor.He stops short in front of the doors to the engine room-- debris of various sizes pile in front and block entry.Several crew members are clearing the debris, including Pan. Cutting away the material is P.U.R.E., Polytechnic Unit and Robotic Extension, a multi-function robot that is integrated into the ship. It is sent around by the Arcadia, like an immune system that senses problems within the ship and corrects them on it’s own.


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It travels along a track that runs on both the floor, walls, and ceiling. It has an elaborate set of wheels that allows it to come off the track and surmount almost any obstacle. P.U.R.E. cuts a large, metal beam with a welding tool, easily slicing it in half. The welding tool instantly disassembles itself, transforming into a large claw-like device that moves the rest of the beam.Half of the beam falls from the ceiling, almost falling on top of Pan.

PANGod damn machine!

Pan picks up a piece of debris and smashes it into P.U.R.E. The robot backs up, lowering it’s arm, almost as if it were cowering like an animal.


Aeris runs over and checks P.U.R.E. for damage.AERIS (CONT’D)

Look, I know you just lost your brother, but that’s no reason-

PANStay out of my way, Tollver.

Aeris grabs Pan’s arm-- stopping him from landing another blow.Pan’s eyes widen-- his anger and grief boil into an indistinguishable fury. He raises the debris, ready to strike Aeris.Anticipating this reaction, Aeris has already grabbed his pistol and has it pointed at Pan’s chest.

AERISIt’ll repair itself. Can you?

Pan sets down the piece of debris calmly. His rage is gone, replaced by a hollow expression that is already calculating his next move.P.U.R.E., almost frantically, tries to move one of it’s arms. It jerks back and forth-- no control.Aeris bends down to inspect the robot-- reconnecting several disconnected wires and cables.


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Pan and the rest of the crew finish clearing away the rubble. The doors won’t budge. Pan’s takes out his anger and frustration on the door, grunting and screaming as he tries to open it.P.U.R.E. regains control of it’s arm and moves forward toward the door. It’s arms fold mechanically into itself-- changing configurations-- and fold back outward. It slips the newly placed hands into the crevice of the door and turn-- forcing the door open.P.U.R.E. turns to leave, pausing for a brief instant in front of Aeris. It speeds down the hall to a damaged conduit and begins repairs.

INT. THE ARCADIA - ENGINE ROOMAeris enters the engine room and scans the area for Jayna. Several crew members pass Aeris carrying the injured on stretchers out of the now cleared entrance.Jayna lies underneath the engines-- her legs sticking out, a bandage where the piece of shrapnel used to be.

AERISLooks like the engines aren’t the only thing needing patching up.

Jayna concentrates on her repairs.JAYNA

I’m fine.Jayna rolls out from underneath the engines on a anti-gravity board. She winces in pain as she stands up to receive a progress report from another crew member.

AERISLooks like it.

Jayna stumbles as she puts her weight on her injured leg. Aeris quickly catches her-- holding her a few seconds more than just friends should. They lock eyes.Jayna pulls away and moves over to a engine status display screen, becoming agitated and defensive.

JAYNAI’ll live. (beat) (MORE)


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We’re lucky to break even on this run with the materials we’ve collected. I’ve got to get these engines up and running in case this thing decides to Gamma Burst.

AERISThe calculations said the chandrasekhar limit was within the safety margin.

JAYNAThe same calculations that took us out of FTL in the middle of a core explosion? Not going to put my trust in a bunch of numbers that nearly got us all killed.

A communication panel lights up near Aeris.TAU (O.S.)

Aeris, come see me in my quarters when you get a chance.

Aeris presses a button on the panel to reply.AERIS

On my way. Aeris turns to leave.

JAYNAYou’re not even going to say anything?

AERISYou wouldn’t listen even if I did. Go to med-bay or not. Get your leg amputated, I don’t care. I can’t do this right now.

Aeris continues to walk out-- Jayna hesitates before calling out to him again.

JAYNAHow’s Ren?

Aeris pauses, still agitated.AERIS

Worried about you, of course.Jayna looks down shamefully.


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AERIS (CONT’D)Yeah, that’s what I thought.

Aeris exits the engine room.

INT. THE ARCADIA - TAU’S QUARTERSTau’s quarters are sparse, containing only simple amenities for basic human comfort. Tau sits behind a desk in the darkness. A sword hangs on the wall above him-- faded with age and blunt from disuse. He holds a picture in his hand that we can’t see.Aeris walks into his room-- the light from the outside corridor briefly illuminates Tau’s face, but it disappears back into the darkness when the doors slide shut.

TAUGood work back there, Aeris.

Aeris approaches the desk and takes a seat.AERIS

That’s two you owe me.Tau sets down the picture and reaches to pull out an old bottle of whiskey.

TAUHere’s a start.

AERISLiquor?! I’ve never actually seen liquor before. Where the hell did you get it?

Tau grabs two glasses from under his desk and points to the picture with the bottle.

AERIS (CONT’D)Jayna’s father?

Tau pours two drinks-- hands one to Aeris.TAU

If you’re looking to collect on a debt you’ve got a long wait ahead of you. I owe everything to that man.


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Aeris takes a sip of the whiskey-- he makes a disgusting face and coughs violently. Tau takes a long, smooth drink and picks up the photo again.

AERISIs it supposed to taste like that?

Tau stares intently at the photo-- his mind elsewhere.TAU

They say it gets better with age.Tau takes another long drink.

TAU (CONT’D)This must be the best damn whiskey in existence.

AERISCaptain... I-

Aeris looks for the right words to bring up his concern. Tau senses the change in tone and cuts him off.He sets down the photo face up on the desk. It is a picture of Tau, Jayna as a child, and her father on the bridge of the ship.

TAUWilliam had no choice but to bring her on the ship when her mother died. Something I was very much against. A raiding ship was no place for a child. No- I couldn’t understand that thing that clicked inside him when she was born.

Tau pours another whiskey for himself.TAU (CONT’D)

Not until the day he died during a raid on a Perspicarian colony. I swore to him I would protect her. There was no more raiding, no more killing.

Tau tosses back the entire glass of whiskey.TAU (CONT’D)

This was all for her. Aeris takes a big swig of his glass, struggling to swallow the contents.


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AERISTension is high. People are becoming divided. If you want to keep her safe you have-

Tau bolts up from his chair and throws his glass across the room. He slumps back down in his chair with a blank look on his face.

TAUI’ve thought of you like a son for a long time, Aeris. Just as much as I think of Jayna as my daughter.(beat) I can’t stop what’s coming.

Tau stands and faces the sword that hangs behind him.TAU (CONT’D)

Not without betraying everything I’ve worked to change.

Tau runs his hand over the smooth blade-- his eyes closed-- remembering.

TAU (CONT’D)(whispering)

My old friend.AERIS

I’m with you, Captain.Tau briefly takes his hand away from the sword, but again reaches out and takes it off the wall.

TAUAssemble the crew.

Aeris lingers, confusion registers on his face. He proceeds out the door anyway.Tau reaches into his desk and pulls out a blade sharpener. He turns it on and runs it over the edge of the sword. A blue light emanates, creating sparks that fly outward.

EXT. SPACEThe Arcadia drifts through a haze of blue-green waves, swimming in the stellar material, the building blocks of life. It is calm, peaceful.


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The violence of the supernova has dissipated. In place of where the star used to be, gas and materials spiral in multiple directions like tentacles, sparkling before the pure blackness of space.

INT. THE ARCADIA - OBSERVATION ROOMA large, circular table sits in the middle of the room-- enough for twelve chairs-- Aeris, Jayna, Kryss, Pan, and several other crew members occupy the seats.The desktop is black and smooth-- it projects a holographic display of the star before the explosion. The Arcadia is displayed as well, hovering before the star as the plasma and interstellar gases churn and rotate.Also displayed above the table is a holographic display of a news report which the crew watches while they wait for Tau.

REPORTERThe Meridian Trade Commission is in talks with Gregoran delegates about the current slave sanctions in effect. The MTC believes it is making progress toward a peaceful resolution, and is a step in the right direction for intergalactic equality. (beat) News from Taven, as the royal family-

The door to the observation room slides open-- Tau walks in with a new but solemn confidence-- his sharpened blade hangs at his side.He takes a seat at the table-- silent. The holographic news report switches off.

TAUWell? How bad is it.

JAYNATen percent of projected estimates.

Pan bolts up from his chair angrily.PAN

Ten percent?! Ten?! What’s our cut?JAYNA

After distillation and refinement, roughly one thousand AU’s.


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All the crew members are visually upset and aggravated at this news. Tau simply sits back and watches the chaos unfold.

PANWe would have seen more than that raiding Gregoran transports!

AERISThat was always a lot riskier.

PANI seem to recall almost getting incinerated by a giant piece of stellar material.

AERISThe one time this hasn’t gone off without a hitch.. Stars don’t fire back, and don’t sell you into slavery if you’re captured.

JAYNAThe calculations failed to take into account a certain gravimetric phenomenon in this system. If it wasn’t for that-

PANSince when did we stop being mercenaries and become salvage operators!

AERISYou don’t like it? There’s an air lock right down the corridor. I’d be happy to show you out.

PANDon’t waste my time with idle threats, Tollver.


Idle? Okay, okay.. Let’s finish this outside. You go step out the air lock, and I’ll be out there in a minute.


Silence from everyone.


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TAU (CONT’D)I will take responsibility for our losses.

KRYSSEvidence. Does not support that conclusion. Gravimetric distortions. Interfered. With neutrino readings.

The room has calmed down-- everyone back in their seats.JAYNA

That’s right. After reviewing the sensor data, extreme distortions in gravity have altered the geodetic effect of this particular star.

Jayna presses several buttons on the desk top to change the holographic display.A grid denoting gravity is displayed underneath the star-- it curves and distorts under it.Jayna presses another button-- several points far from the star are highlighted. Forty-seven in all.

JAYNA (CONT’D)These points are black holes.

AERISGood God. How can there be so many without them destroying each other?

KRYSSMajumdar-Papapetrou solution. Theoretically allows. For this phenomenon to exist. However. Something like this. Has never been discovered.

PANEnough with the science lesson, Perspicarian. I’m not an explorer.

TAUAs interesting as this may be, the failure of a run must still fall to the Captain. We’re out a lot of AU. (beat)Aeris, hack into the GNDG (Galactic Nova Detection Grid) and see if we get any hits.


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Tau, Aeris, Jayna and Kryss stand to leave. The rest of the crew stays seated.


The crew behind Pan does not look satisfied with the solution.

PAN (CONT’D)Might I offer an alternative?

Tau and the others return to their seats-- Pan motions to two crew members behind them-- they exit the Observation Room.

TAUWhat is it, Pan?

PANOn our last trip to Meridian, I happened upon a very favorable opportunity. One that doesn’t require us to go chasing after the tiniest stray neutrino.  
