rencana strategis rs xyz

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  • 8/20/2019 Rencana Strategis RS XYZ



    Visi :

    Menjadi rumah sakit yang berkualitas internasional melalui layanan yang profesional dan


    Misi :

    1.  Menyediakan layanan kesehatan terpadu dan bermutu tinggi yang mengutamakan

    keselamatan dan kepuasan pasien.

    2.  Meningkatkan mutu pelayanan, pengetahuan, ketrampilan, dan teknologi medik,

    melalui pendidikan yang didukung kerjasama dengan institusi terbaik di dalam dan

    luar negeri.

    3.  Mengelola secara efisien dan efektif sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku sehingga tumbuh

    dan berkembang secara optimal serta memberi manfaat bagi semua pihak.

    Tujuan :

    1.  Tersedianya layanan kesehatan terpadu dan bermutu tinggi.

    2.  Terciptanya budaya keselamatan pasien.

    3.  Terciptanya budaya pelayanan yang berfokus pada kepuasan pasien.

    4.  Terwujudnya sumber daya manusia rumah sakit dengan pengetahuan, ketrampilan,

    dan kemampuan teknologi medik yang tinggi.

    5.  Terjalinnya kerja sama pendidikan dengan institusi dalam dan luar negeri yang


    6.  Terciptanya efisiensi dan efektifitas pengelolaan rumah sakit.

    7.  Meningkatnya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan rumah sakit dari waktu ke waktu.

    Analisis Situasi

    Analisis Situasi Eksternal

    1.  Regulasi

    2.  Politik

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    3.  Ekonomi

    4.  Sosial budaya

    5.  Pendidikan

    6.  Teknologi

    7.  Kekuatan pesaing

    8.  Kemampuan konsumen

    9.  Kekuatan pemasok

    10. Lokasi

    Analisis Situasi Internal

    1.  Budaya organisasi

    2.  Sub sistim manajemen rumah sakit

    3.  Sub sistim klinis

    4.  Sumber daya manusia

    5.  Keuangan

    6.  Fasilitas fisik dan peralatan

    7.  Kegiatan produksi - operasi

    8.  Sistim informasi

    9.  Pemasaran


    1.  Telah terbentuknya budaya pelayanan

    2.  Mulai terbentuknya budaya keselamatan pasien tidak menyalahkan

    3.  Pelayanan dokter spesialis dan sub spesialis yang cukup lengkap

    4.  Peralatan medis dan fasilitas yang lengkap

    5.  Adanya karyawan yang terampil

    6.  Adanya pedoman kerja yang lengkap

    7.  Adanya sistim informasi yang baik


    1.  Kepemimpinan sering berganti

    2.  Dokter-dokter spesialis masih muda dan belum terkenal

    3.  Banyaknya dokter paruh waktu

    4.  Banyak karyawan baru dengan kompetensi yang kurang.

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    5.  Kinerja keuangan belum baik

    6.  Tempat parkir yang terbatas.

    7.  kinerja pemasaran belum optimal

    8.  Kineja keuangan belum baik


    1.  Terbitnya Permenkes 012 tahun 2012 tentang Akreditasi

    2.  Tingkat Pendidikan Masyarakat di area pelayanan yang baik

    3.  Perkembangan teknologi medis yang maju

    4.  Kemampuan pelanggan yang baik dengan jaminan asuransi dan perusahaan.

    5.  Lokasi strategis

    6.  Kemitraan dengan berbagai rekanan pendukung


    1.  Pemberlakuan MEA 31 Desember 2015

    2.  UU perlindungan konsumen

    3.  Pemberlakuan UU no. 29 tahun 2005 tentang praktik kedokteran

    4.  Pemberlakuan UU no. 24 tahun 2014 tentang BPJS

    5.  Adanya Pesaing dari grup RS besar berada dekat dengan lokasi

    6.  Kondisi ekonomi belum stabil

    7.  Produk substitusi makin banyak

    Strategi RS XYZ

    Strengths (S) Weaknesses (W)

    1.  Telah terbentuknya budaya pelayanan

    2.  Mulai terbentuknya budaya keselamatan

     pasien tidak menyalahkan

    3.  Pelayanan dokterspesialis dan sub spesialis

    yang cukup lengkap

    4.  Peralatan medis danfasilitas yang lengkap

    5.  Adanya karyawan yangterampil.

    6.  Adanya pedoman kerjayang lengkap

    1.  Kepemimpinan sering berganti

    2.  Dokter-dokter spesialismasih muda dan belum


    3.  Banyaknya dokter paruhwaktu

    4.  Banyak karyawan barudengan kompetensi yang


    5.  Kinerja keuangan belum baik

    6.  Tempat parkir yangterbatas.

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    7.  Adanya sistim informasiyang baik

    7.  kinerja pemasaran belumoptimal.

    Opportunities (O) SO Strategies WO Strategies

    1.  Terbitnya Permenkes 012tahun 2012 tentang

    Akreditasi.  Tingkat Pendidikan

    Masyarakat di area

     pelayanan yang baik

    .  Perkembangan teknologimedis yang maju

    .  Kemampuan pelangganyang baik dengan jaminan

    asuransi dan perusahaan.

    5.  Lokasi strategis.  Kemitraan dengan

     berbagai rekanan pendukung


    kompetensi dokter spesialis

    dan sub spesialis dengandukungan teknologi medis

    yang maju. (S:3,O:3)


    keberadaan karyawan yang

    terampil dengan

    memberikan program

     pendidikan berkelanjutan

     bekerja sama dengan

    rekanan di bidang training /


    Meningkatkan produktifitaskaryawan dalam melayani

     pelanggan. (S:5,O:4)

    Mengoptimalkan budaya

     pelayanan dan mutu RS

    dengan penerapan standar

    akreditasi RS 2012 (S:1O:1)

    Mengoptimalkan budaya

     pelayanan yang sudah

    terbentuk dengan pelatihan

    service excellent untuk

    meraih dan mempertahankan

     pelanggan (S:1,O:4)

    Melakukan program

     pemeliharaan peralatan

    medis agar dapat melayani

     pelanggan secara optimal.

    (S:4, O:4)

    Meningkatkan kompetensi

    karyawan dengan

    memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi

    medis yang maju (W:4,O:3)

    Meningkatkan kompetensi

    karyawan dengan bekerja

    sama dengan rekanan di

    institusi pendidikan


    Merekrut staf baru yang

    terampil untuk memenuhi

    standar akreditasi 2012

    (W:4,O:1)Mendidik karyawan untuk

     berorientasi pelanggan

    (W:4, O:4)

    Meingkatkan efisiensi dalam

     pengelolaan keuangan agar

    dapat bersaing meraih

     pelanggan dengan harga

    yang kompetitif. (W:5, O:4)

    Meningkatkan kinerja

    marketing dengan berbagai

     program inovatif untuk

    meningkatkan angka

    kunjungan pelanggan (W:7,


    Threats (T) ST Strategies WT Strategies

    1.  Pemberlakuan MEA 31

    Desember 2015.  UU perlindungan


    .  Pemberlakuan UU no. 29tahun 2005 tentang praktik


    .  Pemberlakuan UU no. 24tahun 2014 tentang BPJS

    5.  Adanya Pesaing dari grupRS besar berada dekat

    dengan lokasi

    .  Kondisi ekonomi belumstabil

    Desain ulang produk agar

    dapat berkompetisi dengan pesaing (S:3,4,T:1,5)

    Menciptakan standar

     pelayanan yang bermutu dan

    unik yang dapat

    mengungguli pesaing (S:1,


    Mengintegrasikan berbagai

     pelayanan RS (dokter,

     perawat, penunjang) agar

    tercipta kesatuan pelayanan

    yang efisien dan lancar

    Meningkatkan kesadaran

    karyawan dan dokter untukmematuhi ketentuan

     perundangan yang berlaku


    Meningkatkan kompetensi

    karyawan dan dokter agar

    dapat bersaing dengan

    kompetitor (W: 2,4 T:5)

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    7.  Produk substitusi makin banyak

    untuk memenangkan persaingan (S:1,3,4,5 T:1,5)

    Mengoptimalkan kinerja

    sistim IT untuk mendukung

    integrasi pelayanan untuk

    memenangkan persaingan(S:7,T:1,5)

    Meningkatkan budaya

    keselamatan untuk

    mencegah terjadinya

    incident dengan menerapkan

     program manajemen risiko

    (S:2, T:3)

    External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix

    No. Critical Success Factor Rating AS Skor

    1 2 3 4 5 (3X4)


    1 Terbitnya Permenkes 012 tahun 2012 tentang

    Akreditasi 0,07 2 0,14

    2 Tingkat Pendidikan Masyarakat di area pelayanan

    yang baik 0,08 3 0,24

    3 Perkembangan teknologi medis yang maju

    0,08 4 0,324 Kemampuan pelanggan yang baik dengan jaminan

    asuransi dan perusahaan. 0,09 3 0,27

    5 Lokasi strategis0,07 3 0,21

    6 Kemitraan dengan berbagai rekanan pendukung0,07 2 0,14


    1 Pemberlakuan MEA 31 Desember 20150,08 3 0,24

    2 UU perlindungan konsumen0,07 3 0,21

    3 Pemberlakuan UU no. 29 tahun 2005 tentang praktik kedokteran 0,09 3 0,27

    4 Pemberlakuan UU no. 24 tahun 2014 tentang BPJS0,08 4 0,32

    5 Adanya Pesaing dari grup RS besar berada dekat

    dengan lokasi 0,07 3 0,21

    6 Kondisi ekonomi belum stabil0,08 3 0,24

    7 Produk substitusi makin banyak0,07 2 0,14


    TOTAL NILAI 2,95

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    Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix

    No. Critical Success Factor Rating AS Skor

    1 2 3 4 5 (3X4)

    Strengths1 Telah terbentuknya budaya pelayanan 0,07 3 0,21

    2 Mulai terbentuknya budaya keselamatan pasien

    tidak menyalahkan

    0,09 3 0,27

    3 Pelayanan dokter spesialis dan sub spesialis yang

    cukup lengkap

    0,08 4 0,32

    4 Peralatan medis dan fasilitas yang lengkap 0,09 3 0,27

    5 Adanya pedoman kerja yang lengkap 0,08 2 0,16

    6 Adanya sistim informasi yang baik 0,09 3 0,27


    1 Kepemimpinan sering berganti 0,07 4 0,28

    2 Dokter-dokter spesialis masih muda dan belum


    0,08 3 0,24

    3 Banyaknya dokter paruh waktu 0,07 4 0,28

    4 Banyak karyawan baru dengan kompetensi yang


    0,06 3 0,18

    5 Kinerja keuangan belum baik 0,07 4 0,28

    6 Tempat parkir yang terbatas. 0,08 3 0,24

    7 kinerja pemasaran belum optimal. 0,07 3 0,21

    TOTAL NILAI 3,21

    IE Matrix

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    Dari hasil IE Matrix, diketahui strategi berada pada sel IV (grow and build), yang berarti

    strategi yang cocok untuk RS XYZ adalah strategi intensif (market penetration, market

    development, dan product development) dan strategi integratif (backward integration,

    forward integration, dan horizontal integration).

    Penyusunan Strategi Menggunakan Balanced Scorecard

    Dengan menggunakan hasil yang diperoleh dari matrix TOWS, EFE, IFE, dan IE, dapat

    disusun peta strategi menggunakan Balanced Scorecard.

    Setelah strategy map dibuat, kemudian disusun objective, target, measure, initiative, agar

    strategi yang telah dibuat dapat diukur dalam pelaksanaannya.

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    KPI OWNER Measurement IntentUnit of


    FormulaData Elementand Source

    Target Strategic Initiative

    Learn ing and Growth Perspect ive

    1 Competent &qualified Staff

    % Training IT/MR/ADMS Identifies the currentcompetency of staff andthe amount of trainingrequired in order tomeet the establishedtarget

    % Formula -->HRD

    HRD 100% 1. Training needanalysis2. Competency

    2 % of meetingcriteria

    IT/MR/ADMS 1)This measureidentifies the number of

    staff meetingestablished criteria and# of staff not meetingcriteria. 2) It enables a)the organisation toprovide target training;b) to determine thesuccess rate ofrecruitment

    % Number of staffmeet criteria /

    total number ofstaff

    Division 100% 1. Set up this criteriawith HRD 2.

    Make assessment

    3 DevelopStrategicCompetencies

    Training CSS This measure indicatesthe the amount oftraining to be provided

    % Number ofhoursattended /number ofhoursallocated

    HRD 100% 1. Identify trainingneeds annalysis2. source the training3. implement andmonitor

    4 Competency levelof staff

    CSS This measure indicatesthe compentencies tobe developed

    % Competencydevelopmentrequiremnetfrom analysis

    HRD 80% 1. Set up competencycruiteria 2.Conduct competencyassesment

    5 Doctors withGoodCredentials

    % of doctorsmeeting RS XYZ'scredentials

    MS Indicates the % ofdoctors meeting RumahSakit Pondok Indah's


    % # of doctorsmeeting RSXYZ

    credentialis /Total Doctors


    100% 1. establish the criteriafor credentials2. conduct assessment

    10% per month andstarting from……………. 

    6 Retrain &RecruitQualified Staff

    Good employeeTurnover rate

    IT/MR/ADMS 1) Measures the % ofgood employees whoresign, 2) the successof the division's ability toretain good andqualified staff 3) Takecorrective action asappropriate

    % # of goodemployeeresign / # ofgood employee

    Division 0% Training Development,Career Path, Goodworking environment

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    7 CSS 1) Measures the % ofgood employees whoresign, 2) the successof the division's ability toretain good andqualified staff 3) Takecorrective action asappropriate

    % # of goodemployee left/# of goodemployee

    Division 0% 1. Develop career path2. Adequatecompensation

    8 MS 1) Measures the % ofgood doctors whoresign, 2) the successof the division's ability toretain good andqualified doctors, & 3)

    Take corrective actionas appropriate

    % # of gooddoctors left / #of good doctorsin RS XYZ

    Division 0% Condusct medical staffsatisfaction index

    9 Nursing 1) Measures the % ofgood employees whoresign, 2) the successof the division's ability toretain good andqualified staff 3) Takecorrective action asappropriate

    % # of goodemployee left/# of goodemployee

    Division 0% Develop career path,Good environment, bothphysical and mangerialand adequatecompensation

    10 % meet criteria IT/MR/ADMS Measures the % ofemployees whosecompetence meets thecriteria establsihed

    % # of employeesmeet criteria / #of employees

    HRD 100% Effective recruitmentprocedure

    11 % of people withright competencies

    CSS Measures the % ofsuccess withrecruitment process sothat appropriate actioncould be taken tomprove

    % # of peoplewith rightcompetencies /# of totalpeople

    HRD 100% 1. Identify trainingneeds annalysis2. source the training3. implement andmonitor

    12 % of successfulrecruitment

    MS Measures the % ofsuccess withrecruitment process so

    that appropriate actioncould be taken tomprove

    % # of successfulrecruitment /total


    HRD 100% 1. Effective assesmentprocess and doctorsmeeting criteria

    13 Nursing Measures the % ofsuccess withrecruitment process sothat appropriate actioncould be taken tomprove

    % # of successfulnursingrecruitment / #of totalnursingrecruitment

    HRD 100% Effective recruitmentprocedure and improveinterview skills

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    14 CSI MS Measures whether thecompetence of doctorsin RS XYZ meets theexpectations of thecustomers

    index CSI CustomerService

    100% Conduct survey twice ayear

    15 Highperforming &CustomerFocus

    % High Performers Nursing The division requireshigh performing team toproivde excellentservice. This KPI willenable the divisonalhead to determine thelevel of high performers& take approriate action.

    % # highperformer/ # ofstaff in thedevision

    division 100% 1. develop goodassesment criteria2. Effective recruitmen3. target training &development

    16 IT/MR/ADMSdan CSS The division requireshigh performing team toproivde excellentservice. This KPI willenable the divisonalhead to determine thelevel of high performers& take approriate action.

    % # highperformer / # ofstaff in thedivision

    Division 100% 1. Re-engeeringprocess, innovation (forIT/MR/ADMS)2. Develop goodassesment criteria (forCSS)

    17 MS High performers is oneof the Critical Successfactors of ExecellentService. This KPIenables the Div. Headto determine the level ofhigh performers & takeappropriate action

    % # of hioghperformers / #of medicalprofesional

    100% setting up the criteriahigh performers andevaluate by team(Committee medic,medical director andCEO)

    18 CustomerFeedback


    Customer Satisfaction(CS) is one the KeyInitiatives of RumahSakit PondokIndah.This KPI enablesthe Div. head to gauge

    the level of CS & takeappropriate action tomeet and/or exceedCustomersExpectations

    Index Survey CSIand ESI

    Division 4 1. Customer servicetraining includingattitude and behaviourassessment (forIT/MR/ADM)2. prepare meaningful

    questionaire and set aprocess in place (forCSS)

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    19 MS Customer Satisfaction(CS) is one the KeyInitiatives of RumahSakit PondokIndah.This KPI enablesthe Div. head to gaugethe level of CS & takeappropriate action tomeet and/or exceedCustomersExpectations

    Index survey CSI andESI

    4 Focus customer survey

    20 EmployeeProductivity

    Nurse/patient ratio

    21 Revenue/employee CSS Measures the level of

    productivity ofemployee in terms ofgenerating revenue

    Rp. Total revevnue

    of CSS profitcenter dividedby total FTemployee ofCSS profitcenter

    Finance Div

    and HRD

    1. Reduce unnecessary

    process to increase # oftask done2. Effective and efficientrostering

    22 Productivity In-Patient

    MS to measure theproductivity of doctors

    % # of patient / #of hourspractice (Inpatient)

    MR 80% Collect the data andevaluate

    Internal Perpective

    23 ManpowerManagement

    % with goodgrading

    HRD Measures the % of'good grade' staff sothat appropriate actioncould be taken toincrease the % in orderto plan for successfulreplacement

    % # of goodgrade/ # ofstaff

    HR 80% 1. Source forinformation2. Look for the best HRpractice and acquiretraining

    24 Clearly DefineCareer path

    HRD to ensure there is acareer advancement forstaff

    % # staff withcareer path/#of staff

    HR 80% 1. Source forinformation2. Look for the best HR

    practice and acquiretraining

    25 % with A & Bgrading

    HRD To ensure that is asubstantial number ofemployees are in "A" &"B" categories

    % # staff with A &B / # of staff

    HR 80% 1. Source forinformation2. Look for the best HRpractice and acquiretraining

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    26 AccuracyMedicalservices

    % of patientcorrectlydiagnosed within48 hours

    MS To measure the % ofaccuracy in diagnosis ofpatients withinestablished timeframe &to enable the div. headto take appropriateaction wherenecessary.

    % # accuracy indiagnosis / # ofpatient

    MS 100% Establish clinicalpathway, formulamedical SOP, establishmedical auditing teamand collect the data

    27 CSI MS to measure whether themedical staff is Fast, Accurate, Caring &Efficient in providingmedical services at RSXYZ & to enable the

    div. head to takeappropriate actionwhere necessary

    Index survey CS 4 Conduct focus customersurvey once a year

    28 IntegratedMedicalService

    CSI Medicalservice

    MS to measure the level ofintegration of medicalservices & to enable thediv. head to takeappropriat action wherenecessary.

    Index survey CS 4 Conduct focus customersurvey once a year

    29 Fast &Responsive

    % deliveraccording to plan

    IT/MR/ADM to measure theefficiency of the IT staffin delievry its actionplan & to takeappropriate actionwhere necessary.

    Percentage % meetingtarget

    Division 100% 1. Effective IT solution2. good communication3. Improve of businessprocess

    30 Reliable &Efficiency

    % Breakdown IT/MR/ADM To measure theefficiency level of thedivision in anticipating &taking proactive actionsto prevent/minimse the% of breakdowns

    Percentage % breakdown/target

    Division 0% Service levelagreements, goodhousekeeping &maintenance

    31 % Uptime IT/MR/ADM To measure theefficiency of the system

    and equipment & takeappropriate actionwhere necessary.

    % % uptime /target

    Division 100% Service levelagreements, good

    housekeeping &maintenance

    32 Efficiency Index IT/MR/ADM to measure theefficiency of the system,equipment and Division& to take appropriateaction hwere necessary

    % Survey CSIand ESI

    Division 80% Effective IT solution,good communication,improve of businessprocess

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    33 Enhancetechnologycapabilities

    % new project upon time

    IT/MR/ADM to measure the % ofeffective IT aligmentwith businessprocesses

    % # of effective ofproject/ target

    Division 100% Effective IT solution,good communication,improve of businessprocess

    34 IT IntegrationSolution

    % of integration IT/MR/ADM to measure the degreeof integrated IT solution& to take action wherenecessary

    % # integratedprocess/number of planintegrationprocess

    Division 100% Understanding businessprocess, exposure newIT develpment

    35 Integrated Seamless Nursing To measure the degreeof integration of workprocesses betweennursing departementand other departments

    & to take action wherenecessary.

    % # of integratedprocessidentified / # ofintegratedservice


    Division 100% To identify of all processin each unit, set up,implement and evaluate

    36 Riskmanagement& Compliance

    # of risktreatments/ quality

    IT/MR/ADM To reduce and/oreliminate the level ofrisk identified

    % Identified RiskFactor eachunit

    Division 100% Identified risk factor,implement risk mgtprogram, createawareness

    37 QualityImprovementProgram

    IT/MR/ADM QIP will help thedivision to continouslyimprove its system andprocesss in order toprovide customerssatisfaction and/orexceed customers'expectations.

    # number ofimprovementprogramintroduce

    Division 1 everymonth

    high motivating staff,strong focus QIP, Re-eng work Process,Custm. Feedback

    38 RiskManagementProcess

    # of risk factoridentified

    MS To identify the riskinherent in the medicalservices provided, sowe can take preventiveaction could be taken tominimise and/or reducethe risks

    # # of risk factoridentified incategories ofmedical service

    Division 5 everymonth

    Formulate standsrd, setup standard and followthe SOP

    39 # of risk factor


    Nursing To identify the risk

    inherent in the nursingservices provided, sowe can take preventiveaction could be taken tominimise and/or reducethe risks

    # # of risk factor

    identified incategories ofnursing service

    Division 5 every


    Indentification risk factor

    and socialization aboutrisk and job description

    40 RegulatoryPolicy & SOPCompliance

    # of non-compliance

    IT/MR/ADM Measures the # of non-compliance & enablesthe div head to takeappropriate action toensure compliance to

    # # of non-compliance

    Division 0 Clear understanding ofregulatory policy andSOP, clearunderstanding trainingand monitoring process

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    regulatory Policies andSOP

    41 Speed Speed CSS Measures time taken todeliver a particularservice as this is part ofF.A.C.E. integratedservice whichcontrbutes to excellentservice

    % Average speedfor all unit

    Division 100% 1. To meet requiredstaff competence andquantity by coordinatingwith HARD2. Plan and implementeffective and efficientstaff roistering3. Improve businessprocess

    42 Efficient Efficient -Overheads Nursing To measure the degreeof efficient utilisation ofoverheads to takeaction whereappropriate.

    Value Direct report onelectricity,watertelephone,overtime /BOR(unit Activity)

    Division < 1 Change wrk cul;ture, re-engeer work process,re-training & CQIprogram

    43 Accuracy  Accuracy Nursing To asses thecapabilities of staff inthe nursing division inproviding accurateservice in accordancewith establishedstandards

    % Depends onwhich processthis measure

    division 100% 1. Regular training &updates SOP, Monitorperformance.2. Conduct audit

    Customer Perspect ive

    44 Health &Environmentalsafety

    % of reduction inemployees'medical cost

    Nursing This measure indicatesthe health status of theemployees & allows thedivisional to takeaproriate action it is toohigh

    %  Actual versusbuget

    HRD < 100% 1. Socialise healthlifestyle2. Take preventiveaction

    45 Sick Leave Nursing Measure the amount of

    sick leave taken bystaff. It indicate the levelhealth of employee & itwill also appropriateaction to decrease theamount of sick leave.

    %  Actual versus


    HRD < 100% 1. Ensure staff adopt

    helath life style.2 Provide counseling…………. 

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    46 Quality Image CSI Nursing To measure thecustomers expectationof quality of nursingcare

    Index survey division 4 Improve profesionalismof nursing,develop goodassesment criteria,effective recruitment,target training &development

    47 Excellentservice

    CSI IT/MR/ADM To get obtain feedbackfrom external customeron the quality serviceprovided and to takeaction to ensurecutomer satisfaction

    Index survey Division 4 Improve on businessprocess to ensure CSI

    48 IntegratedInformation &IT Solution

    # complaintsinternal

    IT/MR/ADM Complaint equatesdissatisfaction. This KPImeasure the level ofdissatisfaction on thedegree of integration ofinformation & ITsolutions. This feedbackwould enable the DivHead to improve itsservices to internalcustomers.

    # Number ofcomplaint

    Division 0 Effective IT solution,good communication,improve of businessprocess

    49 # complaintsexternal

    IT/MR/ADM Complaint equatesdissatisfaction. This KPImeasure the level ofdissatisfaction on thedegree of integration ofinformation & ITsolutions. This feedbackwould enable the DivHead to improve itsservices to externalcustomers.

    # Number ofcomplaint

    Division 0 Effective IT solution,good communication,improve of businessprocess

    50 Safe patientCare

    # of error Nursing Measures the level odquality of nursing care.

    # number of error 0

    Financial Perspective

    51 IncreaseAssetUtilization

    Utilization rate IT/MR/ADM This measure will helpthe division to monitoreffectively the software,hardware, programsprovided are fullyutilized in order to

    # Log-on rate Division Socialisation, training,up time, down time

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    maximise its usage &ROI

    52 Minimize Loss Cost from non-compliance

    IT/MR/ADM This is ensure that thereis safe and ethicalpractice in the division. Any non compliancewould result in loss tothe organization &action is taken tominimise loss

    Rp Amount of loss Division Awareness risk mgtpreventive program,safe practice, auditprocess

    53 Litigation Nursing Measure the amount ofcost in litigation. ThisKPI will assist theDivisional Head todetemine the level ofquality andprofesionalism ofnursing services

    RiskManagementRepresentativein Nursing

    0 1. Ensure policies, SOPare in place 2 Ensureare job description areclearly defined3 Tarining &development, improvecompetency level4 Monitoring

    54 Claims Nursing Measure the amount ofcost in claim. This KPIwill assist the DivisionalHead to detemine thelevel of quality andprofesionalism ofnursing services

    RiskManagementRepresentativein Nursing

    0 1. Ensure policies, SOPare in place 2 Ensureare job description areclearly defined3 Tarining &development, improvecompetency level4 Monitoring

    55 Costefficiency

    Decreaseoperational cost

    IT/MR/ADM To enable the divisionto manage costeffectively and toreduce operational cost

    Rp Amount ofoperationalcost

    Division as low asreasonablypracticable(ALARP)

    Re-enge businessprocess, workefficiently, effectiveroster, reduceoverhead, attend work

    improvement program

    56 Total Operationalcost

    IT/MR/ADM Measures the totaloperation cost inorderfor the Div. Head ot beaware of it Op. Cost &to tak eaction whereappropriate.

    % Division as low asreasonablypracticable(ALARP)

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    57 ReducedOverhead

    Fixed Cost Nursing (drilldown eachunit)

    Measureable cost suchas basic salary &allowance. This KPIallows the DivisionalHead to be aware of thefixed cost in his/herdivision, assist in thefuture planning such asmanpower.

    Rupiah Total fixoverhead perperiod

    FD as low asreasonablypracticable(ALARP)


    58 Variable Cost Nursing (drilldown eachunit)

    Measure cost such asconsumable, over time,electricity, water, etc innursing. This KPI willassist the Divisional

    Head to control thedivision variable cost.

    Rupiah Total variablecost per period

    FD as low asreasonablypracticable(ALARP)

    1 Socialize the meaningof variable cost2 Regular checkingbetween activity andvariable expenditure

    59 Increase inPatient

    # of increasecustomer

    Nursing This measure indicatethe number of newcustomer. This KPI willallow management toknow the number ofnew customer to RSXYZ and then use it foranalysis.

    Number Number of newcustomer


    Increaseby 10%

    Improve quality ofservice

    60 RevenueGrowth

    Revenue from newpatients

    Marketing Revenue derived fromnew patients


    Increaseby 10%

    1. Aggressive marketing2 Ensure servicequality is maintained

    61 Increase No ofCustomer

    Total No. ofepisode of care

    Marketing Measures totalepisodes of care in outpatient. This KPI givesan indication of

    episodes of care.Which enablesmarketing to determinewhetermarketingstrategic is effective ornot.

    Number Total record ofepisode of care


    Increaseby 10%

    62 Total increase of inpatient

    Marketing Measuring number of inpatients

    Number Total increasenumber of In-Patientscompared tolast year


    Increaseby 10%

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    Dengan telah dibuatnya strategy map dan pengukurannya, yang perlu dilakukan selanjutnya

    adalah pemantauan setiap bulan untuk memastikan target yang telah ditetapkan tercapai. Jika

    target tidak tercapai, action plan harus dibuat agar bulan berikutya target dapat tercapai.