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CONTENTS About Children’s Aid Society 2 Our Mission and Objectives 3 Chairman’s Message 4 Executive Committee 5 Our Programmes 6 Our Residents 10 Our Staff 11 Our Volunteers 11 Activities for 2009 13 Our Expenses 15 Review of Financial Statements 15 Reserves Policy 16 Disclosure of Remuneration 17 Disclosure of Governance Checklist 17 The Plans and Commitments for 2010 18 Our Donors 19 Donations-in-kind 24 Services Rendered 27 Statement by the Executive Committee and Financial Statements 30



The Children’s Aid Society is registered under the Societies Act and manages Melrose Home. An Executive Committee is elected from among its members and is the governing body for the Home. The Children’s Aid Society is among the oldest philanthropic organisations in Singapore, having been formed in the late 1800s as the St Nicholas Home. Its present name was established in 1902. The Home provides a supportive environment of a "home away from home" for children and teenagers between the ages of 3 to 18 years old, who need care and protection in a residential setting. These are children and teenagers whose parents or family members are unable to provide them with adequate care and supervision. The Home has the capacity to provide quality residential care for 60 children and 15 teenagers. Registered as a Society 19.12.1962 ROS Reference Number 0990/1947 WEL UEN Number S62SS0031K Institution of Public Character Number IPC000456 Registered Address 503 Clementi Road, Singapore 599488 Charity Trustees HSBC Trustee (S) Ltd Bankers Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd United Overseas Bank Ltd Auditor RSM Chio Lim Honorary Legal Advisors Drew & Napier LLC Honorary Doctors Drs Bain & Partners Chang Clinic Honorary Advisors Dr Chang Tou Liang - Medical Practitioner

Dr Jazmyn Chelliah - Child Psychologist


OUR MISSION AND OBJECTIVES Mission A professional and progressive charity to nurture, motivate and develop young persons in need of care. Objectives

1. To provide a safe, supportive and stimulating environment for our residents

2. To provide opportunities for all our residents to develop their talents 3. To optimize the full capacity of the Home 4. To ensure efficient and effective management of our resources 5. To offer a family mentoring service

6. To identify and respond to the changing needs of Singapore



In 2009, our focus at Melrose was principally in the areas of Governance and Programme Development for the residents. In place of the Home Management Sub-Committee, two new Sub-Committees were formed - the Staff and Administration and Children and Programmes Sub-Committees to focus more effectively on our human resource, operations and care programmes. The engagement of a professional Internal Auditor has ensured our internal control and compliance procedures and processes are effectively monitored on a regular basis. The Long Service Awards to recognize long serving staff was updated and a Whistle Blowing system was introduced. We have obtained the services of a Volunteer Education Adviser to oversee the academic performance of our residents. With her professional advice, areas for improvement were identified and measures were taken to address them. In particular, the tuition programme was strengthened. It was encouraging to see an overall improvement in the academic results of our residents. During the year, we also set up the “Melrose Club” to facilitate the continuing mentoring and support of our discharged residents. If successful, this will enable the Home to maintain a link with these residents and facilitate any further guidance and assistance if needed. The Home was fortunate to be a recipient of a substantial legacy donation from the Estate of William Mitchell Hunter Caldwell, which was used for the enhancement of the academic, therapeutic and enrichment programmes for our residents. During the year, there were twenty-three new admissions into the Home and seventeen residents were discharged as their home and family environment had improved. In total, the Home had looked after fifty-three residents. Melrose will strive to fulfill its Mission of being a progressive home to nurture, motivate and develop young persons in need of protection and care. This has been possible with the selfless dedication and contribution of all our staff, regular volunteers, the many generous donors and sponsors, and the unstinting support and time from my fellow committee members. To all of them a big Thank You. My appreciation also goes to our Sector Administrator, the National Council of Social Services and the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports for their encouragement and support. Michael Kan Yuet Yun, PBM Chairman, Executive Committee



An Executive Committee is elected from among its members and is the governing body for the Home. The Executive Committee is responsible for setting policies and overseeing key operational and financial aspects of the Home. The Sub Committees oversee the management of the Home and work closely with the Executive Director to ensure the effective operation of the Home in providing quality care for our residents. All the Committee members are volunteers of different professions and backgrounds, and provide their services without any remuneration.

Michael Kan Yuet Yun, PBM Chairman

Elizabeth Seah Gek Huang Vice Chairman

Elaine Lim Hon Secretary

Philip Gerald Duckworth Hon Treasurer

Irene Chia Chairman, Staff and Admin Sub Committee

Jarrod Ong Chew Yeang Vice-Chairman, Staff and Admin Sub Committee

Peggy Ann Desker Chairman, Children and Programme Sub Committee

Henry Yeo Wee Heng Vice-Chairman, Children and Programme Sub Committee

Datuk Tuan Azad Zain Member

Elizabeth Martin Chua Co-opted Member


OUR PROGRAMMES Residential Care The residential care programme is the main function of the Home. A team of dedicated staff provides security, nurture and support to our residents, and ensures that not only do they receive quality care but that their interests are protected as well.

Making sure children have their meals and tea time snacks Study time is supervised

Academic Guidance and Support The residents attend secondary or primary schools, or kindergartens in the neighbourhood. The Home collaborates closely with the schools to monitor their academic development. Our staff members together with volunteers and paid tutors provide academic guidance and tutorial support for the educational progress of our residents.

Individual and paired tuition


Personal and Social Development There is a wide range of enrichment programmes to support the intellectual, emotional and social development of our residents. Special attention is also given to programmes that incorporate character building as well as programmes that develop our residents’ talents and abilities.

Art & Craft with Hwa Chong Institution Volunteers Speech & Drama Class

Super Yoyo Workshop


Therapeutic Programmes Residents with behavioural problems attend therapy sessions run by specialists. Music therapy and art therapy have been successfully employed to instill positive behaviour and develop self esteem.

Music Therapy Session

Case Work and Counselling The Social Workers at the Home manage an Individual Care Plan (ICP) for each resident. The ICP specifies the actions to be taken in addressing family-related issues as well as the various developmental needs of the resident.

Casework and Counselling


Family and Community Partnership

The Home works with the parents, family members, teachers and community agencies on issues concerning the well-being of the resident. The objective is for the resident to eventually return to their family when their home circumstances and environment have improved.

Family BBQ night

Aftercare and Mentoring An aftercare programme is put in place when a resident leaves the Home to return to their family. The Social Worker will maintain contact with the former resident(s), make home visits and collaborate closely with the teachers or school counsellors to monitor their development. We set up “Melrose Club” in 2009 to offer continued mentoring and support to discharged children.


OUR RESIDENTS Residents under the Home’s care can be broadly categorized as:

Statutory Cases – directed for admission by the Juvenile Court under a Care and Protection Order

Child Protection Cases – referred by the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS)

Compassionate Ground Cases – referred by Social Service and Community Agencies Number of Residents in Residential Care at Melrose Home:

Month 2009


Age Group Case Type Total

Male Female Children Teenagers Statutory Cases

Child Protection


Compassionate Ground Cases

January 15 18 24 9 7 14 12 33

February 16 18 25 9 7 15 12 34

March 15 18 24 9 7 14 12 33

April 16 19 26 9 7 16 12 35

May 14 19 22 11 8 15 10 33

June 15 21 24 12 9 16 11 36

July 15 21 24 12 7 18 11 36

August 15 24 26 13 8 21 10 39

September 15 25 26 14 8 21 11 40

October 15 23 25 13 8 18 12 38

November 16 22 26 12 9 17 12 38

December 15 21 26 10 8 17 11 36

In 2009, 23 residents were admitted to the Home. As of December 2009, the Home had a muster of 36 residents. 17 were discharged in 2009 - most of them were able to return to their families as family conditions had improved. Hence, the Home served a total of 53 residents in 2009.


OUR STAFF The efficient operation of Melrose Home and the quality care given to our residents are carried out by a dedicated and committed team of 19 staff.

The Executive Director is responsible for the overall management of the Home and ensures that the mission and objectives of the Home are achieved. The team includes:

1 Home Manager responsible for the maintenance and running of the home

2 Supervisors responsible for the daily operations and care-giving duties

5 House-Parents responsible for care-giving

3 Case / Social Workers responsible for managing the Individual Care Plan for our residents and attending to each individual’s emotional and psychological needs

1 Administrative Officer responsible for admininstration and finance

1 Volunteer & Programme Coordinator responsible for the management of programmes and volunteers

3 House-Keepers responsible for the general cleanliness and maintenance of the Home

1 Cook responsible for the preparation of balanced, nutritional meals for our residents

1 Driver responsible for ferrying the residents to and from school OUR VOLUNTEERS Volunteers play an important role in the operations of the Home. The main groups are:

Individual volunteers who give weekly tuition or teach special skills to our residents.

Volunteers from the universities, polytechnics and schools who organize various activities for our residents.

Corporate volunteers from private and public sector organizations who provide financial support for the Home’s programmes and projects.

Our volunteers are involved in:

Maintenance of the building and garden

Enrichment classes and educational trips

Sports training and out-door games

Learning support and skills development

Recreational activities

Fund raising activities in aid of Melrose Home.


Corporate Volunteers Reed Elsevier, Academic Achievement Awards

Volunteer Hairstylists Tanglin Trust Volunteer-Science


Student Volunteers conducting Games



Month Activity Organiser / Partner

JANUARY Chinese New Year parties and games Jurong International, Step Up Motors

FEBRUARY Introduction of Music Therapy sessions -

Introduction of monthly birthday celebrations Hotel Intercontinental, Low Sulin and friends

MARCH Children First! Festival stage performances ING Bank N.V., Singapore Branch

Introduction to Mosaic Art for Teenage Girls -


Easter Party The Party Room

West Coast Park clean up and games Electra (S) Pte Ltd

Start of Taekwondo classes Singapore Taekwondo Federation

MAY Invitation to Anna Karenina Finnish National Ballet performance at the Esplanade

Tan Chin Tuan Foundation


Visit to Bukit Timah Saddle Club Anne Hicks and friends

Movie outing to “Monsters vs Aliens” and Escape Theme Park

Mr. & Mrs. Chee Junn Yeow

Fun at Sarimbun Camp with the SUVEC Club SUVEC Club

JULY 1st Taekwondo Grading Test Singapore Taekwondo Federation

AUGUST Mural and Playground Equipment Painting City Developments Ltd


Introduction of Magic Tricks & Balloon Sculpting workshops


Lion Dance Workshop NUS Lion Dance Troupe

Exam Preparation Study Tips Workshop Reeds Elsevier

Little India Tour Nanyang Girls School


OctoBurst Festival 2009 at the Esplanade Morgan Stanley

Dogathon Dog Walk at West Coast Noah’s Ark CARES

Football Clinic Kaiser Football Club


Set up of dormitory libraries Starwood Hotels

Crispy Wonderland at United Square Network Foods Pte Ltd

“The Jungle Book” at Singapore Repertoire Theatre

Elena Pistorio, Pistorio Foundation

Start of Bhangra Dance workshops -


Corridor Mural Painting ST Electronics Pte Ltd

“Exploration of Singapore Islands by Chinese Junk” Christmas Charity Event

Gas Services International (S) Pte Ltd

“A Christmas Carol” Christmas Movie Obadiah Volunteers

Christmas Party at Conrad Centennial CPA Australia

“Reverie Cirque on Ice” at Singapore Indoor Stadium

Juliana Benelli and friends

Tanglin Club Christmas Party The Tanglin Club


Chinese NewYear parties and games Music therapy session

Birthday celebrations Easter Party with The Party Room volunteers

Introduction to mosaic art for teenage girls Mural Painting with ST Engineering volunteers


OUR EXPENSES The Home requires a monthly average of about $100,000 for its operations. About 25 percent of this cost is provided by the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports as a grant based on the number of children in residence. However, a major part of our Home’s operational costs is funded by donations from corporations, organised groups and well-wishing individuals. REVIEW OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The Home recorded a surplus in 2009, of $848,916. This is a significant improvement in our finances reflecting primarily the rebound in the Singapore stock market, following the banking crisis of 2008/9. The gains in the value of securities are a combination of profits arising from the ongoing management of the consolidation of our Singapore market portfolio and the year-end book value revision, as reported for accounting purposes. Our bank interest receipts have remained dismally low however in line with interest rates globally. Our donations however held up well in 2009, with the continuing generous support of our donors, underpinned by an estate legacy of $200,000. Our expenses stayed broadly flat, apart from an increasing investment in programmes to enhance our children’s care, education and development which has been a key priority for 2009. Our expectations for the coming year are for a modest growth in our investment income and donations, offset by an increase in our salaries and related costs as the labour market tightens, as a consequence of increasing employment. We are renovating a dormitory to admit residents with behavioural issues, recruiting additional staff, implementing an enhanced after-care programme and introducing a financial assistance scheme for families. Finally we are investing in sharing more about our achievements, with our donors and volunteers, to retain their generous and enthusiastic support for the Home in 2010.


RESERVES POLICY The reserves of the Home, being financial assets and cash balances as at the 31 December 2009 stood at $5,467,103 an increase of $ 555,526 ( +10 % ) over the previous year. The ratio of our reserves to our annual operating expenditure for 2009 is 6.7 (2008 adjusted was 5.6). These reserves were primarily established in 1987 when the Home sold off its peripheral land for development netting the sum of $1.1 million. This fund was invested in blue chip trustee shares and bonds and the account had grown at a steady pace over the subsequent 20 plus years of relatively consistent market growth punctuated by periodic market falls such as the one experienced in 2008. The Singapore equity stock market rebound in 2009 has enabled the Home to recoup most of the book losses reported in 2008. The Home has depended on the dividend and interest income generated by our reserves and on donations, to bridge the substantial gap between government grants and our total operating expenditure, which is approximately three times as high as the grant level. In the coming year, we shall be renovating a dormitory to house children with behavioural issues and those beyond parental control as well as recruiting additional staff to manage these challenging residents. An enhanced after-care programme will also be implemented to assist discharged residents to face challenges in the wider community. A financial assistance scheme will be put in place for families of residents needing financial support to create the environment within which their children will develop. Our goal by the close of our current five year strategic plan period is to maintain these reserves at a level around 5 times our operating expenditure." The recent financial crisis and the historically low returns on bonds and bank balances has, we believe, justified the past prudent reserves policy of the Home. We have maintained through the recent difficult time, a climate of financial stability for the Home and our current reserves policy will enable the Home to fulfill our continuing obligations to the residents in our care.



1. Staff

The annual remuneration of the top 3 key executives of the Society did not individually exceed S$100,000. 2. Board

The members of the Executive Committee and Sub-Committees of the Children’s Aid Society do not receive any remuneration or benefits for their services to the Home. DISCLOSURE OF GOVERNANCE CHECKLIST Melrose Home has fully complied with the Code of Governance Evaluation Checklist for Institutions of a Public Character (IPCs). (Full checklist is available at


THE PLANS & COMMITMENTS FOR 2010 We will be enhancing the physical facilities of the Home. Some of the improvements include renovating the kitchen and stores. When completed, the new kitchen will also include a life skill corner, where our older residents can pick up useful culinary skills. We will also be looking at improvements to our residents’ dormitories, study areas and activity rooms. Our van for transportation of our residents is more than 10 years old, and is being replaced. This ensures greater reliability and safety for our residents when being ferried to schools, outings and activities, medical and other appointments. To help our residents develop into well-rounded individuals, we will be enhancing the academic support and enrichment programmes for them. We will review our current Mentoring Programme and allocate the necessary resources and staff support to provide continued befriending and mentoring of discharged residents.We will explore other possible areas of services such as introducing enhanced aftercare for our discharged residents, as well as to reach out to the individuals from lower income or dysfunctional families. To further improve our operations, we will be reviewing and updating our Standard Operating Procedures. We will also be improving the capabilities of our staff through systematic training and targeted recruitment of new staff with the right skill sets, so that we can provide a higher quality of care and service.


DONORS’ LIST (2009) Cash Donations $200,000 $50,000 - $100,000 Estate of William Mitchell Hunter Caldwell The Patissier and Friends $20,000 - $50,000 $10,000 - $19,999 Anonymous Donor Tengah Air Base Jurong Country Club Lee Foundation Jurong International Charity Golf Event $5001 - $9,999 Quek Cheng Chye Ronnie DSO National Laboratories $1,001 - $5,000 Attorney General’s Chamber Allen & Gledhill LLP Be A Fashionista (S) LLP Cathay Organisation Holdings Ltd Chemara Realty Pte Ltd CHIJ Katong Convent Chow Choon Kit Cisco Systems (USA) Pte Ltd CPA Australia Ltd Derocks Trading Pte Ltd DGFX Studio Pte Ltd Edipresse Singapore Pte Ltd FABS5 Pte Ltd Felby Marine Contractor Gas Services International (S) Pte Ltd Jurong International Holdings Pte Ltd Lee Hwa Kim/Lee How Cheong/Lee Hwa Sin Lee Kim Tah Foundation Lilly-NUS Centre For Clinical Pharmacology Pte Ltd Merck Sharp & Dohme (I.A) Corpn SF Consulting Pte Ltd Sigford Pte Ltd ST Electronics (Info-Comm Sys) Pte Ltd Tan Choon Wan


$100 - $1,000 Adeline Lai Crescent Girl’s School Alex Soh Koh She David Cheng Yee Ding Alice Tan David Tan Kim Chui Ambassador Guest CB DBS Staff Union Ampalakan s/o Kathan Maniam Delick Lim Annabelle Yeoh Chee Hong Donation Box Annie Chiam Edwin Yik Barry Desker Elenna Pistorio Benelli Amb.Guest Gfees/B Eng Hwee Siang Benelli Clement Eng Yi Wee Betty Kheng Ngoh Phillip Eric Goh Poh Guan Cairnhill Toastmasters Club Ernst Becker Caldana Alessandro Fah Serena Caterpillar Asia Pte Ltd Felby Marine Contractor Cathay Photo Store Pte Ltd Florence Yeo Mei Mei Celina Lin Xiao Fen Foo Cheong Leng/Hong May Heng Chan I-Mei Foo Jon Hui Amanda Chan May Po Mabel Foo Meng Sum Chan Zi Qi Foo Cheng Leng Chang Lu Lyn Foo Meng Sum Chay Carl & Jia Wei Freddy Lim Kim Huat Chen Jian Zhong Goh Boon Siah Cheong Kuan Wai Goh Chai Kiat Cheong Yan Yan Goh Kiat Chun & Family Cheong Yan Yan Goh Shu Lin Lynda Chew I-Jin GST Credits Chew Kwee San Hamarjit Singh Chew Wei Zhan Hazel Giam Chionh Sze Chyi Mavis Ho Hsiao Hui Chng Betsy Ho Kum Yin Chong Shue Yee Tammy Hon Lan Moi Choo Ker Yong Htet Aung Wai Lin Chow Shu Yin Melissa Huntington Holdings Pte Ltd Christopher Lau Hwan Thye Chan Chua Guan Guan Intergrated One Construction Pte Ltd Chua Kim Heok Irene Tan Chua Lian Choon Jacqueline Cheong Chua Vincent Jesslin Chu Church Of The Risen Christ Joe & Friends Class Of 3E2. Zhong Hua Sec Sch Joel Goh Kwang Soon Claus Skadkjer John A.Donaldson


$100 - $1,000 (cont’d) Karen Chu Ka Ying Lim Tat Hooi Karen Venetia Tiah Penh Lim Teng Sherng Kathleen Yip Su-Meng Lim Xiao Hua Katsuji Iwatake Lim Yee Mei Michelle Kee Su Lee Lin M Y Kein Chua Liu Aleece (SICC) Khim Kiong Loh Yng Heng Kho Piac Suat Josephine Loo Kwai Chee Khor Sek Hoon Elizabeth Loo Tze Lui Khuansorn Quek & Oil Juneau Loy Wee Loon Koh Chan Seng Lucia Lim Koh Eddie Madeline Tan Koh Gek Noi Marco McCabe Koi Liau Lin Margaret Chew Sing Seng Kwa Elvin May Tan Kwek Choon Lin Winston Mayer Marketing Pte Ltd Lau Wing Tai Mohamad Yusof Kamarudin Lawrence Hong Mr. & Mrs. Kwan Lawrence Mok Kwok Wah Nancy Chong Legge, Alison Nancy Tan Lifestyle Construction Pte Ltd Ng Ai Shing Low Kim Thye Ng Hui Huang Low Wei WeiLam Lai Oi Ng Koon Eng Lee Cheng Sung (CS) Ngiam Siew Wei Lee Chun Ling Nicole Lee Chia Ling Lee Ernest Nur Azlin Bte Ahmad Lee Lai Keun Ong Chan Siong Lee Lauren Guest CB Ong Chu Poh Lee Marie Guest (CB Ong Janet Lee Mui Mui Jacqueline Ong Willie (Ong Hoo Eng) Lee Si Ying Christine Oskar Lee Kwok Lim Lee Wai Sin Patricia S Chong Peng Soon Leong Helen Patricia See Liew May Lei Sara Pearlyn Yee Meng Phua Lim Ah Cheng Pek Hak Bin Lim Jinn Phua CC Lim Kheng Har Maureen Phua Hua Seng Lim Kim Foong Piak Boon Seng Lim Shaohua Pour Beng Teck Lim Siok Kwee Thomas Priscilla Loke Swee Heng


$100 - $1,000 (cont’d) Rachael Tan Tan Hian Zee Rachel Chew Tan Kim Lian Ramya Tan Li Ming Melanie Randi Chiara & Maurizio Tan Poh Hong Rannaud Andre Tan Siang Oon Rina Tang Tan Sock Khee Rinington Roy Victor James Tan Sock Kia Rose Chia Tan Sze Lai Rosie Ong Kim Keow Tan Wee Lynn RS Components Pte Ltd Tan Yi-Ping Jacqueline Saudia Kayan Tan Yoke Peng Saw Cecilia (Eric Saw Huat Kheng) Tang Holdings Pte Ltd See Ai Lin Jaylian Tanglin Trust Ms O’Shea’s Yr 2 See Tho Ving Mei Tanglin Trust School Ltd See Yi Ling Tay Choon Meng Serene Yeo Tay Lay Bee Sharon Cheah Ui Hoon Tay Yew Keng Sheila Mukhtar Kaur Teh Eng Lee Sim Hock Soon Teo Eng Kee Sim Hui Cheng Julie Teo Eng Lee Sin Fu Wei Teo Jacqui Singapore Airport Terminal Services Ltd Teo Li Min Siray Omar Thean Kooi Choong Slorac George Thean Pik Yuen Valarie Solely Construction Pte Ltd Tien Choung Wee Stanley Lai Tze Chang Times Software Pte Ltd Steven Lo Toh Soo Yee Students Of Class MP2 Triana Anne Cheah Survlink Furnishings Triana Anne Cheah Sytron Trade & Maintenance Pte Ltd Tseng-Liu Sandy & Collin Tan Ah Lek Vaybhav Kumar Sharma Tan Alloysius Yeow Lum Verdoscia Enrico Tan Bo Tan Veronica Ann Groom Tan Ji Bao Victor Wee Hsiao Ming Tan Chey Luan Well Fargo (S) Pte Ltd Tan Choon Wei Wheel A Thon” Project Tan Edwin (Magdelene Foo) WinQuest Investment Pte Ltd Tan Gek Gnee Wong Tan Gek Yong Wong Kong Yin Tan George Wong Yew Khan


$100 - $1,000 (cont’d) Woo Seng Lee Yap Kim Har Yap Liong Chong Yeo Pan Kee Yeo Wee Gee Samuel Yeow Wee Thuan Yong Yeow Lai You Ai Tjoe Yvonne Chan Yih Min Zhuo Jiaxiang Zimmermann Zoe Dobson Zung Yuen Ying Karen



Individual Donors

Abell Chan Eugene Ng Adeline Kheng Fiona Chua Adeline Lai Frankie Pang Adrian Lee Geetha S Alvin Chia Geraldiz Chew Amy Ho Goh Joo Hin Ang Siam Hee Grace Toh Anna Chew Hanice Tsai Sihan Anna Lim Helen Tan Arin James Pantja How Gek Soo Audry Chng Irene Lim Aw Kim Heok Ivy Oh B.T.Tan Jackie Teo Benazir Farvin Janet Lim Benson Yeong Janet Lim Betty Loo Janine Sarah Poon Brandon Ng Jann Hsia Jing Teng Fan Club Carol Sim Jasmine Ng Catherine Koh Kai Tze Jason Lim & Friends Chan Sook Han Javionn Ng Sheng Kai Chang Ting Suang Jensen Tan Charmaine Foo Jessica Lim Cheng Siew Chee Junn Yeow Jessica Mah Chen Jia Ying Jessie Sim Cheryl Tan Jimmy Ong Christine Lim Johnston Seow Christine Tham Joseph Png Chua Yew Yee Joyce Chan Cruyff Chua Joyce Chan Curreem Poh Joyce Yeo Shiaw Ying Danny Chew Kek Lay Hoon David Chua Ban Poh Kelvin Tok Dennis Chew Ken Wai Lun Dorothy Guan Kok Chu Pa Edward Luke Tessensohn Kok Chu Poh Eric Lim L KangYang Eric Y T Lim Lee Chor Meng Esther Koh Lee Lai Kean Esther Sim Lena Leo


Individual Donors

Liew Kian Heng Keith Quek Kiat Sing Lim Bee Bee Ranjana Mathew Lim Kim Huat Rina Ong Lim Sow Wai Rose Chia Lim Tiong Chuan Roy Ng Lin Shao Hua S Kartika Sari Linda Liu S Pon Rajoo Loo Hansel Sasi Nair Low Beng Heng Seah Teck Whye Low Beng Hong See Hoy Chan Low Su Lin Seet Kim Ngoh Mandai Lian Hup Tng Sharon Lee Marcus Ng Sharon Tan Mariangel/Ruben Magloire Sharon Yong Mdm Chua Simon Lui Mdm Wong Society Melissa Low Soh Puay Wee Mr & Mrs Lian Sohni Kaur Mr & Mrs Lim Steven Chan Mr & Mrs Sangeeta Steven Liew Natasha Sarkar Susan Yong Neo Chye Yong Sweety Yeo Ng Hoon Chee Tan Boon Chin Ng Pang Nam Tan Jit Yokk Nichole Wewalaarachchi Tan Kim Seng Njoo Tjeng Chuen Tay Song Keng Norni Yap Tay Xiong Seng Ong Soon Kin Teo Pow Yong Ong Swee Kang Thomas Tan Pang Kiah Keen Toh Wai Leu Patricia Chan Tracy Ong & Colleagues Patricia Ng Tseng He Gang Patrick Chua Puay Boon Valarie Tan Pei Ying Paul Gamble & Olivia Warnock Vanitha Singgam Pauline Chan Victor Ong Pearl Kuok/Edward Lam Vincent Low Peggy Cheng & Tiffany Wendy Wong Persis Yeo Winnie Ngoh Png Peng Lee Woo Seng Lee Quek Chik Yong Yeo Siew Kim Yip Chew Yuen



Corporate Donors

ACS International

Bausch & Lomb (S) Pte Ltd

C.Steinweg Warehousing Pte Ltd

Caterpillar Asia Pte Ltd

Club Rainbow Singapore

Dematics International Pte Ltd

Eubig Pte Ltd

Hupco Pte Ltd

Ideal Foods (S) Pte Ltd

Intercontinental Singapore

Jack Shoo Transport Services

Jit sheng Provision Trading

Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery

Life Harvest Enterprise (S) Pte Ltd

Lodge of St George

Mobile One Ltd

MVO Marketing (S) Pte Ltd

Nanyang Girls' High School

Nestle Singapore Pte Ltd

Ngee Ann Polytechnic

Nike S'pore, Menlo Worldwide

Oh Heng Huat Pte Ltd

Reed Business Information Asia

Rich Brothers

Rotaract Club of S'pore East

S A Technologies

Saganamudna Buddhist Society

Shriro (S) Pte Ltd

St Vincent De Paul

Suzuki Club S'pore (Elinor Ng)

Tanglin Trust School

Tanker Pacific Mgmt S'pore

Unilever Singapore Pte Ltd

Well Fargo (S) Pte Ltd

Wine Culture

Yu Hua Pri Sch


SERVICES RENDERED Cleaning & Building Maintenance Educational Programmes 40th Singapore Armoured Regiment Dyslexia Association of Singapore 8th Singapore Armoured Brigade National Library Board - kidsREAD Coast2Coast Zoo-Phonics Asia Pte Ltd Merry Riana Organisation Mitsubishi Electric Asia Pte Ltd National Service Police Force Excursions & Outings Police Intelligence Department 8th Singapore Armoured Brigade Singapore Police Force Act 3 International Special Operations Police Force Allen & Gledhill LLP Tengah Air Base Anne Hicks & Bukit Timah Saddle Club Attorney-General’s Chambers Central Clinic Craft / Skill / Educational Workshops Chee Junn Yeow Annette Hepolette & Julie Sim CPA Australia Ivy & Laura Lim Electra (S) Pte Ltd Kim Robinson Hair Salon Gas Services International NIE - Student Volunteers Hotel Intercontinental NUS Lion Dance Troupe ING Bank N.V., Singapore Branch Paul Goh IRAS Staff Union Reed Business Information Asia JURONG International Tan Lin Lin Lilly-NUS Centre for Clinical Pharmacology Teng Co. Medtronic international Ltd The Little Arts Academy Meritus Mandarin Hotel Morgan Stanley Dance, Music & Drama Instruction Network Foods Distribution Pte Ltd NIE - Student Volunteers Ngee Ann Polytechnic - Student Volunteers NIE - Student Volunteers Noah's Ark Cares Obadiah Volunteer Group Design Works SAFRACS Fiona Chua Shi Yi Singapore Paediatric Society Singapore Polytechnic - Staff Volunteers StATS ChipPAC Ltd Education Advisory Steven & Betty Liew Mabel Wee SUVEC Club The Doulos The Tanglin Club United World College


Haircutting Medical Consultation Christy Heng Chang Clinic Drs. Bain & Partners In-House Parties & Games ArvinMeritor Mural Painting City Gate Church Volunteers City Developments Ltd Dr. Jospeh Thambiah & Family Hwa Chong Institution Eli Lilly (Singapore) Pte Ltd National Institute of Education Faith Community Baptist Church Ngee Ann Polytechnic Ambassadors FM Global Singapore Management University Forza International Singapore Pte Ltd Victoria Junior College Lodge of St. George Nanyang Girls School - Staff Volunteers Nanyang Technological University Photography Ngee Ann Polytechnic Ambassadors Steven Liew NUS - Maths Society OrangeTee.Com Pte Ltd Risis Reading Programme RS Components Pte Ltd Elaine Giam Si Ling Secondary School - Staff Volunteers ING Bank N.V., Singapore Branch Singapore American School Loh Wan Fei ST Electronics Low Su Lin ST Marine Engineering Starwood Hotels & Resorts Stepup Motors Performances / Concert Suzanne Chee & Friends Elena Pistorio The Party Room Loh Wan Fei & Friends United World College Tan Chin Tuan Foundation Tanglin Trust School Library Cataloguing United World College Audrey Ketchum Chen Wai Chun Coast2Coast Low Su Lin Michael Oh Priji Nair Sabarish Hariharan


Tuition Programme Cecelia Jeyaram Maydianne Yip Chee Junn Yeow Ng Su Peng Dong Hanzhi Nicole Huang Edwin Khoo Ong Chong Kit Flora Yuen Pearlyn Lim Florence Quek Phang Chiew Hun Harsha Singalreddy Rahul Talwalkar Helen Ang Sanjeev Verma Irene Tang Sarah Chan Jaishree Jaybalan Stacey Sim Joan Cher Sumathi Keith Goh Uma Fraser Lai Mei Chin Wong Pei Szu Loh Wan Fei Zhang Shi Wen