representation of characters

Representation In my music video I don’t aim to use the main protagonist to represent anyone in the real world, but very few ‘might’ relate to the character. My video could represent the theme of ‘to never give up’ since my character searches again after being kicked out of the house. Other characters involved are the owners of the houses, their identity is not completely revealed as I won’t be showing their faces on camera. These people represent the neighbourhood and I have shown them in a negative way because they kick the main protagonist out of their house. This could also show that they are protective of their belongings, if this were to happen in the real world they would be shown as the hero.

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Post on 17-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Representation of characters


In my music video I don’t aim to use the main protagonist to represent anyone in the real world, but very few ‘might’ relate to the character. My video could represent the theme of ‘to never give up’ since my character searches again after being kicked out of the house. Other characters involved are the owners of the houses, their identity is not completely revealed as I won’t be showing their faces on camera. These people represent the neighbourhood and I have shown them in a negative way because they kick the main protagonist out of their house. This could also show that they are protective of their belongings, if this were to happen in the real world they would be shown as the hero.