reptile anesthesia and analgesia - lafeber®§ general anesthesia = induced unconsciousness...

Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia Javier G. Nevarez DVM, PhD, DACZM, DECZM (Herpetology) LafeberVet R.A.C.E. Provider # 776-26273

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Page 1: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia

Javier G. Nevarez DVM, PhD, DACZM, DECZM (Herpetology)LafeberVet R.A.C.E. Provider # 776-26273

Page 2: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Outline§Definitions§Relevant anatomy §Analgesia§Anesthesia§Protocols and examples§Monitoring and support§Recovery§Keys to success

Page 3: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia


§ Tranquilization = the relief of anxiety and a state of relaxation while the patient is aware of its surroundings.

§ Sedation = a state of central depression and drowsiness with the patient unaware of its surroundings.

§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia. Patients under general anesthesia are not rousable and the reflex functions are attenuated. Surgical anesthesia is a deeper level that allows for painless surgery.

Page 4: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia


§Analgesia = the freedom or absence of pain.

§Local analgesia = loss of sensation in a circumscribed area.

§Regional analgesia = loss of sensation or insensibility in a larger but limited body area.

Page 5: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia



§ Facilitateshandlingandinduction§Reduceanestheticrequirements

Page 6: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia



Page 7: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

What about PAIN?

Page 8: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Signs of Pain

§ Change in normal behavior§ Reluctance to move§ Abnormal ambulation§ Dull and closed eyes§ Anorexia§ Hunched posture§ Aggression in passive animal§ Passive behavior in normally

aggressive animals

§ Elevated and extended head§ Lameness§ Decreased tendency to coil

(snakes)§ Aerophagia§ Color changes (darker or paler)

Page 9: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia
Page 10: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Analgesia- Morphine

§Puremuagonist§ Increasedtolerancetothermalstimulusinred-earedsliders(RES),beardeddragons(BD),crocodilesandanolelizards,andelectricaliniguanasandBD

§ DecreaseddurationoflimbretractioninformalintestinSpeke’shingedtortoise

§ Associatedwithsevere(upto80%)respiratorydepressioninRES


Page 11: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Analgesia- Hydromorphone

§Puremuagonist§ Increasedtolerancetothermalstimulusinred-earedslider(RES)


Page 12: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Analgesia- Fentanyl

§Puremuagonist§ Increasedtolerancetothermalstimulusinballpythonsandcornsnakes§ Plasmaconcentrationsdetectableinballpythonsandprehensile-tailedskinkswithfentanylpatch


Page 13: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Analgesia- Tramadol

§Weakmuagonist,inhibitsreuptakeofserotoninandnorepinephrine§ Increasedtolerancetothermalstimulusinred-earedsliders(RES),andtoelectricalstimulusinbeardeddragons

§ Plasmaconcentrationsdeterminedinseaturtles,beardeddragons§ RespiratorydepressioninRESwaslessthanwithmorphine


Page 14: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Analgesia- Meloxicam

§NSAID,cyclooxygenase(COX)-2specificinhibitor§ Increasedthetolerancetoelectricalstimulusinbeardeddragonat0.4mg/kgIM

§ Didnotchangephysiologicparametersinballpythonsat0.3mg/kg,orhematologicalandbiochemicalparametersiniguanasat0.2mg/kg

§ PlasmaconcentrationsdeterminedinRESandiguanas


Page 15: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Regional Analgesia/anesthesia


§ Lidocaine– 1hr.§Bupivacaine– 2hr.§Morphine– 48hr.§Preservative-freeformulations

§ Mans,C.Clinicaltechnique:intrathecaldrugadministrationinturtlesandtortoises.JournalExoticPetMedicine23(2014),pp.67-70.

Page 16: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Indications for Tranquilization

§Restraint of fractious animals§Ultrasound§Radiographs§Transport§Venipuncture§Fine needle aspiration

Page 17: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Indications for Sedation

§Restraint of fractious animals§Ultrasound§Radiographs§Transport§Venipuncture§Fine needle aspiration

§Minimally invasive procedures combined with local analgesia

Page 18: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia


§Surgery§Endoscopy§Invasive procedures§Ultrasound-guided biopsy, etc..

Page 19: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Injectable Agents§Ketamine§Dexmedetomidine§Midazolam§Propofol§Alfaxalone

Page 20: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia


§Neuroactivesteroidagent§Rapidinductionandrecovery§ Intravenous(IV)andintramuscular(IM)routes§ Induction(5-10mg/kg),maintenance,constantrateinfusion(CRI)andbolus


Page 21: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia


§Minimalmetabolism,eliminatedbylungs§Right-to-leftcardiacshuntingmightresultinmismatchgasconcentration andpooranestheticdepth


§ Inductionvariable%,maintenance2-3%

Page 22: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

InhalationalAgents- Sevoflurane

§ Fasterinductionandrecoverythanisofluraneiniguana,butsimilarrecoveryinmonitors


§ Lessirritanttoairwaysthanisoflurane§MAC3.0-3.2%iguana,2.05-2.97%monitors,1.85-2.99%ratsnakes

§ Inductionvariable%,maintenance3.5-4.5%

Page 23: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Premedication§Combination of:§Ketamine§Dexmedetomidine§Midazolam§Propofol§Alfaxalone§Hydromorphone/morphine

Page 24: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia



Page 25: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Maintenance§Isoflurane or sevoflurane

Page 26: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Example 1 Tranquilization to sedation§Sulcatta for exam and venipuncture§Option A§Midazolam, ketamine +/- dexmed. IM or IV

§Option B§Alfaxalone IM

Page 27: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Example 2

§Esophagostomy tube§Midazolam IV or IM for sedation§Hydromorphone or morphine IM §Meloxicam §Local lidocaine block

Page 28: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Example 3§Radiographs, gastroscopy +/- coelioscopy of Alligator snapping turtle

§Premed/induction§ Hydromorphone 1mg/kg§ Ketamine 2-5 mg/kg§ Dexmedetomidine 0.025-0.05 mg/kg§ Midazolam 0.5-1 mg/kg§ IV injection

§Maintenance§ Isoflurane

Page 29: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Example 4§Radiographs, Gastroscopy +/- coelioscopy of Alligator snapping turtle

§Premed/induction§Hydromorphone 0.5 - 1mg/kg§Propofol 10mg/kg or Alfaxalone 10-20 mg/kg

§Maintenance§ Isoflurane

Page 30: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Example 5

§Green iguana coelomic surgery§Premed/induction§Hydromorphone 1mg/kg§Ketamine 2-5 mg/kg§Dexmedetomidine 0.025-0.05 mg/kg §Midazolam 0.5-1 mg/kg§ IV injection

§Maintenance§ Isoflurane

Page 31: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia



§ Subcarapacial sinus§ Jugular§ Tail veins§ Brachial plexus§ Occipital sinus§ Ventral abdominal vein§ Palatine vein§ Etc..

§ Limbs§ Tail§ Epaxials

Page 32: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia


Page 33: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia
Page 34: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia
Page 35: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia
Page 36: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia
Page 37: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia
Page 38: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia
Page 39: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia
Page 40: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia
Page 41: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia
Page 42: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia
Page 43: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Intubation- Chelonians

Page 44: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Intubation- Snakes

Page 45: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia
Page 46: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Intubation- Lizards

Page 47: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia
Page 48: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Intubation- Crocodilians

Page 49: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia





§ DO NOT EXCEED 15–20 mmHg§ POP-OFF valve MUST REMAIN OPEN after breathing§ 2–4 breaths/min

§Temperature:KEYforsuccessfulanesthesia§ Aim for 90 - 95oF (32-35oC) during anesthesia

Page 50: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia
Page 51: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia


• Fluidtherapy• Intravenous• Intraosseous• Subcutaneous• Intracoelomic

Page 52: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

IO Access

§Femur§Tibia§Carapace/plastron§ IO access can be used the same as IV but with slower volume of infusion

Page 53: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

IO Catheter

Page 54: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia
Page 55: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia



Page 56: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia


§Heat loss§Convection§ Air exchange at body surface

§Radiation§ Heat loss to surfaces and environment

§Conduction§ Heat loss from contact (i.e. cold table)

§Evaporation§ Heat loss from lungs, skin, exposed tissues

Page 57: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Preventing Hypothermia

Convection Conduction Evaporation Radiation

Forced-air warmer


Heating pads


Heat lamp X

Rice/bean stockings


Water baths X X

Page 58: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia


§Wean off gas before the end of procedure

§Maintain O2 at low flow rate

§KEEP WARM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

§Breathing stimulus§Reptiles: O2

Page 59: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Key to Success

1. Keep patients warm

2. Keep patients hydrated

3. Balanced anesthesia and analgesia

4. Discontinue O2 before end of surgery

Page 60: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia

Not every patient needs drugs

Page 61: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia


Page 62: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia
Page 63: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia
Page 64: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia
Page 65: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia




§SchumacherJ,YelenT:Anesthesiaandanalgesia,inMaderD(ed):ReptilemedicineandSurgery(2nd ed),2012,pp442-452

Page 66: Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia - Lafeber®§ General anesthesia = induced unconsciousness characterized by controlled reversible depression of the central nervous system and analgesia
