research-based strategies for looking · you're worried about, or that's on your mind....


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Page 1: Research-Based Strategies For Looking · you're worried about, or that's on your mind. Set it aside. 3. Do something that relaxes your mind: Listen to music, read some fiction, meditate,
Page 2: Research-Based Strategies For Looking · you're worried about, or that's on your mind. Set it aside. 3. Do something that relaxes your mind: Listen to music, read some fiction, meditate,

Research-Based Strategies For Looking And Feeling 12 Years Younger In Only

Minutes A Week-Guaranteed! Top Certified Fitness Expert Reveals The Essential Strategies

For Reversing the Aging Process And Lifelong Fitness

By Jeff Tomaszewski, ATC, CSCS, MS

Dear Friend,

Do you want to improve the quality of your life?

Do you want to look and feel better than you have in years – maybe better than you ever have before?

Do you want to protect yourself from disease and injury? And do you want to live a longer, more vital life?

I’m confident that you answered YES! To each of those questions, just as have the hundreds of individuals I’ve counseled, coached, and trained in my career as a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer and Health Expert.

Right now I’m going to reveal to you the essential strategies that have enabled my clients to achieve these important goals.

These simple strategies can be immediately implemented into your lifestyle with little sacrifice on your part (okay, if not eating artery clogging fast food burgers and fries is a big thing for you, then maybe you won’t look at that sacrifice as “easy,” but I guarantee you it will add quality years to your life).

So let’s get right into it.

Without further ado, turn the page to discover…

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Research-Based Strategies For Looking And Feeling 12 Years Younger In Only Minutes A Week-Guaranteed!

Top Certified Fitness Expert Reveals The Essential Strategies For Reversing the Aging Process And Lifelong Fitness

1. The #1 Secret to Anti-Aging!

Everyone by now knows Dr. Mehmet Oz. He has a hit TV show and is the

co-Author of the “You” book series. When Dr. Oz was asked “What is the

number one piece of medical advice for staying healthy, looking young and

feeling vital?” his response might surprise you. It was SLEEP! That’s right,

his number one tip for anti-aging is SLEEP! As an entrepreneur and high

performer I have always been trying to get the most out of the day and

would typically only sleep 4-5 hours a night. In fact, I used to pride myself

on the fact that I needed very little sleep to function. I thought, “If I can only

sleep 4-5 hours a night then just think how much more I can get done and

how much further I can move forward” Now I realize that proper sleep 7-8

hours per night is essential in so many ways.

Tony Schwartz, who is the CEO and founder of The Energy Project, which

helps companies fuel sustainable high performance by better meeting the

needs of their employees, echoes the same thing. He states “sleep, at the

physical level, is more important than anything else you can do including

food”. Studies have shown that if you deprive a rat of sleep for 21 days the

rat will die, but if you deprive a rat of food for 21 days, the rat will be hungry

but will not die. Sleep is more important than food but we don’t use it and

respect it accordingly. Adequate rest supports focus and focus allows you

to do more during your workday. Lack of sleep impairs judgment

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(especially under pressure), increases irritability, slows thinking and

impedes memory.

In a study published in Nutrition Research Reviews, scientists discovered

that sleep deprivation can reduce leptin, the anti-starvation hormone (also

known as an anorexigenic hormone) and increase ghrelin, a stomach

hormone that increases hunger.

That’s a double whammy. Lower leptin levels in turn affect thyroid and

other body systems that decrease metabolism. Higher ghrelin levels

increase your appetite, so you’ve got fewer calories being burned and a

greater chance of more calories being eaten.

A study published in Hormone and Metabolic Research also explained how

denying yourself of quality sleep can increase cortisol as well:

“Sleep deprivation induces specific alterations in neuroendocrine systems,

which include an increase in the stress hormone cortisol favoring central fat

deposition, a decrease in the adipostatic signal leptin and an increase in

the orexogenic signal ghrelin, inducing increased appetite and food intake.

This phenomenon may be contributing to the current epidemic of obesity.”

I know many bodybuilders and athletes, and as I mentioned earlier, I used

to be one of them, who stubbornly refused to sleep 7-8 hours a night, which

is arguably the optimal sleep duration. In fact, I seemed to get not only

satisfactory results with only 5 1⁄2 to 6 hours of sleep, I competed during

times when I was sleeping less than 6 hours a night and I placed high or

even won. Therefore, I defiantly thumbed my nose at the thought of

sleeping 8 hours every night.

Nevertheless, knowing what I know now, if I wanted the best chances for

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getting the best results possible, I would not take any chances by

neglecting sleep quality or quantity.

Good sleep doesn't just magically happen. Just like you can't go from deep

sleep to super-energized first thing in the morning, you need time to

transition between a busy day and relaxation.

A sleep ritual is a set of habits that helps you make this transition.

And starting tonight, you can start building your own sleep ritual.

Tonight's sleep ritual

Here's a starter sleep ritual to get you rolling on your new habit.

Tonight, 30 to 60 minutes before your planned bedtime:

1. Turn off all electronics (TV, computer, cell phone, etc.). Put that

phone away somewhere if you think you'll be tempted to check it

"one last time".

2. Do a "brain dump". Pull out a piece of paper and write down all

the things you need to do tomorrow. If you like, add anything else

you're worried about, or that's on your mind. Set it aside.

3. Do something that relaxes your mind: Listen to music, read

some fiction, meditate, snuggle with a loved one, have a warm bath,


Good sleep habits include going to bed and waking up at the same time

every night, getting to bed early and getting up early, if possible, (to

maximize sleeping nighttime hours and waking daylight hours), sleeping in

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a totally dark room, avoiding alcohol before bedtime and avoiding caffeine

or stimulants late in the day.

Remember also that the largest growth hormone spike occurs after you fall

into deep sleep. Anything that disrupts your getting quality sleep can also

affect growth hormone as well.

A quick secret for feeling and having the energy you desire is NAPS! It’s 3

in the afternoon and you can barely keep your eyes open. Your mind feels

foggy, and all you want to do is curl up under your desk for 20 minutes and

take a nap. But cutting-edge, productive people don’t take naps, do they?

Actually, they do.

If you believe the phrase “If you snooze, you lose” then consider the roster

of achievers known to nap regularly:

• Winston Churchill

• Thomas Edison

• Ronald Reagan

• John F. Kennedy

• Eleanor Roosevelt

• Beethoven

• Leonardo da Vinci

• Bill Clinton

• Margaret Thatcher

• Napoleon Bonaparte

• And lots more!

Churchill said that napping during the day was the only way that he could

cope with his responsibilities as British Prime Minister during World War II.

It turns out that a nap is exactly what you need in the afternoons when

drowsiness takes over your body and mind.

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From N.B.A. and N.F.L. players1 to Google employees2, high-achieving

people are turning to naps to recharge. Daytime napping, as you know, is

common from India to Spain. Siesta anyone?

Sleep experts have discovered that naps can improve stamina and motor

skills, and enhance creativity. In fact, Dr. Sara C. Mednick, author of Take

a Nap! Change Your Life and Assistant Professor of Department of

Psychology at the University of California, Riverside says,

“…Without a midday rest, we are not able to perform at

optimal levels throughout the day. In fact, our performance

falls apart. Napping maintains and even boosts our skills.”3

Research proves that an afternoon nap increases energy more effectively

than drinking a small cup of coffee and it assists in memory and creativity.

There is a growing body of research to suggest that even short naps can

be a powerful and highly efficient way to temporarily compensate for an

inadequate night’s sleep, specifically in the hours following the nap. The

exception is for those who are already severely sleep deprived. Many

among us are so chronically sleep deprived we’ve lost the connection to

what it feels like to be fully rested and how much more that would make

possible in our lives.

When you are running on empty and slugging through your projects,

wouldn’t it be great to have a fresh burst of creativity and energy? That is

what a power nap can provide.

There are measurable physical benefits from napping as well. The risk of

dying from a heart-related complication decreases in nap-takers (37% for

those who nap at least 3 times per week!),4 and the release of growth

hormone aids in weight loss.

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How to power nap 15-30 minutes seems to be the sweet spot for the best power nap. Berkley

biology students report that naps must be short in order to be most

effective. When naps exceed 45 minutes, the benefits begin to disappear.

Just a 30-minute snooze can improve cognitive faculties by about 40%,

according to NASA researchers.

Many people naturally wake up after 15-30 minutes of napping. But if you

tend to be a longer nap-taker, set an alarm to awaken you so you do not

over sleep. Keeping your nap at 30 minutes or less will also prevent you

from being overly groggy upon waking.

Here are some tips to have a successful power nap:

• Try to be consistent. The best time for napping is between 1 and 3

in the afternoon, or approximately 8 hours after waking in the


• Darken the room. Darkness causes your body to produce

melatonin, which helps you fall asleep. If you can’t darken the room,

put on a sleep mask or even drape a jacket over your face.

• Stay warm. Your body temperature drops while you sleep. Keep a

blanket or jacket nearby to help stay warm.

• Control noise. If noise bothers you while you sleep, turn on a fan or

white noise machine. Better yet, use an iPhone App like Mind Tuner.

It’s great for napping, waking up, enhancing creativity and increasing


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Feeling drowsy yet?

Sources: 1 2

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2. Stress: The Instant Ager Continuous exposure to adverse stressors without release and without

coping mechanisms is not just bad for you; it can quite literally kill you! It

can make you fat too.

The stress response causes an increase in cortisol, the catabolic stress

hormone. Inability to cope with long-term adverse stressful events has

been linked to enlarged visceral fat deposits, insulin resistance and

hyperinsulinemia, impaired glucose tolerance, altered lipid profiles, and a

very high incidence of coronary artery disease, as well as adrenal


Research has shown that glucocorticoids (cortisol) may have a direct or

indirect effect on adipose tissue metabolism, energy partitioning and insulin

action. High cortisol may suppress thermogenesis, and induce leptin


Chronic stress can lead to increased food intake especially for women,

both for physiological and psychological reasons (women tend to be more

emotional eaters than men).

High levels of chronic stress also predict weight relapse and overeating

after weight loss via low calorie dieting (i.e., high stress kills your

maintenance efforts after weight loss).

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If you have high stress in your life, you cannot underestimate the

importance of developing coping mechanisms and using stress reduction

techniques, both for health and body fat control.

Before you get stressed out about stress though, remember one thing: the

only people that don’t have stress are dead people. The stress response is

a normal part of our evolutionary fight or flight programming. What’s not

normal is continuous stress and that is what many people are exposed to in

our modern fast-paced society.

So don’t stress about having stress! It’s when you feel continuous stress

and you don’t balance that with rest, release and recovery that you run into

problems. When you feel continuously stressed, you MUST either escape

(at least temporarily) from the source of the stress or find/develop coping

mechanisms to deal with the stress to lessen your response to it.

Some people take up meditation or use deep breathing exercises. Some

people take walks (along the beach or out in nature would be nice, if

possible), they take a hot bath or jacuzzi, get a massage or spa treatment,

listen to classical music, light an aromatherapy candle, watch a comedy

and the list of stress relievers goes on and on from there.

Here’s one suggestion that may seem novel, but it comes right from

scientific literature. Research published in the Journal of Biological

Psychiatry has demonstrated that emotional social support reduces the

physical effects of stress and lowers levels of cortisol.

So.... Get a support buddy, turn to a trusted friend, boyfriend/girlfriend or

spouse, or enlist the support and accountability of a certified personal

trainer such as our staff at MaxStrength Fitness.

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3. Nutrition: A Simple Solution to a Complex Problem A few months back, the USDA ditched the iconic Food Pyramid in favor of

a new design. In a bold and exciting move (please note the sarcasm), they

took the food out of the pyramid and…placed it on a plate.

Here’s the new graphic:

The new graphic was designed to eliminate some of the complexity

associated with the previous version of the food pyramid, as it presents a

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more intuitive picture of healthy eating. However the nutrition

recommendations did not change much.

For example, dairy is still given its own food group and is heavily

emphasized to the exclusion of water and other healthy beverages.

Healthy fats and oils are also not included. And the recommendation for

grains and fruit with each meal suggests a diet that is potentially too

carbohydrate dense for everyone.

A better alternative is by Dr. John Berardi known as the Anytime Plate.

You’ll notice that each recommendation includes a few key components:

1. what to eat (and drink)

2. when to eat it

3. how much to eat

The Anytime plate recommendations are for those who either don’t

exercise — in which case, they’d follow these recommendations exclusively

— or for those who do exercise, in which case, they’d eat Anytime meals

for every meal outside the post-exercise period. (More on this in a minute.)

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As you can see, most of the plate is full of nutrient-dense, high fiber, low-

calorie vegetables. Protein helps with appetite control, maintaining lean

mass, and optimizing the metabolism. Healthy fats offer myriad benefits.

The drink of choice is water or tea.

You should choose smaller plates if you’re a smaller person and larger

plates if you’re a larger person. And a great recommendation is putting

down the fork when you’re 80% full, not when the plate is empty.

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It is also helpful to limit starchy carbs until after exercise, which is when the

body uses them most effectively. You should also choose whole (less-

processed) foods, with local and organic selections when possible.

Lastly it is beneficial to include smaller amounts of minimally processed

fruit and starches to meet energy needs.

These simple recommendations are based on solid scientific data and —

perhaps most importantly — on the real-world eating experiences (and

long-term success) of thousands of clients. Don’t let the simplicity fool you!

4. Rejuvenation Time: An overlooked key to unlimited energy and productivity

438 million: That is the number of vacation days Americans failed to take

last year according to Harris Interactive Research Group, which is more

than any other industrialized nation. Here’s the result; America ranks #1 in

depression, #1 in mental health problems, Americans are experiencing

burnout, reduced productivity and diminished creativity, failed relationships,

stress or stress related ailments that lead to depression, heart disease or

stomach ulcers at record levels. A study of 12,000 men found that

infrequent vacationers were 50% more likely to die of a heart attack than

frequent vacationers. A study of 1,500 women found that those who took

vacations twice a year were half as likely to be depressed as those who

took a vacation every 2-5 years. Our entrenched conditioning on being

judged on how much we work or the fear of being replaced or left behind

and our addiction to always being busy are not only destroying our mental

and physical health, but also destroying our creative productivity. This is

especially true in our new global economy where our advantage and our

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future is as knowledge workers rather than laborers. Your future lies

between your ears- your mind and your ability to think: creatively,

innovatively and productively.

Rest and recovery are vital to looking and feeling your best. Sadly the

need for recovery is viewed as a weakness rather than as an integral

aspect of growth and sustained performance in our society. The reality is,

we become flat liners mentally, emotionally and physically by endlessly

spending sufficient energy without recovery. We slowly wear down and

become ineffective regardless of seemingly massive movements.

During the 1960s Russian scientists resurrected a concept that was written

in training manuals for Greek athletes in 200 AD. This concept was applied

to their Olympic athletes with stunning results. The formulas involve: work

vs. rest ratios. Theses studies concluded that following a period of activity

the body must replenish fundamental, biomechanical sources of energy. It

is called compensation, which states, “The more activity the more rest is

needed”. If we don’t get the rest and recovery we need then long-term

toxins build up inside of us. With overtraining and overworking, we burn

out and eventually collapse or get very sick. Recovery is a vital

component to the MaxStrength Fitness program and a primary reason for

getting results in a fraction of the time most people spend in the gym.

I know it is ridiculous that I may have to tell you how to actually do it but for

a lot people they need some help!

1. Reframe it: Instead of calling it time off and thinking we are slackers,

reframe it as Rejuvenation Time. This sounds more purposeful and

meaningful doesn’t it. I know this is self-mental manipulation, but

we’ll take whatever works!

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2. Schedule it: What gets scheduled gets done! It’s just like any other

critical appointment; you have to plant your time off flag on your

calendar. Then you have to defend it like you would a meeting with

the Queen or the President! It becomes an unmovable appointment.

Then also, like a meeting with the Queen or the President, get

completely off the grid. Turn off your email; turn off your “crackberry”

and your iPhone, iPads, etc.…

3. Declare it: Don’t feel guilty or try and keep it a secret. It will be far

more productive if you lead by example and show others how to

make rejuvenation part of your overall health plan. Then set

expectations and communicate your schedule. You’ll be amazed at

how the world will reorganize itself around your time off spaces.

Whether it’s for two hours or for two weeks.

5. Know Precisely What You Want

Too many people use the words “healthy,” “fit,” “get in shape,” “lose some

weight” and other terms and phrases that have no agreed upon meaning,

are not actionable and thus are rendered meaningless.

Pursuing undefined objectives or goals is ALWAYS a losing proposition.

As the business management guru Peter Drucker put it, “What gets

measured, gets managed.” According to William Evans, Ph.D. and Irwin H.

Rosenberg, M.D. authors of Biomarkers: The 10 Keys To Prolonging

Vitality, here are 10 metrics that we can quantifiably look at to see how

gracefully we are aging:

10 Biomarkers of Aging.

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1. Muscle Mass

2. Strength

3. Basal Metabolic Rate

4. Body Fat Percentage

5. Aerobic Capacity

6. Blood-sugar Tolerance

7. Cholesterol/HDL Ratio

8. Blood Pressure

9. Bone Density

10.Ability to regulate Internal Temperature

Why these 10 Biomarkers? Because they are critical biological functions

that influence vitality and we know how to safely and efficiently revive

these functions in older people. �It is well known that your muscles get

smaller and weaker over the years. This happens in part as a result of

the natural atrophy that occurs with aging and in part due to the

seemingly ever-increasing desire for comfort and decreasing desire for

physical challenge. The two realities combine to create a downward

spiral that takes most of the fun out of life, though you may continue to

live for a long time.

Your body was not built for comfort; it was built to overcome challenge.

As I like to dramatically say “comfort kills.”

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William Evans, Ph.D. and Irwin H. Rosenberg, M.D. say that the first

biomarker, muscle mass, is responsible for the vitality of your whole body.

That’s right; Muscle Mass.

Not your cardiovascular system.

Strength, the second biomarker, is just as important.

They’re the first two dominoes, so to speak. When they start to topple, the

other biomarkers soon follow. On the other hand, when muscle mass and

strength are maintained or improved, the other biomarkers are maintained

and improved too. You biologically become and stay younger longer.

This is why we like to call the Muscular System the “window to your

longevity” and strength training is akin to the “Fountain of Youth”.

6. You don’t have to spend hours in the gym to get results.

One of the biggest problems most people encounter when starting a fitness

program is rapidly depleted motivation after only a few weeks due to an

overly ambitious fitness plan. Two days per week of 20-minute low-

intensity steady-state activity (walking, jogging, biking, swimming); and

most importantly two days per week of 20-minute resistance training is all

you need to achieve optimal health and fitness. As you become acclimated

to the lifestyle “shift” you can even drop down to one day per week to

maintain your results.

People believe that more is better and this is absolutely NOT true. It’s the

quality of the exercise that produces results NOT the quantity. This is

known as the Minimum Effective Dose (MED). MED is simply defined as

the smallest dose that will produce the desired result.

I’m always asking the question: “What’s the least amount of time I can

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spend exercising and get optimal results”

That’s a hard concept for most to wrap their head around, but that’s the


Anything below MED is ineffective.

Anything beyond MED is wasteful.

Anything beyond MED can be harmful.

For example: to boil water, the MED is applying heat to the water until the

water temperature reaches 212°F at sea level. Boiled is boiled. It isn’t going

to get any more “boiled” raising the temperature to 213°F. Raising it any

higher than 212°F is a waste of resources that could be better used


Another example is medication. Your doctor doesn’t just hand you a bottle

of pills and say, “Here are some pills that will help. Just take them if or

when you feel like it.” Why? At best, the pills would do nothing for you. At

worst, they might kill you. So, pharmaceutical companies spend hundreds

of millions of dollars to determine the MED for the medications they

produce and sell. We wouldn’t have it any other way.

Why should exercise be any different?

It isn’t.

There is a real parallel between medication prescriptions and the way we

exercise at MaxStrength Fitness:

4. Both medication and exercise act to stimulate change in the


5. Both are administered in exact concentrations

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6. Both are administered in exact dosages

7. Both are administered in exact frequencies �

Like medication, too little exercise stimulus does nothing and too much will

lead to injury or illness. �Although the amount of research being done in

regard to MED in exercise doesn’t come anywhere close to what is done in

the drug industry, research is being done and the evidence is starting to

mount. In the article Six minutes of exercise a week is as good as six

hours, Peter Zimonjic writes: �“Just six minutes of intense exercise a week

does as much to improve a person's fitness as a regime of six hours”,

according to a study. �Moderately healthy men and women could cut their

workouts from two hours a day, three times a week, to just two minutes a

day and still achieve the same results, claim medical researchers. �The

two-minute workout requires cycling furiously on a stationary bike in four

30-second bursts. Professor Martin Gibala, the author of the study, said:

“The whole excuse that I don't have enough time to exercise” is directly

challenged by these findings. This has the potential to change the way we

think about keeping fit.

We have shown that a person can get the same benefits in fitness and

health in a much shorter period if they are willing to provide the focus and intensity required of high-intensity activity.

The study, published in The Journal of Applied Physiology, involved 23

men and women aged between 25 and 35 who were tested to see how

long it took them to cycle 18.6 miles. The subjects, who all did some form

of regular moderate exercise, were then given varying exercise programs

three times a week.

The first group cycled for two hours a day at a moderate pace. The second

group biked harder for 10 minutes a day in 60-second bursts. The last

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group cycled at an intense sprint for two minutes in 30-second bursts, with

four minutes of rest in between each sprint.

At the end of the two weeks each of the three groups was asked to repeat

the 18.6-mile cycling test. Every subject was found to have improved to the same degree. Further tests showed that the rate at which the subjects'

muscles were able to absorb oxygen also improved to the same level.

The key findings in terms of overall health showed that the two-minute workout produced the same muscle enzymes - essential for the prevention of type 2 diabetes - as riding 10 times as long.

Professor Gibala, of the Health Department of McMaster University in

Ontario, Canada, said:

“We thought there would be benefits but we did not expect them to be this


“It shows how effective short intense exercise can be.”

So, despite the fact that the one group exercised 97% more, both groups

improved to the same degree. Another way to look at it is that there was zero benefit to spending 97% more time exercising. ZERO!

The findings of this study and more are important and are a direct threat to

the way things have always been done.

Tim Ferris summarized what we do at MaxStrength Fitness nicely in his

book The Four-Hour Body:

“In context of body redesign, there are two fundamental MEDs to keep in


To remove stored fat do the least necessary to trigger a fat-loss

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cascade of specific hormones.

To add muscle in small or large quantities do the least necessary to

trigger local (specific muscles) and systemic (hormonal) growth


Knocking over the dominos that trigger both of these events takes surprisingly little. Don’t complicate them.”

Our objective is to knock over the first domino and no more!

The purpose of effective exercise is simply to stimulate the body to change

in a positive way and let your body do the rest.

Stripped of the cute clothing, the shoes, the gear, the music, the camaraderie, the slogans, etc., this is as basic as it gets.

Beware: if you try to do too much too fast, you may end up quitting

altogether. If you’ve tried and failed doing it alone, then I suggest you

get a training partner or personal trainer who will help you sustain

your motivation.

7. INROAD: The key to results in only minutes a week! One of the aspects that differentiate MaxStrength Fitness from other

common forms of exercise and recreation is that you are intentionally

forcing your body to make positive adaptive changes. This is accomplished

through what is called “The Inroading Process.”

This section’s purpose is to teach you about the process, how it produces

positive change, and how you can control it.

If you remember, exercise, if performed properly, is nothing more than a

stimulus that the body will respond to.

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Stimulus Recovery Response

The stimulus must be intense enough to cause the stimulation or nothing

will happen. An hour of sun (stimulus) in July will cause your skin to turn

red (the reaction) and then brown (the adaptive response.) Two hours of

sun in January will not impact your skin at all. MaxStrength Fitness is the

hour in July. Walking is the two hours in January. Because of its intensity,

MaxStrength Fitness is best performed only once or twice a week and only

for a few minutes (approximately 20-25 minutes). Because of its lack of

intensity, walking can be done every day for long periods of time, but the

results you will achieve will fail far in comparison.

The Inroading Process is how you produce the stimulus.

0-Seconds: You slowly start moving the weights. You have 100 units of

strength, so pushing 70 units of resistance feels easy. You’re taking 10-

seconds to move the weights up and 10-seconds to move the weights

down. Nice, slow, smooth movement. You think; “nothing to it.” With each

successive repetition though, you’re beginning to fatigue.

60-Seconds: It’s getting very hard to move the weights. As you continue

each repetition, you continue to weaken the muscles you’re targeting. This

is the point in the exercise when change begins. You’re entering an

“intense-zone.” A place few people dare to go. You start breathing harder

and faster. You feel the burning sensation of lactic acid building up in your

muscles. Your mind is telling your limbs to move and the feedback from

your limbs is that they can’t. Your instincts kick-in. Your adrenals release

adrenalin, your thyroid releases thyroxine, all in an effort by the body to

keep moving. You continue attempting to move until . . .

90-Seconds: You can’t, in perfect form, move the weight at all. Your

strength is equal to the weight you’re attempting to move. Now your body is

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in full fight-or flight mode. Your limbic system doesn’t know if you are

fighting for your life or doing a leg press. If you can’t move, your body is at

great risk (or so it thinks)! It is calling on all support systems to help out.

You’re breathing rapidly and forcefully. So far only 90 seconds have

passed since you started.

120-Seconds: You continue to push for about 10 seconds even though it’s

not moving. Further weakening the body until what was once 100 units of

strength is now reduced to just 60.

You are instructed to slowly return the weights to the starting position. It’s

over. Your breathing slows down. The burning sensation goes away. You

have just weakened the target muscle group by 40% in only 120 seconds!

You sent a message to your body: “Change or else!” You just went through

a process most people avoid like public speaking! You move to the next

exercise and get ready to do it again.

This is inroading. This is the way to force the body to change. It’s

deliberate. It’s controlled. It’s scary at first, but necessary to send a

message to your body to get stronger. You will not get to the inroad stage

for several sessions, so don’t worry. I’ll make sure you’re ready first. Heck,

we have countless clients in their 70s and some in to their 80s who inroad

with the best of them, so there is no excuse for you not to benefit from this

as well!

So, what has all this effort done to your body?

1. Cardio-respiratory stimulation: Yes, the “cardio” everyone asks about

is part of the inroading process. The only way to work the heart, lungs, and

vascular system is through working the muscles of the body. The harder

the muscles are worked, the harder the support system works to support

the working muscles. The more developed the muscles are, the more

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developed the cardiovascular system is. Without getting too technical, that

applies all the way down to the cellular level. This type of thorough, intense

stimulation is more “aerobic” than running or any other form of exercise.

You just don’t do it as long or as often.

2. Metabolic stimulation: During the inroading process hormones are

activated to increase your metabolism to help meet the work demand,

release fat from fat cells to supply energy, create an environment where

growth factors are released and the first stages of muscle growth are


3. Muscle and bone growth stimulation: The weight you’re using causes

mechanical stress to the muscle tissue creating micro-tears in the tissue.

These tears stimulate the body to repair them and, just like a broken bone

mends stronger at the break than the surrounding bone, the body over

compensates by building a stronger muscle. Since every muscle is

attached at each of its ends to bone, the contraction of the muscle stresses

the bones it is attached to and causes it to flex. Just like a tree that is

subject to the stresses of the wind develops harder wood, the bones

respond to this flexing by getting denser.

4. Increased insulin sensitivity of the muscles and depletion of stored

muscle glycogen. If you are overweight, chances are one of the reasons is

that your muscles have become insulin resistant which forces all that sugar

you eat to be converted to triglycerides and stored as fat. Inroading

depletes stored muscle blood sugar, so the body will refill them and stuff a

little more in your muscle just in case it experiences another bout of

inroading. This helps lower your blood sugar and ultimately lowers your

triglycerides. It helps to make you leaner.

In a total of no more than 40 minutes a week you will have:

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1. Increased Your Muscle Mass�

2. Increased Your Strength�

3. Increased Your Basal Metabolic Rate

4. Decreased Your Body Fat Percentage

5. Increased Your Aerobic Capacity�

6. Increased Your Body’s Blood Sugar Tolerance�

7. Improved Your Cholesterol/HDL Ratio

8. Decreased Your Blood Pressure�

9. Increased Your Bone Density�

10. Improved Your Body’s Ability to Regulate Its Internal Temperature

You have improved the very 10 Biomarkers of Aging and you have

effectively turned back the biological clock.

8. Intellect vs. Instinct: Winning the mental battle The Inroading Process pits the intellect against the instinct. When you

reach about 60-seconds in the process, most people quit. Even the muscle

heads at the big box gyms quit, though they usually don’t do so quietly. If

you do somehow override the quitting response, then your instincts will

have you doing all kinds of things to move the weight. You’ll wiggle to get

better leverage. You’ll stop and start. You’ll jab. You’ll hold your breath and

lunge at it. You’ll probably get hurt! Keep in mind that it is never the

intensity of the exercise that injures someone. It is their behavior!

That’s where a knowledgeable instructor will help.

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You’ll perform at least 50% better just because someone is standing there.

But, a knowledgeable instructor can pick-out very minor form discrepancies

and have you correct them. They’ll help keep you calm and focused as you

enter the “intensity zone” and stay there as long as you can. When you

complete an exercise, if done correctly, you’ll have no idea how many

repetitions you did or how long your set lasted.

The MaxStrength Fitness protocol encourages quiet, focused, effort. It

verges on being meditative. Your goal is to focus on one repetition at a time

in an effort to perform each one perfectly. Once learned, like a martial

artist, you will know that concentration is everything in superior

performance. There’s no screaming. No grunting. No histrionics. Just calm,

focused effort. Your breathing may get loud, but that’s all. Because of this,

you can focus only on the targeted muscle group. You are in absolute

command and control of your body. When you feel instinct begin to

override your concentration, your instructor will help bring it back under


9. Don’t waste your time working small muscles with isolated movements. If you don’t enjoy doing resistance training or are pressed for time,

concentrate on working the largest muscle groups with compound

resistance movements. When I see overweight people doing wrist curls or

lateral raises, I wonder why. It’s generally just a lack of understanding of

how their bodies work. Most people want to lose fat and tone and firm their

bodies. The way to do that is to use resistance (preferably specialized

machines) to train the large muscle groups. Men should be concentrating

on legs, chest and back. Women should concentrate more on their legs

and back. The best exercise for legs by far is a leg press. The best chest

exercise is chest press, and the best back exercise is the seated row. All

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of these are compound movements, which means they incorporate multiple

muscle groups. Plus we have over 600 muscle groups in the human body.

That means if we tried to isolate them it would take us hours in the gym to

achieve this. By focusing on compound movements not only do we save

time, but also we work as many muscle groups together as possible in

each given set.

10. Set realistically attainable goals.

You must have tangible, quantifiable, short-term and long-term goals for

your fitness program so you can gauge your progress. It’s crucial to have a

“baseline” before you begin, so you can measure success. Your health

club or personal trainer can give you a complete fitness analysis (don’t be

shy – you need this) that will aid you or your trainer in developing a

personalized fitness program, which addresses your particular needs.

Having goals, particularly short-term goals, allows you to track your

progress and keep you motivated when times are tough and you don’t feel

like exercising. Keeping a journal of your cardio and resistance training

workouts, as well as tracking what you eat is truly a fitness success

“secret.” Just remember that your goals should be realistic and attainable.

The best way for you to understand what is realistic and attainable for you

is to talk to a fitness professional – not to buy into the “hype” of

infomercials, diet and fitness products that blatantly mislead.

11. The #1 Secret to your fitness success is ACCOUNTABILITY!

Use your day-timer to set appointments for exercise – and then stick to

them. You wouldn’t miss a business meeting or client appointment, would

you? So don’t miss your exercise appointment with yourself. Nothing is

more important than your health. Nothing. Everything else will crumble

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around you if your health goes south. So make your exercise

appointments a priority. If you find it difficult to keep these appointments,

then consider hiring a personal trainer who will hold you accountable.

When you have money invested, and someone waiting for you to show up

– you are much more likely to actually show up!

In a recent study at Virginia Polytechnic University, researchers divided

people starting a walking program into two groups. Every week, each

individual in one group got a phone call asking how their exercise program

was coming along; the other group got no calls. At the end of 24 weeks,

45% of the individuals who got the phone calls were still walking compared

to just 2% who did not receive calls. The results show that weekly accountability increases the likelihood of sticking to your exercise program by 2200%! So get an accountability partner or invest in a professional to fill that need for you!

12. Remember the benefits of exercise. Remember that feeling of euphoria you experienced after a particularly

good workout? You experienced that feeling because the most powerful

“feel good” drug in the world – endorphins – are coursing through your

veins. If there is a panacea, it’s exercise. Nothing feels better than the

post-work-out high you experience after exercising. Revel in that feeling.

Let it wash over you and truly experience it. Etch that feeling in your brain.

It will fuel your motivation on those inevitable days when you just don’t feel

like exercising. Being physically fit affects every single aspect of your life:

you sleep better, eat better, love better, overcome stress better, work

better, communicate better, and live better!

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13. Exercise correctly

So much time is wasted doing, at best, unproductive exercise, or at worst,

dangerous exercise. Get educated on how to exercise correctly. And the

absolute best way to do that is to hire a personal trainer to develop a

program for you and then teach you what to do and how to do it right.

Personal training does not have to be an ongoing process. You can hire a

personal trainer for whatever length of time you need to learn the ropes. It

could be five sessions, or it could be fifteen sessions. It’s completely up to

you. But statistics prove that those who understand how to exercise

correctly, get better, faster results. And that’s what you want,

right? Results!

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There you have it. 13 essential strategies for the looking and feeling

12 years younger (or more) in only minutes a week!

I realize that starting (or re-starting) a productive and effective health

and fitness program is not easy. That’s why I encourage you to get help.

If you’re sick, you go to the doctor. If you’ve got a tax problem, you

see an accountant (or an attorney!). Have a toothache? You’re off to the

dentist. Leaky pipes result in a call to the plumber. So why is it that so

many people attempt to solve their health and fitness problems without

consulting an expert? I don’t know exactly, but I encourage you to make

the investment in yourself – in your quality of life – by hiring a qualified

professional to educate you and help you get started…

…because the hardest part is just getting started and sustaining your

motivation until fitness becomes habitual. Once you develop the habit,

which can take as little as thirty days, your whole life will change for the


If I can be of any assistance to you, please don’t hesitate to call me at

440-835-9090. I’m happy to speak with you and give you my

recommendations without any sales pressure. (I hate it when people try to

“sell” me, so I wouldn’t try that on you. Plus our systems speak for

themselves and need no added hype. They just plain work.)

Please give us a call at my office at 440-835-9090 to request your

complimentary “Life Transformation Consultation and demo workout” so

you can truly experience for yourself how we put all of the aforementioned

strategies to work so you can get in the best shape of your life in only

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minutes a week. As they say “seeing is believing” so come in and see and

more importantly feel for your self the MaxStrength Fitness difference.

Be strong, be lean and live well,

Jeff Tomaszewski

CEO and Chief Life Transformer at MaxStrength Fitness (formerly

OVERLOAD Fitness of Westlake)

2211 Crocker Road Suite 120 Westlake, Ohio 44145 (440) 835-9090

P.S. If you are interested in getting started immediately, I have taken the

liberty of including a valuable certificate entitling you to my guaranteed

results High Impact Performer Kick-Start Training Program at no

charge to you (you save $289). This special offer is only good until 30 days

from today, so please don’t delay. Call my office today to schedule your

complete health and fitness analysis (it’s non-invasive, very educational

and unlike anything you have ever experienced-guaranteed). After your

analysis, I’ll provide you with a personalized fitness program and we’ll

schedule your first two complimentary training sessions.

P.P.S. Bring a training buddy (spouse, friend or family member) and he or

she can take advantage of the same special kick-start offer!!!

P.P.P.S. Be sure to read the special testimonial page I’ve included so you

can see what others are saying about the results possible at MaxStrength

Fitness. This could very well be you if you take ACTION.

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Look Who’s Talking…

“I have been in the gym my entire life and found MaxStrength Fitness to be an excellent way to maximize effort in the least amount of time with positive results. The MaxStrength Team are very knowledgeable, committed and great to work with” Lou Joseph CEO, Brewer-Garrett

“I have been using the MaxStrength Fitness systems two times a week for the last 7 years. It’s the perfect workout for me because I have to spend less than one hour a week exercising. As a wife, mother, & full-time attorney, I am busier than I have ever been. However, because of my workouts and the help I have received from the staff with nutrition, I have never been in better shape. I would recommend MaxStrength Fitness to anyone who is serious about getting in shape but feels like they don’t have the time.” Kristen Kraus Dworken and Berstein, LLP

Page 34: Research-Based Strategies For Looking · you're worried about, or that's on your mind. Set it aside. 3. Do something that relaxes your mind: Listen to music, read some fiction, meditate,

“Ever since I have joined MaxStrength Fitness my life has literally changed. I have spend a lot of time going back and forth to physical therapists, chiropractors, and other doctors because of my aches and pains. I was actually not working out because of it. I have been working out for three years and have never has an issue since” Fred Koury CEO Smart Business Network

”MaxStrength Fitness is the most effective and efficient exercise program I have ever engaged in. MaxStrength Fitness has helped me increase strength which has only improved my golf game. I have also shed some body fat by adapting a healthy eating lifestyle.” Nick Paez, PGA Member, GolfTec Owner, Top 50 US Kids Instructor, 2009 GolfTEC Teacher of the Year, 2009 GolfTEC Clubfitter of the Year, TPI Certified

Page 35: Research-Based Strategies For Looking · you're worried about, or that's on your mind. Set it aside. 3. Do something that relaxes your mind: Listen to music, read some fiction, meditate,

As a busy professional woman, time is a valuable commodity to me. I have had many personal training programs in the past, but none as effective and efficient as the workout at MaxStrength Fitness. Within a short 20 minutes, I can work all of my muscle groups and yet know that I have had the best workout available. Not only is the MaxStrength Fitness staff incredibly knowledgeable in personal training, they also advise me on nutrition and diet. I am grateful that I have found a fast, effective, and rewarding program at MaxStrength Fitness.” Abby Stancik Senior Vice President—Investments Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC

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Jeff Tomaszewski 30 days

Jeff Tomaszewski

The Age Defying!


Save Two Hundred Eighty Nine Dollars!

This certificate entitles the bearer to experience The High Impact Performer Kick-Start Training Package complimentary, which includes:

• A complete health and fitness analysis: this non-invasive, educational and fun

analysis will provide us with baseline data that we can use to produce a personalized fitness program and dietary and nutritional plan for maximum results in minimum time ($150 value)

• Two one-on-one personal training sessions with a certified exercise specialist ($110 value)

• Subscription to our Client-only health and fitness newsletter Optimal Living ($29 value)

• Lots of surprise gifts along the way (Priceless!)

This entire package is valued at $289, but it is yours as my gift to you today for taking the time to read this report, but only if you redeem this certificate within 30 days of receipt! So don’t delay. Join the countless other high-performing achievers in the Greater Cleveland area who are just like you, who are defying the aging process by training with us only minutes a week! Be strong, be lean and live well,

P.S. Call us at 440-835-9090 to schedule your Life Transformation Consultation and 2 Complimentary personal training sessions today!