research grants - university of vermont

1 Faculty Practice Division Research, Education and Faculty Affairs Committee Announces Request for Proposals (RFP) for RESEARCH GRANTS A strategic goal of the University of Vermont Medical Center and the Faculty Practice Division of the UVM Health Network Medical Group is to promote and reward research and innovation in partnership with UVM. In support of that goal, the UVM Health Network Medical Group (UVMHN Medical Group) has committed $100,000 to support investigator-initiated research. The UVMMHN Medical Group Faculty Practice Division’s Research, Education and Faculty Affairs Committee (RE&FA) has developed this Request for Applications (RFA) with specific goals to: 1. Align the academic missions of the UVMHN and the UVM College of Medicine 2. Enhance multidisciplinary and inter-departmental research projects 3. Promote scholarly activity for physicians at all stages of their career progression 4. Promote mentorship and team science Awards: Two awards of $50,000 each over a two-year period will be available. Eligibility: Direction by a PI who is a member of the UVMHN Medical Group Faculty Practice (additional investigators do not necessarily need to be members of the UVMHN Medical Group) Proposal: Priority will be given to proposals that include as many as possible of the following aspects: 1. A significant role for an early career faculty member, typically described as less than 10 years from residency or fellowship training; or who has no, or limited, experience/involvement with peer-reviewed funding; 2. A significant role for an experienced researcher as mentor and advisor, typically described as an associate professor or higher rank with a well-established record in research as measured by their success in obtaining external grants, publication in peer-reviewed journals and/or national leadership positions in the area of research;

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Faculty Practice Division

Research, Education and Faculty Affairs Committee Announces

Request for Proposals (RFP) for

RESEARCH GRANTS A strategic goal of the University of Vermont Medical Center and the Faculty Practice Division of the

UVM Health Network Medical Group is to promote and reward research and innovation in partnership

with UVM. In support of that goal, the UVM Health Network Medical Group (UVMHN Medical Group)

has committed $100,000 to support investigator-initiated research. The UVMMHN Medical Group

Faculty Practice Division’s Research, Education and Faculty Affairs Committee (RE&FA) has

developed this Request for Applications (RFA) with specific goals to:

1. Align the academic missions of the UVMHN and the UVM College of Medicine

2. Enhance multidisciplinary and inter-departmental research projects

3. Promote scholarly activity for physicians at all stages of their career progression

4. Promote mentorship and team science

Awards: Two awards of $50,000 each over a two-year period will be available.

Eligibility: Direction by a PI who is a member of the UVMHN Medical Group Faculty Practice

(additional investigators do not necessarily need to be members of the UVMHN Medical Group)

Proposal: Priority will be given to proposals that include as many as possible of the following


1. A significant role for an early career faculty member, typically described as less than 10 years

from residency or fellowship training; or who has no, or limited, experience/involvement with

peer-reviewed funding;

2. A significant role for an experienced researcher as mentor and advisor, typically described as

an associate professor or higher rank with a well-established record in research as measured by

their success in obtaining external grants, publication in peer-reviewed journals and/or national

leadership positions in the area of research;

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3. A significant role for an additional co-investigator (either experienced or early career) from a

different health care service if the experienced and early career researchers are from the same

health care service;

4. Significant potential to contribute to new knowledge, either through publishable work or as a

preliminary research for an extramural grant opportunity;

5. A justifiable timeline leading to completion of the project within 2 years of award receipt.

Exclusions: The proposed project must NOT include requests for support of the following: sabbaticals,

travel to or cost of professional society meetings or review courses, office furniture, or general use


Salary Support: Salary support and fringe for investigators and other personnel may be a component

of the budget. Individual investigator effort and salary distribution should be based on the NIH cap,

currently set at $189,600, excluding fringe.

Topics of Interest: Investigators are encouraged to submit applications that focus on:

1. UVM Health Network strategic targets for clinical health outcomes

2. Medicare Shared Savings Program-identified quality measures

3. Vizient Corp. (previously UHC) clinical performance measures

4. Patient satisfaction measures

Submission of Letter of Intent Required

The RE&FA Committee requires the submission of a one-page letter of intent submitted to Steve

Warren ([email protected]) by 5pm, June 28, 2019. Please include the following


1. Names of PI, mentor, and co-investigators and their respective departments and academic rank.

2. Brief statement of relevant qualifications of researchers and staff.

3. Brief research plan to include a research plan abstract and significance of the project, including

scientific and career development significance, and outcome measures.

Timeline, Progress Reporting and Outcome Measures:

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1. Completed application must be submitted electronically by 5 PM, August 30, 2019 in a single

PDF document to Steve Warren ([email protected]).

2. Applications will be reviewed by the UVMHN Medical Group Research & Education Committee

using the NIH Scoring Criteria noted below in the review process.

3. Awards will be announced likely in the first two weeks of November 2019 for a start date of

January 1, 2020. Award recipients will be expected to attend the following events to celebrate

their receipt of the UVMHN Medical Group Research Award.

a. Innovations in Clinical Care Research awards will be announced at the Larner College of

Medicine Research Day at a date to be determined.

4. Progress reports are required and must be submitted by awardees:

a. After one year of funding support on January 15, 2021.

b. Upon completion of the project (no later than January 15, 2022). The final progress

report will include an oral presentation or poster at the Larner College of Medicine’s

Research Day in 2022.

These reports will be reviewed by the RE&FA Committee. NOTE: If no, or limited, progress is

made at the 1-year interval, the committee reserves the right to discontinue the award.

5. Research Award recipients will be asked annually for outcome measures from the research

supported by UVMHN Medical Group grant, including:

a. Publications (defined as a durable product suitable for dissemination) including but not

limited to abstracts, peer-reviewed publications, book chapters, educational pamphlets,

etc. This also includes legitimate web dissemination such as recognized online


b. Presentation at local, regional, national or international meetings

c. Tools developed

d. Submission of extramural grant applications based on the project

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e. Success in garnering extramural funding based on the project

f. Impact on the investigators’ career development

Review Process:

1. Applications will be reviewed by members of the RE&FA Committee (outside expert reviews will

be requested as appropriate).

2. Two faculty members of the RE&FA Committee, or designated representatives, will act as

primary and secondary reviewers.

3. Each application will be scored by the entire reviewing committee using the NIH system (10-90,

plus “unscored”). The committee will discuss each application and the grant considered to be

the best (lowest score) will be funded. See here for details.

4. Awardees and other applicants will be contacted directly by the chair of the RE&FA Committee

and an announcement will be made.

Application Process:

1. The format, including type size, is to follow the standard NIH PHS grant (PHS-398). That is,

“type should be 10-12 points (approximately 1/8” in height for capital letters). If constant spacing

is used, there should be no more than 15 cpi, whereas proportional spacing should average no

more than 15 cpi. Finally, there must be no more than 6 lines of text within a vertical inch.”

Leave 1/2” margins.

2. The application consists of the following parts (see here for relevant NIH grant application forms

to use for the application):

a. Face Page. Must include:

i. Proposed Title

ii. Names, Department, Phone Number and E-mail of PI and Co-PI

iii. If IRB or IACUC approval is needed and the status of approval

iv. Signature of PI and Co-PI with the following statement:

1. PI ASSURANCE: I certify the statements herein are true and accurate to

the best of my knowledge. I agree and accept responsibility for the

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scientific conduct of the project and to provide the required progress

reports if the grant is awarded.

v. Signature of the Health Care Service Leaders for each PI.

b. Narrative Description of the proposal: The narrative description should not exceed a

total of 6 pages and should address each of the items below (i-vii).

i. Specific Aims and Hypothesis (<1 page): A clear statement of the Specific Aims

and the hypotheses being explored. It is recommended that you limit the

proposal to 1 or 2 aims that can be reasonably accomplished within the two-year

grant period.

ii. Background and Supporting Literature (<1 page): State the research problem

and review relevant literature.

iii. Significance (<1 page): State how the project will address an important problem

or question, such as why is the problem important, who will be impacted by a

solution, why is a solution missing, what have people tried, why is a solution

needed now, how will your research address the problem and why is your team

qualified to solve the problem? Also, please include a description of how this will

advance the career of any early career investigators involved in the project, or

will lead to other grant opportunities for the investigators.

iv. Innovation (<1 page): Please describe what is new and different about your

solution to the problem that makes it viable, such as what advance has

happened to make your solution potential likely to work, what new ideas or

technologies does it use, what new approaches will you use, how are you

combining existing approaches in a new way, and/or what unique resources have

your develop or have access to that can be used for this research?

For Significance and Innovation sections, please refer to this.

v. Methods (1-2 pages): Describe the overall study design, providing the overall

strategy, methodology, and analyses. Adequate detail must be included to

support the proposed methodologies and analyses, including statistical analyses.

One figure/table describing relevant supporting preliminary data is allowed,

although preliminary data is not required. If the project involves clinical research,

please describe the plans for 1) protection of human subjects from research

risks, and 2) inclusion of minorities and members of both sexes.

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vi. Environment (<1 page): Describe the environment in which the work will be done,

including any institutional support, equipment, and intellectual expertise, and

other physical resources available adequate for successful undertaking of the

project proposed. Describe any unique features of the academic environment,

subject populations, or collaborative arrangements that will contribute to the

success of the project.

vii. Timeline (<1 page): Provide a timeline outlining the planned conduct of the study

and how it will be completed within the grant cycle (2 years).

3. The following sections are not part of the above 6-page limit. (See here for relevant NIH grant

application forms to use for the application)

a. Future Directions (<2 pages): Explain how the results of the proposed studies will be

used to further the research mission of Larner COM and the UVMHN Medical Group,

and provide outcome measures for your study.

b. Detailed Budget

c. Budget Justification for each budget item (<2 pages)

d. Other research support, if applicable

e. References (<1 page)

f. Mentoring plan with a letter from the experienced researcher confirming the plan and

detailing their experience in relevant mentorship

g. Letters of support. If appropriate and limited to two in addition to the mentor letter noted


h. Current curriculum vitae of the PI (s) and Co-Investigator (s) or a current NIH

biographical sketch may be used.

4. The entire proposal, including signed face page, 6-page research proposal, future directions,

mentoring plan, budget, budget justification, references, letters of support, and CV/biosketches

MUST be submitted as a single PDF document electronically by 5 PM August 30, 2019 to

Steve Warren ([email protected]). Proposals that do not meet this requirement will

NOT be reviewed. Please use the template provided in this document.

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NOTE: If after reviewing the guidelines any questions arise concerning the suitability of proposed

projects or budgetary items, please contact: Dr. Debra Leonard ([email protected]),

Chair of the Faculty Practice Division RE&FA Committee.

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Research and Education Committee Announces

Request for Proposals (RFP) for


Proposed Title:

PI Name: Co-PI Name:

PI Department: Co-PI Department:

PI Phone Number: Co-PI Phone Number:

PI E-mail: Co-PI Email:

Is IRB or IACUC approval needed? No ☐ Yes ☐ If yes, status of approval:

I certify the statements herein are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I agree and accept

responsibility for the scientific conduct of the project and to provide the required progress reports if the

grant is awarded.

PI signature: Co-PI signature:

PI Health Care Service Leader signature:

Co-PI Health Care Service Leader signature:

Health Care Service Leaders: Ira Bernstein, M.D. - Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences Kristen DeStigter, M.D. - Radiology Lewis First, M.D. - Pediatrics Gregory Holmes, M.D. - Neurological Services Debra Leonard, M.D. - Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Donald Mathews, M.D. - Anesthesiology Claude Nichols, M.D. - Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation Mitchell Norotsky, M.D. - Surgery Polly Parsons, M.D. - Medicine Thomas Peterson, M.D. - Family Medicine Robert Pierattini, M.D. - Psychiatry James Wallace, M.D. - Radiation Oncology

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Narrative Description of the proposal: The narrative description should not exceed a total of 6 pages and should address each of the items below (i-vii).

i. Specific Aims and Hypothesis (<1 page): A clear statement of the Specific Aims and the hypotheses being explored. We recommend that you limit the proposal to 1 or 2 aims that can be reasonably accomplished within the two-year grant period.

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ii. Background and Supporting Literature (<1 page): State the research problem and review relevant literature.

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iii. Significance (<1 page): State how the project will address an important problem or question, such as why is the problem important, who will be impacted by a solution, why is a solution missing, what have people tried, why is a solution needed now, how will your research address the problem and why is your team qualified to solve the problem? Also, please include a description of how this will advance the career of any early career investigators involved in the project, or will lead to other grant opportunities for the investigators.

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iv. Innovation (<1 page): Please describe what is new and different about your solution to the problem that makes it viable, such as what advance has happened to make your solution potential likely to work, what new ideas or technologies does it use, what new approaches will you use, how are you combining existing approaches in a new way, and/or what unique resources have your develop or have access to that can be used for this research? For Significance and Innovation sections, please refer to this.


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v. Methods (1-2 pages): Describe the overall study design, providing the overall strategy, methodology, and analyses. Adequate detail must be included to support the proposed methodologies and analyses, including statistical analyses. One figure/table describing relevant supporting preliminary data is allowed, although preliminary data is not required. If the project involves clinical research, please describe the plans for 1) protection of human subjects from research risks, and 2) inclusion of minorities and members of both sexes.

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vi. Environment (<1 page): Describe the environment in which the work will be done, including any institutional support, equipment, and intellectual expertise, and other physical resources available adequate for successful undertaking of the project proposed. Describe any unique features of the academic environment, subject populations, or collaborative arrangements that will contribute to the success of the project.

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vii. Timeline (<1 page): Provide a timeline outlining the planned conduct of the study and how it will be completed within the grant cycle (2 years).

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3. The following sections are not part of the above 6 page limit (see here for relevant NIH

grant application forms to use for the application).

a. Future Directions (<2 pages): Explain how the results of the proposed studies will

be used to further the educational mission of Larner College of Medicine and the

UVMHN Medical Group, and provide outcome measures for your study.

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List PERSONNEL (Applicant organization only) Use Cal, Acad, or Summer to Enter Months Devoted to Project

Enter Dollar Amounts Requested (omit cents) for Salary Requested and Fringe Benefits


Cal. Mnths

Acad. Mnths

Summer Mnths








SUPPLIES (Itemize by category)




OTHER EXPENSES (Itemize by category)





PHS 398 (Rev. 01/18 Approved Through 03/31/2020) OMB No. 0925-0001




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c. Budget Justification for each budget item (<2 pages)

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d. Other research support, if applicable

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e. References (<1 page)

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f. Mentoring plan with a letter from the experienced researcher confirming the

plan and detailing their experience in relevant mentorship.

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g. Letters of support, if appropriate, and limited to two in addition to the mentor letter noted above.

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h. Current curriculum vitae of the PI (s) and Co-Investigator (s) or a current NIH

biographical sketch may also be submitted.