research planner model for 2 nd quarter free choice novel project as you read your free choice novel...

Research Planner Model for 2 nd Quarter Free Choice Novel Project • As you read your free choice novel you will be identifying key passages that cause you to ask questions. These questions will help you to identify your specific research topic and research question. • Students will need to identify 4 – 6 passages from their novel. From these passage they will ask questions and reflect on why the questions need to be answered. • See the examples on the next slide.

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Research Planner Model for 2nd Quarter Free Choice Novel ProjectAs you read your free choice novel you will be identifying key passages that cause you to ask questions. These questions will help you to identify your specific research topic and research question.

Students will need to identify 4 6 passages from their novel. From these passage they will ask questions and reflect on why the questions need to be answered. See the examples on the next slide.

Page #Passage from the novel:Potential Research Questions:Explanation of connection between Passage and Research Question:pg. 107Sixteen years ago, I saw that the Nile was very, very beautiful. It had its own shade of blue. Today, the River was not any shade of blue; it was dark brown, thick and opaque, and it stank like something old and dying. What is the effect of water pollution on the environment? What is the effect of pollution on the people who use the polluted water for daily living? Is there any way to restore polluted water so that it is clean again?This passage made me very angry. I couldnt believe that pollution could change the look of the water so dramatically in such a short amount of time. I knew that the pollution would probably hurt the people living near the River. It made me wonder what happens when there is water pollution in our everyday life. I really wanted to know if this problem could be 143More dolphins, perhaps fifty in total, arrived en masse and completely circled our flotilla. Then, as if someone had given a signal, a dozen tuxedoed dolphins began dancing on their tail across the bright blue sea.Do dolphins actually communicate with humans? If so, how do they communicate? How can dolphins be used to help humans?Dolphins seemed so social and smart in this book and this passage is a perfect example. Many times throughout the story, they seemed to bond with the humans, and sometimes even protected them. It made me think of a recent news story where a scuba diver was knocked unconscious by a boats motor. He was found the next day and he was surrounded by one hundred dolphins.Pg. 40Jame stomped out of the apartment, slamming the door behind her. Moms trying to get some rest! Darcy yelled. Do you have to be so selfish? But Jamee was already gone, and the apartment was suddenly quiet.How many teenagers run away each year? What causes most teenagers to run away? As I read this passage, I wondered, why do most teenagers run away? Are they running to something or away from something? After feeling deserted by her father and hurt by her boyfriend, Jamee just wants to feel safe. Her life seems to be falling apart around her and so she runs away to the safest place she knows the cedar tree in the mountains where her father made her a princess.

As you read Snow Bear by Liliana Stafford you will see how to choose a passage, identify a question, and reflect on the question.

They will keep her in the bear jail till the sea-ice freezes over and then she will be set free.Page #Passage from the novel:Potential Research Questions:Explanation of connection between Passage and Research Question:1It is natural for bears to fast through the warmer months. They will keep her in the bear jail till the sea ice freezes over and then she will be set free.Do polar bears hibernate during the summer or the winter?Do bear jails really exist and how often do they use them?I was surprised to hear about Bear-jails. Do all villages still have them? Are they used yearly? If I was in a village with a bear jail I would probably want to feed the bear as well. Is the jail used as a punitive measure like jails are used in our society or is it used as a way to keep them safe.

Bruun became lost and feared for his life. To keep Bruun safe the snow bear lay down offering her warmth, and the boy lay next to her.Page #Passage from the novel:Potential Research Questions:Explanation of connection between Passage and Research Question:Pg. 5Bruun became lost and feared for his life. To keep Bruun safe the snow bear lay down, offering her warmth, and the boy lay next to her. Would a polar bear really protect a human?Can polar bears co-exist peacefully with humans?Many animals have been known to protect humans. I had heard that polar bears were very fierce. I wonder if a polar bear every formed a relationship with a human? Would a polar bear protect a human and treat it as its own? A blizzard in the north is very different that in Virginia. I wonder if the warmth of a bear would be enough to protect a young boy?

She knew it was time to push away her cub. (7)It was spring when he finally saw her. She was with her cubsWhen Bruun tried to follow, she chased him away.(10)Page #Passage from the novel:Potential Research Questions:Explanation of connection between Passage and Research Question:Pg. 7 & 10She knew it was time to push away her cub. (7)It was spring when he finally saw her. She was with her cubsWhen Bruun tried to follow, she chased him away.(10)Do polar bears really push away old cubs? (not acknowledge their cubs)Do they remember their cubs?What do polar bears do to protect their cubs?Polar bears are such beautiful creatures and seem to be very uniform. I wonder what features would differentiate one bear from another so Bruun would be able to recognize her. If polar bears do push away their cubs, at what age do they do this? Do most cubs survive once they are separated from their parents? In this story the polar bear was alone when she came to the village. Do they leave alone or in a group?

He became the best hunter the town had ever known, always hunting in the old ways, never with a gun.17Page #Passage from the novel:Potential Research Questions:Explanation of connection between Passage and Research Question:Pg. 11 He became the best hunter the town had ever known, always hunting in the old ways, never with a gun.What were the old ways of hunting? How do most hunters hunt today?Hunting was a means of survival in the past. I wonder if the towns people still hunt to support their families or do they hunt more for sport? It is fascinating to hear of people who have carried on the traditions of their ancestors. I wonder how many people still hunt using the old ways today.

Page #Passage from the novel:Potential Research Questions:Explanation of connection between Passage and Research Question:1It is natural for bears to fast through the warmer months. They will keep her in the bear jail till the sea ice freezes over and then she will be set free.Do polar bears hibernate during the summer or the winter?Do bear jails really exist and how often do they use them?I was surprised to hear about Bear-jails. Do all villages still have them? Are they used yearly? If I was in a village with a bear jail I would probably want to feed the bear as well. I would they used as a punitive measure like jails are used in our society or is it used as a way to keep them safe. Pg. 5Bruun became lost and feared for his life. To keep Bruun safe the snow bear lay down, offering her warmth, and the boy lay next to her. Would a polar bear really protect a human?Can polar bears co-exist amicably with humans?Many animals have been known to protect humans. I had heard that polar bears were very fierce. I wonder if a polar bear every formed a relationship with a human? I wonder if a polar bear protect a human as its own? A blizzard in the north is very different that in Virginia. I wonder if the warmth of a bear would be enough to protect a young boy? Pg. 7 & 10She knew it was time to push away her cub. (7)It was spring when he finally saw her. She was with her cubsWhen Bruun tried to follow, she chased him away.(10)Do polar bears really push away old cubs? (not acknowledge their cubs)Do they remember their cubs?What do polar bears do to protect their cubs?Polar bears are such beautiful creatures and seem to be very uniform. I wonder what features would differentiate one bear from another so Bruun would be able to recognize her. If polar bears do push away their cubs, at what age do they do this? Do most cubs survive once they are separated from their parents? In this story the polar bear was alone when she came to the village. Do they leave alone or in a group?Pg. 11 He became the best hunter the town had ever known, always hunting in the old ways, never with a gun.What were the old ways of hunting? How do most hunters hunt today?Hunting was a means of survival in the past. I wonder if the towns people still hunt to support their families or do they hunt more for sport? It is always so fascinating to hear of people who have carried on the traditions of their ancestors. I wonder how many people still hunt using the old ways today.Now read the Authors Note.As you read the authors note, highlight each statement that answers one the questions on your chart.

How many questions were answered in this one article?