resilience in urban design confrence

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  • 8/7/2019 Resilience in Urban Design Confrence


  • 8/7/2019 Resilience in Urban Design Confrence


    4th International Urban Design Conference22nd 23rd September 2011

    Marriot Resort and Spa, Gold


    Invitation from

    Mayor Ron Clarke MBE

    It gives me great pleasure to invite delegates to the Gold Coast for the 4thInternational Urban Design Conference.

    As Australias sixth-largest city and one of its unique attractions, the Gold Coastis an ideal venue for the International Urban Design Conference 2011, which isthemed Resilience in Urban Design.

    Our city boasts a magnificent natural environment featuring pristine beaches,rivers, extensive canal systems, the green mountain hinterland and lushforest. These qualities and the structure of our city, intertwined as it is with thelandscape, will serve us well in establishing a more sustainable city.

    I firmly believe the Gold Coast has the capacity to become a model for otherAustralian cities in meeting the challenges of climate change, sustainable urbangrowth and ecological biodiversity through the invaluable strategic planningoutlined in our citys Climate Change Strategy 2009-2014, Nature ConservationStrategy 2009-2019, Cultural Development Policy and Plan 2001-2020, and GoldCoast Water Future Strategy 2006-2056.

    The Gold Coast City Council also remains committed to creating places thatare good for people and that support our economy, community identity, socialcohesion and cultural diversit y.

    All this must be achieved while also enhancing the quality of our urban places,maintaining the citys exceptional liveability, and continuing to enrich our socialand cultural lives. No easy task when, like every other city in Australia, we mustdeal with changing population demographics and a volatile world economy.

    This conference will be an excellent opportunity for design professionals to

    exchange ideas and experiences, to be imaginative, creative and visionary,and to contribute to redesigning our future. I trust that those joining us willbe inspired to excel in our individual and collective fields to enrich our builtenvironment on a global scale.

    Best wishes



  • 8/7/2019 Resilience in Urban Design Confrence


    4th International Urban Design Conference22nd 23rd September 2011

    Marriot Resort and Spa, Gold


    Message from

    The City Architect Chris Gee

    Im delighted to invite delegates to the next International Urban DesignConference 2011, with the theme of Resilience in Urban Design. The GoldCoast City Council is pleased to once again be co-hosting this event.

    Resilience in urban design is the positive capacity of our cities to cope withstress and adversity, and adapt to change. Most research now shows thatresilience is the result of diversity and cities interacting with their environment,and the processes that influence good urban design outcomes against theoverwhelming influence of change. These processes can be individual copingstrategies, or may be helped along by good urban design principles that makeresilience more effective.

    The Council of Australian Governments National Objective and Criteria ForFuture Strategic Planning of Capital Cities, December 2009 states:

    To ensure Australian cities are globally competitive, productive, sustainable,liveable and socially inclusive and are well placed to meet future challengesand growth.

    Our theme for the Conference is timely for us to gather debate and beginto initiate the steps to transform our cities to: promote interconnectivityand appropriate densification within our existing urban footprint, to delivermultiple transit modes, walkable streets and socially inclusive design, to createeconomic resilience and achieve adaptive responsive built environments.

    Resilience in Urban Design is a change to reinforce and highlight these resilientsolutions for our citywide planning, design and infrastructure to be able tosuccessfully address emerging challenges brought about by climate change,peak oil crisis, population growth, social disengagement, technological

    disparity, rising pollution and waste, demands on food production, risingcarbon emissions, and diminishing habitat and biodiversity.

    We trust this conference will foster informed debate and stimulate those both inand allied to the urban design and planning professions.

    Christopher Gee

    CITY ARCHITECTConference Co-ChairGold Coast City Council

  • 8/7/2019 Resilience in Urban Design Confrence


    4th International Urban Design Conference22nd 23rd September 2011

    Marriot Resort and Spa, Gold


    The Conference

    The 4th International Urban Design Conference will be held from the 22nd 23rd September 2011 at the SurfersParadise Marriott Resort & Spa, Gold Coast. The theme is Resilience in Urban Design, which will give delegatesthe chance to reinforce and highlight these resilient solutions for our citywide planning, design & infrastructure- to be able to successfully address emerging challenges brought about by climate change, peak oil crisis,population growth, social disengagement, technological disparity, rising pollution and waste, demands on foodproduction, rising carbon emissions, and diminishing habitat and biodiversity.

    We will foster informed debate and stimulate those both in and allied to the urban design and planning

    professions. The conference streams will include: Resilience in urban design Sustainable infrastructure & transport Population growth, densification & urban renewal Ecocities & energy efficient, carbon neutral buildings Responsive & inclusive public spaces & built environment Effective governance & leadership Tourism heritage

    Who Should AttendThe Conference attracts delegates from a wide range of backgrounds including:

    Urban Designers Policy makers Politicians Senior public servants City Governance personnel Development Industry Social planners Architects Landscape Architects Engineers

    Development Industry Urban Designers

    Why You Should Attend Be exposed to new and innovating ideas and ways of thinking Network with your peers and leaders in their fields Be inspired

    by an optimistic, action orientated group of people by profound and positive speakers

    Learn key skills needed for ensuring the future Learn how to make a positive difference

  • 8/7/2019 Resilience in Urban Design Confrence


    4th International Urban Design Conference22nd 23rd September 2011

    Marriot Resort and Spa, Gold


    The Destination

    The Gold Coast is indisputably Australias most popular holiday destination. Gold Coast City is Australiassixth largest city with a population of approximately 515,157. This is expected to grow to in excess of 730,000by the end of 2026.

    The Gold Coast offers a wide array of beachfront accommodation, with a great selection of hotels, holidayapartments and resorts.

    With its signature 52 kilometres of golden surfing beaches, world class accommodation resorts, award-winning

    dining, amazing shopping and thrilling attractions, the Gold Coast has something for everyone and is a greatfamily favourite.

    Host Venue Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort and Spa

    Five star elegance and Queensland charm combine to create one of the most memorable Gold Coast luxuryhotels. The Surfers Paradise Marriottt Resort & Spa is situated in the heart of the Gold Coast, within easy reachof pristine beaches, fashionable shopping and picturesque hinterland valleys.

    This luxury hotel on the Gold Coast offers unique facilities, an ideal location and award-winning service for anunrivalled Gold Coast holiday. Set amidst lush tropical gardens and the Gold Coasts only private salt water

    lagoon, this Gold Coast beach resort hotel is renowned for its Pacific Ocean views and contemporary resortrestaurants.


    Special rates are available for delegates at the following venue, you need to book your accommodation on theConference Registration Form to access delegate rates.

    Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort and Spa: Hinterland View Guestroom: $225 per room, per night.Australis Sovereign Hotel: One Bedroom Apartment: $151 per room, per night

  • 8/7/2019 Resilience in Urban Design Confrence


    4th International Urban Design Conference22nd 23rd September 2011

    Marriot Resort and Spa, Gold



    Those who wish to attend can register by completing the Registration Form and return it to the ConferenceSecretariat with payment. A separate form is required per registration. Registration can also be made online viathe conference website

    Category Early Bird Rate prior to 18th July 2011 Standard Rate after 18th July 2011

    Full Registration Member** $790.00 $990.00

    Full Registration Non Member $890.00 $1090.00

    Speaker Registration $700.00 $900.00

    Full Time Student Registration $600.00 $800.00

    Day Registration $450.00 $600.00

    ** Members of AIA, PIA, UDIA, GBCA , AILA and UDAL are eligible for conference member rates.

    Full Registration

    All conference sessionsConference materials, including satchel andhandbook with abstracts. Morning and afternoon teasand lunch for the duration of the conferenceAttendance to the Welcome Reception

    Day RateConference sessions for nominated dayConference materials, including handbook withabstracts. Morning and afternoon teas and lunch onnominated day

    Welcome ReceptionThe Welcome Reception is included in FullRegistrations only. Additional tickets can bepurchased from the registration page for $70.00.Dress: Smart Casual.

    Early Bird RegistrationEarly discount is available for registrations receivedand paid prior to 5pm on the 18th July 2011.Registrations not paid by the 18th July 2011 will be

    re-invoiced at the standard rate.


    Full Payment of registration and accommodation mustaccompany all registrations. Please be advised yourregistration will not be confirmed until payment infull is received. Payment can be made by cheque orcredit card (Mastercard, VISA, AMEX). Please refer tothe registration form for payment details.

    Refunds and CancellationsRegistration cancellations and amendments must

    be sent in writing either by mail; fax or email toConference Secretariat. A 50% cancellation fee will

    be charged for cancellations received in writing priorto 5pm on 22nd August 2011. After this date therewill be no refunds made, substitute delegates willbe accepted at the cost of an amendment fee. Allamendments will incur a $20.00 additional fee.

    Conference Registration Inclusions:

  • 8/7/2019 Resilience in Urban Design Confrence


    4th International Urban Design Conference22nd 23rd September 2011

    Marriot Resort and Spa, Gold


    Registration Form

    Full payment is required upon registration to confirm your participation in the Conference. This form constitutesa Tax Invoice and can be used for tax purposes. Please fill out ONE registration PER PERSON attending.

    TAX INVOICE / RECEIPTABN: 880 106 066 94 Required *


    Title*: First Name*: Last Name*:

    Badge Name (if different to above):



    Postal Address:

    Suburb*: State*: Post Code:

    Phone*: ( ) Fax: ( )


    Dietary requirements:

    Other requirements:


    Category Early Bird Rate prior to 18th July Standard Rate after 18th July

    Full Registration Member $790.00 $990.00

    Full Registration Non Member $890.00 $1090.00

    Speaker Registration $700.00 $900.00

    Full Time Student Registration $600.00 $800.00

    Day Registration $450.00 $600.00

    Thursday 22nd September 2011

    Friday 23rd

    September 2011 Welcome Reception $70.00 Quantity: _____________



    You only need to complete this section if you will be sharing a room or bringing an additional person to the welcomereception.

    Title: First Name: Last Name:

    Dietary requirements:

  • 8/7/2019 Resilience in Urban Design Confrence


    4th International Urban Design Conference22nd 23rd September 2011

    Marriot Resort and Spa, Gold


    Please return your completed Registration Form to AST Managementat the following address:Mail: PO Box 29, Nerang, 4211 Queensland AustraliaFax: 07 5528 5291 Email: [email protected] please email or phone 07 5502 2068

    Your registration will be processed in the next 24 business hours. You willreceive confirmation by email. If you do not receive any correspondence,email the secretariat.


    Booking must be accompanied with a credit card guarantee or paid in full before your arrival to the hotel.

    Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort and Spa: Hinterland View Guestroom: $225 per room, per night.

    Australis Sovereign Hotel: One Bedroom Apartment: $151 per room, per night

    Arrival date: / /2011 Departure date: / /2011

    Room type: Single Double Twin

    Special requirements:

    I will be sharing a room with nominated accompanying person:

    TOTAL AMOUNT FOR FULL STAY: $_____________


    Please note your registration can not be processed /confirmed without full payment of registration and/oraccommodation. If this form is faxed back, credit card detail must be included.

    TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $______________________

    ChequeMake payable to:AST ManagementPO Box 29, Nerang, Queensland 4211

    Bank Transfer Account Name: AST Management Pty LtdNational Australia BankAccount Number: 58130 2399

    BSB: 084 009Swift Code: NAT AAU 3303M

    Please fax or email a copy of the receipt to 07 5527 3298 and include the delegates name(s)and conference name.

    Credit CardPlease charge the total amount above to the following credit card

    Mastercard Visa American Express

    Credit Card Number:

    Expiry Date: /

    Name on Card: __________________________________
