responsible consumption

Responsible Consumption By: Adrian Castro III “A”

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Page 1: Responsible consumption

Responsible Consumption By: Adrian Castro III “A”

Page 2: Responsible consumption

Definition Ecological, social and political organizations believe that humans would do

well to change their habits to their real needs adjusting consumption and choosing options on the market that promote environmental conservation and social equality.

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Points to consider in responsable consumption

Consider the environmental impact from the point of view of the life cycle of the product to be purchased, evaluating production processes, transportation, etc.

Determine the ecological footprint that certain lifestyle and consumption occur.

Determine which companies, products and services, environmentally and human rights.

Secure the quality of what you purchased.

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Tips for environmental health Being green and avoid contamination.

consider what impact the environment and the social environment is the use of buying what you think.

Also consider the impact caused by waste and garbage generated.

Purchase the content and not the container.

Recycled before buying.

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Tips on the computer revolution Try to not only buy but also use free software whenever possible because

these deprive users, researchers and developers around the world, of the four fundamental freedoms associated with software that makes the Free Software Foundation

Be aware that not only the size, but the simple use of a system, service or program.

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Types of freedoms Use the program for any purpose.

 Study the program and adapt it to your needs.

 Distribute the program the way you received it.

 Modify the program and share their modifications.

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Aspects Social aspect: Refers to products coming from disadvantaged communities.

Example coffee.

Ecological aspect: Purchase product implies that existed before a process to create, in which inputs are gathered, they are processed.

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ASPECTS Commercial aspect: As consumers, when we decided to buy anything, we

are giving our money to change that we want.

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IN PERU It launched a virtual store of responsible consumption in Peru.

Products sold by DUHEM in Peru support a social cause, in various fields like education, health, environment, human rights and development.

94% of victims of trafficking in Peru are women, most of them abandoned his studies after an exploitative situation.

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CONCLUSION It is to consume less and consume what is the most sustainable and fair as

possible. Suggests, think before consuming, consumption refers to what you buy to feed, dress, live, etc.