revisions midexam 2prim e term1

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  • 8/2/2019 Revisions MidExam 2Prim E Term1



    Cairo Governorate

    Nozha Directorate of Education

    Nozha Language Schools

    Ismailia Road Branch

    Weekly Distribution for 2nd

    Primary Syllabus , 2010

    Weeks Macmillan 2 Fluency 2 Lisa goes toLondon

    Young HanWriting 1

    R P D

    19 / 9 - - P. 9 -

    26 / 9 1 1 1 10

    3 / 10 1 - 1 11-12 p.11

    10 / 10 2 2 2 13-14 p.11 17 / 10 2 - 2 15 - 24 / 10 3 3 3 16 17 48 31 / 10 3-4 - 3 18 49

    7 / 11 4 4 4 19 49 14 / 11 5 5 4 20 80

    21 / 11 5 - 5 21 81

    28 / 11 6 6 5 22-23 -

    5 / 12 7 7 6 24 25 68

    12 / 127 Rev. 6 26 27

    19 / 12 Rev. Rev. Rev. 28- 29

    26 / 12 Rev.

    2 / 1

  • 8/2/2019 Revisions MidExam 2Prim E Term1



    Unit ( 1 )

    New Vocabulary :

    - birthday party : a party prepared by mum for the birthday of her child .

    - scissors : an instrument used for cutting things .

    - mess : to put into disorder .

    - delicious : The taste of food which gives delight while eating .

    - tidy : placing and keeping everything in its right place .

    - pleased : feeling happy - balloon - creep

    - tiny :very small - paper - cut

    - high : far upwards - present - draw

    - low : not high - blow up - make

    - upstairs : on a higher floor . cake - throw

    - crayons - clean - stamp ( v.)

    Structure :The use of " make " is to put materials together to form or shape things from this

    material .

    e.g : make a cake

    make a present

    make a mess : it means that someone put the place around him or her into disorderdo any kind of work - do an action .

    e.g : do your homework do me a favour

    Prepositions :

    - I'm going to a birthday party .- He's blowing up a balloon .- We are pleased with our new car .- What are you looking at ?- The baby is sleeping in his bed .- She puts socks on her feet .

    on + days e.g. I go swimming on Monday .at + time e.g. She gets up at seven o'clock .

    Cairo GovernorateNozha Directorate of Education

    Nozha Language SchoolsIsmailia Road

    Department : English

    From : 2nd


    Macmillan 2010 / 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Revisions MidExam 2Prim E Term1


  • 8/2/2019 Revisions MidExam 2Prim E Term1




    I-Choose the correct answer :

    1. They [am is are ] building a house near the sea .

    2. [ Are Do Am ] they learning French or German at present ?

    3. She [ isn't Doesn't aren't ] cooking supper this evening .

    4. The children [ are drawing draw draws ] pictures of fruit and vegetables now .

    5. Where is Sam ? He [ visits visit is visiting ] his friends at the moment .

    6. The students [ are not working work don't work ] hard today .

    7. I [ am writing write don't write ] a letter at the moment .

    8. Look ! they [ run are running is running ] very fast .

    II- Re-arrange the words to form sentences :

    1. Please, my party birthday to come .

    2. scissors - She got cutting has for .

    3. smells cake delicious Mum's .

    4. to Billy Mum is balloon the throwing .

    5. Billy's Sara friend is .

    6. very I'm tall stretching .

    7. can bee see I flower a the on .

    8. stamp I jump feet can and my .

    9. feet our We socks put on .

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    10. hope great is I party your .

    11. that Who door the is at?

    III- Underline the correct words in brackets :

    1. Please, ( comes come coming ) to my birthday party .

    2. I don't go to school ( in at on ) Fridays .

    3. She wakes up ( at in on ) seven o'clock in the morning .

    4. Mum is ( doing make making ) a cake .

    5. Billy is making a present ( for to at ) his friend .

    6. He uses ( a pencil scissors crayons ) for cutting .

    7. They are making ( their homework the housework a mess ).

    8. This ( flower book bag ) smells delicious .

    9. Tom is blowing ( up in on ) a balloon .

    10. The teacher is pleased ( to with on ) my results .

    11. The balloon is ( throwing bursting blowing ) .

    12. We are colouring with ( crayons balloons scissors ) .

    13. This is a high wall but that is a ( big small low ) one.

    14. I can ( climb read look ) a big tall tree .

    15. Ann ( have got has got is ) a computer .

    16. What is the bird ( do does doing ) ?

    17. The babies ( am are have ) sleeping .

    18. I ( am cleaning clean cleans cleaned ) the room at the moment .

    19. Is Tom ( watch watching watches ) T.V at present ?

    20.He's reading a newspaper ( everyday now sometimes ).

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  • 8/2/2019 Revisions MidExam 2Prim E Term1



    V- Change into negative :

    1. I am eating an ice- cream now .


    2. The children are drawing at the moment ..

    3. Tom is writing a letter at present .

    4. We are having fun .


    5. I am swimming in the swimming pool .

    .6. Mum is cooking in the kitchen .

    7. My grandfather is reading the newspaper .

    8. They are playing tennis now .


    9. Tina and Billy are lying down on the beach ...

    10. The gardener is cutting down the tree .

    ..VI- Form Questions :

    1. Yes , he's running for the bus .

    2. No , I am not playing basketball .

    3. The birds are singing .

    4. Yes , we are having Maths .

    5. Dad is washing the car .

    6. No , it's not raining now .

    7. I'm going to school now .

    8. No , we aren't watching T.V.

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    9. Fred is sleeping in his bed .

    10. Sue is carrying an umbrella

    VII- Complete the following dialogue :

    Mum : ...doing , Billy ?

    Billy : I'm .. a present for Sara's birthday .

    Mum : It's very nice . When is ....?

    Billy : It's on .

    Mum : ..?

    Billy : Yes , she is having a big party .

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    Sample Test ( 1 )

    I- Use of English :

    1. Match

    A B

    1. My birthday party . ( ) for drawing .2. Ann uses a pencil . ( ) is great .

    3. What are you doing ? ( ) is on Thursday .

    4. I hope your party ( ) I can draw .

    ( ) I'm reading

    2- Supply the missing letters :

    d.. p.. j.

    s.. b. c

    3- Underline the correct word( s ) in brackets :

    1. A tree ( has got have is ) leaves .

    2. I sleep ( under between in ) my bed .

    3. We are ( having have playing ) fun .

    4. Let's ( write writes writing ) an email .

    5. There (are have is ) lots of people in the city .

    6. Are you watching cartoon ? Yes, I ( are am do ).

    7. Sally is (Toms Toms'- Tom's ) friend .

    8. Dad comes home ( on at of ) 7 o'clock .

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    II- Reading comprehension :

    Read and mark ( ) or ( x ) :

    My name is Omar Today my family and I are at the beach . It's a sunny

    day . I am making a big sand castle . My mum is swimming in the sea . My dad doesn't

    ike swimming . He is eating an ice cream . My dog is tired . He is sleeping in the sun .1. Omar's family is on the beach . ( )

    2. Dad is swimming in the sea. ( )

    3. Omar's cat is sleeping in the sun . ( )

    4. There are three people in Omar's family . ( )

    III- Pictorial composition :

    Look at the picture and write the missing parts :

    Billy is cutting with . . Billy is a balloon

    Billy is . the balloon The balloon is ..

    VI- Complete the following sentences "Lisa goes to London "

    1-Lisa is a finalist in the ..competition.2-Lisa and her parents are at 3-Lisa looks very ..4-The trip to London is ..

    VI- Hand writing :

    East or west home is best

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    Unit ( 2 )

    New Vocabulary :

    1- Nouns :

    traffic : movement of people and cars along roads

    Means of transportation :

    car taxi bus tram motorbike bike cycle lorry van rocketcrowd : large number of people together .

    roundabout : circular road causing traffic to go round instead of directly across

    smelly : have a bad smell .

    zoom : moves quickly .

    Hoot : the sound of a owl .Broom : something with a long handle used to clean the floor.

    Kangaroo : an animal with a pocket to put his kids in .

    Listen to : to hear carefully .

    2- Adjectives :

    noisy x quiet

    hot x colddirty x clean

    terrible x pleasant

    bad x goodfast x slow

    busy x lazy

    nto x out of

    Prepositions of place :

    - Cats climb up trees.- The dog runs down the hill.- Ben jumps into the water.- The fish jumps out of the water.- The earth goes round the sun .- A rocket can zoom and fly to the moon .- The children are playing in the street .

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    Grammatical structure

    1. Like + verb + ing

    e.g. : I like riding and listening to music .

    I don't like shouting .

    2. The simple present tense :Used for :

    1. repeated actions

    e.g. He goes to school everyday.

    2. facts .

    e. g.The sun rises in the morning

    Key words :

    always often usually sometimes- never on Fridays every

    Form :

    A- Singular ( He She It ) we add " s " to the verb

    e.g. Like He likes ice - cream

    1. If the verb ends with (sh ch s o x) we add " es " to the verb

    e.g. brush Helen always brushes her teeth .Fix My father often fixes his cart .

    2. If the verb ends with ( y ) and there is a consonant before it , change the ( y ) into "

    es "

    e.g. cry Sometimes , the baby cries at night .

    3. If the verb ends with ( y ) and there is a vowel before it , just add " s " at the end

    e.g. play Tom plays football on Sundays .

    B- Plural ( I We you they ) we don't change the verb

    e.g. like I like ice cream .

    watch We watch T.V every night .

    carry You carry an umbrella .

    say They say the city is too noisy .

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    Negative :

    Use verb to do ( do does ) + not , then cross out the present simple ending

    ( s es ies )

    e.g. He likes ice cream .He doesn't like ice cream .

    - She washes her hands .She doesn't wash her hands.

    - The baby cries at night .

    The baby doesn't cry at night .

    - I drink milk everyday .

    I don't drink milk everyday .Questions :

    Use verb to do ( Do Does ) at the beginning of the question , then cross out the

    present simple ending.

    e.g. She eats cakes

    Does she eat cakes ?

    Yes she does / No , she doesn't

    I play the guitar .

    Do you play the guitar ? Yes I do , No , I don't .Exercises

    I- Underline the correct word in brackets :1. I ( love loves loving) the city .

    2. ( They He She) go to school by bus .

    3. Sandy usually ( watch watches watching ) TV. in the evening .

    4. Do you like the crowds ? No , we ( do don't aren't ) .

    5. I don't like ( flies fly\ flying ) kites .

    6. Mum and dad ( don't doesn't aren't ) like the noise .

    7. Sue always ( do does doing ) her homework .

    8. ( Does Is Has ) Tom like walking ?

    9. Sam and Jill like ( ride reading riding ) horses .

    10. she has breakfast ( now at the moment everyday ).

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    II- Re- arrange the words to form sentences :

    1. love does I but the mum city not my .


    2. city noisy The too too is and hot ..

    3. in traffic city Listen the sounds to the ....

    4. car Do fast you car or the slow the like ?


    5. moon rocket zoom to the A can fly and .

    6. are people in There street of the lots .


    III- Underline the correct word in brackets :

    1. Ahmed doesn't ( likes like liking ) listening to music .

    2. Aunt Meg has ( to too two ) blue eyes .

    3. Listen ( to two too ) the city people .

    4. The car is fast . The motorbike is fast ( two too to )

    5. It's ( to too two ) hot today .

    6. The traffic is going ( up out of down ) a tunnel .

    7. The word " dirty " is ( an adjective a verb a noun ) .

    8. My shoes are new , but your shoes are ( noisy old slow ) .

    9. Be ( quite quiet noisy ) the baby is sleeping .

    10. Sally ( carries cries carry ) a heavy bag .

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    IV- Correct the verbs between brackets :

    1. Hend likes ( read ) stories .


    2. Bill ( buy ) a new T- shirt every year ....

    3. We often ( eat ) cheese for breakfast .....

    4. Mona ( not like ) snakes .


    5. The boy always ( fix ) his bicycle .

    ...6. .. ( you listen ) to the radio every day ?


    7. My sister and I ( go ) to the cinema on Fridays .


    8. Ali and Ahmed ( not play ) tennis .


    9. I ( be ) in primary two .

    10. It ( rain ) in winter .

    ..11. They always ( get ) the full marks .


    12. He ( study ) his lessons in the afternoon .


    13. ( he wash ) his hands before eating ?...

    14. We don't like ( watch ) TV. in the evening .

    ....15. Sally ( pass ) the exam .


    16. Bees ( make ) honey .


    17. Tom ( have ) green eyes .


    18. Bill and Jane ( hurry ) to school every day ..

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    19. They ( be not ) happy ..

    20. Sometimes , Clair and I ( dress ) our dolls .


    21. Sally ( not like play ) with a ball .

    ..22. My mum and Dad like ( have ) a new car .


    23. . you like ( sleep ) early ?


    24. I ( not like ) sweeping the floor ...

    25. He ( like talk ) in English .

    V- Change into negative :

    1. We wear our gloves in summer .

    2. She lives in a small house .

    3. Adam goes to the club everyday .

    4. Sally and Andy watch cartoon on Thursdays .


    5. Ann brushes her teeth three times a day .

    .6. I do my homework in the evening .


    7. My father has an old car .

    8. Peter flies his kite .


    9. Tom and Jerry like each other .

    10. The swimming pool opens at 9 o'clock .

    11. You have a new camera .


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    12. The baby cries at night ..

    13. We like eating pizza .


    14. My cat likes drinking milk .

    .15. Sally likes her dog .


    VII Form Questions :

    1. They watch TV. everyday .

    2. Mum works in a hospital .


    3. No , monkeys don't live in rivers .


    4. Yes , we pass the exam .


    5. She doesn't eat chicken ..

    6. Ann goes to bed early ..

    7. No , he doesn't drive a car .


    8. Sue doesn't have any brothers .

    .....9. Yes , the baby cries .


    10. Yes , I like swimming .

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    Sample Test ( 2 )

    I- Use of English

    1- Match

    A B

    1. Be quiet ! Dad ( ) at 10 o'clock .

    2. We like ( ) down the hill .

    3. A cat can climb ( ) is working

    4. Susan sleeps ( ) riding camels .

    ( ) up trees .

    2- Supply the missing letters :

    b d

    the .. c

    3- Underline the correct word( s ) in brackets :

    1. Mona ( don't play play never plays ) basketball .

    2. I don't like ( draw drawing draws ) pictures .

    3. We visit our grandma ( in at on ) Saturday .

    4. My sister doesn't ( drive write ride ) a bike to school .

    5. ( When What Where ) 's the matter ?

    6. He stamps his ( feet hands eyes ).

    7. Andy ( has have is having ) dinner now .

    8. She puts socks ( on in at ) her feet .

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    II- Reading comprehension :

    Read and mark ( ) or ( x ) :

    I'm Mary . I get up at 7 o'clock in the morning . I wash my face , then , I

    get dressed . After having breakfast , I brush my teeth . I say goodbye to my mother

    and go to school on foot .

    1. Mary's day starts at 7 o'clock in the morning . ( )

    2. Mary brushes her teeth before eating . ( )3. Mary says goodbye to her mother . ( )

    4. Mary's school is far . ( )III- Pictorial composition

    Look at the pictures and write the missing parts :

    I can see a bee on the . I can . a big tall tree.

    Jump and . your feet . He creeps .. and sleeps .

    VI- Complete the following sentences :

    1. It is Monday morning and Lisa is at Heathrow. ..

    2., a young woman is waiting for Lisa.3.Diana is Lisas .

    4.Diana loves .V- Handwriting

    Don't put all your eggs in one basket .

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    Unit ( 3 )

    New Vocabulary :

    sports club : A place where people gathered to play different sports and

    physical activities . ex : I play football in Al shams sports club .

    wave machine : It's a machine for moving the water continuously in the

    swimming pool.sports hall : A large room used for playing sports .

    team : A number of people who do something together as a group .

    climbing : To go up towards the top of ( hill , stairs ,..)

    quite : not very .

    ex : He is quite good . He doesn't study very well .helmet : A hat used to protect the head .

    popular : enjoyable - well liked

    pitch : special football play ground .

    exciting ( adj ) : ex : I like reading exciting stories .

    courts : special tennis play ground .

    track running : piece of ground with special surface for people , cars .etc.

    race : A competition between people to which one is faster orfastest .ex: Shall we have a race to the end of the beach ?

    ocker : A small cupboard can be locked where you can leave your clothes ,

    bags while you play a sport .games room :

    karate :

    water slide :


    rope :dangerous safe :great : very big

    changing room

    climbing wallnside out side

    flute / skates / cube / tube / bone

    Structure :-

    The apostrophe : We cross out the letter or letters and then put in the apostrophe

    e.g. It is It's

    They are They're

    I am I'm

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    Re-arrange :

    1. have great We got teachers .

    2. basket ball play We the in hall sports .

    3. There teams for are basketball girls boys and .

    4. players are some tall and are Some fast.

    5. We helmets in wear climbing and ropes have .

    6. popular Karate very is a sport .

    7. tennis courts lights are in There the .

    8. races big There in the are running track .

    9. chess People can in play the games room .

    10. There lockers in changing room are the .

    II- Choose :-

    1. [The climbing wall The swimming pool The football pitch ]

    has got a wave machine .

    2. We play [ basket ball chess cards ] in the sports hall .

    3. We wear helmets and we have ropes when we practice [ karate climbing

    tennis ] .

    4. Karate is a [ sport game team ] .

    5. There are lights so we can play in the [ tennis racquets tennis courts library ]

    6. Lots of people like to run in the [changing room running track games room ] .

    7. People can play [ tennis chess videos ] in the games room .

    8. There are lockers in the [the changing room swimming pool sports Hall ].

    9. Not everyone [ like likes is liking ] sports .

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    10. Playing with snakes is [ safe dangerous big ] .

    11. It never [ rain rains raining ] in summer .

    12. Aly [ doesn't like don't like likes ] basketball . He [ playing plays Play ]

    it twice a week .13. They [ doesn't don't aren't ] like [ playing climbing

    riding ] mountains.

    14. [ He They I ] likes [ eats eating eat ] ice-cream .

    III- Fill in the blanks with the following words :-

    great The swimming pool sports hall teams karate chess .

    1. . has got a wave machine .

    2. People play the games room .

    3. The sports club is

    4. The children play basketball in .

    5. .. is a very popular sport .

    IV- Do as shown between brackets :1. A place where people can play tennis . [ Give one word ]

    2. Yes , he likes football . [ Ask a question ]


    3. The elephant is slow , but the horse is . [ Write the opposite ]4. Polly zooms on her .. [ Complete ]

    5. Meg helps her friends . [ Change into negative ]

    6. london is an exciting city [ Punctuate ]


    7. We can swim in our new swimming pool super water slide .

    [ Put a preposition]

    8. I fly my kite . [ Begin the sentences using " She " ]


    9. It's a sports club . [ Change into plural ].

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    10. Noha like swim in the sea . [ Correct the sentence ].

    11. Khaled wears a skirts . [ Use never ]


    12. My brother sleeps in class . [ Negative ]

    Sample exam on unit ( 3 )

    I- Match

    A B

    1. Tennis ( ) in a running track .

    2. People run ( ) a day in the week .

    3. Climbing ( ) is very popular .

    4. Monday is ( ) looks dangerous .

    ( ) I am running .

    II- Supply the missing letters :

    u s..


    II- Choose

    1. I [ has have are ] got a football .

    2. Keith [ likes like liking ] climbing .

    3. The word " bee " sounds like [ bone room tree ].

    4. Nina [ am are is ] eating a cake .5. There are [ races lockers chess ] in the changing room.

    6. There's a running track [ on in next ] to the club .7. Can you sing a [ song name letter ] ?

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    8. [ Who How When ] do you come to the club ? by car .

    III- Comprehension :-

    Today is Noha's birthday . She's seven . She gets up early this day because

    she's having a birthday party . Her friends are coming to her . They 're going to eat,

    drink and play . They are going to stay with her till ten o'clock .

    Put ( ) or ( x )

    1. Noha 's birthday is today . ( )

    2. Noha invited her friends to her birthday party . ( )

    3. She gets up late . ( )4. All the children are going to eat only . ( )

    IV- Pictorial composition :

    Look at the picture and then supply the missing parts :-

    We go to a sports .. The swimming pool 's got a .

    .. looks dangerous . We 've got a football ..

    VI- Complete the following sentences :

    1-1. The view is 2-The other finalist are waiting in the ..3-Lisas hobby is .4-Lisa can see some Serpentine Lake.

    V- Handwriting

    We like many sports like football , tennis and running .

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  • 8/2/2019 Revisions MidExam 2Prim E Term1



    New Vocabulary :

    blind : not able to see

    deaf : not able to hear

    feel ; To touch something with your fingers to see what it's like .nasty ; not pleasant to see , taste , smell

    soft : Feeling smooth and pleasant .

    quiet : having or making very little noise .

    Ex ; He has a quiet voise , I can't hear him .

    ugly : Unpleasant to look at .

    The adjectives :

    soft # hard

    Ex : The rabbit feels soft but the chair feel hard .

    hot # cold

    Ex : Don't touch this glass , it is not cold , it is hot .

    oud # quiet

    Ex : He doesn't like the loud sounds , he is a quiet boy

    beautiful # ugly

    Ex : Look at this flower they are beautiful ,but the rubbish looks ugly

    nice # nasty , bad

    Ex : The food smells nice ,but the smoke smells nasty ( bad ).

    sweet # sour

    Ex : The apples are sweet but the lemons are sour

    Day time # night time

    Ex : We go to school in the day time but we sleep in the night time

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    New Structure :

    I- Object pronouns :






















    Ex : I have a book . This is my book . Give it to me .He has a new bike . This is his bike . Give it to him .

    They live in this house . This is their house . I can visit them there .

    She has a beautiful doll . This is her new doll . Give it to her .

    We go to this club . This is our club . You can see us train there .

    II-Forming Questions :

    Yes / No question Wh. question

    helping V + subj. When / what / where .

    a) am / is / are Question word + helping v + subj.

    ex: Is the doll under the table ? a. Who is used to ask about people .

    Yes , it is / No, it isn't . Ex : Who is playing football ? Tom

    b. What is used to ask about things.

    b) Can Ex : What is this ? It is a car .

    ex: Can you jump ? c. When is used to ask about time

    Yes , I can / No, I can't Ex :When is your birthday ? It's in June

    d. Where is used to ask about place

    c) Do / Does . Ex : Where is my book ? It's on the desk .Do / Does + sub + main verb e. How many is used to ask about number

    Ex : Does she wash her face in the morning . Ex : How many balls are in the box ?Yes , she does / No, she doesn't They 're 8 balls

    Do you have any brothers ? f. Whose is used to ask about possessionYes , I do / No , I don't Ex : Whose book is this ? It's Tom's

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    Remember :

    - In a question : Start with a capital letter and end with a question mark ( ? )

    - In the answer: Start with a capital letter and end with a full stop ( . )

    Question word + helping verb + subject + main verb

    Re- arrange :1. Can you and touch feel hands your with ?


    2. some and Some sounds loud are are quiet .


    3. you taste Can apple the ?...

    4. we In daytime can of - things see lats .


    5. nice flowers smell .


    6. is what he touching ?


    7. Ahmed the feels rain ....

    8. has family My picnic a the by river ....

    9. What she can hear ?


    10. The looks monster ugly .

    ...Dialogue :-

    Jane : What are the children learning ?Jill : ..English .

    Jane : .?

    Jill : Ned is reading a story .

    Jane : What does the ice cream taste ?

    Jill :

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    Choose :

    1. some things are soft and some are [ hard hot loud ]

    2. I can't touch the [ kitten fire horse ] .

    3. Everyone can [ touch hear taste ] music .

    4. Dirty socks smell [ nice ugly bad ] .

    5. The butterfly is [ beautiful bad loud ] .

    6. Where's Ben ? I can't see [ her him them ] .

    7. I smell a [ snail rain drain ] .

    8. The children are [ having have has ] a picnic .

    9. Be [ quiet noisy quite] your father is sleeping .

    10. Today is a nice [ everyday day yesterday ] .

    11. Lemons are [ nasty sour sweet ] .

    12. Oh ! he is deaf . His [ eyes ears tongue ] aren't well .

    13. I can't touch the [ apples rainbow desks ]

    14. This picture is not ugly .It is [nasty beautiful hard ]

    15. Where are the cats ? I can't see [ him them her] .

    16. This question is difficult I can't answer [ him her it them ] .

    17. I have two sisters . I like [ her him them ] very much .

    18. Maged is a bad boy .Don't play with [ her him he ]

    Fill in the blanks :cold delicious tail hot hearing

    1. The food is .

    2. Some things are cold and some are

    3. I can see the cat's ..

    4. This river is ..

    5. . is one of the five senses .

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    Do as shown between brackets :

    1. Sara is watching TV. Now . [ Change into negative ]


    2. I'm going to .. some cakes . [ Fill in the space ]

    3.They ( read ) the newspaper everyday. [ Correct the verb ]

    4. i can see hoda in the picture . [ Punctuate ]


    5. is the boy doing ? He is singing . [ Use a question word ]

    6. There is a horse in the picture . [ Change into plural ]


    7. You can smell ..your nose . [ Put a preposition ]

    8. Their books are on the desks . [ Change into singular ]


    9. Listen ! That's a bird . I can it [ Fill in the space ]

    10. He ( not help ) his mum at weekends . [ Correct ]

    ..11. He can't see . He is [ Give one word ]

    12. The dogs have good sense of [ One of the five senses ]

    13. The books are dirty I can't touch .. [ Objective pronoun ]

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    Sample exam on unit ( 4 )

    I- Match

    A B

    1. The kitten's body ( ) sings beautifully .

    2. The bird ( ) smells bad .

    3. Smoke ( ) has different colours

    4. The rainbow ( ) are hot .

    ( ) is soft .II. Supply the missing letters:

    t p..

    p.. d..

    II- Choose :

    1. She eats [ some an a ] apple .

    2. [ Do Does Did ] you have any potatoes ?3. I like these pears , they 're [ bad beautiful delicious ] .

    4. I can [ count point walk ] to one hundred .

    5. The children play games in the [ pond playground pool ]

    6. We use our ears to [ see hear taste ] .

    7. The tree is beautiful while the monster is [ ugly pretty nice ] .8. He is [ eating looking smelling ] a cake .

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    III- Comprehension :

    Read the following passage then put ( ) or ( x ) :

    Paul is a shop keeper . He has a big shop . Paul gets up at 8 o'clock in the morning

    He has some tea . Then he goes to his shop by taxi . Paul doesn't go to his shop on

    Sundays . He likes watching TV and reading .

    1. Paul has a big caf . [ ]

    2. Paul doesn't have anything before he goes to work . [ ]

    3. Paul doesn't go to his shop on Sundays . [ ]

    4.Paul likes watching TV only . [ ]

    IV. Pictorial Composition ;-

    VI- Complete the following sentences :1. Lisa and Diana are in the hotel .. .2.Diana is introducing Lisa to the other .. .3.Lisa is shy. She is holding .4.Nadias hobby is . , too.

    VI. Handwriting :

    A puppy needs a garden to have walks .

    Two boys are on the I can a boy on a horse

    .. cows are there ?

    There are three cows .

    He now

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    Unit ( 5 )

    Vocabulary :

    - to take a stick : to carry and hold a thin branch like a long ruler used for

    pointing or beating .

    - sometimes : from time to time .

    - teach the lion : to give order to the lion to jump , move etc . .- to have breakfast : to eat the food allowed in the morning like : eggs , cheese ,

    jam and bread .

    - lunch : the food eaten in the afternoon

    - dinner : the food eaten in the evening .

    - lots of fun : lots of enjoyment .- it's homework time : ex : It's time for doing home work .

    - sleepy head : asleep .

    Prepositions :

    Listen to sound of get out of go to walk to at seven o'clock stop at

    It's time for play with take to learn to at school get up jump out of

    n the morning in the afternoon in the evening wake up .

    Examples :

    1. He gets out of his bed at seven o'clock .

    2. They listen to some music in the evening .

    3. I can't walk to school so I take a bus .

    4. The children are playing with their new cat .

    5. She sometimes goes to the club in the morning .

    6. When I am late in the morning , Ijump out of my bed .

    7. I don't have my lunch at home . I have it at work .8. Would you like to have some tea ?

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    1- Rearrange the following to make sentences : -

    1) gets at Tom out seven of bed


    2) of and has breakfast jam He bread his.

    3) all sing play They and songs games

    4) the learn read Do write and to children ?

    5) time it's It's nine for past is half bed .

    .6) sleep all Does day Mobi long ?


    7) does her stops She at home work nine and .


    8) not walk to do school we .


    9) can jump I and hop, - dance ..

    10) Jack to play till quarter Sam four and .

    .11) sleepy Little is head Tom a .


    12) does or read at Hisham school not write .


    2- Choose the right word from between the brackets :-

    1. Ali walks (at to for ) school .

    2. He is sometimes ( gate late date ) .

    3. Miss Sally ( teach teaches teaching ) us English .

    4. ( Do Does Is ) they play football ?

    5. I have lunch at quarter ( to at in ) three .

    6. Tilly ( play plays playing ) tennis and ( reading read reads )

    books .

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    5- Change into negative : -

    1. Dalia goes home early .


    2. They watch TV all night ..

    3. We do our homework ...

    4. Sam is walking to school .


    5. Yes , She does .

    6. He does his homework very quickly .

    6- Make questions :

    1) .?

    Yes , I play tennis and basketball .

    2) ..?

    No , Ali doesn't speak English .

    3) ..?The pencil is under the book .

    4) ?Yes , they are swimming .

    5) . ?

    I am drawing a picture .

    6) ..?

    I can smell this flower .7- Punctuation :-

    1) do tilly and nina play with their friends

    ..2) no they don t


    3) i do my homework play football and watch t v


    4) where is ben and jack


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    8- Put the hands of the clock

    It's three o'clock. It's quarter past ten. It's half past twelve.

    It's quarter to two. It's eleven o'clock. It's quarter past one .

    It's quarter past four. It's half past eight. It's quarter to six.

    9) Write the time under the clock :

    1211 1

    10 29 3

    8 4

    7 56

    1211 1

    10 2

    9 3

    8 4

    7 56

    1211 1

    10 2

    9 3

    8 4

    7 56

    1211 1

    10 2

    9 3

    8 4

    7 56

    1211 1

    10 2

    9 3

    8 4

    7 56

    1211 1

    10 2

    9 3

    8 4

    7 56

    1211 1

    10 2

    9 3

    8 4

    7 56

    1211 1

    10 2

    9 3

    8 4

    7 5


    1211 1

    10 2

    9 3

    8 4

    7 56

  • 8/2/2019 Revisions MidExam 2Prim E Term1



    . .

    . ..

    .. ..

    1211 1

    10 2

    9 3

    8 4

    7 56

    1211 1

    10 2

    9 3

    8 4

    7 56

    1211 1

    10 2

    9 38 4

    7 56

    1211 1

    10 2

    9 38 4

    7 56

    1211 1

    10 2

    9 38 4

    7 56

    1211 1

    10 2

    9 3

    8 4

    7 56

    1211 1

    10 2

    9 3

    8 4

    7 56

    1211 1

    10 2

    9 3

    8 4

    7 56

    1211 1

    10 2

    9 38 4

    7 56

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    Sample Test 5

    I- Use of English :

    1. Match :-

    A B

    1. Ben watches TV2. It's time3. I have4. Does Sam do

    [ ]

    [ ]

    [ ]

    [ ]

    a. lunch at seven o'clockb. for lunchc. his homeworkd. in the eveninge. play tennis

    2. Supply the missing letters :-

    p r

    c t.

    3. Underline the correct word ( s ) in brackets :1. It's ( lot lots some ) of fun .

    2. He ( study studying studies ) his lessons .

    3. (Do - Does Have ) jack and Dan swim in the sea ?

    4. It's quarter ( past half last ) four .

    5. I take pencils (for at to ) school .

    6. ( Is Are Does ) he eating his breakfast ?

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    7. I can draw ( at for to) school .

    8. Does he sleep early . yes he ( does doesn't do ) .

    II. Reading Comprehension :-

    Read and mark ( ) or ( x ) :-

    Mazen is at El Nozha language school . He gets up at quarter to seven . He goes

    to school by car . Mazen likes his homework . He goes to bed at nine o'clock . He never

    goes to bed late .

    1. Mazen doesn't like to do his homework . [ ]

    2. Mazen goes to bed very late . [ ]

    3. He goes to school on foot . [ ]

    4. Mazen is 30 years old . [ ]

    III- Pictorial composition :

    Look at the pictures and write the missing parts :-

    . can .. trees. They are sitting the tree

    Some students are sitting in is sleeping.

    their .

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    VI- Complete the following sentences

    1-Lisa is .2-Lisa is ..on one of the lions.3-The children are .the pigeons.4- Nadia is ..a picture for Lisa.

    V- Handwriting :

    He plays tennis , basketball and football .

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    Unit ( 6 )

    Vocabulary :

    farm helper : the person who helps the farmer .

    Butter Milk Farm : ex : I like Butter milk Farm .

    visit : ex : I visit my uncle every week .

    busy : not free I can't go to the club today because I'm busy .

    colouring pictures : picture you can colour at the art room .

    unch : is a meal that you can have it between breakfast and dinner .

    other helpers : people who helps the farmer .

    feed : to give food to a person or an animal .

    comb : to tidy your hair with a comb .

    chickens : ex : In the farm , there are some chickens .

    sheep : ex :My grandfather has lots of sheep on his farm .

    et's go : ex : let's go to the cinema .

    bit scared : a little bit afraid .

    dairy : a place where milk is kept & foods are made from milk .

    ex : We make butter and cheese in the dairy .make butter : we make butter from milk .

    feeding time : is the time to feed the animals .

    drive : ex : My father drives his car slowly .

    again : ex : I want to travel to Alex. again .

    ove : ex : I love my parents very much .

    city :ex : Cairo is a big city .

    job : ex : My father's job is a doctor .

    teacher : the person who teaches pupils .

    country : ex : Egypt is a beautiful country .

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    Prepositions : -

    On a farm work at on Sundays drive to start at in the city learn about from

    sunshine school for children- look after time to go at school at home find out

    on the road in the sky in the park in the sea .

    Where do they work ?

    - Meg is a teacher . She works at school .

    - Jim is a cook . He works at hotel .

    - Anna is a doctor . She works at a hospital .

    - Tom is a waiter . He works at a caf

    - Linda is a nurse . She works at a hospital .

    - Kit is a farm helper . She works on a farm .

    - John is a farmer . He works on a farm .

    Questions :

    Remember : " How often " asks about frequency

    - How often do you go to the club ?

    I go to the club once a week . I usually go to the club

    Re arrange the following to make sentences :

    1. children visit of Farm Lots Butter milk .


    2. other after the animals look helpers The .


    3. Laila work do and Where Salwa ?.

    4. feeds and the He combs the cows horses .


    5. do on Fridays We school go not to .


    6. in a Who hotel works ?.

    7. home kit evening drives the again In ..

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    8. often does work How Jack ?.

    9. are from schools The very children nice El Nozha .


    10. is her doctor loves Liz and job a she .

    .11. making the John butter Farmer is dairy in .


    12. boots for are lunch Here children the and .


    Choose the right word from between the brackets :

    1. Kit is a farm ( helper teacher nurse )

    2. Linda works (at in on ) Butter milk farm .

    3. The children go to the ( daily dairy fairy ).

    4. Sam has a lot of work to do . He is very ( happy busy beautiful ) .

    5. He is a ( cook doctor teacher ) . He works at a hotel .

    6. The children learn ( to about for ) animals from science .

    7. ( When Where What ) does he work ? He works at a caf

    8. Now , it's ( play plays playing ) time .

    9. I didn't go to school ( two twice three ) a week .

    10. ( Who What Which ) days of the week does he work ?

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    Dan : Hello ! Ben

    Ben : ...

    Dan ....?

    Ben : I am a doctor .

    Dan : Where do you work ?

    Ben : ..

    Dan : Which days of the week does you go to work ?

    Ben :.

    Dan : When do you go to work ?

    Ben :

    Dan : ?

    Ben : Yes , I love my work very much .

    Do as shown between brackets :

    1.. [ Form a question ]

    He is a waiter .

    2. They go to the zoo . [ Change into negative ]


    3. Dalia is ( play ) with her friends . [ Correct the verb ]


    4. When do you get up ? [ Answer the question ]morning .

    5. Do you play computer games ? [ Answer yes / No question]


    Form questions :

    1. .?

    He works at a hotel .2?

    She is a doctor .3?

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    They work six days a week .4.?

    Jane works at a school .5?

    Sam goes to work at eight o'clock .

    Fill in the blanks :

    1. He works at a hotel . He is a .

    2. Amy works at school . She is a

    3. Jack works at a .. . He is a waiter .

    4. Sue works at a .. she is a nurse .

    5. Mike is a . He cures the patients .

    6. Kit helps the farmer . She is a

    Punctuation :

    1. nadir is a student at el nozha language school


    2. does susan go to work on fridays and saturdays

    3. he goes to london paris and america

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    Sample Test 6

    Use of English

    1. Match

    A B

    1. kit works ( ) a hospital .

    2. Look at all ( ) these apples .3. The teacher doesn't work . ( ) bit scared .

    4. Sam is a ( ) six days a week .

    ( ) on the farm .

    2- Supply the missing letters :

    c f

    s. c..

    3- Underline the correct word( s ) in brackets :

    1. ( Where Who What ) is his job ? He is a cook .

    2. I live ( on at in ) the city .

    3. I get some presents ( of to for ) the children .

    4. Dan feeds the cows and ( comb combing combs ) the horses .

    5. John works six days ( a in an ) week .

    6. ( when where what ) does he have his tea ? at five o'clock .

    7. ( lets lets' let's ) go and see our friends .

    8. ( what who how ) works at a hotel ? Ahmed .

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    II- Reading Comprehension :-

    Read and mark ( ) or ( x ) :

    Susan is a teacher . She works at a school . She loves her job very much . Her

    brother Jack is a waiter in a caf . He works six days a week . He doesn't like his job .

    1. John doesn't like to be a waiter . ( )2. Susan is a teacher . ( )

    3. Susan's brother works at school . ( )4. John works seven days a week . ( )

    III- Pictorial composition :

    Look at the pictures and write the missing parts :

    .. lives in trees . .. . can zoom.

    This is . . It's a football .

    VI- Complete the following sentences :

    1-A Beefeater is .at the children.2-The Beefeaters are at the children.3-Some children are .pictures of a Beefeater.4-Diana is ..the children the Crown jewels.

    V- Handwriting :

    Mark is a cook in a hotel .

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    Unit ( 7 )

    Places Countries Capital cities

    The Eiffel Tower France Paris

    The oriental pearl T.V Tower China Shanghai

    Ostankino Tower Russia Moscow

    Gherkin England London

    The great light house of Alexandria Egypt Alexandria

    Big Ben England London

    Vocabulary :

    Famous : very well known .

    Tower : a tall narrow building

    Country : An area of land such as Egypt .

    City : a place in which there are many houses , shops It is bigger thana town .

    Building : a structure with walls and roof such as a house or a school .

    Dangerous : The possibility of harm to some one or something unpleasanthappening .

    all over the world : a lot of different places in the world .

    signal : an action / movement or sound which gives information , a

    message , a warning or an order .

    eight sided : combining form of eight parts .

    Views : What you can see from a particular place .

    Fantastic : very good , imaginary and strange .

    Visitors : people who go to visit places .

    Level : position / standard .

    Roman : were the people who lived in Rome .

    Balcony : a place or area of seats at an upper level of a building .

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    Lift : A box that moves up and down carrying people or goods fromone floor of a building to another .

    Sentence building :

    Prepositions of place :

    in - on next to behind at under1. The boy is sitting .................. the tree .

    2. The picture of the light house were ................. coins .

    Grammar Structure :

    Past Tense

    1) The meaning : To describe something which happened in the past

    e.g. I was ill yesterday

    They were late for school last Sunday

    He was short whenhe was young

    Key words : Last yesterday ago in the past .

    The form :

    The main verb

    1. Verb to beI He she it We they you

    The past form

    The negative form

    Short form

    The question form


    Was not


    Were you ...... ?


    Was not


    Was he / she / it


    Were not


    Were you / they..?

    Correct the verbs : -

    1. ( Be ) Aunt Meg and Freddy at the tower ?

    2. The Tower (be ) small .


    3. Sam and Tilly ( be ) at the top of the Tower .

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    4. There ( be ) a balcony at the top of the Tower ...

    5. The light house ( be ) in Egypt .

    6. The views ( be ) fantastic .

    .7. The great light house ( be ) the first .


    Country Nationality


    America ( U.S.A )









    Choose :

    1. Sam and Tilly ( was were are ) at the top of the tower .

    2. The Eiffel tower is in ( Paris Egypt London ) .

    3. The light house was on an ( island capital Alexandria ) .

    4. The island was ( fantastic dangerous famous ) for ships .

    5. There was a ( balcony mirror fire ) at the top of the tower .

    6. Moscow is the capital city of ( England Russia China ) .

    7. There ( was were is ) a place to eat on the first level .

    8. The pictures of the ( light house Eiffel tower Gherkin ) were on Roman coins

    9. Big Ben is ( on at in ) London .

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    Sample Test 7

    I-Use of English :

    1. Match:

    A B

    1. The mirror was ( ) were at the top of the tower.

    2. The Eiffel Tower ( ) is in Paris , France .

    3. Sam and Tilly ( ) is in England , London.

    4. Big Ben ( ) at the top of the tower .

    ( ) for the daytime .

    2. Supply the missing letters :

    v p. ..

    e.. x.

    3. Choose :1. There ( was were is ) a lot of people in the balcony yesterday .

    2. The pictures of the ( lighthouse Eiffel tower Gherkin ) were on Roman coins .

    3. The lighthouse ( was wasn't isn't ) in Paris .

    4. The ship is sailing ( in on next to ) the island .

    5. The Eiffel Tower is ( in on at ) Paris .6. Don't lean out of the ( balcony bike chair ) .You can fall.

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    7. The views were ( dangerous fantastic high ) .

    8. ( Who Where When ) was the balcony of the tower ?

    II) Reading Comprehension :

    Read & mark ( ) or ( x ) :The TV tower is in Tony Town. It is a tall white building . At the bottom,

    there are some shops . The restaurant is at the top of the building . You can get to the

    top by the lift . You can see the whole city from the balcony of the tower .

    1. The TV Tower is in Tony city . ( )

    2. The shops are at the bottom of the building . ( )

    3. The restaurant is at the top of the building . ( )

    4. You can see the lift from the balcony of the tower . ( )

    III) Pictorial Composition :

    Look at the pictures and complete the missing parts :

    She is looking at . He is..the radio

    I can see ..on my What's his job ?Uncle's farm He . .

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    Model Answer on unit 1

    Rearrange :

    1. Please come to my birthday party .

    2. Billy's mum is making a cake in the kitchen .

    3. Billy is making a birthday present for his friend .4. She has got scissors for cutting .

    5. Mum's cake smells delicious .

    6. Billy is throwing the balloon to mum .

    7. Sarah is Billy's friend .

    8. I 'm stretching very tall .9. I can see a bee on the flower .

    10. I can jump and stamp my feet .

    11. We put socks on our feet .

    12. I hope your party is great .

    13. Who is that at the door ?

    14. Polly the parrot is sitting on Sam's shoulder .

    Underline the correct words in brackets ;

    1. come 2. on 3. at 4. making 5. for 6. scissors

    7. a mess 8. food 9. up 10. with 11. bursting 12. crayons13. low one 14. climb 15. has got 16. doing ? 17. are

    18. am cleaning 19. watching 20. now

    Correct the verbs between brackets

    1. is singing 2. am cutting 3. is snowing 4. are eating5. is watching 6. is lying 7. are living 8. is talking

    9. is sleeping 10. are crying 11. is playing

    12. are swimming 13. am fixing 14. is trying 15. are riding

    Change into negative :

    1. am not eating 2. are not drawing 3. is not writing

    4. are not having 5. are not swimming 6. is not cooking

    7. is not reading 8. are not playing 9. are not lying

    10. is not cutting

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    Form questions :

    1. Is he running for the bus ? 2. Are you playing basket ball ?

    3. What are the birds doing ? 4. Are we having Math ?

    5. What is dad washing ? 6. Is it raining now ?7. Where are you going now ? 8. Are we watching T.V ?

    9. Where is Fred sleeping ? 10. What is Sue carrying ?

    Complete the following dialogue :

    Mum : What are you doing , Billy ?

    Billy : I'm making a present for Sara's birthday .

    Mum : It's very nice . When is her birthday ?

    Billy : It's on Friday

    Mum : Is she having a big party .?

    Billy : Yes , she is having a big party .

    Sample test on unit ( 1 )

    Match :

    1. c 2. a 3. e 4. bSupply the missing letter :

    Under line the correct words in brackets :

    1. has got 2. in 3. having 4. write5. are 6. am 7. Tom's 8. at

    Reading comprehension

    1. 2. x 3. x 4.

    Pictorial composition :

    Billy is cutting a paper Billy is blowing up a balloonBilly isthrowing the balloon The balloon is bursting .

    Model Answer on unit 2

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    Exercises :

    1. I love the city but my mum does not .

    2. The noisy is too noisy and too hot .

    3. Listen to the sounds of traffic in the city .4. Do you like the fast car or the slow car ?

    5. The bus comes in a cloud of dust .6. A rocket can zoom and fly to the moon .

    7. There are lots of people in the street .

    8. Nina is reading a letter from her father .

    9. A picture is missing from the city museum .

    10. Ben doesn't like the crowds of people .

    II- Underline the correct words :

    1. love 2. they 3. watches 4. don't 5. flying

    6. don't 7. does 8. does 9. riding 10. like

    11. everyday 12. two 13. to 14. too 15. too

    16. out of 17. an adjective 18. old 19. quiet 20 carries

    III- Fill in the blanks :

    city car buses shouting talking like smelly too .

    IV- Correct the verbs :

    1. reading 2. buys 3. eat 4. doesn't like

    5. fixes 6. Do you listen 7. go 8. don't play

    9. am 10. rains 11.get 12. studies

    13. Does he wash 14. watching 15. passes 16. make17. has 18. has 19. are not 20. dress

    V- Change into negative :1. don't wear . 2. doesn't live 3. doesn't go

    4. don't watch 5. doesn't brush 6. don't do

    7. doesn't have 8. doesn't fly 9. don't like

    10. doesn't open 11. don't have 12. doesn't cry

    VI- Make questions :

    1. What do they watch ?2. Where does Mum work ?

    3. Do monkeys live in rivers ?

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    4. Do you pass the exam ?5. Dos she eat chicken ?

    6. When does Ann go to bed ?

    7. Does he drive a car ?8. Who doesn't have any brothers ?

    9. Does the baby cry /10. Do you like swimming ?

    Sample test 2


    1. c 2.d 3.e 4.a

    Supply the missing letters :

    Under line the correct word(s) in brackets :

    1. never plays 2. drawer 3. on 4. ride5. what 6. feet 7. is having 8. in

    Reading comprehension :1. 2. x 3. 4. x

    Model Answer of the unit 3

    Re-arrange :

    1. We have got great teachers

    2.We play basketball in the sports hall .3. There are basketball teams for boys and girls .

    4. Some player are fast and some are tall .

    5. We were helmets and we have ropes in climbing

    6. Karate is a very popular sport .

    7. There are lights in the tennis courts .

    8. There are races in the big running track .

    9. People can play chess in the games room .10. There are lookers in the changing room .

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    1. The swimming pool 2. basketball 3. climbing

    4. sports 5. Tennis courts 6. running track

    7. chess 8. the changing room 9. likes10. dangerous 11. rains 12. likes plays

    13. don't climbing 14. he eating

    Fill in the blanks :

    1. The swimming pool 2. chess 3. great

    4. sports hall 5. Karate

    Do as shown :

    1. Tennis court 2. Does he like football ? 3. fast

    4. skates 5. Meg doesn't help her friends

    7. with 8. She flies her kite

    9. They are sports clubs 10. Noha likes swimming in the sea .

    11. Kaled never wears a skirt . 12. My brother doesn't sleep in class .

    Sample exam


    1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b



    1. have 2. likes 3 .tree 4. is 5. lookers

    6. next 7. song 8. how

    Comprehension :

    1. 2. 3. x 4. x


    1. club 2. waterslide 3. climbing 4. Team pitch

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    Model Answer of the unit 4


    1. Can you feel and touch with your hands ?

    2. Some sounds are loud and some sounds are quiet .

    3. Can you taste the apples ?

    4. In the day time we can see things .5. Flowers smell nice .

    6. What is he touching .7. Ahmed feels the rain .

    8. My family has a picnic by the river

    9. What can she her ?10. The monster looks ugly .

    Dialogue :-

    Jane : What are the children learning ?

    Jill : They are learning English .

    Jane : What is Ned reading .?

    Jill : Ned is reading a story .

    Jane : What does the ice cream taste ?

    Jill : It taste nice .

    Choose :

    1. hard 2. fire 3. hear 4. bad 5. beautiful

    6. him 7. drain 8. having 9. quiet 10.day11. sour 12. ears 13. rainbow 14. beautiful

    15. them 16. it 17. them 18. him

    Fill in the blanks :

    1. delicious 2. hot 3. tail 4. cold 5. hearing

    Do as shown :

    1. Becky is not going to take her camera .2. have eat 3. read

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    4. I can see Hoda in the picture 5. what6. There are horses in the pictures .

    7. with 8. His / her Boos is on the desk

    9.hear 10. doesn't help 11. Blind12. smelling 13. them

    Sample exam


    1. e 2. a 3.b 4.c

    Choose :

    1. an 2. Do 3. delicious 4. count

    5. Playground 6. hear 7. ugly 8. eating

    Comprehension :

    1. shop 2. tea 3. Sundays 4. watching T.V

    Pictorial :

    1. swing 2. can see / can draw

    3. How many 4. is playing

    Model Answer of the unit 5

    I- Rearrange the following to make sentences ;-

    1. Tom gets out of bed at seven .

    2. He has his breakfast of bread and Jam .

    3. They all sing songs and play games .4. Do the children learn to read and write ?

    5. It's half past nine , it's time for bed .

    6. Does Mobi sleep all day long ?

    7. She does her homework and stops at nine .

    8. No , we don't walk to school .

    9. I can hop , jump and dance .

    10. Sam and Jack play till quarter to four .11. Tom is a little sleepy head .

    12. Hesham does not read or write at school .

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    II- Choose the right word from between the brackets :-

    1. to 2. late 3. teaches 4. Do 5. to

    6. plays reads 7. of 8. Does out 9. watching 10. for

    III- Dialogue :Mona : Hello ! Soha

    Soha : Hello ! Mona .

    Mona : When do you get up ?

    Soha : I get up at seven .

    Mona : What do you have for breakfast ?

    Soha : Jam and bread.

    Mona : Do you read and write ?

    Soha : Yes , I do . I read and write

    IV- Correct the verb :

    1. am singing 2. Does 3. has 4. watches

    5. is doing 6. reading

    V- Change into negative :

    1. Dalia doesn't go home early .

    2. They don't watch T.V all night .3. We don't do our homework .

    4. Sam is not walking to school

    5. Yes , she does .6. He doesn't do his homework very quickly .

    Make questions :

    1. Do you play tennis and basketball ?

    2. Does Ali speak English ?

    3. Where is the pencil ?

    4. Are they swimming ?5. What are you drawing ?

    6. What can you smell ?

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    Punctuation :

    1. Do Tilly and Nina play with their friends ?

    2. Dan has a ball a car and a train .3. No , they don't .

    4. I do my homework , play football and watch T.V .5. Where is Ben and Jack .

    Write the time under the clock :

    It's quarter past five It's half past four It's quarter to ten

    It's half past one It's quarter past three It's quarter to nineIt's quarter to six It's three o'clock It's half past eight .

    Sample Test 5


    1. d 2. b 3.a 4. c

    Supply the missing letters

    Underline the correct words in brackets :

    1. lots 2. studies 3. Do 4. past 5. at

    6. Is 7. at

    Reading Comprehension :

    1. x 2.x 3.x 4.x

    Pictorial Composition :Bears can climb trees. They are sitting under the tree .

    Some students are sitting in the library . The monkey is sleeping .

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    Model answer on unit 6

    I- Rearrange :

    1. lots of children visit Butter milk Farm .

    2. The other helpers look after the animals .

    3. Where do Salwa and Laila work ?

    4. He feeds cows and combs horses .5. We don't go to school on Fridays .

    6. Who works in a hotel ?7. Ann is a bit scared from horses .

    8. In the evening , kit drives home again .

    9. How often does Jack work .10. The children from El Nozha schools are very nice .

    11. Lit is a doctor and she loves her job .

    12. Farmer John is making butter in the dairy .

    13. Here are the boots and lunch for the children .

    II- Choose :

    1. helper 2. at 3. dairy 4. busy 5. waiter

    6. about 7. where 8. playing 9. twice 10. whichIII- Dialogue :

    Dan : Hello ! Ben

    Ben : Hello ! BenDan : What are you ? or What job do you do ? or What 's your job ?

    Ben : I am a doctor .

    Dan : Where do you work ?

    Ben : I work in a hospital .

    Dan : Which days of the week does you go to work ?Ben : I go to work five days a week

    Dan : When do you go to work ?

    Ben : I go to work early in the morningDan : Do you love your work ?

    Ben : Yes , I love my work very much .

    Do as shown :

    1. What 's his job ? What job does he do ?

    2. They don't go to the Zoo .

    3. Dalia is playing with her friends .4. I get up at 6 o'clock in the morning .

    5. Yes , I do or No , I don't .

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    Make a question :

    1. Where does he work ?2. What 's her job ?3. Which days of the week do they work ?4. Who works at a school ?5. When does Sam go to work ?

    III- Fill in the blanks ;

    1. waiter 2. teacher 3. hotel 4. hospital

    5. doctor 6. farm helper

    Punctuation :

    1. Nadir is a student at El Nozha Language School .

    2. Does Susan go to work on Fridays and Saturdays .

    3. He goes to London , Paris and America .

    Sample exam 6

    Match :

    1. e 2. b 3. a 4. c


    Underline the correct word in the brackets :

    1. what 2. in 3. for 4. combs5. a 6. when 7 let's 8. who

    Comprehension :

    1. 2 3. x 4. x

    Look at the picture and write the missing parts :

    1. family 2. having / eating3. you help me 4. good for

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    Model answer on unit 7

    Correct the verbs : -

    1. Were . 2. was 3. were 4. was

    5. was 6. were 7. was

    Fill in the blanks :1. A Paris 2. Fantastic 3. next 4. at the top 5. was

    6. in

    Choose :

    1. were 2. Paris 3. Island 4. dangerous5. mirror 6. Russia 7. was 8. lighthouse

    9. in 10. Capital 11. great 12. all over

    13. tall 14. parts 15. second 16. on

    17. on 18. for 19. tall 20. floors

    21. sided

    Change into negative

    1. The lighthouse wasn't in Paris .2. Aunt Meg and Freddy weren't at the tower .

    3. Wasn't 4. Wasn't

    Do as shown :

    1. was 2. wasn't

    3. where was the balcony? Or What was at the top of the tower ?

    4. The Oriental Pearl T.V tower is in Shanghai China .5. in on

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    Sample Test 7

    Match :

    1. d 2. b 3. a 4. c



    1. were 2. lighthouse 3. wasn't 4. next to

    5. in 6. balcony 7. fantastic 8. were

    Comprehension :

    1. x 2. 3. 4. x

    Pictorial :

    1. The children watched T.V yesterday 2. Meg brushed her hair yesterday

    3. Hend listened to the radio in the past 4. She played with her toys last week .

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    Fill in blanks with the following words :

    excited short story free Sunday home

    5-Lisa is a finalist in the ..competition.6-Lisa and her parents are at 7-Lisa looks very ..8-The trip to London is ..9-The final of the competition is on

    Answer the following questions :

    1-How long does Lisa stay in London?

    2-Why does Lisa go to London?

    Chapter 2

    New Vocabulary :

    Guide = the person who shows you around.

    Exciting city = a nice big city

    Luggage = bags

    Follow me = come after me

    Main Points :

    10. It is Monday morning and Lisa is at Heathrow Airport.11. Diana, a young woman is waiting for Lisa.12. Diana is Lisas guide.13. Diana loves London.14. They go to the car park.

    Put ( T ) or ( F ) :

    1-It is Sunday and Lisa is at Heathrow Airport. ( )2-Diana is an old woman. ( )3-Diana loves London . ( )4- London is a very exciting city says Lisa. ( )

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    Answer these questions :

    1-How does Lisa go to London ?

    2-Who is waiting for Lisa at the airport?3-Who is Diana ?

    4-What is the name of the airport?

    Complete :

    1-Diana is Lisas ..2-A .woman is waiting for Lisa at .Airport.

    Chapter 3

    New Vocabulary :

    Lake = an area of water smaller than the sea.

    Photography = taking picturesHobby = something you like to do a lot

    Hotel lounge = a place in the hotel where people wait or rest.

    Main Points :

    15. Lisa and Diana are in the hotel. They are in Lisas room.Lisa is looking outof the window.

    16. They see the Hyde Park, it is very big.17.

    The view is wonderful. They can see Serpentine Lake and some boats.18. Lisas hobby is photogaphy.

    19. The other finalists are waiting in the hotel lounge.Fill in the blanks with these words :

    photogaphy Hyde hotel lounge boats wonderful

    5-The view is 6-The other finalist are waiting in the ..7-Lisas hobby is .8-Lisa can see some Serpentine Lake.9-Lisa is taking a picture of park.

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    Answer these questions :

    1-Where are Diana and Lisa?

    2-What is Serpentine?

    3-What can Lisa from the window of her hotel room?

    4-Where can Lisa see take pictures?

    5-Whats is Lisas hobby?

    6-Where must Lisa and Diana go?

    7-Where are the finalists waiting?

    Chapter 4

    New Vocabulary :

    Introducing Lisa = telling them who is Lisa

    Shy = she cant sit with a lot of people.

    Interesting exciting

    Main Points :

    20. Lisa and Diana are in the hotel lounge.21. Diana is introducing Lisa to the other finalists.22. Lisa is shy. She is holding a camera.23. Nadias hobby is photography, too.

    Put ( T ) or ( F ) :

    1-Lars and Sergio are finalist in the competition. ( )2-Lisa isnt shy. ( )3- Nadias hobby is photography. ( )4-Lisa and Nadia can take pictures together. ( )

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    Answer these questions :

    1-What is Nadias hobby?

    2-Where does Lisa meet the other finalist for the first time?3-How may finalists are there in the competition?

    4-What is Lisa holding?

    Complete these sentences :

    1-The finalists are waiting for Lisa in the ..2-.,and are finalists in the competition

    Chapter 5

    New Vocabulary :

    Tube station = the railway system under the ground in London.

    Travel = go from place to place.

    Tourist = some one who visits a place for sightseeing

    Main Points :

    24. Diana and the children are at the tube station.25. The tube is six hundred kilometers long.26. Millions of people go to different places by this station.27. People can feed the pigeons in Trafalgar Square.28. There are also four big lions there.29. Lisa is sitting on one of the lions.30. A pigeon eating from her hand. Lisa is smiling and Nadia is taking her a picture.

    Put ( T ) or ( F ) :

    1-Lisa is telling the children about the tube. ( )2-The tube is six hundred kilometers long. ( )3-People feed the pigeons in Trafalgar Square. ( )

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    4-There are five big lions in Trafalgar Square. ( )5- Nadia is smiling and Lisa is taking her a picture. ( )

    Fill in the blanks with these words :

    feeding sitting taking smiling telling

    5-Lisa is .6-Lisa is ..on one of the lions.7-The children are .the pigeons.8-Nadia is ..a picture for Lisa.

    Answer these questions :

    1-What is Diana telling the children about?

    2-How long is the tube?

    3-How many people travel on the tube everyday?

    4-Where can people feed the pigeons?

    5-What are the children taking in Trafalgar Square?

    6-How many lions are there in Trafalgar Square?

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    Chapter 6

    New Vocabulary :

    Museum = A building where people can go to see things

    Entrance = gate [ big door ]

    Strange = odd or unusual

    Guard = someone whose job is to protect a person or a place

    Expensive = cost a lot of money

    Imagines = thinks in her mind

    Main Points :

    31. Diana and the children are at the tower of London. It is nine hundred years old.32. Now it is a museum.33. At the entrance there are two men wearing funny strange clothes.34. They are the guards of the tower.35. Inside the tower of London, Diana is showing the children the crown jewels.36. They are the Queens jewels.37. They are very old, expensive and beautiful.38. Lisa imagines that she is the queen of England and that she is wearing herjewels

    Put ( T ) or ( F ) :

    1-Today is Thursday at the Tower of London. ( )2-The Tower of London is seven hundred years old. ( )3-Beefeaters are wearing clothes. ( )4-The Crown jewels are outside the Tower of London ( )5-Lisa is the queen of England. ( )6-Beefeaters are inside the Tower of London. ( )7-The children are taking pictures of the Crown jewels. ( )

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    Answer these questions :

    1-What is Diana telling the children about?

    2-Who are the beefeaters?3-How old is the Tower of London?

    4-What are the Beefeaters wearing?

    5-What are the Crown jewels?

    6-Who likes the Crown jewels?

    Fill in the blanks with these words :

    wearing taking smiling showing

    5-A Beefeater is .at the children.6-The Beefeaters are at the children.7-Some children are .pictures of a Beefeater.8-Diana is ..the children the Crown jewels.