rfw q- 2 f- tl m fm y 4 i the ocala...

d > g irt3 rFw a as4 4 + t u 2 q- y 4 F- r t x tL t M i s t r r FM r Y 4 t F iaY- y 1 c < T- sa w Y 4ks r ak ai 4t ti I Q p- f THE OCALA BANNER t r The paper ottlie JPecrole ± 01 the People and t > v the People VOL AXX1X NO 3to OCALA FLORIDA RIDAY NCARY 47 t tla DOLLAR A YEAR r i tiarN ROYAL ttii Baking Powder fop err Makes Clean Brd With Royal Baking Powder there is a = no mixing with the hands no sweat of the brow Perfect cleanliness greatest ig c facility sweet clean healthful food S i J Full instructions in the v Royal Baker and Pastry Cook- book t for making all kinds of bread biscuit and cake with Royal Baking Powder Grats to any address p r PLFR on Vtlt r N JJ < K u c 5ABA ELISABETH HAHBIS Lccal Editor f z HAPPENINGS ABOUT TOWN- L I L R Chazal spent yesterday in Jacksonville- Mr r David S Woodrow has been- on the sick lit for several days MrJ Pelham Campbell of Clear- water < is a guest at the Montezuma i The frienns of Mrs J H McClym ends will regret to leas that she is very sick j Mr llenr Cordon Marion county s j popular new sheriff has returned j from a business visit to Tallahassee- A P Stucky and bride have re- turned from their honeymoon trip to Cuba and other places of interest Mr J B Boilanil of Citra was down last night and attended Mr- Holcombs i services t i r The Sam Clyatt Fishing Club after I a delightful outing at Homosassa I have returned to their home in Geor ¬ f giaT Husband and wife of Lancas- ter ¬ I I N Y were among the Ocala House arrivals on Wednesday C E Herrick of Crystal River was in Ocala yesterday returning home from a business visit to Tampa The meeting of the Young Ladies Card Club that was to have been held with Miss Gary this afternoon- has beenpostponcd until next Friday CoL Adam E Eichelbeiger has j gone to Tampa where he was called- on j account of the critical illness of r his brother Mr Frank Eichelberger y Mr and Mrs TH Wicker of Cole- man i came up yesterday for a few t days visit and are the guests of Mr t and Mrs J A Walters Mr Wicker is a brother of Mrs Walters Mr R J Lane of Philadelphia i who has been the guest of Mr E C 1 I Welsh and rL J Roess for two j i weeks left yesterday for Ithic N i Yt where he attends Cornell Uni- versity ¬ t I Dr DL Smith returned yester ¬ day from a professional visit to 1 Floral City where he was called to j L see Mr J W Ward a prominent I turpentine operator who was thrown I from his horse and quite badly hurt I Miss Florence M ayer and Miss Mil- dred ¬ I Latimer of Indiana passed I through Ocala yesterday afternoon I on their way for a visit to Tampa These young ladies were school mates of Miss Sue Barco and on their way home will probably stop over here as- her I guests for a few days I r I Among the guests at the Ocala r > Rouse yesterday were Capt W T tf Hubbard of Tampa Hon W A i Pulton of Brooksvillei and Mr A M Dixon of Gainesville Mr Dixon 3 dud Miss Edna Sanderson of Jack j flville willlbe married in that city fl Tt Wednesday g tic t 4 M p i 2 iiS YrS1 i y- L h r Y- d ro = 1 I All kinds of toilet articles and at i reasonable prices Most extensive line in town Tvdings Co x I I List week wi a bul one in New York i for the lettuce grower The markets I became gluttM and thE prices de- clined I d The next and last regular visit to i Ocala of Dr E T Allen eye and j ear surgeon will be Thursday Feb j- ruary 2H x j The Marion county commissioners are advertising for bids for a new i court house Marion is determined- not I to lag in the march of progress I I Palatka TimesHerald j i Among those who were iniated I into the Mystic Schriners at Jackson- ville ¬ Friday night were Dr James E Chace Thomas Sexton of Ocala- Arthur ardl kpr of Martel A B i Tower and J W Ward of Floral I City Miss Grace Snyder by working 7 kinderbeast purzels won a handsome chatelain watch This watch may be seen at the OK Grocery Anyone I using the HO Companys food pro ducts has a chance to get one of these handsome presents Call at the OK Grocery and Inquire about it The following members of the Ho mosassa Fishing Club who have- i been spending a short while there dined at the Oeala House Saturday viz DrAVCaihoun Drr S Todd Messrs toward Van Eppes- W S Duncan E C Peters D B DeSaussiire Clark Howell Clark Howell jr of Atlanta and Dr J II Hume of Philadelphia They were on their way home Among the visitors to this city are Mis Turner Brewer of Douglass Ga and Mrs J B Cutler of Ocala both members of Kirby Smith chap ¬ ter 1T D C who have come to be present at the entertaiment and bazar to be given by the chapter to- day Tile numerous friends of these estimable ladies are delighted to greet them again Gainesville Sun- i Tuesday night rs Charles Math j ews entertained about twenty of her friends at a very pleasant musicale- An orchestra composed of Messrs Leon Fisshel flute Frank Mathews cornet Dean trombone Miss Annie Mathews piano and Miss Mary Drake violin played beautiful music and a number of solos were also en ¬ joyed Refreshments were served later in the evening and the occa ¬ sion was very delightful- Mr and Mr S D Winn of Rich- mond ¬ Va have been spending sev- eral ¬ days in Ocala guests at the I Ocala House They were married in I Montgomery Ala a few days ago Mrs Wiini being one of that citys most attractive young ladies Mr Winn is a popular young traveling- man making Richmond his head ¬ quarters They are spending their 1 honeymoon in Florida and will leave today for Daytona to take in the automobile races < < < = > r I THE PLEASURES Of SIN i t t Holcomb Preaches a Powerful Ser t men tours of Service Changed to i 1030 A M and 730 P M 1 The services at the Methodistc hurch I Wednesday night were full of interest I I and gave evidence that the meetings I are attended with increasing power I Mr Holcomb preached a mot I thoughtful and inspiring sermon on I I the pleasures of in and the choice of Moses In his usual chaste and force ful style he pictured the grandeur of the Egyptian court in which Moses was reared and the pleasures pres- i ent and prospective to which he was j an heir But seeing the mutable and- I I ephemeral nature of these pleasures j and the final consequences of a life of sits choose to be a good man with- I I all possible affliction and worldy dis- advantage j i that he might gain the eternal recompense- I Bringing the thought down to the preent the speaker described the i pleasures of certain forms of sin and their fatal results and appealed to his hearers to show the part of a man like Mosts by chooing the life of a Christian The eitcct was evidently irood any the largo conjugation went away pleased the effort Tho public will take notice that th re is now a client change in the hours of worship The morning or vice beginning today will be 1030 a m and evening service at 730 p- in It i< hoped that this change will induce a greater number of our business men to attend the services The Revival Service Notwithstanding tr e extreme cold weather the MethouLt church way comfortably crowded lat night and j Mr Holeomb preached about Zach 1 ens and the sycamore tree lie ar- t piaudcd and commended Zacheus curiosity and said it were better for men and women to go to church through idle curiosity than not to- I go at all That there were more- I Christian women than mcn because womens curiosity is better develop- ed ¬ that her curiosity led her to in- vestigate ¬ I the truths of religion timid an honest investigation rarely fails to bring about a conversion He said bring men in contact with Christ and like Zaeheus they would become his followers- His sermon was interjected with many pointed and appropriate illus- trations ¬ suggested by tilt text The sinking was a pleasant part of the service There will be no preaching this morning but will be held at ° clock this afternoon instead There will be the usual service to- night The Married Ladies Card Club The above orauization has again begun holding their pleasant after- noon ¬ I meetings during the rest of the winter season I Mrs Louis K Chazal entertained- I them in a most delightful manner I Wednesday afternoon this being the first meeting of the season A num- ber ¬ I of tames were played and Miss I Munroe won the first prize a hand- some ¬ picture frame The members of the club this sea- son ¬ are Mrs Chazal Mrs C L Gamsby Mrs H S Chambers Mrs- T T Munroe Mrs F T Schrieber Mrs M C Looney Mrs B A Weathers Mrs Win Anderson Irs D W Davis Miss Minnie Gamsby Miss Abbie Munroe and Miss Mary Piatt- In the absence of Mrs Chambers- at this meeting Mrs G F Dittmar played in her place Xotice has been received here of the death of Mrs Susan Henkel who died at her home in New Market Va on the 17th Instat the advanced age of 95 years She is the grand ¬ mother of S G Movers of Dunnel- lon and Mrs Turner Brewer form- erly ¬ of this eityand leaves a large 4- estate in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia f a 1 l1t jjt > < In Honor of Mis Drake Yesterday afternoon Mrs Robert I i G Blake gave a very charming tea in compliment to her accomplished 1 guest Miss Mary Drake ot Auburn I Alabama who returns to her home r today after a very pleasant visit here I About thirty of the unmarried set I were invited and the afternoon was I delightfully informal and pleasant Mrs Blake and Miss Drake met the guests in the parlor and in the hall Mrs S T Sistrunk and Mrs E L Carney did the honors There was no stiffness and the guests remained for some time enjoying the cordial hospitality of Mrs Blake and Miss Drake- In the dining room which was simply and prettily decorate 1 with I red carnations and red geraniums Mrs Jerry Williams and Mrs Rufus Waterman sat at the table and pre- sided ¬ I over the coffee and tea urns while Mrs W J Chamber and Miss J- I Josie Williams charmingly assisted them I Misses Irma Blake and lessilu Martin played a number of piano solos during the afternoon and Miss Drake wlio is one of the most talent- ed ¬ pianists that has ever visited in I Ocala piayed several l eautiful t I selections i I Mrs Blakes tea was an ex- ceedingly ¬ pleasant event I Social at Alan < a > e take Weir I Mr anti Mrs A W Allan bld mu other tI j fternron social at their lovely I I Lake Weir home tins week Miss Julia McGrew a charming- Lake I Weir winter visitor played i I several pianoforte os which were J very much erloyed Mrs W A Guthery sang very swelly and Mr- A I Finzel rendered loan the vale Afternoon tea and other del ¬ icacies ware enjoyed Mrs Allans guests > rL Vr ard Mrs NV C McGivw and Ms Juiia 1 McGrew t Morgantown West VIr = gina 1Irnd Mrs D S Woodrov i Mr and Mrs W Ay Guthery Miss Janie Woodrovr Miss Esther Weath- ers ¬ Messrs George Ford Stephen Jewett W A tokes of Greenville S C W J Barber of Chicago and A C Fiiizel of London Eng An elegant supper was served at I I ten oclock and was heartily en- joyed ¬ Mr and Mrs Guthery are to be congratulated on the success oi their I pretty dance Mr and Mrs Gutherys guests weie- Mis W C McGrew and Miss Julia McGrew ot Morgantown W Va Misses Bessie L Rogers Florence Bruce Ellen Luter Estelle Morri ¬ son Bessie Baker Harriet Simpson Gertrude Simpson Lottie Black Mrs Pearl Kelsey Mrs Eugene Gates Mr C S Gates Mrs W L Smith Mrs Allan Cameron Mrs E I M Tenney Mr and Mis Van Kelsey Messrs B J Guthery and I Win Waldon of Lady Lake Frank and Win Morii on M J Swicord W T Kelsey M Bucklee E L Lytle Arthur and Frank Adams Peter Oleson Chester Tenney Fred Wettack Anthony Finzel and Lester Guthery- No geed of Cold Storage S L Bitting had five and J H Livingston Jr three chickens to I fall from their roosts Wednesday i night frozen dead j Mr C H En sjr of New York I advance agent for the InnerSeal Squadron National Biscuit Com- pany ¬ is in Ocala He is here for the purpose of making arrangements to give a big exhibition and demonstra- tion ¬ of their goods on the 6th 7th and Sth of February There will be about twentyfive or thirty boys making biscuits cakesetc at the armory on these days and the public are Invited to be present Mrs John Reddick of Chester S C who has been spending the past month with relatives in this city left Monday for Jacksonville where she will visit for several week before I returning to her home- r + < A BEAUTIFUL PRAYER- On last Monday Rabbi Abraham Simon delivered the following beauti- ful ¬ prayer at the morning session of the U S Senate- It strikes us as being an exquisitely I beautiful production Profoundly grateful for all Thy countless blessings and fully con- scious ¬ of Thy presence here and wherever Thy name is called upon in- sincerity we invoke Thy spirit to I dwell among us at this hour and at I all times Every spot in our fair I land has a glory all its own to en kin le our pride and to prompt our prayer We feel Thy everlasting arms S support and pray that we may never cease to deserve Thy pro ¬ tection nor fall below the great mis ¬ sion which Thou has placed in our hands J Even the sun ready to run his race I stand this hour Highest in the heav ¬ ens declaring Thy glory so does our beloved America enjoy now the high noon of prosperity and promise May she not lose her queenly zenith nor go to the downward slope to decline Give us therefore 0 God a deeper appreciation of the heroism of peace and the apostleship of justice with which Thou has commissioned us play we feel that the consciousness of American sovertngty lies In a righteous citizenship Let us realize soultully that honesty is not only the bvst poluy but the only nrineipl1 > of a selfrespecting nation or individual May we learn to hear Thy voice not In the storm of formidable power nor J in the tire of flnty steel nor in the I quake of raging creeds but in the still small voice of equity justice I and peace And not only here but every where may Thy blessings be bountifully be stowed Wherever there is a hand I uplifted to heal and to help do Thou I treble its etlicacy for good where ever there is a t voice crying out against injustice and persecution do Thou give ear and force to its right eons appeaL- Bles all the peoples with increas inir wisdom freedom and brotherli ness that the day may not be far distant when all may stand in the high noon of tullorbed liberty and recognize in the great republic of a united humanity but one citizenship- that of a consecrated manhood and womanhood under Thee the Father and Ruler of all Amen TrtE RELIGOUS REVIVAL l There is no earnest thoughtful citi- zen ¬ who will not rejoice at the success which has thus far attended the relig- ous revival now carried on under the I auspice of the churches of this city I Viewed from any standpoint the re ¬ 1 suit of such awakenings cannot fail I I of contributing to the best welfare of I the communities where held As virtue K always preferable to vice so any form of religion is preferable to no religion Whatever personal views men may hold in regard to the Christian religion there are none who I I will dispute the fact that throughout I 1 its history it has ever stood for and I I inculcated the precepts of high mor- ality ¬ At no time in no country have the men or women honestly and reverently submitted themselves to its counsels or with steadfast purpose professed faith in Its teachings In any form without having been made bet- ter for it better parents better hus- bands ¬ and wives better sons and daughter better friends and neigh- bors ¬ and better citizens Quite independent then of the question of what might be termed religious values as considered from the standpoint of the churches such I a religious awakening as the one now being carried on In this city Is a mat ¬ ter in which the entire community has cause for congratulation as con- tributing ¬ a substantial uplift to the moral life of the communityDenver- Tex 1 Times = v c < l h iE- 1t A i 1 THE CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS OF THE PRESIDENT Mr Chas A Gardiner aNew York lawyer recently delivered an address + before the N eork State Bar Asso- ciation ¬ in which he holds that the president is not a mere agent to exe- cute ¬ t the will of congress or bailiff to execute the decrees of eourt but is an independent arm of the govern ¬ ment and can do most anything he pleases- On his own initiative this man says he CMI stop peonage in the south t 4 Mr Gardiner claims that the presi- dent ¬ is sufficient junto himself and dont have to wait the ction of con ¬ gress to put into operation force bills or other revolutionary acts If peonage exists in the South the president without awaiting ap- propriate ¬ legislation by congress hut en his own initiative can execute the patent and unambiguous provis- ions ¬ of the amendment- If southern states abridge the privileges or immunities of federal ri negro citizens the president on hs own initiative can and should prohib- it ¬ such action whether congress leg- islates ¬ on the subject or h not If southern states deny the right- of suffrage to federal negro citizens- on the ground of race or color the president without waiting for pent l izing statutes can and slum d use every means civil military or both L to stop it1 This man says that the discretion 1 of the president exclusive ind ab- solute ¬ He can use his big etiek r in anyisort of fashion and in as pro- miscuous ¬ x a manner as he pleases 1r The republicans did not talk that way when Andy Johnson was presi- dent ¬ w o w Ire Fort King Camp of Woodmen of the World held a special meeting M and banquet at their hall Tuesday ti night About thirtylive members ivec present besides a few invited guests z A fine spread consisting of roast chicken pickles beer etc was I served After which many toasts were given and the speeches were y mums and all pithy Highly enjoyed and highly applauded The occasion will long be remem- bered ¬ for its convialty The Ocala lodge has reached 110 members and- is Constaitty- growitirH11 DAVID I WOODRW I Koom Ill ft Block Ot ala R 2iL SSTATSLOAKS 1S7SS7MENT- SPhosphate Lands a Specialty I have the following properties in Ocala and vicinity for sale 1 House and lot on Ocklawaha avenue between the residence of TydingssndMis How se1 ately vacated by Dr W V Neu sons K 2 Two story house and lot on = South Orange street belonging to x Mrs Annie Martin and next door- to L residence of D Woodrow r 8 All of block ±J Caldw lls ad- dition ¬ = to Ocala one acre being the IM property immediately north of Mr y J R Mooreheads home L The Alfred Davis house and lot on South First street next door to J A Pittman C Sons furniture store 5 Lewis Plater workshop on South Second street F 5 The Campobello Plantation 2 12 miles southeast of town consisting- of 76 acres cleared and fenced land and 165 acres of mixed oak hickory and pine land = of first quality 6 r room house outhouses etc The property Is right on the A C L railway and has a fine deposit lime on it- T The Rogersplace on the south- west ¬ edge of town consisting of two story house and SO acres of land- S The Wade Hoard property con- sisting ¬ of small house and lot due south of DE elvers residence 9 2 12 acres of land on South Tenth streetadjoining property of J M Meffert suitable for subdivid- ing ¬ into lots known as the Gamble place Y 10 70xlSO foot loton Win na street rs next door to residence of R G k ± Blake Sy- sv h C

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Page 1: rFw q- 2 F- tL M FM Y 4 I THE OCALA BANNERufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/04/87/34/00309/00035.pdf · THE OCALA BANNER t r The paper ottlie ... r Mr David S Woodrow has been-on the

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q-y 4 F-r t x tL t Mis t r r FM r Y 4t F iaY-

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The paper ottlie JPecrole ±01 the People and t>v the PeopleVOL AXX1X NO 3to OCALA FLORIDA RIDAY NCARY 47 t tla DOLLAR A YEAR r



ROYALttii Baking Powderfop


Makes Clean BrdWith Royal Baking Powder there is

a= no mixing with the hands no sweat ofthe brow Perfect cleanliness greatest

ig c facility sweet clean healthful foodS

i J Full instructions in the v Royal Baker and Pastry Cook-bookt for making all kinds of bread biscuit and cakewith Royal Baking Powder Grats to any address

p r PLFR on Vtlt r N JJ < K





IL R Chazal spent yesterday in


Mrr David S Woodrow has been-

on the sick lit for several days

MrJ Pelham Campbell of Clear-

water< is a guest at the Montezumai

The frienns of Mrs J H McClym

ends will regret to leas that she is

very sick j

Mr llenr Cordon Marion county s j

popular new sheriff has returned j

from a business visit to Tallahassee-

A P Stucky and bride have re-

turned from their honeymoon trip toCuba and other places of interest

Mr J B Boilanil of Citra was

down last night and attended Mr-



servicest ir The Sam Clyatt Fishing Club after


a delightful outing at HomosassaI

have returned to their home in Geor¬


giaTHusband and wife of Lancas-




N Y were among the OcalaHouse arrivals on Wednesday

C E Herrick of Crystal Riverwas in Ocala yesterday returninghome from a business visit to Tampa

The meeting of the Young LadiesCard Club that was to have beenheld with Miss Gary this afternoon-has beenpostponcd until next Friday

CoL Adam E Eichelbeiger has j

gone to Tampa where he was called-



account of the critical illness of

r his brother Mr Frank Eichelberger

y Mr and Mrs TH Wicker of Cole-



came up yesterday for a few t

days visit and are the guests of Mr

t and Mrs J A Walters Mr Wickeris a brother of Mrs Walters

Mr R J Lane of Philadelphiai

who has been the guest of Mr E C 1


Welsh and rL J Roess for two j


weeks left yesterday for Ithic Ni

Yt where he attends Cornell Uni-


¬ t

I Dr DL Smith returned yester ¬

day from a professional visit to 1

Floral City where he was called to j

L see Mr J W Ward a prominent I

turpentine operator who was thrown I

from his horse and quite badly hurtI

Miss Florence M ayer and Miss Mil-


¬ I

Latimer of Indiana passed I

through Ocala yesterday afternoon I

on their way for a visit to TampaThese young ladies were school matesof Miss Sue Barco and on their wayhome will probably stop over here as-


guests for a few days I


Among the guests at the Ocalar > Rouse yesterday were Capt W T

tf Hubbard of Tampa Hon W A

i Pulton of Brooksvillei and Mr AM Dixon of Gainesville Mr Dixon

3 dud Miss Edna Sanderson of Jackj flville willlbe married in that city

fl Tt Wednesdayg

tic t4 M p

i 2iiSYrS1 i y-

L hr Y-

d ro =1


All kinds of toilet articles and at i

reasonable prices Most extensiveline in town Tvdings Co x I


List week wi a bul one in New Yorki

for the lettuce grower The marketsI

became gluttM and thE prices de-



The next and last regular visit to i

Ocala of Dr E T Allen eye and j

ear surgeon will be Thursday Feb j-

ruary 2H x j

The Marion county commissionersare advertising for bids for a new i

court house Marion is determined-not


to lag in the march of progress I


Palatka TimesHerald j


Among those who were iniated I

into the Mystic Schriners at Jackson-ville


Friday night were Dr James EChace Thomas Sexton of Ocala-

Arthur ardl kpr of Martel A Bi

Tower and J W Ward of FloralI

CityMiss Grace Snyder by working 7

kinderbeast purzels won a handsomechatelain watch This watch maybe seen at the OK Grocery Anyone


using the HO Companys food products has a chance to get one ofthese handsome presents Call atthe OK Grocery and Inquire about it

The following members of the Homosassa Fishing Club who have-

i been spending a short while theredined at the Oeala House Saturdayviz DrAVCaihoun Drr STodd Messrs toward Van Eppes-

W S Duncan E C Peters D B

DeSaussiire Clark Howell ClarkHowell jr of Atlanta and Dr JII Hume of Philadelphia Theywere on their way home

Among the visitors to this city areMis Turner Brewer of DouglassGa and Mrs J B Cutler of Ocalaboth members of Kirby Smith chap ¬

ter 1T D C who have come to bepresent at the entertaiment andbazar to be given by the chapter to-

day Tile numerous friends of theseestimable ladies are delighted togreet them again Gainesville Sun-


Tuesday night rs Charles Mathj ews entertained about twenty of her

friends at a very pleasant musicale-An orchestra composed of MessrsLeon Fisshel flute Frank Mathewscornet Dean trombone Miss AnnieMathews piano and Miss MaryDrake violin played beautiful musicand a number of solos were also en ¬

joyed Refreshments were servedlater in the evening and the occa ¬

sion was very delightful-

Mr and Mr S D Winn of Rich-


Va have been spending sev-



days in Ocala guests at theI

Ocala House They were married inI

Montgomery Ala a few days agoMrs Wiini being one of that citysmost attractive young ladies MrWinn is a popular young traveling-man making Richmond his head ¬

quarters They are spending their1

honeymoon in Florida and will leavetoday for Daytona to take in theautomobile races

< < < =>




Holcomb Preaches a Powerful Sert

men tours of Service Changed to i

1030 A M and 730 P M

1The services at the Methodistc hurch

IWednesday night were full of interest I

I and gave evidence that the meetingsI

are attended with increasing powerI Mr Holcomb preached a mot


thoughtful and inspiring sermon on I


the pleasures of in and the choice ofMoses In his usual chaste and forceful style he pictured the grandeur of

the Egyptian court in which Moseswas reared and the pleasures pres-

i ent and prospective to which he wasj an heir But seeing the mutable and-



ephemeral nature of these pleasuresj and the final consequences of a life

of sits choose to be a good man with-I


all possible affliction and worldy dis-


i that he might gain theeternal recompense-

I Bringing the thought down to thepreent the speaker described the

i pleasures of certain forms of sin andtheir fatal results and appealed tohis hearers to show the part of a manlike Mosts by chooing the life of a

Christian The eitcct was evidentlyirood any the largo conjugationwent away pleased the effort

Tho public will take notice thatth re is now a client change in thehours of worship The morning orvice beginning today will be 1030a m and evening service at 730 p-

in It i < hoped that this changewill induce a greater number of ourbusiness men to attend the services

The Revival ServiceNotwithstanding tr e extreme cold

weather the MethouLt church way

comfortably crowded lat night andj Mr Holeomb preached about Zach1 ens and the sycamore tree lie ar-t

piaudcd and commended Zacheuscuriosity and said it were better formen and women to go to churchthrough idle curiosity than not to-

I go at all That there were more-I Christian women than mcn becausewomens curiosity is better develop-



that her curiosity led her to in-



I the truths of religion timid

an honest investigation rarely fails tobring about a conversion

He said bring men in contact withChrist and like Zaeheus they wouldbecome his followers-

His sermon was interjected withmany pointed and appropriate illus-


suggested by tilt textThe sinking was a pleasant part of

the serviceThere will be no preaching this

morning but will be held at ° clockthis afternoon instead

There will be the usual service to-

nightThe Married Ladies Card Club

The above orauization has againbegun holding their pleasant after-noon


I meetings during the rest of thewinter season


Mrs Louis K Chazal entertained-I them in a most delightful mannerI Wednesday afternoon this being the

first meeting of the season A num-



of tames were played and MissI Munroe won the first prize a hand-some


picture frameThe members of the club this sea-


are Mrs Chazal Mrs C LGamsby Mrs H S Chambers Mrs-

T T Munroe Mrs F T SchrieberMrs M C Looney Mrs B A

Weathers Mrs Win Anderson IrsD W Davis Miss Minnie GamsbyMiss Abbie Munroe and Miss Mary

Piatt-In the absence of Mrs Chambers-

at this meeting Mrs G F Dittmarplayed in her place

Xotice has been received here ofthe death of Mrs Susan Henkel whodied at her home in New MarketVa on the 17th Instat the advancedage of 95 years She is the grand ¬

mother of S G Movers of Dunnel-lon and Mrs Turner Brewer form-


of this eityand leaves a large4-

estate in the Shenandoah Valley ofVirginia

f a1 l1t jjt ><

In Honor of Mis DrakeYesterday afternoon Mrs Robert I

iG Blake gave a very charming teain compliment to her accomplished 1

guest Miss Mary Drake ot Auburn I

Alabama who returns to her home r

today after a very pleasant visit here I

About thirty of the unmarried set I

were invited and the afternoon wasI

delightfully informal and pleasantMrs Blake and Miss Drake met the

guests in the parlor and in the hallMrs S T Sistrunk and Mrs E LCarney did the honors There wasno stiffness and the guests remainedfor some time enjoying the cordialhospitality of Mrs Blake and MissDrake-

In the dining room which wassimply and prettily decorate 1 with I

red carnations and red geraniumsMrs Jerry Williams and Mrs RufusWaterman sat at the table and pre-




over the coffee and tea urnswhile Mrs W J Chamber and Miss



Josie Williams charmingly assistedthem

I Misses Irma Blake and lessiluMartin played a number of pianosolos during the afternoon and MissDrake wlio is one of the most talent-ed


pianists that has ever visited inI Ocala piayed several l eautifultI selections

iI Mrs Blakes tea was an ex-


pleasant event

I Social at Alan < a > e take WeirI Mr anti Mrs A W Allan bld mu


jfternron social at their lovelyI

I Lake Weir home tins weekMiss Julia McGrew a charming-


Weir winter visitor playedi

I several pianoforte os which wereJ very much erloyed Mrs W A

Guthery sang very swelly and Mr-

A I Finzel rendered loan thevale Afternoon tea and other del ¬

icacies ware enjoyedMrs Allans guests > rL Vr ard

Mrs NV C McGivw and Ms Juiia1

McGrew t Morgantown West VIr =

gina 1Irnd Mrs D S Woodrovi Mr and Mrs W Ay Guthery MissJanie Woodrovr Miss Esther Weath-ers


Messrs George Ford StephenJewett W A tokes of GreenvilleS C W J Barber of Chicago andA C Fiiizel of London Eng

An elegant supper was served at I

I ten oclock and was heartily en-


Mr and Mrs Guthery are to becongratulated on the success oi their

I pretty danceMr and Mrs Gutherys guests weie-

Mis W C McGrew and Miss JuliaMcGrew ot Morgantown W VaMisses Bessie L Rogers FlorenceBruce Ellen Luter Estelle Morri ¬

son Bessie Baker Harriet SimpsonGertrude Simpson Lottie BlackMrs Pearl Kelsey Mrs EugeneGates Mr C S Gates Mrs W L

Smith Mrs Allan Cameron Mrs EI

M Tenney Mr and Mis VanKelsey Messrs B J Guthery and

I Win Waldon of Lady Lake Frankand Win Morii on M J SwicordW T Kelsey M Bucklee E LLytle Arthur and Frank AdamsPeter Oleson Chester Tenney FredWettack Anthony Finzel and LesterGuthery-

No geed of Cold StorageS L Bitting had five and J H

Livingston Jr three chickens toI

fall from their roosts Wednesday i

night frozen dead j

Mr C H En sjr of New YorkI advance agent for the InnerSeal

Squadron National Biscuit Com-


is in Ocala He is here for thepurpose of making arrangements togive a big exhibition and demonstra-tion


of their goods on the 6th 7th andSth of February There will be abouttwentyfive or thirty boys makingbiscuits cakesetc at the armory onthese days and the public are Invitedto be present

Mrs John Reddick of Chester S

C who has been spending the pastmonth with relatives in this cityleft Monday for Jacksonville whereshe will visit for several week before

I returning to her home-





On last Monday Rabbi AbrahamSimon delivered the following beauti-



prayer at the morning session of

the U S Senate-

It strikes us as being an exquisitely I

beautiful productionProfoundly grateful for all Thy

countless blessings and fully con-



of Thy presence here and

wherever Thy name is called upon in-

sincerity we invoke Thy spirit to I

dwell among us at this hour and at I

all times Every spot in our fair I

land has a glory all its own to e nkin le our pride and to prompt ourprayer We feel Thy everlastingarms S support and pray that wemay never cease to deserve Thy pro ¬

tection nor fall below the great mis ¬

sion which Thou has placed in ourhands J

Even the sun ready to run his race I

stand this hour Highest in the heav¬

ens declaring Thy glory so does ourbeloved America enjoy now the highnoon of prosperity and promise Mayshe not lose her queenly zenith norgo to the downward slope to declineGive us therefore 0 God a deeperappreciation of the heroism of peaceand the apostleship of justice withwhich Thou has commissioned usplay we feel that the consciousnessof American sovertngty lies In a

righteous citizenship Let us realizesoultully that honesty is not only thebvst poluy but the only nrineipl1 > ofa selfrespecting nation or individualMay we learn to hear Thy voice notIn the storm of formidable power nor J

in the tire of flnty steel nor in the I

quake of raging creeds but in thestill small voice of equity justice


and peaceAnd not only here but every where

may Thy blessings be bountifully bestowed Wherever there is a hand


uplifted to heal and to help do ThouI

treble its etlicacy for good whereever there is a t voice crying outagainst injustice and persecution doThou give ear and force to its righteons appeaL-

Bles all the peoples with increasinir wisdom freedom and brotherliness that the day may not be fardistant when all may stand in thehigh noon of tullorbed liberty andrecognize in the great republic of aunited humanity but one citizenship-that of a consecrated manhood andwomanhood under Thee the Fatherand Ruler of all Amen


l There is no earnest thoughtful citi-


who will not rejoice at the successwhich has thus far attended the relig-ous revival now carried on under the

I auspice of the churches of this cityI Viewed from any standpoint the re ¬

1 suit of such awakenings cannot fail I

I of contributing to the best welfare ofI the communities where held Asvirtue K always preferable to vice soany form of religion is preferable tono religion Whatever personalviews men may hold in regard to theChristian religion there are none who I

I will dispute the fact that throughoutI

1 its history it has ever stood for and I

I inculcated the precepts of high mor-


At no time in no country havethe men or women honestly andreverently submitted themselves toits counsels or with steadfast purposeprofessed faith in Its teachings In anyform without having been made bet-ter for it better parents better hus-


and wives better sons anddaughter better friends and neigh-



and better citizensQuite independent then of the

question of what might be termedreligious values as considered fromthe standpoint of the churches such I

a religious awakening as the one nowbeing carried on In this city Is a mat ¬

ter in which the entire communityhas cause for congratulation as con-


a substantial uplift to themoral life of the communityDenver-Tex



= v c < lh iE-1t

Ai 1


Mr Chas A Gardiner aNew Yorklawyer recently delivered an address +

before the Neork State Bar Asso-


in which he holds that thepresident is not a mere agent to exe-cute

¬ tthe will of congress or bailiff to

execute the decrees of eourt but isan independent arm of the govern ¬

ment and can do most anything hepleases-

On his own initiative this mansays he CMI stop peonage in the south t

4Mr Gardiner claims that the presi-


is sufficient junto himself anddont have to wait the ction of con ¬

gress to put into operation force billsor other revolutionary acts

If peonage exists in the Souththe president without awaiting ap-


legislation by congresshut en his own initiative can executethe patent and unambiguous provis-ions


of the amendment-If southern states abridge the

privileges or immunities of federal ri

negro citizens the president on hsown initiative can and should prohib-it


such action whether congress leg-islates


on the subject orh notIf southern states deny the right-

of suffrage to federal negro citizens-on the ground of race or color thepresident without waiting for pent lizing statutes can and slum d useevery means civil military or both L

to stop it1This man says that the discretion 1

of the president exclusive ind ab-


He can use his big etiek rin anyisort of fashion and in as pro-

miscuous¬ x

a manner as he pleases 1r

The republicans did not talk thatway when Andy Johnson was presi-dent


w o w

Ire Fort King Camp of Woodmenof the World held a special meeting


and banquet at their hall Tuesday ti

night About thirtylive members ivecpresent besides a few invited guests z

A fine spread consisting of roastchicken pickles beer etc was

Iserved After which many toastswere given and the speeches were ymums and all pithy Highly enjoyedand highly applauded

The occasion will long be remem-bered


for its convialty The Ocalalodge has reached 110 members and-is Constaitty-


IKoom Ill ft Block Ot ala

R2iL SSTATSLOAKS 1S7SS7MENT-SPhosphate Lands a Specialty

I have the following properties inOcala and vicinity for sale1 House and lot on Ocklawaha

avenue between the residence ofTydingssndMis How se1atelyvacated by Dr W V Neu sons

K2 Two story house and lot on =

South Orange street belonging to xMrs Annie Martin and next door-to

Lresidence of D Woodrow r

8 All of block ±J Caldw lls ad-

dition¬ =

to Ocala one acre being the IM

property immediately north of Mr y

J R Mooreheads homeL The Alfred Davis house and lot

on South First street next door toJ A Pittman C Sons furniturestore

5 Lewis Plater workshop on SouthSecond street F

5 The Campobello Plantation 2 12miles southeast of town consisting-of 76 acres cleared and fenced landand 165 acres of mixed oak hickoryand pine land = of first quality 6 rroom house outhouses etc Theproperty Is right on the A C Lrailway and has a fine depositlime on it-

T The Rogersplace on the south-west


edge of town consistingoftwo story house and SO acres ofland-

S The Wade Hoard property con-sisting


of small house and lot duesouth of DE elvers residence

9 2 12 acres of land on SouthTenth streetadjoining property ofJ M Meffert suitable for subdivid-ing


into lots known as the Gambleplace

Y10 70xlSO foot loton Win na street rs

next door to residence of R Gk ±


