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Organization & Sponsors

The following institutions are involved in the organization of the Conference:

Promoting Entities

Instituto Superior Técnico (IST);

Direcção Geral da Saúde (DGS);

In collaboration with:

Champalimaud Foundation (FC);


Organizing & Scientific Committees

Honorary Committee

Arlindo Oliveira (President of IST)

Francisco George (Director General of Health)

Leonor Beleza (President of Champalimaud


Carlos Varandas (vice-President of IST for the

Loures Pole)

Organizing Committee

Pedro Vaz (IST/ITN, Conference Chair)

Pedro Teles (IST/ITN)

Filipa Costa (IST/ITN)

Mónica Mendes (IST/ITN)

Ana Pascoal (KCH, UK)

Paula Madeira (HSJ)

Paulo Diegues (DGS)

Pedro Rosário (DGS)

Bruno Martins (MC)

Scientific Committee

Pedro Almeida (IBEB/FCUL)

Francisco Alves (ICNAS/ESTeSC)

Lynne Archibald (Associação Laço)

Maria C. Baptista (Grupo Campos Costa)

António Campelo (ACSS)

Nuno Carrilho (H. Curry Cabral)

Graça Coelho (MC)

Carla Conceição (HDE)

Durval Costa (F. Champalimaud)

Paulo Diegues (DGS)

Paulo Ferreira (F. Champalimaud)

Rita Ferreira (H. Luz)

Miguel Sousa Ferro (FDUL/Sérvulo &


Rita Figueira (H. S. João)

Fernando Godinho (Atomedical)

Carlos Jesus (Físico Médico)

Isabel Lança (ARS-Centro)

Maria do Carmo Lopes (IPOCFG, EPE)

Paula Madeira (H. S. José)

Bruno Martins (MC)

Maria Manuel Meruje (IST)

Nuno Matela (IBEB/ERISA)

Amália Nogueira (H. Lusíadas)

Lurdes Orvalho (H. Luz)

Ana Pascoal (KCH, UK)

Graciano Paulo (ESTeSC)

Luís Peralta (LIP/FCUL)

Helder Pereira (SPC/APIC)

Maria Esmeralda Poli (CHLN/HSM)

Vitor Rodrigues (LPCC)

Pedro Rosário (DGS)

Lucília Salgado (IPOLFG)

Ana Isabel Santos (HGO)

João Miranda dos Santos (IPOPFG, EPE)

Jorge Simões (ERS)

Paula Simãozinho (ARS- Algarve)

Maria Carmen Sousa (IPOC)

Nuno Teixeira (ESTeSL e FCM/UNL)

Pedro Teles (IST/ITN)

José Venâncio (IPOLFG)

Pedro Vaz (IST/ITN)

Foreign Members

Ian Chell (DH, UK)

Chris Clement (ICRP)

Gisella Gennaro (IOV/IRCCS, Italy)

Jean-Luc Godet (ASN, França)

Ola Holmberg (IAEA)

Augustin Janssens (European Commission)

Cornelius Lewis (KCH/NHS, UK)

Jim Malone (TCD, Ireland)

E. Vanõ (UCM, Spain and ICRP)

Wolfgang Weiss (UNSCEAR)

Carlos Eduardo de Almeida, LCR (Brasil)

Luiz da Rosa, IRD (Brasil)

Alfredo Lopes Filho (Brasil)

Steve Ebdon Jackson (PHE, UK)

How to get to Infarmed

Bus nºs:

7, 31, 35, 83, 745, 750, 755, 767

Closest Subway Station:

Alvalade (10 minutes’ walk)


GPS: 38.75, -9.146

The access by car is only possible

through Rua das Murtas.

Where to park?

A limited number of parking

places is available nearby the

INFARMED premises.

Find your way around INFARMED

Parque da Saúde de Lisboa


Car entrance

Color code: Yellow (Auditorium), Blue (Room A)

Conference "Proteção Radiológica na Saúde 2013"


Wednesday, Sep 18 Thursday, Sep 19 Friday, Sep 20

08:30-09:15 Opening and Welcome

Refresher course 1 All you need to know about

your personal dosemeter

Refresher course 2 Principal Basis of CT


Refresher course 3 Dosimetry in digital


Refresher course 4 A Pragmatic Approach to Radiation Protection in Diagnostic Radiology

09:15-10:45 Justification Optimization Advances in Digital Mammography

10:45-11:15 Coffee break

11:15-12:45 Radiotherapy 2 Nuclear Medicine 1 Radiotherapy 3 Computed Tomography Brachytherapy Nuclear Medicine 2

12:45-14:00 Lunch break

14:00-15:30 Break-out session 1 - Horizon 2020 Break-out session 2 - The EU Basic Safety Standards

Break-out session 3 - Medical exposure data (UNSCEAR, DDM2, etc.)

15:30-15:50 Coffee break

15:50-17:20 Interventional Radiology and

Interventional Cardiology

Radiotherapy 1 (panel discussion)

Paediatric Exposures

Mammography in cancer screening and diagnosis - views from stakeholders

Qualification, E&T in Radiological Protection

Radiation Safety Culture

17:20-18:30 Panel 1 - Legal framework of Radiological

Protection in Healthcare

Panel 2 - The future system of Radiological Protection

Closing remarks

Scientific Program

Wednesday, Morning – September 18th


08:30 – 08:35 Opening and Welcome by

Honorary and Organizing Committee members, IST, DGS & FC representatives

08:35 – 08:45 Welcome address by the IST

08:45 – 08:55 Welcome address by the DGS

08:55 – 09:05 Introductory remarks by the Champalimaud Foundation

09:05 – 09:15 Introductory remarks by the Organizing and Scientific Committee


Session title: Justification Co – chairs: J. Malone, J. Venâncio

09:15 – 09:40 Justification of Medical Exposures in Diagnostic Imaging (invited talk) J. Malone

09:40 – 10:05 Justification (invited talk) J. Venâncio

10:05 – 10:25 The Principle of Justification and its relation with Radiological Informed Consent in the Context of EU Law (invited talk) M. Meruje

10:25 – 10:45 Justification – in support of a new approach (invited talk) C. Lewis

10:45 – 11:15 Coffee break

Wednesday, Morning – September 18th (continuation)


Session title: Radiotherapy 2 Co-chairs: D. Costa, P. Ferreira

Session title: Nuclear Medicine 1 Co-chairs: A. I. Santos, J. Santos, P. Almeida

11:15 – 11:40 Real-time tumor tracking for SF-IGRT: around dosimetric considerations (invited talk) C. Greco

11:15 – 11:35

Evaluation of dose exposure of family members involved in treatment with 131I-MIBG of pediatric patients with Neuroblastoma M.T. Rezio et al.

11:40 – 11:55 High Dose Rate therapy beams from a flattening filter free (FFF) linac - new challenges in radioprotection? P. Ferreira et al.

11:35 – 11:55 New Methodologies in Internal Radiation Dosimetry A. Nunes

11:55 – 12:10

Assessment of whole-breast radiotherapy (RT) treatments using Pencil Beam Convolution and Monte Carlo algorithms: dosimetric consequences C. Borges et al.

11:55 – 12:15 Dosimetry of the professionals involved in SLN technique A. Barreto et al.

12:10 – 12:25

Orthogonal ray imaging: from dose monitoring in external beam therapy to low-dose morphologic imaging with scanned megavoltage X-rays P. Crespo et al.

12:15 – 12:35 Practice profile among Nuclear Medicine Technologists in Portugal: findings from a nationwide survey D. Neves et al.

12:25 – 12:40

Metabolic Radiotherapy Planning – Does it Matter to Radiotherapy Technologists (RTT) Professional Exposure? M. Coelho et al.

12:35 – 12:40 Occupational Radiation Exposure of Professionals - Historic Analysis of a Nuclear Medicine Department (poster presentation) P. Gil et al.

12:40 – 12:45 General discussion

12:40 – 12:45

Individual dose equivalent evaluation of healthcare professionals in pulmonary ventilation and perfusion scintigraphy (poster presentation) A. Manuel et al.

12:45 – 12:50 Dosimetry and renal toxicity for [90Y-DOTA]-D-Phe1Tyr3octreotide therapy (poster presentation) A. Amaro et al.

12:50 – 12:55

Estimating absorbed doses in pediatric renal patients, using Monte Carlo simulations, in vivo measurements and biokinetic models (poster presentation) V. Sousa et al.

12:45 – 14:00 Lunch break

Wednesday, Afternoon – September 18th AUDITORIUM

Break-out-session 1 – Horizon 2020 Co-chairs: M. E. Monteiro, P. Vaz

14:00 – 14:30 The Horizon 2020 Program - Medical applications of ionizing radiation (invited talk) A. Jouve

14:30 – 15:00 Portuguese participation in the Horizon 2020 views from the GPPQ (invited talk) M. J. Fernandes

15:00 – 15:30 Discussion: How to boost the Portuguese participation in Horizon 2020 A. Jouve (EC), P. Vaz (FP7 EURATOM national delegate), M.E. Monteiro (Horizon 2020 national expert), J. Pedroso Lima (Horizon 2020 national expert)

15:30 – 15:50 Coffee Break


Session title: Interventional radiology and interventional cardiology Co-chairs: G. Paulo, H. Pereira

Session title: Radiotherapy 1 - Panel Discussion Moderators: M. C. Lopes, E. Poli

15:50 – 16:15 Interventional cardiology: can we do more with less? (invited talk) H. Vinhas

Radiotherapy: what can be done to prevent serious incidents from happening in Portugal?

Panelists: C. Rousse (ASN), M. C. Lopes (DFM_SPF), A. Coelho (DGS), L. Trigo,

(SPRO), J. O. Martins (APA), P. Vaz (IST/ITN)

16:15 –16:30 Establishing the Greek National Reference Levels for Interventional Cardiology procedures G. Simantirakis et al.

16:30 – 16:45 The interventional cardiology team – who gets the most exposure in percutaneous recanalization of total chronic occlusions procedures? A. Pascoal et al.

16:45 – 17:00 Radiation Exposure in Neurointerventional Procedures I. Fragata

17:00 – 17:15

Study of the spatial variation of the dose-rate distribution in an interventional cardiology room using Monte Carlo calculations M. Baptista et al.

17:15 – 17:20 General discussion


Panel 1 - Legal framework of Radiological Protection in Healthcare Moderators: M. Meruje

17:20 – 18:00 Panelists: F. Alves, M.S. Ferro, J. Rebelo

Discussion with the audience

Thursday, Morning – September 19th ROOM A AUDITORIUM

08:30 – 09:15 Refresher course 1:

All you need to know about your personal dosemeter Lecturer M. Oliveira

Refresher course 2: Principal Basis of CT Dosimetry

Lecturer M. Lewis


Session title: Optimization Co-chairs: O. Holmberg, E. Vañó

09:15 – 09:35 The role of Diagnostic Reference Levels in Optimization (invited talk) E. Vañó

09:35 – 09:55 IAEA perspectives on optimization of protection and safety in radiotherapy (invited talk) O. Holmberg

09:55 – 10:15 Standards as a key player in Radiation Protection of the Patient (invited talk) J. Malone

10:15 – 10:35 CARE Right - Committed to the Right Dose in CT A. Domingues

10:35 – 10:45 General discussion

10:45 – 11:15 Coffee break


Session Title: Radiotherapy 3 Co-chairs: R. Figueira, L. Peralta

Session title: Computed Tomography Co-chairs: R. Carneiro, N. Matela, P. Santos

11:15 – 11:33 Safety culture assessment at a Radiotherapy Department M. Eiras

11:15 - 11:45 CT Protocol Optimisation - Balancing Image Quality and Dose (invited talk) M. Lewis

11:33 – 11:51 IAEA TPS audit project – The Portuguese results M. C. Lopes

11:45 – 12:00 Simulations of scattered radiation in radiographic installations J. Sampaio et al.

11:51 – 12:09 Patient quality assurance in radiotherapy using an electronic portal imaging device (EPID) N. Rodrigues et al.

12:00 – 12:15 The role of a metrology laboratory for reliable dosimetry of patients undergoing computed tomography examinations T. Silva et al.

12:09 – 12:27 Characteristics of a flattening filter-free photon beam for radiotherapy D. Mateus al.

12:15 – 12:30 Dose optimization in TC related with the image noise, while maintaining diagnostic confidence R. Cabral et al.

12:27 – 12:45 Infra-red radioluminescent fiber probes for brachytherapy and external radiotherapy A. Correia et al.

12:30 – 12:45

Study of the adequation of the radiation shielding barriers of a room after the substitution of an axial Computed Tomography unit by a multislice Computed Tomography unit M. Sousa et al.

12:45 – 14:00 Lunch break

Thursday, Afternoon – September 19th


Break-out session 2 – The EU Basic Safety Standards Co-chairs: A. Janssens, I. Chell

14:00 – 14:20 Medical exposures in the new consolidated Basic Safety Standards Directive (invited talk) A. Janssens

14:20 – 14:40 Protection of patients in the revised Euratom Basic Safety Standards Directive (invited talk) G. Simeonov

14:40 – 15:00 Negotiations of the Basic Safety Standard Directive – a Member State’s perspective (invited talk) S. Ebdon-Jackson

15:00 – 15:20 UK Implementation of the Basic Safety Standard Directive (invited talk) I. Chell

15:20 – 15:35 The impact of the new eu bss in the portuguese legal infrastructure (invited talk) M. Meruje

15:30 – 15:50 Coffee break


Session title: Paediatric Exposure Co-chairs: C. Conceição, F. Godinho

Session title: Mammography in cancer screening and diagnosis- views from stakeholders Co-chairs: G. Gennaro, L. Archibald

15:50 – 16:10 Paediatric CT scan - where are we, do we really know the risks and which way to follow? C. Conceição

15:50 - 16:05 Stakeholders and Radiology: what keeps Laço awake at night? (invited talk) L. Archibald

16:10 – 16:25 The paediatrician role in paediatric radiological protection M. Conde

16:05 - 16:20

Quality of mammography and early detection of breast

pathology (invited talk) M. Pereira

16:25 -16:40 Minimising ionising radiation exposure in paediatric radiology A. Ferreira

16:20 - 16:35 Quality Assurance in LPCC Breast Cancer Screening Program - Technical Image Quality and Radiation Doses (invited talk) F. Carvalho

16:40 – 16:55 Dose values in eye lens in paediatric head computed tomography: influence of different protocols C. Carriço et al.

16:35 - 16:50 First national digital mammography survey in Portugal – findings and recommendations A. Pascoal

16:55 – 17:05 Low dose head CT for monitoring hydrocephalus in pediatric patients J. Casimiro et al.

16:50 - 17:25 General discussion All speakers with participation of the audience

17:05 – 17:15 Establishment of computed tomography diagnostic reference levels in Portugal and paediatric CT imaging parameter optimisation J. Santos et al.

17:15 – 17:25 Radiological examinations in pediatric patients of childbearing age J. Coimbra et al.

AUDITORIUM Panel 2 – The Future System of Radiological Protection Moderators: C. Clement, E. Vañó

17:25 – 18:30 Panelists: C. Clement, E. Vañó, W. Weiss, J. Rueff - Discussion with audience

Friday, Morning – September 20th


08:30 – 09:15 Refresher course 3

Dosimetry in digital mammography Lecturer: G. Gennaro

Refresher course 4 A pragmatic approach to Radiation Protection in Diagnostic Radiology

Lecturer: C. Lewis


Session title: Advances in Digital Mammography Co-chairs: L. Orvalho, A. Pascoal

09:15 – 09:40 Advances in digital mammography (invited talk) G. Gennaro

09:40 – 10:05 Breast tomosynthesis at Hospital da Luz (invited talk) M. Lurdes Orvalho

10:05 – 10:15 Comparison of breast dose distribution in tomosynthesis and standard digital mammography M. Oliveira et al.

10:15 – 10:25 Effect of non-homogeneous breast tissue on mean glandular dose assessment in digital tomosynthesis M. Baptista et al.

10:25 – 10:35 A survey of radiation dose and clinical image quality criteria for digital mammography examinations C. Reis et al.

10:35 – 11:45 Diagnostic reference levels in mammography at a national level J. Fatana et al.

10:45 – 11:15 Coffee break

Friday, Morning – September 20th (continuation)


Session title: Nuclear Medicine 2 Co-chairs: A. Nogueira, L. Salgado

Session title: Brachytherapy Co-chairs: C. Jesus, N. Pimentel

11:15 – 11:40 Dose optimization on a GE Discovery™ PET/CT 600 (invited talk) A. Nogueira et al.

11:15 – 11:40 Tbd(invited talk) N. Pimentel

11:40 – 12:05 Biological effects of radiations – Therapeutical applications in Nuclear Medicine(invited talk) A. Silva

11:40 – 12:05 Radioprotection in Modern Brachytherapy (invited talk) C. Jesus

12:05 – 12: 15 Dose Rate from Patients after Bone Scintigraphy, Myocardial Perfusion Scintigraphy and Multigated Radionuclide Angiography D. Dantas et al.

12:05 – 12: 15 A Model for composite tumor control probabilities for fractionated brachytherapy F. Henriquez et al.

12:15 – 12:25 Evaluation of an automated dose delivery system (ADDS) within a routine clinical PET service workflow D. Faria et al.

12:15: - 12:25 Brachytherapy risks prevention I. Lança

12:25 – 12:35

Therapy of thyroid cancer and benign thyroid disease using iodine-131: assessment of the exposure of the family members after patients´ discharge M. Carapinha et al.

12:25 – 12:35 Dosimetry and Uncertainty Analysis in Gynecologic Brachytherapy M. Coelho et al.

12:35 – 12:45 General discussion 12:35 – 12:45 General discussion

12:45 – 14:00 Lunch break

Friday, Afternoon – September 20th


Break-out-session 3 - Medical Exposures Data Co-chairs: M. C. Sousa, W. Weiss

14:00 – 14:25 Medical exposures data – long-term trends and future developments (invited talk) W. Weiss

14:25 – 14:45 Dose Datamed II – Collective dose in the European population due to medical exposures P. Teles et al.

14:45 – 15:00 Incidence of radiation-induced cancers in the human lung acinus and the microdosimetric perspective L. Peralta

15:00 – 15:15 Estimation of the collective dose in the Portuguese population, due to nuclear medicine exams for the years 2011 and 2012 F. Costa et al.

15:15– 15:30 Exposure of the medical staff in Portugal in 2009 and 2010 Y. Romanets et al.

15:30 – 15:50 Coffee break


Session title: Qualification, E&T in radiological protection Co-chairs: C. Lewis, N. Teixeira

Session title: Radiation safety culture Co-chairs: M. C. Baptista, P. Diegues

15:50 – 16.10 Education, Training and Certification of Medical Physicists and Other Healthcare Professionals (invited talk) C. Lewis

15:50 – 16:10

Implementation of the Individual Dose Bulletin (IDB) project in the Algarve, Portugal: a method to assess and control medical exposure on its resident population P. Simãozinho et al.

16:10 – 16:30 RATeS: A Master with emphasis on radiation protection education and training N. Teixeira et al.

16:10 – 16:30 Thinking about buying hand-held dental X-ray equipment online? Ensure it is safe to use. A. Pascoal et al.

16:30 – 16:45 Portugal facing the new European Guidelines for the Medical Physics Expert A.R. Figueira

16:30: 16:50 Dosewatch A. Martinez et al.

16:45 - 17: 05 MEDRAPET: An Overview of an European Commission DG ENER Project G.Paulo et al.

16:50 – 17:05 An overview of equivalent doses in eye lens of occupational radiation workers in medical, industrial and nuclear areas A. Lima et al.

17:05 – 17:20 Education and training in radiation protection in medicine at IRD / CNEN, Brazil L. Rosa

17:05 – 17:20 An approach for Portuguese Diagnostic Reference Levels for bedside chest radiography A. Sousa et al.

17:20 – 17:35 Closing remarks


List of Posters

Session title: Radiotherapy

V. Batel et al. Strategies for the prevention of accidental exposures in Radiotherapy

Â. Clemente et al. Adaptive Radiotherapy: Availability of CBCT for use with TPS

C. Coelho et al. Comparison of inverse planning systems based on biological or physical factors: Pinnacle®, Corvus® and Monaco®

C. Coelho et al. Statistical analysis of quality control measurements in IMRT for head and neck and prostate cancer

J. Galhardas et al. Optimizing image quality in radiotherapy taking into account imaging dose

J. Ghassoun et al. Neutron Dose Equivalent Calculated in Patient and in the Maze of Radiotherapy Rooms for High-Energy Photons in Radiotherapy

C. Lança Implementation of proton therapy in the context of radiotherapy in Portugal

M. Lopes et al. An internal incident reporting system at IPOCFG – eight years of experience

L. Louro et al. Assessing the viability of using automatic deformable registration to more accurately calculate dose to organs at risk, in prostate cancer radiotherapy patients

M. Rodrigues et al. Comparison of shielding design for a radiotherapy bunker with respect to the treatment techniques: 3D-CRT and IMRT

A. Sá et al. Comparison of the Pencil Beam Convolution Algorithm and Analytical Anisotropic Algorithm in Breast Tumors

A. Sá et al. Helical tomotherapy versus 3D conformal radiotherapy in dosimetric planning for patients with localized prostate cancer

N. Senhou et al. The implementation of in vivo dosimetry and Verification of Dose Calculations with a Clinical Treatment Planning System in a Radiotherapy Center in Nouakchott

S. Vieira et al. Prone versus dorsal position in breast cancer patients treated with Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy: a dosimetric study

M. Zarza-Moreno et al. A Monte Carlo-based dosimetric evaluation of the perturbation caused by metallic artifacts in breast CT images for Treatment Planning in External Radiotherapy

Session title: Nuclear Medicine

A. Amaro et al. Dosimetry and renal toxicity for [90Y-DOTA]-D-Phe1Tyr3octreotide therapy

A. Canudo et al. PET/CT scan with 18F-DG and 18F-Ch: dose rate from patients when leaving department

P. Gil et al. Occupational Radiation Exposure of Professionals - Historic Analysis of a Nuclear Medicine Department

A. Manuel et al. Individual dose equivalent evaluation of healthcare professionals in pulmonary ventilation and perfusion scintigraphy

M. Marques et al. Informed Consenti in Nuclear Medicine

J. Pereira et al. Managing Radiopharmaceuticals - Since the beginning to the end

A. Ruzzarin et al. Radiation Protection of Patients In Brazilian Nuclear Medicine

V. Sousa et al. Estimating absorbed doses in pediatric renal patients, using Monte Carlo simulations, in vivo measurements and biokinetic models

Session title: Computed Tomography

R. Cabral et al. Diagnostic Reference Levels in Computed Tomography in the Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte

A. Fernandes et al. Dose Reduction and Optimization of Protection of Radiosensitive Organs in CT scans using a Bismuth Shielding

C. Figueira et al. Reference Dose Levels in Head CT: From Theory to Practice in Educational Environment

C. S. Figueira et al. A computational study on medical staff dose reduction through angular beam optimisation technique in CT-Fluoroscopy guided procedures

R. Silva et al Computed Tomography’s statistics in Portugal

Session title: Digital Radiography and Mammography

A. Fausto et al. Optimization study of image quality and patient dose in digital mammography

M. Félix et al. Dose and image quality evaluation in breast tomosynthesis – a comparative study with mammography

L. Fernandes Influence of image plates usage in the quality of mammography

C. Reis et al. Image quality and dose performance of digital mammography systems in Portugal

Session title: Radiobiology

A. Antunes et al. Use of Biological Dosimetry for Dose estimate using cytokinesis-blocked micronucleus assay study of the effect of age and gender

A. Costa et al. Radiobiology and safety against radiation in therapy with 90Y-microspheres in hepatic tumors

P. Costa et al. Modern Radiobiology: Study of Ionizing Radiation Biological Effects using Three-Dimensional Cell Cultures

A. Duarte et al. Characterization of the VUV radiation effect on lipid emulsions

J. Lemos et al. Assessing Radiobiological Effects of Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation on Zebrafish by Bidimensional Gel Electrophoresis

A. Louro et al. Microdosimetric perspective of human lung acinus cancer prevalence

V. Martins et al. Comparison of dose-response relationship using three different endpoints: dicentric chromosomes, micronuclei and g-h2ax foci

L. Peralta et al. Fast alpha particle transport Monte Carlo code

Session title: Interventional Radiology and Interventional Cardiology

R. Barros et al. Importance of Individual Radiation Protection in Interventional Cardiology

R. Barros et al. Optimization of the Radiological Protection of Patients in Interventional Cardiology - Their Implications for Professional Exposure

G. Coutinho et al. Image Quality and Radiation Exposure Rates in Fluoroscopy: A National Statistical View and a Comparative Study

Session title: Educational Training

C. Gomes et al. Occupational risk perception: a case study of radiographers in the Azores (Portugal)

L. Peralta et al. Low cost silicon radiation monitor

Session title: Safety Culture

C. Almeida et al. Dose Management in Radiology

M. Costa et al. Decommissioning Study of Molecular Imaging and Radioisotope Production Facilities

C. Lima “Medical SisRadiologia” A New Software Tool for Analysis of Radiological Accidents and Incidents in Medical Radiology

M. Manzano et al. Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central’s Occupational Radiological Protection Program

A. Silva et al. Occupational exposure to radon in thermal spas

H. Trindade et al. Radiology Quality Control in Portugal – a Company Perspective

A. Vaz et al. Radiation Protection Garments – Beyond Lead