r.h.list of publications by ratna handurukande

" . . I LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Ratna Handurukande 1. Kalidasa in English (Review article with Yasmine Gooneratne). Community. No. 4. Colombo 1963. 2. Short notice on the Pratimoksasutra ed. W.Pachow and Ramakanta Misra. Allahabad 1956. The University of Ceylon Review. Vol. XXI. No. 1. Peradeniya 1963. 3. Encyclopaedia of Buddhism published by the Government of Sri Lanka (Ceylon) Vol. 1. Fascicle 4 (Articles over the initials R.H.). Colombo 1965. 4. Ibid. Vol. II. Fascicle 1 (Articles over the initials RH.). Colombo 1966. 5. Ibid. Vol. II. Fascicle 2 (Articles over the initials RH.). Colombo 1967. 6. Ibid. Vol. II. Fascicle 3 (Articles over the initials RH.). Colombo 1967. 7. Manicudavadana and Lokananda. A critical edition, translation and a comparative study. pp. lv, 300. Published by the Pali Text Society as Vol. V of the Sacred Books of the Buddhists Series. London 1967. Reviewed by lW.de Jong of the Australian National University on pp. 140 - 143 in the Indo-Iranian Journal Vol. XIII- No. 2 (1971) published in The Hague; A review article on Appendix I of this book viz. The Tibetan Text of the Lokananda was published by Michael Hahn of the University of BOn; on pages 104 - 112 of the same journal. 8. Encyclopedia of Buddhism published by the Government of Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Vol. II. Fascicle 4 (Articles over the initials R.H.). Colombo 1968. 9. The story of the Shell-maidens: >Sambukavadana= pp 46 - 48 in the O.H.de AWijesekera Felicitation Volume ed. lTilakasiri. Colombo 1970. 10. Encyclopedia of Buddhism published by the Government of Sri Lanka Ceylon). Vol. III. Fascicle I (Articles over the initials RH.). Colombo 1971. 11. Ibid. Vol. III. Fascicle 2 (Articles over the initials RH.). Colombo 1972. 12. The Avadanasarasamuccaya. pp. 79 - 89 in: Studies in Indo-Asian Art and Culture. Vol. led. P.Ratnam. New Delhi 1972. 13. Encyclopedia of Buddhism published by the Government of Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Vol. III. Fascicle 3 (Articles over the initials R.H.). Colombo 1973. 14. Articles on Uttara-Uttraseti. pp. 371 - 383 in the Critical Pali Dictionary (with W.B.Bollee) ed. L.Alsdorf. Copenhagen 1973.

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Page 1: r.h.list of Publications by Ratna Handurukande

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Ratna Handurukande

1. Kalidasa in English (Review article with Yasmine Gooneratne). Community. No. 4. Colombo 1963.

2. Short notice on the Pratimoksasutra ed. W.Pachow and Ramakanta Misra. Allahabad 1956. The University of Ceylon Review. Vol. XXI. No. 1. Peradeniya 1963.

3. Encyclopaedia of Buddhism published by the Government of Sri Lanka (Ceylon) Vol. 1. Fascicle 4 (Articles over the initials R.H.). Colombo 1965.

4. Ibid. Vol. II. Fascicle 1 (Articles over the initials RH.). Colombo 1966.

5. Ibid. Vol. II. Fascicle 2 (Articles over the initials RH.). Colombo 1967.

6. Ibid. Vol. II. Fascicle 3 (Articles over the initials RH.). Colombo 1967.

7. Manicudavadana and Lokananda. A critical edition, translation and a comparative study. pp. lv, 300. Published by the Pali Text Society as Vol. XXIV of the Sacred Books of the Buddhists Series. London 1967. Reviewed by lW.de Jong of the Australian National University on pp. 140 - 143 in the Indo-Iranian Journal Vol. XIII­No. 2 (1971) published in The Hague; A review article on Appendix I of this book viz. The Tibetan Text of the Lokananda was published by Michael Hahn of the University of BOn; on pages 104 - 112 of the same journal.

8. Encyclopedia of Buddhism published by the Government of Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Vol. II. Fascicle 4 (Articles over the initials R.H.). Colombo 1968.

9. The story of the Shell-maidens: >Sambukavadana= pp 46 - 48 in the O.H.de AWijesekera Felicitation Volume ed. lTilakasiri. Colombo 1970.

10. Encyclopedia of Buddhism published by the Government of Sri Lanka Ceylon). Vol. III. Fascicle I (Articles over the initials RH.). Colombo 1971.

11. Ibid. Vol. III. Fascicle 2 (Articles over the initials RH.). Colombo 1972.

12. The Avadanasarasamuccaya. pp. 79 - 89 in: Studies in Indo-Asian Art and Culture. Vol. led. P.Ratnam. New Delhi 1972.

13. Encyclopedia of Buddhism published by the Government of Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Vol. III. Fascicle 3 (Articles over the initials R.H.). Colombo 1973.

14. Articles on Uttara-Uttraseti. pp. 371 - 383 in the Critical Pali Dictionary (with W.B.Bollee) ed. L.Alsdorf. Copenhagen 1973.

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15. The Manicuda Study (a monograph forming a supplement to Manicudavadana No.7 above, based on material in Japan). pp. 168 - 309 in: Buddhist Studies (Bukkyo Kenkyu). Vol. V. edited by the International Buddhist Association. Hamamatsu, Japan 1976.

16. Apropos Krikin=s Daughters. Pp. 116 - 127 in the Malalasekera Commemoration Volume edited by O.H.de A.Wijesekera. Colombo 1976.

17. Encyclopedia of Buddhism published by the Government of Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Vol. III. Fascicle 4 (Articles over the initials R.H.). Colombo 1977.

18. The Benefit of Caitya Worship. pp. 75 - 77 in the Senerat Paranavitana Commemoration Volume. Editors Leelananda Prematilleke, Karthigesu Indrapala, lE.Van Lohiuzen-de Leeuw. (Studies in South Asian Culture). Vol. VII. Leiden 1978.

19. Rsipancaka-jataka. pp. 111 - 122 of Studies in Indo-Asian Art and Culture. Vol. 6 edited by Lokesh Chandra. New Delhi 1980.

20. Buddhist Tales from Sanskrit sources. Retold. Bodhi Leaves. No. B88. Buddhist Publication Society. Kandy, Sri Lanka 1981.

21. Sarvamdada, the All-giver. pp. 165 - 178 in Buddhist Studies (Bukkyo Kenkyu). Vol. X March 1981 published by The International Buddhist Association. Hamamatsu, Japan.

22. Matsaranandavadana. pp. 349 - 51 in the Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. Vol. XLIV12. 1981.

23. The Advantages of Image-making. pp. 143 - 147 in Buddhist Studies (Bukkyo Kenkyu). Vol. XI March 1982. Published by the International Buddhist Association. Hamamatsu, Japan.

24. A Merchant Story. pp. 48 - 56 in the Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities. University of Peradeniya. Vol.VI. Nos. 1 and 2. 1980 (Published in 1982).

25. Proceedings of the Sri Lanka Roundtable. AAS Meeting. Spring 1982. pp.l 0 - 1].

26. Five Buddhist Legends in the Campu Style. From a Collection named Avadanasarasamuccaya. Edited and translated (with an introduction). pp (63), 234. Indica et Tibetica. Herausgegeben von Michael Hahn. Band 4. Bonn 1984. Reviewed by: Peter Khoroche in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. Great Britain. 1986 No. 1. pp. 147 - 148; Per Kvaerne in the Bulletin of the School of Oriental and

African Studies. Vol. 49 NO. 3 (1986) pp. 627 - 628; Bruce Cameron Hall in the Journal of the American Oriental Society 107.3 (1987) pp. 512 - 513; John Strong in the Religious Studies Review. Vol. 14. NO. 3 (July 1988).

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27. ATriratnabhajananusamsa= (romanised Sanskrit text and translation). pp. 103 - 107 in Buddhist Studies in honour of Ham mala va Saddhatissa. Editors Gatare Dhammapala. Richard Gombrich. K.R.Norman. Nugegoda, Sri Lanka 1984.

28. Paniyavadana. pp. 158 - 161 in the Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities. University of Peradeniya. Vol. VIII. Nos. 1 and 2. 1982 (published in 1985).

29 Review of the Pannasa-Jataka or Zimme Pannasa (in the Burmese Recension). Vol. II edited by P.SJaini. pp. 188 - 192 in the Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities. University of Peradeniya. Vol. VIII. Nos. 1 and 2. 1982 (published in 1985).

30. The Leningrad Manuscript of the Manicudavadana. pp. 39 - 45 in the Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities. Vol. X. Nos. 1 and 2. 1984 (Published in 1987).

31. Apropos Manicuda Studies and a Manicudavadana Manuscript kept in Rome. pp. 189 - 201 in Buddhist Philosophy and Culture. Eassays in honour of N.A. Jayawickrema ed. David l Kalupahana and W.G.Weeraratne. Colombo 1987.

32. Jatakamalas in Sanskrit. pp. 91 - 109 in the Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities. Vol. XI. Nos. 1 and 2. 1985 (published in 1987).

33. Sakyamuni as King of Kosala. pp. 53 - 58 in Papers on Buddhism and Sri Lankan Studies in Commemoration of Gate Mudaliyar W.F.Gunawardhana. Edited by M. Hiran FJayasuriya. Dehiwala, Sri Lanka 1987.

34. Dasakusalakarmaphala. pp. 43 - 48 in Kalyani. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Kelaniya. Vols. V and VI. 1986, 1987.

35. Dasakusalakarmapatha. The Path of Ten Good Actions. pp. 39 - 44 in the Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities. University of Peradeniya. Vol. XII. Nos. 1 and 2. 1986 (published in 1988).

36. Samskrta jatakamala prabandha. pp. 13 - 24 in Anubhuti ed. Pollamure Sorata himi and Daya Amerasekera. Vol. I. Fasc. 2. 1988. (An article in Sinhala based on No. 31 above).

37. Brief Notes on Some Buddhist goddesses from Tibetan Sources. pp. 167 - 170 in Anandam Vijaniyat. Professor Paramanand Shastri F elicitation Volume edited by Dr.

S.P.Sharma. Aligarh, India 1988.

38. The Supriyasarthavahajataka. Edited with an introduction. Indica et Tibetica Verlag. Bonn 1988. 105 pp. Reviewed by Ananda S. Kulasuriya in the Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities. Vol. XIV. 1988 (Published in 1990) pp. 197 - 202; J.W.de Jong in the Indo-Iranian Journal. Vol. 37 NO. 4 October 1994 p. 364.

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39. Apropos Nigrodhamigajataka and a version of it in theVicitrakarnikavadanamala. Sri Lanka Journal of Buddhist Studies. Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka. Vol. II. 1988 pp. 63 - 89.

40. The Supriya Legend in Buddhist Literature. World of Buddhism. The International Buddhist Magazine ed. AD.T.E.Perera. Vol. 5. No. 2. 1989 pp. 18 - 21.

41. Caitya worship in Buddhist Avadana Literature. World of Buddhism. The International Buddhist Magazine ed. AD.T.E.Perera. Vol. 6. No. 2. 1990 pp. 6 - 9.

42. In collaboration with Elena Gabriel. Sinhalese Language. Primary Course Part I. pp. 1 - 43 (Textbook for first year students at the University of Leningrad). Leningrad 1990; Ibid Part 2. pp. 1 - 56. Leningrad 1990.

43. In collaboration with Elena Gabriel. Spoken Sinhalese. Part I. pp. 1 - 38. Leningrad 1990; Ibid. Part 2. pp. 1 - 55. Leningrad 1990.

44. The Daitya King Nirghosadamana. pp. 68 - 72 in: Buddhist Essays, a Miscellany, A Memorial Volume in Honour of Venerable Hammalava Saddhatissa. Editors. Pollamure Sorata Thera. Laksman Perera. Karl Goonesena. London. Sri Saddhatissa International Buddhist Centre 1992.

45. The Minayev Collection of Manuscripts in the State Public Library in S1. Petersburg (Leningrad). The Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities. Vol. XVI. Nos. 1 and 2 (1990). Published in 1993 pages 195 - 214.

46. Orientalia in the University. The Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities. Vols. XVII and XVIII. Jubilee Commemoration Double Volume. 1991 - 1992 (published in 1994) pages 264 - 338.

47. Apropos Ariya Metteyya and the Mahasampindanidana. The Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities. Vol. XIX. Numbers 1 and 2 (published in 1995) pages 78 - 85.

48. An article in Sinhala based on 4' above: Avadanamala Sahityayehi dakvena caitya pujava pilibandha satahanak. pp. 98 - 104 in: Budusamaya ha puja caritra. Labugama Sri Lankananda Mahanahimi upahara kalapaya. Edited by Kotapitiye Rahula himi, Colombo 1996.

49. Addendum to Manicuda Studies. pp. 292 - 299 in: Recent Researchets in Buddhist Studies. Essays in honour of Prof. YKarunadasa. Editors; Kualalampur

Dhammajoti, Asanga Tilakaratne, KapiJa Abhyawansa. Colombo 1997.

50. Of the Buddha and his message. pp. 63 - 64 in Sri Lanka: A Personal Odyssey by Nihal Fernando. Colombo 1997.

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51. An article in Sinhala based on No. 31 above: Manicudavadana saha tadasrit:l adhyayana. "Uvasara", Emeritus Professor Ananda Kulasuriya Felicitation Volume. Editor Prof. P. Wijemanna. S. Godage and Brothers, Colombo, 1999, pp. 34-41.

52. Sundry Notes on Fa-hsien. The Sri Lanka 10urnal of the Humanities Vols. 24 and 2'; (1998 - 1 999)University of Peradeniya, pp.I23-142.

53. Orientology in Sri Lanka and its association with Pune. Some Reflections. Emeritlls Professor Kailasanatha Kurukkal Commemoration Volume: Kailasanadam. Editor Prof. P. Gopalakrishna lyer. laffna 2000, pp. 56-72.

54. A monograph entitled: Three Sanskrit Texts on Caitya Worship in relation to tile Ahoratravrata. An edition and synopses in English (with an Introduction). Stucli�1 Philologia Buddhica. Monograph Series XVI. (132 pages preceded by i-xxv). Tokyo, The International Institute for Buddhist Studies 2000.

55. An article in Sinhala based on No. 26 above: Campu kavya sailiyen racita avadalld katha pahak, "Archana", Emeritus Professor M.H.F.Jayasuriya Felicitation Volume. S. Godage and Brothers, Colombo 2002, pp. 53-60.

56. Freedom? and The Buried Past. English translation of two short stories in Sinhala authored by Piyaseeli Wijemanna. pp. 174-203 in Translations of Sinh ala and Tamil

ShOJi Stories. A Lankan Mosaic. Edited by Ashley Halpe, M.A. Nuhuman ami Ranjini Obeyesekere, Colombo. Three Wheeler Press, 2002.

57. Supriyasarthavahajatakaya. pp. 298-302 in: Buddhist Studies. Essays in honour or Professor Lily de Silva. University of Peradeniya. 2002.

58. Fences. English translation of a short story by Piyaseeli Wijemanna. pp. 104-112 in: Godage Modern Fiction. Selected Sri Lankan Short Stories 1981-1999 Vol. 2, cd. Kusuma Karunaratne et a1. Godage International Publishers (PVT) Ltd, Colom bo 2003.

59. Sundry Notes on Fa-hsien. pp. 194-220 in: Symposium on Buddhist Studies. 20111 Anniversary Commemoration Volume. Thames Buddhist Vihara. Editor: VCIl. Kotapitiye Rahula. Thames Meditation Society. United Kingdom 2003. (Reprint of No. 54 above).

60. An article in Sinhala entitled: Lanka Visvavidyalaye Sirylhala Adhyayanaya Pilibanda AtTtayen bindak. pages 194 - 209 in Ariya Rajakarur;a Upahara lipi sarylgrahaya.

Sarylskrtika Kendraya. Ruhuna Visvavidyalaya. Colombo 2004. (Content, Glimpses from the Past on Sirylhala Studies in the University of Ceylon, Sri Lanka).

61. The Buddhist Goddess Vasudhara. Pages 111 - 122 in Dhamma-Vinaya. Essays in honour of Venerable Professor Dhammavihari (Jotiya Dhitasekera) edited Asanga Tilakaratne et. a!. Sri Lanka Association for Buddhist Studies (SLABS) Colom ho 2005.

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62. An article in Sinhala entitled: Pune saha SrTlarikika viduat sabandata (Content: the inter-action of scholars ofPune and Sri Lanka. A revised and updated version of No 53 above). pp. 1 - 24 of Pahasara, Professor P.B. Meegaskumbura Upahara lipi sarrgrahaya. Edited by Lakshman Nugapitiya et. aI. Colombo. S. Godage saha. sahodarayo. 2008.

63. The Legend of Vis van tara - An Unpublished Version. Pages 211 - 230 in Philologos. Essays presented in felicitation of Merlin Peris. Emeritus Professor of Western

Classics University of Peradeniya. Edited by Chandima S.M. Wickramasinghe, Colombo. Sri Lanka. Godage International Publishers (Pvt.) Ltd. 2008.

64. Vasudharadhara�T (katha). Pages 53 -- 64 in. Buddhist and Pali Studies in honour of The Venerable Professor Kakkapalliye Anuruddha. Editors. Professor K.L. Dhan1majoti. Professor Y. Karunadasa. Centre of Buddhist Studies. The University of Hong Kong. 2009.

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1. Present Student's Letter. Newnham Roll. Cambridge 1958.

2. Article in Sinhala: Tibbataye Budu Sasuna. pp. 6 - 7 in; Buddhiya. Samskrutika Masikaya. Vol. I, Fasc. I. November 1963.

3. Avadanas. Buddhist Legends in Sanskrit Literature. Ceylon Today. Wesak No. May 1964.

4. Buddhist Art in Gandhara. Journal of the Buddhist Brotherhood of the University of Ceylon. 1964.

5. Tibetan Tankas. The Vesak Annual. Department of Cultural Affairs, May 1965.

6. Tibets Takes to Buddhism. pp. 42 - 44 in: The Buddhist Annual. Edited by D.T.Devendra, Colombo. Gunasena & Company 1966/2510.

7. An article entitled: Features of College Life ( reprint of no. 1 above) in: Newnham Anthology 1978/79.

8. 'Sudu Amma' as a story-teller. pp 48 - 49 in: Musaeus College 1893 - 1998.