rice military news june 2010

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  • 8/9/2019 Rice Military News June 2010




    NewsletterJune 2010

    your source for

    neighborhood news

    Quarterly Meeting

    Presentation on

    Super Neighborhood 22

    Transportation Master Plan

    along the

    Washington Avenue Corridor

    Wednesday, July 14

    7 pm

    St. Luke Baptist Church

    714 Detering St.

    Native Garden Plantings at The WOW Roundabout

    by Phyllis Thomason

    On a clear, cool, and brightSaturday morning in April, a group of

    Rice Military neighborhood volunteers

    met to plant the initial offering of our

    native garden species as we enter the

    second phase of plantings at The WOW

    Roundabout! While The WOW

    Roundabout furnished the plants, eachneighborhood surrounding the

    roundabout was responsible for planting

    and will be responsible for watering the

    new plants by hand until they are

    established. By using plants native to

    our area, hand watering will only be

    necessary during extensive dry periods.

    With gloves and shovels inhand, Paul Hesson, Joe McKee, B. J.

    Smith, and Patrick McIlvain (he says his

    roots are still in Rice Military!) joined

    me for a couple of hours as we designed

    and installed the first phase of the Rice

    Military Native Garden at The WOW

    Roundabout. A big thanks goes to these

    ladies and gentlemen who gave their

    time and energy to the neighborhood!

    I invite you to take some time,walk over to the roundabout, and enjoy

    the changes that have taken place.

    The WOW Roundabout board isnow moving forward with a capital

    campaign to complete the project with

    the installation of the light sculpt

    created by local artist Tim Glover.

    works grace some of Houstons f

    public venues, including his Hea

    Nature at University of Hous

    Recreation and Wellness Center. Gl

    teaches at the High School for

    Performing and Visual Arts and board member of Buffalo


    Glovers Light Gardconsists of three light towers org

    and tree-like with intertwined,

    reaching brushed steel arms capped

    glowing LED orbs. With this dram

    up-lighting, the structures at night

    create a tiara of light above

    roundabout, visible from

    approaches. With this artwork in p

    and the continued addition to the

    native gardens, The WOW Rounda

    will be one of Houstons m

    recognized landmarks.

    Funding for this project cofrom charitable organizati

    corporations, community busine

    and individuals like you and me.

    WOW Roundabout is seeking

    generous arts benefactor for

    sculpture as well as small and l

    donations for paving bricks, bould

    landscaping, and perpetual care. If

    or someone you know might

    interested in contributing to

    completion of this beautification pro

    please email info@wowroundabout

    If you wish to receive fur

    information on our Naming Ri

    P r o g r a m , e m a

    [email protected].

  • 8/9/2019 Rice Military News June 2010


    w w w . R i c e M i l i t a r y . o r g

    RMCC Newsletter

    Rice Military Civic Club 2010 Membership Form

    $20 Household Membership $5 Senior Membership

    $30 Business Membership I would like to donate $____ extra for community outreach!

    Name ____________________________________ Address _____________________________________

    Telephone _________________________________ Email _______________________________________

    Contact me about local volunteer opportunities Send me the newsletter by email only

    Mail this form to PO Box 130311, Houston TX 77219 or pay online at www.RiceMilitary.org

    by Christopher McCarty

    We often hear on the news

    ground-level ozone warning and

    eldom pay attention. What is

    ground-level ozone? Where is it

    ound? What causes it? How does it

    ffect us? What can we do to help

    educe it?

    Ozone is a colorless gas that is

    variety of oxygen. Oxygen consists

    of two oxygen atoms while ozone

    onsists of three. Ground-level ozone

    s one of the main components of

    mog, which is formed by the

    nteraction of hydrocarbonsunburned or evaporated gasoline)

    nd nitrogen oxides in the presence of


    Stratospheric ozone (in the

    upper atmosphere) is known as the

    ozone layer and protects our health by

    hielding us from the sun's damaging

    ultraviolet rays. However, ground-

    evel ozone (tropospheric ozone) is a

    pollutant with highly toxic effects. It is

    health hazard causing damage tohuman health, the environment,

    rops, and a wide range of natural

    nd artificial materials.

    Ground-level ozone comes

    rom the breakdown (oxidation) of

    volatile organic compounds found in

    olvents. It is also a product of

    reactions between chemicals that are

    produced by burning coal, gasoline,

    other fuels, and the chemicals found

    in paints and hair sprays. Oxidation

    occurs readily in the presence of

    sunlight. Motor vehicles and

    industries are major sources of

    pollutants that cause ground-level

    ozone. Ozone that is close to theground can cause eye irritation,

    headaches, coughing, impaired lung

    function, and eye, nose, and throat

    irritation. Asthmatics and children are

    most at risk. The chance of

    experiencing adverse health eff

    from elevated ozone levels incre

    during heavy exercise or outd

    activity. Ground-level ozone can

    damage trees, plants, and redvisibility.

    Here are some things you do daily to help reduce ozone lev

    Try to incorporate them into y

    daily life, especially on ozone warn

    days which are most often days w

    temperatures above 90 degrees:

    avoid idling your motor veh


    conserve energy and recycle;

    do not refuel your vehicle or lmower on ozone warning day

    you must refuel, do so after d

    remember that sunlight as

    ozone-forming reactions;

    keep your vehicle well tuned;

    limit driving: carpool, walk, ri

    bicycle, and combine trips;

    start charcoal with an ele

    lighter or a newspaper-fu

    "chimney" instead of lighter flu

    use public transportation.

    Understanding ground-lozone and incorporating sm

    changes to our daily lives can not o

    help us protect ourselves but

    reduce unhealthy levels of ozon

    our environment.

    Ground-Level Ozone Safety Awareness

  • 8/9/2019 Rice Military News June 2010


    w w w . R i c e M i l i t a r y . o r g

    RMCC Newsletter

  • 8/9/2019 Rice Military News June 2010


    w w w . R i c e M i l i t a r y . o r g

    RMCC Newsletter

    by Monica Savino

    Houstons rapidly changingbuilt environment is something we

    ll are reminded of each time weeave town for a week or so. Weeturn and sometimes dontecognize our own neighborhoodbecause a new building suddenlyppeared or disappeared while we

    were gone. It does seem that re-development occurs very quickly,

    nd while we acquire something inhe newness, we have also lost aremendous amount of history in

    he neighborhoods alongWashington Avenue. The latestpotential victim to rapid re-development is the Doris MillerCenter at 5216 Feagan Street,ormerly Doris Miller Elementary

    School. Seemingly contemporary,he school is historic on manyevels.

    Designed by architectRobert Talley and built in 1957 by

    HISD, the school is a wonderfulnd compact example of late 1950snternational Style. Innovative at

    the time, the structural system ismade of poured in place concreteframe, with natural and glazedbrick infill walls and an articulatedroof edge. The style was commonduring the 1950s as constructionin the state boomed and Texasschool districts built many newschools for black students duringthe finals years of segregation after

    Brown vs. Board of Education.These schools were small, this one

    designed for no more than students because they wereserve only the African-Amerstudents in the neighborhood.

    The Doris Miller Centcomplex of classrooms, entry, cafetorium are a neat compositioasymmetric yet balanced volumThe entry is open and welcomas nature almost enters the build

    with a planting wall and exten

    The Built Expression of Our Modern History: The Doris Miller Center

    continued on p

    Share Your News We welcome your news, photosand editorials. We reserve theright to edit for clarity, style, andlength. Send questions andc o n t r i b u t i o n s t o

    [email protected]. Articlesand ads do not necessarily reflecthe views of the Rice MilitaryCivic Club, nor does the CivicClub take responsibility forerrors of fact that may beexpressed by the writers andadvertisers.

    Wendy Wilkinson,


  • 8/9/2019 Rice Military News June 2010


    w w w . R i c e M i l i t a r y . o r g

    RMCC Newsletter

    roof frame. Modern schools arehighly legible meaning that theexterior gives us clues to theprogram within. For example,one readily identifies thec l a s s r o o m w i n g , t h eadministration areas, as one canidentify the assembly wing at theelementary school.

    Many schools built duringthis time were expressions of ourmodern, post-war ideals as theyprovided greatly improvededucational opportunities forAfrican-American children.Standardized modernization inschools provided a safe buildingthat protected children from theelements. They were designedwith modern plumbingconveniences including hallwaywater fountains and were oftenonly one story tall so that children

    could have easy access to thehealthful outdoors. Theclassrooms were filled withnatural light as this wasconsidered desirable for optimallearning

    The elementary schoolsnamesake, Doris Miller, was anAfrican American from Waco,Texas, who served in the U.S.Navy during World War II. His brave and quick responses duringthe attack on Pearl Harbordistinguished him, and Miller wasawarded the Navy Cross for hisheroic actions.

    On a local level, the DorisMiller Center has served as

    assembly space for neighborhoodgatherings including RMCCmeetings and annual NationalNight Out events. The schoolcampus has given decades ofcommunity service and couldpossibility continue to serve in this

    way if the building escademolition. Its currenendangered, as HISD wants to it.

    Houstons role in mod20th century race relations is interesting series of events tha

    on-going. From the 1917 CaLogan riots to this modincarnation of institutiosegregation, the far wneighborhoods along WashingAvenue have played a critical pof the American story. In exuberance to re-develop at evturn, it would be a great shamelose the Doris Miller CenHoustons recognition of a Te

    World War II hero and acknowledgement of the powertime period it represents.

    Monica Savino is a Woo

    resident and Advisory Board mem

    for Houston Mod.

    continued from page 4

  • 8/9/2019 Rice Military News June 2010


    w w w . R i c e M i l i t a r y . o r g

    RMCC Newsletter

    Electronic Newsletter Available

    If youd like to receive this newsletter by email on PDF in lieu of a hard copy,

    then email [email protected] with PDF Newsletter in the subject line

    along with your name and home address in the email.

    Queen of Green:Save the Environment

    Inside and Outside

    Your Home!

    by Laury Adams

    Refrigerators and

    freezers use more electricity

    than any other single

    household appliance. They

    account for about a sixth of all

    electricity use in a typical

    American home. Over orunder crowding makes a

    refrigerator work harder to

    maintain its optimal

    temperature of 37 degrees.

    TO DO: Fill empty

    milk containers with water,

    leaving room for expansion

    during freezing, and use these

    to fill spaces in your freezer.

    When necessary, these can beused as ice packs in coolers for

    picnics or during hurricanes.

    Shop Smart Magazine,

    June 2010, found the following

    floodlights to be cheaper and

    brighter than others they

    tested: Phillips Energy Saver

    and GE Energy Saver.

    TO DO: Remember toturn off lights in areas not

    being used.

    Easy Effective Weapon

    of Choice for War on Fire

    Ants: Amazing how those tinycreatures can build large homes

    and launch such painful

    attacks on humans. Forget thecostly toxic chemicals! Keep

    handy weapons at your

    fingertipsjust 2 tablespoons

    each of Molasses and Orange

    Oil (Wabash Feed Store) in a

    gallon of water can launch a

    deadly counterattack in


  • 8/9/2019 Rice Military News June 2010


    w w w . R i c e M i l i t a r y . o r g

    RMCC Newsletter

    Civic Club Officers

    Elected Offices

    President Doug [email protected]

    Vice-President Cindy McCauley

    [email protected]

    Secretary Will Wilkinson

    [email protected]

    Treasurer Kathleen Zimmerman

    [email protected]

    Non-Elected OfficesSocial Coordinator Peggy Moore

    [email protected]

    Newsletter Editor Wendy Wilkinson

    [email protected]

    All officers are volunteers. Please contact them withany questions, issues, or compliments! We would liketo thank our officers and all of our volunteers for their

    work to make Rice Military one of the besneighborhoods in Houston!

    by Pamela OBrien

    The fire element of Feng Shuiprovides dynamic enthusiasm,desire and passion as well as joy,laughter and love. Summer is aGREAT time of year to take action

    on all of those dreams and goals. Atwork, you can focus on sales,marketing, advertising and publicrelations. At home, you might betempted by travel and romance! Aperson with a healthy fire element

    will feel happy, compassionate,light and playful.

    Find your fire area, which is the back center area of your home,office, or desk. By adding Feng Shuifriendly elements, you can become

    more visible to others, enhance yourreputation, improve marketing,make more sales and enjoyimproved public relations.

    Here are a few easy ways to light upthe fire in your home or office:

    Paint the room red or perhaps jan accent wall.

    Use red, gold or wooden decoratitems, including items trepresent animals (art, animal prfabric, leather).

    Add fire by using candles, lighand electronic media.

    Select decorative items or art tare oriented upwards and contmotifs like arrows, mountain peand pyramids.

    Feng Shui Tip: Summer Heat and Energy

    Save the Date for

    National Night OutTuesday, October 5

    5:30 - 7:30 p.m. in Nelli Keyes Park

  • 8/9/2019 Rice Military News June 2010


    Rice Military Civic Club

    PO Box 130311

    Houston TX 77219-0311








    June 2010

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    neighborhood news

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