richmond dispatch.(richmond, va)...

DISPATCH. ¦asa ivi IOLI. NUMBER. 13.013. RICHMOND, VA», WEDNESDAY. APRIL· 12. 189.1 THREB CENTS PER COPY. YOU ARE WELCOME. w>gAì i«W iiv.o\i>tothì; . ? un OOVBftlfOBS. *r:;;-.::\'VF.XT;CX,SWORK ike Knoai Oast ???μμ?p·«·>. », uaofS»*\«* r-.\<M*iiti\·-*«. O- «1« G «·? lAcnix'.s, .; i U tread* ir» Tcccixfi Usf. »· v r t«· tlipin, ? * bere ibi a ask for Boythiog "t. Bill bo in to **i!l not be moro of sa re invi! '. , bul tin··*!· i Ba¬ al ·'·'·¦» will be auch rank it with roblii ? Hint hi\c the üaptsol baildinp, iti la ?. · ? ; « scia« ition flint Im· as¬ id 1 I :. ·· aal Un ihback sai i ktondaj he « erba! the convention would . \?\ ? «itive oonvictii di " it w s, let t Boatti limi. arili IÌD'1 lnm=-elf Ij. 1 list ii v. 1 il lo II ?·. ?! ; Ion Iba world tl·«· il conditici ti sai rant of . ·:; it i'ntiii'nl« ·1 will : :tty)',\e, ? .-1 noon ? · f villi ¦ d ilr r. Me officer I ie»» rnor Ilio nomination b musi appro] re f Ar« nt for tin· · ikpn ? ira tin· gavel and, s Ury and Mr, W .nue of ? (in WILL BE HI ' th« G his St.,to Ulte, Mli'h lure, ? tarai «tu! ?. iding .. and '..?:, ?" ' ted in ·.::·· 1 tfj·' «ri ;¡- f.. n plan ith, Iti il] e ap· which ' ¦'¦¦ if Commerce on . a llayoi Bufoni, in I*. I btern, and :...· Vf. 'J ru. r». ?. Whittle, ».?!? assemble ut tbe ?1"'···-· ' rom ·l:< ·» ill go to the .' ? lunch f. : about sixty After ; rs «ill be taken i:. c ir« d the citi ß : ·· !. tlie bol -i will veiling way. rnor McKin« Piahback »t lii.'. hi ni y ester- w ·.. f Blaryland, ar¬ iti rn oh froui rupsnied by are .. (»ov< r:.· r : ? v. it 111 ·· athful face. . U ? r. ¡ ortcr | lUOVi'- ·, ..¡i He bad ? be iltii. to hLi'W and wiahed BtiOl tb« h .'ii nd ,? luch lass take pert in the .. huit 1?(?·? ¡t · ·? Ilia i DO j I.!'!·* '.·' I bai : only 1"-· lhu 1 ' Iti ·' .petal * if i / ..· f v ¦ be langhingly :.. itivc. wb», ? arr,ved leal uifght· and ? min, I as an murtly. It. >.* J11. djrk BSOtte· ris* .r tt-.-r in c:i- I '.: »O u! :.' .. i>r. J. William t · ,'ty, jovud ?.· skea by* several .·. tl b ? t.,? '.... ni'-r i.u ulj Bot aud would not Mr». SDH,»·, »ìju woe tue |>sî »1 n rcpri- "·- I Vitti her hu» . ·« lady t,f ,.(,., t. genti«· di;· ...·' ? BO gBSJ u intioa <io\ -nior istou«.· asid - I uo j.lun to Ku^wet to tbe 008 «aaisua, üv can.*» u. tvnasum tv t-bu ? RICHMOND OPENS HER GATES AND WELCOMES TBE 80ÜTBERN GOVERNOHS.*;.PBJ : ? H'V-ri'on Fithback nuil Mclviiiiley nnd í«.r the purpose of co* op rating io the moseetent, vention coold ccrtaiolj do no barm uvl ?:, gbt resoli n greel good. At any rate, it could not fail toprsreamost I occasion. .. ABB, OP BOBTB ? ABOI UorernorCorr, Mr. John Kolin on, · r ..f Agriculture, anil Pro- .. Geolo¬ gist, ' f North Carolina, an aleoál Mur¬ phy's, having arrived on the ereniog ;: Mr. .lohn ?, Patrick, ex-Commissioner of Immigration ol North Carolina, iaalao in the city anil is registered at tbe ! -change, < lovsrnoi Ciirr haa a strong, not to sty I, face, w;tl. heavy gray motti and board. As regarda BORgottions to the eonrention Governor Carr was in the same category aa were Governors Brown and etone. He said be bad no plan to Is«, before the body. 11 onero foreonenkatioa North Carolina d exactly whit Virginiedeeired in thi . .f in kli ra thai bad monei or wi re skill «1 in bobenom of the mano factoring arts. elusion «nd inclined to * n that ;: t- c·« nth shi aid look principally to thi North and the Weal for tli thought that if the convention «ii.l no¬ timi,' I Bet the le ding men ol tbe fc nth tu thin . immigration, ami tliat wonld bo a point gain. ?. Mr. Patrick, wh.. Ina bad ? v^st «lenì of ? .patience iu ;r"rt- t.. nduc (.'rants t.. settla ?.. irtb ? tic· fir*·» thing ti b ? rince tbe man seeking e uew boi tb ?.?« not a swamp. Tl thing was to oonvinoe hini Inai be would ?hut as Boon aa be came here. Mi ^presentation ol tbe ¿South noi only obtained in the North, but in Fui v.!l. The eoneeneue of opinion aa gatl freni nil the dele, ah a to 11 c< avontion that the Dispatch rei ·¦ con« . ? ith waa thai Ine .'.;> did noi «t· «irò snob ¡fimigreats as constitute the thai bib dumpe al Castle Gar- den. X : developed from the drill of con- rersatk.? thai d ! d for from work at Chicago than from any «·¦ advertise the I -h- Booth sbroed. In a ".nera. tiou was throws oui thai it would bt* be il tu diaooontonance the immigration ol labor t.. tbe South. t.'?? utrraa to uu. cu Though Governor Piabl re to the preea the letti r ? drawn ap au.? will in« ? invention, it ia a ??»· thai ¦: ' land to ·. console who .»ili properly pr«·- » nt abn r ti South. On©of Governor Fisbback'e principal coi s that ili«* «South a miarepr -< nted by appointed éudi ? Uepublicaa i.ìmiu.tra- tioua IE: Lieotanant-Goveraor J. Böge Tyler j and btate-äenator IdoDonald, ol Lynch· Imre;, ¡. city last night The ii at th· _xcli tage oa 1 tfa poete I tha* ti mot will ? ? f « ·! u th« convention. Governo«! Fosti r, ol ·. «nd perir of li·.·· Gorernur liiltnan, of :·?.;?, Cai ¦«, aad arifo an.l two members <·? ins uff, sad Governor MaUotk-ta, of West Virginia, ara expeetod th. Hi". ?. rarnor Jones and wife will bo th|| gip'st·) of Or. Willis. 1!:·· <·??»·????,G? of Georgi·-, Text«. Kentucky, Mis-.'seippi auJ j «ill n.'t be able to attend the IP·· .*<·.rnitteee in ahsrga of th· IB· dared the vi-iton. at l BtaKflre. ind Club Thursday oißht were Lmay yt_tenlay their ut) for ibe entertatome·. It ???? of tho most brilliant alTaira that hu·.· ever tekea pleoe, even b that bospitahli! club-lion*·. Ito« il \r«>limili. Elba Council ? a «honored last evening by a risii (rom tini folli>*>iug granii orti· cers Otaiidliogeut C. VV. Itorwoixl, Cim-ua-^tavuij William Lgvauite-i» Qiand-Wftrd ti S. li. Bloomberg, and Mei re. V.*. 11. Williams and John Han¬ oi the Committee on Law« and The meeting was enthusiastic and thi addressee wereof satini ture, nul ranch good will restili tr visitation. Richmond is ar und the conrcils in the Stato will have tu ?:·» to nork in esrnest to com· pete with the councils iu tliis city. Bor¬ ers] applications wer·· j·:.· ent« I. Tfi<-¡ grand officers' will visit Beivi 1ère Coon* eil on Thursday muht ???? ?, ill ?? doubt be greeted by :i lull attendance. HELP FOR CLAKKSVILLE. Member* of lb«· Iticliniond To¬ bacco Trade <.i\<* >' 143.50. The members of tho Richmond To- baccu Trade have responded liberallj to ppeal icr help fur the /.ens of Clarksville. Their contributions I, nnd a check for this amount w.iu msiled last night by I t ry Cs ¦.,' iu McLeod direct to l5r. John chairman of the lb li ? Committee. raí u .'. The following amounts wero collected tice T. Bmith orni L. B. an in tho district lying I th BtnM la .I . ? I.I . iVatltini 4 Co.. Ifl . .'· IU' I t II. I IMJ . I 00 . 1 00 ?. ,?. Noil,.Ir. 1" 00 L'asb. ".' 00 It. Hal .? Bon. ·"· 00 . \ ;.. ? : lint· .? I. N. VaagLan. ... ?. H . I IMÍ W. . Wile u. 1 00 ¡.. I:. \ nugban.u J.O.France. ? 00 ¦?. ?. .?··-?·... ·'· (HI ?. ?. arutlan. 10 00 !.. I. Krause . ·". 00 .. ?. Viel · . ? ' . ?. t. Bortón li .0 K.T.I ramp ? o. 2 00 . ? . '.' I'll W. H. l'ali a ? ·. .i. P. Ge ii··-. . . -..?. :.· «mi r.-e. ? 00 tison. . . u 00 . " no '.'.. II. .lui.· «. ':. :-.!.81 now. In t!·; «i: 'm t lying cist ot E M·· ra Wii'.uiii T. Yarbrough and Jamas ü. Hargrove collected w. r. Uaooock . 3. N. OeiliaswortB. 1*. '..i:, : ? l'i im v.. '. 1 DUS. Rat.'e« . . Id n.? mpanj. IO 00 il .-.iir. 1" 00 ??. Wbltlork. o 00 IM Pasb. »entry. 1 00 Mil il··'.· l.VOU». 1 «1(1 Il. 0 '.' .li I DUI. 1 Di) C. W.Spleor. ? ? .Tenie« li. ? ·!.··. . ."· ci) liovkii. SoUdon ? Co... ."il .«fi wf.sî ot ni'.'th »oaanr, \%.r. James T. I'urkinson, of tho coni- I iti ? baring charge of tba district from Ninth street west, luanes this report ?. V, «ray· .S ."O 00 IL A. l'ette sooT< !·*..»>Uompaay. :.'? PO Siimi * Oittior . V. II. Uà) ¦'. Bn tb·! ?? *orpecat« ... I ¦· ¦·.. 10 ??» ?? 1). Lari». ß 00 Total.«ih«! (;0 '. M ;*«.¡()ii:itSíi<reil-!loait(!lnirob. The mission nervier« at tk¡< eluir.h ara betas; largely attended, lather ilo Cuiitìllon preached tbe f.ermou .Monday { inorili·:,','. His subject was " Conies- ¡ Hieii, uud ho treated ¡t very luridly an«l folle, I-ather kiniiiu preached at tbe I'vciiiii»; hcrvi-c on " Detraction." His diix-ours» win admirable in every! respect. Eloquent uud chaste ?? Ian· yutgv, happy iu illustration, it brought 1: in.c to the miadn of his listeners tho j enormity of tuie ralentie·« «u. Before preaaUng Ms rojmlar «ertuoa Fasset Keruau gave s comprehensivo nnd sss> rongli expihuatioti of the prayers re¬ citai Ut tin; rosary, The Duiúíüíosií» are great advocates of this special prever, which tl i.i their .¡ft'ly office. It wa instituted by the founder of th« order of St Dominio, and t·· it, in great the suoc his misi t the Albir \ ????G?? THE SCHOOLS. Wá'.si-l.ndand Madison Inspect·» i'd.¦ Tii Programme. G? ? with the annua! custom of tbe I ityl t«rs. J.Taylor IJlyaon chairman), William l.ov· osi io, Edwin I>. Star) e, Joseph C. Dick« r on, tel A. !.. Phillipe, Boperinfa W. ?*', Fox, and Supervisor Chai Rsdy visited West-End and Madison fhe tono ila were m 1 io be in go d con¬ dition and doing excellent wor the exer ß vei7 interesting. Ad- veral mem« ben of the 1 . The 1" ird 1 ? ? dividi 1 ini throi commi! ree ( sob and aid oon« tinue the visit it; tion in tbe until all tbe schools April ¡«tii, Elba, ;., Mesare, fcllyson, tpril 11th, Muore, 13*30 P. .M., ra, Loveiurtein, ??« i ??, April M., Mesara, Starke, fiai 11 ¦:·.·>':¦> ?? April 18th, Laker, 12: ? ?'. M., Friday, April ; ;. '.·. ? a: .'.'.. I ·.·.· OUI, 12:80F. M., Klly- f. in. Shine, end Cap ¦*·· ; Tuesday, April G m, aod 1 on iftl. 12:30 P. U., all the 1 ii., Valley, 10A. M., Mi a re. Stark«, ? . April "'-th, Msrthaa 12 M., Measn. Ellyeon, Shine, and Capers ; Tn. .-day, ¡Hay 2 !. Springfield, 1" A. :·!.. jfeon, Shine, and C I, 12*30 F M., Mesaré. Lovons! 'in, ? ? cl Phillipe i 5th, Bellevue, 10 ?. M., U :i.c, Quigon, an 1 Fnday, May Gth, Nicholson, 12*311 in, Di ?at 9th, '., all tl ß Hoard. a? ·;. ThoBeTeral KhooU embraced in tho rronp, Fnlton, wen: formally iu their new quarters, in tbo now . by the Council, on Mi ' OS ftkBtf tire i,. pleasaatiy Bitnatn. und doing good, work, 'liiu school i; to beoongratnlated und tic Council praised for the now and in« and commodious building, which id u credit to the city. THE CHES , iîDKif. No Developnientn In Thia ??? st<*- rloufl in·«* ITcsterdaj'. As y has B] pi Btad which in any way indicates who the young man mordi 1er ?a t Friday ? ha Mtboritieg aro hope¬ ful, however, that the pubUcstioO of tho initiuls "X. li." found apon abel r.!iirt of tho deceased will eventually re¬ sult in the (3i.sor.very of hia full nan!«·. -So day bsl been set ? *r the prulimi- ».ituiniition .'anice Lynch, tbe tramp who is now in Chesterfield jail ! charged with tho Osiate, Common- ...-Attorney Oogbfll and Justice son, who are greatly ? .:, fhe ease, wiil hold the iu-'¡ » "ition as early as possible. The sutborities an» thinking of going ! over tin» route taken by 1 .ynob from thu M-t'ii« of tb· murJer with a view to ."« arching fog some clue that may have I·· «.ii dropjH'd. THE BOSTON Corxt ??????. Viali tin* < ;<ii».it(iiy.Civcn u Orive ¡md l.iiiiili. The joint sjiocial committee of the Couu-il of the city of Huston, apj>ointeil to consider the question of ilis*>ofiing of garbage, rendu»·! i-iohru· u»l yeaterday afternoon for the purpose of inspecting the crematory and forming an iden of, its vaine os an Otial dcatroyer. In the party ih.'ro wero Aldermen Thomas W, Hood aud »la»»ob Fottler. Mr. David F. ! Harry, president the Common Conn- cil, 'and Messrs. Arthur L. Spring, Thomas F. Lyons. John B. Fatteraou, and John JtitKHiL mumUars of that .Mr. John I', iirnwhiv. aeaistant cl .·:¦ of eotnmittaea ; Mr. W. Bmitb Sannderaon, repreeenting tho Enti.? t* es, and Mr. (liar!««) E. ììilìo.vay, deputy city messenger. BAS Ol II CB8.ATOUT. The Hub City vieiton aeouredquar· tors at Ifnrphy ß Botel und after lunch they were called up m by Mayor I'-Hy- aon. Dr. W. T. Oppcnhimer, president of the Foardoi Health, and Mr. Thomi- P, Caiiijuicll, ex-president of the Com,· raou Council of Bicbmond· These latter gentlemen eecorted the guesUfrom Boa- ton ia cemagi,: to tbe on matory, Hera the fumai··« was found in tbe average operating condition. Ouite ß pile of garbage was destroyed in the présence of the delegation irom Kfae-chnsetts, and they cr.pit s-ol tin nv.i h ì with the mode of dispensing of offal. DR] ? ? p Aft'r an hour had Icen spent al the crematory the vieiton Were taken out u driva They were shown tho I.e Monument, Boi bore' Home, sud other points «if ínteresi After dining they were ea orted t tho Armory, whor«: theywitneeeedwith mueh pleasure! ß opening of the Memorisi Bazaar, Later in Uu the Bostoniana were given ft rapper .'it the Westmoreland Club. They will b<· her·· to-day, but leave this evening for Washington. il farmers around the city, no i it ¡a hauled as irta, and it is believed by her .neu to ?? mor·, expedient to cremste or iti ? I it, Tbo committee now in Bicbmond is looking carefully into both proci·«- THE TUG JOB T. WILSON. Report Thai She W;is iVrecked \»i Credited. The r.port that the tag Job T. Wil¬ son, of this city, hui 1 »en wrecked oil ras and all on board lost in not led bere. Colonel G, P. G.. Burg· wyn, owner of tbotug, said yesterday tbat he did not think there was say sub stentisi founJation for the rumor H«> said he left tho Wilson on Tosed iy. Bbe v,::h then lying aoms milei -outli of Halteras, everytliiog waa in perfect order, and there was nothing to take the boat back in tin· direction of Batieres, 11. was baci.led to believe that tin« rumor wns t afloat by a auto wh:· had eently been discharged from th· em¬ ploys·* nt .if tho company. ( aptsin .John A. Curas, who is tho¬ roughly -eritli the North Caro¬ lina const and sound«, also discredited the ramo-, Eie said t_. Wilson would lav« to go some distance to gel off Hal¬ teras, and that .she had no bostasob there· The BlBPATOB- Petersburg B_B> einl of list night fays : "The report of the loss of the tug Job T. V\ o was brought to tine city by F.iigineer ColUgBO, of the tug Sue, «m _.tiit.ay night, CoUiarsa says that ho beard it down near Newport News, sad ," B'janian win» told him tbo news etated that U"tliing had been seen nor anything heard ol thu crew of the tug for tea days." (¿round lii'oken lor -Icitci'soii. j The vork of excavating for the Jef- terson Hotel was begun yesterday. Colom-l A. b. Phillips, tiie contractor, has ti large force of men and carts em- j ployed ami will push the work as rap- iilly ns possible. The earth taken out is low being deponfed in ths PeniN-n- tiary-Hpring lot, but it will not take long toflU tai·to the ¡treet level. The con¬ victa, by permissioa of Mr. (linter, are getting sotne of the turf Trom the hotel siti) for nh«· on tho penitentiary-ground«. A good part of the bftt turf has already 1«.·? removed. Tîie Mozart Musicale. Tho bimonthly Bittetoala of the Mo¬ zart Association, which occurred lest night, attracted a very large BSsUenee :·¦ tho Academy, (»vide Musin. tho «elfi rated violinist, who has como to be »neh a familiar -frtire iu Hietimond, aesisted by his wila and his excellent concert company, gave a «lelightftU in« brpreteliou of* a very pro¬ gramme. Tho concert was very mu.'li enjoyed and nearly every number wan ? mured. Theatre Attractions. At thu Theatre to-night Lew Dock- st-der, wbo is unquestionably the clever¬ est aiuatrcl of today, will sate an en· tertiiinnient. lïu id surroundnd by au excellent company, and then· ?- every reason to believe that the performance will be unusually good. The saie of ß· ids has been very large. To»mofiow night that most eli ver soubrette, Fannv Hice, will sppear at the Tbestre and will open her bouquet ! of specialties. Thia delightful artist·· should have a warm welcome lure, us bor t«!· nt ha« made 1er almost ß su¬ preme favorite before the footli,;:. THE VETEK WS DEATH. Tin* Jury Criticises Oi*» Belog Taken to Jail. 'Squire barney Frischkorn and his coroner's j.try spent an hour yesterday making te.:-.'.i·. r inquiry into the ciroum« stsncea under which tho Soldiers'·Home« Veteran ?. B. Lewis was hurried off to jail last Saturday uiternoon after being adjudged ? lunatic. The witnesses examined wen· Pr. Finch, the Home physician ; Conctibl«· Bran u, and tho jail janitor, Pater Welle. No fact» were brought out in ?ddil ion to those published in vaster· day's DirU'ATCH except that Mr. branch said Adjutant Pollard told him when the commis ¡Un of lunacy bad concluded :ti inquiry thai be might sa well takatssf old man on to jail that evening. The verdict of the jury was that ike led cao lo hia death "for want of proper attention, occasioned by ora· warrantedinearaeraiion in th-H. urico jai!." This case has attracted considerable all ration, and the tact that tho old man, BO near tba grave, was taken t.· jail in¬ stead of being kept at the hospital has caused a good deal of comment. The commission of lunacy was composed of Justices Lewis, Allen, and Fri.-« ¡ìkorn, tba Utter of whom aras unable to sit, bot signed tbe papers that were lot· warded to Williamsbiirg »Saturday night. They Wire returned yesterday with the statement that there was no room. In tho mean time the BUbjeet waa dead, having expired during Sunday night The remains of the veteran were taken ont to the Soldiers' Homo yoeterday afternoon and prepared foi interment, ??????? M'DOVW.O. He Tbinks His Cbailees l'or Min¬ i-ter ti» I'ersbi Good. Hon. Alexander McDonald, of Lyncb- ssxrg, srrived iu the city yesterday and is stopping ut Murphy'h, where ho was s··. :: Last night by a Disi·ovu reporter. fa respous.« to an inquiry regarding hi.«, application for the position ol Min« i-ter to Persia Mr. Me Donald said he thought that he Btood a very good ebenes. He waa ia Washington Last ? k and BBW I'rPiident Cleveland und Secretary (¡r^slieiu. Mr. (Ircshani said that be did no; think that there would be much opposition to him and that he certainly did not need any further eta· datasmeat, Tho ottico combines, continued Mr. McDonald, that of Minister and Consul, and is ollicislly known as Minister, I'resident, aud Coneul-iìenernl, and the official rpsnlea at Teheran, Ho ia allow¬ ed h ficerotary, who acta also as inter¬ preter. Mr. McDonald during hie travels in Europe twice met the present «Shah, whom he describes as an ener¬ getic, pleasant individual, who managee to exist on hn salary of $20,(10' >,0C0 a year and dispense« justice from a throne which coat S7.5,OoO,OO.i. Mr. McDonald remarked further that, while bo hoped to be successful, still he would regnt vtry much to relinquish his position as State senator, as he ex¬ pected the next session of the Legisla¬ ture wouhl very interesting. JefT. On\is Literary Society. Tbe »Tofferson Davis Literary Society m»? in the board-room of the Young Men's Christian Association last night and accepted the invitation of the asso¬ ciation to become connected with that institution. Several new members were received The following olticera were elected: Howard («onion, president:, Lloyd Bollock, vico-preaident ; William Ilinirnoy, secretary and treasurer ; Ro¬ bert Hums, critic; K. at. ljong, ser- gesut-at-arma. Ths society will meet every Tkursduy night, Cleveland'*« Cabinet Highly Ap¬ prove«!. So are the Old Dominion Cigarettes. Photograph in each paekage. THE BAZ-Afi OPENS "?G???? flaBsT?B BlITl -U'iJiMU Pxa-ATB EXURClálSS. IiMMENSE 0R0.VT) PRESENT. V Beautiful and iStrl-injr Pio· ture-Seene» and Incidents. .Many Pretty Booth*. The groat Memorial Ta/aar was for¬ mally opened last night with appropriate ceremonies, and like tho raising ot a curtain upon an exi'iiisito scene in fairy¬ land, the beautiful panorama burst upon the public with ail ita gorgeouaneas of light and color. The picture, made moro animated by tho hundreds in attendance, iealmost in¬ describable. Th· bright rays from tbo many elcetrio globes which sparkled from the coiling stole in among rich folds of bunting thai hung on every sido or lost their brilliancy amid tho soft gn «u foliago of the palmetto, pine.?, and cedars which served to «.corate the tenta, while sweetest strains of music added inspiration to tbo occasion and made the evening moro delightful. Tbo immenso hall iu which the fair is hehl was crowded with people, who poured through the «loors in an unceas¬ ing swarm from ? o'clock natii nearly midaigfai Several hours befor··* tho .me for tho commencement of the splendid < ntorpriio everything w_» in admess, and when the lighti were turned on u -few minutes befor«? 8 all tho details bad been arranged. THE ?0?_??. OB.IBM. The formal opening took p'sce about .^.'»Oo'clock, whon Mr. f». 0. ivioherdtori, tl'.· president of the Confederate Sol¬ dier.*)' and Sailors' Monument Associa· ti in, who occupied a seat in the Louisi¬ ana and riorida fort at tho eastern end of the bali, arose and requested silence, tb· announced to the great throng who cad Bascaibi· d in front of him that it waa customary on SUefa occasione to be¬ iti the proceedings with aprayor, anil ho therefore requested Rev. Dr. Most s 1 >. «? nsk the I dvine blessing upon tho S.aar. In au instant the buey hum of conversation and the noises which llllud tho placo became subdued, and beneath the verdant canopy of palms which overhung ti io stand the beloved minis¬ ter took his placo und cornili« uced lu« fervent invoce.tiou. Cr. H«)go threw DON than Ms usual earnestness into bis words and Lis uppoal to the Almighty BO.SUB an«l touching one. Mt. noi.r.'s ISA-SB, The prayer was as follows : Almighty Cod, gathered beneath this canopy, under the shadow of the pal¬ metto and the pine, BDironadBd by the ratonera endeared to as by the memories they awaken, we come to invoke Thy .on the patriotic worì. >>f the women of our aouthiand. We come to renew Ihe t ni.-r and hallowed recollée« tions of tbe past toperpetaatet.e fumo and the glory of our deputed dead t.. implore thy on the state-i bere represent! d to welcome tlios«· who [rom Ibi ir itent bornea to aid in honoring those w!o gsve to OUI Lost ( auso their lai ra ad th ir lives. We come to outrent Thy continued favor to all the Stato«! of tl ii I'nion from nota¬ to aoiith and from e"*1 to west ; to com¬ mi od to i ìy grscious can the rresident of these Utmed btatea and all who aro .i--", "iited with him in maintaining tho I to US by bravo and pions fathers. Lord, ma bea tei h [bee, prompt to all that is right und pur«·, retraía from all that ie hurtful anu wrong In the man¬ agement of this memorable festival ; may there be harmony of feeling and ia* there be sympathy and generous co-operation on tho, part whole community iti bringing this undertaking t<> a t-ucccsaful terni i- «o that nothing may mar our remembrance of these scenes when we come to review our compioted We invoke the divino bles.-ing on tho regiment, to wboee 1 tospitality wo aro lUtltibted for this welcome within this hall, consecrated to valor aud to tuo de¬ fence of our homes and of the city in which we dwell. We pray for tho niain- Umanceoi thence and for tho prosperity of the people of our whol«a land and for tiie universal rcigu of justice, truth, and righteoiisiies.s, uutil Thy way shall bo known on the earth and Thy saving health among all nations, ami to Qod most high we will ascribe «11 houor and glory forever. Amen. Add re·· of Mr. MehBrdBOB« When Dr. Hogo concluded hia prayer Mr. Richardson, who acted as ehniruiati, in eloquent language explainod tho ob¬ ject of tho bazaar to _ia auditore, lie .aid Ladies and (Jentlemen,.Twenty- eight years ago we saw the banner of thu Confederacy forever furled on tho field of Appouiattox ; wo BBW it go down in defeat and gloom, and although the re- ijiiiein of our hopes waa soundod. vet the tender ami loving words of our im- mortal ComBBanO.l lifted tho burden of grief from our hearts, and wo stood proudly erect as men who ha«l been de¬ feated bnt not dishonored, and we re¬ turned to our home ? with tl;.· itssuranco that our loved ones there.the noble and patriotic WOBMB of our loved South¬ land.would welcome our return, appré¬ ciât« our toils and .mcritices, and over k«-ep in loving rem« nibrance the pa¬ triot ism and valor of those of our com¬ rades iu arms who had given their iives for the land they loved. B..BBBI OB IBI RM ?. And now to-night, although nearly thre- deeadaa of years havo winged their flight and a new generation bas cocao upon the etage of action, it re¬ joices our hearts to know that not only ti; m who were panicipunts in tho scenes of thoao four years of warfare still honor the memory of our dead heroes, but the children and grand¬ children those who fought benoiitli tho southern cross ore loyal to tho memory of their sires, * and that wherever they may l>e they aro always proud to say : "" My father was a Confederate soldier. " The South has given to tho world men whose names and fame now shine re¬ splendent as the stars and will grow brighter ae the years roll on. We honor our great leaders and wo also honor the private soldier who fought in the renke, by whos«> fortitude, devo¬ tion, and valor our generals were enabled to achieve their successes and win their nndying fame. Yea, wo houor tho privato soldier, tho man whose fortitude nndcr hardship tested the stoutest b«yrt, whose devotion to country no blan lishmouU con Id se¬ duce, and who, when tlia battio was joined, fonght with such undaunted bravery as to win tbo admiration of tha world. We will not forget the private soldier and eaüor of th« Confederacy. - No, no, no. they wer· tirare tor us, A bJ -iK_t wen» tu« Uve« tb«y save tor tut, the lami they «trae-·»«- ·«» -*** ·*-»¦ *-» vv til aot f-eset liar ber·*. r*l Wtio sleep in to b_ay a arar· for us." meroai or tm a_-oiatio.s. Mr. Kiohardson then gave a brief history ol the Confederate faddists' and Hailora' J-oauuieut Associatioa and Ihe

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YOU ARE WELCOME.w>gAì i«W iiv.o\i>tothì;

. ? un OOVBftlfOBS.

*r:;;-.::\'VF.XT;CX,SWORKike Knoai *» Oast ???µµ?p·«·>.

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· ikpn? ira tin· gavel


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·» ill go to the.' ? lunch f. : about sixty

After; rs «ill be taken i:. c ir«

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ris* .r tt-.-r in c:i- I'.: »O u! :.' .. i>r. J. William

t · ,'ty, jovud?.· skea by* several.·. tl b ? t.,? '.... ni'-r

i.u o· ulj Bot aud would notMr». SDH,»·, »ìju woe

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. ·« lady t,f ,.(,., t. genti«· di;·...·' ? BO gBSJ

u intioa <io\ -nior istou«.· asid- I uo j.lun to Ku^wet to tbe 008

«aaisua, üv can.*» u. tvnasum tv t-bu ?


Mclviiiiley nnd í«.r the purpose of co*

op rating io the moseetent,vention coold ccrtaiolj do no barm uvl?:, gbt resoli n greel good. At anyrate, it could not fail toprsreamost

I occasion... ABB, OP BOBTB ? ABOI

UorernorCorr, Mr. John Kolin on,· r ..f Agriculture, anil Pro-'¦

.. Geolo¬gist, ' f North Carolina, an aleoál Mur¬phy's, having arrived on the ereniog

;: Mr. .lohn ?, Patrick,ex-Commissioner of Immigration olNorth Carolina, iaalao in the city anilis registered at tbe ! -change,

< lovsrnoi Ciirr haa astrong, not to styI, face, w;tl. heavy gray motti

and board. As regarda BORgottions tothe eonrention Governor Carr was in thesame category aa were GovernorsBrownand etone. He said be bad no plan toIs«, before the body. 11 onero

foreonenkatioa North Carolina dexactly whit Virginiedeeired in thi. .f in kli ra thaibad monei or wi re skill «1 inbobenom of the manofactoring arts.

elusion «nd inclined to * n that;: t- c·« nth shi aid look principally to thiNorth and the Weal for tlithought that if the convention «ii.l no¬

timi,' I Bet the le ding men oltbe fc nth tu thin .

immigration, ami tliat wonld bo a pointgain. ?.

Mr. Patrick, wh.. Ina bad ? v^st «lenìof ? .patience iu ;r"rt- t.. nduc(.'rants t.. settla ?.. '· irtb ?

tic· fir*·» thing ti b ?

rince tbe man seeking e uew boitb ?.?« not a swamp. Tl

thing was to oonvinoe hini Inai be would?hut as Boon aa be came here.

Mi ^presentation ol tbe ¿South noi onlyobtained in the North, but in Fuiv.!l.The eoneeneue of opinion aa gatl

freni nil the dele, ah a to 11 c< avontionthat the Dispatch rei ·¦ con«

. ? ith waa thai Ine ?« .'.;> did noi«t· «irò snob ¡fimigreats as constitute the

thai bib dumpe al Castle Gar-den. X

: developed from the drill of con-rersatk.? thai d ! d for fromwork at Chicago than from any «·¦

advertise the I -h- Boothsbroed. In a ".nera.tiou was throws oui thai it would bt*be il tu diaooontonance the immigrationol labor t.. tbe South.

t.'?? utrraa to uu. cu

Though Governor Piablre to the preea the letti r ?

drawn ap au.? will in«? invention, it ia a

??»· thai ¦: ' land to·. console who .»ili properly pr«·-

» nt abnr ti South. On©of Governor Fisbback'eprincipal coi s that ili«* «South

a miarepr -< nted byappointed éudi ? Uepublicaa i.ìmiu.tra-tioua


Lieotanant-Goveraor J. Böge Tyler jand btate-äenator IdoDonald, ol Lynch·Imre;, ¡. city last night The

ii at th· _xcli tage oa 1 tfapoete I tha* ti

mot will ? ? f « ·! uth« convention.

Governo«! Fosti r, ol ·. «ndperir of li·.·· Gorernur liiltnan, of:·?.;?, Cai

¦«, aad arifo an.l two members <·?ins uff, sad Governor MaUotk-ta, ofWest Virginia, ara expeetod th.Hi".

?. rarnor Jones and wife will bo th||gip'st·) of Or. Willis.

1!:·· <·??»·????,G? of Georgi·-, Text«.Kentucky, Mis-.'seippi auJ j

«ill n.'t be able to attend the

IP·· .*<·.rnitteee in ahsrga of th· IB·dared the vi-iton. at

l BtaKflre. ind Club Thursday oißhtwere Lmay yt_tenlay their

ut) for ibe entertatome·. It???? of tho most brilliant alTaira

that hu·.· ever tekea pleoe, even b thatbospitahli! club-lion*·.

Ito« il \r«>limili.Elba Council ? a «honored last evening

by a risii (rom tini folli>*>iug granii orti·cers Otaiidliogeut C. VV. Itorwoixl,Cim-ua-^tavuij William Lgvauite-i»

Qiand-Wftrd ti S. li. Bloomberg, andMei re. V.*. 11. Williams and John Han¬

oi the Committee on Law« andThe meeting was enthusiastic

and thi addressee wereof satiniture, nul ranch good will restili tr

visitation. Richmond is arund the conrcils in the Stato will

have tu ?:·» to nork in esrnest to com·

pete with the councils iu tliis city. Bor¬ers] applications wer·· j·:.· ent« I. Tfi<-¡grand officers' will visit Beivi 1ère Coon*eil on Thursday muht ???? ?, ill ?? doubtbe greeted by :i lull attendance.

HELP FOR CLAKKSVILLE.Member* of lb«· Iticliniond To¬

bacco Trade <.i\<* >' 143.50.The members of tho Richmond To-

baccu Trade have responded liberallj toppeal icr help fur the

/.ens of Clarksville. TheircontributionsI, nnd a check for this

amount w.iu msiled last night by It ry Cs ¦.,' iu McLeod direct to l5r. John

chairman of thelb li ? Committee.

raí u .'.

The following amounts wero collectedtice T. Bmith orni L. B.

an in tho district lying Ith BtnM la.I

. ? I.I.

iVatltini 4 Co.. Ifl

. .'· IU'

I t II. I IMJ. I 00. 1 00

?. ,?. Noil,.Ir. 1" 00L'asb. ".' 00

It. Hal .? Bon. ·"· 00.

\ ;.. ? : lint· .?I. N. VaagLan.... ?. H . I IMÍW. . Wile u. 1 00¡.. I:. \ nugban.uJ.O.France. ? 00¦?. ?. .?··-?·... ·'· (HI

?. ?. arutlan. 10 00!.. I. Krause . ·". 00.. ?. Viel · .

? '


?. t. Bortónli .0

K.T.I ramp ? o. 2 00.

? . '.' I'll

W. H. l'ali a ? ·..i. P. Ge ii··-..

.-..?. :.· «mir.-e. ? 00

tison. .

. u 00.

" no'.'.. II. .lui.· «.

':. :-.!.81now.

In t!·; «i: 'm t lying cist ot EM·· ra Wii'.uiii T. Yarbrough

and Jamas ü. Hargrove collected

w. r. Uaooock .

3. N. OeiliaswortB.1*. '..i:, : ? l'i imv.. '. 1 DUS.Rat.'e« ?· .

. Id n.?

mpanj. IO 00il .-.iir. 1" 00

??. Wbltlork. o 00.¦ IM

Pasb.»entry. 1 00

Mil il··'.· l.VOU».1 «1(1Il. 0


.li IDUI. 1 Di)

C. W.Spleor. ? ?

.Tenie« li. ? ·!.··. . ."· ci)liovkii. SoUdon ? Co...


.«fiwf.sî ot ni'.'th »oaanr,

\%.r. James T. I'urkinson, of tho coni-

I iti ? baring charge of tba district fromNinth street west, luanes this report?. V, «ray· .S ."O 00IL A. l'ette sooT< !·*..»>Uompaay. :.'? POSiimi * Oittior .

V. II. Uà) ¦'. Bn tb·! ?? *orpecat« ...

I ¦·

¦·.. 10 ??»?? 1). Lari». ß 00

Total.«ih«! (;0 '.

M ;*«.¡()ii:itSíi<reil-!loait(!lnirob.The mission nervier« at tk¡< eluir.h

ara betas; largely attended, lather iloCuiitìllon preached tbe f.ermou .Monday {inorili·:,','. His subject was " Conies- ¡Hieii, uud ho treated ¡t very luridly an«lfolle, I-ather kiniiiu preached at tbeI'vciiiii»; hcrvi-c on " Detraction."His diix-ours» win admirable in every!respect. Eloquent uud chaste ?? Ian·yutgv, happy iu illustration, it brought1: in.c to the miadn of his listeners tho jenormity of tuie ralentie·« «u. BeforepreaaUng Ms rojmlar «ertuoa FassetKeruau gave s comprehensivo nnd sss>rongli expihuatioti of the prayers re¬

citai Ut tin; rosary, The Duiúíüíosií»

are great advocates of this special prever,which tl i.i their .¡ft'ly office.It wa instituted by the founder of th«order of St Dominio, and t·· it, in great

the suochis misi t the Albir

\ ????G?? THE SCHOOLS.

Wá'.si-l.ndand Madison Inspect·»i'd.¦ Tii Programme.

G? ? with the annua! customof tbe I ityl t«rs.J.TaylorIJlyaon chairman), William l.ov· osi io,Edwin I>. Star) e, Joseph C. Dick« r on,

tel A. !.. Phillipe, BoperinfaW. ?*', Fox, and Supervisor ChaiRsdy visited West-End and Madison

fhe tono ila werem 1 io be in go d con¬

dition and doing excellent worthe exer ß vei7 interesting. Ad-

veral mem«ben of the 1 .

The 1" ird 1 ? ? dividi 1 ini throicommi! ree ( sob and aid oon«tinue the visit it; tion in tbe

until all tbe schoolsApril

¡«tii, Elba, ;., Mesare, fcllyson,tpril 11th,

Muore, 13*30 P. .M., M« ra, Loveiurtein,??« i ??,

April M., Mesara,Starke, fiai 11 ¦:·.·>':¦> ??April 18th, Laker, 12: ? ?'. M.,

Friday, April; ;. '.·. ? a: .'.'.. I ·.·.· n·

OUI, 12:80F. M., Klly-f. in. Shine, end Cap ¦*·· ; Tuesday, April


m, aod 1on iftl. 12:30 P. U., all the 1

ii., Valley, 10A. M.,Mi a re. Stark«, ?

. April "'-th, Msrthaa 12M., Measn. Ellyeon, Shine, and Capers ;Tn. .-day, ¡Hay 2 !. Springfield, 1" A. :·!..

jfeon, Shine, and CI, 12*30 F

M., Mesaré. Lovons! 'in, ? ? clPhillipe i 5th, Bellevue, 10?. M., U :i.c, Quigon, an 1

Fnday, May Gth, Nicholson,12*311 in, Di

?at 9th,'., all tl ß Hoard.

a? ·;.

ThoBeTeral KhooU embraced in thorronp, Fnlton, wen: formally

iu their new quarters, in tbo now. by the Council,

on Mi ' OS ftkBtf tire i,.

pleasaatiy Bitnatn. und doing good,work, 'liiu school i; to beoongratnlatedund tic Council praised for the now and

in« and commodious building,which id u credit to the city.THE CHES , iîDKif.

No Developnientn In Thia ??? st<*-

rloufl in·«* ITcsterdaj'.As y has B] pi Btad which in

any way indicates who theyoung man

mordi 1er ?a t Friday? ha Mtboritieg aro hope¬

ful, however, that the pubUcstioO oftho initiuls "X. li." found apon abelr.!iirt of tho deceased will eventually re¬

sult in the (3i.sor.very of hia full nan!«·.-So day bsl been set ? *r the prulimi-

».ituiniition oí .'anice Lynch, tbetramp who is now in Chesterfield jail !charged with tho Osiate, Common-

...-Attorney Oogbfll and Justiceson, who are greatly

? .:, fhe ease, wiil hold the iu-'¡» "ition as early as possible.The sutborities an» thinking of going !

over tin» route taken by 1 .ynob from thuM-t'ii« of tb· murJer with a view to."« arching fog some clue that may haveI·· «.ii dropjH'd.THE BOSTON Corxt ??????.

Viali tin* < ;<ii».it(iiy.Civcn u

Orive ¡md l.iiiiili.The joint sjiocial committee of the

Couu-il of the city of Huston, apj>ointeilto consider the question of ilis*>ofiing ofgarbage, rendu»·! i-iohru· u»l yeaterdayafternoon for the purpose of inspectingthe crematory and forming an iden of,its vaine os an Otial dcatroyer. In theparty ih.'ro wero Aldermen Thomas W,Hood aud »la»»ob Fottler. Mr. David F. !Harry, president oí the Common Conn-cil, 'and Messrs. Arthur L. Spring,Thomas F. Lyons. John B. Fatteraou,and John JtitKHiL mumUars of that

.Mr. John I', iirnwhiv. aeaistantcl .·:¦ of eotnmittaea ; Mr. W. BmitbSannderaon, repreeenting tho Enti.?t* es, and Mr. (liar!««) E. ììilìo.vay,deputy city messenger.

BAS Ol II CB8.ATOUT.The Hub City vieiton aeouredquar·

tors at Ifnrphy ß Botel und after lunchthey were called up m by Mayor I'-Hy-aon. Dr. W. T. Oppcnhimer, presidentof the Foardoi Health, and Mr. Thomi-P, Caiiijuicll, ex-president of the Com,·raou Council of Bicbmond· These lattergentlemen eecorted the guesUfrom Boa-ton ia cemagi,: to tbe on matory, Herathe fumai··« was found in tbe averageoperating condition. Ouite ß pile ofgarbage was destroyed in the présenceof the delegation irom Kfae-chnsetts,and they cr.pit s-ol tin nv.i h

ì with the mode of dispensing ofoffal.

DR] ? ? p

Aft'r an hour had Icen spent al thecrematory the vieiton Were taken out

u driva They were shown tho I.eMonument, Boi bore' Home, sud otherpoints «if ínteresi After dining theywere ea orted t tho Armory, whor«:theywitneeeedwith mueh pleasure! ß

opening of the Memorisi Bazaar, Laterin Uu the Bostoniana were

given ft rapper .'it the WestmorelandClub. They will b<· her·· to-day, butleave this evening for Washington.

ilfarmers around the city, no i it ¡a hauledas irta, and it is believed by her

.neu to ?? mor·, expedient tocremste or iti ? I it, Tbo committeenow in Bicbmond is looking carefullyinto both proci·«-

THE TUG JOB T. WILSON.Report Thai She W;is

iVrecked \»i Credited.The r.port that the tag Job T. Wil¬

son, of this city, hui 1 »en wrecked oilras and all on board lost in notled bere. Colonel G, P. G.. Burg·

wyn, owner of tbotug, said yesterdaytbat he did not think there was say substentisi founJation for the rumor H«>said he left tho Wilson on Tosed iy. Bbev,::h then lying aoms milei -outli ofHalteras, everytliiog waa in perfectorder, and there was nothing to take theboat back in tin· direction of Batieres,11. was baci.led to believe that tin«rumor wns a« t afloat by a auto wh:· hadr« eently been discharged from th· em¬

ploys·* nt .if tho company.( aptsin .John A. Curas, who is tho¬

roughly -eritli the North Caro¬lina const and sound«, also discreditedthe ramo-, Eie said t_. Wilson wouldlav« to go some distance to gel off Hal¬teras, and that .she had no bostasobthere· The BlBPATOB- Petersburg B_B>einl of list night fays :

"The report of the loss of the tugJob T. V\ o was brought to tine cityby F.iigineer ColUgBO, of the tug Sue, «m

_.tiit.ay night, CoUiarsa says that hobeard it down near Newport News, sad

," B'janian win» told him tbo newsetated that U"tliing had been seen nor

anything heard ol thu crew of the tugfor tea days."(¿round lii'oken lor -Icitci'soii. jThe vork of excavating for the Jef-

terson Hotel was begun yesterday.Colom-l A. b. Phillips, tiie contractor,has ti large force of men and carts em- jployed ami will push the work as rap-iilly ns possible. The earth taken outis low being deponfed in ths PeniN-n-tiary-Hpring lot, but it will not take longtoflU tai·to the ¡treet level. The con¬

victa, by permissioa of Mr. (linter, are

getting sotne of the turf Trom the hotelsiti) for nh«· on tho penitentiary-ground«.A good part of the bftt turf has already1«.·? removed.

Tîie Mozart Musicale.Tho bimonthly Bittetoala of the Mo¬

zart Association, which occurred lestnight, attracted a very large BSsUenee:·¦ tho Academy, (»vide Musin. tho«elfi rated violinist, who has como to be»neh a familiar -frtire iu Hietimond,aesisted by his wila and his excellentconcert company, gave a «lelightftU in«brpreteliou of* a very pro¬gramme. Tho concert was very mu.'lienjoyed and nearly every number wan? mured.

Theatre Attractions.At thu Theatre to-night Lew Dock-

st-der, wbo is unquestionably the clever¬est aiuatrcl of today, will sate an en·

tertiiinnient. lïu id surroundnd by au

excellent company, and then· ?- everyreason to believe that the performancewill be unusually good. The saie ofß· ids has been very large.To»mofiow night that most eli ver

soubrette, Fannv Hice, will sppear atthe Tbestre and will open her bouquet

! of specialties. Thia delightful artist··should have a warm welcome lure, us

bor t«!· nt ha« made 1er almost ß su¬

preme favorite before the footli,;:.

THE VETEK WS DEATH.Tin* Jury Criticises Oi*» Belog

Taken to Jail.'Squire barney Frischkorn and his

coroner's j.try spent an hour yesterdaymaking te.:-.'.i·. r inquiry into the ciroum«stsncea under which tho Soldiers'·Home«Veteran ?. B. Lewis was hurried off tojail last Saturday uiternoon after beingadjudged ? lunatic.The witnesses examined wen· Pr.

Finch, the Home physician ; Conctibl«·Bran u, and tho jail janitor, PaterWelle. No fact» were brought out in?ddil ion to those published in vaster·day's DirU'ATCH except that Mr. branchsaid Adjutant Pollard told him when thecommis ¡Un of lunacy bad concluded :ti

inquiry thai be might sa well takatssfold man on to jail that evening.The verdict of the jury was that ike

led cao lo hia death "for wantof proper attention, occasioned by ora·warrantedinearaeraiion in th-H. uricojai!."

This case has attracted considerableall ration, and the tact that tho old man,BO near tba grave, was taken t.· jail in¬stead of being kept at the hospital hascaused a good deal of comment. Thecommission of lunacy was composed ofJustices Lewis, Allen, and Fri.-« ¡ìkorn,tba Utter of whom aras unable to sit,bot signed tbe papers that were lot·warded to Williamsbiirg »Saturday night.They Wire returned yesterday with thestatement that there was no room. Intho mean time the BUbjeet waa dead,having expired during Sunday nightThe remains of the veteran were taken

ont to the Soldiers' Homo yoeterdayafternoon and prepared foi interment,

??????? M'DOVW.O.

He Tbinks His Cbailees l'or Min¬i-ter ti» I'ersbi Good.

Hon. Alexander McDonald, of Lyncb-ssxrg, srrived iu the city yesterday andis stopping ut Murphy'h, where ho was

s··. :: Last night by a Disi·ovu reporter.fa respous.« to an inquiry regarding

hi.«, application for the position ol Min«i-ter to Persia Mr. MeDonald said hethought that he Btood a very goodebenes. He waa ia Washington Last? k and BBW I'rPiident Cleveland undSecretary (¡r^slieiu. Mr. (Ircshani saidthat be did no; think that there wouldbe much opposition to him and that hecertainly did not need any further eta·datasmeat,Tho ottico combines, continued Mr.

McDonald, that of Minister and Consul,and is ollicislly known as Minister,I'resident, aud Coneul-iìenernl, and theofficial rpsnlea at Teheran, Ho ia allow¬ed h ficerotary, who acta also as inter¬preter. Mr. McDonald during hietravels in Europe twice met the present«Shah, whom he describes as an ener¬

getic, pleasant individual, who manageeto exist on hn salary of $20,(10' >,0C0 a

year and dispense« justice from a

throne which coat S7.5,OoO,OO.i.Mr. McDonald remarked further that,

while bo hoped to be successful, still hewould regnt vtry much to relinquishhis position as State senator, as he ex¬

pected the next session of the Legisla¬ture wouhl 1» very interesting.

JefT. On\is Literary Society.Tbe »Tofferson Davis Literary Society

m»? in the board-room of the YoungMen's Christian Association last nightand accepted the invitation of the asso¬ciation to become connected with thatinstitution. Several new members were

received The following olticera wereelected: Howard («onion, president:,Lloyd Bollock, vico-preaident ; WilliamIlinirnoy, secretary and treasurer ; Ro¬bert Hums, critic; K. at. ljong, ser-

gesut-at-arma. Ths society will meetevery Tkursduy night,Cleveland'*« Cabinet Highly Ap¬

prove«!.So are the Old Dominion Cigarettes.

Photograph in each paekage.

THE BAZ-Afi OPENS"?G???? flaBsT?B BlITl-U'iJiMU



V Beautiful and iStrl-injr Pio·ture-Seene» and Incidents.

.Many Pretty Booth*.

The groat Memorial Ta/aar was for¬mally opened last night with appropriateceremonies, and like tho raising ot acurtain upon an exi'iiisito scene in fairy¬land, the beautiful panorama burst uponthe public with ail ita gorgeouaneas oflight and color.The picture, made moro animated by

tho hundreds in attendance, iealmost in¬describable. Th· bright rays from tbomany elcetrio globes which sparkledfrom the coiling stole in among richfolds of buntingthai hung on every sidoor lost their brilliancy amid tho softgn «u foliago of the palmetto, pine.?, andcedars which served to «.corate thetenta, while sweetest strains of musicadded inspiration to tbo occasion andmade the evening moro delightful.Tbo immenso hall iu which the fair

is hehl was crowded with people, whopoured through the «loors in an unceas¬

ing swarm from ? o'clock natii nearlymidaigfai Several hours befor··* for tho commencement of thesplendid < ntorpriio everything w_» inr· admess, and when the lighti wereturned on u -few minutes befor«? 8 all thodetails bad been arranged.

THE ?0?_??. OB.IBM.The formal opening took p'sce about

.^.'»Oo'clock, whon Mr. f». 0. ivioherdtori,tl'.· president of the Confederate Sol¬dier.*)' and Sailors' Monument Associa·ti in, who occupied a seat in the Louisi¬ana and riorida fort at tho eastern endof the bali, arose and requested silence,tb· announced to the great throng whocad Bascaibi· d in front of him that itwaa customary on SUefa occasione to be¬

iti the proceedings with aprayor, anil hotherefore requested Rev. Dr. Most s 1 >.

«? nsk the I dvine blessing upon thoS.aar. In au instant the buey hum ofconversation and the noises which lllludtho placo became subdued, and beneaththe verdant canopy of palms whichoverhung ti io stand the beloved minis¬ter took his placo und cornili« uced lu«fervent invoce.tiou. Cr. H«)go threwDON than Ms usual earnestness into biswords and Lis uppoal to the Almighty

BO.SUB an«l touching one.

Mt. noi.r.'s ISA-SB,The prayer was as follows :

Almighty Cod, gathered beneath thiscanopy, under the shadow of the pal¬metto and the pine, BDironadBd by theratonera endeared to as by the memoriesthey awaken, we come to invoke Thy

.on the patriotic worì. >>f thewomen of our aouthiand. We come torenew Ihe t ni.-r and hallowed recollée«tions of tbe past toperpetaatet.e fumoand the glory of our deputed dead t..

implore thy -¡ on the state-ibere represent! d to welcome tlios«· who

[rom Ibi ir itent bornea to aid inhonoring those w!o gsve to OUI Lost( auso their lai ra ad th ir lives. Wecome to outrent Thy continued favor toall the Stato«! of tl ii I'nion from nota¬to aoiith and from e"*1 to west ; to com¬mi od to i ìy grscious can the rresidentof these Utmed btatea and all who aro.i--", "iited with him in maintaining tho

I to US by bravoand pions fathers.

Lord, ma bea tei h [bee, prompt to allthat is right und pur«·, retraía from allthat ie hurtful anu wrong In the man¬agement of this memorable festival ;may there be harmony of feeling and

ia* there be sympathyand generous co-operation on tho, part

whole community iti bringingthis undertaking t<> a t-ucccsaful terni i-

«o that nothing may mar ourremembrance of these scenes

when we come to review our compiotedWe invoke the divino bles.-ing on tho

regiment, to wboee 1 tospitality wo arolUtltibted for this welcome within thishall, consecrated to valor aud to tuo de¬fence of our homes and of the city inwhich we dwell. We pray for tho niain-Umanceoi thence and for tho prosperityof the people of our whol«a land and fortiie universal rcigu of justice, truth, andrighteoiisiies.s, uutil Thy way shall boknown on the earth and Thy savinghealth among all nations, ami to Qodmost high we will ascribe «11 houor andglory forever. Amen.Addre·· of Mr. MehBrdBOB«When Dr. Hogo concluded hia prayer

Mr. Richardson, who acted as ehniruiati,in eloquent language explainod tho ob¬ject of tho bazaar to _ia auditore, lie.aid

Ladies and (Jentlemen,.Twenty-eight years ago we saw the banner of thuConfederacy forever furled on tho fieldof Appouiattox ; wo BBW it go down indefeat and gloom, and although the re-

ijiiiein of our hopes waa soundod. vetthe tender ami loving words of our im-mortal ComBBanO.l lifted tho burden ofgrief from our hearts, and wo stoodproudly erect as men who ha«l been de¬feated bnt not dishonored, and we re¬turned to our home ? with tl;.· itssurancothat our loved ones there.the noble andpatriotic WOBMB of our loved South¬land.would welcome our return, appré¬ciât« our toils and .mcritices, and over

k«-ep in loving rem« nibrance the pa¬triot ism and valor of those of our com¬rades iu arms who had given their iivesfor the land they loved.

B..BBBI OB IBI RM ?.And now to-night, although nearly

thre- deeadaa of years havo wingedtheir flight and a new generation bascocao upon the etage of action, it re¬

joices our hearts to know that not onlyti; m who were panicipunts in thoscenes of thoao four years of warfarestill honor the memory of our deadheroes, but the children and grand¬children oí those who fought benoiitlitho southern cross ore loyal to thomemory of their sires,


and thatwherever they may l>e they aro alwaysproud to say : "" My father was a

Confederate soldier. "The South has given to tho world men

whose names and fame now shine re¬splendent as the stars and will growbrighter ae the years roll on.We honor our great leaders and wo

also honor the private soldier who foughtin the renke, by whos«> fortitude, devo¬tion, and valor our generals were enabledto achieve their successes and win theirnndying fame.

Yea, wo houor tho privato soldier, thoman whose fortitude nndcr hardshiptested the stoutest b«yrt, whose devotionto country no blan lishmouU con Id se¬

duce, and who, when tlia battio was

joined, fonght with such undauntedbravery as to win tbo admiration of thaworld. We will not forget the privatesoldier and eaüor of th« Confederacy.

- No, no, no. they wer· tirare tor us,A bJ -iK_t wen» tu« Uve« tb«y save tor tut,the lami they «trae-·»«- ·«» -*** ·*-»¦ *-»

vv til aot f-esetliar ber·*. r*l

Wtio sleep in to b_ay a arar· for us."

meroai or tm a_-oiatio.s.

Mr. Kiohardson then gave a briefhistory ol the Confederate faddists' andHailora' J-oauuieut Associatioa and Ihe