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WHITE PAPER ONLINE VIDEO DATA PROVIDED BY RICHTER10.2 VIDEO Richter10.2 Video - Online Video Data White Paper _____________________________________________________________________

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Online video is a booming subsection of social media marketing which should be part of every business. The numbers don't lie, online video is already making up a huge percentage of Internet traffic and it is only projected to continue growing in the coming years. However, it's important to define clear expectation for a successful online video marketing campaign. This will help you determine the success or failure of your online videos without confusing the effects of other segments of your sales funnel.

Social Media Social media is a broad classification of Internet based tools which you can put to work for your business. This includes text communications which can be found in Twitter and Facebook status updates, photos which can be shared with the online community through Facebook, Flickr, and Pinterest, or video that can be shared through Facebook, YouTube, and Vimeo. However, online video is a particularly booming social media marketing medium which can have a major impact on your business. Online video has been shown to increase website traffic and social media conversions by 30%. This is just one reason that you can't wait any longer to make video marketing a part of your social media marketing campaign.

Facebook Facebook is one of the top social media platforms on the web today and it should be a component of any online video marketing campaign. In 2010, Facebook had 46,661 unique viewers, each averaging 18.5 minutes. It is very easy to tie Facebook traffic into your online video marketing campaign by simply posting links to any videos you publish on YouTube. These can be published as status updates including a link to the video. The video can then be viewed either on YouTube or Facebook. Also, these posts can drive traffic from your Facebook page to your YouTube account.

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YouTube video advertising is a booming market which is undervalued in many ways when compared with traditional television advertising. The vast majority of AdAge's Top 100 advertisers have used YouTube and Google Display Network advertising. Perhaps this is because they've seen that 144.1 million YouTube viewers watched 14.6 billion videos in May of 2010. This means that you can use online video for two very different types of marketing. First, you can publish videos to be viewed online and to market your company and your product. Second, you can create ads to be shown with other online videos in the same way as traditional commercials are shown on television. This means that even if you do not create your own videos, you can take advantage of online video marketing by paying to show your ad during other videos. However, creating your own videos can be seen as free advertising in many ways. Already, there are lots of people looking for videos to watch online, and that market is only expected to continue growing over the next several years.

Online Video Growth (General Statistics) In 2010, Cisco Systems predicted that Internet traffic will quadruple from 2009 to 2014. The majority of this growth is expected to come from online video which will include web videos found on YouTube in addition to video on demand services from traditional television broadcast companies. Only a year later, in 2011, comScore announced in February that 82.5% of the US Internet audience had viewed an online video.

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Internet Video Marketing (Goals) When you decide to jump into online video marketing, it's a good idea to set clear goals to define your success. For most, this will simply be increased sales. However, you can also use online videos to drive newsletter subscriptions, social media connections (Facebook Friends, Twitter Followers, etc). It is very important to consider the overall marketing plan for your company and how online videos can fit into the existing sales funnel. Perhaps measuring the success of your online video campaign can best be done by tracking some variable other than direct sales.

Reasons to Use Online Video Marketing A report from comScore in August 2010 announced that shoppers who watch online videos spend about two more minutes on a website and are 64% more likely to buy, on average. Another interesting statistic was released by Reckitt Benckiser, they found that in-store sales increased by 6% after they provided online videos for their products. As with any marketing campaign, it is very important to accurately quantify the aspect of your business you expect to be impacted by your online video campaign. This will allow you to directly measure your results and determine if your reasons for beginning the campaign have been met, or if they should be changed.

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Works CitedAxon, Samuel. "Featured in Social Media." Mashable. 2 June 2010. Web. 13 May 2012. <>.Hanelly, Andrew. "101 Online Video Stats to Make Your Eyes Glaze Over." Engage The Blog - @TMGmedia. 6 Apr. 2011. Web. 13 May 2012. <>."YouTube: Statistics." YouTube. YouTube. Web. 13 May 2012. <>.

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Richter10.2 Videohttp://[email protected]

Richter10.2 Video - Online Video Data White Paper _____________________________________________________________________