riesling's hangover

NOVEMBER 2013 / / 47         B         E         N         S         E         A         R         C         Y         (         M         A         I         N         ) WINING GOLFER [  LIFESTYLE ] Giveitago Riesling’s old stigma belies a truly classic and underestimated varietal. By Grant Dodd M ENTI ON theword ‘Rie sling ’ in politecomp anyand  you’ll get an ambivalent response. For many, it’s a word thatstrike s fearintothe hear t. Not mer elythe name ofa grape vari ety , Rie slingsome howbecame syno nymo us with bag-in-a- box goon, hangove rs, heada ches,inexpensiv e dross anda three -day growth. Itis thefit-all wineterm of yes tery ear forwhitewine of ind ete rmina teorigin. Timeshave chan ged, but thestigmaof thepastremain s. Des pi te be inglaude d bycriti cs,and showin g thatit is cap able of prod ucingoutstandin gly expr essi ve, long-li ved winesin bo thswee t and dry sty le s,Riesl ingisa har d se ll for allbuta few speci alis ts ofthe vari ety in thiscoun try . Thos e specialistsare con cen trate d in small pock ets of Aus tralia wher e climatic con ditio ns suitthe varie ty. Ries ling pr os per sin thecold, wit h itsnomi nal bi rthp lac e alo ng the st eepbanksof theMose l Riv erin Ger many . The re itretain s highnaturalacidity , he lpe d along byfreez ingwinte rs anda marginal climatefor ripening. Austr alia’ s bestsites,in South Aus tralia’sClare and EdenValley’s, West Austr alia’ s Franklan d Riv er(  right  ) and Tasmania, don’treplicate the severity of Germanconditi ons butdo enab le dedic atedgrowers to crea te distin ctivel y floral-,lime- and lemo n-drivenRieslingst hat are des ervin g ofrespect . A goo d star tingpoin t for thoselookin g toexplo rewouldbe wit h nameslike Grosset,Pikes, Ke rri Thompson , Franklan d River , CastleRock and Leo Buring. The n ofcours e,thereis Ger many , andno exp lor ati onof Ries ling can be comp letewithoutdelving intothese remar kably long-li ved and uniquewines. By a strangecoinci denc e, one of the mostadventuro us impo rtersof Ries ling in Aus tralia isa manwho wasa forme r dep uty edi tor ofAustr alianGolf Dig es t. Nev illeYa teswas atthe maga zin e duri ng thereignof To ask Gran t a ques tion ,e-mai l us at [email protected] thelegen dary PhilTressi der . Hecaugh t thewine bug along theway , andin a twis t offatemany yea rs lat er, foundhimsel f wit h accesstoa han dful ofhigh-quality Germanproduce rs who wer e inte rest ed in selling  wine in the Australian market. Yate s nowhandles an envia bleportfolioof someof thegreat es t namesin theRiesl ingworld, inc luding Willi Schae fer , Fri tz Haag, Reinh old Haart and Zillik en.Thes e arewinesof thevery high es t or der ,  grown along the slopes of Germany’s main rivers in some ofthe mostextremecondi tio ns kno wn to vit iculture . Theycomeina rang e ofstylesand swe etn ess, all theway fro m dry to thelate- pi cked styl e,whichcanhavemore than300gof suga r perlitre . Ne edle ssto say , the se arewinesthat take some unde rstan ding, butt he comb inati on of delic acy , power and pers iste ncethat the great est Rie slingsbri ng tothe tab le arean experi ence tha t every wine lov er shoul d sav ourat somepoint in the ir life . Y at esis morethan hap pyto he lppeople find some thing to the ir liking,and canbe co nta cte d thro ughhis co mpa ny , Eur oce ntr icWine s.One more thing; many ofthesewines  weigh in around the 7-8 per cent alcohol range, meaning you’ll haveto dri nkan awfullotto induceoneofthose demo nic Ries ling hangov ers of days past. Riesling grapes growing at Grosset Wines in South Australia’s Clare Valley. AGD1113p047 47 20/09/13 10:35 AM

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NOVEMBER 2013 / /  47

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GiveitagoRiesling’s old stigma belies a truly classic and underestimated varietal. By GrantDodd

MENTIONtheword ‘Riesling’ in politecompanyand

 you’ll get an ambivalent response.Formany, it’s a word

thatstrikes fearintothe heart.Notmerelythe name

ofa grape variety, Rieslingsomehowbecame synonymouswith

bag-in-a-boxgoon,hangovers, headaches,inexpensive dross

anda three-daygrowth. Itis thefit-allwinetermofyesteryear

forwhitewineof indeterminateorigin.

Timeshavechanged, but thestigmaof thepastremains.

Despitebeinglauded bycritics,and showing thatit is capable

ofproducingoutstandingly expressive, long-livedwinesin

bothsweet and dry styles,Rieslingis a hard sell for allbuta few 

specialists ofthe variety in thiscountry.

Those specialistsare concentrated in small pocketsof 

Australiawhere climatic conditions suitthevariety.Riesling 

prospers in thecold, with itsnominalbirthplace along the

steepbanksof theMosel Riverin Germany. There itretains

highnaturalacidity, helped alongbyfreezingwinters anda 

marginalclimatefor ripening.Australia’s bestsites,in South

Australia’s ClareandEdenValley’s,WestAustralia’s Frankland

River(  right  ) andTasmania,don’treplicate the severity of 

Germanconditionsbutdo enablededicatedgrowers tocreate

distinctively floral-,lime- and lemon-drivenRieslingsthatare

deserving ofrespect. A good startingpoint for thoselooking 

toexplorewouldbe with nameslikeGrosset,Pikes,Kerri

Thompson, FranklandRiver, CastleRockandLeoBuring.

Thenofcourse,thereis Germany, andno explorationof 

Riesling canbecompletewithoutdelving intothese remarkably 

long-livedanduniquewines.Bya strangecoincidence,one

ofthemostadventurous importersof Riesling inAustralia 

isa manwhowasa former deputyeditor ofAustralianGolf 

Digest.NevilleYateswas atthe magazine during thereignof 

ToaskGrant a question,e-mail us [email protected]

thelegendaryPhilTressider.Hecaught thewinebug 

along theway, andin a twist offatemany years later,

foundhimself with accessto a handful ofhigh-quality 

Germanproducerswhowere interested in selling 

 wine in the Australianmarket.

Yates nowhandles an enviableportfolioof someof 

thegreatest namesin theRieslingworld, including 

Willi Schaefer, FritzHaag,ReinholdHaart and

Zilliken.These arewinesof thevery highest order,

 grown along the slopesofGermany’smain rivers

in some ofthemostextreme conditionsknown

toviticulture.Theycome ina range ofstylesand

sweetness, all theway fromdry to thelate-picked

style,whichcan havemore than300gof sugar

perlitre.Needlessto say, these arewinesthat

take some understanding,butthecombinationof 

delicacy, power andpersistencethat thegreatest

Rieslings bring tothe table arean experience

that every wine lover should savourat somepoint

in their life.

Yatesis morethan happyto helppeople find something 

to their liking,and canbe contacted throughhis company,

EurocentricWines.Onemore thing;many ofthesewines

 weigh in around the 7-8 per centalcohol range,meaning you’ll

haveto drinkan awfullotto induceone ofthose

demonicRiesling hangoversofdayspast.

Riesling grapes growing at GrossetWines in South Australia’s Clare Valley.

AGD1113p047 47 20/09/13 10:35 AM