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Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Improving eco-efficiency of low-input cropping systems by the use of life cycle assessment and integrative approach Author(s): Kulak, Michal Adam Publication Date: 2014 Permanent Link: https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-a-010192606 Rights / License: In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted This page was generated automatically upon download from the ETH Zurich Research Collection . For more information please consult the Terms of use . ETH Library

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Research Collection

Doctoral Thesis

Improving eco-efficiency of low-input cropping systems by theuse of life cycle assessment and integrative approach

Author(s): Kulak, Michal Adam

Publication Date: 2014

Permanent Link: https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-a-010192606

Rights / License: In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted

This page was generated automatically upon download from the ETH Zurich Research Collection. For moreinformation please consult the Terms of use.

ETH Library




A thesis submitted to attain the degree of


(Dr Sc. ETH Zurich)

Presented by


Master of Science (MSc) in Innovation and Design for Sustainability, Cranfield University

Born on 30.12.1985

Citizen of Poland

Accepted on the recommendation of:

Prof. Emmanuel Frossard, ETH Zurich

Dr Thomas Nemecek, Agroscope

Prof. Steve Evans, University of Cambridge





List of abbreviations ........................................................................................................................ 4

Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 5

Zusammenfassung ........................................................................................................................... 7

Résumé ............................................................................................................................................ 9

General introduction ....................................................................................................................... 11

Chapter 1. How eco-efficient are low-input cropping systems in Western Europe and

what can be done to improve their eco-efficiency? ......................................................... 23

Chapter 2. Life cycle assessment of several alternative bread supply chains in Europe ................ 53

Chapter 3. Using LCA and integrative design for improving eco-efficiency. The case of

Bread in France. ................................................................................................................ 75

Discussion ........................................................................................................................................ 95

References ....................................................................................................................................... 115

Appendix A. Life Cycle Inventories for Chapter 2 ............................................................................ 130

Appendix B. Life Cycle Inventories for Chapter 3 ............................................................................ 141

Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................................... 147



AD Anaerobic digestion

FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

FU Functional Unit

GWP Global Warming Potential

LCA Life Cycle Assessment

LER Land Equivalent Ratio

LICS Low-Input Cropping Systems

N Nitrogen

NFT Nitrogen Fixing Trees

P Phosphorus

SI Sustainable Intensification



Low-input cropping systems (LICS) in Europe are characterised by mostly lower environmental

impacts per unit of land compared to high-input agriculture, but their benefits remain unclear when

productivity is taken into account. The research described in this thesis was conducted with two

goals: i.) to assess the eco-efficiency of European low-input cereal-based cropping systems, where

eco-efficiency is understood as the ratio of environmental impacts to production quantity and ii.) to

identify factors limiting eco-efficiency and assess the potential for improvements.

The first part of the thesis provides a review of the current literature on the relationship

between the application of agricultural inputs to cropping systems and environmental impacts

quantified with the use of product Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Various interventions are also

reviewed that can improve this ratio. The empirical evidence shows that eco-efficient cropping

systems require application of optimum instead of minimum quantities of external inputs. These

optimum rates can be lowered by utilising positive synergies between crops to minimise waste of

nutrients and water and by utilising locally produced organic waste; both from within the farm as

well as from the surrounding sociotechnical environment. Strategies such as switching cultivars,

mixing cultivars, no-tillage, intercropping or anaerobic digestion can improve eco-efficiency at the

same level of agricultural inputs, but they will not be effective under all conditions. Choices of inputs

and their levels need to be considered under the specific agro-climatic and socio-economic regimes.

In the second part of the study, environmental impacts of several cases of bread from LICS

were compared to standard references with the use of LCA. The selection of cases covered two

different European climatic zones: Temperate oceanic and Mediterranean and two different scales of

production: farms below 10 ha and over 70 ha. Primary data were collected directly from producers.

Standard references were assumed to be breads made of cereals cultivated with standard methods,

processed in industrial mill and bakery and distributed through the supermarket. The study produced

highly variable results depending on farm management, year, location and organisation of the

distribution chain. Neither LICS nor on-farm processing was observed to guarantee reductions in

environmental impacts, although numerous opportunities for system improvements were identified

over the course of this analysis.

In the third part of the study, a structured, multi-stakeholder procedure was followed to

identify opportunities for improvements in two cases from France. Results of LCA with highlights of

processes responsible for the largest share of environmental impacts were disclosed to stakeholders

during the collaborative design workshop. Teams of participants consisting of plant breeders,


agronomists and representatives of farmer’s associations were asked to map out opportunities for

system improvements. Improvement scenarios were consulted with producers and only approved

solutions were considered in further LCA simulations. Conservative models revealed potential

reduction of 47% in the Global Warming Potential per kg of bread at one farm and 40% reduction for

aquatic eutrophication at the other one. Results suggest that in addition to biophysical limitations,

farms may suffer from the lack of innovation, suboptimal management and the lack of access to

reliable environmental information.

The research described in this thesis has shown that the level of farm-external inputs cannot

be used as a proxy of environmental performance. Although there are visible trends between the

application of inputs to cropping systems and environmental impacts of their products, final results

are highly dependent on a number of other factors. LICS are not per se more eco-efficient than high-

input agriculture. However, they can potentially have similar or better performance with their proper

organisation. Although some of the limiting factors are external and independent of the farmer-such

as the electricity mix of the country in which the production is located, eco-efficiency can be highly

influenced by management decisions made by farmers. There is a scope for large improvements of

eco-efficiency within LICS, but the supply of environmental information may be necessary to support

making the right design decisions.



Low-Input-Anbausysteme in Europa haben meistens geringere Umweltwirkungen pro Flächeneinheit

als die High-Input-Landwirtschaft, ihre Vorteile sind jedoch nicht eindeutig, wenn die Produktivität

berücksichtigt wird. Die in dieser Dissertation beschriebene Forschung befasste sich mit zwei

Hauptzielen: i.) Die Beurteilung der Ökoeffizienz europäischer Low-Input-Systeme für den

Getreideanbau, wobei unter Ökoeffizienz das Verhältnis von Umweltwirkungen zum Produktion zu

verstehen ist. ii.) Die Identifizierung limitierender Faktoren und des Verbesserungspotenzials.

Der erste Teil der Dissertation besteht in einer systematischen Prüfung der aktuellen

Literatur zum Verhältnis zwischen dem landwirtschaftlichen Input von Anbausystemen und den

Umweltwirkungen, die mit Hilfe der Produkt-Ökobilanz (Life Cycle Assessment) quantifiziert werden.

Es wurden auch zahlreiche Massnahmen untersucht, welche die Leistungsfähigkeit der Systeme

verbessern können. Die empirischen Daten zeigen, dass eine gute Ökoeffizienz von Anbausystemen

nicht mit einer minimalen, sondern mit einer optimalen Menge von Inputs erreicht wird. Diese

optimale Inputmenge kann reduziert werden durch die Nutzung von Synergien zwischen

verschiedenen Kulturen, welche die Nährstoff- und Wasserverluste verringern, sowie durch die

Nutzung lokaler organischer Abfälle, die entweder im Landwirtschaftsbetrieb selber oder im nahen

soziotechnischen Umfeld anfallen. Strategien wie Züchtung, Sortenmischungen, Direktsaat,

Mischkulturen oder Biogasanlagen können die Ökoeffizienz bei gleichem Input verbessern, sind aber

nicht unter allen Bedingungen wirksam. Welche Inputs in welcher Menge eingesetzt werden, hängt

von den spezifischen agroklimatischen und sozioökonomischen Gegebenheiten ab.

Im zweiten Teil der Studie wurden die Umweltwirkungen der Herstellung von Brot aus

verschiedenen Low-Input-Betrieben mit Referenzstandards verglichen. Die Betriebe wurden so

gewählt, dass zwei Klimazonen Europas (gemässigtes ozeanisches und mediterranes Klima) und zwei

Betriebsgrössen (unter 10 ha und über 70 ha) vertreten waren. Die Basisdaten wurden direkt bei den

Produzenten erhoben. Als Referenz galten Brote aus dem Supermarkt, wobei das Getreide mit

Standard-Methoden produziert wurde. Die Studie ergab je nach Betriebsführung, Jahr, Standort und

Organisation der Vertriebskette sehr unterschiedliche Resultate. Weder die Low-Input-

Bewirtschaftung noch die Verarbeitung auf dem Landwirtschaftsbetrieb führte zu einer zuverlässigen

Reduktion der Umweltwirkungen. Im Laufe der Analyse konnten jedoch zahlreiche Möglichkeiten

identifiziert werden, mit denen sich Verbesserungen des Systems erzielen liessen.

Im dritten Teil der Studie wurden verschiedene Akteure einbezogen, um

Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten für zwei Fallbeispiele in Frankreich zu finden. Dazu wurden den

Akteuren im Rahmen eines partizipativen Design-Workshops die Ökobilanzen vorgelegt, bei denen


die Prozesse mit den grössten Umweltwirkungen aufgeführt waren. Die Teilnehmerteams, bestehend

aus Pflanzenzüchtern, Agronomen und Vertretern der Bauernverbände, erarbeiteten dann

Möglichkeiten für Systemverbesserungen. Die Verbesserungsszenarien wurden Produzenten

vorgelegt und nur für weitere Simulationen berücksichtigt, wenn sie deren Zustimmung fanden.

Konservative Modelle ergaben eine potenzielle Reduktion des Treibhauspotentials pro Kilogramm

Brot um mindestens 47% beim einen Betrieb und eine Reduktion der aquatischen Eutrophierung um

40% beim anderen Betrieb. Die Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass die Landwirtschaftsbetriebe nicht

nur aufgrund von biophysikalischen Aspekten an Grenzen stossen, sondern auch durch fehlende

Innovation, eine suboptimale Betriebsführung und ein Mangel an zuverlässigen


Die in dieser Dissertation beschriebene Forschung zeigt, dass zwischen den Inputs von

Anbausystemen und den Umweltwirkungen der erzeugten Produkte Zusammenhänge bestehen, die

sich mit Ökobilanzen beschreiben lassen. Wenn die Inputs extrem reduziert werden, ist das Ergebnis

aus Sicht der Ökoeffizienz nicht optimal. Die Ökoeffizienz hängt auch wesentlich von anderen

Komponenten des Anbausystems sowie von der Verarbeitung, vom Vertrieb und vom

soziotechnischen Umfeld ab. Low-Input-Anbausysteme sind nicht per se ökoeffizienter als High-

Input-Systeme. Sie können aber bei einer geeigneten Organisation bessere Ergebnisse erzielen. Zwar

lassen sich nicht alle begrenzenden Faktoren mit der Betriebsführung beeinflussen, die Ökoeffizienz

hängt aber doch stark von betriebsspezifischen Entscheidungen ab. Es besteht innerhalb der Low-

Input-Landwirtschaft Spielraum für wesentliche Verbesserungen der Ökoeffizienz. Damit die richtigen

Entscheidungen getroffen werden können, müssen jedoch ausreichende Umweltinformationen zur

Verfügung stehen.



En Europe, les systèmes culturaux à faible niveau d’intrants se caractérisent par des impacts

environnementaux généralement plus faibles par unité de surface par rapport à l’agriculture

intensive, mais leurs performances environnementales restent inconnues. Les recherches décrites

dans la présente thèse avaient deux objectifs principaux: i.) évaluer l’éco-efficience des systèmes de

cultures de céréales européens à faibles intrants exprimée par le rapport entre production et impacts

sur l’environnement et ii.) identifier les facteurs handicapants afin d’évaluer le potentiel


La première partie de la thèse conduit une revue systématique de la littérature sur le rapport

entre l’application des intrants agricoles dans les systèmes culturaux et l’impact environnemental

quantifié grâce aux analyses de cycle de vie (Life Cycle Assessment, LCA). Différentes interventions

sont également présentées, comme étant susceptibles d’améliorer les rendements. L’expérience

montre que l’éco-efficience des systèmes culturaux implique l’application de quantités optimales et

non minimales d’intrants externes. Ces quantités optimales peuvent être réduites en exploitant les

synergies entre les cultures afin de minimiser les pertes d’éléments nutritifs et d’eau ainsi qu’en

utilisant les déchets organiques locaux; à l’échelle de la ferme comme à l’échelle de l’environnement

socio-technique proche. Les stratégies telles que la sélection, le mélange des variétés, le semis direct,

les cultures intercalaires ou la digestion anaérobique peuvent accroître l’éco-efficience avec le même

niveau d’intrants agricoles, mais elles ne fonctionnent pas dans toutes les conditions. Le choix des

intrants et de leurs quantités doit tenir compte des régimes agroclimatiques et socio-économiques


La deuxième partie de l’étude consistait à comparer les impacts environnementaux de

différents types de pains issus de l’agriculture à faibles intrants à des pains de référence. Les cas

étudiés ont été sélectionnés dans deux zones climatiques européennes: la zone tempérée océanique

et la zone méditerranéenne, pour deux niveaux de production différents: exploitations de moins de

10 ha et de plus de 70 ha. Les données de base ont été recueillies directement chez les producteurs.

Les pains de référence étaient supposés être des pains faits à partir de céréales cultivées selon les

méthodes modernes, fabriqués par des moulins et des boulangeries industriels et distribués en

supermarchés. L’étude a donné des résultats extrêmement variables suivant la gestion de la ferme,

l’année, la situation géographique de l’exploitation et l’organisation de la chaîne de distribution. On a

constaté que ni l’agriculture à faible niveau d’intrants, ni la transformation sur le site ne

garantissaient la réduction des impacts environnementaux, bien que de nombreuses possibilités pour

améliorer les systèmes aient pu être identifiées durant l’analyse.


La troisième partie de l’étude a suivi une procédure structurée, associant l’ensemble des

parties intéressées afin d’identifier les possibilités d’amélioration dans deux cas en France. Les

résultats d’analyses de cycles de vie joints aux processus-phares responsables de la majeure partie

des impacts environnementaux ont été communiqués aux parties intéressées durant l’atelier de

conception interdisciplinaire. On a demandé à des équipes de participants composées de

sélectionneurs, d’agronomes et de représentants des associations d’agriculteurs d’esquisser les

possibilités d’amélioration des systèmes. Les scénarios d’amélioration ont fait l’objet de

concertations avec les producteurs et seules les solutions approuvées ont été retenues pour les

simulations. Les modèles conservateurs ont indiqué des possibilités de réduction d’au moins 47% du

potentiel de réchauffement climatique global par kilo de pain dans une exploitation et de 40% de

réduction de l’eutrophisation aquatique dans une autre. Les résultats suggèrent qu’outre les limites

biophysiques, les exploitations souffrent du manque d’innovation, d’un management insuffisant et

du manque d’informations environnementales fiables.

Les recherches décrites dans la présente thèse ont montré qu’il existe des liens visibles entre

l’application d’intrants dans les systèmes culturaux et les impacts environnementaux de leurs

produits, liens qui peuvent être mis en évidence grâce aux analyses de cycle de vie. Du point de vue

de l’éco-efficience, il ne serait pas idéal de réduire la quantité des intrants à un niveau extrêmement

bas. Le résultat final de l’éco-efficience dépend également largement d’une autre composante du

système cultural, celle qui réunit fabrication, distribution et contexte socio-technique. Les systèmes

culturaux à faible niveau d’intrants ne sont pas plus éco-efficients en soi que l’agriculture intensive.

Cependant, avec une bonne organisation, ils peuvent avoir des performances similaires ou

supérieures. Bien que certains facteurs limitants soient indépendants de l’agriculteur, une grande

part de l’éco-efficience peut être influencée par les décisions de management spécifiques au site. Il

est donc possible d’améliorer encore l’éco-efficience dans l’agriculture à faible niveau d’intrants,

mais il est indispensable de réunir des informations sur l’environnement afin d’aider à prendre les

bonnes décisions en termes de conception.




Evolution of European cropping systems

Satisfaction of nutritional needs occupies significant portion of time and energy for all living

organisms, but humans managed to reduce the required effort to the minimum. The invention of

cropping systems was the first big step in this direction, allowing societies to switch from hunting and

gathering towards the agriculturally based organisation. A cropping system is a part of an agricultural

production system. It is defined by an area of land that is managed in a homogenous manner for

plant cultivation: with the same crops, in the same rotation and using the same technical means

(Sebillotte, 1990). Throughout the history, people constantly tried to increase their productivity – the

amount of useful output relative to the amount of invested inputs. In the second part of the 20th

century in Europe, the major and rapid improvements in land and labour productivity occurred when

high yielding cultivars of wheat and hybrids of maize were developed in formal breeding programs

(Kharkwal and Roy, 2004). These developments were coupled with the increased application of

synthetic, water soluble fertilisers and pesticides. As a result, per hectare yields of wheat and barley

in Western Europe have more than doubled between 1960s and 2000s and nearly tripled for maize

(FAOSTAT, 2012b). Technological changes of the last century brought significant improvements in

food security and labour productivity (Broadberry, 2009) and the area under agricultural production

in Europe in the last 30 years could slightly decrease (FAOSTAT, 2013). Relatively high levels of

fertilisers and pesticides applied in modern agriculture, however, raised numerous concerns over

their negative externalities (Pretty et al., 2000, Pimentel et al., 1992). In 1990s, the global production

of mineral, water soluble fertilisers had already been directly responsible for 1.2% of the world’s

energy use and 1.2% of greenhouse gas emissions (Kongshaug, 1998). Releases of even more

greenhouse gases follow their application to the fields. Applying nitrogen, both in mineral and

organic form, causes emission of nitrous oxide that is responsible for 4.8% of all anthropogenic

greenhouse gas emissions (Baumert, 2005, IPCC, 2007, Smith et al., 2000). Excessive supply of

nutrients caused problems of water eutrophication and acidification in many parts of the world

(Tilman et al., 2002). The excessive use of pesticides can have negative effects on human health and


ecosystems (Hellweg and Geisler, 2003, RIVM, 1992). Phosphorus is constantly mined for agriculture

in the form of the phosphate rock and its reserves are limited (Cordell et al., 2009) while global

trends show further increases in the demand and supply of agricultural inputs.

Low-input cropping systems (LICS) and their environmental impacts

Concerns over the negative externalities of modern agriculture in Europe led to the renewed

interested in traditional forms of farming. LICS is a part of a low-input farming system. Low-input

farming system have been defined as a farming system, where consumption of “external inputs” is

minimised and the use of internal resources maximised (Liebhardt et al., 1989, Parr et al., 1990,

Gosme et al., 2010). In agriculture, “external inputs” are commonly understood as those coming from

outside the farm: mainly fertilisers, pesticides and energy. The term “low-input farming” is often

confused with “organic farming”, but these two terms should not be used as synonyms. Organic

farms can apply high quantities of organic fertilisers and plant protection products that are allowed

within their certification schemes. LICSs, on the other hand, have relatively low material throughput,

meaning that less physical inputs is applied per ha but also less is produced as compared to high-

input systems. Low grain prices in 1990s paired with subsidies to less intensive modes of production

stimulated the re-emergence of such systems in the European Union (EU). Despite lower expected

yields, reducing inputs has been shown to allow European farmers maintaining their incomes (Loyce

et al., 2012, Bouchard et al., 2008). This is partly due to reduced costs and partly that many farmers

practicing low-input agriculture in Europe cultivate rare crops or ancient varieties profiting from price

premiums that consumers are willing to pay for these foods (Piergiovanni, 2013, Bouchard et al.,

2008). The European Environment Agency defines low-input farms in Europe as those spending less

than €80 ha−1a−1 on fertilizers, crop protection and concentrated feedstuffs (EEA, 2005). It has been

estimated, that the share of such farms within the total agricultural area of the EU-12 increased from

26% to 28% between 1990 and 2010 (EEA, 2005). Low-input systems have been supported by the

European Common Agricultural Policy, largely based on the assumption that negative environmental


impacts of arable intensification (Tilman et al., 2002, Stoate et al., 2001) can be reduced by switching

to less intensive methods of farming. However, broader environmental consequences from switching

back to low-input farming methods remain unclear. LICSs have been shown to cause less damage to

vascular plant richness than high-input agriculture (Kleijn et al., 2009), although there are species of

animals that prefer higher-intensity landscapes (Kleijn et al., 2001). Hodgson et al. (2010)

demonstrated that benefits from increasing intensity in part of the agricultural landscape and sparing

a fraction of land for biodiversity can be higher than low-intensity farming over the whole area.

Tuomisto (2012b) arrived at the opposite conclusions, showing benefits of low-input farming even if

the saved land, would be used for other uses, including the natural woodlands. There is evidence

that the systematic use of techniques such as manuring, mulching and cover cropping which are

practiced in LICSs can help to build up the lost soil organic matter (Johnston et al., 2009, Buyanovsky

and Wagner, 1998), and therefore potentially provide carbon sequestration benefits. On the other

hand, a relatively high amount of organic matter needs to be systematically applied to increase the

soil carbon (Johnston et al., 2009) and this biomass needs to be produced somewhere else.

Furthermore, there is an evidence of correlation between the level of nitrogen in the soil and the

amount of soil organic matter (Conant et al., 2005). The shortage of nutrients within the LICS may

stimulate the microbial communities, what enhances the decomposition of soil carbon and actually

increase the release of CO2 instead of sequestering it (Leifeld, 2013). LICSs are also producing less

food as compared to high-input agriculture. Rapid increases in food prices on the global market

between 2005 and 2011 brought productivity issues back on political and research agendas. Even

though the production of food in the European Union currently exceeds the needs of its citizens,

questions arise about opportunity costs of low-input farming. It has been estimated, that the global

agricultural production will have to increase by 70-100% in the near future to address the needs of

growing and increasingly wealthy world population (Bruinsma, 2009, HM Government, 2011, Royal

Society, 2009, Godfray et al., 2010). Given the fact that 18% of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas

emissions is already attributed to land conversions (Baumert, 2005) there is a strong case for


increasing production on the existing land to avoid further conversion of non-agricultural land and all

the resulting negative environmental consequences. Model projections suggest that production

increases on the existing land will have to be coupled in the future with significant reductions of

impacts that agricultural systems have on the environment. This is due to the fact that emissions

from today’s intensive (high-input) systems, if scaled up, would go beyond the capacity of the Earth

to absorb them (Foley et al., 2011, Godfray, 2011, Tilman et al., 2011). This creates the need for

developing new farming systems with higher levels of productivity per unit of land but lower impacts

on the environment.

The concept of eco-efficiency and its relevance to agricultural systems

Relationships between levels of production and environmental impacts of a production system can

be described by its eco-efficiency. World Business Council for Sustainable Development defined eco-

efficiency as being achieved by the provision of “competitively priced goods and services that satisfy

human needs and bring quality of life, while progressively reducing ecological impacts and resource

intensity throughout the life cycle, to a level at least in line with the Earth’s estimated carrying

capacity” (Schmidheiny, 1992). Large-scale improvements in eco-efficiency of businesses present one

of the visions for the transition of global society towards sustainability (Elkington, 1998, Hawken et

al., 2010). Huppes and Ishikawa (2005) distinguished four basic types of eco-efficiency (Table 1). In

this thesis, under the term improving eco-efficiency I understand reducing environmental intensity of

a production system or increasing environmental productivity. The extent to which eco-efficiency of

current economic systems will have to be improved over the next 40 years has been intensively

debated since 1970s (Reijnders, 1998). Model predictions have produced variable but always

significant numbers with estimates varying between factor 4 and 50. From the macro-economic

perspective, food and agriculture in high-income countries are among the least eco-efficient sectors

of the economy. Consumption of agricultural products is already responsible for 20% to 50% of all

major environmental impacts (Tukker et al., 2006), while the value added by agricultural production


in industrialised economies accounts for less than 3 % of GDP (World Bank, 2013). Food is a basic

human need and maintaining the production of diverse and nutritious products is an imperative of

food security. There is therefore a strong case for improving the eco-efficiency of agricultural systems

and in particular, the food production eco-efficiency.

Table 1. Four basic types of eco-efficiency adapted from Huppes and Ishikawa (2005).

Environmental productivity:

Production value per unit of environmental impact

Improvement cost:

Cost per unit of environmental improvement

Environmental intensity:

Environmental impact per unit of production value

Environmental cost-effectiveness:

Environmental improvement per unit of cost)

Methods for measuring eco-efficiency that can be applied to agriculture

The use of various methods has been reported in the previous literature for measuring eco-efficiency

in agriculture, including approaches such as Data Envelopment Analysis (Beltran-Esteve et al., 2012,

Picazo-Tadeo et al., 2011, Shortall and Barnes, 2013, Azad and Ancev, 2010), accounting of nitrogen

or nutrient use efficiencies (Carberry et al., 2013, Kuosmanen and Kuosmanen, 2013, Tilman et al.,

2001) or Life Cycle Assessment (Jan et al., 2012). Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a method that allows

to consider the broadest system boundary and the broadest range of environmental impacts

(Finnveden and Moberg, 2005). The use of holistic methods and consideration of the widest possible

scales and timeframes is necessary for the fair assessment of all production systems, but agricultural

systems in particular. Environmental impacts from agriculture have spatial rather than point or linear

character and are highly dispersed. Taking nitrous oxide emissions as an example, the production of

adipic acid that is used in nylon production is the single biggest industrial source of nitrous oxide

emissions, with all world emissions coming from only 255 to 600 point sources. Nitrous oxide


emissions measured at any given point in the fields are relatively small. Nevertheless, the global area

of farmland makes agriculture responsible for the majority of this greenhouse gas’s emission while

industry including nylon production makes up only 20% (Penman et al., 2000). The second reason is

that considering the broad range of environmental impacts is necessary to avoid burden shifting. The

relationship between carbon footprint and pesticide application presents an illustrative example. The

production and application of glyphosate is not particularly greenhouse gas intensive (Hischier et al.,

2010), cropping systems with glyphosate applications can therefore be characterised by lower GWP

per product unit than those with low or no use of pesticides if the pesticide application allows for

some yield increase. However, following their release to the environment, pesticides have negative

effects on human toxicity and ecosystems what is not incorporated in carbon footprint but would be

revealed in toxicity-related impact categories (Hellweg and Geisler, 2003). The application of Life

Cycle Assessment is regulated by international standards (ISO, 2006a, ISO, 2006b) and several

voluntary initiatives throughout the agri-food sector have been undertaken to further unify the

procedure and reduce the uncertainty of derived results, such as the ENVI-FOOD protocol (Camillo et

al., 2012).

The role of design in improving eco-efficiency

The first environmental policies were directed at preventing some specific emissions from entering

the environment or cleaning up those that have entered it (so-called “end-of-pipe” solutions). Today,

it is recognised that most of the environmental impacts of products, services and systems can be

addressed before the harmful substances are released or even formulated - through interventions at

the design stage (Graedel and Allenby, 1995). Ecodesign can be defined as a development process

considering complete life cycle of a product or service, where environmental impacts at all stages of

the life cycle are addressed to develop products and services with the lowest possible environmental

impacts (Glavič and Lukman, 2007, ISO/TR14062, 2002). Brezet (1997) distinguished four types of

ecodesign innovations, depending on the extent of changes: i.) product improvement, ii.) redesign,


iii.) product function and iv) system innovation. Product function innovation is not restricted to the

product itself, but the way its function is fulfilled, while system innovation includes changes in the

entire technological system (products, supply chains, infrastructure and institutional networks).

Ecodesign support tools based on LCA are increasingly applied in industry with the aim of reducing

environmental impacts of products, so far mostly by large firms and specifically from the electric and

electronic sectors (Kobayashi et al., 2005, Aoe, 2007, Toshiba, 2012, Takagi, 2000, Saling et al., 2002,

Knight and Jenkins, 2009). LCA-based eco-design tools have also been used by companies from the

agri-food sector (Schenker and Lundquist, 2010, Dutilh, 1998) but innovations at the agricultural

stage remain rarely reported, despite the significance of impacts that agricultural systems have on

the environment. McDevitt and Milà i Canals (2011) used LCA to identify breeding priorities for UK

oat that would lead to the highest reductions of environmental impacts along the whole product life

cycle. This led to the conclusion, that some of the biggest environmental improvements of porridge

can be achieved by modifying crop viscosity and flake liquid absorption and the reduction of cooking

time. De Jonge (2004) evaluated eco-efficiency improvement of fungicide by the internal Research

and Development (R&D) investments of a chemical company, demonstrating threefold reduction in

life cycle human toxicity over time, eightfold in terrestrial eco-toxicity and sevenfold in aquatic eco-

toxicity while providing the same crop protection function. Kulak et al. (2013) used LCA to identify

crops that would allow for the biggest savings of greenhouse gas emissions while cultivating at the

peri-urban community farm in London. The analysis showed that some crops, like beans and

courgettes have the capacity to provide large reductions of greenhouse gas emissions, while others,

like strawberries are better to be supplied from the conventional, supermarket-based food supply

system. Hayer et al. (2012) demonstrated with the use of LCA, that the eco-efficiency of French

cropping systems within the same region can be influenced by choices of cropping sequences.

Integrative approaches to eco-design


Most of the past eco-design innovations in agriculture focused on optimisation of single elements of

the cropping system design, such as the pesticide (de Jonge, 2004) or a cultivar (McDevitt and Milà i

Canals, 2011). However, the final environmental performance of the cropping system will be

determined by multiple processes. By optimising only one component of the system in question, only

incremental improvements in eco-efficiency can be achieved. Whole System Design (Integrative

Design) is an approach that has its roots in the field of industrial design. It emphasises the need to

look at the whole system instead of its parts to achieve significant improvements in system efficiency

(Stasinopoulos et al., 2009). The concept implies the need for the integration of actors and the use of

trans-disciplinary skills in a design process to provide radical improvements (Charnley et al., 2011).

Case studies of application showed factor 10 improvements in energy efficiency of a building (Lovins,

2010) or radical reductions in fuel use of a hydrogen-based vehicle (Charnley et al., 2011). Anarow et

al., (2003) gave Integrated Pest Management (IPM) as an example from agriculture. The approach is

based on the knowledge of life cycles of pests and encourages large number of small strategic

interventions that cumulatively result in an effective pest control. Integrated Nutrient Management

can be used as another example, an approach to farm management that encourages increasing the

utilisation of nutrients within cropping system and decreasing losses through utilising interactions

between all the environmental components involved in nutrient cycling, as well as considering of the

socio-economic aspects to ensure technology adoption (Frossard et al., 2009).

The potential role of integrative design in improving eco-efficiency of low-input cropping systems

Eco-efficiency improvement (understood as increasing environmental productivity or reducing

environmental intensity as defined in Table 1) can be achieved in three ways: i.) by reducing

environmental impacts while maintaining productivity, ii.) by increasing production while maintaining

environmental impacts or iii.) by the combination of both approaches. Literature gives numerous

examples of integrated solutions for increasing production in a cropping system in a sustainable

manner (sustainable intensification). These include such approaches as Conservation Agriculture (CA)


(Murray, 2012, Pretty, 2009, World Bank, 2004), diversification of species (Cassman, 1999, Murray,

2012), integrated pest and nutrient managements (FAO, 2011, Frossard et al., 2009, Murray, 2012,

Pretty, 2009, World Bank, 2004), agroforestry systems (Cassman, 1999, Dore et al., 2011, FAO, 2011,

Pretty, 2009), precision agriculture (Cassman, 1999, World Bank, 2004), reintegrating crop and

livestock production (Dore et al., 2011, FAO, 2011, Pretty, 2009, Pretty, 2011, Vayssières et al., 2011)

or mixing cultivars and species (Dore et al., 2011, FAO, 2011). The current literature however lacks

critical, systematic assessments of their performance. The cases of local food (Edwards-Jones et al.,

2008) or organic food (Tuomisto et al., 2012b) demonstrated that human perceptions of what

sustainable systems might look like can be different to the picture shown by the quantification of

resource flows.

Goal and objectives of the thesis

The goals of this study were twofold: i.) to assess the eco-efficiency of low-input cropping systems in

Europe in relation to standard methods of production and ii.) to quantify the potential improvements

that can be achieved through the application of integrative design approach supported by LCA.

The study had following objectives to fulfil these goals:

1. To review the existing evidence on the ratio of production to environmental impacts in

European low-input cropping systems and strategies that can bring improvements.

2. To quantify environmental impacts of products from several real-life low-input cropping

systems and to compare these systems to current patterns of crop production in Europe.

3. To develop and apply a new methodology coupling benefits of integrative approaches to

cropping system design and LCA and to quantify the improvement potential in case study



Structure of the thesis

The thesis consists of three chapters and a general discussion.

Chapter one addresses the first objective of the research project. This chapter provides a review of

literature on relationships between the reduction of external inputs to cropping systems and their

eco-efficiency, measured as the ratio of environmental impacts assessed by LCA to the quantity of


The second chapter addresses the second objective. It describes the application of product LCA to

evaluate eco-efficiency of several low-input producers from Europe aiming at implementing eco-

innovations at the level of food supply chain and at producing bread with low environmental

impacts. Results per kg of bread at the consumer table are compared to product equivalents from

supermarket-based supply chains.

The third chapter addresses the third objective. It describes the methodology that can be applied for

improving eco-efficiency of farming systems based on the collaboration of researchers and farmers

and the use of LCA as an information support tool. The application of methodology was tested

through collaboration with two producers from France. In the method, LCA allows to locate hot-spots

requiring the greatest attention to improve environmental performance and new ideas are

generated through interdisciplinary discussions. The stakeholder feedback allows ruling out the

solutions that would not be accepted by producers and their customers.

The three chapters are followed by a cross-sectional discussion. It starts by highlighting the

contributions of the thesis to the current state of knowledge. This is followed by the discussion on

limitations of different aspects of the method that can be improved in the future as well as its

advantages. The thesis is summarised by concluding remarks.







This chapter is an adapted version of the following publication:

KULAK, M., NEMECEK, T., FROSSARD, E. & GAILLARD, G. 2013. How Eco-Efficient Are Low-Input

Cropping Systems in Western Europe, and What Can Be Done to Improve Their Eco-Efficiency?

Sustainability, 5, 3722-3743.


1. Introduction

Common Agricultural Policy and a number of national policies were introduced in XXth century

Europe to increase food security. This goal has been achieved with remarkable success in the western

part of the continent, where it has been paired with the rapid economic growth. Today, Western

Europe is one of the world’s most agriculturally productive regions, whose mean wheat yield

between 1990 and 2011 was 2.5 times higher than the global average, and almost 3 times higher

than Eastern Europe’s (FAOSTAT, 2013). Agricultural developments significantly increased land

productivity whilst reducing labour requirements (Eurostat, 2013). These productivity gains,

however, were achieved at some external cost. It is well recognised that agricultural intensification

was coupled with the increased use of synthetic fertilisers, pesticides and irrigation water, and that

this created a number of sustainability challenges (Stoate et al., 2001, Tilman et al., 2002). Concerns

over the nutrient pollution and loss of ecosystem services caused by intensive production resulted in

a renewed interest in, and public support for, more extensive modes of production, such as LICSs.

Although losses from pests and diseases in LICSs can be partially mitigated by cultivating crops and

varieties that have higher resistance (Loyce et al., 2012), overall yield is expected to be lower

because of the lower absolute yield potential (Gosme et al., 2010).

Due to the concerns over the ability of humanity to feed itself in the future, researchers from

the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and a number of other

organisations called for an increase in global food production on existing agricultural land with a

simultaneous reduction of its impacts on the environment (IAASTD, 2009, Royal Society, 2009,

Murray, 2012, HM Government, 2011). The term ‘intensification’ emphasises the necessity of

achieving productivity increases, but global sustainable intensification (SI) does not mean that yields

must be increased in all regions (Garnett et al., 2013). Western Europe is among the few areas in the

world with relatively high levels of food security and the highest levels of domestic supply quantity of


agricultural goods (FAOSTAT, 2012a). As intensive agricultural systems have already caused

significant damage to the environment in this region (Stoate et al., 2001), it is therefore reasonable

to seek for improvements in eco-efficiency of European agriculture rather than further sole yield


The objectives of this chapter are twofold:

1) to review the evidence from LCA regarding the effect of reducing agricultural inputs on eco-

efficiency; and

2.) to identify interventions for improving eco-efficiency of LICSs.

Eco-efficiency can be expressed in quantitative terms as a relationship between

environmental impact and the production value (Table 1). In this study, we looked at the changes in

the quantity of product, assuming that the rate of change in product quantity at a constant price will

correspond to the rate of change in monetary value. At present, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is the

most standardised and widely applied method allowing to quantify environmental impacts of

products, services and activities throughout their life cycles (Finnveden et al., 2009). LCA can be

applied to evaluate cropping systems by using the ratio of quantitative environmental indicators to

productive functional units, thereby allowing the systematic comparison of eco-efficiency between

systems. LCA is widely applied in the agri-food sector (Corson and Van der Werf, 2012) with the most

common use being the comparison of environmental impacts at farm scale between organic and

conventional farming systems, as illustrated in a recent meta-analysis dedicated to this subject

(Tuomisto et al., 2012b). To date, far less research has been devoted to the evaluation of cropping

systems with different levels of external inputs, and to identifying practical solutions for their


2. Methodology


Goal and scope definition is the first step of every LCA study (ISO, 2006a), as it determines

the assumptions and methodological choices. For the purpose of achieving the first objective of this

chapter, we selected studies that were solely dedicated to comparing cropping systems at different

fertilisation levels. Since LCAs are spatially explicit (Roches et al., 2010), we included only those with

the study subject located in Western Europe. In Haas et al.’s study (2001), we excluded the impact

categories of biodiversity, landscape image and animal husbandry, since these were expressed per

farm, and were therefore not related to any uniform product-related functional unit that would allow

to make conclusions over eco-efficiency. We also excluded results for the impact categories of

groundwater quality and surface-water quality, as they were calculated as a function of nutrient use,

and hence provided no additional information to the impact category ‘eutrophication’. Due to the

differing approaches that were used across studies to characterise land-use impacts, we used the

impact category “land occupation” to ensure comparability. Defined as the surface area of

agricultural land that must be occupied for one year to deliver the given functional unit, land

occupation was calculated on the basis of yield. To better illustrate the relationship between external

input levels and eco-efficiency, we compiled LCA results for bread-wheat production from two

independent studies (Brentrup et al., 2004, Nemecek et al., 2011a,b) in a graphic form. To allow

comparability, original eutrophication units from Nemecek et al. (2011a,b) which were nitrogen

equivalents were converted to phosphorus equivalents using conversion factors from Hauschild and

Wenzel (1998). We also employed Agri-LCI models from Cranfield University (Williams et al., 2006,

Cranfield University, 2006) to estimate the environmental impacts of wheat production in the UK at

fertilisation levels corresponding to those of Brentrup et al. (2004), and included these results for

comparison. The list of potential strategies for improving eco-efficiency was compiled from review

articles on sustainable intensification (FAO, 2011, Flavell, 2010, Royal Society, 2009, Murray, 2012,

World Bank, 2004, Pretty, 2009, Cassman, 1999, Dore et al., 2011, Pretty, 1997, Vayssières et al.,

2011), and those for which LCA studies could be found were included in the review. Based on

previous knowledge, we supplemented the list with nutrient-recycling technologies. It is worth


mentioning that the list of techniques reviewed in this chapter is exemplary, and other, more

effective techniques may exist for improving cropping system eco-efficiency. We used Agri-LCI

models to simulate the consequences of reduction in tillage. For simplicity’s sake, we limited the

comparison to one impact category (‘net greenhouse-gas balance’) while discussing the

environmental impacts of various feedstocks for anaerobic digestion. In the final part of the chapter,

we addressed some limitations of LCA methodology for assessing the performance of low-input


3. Environmental impacts of LICSs

Table 2 gives an overview of LCA studies from Western Europe on cropping systems with

different levels of external inputs. The study of Haas et al. (2001) showed a reduction in all

environmental impacts except for land occupation per tonne of harvested grass when external input

levels were reduced. However, the relative differences in mean yield in the study were relatively low:

11.8 t ha-1 in the intensive, 10.5 t ha-1 in the extensified and 10.7 t ha-1 in the organic system.

Although it is known that mineral fertilisers were used in the intensive and not in the extensified and

organic systems, the rates of application of organic fertilisers were not reported. Brentrup et al.'s

study (2004) was based on a long-term field trial from the Rothamsted research station in the UK.

Environmental impacts at seven different nitrogen (N) fertilisation levels were investigated, from 0 to

288 kg N ha-1, with other inputs kept at constant rates. Environmental impacts per tonne of wheat

were shown to decrease here proportionally to decreasing levels of N for two of the analysed impact

categories: ‘Global Warming Potential’ and ‘Eutrophication Potential’. Despite this, energy use and

acidification were shown to decrease and increase again when levels of N were too low. At a very

high fertilisation level, land occupation could be reduced by reducing N, but was generally observed

to be increasing together with reduced inputs due to reduced yields. Charles et. al. (2006) performed

a study in Switzerland in which four fertilisation treatments for wheat were analysed: 100 kg N ha-1,

140 kg N ha-1,180 kg N ha-1, and 220 kg N ha-1, with P and K adjusted proportionally to nitrogen levels.


All impact categories except for land occupation, eutrophication and aquatic ecotoxicity were shown

to decrease per tonne of wheat grain when N was reduced. Functional unit (FU) represents the

function (product or service) of the analysed system, based on which the comparison in LCA study is

made (ISO, 2006a). When 1 t of wheat with constant protein content was used as a FU, nearly all

environmental impacts increased along with a reduction in N, owing to the positive relationship

between N fertilisation and protein content of grains. Nemecek et al., (2011b) showed that all impact

categories except for land occupation were reduced or unaffected in a cash-crop rotation and a feed-

crop rotation. In the grassland systems investigated, however, energy use, acidification,

eutrophication, aquatic ecotoxicity, terrestrial ecotoxicity and human toxicity all increased along with

a reduction in fertilisation, and decreased again at very low levels of fertilisation, while for ozone

formation and the Global Warming Potential (GWP) the opposite result was found -the highest

environmental impacts were at the highest and lowest fertilisation levels. Modelled cropping systems

for winter wheat and barley showed increases per product unit for nearly all impact categories

considered, except for those related to toxicity, and – in the case of rapeseed – ozone formation.

When ‘Swiss Franc of revenue’ was used as a FU, the result was more favourable for low-input

production, partially owing to the direct payments for this type of cultivation in Switzerland.

Glendining et al., (2009) coupled LCA models from Williams et al., (2006) with the economic

valuation of ecosystem services. The starting point of the analysis was current levels of intensity in

the UK, and several scenarios for nationwide reductions in inputs to wheat production were

examined. The study showed that environmental damage to ecosystem services will increase for all

products analysed if farmers in the UK reduce input levels. This was owed to increasing land

requirements, and agricultural land use was assigned a high environmental cost due to the potential

damage caused to natural ecosystems in case of agricultural expansion. Goglio et al., (2012)

investigated cropping systems for first-generation bioenergy production with different levels of

external inputs in Italy, showing that environmental impacts per MJ of energy produced can be

lowest at low levels of external inputs.


Figure 1 illustrates the relationships between nitrogen application to bread wheat and

environmental impacts per tonne of harvested grain across different studies. It is worth mentioning

that wheat has a strong response to N fertilisation, and results for less N demanding crops would

probably be more favourable for low-input production. The results from both Williams et al. (2006)

and Brentrup et al. (2004) reveal an optimum point for energy use at the moderate application rates,

between 100 and 200 kg, although there is a difference of a factor of 2 between the absolute values.

Both studies show that reducing or increasing nitrogen below or above an optimum level will cause

diminishing of eco-efficiency. Nemecek et al. (2011b) revealed a reduction in energy demand with

increased fertilisation rates, although the absolute levels of applied nitrogen remained below 200 kg

N ha-1. There is a clear difference between organic and mineral fertilisation, with the latter being

characterised by higher energy demand. Brentrup et al. (2004) revealed a close-to-linear relationship

between increased nitrogen levels and GWP, while in Williams et al. (2006) GWP remains constant at

lower levels, followed by a rapid increase at higher levels of fertilisation. Large differences between

studies at lower fertilisation levels are presumably due to differences in modelling assumptions for

greenhouse-gas emissions from unfertilised soils. Although more dispersed, results of Nemecek et.

al. (2011b) show increases along with increased fertilisation. In both Williams et al. (2006) and

Brentrup et al. (2004), the eutrophication potential appears to remain steady or decrease slightly

with increasing fertilisation at lower rates, then increase at higher rates above 200 kg N per ha.

Nemecek et al.’s (2011b) results show a much higher Eutrophication Potential for organic

fertilisation. Although Acidification Potential increases proportionally to nitrogen application in

Williams et al.'s model (2006), according to Brentrup et al. (2004) it decreases slightly before

increasing again. Nemecek et al.'s study (2011b) reveals higher results for the organically fertilised

cases. The non-linearity of results shows the importance of factors other than quantity of N for eco-

efficiency results.


Table 2: Effects of reducing external inputs on LCA results for agricultural products (GWP = Global Warming Potential; AP = Acidification Potential; EP = 1

Eutrophication Potential; AEP = Aquatic Ecotoxicity Potential; TEP = Terrestrial Ecotoxicity Potential; DM = dry matter; ns = non-significant; incr. = 2

increased; red. = reduced) 3

Goal of study


Crop Input data

Type of input tested

Production-related functional unit

Effect of reducing inputs on Life Cycle Impact categories

Energy use Land occupation

GWP AP EP Ozone formation

AEP TEP Human toxicity

Env. cost

Haas et al. (2001)

To compare intensive, extensified and organic grassland farming

DE Hay Represe-ntative farms

Fertilising, stocking rate

1 t DM red. incr./ red.

red. red. red.

Brentrup et al. (2004)

To examine different intensity levels (as N application rates)

UK Winter wheat

Field trials

Nitrogen input

1 t wheat red./ incr.

red./ incr.

red. red./ incr.


Charles et al., (2006)

To estimate environmentally optimum fertilisation intensity

CH Winter wheat

Field trials

Fertilisers 1 t wheat red. incr. red. red. incr. red. incr. red. red.

1 t pr. adjusted wheat*

incr. incr. incr./red. incr. incr. incr. incr. red. red.

Nemecek et al., (2011b)

To examine effects of reduced fertilisation, plant-protection and soil- cultivation intensity (frequency of operations)

CH Cash-crop rotation

Field trials

Fertilisers 1 kg DM red. incr. red. ns ns ns red. red. red.

Feed-crop rotation

Field trials

Fertilisers 1 kg DM red. incr. red. ns red. red. ns ns ns

Hay Field trials

Number of cuts, nitrogen input

1 MJ incr./ red.

incr. red./ incr. /red.

incr./red. incr./ red.

red./ incr./red.

incr./red. incr./red. incr./red.

Winter wheat

Modelled system

Pesticide 1 kg DM incr. incr. incr. incr. incr. incr. incr. red. red.

1 Swiss Franc

red. incr. incr. incr. incr. incr. incr. red. red.

* Wheat grain with constant protein concentration



Table 2: Effects of reducing external inputs on LCA results for agricultural products (continued from previous page). (GWP = Global Warming Potential; 4

AP = Acidification Potential; EP = Eutrophication Potential; AEP = Aquatic Ecotoxicity Potential; TEP = Terrestrial Ecotoxicity Potential; DM = dry matter; 5

ns = non-significant; incr. – increased; red. – reduced) 6

Goal of study Country

Crop Input data Type of input tested

Production-related functional unit

Effect of reducing inputs on Life Cycle Impact categories

Energy use Land occupation

GWP AP EP Ozone formation

AEP TEP Human toxicity

Env. cost

Nemecek et al. (2011b)

To examine effects of reduced fertilisation, plant-protection and soil- cultivation intensity (frequency of operations)

CH Winter barley

Modelled system

Pesticide 1 kg DM incr. incr. incr. incr. incr. incr. incr. red. red.

1 Swiss Franc

red. incr. incr. red. incr. ns red. red. red.

Rape- seed

Modelled system

Pesticide 1 kg DM red. incr. incr. incr. incr. red. incr. red. red.

1 Swiss Franc

red. red. red. incr. incr. red. incr. red. red.

Glendining et al. (2009)

To estimate the optimum level of all inputs for maximising Total Factor Productivity

UK Winter wheat

Modelled scenarios

Cost 1 t grain incr.

Rape- seed,

1 t incr.

potato 1 t incr.

Goglio et al. (2012)

To evaluate environmental impacts of cropping systems for bioenergy production

IT Bioenergy crop rotation

Field trials Fertilisers, pesticides

1 GJ of energy

red.** red. red. red.

** The study reports increased net energy yields together with reduced levels of inputs – a result of reduced energy use.






Fig. 1: The influence of fertilisation rates on LCA results for bread wheat across 10

Western European studies 11


4. Improving eco-efficiency. 13

As demonstrated in the previous paragraph, when input levels are too low, improvements in 14

eco-efficiency can be achieved by increasing them to the optimum level. The mean N fertilisation rate 15


for arable crops in Western Europe between 2002 and 2010 was 123 kg N ha -1 (FAOSTAT, 2013). 16

Taking wheat production as an example (Fig. 1), this appears to be within or even slightly below the 17

optimum levels for eco-efficiency. This could lead to the conclusions that current fertiliser application 18

levels are optimal, and that further reductions in inputs would generally increase the level of damage 19

to ecosystem services (Glendining et al., 2009). Viewing eco-efficiency as a function of input levels, 20

however, is an oversimplification, since inputs to the production process can also be substituted. The 21

substitution of inputs will influence eco-efficiency, it is therefore possible to manipulate this value by 22

switching between different types of inputs instead of increasing them. Changing the crop from 23

wheat to another crop less dependent on nitrogen fertilisation provides more output from the same 24

rate of natural resources invested, thereby improving eco-efficiency. 25

4.1. Reduced tillage, conservation tillage and no-till farming 26

Crop-production technologies that reduce tillage and leave at least 30% of crop residues on 27

the soil surface are referred to as conservation tillage (Jarecki and Lal, 2003). Reduction in tillage is an 28

essential component of a wider set of practices known as Conservation Agriculture (Govaerts et al., 29

2009). A more specific system of sowing crops with less than 5 cm of disturbance to the soil structure 30

and in which 30 – 100% of the soil surface is covered with plant residues is known as no-till, direct 31

drilling or zero tillage (Soane et al., 2012). In the past, the adoption of no-till farming was believed to 32

sequester atmospheric carbon and mitigate climate change (Lal, 2004, West and Post, 2002). 33

Numerous LCA studies have been conducted that incorporate these effects into the greenhouse gas 34

balance, mainly in the context of biofuel production (Kim and Dale, 2005, Borzęcka-Walker et al., 35

2013, Syp et al., 2012, Gelfand et al., 2013). Recently, however, these assumptions have been called 36

into question, since no differences in carbon pool between the soil under no-till and conventional 37

cultivation can systematically be observed when the entire soil profile is measured (Baker et al., 38

2007, Blanco-Canqui and Lal, 2008). Table 3 reviews the results of LCA studies on the effects of no-39

tillage cultivation without assuming carbon sequestration benefits. Based on the results of a field 40


experiment conducted in Switzerland, (Nemecek et al., 2011b) showed that introducing no-till 41

practices can reduce some environmental impacts such as human toxicity, but also increase others, 42

like terrestrial ecotoxicity due to the necessity for the application of pesticides, and in addition may 43

have no effect on eutrophication and GWP per product unit. The yield in the cropping-system 44

experiment increased by 4% over that of conventional tillage, but this may be partially owing to the 45

increase in N and P fertilisation. Williams et al., (2006) model assumes the need to increase various 46

pesticides by 18% in order to maintain the same yield levels when adopting reduced-tillage practices. 47

Modelling the switch from conventional to reduced-tillage practices reveals slight increases in the 48

environmental impacts. In Iriarte et al. ’s study (2011) on rapeseed production in Chile, no-till 49

practices reduced ozone formation potential by 40%, but increased aquatic ecotoxicity by 650% due 50

to the application of glyphosate. Studies conducted by Tuomisto et al. (2012a) and Van Der Werf 51

(2004) revealed slight reductions in the environmental impacts. 52

All LCA studies considered here assumed no decrease in yields after the application of no-53

tillage systems. The adoption of these techniques could therefore be of interest to farmers, as they 54

enable savings in diesel and labour associated with soil preparation. It should be borne in mind, 55

however, that yields can also decline substantially following the adoption of no-tillage methods, 56

especially when weed control by herbicides is not sufficient. Soane et al. (2012) performed a meta-57

analysis of experiments conducted in Europe, in which yields from no-till and plough-based farming 58

would be compared. Their findings indicate that whilst the adoption of no-tillage in conventional 59

agriculture can increase yields in dry regions of south-western Europe, no-till would most likely cause 60

reductions in yield in northern Europe, with its higher annual rainfall. The key benefit of no-tillage is 61

improved water retention of the soil. The adoption of this technique, however, requires effective 62

weed control. This presents an important limiting factor for most European low-input farmers, 63

especially those that have certificates of organic farming that forbid the use of synthetic pesticides. 64



Table 3. Review of LCA results for no-tillage. (GWP = Global Warming Potential; OF = Ozone Formation; EP = Eutrophication Potential; AP = Acidification 66

Potential; AEP = Aquatic Ecotoxicity Potential; TEP = Terrestrial Ecotoxicity Potential; HT = Human Toxicity; ARU = Abiotic Resource Use; OD = Ozone 67

Depletion; MEP = Marine Ecotoxicity Potential; RAD = Radioactive Radiation; DM = Dry Matter; ns = non-significant) 68

Study Country

Crops Functional unit

Variables altered: Effect on impact category:

(FU) Type of tillage


Pesticides Yield Energy use



Nemecek et al. (2011b)

CH Crop rotation with wheat, silage maize, sugar beet and peas

1 t DM no-till N +7 % P +3 % K 0 %

+60% +4% -12% ns -21% ns -10% -19% +125% -31%

Williams et al. (2006)

UK Winter wheat, average of crop rotations in the UK

1 t wheat reduced tillage

no change +18% no change

+7% +4% +2% +3% +5%

Iriarte et al. (2011)

Chile Rapeseed 1 t rapeseed

no-till no change 0.4 kg glyphosate in no-till; others reduced by a factor of 4

no change

-8% +8% -40% ns +1% +650% +1% -3% -9% -15% +1% -1%

Tuomisto et al. (2012a)

UK Winter wheat 1 t wheat reduced tillage

no change +18% no change

-4% -2%

no-till -14% -7%

van der Werf et al. (2004)

FR Hemp 1 ha* reduced tillage

no change no change no change

-16% -6% -1 % -13% ns

*Change per ha corresponds to the change per product unit, as no difference in yield was considered.




4.2. Legumes and crop rotations 70

Crop rotation can potentially improve yields in LICSs without increasing environmental 71

burdens. This is mainly due to two effects: i.) the elimination or reduction of crop-specific pathogens 72

(phytosanitary effects) or weeds, and ii.) Symbiotic or Biological Nitrogen Fixation (SNF/BNF) by 73

leguminous crops. Some legumes can also improve phosphorus availability for the plants following 74

them in the rotation (Hocking et al., 2002, Muchane et al., 2010, Pypers et al., 2007), whilst others, 75

such as alfalfa (Medicago sativa) can improve water uptake from the subsoil for the subsequent 76

crops (Gaiser et al., 2012). None of these mechanisms requires the investment of additional non-77

renewable resources, nor do any of them cause substantial emissions to the environment. Several 78

LCA studies evaluated the effects of introducing legumes into cropping systems (Table 4). Nemecek 79

et al. (2008) quantified the effects of introducing peas into several crop rotations across Europe. 80

Experiments in Germany and France showed a reduction in environmental impacts for most of the 81

impact categories considered, due to the replacement of nitrogen fertilisers. The gross margin was 82

also higher with grain legumes, despite the slightly lower grain yield which made these reductions 83

even greater when quantified per financial FU. By contrast, the experiment showed an increase in 84

GWP, eutrophication potential, terrestrial ecotoxicity, human toxicity, and land use per unit of 85

harvested dry matter. This was because of the combined effect of lower physical yield from 86

introduced crops and increased nitrate leaching. Nevertheless, most of the impact categories showed 87

net reductions when quantified per unit of gross margin, owing to the higher financial yield. In a 88

cropping system used in Spain, grain legumes were introduced into low-input crop rotation with 89

sunflower. This led to increases in most of the environmental impacts considered, since no mineral 90

fertiliser was replaced in the process. In one of the modelled scenarios, Tuomisto et al., (2012a) 91

demonstrated that replacing all mineral fertiliser by leys in conventional crop rotation in the UK 92

would reduce energy demand by 40% and GWP by 26%, despite the reduction in absolute grain yield. 93

As previously mentioned, the ability of leguminous crops to fix nitrogen is not the only 94

benefit of growing crops in rotation. Numerous experiments have shown that soybean yields are 95


increased when this crop is grown in rotation with non-leguminous crops (Chen et al., 2001, 96

Crookston et al., 1991, Howard et al., 1998, Long and Todd, 2001, West et al., 1996). Changing from 97

soybean to another crop breaks the lifecycle of soybean cyst nematodes. Crop rotation was also 98

shown to suppress ‘take-all’, a major disease of wheat caused by the pathogen Gaeumannomyces 99

graminis var tritici (Kirkegaard et al., 2008) and responsible for losses in temperate climates. Some 100

wheat pathogens such as Rhizoctonia solani, however, have a wide host range (Cook et al., 2002), 101

and not all other crops will be effective in suppressing them. There are also pathogens such as 102

Bipolaris sorokiniana that require several years without the host plant to be effective (Kirkegaard et 103

al., 2008). 104



Table 4: LCA studies on the introduction of legumes into European crop rotations (GWP = Global Warming Potential; OF = Ozone Formation; EP = 106

Eutrophication Potential; AP = Acidification Potential; AEP = Aquatic Ecotoxicity Potential; TEP = Terrestrial Ecotoxicity Potential; HT = Human Toxicity; 107

Land = Land occupation; DM = Dry Matter; ns = non-significant) 108

Variables altered in the systems compared Effect on impact category:

Study Country Crops Functional unit

Crop rotation

Fertilisation Pesticides Yield

Energy demand


Nemecek et al. (2008)

DE Rapeseed, wheat, barley

kg DM Introdu-cing pea

N:-27%, P:no change, K:-6%

-24% -7% -7% -4% -3% +6% -11% +4% +7% -8% +8%

€ gross margin

+5% -18% -16%

-8% -7% -21% -11% ns -25% -4%

FR Rapeseed, wheat, barley

kg DM Introdu-cing pea

N:-22%, P:-4%, K:+4%

+3% -4% -8% -4% -2% -2% -15% -16% -16% -10% +4%

€ gross margin

+3% -11% -11%

-9% -9% -20% -21% -24% -19% -3%

CH Rapeseed, maize, wheat, rapeseed, maize

kg DM Introdu-cing pea

N:-19%, P:-11%, K:-48%

no change -21% -12% +16%

+8% +39% -9% +44% +27% +20% +27%

€ gross margin

+2% -30% -10%


+7% -13% +13% no change

-10% -2%

ES Sunflower, wheat, barley

kg DM Introdu-cing pea

no change -10% +7% -4% +3% -3% +7% -4% -16% +29% -4% -6%

€ gross margin

+1% ns +9% ns +13% +3% -20% +164% +2% +1%

Tuomisto et al. (2012)

UK Potato, wheat, beans, barley

t wheat Introdu-cing ley

N:-100%, P:no change. K:no change

no change -22% -40% -26%


4.3 Intercropping 109

The practice of growing multiple crops in space at the same time is known as intercropping 110

(Vandermeer, 1989, Whitmore and Schröder, 2007). The hypothesis is that when grown together, 111

certain plant species can use resources complementarily and more efficiently despite the 112

competition for space, some of the nutrients, light or water. This efficiency can be measured by the 113

Land Equivalent Ratio (LER) indicator, which is defined as the relative area needed to achieve the 114

same yield as in intercropping when growing two crops separately under the same conditions. The 115

LER value over 1 suggests that there is a benefit from mixing. The intercropping of cereals with 116

legumes is the most common combination in Europe, with legumes being sown at the same time or 117

just before cereals. Numerous field experiments have confirmed the positive effects of such 118

interactions (Picard et al., 2010, Carof et al., 2007, Hauggaard-Nielsen et al., 2006, Pelzer et al., 2012, 119

Hauggaard-Nielsen et al., 2009). According to (Andersen et al., 2004), intercropping peas with canola 120

(rapeseed) produces greater productivity gains than for most common barley/pea mixtures. 121

Silvoarable agroforestry systems present another form of intercropping, where strips of 122

widely spaced trees are incorporated into arable land (Graves et al., 2011). In the past, this type of 123

farming was widely practised in Europe, with trees diversifying the farmer’s income with fruits, 124

fodder and wood, preventing wind and water erosion, and providing shade for farm workers and 125

livestock (Eichhorn et al., 2006). The most common silvoarable cropping systems in Europe are arable 126

crops grown together with poplars (Populus sp.) or willows (Salix sp.) for biomass production 127

(Dupraz, 1998, Graves et al., 2010). These systems were shown to provide better land-use efficiency 128

ratios than cereals or trees grown as the sole crops (Grünewald et al., 2007). An important limitation 129

of agroforestry systems of particular relevance to low-input farming is the risk of negative nutrient 130

balance. Poplars and willows produce a great deal of biomass, which is then exported from the 131

system together with all the embodied nutrients. The problem of nitrogen abundance may be 132

addressed by cultivating leguminous trees, also referred to as Nitrogen Fixing Trees (NFT’s) (Sanchez 133


et al., 1997). Research on NFT’s in agroforestry has mostly been conducted in humid/sub-humid or 134

arid/semi-arid areas (Danso et al., 1992). In Africa, trees such as Gliricidia, Sesbania and Tephrosia 135

have been successfully used to improve maize yields by bringing in nitrogen (Akinnifesi et al., 2010, 136

Ndufa et al., 2009). Used to restore degraded land, the black locust tree Robinia pseudoacacia L. has 137

proven to grow well in Europe on contaminated post-mining sites, outperforming the most popular 138

poplars and willows in terms of biomass production (Grünewald et al., 2009, Grünewald et al., 2007). 139

Although NFT’s could be effective in nitrogen-deficient cropping systems, they will not solve the 140

problem of phosphorus and potassium deficiencies. 141

Although not a form of intercropping per se, cultivar mixtures are another way to improve 142

land-use efficiency by growing a variety of plants in the same space. Mixed cultivars of crops can 143

provide higher yields than pure stands, as was confirmed in a meta-analysis by Kiaer et al (2009). As 144

with crop rotation, however, mixing will not always yield positive results. The meta-analysis showed 145

the range of effects between -30% to +100%, depending on the growing period and the species 146

mixed. Functionally chosen cultivar mixtures can be used to control common diseases such as 147

powdery mildews and rusts (Mundt, 2002), but special care must be taken to choose the right 148

varieties and sowing densities. 149

To date, the applications of LCA to intercropping systems are rare. Table 5 shows the results 150

of a one-year experiment with wheat and pea intercropping in France. Growing the two crops 151

together produced reductions in environmental impacts per tonne of wheat ranging from 15% in the 152

case of eutrophication to 60% for GWP, despite the increased energy requirements for grain 153

separation. One interesting result was the greater reduction under the ‘zero nitrogen fertilisation’ 154

conditions, presumably due to the greater effectiveness of biological nitrogen fixation. The study, 155

however, was based on a one-year experiment, and crop yield under zero-fertilisation conditions 156

would most likely decrease over time, offsetting some or all of the environmental improvement. 157




Table 5: Effect of intercropping on LCA results for wheat (adapted from Naudin et al. (2013)) 160

Study Country Crops Functional unit Fertilisation Effect of intercropping on the impact category

GWP Eutrophication Energy demand

Naudin et al. 2012

FR Peas, wheat 1 kg wheat N fertilisation -60% -15% -30%

No N fertilisation -60% -35% -40%

4.4. Breeding 161

Production can be increased in a cropping system by switching from a cultivar with a poor 162

performance to a better-adapted one. Plants with improved genotypes can be more resistant to 163

pathogens and environmental stresses, or make more efficient use of nutrients and water. 164

Environmental improvements in breeding are highly dependent on breeding targets, however. Table 165

6 shows the results of studies simulating the effects of different breeding strategies on the results of 166

Life Cycle Assessment. Williams et al.(2006) used LCA ti suggest breeding priorities. Increased protein 167

content of wheat has been shown in their model to reduce post-harvest waste owing to the higher 168

overall quality of the wheat, but would also require additional N input per tonne, which would 169

reduce most environmental benefits in the UK. A 20% improvement in yield was shown to be a more 170

effective breeding target, reducing all of the impact categories considered. Tuomisto et al. (2012a) 171

investigated yield-improvement scenarios of 44% and 65%, due to breeding, and showed that these 172

can reduce GWP and energy use by 31%-48%. McDevitt and Milà i Canals (2011) examined a range of 173

breeding targets in order to identify which would be the most effective in reducing the 174

environmental impacts of porridge-oat. Improvement of physical yield was shown to be the most 175

effective for reducing many impact categories, followed by reductions in cooking energy (which can 176

be achieved by altering crop viscosity and water absorption) and nitrogen requirement. Breeding for 177

resistance affected toxicity-related impact categories. The study, however, only took into account 178

constant improvements in all properties (10% yield, 10% less herbicide needed, etc.). In practice, 179

some of these targets would be more difficult to achieve than others, whilst some may be achieved 180

simultaneously. In addition, there are positive feedback loops between a number of breeding targets 181

and other strategies for sustainable intensification – for example, more-resistant cultivars in low-182


input systems would bring about improved yields, and might enable the adoption of more-resource-183

efficient techniques such as no-tillage. 184


Table 6: Effect of crop improvements through breeding on LCA results (GWP = Global Warming Potential; EP = Eutrophication Potential; AP = 185

Acidification Potential; ARU = Abiotic Resource Use; Land = Land Occupation; OD = Ozone Depletion; OF = Ozone Formation: RAD = Radioactive 186

Radiation; ESC = Ecotoxicity Soil Chronic EWA = Ecotoxicity Water Acute; EWC = Ecotoxicity Water Chronic; HTA = Human Toxicity Air; HTS = Human 187

Toxicity Soil; HTW = Human Toxicity Water) 188

Study Country

Crops Functional unit

Scope Variable altered by breeding

Effect on impact category


Williams et al. (2006)

UK UK average of crop rotations with winter wheat

1 t wheat Cradle to farm gate

1% increase in protein

+4% +5% +3% +6% 0% -1%

20% yield improvement

-9% -9% -16% -10% -7% -19%

Tuomisto et al. (2012)

UK UK average of crop rotations with winter wheat

1 t wheat Cradle to farm gate

44% yield improvement

-31% -38%

65% yield improvement

-40% -48%

McDevitt et. al. (2011)

UK Porridge oats

1 kg oat flakes

Cradle to consumer's table

10% reduction in nitrogen

-2% -3% -6% -6% -2% -3% -3% -2% 0% -1% 0% -2% 0% 0%

10% reduction in cooking energy

-5% -5% -2% -5% -5% -6% -4% -6% 0% -1% 0% -3% 0% -1%

10% yield improvement

-3% -4% -7% -4% -3% -3% -4% -3% -9% -7% -9% -6% -9% -8%

10% less growth regulator

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

10% less insecticide

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% -10%

0% 0% -5%

10% less fungicide

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% -1%

10% less herbicide

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% -9% 0% 0% 0% 0% -10%




Although the importance of breeding for sustainable intensification is well recognised (FAO,

2011, Royal Society, 2009, HM Government, 2011), just which varieties should be used in low-input

farming systems with their increased stress levels is the subject of debate. Since modern cultivars

were selected under the rich supply of inputs – mineral fertilisers, pesticides and irrigation water –

some scientists argue that these might not be optimal for low-input systems (van Bueren et al.,

2011). This is supported by the argument that the traits of particular relevance to stressful

environments – disease resistance and nitrogen, phosphorus and water-use efficiencies – can be

overlooked during the conventional breeding process under high-input conditions, where most

limiting factors are eliminated (Phillips and Wolfe, 2005, Ceccarelli, 1994, Ceccarelli et al., 1992, Fess

et al., 2011). Others question this hypothesis, claiming that varieties developed under optimal

growing conditions will also most likely be the best performers in stressed environments (Guarda et

al., 2004, Tester and Langridge, 2010), so that special selection under conditions of reduced

fertilisation is unnecessary. To provide the answer to this question, a number of special breeding

programmes have recently been launched for organic and low-input agriculture. Using modern

breeding techniques such as marker-assisted selection, useful traits can be introduced into modern

cultivars from old varieties, from similar species, or – with the use of genetic engineering – from a

wide range of other organisms, including non-plants. Currently, glyphosate resistance is the most

widespread trait introduced by genetic engineering. These varieties are of no use under low-input

conditions, where pesticides are absent. However, insect-resistant crops – developed by engineering

the protein of Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria into plants – were shown to improve yields and

potentially provide environmental benefits by reducing the need for insecticides (Kooistra et al.,

2006, Park et al., 2011, Sanahuja et al., 2011). Since increased pest pressure is one of the key limiting

factors in low-input farming systems, these crops can be of high interest in the future.

4.5. Recycling biomass


Nutrients in plant residues, manures and other organic materials can be recycled either via

direct incorporation into the soil, or via the composting process and the application of decomposed

organic matter onto fields. European low-input farmers frequently produce and apply composts

made of on-farm materials, such as woodchips, bark, manure, straw, crop residues and surplus grass

(Leroy, 2008). The application of nitrogen in the form of manure or compost will be characterised by

lower energy use per kg of N applied than mineral fertiliser, but sometimes higher eutrophication

and acidification due to the higher risk of ammonia leaching (Tuomisto et al., 2012b). Although on-

farm composts can be very effective in supplying nutrients, improving soil quality and increasing

yields (D'Hose et al., 2012), they have their limitations. Soluble nutrient content may be relatively

low, depending on substrate composition, composting techniques chosen, and the length of the

composting process. During decomposition there will also be some nutrient leaching, as well as

emissions of nitrous oxide and methane, both of which are potent greenhouse gases. Instead of

being directly incorporated or composted, harvest residues and manures can be used as a feedstock

for biogas production, with the remaining digestate spread onto the fields as a fertiliser. The

fertilising value of digestate is dependent upon the feedstock used, but the digestate is generally

characterised by higher ammonia content, higher pH and lower C:N ratio than the substrate (Möller

and Müller, 2012).

Table 7 provides a review of LCA studies concerning the agricultural use of spent digestate.

Anaerobic digestion technology has primarily been researched as an option for managing organic

waste or producing energy, as is clearly reflected in the choice of functional units for these studies

(Tables 7 and 8). Kong et al. (2012) compared four organic-waste-treatment scenarios with LCA in

California. All systems analysed provided negative emission balances, and AD was shown to result in

a greater reduction of greenhouse-gas emissions than composting, but a lower reduction than landfill

with gas collection. Demonstrated reductions were due to the replacement of energy from fossil

fuels, but also to assumed carbon-sequestration effects from applying organic nutrients to soils, for

which solid evidence is currently lacking (Leifeld, 2013). By contrast, no account was taken of


potentially avoided emissions owing to the replacement of other fertilisers, or emissions arising from

other uses of organic waste. Poeschl et al. (2012) compared the environmental impacts of various AD

feedstocks in Germany. In their study, credits were given for replacing electricity from fossil fuels, as

well as for replacing mineral fertilisers that would otherwise be applied to the fields. Negative

greenhouse-gas emission balances were found for all options except grass silage and whole wheat-

plant silage, and considerable differences in achievable reductions were spotted between different

feedstocks. Despite the need for sterilisation, substrates produced from industry waste were shown

to be the most effective in reducing greenhouse-gas emissions, followed by straw, corn silage and

cattle manure. Corn silage, however, has been shown to cause major land-use-related impacts, since

the crop is cultivated purely for bioenergy production (Poeschl et al., 2012). Lansche and Müller

(2012) pointed out that using cattle manure for anaerobic digestion prevents emissions from the on-

farm storage of manure. However, fertilisers are not replaced as in the case of corn or grass silage,

since the nutrients from the manure would in any case be applied to the fields. Under such

assumptions, cattle manure was still shown to provide the highest reduction in GHG emissions,

owing to the avoidance of storage emissions. The study also showed that unlike corn or grass silage,

pure cattle manure can provide negative eutrophication and acidification balances (Lansche and

Müller, 2012). Tuomisto et al. (2012a) investigated the effect of switching from mineral fertilisers to

the application of spent digestate from food waste as one of the scenarios for wheat-crop rotation in

the UK. Yielding a 54% reduction in energy demand and a 64% reduction in GWP per tonne of

harvested wheat, this option was the most effective in reducing environmental impacts out of all

investigated scenarios.


Table 7: Review of agriculture-related LCA studies comparing greenhouse-gas balances of various

feedstocks for anaerobic digestion

Study Goal of the study

Scope Country Functional unit (FU)

Scenarios Transport requirement

Other key parameters Net GHG balance [t CO2eq FU-1]

Kong et al. (2012)

To compare various options for utilising organic waste in California

Waste- collection facility to final disposal

US 1 t wet organic waste

Landfill with gas recovery

80.5 km Organic waste sent to landfill, credits for LPG collection, no carbon sequestration benefits


Windrow composting

122.3 km Compost used in agriculture, no gas collection, carbon sequestration benefits


Composting with ASP

122.3 km -0.018

Anaerobic digestion

160.9 km Digestate used in agriculture, methane collection, lower carbon sequestration benefits


Poeschl et al. (2012)

To compare environmental and health impacts of different biogas production and utilisation pathways

Waste collection to the agricultural disposal of digestate

DE 1t feedstock

Cattle manure 5 km Digestate used in agriculture replacing fertilisers


Straw 5 km -0.221

Corn silage 5 km -0.108

Grass silage 5 km +0.114

Whole wheat-plant silage

5 km +0.164

Municipal solid waste

15 km urban, 40 km rural


Food residues 15 km urban, 40 km rural

Sterilisation required, digestate used in agriculture replacing fertilisers


Pomace 15 km urban, 40 km rural


Slaughterhouse waste

15 km urban, 40 km rural


Grease-separator sludge

15 km urban, 40 km rural


Lansche and Müller (2012)

To estimate the environmental impacts of manure as a feedstock for biogas

Production of biogas with utilisation in a combined heat and power plant


1 kJ biogas

100% liquid cattle manure

unspecified Manure storage avoided -0.2

35% cattle manure, 50% corn silage, 15% grass silage

unspecified Only digestate produced from silage, assumed to replace mineral fertiliser


10% cattle manure, 75% corn silage, 15% grass silage

unspecified -0.08

100% corn silage

unspecified -0.082


Table 8: Impact of switching from mineral fertilisation to food-waste digestate on LCA results for


Study Country Crops Functional


Variables altered in systems


Effect on impact

category Fertilisation Pesticide


Yield Energy



Tuomisto et al. (2012a)

UK Winter wheat in a crop rotation

1 t wheat -15% N, -67% P,

-55% K

no change

no change

-54% -64%

Composts and digestates made from waste produced outside the farm can be beneficial

(Tables 7,8), but entail additional environmental costs arising from their transport. Poeschl et al.

(2012) calculated transport distances that would reverse the demonstrated positive impacts of

anaerobic digestion, showing that maximum transport distances must not exceed 64 km for cattle

manure, 53 km for corn silage and 229 km for municipal solid waste (MSW) feedstock. Although such

results should not be upscaled directly, they illustrate the importance of bearing in mind transport

distances when opting for off-farm waste, including cattle manure, as an environmentally preferable

nutrient source.

Organic matter can also be recycled through the process of pyrolysis and the creation of

material referred to as ‘biochar’. Pyrolysis is a form of decomposition occurring at ideally zero- or low

oxygen levels and high temperatures (Verheijen et al., 2010). Like anaerobic digestion, this technique

can be used to turn biomass into energy. Biochar can also be made from various types of organic

material, including sewage sludge and food waste (Navia and Crowley, 2010), and has been shown to

provide liming effects, improved retention and reduced nutrient leaching when applied to soils

(Lehmann and Joseph, 2009, Steiner et al., 2007). Depending on the substrate, it can also be a rich

source of soluble nutrients (Chan and Xu, 2009). The main reason for the recent scientific interest in

biochar is its carbon sequestration potential. It has been suggested that pyrolysis can potentially

preserve more carbon than burning and natural decomposition in a more stable form and therefore

mitigate climate change (Lehmann et al., 2006). Using LCA, the use of biochar in agriculture was

compared to different waste-management strategies, with the results suggesting high benefits to the

environment from the application of this technique as compared to more conventional approaches,


owing to the displacement of electricity from fossil fuels and the assumed carbon storage (Roberts et

al., 2009, Ibarrola et al., 2012). Carbon sequestration benefits have not yet been confirmed in any

long-term experiments, however. More evidence is therefore needed before such assumptions on

carbon sequestration should be made in agricultural LCA.

6. Conclusions

Reducing farm-external inputs may lead to either an improvement or diminishing of eco-

efficiency, depending on the crop, its yields, initial level of inputs, and environmental impacts

considered. Since wheat is a nitrogen-demanding crop, its ratio of N fertilisation to eco-efficiency

presents an illustrative example. For energy use, it tends to follow a U-shaped curve. This means an

optimum fertilisation level can be identified above and below which the environmental impact per

product unit will increase. For GWP, increased environmental impacts will most likely be observed

with increased fertilisation. At low fertilisation levels, however, increased N input leads to relatively

low increases in GWP, and relatively high increases in productivity. This relationship changes at

higher fertilisation levels, where additional N input causes substantial increases in greenhouse-gas

emissions. Nutrient-related environmental impacts highly depend on the type of fertiliser used.

Organic fertilisers have higher eutrophication potential under the same level of N than synthetic

ones. Eco-efficiency can be influenced by swapping out crops and a number of other changes at the

cropping-system design stage. Increasing and reducing external inputs presents only one of the

available options.

The main weakness of low-input farming systems is their lower land-use efficiency. Reduced

inputs lead to reduced physical yields in nearly all cases. This does not necessarily equate with a

diminishing of eco-efficiency, since the overall economic value of outputs can be increased by

cultivating crops with higher value. Nevertheless, the performance of LICSs can be improved for all

impact categories if physical yield per unit of land can be increased without corresponding increases


in the environmental impacts. Such ‘sustainable intensification’ in a cropping-system level can be

achieved through a number of agronomic interventions.

Intercropping, variety mixtures and crop rotations are examples of strategies that utilise

positive interactions between diverse plants to improve eco-efficiency. However, the design and

maintenance of diverse, eco-efficient cropping systems is a knowledge-intensive endeavour. To

ensure complementarity, species and their varieties must to be carefully chosen according to their

functionality. The right balance between productivity and resistance needs to be maintained to

maximise input-use efficiency. Productivity can also be affected by sowing density and choice of

cultivars. Diverse but poorly designed cropping systems are likely to suffer from worse eco-efficiency

than homogenous structures.

Although eco-efficiency can be improved by using better-adapted cultivars, the effectiveness

of this strategy is highly dependent upon the traits that were among the breeding objectives. There is

a trade-off between productivity and resistance, but efforts should not be focused on improving just

one of these characteristics. In low-input systems, they are both highly relevant to eco-efficiency.

The choice of inputs applied to the cropping system is more important than whether said

inputs were produced on- or off-farm, but transport of inputs can also play a role. Eco-efficient

cropping systems should strive to recycle nutrients produced on-farm, such as manure and harvest

residues, as well as those produced in the surrounding production systems, such as livestock

production, households and the food industry. The regional availability of these nutrients will vary

and can determine the choice of input. Anaerobic digestion improves the eco-efficiency of nutrient

recycling as compared to composting and direct application by eliminating some of the methane and

nitrous oxide emissions caused by storing biomass in the open air, and by generating useful

electricity and heat.

More research is needed to increase our understanding of the trade-offs between

environmental impacts and productivity in LICSs, and of the strategies for improving the eco-

efficiency of these systems. LCA studies on intercropping, agroforestry systems and various designs


of crop rotations should be conducted to advance the state of knowledge on strategies for improving

yields without increasing environmental impacts. More research is needed on the trade-offs between

different breeding objectives, as well as on the effects of new seeds on LCA results. Anaerobic

digestion deserves more attention from researchers and policymakers in terms of its potential for

recycling biomass and improving crop yields, rather than just as an option to utilise organic waste.

Biochar appears to be a promising solution for improving eco-efficiency in agriculture, but a long-

term experiment is needed to confirm its carbon sequestration benefits.






This chapter is an adapted version of the following publication:

KULAK, M., NEMECEK, T., FROSSARD, E, CHABLE, V. & GAILLARD, G. 2014. Life Cycle Assessment of

Alternative Bread Supply Chains in Europe. (undergoing the peer-review).


1. Introduction

Scientists are divided over several contrasting perspectives on how to mitigate negative

environmental impacts of agriculture and to achieve sustainable food security (Garnett, 2013,

Garnett and Godfray, 2012). One particular vision entails that the current “industrial” food-system

model predominating in high-income countries is based on an excessively high level of inputs, and

that this must shift to a more self-sufficient structure resembling a natural ecosystem in its

complexity and diversity (Pretty, 1995). The term ‘agro-ecology’ is used to describe the science at the

interface of agriculture and ecology (Altieri, 1995) using “ecosystem approach” as a guiding paradigm

for designing agricultural systems (Thrupp, 1998). Although exact procedures and techniques are not

clearly defined, high levels of plant diversity (Ratnadass et al., 2012) and genetic diversity (Altieri,

2004) are seen as important parts of the system. The use of farm-external inputs, especially mineral

fertilisers and pesticides, is discouraged. The approach stresses the importance of conserving

landraces, local breeds of domestic animals, indigenous plants and traditional knowledge (Altieri,


In Italy, recent years have seen a growing demand for products made from ancient varieties,

landraces or even wheat ancestors, such as emmer (T. dicoccum) and spelt (T spelta) (Guarda et al.,

2004, Piergiovanni, 2013). Landraces are plant populations possessing distinctive properties, but

generally lacking formal breeding improvements (Villa et al., 2005), i.e. the type of plant material

dominating agricultural production before the 20th century. In France, there are currently 69 active

associations of farmers cultivating landraces under low-input fertilisation regimes (Réseau Semences

Paysannes, 2012). To reduce the use of external inputs, some farmers go as far as to using draught

animals for field operations (PROMMATA, 2013). Maintaining genetic heterogeneity in the fields is

seen as an important element of the cropping system (Réseau Semences Paysannes, 2012). Due to

this heterogeneity, products may fail to comply with the quality standards of modern processing

industries. Many farmers process the grain themselves and distribute products directly to end

consumers. The term ‘alternative food network’ describes a network of producers, consumers and


other actors that emerge as a result of consumer demand for alternatives to the standardised stock

of products available in modern supermarkets (Renting et al., 2003). A dedicated term, paysan-

boulanger (French for ‘farmer-baker’) was coined in France for a type of entrepreneur involved in

both farming and bread production (Demeulenaere and Bonneuil, 2010). Consumers can purchase

the paysan-boulanger’s products either directly on the farm, or at dedicated shops and food


Although a number of LCA studies to date have dealt with the production and supply of

bread (Andersson and Ohlsson, 1999, Bimpeh et al., 2006, Braschkat et al., 2003, Espinoza-Orias et

al., 2011, van Geerken et al., 2006, Korsaeth et al., 2012, Meisterling et al., 2009, Moudry et al., 2013,

Nielsen and Nielsen, 2003b, Prem et al., 2007), it remains unclear whether the introduction of

alternative bread supply chains based on traditional LICS causes reductions or increases in

environmental impacts from food, or what aspects of such production can be beneficial from an

environmental perspective. Historical developments in bread supply chains were studied with LCA by

van Geerken et al. (2006), who showed that photochemical oxidation and GWP per kg of bread have

decreased over the last 200 years in Belgium. This is because brushwood and coal were used

intensively in 19th century ovens, and wheat was transported on coal-powered ships. By contrast,

acidification and eutrophication potentials were shown to have increased over time as a result of the

increased use of water-soluble mineral fertilisers in modern agriculture. The environmental impacts

from agricultural mechanisation are also a matter of controversy. Spugnoli and Dainelli, (2013)

suggested that the switch from mechanical traction to animal draught power in a developed country

increases the primary energy consumption and the global warming potential per unit of cultivated

area. Cerutti et al. (2014) demonstrated the benefits of animal labour, thus arriving at the opposite

conclusion. Most studies comparing organic and conventional wheat production confirm the lower

GWP and energy use of the former over the latter (Chapter 1). This would lower these environmental

impacts for bread if variables other than the origin of wheat were kept constant. In spite of all this,

industrial processing was shown to be preferable over local bakeries and the domestic bread-making


(Bimpeh et al., 2006; Braschkat et al., 2003). Andersson and Ohlsson (1999) also showed that there is

a tipping point above which increased distances in bread supply chains outweigh the benefits from

economies of scale.

The aim of the study described in this chapter was to determine whether the introduction of

alternative bread supply chains – based on LICSs, on-farm processing and direct distribution can

reduce environmental impacts of food. Four cases of alternative commercial bread supply chains

were studied. Cases were selected to cover two different European climatic zones (Temperate

Oceanic and Mediterranean), as well as two contrasting production scales (farms of fewer than 10 ha

and more than 70 ha). Environmental impacts over the entire value chain were quantified via LCA

and compared to standard references (bread from industrial bakeries as distributed through

supermarkets in the countries in question). In two cases, wheat production in the standard

references was modelled on the average practices of farmers in the regions of Béauce, France and

Castilla y Léon, Spain. Primary data were also collected from a high-input organic producer in

Northern Portugal.

2. Methodology

LCA follows a procedure consisting of four interrelated stages: (i) Goal and scope definition;( ii) Life-

cycle inventory (LCI); ( iii) Life-cycle impact assessment (LCIA); and (iv) interpretation (ISO, 2006a,

ISO, 2006b)

2.1. Goal and scope definition

Alternative food networks provide consumers with an alternative to the standard range of products

available in the supermarket. The two variants will differ in their composition, leading to differences

in perceived organoleptic and aesthetic qualities. We assumed that this difference is one of the main

factors driving the consumer’s decision to buy alternative products. Choosing to purchase bread from

the farmer will induce a number of changes in the environmental footprint of the consumer’s diet. In

order to address the goal of the study, we need to know whether the balance of these changes for


particular impacts is positive or negative. Fig. 2 shows stages in the life cycle of bread that have

negative impacts on the environment. We go from the assumption that switching to bread from a

low-input farmer does not affect the overall quantity of bread consumed, nor does any other of the

consumer’s dietary choices. We also assume that emissions related to digestion and wastewater

treatment do not differ between the two alternatives. In this case, the consumer’s choice of

alternative bread from a farmer over its equivalent from the supermarket will affect environmental

impacts across four stages in the life cycle of bread – cultivation, milling, baking and retail – together

with the impacts caused by transport between all four stages and the journey to the shop. The goal

of the study can therefore be addressed through attributional comparison of two alternative

products across these stages of the life cycle. The functional unit (FU) was chosen as 1 kg of ready-to-

eat bread at the consumer’s home.

Fig. 2. Stages in the life cycle of bread with negative impacts on the environment

2.2. Life-cycle inventory (LCI)

Fig. 3 shows the system boundaries.


Fig. 3. Study system boundary

2.2.1. Description of the systems under study

Construction of representative life-cycle inventories for products that are designed to be unique may

not be meaningful. Instead, we selected four independent, commercially active producers for in-

depth analysis (Table 9). The full list of life cycle inventories are attached to the thesis as an appendix

A. The selected cases covered two different climatic zones and two contrasting scales of production.

In addition, each represented one of the characteristic management systems:


Table 9. Analysed bread supply chains and their key characteristics


Farm area [ha] 75 6 270 3 unspecified unspecified 125

Climate Temperate oceanic

Temperate oceanic

Mediterranean Mediterranean Temperate oceanic

Mediterranean Mediterranean

Annual rainfall [mm]

6001 7001 9002 9003 650 470 6503

Soil texture* loam silt, silty clay

sandy loam loam loam unspecified clay loam

Soil pH in water*

5.5-6.5 5.5-7.1 7.9 5.9 6.7 unspecified 8.2

Soil type according to FAO classification*4

Dystric cambisol

Eutric Cambisol

Vertic Cambisol

Humic Cambisol

Eutric Cambisol

Calcaric Fluvisol

Eutric Fluvisol

Soil depth to rock*4

Moderate (40-80 cm)

Moderate (40-80 cm)

Deep (80-120 cm)

Shallow (< 40 cm)

Moderate (40-80 cm)

Deep (80-120 cm)

Very deep (> 120 cm)

Cultivars Mixtures of landraces

Mixtures of landraces

Old varieties Old varieties

Modern varieties

Modern varieties

Modern varieties

Crop rotation 5 years grass mixtures intercropped with alfalfa, rye, winter wheat

Winter wheat, winter rye, intercropped barley/peas

Chickpeas, winter wheat or einkorn wheat, green manure, millet or oats

Potatoes, Brassicas, legumes, Alliums, winter wheat, rye, oatmeal, green manure

Rapeseed, winter wheat, winter wheat, barley

Sunflower, winter wheat, winter barley, spring barley

cereals, tomatoes, broccoli, fallow

Fertilisation Composted cow manure 10 t ha-1 yr-1 (74 kg N ha-1, 39 kg P2O5 ha-

1, 69 kg K2O ha-1)

Composted horse manure 12 t ha-1 yr-1

(72 kg N ha-1, 30 kg P2O5 ha-

1, 50 kg K2O ha-1)

Commercial manure-based fertiliser 300 kg ha -1yr-1 (36 kg N ha-1, 48 kg P2O5 ha-1

, 0 kg K2O ha-1)

Various organic fertilisers (10 kg N ha-1, 3 kg P2O5 ha-1, 3 kg K2O ha-1)

Synthetic fertilisers (190 kg N ha-1

43 kg P2O5 ha-1, 40 kg K2O ha-1)

Synthetic fertilisers (57 kg N ha-1 47 kg P2O5 ha-1, 23 kg K2O ha-1)

Various organic fertilisers (249-272 kg Nha-1, 32-140 kg P2O5ha-1, 144-197 kg K2O ha-1)

Crop protection

No pesticide input

No pesticide input

Seed protection with copper oxychloride 1.89 g kg-1 seed

Bacillus thuringiensis, av. 0.3 applications yr-1

Pesticides, av. 6.5 applications yr-1

Pesticides, av. 1.5 applications yr-1

Bacillus thuringiensis, av. 1 application yr-1


1.3 - 1.5 t ha-1

0.6 - 2.3 t ha-1 0.7 - 1.5 t ha-1 1 - 1.4 t ha-1 7.5 t ha-1 2.9 t ha-1 5 t ha-1

Milling Electric stone mill on farm

Electric stone mill on farm

Electric stone mill on farm

Electric stone mill at local miller’s

Industrial mill

Industrial mill

Industrial mill


Domestic oven

Wood-fired oven on farm

Wood-fired oven on farm

Electric oven on farm

Industrial bakery

Industrial bakery

Industrial bakery


Farm shop, farmers’ market

Farm shop, local cooperative, deliveries to consumer

Farm shop Farmers’ market

Supermarket Supermarket Supermarket

Soil information refers to soil under cereal cultivation. All information derived from farmer interviews except: 1MEDDÉ (2013), 2AM (2011), 3.IPMA (2012),4JRC (2012), 5UNIP (2011),6Nemecek T et al. (2008)


a.) FR-ICL – LICS combined with livestock production in France

On this farm, cereal production is combined with the production of beef, milk and cheese. The

farmer cultivates wheat landraces. Plants were selected to provide large quantities of firm straw,

which is used as livestock bedding. The grain is milled on-farm and flour is sold in paper bags, either

directly on-farm or at the farmers’ market. Consumers use the flour to bake bread at home.

b.) FR-AL–Horse farming in France

This farmer uses horses for a number of field operations: sowing, manure spreading and mowing.

Landraces of wheat and rye are cultivated here under a reduced-tillage regime. Most of the feed for

the two draught horses is covered by hay from the farm and pea/barley mixtures. Horse manure

mixed with straw is composted on-site for six months and used as a fertiliser. The grain is milled on-

farm and the bran fed to the horses. The dough is kneaded by hand and the bread baked in a wood-

fired oven, the wood for which is transported from the forest by horse-drawn cart. Forty percent of

production is sold directly at the farm, 35% through a local cooperative, and the rest through twice-

weekly deliveries to consumers’ homes.

c.) IT-AV - Ancient varieties in Italy

With 270 ha of land under cultivation, the main products of this farm are bread, pasta, chickpea flour

and oats. The rotation consists of cereals followed by leguminous crops every second year. The farm

is located in a hilly area, with an average slope of 25%. The farmer grows a variety of old wheat

cultivars on separate plots. The grain is milled on-farm and flours consist of a mixture of various

cultivars, with the different proportions reflecting the desired organoleptic quality of the bread.

During the data-collection period, the bread was baked on-farm in a wood-fired oven. As a result of a

partnership developed with an olive-oil producer, the farmer had plans to use the residues from olive

pressings as a fuel for baking. Products are distributed on-farm, mainly to representatives of groups

of consumers coming from the city located 45 km away.

d.) PT-LI – Small-scale labour-intensive production in Portugal


The farmer cultivates wheat and rye as well as a variety of vegetables on 3 ha of land. Owing to the

small scale, many processes are performed by hand or with the use of simple human-powered tools.

This includes sowing, harvesting, baling, manure spreading and application of plant-protection

products. A tractor is hired for tillage and soil preparation. Small quantities of sheep manure are used

as a fertiliser. Grains are taken to the local miller. The sourdough bread is made of 50% rye and 50%

wheat flour. Baking is done in an electric oven. Previously, the farmer used a wood-fired oven, but

ceased doing so before the data-collection period owing to the change in market requirements.

Switching to an electric oven allowed him to bake smaller batches but with a higher frequency. We

considered wood-burning as an additional scenario for the analysis. The product is distributed via the

farmers’ market.

2.2.2. Establishing life-cycle inventories for grain cultivation

Data for three years 2008, 2009 and 2010 were collected via a series of direct, semi-structured

interviews with producers and further correspondence via post and e-mail. Consideration of three

years was necessary in order to reflect the variability of results owing to differences in yields, farm

management and weather events. The French reference scenario FR-REF was based on the data

provided by the Eure-et-Loire region chamber of agriculture, and represents the practices of

conventional wheat farmers in the Beauce region of France (UNIP, 2011). Due to the lack of

representative datasets for wheat cultivation in Italy, we used data for conventional wheat

production from the Castilla y León region in Spain (Nemecek and Baumgartner, 2006, von

Richthofen et al., 2006), which is located within the same climatic region as the Italian case study.

Data for the Portuguese reference scenario were collected from a large-scale organic farmer in the

Santarém District. Field emissions for all analysed systems were calculated using the Swiss

Agricultural Life-Cycle Assessment (SALCA) model (Gaillard and Nemecek, 2009). This tool allows

quantifying direct and induced nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from fertilised soils according to the

updated IPCC emission factors (IPCC, 2006). Ammonia (NH3) losses are calculated according to the

models of Asman (1992) and Menzi et al. (1997). Phosphorus emissions to ground- and surface


waters were calculated according to the guidelines of Prasuhn (2006). Nitrate leaching and heavy-

metal emissions were determined according to Richner et al. (2006) and the model of Freiermuth

(2006), respectively. Methane emissions from enteric fermentation in draught animals were derived

from IPCC emission factors (2006). All processes related to livestock rearing were included. Pesticide

applications were considered as emissions of their active ingredients to agricultural soil. Life-cycle

inventories for the indirect emissions associated with the production and supply of fertilisers,

pesticides, farm machinery and other infrastructure were derived from the ecoinvent database v 2.2

(Hischier et al., 2010).

2.2.3. Establishing life-cycle inventories for processing, distribution and retail

Data related to processing and distribution of bread from low-input farming systems were collected

directly from producers. Because there was no survey of FR-ICL customers on home-baking methods,

we assumed that a domestic electric oven was used to bake two standard 0.75 kg loaves of bread for

half an hour, as consistent with most recipes found in cookery books. The energy used by an electric

oven for baking was taken from the European Council Directive 92/75/EEC specifications concerning

the energy labelling of household electric ovens for a medium-sized device of energy-efficiency class

D (we took the median of the seven classes presented in the regulation). Secondary data were used

to establish inventories of standard references. The distance from farm to mill travelled by cereals

was assumed to be the same as the average haulage distance by road for products derived from

agriculture, hunting and forestry, as well as for fish and other fishing products. The said distance was

calculated for each country and year based on the database of the Directorate-General of the

European Commission (Eurostat, 2013). Life-cycle inventories for milling were derived from the

Danish LCA Food Database (Nielsen and Nielsen, 2003a) and regionalised. This involved changing

electricity mixes and cereals used in the Danish study to those of the respective locations in France,

Spain and Portugal. Due to the absence of a life-cycle inventory for ascorbic acid, an average

European inventory for organic chemicals from ecoinvent was used. Distances between mill and

bakery and bakery and retailer were assumed to be the same as the average annual national road-


transport distances for food products, beverages and tobacco in the respective countries (Eurostat,

2013). Inputs and outputs associated with industrial bread production were derived from (Nielsen

and Nielsen, 2003b), and electricity mixes were adjusted to local conditions. Although the use of salt

was not reported in the case of the Danish bread, we assumed the addition of 10g of salt per kg of

industrial bread to ensure consistency with other analysed cases. The use of energy and fuel for

lighting, heating, ventilation and air conditioning in the supermarket was adapted from (Tassou et al.,

2009). According to the study, 144 kg of bread can be displayed in 1 m2 of retail space in the

supermarket. We assumed that the bread was displayed at room temperature for 24 hours, and that

5% of the bread delivered to the shop was wasted and sent to landfill. This is a higher wastage rate

than the 2% for all food products in the supermarket assumed by Tassou et al. (2009), owing to the

fact that bread has a maximum shelf-life of 24 hours. The use of LDPE plastic bags was included in the

inventory for the shopping trip. Tassou et al. (2009) reports that the average plastic shopping bag

weights 10 g and can be loaded with up to 4.5 kg of purchases, but can contain no more than 2.4 kg

of bread owing to its size. A 2.4 kg load was thus assumed per plastic bag. (Rizet and Keita, 2005)

estimated an average distance to the supermarket in France of 9 km and the average shopping

basket as 15 kg. We assumed that a petrol-engine passenger vehicle (European average) was used for

the shopping trip, and that among the other usual items, two 750 g loaves would be purchased

during the shopping trip.

2.2.4. Allocation procedures

FR-ICL cultivates varieties of cereals that have a Harvest Index of 0.5, meaning that the ratio of grain

to total aboveground biomass is 0.5. The straw exits the cropping system and is utilised as livestock

bedding. Economic allocation was used to assign environmental burdens to the straw. The prices of

wheat and rye were derived from FAO statistics (FAOSTAT, 2013), and the price of straw from farmer

interviews. Depending on the year in question, this yielded allocation factors of 0.29 to 0.35 for

straw. Mass allocation was applied to account for all transport emissions when bread was

transported along with other items.


2.2.5. Additional scenarios

Two additional scenarios were considered, owing to important management changes that either

occurred just before data collection, or were to be implemented shortly thereafter. These were:

a.) Switching from electric to wood-fired baking in the case of PT-LI;

b.) Switching from the use of wood to olive-pressing residues in the case of IT-AV.

The inventory for the combustion of olive-pressing residues was developed from the results of

Jauhiainen et al. (2005).

2.3. Life-cycle impact assessment (LCIA)

Results were obtained for 25 life-cycle impact categories (the full list will be available in the online

electronic supplement). In this chapter, we report on and analyse the following impact categories of

relevance to agricultural systems:

Non-renewable energy demand as derived from oil, natural gas, uranium, coal and lignite

(Frischknecht et al., 2004);

Global warming potential over 100 years according to the IPCC (2006);

Ozone formation (summer smog) and ozone depletion potentials according to EDIP2003

(Hauschild et al., 2006);

Eutrophication potential of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, and acidification potential

according to EDIP2003 (Hauschild et al., 2006);

Eco-toxicity and human toxicity potentials according to CML01 (Guinée et al., 2006);

‘Land competition’ category derived from the area of land occupied for production over the

course of one year;

Phosphorus use, calculated as the total mass of non-renewable phosphorus extracted and

used throughout the product life cycle.

Emission flows for each impact category were examined in order to pinpoint emission hotspots.

2.4. Sensitivity analysis


A sensitivity analysis was performed to quantify the influence of all assumptions, methodological

choices and possible variations of input variables on results. This was to ensure that the conclusions

of the study are independent of the decisions made during construction of the model.

3. Results

Figures 4, 5, and 6 show comparative results across all analysed case studies.

Fig. 4. Environmental impacts from the production and supply of 1 kg of bread at the consumer’s table. Part 1: Non-renewable resource use and impacts on atmosphere. FR-ICL – Low-input

integrated crop and livestock production in France; FR-AL – Use of draught animals in France; IT-AV – Ancient varieties in Italy; PT-LI – Small-scale labour-intensive production in Portugal; REF-FR-C – Industrial conventional reference from France; REF-ES-C – Industrial conventional reference from

Spain; REF-PT-O – Industrial organic reference from Portugal. Error bars represent the range of results at the agricultural stage due to yearly variability.












Farming Milling Baking Transport Retail










0 [

kg C


















































n [

kg C


1 e



Fig. 5. Environmental impacts from the production and supply of 1 kg of bread at the

consumer’s table. Part 2: Impacts related to nutrient management. FR-ICL – Low-input integrated crop and livestock production in France; FR-AL – Use of draught animals in France; IT-AV – Ancient varieties in Italy; PT-LI – Small-scale labour-intensive production in Portugal; REF-FR-C – Industrial conventional reference from France; REF-ES-C – Industrial conventional

reference from Spain; REF-PT-O – Industrial organic reference from Portugal. Error bars represent the range of results at the agricultural stage due to yearly variability.












Farming Milling Baking Transport Retail














n [

m2 ]

































ic e





n N
















ic e





n P





Fig. 6. Environmental impacts from the production and supply of 1 kg of bread at the

consumer’s table. Part 3: Impacts related to toxicity, phosphorus and land. FR-ICL – Low-input integrated crop and livestock production in France; FR-AL – Use of draught animals in France; IT-AV – Ancient varieties in Italy; PT-LI – Small-scale labour-intensive production in Portugal; REF-FR-C – Industrial conventional reference from France; REF-ES-C – Industrial conventional

reference from Spain; REF-PT-O – Industrial organic reference from Portugal. Error bars represent the range of results at the agricultural stage due to yearly variability.

3.1 FR-ICL – Low-input integrated crop and livestock production in France

Bread from this farm was shown to have similar environmental impacts to the reference scenario for

the impact categories of non-renewable resource use, GWP, ozone formation and ozone depletion

(Fig.4). The lower amount of nitrogen applied per ha led to the lower emissions of nitrous oxide per

ha as shown in the model. The integration of crop and livestock production allows a reduction in

emissions associated with the production of synthetic water-soluble fertilisers or the transport of

manure from other farms. Although the benefits of this reduction were largely offset here by low

yields, the system performed relatively well. Non-renewable resource use over the entire supply












Farming Milling Baking Transport Retail












ty [

kg 1


B e

q ]














ic e




































d c




n [




chain was dominated by domestic baking. Emissions associated with distribution were similar in both

the analysed supply chain and the reference. Despite shorter distances, small-scale distribution for

this farm is associated with smaller loads per vehicle, and therefore results in a similar fuel

consumption and material use per product unit to the industrial system. Alternative bread from LICS

was shown to have lower acidification and terrestrial eutrophication potentials owing to the

avoidance of synthetic water-soluble N fertiliser in its production (Fig. 5.). By contrast, aquatic

eutrophication potentials for N and P were higher due to the use of manure and increased ammonia

emissions. Human toxicity was higher in the low-input system owing to the fact that more diesel was

burned per product unit with the lower yield per ha. On the other hand, ecotoxicity was much lower

due to the absence of pesticides. Since only recycled phosphorus was applied, phosphorus-use

impact on this farm was negligible compared to the reference. Owing to the difference in yields, the

impact on land competition was higher than in the reference (Fig. 6).

3.2 FR-AL – Draught animals in France

Most of the environmental impacts for this farm were higher than for both the other low-input

producer (FR-ICL) and for the reference (FR-REF, Fig. 4,5,6). A relatively large amount of resources

were consumed here for the upkeep of the horses, whilst heavy machinery was used anyway for the

most resource-intensive activities such as hay-baling and ploughing. Yield variability was also high,

with wheat yields in 2008 being more than double of those in 2010. The higher environmental

impacts in 2010 were the result of unsuccessful management experiments conducted by the farmer

over the course of the year (information obtained via personal communication). As a result of baking

with wood, the impacts on non-renewable resource use, GWP and ozone depletion were lower than

for the reference, but ozone formation was higher owing to emissions from wood combustion. All

nutrient-related impacts (Fig. 5) were higher than in the reference, owing to the size of the area

devoted to the cultivation of both cereals and horse feed. Human toxicity was much higher here than

in the reference scenario (Fig. 6), partly as a result of burning fuel for farming and partly from


burning wood. Although ecotoxicity and phosphorus use were much lower for the same reasons as in

the previous case mentioned, land requirement was shown to be more than ten times higher than in

the reference scenario.

3.3 IT-AV – Ancient varieties in Italy

At this farm, milling and kneading were both done with the use of electricity and these processes

were shown to be less energy-efficient than in the industrial scenario. Moreover, baking with wood

caused airborne emissions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and other substances, increasing

ozone-formation potential, acidification and terrestrial eutrophication potentials (Fig 5). Despite the

small quantities of manure applied, the model exhibited a high aquatic eutrophication potential

owing to the fact that the very high slopes increased the risk of surface runoff. Human toxicity was

lower at the agricultural stage than in the reference, but baking with wood led to higher human-

toxicity impacts (Fig. 6.). Phosphorus use, however, was considerably lower than in the reference.

3.4 PT-LI – Small-scale labour-intensive production in Portugal

At the agricultural stage, this system revealed similar non-renewable resource use to the large-scale

high-input organic producer, but lower GWP, ozone formation and ozone depletion than the latter. A

large proportion of emissions are avoided here since sowing, weeding and harvesting are done by

hand. The comparative advantage at the agricultural stage is offset by the higher impacts from

milling, baking and distribution. Here, the small size of the operation led to a lower energy efficiency

per product unit and increased vehicle-kilometres due to more frequent journeys to the miller and

market. Consequently, acidification and terrestrial eutrophication potentials were lower at the

agricultural stage, but similar at the level of the entire value chain. Because of the lower amount of

organic fertiliser applied, impact on aquatic eutrophication N was lower than from the large-scale

organic producer, whilst impact on aquatic eutrophication P was lower than for the reference at the

agricultural stage, but similar to it at the overall supply chain level owing to the contribution made by


milling and baking. Human toxicity was lower than in the reference, mainly due to the avoidance of

diesel combustion for farming operations. Ecotoxicity and phosphorus use were similar, and both

relatively low, in the farm and in the reference, since no pesticides were applied and no mined P was

used in both cases.

3.5 Additional baking scenarios

Table 10 shows the influence of changes in baking methods on the environmental performance of

low-input breads from Italy and Portugal. The switch from electric to wood-fired oven was shown to

reduce non-renewable resource use and GWP. The rate of decrease in resource use was dependent

on the electricity mix of the country in question. Both Italy and Portugal have electricity mixes largely

dependent on fossil fuels. The analysis also revealed that impacts on ozone formation and human

toxicity are due to increase. The switch from wood to residues from olive pressing on the Italian farm

led to reductions in eutrophication and acidification potentials, but very large increases in human

toxicity due to the emission of benzene.

Table 10. Relative change in results per kg of bread at consumer’s table after changes to the

baking method





A -11% -11% +7% -6% -12% +6% 0 -18% -24% +17% -2% +18%

B -1% -4% +30% -1% -9% -13% 0 -1% -5% +182%

-3% -14%

A Use of wood-fired oven instead of electric oven for baking in the case of PT 1 B Use of olive residues instead of wood as baking fuel in the case of IT NRE – Non-renewable resource use; GWP – Global warming potential; OF – ozone formation; OD – ozone depletion; AP – Acidification potential; TEP – Terrestrial eutrophication potential; AEP – Aquatic eutrophication potential; ET – Eco-toxicity; HT – Human toxicity; P – Phosphorus use; LC– Land competition

4. Discussion


In the first subsection, we discuss the direct environmental impacts of alternative bread supply

chains based on LICS quantified in our model. This is followed by a discussion of the broader, indirect

effects of contrasting land uses.

4.1. Direct environmental impacts

The study findings show clearly that switching to products from alternative food supply chains based

on LICSs does not necessarily reduce environmental impacts, nor does it necessarily increase them.

Low-input, low-output systems will most likely have lower environmental impacts per unit of area

than modern agriculture, as demonstrated e.g. for traditional apple production in Italy (Cerutti et al.,

2013). A reduction of impacts per area, however, does not contribute to a reduction in the total

impacts from the consumption of food on the environment, unless it is coupled with a reduction in

the quantity and composition of food consumed per citizen, or a reduction in population size.

Improving eco-efficiency, however – where this is understood as reducing environmental impacts per

quantity of product – can produce this reduction in total impacts.

Low-input farmers seek to reduce the amount of farm-external inputs used and to minimise

the impact of their activities on the environment as described by Parr et al. (1990). Lower use of

purchased seeds, fertilisers and pesticides can, however, increase the need for diesel, electricity,

machinery and other infrastructure to produce the same quantity of food. Van der Werf et al. (2007)

suggested that product LCA supports intensive high-input and high-output systems that may cause

local environmental problems. Our analysis demonstrated that this is not always the case, and that

low-yielding systems can also be more eco-efficient than high-input ones. The wide variability of

results suggests that there is scope for significant improvements in eco-efficiency within low-input


Supermarket-based production systems were associated with lower environmental impacts

per kg of bread in three out of four cases, despite increased travel distances. This confirms the

findings of other studies investigating the influence of scale in bread production on the


environmental impacts of bread (Andersson and Ohlsson, 1999; Bimpeh et al., 2006). Despite this,

cases of IT-AV and FR-ICL demonstrated that local bread supply chains can also be advantageous over

supermarket-based supply. As for the comparison of different baking modes, the switch from electric

to wood-fired ovens for baking was beneficial for reducing impacts on climate change and resource

use, but also increased human toxicity due to i.e. the release of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

The case of olive residues used as fuel demonstrated that recycling biomass for energy production

will not always be more eco-efficient than using fossil energy.

4.2 . Broader aspects of land use

This chapter confirmed that low-input systems are land-use-intensive. Both quantity and quality of

land use have important implications for biodiversity. Low-input arable systems in Europe cause

significantly less damage to vascular-plant richness than systems with high input levels (Kleijn et al.,

2009). As mentioned in the introduction, both quality and quantity of land use have important

implications on biodiversity. It has been suggested that low-input, low-output systems may have

knock-on effects in the form of indirect land-use change (iLUC) (van der Werf et al., 2007). iLUC

occurs when pressure from new agricultural activity on the land in question brings about changes in

land use elsewhere (Gnansounou et al., 2008). iLUC effects should be considered when making

decisions at the macroeconomic level, for example where large-scale conversion to low-input

farming in Europe is the issue. At the product level, it is difficult to demonstrate the causal link

between the production of bread from a LICS and indirect land-use changes. Between 1961 and

2009, the total area under cereal cultivation in both western and southern Europe decreased slightly

(FAOSTAT, 2012). Consequently, there is no reason to suggest that the introduction of low-input

wheat or rye caused local deforestation. Given that the total amount of wheat imported into Europe

has increased, however, iLUC effects may be suggested to be occurring outside of Europe. Between

1961 and 2009, for example, the quantity of wheat imported into Europe increased by a factor of

2.269, i.e. slightly faster than the domestic production, which increased by a factor of 2.008. In


western Europe, still much more is produced than imported. Over the last 50 years, the ratio of

domestic wheat production to imported wheat has increased from 2.59 to 3.46, while the exported

quantity has increased by a factor of 13 (FAOSTAT, 2013). In southern Europe the situation is

different: the ratio of domestic production to import quantity has fallen from 3.53 in 1961 to just

0.92 in 2009, meaning that more wheat is currently imported than produced in this region. However,

the average wheat yield in southern Europe has increased 2.29-fold in the last 50 years, while the

cultivated area has shrunk by 56%. This suggests that the relative increase in imports is due more to a

shift from wheat to other crops or land uses than it is to the introduction of low-input farms. Rather

than attributing the responsibility for land-use changes to low-input farmers, we would suggest the

opposite causality, viz., that low-input farming systems are being implemented in Europe because

the large domestic supply of agricultural goods makes it affordable to do so at the moment.

4. Conclusions

Unless coupled with restraints on demand, switching to traditional, LICSs and local

processing and distribution is not sufficient to effect reductions in the total environmental

impacts from producing food.

Low-input farmers aim to minimise the use of external inputs, save their own seed, apply less

fertiliser and avoid pesticides. Benefits from this approach may be offset by lower yields and

the need to use more land, fuel, machinery and other infrastructure per product unit. This is

not necessarily always the case, however. The study described in this chapter has shown that

agricultural systems that are both low-input and highly eco-efficient can also be found.

Centralisation of processing and distribution generally reduces unit environmental costs of

bread production despite increased distances in the supply chain. Even so, our results

demonstrate that well-organised local supply chains are an exception to this rule, and are

able to achieve a similar environmental performance to centralised systems.





This chapter is an adapted version of the following publication:

KULAK, M., NEMECEK, T., FROSSARD, E., & GAILLARD, G. 2014. Using integrative design and LCA to

improve eco-efficiency of food supply chains – the case of alternative bread in France. (undergoing

the peer-review).


1. Introduction

According to sustainability theorists, the process of transition to a more sustainable path of human

development requires breakthroughs of eco-innovations out of socio-technical niches (Elzen and

Wieczorek, 2005, Geels, 2002). Eco-innovation can be broadly defined as any activity of an actor that

results in new ideas, products, behaviours or processes that contribute to some specific sustainability

targets or reduce anthropogenic environmental burdens (Klemmer et al., 1999). The development of

new ideas is therefore a prerequisite of the transition to sustainability. The improvement of impacts

posed by the sociotechnical system on the environment can be achieved in two ways: i.) through

changes in consumption or/and ii.) through improvements of production systems - methods used to

create goods and services that satisfy our needs (Holstein and Tanenbaum, 2014). To provide

absolute reduction of environmental impacts through changes in production systems, improvements

need to be directed at significantly better eco-efficiency or resource productivity (Reijnders, 1998).

Agricultural systems are among those production systems that will require significant eco-

efficiency improvements. The growing and increasingly wealthy world population is demanding

increasingly more food (Alexandratos, 2009, Godfray et al., 2010) while its production and supply is

already responsible for a lion share of all anthropogenic environmental burdens (Tukker et al., 2006,

Tilman et al., 2011). If sufficient food and land is available, plants can be used to sequester carbon

and provide replacements for many goods that are currently derived from non-renewable resources

(Gleeson et al., 2012). The European Union policy plan for rural development lists fostering

innovation and promoting resource efficiency in agriculture among its key priorities for the years

2014-2020 (European Commision, 2013). Nevertheless, the exact methods by which these goals will

be achieved remain unclear.

Some of the past policy interventions in the European food system may potentially lead to

inefficiencies caused by the overlooked negative consequences occurring outside of the narrowly


defined system boundary. Organic agriculture (European Commision, 2013) or locally produced foods

that are both currently promoted by the European policy (Kneafsey et al., 2013) present two

examples of narrowly defined system boundaries. LCA studies revealed, that depending on the other

components of the farming and the food system architecture, local production can be associated

with higher or lower environmental burdens than imported products (Edwards-Jones et al., 2008)

and similarly, the switch from mineral to organic fertiliser and avoiding pesticides does not guarantee

lower environmental impacts (Tuomisto et al., 2012b). Developing resource-efficient agricultural

systems is going to require more systemic approaches.

Whole System Design (Integrative Design) is an approach that has its roots in the field of

industrial design. It aims to address inefficiencies in resource productivity of products, processes and

systems by targeting improvements simultaneously across whole systems instead of their parts

(Lovins, 2010, Stasinopoulos et al., 2009, Charnley et al., 2011). The concept of Whole System Design

emphasises the importance of developing partnerships and utilising synergies between elements of

system architecture to develop more sustainable solutions. The principles include i.e. expansion of

system boundary (Charnley et al., 2011), integration of multiple stakeholders (Lovins, 2010) utilising

benefits from simultaneous application of multiple technologies (Lovins, 2010) and involving experts

from multiple disciplines. The importance of both integrative and collaborative approaches to

agricultural system design were previously discussed with relation to productivity (Bawden et al.,

1984, Edwards, 1989). Integrative methods have been used in agricultural research to aid

development through the adoption of more productive farming techniques (Douxchamps et al.,

2013), to assess sustainable land use options in mountain regions (Huber et al., 2013, Brand et al.,

2013) or to develop innovative farming systems in developed countries (Bouma et al., 2011, Sherren

et al., 2010).

The effectiveness of integrative approaches for improving environmental performance of

industrial systems and products can be measured with single performance indicators, such as energy


efficiency (Lovins, 2010) or fuel efficiency (Charnley et al., 2011). In agri-food systems, these

indicators are not sufficient to evaluate the sustainability. As mentioned in the introduction,

environmental, social and economic impacts of food supply chains are complex and dispersed along

large spatial scales and long timeframes. Life cycle based approaches are necessary for evaluating

their environmental performance. According to our knowledge, there is a lack of studies from the

agri-food sector combining integrative approaches to design and LCA. Partidário et al. (2007) used

LCA and multicriteria decision making to assess sustainability performance of integrated solution for

people with a reduced access to food. The study however was focused on food preparation and

distribution, while the majority of environmental impacts of diets comes from primary production

(Garnett, 2011, Muñoz et al., 2010).

The research described in this paper was aimed at answering two questions : i.) Can

interdisciplinary collaboration between researchers and stakeholders be utilised to create more eco-

efficient food value chains and ii.) what is the potential role of LCA in supporting the process. Two

case studies of alternative bread supply chains in Western France were studied. The following section

of the article introduces the case studies and provides details of the applied methodological

framework. This is followed by a section describing quantitative results of LCA as well as qualitative

information gathered through the observation of interaction between scientists and farmers. In the

subsequent section, we discuss the factors limiting eco-efficiency of innovative and alternative

farming systems in Europe, highlight the benefits from applying integrative approaches integrated

with LCA and draw some recommendations for policymakers. The last section provides concluding


2. Methodology

2.1. Introduction of case studies


A brief description of two French cases subject to this analysis has been provided in Chapter two of

the thesis. Below I provide a more detailed description of both systems and highlight differences in

LCA models constructed for the purpose of Chapters two and three.

2.1.1. Description of system FR-ICL – bread from integrated crop and livestock production.

The life cycle of bread from FR-ICL starts at the organic farm of 75 ha located in Pays de la Loire

region of western France. This farmer produced flour, meat and dairy products in a closely integrated

manner, meaning that co-products of one process were utilised as inputs to another one and

according to the farmer, waste was avoided whenever possible. Cereals were cultivated in a seven

years crop rotation, out of which 5 years were occupied as a grassland. Leguminous plants Medicago

Sativa were grown within the grassland mixture, fixing nitrogen from the air and reducing the need

for fertilisation of grasslands and subsequent crops. Cultivated variety mixtures of wheat and rye

were selected over the years with two major goals: i.) to produce large quantities of straw that can

be used as bedding for animals, and ii.) to produce desired organoleptic properties of bread. Farmer

reported during the interview to select the plants with “firm, long straw, that can stand still”.

Growing mixtures was perceived as important part of the system, as according to him, genetic

diversity allows to reduce losses from pest and diseases. The only fertiliser applied was a by-product

of livestock production - composted cow manure. No plant protection products were used. Cereals

were grown on slightly acidic loams with relatively low yields, between 1.3 and 1.5 t ha-1. The hay

produced from mixtures of grasses provided feedstuff for cows. The water for cows came from the

pond and rainwater harvested on the roof of the building, the electric fence was powered by solar

panels. Milk was either sold in recyclable bottles or processed into cheese. The whey that remained

from cheese-making served as a feedstuff for pigs. The farmer grinded the cereals in a farm-scale mill

and produced flour, while the remaining bran was fed to the animals. The product was sold directly

to the consumer –either on farm or at the weekly market in town. Consumers had been buying the

flour to bake the bread at home.


2.1.2. Description of system FR-AL– bread from horse farming.

FR-AL represents the bread made at a farm located in Brittany. At the time of data collection, it had 6

ha of cultivated area. Two working horses were substituting the tractor for some of the farming

operations. Although a large proportion of tasks was still performed with the use of tractor during

the data collection period, the stated objective of the farmer was to systematically substitute

mechanical traction with animal labour. In 2008, the farm was less than 10 years old and

experimenting with various mixtures of cereals and their varieties. The goal of the farmer was to

develop varieties of grains that are better adapted to local conditions and bread-making. The yields

between 2008 and 2010 were characterised by a high variability, achieving from 0.6 to 2.3 t of grain

yield per ha. Most of the feedstuff for horses was produced on farm. Horses were fed by hay

produced at permanent meadow, barley and pea grown in intercropping as a part of the crop

rotation and bran left after flour making. The grains were milled on farm and sourdough bread was

baked in a wood-fired oven. The wood was bought from the nearby forest and transported with the

use of horses. Once a year, customers subscribed to the service and decided on the quantity of bread

needed throughout the year. Consumers had the flexibility to request the bread with certain

properties, eg. gluten-free or salt-free, otherwise the recipe was developed by the producer. The

product was supplied to customers either through home deliveries, on farm shop or the local

cooperative specialised in marketing and distribution of organic products.

2.2. Description of a design procedure


Figure 7 describes methodological framework of the study.

2.2.1. Phase I. Contribution analysis

Data for initial LCA were collected for three years – 2008, 2009 and 2010. Life Cycle Assessment

method was applied, that allows to quantify environmental impacts related to the product, service or

activity throughout its whole life cycle (Finnveden et al., 2009, ISO, 2006a). It is an iterative

procedure, involving constant data collection, validation, modelling of environmental flows and their

interpretation. The functional unit chosen for the analysis was 1 kg of bread and the system

boundary covered all processes from cradle to the consumer. Life Cycle inventories for systems

analysed in this chapter are attached to the thesis as an Appendix B. All materials embedded in

capital goods were covered here and more detailed contribution analysis was performed. Considered

capital goods include farm warehouse, silos, mills and ovens. These were not included in the study

for Chapter 2 due to the lack of their inclusion in the models of reference food supply chains used for

Fig. 7. Methodological framework


comparison. Eco-design study as compared to cross-sectional LCA study requires more detailed

contribution analysis due to the fact that the knowledge is needed for the exploration of various

improvement options. Life Cycle Inventories for the production and disposal of domestic ovens were

derived from Jungbluth (1997). The domestic oven is of multifunctional use. We derived the

allocation factor for bread based on the ratio of time occupied for baking to the product lifetime. For

farm warehouses and silos, adapted inventories from ecoinvent database v 2.2 were used (Hischier

et al., 2010). Silos were allocated to different grains based on the volume taken up for storage.

Buildings and the general storage infrastructure that is shared for the production of all goods on farm

was allocated between products on the basis of economic allocation. The adaptation of buildings

involved changing the quantity of concrete used for building foundations to those corresponding to

the situation on farm and changing electricity mixes from Swiss to French conditions. Due to the lack

of life cycle inventories for farm-scale mill and steel wood-fired oven, an average inventory for

agricultural machinery from ecoinvent database was used instead. Results of LCA were presented to

the producers.

2.2.2. Phase II. Conception

Results accompanied by the farm description and few photographs were presented during a

collaborative design workshop. Participants consisted of a consortium of researchers: plant breeders,

food quality researchers, agronomists, as well as several representatives of seed companies and

farmer’s associations. The description included geographical location of the case, its size, soil

characteristics, information on the management of cropping systems and market characteristics. 21

experts were divided into 5 groups and worked together to propose farm-specific management

innovations that can improve eco-efficiency. At least one scientist in each group had personally

visited the farm prior to the workshop and therefore had the knowledge of factors limiting the crop

growth that could be shared with other participants. The groups were also aimed to be

interdisciplinary. Participants were presented with cards containing the open list of potential

solutions based on the existing literature on eco-efficiency of LICSs (chapter 1) but some were also


left blank to encourage participants to develop their own ideas. For each strategy selected,

researchers were asked to provide qualitative information on the relative cost of implementation

and potential improvements in yield that can be achieved through the introduction of this strategy.

Each workshop was followed by presentations of group representatives on the rationale behind their

choices of options and the discussion in plenum.

2.2.3. Phase III.: Final scenario building and evaluation

Results of the collaborative design workshop were consulted with farmers. Each strategy proposed

by expert groups was discussed one by one in a semi-structured interview. Strategies rejected by the

farmer were excluded from further analysis. Producers were also encouraged to provide their own

ideas for improving eco-efficiency or propose other management changes to be analysed with LCA.

The list of solutions established as a result of the consultations was used to model environmental

impacts of improvement scenarios. This was done iteratively, through modelling the effects of each

strategy implementation on the environmental impacts with the use of LCA. Different combinations

of improvement measures were tested to derive the most effective one for reducing environmental


3. Results

3.1. Phase I – LCA contribution analysis

Figures 8 and 9 provide the contribution of particular processes to the total result across 13 analysed

impact categories. Environmental impacts from capital goods were shown to be of minor importance

in the overall footprint of bread with the exception of storage buildings that contributed to 30% of

phosphorus use from FR-ICL, 30% of aquatic ecotoxicity and 29% of aquatic eutrophication P from

FR-AL. The use of phosphorus in FR-ICL was caused by small quantities of phosphoric acid making up

the generic inventory for “inorganic chemicals” that is used in the ecoinvent database to characterise

cement production (Hischier et al., 2010). This value is therefore highly uncertain as it is sensitive to

the choice of chemicals in the generic inventory – “inorganic chemicals”. However, the fact that


results are sensitive to such marginal values suggests that the absolute phosphorus use in the whole

system is relatively low. The relative contribution to aquatic ecotoxicity and aquatic eutrophication P

in FR-AL were related to copper use and in particular to the disposal of sulfidic tailings in the process

of copper concentrate beneficiation. Both farmers were avoiding the use of synthetic, water soluble

fertilisers and provided only recycled nutrients to plants in the form of composted manure. This

saved non-renewable resource use from fertiliser manufacturing as compared to conventional

farming but added some potential nitrate leaching and ammonia emissions, resulting in elevated

eutrophication N and toxicity. Due to relatively low grain yields, both systems had relatively high

impacts on land competition as compared to more conventional farming systems. Low-yields in LICSs

increase impacts related to farming operations, such as ploughing, cultivating or combine harvesting

and emissions from capital goods, such as buildings. The process of milling was shown to be of minor

importance in the overall emission balance. However, baking revealed to play an important role. In

FR-ICL, the large contribution of baking to the non-renewable resource use was caused by consumer

baking at home which is less efficient than in large bakeries. This confirmed the finding of Bimpeh et

al. (2006). In FR-AL, baking with wood contributed to ozone formation, acidification, terrestrial

eutrophication and human toxicity. Transport of bread has showed to play an important role

reaching up to 60% in the case of ozone depletion potential for both systems. Most of the emissions

were caused by consumer driving to purchase the bread on farm.


Fig. 8. Bread system FR-ICL. Relative contribution of various emission sources to the total environmental impact per mass of bread delivered at the consumer’s home.

Fig. 9. Bread system FR-AL. Relative contribution of emission sources to the total environmental impact per mass of bread delivered at the consumer’s home.












Consumer transport

Farmer transport

Stove infrastructure

Electricity for baking

Mill infrastructure

Electricity for milling


Storage building

Tillage, harrowing


Manure spreading

Combine harvesting














Stove infrastructure

Baking (wood burning)

Mill infrastructure

Electricity for milling


Storage building

Imported feedstuff


Combine harvesting


Tillage, cultivating

Tillage, harrowing




3.2. Phase II - Conception

Results of a collaborative design workshop are presented in Table 11. Experts selected and suggested

a number of farm-specific interventions that would improve the output in a sustainable manner and

contribute to a reduction of the environmental impacts. Solutions were related to genetic

improvements of cultivated crops and farm management. Participants selected most of the solutions

from the “ready-to-use” pool suggested by workshop facilitators: selection of cultivars or cropping

system organisation in space and time. In addition, scientists provided specific recommendations on

varieties, species and systems that could provide potential improvements in eco-efficiency in specific

agro-ecological conditions at these farms. During the follow-up interview, producers discussed the

relevance of applying the suggested improvements to their systems.

Table 11: Proposals generated during the collaborative design workshop

Changing crop sequence (with proposed sequences)

Introduction of legumes into crop rotations (with proposed species)

Introduction of other cash crops (with proposed species)

Introduction of agroforestry (with proposed species)

Changing the breeding strategy (select for higher yield)

Changing soil pH (liming of acidic soils)

Adapting nutrient management strategies (changing quantities and types of applied fertilisers)

Intercropping (with proposed alternative species and management patterns)

3.2.1. FR-ICL.

The producer A was not willing to adapt significant changes in crop rotations. This was due to

the fact, that according to the farmer crop rotations were established for a long time and high

proportion of grasslands mixed with leguminous plants in the rotation was required to produce the

feedstuff required for livestock. The secondary function of meadow was, as perceived by the farmer,

to provide nutrients and improve the soil structure. The mixtures of rye cultivated at the farm have


shown to have better performance than wheat in terms of grain yield. The increase of rye in the flour

recipe could therefore reduce environmental impacts and, according to the farmer, may still be

accepted by the consumer. The grain yield per ha could significantly be increased by the introduction

of underground drainage. According to the producer, the yield could be doubled this way although

he expressed some concern over the increased nitrate leaching potential and losses of carbon. The

producer also expressed interest in the technology of anaerobic digestion due to the large quantities

of farmyard manure available at the farm. He was considering it for some time and anaerobic

digestion instead of composting could allow reducing the energy bills.

3.2.2. FR-AL.

The second producer has agreed that increasing the proportion of rye in the recipe of his

bread would be acceptable by his customers. In fact, he has already started to implement this

strategy within the project duration. The farmer explained, that customers generally prefer white

bread, but they are happy to purchase darker one after the explanation that rye is better adapted to

farm conditions and therefore its production is more eco-efficient. He has also started to expand the

cropped surface. There was a further demand for his farm produce and the increase of throughput

allows improving his perceived economic sustainability, reducing emissions from capital goods and

avoiding the need for purchasing external feedstuff for horses. The other accepted strategy was to

switch varieties to achieve higher grain yield, since the mixture that was grown on farm during the

data collection period provided very low yields. According to both the farmer and the expert group,

there is a potential for significant improvement of yield through breeding.

3.3. Phase III. - Scenario building and evaluation

In this phase of the project, impacts from the implementation of scenarios developed in a

collaborative design process (Table 12) were modelled with the use of Life Cycle Assessment. System

modelling approach was used to evaluate the environmental impacts from scenario implementation


at the level of the whole farm. This means that possible feedbacks from design decisions were taken

into account in the model. These effects are described in the subsequent sub-sections.

Table 12: Solutions generated in response to farmer feedback


Increase the proportion of rye in the flour Increase the proportion of rye in the bread recipe

Apply field drainage Increase farm area

Anaerobic digestion of cow manure instead of


Select varieties for higher yield

Anaerobic digestion of horse manure and surplus


3.3.1. FR-ICL

The first simulated design decision was to increase the proportion of rye flour. This change altered

the proportion of areas under wheat and rye cultivation on farm as well as allocation factors for

capital goods. Figure 10 shows the impact of this decision on the results of LCA. The increase in

cropped rye area to 50% of the overall surface caused the farm production to increase without

increasing the amount of inputs. The yield was assumed in this scenario to be the same as the

average between 2008, 2009 and 2010. According to the farmer, drainage of fields would allow for

100% of increase in grain yields. Predicting the yields is associated with a high uncertainty, in this

scenario we made a conservative assumption of 40% yield increase. This resulted in the simulated

yield of 2.15 t ha-1 for wheat and 3.38 t ha-1 for rye. This has caused further reductions of

environmental impacts for all of the considered impact categories. To ensure that the new system

does not lead to nutrient depletion, we assumed that 40% more nutrients needs to be added to the

soil. The farm has surplus manure, which is sold to other farmers. The life cycle inventories for

anaerobic digestion of cattle manure and straw were derived from Poeschl et al. (2012). Only

airborne emissions were considered in simulations, with the inclusion of all processes related to the

production of anaerobic digestion plant, its maintenance and distribution of digestate to agricultural

land. The biogas was considered to be turned into electricity, replacing that from the grid. As

compared to the scenario without it, anaerobic digestion of manure reduced the GWP but increased


ozone formation and terrestrial eutrophication potential. There was also a rather insignificant

increase in acidification. Despite the conservative scenario building approach, the applicable farm

management scenarios demonstrated improvements of at least 8% in the non-renewable resource

use and 45% in the land competition.

Fig. 10. Reduction of environmental impacts from redesigned system FR-ICL. AD* - Anaerobic

Digestion, only airborne emissions considered. TEP – Terrestrial Eutrophication Potential. AEP –

Aquatic Eutrophication Potential.


The change in the proportion of rye in the bread recipe was also considered here, providing minor

reductions in all of the considered environmental impacts (Fig. 11.). The increased farm area scenario

assumed maintaining the same crop rotation that was planned by the farmer, leaving one third of the

new land for barley and pea cultivation in intercropping every fourth year. As a result, the new farm

design assumed 4 ha for rye cultivation, 4 ha for wheat, 3 ha of barley and pea mixture every fourth












baseline 50% rye 50%rye+drainage 50%rye+drainage+AD*


year and 2.5 ha of permanent meadow. Due to the increase in the cultivated area, 37% more land

was available for feedstuff production. In this scenario, we have therefore assumed less need for

purchased external feedstuff, respectively. However, the two horses were demonstrated to be no

longer able to cover all the fertiliser requirements so the purchase of additional external manure was

considered in the simulation. The fertilising rate was assumed to be the same as currently employed

by the farmer – 12 t ha-1. The increase in farm area caused the amount of applied animal manure on

farm to increase from 40 to 72 tons. The results of LCA for this scenario revealed further reductions

for most of the impact categories. The exception was the impact on aquatic eutrophication potential

N which increased due to increased manure application. For the scenario involving yield increase

from breeding, we have assumed the maximum yield achieved from switching to higher yielding

cultivars as 2.5 t ha-1 for wheat and 3.5 t ha-1 for rye. It is worth mentioning, that conventional

farmers in France achieved on average 7.1 t ha-1 for wheat and 5 t ha-1 for rye between 2008 and

2010 (FAOSTAT, 2013). Similarly to the previous case, the use of manure per ha was scaled to match

the requirements of increased crop output. The final quantity of manure throughput was 97 tonnes.

After the doubling of area and slight increase in yield, it was estimated that the farm will have a

surplus of 7.77 wheat and 10.8 t rye straw per year. In the anaerobic digestion scenario, we have

considered that this straw may be fed directly into the digester instead of being used as animal

bedding. In terms of reducing emissions, pure straw has been demonstrated to be a more effective

feedstock than mixed manure and straw (Poeschl et al., 2012). The anaerobic digestion scenario

produced reductions in GWP on the one hand and increases in ozone formation of roughly the same



Fig. 11. Reduction of environmental impacts from redesigned system FR-AL. AD* - Anaerobic Digestion - only airborne emissions considered. TEP – Terrestrial Eutrophication Potential. AEP –

Aquatic Eutrophication Potential.

4. Discussion

In this section we discuss first the possible factors that limited eco-efficiency of analysed LICS. Then

we highlight the benefits of integrative approaches and comprehensive, science based assessment

tools such as LCA for overcoming these limiting factors.

4.1. Factors limiting eco-efficiency of analysed systems

4.1.1. Biophysical limitations

Efficiency of any production system is defined by its ability to convert inputs into the useful outputs

(Grossman, 2014). In the future, the global economy will need a gradual shift to systems that are able

to utilise more free inputs: solar radiation, tides and time while reducing our dependency on

increasingly expensive fossil fuels. Plants have the capacity to convert the energy from the sun into












baseline 50%rye

50%rye+incr.area 50%rye+incr.area+incr.yield



food and biomass. Both farms analysed in the study applied very small quantities of fertilisers, did

not use any pesticides and produced their own seeds. This was done with the goal of bringing down

the consumed amount of farm-external inputs, one of the principles of low-input agriculture as

defined by Parr et al., (1990). The reduction of fertilisers causes a reduction of yields, while some of

the remaining inputs like fuel, machinery and farm infrastructure remain stable. Avoiding modern

varieties allows farmers to maintain the genetic heterogeneity in the fields and avoid the necessity to

purchase patented seeds. However, the mixtures of old varieties are characterised by lower grain

yield and possibly lower nutrient use efficiency than modern varieties (Guarda et al., 2004). Lower

nutrient use efficiency will likely to have negative impacts on eco-efficiency. Instead of absolute

reductions, farmers should aim to achieve equilibrium between inputs, as eco-efficiency can be

limited by their imbalance (Chapter 1). Local agro-ecological conditions present another potentially

limiting factor. Choosing the crops and varieties that are better adapted to local conditions is more

effective from the eco-efficiency perspective than producing for local market at all cost. Williams

(2007) has shown that with the extreme example of roses. Production in Kenya for UK market was

found to cause factor 10 less energy use and factor 16 less greenhouse gas emissions than in heated

greenhouses in the Netherlands, despite the necessity to transport the product for long distance by

plane. In the present study, one farm was characterised by acidic soils and the other one by

hydromorphic properties. If the soil and climate are not suitable for wheat, it would be reasonable to

switch to other crops or land uses. Such changes however need to be evaluated together with

consequences on other parts of the farm and surrounding sociotechnical landscape. In the case of

producer A, without cereals the farmer would need to find another material for animal bedding. The

producer B would have to find markets for new products.

4.1.2. Personal preferences and a lack of knowledge

The fact that producers were interested in the results of LCA and willing to adapt some of the

management changes suggest the lack of knowledge among the limiting factors. This knowledge can

be divided into two types i.) knowledge on environmental impacts of particular patterns of


management and ii.) knowledge of the possible improvement options. The fact that farmers were

not willing to adopt some of the suggested improvement measures indicates the existence of other

limiting factors. One of the suggestions for improving FR-ICL was to develop bread-making or to start

partnership with a baker instead of letting customers to make the bread at home, which is relatively

energy-intensive (Fig. 2.). The farmer stated, that he believes it is interesting that his customers bake

the bread at home and he prefers to let them choose how their bread looks like and how it is made.

The producer B was willing to influence the product consumption. He stated that his customers are

happy to consume the bread made with higher proportion of rye than wheat after the explanation

that growing wheat is not very eco-efficient on his farm. This farmer, however was not willing to

abandon the production with horses. The farmer expressed the belief that past agricultural systems

were less resource intensive and he saw the production with horses as an important element of his

production system. Such preconceptions and personal preferences of producers may have an effect

on eco-efficiency and are usually ignored in optimization models.

4.1.3 Economic limitations

Although cost-benefit analysis was not performed in the present study, it is evident that some of the

proposed solutions will be associated with certain investment costs. This is especially relevant for

draining the fields or installing anaerobic digestion units. These strategies require relatively high

investment of financial as well as natural capital, since new materials will be used and some

emissions will be caused during the construction process. The need for financial investment may

pose a barrier for some producers. However, the initial investments may also pay off in the long term

– both environmentally as demonstrated in LCA but also financially due to the fact that more money,

resources and emissions may be saved as a result of the installation than consumed during its

construction, maintenance and disposal. In further steps a cost benefit analysis would be needed to

test whether these effects are present.


4.2 Benefits of combining integrative approaches and LCA

Mouron et al., (2006a) suggested that eco-efficient orchard management requires cognitive skills and

non-linear thinking. The same principles can be applied to cereal-based cropping systems. The

participation of multiple actors in the design process enriched the pool of knowledge as well as

creativity. The first type of knowledge supplied in the current study was the explicit agronomic

knowledge. Ingram (2008) has shown that farmers in England generally lack scientific knowledge for

sustainable soil management. This knowledge was provided in the present study by experts from

various disciplines of plant science, mainly breeders and agronomists. The second type of necessary

information is the environmental one. This information was supplied by LCA models and knowledge

of environmental scientists. Collado-Ruiz and Ostad-Ahmad-Ghorabi (2010) demonstrated that the

supply of environmental information may have negative effects on creativity in an eco-design

process. Previous attempts of eco-innovation in the food sector however teach us that the absence

of empirical environmental data and reliance on “gut feeling” is not sufficient to develop more eco-

efficient modes of production. In this study, farmers were given the knowledge but were willing to

adapt only one solution generated in the interdisciplinary scientific workshop: namely the switch to a

different crop variety in the case of FR-AL (see differences between Table 11 and Table 12). On the

other hand, they were able to propose many of the improvements themselves during the discussion

over the results of LCA. This suggests that during the design workshop researchers either did not

have sufficient knowledge to appropriately evaluate the situation on farm, or did not take into

account personal preferences of the farmer. On the other hand, the supply of environmental

information allowed farmers to come up with innovative solutions.

5. Conclusions

The present case study of bread has demonstrated, that:


Inter-disciplinary, multi-stakeholder approaches can be utilised for improving eco-efficiency

of LICSs.

The lack of innovation, suboptimal management and the lack of access to reliable

environmental information present some of the key factors limiting their eco-efficiency

Systematic, science-based assessment tools, such as Life Cycle Assessment can successfully

be utilised to support the process of agricultural eco-innovation and eco-design.




Contribution of the thesis to the current state of knowledge

The present study has contributed to the existing body of research in several ways:

This is the first systematic evaluation of environmental impacts of products from cereal-

based LICSs at the level of the whole value chain

The previous literature on the environmental impacts of food lacked holistic evaluations of

products from LICSs at the level of the whole supply chain. The great majority of LCA literature in the

agricultural sector has been dedicated to general comparisons between organic and conventional or

other types of farming systems (see (Tuomisto et al., 2012b) for a meta-analysis on this subject) or

the contribution of transport to the environmental impacts of agricultural products, comparing

“local” with “non-local production” (Holmes, 2012). Several recent studies investigated the

relationship between the level of intensity and environmental impacts in wheat cropping systems

(Brentrup et al., 2004, Charles et al., 2006, Nemecek et al., 2011a,b) thus allowing to draw some

conclusions about low-input farming (see Chapter 1). These studies however were based on either

field experiments with modern varieties under mineral fertilisation (Charles et al., 2006, Brentrup et

al., 2004) or modern varieties under mineral and organic fertilisation at the level of 0 or 43 kg N ha-1

a-1 and higher (Nemecek et al., 2011a,b). Up to date, there has been no LCA study investigating eco-

efficiency of old varieties or variety mixtures of wheat that can be found cultivated by European low-

input farmers under the conditions of very limited fertilisation - between 0 and 43 kg N ha-1 a-1. Such

systems are characterised by very low yields. Because they are mixtures, their products can also have

heterogeneous physicochemical properties like density and gluten content. This makes them

inadequate for processing and distribution through the dominant supply chains involving large scale

manufacturers and retailers who demand uniform quality standards. Low-input farmers cultivating

these varieties can be found milling the grains themselves, baking on farm and selling directly to end

consumers. This introduces a number of differences in environmental impacts of their products

compared to conventional supply chains and therefore requires performing the analysis at the whole


chain level. Previous studies on bread assessed relationships between the environmental impacts

and a limited number of factors like scale of production (Andersson and Ohlsson, 1999), type of

farming and baking (Bimpeh et al., 2006) or the combination of several of these factors (Braschkat et

al., 2003). This study revealed that isolating single factors for LCA study does not always lead to

meaningful conclusions and instead, environmental evaluations should be done in a holistic manner.

At each stage of the bread life cycle, there is a large variability of environmental impacts between

particular systems. These impacts are highly dependent on a large number of external and internal

factors; from pedo-climatic conditions of the farm through the choice of cultivars, crop rotations and

farming methods up to the fuel use for baking, distance to the consumer and the electricity mix of

the country in which the farm is located. It is impossible to make general recommendations over the

environmental superiority of one system over another based on a limited number of factors, such as

the type of fertiliser used (mineral or organic), level of crop or genetic diversity (diversified systems

versus monocultures), distance to the consumer (local or non-local) or the yield. Systems modelling

revealed that significant improvements in eco-efficiency can be achieved with LCA while maintaining

distinctive product properties: old varieties, low-input farming, on-farm processing, farming with

horses or direct contact between the producer and consumer. The main factor limiting eco-efficiency

of analysed supply chains was the lack of innovation and knowledge on the contribution of different

processes to the overall environmental impact and opportunities for improvements (for example it

was unknown that environmental improvement can be achieved through increasing the proportion

of rye in the bread recipe).

Insight on the use of eco-efficiency to assess performance of LICSs

Several authors suggested that product- based LCAs and studies looking at the efficiency of

agricultural systems are generally supporting intensive systems with higher material throughput

(high input- high output) and such systems cause a number of local environmental problems

(Garnett, 2013, van der Werf et al., 2007) . This study revealed, that it is not necessarily always the


case. At the agricultural stage, the low-input integrated bread and meat producer from France and

small-scale labour-intensive producer from Portugal showed better performance on most of the

impact categories than their high-input counterparts. This suggests that low-input systems can also

be efficient with their proper organisation. The possible reason why high-input systems are usually

performing better in product LCAs than low-input systems might lay in the high level of knowledge

required for the efficient organisation of LICSs. Designing them requires finding the right balance

between numerous elements of their architecture. Crops, their varieties and their mixtures need to

be carefully selected to maintain high levels of productivity and provide resistance to specific pests

and diseases. Cover crops need to be sown and harvested at the right time in order to provide

enough nitrogen to the subsequent crops and at the same time not take too much of the agricultural

land over time out of production. Animal manures are rich in nutrients, but the nitrogen availability

and uptake is limited as compared to mineral, water soluble fertilisers thus increasing the risk of

nitrate leaching and ammonia emissions. Many farmers may not have sufficient knowledge to

manage LICSs efficiently.

First application of LCA and integrative design for improving agricultural systems

To date, academic literature lacked practical examples of using principles of integrative design and

LCA to develop more sustainable agricultural systems. Terms “whole system design” or “integrative

design” stem from the field of industrial design and examples of practical applications include more

sustainable buildings (Reed, 2009, Lovins, 2010), industrial systems (Stasinopoulos et al., 2009,

Lovins, 2010) or vehicles (Lovins, 2010, Charnley et al., 2011). Partidário et al. (2007) used multi-

stakeholder approach to develop sustainable food supply system for people with reduced access to

food. A multi-criteria assessment has showed that the new solution allowed to improve

environmental, economic and social impacts. The process however was focused on optimising post-

agricultural stages, mainly food preparation and distribution, while agriculture is responsible for the

largest share of environmental impacts of foods. The present study demonstrated that in the case of


bread, this ranges between 10 % and 60% for most of the impact categories such as non-renewable

resource use, GWP and human toxicity and up to 90-100% for eutrophication potential, eco-toxicity

and land occupation. The contribution of agriculture is even greater for products of animal origin. For

beef, 80% and more of all the environmental impacts is concentrated at the agricultural stage, even

with consideration of shipping the meat between continents (Mieleitner et al., 2012, Audsley et al.,


General discussion

In this sub-chapter, main advantages, disadvantages and controversies surrounding all of the

methods applied in the study are discussed.

Eco-efficiency and the rebound effect

The concept of eco-efficiency has been criticised as insufficient to provide sustainability

improvements. Eco-efficiency is about achieving “more with less”. Critics argue that this distracts

public attention from the main challenge which is the absolute reduction of anthropogenic

environmental burdens. Due to the fact that so-called double win (reduction in the environmental

impacts and the increase in profitability) or triple win situations (including improvements of social

aspects) can be demonstrated with eco-efficiency the issue of “rebound effect” is often raised

(Garnett, 2013). Rebound effect is a term that has initially been used in the field of Energy economics

(Druckman et al., 2011) but has now been extended to the broader discussion about the

environmental impacts of production and consumption systems (Hertwich, 2005). Weidema et al.

(2008) broadly defined rebound effect as a situation, where changes in the production system imply

liberation or binding of a scarce consumption or production factor: money, time, space or

technology. These effects were considered in their input-output LCA model quantifying improvement

options across the meat and dairy sector in the EU (Weidema et al., 2008). According to this

definition, some rebound effects were also considered in the present study, for example by


considering the need for additional import of feedstuff in improvement scenario of FR-ICL in Chapter

3. Hereby I would like to discuss more narrow but very common understanding of rebound effect,

implying that marginal cost savings from improvements in efficiency provide incentive to the overall

expansion of activity and increased number of units that are produced and consumed. This at the

end may lead to the offset of savings- “rebounds”, or even increases of environmental impacts -

“backfire effect”. It has been suggested that if the food gets cheaper through the use of more

efficient technology, people will consume more of it (Bundgaard et al., 2012) or spend their spare

money on other, potentially more resource depleting activities, such as flying for overseas holidays.

Such extrapolation of rebound effects from the field of energy economics to agricultural systems is

oversimplified. Hertwich (2005) pointed out two significant differences between energy economics

and industrial ecology with respect to consideration of rebound effects. The first is that improving

eco-efficiency, unlike energy efficiency, will not always be coupled with savings of costs. This issue is

even more relevant in agriculture than in industry, since unlike industry, farmers currently do not

have to pay fees for causing emissions. Secondly, Hertwich (2005) suggested that reduction of cost

for products that provide the same function but are relatively more eco-efficient may lead to so-

called positive spillover effects instead of rebounds. Because of lower price, consumers can choose

environmentally friendly food product, such as more eco-efficient bread, instead of its more resource

intensive alternative rather than buying more of it. The result would then be the overall reduction of

environmental impacts. The possible rebound effect that may occur in this situation is an economic

one. The money spared by spending less on food over a long period of time will be either put to a

bank as savings or used to purchase another good or service. This other good or service can be more

or less resource depleting. If we consider the correlation between economic growth and

environmental burdens (what is a matter of controversy), we will indeed have some rebound effect.

However, as mentioned in the introduction, food and agriculture in industrialised countries is among

the most resource depleting (Tukker et. al. 2006) and least profitable (World Bank, 2013) sectors of

the economy. It is therefore reasonable to suggest, that spending the same, fixed amount of money


on anything other than food will be associated with lower environmental impacts. To illustrate this

with an example: the spared money from cheaper and more eco-efficient bread can be used to pay

for overseas holiday. However, it takes a lot of cheaper and more eco-efficient breads before one can

save up enough money for holiday. Therefore, the extent of spared emissions through all substituted

breads will be greater than released emissions during the flight for holiday that was bought for

spared money.

Limitations of product based LCA and approaches to tackling them

There are several challenges in using product LCA in the process of designing more eco-efficient

agricultural systems.

The issue of multi-functionality

Besides products, agricultural systems deliver a range of other services for the society. These co-

functions are dependent on the region of the world where the production is located. In Brazil for

example, there has been a rapid increase in export-oriented agricultural production over the last 15

years (FAOSTAT, 2013). The expansion of agricultural land for cattle ranching and soybean cultivation

led to the conversion of rainforests, releasing vast amounts of carbon and threatening habitats rich in

biodiversity (Santilli et al., 2005). Production of commodities and contribution to the economic

growth are two functions clearly dominating here. There will also be a mostly negative impact on

biodiversity, since clear-cutting of forests is threatening the habitats of many endangered species. In

Europe, the situation is different. Agricultural lands have been embedded in rural landscapes for

several centuries and currently there is no further expansion of agricultural land (FAOSTAT, 2013).

Changes in the production here are related more to the changes in the intensity of farming rather

than to the changes in the agricultural area. Biodiversity evolved here over the centuries together

with agriculture and today, many rare species of plants and animals are dependent on agricultural

landscapes. Agricultural systems are also integral part of the landscape, providing aesthetic


pleasures of mountain grasslands in Switzerland or stone walls and hedgerows in the United

Kingdom. The product LCA approach that has been applied in this study does not capture some of

the positive co-functions of agricultural systems. This may appear as a risk of losing them while

implementing design solutions targeted at improving eco- efficiency. The problem of multi-

functionality has been dealt with to some degree in the previous studies in several ways:

o Using multiple functional units

Using multiple functional units (FU) has been the most widely used approach to multi-functionality in

agricultural LCAs. In cropping systems, the area-based functional unit has been the most frequent

one in use in addition to product-based FU (Haas et al., 2001, Basset-Mens and Van Der Werf, 2005,

Charles et al., 2006, Mouron et al., 2006b, Hayashi, 2006, Nemecek et al., 2011a,b). Several studies

considered even more FU, adding financial approach based on the farm gross margin (Cerutti et al.,

2013, Nemecek et al., 2011a,b), nutrition-based FU based on the protein content in grains (Charles et

al., 2006) or MJ of produced digestible energy (Hersener et al., 2011). Consideration of multiple FU

can provide detailed information on the extent of environmental impacts related to each one of the

analysed functions: maintaining agricultural land (area-based FU), income generation for the farmer

(financial FU) or satisfaction of nutritional needs (nutrition-based FU). This makes multifunctional LCA

a viable approach to provide policymakers with detailed information on all potential benefits and

drawbacks of a particular farming system or technology for different stakeholder groups.

Multifunctional LCA however presents some drawbacks from the eco-design perspective. One of

them is the difficulty in the interpretation of results. The results of product-based LCA and area-

based LCA are often presented together. Without the detailed knowledge, these two approaches can

then be understood as complementary and of equal value. Such reasoning can lead to the wrong

decision, for example if weighting factors are applied to make the final choice of one solution over

the other (Hayashi, 2013). Product-based LCA covers exactly the same level of inputs and outputs as

the area-based LCA with the difference that in the area-based LCA the productivity of the cropping


system is not factored in. This FU has therefore no relevance to eco-efficiency. None of the

previously mentioned FU allows capturing all of the ecosystem services. Reducing impacts per area

does not necessarily have to contribute to improving the landscape, increasing biodiversity, or

providing other ecosystem services.

o Considering additional Life Cycle Impact Assessment categories

Some of the ecosystem services provided by agriculture can be factored in through the extension of

the analysis into the additional impact categories. One of such impact categories is biodiversity.

Several studies have included biodiversity as an impact category in LCA (Tuomisto et al., 2012c,

Nemecek et al., 2011a,b) although the applied approaches differ. Current methods applied for

biodiversity in agricultural LCA at the mid-point level can be divided into two categories i.) land use

based assessments and ii.) farming systems based assessments. Both of these have some major

drawbacks that need to be addressed in the future. Land use based approaches use characterisation

factors across different forms of land use thus assessing trade-offs between the quantity and quality

of land use and subsequent effects on biodiversity. This approach has been used by (Tuomisto et al.,

2012c) who compared impacts on biodiversity between contrasting farming systems in the UK. It was

assumed that lower yielding farming systems will require more land that otherwise would be used

for woodlands and the biodiversity score was calculated based on the change in the vascular plant

species between the agriculture and the woodland, using Potentially Disappeared Fraction of species

(PDF) values from De Schryver et al. (2010). This approach is limited, since as mentioned already in

Chapter 2, there is no evidence of agriculturally caused deforestation in Europe and the direct

relationship between reducing production in Europe and deforestation in other parts of the globe

remains unclear. On the other hand, this method does not take into account the influence of farm

management on farmland biodiversity, the type of biodiversity that is depending on agricultural

landscapes. Jeanneret et al. (2007) developed a method allowing to evaluate the effects of farm

management operations on farmland biodiversity. The method is based on 11 indicator species


groups among plants, birds, mammals, amphibians, molluscs, spiders, ground beetles, bees and

grasshoppers. Characterisation of impact is based on a scoring system related to the reaction of

particular specie to a particular agricultural activity. This is followed by aggregation of all processes

and species and normalisation resulting in relative biodiversity scores – the maximum score being a

cropping system with the maximum benefit and lowest harm to biodiversity. This approach allows

considering a variety of on-farm biodiversity, but it doesn’t take into account the relationship

between farmland and other parts of the landscape, for example lakes and forests. It also does not

cover genetic biodiversity in the case of farms cultivating rare cultivars of crops or preserving rare

breeds of animals or biodiversity of soil biota. The approach is also country-specific and its extension

to other parts of the world would require collection of vast amount of data on species and their

sensitivities to farming operations. Despite biodiversity, there is a range of other ecosystem services.

Maintenance of soil quality has been incorporated as additional impact category in some of the

cropping system LCAs (Oberholzer et al., 2012, Cowell and Clift, 2000, Garrigues et al., 2012).

Reisner et al. (2002) developed an approach allowing to assess the impact of various farming systems

in Switzerland on landscape quality. Future developments in LCA should continue developing and

regionalisation of these methods. Consideration of additional impact categories at the mid-point

level reduces the risk of improving eco-efficiency at the expense of ecosystem services. However, the

multitude of mid-point indicators increases data requirements and adds complexity to the decision-

making process due to the possible trade-offs between various life cycle impact categories.

o Economic valuation of ecosystem services

The incorporation of the wide range of ecosystem services as a co-function of agricultural systems

can be achieved through coupling of environmental economics and LCA. Chatterton et al. (2012)

used economic valuation of ecosystem services to estimate the value of livestock sector in the UK

taking into account the provisioning services (production of meat, milk, eggs and employment),

regulatory services (mainly costs in the form of emissions to the environment) and cultural services


(landscape, biodiversity conservation and recreation). The study revealed that although the majority

of livestock sector value is generated through provisioning services (£5337 million), the cultural

services are also important with their value estimated at £748 million. These results could be

downscaled from the national level to the farm or product level. De Boer (2012) used a similar

approach, using economic allocation based on Common Agricultural Policy payments to subtract the

value of ecosystem services from the environmental impact of animal products. Economic valuation

may allow for easier communication to stakeholders than standard end-point indicators since all the

results are expressed in monetary values and not abstract units such as eco-points. Its limitation

however is that it introduces some subjectivity as different stakeholders may assign different values

to different ecosystem services. For example, the model of Chatterton (2012) considered two

situations while accounting for services related to employment: i.) as a positive contribution since

generation of jobs will have positive effects on the economy and ii.) as a cost since the necessity to

pay the labour presents a burden for the producer. These two considerations had significant effect

on the estimation of the value of provisioning services. This does not present a problem in case of

estimating the relative contribution of different systems to the overall benefits of livestock sector for

the whole country and when all the assumptions and their effects are clearly described and tested in

a sensitivity analysis such as in the case of Chatterton’s study (2012). However, when going to the

product level, exclusion of the portion of impacts for ecosystem services becomes problematic. The

model of de Boer (2012) makes an assumption that CAP payments accurately reflect the provision of

ecosystem services. Based on this, allocation factor for ecosystem services is derived. This was up to

46% in the presented study for grazing livestock system, meaning that up to 46% of all impacts will

be excluded from the study scope and allocated to ecosystem services. Depending on the interest of

stakeholder, such exclusions may be accused of “greenwashing”. Economic valuation adds additional

uncertainty to the results of LCA models.


o Ecosystem services in the present study

The potential risk of losing ecosystem services was evaluated in this study in the process of

generating improvement scenarios. As a result, only careful improvement measures were proposed

so that there is a very little to no risk of damage to ecosystem services or other cultural values that

were not considered in LCA models. Farmers were left to conserve genetic diversity in the fields

through the cultivation of landraces and mixtures of cultivars. No changes in the vegetation or

management was considered that could have potentially negative effects on biodiversity. The farmer

using draught horses was left in the scenario using them, so that there is no loss of cultural co-

functions. As impact assessment methods evolve in the future to consider broader range of

ecosystem services, there will be a bigger scope for the development of improvement scenarios

without the risk of losing these services.

The issue of uncertainty

Critics of Life Cycle Assessment point out that its results are associated with a high level of

uncertainty. However, it is not always recognised that conclusions follow the completeness check,

sensitivity check and consistency check, all three to ensure that conclusions remain independent of

uncertainties (ISO, 2006b). In this sub-chapter, I will describe the sources of uncertainty that are

specific to agricultural LCA, their influence on the process of eco-design in this study and possible

approaches to quantifying and tackling them.

o Input data uncertainty

The first source of uncertainty comes from the fact that data for agricultural LCAs are commonly

collected from human subjects and therefore are subjected to bias and may not accurately reflect

the situation on farm. Depending on the time spent for data collection; the information given by the

farmer can have different degrees of accuracy. It is not possible to completely avoid this type of

uncertainty, but it is possible to take precautions. In this study, the interviewees were assured over


the anonymity of provided information, so that there was no incentive for providing the false

statements. Interviewees can also make mistakes, so the datasets were validated against results

from other farms and studies. Uncertainty was also reduced through prioritisation of data collection

towards the most relevant sources of information from the LCA perspective. The success of such

prioritisation process will be dependent on the previous experience of LCA practitioner, since it is not

always obvious which type of information is most relevant for which type of farms and their

products. It would be useful if industry or governmental institutes determined the guidelines for on-

farm data collection in agricultural LCAs, allowing data collection according to the level of their

importance for final results.

o Database uncertainty

Database uncertainty can be described as uncertainty arising from the difference between the mean

value in the database of life cycle inventories to the actual situation. This type of uncertainty can be

quantified with the use of Monte Carlo methods that are based on repeated random sampling of

input variables from a range of assumed probability distributions and running the model. Table 13

shows values derived from uncertainty analysis for wheat from the farm FR-ICL for selected impact

categories. The result was derived from 1000 random sampling runs in the software Simapro. Result

for aquatic eutrophication and the use of phosphorus are characterised by relatively high coefficient

of variation (CV) compared to the other impact categories. This indicates a higher extent of variability

of results for these impact categories, therefore higher uncertainty of results for these impact

categories, but has nothing to do with significance. Significance of differences in results can be dealt

with to some extent by repeated comparisons of two systems and counting the number of

occurrences when the result A was lower or higher than B. If in 90 % or 95 % of Monte Carlo runs the

result is favourable for the same product, the result can be considered significant. Table 14 shows

results of such uncertainty analysis conducted with the use of Simapro for bread from the farm FR 1

and the final improvement scenarios. Following previous principles, these results indicate that the


difference is significant for all of the considered impact categories. Monte Carlo methods allow to

give some overview of the relative uncertainty in the derived results and to drop results that are

clearly insignificant. However, in the results presentation to the stakeholders and in the conclusion

making process it is necessary to be aware of the fact that the uncertainty calculated this way is not

presenting the whole picture. The assumed probability distributions in databases are based on expert

judgements and may differ to what would follow the direct measurements. Database uncertainty

also presents only a part of the whole picture and Monte Carlo methods do not capture the other

type of uncertainty that will be discussed in the next sub-chapter: the model uncertainty.

Table 13. Results of uncertainty analysis derived from 1000 runs of Monte Carlo simulation for 1 kg of wheat from farm FR-ICL (SD – standard deviation, CV – coefficient of variation)

Impact category Unit Mean Median SD CV

Aquatic eutrophication N kg N 3.23E-02 3.16E-02 6.67E-03 20.7%

Aquatic Eutrophication P kg P 6.32E-04 6.20E-04 1.16E-04 18.3%

Terrestrial Eutrophication m2 6.05E-02 6.05E-02 1.47E-03 2.43%

GWP 100a kg CO2 eq 5.97E-01 5.91E-01 6.28E-02 10.5%

Human tox 100a, CML, pest kg 1,4-DB eq 1.09E-05 1.06E-05 1.24E-06 11.4%

Human tox 100a, CML, w/o pest kg 1,4-DB eq 2.45E-01 2.44E-01 1.30E-02 5.29%

Land competition m2a 4.84E+00 4.84E+00 2.46E-01 5.08%

Non- renewable resource use, fossil and nuclear

MJ eq 3.51E+00 3.51E+00 6.57E-02 1.87%

Ozone depletion kg CFC11 eq 2.93E-08 2.92E-08 9.13E-10 3.12%

Resources (phosphorus) kg 2.68E-06 2.62E-06 4.24E-07 15.8%


Table 14. The results of comparative uncertainty analysis between the bread at farm 1 before (A) and after (B) the application of improvement scenarios (B). 97.7% means that situation A had higher or equal impact to the situation B in 977 of 1000 Monte Carlo runs.

Impact category A >= B

Aquatic eutrophication N 97.7%

Aquatic Eutrophication P 98.5%

Terrestrial Eutrophication 100%

GWP 100a 100%

Human tox 100a, CML, pest 100%

Human tox 100a, CML, w/o pest 100%

Land competition 100%

Non-renewable resource use 100%

Ozone depletion 100%

Resources (phosphorus) 100%

o Data gaps uncertainty

The lack of existing, representative life cycle inventories presents a challenge in every LCA study. Milà

i Canals et al. (2011) described approaches for addressing data gaps in LCA of bio-based products

through the use of various forms of proxies and extrapolation. The level of uncertainty behind these

methods is inversely proportional to the invested effort, although in mathematical terms it has never

been shown. In each case, sensitivity analysis should be performed to evaluate whether conclusions

of the study would change if the uncertainty is considered. Due to the data gaps in life cycle

inventories in the present study, Swiss inventory for agricultural machinery was used to model the

situation on French farms. The distribution of fuel efficiency within the sample of French tractors

may differ to the sample from Switzerland, leading to the overestimate or underestimate of result. In

the case of eco-design studies, when the same agricultural system is assessed before and after the

introduction of eco-innovation, the importance of this type of uncertainty will depend on the type of

eco-innovation assessed. If the eco-innovation does not include changes in fuel efficiency or


frequency of farming operations, this uncertainty can be considered insignificant. Even though the

absolute result may be overestimated or underestimated due to the fact that Swiss inventory was

used instead of the French one, the relative ranking of eco-efficiency (before and after the

improvement) remains the same. If the improvement in eco-efficiency involves the fuel use, then the

result of comparable LCA will overestimate or underestimate the real improvement. In this case,

conservative values should be used that will underestimate the degree of tested improvement option

rather than those that will overestimate it. This was the approach applied in the present study.

Improvement scenarios did not include changes in the frequency of farming operations per ha, but

did include changes in the yield and therefore conservative choices were made in modelling yield

improvement scenarios. This type of model uncertainty should be tackled in the eco-design study

through the use of sensitivity analysis. All uncertain methodological choices during the model

construction should be tested over their capacity to influence the study conclusions and only

conclusions that are independent of model uncertainty should be reported. The study in Chapter 3 of

this thesis includes an illustrative example. LCA results revealed potential improvement of 85% in the

phosphorus use in FR-AL (Fig. 11.), but this result was not reported in the conclusions of Chapter 3.

This was due to the dependency of the value on data gaps uncertainty. The large reduction of

phosphorus use was caused largely by the reduction in the amount of hay imported to the farm,

which had a high embodied phosphorus impact. Through the interview with the farmer, an

information was gathered over the quantity of imported hay and the fact that it comes from organic

producer. The details on farming practices of the hay supplier, in particular quantities and forms of

applied phosphorus, were unknown. The inventory used for modelling environmental impacts of

imported hay was taken from ecoinvent database and was based on the representative data sample

of organic hay producers in Switzerland. The subsequent sensitivity analysis revealed, that if this

inventory was changed to the hay coming from extensive production in Switzerland, results would

change as the hay from extensive production is associated with significantly less phosphorus use


impact per t product. In this case, the improvement scenarios would produce much lower reduction

in phosphorus use, the conclusion over the large phosphorus reduction therefore cannot be drawn.

o Model uncertainty

Some unquantified uncertainty is also embedded in numerous models that are used to describe

biophysical processes in LCA. Nitrous oxide emissions were determined in this study based on the

revised IPCC guidelines (IPCC, 2006). The current version of these guidelines suggests using 1%

emission factor for agricultural fertilisers, meaning that for every tonne of nitrogen applied to the soil

10 kg will be released as nitrous oxide. To this, indirect emissions are added due to potential nitrate

leaching, run-off and nitrogen deposition. The new guidelines suggest uncertainty range of emission

factor from 0.003-0.03. However, it is difficult to quantify the factual uncertainty in these estimates.

Large-scale biogeochemical processes, such as climate change, cannot be replicated many times to

quantify the uncertainty range. The emission factors are constantly being revised, based on new

scientific evidence of interactions between elements of environment and the new data coming from

measurements in increasingly larger geographical areas. For example, the 2006 IPCC guidelines

removed N from nitrogen fixing crops as N input for nitrous oxide emissions based on the recent

evidence that this type of nitrogen does not lead to direct nitrous oxide emissions. However, it

included consideration of N losses from drained fields and N mineralisation due to the loss of soil

organic matter. The uncertainty of models reduces in time together with the advancements in

science therefore models need to be constantly updated and most recent emission factors should

always be used for the analysis.

Advantages of LCA

Despite its drawbacks, LCA has a lot of advantages. Environmental impacts of cropping systems

cannot be determined “on the go” with the sole use of direct measurements. Selected fluxes of

emissions can be measured on- farm with the use of various methods including chromatography or


isotope analysis. However, in order to have the whole picture of environmental impacts, a

simultaneous measurement of all emission fluxes: carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, ammonia

and heavy metals would be needed. Assuming that all on-farm emissions can be measured directly

(what is practically impossible to achieve), this still does not provide enough information. Design

decisions taken on farm affect numerous upstream and downstream processes in the overall socio-

technical system. This includes resource use and emissions in the production of agricultural inputs,

food processing, food transportation and consumption. In this study, the farmer decision to grow

mixtures of landraces had an effect on the processing. The decision to sell flour rather than finished

bread affected how much energy is used in the baking process. Despite the broad picture, LCA

maintains the scientific rigour of natural sciences. In the present study, economic allocation to divide

impacts between co-products was the only use of non-physical units. All models used to describe

relationships between various elements of nature and technosphere, such as the impact of various

greenhouse gases on climate change over the 100 years’ timeframe, were based on measurable

physical relationships. This is as opposed to some other approaches to sustainability assessment, for

example eMergy assessment that uses theoretical units solar emergy joules (SEJ) based on rough

estimates of processes occurring in nature for millions of years (Odum et al., 2000), the endpoint LCA

method “Ecological scarcity” incorporating political targets into the environmental impact

assessment (Frischknecht et al., 2009) or the previously mentioned combined

environmental/economic approaches for valuing ecosystem services. Staying at the level of mid-

point analysis with physical units can also provide benefits for communication. Environmental

impacts quantified with kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent, litres of water, kilograms of

phosphorus or square meters of occupied land have the potential to be better understood by

stakeholders without the detailed methodological knowledge, which is not the case with ecopoints

or SEJs.


Opportunities for further research

In the course of this study, several research gaps have been identified. Addressing these issues will

provide better understanding of strategies for improving eco-efficiency of cropping systems:

Life Cycle Assessment of strategies for utilising positive synergies between plants: various

forms of inter-cropping, agroforestry and innovative crop rotations with leguminous crops.

These strategies have the potential for improving eco-efficiency, but better understanding of

the effective patterns of their organization is needed.

Further developments of impact assessment methods to include all the environmental

impacts and ecosystem services relevant to cropping systems. In particular, spatially explicit

methods for the assessment of on-farm biodiversity and soil quality are needed.

More representative datasets of life cycle inventories to reduce uncertainty should be

developed. The issues of particular concern for LICSs would be differences in the design and

fuel efficiencies of agricultural machinery across different countries.

To conduct similar studies outside Europe, adaptations are needed in biophysical models

used to estimate field emissions to consider differences in emission factors across various

spatial and temporal scales.


Concluding remarks:

This study has demonstrated, that the level of farm-external inputs cannot be used as a

proxy for environmental assessment. Products of LICSs do not necessarily have lower or higher

impacts than their high-input counterparts. Eco-efficient cropping system management requires

application of optimum, instead of minimum or maximum levels of inputs. Whether the input is

produced on farm or off the farm is not important from the product life cycle perspective, but the

actual distance and the mode of transportation can play an important role. Eco-efficiency of cropping

systems is also highly dependent on other components of the cropping system design and can be

improved in various other ways than increasing or reducing the amount of farm-external inputs.

Switching crops, varieties and rotations or installing anaerobic digestion units can potentially

improve eco-efficiency under the low level of inputs, but system-specific evaluations of their effects

are needed. Decisions at the cropping system level can affect further stages in the product life cycle,

such as processing and distribution. The final result of LCA depends on a large number of factors:

from farming operations through the processing, electricity mix of the country of production up to

the way consumers have to organise their shopping. Evaluation at the level of the whole value chain

and in the specific agro-ecological and socio-economic conditions is needed for the fair

environmental assessment of specific cropping systems.

The collaborative eco-design procedure with two producers revealed, that among biophysical

limitations, farmers may suffer from the lack of innovation, suboptimal management and a lack of

access to reliable environmental data. Integrative approaches based on the collaboration of multiple

stakeholders can be very effective for overcoming these barriers. There is a potential for significant

improvements in eco-efficiency within European low-input agriculture, but the transfer of knowledge

and the use of systematic, science-based assessment tools, such as LCA may be needed to support

decision making on farms.



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Appendix A. Life Cycle Inventories for Chapter 2 (according to the SALCA and ecoinvent


Table S1. Cereals from the case FR-ICL (continued on the next page).


Cropping system - FR-ICL

Product - wheat rye straw

Year - 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010

Production kg 15000 12450 8255 2600 5000 N/A 1760

0 17450 8255


Arable land m2 ha-1 71000 53950 45720 9230 13800 N/A 3277

0 35250 17780

Pasture m2 ha-1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Working processes

Baling pcs N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 220 201 124

Combine harvesting ha 7.1 5.395 4.572 0.923 1.38 N/A 3.27 3.525 1.778

Solid manure loading and spreading, by hydraulic loader and spreader

kg 71000 53950 45720 9230 13800 N/A 3277

0 35250 17780

Sowing ha 7.1 5.395 4.572 0.923 1.38 N/A 3.27 3.525 1.778

Tillage, harrowing, by rotary harrow

ha 7.1 5.395 4.572 0.923 1.38 N/A 3.27 3.525 1.778

Tillage, harrowing, by spring tine harrow

ha 7.1 5.395 4.572 0.923 1.38 N/A 3.27 3.525 1.778

Tillage, ploughing ha 7.1 5.395 4.572 0.923 1.38 N/A 3.27 3.525 1.778

Emissions to air

Dinitrogen monoxide kg 17.842 13.136 11.132 2.341 2.2205 N/A 8.243

7 8.0707 4.3291

Nitrogen oxides kg 3.7468 2.7585 2.3377 0.49161 0.4663 N/A 1.731

2 1.6949 0.90912

Emissions to water

Cadmium, ion, groundwater

kg 1.46E-

04 1.34E-

04 8.45E-

05 2.64E-

05 2.42E-

05 N/A




Cadmium, ion, river kg 2.24E-

12 4.10E-

11 2.10E-

11 4.05E-

13 7.40E-

12 N/A




Chromium, ion, groundwater

kg 2.45E-

01 2.28E-

01 1.55E-

01 4.42E-

02 4.12E-

02 N/A




Chromium, ion, river kg 6.89E-

10 1.28E-

08 7.06E-

09 1.24E-

10 2.31E-

09 N/A




Copper, ion, groundwater kg 1.22E-

01 1.20E-

01 1.02E-

01 2.21E-

02 2.15E-

02 N/A




Copper, ion, river kg 1.55E-

09 3.01E-

08 2.09E-

08 2.79E-

10 5.43E-

09 N/A




Lead, groundwater kg 1.25E-

03 1.14E-

03 7.14E-

04 2.25E-

04 2.06E-

04 N/A




Lead, river kg 1.27E-

10 2.32E-

09 1.18E-

09 2.29E-

11 4.18E-

10 N/A




Mercury, groundwater kg 4.26E-

05 4.15E-

05 3.49E-

05 7.69E-

06 7.48E-

06 N/A




Mercury, river kg 7.17E-

12 1.39E-

10 9.51E-

11 1.29E-

12 2.51E-

11 N/A




Nickel, ion, groundwater kg 5.04E-

10 9.34E-

09 5.03E-

09 9.10E-

11 1.68E-

09 N/A




Nickel, ion, river kg

Nitrate, groundwater kg 3.60E+0

3 2.58E+0

3 2.19E+0

3 4.76E+0

2 6.63E+0

2 N/A




Phosphate, groundwater kg 1.53E+0

0 1.16E+0

0 9.81E-

01 1.99E-

01 2.96E-

01 N/A




Phosphate, river kg 2.89E+0

1 1.88E+0

1 1.29E+0

1 1.05E+0

0 1.89E+0

0 N/A




Phosphorus, river kg 5.72E-

06 9.37E-

05 7.94E-

05 7.43E-

07 2.40E-

05 N/A





Table S1. Cereals from the case FR-ICL (continuation from previous page).


Cropping system - FR-ICL

Product - wheat rye straw

Zinc, ion, groundwater kg 3.65E-

01 3.40E-

01 2.29E-

01 6.58E-

02 6.13E-

02 N/A




Zinc, ion, river kg 1.77E-

09 3.30E-

08 1.81E-

08 3.20E-

10 5.95E-

09 N/A




Emissions to soil

Cadmium kg 2.04E-

03 1.86E-

03 1.14E-

03 3.68E-

04 3.35E-

04 N/A




Chromium kg

Copper kg 1.96E-

01 1.71E-

01 7.69E-

02 3.53E-

02 3.08E-

02 N/A




Lead kg 3.94E-

02 3.59E-

02 2.21E-

02 7.11E-

03 6.48E-

03 N/A




Mercury kg 5.75E-

03 5.24E-

03 3.22E-

03 1.04E-

03 9.44E-

04 N/A




Nickel kg 6.22E-

02 5.67E-

02 3.50E-

02 1.12E-

02 1.02E-

02 N/A




Zinc kg 9.54E-

01 8.62E-

01 5.12E-

01 1.72E-

01 1.55E-

01 N/A





Table S2. Cereals from the case FR-AL.


Cropping system - FR-AL

Product* - wheat rye

Year - 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010

Production kg 2970 2070 810 3330 2430 1485

Arable land m2 ha-1 20670 20670 18540 12330 12330 14460

Pasture m2 ha-1 15575 15575 14000

Working processes

Baling pcs 11 11 10 7 6.45 7.61

Combine harvesting ha 2.067 2.067 1.854 1.233 1.233 1.446

Sowing ha 2.067


Tillage, harrowing, by rotary harrow


1.233 1.446

Tillage, harrowing, by spring tine harrow


2.0667 1.854

1.233 1.466

Tillage, ploughing ha 2.067


Tillage, cultivating, chiselling ha 2.067 6.201 5.562 1.233 3.699 4.338

Mowing ha 1.575 1.575 1.575 0.95 0.95 1.1

Transport, tractor and trailer tkm 52.92


Hay kg 1512


Emissions to air

Dinitrogen monoxide kg 4.3837 4.3213 4.0152 2.2325 2.7426 2.901

Nitrogen oxides kg 0.92058 0.90747 0.84319 0.46883 0.57595 0.60922

Methane kg 26.131 26.131 23.228 15.762 15.347 18.25

Emissions to water

Cadmium, ion, groundwater kg 3.84E-05 3.84E-05 3.84E-05 3.01E-05 3.01E-05 3.01E-05

Cadmium, ion, river kg 1.80E-11 1.80E-11 1.47E-11 1.41E-11 1.41E-11 1.15E-11

Chromium, ion, groundwater kg 4.17E-02 4.17E-02 4.17E-02 3.27E-02 3.27E-02 3.27E-02

Chromium, ion, river kg 3.58E-09 3.58E-09 2.92E-09 2.81E-09 2.81E-09 2.30E-09

Copper, ion, groundwater kg 1.09E-02 1.09E-02 1.09E-02 8.54E-03 8.54E-03 8.54E-03

Copper, ion, river kg 4.19E-09 4.19E-09 3.42E-09 3.30E-09 3.30E-09 2.69E-09

Lead, groundwater kg 3.45E-04 3.45E-04 3.45E-04 2.71E-04 2.71E-04 2.71E-04

Lead, river kg 1.08E-09 1.08E-09 8.77E-10 8.45E-10 8.45E-10 6.89E-10

Mercury, groundwater kg 3.88E-06 3.88E-06 3.88E-06 3.05E-06 3.05E-06 3.05E-06

Mercury, river kg 2.00E-11 2.00E-11 1.63E-11 1.57E-11 1.57E-11 1.28E-11

Nickel, ion, groundwater kg 2.91E-09 2.91E-09 2.38E-09 2.29E-09 2.29E-09 1.87E-09

Nitrate, groundwater kg 7.68E+02 7.45E+02 7.21E+02 3.15E+02 5.06E+02 4.75E+02

Phosphate, groundwater kg 7.10E-01 7.08E-01 6.87E-01 3.98E-01 4.33E-01 4.55E-01

Phosphate, river kg 2.86E-01 6.51E-01 2.54E-01 4.68E-01 2.15E-01 5.39E-01

Phosphorus, river kg 4.70E-05 4.68E-05 4.46E-05 2.55E-05 2.94E-05 3.17E-05

Zinc, ion, groundwater kg 6.33E-02 6.33E-02 6.33E-02 4.98E-02 4.98E-02 4.98E-02

Zinc, ion, river kg 9.41E-09 9.41E-09 7.68E-09 7.40E-09 7.40E-09 6.04E-09

Emissions to soil

Cadmium kg 6.03E-04 6.14E-04 6.39E-04 4.74E-04 4.83E-04 5.02E-04

Copper kg 8.37E-02 8.51E-02 8.83E-02 6.58E-02 6.69E-02 6.94E-02

Lead kg 1.26E-02 1.26E-02 1.27E-02 9.89E-03 9.92E-03 9.96E-03

Mercury kg 1.80E-03 1.81E-03 1.83E-03 1.41E-03 1.42E-03 1.44E-03

Nickel kg 1.93E-02 1.95E-02 1.97E-02 1.52E-02 1.53E-02 1.55E-02

Zinc kg 3.36E-01 3.40E-01 3.51E-01 2.64E-01 2.67E-01 2.76E-01

*Straw remains within the cropping system


Table S3. Cereals from the case IT-AV (continued on the next page).

-Unit chickpea

wheat - Abbondanza

emmer wheat - Frassinetto

wheat – Gentil Rosso

wheat - Inalletabi


wheat - Verna

trifolium durum wheat - Etrusco

durum wheat -

Senatore Capelli

durum wheat - Timilia

durum wheat -

Taganrog millet oat

Year** - average* average* average* average* average* average* average* average* average* average* average* average* average

* average*

Production kg 54000 4500 20000 31500 12000 7200 15000 280000 16000 3500 9000 16500 1000 3000


Arable land m2 ha-1

600000 30000 200000 210000 80000 80000 100000 700000 160000 50000 90000 150000 20000 20000

Baling pcs

8.97 59.8 62.79 23.92 23.92 29.9

47.84 14.95 26.91 44.85 5.98 5.98

Combine harvesting ha 60 3 20 21 8 8 10 70 16 5 9 15 2 2

Sowing ha 60 3 20 21 8 8 10 70 16 5 9 15 2 2

Brushing (modelled as sowing)


3 20 21 8 8 10

16 5 9

2 2

Tillage, harrowing, by spring tine harrow

ha 180

Tillage, ploughing ha

3 20 21 8 8 10 70 16 5 9 15 2 2

Tillage, cultivating, chiselling

ha 60 3 20 21 8 8 10 70 16 5 9 15 2 2

Transport, van tkm 3.7642 9.034 39.147 63.238 24.091 24.091 30.113 5.27 45.772 14.304 25.747 42.911 6.0227 6.0227

Purchased seed kg 250 600 2600 4200 1600 1600 2000 350 3040 950 1710 2850 400 400

Copper oxide kg 0.47193 1.1326 4.908 7.9283 3.0203 3.0203 3.775 0.66 5.74 1.7933 3.228 5.3799 0.755 0.755

Emissions to air

Dinitrogen monoxide kg 11.282 4.8941 33.169 34.258 13.051 13.051 16.314 268.93 96.064 30.02 54.036 90.06 12.069 12.069

Nitrogen oxides kg 2.3692 1.0278 6.9655 7.1943 2.7407 2.7407 3.4258 56.475 20.173 6.3042 11.348 18.913 2.5345 2.5344

Emissions to water

Cadmium, ion, groundwater

kg 1.66E-05 1.66E-05 1.91E-04 3.06E-04 1.17E-04 1.17E-04 1.46E-04 3.51E-05 2.22E-04 6.93E-05 1.25E-04 2.08E-04 2.47E-

05 2.47E-05

Cadmium, ion, river kg 2.30E-08 2.30E-08 7.95E-07 1.21E-06 1.21E-06 1.21E-06 1.21E-06 4.18E-08 1.15E-06 1.15E-06 1.15E-06 1.15E-06 1.03E-

06 1.03E-06

Chromium, ion, groundwater

kg 1.14E-03 1.14E-03 7.43E-03 1.20E-02 4.56E-03 4.56E-03 5.70E-03 5.67E-03 8.66E-03 2.71E-03 4.87E-03 8.12E-03 2.55E-

03 2.55E-03

Chromium, ion, river kg 6.66E-06 6.66E-06 1.31E-04 2.00E-04 2.00E-04 2.00E-04 2.00E-04 2.85E-05 1.90E-04 1.90E-04 1.90E-04 1.90E-04 4.48E-

04 4.48E-04

*straw remains within the cropping system, ** average values for three years, yield variability from year to year +/- 20%


Table S3. Cereals from the case IT-AV (continuation from previous page).

Product* - chickpea wheat - Abbondanza

emmer wheat - Frassinetto

wheat – Gentil Rosso

wheat - Inalletabi


wheat - Verna

trifolium durum wheat - Etrusco

durum wheat -

Senatore Capelli

durum wheat - Timilia

durum wheat -

Taganrog millet oat

Copper, ion, river kg 2.30E+00 2.30E+00 9.95E-01 1.05E+00 3.99E-01 3.99E-01 4.99E-01 2.80E+00 7.98E-01 2.49E-01 4.49E-01 7.48E-01 9.97E-02


Lead, groundwater kg 7.85E-06 7.85E-06 8.08E-05 1.29E-04 4.91E-05 4.91E-05 6.14E-05 1.70E-04 9.35E-05 2.92E-05 5.26E-05 8.77E-05 3.83E-05


Lead, river kg 8.09E-09 8.09E-09 2.50E-07 3.80E-07 3.80E-07 3.80E-07 3.80E-07 1.51E-07 3.62E-07 3.62E-07 3.62E-07 3.62E-07 1.19E-06


Mercury, groundwater kg 1.87E-03 1.87E-03 4.74E-03 7.63E-03 2.91E-03 2.91E-03 3.64E-03 5.56E-03 5.53E-03 1.73E-03 3.11E-03 5.18E-03 3.09E-03


Nickel, ion, groundwater

kg 8.98E-05 8.98E-05 1.18E-03 1.90E-03 7.25E-04 7.25E-04 9.06E-04 9.86E-04 1.38E-03 4.31E-04 7.75E-04 1.29E-03 4.06E-04


Nickel, ion, river kg 1.84E-08 1.84E-08 1.18E-03 1.11E-06 1.11E-06 1.11E-06 1.11E-06 1.73E-07 1.06E-06 1.06E-06 1.06E-06 1.06E-06 2.50E-06


Nitrate, groundwater kg 2.37E+03 2.37E+03 7.25E-07 9.90E+03 3.77E+03 3.77E+03 4.71E+03 9.89E+04 9.64E+03 3.01E+03 5.42E+03 9.04E+03 1.23E+03


Phosphate, groundwater

kg -7.05E-02 -7.05E-02 4.33E+00 4.54E+00 1.73E+00 1.73E+00 2.16E+00 1.25E+01 4.01E+00 1.25E+00 2.25E+00 3.76E+00 5.01E-01


Phosphate, river kg -3.37E-01 -3.37E-01 1.38E+01 1.47E+01 4.81E+00 4.81E+00 6.16E+00 6.45E+01 9.01E+01 1.10E+01 3.10E+01 7.98E+01 2.50E+00


Phosphorus, river kg -7.82E-01 -7.82E-01 4.79E+01 5.03E+01 1.92E+01 1.92E+01 2.40E+01 1.39E+02 4.44E+01 1.39E+01 2.50E+01 4.16E+01 5.55E+00


Zinc, ion, groundwater kg 2.15E-02 2.15E-02 6.38E-02 1.02E-01 3.88E-02 3.88E-02 4.84E-02 1.73E-02 7.38E-02 2.31E-02 4.15E-02 6.92E-02 1.21E-02


Zinc, ion, river kg 9.52E-05 9.52E-05 8.49E-04 1.29E-03 1.29E-03 1.29E-03 1.29E-03 6.56E-05 1.23E-03 1.23E-03 1.23E-03 1.23E-03 1.61E-03


Emissions to soil

Cadmium kg 2.73E-06 -3.71E-05 -1.74E-04 -2.53E-04 -9.70E-05 -9.70E-05 -1.21E-04 5.80E-06 -1.68E-04 -5.02E-05 -9.48E-05 -1.60E-04 -1.09E-05


Chromium kg -1.07E-03 -1.86E-03 -7.36E-03 -1.18E-02 -4.62E-03 -4.62E-03 -5.73E-03 -5.35E-03 -8.59E-03 -2.81E-03 -4.91E-03 -8.07E-03 -2.92E-03


Copper kg -1.82E+00

1.01E+00 3.94E+00 7.09E+00 2.70E+00 2.70E+00 3.37E+00 -2.11E+00

5.11E+00 1.60E+00 2.87E+00 4.78E+00 6.47E-01


Lead kg -5.54E-05 -1.78E-04 -7.71E-04 -1.24E-03 -4.73E-04 -4.73E-04 -5.91E-04 -6.08E-04 -8.96E-04 -2.80E-04 -5.04E-04 -8.40E-04 -2.68E-04


Mercury kg -5.71E-06 -1.49E-05 -6.61E-05 -1.02E-04 -3.91E-05 -3.91E-05 -4.88E-05 -1.23E-04 -7.19E-05 -2.23E-05 -4.06E-05 -6.78E-05 -5.76E-05


Nickel kg -1.70E-03 -1.02E-03 -4.43E-03 -7.13E-03 -2.72E-03 -2.72E-03 -3.39E-03 -5.03E-03 -5.15E-03 -1.61E-03 -2.90E-03 -4.83E-03 -2.98E-03


Zinc kg -5.89E-03 -1.07E-02 -4.77E-02 -6.74E-02 -2.65E-02 -2.65E-02 -3.28E-02 -4.73E-03 -4.38E-02 -1.35E-02 -2.52E-02 -4.22E-02 -1.54E-02


*straw remains within the cropping system, ** average values for three years, yield variability from year to year +/- 20%

Table S4. Cereals from the case PT-LI. 1


Cropping system - PT-LI

Product* - wheat rye

Year - 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010

Production kg 1400 1200 1000 N/A 400 210


Arable land m2 ha-1 10000 10000 10000

5000 3000

Working processes:

Tillage, harrowing, by spring tine harrow


2 2 N/A

Tillage, ploughing ha 1


Tillage, cultivating, chiselling ha 1

1 0.3

Tillage, rotary cultivator ha


0.5 0.3

Transport, van tkm 1.8 1.875 1.875 N/A 0.9

Transport, lorry tkm 0.5 0.5 0.5 N/A 0.25 0.15

Transport, rail tkm 0.5 0.5 0.5 N/A 0.25 0.15

Transport, Barge tkm 0.5 0.5 0.5 N/A 0.25 0.15

Potassium chloride, as K2O kg 3 3 3 N/A 1.5 0.9

Fleece m2 0.25 0.25 0.25 N/A 0.125 0.075

Emissions to air

Dinitrogen monoxide kg 0.085642 0.085642 0.35149 N/A 0.28533 0.053471

Nitrogen oxides kg 0.017985 0.017985 0.073812 N/A 0.05992 0.011229

Emissions to water

Cadmium, ion, groundwater kg 8.78E-07 4.12E-08 9.12E-07 N/A 3.60E-07 4.12E-08

Cadmium, ion, river kg 7.80E-07 4.70E-08 8.11E-07 N/A 5.82E-07 1.41E-08

Chromium, ion, groundwater kg 2.66E-03 2.64E-03 2.66E-03 N/A 2.64E-03 2.64E-03

Chromium, ion, river kg 8.15E-04 7.13E-04 8.20E-04 N/A 4.36E-04 2.14E-04

Copper, ion, groundwater kg 1.08E-03 6.40E-04 1.09E-03 N/A 7.85E-04 6.40E-04

Copper, ion, river kg 1.14E-03 8.50E-04 1.15E-03 N/A 6.88E-04 2.55E-04

Lead, groundwater kg 1.46E-06 1.11E-06 1.48E-06 N/A 1.20E-06 1.11E-06

Lead, river kg 8.79E-06 8.56E-06 8.79E-06 N/A 4.40E-06 2.57E-06

Mercury, groundwater kg 2.06E-05 0.00E+00 2.15E-05 N/A 7.84E-06 0.00E+00

Mercury, river kg 5.16E-06 0.00E+00 5.37E-06 N/A 1.04E-06 0.00E+00

Nickel, ion, groundwater kg 3.49E-05 3.43E-05 3.49E-05 N/A 1.74E-05 1.03E-05

Nitrate, groundwater kg 3.22E+01 3.22E+01 1.32E+02 N/A 1.07E+02 2.01E+01

Phosphate, groundwater kg 1.17E-01 1.16E-01 1.35E-01 N/A 8.49E-02 3.74E-02

Phosphate, river kg 2.97E-01 2.95E-01 3.42E-01 N/A 2.14E-01 9.39E-02

Phosphorus, river kg 1.23E-01 1.22E-01 1.42E-01 N/A 8.94E-02 3.93E-02

Zinc, ion, groundwater kg 4.43E-04 1.68E-04 4.54E-04 N/A 3.14E-04 1.68E-04

Zinc, ion, river kg 8.40E-04 5.99E-05 8.71E-04 N/A 8.70E-04 1.80E-05

Emissions to soil

Cadmium kg 7.47E-06 4.11E-07 8.33E-06 N/A 2.89E-06 1.05E-07

Chromium kg -2.96E-03 -2.86E-03 -2.96E-03

-2.82E-03 -2.70E-03

Copper kg -2.42E-03 -1.52E-03 -2.14E-03 N/A -1.36E-03 -8.28E-04

Lead kg 3.93E-05 2.46E-05 4.01E-05 N/A 1.47E-05 6.65E-06

Mercury kg 2.09E-07 0.00E+00 2.92E-07 N/A 1.89E-08 0.00E+00

Nickel kg -1.80E-06 -9.10E-07 -1.11E-06 N/A -3.67E-07 -1.09E-07

Zinc kg 6.46E-04 1.33E-04 8.88E-04 N/A 1.16E-05 -6.34E-05

*straw remains within the cropping system




Table S5.Inventories for cereals from reference systems (continued on the next page). 4


Product - wheat* wheat** wheat***

Year - average average 2008 2009

Production kg 7500 3049 10000 25000


Arable land m2 ha-1 10000 10000 20000 50000

Pasture m2 ha-1

Working processes

Combine harvesting ha 1 1 2 5

Solid manure loading and spreading, by hydraulic loader and spreader


20000 50000

Sowing ha 1 1 2 5

Tillage, harrowing, by rotary harrow ha 1

2 5

Tillage, harrowing, by spring tine harrow ha

2 5

Tillage, ploughing ha 1 1 2 5

Tillage, cultivating, chiselling ha 0.5 1 2 5

Tillage, rotary cultivator ha

Tillage, rolling ha

2 5

Currying, by weeder ha

2 5

Soil separation ha

2 5

Transport, tractor and trailer tkm 37.5 15.247

Transport, van tkm 1.8023

11.69 24.375

Transport, lorry tkm 65.333 2.648 117.69

Transport, rail tkm 65.333

117.69 141.25

Transport, Barge tkm 485.57

65.733 128.75

Spraying ha 6.5 1

Fertilising, by broadcaster ha 4 2

Irrigating ha 0.375

External inputs:

Purchased seed kg 112.5 175 360 1000

Potassium chloride, as K2O kg 43.125 490.557 394.4 772.5

[sulfony]urea-compounds kg 2.2575

Ammonium nitrate, as N kg 114.94 78.56

Other N-compounds kg 0.5635

Pesticides kg 0.99 0.77

Pyretroid-compounds kg 0.0075

Triazine-compounds kg 0.009

Triple superphosphate, as P2O5 kg 43.125 67.7

Urea, as N kg 75.075

Limestone kg


Magnesium oxide kg

83 104.17

Sulphur kg

207 312.5

Emissions to air

Dinitrogen monoxide kg 4.4919 2.255 12.683 28.492

Nitrogen oxides kg 0.94329 0.4736 2.6634 5.9833

Methane kg

5.628 14.07

Ammonia kg 16.466 1.9079 29.542 72.935

Carbon dioxide, fossil kg 117.87

Emissions to water

Cadmium, ion, groundwater kg 4.38E-05 4.59E-05 1.90E-05 2.60E-05

* Average data per 1 ha based on a sample of farms in the Beauce region of France. More information in the CASDAR-UNIP project report (UNIP, 2011). ** Based on ecoinvent inventory “wheat grains conventional, Castilla-y-Leon, at farm/kg/ES” *** Data collected from the farmer. Life Cycle Inventories for other crops are confidential.



Table S5. Inventories for cereals from reference systems (continuation from previous page). 6


Product - wheat* wheat** wheat***

Cadmium, ion, river kg 4.36E-05 3.94E-05 4.98E-05 1.02E-04

Chromium, ion, groundwater kg 1.86E-02 1.95E-02 2.02E-02 2.00E-02

Chromium, ion, river kg 4.41E-03 3.96E-03 1.39E-02 2.28E-02

Copper, ion, groundwater kg 2.85E-03 2.92E-03 3.55E-03 3.65E-03

Copper, ion, river kg 3.26E-03 2.91E-03 1.17E-02 1.97E-02

Lead, groundwater kg 5.02E-05 6.07E-05 1.88E-04 2.29E-04

Lead, river kg 3.36E-04 3.52E-04 3.68E-03 7.50E-03

Mercury, groundwater kg 6.01E-06 3.34E-07 3.48E-05 6.58E-05

Mercury, river kg

3.85E-07 4.15E-05 7.05E-05

Nickel, ion, groundwater kg 3.88E-06

1.35E-05 3.37E-05

Nickel, ion, river kg

2.73E-03 9.63E-03 1.73E-02

Nitrate, groundwater kg 2.51E+02 3.82E+01 2.74E+03 5.66E+03

Phosphate, groundwater kg 2.15E-01 1.61E-01 3.68E-01 5.11E-01

Phosphate, river kg

Phosphorus, river kg 1.98E-01 1.70E-01 4.92E-01 6.83E-01

Zinc, ion, groundwater kg 1.31E-02 1.46E-02 2.35E-02 2.61E-02

Zinc, ion, river kg 4.47E-03 3.91E-03 2.14E-02 3.89E-02

Emissions to soil

Cadmium kg 4.26E-03 7.61E-03 3.88E-04 7.45E-04

Chromium kg 2.44E-03 1.73E-02 1.09E-01 1.48E-01

Copper kg -1.42E-02 -2.66E-03 1.19E-01 2.74E-01

Lead kg 1.22E-03 1.64E-03 1.27E-02 2.94E-02

Mercury kg -7.82E-07 1.92E-08 1.55E-03 3.92E-03

Nickel kg 6.12E-03 7.76E-03 1.41E-02 3.44E-02

Zinc kg -1.18E-02 2.82E-02 2.75E-01 6.69E-01

Anthraquinone kg 0.025

Bitertanol kg 0.0075

Chlorbromuron kg 0.45

Chlorotoluron kg 1.8

Cypermethrin kg 0.0075

Cyproconazole kg 0.048

Epoxiconazole kg 0.05

Imidacloprid kg 0.035

Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium kg 0.0015

Mefenpyr-diethyl kg 0.0225

Mesosulfuron kg 0.0075

Metconazole kg 0.063

Pesticides, unspecified kg 0.965

Prochloraz kg 0.27

Propiconazole kg 0.075

Diclofop kg


Fenoxaprop ethyl ester kg


Mefenpyr kg


Tribenuron-methyl kg


Sulfur kg

207 312.5

* Average data per 1 ha based on a sample of farms in the Beauce region of France. More information in the CASDAR-UNIP project report (UNIP, 2011).

** Based on ecoinvent inventory “wheat grains conventional, Castilla-y-Leon, at farm/kg/ES”

*** Data collected from the farmer. Life Cycle Inventories for other crops are confidential.



Table S6. Flour production (mill infrastructure excluded for consistency with Nielsen and 8

Nielsen, 2003a). 9







wheat flour

rye flour

wheat flour

rye flour

wheat flour*,**

wheat flour*

rye flour*

wheat flour

wheat flour

wheat flour

product kg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1





1 1

1.25 1.25 1.25





electricity (local mix)

kWh 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.1

operation, Van km

0.75 0.75

tap water kg

0.125 0.125 0.125

natural gas kWh

0.125 0.125 0.125

transport , lorry


132.5 200.16 110.1

ascorbic acid mg

50 50 50

Waste to treatment: Municipal solid waste

0.125 0.125 0.125

Organic waste (bran)

0.25 0.25 0.25

*whole grains (mixed together with bran)

**a specific mixture of varieties: Frassineto 600 g, Gentil Rosso 100 g, Verna 150 g, Abbondanza 50 g, Inalletabile 100 g


Table S7. Bread production. (oven infrastructure excluded for consistency with Nielsen and 11

Nielsen, 2003b). 12



Product kg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


wheat flour kg 0.7 0.616 0.77 0.335 0.735 0.735 0.735

rye flour kg



tap water kg 2.4 1.69 1.55 1.32 1.995 1.995 1.995

salt g 12 12 10 10 10 10 10

electricity (local mix) kWh 0.65

0.67 0.375 0.54 0.54 0.54

transport, lorry kgkm 20

2 2 278 358 230

operation, van km 0.06


Wood, burned in furnace MJ

30.55 13.5

Heat, natural gas MJ

1 1 1

Waste to treatment:

Sewage m3

0.0015 0.0015 0.0015




Table S8. Shopping trip. 15



Product kg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Operation, passenger car, petrol km 1.485 2.424

0.775 1.2 1.2 1.2

Operation, van km


Plastic bag g

4.17 4.17 4.17

Transport, lorry kgkm

0.834 0.834 0.834

Waste to treatment:

Packaging waste, plastic

4.17 4.17 4.17


Table S9. Additional scenario A, case PT-LI - the use of wood for baking instead of electric oven. Functional Unit: 1 kg bread at consumer’s home

Unit Original inventory Scenario A

Product kg 1 1


wheat flour kg 0.335 0.335

rye flour kg 0.335 0.335

tap water kg 1.32 1.32

salt g 10 10

electricity (local mix) kWh 0.375

transport, lorry kgkm 2 2

operation, van km 2.5 2.5

Wood, burned in furnace MJ



Table S10. Additional scenario B, case IT-AV - burning olive residues. Functional Unit: 1 kg bread at 18

consumer’s home 19

Unit Original inventory Scenario B

product kg 1 1


wheat flour kg 0.77 0.77

rye flour kg

tap water kg 1.55 1.55

salt g 10 10

electricity (local mix) kWh 0.67 0.67

transport, lorry kgkm 2 2

operation, van km 0.45 0.45

Wood, burned in furnace MJ 13.5

Burning of olive residues kg





Table S11. Burning olive residues. Functional unit: 1 kg of residues burned in oven. Based on the 22

experiment of Jauhiainen et. al. (2005) 23



Burning olive residues

Product kg 1

Emissions to air:

Methane mg 3946

Ethane mg 151

Ethene mg 3362

Propene mg 71

Ethyne mg 1068

Butadiene mg 71

Hexane mg 73

Benzene mg 281

Carbon dioxide, biogenic g 1450

Carbon monoxide, biogenic g 31.5





Appendix B. Life Cycle Inventories for Chapter 3 according to the SALCA and ecoinvent 27

nomenclatures. 28

Table S12 (continuation on the next page). Life Cycle Inventory of bread from FR-ICL. Functional 29

unit: 1 kg of bread at the consumer’s home. AD – anaerobic digestion. 30

Unit Baseline 50% rye 50% rye+drainage

50% rye+drainage+AD

Products kg 1 1 1 1

Resources Occupation, arable m2a 4.36 3.57 2.38 2.38

Transformation, from arable m2 4.36 3.57 2.38 2.38

Transformation, to arable m2 4.36 3.57 2.38 2.38

Electricity/heat Electricity mix/FR U kWh 0.764 0.764 0.764 0.764

Agricultural machinery, general, production/CH/I U g 2 2 2 2

Materials/fuels Combine harvesting/CH U ha 0.000436 0.000357 0.000238 0.000238

Solid manure loading and spreading, by hydraulic loader and spreader /CH U kg 4.362404 3.567346 2.378237 2.378237 Storage building, general, wood construction, non-insulated, at farm/m3/CH/I U m3 0.000743 0.000611 0.000408 0.000408 Tillage, harrowing, by rotary harrow/CH U ha 0.000436 0.000357 0.000238 0.000238 Tillage, harrowing, by spring tine harrow/CH U ha 0.000436 0.000357 0.000238 0.000238

Tillage, ploughing/CH U ha 0.000436 0.000357 0.000238 0.000238

Tower silo, steel, at farm/m3/CH/I U m3 7.9E-05 6.43E-05 4.29E-05 4.29E-05

Tap water, at user/RER U kg 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 Sodium chloride, powder, at plant/RER U g 10 10 10 10 Transport, lorry >16t, fleet average/RER U kgkm 2 2 2 2 Operation, passenger car, petrol, fleet average/RER U km 0.775 0.775 0.775 0.775 Operation, passenger car, petrol, fleet average/RER U km 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71

Operation, van < 3,5t/RER U km 0.06453 0.06453 0.06453 0.06453 Utilization of farmyard manure in anaerobic digestion plant t


Emissions to air Dinitrogen monoxide kg 0.000988 0.000693 0.000586 0.000586

Nitrogen oxides kg 0.000208 0.000146 0.000123 0.000123

Emissions to water Cadmium, ion, groundwater kg 9.09E-09 7.73E-09 7.53E-09 7.53E-09

Cadmium, ion, river kg 1.11E-16 9.8E-17 9.55E-17 9.55E-17

Chromium, ion, groundwater kg 1.58E-05 1.34E-05 1.21E-05 1.21E-05

Chromium, ion, river kg 3.52E-14 3.11E-14 2.81E-14 2.81E-14

Copper, ion, groundwater kg 8.66E-06 7.36E-06 5.44E-06 5.44E-06

Copper, ion, river kg 8.67E-14 7.68E-14 5.68E-14 5.68E-14

Lead, groundwater kg 7.72E-08 6.57E-08 6.45E-08 6.45E-08

Lead, river kg 6.24E-15 5.52E-15 5.42E-15 5.42E-15



Table S12 (continuation from previous page). Life Cycle Inventory of bread from the FR-ICL. 32

Functional unit: 1 kg of bread at the consumer’s home. AD – anaerobic digestion. 33

Mercury, groundwater kg 3E-09 2.55E-09 1.91E-09 1.91E-09

Mercury, river kg 4E-16 3.54E-16 2.65E-16 2.65E-16

Nickel, ion, river kg 2.55E-14 2.26E-14 2.08E-14 2.08E-14

Nitrate, groundwater kg 0.180731 0.14851 0.108212 0.108212

Phosphate, groundwater kg 9.36E-05 7.66E-05 5.11E-05 5.11E-05

Phosphate, river kg 0.001069 0.000775 0.000692 0.000692

Phosphorus, river kg 3.5E-10 2.87E-10 1.91E-10 1.91E-10

Zinc, ion, groundwater kg 2.34E-05 1.99E-05 1.81E-05 1.81E-05

Zinc, ion, river kg 9.04E-14 8.01E-14 7.25E-14 7.25E-14

Emissions to soil

Cadmium kg 1.25E-07 1.07E-07 1.07E-07 1.07E-07

Copper kg 1.09E-05 9.3E-06 1.12E-05 1.12E-05

Lead kg 2.42E-06 2.06E-06 2.06E-06 2.06E-06

Mercury kg 3.53E-07 3E-07 3.01E-07 3.01E-07

Nickel kg 3.83E-06 3.26E-06 3.26E-06 3.26E-06

Zinc kg 5.77E-05 4.91E-05 5.09E-05 5.09E-05


Table S13. Life Cycle Inventory of bread from the case FR-AL (continuation on the next page). 35

Functional unit: 1 kg of bread at the consumer’s home. AD – anaerobic digestion. 36

Unit baseline 50%rye 50%rye+incr.area



Products kg 1 1 1 1 1

Resources Occupation, arable m2a 7.97 6.88 8.05 4.70 4.70

Occupation, pasture and meadow, extensive m2a 7.16 5.97 2.19 1.26 1.26

Transformation, from arable m2 9.28 8.02 9.38 5.47 5.47 Transformation, from pasture and meadow, extensive m2 0.14 0.12 0.04 0.03 0.03

Transformation, to arable m2 9.28 8.02 9.38 5.47 5.47 Transformation, to pasture and meadow, extensive m2 0.14 0.12 0.04 0.03 0.03

Water, river l 5.40 4.71 1.75 1.00 1.00

Electricity/heat Electricity mix/FR U kWh 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.114

Agricultural machinery, general, production/CH/I U g 2 2 2 2 2 Logs, hardwood, burned in furnace on French farm MJ 30.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 30.55


Baling/CH U p 0.00484622 0.00414908 0.003084 0.001772 0.001772

Combine harvesting/CH U ha 0.000917754 0.00078177 0.000812 0.000467 0.000467 field-cured hay, perm. meadow, organic, int, hill reg, at farm/kg/CH U kg 0.241648925 0.21805065 0.056848 0.032801 0.032801

Mowing, by motor mower/CH U ha 0.000691687 0.00059165 0.000223 0.000126 0.000126

Sowing/CH U ha 0.000312911 0.00026176 0.000616 0.000357 0.000357



Table S13. Life Cycle Inventory of bread from the case FR-AL (continuation from previous page). 38

Functional unit: 1 kg of bread at the consumer’s home. AD – anaerobic digestion. 39

Wooden storage building m3 0.005230674 0.00529204 0.001214 0.000595 0.000595 Tillage, cultivating, chiselling/ CH U ha 0.00212744 0.0018218 0.001204 0.000688 0.000688 Tillage, harrowing, by spring tine harrow/CH U ha 0.000604843 0.00052001 0.000713 0.000412 0.000412

Tillage, ploughing/CH U ha 0.000312911 0.00026176 0.000616 0.000357 0.000357 Tower silo, steel, at farm/m3/CH/I U m3 0.000241645 0.00023843 8.41E-05 5.23E-05 5.23E-05 Tower silo, wood, at farm/m3/CH/I U m3 5.20466E-05 5.1353E-05 1.81E-05 1.13E-05 1.13E-05

Transport, tractor and trailer/CH U tkm 0.008458905 0.00763426 0.00199 0.001148 0.001148

Tap water, at user/RER U kg Sodium chloride, powder, at plant/RER U g Transport, lorry >16t, fleet average/RER U kgkm Operation, passenger car, petrol, fleet average/RER U km 2.424 2.424 2.424 2.424 2.424

Operation, van < 3,5t/RER U km Utilization of farmyard manure in anaerobic digestion plant t 0.004914 Utilization of straw in anaerobic digestion plant t


Emissions to air

Dinitrogen monoxide kg 0.00147958 0.00128119 0.001734 0.001202 0.001202

Methane, biogenic kg 0.011537136 0.00982649 0.003625 0.002083 0.002083

Nitrogen oxides kg 0.000310712 0.00026905 0.000364 0.000252 0.000252

Emissions to water

Cadmium, ion, groundwater kg 1.8144E-08 1.6077E-08 1.12E-08 8.09E-09 8.09E-09

Cadmium, ion, river kg 1.06935E-14 9.4755E-15 1.03E-14 7.4E-15 7.4E-15

Chromium, ion, groundwater kg 1.97047E-05 1.746E-05 1.27E-05 8.17E-06 8.17E-06

Chromium, ion, river kg 2.1274E-12 1.8851E-12 2.13E-12 1.37E-12 1.37E-12

Copper, ion, groundwater kg 5.13913E-06 4.5538E-06 3.44E-06 2.01E-06 2.01E-06

Copper, ion, river kg 2.49143E-12 2.2077E-12 2.59E-12 1.51E-12 1.51E-12

Lead, groundwater kg 1.63382E-07 1.4477E-07 1E-07 7.38E-08 7.38E-08

Lead, river kg 6.38824E-13 5.6606E-13 6.09E-13 4.48E-13 4.48E-13

Mercury, groundwater kg 1.83687E-09 1.6276E-09 1.23E-09 7.19E-10 7.19E-10

Mercury, river kg 1.18584E-14 1.0508E-14 1.23E-14 7.2E-15 7.2E-15

Nickel, ion, river kg 1.73035E-12 1.5333E-12 1.71E-12 1.13E-12 1.13E-12

Nitrate, groundwater kg 0.25040796 0.21581776 0.252883 0.159979 0.159979

Phosphate, groundwater kg 0.000302522 0.00025745 0.000213 0.000124 0.000124

Phosphate, river kg 5.65416E-05 0.0001178 0.000262 0.00022 0.00022

Phosphorus, river kg 1.92169E-08 1.6583E-08 1.89E-08 1.1E-08 1.1E-08

Zinc, ion, groundwater kg 2.99588E-05 2.6546E-05 1.93E-05 1.25E-05 1.25E-05

Zinc, ion, river kg 5.59315E-12 4.9561E-12 5.58E-12 3.61E-12 3.61E-12

Emissions to soil

Cadmium kg 2.91227E-07 2.5805E-07 1.69E-07 1.25E-07 1.25E-07

Copper kg 4.03535E-05 3.5757E-05 2.3E-05 1.81E-05 1.81E-05

Lead kg 5.97155E-06 5.2914E-06 3.58E-06 2.77E-06 2.77E-06

Mercury kg 8.57853E-07 7.6015E-07 5.09E-07 3.95E-07 3.95E-07

Nickel kg 9.22268E-06 8.1723E-06 5.48E-06 4.22E-06 4.22E-06

Zinc kg 0.000161041 0.0001427 9.33E-05 7.24E-05 7.24E-05



Table S14. Life Cycle inventory for anaerobic digestion based on Poeschl et. al. (2012), only 41

airborne emissions considered. Functional unit: one tonne of farmyard manure utilised as a 42

feedstock. 43

Emissions Quantity Unit Description

Emissions to air Carbon dioxide, fossil 4 kg Plant operation (including infrastructure)

Carbon dioxide, fossil -28.7 kg Gas utilization (including infrastructure)

Methane, fossil 7.6 g Plant operation (including infrastructure)

Methane, fossil -60.2 g Gas utilization (including infrastructure)

Methane, biogenic 0.4 kg Plant operation (including infrastructure)

Methane, biogenic 0 kg Gas utilization (including infrastructure)

Nitrogen oxides 9.7 g Plant operation (including infrastructure)

Nitrogen oxides 38.4 g Gas utilization (including infrastructure)

Sulfur dioxide 6.6 g Plant operation (including infrastructure)

Sulfur dioxide -23 g Gas utilization (including infrastructure) NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds, unspecified origin 1.7 g Plant operation (including infrastructure) NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds, unspecified origin -3 g Gas utilization (including infrastructure)

Particulates, < 10 um 4.5 g Plant operation (including infrastructure)

Particulates, < 10 um -19.7 g Gas utilization (including infrastructure)

Dinitrogen monoxide 0.1 g Plant operation (including infrastructure)

Dinitrogen monoxide -1.1 g Gas utilization (including infrastructure)


Table S15. Life Cycle inventory for anaerobic digestion based on Poeschl et. al. (2012), only 45

airborne emissions considered. Functional unit: one tonne of straw utilised as a feedstock. 46

Emissions Quantity Unit Description

Emissions to air Carbon dioxide, fossil 45.8 kg Plant operation (including infrastructure)

Carbon dioxide, fossil -355 kg Gas utilization (including infrastructure)

Methane, fossil 87.2 g Plant operation (including infrastructure)

Methane, fossil -745.1 g Gas utilization (including infrastructure)

Methane, biogenic 4.3 kg Plant operation (including infrastructure)

Methane, biogenic 0 kg Gas utilization (including infrastructure)

Nitrogen oxides 110.8 g Plant operation (including infrastructure)

Nitrogen oxides 474.4 g Gas utilization (including infrastructure)

Sulfur dioxide 75.5 g Plant operation (including infrastructure)

Sulfur dioxide -286.3 g Gas utilization (including infrastructure) NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds, unspecified origin 19.1 g Plant operation (including infrastructure) NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds, unspecified origin -36.7 g Gas utilization (including infrastructure)

Particulates, < 10 um 51.5 g Plant operation (including infrastructure)

Particulates, < 10 um -243.8 g Gas utilization (including infrastructure)

Dinitrogen monoxide 1.3 g Plant operation (including infrastructure)

Dinitrogen monoxide -13.5 g Gas utilization (including infrastructure)





Table S16. Life Cycle inventory of a wooden building. Based on the modification of the ecoinvent 50

v2.2 inventory “Storage building, general, wood construction, non-insulated, at farm/m3/CH/I U”. 51

Functional unit: 1 m3 of a building. 52

Unit Quantity

Product m3 1


Occupation, construction site m2a 0.53333

Occupation, urban, discontinuously built m2a 26.667

Transformation, from pasture and meadow m2 0.53333

transformation, to urban, discontinously built m2 0.53333


Cast iron, at plant/RER U kg 0.077583 Copper, at regional storage/RER U kg 0.21517 Electricity, low voltage, at grid/FR U kWh 0.6202 Glass fibre reinforced plastic, polyester resin, hand lay-up, at plant/RER U kg 0.057778 Polyurethane, rigid foam, at plant/RER U kg 0.15889 Sawn timber, softwood, planed, air dried, at plant/RER U m3 0.042326 Sheet rolling, copper/RER U kg 0.21517 Zinc coating, pieces/RER U m2 0.00539

Emissions to air

Heat, waste MJ 2.2327

Waste to treatment

Disposal, building, bulk iron (excluding reinforcement), to sorting plant/CH U kg 0.29683 Disposal, building, waste wood, chrome preserved, to final disposal/CH U kg 11.229 Disposal, building, waste wood, untreated, to final disposal/CH U kg 9.934




Table S17. Life Cycle inventory of wood burned for bread making at one of the farms. Based on the 55

modification of the ecoinvent v2.2 inventory “Logs, hardwood, burned in furnace 100kW/CH U”. 56

Functional unit: 1 MJ of calorific value of wood. 57

Unit Quantity Product MJ 1

Resources Materials/fuels Electricity, low voltage, at grid/FR U kWh 0.00278 Logs, hardwood, at forest/RER U m3 8.57E-05 Furnace, logs, hardwood, 100kW/CH/I U p 9.03E-08 Emissions to air Acetaldehyde kg 6.1E-08 Ammonia kg 1.73E-06 Arsenic kg 1E-09 Benzene kg 9.1E-07 Benzene, ethyl- kg 3E-08 Benzene, hexachloro- kg 7.2E-15 Benzo(a)pyrene kg 5E-10 Bromine kg 6E-08 Cadmium kg 7E-10 Calcium kg 5.85E-06 Carbon dioxide, biogenic kg 0.1 Carbon monoxide, biogenic kg 0.000339 Chlorine kg 1.8E-07 Chromium kg 3.96E-09 Chromium VI kg 4E-11 Copper kg 2.2E-08 Dinitrogen monoxide kg 0.000003 Dioxin, 2,3,7,8 Tetrachlorodibenzo-p- kg 3.1E-14 Fluorine kg 5E-08 Formaldehyde kg 1.3E-07 Heat, waste MJ 1.08 Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, alkanes, unspecified kg 9.1E-07 Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, unsaturated kg 3.1E-06 Lead kg 2.5E-08 Magnesium kg 3.6E-07 Manganese kg 1.7E-07 Mercury kg 3E-10 Methane, biogenic kg 0.000014 m-Xylene kg 1.2E-07 Nickel kg 6E-09 Nitrogen oxides kg 0.000127 NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds, unspecified origin kg 5.8E-06 PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons kg 1.11E-08 Particulates, < 2.5 um kg 0.000033 Phenol, pentachloro- kg 8.1E-12 Phosphorus kg 3E-07 Potassium kg 2.34E-05 Sodium kg 1.3E-06 Sulfur dioxide kg 2.5E-06 Toluene kg 3E-07 Zinc kg 3E-07 Waste to treatment Disposal, wood ash mixture, pure, 0% water, to municipal incineration/CH U kg 0.000145 Disposal, wood ash mixture, pure, 0% water, to landfarming/CH U kg 0.000145

Disposal, wood ash mixture, pure, 0% water, to sanitary landfill/CH U kg 0.00029






This work would not be realised without the support of many kind people. 62

I would like to thank my supervisors: Thomas Nemecek, Emmanuel Frossard and Gérard Gaillard for 63

sharing their priceless knowledge and all the guidance that led towards the successful completion of 64

the project. 65

Many thanks to Steve Evans for lectures that inspired this thesis and for accepting the role of the 66

external examiner. 67

Thanks to the five anonymous farmers who supplied the data, especially two French farmers who 68

were bothered multiple times during the process of scenario development. 69

Acknowledgements are owed to all researchers who assisted with data collection, especially 70

Veronique Chable, Mads Ville Markussen, Elena Tavella, Riccardo Bocci, Livia Ortolani, Daniela Santos 71

and Laurence Smith. Special thanks to Carolina Passeira for the work realised within the frame of her 72

master thesis at the University of Porto. 73

Hanne Østergård for many interesting discussions and for providing comments to the manuscripts. 74

Regula Wolz for linguistic services. 75

European Commision for funding this work through the grant no. KBBE-245058-SOLIBAM. 76

Thanks to all my colleagues from the LCA group of Agroscope and the group of plant nutrition at ETH 77

Zurich for countless inspiring talks. 78

Finally, to my family and friends for the patience and mental support. 79