rivals for catan: age of darkness - game rules

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  • 7/25/2019 Rivals for Catan: Age of Darkness - Game Rules




    Klaus Teubers

    Rules & Card Index

  • 7/25/2019 Rivals for Catan: Age of Darkness - Game Rules



    Welcome toAge of Darkness!The game you are holding in your hands is Age of Darknessthe first expansion for The Rivals for Catan. You can play 3 newTheme Games using this expansion and the The Rivals for Catanrules. You need a copy of The Rivals for Catan to be able to use thisexpansion.

    Age of Darkness introduces some new card types, rules, andterminology. The rules explanations and additions that applyspecifically to each Theme Game are also detailed. And, of course,The Duel of the Princes guidelines allow you to use each newTheme Set with the other Theme Sets. A detailed card index is alsoincluded.

    Thematically, the foray into Catanian history is continued. InThe Era of Intrigue, a clash occurs between the followers of thenewer Christian and the older Odinist religionthe beginningof which was already foreshadowed in TheSettlers of Catan

    novel. The Era of Barbarians incorporates motifs of the Cities &KnightsThe Settlers of Catanboard game expansion.

    Chronologically, The Era of Merchant Princes comes beforeThe Era of Progress, while The Era of Barbarians comesafterwards. The Era of Intrigue follows The Era of Gold.

    Age of Darknessalso provides rules for another game variant, theTournament Game. These rules are presented separately becausethey differ considerably from the Theme Game and The Duel of the

    Princes rules, presenting different challenges for the players.Have fun discovering the new Theme Sets!


  • 7/25/2019 Rivals for Catan: Age of Darkness - Game Rules




    Age of Darknesscontains 90 cards, consisting of 3 Theme Sets:

    28 cards in The Era of Intrigue...............................12-1830 cards in The Era of Merchant Princes ...............18-2432 cards in The Era of Barbarians .........................24-28

    Table of ContentsIntroduction

    Expansion RulesInnovations ....................................................................................4New Card Types ..............................................................................5

    Region Expansions .....................................................................5Extraordinary Sites ....................................................................6Road Complements ....................................................................6New Center Cards: Metropolises .................................................7Marker Cards ..............................................................................7

    New Game Concepts: Foreign Cards ..............................................8The Theme Sets

    1. The Era of Intrigue.................................................................92. The Era of Merchant Princes .................................................93. The Era of Barbarians ..........................................................10Further Rules ...........................................................................10

    The Duel of the Princes ...............................................................11Card IndexThe Era of Intrigue ......................................................................12The Era of Merchant Princes .......................................................18The Era of Barbarians .................................................................24

    AppendixThe Tournament Game ...............................................................29

    Index of Card Names & Types ................................................ 30-31Credits .........................................................................................31

    Acknowledgment ..........................................................................32

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    This section starts by detailing new card types, rules, and

    terminology. Then, the specific rules for each Theme Game arepresented, followed by The Duel of the Princes variant.

    INNOVATIONSIf you have one of the first printings of The Rivals for Catan, you will find

    that the format of theAge of Darkness cards differs in one detail from thecards in The Rivals for Catan.

    Each expansion card has a second tababove the text box. The primary function ofthis tab is to specify where you can place acard in your principality.

    This is especially important for players

    with color blindness. In the first printing ofThe Rivals for Catan, the settlement/cityexpansions and city expansions could onlybe distinguished by means of the coloredtext box. The new, second tab now alsocontains this information. For example,previously, a hero could be recognized

    as a settlement/city expansion via theclassification Unit Hero and the greentext box; now, the second tab is labeledSettlement/city.

    The cards in later printings of The Rivalsfor Catanhave this tab. The play of thegame is not affected by the inclusion or

    absence of this second tab. So all Rivalscards can be used together, regardless thestatus of a second tab.


    CA well-sharpened axe is a tried and tes ted starting

    position for a successful conversat ion.

    Unit Hero

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    NEW CARD TYPESThere are new locations where cards may be placed. From The Rivals

    for Catan,you are already familar with center cards, settlement/city

    expansions, and city expansions.Age of Darknessintroduces: regionexpansions, road complements,Metropolises(as new center cards), andmarker cards.

    InRivals for Catan,you expanded your principality with units andbuildings. In addition, there was one extraordinay site: Gold Cache.

    Age of Darkness includes various other extraordinary sites. Lets firstpresent some information regarding one type of extraordinary sites: region


    Region ExpansionsFor the purposes of specifying placement as designated on the second tab

    (see page 4), some cards are classified as being Region expansions. Regionexpansions are always placed either above or below a region. However, only1 region expansion may be placed adjacent toeach region. Some region expansions (e. g.,the Gold Cache) may be placed adjacent to anyregion; other region expansions must be placedadjacent to a specific region type. For example,

    you may only place theBorder Fortressadjacentto a hills region.

    The Rivals for Catanincludes a Gold Cachecard,identified as an Extraordinary Site (seepage 6). It is now also classified as a RegionExpansion for the purposes of placement on thesecond tab (see page 4).

    The new region expansions are either buildingsor units. Cards that refer to buildings or units

    in general may also concern the correspondingregion expansions. However, regions are not partof a settlement/city. Therefore, if a card refers, for

    Border Fortress (1x)Place adjacent to a hills region where at least

    1 brick is stored. Pay this brick. For 1 ore + 1 wool, you mayrotate the Border Fortress to the next higher level.

    Building Region

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    example, to a building in a settlement/city, then region expansions cant beaffected by it. If a region changes its location (e. g., by means ofRelocation),a region expansion changes its location together with the region. In contrast,if a region expansion changes its location, the corresponding region is notaffected.

    Extraordinary SitesExtraordinary sites are expansions that are neither units nor buildings.

    Extraordinary sites are characterized by the factthat their essential elements are of natural origin,

    with only some elements being added by humans.Therefore, they are immune to attack cards andevents that refer to buildings, such asFeudand

    Arsonist. The Rivals for Catan already includes anextraordinary site: Gold Cache.

    Road ComplementsRoad complements can be distinguished by their light blue text box and

    the word Road in the second tab. The function of a complementedroad remains in effectit only receives additional functions or properties.Therefore, the illustration of each roadcomplement still depicts a road.

    All road complements inAge of Darkness arebuildingswhich doesnt exclude the possibilityfor subsequent expansions to include units as well.

    Cards referring to buildings in general may alsorefer to road complements. However, roads are notpart of a settlement/city. So, road complementscant be affected by a card that refers, for example,to a building in a settlement/city.

    Pilgrimage Site (1x)Ifby means of an event or an action card played by your opponentyou lose any of the cards in your hand, draw as many cards from anyof the draw stacks (from any of your own draw stacks) as you need to

    replenish your hand up to the allowed number of cards.

    Extraordinary Site Settlement/city

    Building Road

    Place on a free road of your own.1x during your turn: You may trade 1 resourcebetween the two adjacent regions at a 1:1 rate.

    1 : 1

    Trading Post

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    New Center Cards: MetropolisesAlthough theMetropolisesare part of the draw

    stacks, in a formal sense they are center cards;that is, they may neither be removed nor attacked

    by the opponent. AMetropolisis a city upgrade,just as a city is a settlement upgrade. Age of

    Darkness only includes oneMetropolis: theCommercial Metropolisin The Era of MerchantPrinces set. Apart from the above-mentionedcharacteristic, the Commercial Metropolisin many respects behaves similar to road

    complements: the city underneath theMetropolisretains all its properties.This means that you may continue to place city expansions on its buildingsites, and you may play all cards that require a city even if you upgraded

    your only city to aMetropolis. The Commercial Metropolisitself is worth2 victory points. Since the city underneath is also worth 2 victory points,the Commercial Metropolisdepicts a total of 4 victory points2 for the

    Metropolisand 2 for the city.

    Marker CardsThe function of marker cards is to indicate a

    players status in a certain area. Marker cardsarent expansion cards; they should rather beregarded as abstract cards that geographicallyare not part of the principality. Only effects and

    consequences directly related to them have animpact on them; other effects cant act upon,destroy, or otherwise affect them. For the sake ofclarity, marker cards are placed either above or below a region (like regionexpansions); however, you may move them to another region at any time. InInAge of Darkness,the only marker cards are the Triumph Cards in TheEra of Barbarians. There will be more marker cards in future expansions.

    Commercial MetropolisPlace on a City card. Requires: 1 Residence

    of the highest level or 6 commerce points.

    Marker Card

    Triumph Card (1x)

    Place adjacent to any region of your choice.If you come out victorious after a Barbarian Attack, instead of

    taking 2 resources you also may rotate the Triumph Cardto the next higher level. Requires:City.

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    Foreign Cards

    Foreign cards are cards that are not placed in ones own principalitybut in the opponents principality. The player who builds the foreign cardalways remains its owner. Therefore, only this player may remove, use,etc. this card. Foreign cards may have positive consequences for their owneror negative consequences for the player whoseprincipality they were placed in. Some foreigncards are removed automatically if certain

    requirements are met. Other foreign cards stayin place until the end of the game, unless theowner of a foreign card removes it himself or hisopponent successfully plays anArsonistagainstthat card if it is a building in a settlement/city.

    Trading Station: Is removed only if its ownerremoves it or the opponent successfully plays

    anArsonistagainst it.Barbarian Stronghold: In addition, it is

    removed automatically if the requirement forRemoval is met.


    Want more character in your game?With the Rivals card editor, it is easyto create cards with your own text and

    images. You can even add yourself to theworld ofRivals for Catan.

    Trading StationPlace on a building site of one of your opponents cities.

    1x during your turn:For 1 gold, you may buy 1 resource of yourchoice from your opponent.Requires:Commercial Harbor.

    Building City

    Barbarian StrongholdPlace on a free road adjacent to one of your

    opponents cities. For your opponent, the strength of thebarbarians increases by 1. Removal: Your opponents

    Triumph Cardindicates 3 victory points.

    Building Region

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    Essentially, all rules established in The Rivals for Catan continue to apply.

    However, each individual set has a few special rules, which are explainedbelow.

    1. The Era of IntrigueReligious Dispute on Catan! When this event occurs, each

    player loses his or her hand of cards. Churchesand Templesminimize losses. A Templeand the cards that require a Templestrengthen your access to your own draw stacks. A Churchgives

    you the opportunity to lure away opposing heroes and earnadditional gold. And if you built a Churchas well as a Temple, you may buildthe Great Thingstead and end theReligious Dispute.

    The two draw stacks of this Theme Set each contain 10 cards. The face-upexpansion card stack consists of 2 Odins Templecards and 2 Churchcards.

    All rules and victory conditions of The Rivals for CatanTheme Gamesapply.

    2. The Era of Merchant PrincesThis set focuses on the Commercial Harbor and the

    Merchants Residences. These buildings play a decisive role inthe struggle for the trade advantage and improve the trading

    options. In combination withMaritime Trade Monopolies andthe master merchantsHergildand Gero,trade shipsgain more

    importance. TheShip Builder, reducing the building costs of ships, comes inquite handy here.

    The two draw stacks of this Theme Set each contain 12 cards. The face-upexpansion card stack consists of the two Commercial Harbor cards.

    All rules and victory conditions of The Rivals for CatanTheme Gamesapply.


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    3. The Era of BarbariansBarbarians land on Catan! Now its important for both

    players to muster as many units as possible against thebarbarians and fend off their attacks. CastlesandBorder

    Fortressesare built.Arnd the Strategistand the Caravelbackup the units, and heroes with new, exciting properties reinforce

    the ranks. If you lose, you are ransacked by the barbarians. If you win, youobtain resources or victory points.

    The two draw stacks of this Theme Set each contain 12 cards. The face-upexpansion card stack consists of 2 Castlecards and 2 TriumphCards.

    Further rules:1) You need 13 victory points to win The Era of Barbarians.2) Assembling the event card stack: To assemble the event card stack for the

    first time, momentarily set aside the 3Barbarian Attackevent cards andthe Yulecard. Then shuffle the other event cards of the Basic Set together

    with theRetreat of the Barbariansevent card and place 3 cards facedown. Place the Yulecard on top. Shuffle the other 6 event cards together

    with the 3Barbarian Attackcards and place them face down on theremaining stackthat is, on top of the Yulecard. If aBarbarian Attackis drawn during the game, place the card under the 4 topmost cards ofthe event card stack instead of returning it to the bottom of the eventcard stack as usual. In this context, please also note the instructions onthe card. If the Yulecard is drawn during the game, the event card stackis reassembled as described above.

    3) Marker card (Triumph Card): There are no building costs for theTriumphCard. When you build your first city, you also take the countercard and place it adjacent to any region of your choice, either above orbelow. You may place the marker card adjacent to a different region atany time. (The latter only makes sense if you need the regions buildingsite.)

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    THE DUEL OF THE PRINCESThe Duel of the Princes is played according to the already known rules;

    only the event card stack is assembled differently. Each player chooses 1 ThemeSet from the available Theme Sets (the starting player chooses first). The thirdTheme Set is chosen by lot: take 1 event card from each of the Theme Setsthat have not been chosen yet, shuffle them face down, and draw one card atrandom. The card drawn determines the third set to be included in the Duel.

    Alternatively, you may want to leave things entirely to chance: take one cardfrom each available Theme Set, shuffle them, and draw 3 cards at random; toplay, use the 3 sets these cards belong to. Either way, put the Theme Sets youdont use back into the box until you start a new game.

    Assembling the Event Card StackTo assemble the event card stack, choose only cards that belong to the

    Theme Sets you are actually using in the game. The event card stack alwayscontains the cards of the Basic Set that are not marked with a half moon: Yule,

    Invention, Year of Plenty, andTraveling Merchant.From the 3 chosen sets,you now add the cards that do not depict a half moon symbol:

    The Era of Gold:none The Era of Turmoil:1xRiots

    The Era of Progress:1xPlague The Era of Barbarians:2xBarbarian Attack

    The Era of Intrigue:1xGood Neighbors, 1xReligious Dispute

    The Era of Merchant Princes:1xFortunate Trade Voyage, 1xCapricious Sea

    Depending on which sets you chose, you now have an event card setcontaining 6-10 cards. Shuffle the remaining event cards of the Basic Set andthe chosen sets. Add cards to the event card set until it contains a total of 12.Put the remaining cards back into the box. You shouldnt view the randomlyadded event cards (and the discarded event cards either). Afterwards, assemblethe event card stack according to the normal rules. If you are including TheEra of Barbarians, at the beginning of the game shuffle theBarbarian Attackevent cards into the stack like you would normally do.

    Goal of the GameEven if The Era of Barbarians is included, The Duel of the Princes

    always ends when a player reaches 13 victory points.

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    Bishop (2): If you neither have a Churchnor aBishopsSee,you cant play theBishop. Your opponent determineswhich gold fields to take the gold from (he may also takeit from the Gold Cache). If your opponent doesnt havegold, you cant play theBishopeither.

    Michael the Master Builder (1): You only may useMichaelto build exactly 1 building.

    Missionary (1): If you neither have a ChurchnoraBishops See, you cant play theMissionary. If youropponent doesnt have a hero, you cant play the

    Missionaryeither. If there is no room in your principalityto place the hero chosen, you must place the heroon the discard pile. [The parenthesis (on your owndiscard pile) refers to the Tournament Game.] If thereis room in your principality to place the hero chosen,

    you nevertheless may place him on the discard pile (or,respectively, on your discard pile).

    Odins Priest (1): If you dont have Odins Temple,you cant play Odins Priest. If your opponent has nocards in his hand, you cant play Odins Priesteither.

    Your opponent doesnt draw replacement for the lostcards until the end of his next turnunless he usesthe function of a card that allows him to draw immediately (e. g., the



    BishopDemand 1 gold from your opponent.

    In addition, you receive as much gold as you canaccommodate in one of your gold fields or in the Gold Cache.

    Requires: Churchor Bishops See.

    Action Attack


    Michael the Master Builder

    Play this card when y ou build a building.Substitute 1, 2, or 3 of the resources required

    for building with 1 gold each.

    Action Neutral



    Your opponent must remove any 1 of the heroes he placed.Place the hero in your principality or on the

    discard pile (on your own discard pile).Requires: Church orBishops See.

    Action Attack


    Odins PriestYour opponent must show you the cards in his hand

    and place all action cards and units under

    matching stacks (under his own matching stacks).Requires: Odins Temple.

    Action Attack


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    PilgrimageSite). If your opponent has neither action cards nor units in hishand, you nevertheless must place your Odins Priest on the discard pile.

    Your opponent doesnt have to show you which cards he places under whichstacks or in which order he discards the cards. [The parenthesis (under hisown matching stacks) refers to the Tournament Game.]

    Priestess of the Norns (2): If you neither have OdinsFountain norOdins Temple,you cant play thePriestessof the Norns.In the Tournament Game, you must takethe cards from one of your own draw stacks. You may usethe received cards during the same turn.

    ROADCOMPLEMENTS (1 CARD)Red Light Tavern (1): TheRed Light Tavernis a foreign card you build inyour opponents principality. You cant build the Tavernif your opponent doesnt have a free road (withoutroad complement). If your opponent has 3 heroines(Inga, Siglind, andJudith; in the Duel/Tournament

    currently alsoIrmgardandMarieif applicable), youmust immediately remove the Tavernand place it on thediscard pile (Tournament Game: on your discard pile). If

    your opponent already has 3 heroines, you cant build the Tavern.



    Abbey Brewery (1): TheAbbey Brewery is placedeither above or below a fields region. If you dont havea city or a free fields region, you cant play theAbbey

    Brewery. If it is possible in terms of resources and if itseems reasonable to you, you also may rotate theAbbey

    Breweryrepeatedly during your turnalso immediatelyafter you have placed it.

    Priestess of the NornsChoose 1 draw stack and select up to 2 cards from it.

    Requires:Odins Fountain orTemple.

    Action Neutral


    Building Road

    Red Light TavernPlace on a free road of your opponent. In the adjacent

    settlements/cities, for each unit featuring strength points thenumber of strength points is reduced to 1; all other properties

    remain unchanged. Removal: The opponent has at least 3 heroines.

    Abbey BreweryPlace adjacent to a fields region. If you pay 2 grainfrom the adjacent fields region, you may rotate the

    Abbey Breweryto any side of your choice. Requires: City.

    Building Region

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    Reiner the Miller (1):Reineris placed either aboveor below a fields region. If you dont have a free fieldsregion, you cant playReiner. You may useReinerrepeatedly to trade grain, but you may use him only 1xper turn to trade grain at a 1:1 rate, provided that youhave a Grain Milladjacent to the fields region whereReineris placed.


    EXTRAORDINARYSITESGreat Thingstead (1): If you dont have both theChurchand Odins Temple,you cant play the GreatThingstead. The Great Thingsteadis an extraordinarysite and thus not a building. Cards that refer to buildingscant affect the Great Thingstead.The Great Thingsteadonly prevents action-attack cards from being played.Cards that trigger hostile actions (such as thePirate Ship,Gottfried the Intriguer, etc.) may still be played or used.

    Odins Fountain (1): You may have only 1 OdinsFountainin your principality. Odins Fountainis anextraordinary site and thus not a building. Cards thatrefer to buildings cant affect Odins Fountain.If you

    exchange cards, you may first exchange 1 card and thendecide whether or not to exchange 1 more card and how

    you would want to exchange it.

    Pilgrimage Site (1): You may have only 1PilgrimageSitein your principality. ThePilgrimage Siteis anextraordinary site and thus not a building. Cards that refer to buildings cantaffect thePilgrimage Site. If for some reason you are forced to discard cardsfrom your hand, replenish your hand immediately afterwards until youreach the allowed hand limit. You are not allowed to voluntarily draw fewer

    Reiner the Miller

    Place adjacent to a fields region. You may tradegrain of this fields region for resources of different types at a2:1 rate. If you have a Grain Milladjacent to this fields region,

    1x during your turns you may also trade at a 1:1 rate.

    Unit - Hero Region

    Great ThingsteadBoth players may no longer play action-attack cards.

    The event Religious Disputeno longer affects any of theplayers. Requires:Churchand Odins Temple.

    Extraordinary Site Settlement/city

    Pilgrimage Site (1x)Ifby means of an event or an action card played by your opponentyou lose any of the cards in your hand, draw as many cards from anyof the draw stacks (from any of your own draw stacks) as you need to

    replenish your hand up to the allowed number of cards.

    Extraordinary Site Settlement/city

    Odins Fountain (1x)At the end of your turn, you may exchange 2 cards

    instead of 1. If you choose the cards, each timeyou do so you must pay the respective costs.

    Extraordinary Site Settlement/city

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    cards. If your opponent also has to discard cards from his hand, hold off onreplenishing your hand until your opponent has discarded his cards. [Theparenthesis (from any of your own draw stacks) refers to the TournamentGame.] ThePilgrimage Siteis activated only by events and by the opponentsaction cards and effects. If you lose or discard cards from your hand bymeans of your own action cards or activities, thePilgrimage Siteis notactivated.


    Godfrey the Intriguer (1): Godfreyis a hero who, inaddition to his strength point, has a special effect. During

    each of your turns, you may pay 1 gold and view thecards in your opponents hand. Once you decide to takeone of the cards, you must discard Godfrey.

    Master of the Brotherhood (1): If you have anAbbey,you cant play theMaster of the Brotherhood. If you have theMaster, youcant build anAbbey. You may build only 1Masterof the

    Brotherhood in your principality. TheMaster

    is a unitwho, in addition to his progress point and skill point, hasa special effect. No matter how much gold your opponentpays to play an action card, you still receive only 1 gold,provided that you are able to store it. You receive the goldindependently from the result of the action. When theevent Inventionoccurs, you dont receive a resource for

    theMaster, because theMasteris not a building.

    Godfrey the IntriguerIf you built Godfrey, during your next turns you may pay

    1 gold to view the cards in your opponents hand and take1 unit or action card. If you take 1 card, place Godfrey on

    the discard pile (on your own discard pile).

    Unit - Hero Settlement/city

    Unit Settlement/city

    Master of the Brotherhood (1x)If your opponent wants to play 1 action card that could cause the loss of 1card of your hand or of 1 of the cards you placed, he first must pay 2 goldfor each victory point he has in excess of your own victory point total. You

    receive up to 1 gold. Requires:Not having or building anAbbey.

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    Bishops See (2): If you neither have a Churchnor aChapel, you cant build theBishops See.If your opponenthas fewer than 3 units, you choose correspondingly fewerunits. [The parenthesis (on his own discard pile) refersto the Tournament Game.] If your opponent didnt placeany units in his principality, you may nevertheless buildtheBishops See.

    Church (2): You may build only 1 Churchin yourprincipality. The Churchis a building required forother expansions and for action cards. If you removethe Churchfrom your principality, all buildings in yourprincipality that require the Churchremain. If you donthave storage space for the gold, you may neverthelessbuild the Church.

    Odins Temple (2): You may build only 1 Odins Templein your principality. You may use the received card duringthe same turn. [The parenthesis (from any of your owndraw stacks) refers to the Tournament Game.] OdinsTemple is a building required for other expansions andfor action cards. If you remove Odins Temple from your

    principality, all buildings in your principality that requireOdins Temple remain.

    Sacrificial Site (1): If you neither have the Templenor Odins Fountain,you cant build theSacrificial Site. Wool on pastureregions adjacent to aSacrificial Site is not stolen when aBrigand Attackoccurs, not even if you have more than 7 resources in your unprotectedregions.

    Building City

    Church (1x)After building the Church,

    you immediately receive up to 2 gold.

    Building City

    Odins Temple (1x)After building the Temple, immediately draw 1 card from

    any draw stack (from any of y our own draw stacks).

    Building City

    Bishops SeeIf you build the Bishops See, you may choose 3 of your opponents

    units. He must remove 1 of them and place it on the discard pile(on his own discard pile). Requires:Church, Abbey, orChapel.

    Building City

    You may trade wool for resources of a different typeat a 2:1 rate. Wool from neighboring pasture regionsis neither counted nor lost when the event Brigand

    Attackoccurs. Requires: Odins Fountain orTemple.2:1

    Sacrificial Site

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    Bran, Defender of the Temple (1):Branis a herowho, in addition to his strength points and victory points,has a special effect. If you dont have Odins Temple,youcant playBran.Branis placed on top of the Temple.The Temple is protected from all effects mentioned on thecard;Branhimself is not protected and can be affectedby all effects that refer to heroes/units. You may use thecards received viaBranduring the same turn. Together with the Temple,Bran is worth 2 victory points. All functions of the Templeremain in effect.

    Judith, Guardian of the Church (1):Judithis a heroine who, in additionto her skill points and victory points, has a special effect.If you dont have a Church, you cant playJudith.Judithis placed on top of the Church. The Churchis protectedfrom all effects mentioned on the card;Judithherself isnot protected and can be affected by all effects that referto heroes/units. Together with the Churchunderneath,

    Judithis worth 2 victory points. All functions of theChurchremain in effect.


    Good Neighbors (2): If there is already a face-up card on top of a drawstack, it stays there, and no further card is revealed. It isnt until all cards are

    revealed that the owner of Odins Fountainor thePilgrimage Site decideswhether or not to draw a card into his hand and which card it would be, orrespectively, which resource to take. [The parenthesis(from 1 of his own draw stacks) refers to theTournament Game.] Tournament: If both players haveOdins Fountain or aPilgrimage Site, the player whotakes his turn is the first one to decide whether or not to

    draw a card into his hand and which card it would be, orrespectively, which resource to take.

    Judith, Gu ardian of the ChurchPlace on your Church. Your Churchis protected againstall action cards, effects of expansion cards, and events.

    1x during your turn: Pay 1 resource (no gold);you receive up to 2 gold.

    Unit - Hero City

    Bran, Defender of the TemplePlace on your Temple. Draw immediately 2 cards

    from the draw stacks (from your own draw stacks).Your Templeis protected against all action cards,

    effects of expansion cards, and events.

    Unit - Hero City

    Good NeighborsReveal the top cards of all draw stacks. The player who has

    the Pilgrimage Sitereceives any 1 resource of his choice.

    The player who has Odins Fountaindraws 1 card from 1 drawstack (from 1 of his own draw stacks) into his hand.


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    Gero the Master Merchant (1): If you dont have atleast 2trade ships, you cant play Gero.

    Guild Master (1): If you dont have a Craft Guild, youcant play theGuild Master.

    Hergild the Master Merchant (1):If you neither have a Commercial

    Harbornor 2trade ships, youcant playHergild. If you have aCommercial Harborbut dont haveat least 1 commontrade ship, youcant playHergildeither.

    Maritime Trade Monopoly (2): If you dont haveat least 1trade shipmore than your opponent, youcant play theMaritime Trade Monopoly.If you playtheMaritime Trade Monopoly,you determine 1 (or,respectively, 2) resource(s) your opponent must give you.The opponent determines which region(s) he wants to

    take this resource / these resources from. If your opponent doesnt have anyresources, you cant play theMaritime Trade Monopoly.

    Religious Dispute (2): If you have both the Churchand Odins Temple, you may keep up to 4 cards in yourhand. [The parenthesis (under their own matchingexpansion card stacks) refers to the Tournament Game.]

    Wool or gold that you cant accommodate is lost.

    Gero the Master MerchantTake any 1 or 2 resources of your choice.

    Requires: At least 2 trade ships.

    Action Neutral





    Hergild the Master MerchantDuring the turn you play Hergild, you may trade a

    resource type for which you have 1 trade shipat a 1:1 rate as often as you like.

    Requires: Commercial Harboror at least 2trade ships.

    Action Neutral


    Guild MasterTake up to 2 resources of your choice.

    Requires: Craft Guild.

    Action Neutral



    Religious DisputePlayers who have at least 1 city place all cards in their hands

    under matching expansion card stacks (under their own matchingexpansion card stacks). The Churchand the Templeeach decrease

    losses by 2 cards. If you have a Sacrificial Site, you receive up to 3 wool.If you have a Bishops See, you receive up to 3 gold.


    Maritime Trade MonopolyFor eachtrade shipyou have in excess of your

    opponents trade shiptotal, demand 1 resourcefrom himup to a maximum of 2 resources.

    Action Attack

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    Mendicants (1): If your opponent does not have thetrade advantage, you cant play theMendicants. If youplay theMendicants, you determine 1 or, respectively,2 resources that your opponent must give you. Youropponent determines the region(s) he wants to take theseresource(s) from. If your opponent doesnt have anyresources, you cant play theMendicants.

    Tactical Retreat (1): If you didnt build buildings inyour opponents principality, you cant play the TacticalRetreat. If you play the Tactical Retreat,you determine1 resource your opponent must give you. Your opponent

    determines which region he wants to take this resourcefrom. If your opponent doesnt have any resources, youcant play the Tactical Retreat.

    Trade Monopoly (1): If you dont have a CommercialHarbor,you cant play the Trade Monopoly. If you playthe Trade Monopoly, you determine 1-3 resources of one

    type that your opponent must give you. Your opponentdetermines which region(s) he wants to take this resource/ these resources from. If your opponent doesnt have anyresources, you cant play the Trade Monopoly. You may also give back one ofthe received resources.


    Commercial Metropolis (1): If you dont have acity, you cant build the Commercial Metropolis. If

    you neither have a level 3Residencenor 6 commercepoints, you cant build the Commercial Metropoliseither. Including the upgraded city, the Commercial

    Metropolisis worth a total of 4 victory points. All effectsand consequences that refer to cities also refer to theCommercial Metropolis. Like settlements, roads, and cities, the Commercial

    Metropoliscant be removed or affected by effects other than those directlyreferring to cities.


    If your opponent has the trade advantage, demand1 resource from him. If he also has more victory points

    than you, demand up to 2 resources from him.

    Action Attack


    Tactical Retreat

    If you remove one of the buildings you placed in

    your opponents principality, you receive any 2 resourcesof your choice, 1 of which your opponent must give you.

    Action Attack



    Trade MonopolyDemand 1, 2, or 3 resources of one type from your opponent

    and give him 1 resource of your choice in r eturn.Requires: Commercial Harbor.

    Action Attack

    Commercial MetropolisPlace on a City card. Requires: 1 Residence

    of the highest level or 6 commerce points.

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    Brigand Camp (1): TheBrigand Campis a foreigncard you build in your opponents principality. If

    your opponent doesnt have a free road (without roadcomplement), you cant build theBrigand Camp.Each time your opponent receives 1 resource via his

    Marketplaceand stores it, you receive 1 gold. If youropponent is supposed to receive 1 resource but cant storeit, you dont receive gold either. If you dont have storagespace for the gold, it is lost. The opponents commerce

    points cannot fall below 0.Trading Post (2): If you dont have a free road (withoutroad complement), you cant build the Trading Post.If, for example, theTrading Postis located betweena pasture region and a fields region, you may use theTrading Post1x per your turn to convert 1 grain from this fields region into1 wool in this pasture region (or vice versa). You may place bothTrading

    Posts in your principalityon different roads. Each Trading Postmay beused exactly 1x per turn.


    Cloth Merchants Residence (1): The ClothMerchants Residenceis placed either above or below a

    pasture region. If you dont have a city or, respectively, afree pasture region, you cant build the Cloth Merchants

    Residence. You may also rotate theResidenceon thesame turn you built itprovided that you have at least 2

    wool in the adjacent pasture. If you restock your pasturewith wool by means of trade actions or action cards, youalso may rotate theResidencerepeatedly during your turn.

    Building Road

    Brigand CampPlace on a free road of your opponent.

    Your opponents commerce points are r educedby 1. If your opponent uses his Marketplace to

    store 1 resource, you receive 1 gold.

    Building Road

    Place on a free road of your own.1x during your turn: You may trade 1 resourcebetween the two adjacent regions at a 1:1 rate.

    1 : 1

    Trading Post

    Cloth Merchants ResidencePlace adjacent to a pasture region. For 2 wool fr om

    the adjacent pasture region, you may rotate the Residenceto the next higher level. Requires: City.

    Building Region

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    Paper Merchants Residence (1): ThePaperMerchants Residence is placed either above or below aforest region. If you dont have a city or, respectively, afree forest region, you cant build thePaper Merchants

    Residence.You may also rotate theResidenceon thesame turn you built itprovided that you have at least2 lumber in the adjacent forest. If you restock your forest

    with lumber by means of trade actions or action cards, you also may rotatetheResidencerepeatedly during your turn.



    Wainwright (1): You may move resources only betweenregions of the same type. Moving resources between agold field and a Gold Cacheis thus not allowed. Youmay immediately use a newly built Wainwright. During

    your turn, you may only use one of the two alternativefunctions.


    Olaf the Merchant Ship Captain (1): Olafis a herowho, in addition to his trade point and his skill point, hasa special effect. If you use Olafseffect, you determine

    1 or 2 resources your opponent must give you. Theopponent determines which region(s) he wants to takethis resource / these resources from. Afterwards, you mustgive him any 1 resource of your choice in return. This resource may also beone you just received from him. If your opponent doesnt have any resources,

    you cant use Olafsspecial effect. [The parenthesis (on your own discardpile) refers to the Tournament Game.]

    Paper Merchants ResidencePlace adjacent to a forest region. For 2 lumber

    from the adjacent forest region, you may rotate theResidence to the next higher level. Requires: City.

    Building Region

    Wainwright1x during your turn:You may move resourcesbetween two regions of the same type or trade

    3 resources of your choice for 1 different resource.



    3 : 1


    Olaf the Merchant Ship CaptainDuring one of your following turns, you may demand1 or 2 resources from your opponent and give him any1 resource of your choice in return. Afterwards, placeOlaf on the discard pile (on your own discard pile).

    Unit - Hero Settlement/c ity

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    Pirate Ship (1): See The Rivals for Catan: The Era ofGold.

    Ship Builder (1): You may build only 1Ship Builderin your principality. TheShip Builderis a unit who, in

    addition to his skill point, has a special effect. You mayuse this effect for each ship you build, also several timesper turn. In addition, for 1 gold you may retrieve 1trade

    ship from the discard pile. Add retrievedtrade ships toyour hand. You may retrieve varioustrade shipsfrom thediscard pile per turn; however, for each ship you must pay1 gold.[The parenthesis (from your own discard pile)

    refers to the Tournament Game.]


    Commercial Harbor (2): You may build only 1Commercial Harbor in your principality. Even if youhave variousResidences, during your turn you may

    downgrade only 1 of them by 1 level. You also maydowngrade aResidenceyou just rotated to the nexthigher levelprovided that it is the first time youdowngrade during your turn. The Commercial Harboris a building required for other expansions and actioncards. If you remove theCommercial Harbor from yourprincipality, all buildings requiring the Commercial

    Harborremain.Craft Guild (2): You may build only 1 Craft Guildin

    your principality. You must rotate all yourResidencestothe next higher level. If you dont have aResidence, or

    you only have level 3Residences, take 2 resources of yourchoice. In this case, you also must first pay in full for theCraft Guild; only then do you receive the 2 resources.

    Lighthouse (2): If you neither have a CommercialHarbornor 2trade ships,you cant build theLighthouse.

    Your opponent must remove 1 trade shipofhis choice from his principality and place it

    on the discard pile (on his own discard pile).Event Plentiful Harvest:You receive 1 gold.

    Pirate Ship

    Unit - Ship Settlement/city


    Ship Builder (1x)Each ship you build in your principality costs you either

    1 lumber or 1 wool less. For 1 gold, you may take 1 trade shipfrom the discard pile (from your own discard pile).


    Commercial Harbor (1x)1x during your turn: Downgrade 1 of your Residences

    by 1 level and take any 2 resources of your choice.

    Building City

    Craft Guild (1x)After building the Craft Guild: Rotate each of your Residencesto the

    next higher level. If you dont have aResidenceyou could rotate to thenext higher level, you receive any 2 resources of your choice instead.

    Building City

    Lighthouse1x during your turn: If you built a trade ship directly adjacentto the Lighthouse, you may use this ship to trade at a 1:1 rate.

    You dont lose atrade ship when the eventCapricious Seaoccurs.Requires:Commercial Harbor or at least 2 trade ships.

    Building City

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    TheLighthousealso affects theLarge Trade Ship.If youplay theLighthouse, 1x during your turn you may trade aresource of the region adjacent to the left or right side oftheLarge Trade Shipat a 1:1 rate.

    Master Merchants Alliance (1): TheMasterMerchants Alliance allows you to profit from youropponents trades. If you receive a resource you cantstore, that resource is lost.

    Trading Station (1): The Trading Stationis a foreigncard you build in your opponents principality. If youdont have aCommercial Harbor,you cant build theTrading Station. If your opponent doesnt have a freebuilding site in a city, you cant build the Trading Station either.


    Capricious Sea (1): The number rolled with theproduction die applies, that is, the die is not rolled again.

    Resourcesyou cant store are lost. [The parenthesis(under a matching stack of his own) refers to theTournament Game.]

    Fortunate Trade Voyage (2): Resources you cantstore are lost. You receive up to 2 resources for exactly1trade ship only, even if you have theLarge Trade Ship

    and othertrade ships.The reference to theLarge TradeShip only explains which resources you receive if youdetermine theLarge Trade Shipto be the affected tradeship.

    Hour of the Master Merchants (1): If you havevariousResidences, rotate each of them to the nexthigher level. For eachResidencethat already reachedthe highest level, you receive 1 resource in the regionadjacent to it.

    Master Merchants Alliance

    Each time your opponent trades 2 or 3 resources of one type

    for 1 different resource in his own principality, you receive1 resource of the type your opponent paid during this trade.

    Building City

    Trading StationPlace on a building site of one of your opponents cities.

    1x during your turn:For 1 gold, you may buy 1 resource of yourchoice from your opponent. Requires:Commercial Harbor.

    Building City


    Fortunate Trade VoyageFor 1 of his trade ships, each player receives up to 2 resourcesof the type traded by the ship. Large Trade Ship:Each player

    receives 2 resources of the left or right region.

    Hour of the Master Merchants

    Rotate each of your Residencesto the next higher level.If 1 or more Residencesalready reached level 3, each regionadjacent to theseResidence(s)receives 1 resource instead.


    Capricious SeaCalm Sea(1, 2, 3, 4): For each of his own trade ships, each player

    receives any 1 resource of his choice. Storm(5, 6): Each player slidesone of the trade shipshe placed in his principality under a matching

    draw stack (under a matching draw stack of his own).


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    Alliance Against the Barbarians (2): If youdont have at least 1 unit and yourTriumph Carddoesnt indicate at least 1 victory point, you cant playtheAlliance. If neither you nor your opponent canaccommodate resources, you cant play theAllianceeither.

    Castellan (2): If you dont have a Castle, you cant playthe Castellan. If you cant accommodate any resources inthe adjacent regions, you cant play the Castellaneither.

    Contest of the Heroes (2): If you or your opponentdont have room for at least 1 resource, you cant playthe Contest. If you dont have a hero, you cant play theContesteither. If your opponent doesnt have a hero,

    you may play the Contest, in which case only the die rollresult counts for the opponent.

    Relocation (1): See The Rivals for Catan: Basic Cards.

    Siegfried, Vanquisher of the Barbarians (1):If you dont have a Castleand (at the same time) at least2 heroes, you cant playSiegfried.





    Alliance Against the BarbariansEach player who has at least 1 unit takes any 1 resource ofhis choice. The player who has the most units takes up to1 additional resource. Requires: Triumph Card indicating

    at least 1 victory point, plus at least 1 unit.

    Action Neutral


    CastellanThe two regions adjacent to your Castleeach receive1 resourceif storage space is available.Requires: Castle.

    Action Neutral


    Contest of the HeroesDetermine 1 of your own heroes and 1 hero of your opponent (if he has

    one). Each player rolls the production die and adds up his respective

    strength points. In case of a tie: roll the die again. The winner receives1 resource and may demand another 1 resource from the loser.

    Action Attack



    Swap 2 of your own regions or 2 of your own expansion cards.The number of resources in your inventory must

    remain unchanged, and the placement of the cards mustremain compliant with the rules.

    Action Neutral


    Siegfried, Vanquisher of the BarbariansTake 1 or 2 resources of your choice or rotate your

    Triumph Card to the next higher level.Requires:Castleand at least 2 heroes.

    Action Neutral

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    Barbarian Stronghold (1): TheBarbarianStrongholdis a foreign card you build in your opponents

    principality. If your opponent has neither a free road(without road complement) nor a city adjacent to such aroad, you cant build theBarbarian Stronghold. If youropponents TriumphCardindicates 3 victory points, youmust immediately remove theBarbarian Strongholdand place it on the discard pile (Tournament: on your discard pile). If youropponents TriumphCardalready indicates 3 victory points, you cant build

    theBarbarian Stronghold.


    Border Fortress (2): You may build only 1BorderFortress in your principality. TheBorder Fortress isplaced either above or below a hills region. If you donthave a free hills region containing at least 1 brick, youcant build theBorder Fortress. You may rotate the

    Border Fortress on the same turn you built it if you havethe required resources. If you want to and your resourcesallow it, you may also rotate theFortressrepeatedly.



    White Raven Tavern (1): Happy gambling! If youwin resources, you also may take gold if you consider ituseful.

    Barbarian StrongholdPlace on a free road adjacent to one of your

    opponents cities. For your opponent, the strength of thebarbarians increases by 1. Removal: Your opponents

    Triumph Cardindicates 3 victory points.

    Building Region

    Border Fortress (1x)Place adjacent to a hills region where at least

    1 brick is stored. Pay this brick. For 1 ore + 1 wool, you mayrotate the Border Fortress to the next higher level.

    Building Region

    White Raven Tavern1x during your turn: Pay 1 gold and roll the dice! If a 1or 2isrolled, you do not receive any resources; if a 3,4,or 5is rolled,

    you receive 1 resource; if a 6is rolled, you receive 2 resources.

    Building Settlement/city

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    Arnd the Strategist (1):Arndis a hero who, in additionto his strength point and his skill point, has a specialeffect. Each additional hero in the same settlement/city

    Arndis placed counts as 2 unitsbut only for calculatingones own strength when aBarbarian Attack occurs.

    Baroc the Barbarian (1):Barocis a hero who, inaddition to his strength point, has a special effect. Ore youcant accommodate is lost.

    Caravel (1): If you dont have a city, you cant build theCaravel. If you have a city, you may build the Caravelalso in a settlement. Each additional ship in the samesettlement/city the Caravelis placed counts as 2 unitsbut only for calculating ones own strength when a

    Barbarian Attackoccurs.

    Marie the Shieldmaiden (1): If your opponent has

    only 1 hero, you take him over. Tournament Game andDuel: your opponent may not choose heroes that cantbe placed onMariesbuilding site (e. g.,Judith, Bran,

    Reiner). If your opponent doesnt have heroes that couldbe placed onMariesbuilding site, you cant useMariesfunction. [The parenthesis (on your own discard pile)refers to the Tournament Game.]

    Siward the Scout (1):Siwardis a hero who, in additionto his strength point, has a special effect. If you view thetopmost cards of a stack, you may not change the order ofthose cards. During your turn, you may use only 1 of the3 possibilities, and that exactly 1x. You may useSiwardonly during your action phase, meaning that you may not

    use him when replenishing your hand of cards or whenexchanging cards. [The parenthesis (of any of your own draw stacks) refersto the Tournament Game.]

    Marie the Shieldmaiden

    During one of your following turns, you may demand that youropponent choose 2 of his heroes that can be placed on Maries

    building site. Place 1 of them on Maries building site.Place Marie on the discard pile (on your own discard pile).

    Unit - Hero Settlement/city

    After a Brigand Attack, you receive 1 ore.If there is a Barbarian Strongholdin youropponents principality, you receive 2 ore.

    Unit - Hero

    Baroc the Barbarian


    Arnd the StrategistWhen a Barbarian Attack occurs, each hero in the settlement/city

    where Arnd is placed counts doubleexcept for Arnd himself.

    Unit -Hero Settlement/city

    CaravelEach ship in the settlement/city where the Caravel is placedcounts double in case of a Barbarian Attackexcept for the

    Caravel itself. Requires: City.

    Unit - Ship Settlement/city

    Siward the Scout1x during your turn: You may view the 3 top cardsof the event card stack or of any draw stack (of any

    of your own draw stacks) for free, or you may pay 1 gold toview the cards in your opponents hand.

    Unit - Hero Settlement/city

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    Wolfgang the Street Performer (1): Wolfgangis ahero who, in addition to his skill point, has a specialeffect. When the event Celebrationoccurs, you maydecide whether to take 1 or 2 resources. If you dont takea resource, your opponent may not take over Wolfgang.If you take 1 or 2 resources, your opponent may pay 2gold and place Wolfgangin his principality. A previouslyplacedDrill Ground has an effect when Wolfgangis built but not when heis taken over after a Celebration.Irmgarddoes not have any effect whenWolfgangis taken over; the reason for this is that Wolfgangdoesnt leavethe principality due to the event Celebrationbut because Wolfgangsowner decided to make use of Wolfgangseffect.


    Arsenal (2): No matter what regions are adjacent to anArsenaltheir resources are not stolen when aBrigandAttackoccurs, not even if you have more than7 resources in your unprotected regions.

    Bailiwick (2): You may build only 1Bailiwickinyour principality. You may use the card immediatelyprovided that you can use it according to the rules. If,after drawing a card via theBailiwick, the cards in yourhand exceed the allowed limit, you dont have to discardthe excess cards until the end of your turnthat is, if

    your hand still contains too many cards at that point.[The parenthesis (from your own draw stack) refers tothe Tournament Game.]

    Castle (2): You may build only 1 Castlein yourprincipality. Only for the purpose of calculating onesown strength, the strength points of theBorder Fortresscount as units when aBarbarian Attackoccurs. TheCastleis a building required for some action cards andhas an effect on other expansion cards.

    Castle (1x)In case of a Barbarian Attack, each strength point ofyour Border Fortresscounts as 1 additional unit.

    Building City

    Bailiwick (1x)1x during your turn:You may draw the top card

    from a draw stack (from your own draw stack).

    Building City


    In case of a Brigand Attack, the resourcesof the regions adjacent to the Arsenal are

    neither counted nor stolen.

    Building City

    Unit - Hero Settlement/city

    Wolfgang the Street PerformerCelebration: You may add 1 resource to each region adjacent

    to Wolfgang. If you t ake something, your opponent may placeWolfgang in his principality if he pays 2 gold for the takeover.

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    Secret Brotherhood (2): You may build only 1SecretBrotherhoodin your principality. You may use the secondfunction of theSecret Brotherhoodonly 1x during yourturn, to discard cards. The selling of an action card doesntmean it is being played. Therefore, you also can sellaction cards or units you wouldnt be able to play because

    you dont meet the requirements.


    Triumph Card (2): The Triumph Cardautomaticallycomes into play when you build your first city.

    (Tournament Game and Duel: here you must have theTriumph Cardin your hand and actively place it as soonas you have built a city.) Place the Triumph Card adjacentto any region of your choice, either above or below. If later

    you need the building site of this region, you may place theTriumph Cardadjacent to any other region of your choice at any time.


    Barbarian Attack (3): As long as you only have settlements, the barbariansare unable to harm you, but you cant earn anything either. Each player countsonly his own victory points from cities, city expansions,andMetropolises. Only the direct victory points on thesecards count. Indirect victory pointsfor example, a trade

    advantage you received by means of commerce points oncity expansionsdo not count. Please observe the specialrule for assembling the event card stack at the beginning ofthe Theme Game.

    Retreat of the Barbarians (1): In the Theme Gameand in the Duel, the player whose turn it is is the first one

    to decide which stack he wants to choose. The opponentmust choose a different stack. [The parenthesis (from 1 ofhis own draw stacks) refers to the Tournament Game.]

    Barbarian AttackA player who has fewer units than victory points from cities,

    Metropolises, and city expansions discards 2 resources. A player whohas more units and at least 1 city receives 2 resources. Afterwards:

    The card is placed under the 4 top cards of the event card stack.


    Triumph Card (1x)Place adjacent to any region of your choice.

    If you come out victorious after a Barbarian Attack, instead oftaking 2 resources you also may rotate the Triumph Card

    to the next higher level. Requires: City.


    Secret Brotherhood (1x)(1) If you lose against the barbarians, you only have to pay

    1 resource. (2) 1x during your turn: If you discard an unplayedunit or action card, you receive any 1 resource of your choice.

    Building City

    Retreat of the Barbarians

    A player who has at least 1 unit chooses 1 card from1 draw stack (from 1 of his own draw stacks). A player who

    has at least 1 unit and the strength advantage chooses up to2 cards from 1 draw stack (from 1 of his own draw stacks).


  • 7/25/2019 Rivals for Catan: Age of Darkness - Game Rules



    The Tournament GameThe Tournament Game is the most challenging variant of The Rivals

    for Catan. To be able to play the Tournament Game, each player needsone copy of The Rivals for Catan and (if possible) all game expansions.In the Tournament Game, each player assembles his own deck from hiscards. During the game, each player only has access to his own card stacks.Therefore, each player determines which cards he wants to build or playduring the game.

    A PDF of the Tournament Game rules can be found at catan.com.Please note: Most of the differences between the card texts of the ThemeGame and, respectively, The Duel of the Princes stem from the fact thatplayers share draw stacks and a discard pile in the Theme Game and theDuel. In the Tournament Game, each player has his own draw stacks anddiscard pile. To determine which discard pile or draw stack a player mustaccess in the Tournament Game, a respective reference in parenthesis isincluded. The reference on theBailiwick, for example, looks like this: Youmay draw the top card from a draw stack (from your own draw stack). Thebracketed texts have no bearing on the Theme Game and the Duel.

    You can now play Rivals

    with your friends online!Play both the Duel and the Tournament games with

    the original 3 sets of Theme Game cards

    andthe 3 sets fromAge of Darkness!playcatan.de


  • 7/25/2019 Rivals for Catan: Age of Darkness - Game Rules



    A Abbey Brewery ...............................13Action Cards ......................12, 18, 24

    Alliance Against the Barbarians ...24Arnd the Strategist ........................26Arsenal ..........................................27

    B Bailiwick .......................................27Barbarian Attack ...........................28

    Barbarian Stronghold ..................25Barbarian, The Era of ...................24Baroc the Barbarian .....................26Bishop ...........................................12Bishops See ...................................16Border Fortress ..............................25Bran, Defender of the Temple ......17Brigand Camp ...............................20Buildings .....................13, 16, 21, 25


    Capricious Sea ..............................23Caravel ..........................................26Castellan .......................................24

    Castle .............................................27Church .........................................16City Expansions ................16, 22, 27Cloth Merchants Residence .........20Commercial Harbor ......................22Commercial Metropolis ................19Contest of the Heroes ....................24Craft Guild ....................................22

    D-F Event Cards ......................17, 23, 28Extraordinary Sites ...................6, 14Fortunate Trade Voyage ................23

    G-L Gero the Master Merchant ............18Godfrey the Intriguer ....................15Good Neighbors ............................17Great Thingstead ..........................14

    Guild Master .................................18Hergild the Master Merchant .......18Hour of the Master Merchants .....23Intrigue, The Era of ......................12

    Judith, Guardian of the Church ...17Lighthouse ....................................22

    M-N Marie the Shieldmaiden ...............26Maritime Trade Monopoly ............19Marker Cards ...........................7, 28Master Merchants Alliance ..........23Master Merchants, The Era of ......18Master of the Brotherhood ...........15

    Mendicants ....................................19Metropolises .............................7, 19Michael the Master Builder ..........12Missionary .....................................12


    Odins Fountain ............................14

    Odins Priest ..................................12Odins Temple ...............................16Olaf the Merchant Ship Captain ..21

    Index to Card Names & Types

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    Paper Merchants Residence.........21Pilgrimage Site .............................14Pirate Ship ....................................22

    Priestess of the Norns ...................13 R

    Red Light Tavern ...........................13Region Expansions ...........13, 20, 25Reiner the Miller ...........................14Religious Dispute ..........................18Relocation .....................................24Retreat of the Barbarians .............28Road Complements .........13, 20, 25


    Sacrificial Site: .............................16Secret Brotherhood .......................28Settlement/City

    Expansions ..........14, 21, 25Ship Builder ..................................22Siegfried, Vanquisher

    of the Barbarians .......24Siward the Scout ...........................26

    T Tactical Retreat .............................19Trade Monopoly ............................19Trading Post ..................................20Trading Station .............................23Triumph Card ...............................28

    U-Z Units ............................14, 15, 21, 26

    Wainwright ...................................21White Raven Tavern ......................25Wolfgang the Street Performer.....27

    CreditsDesign: Klaus Teuber


    License:Catan GmbH(www.catan.com)

    Graphic Design:Michaela Kienle/Fine Tuning

    Art:Michael Menzel

    Chief Editor: Sebastian Rapp

    Editorial Team:

    Peter Gustav Bartschat,Dr. Reiner Dren, Klaus Teuber,Sebastian Rapp

    English EditionTranslation:

    Gavin Allister, Guido Teuber.Production:

    Coleman Charlton, Pete Fenlon.

    Special Thanks: Peter Bromley,Robert T. Carty, Jr., Dan Decker,Morgan Dontanville,Nick Johnson, Ron Magin,

    Brad Steffen, Kim Marino,Marty McDonnell, Brad McWilliams,

    Jim Miles, Chuck Rice,Bridget Roznai, Larry Roznai,Loren Roznai, Benny Teuber,Bill Wordelmann,Elaine Wordelmann, Alex Yeager.

  • 7/25/2019 Rivals for Catan: Age of Darkness - Game Rules


    AcknowledgmentKlaus Teuber would like to thank Peter Gustav Bartschat, Dr. Reiner

    Dren, and Sebastian Rapp for their participation in the editorial teamfor this game expansion: All of us invested a lot of time in developing

    this expansion. Each card was discussed individually, some of itstexts and functions were discarded, new texts were crafted, tested,and either approved or reviewed again. This sounds like a laboriousprocess; however, after one year of working on the development I mustsay that it was a pleasure to collaborate with you. Im looking forwardto working with you on the review of my concept for the secondexpansion.

    Klaus Teuber and the editors thank Michael Menzel for the wonderfullyillustrated motifs, Michaela Kienle for the accomplished graphicadaptation, Arnd Beenen and Sebastian Mellin for the well-workingtesting environment, and Dr. Walther Prinz, Barbara Bartschat, andBenjamin, Larisa, and Guido Teuber for testing the game at the gametable. Special thanks go to the test players of the Catan Online World,

    in particular to Wolfram, Siedelfix (Stefan Gezeck), Wigglerin (SabineFugmann), Darador, Tina-Lotte (Martina Banse), and Mabelode (MathiasSchtt), who helped to put the finishing touches on this expansion.


    You have purchased a game of the highestquality. However, if you find any

    components missing, pleasecontact us for replacement pieces at:

    [email protected]

    Copyright 2011 Catan GmbH and Mayfair Games Inc Published under license from Catan GmbH (www